Warn a. IlsaaaTr, In liia poem on ' Woman," Jys Her 111 following beautiful compliment I Ask (ho gray pilgrim by Iho target c On host.la tboret.and uunitod bennlli the blasli Ask who rcli.ved h mi who lis biarlli began To klnJIe win illi IH l lM,l I U ! ht will dart out (4ik of youthful flaws Aud clasp hit withered bsnd, and wu name. tlrUae-l Vaadaltsw. (From lb Boston Traveller. H'ashi.v.toX, July 20, ISSO. On last kublrtili llm 4:li I'rcsl.v. trrinn clwrcli wai rp.do lie itfl ; as it lias laio'y boon lli'irnifjlily renovated nnil re arranged. This Uilio clmrcli in w hich John (Juiiiey A'lami worlii'nd Jurin hi amy in lli ci'y. In thia church U owned pew i ami uliilo lio was resident of il.e United Sliiies, e in lliil church were rented ly cacli rwmU-r of his cabinet, among whom wcra Henry Clay, Itichard Kush, Joncs larbour, Win. Wirt, awl John McLean. Mr. Admin found this aociety atriijf&liiig to erect a home of worship, near tho White House. Alili'ili a Unitarian himself, hn o fir vyn i piii 1 1 i J wiih thn lillln hand, ful of Presbyterians wliosn niin was lo es tablish second church in lltitt end of illi cit y , llm'. he nut only gave them the hole weight of his influence, but donated fioin tinis to 1 1110 consi.li'iiiblij sums from li it own pocket. Tho records show I lint in ad. litioii to tliu regular church inks Mr. Allium gave 81500 to that church. As tlio building was known to contuin tho pew in which Mr. Adams regularly worshipped; that his name was tiiiii the door ; that hii Rible, hymn Look, nn I pew furniture were in the tamo conditio I c Iffi thrin ; this church has ofien born vis ited on tlio Sabbath by a number of ilio admirers of Mr. Adams who happened to be in the city at i!io lime, thus adding to the numbers f tho congregation. Lint Sabbath, u lulling lo hear tho dedicaliuii sermon, I went to ihnt church, ami, as in my custom, lo tho Adams' jich', you may con coive my astonishment, whin I found thai tho pew had ken rebuilt ; the mi mo taken from Unmoor; the old furniture and books svero removed, and no truces b ft lo desig nate thij spot muilu sacred by the devotions of lliu "olJ mail rltiticnl." I iiiiikI confers that I thought of this act (if Vandalism with as much anger ns sorrow. '1'here U liltlj duubl but that tho officia ry of this church will, ere long, tie lliut Ihey had ellavrd one of the brightest orna ments connected wiili their building, and that eventually they will repent of thin hasty act. Hut they, whh I lie vestry of Christ Church, n ill aco that their repent unco comes too l;iie. Willi regard lo Christ's Church I have a similar incident lo rulate, which, though it happened soino time ago, still humiliates thoso connected with tho transaction. This Christ's Church is in Alexandra, Va about six miles from Washington, and is said lo In) tho first church erected in this parly of the country and by Some, is as serted to ho the second built in America. Tho biicksyf which it is circled were brought from Kuglainl, and aro of them nelvos a curiosity. Its arcliitecluro in that of two centuries past, and everything con nected with it tells of the olden times. In tlhischtirch (ien. Washington occupied one of tho fr uit and most prominent seals. The pews were then constructed after the old at) le sijiiaic, spacious, high-railed, curtained and cushioned. In that pew Lady Washington, us Lafayette delighted to siyle Jier, and there tlio gnllnni I'miclniiitn Intel set by her side. In the spacious pew the distinguished vinitoro of Washington had vvmsliipjiud ; nnJ in that pew the Father of his Country had howed. They nssed to their long home; but tho huiul of lime spared the plucu of their devotions. Tho inleiior if llio chinch vvns modernized, but no sacrilegious hand touch ed this meinoii.il of depaited piety. Tho old men remembered with pride and lohl with tremulous voice, how thev had watch rd ihegrnit depnrted ns ho strode up the broad isle, and pointed lo ihe coin.r win ro lie snt, lo ihe llibhi from which h read, and tho hassock on which ho kneeled. The grandmothers told of the erect form of his wife, and showed her prayer book, that visitors might wo how carefully she had followed the service. In llmse times thai ow and its furuituro wns regaided ubove till the oilier tn nstiirs of the church. Hut in time the old folks pnssrd aw ay and their children sat in their plucos. The church was now rich ; il Imil become the most fashionable church in the ci:y ; ihe larga choir had given way to tho quattotl of professional singers ; the old Kngli.h lull, wb isd rude clang called tho firm wor shippers in Virginia to tho house of tlod, wns removed, and one ol more musical tone and modern form took its place ; the red lirick aislrs cro carefully covrr.d ; mid the old reading desk of KnglNh oak wu replaced by one of more nioilurn Kliucluie. Then, an I not till then, it was thnughi that the old pew was out of place in to fitio s fhurch; that its liijj'i pn tit ioi o!s.-ured ihe view: that its curtains were insppro prisie ; mid moiethati nil, thut it occupied the room uf three modern pew . S,j the old pew was voted out of the chuu-h, anrl now when lint vimitor asks where Washing ton sat, the setieii "thinks it was ome where near that window." I will not cliar;u'triix tint npiiit that j suited and carried out this improve ment. I leave that to the country. Hut I ' I will state the fut that thn cburih luiw 1 cVp'y reject th.ir prciipi-ancy. an I Jt thorn tho justice to any, that could ihey reclaim the staunch old oak of which the pw was built.il would b gladly replaced in its firmer position. Tlw Family Di'de of Washington, and iho books he ucd in Church service, are by' gift of their illin liious owner, Hill in tho keeping of this Church ; and from the careful manner in which they aro now preserved, il is evident that they at least are properly prized. In this connection let it bo remcmbured that thoso who nro so forward to sicrt that gawkies are always ready to sociifico the beautiful lo the useful, inn) all ihut is grand to the spirit of tho almigh'y dollar thai it is to them, to the chivalry of Virginia America owes U r present disgraceful igno ranco of lliu spot where tho Futhcr of I i- Couiitry coirnniined w ith lis Cod ; by llicir want of reverence for the Great Dead, wo arc obliged to answer tho European pil grim to Preeilmns Mecca: "o know that our Washington prayed aUaya ; but irifrc, we cannot tell." In this sumo city is another relic of Washington, which should bo placed among tho proudest remains of our coun try's (.'lory. It is tho flag presented to Washington by the bravo Lafiyetle. This flag wuviid oi cr tho lent of Washington lli'ougb ihe bout of our struggle for inde pendence. It was blackenrd by powder nml pierced by ball, aye, and even dyrd by the blood of our country's defenders. Y( t the scarred and (altered reuniins of that ptoud flag aro so little regarded lliut il was lately bnrnn in the van rf u political t"ich light procession, and it wns flung to the Iner.o over the platform of a p"lit:cil meetitii.'! In other countries, it would be Iren-ured oniong the crow n jewels. H it I hope that our Virginia friends w ill learn to trrnl that flag with greater respect. Yours, Alpha. The V.arly Pioneers of the Wrst. Mr. Finis, in his book on tin creii" West, thus sketches the character of the pioneers who began to spread themselves throughout tho West, between the close of I'oniiac's war and the commencement oftho American rcvoluli' u : The pioneers, living in constant contact with the Indians, necessarily became more than half sinuses in appcaiuiice, linbils and manners ; mid frequently the whole savage eharncler wus assumed. Their ordinary dress was too unique to be forgotten. A coonskincup, with the tail dangling at the back of ihe neck, and thn unoiil (lioo;iiiig upon the forehead, long buckskin li ginvs, sewed with a wide, fringed well, down the oulside of llm leg ; a long, lianow Mrip of coarse clot It , passing aiiiuiul the hips and between the thighs, wk brought up before and behind under tho belt, and u'ouu lltip. ping ns ihey walked; a loose, deersk'ii Irock, open in front, nml hipping onee, nml n half round tho body, was lulled nlihe mithlle, forming convenient wallets on each sitlo fnr chunk nfhoo cake, low, jerk ed venison, screw drivers, and oilier fixings; and Indian moccasins completed the hun ter's niMiaral. Over llio w little were sIuiil' a bullet pouch and powder horn. Fmm heliiuil tlio It-Il hip dangled a scalping knife; from ihe right protruded the handle of a hatchet; Itolli vveapntis stink in leallieiii cases. Lvety hunter carried an awl, n roll of buckshot und strings of hide, called "whangs," for thread. In llm winter loose deer hair wos stuffed in the nioccasian to keep the feet warm. 1 ho pioneers lived in rude log houses, covered generally, with pieces of timber, about three feet in Ii !il'Ii nnd six inches iuwiilih, culled ' ''.shakes, nml over the roof instead of shingles. Thev had neith er nails, glass, s.cvs nor btiek. The house had huge slab doors, pinned whether. The light came dow n the chimney, i trough a hole in the logs, covered wiih a greased chilli. A scraggy hemlock sapliiiL', Un knots left a fool long, served for n sluii way lo the upper story. Their furniture con sisted ol tamarack bedsteads framed i n i iho wulls, a few shelves supported on long wooden pins; sometimes n chair or two, but innro often a piece split oil' a live, und so trimmed that the brunches served for legs. Their uIcimIs were very simple ; generally noiliiut; hm nsk'llel, vvtiieli serv ed for bukin;, boiling, roasting, washing italics, making mush, scalding tnikeys, cooking sassafras lea, snd making soup. A Jolinry cuke board, instead ufu drippinj; pan, hung on a peg in every hoiie. The corn w as cracked into a coatso meal, by pounding it in a wooden iiioriar. As soon as swim- could be kept away from the beats, or, lather, tho bears nwav limn them, ihe pio'iet rs indulged in a dish of pork mid coin, boiled loge her, nnd known among tin in ns "hog nml liominv.'' Fried bacon they called "old Neil." I'nlike ihe French, w ho clustered in v ill ages, and had theircummon li. Ids, our Yan kee settlers went iho whole) length for in dividual properly. F.acb settler claimed for himself four hundred acres of tut, d, and tho privilege of taking a thousand acres more, contiguous to iiis clearing. Each one run out his own lines for him, chipping the hark otl'ihe trees, nml culling his name in iho wood. These claims, o loosely ns scried, were called ''loti'iihawk rights," nml were respected by all live cmigriint-. Eich setll. r wont to felling the limkraiid chop ing house logs, sleeping, meanwhile, under a bail; cover raised on crotches, or under it tree. It is said of one of :ln in that I c coul.l hardly stomach his house, after it vvs.s done. The door way was opened, the logs uiichinkeil, ami ihe chinun-V capi-d wide above him; but the air w ns to-, "cln," ho boil to sh rp outsido for a night or two to get u.ed to it. Coixtemplatkd Ankxaton or Ti rkev To England. The; lhilish journalists be gill to regard Tuikey, as Sich das did a doten years, as a si.k man wlosa ttT ci are s.n lo be appropriated by the people around him, and they are determined to keep their lingers rpon the manpulM-. That swaggering type of Juhn Bull's die nified bombast, the London Times, savs, that though the great part which Fiance has taken in the Kjssi.tn war, ha given for the present a luVWiave plan to Erjlsnd, .1 . t ... anlalj t tlllil HI , me untrt. o . r- - be of short duration, i in key, It saji ue 01 snori uur'i"". .. j- 'is lust tho country in which F.nglund is t likely ti display l.er peculiar faculties. A ; lur-'e rich, neglecUd tenilory, w lilt (Ho ., ,ti finct goigrapl.ical position in ihe world, , cointnundiiig tho Mediierruinan, tho poits ( -. , ,, , , r , orSoiiiliern Ktissia. and tin- India.. Ocean, full of mineral weaMi, intersected by greul navigable rivers, and inhabited by many millions of Christians, enpa'do und desirous j for material progress, is just tho country j fr etiterp' ie nndcapiml. Let our foreign t fYi'i'ej mall a few yean and tct what nnliun is tuk'ih'j the h id in Turkey, who will fill i llio porta ' f Coii'iantinoplu and Smyrna w it li shipping, npen up iho rout's which conduct to thcr Mu uie Has', join lb" Dan ube and the Ihisphoious, the Mediterranean and llio Euphrates, with railw J aelid the telegraph through wilds for ngeg till i to. licit ly civiliz.-d man on tho fioiitieis of India, place llicir steamers on the Meso potamia, an I bring slrangft races nnd for gollon regions once more, within the limits of civilization. 77ere it errtuiiili in tore fur the I'.nit a lunj British nceiipuli 'n, but not of rryimcitts and line of butlle tfupt. If wy have fought nnd suffered so lung inert ly to prop up such a government lis we have di scribed, it may well be said that all U vanity." Wm. C. Dement & Co., At their old ml, otwsie the Lund OJice, VltKimwrcc. ivins r built '-Ork'' ai.d brirf "lluleyeii," Ihe following g'ds ! 1,'iU boxnn sperm und uiluuiaitt .lie candles, JU lo-its dne.l npp'csaml p.ucln s, JUO bli.sand lef bbls cruslieJ ttgar, IH crises p ckbs, yd " fir.li pcii :lie, JO ' y of. lliu, tl ti ns 6. A "ill, ; CliOCKLHY 4 GLASS-WARE t ,'illtl doz cups und suueers, 3110 " plutes, 200 " tumbler', 20 " wuler pitchers, Ku 'ir bowls, n it pom, &.C., tie. ! OlLS l'AlXrS: Mil kfC purr Irud, SitO guls lut.-eeil uil, 1110 ga!s turp'iiliiie, SO gult vuruisli, 31)0 gull lump oil, J I n() lmIs turd " DKY GUODS : 1)0(10 yds bruwn sheeting, SHOO " pruts, llliiielitd celiotif, bed liekiitg, tie., Ac , all of wliieli w II be mid u low us lliey can be pur-eliiis-d nfunv oilier lioin-e in OirgonC'iiy. may 1 7 j I'urnituro. T' HIE si!! liliei ltas jnl reet iv. nt u lutge supply ol 111, '1 b'UE uf ull descriptions, consol ing in uil ut fullows Snf.is. iiiitlinjniy und black vvuliiiit; Cliailttier m-Ii; IStiteuii', wiih or without marble tops; (Jtfice dt-nks; Kueking cliuirs, ttttlltd in hair, carpet, and with cuue und vvooj seatit; Pining chairs, cane auJ woo.l seMt; Office chair, do do du t'liildirn's ilu, luilt diii'ug und rocking; IlitUtemlii. vuiieus kiaib; 'I'uhlu, cia er, curd, and dining; Wiiliiy dk; S d- liuui dtt; 1'nrlor ehuirii; St-iret-r.; Kt uilin', toilet, mill work tables; l.twik ie,'-gl.ose.t; .Mititri-hB- H, liuir, most, uud wool; Wiiuluw bliuiles; Fculln rs; I'unt-r liunaini;!, of every utvle; Uilclolh; ( hiiiin- maUiiic;; tluij lamp', und burn ing llti d ; with u variety uf oilier urlieles loo lltlltli-IOtllt to llll'lltiull. IVishiis vvi.-li ug to purchase will pleave cull an J exuiniiio fer Iheio elei'b. AH kittils of country preiluce taken in exchange for rooiIh. TllOd. JUIINSON. .u.reii J-2, is.ifi. 4:nr Logs, Logs. CASH will be paiil on del. very for drain! ce.lur LOUS at wuiks of Oii'iiun .Millit'U e: Trans poitmiiiii Co. R. I'LN I'LAM), Ag't. Linn City, May 10, IS:ti. Sachs! Sacks! I fPHE iitidersiguea hat cm sl-oilly mi hmid nt his ' -1- tick u.iiiiiil.nlorv in tJres.mii t'ilv, SACKS of ull ijii.ililiesauil siZi s, vvhtch will he suhl us low ns I Ihey can be bought in lliu Territory. Outers from n tlbl.iiice piouiplly u:teiididlu. vvm. i i lock. ' Oiegon City, May 3, lt-.iC.-Hy. Iiumbcr, Lumber. riMIt; Oregon .hlfng nut! Tr.uisjiorlnt'on Co. 1 have estublothi'd a LUMIIIJi YARD on the river hank in rear o the store uf Allan, .Mclti.ulav ix l o. Luuilier in large or small quantities, including dressed siding und (hvting, can ulvruvs be had by npplicalioii ut the store of F.S A. HOLLAND. Oregun City, -May 10, .'.u. si k i: i. :. y ' s I; . 9 Private- JJoaidintr IXouso. - I i.l leiiisii.. I Itt'lill's Al Ch.s I-lie. j.rnol build ing, OREGOS CITY, O. T. iT I'hxiges re ison.ihle. Nov. 3-thn. Splendid Jewelry. (f G.COLl.lElt ROIJUIN'S h..s now on baud li'.S Ihe lliiett ussi rliiient ol JEWIiXRY ever IiiimiIiI lo Or.'ii. 'llio asoortiuciit conaisM iu pari oi the foil waig nitidis: liiaiiioinl huiuvhes, 1). anii. in) lings, Cold railway lune-keeprrs, 1. inliea' w-atclirs, ill enameled cases, Ladies chsteluners, Mi'saie ear-ring, Cold lit nib'es, yold an-1 silver ptns, Card cues, matiiel urutim-.'iits, Card baskets, peutl casket', tiohl giianl, vest, und fobehsint, Sleeve luitloin, shir, sludt, Lad cs brooches, and a vaiiely of other gocls loo numerous lo men l.ou. Call mi l tee the most magnificent disp'av of Jewelry ever t,eu in Oregon. li. COLLIER ROnr.lNS, Maich 22. Front street, I'ortl.i it Ciaarman k Warner. R. EDI roll Y.iu will pease tell nil our fellow-ciiurus of Oreriu that wo are si ! iion g utn nesa un ler t lie old n m, ami under ihe oil ailage thai a nimble ieiice is belter than a slow !i ,..ng. We waul t i sell giio is, and will do so as cheap as any other l.njse iu Oreg.ai City. M e huve eulaued our busiurss m iieriallv. nnd no have on Land, us usu it. all km.ls nf G RO CK III ES. such as w II suit city and country trade, ah.i h we hope all win) have favored us w ih llieir Itlie-ul imtiouage know lull w-elt. Ca'lacs n we tvitidoonrb '. CllARMAN & WARN' til. Apr 1 19, 1S..6. Ill sitir H.tkery VI TF. krrpafullawnmrnt of BREAD, TIES. 1 L'AKbS. anil C MY, ut wh..leale aud reiad. .ip CIIAR.M ty .j. WARSEll. DP, 0-cJ' 11 aCholasogiie.aud Dr.Jones' AuK'TKan Clio'sgoffoe. ut the OUH;uN ( t ry DRCC. STORK. Mcl.AN E's is tt-hratej Vermifirrr a:n) Liver l i1.. oRLiiON CI fY l-Ri. U sTOKK. Hew Books I E j(M rcceivt(1 . ,irB, . I uf jjunKs, died man Nrw Yu.k, aortmvitl ur 11 amiin wl.teli ar t i? tho lultuwuijr: if i;grope,Amrrcnn Inttiliilioiis, to. I.tvcs xf llie Signers, J innueruey in Anv.-nca.illubvlnu nail Miievi-n, Land mid ue, Ueca sua I on, o,," mV and hl.me." -rir,.8 V,rin I'alifur.. 'll.iiist')clunilia, fir ol l.ileratine, it'irvulaiid llio llu') Lund , .':,',., ,.:.... !,"- ,. 0.)Sf,,i Liiunir. Maiiuul of Fin Att, uc't ,Mouuteries, deuce luKr.iliy, I'eriiviuu Anliiptilus, 'Jlioica Kliu l, l.ecliir. on llio Arts, Tr.ivr li In Peru, Polar ll- iiiuiiii, M .luii'. riiilua'.iiliv. V vanity ol Puds. JuO eiSoi sunders PKiier, JDO ' Ktiidi-rs, Sjjil MctiiifTey's do. BjU Vcbstrr's Ui. tioiiarirs. Davirs' Aljebra, lit-, locir)', llniiriiuii, " 8iirve)iii!;i " Lrs'iidie, " Artlliiiiet CI, Tlioniini's do. St mull's Klietniic, lliuy's do. Parley's L'liiv. History, itJcHidrich's I'iet. I'. Muiiiriili'a (feogrupliy, Liille Sp-uker," V. American Speaker. A t.si, ATrcsh Supply of Stationer?. , Day li'H'kf, Journal', lxe" Iteeui .1 Hooks, Mrruoruli liin.s, uf all siirn, lliares, A c , Noli-und letter Paper, linvrlnpes, I'rus, ie., i0 Kras-r Kuivrs, lir.t'iva Kuliber, (ittmiiMil Labels, Kuuer's IVneili, I N K, in quart und p nt bottles. WHOLnSAI.B AN0 It ETA I L. CIIAIILKS I'OI'E.Ja. Oifgoa City, August in, leji. Iow Ji'v'llr. nAVING rniplnyed mis of the best Working Jrwilleis "ll lita I'ueifie coast, 1 util lunv fully prepared lo manufacture evoiy description of Jeu-flrv. Mwoii'e Jewelry, Odd Fellows' 1'ius, Kings, &c, initile lt nrder. Kuirruviug ueaily done. C all auJ see fpecimtns of wnrk. li. CULLIEIt UODIIIXS. X. II. I devoto my entire ult. utiim to repairing Fine Hatchet vi. 1 oLLlca lioumxs. I'ortland, Dec. C'J, 18o5-3:if TAVXI.'-S Alterative K.pec:oiaut, utnl I'iIIm. J fn k! Liver Oil, l"u-:or O I, un I Sweet Oil, at the OHF.t;IN CITY Dlllli M URK KXICA.N .Muslune l.iuirrieut, U. W. .ler chum's (iurL'ltng Oil, ut llio OKEUO.N l ITV DUL'G STOP.E, T lltL'SSKS, lilttauil le!l and double, and Ab- doiumul eupporters. nl the UKKUON t ll Y UUL'U STORE. 1)L'i;K While Lead, raw ami burned I'mher, Cromi'. lirceii ami Vellovv, uud oilier piints, ul ihe OltECOX CITY Dltl'ii STOKU. IlEIiFL'AI KKY.ttl Ibo OKEtiO.N CITY DKL'G SIOIIE. C-i u vi'Fi MUiitti .mkuicinks: X Urut fenbeijf Sumiparilla, L'teriueCalliulieoii. ih'Henteiy syrup, culmumplive balai, " l'.le O n'ment, " lleiillli Jiiltcn, " Fye l.i tiini, &c., &., To bo To mil ut tit - lo't-tiev of Ihe CniMpniiv, at tho oiitxox cir'y oitL'u sToui:. AY. MAN 'Si iKi-popiic Elixir vv.irruiilid lo euro lite dweii-mi ni-t reeeived anil for suleut the OHEGOM CITY DRVO STOKE. DU. (jiiventtsci'miOtindpxlruct of Sinsiiparilla llllrl V'ellnw lliiek. nl die repIS OltKCON CITY IlIU'O STOIIE. 0 1,0 Ur. Jacob 'I'ovviiheiiil's Saiapatilhi, ut tin. OKEUO.N CITY UKL'U SToKli. i'uiiclis, col. Id, a iicl fcoii-uini.tloii, ut the It. TiiVriiseiid'sSumupnr H i, ut the OUKliON CITY MILU STORE. S IIAklili Sir-upiri.hi. nl llm OK KliU.N C ITY IHICG STORE. Q AN Do' Surfiiiaiilhi, in anvtpiuntiiv, ul die k5 OUEGu.N CITY IMIL Ci .M'OltE. Ul' FAT'S L ie Uitti rs ami I'dls, Beri.iinl's Dysentery tevrup, Wislur's lli'sjiu ol W.lil Cherrv, ul the OKEGON' CITY DltL'G STORE. JUST RKCIilVED.al Ihe Oregon City Urua Store, direct fiuin .New Yoikitnl San Finn, eic t, a fresh supply nf UUL'dS, M KUICIXHS, I'ulent .Meilieints, Family .Medicine, A:c., iie., w hicli in be roli in tow fur rnh as thei can he fDoeureii ill the Teiiitiiri. Call un l exaiiiitie for yollr:llve, uud Let tin Almanac lor Irali. griilis. IJKIil'VTAN Febrifuge, for ihe cure nf fever and ncue. &c., Sic , jie-l n-eeived and lor sale at Iho OREGOS CITY DRVG STORK. I.iintl for iiii-. IOI FER to sell ICO aores uf choice latul for two dollars and a ipinrlcr uu a ue, cu-h. The laud it u poit ion of my clann, six miles west of La I'uyelte, in I lie county uf Yuiuhill. Title gund l ull and see lor yourselves. " 'Tis nu trouble lo shmv"-llieluud. S O ADA.MS. lilen Av.ic t, I lee. 2."ilh, li55 .ITtl' Stl;isu;iil lnt r.'iMcu ! 4 NU CIIAHMAX & WAHNER wish to V. inform the cimens of Oregon Cily and Ihe public iu general thut lin y liuve just received a Kond a-Minment of GROCER IKS suiiulile for this season of the year. Also, we have rcce ved u supply of fancy gtocerles, such as I'arinn, Sugar Tapioca, .Inoic Knot, un.l u variety of other such art cles too iitimeious lo ineuliou. We have u good ussuriim.ul of FASCY GOODS for the hulidavs, such as raisins, dates, tig', bottled pie fruils, ra-iVriy pieservrs, uud u variety of otlu-r uilieles in this hue, sin h us will suit the greali st epicure nf Ihe I. iu I. We have al soon hand a good iissoitnieal of e.imlies aul ur. rveeiriuga supply nearly cveiy steumer. So please give us a call ; we vv.ll sell us cheap us any house ill Oregon. Our motto is that u quick penny is belter than a slow shilling. We are now commencing tu prepare in the T5ri kery fur Chiiutuias, uud shall have a eoo I uss.itt- leeut ol cako. We shall ulso keep on bund u su perior ipmlily of bulter crackers, IJostmi crackers, ii nd also ihe tw eet Yoik crackers, l'lease g.veer ilein for the above in good time. Our piices shall be rraonu!i!c, and Ihe goo.U made uf the best ma terials ill Oicgnn. novC4 Vho Wants a Good Saddle ? 'IIIIE subscriber, living live miles toulh.wtst of J. Lufayelle, iu Yuiuhill county, is now carrying on the business of Saddle .Making in good earnest. He keris constantly on h.in.l the best eaddhs that can be niaiiuiuclured wiih the mutcriu's at com mand in Oregon. Those wish.uga genuine saddle vvarranie I lo lit on both s .ies, und ni;ued out iu complete style, cheap for cash, or good tru le would do well tugive me a cull. My simp ia situated on lakers Creek near vvliete tho road crosses it leuil in' fiom roriliinil uiul Oiegoi Cily, '-up counlrv" by die way of Sill ill's bridge oil the North Folk of anil, ill. JIT 1 keep every lliinjj in the sadd'ery l ue, as Einlks, .Martingales, Halters, Lues. Ac . c. Sept. -.'O-u. , J. O. Ill- N DER-UN. Wiltrr I'uuir lor Sit If. rilUE undersigned would like to sell one half of .A. lit nulls and wutcr rs.wer oti the TiiaUlui riv er, about three inlet from Lutii l ily, known at .Mnore't Milit. It b probably the best water pi iv- 1 ile.e, with the exception of the great Falls of the I W tllametie, ihut there it in Oregon. I would like tn sell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together with the nulla and wa'er power. My otijtvt is lo 1 get a partner, u. euabla me to properly improve the I water power. JAMLS M.'.MoOiiE Feb.D, IS56. ' j' I AY 'E hnve f'lll a.vrtinenl of ROOTS .1- SHOI'.S. nbo Ladies' Caitenand lt.l,n. in f..cl all kiuds of la. !i V shrs-a ' nplj CH ARMAS 4. WARSER. CIGARS-Tket clnnce ., p e'r i, at lhc strscf CHARM i V $ WAKSKR Allan, KeJtinlay & Co., nVK ul received A STOCK Ol-XEW OOOD.S, and would invila all llio" who wi.h to prorura (JIJOD srlie'es at reawnnWe pti'M, lo null aud tee litem. Tlwy CuuU i partuf lb folloaing I grindstones U ruin cruilb s era seyiln s Si snnths lirutli do do 0 q linrrowi Sil leeh Ijurdc a rus.es do ho.s do idea put died tlinvels bay forts ui.inurt! fuihs chin in wnelow g'uss 8 by 10 ilu 1U by l i do 7 by tl window tasbft 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 csii.il v wliisl bsrrowa fancy b.ot'lus pluiu do uMori'd colon i pails puiutrd tubs jinn wall boards bl .ckmnilli's bellows crocs cut suws 7 It do C ft mill sums 7 ft hair uutliuMCi double do tingle hair bolttrta double do single tprrui c.ind M uiluinsiiliiis do I'tup.- brand lobucco Itieke loll.ieeo on l ows und )'"U' Bl. l.YA vV.S, DA ISL, U. DM: J A, Sheetiugt Til ls, tt's tic. And keep constantly on hand a lare mpply of a u o c n it i e s, clothing, lior.lwure, auJ many articles too numer ous to mention. ALIAS, M KIXLAY f CO. Ori-jon City. Aptil I.' I. Iff.'ai-ly f UliLS. faiita Crui Lime just received and t)f forsaloby j-S3-IO WM. C. DI'.MF.XT it CO. Oregon Bacon 1000 1,113., lor ule ll.v W.C.'UEMEXTici. Ilyyittliiu sVlical. i FEW bu-hel. for sulc bv A imvIO WM. V. DEVEST cj- CO. A It nro 'Ir.tiK'v For those enyuiltd, or whhiny to tmjnit in the 1'lonritiij Jjusiiien. "1TTE have on hand un.l for sal-, tlio fo'lovving machinery for e.rU unlls. which will be old low fur rueh, or on a el.oi I nine : S imrl ili'e rttilla. cmnn'ele : n flour tret fourin.h Fieueli Rurrswiili .nor ul I. I I I COL'. We'lfhiliB lo'ij 'l', i W'itll D n lle. niiiinii. briifli und od-pnl and Co lar. I run. aime sze. vviihuiil pinion. Other irons the iiuif un ubove. Ti i'clher with a L'euetu! horiineut of baiidn, liolliiig cloths, pulleys, gu Igeoiu, wheels, cmipling', liuuviiiiri. for hull nir ehois. Ac, Ac. In other words, every requisite lue.-cssary to the Ciimpkliiai of a gr.it mill by Wm. C. I'E.M ENT 4 co. 0ii'it lite Lund Ulli.r. OnrouN Cttr, Nov i', Ibil. UTE ARE NOW l:l'Ci:i INO. pel bri "Siifan A'uigail" ontl batk "Chn. Uevelis,' friMiiSau FratieiiK'O, the Main jig guoilsr GROCERIES: 15.1 kgx L. U.synip, 5i8 gali MU bbls New Orleans do. MUM lb N". 1 China sugar, 5UII0 Ihs talile hull, 200 bexes Fngli-li uiul Ami'ileiiu roup, 20 eus 'S pie ft nil, umM, i! (iross I'. . II. yiusl powders, 5UIHI I In tiibjc-u, assil biuu Is, II0 ball bt.M'S l a s us. Jo bblstiuil Imil' bins crushed sttgiir, 3 Km I'." Miier.iius. CROCKERY I General Atmrtment. DRY-GOODS: MWI yil brown sheeting, 11100 yds satinets, SUUi) ' prints, 10 pteees u'picii', 5; puns English blankels, 2011 yds ciitpil'iig, 200 " oilcloth: To.-elher with u gt nernl UMorlinont of ready rnude clolhiug, boots, shoes, hats, eti s, uiul carpenters tools. Il .lf. C. DEMK. T .f- CO., Nuv. HI. Opposite I te Laud Ullice. So Arrive "TITM'IIIN il few .lays, direel from New York f f ex c ip; er ship "Oulilen Lagle, MIOg.ds. lintre.l o l, 150 ga'f. 'I'l.i. turpentine, 2110 boxes vv iiiiinvv glass, (au'd sizes,) 2u0 kegj while hud. pure, 25 g ,1s. vuruisli, 2llU lbs beei-vva.v. 200 lbs rosin, by Wji.C.DEMENT A: co , out li. (ippoiilc Ihe Land Ollice. kesii oriouon timothy !ked-.mi bus. lor sab by WM. C. DEM ES T J- CO. fanlii rii7, I. tutu. l:lll.S. for sa'e by imvIO WM. C DEMEST& CO. 50 It our tiakery ue keep coit.laully uu hand bread, crackers, cukes, pies, c. C1IARMAS .j- WARSER, "BANDIES, nnis, i-uisius, nf nn excellent qttulily y just nceiveu nntl lur sale lo.v hv CllARMAN & WARNER Oranccs T ECEIVED tipiui the univul of every eteain XI er. Uoti lltiil torallnn CIIARMAS&. WARSER. us cheese, all kinds of spiee. sal endu, cubuii- ule soda, tu.et a'.us. cream lrlur, &e., ure suld ul nov-24 CIIARMAS & WARSER S t POYS, of d.i'.'crent kinils, for sale Ly J. CllARMAN & W ARNER. Just Received. 4 Spleu.lid ussur.uietit ol Family Gtoceries men us lea, syrup, sie,ar, Jtc. i ulso fine uud course salt, creum larlar, apples, chili peaches, sardines, ovsters, clams, eu.-l uuvvder, ulso a larcre iiiunlity of superior cheiuot cigars, and tobacco uf every tnun I ami uliuosi every thing else iu our "no in oiis.ocss an o. wiiiell will ue solu us low us at any other p'uee in town, for ea-h or pi u duee. C.I R U.I .V ,J- tl',1 USER. Hardware rOR SALE BY CHARLES F0PE, JR. BRASS uu.l Iron Butts, Ser-ws, Locks uud Latches, ILiiunic.s und llalehels, Axes, Dravving knives, lland.-uus, Curry Combs, Murse Brushes and Cuids, Gnu Lo ks, (iun Cups. Wool I. aids, Lhest Han Lea, I'lauca. &t April 21, lc5.",-lt Groceries tOR SALE BY CHARLES POVE, JR. (fcJUGAR, Sah, Cu'ee, Tea. Svrup, Chocolate, March, Sak-ratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Curb r 'u, jiper, Sp.ca, Alum, Borax, Cop- peras, elc. April it, l.ljo-ltf Jlll Ifft-t'iVt-Cl, Atthe.'01'l Stand,' Uanemah, April i, '55. A ill i i Lbs- Uihl liwnn Suir. AtVlk'lFe' 1. 1100 lbs. China No. l,do., 1,000 lbs. Uio CotlVe, 15 Tons course salt ; 500 lbs. fine do., 3.00.1 Ilia. Oiegoa Bacon; 1,000 biitbelsouts, fur sale wholesale or retail by JOHN V. BROOKS. To Hit; l ai-iiK is -ty E W OULD say, e.,11 ut our store;-. s will pay you nt well for your produce as any other In.t.te 111 Oiegon, and will endeuvor lo m.ike y,.u leel us eniiiforiahle at we p.sih!v can CHARM AS WARSER.' Central Produce Depot. C C AN K M A u. CONSTANTLY recelv i.g, fresh from ranch, ' wheat, outt, bucun, lur-l, butter and potaloea. U,c- JOHN P. BROOKS. 500 lbs. Feathers for sale bv ap.Mif r. JOHNSON. I TTICIIFs Wanted I I ICIltM casii pne. t p a bv 11 Not. 2. WM. C. DEM EST CO. ll'lolt-oua. VFEW of Prince & Co 'a best MELODE. O.NS fir sa'e low. Enonoe at Ihe fb3 OREGOS CITY VRCG STORE. UUSIXiisS CAKDS. 4 XX AW, M'ZtlNZAV A. CO., . l.iiier.il Com ni.iou Meiuliania, and w hole, tale and retail Deubra la Dry lioods, tirocerits. Hurdware, ic, Ac. SCeorga T. Allan. Archibald .M'Kinlsy. Thumas Low. A LL AN, .M'KINLAY it CO., Le... Scoll.buig, Uinp'iia, Orrgiin, A I.I.AX, M 'KIN LAY 6t CO., Oregnu lernbuy. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER in Hurdware, liroeerl.t.Dry Cud C'lolhing, Uuols i hho-s, .Mrdicines, Bouks and SlallollerV'. Main-tl., Ore con City, A pril'l! I , H55-Iif Wm. O. Dement A Co., T TflluMMALK and reiuil Lealtrt in Croc-r. ies, TniV 'ions, l'utlllt, Oil', Hon!! anj Shoes, Crockery, &e. Opjus.le the LamJ Ortie Main Bl. Or. gon City. June 1, Is55. ' JOHN R M BRIDE, " TTOn UO COCKSKLOK ST law, Lafayette, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL faiilifully attend to all bnsiuets en trusted lo hit prufcuionul care. April 21. ) f 55-1 : f JOHN P. BROOKS, Wtwlemle if Retail Dealer in GrocerU t, Produei,. l'roritioiii, tj-e , Main Street. A General Assortment kt pi up of Selected Goods. Caueiiiiili, Pecembcr I, 1 & 55. c. A. HEED Si. CO., tiiccrsrors to Fellowi, Herd .J- Co., denleisin Oriimand Med eiurt, .....I l..f!nu..rf P..!..,. III. r. Hooks und Mutiouery, I'uinu, O It, iie. I'arlieu. lur utleiilam paid lo coiiihiuii ling medieiliea. Sulem, Nov. 21. 32tf Wells, Fargo Si Co 's Express, Between Or-gmi, Ctiti'nriua, the Atlantic S'lilrt nn I Enrnne. 11 vivi 1 1 j- 11a 1 1.1 V Iliuor uuvulltugeOUS irVX urruiigeineiilt with the Un led iSk iriX Slu'es and rucilic .Mail Slcum- vX- thipCouipumes for tiunp irtalion, we are now pre. pured to forward 6V Dint, Bullion, Specie, Paekagei, Parcel: and Freight, tn and fioin N Yolk, N. Orleuus, San Franc sen, I'urtlund, and priucipil lovvtit of Cul fornia uu I Oregon, Our regular Semi monthly Express between I'ortland uud Mill Fruin isco, ia dispatched by tho I'ucilic Mail SlfumdiipCo.'t steamship Columbia connecting ut San Francisco wiih our semi-monthly Express lo Sett Yurk aud New Orleans, which is dispatched regularly on the 1st and lliihof each month, by the mail si earners and in charge of our own messengers, through to desiinulion. Our Kvpr. m fiom New Yurk leaves regularly on the full uud I'Oih ol each iiiotuh, ulso iu charge of 111. sscugcrs. Treasure insured in the best New York com panies, oral Lloyd's hi Lou Ion, at the opt toil of shippers. Omens New Yoik, No. Ifi, Wullst. ; New Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place; San Francisco, No. 1 14, .Montgomery slice;. J. N. DANKER, Agent. Oregon City, April SI, I8.1S.-I II i Tl10 Steamer Portland, :..-r-tVs. CAt'T- A. a. MUHKAV, Wnl run daily helwe 'ii I'm Hand mi l Oregon Cily. Leaves i'urllui.d al eight o'clock, A. H, Relum ing, leaves Oregon Ci.y ut four o'clock, r. v. For lieiglil or passage apply on board, np'.'l-llf U. S. MAIL LINE. Oregon City und Parlhind Duili Packet, VlJi JTcnnio Clark, rr:Ua J. C. AINSVVOHTII, MASTER, Wid run dui y, (Sund tys exc pled,) in the uhore. nnmed trade, leaving Oreg.ui City every day at 6 "'click, t. st. Reluming, will leuve 1'oriluiid al 2 r. vr, touching ut ull intermediate po iits. Fur freight or pussuge apply uu bourd. np'21-lf New Vclumcs of the Four Reviews ant) Elackwond. COMMENCE wiih North Brt'sh for May, 1S.i5. 1111. 1 Ihe oilier Reviews and Blackwood for June, lb'55. Terms uf Suliseriithn. A ny one Review or I'd ickwood, $ I a year. Illuckwond and one Re viewor uny two Reviews, ,(.. The four Ru v.evvu and Blackwood, 10. Four copies lo ous uiLlress, .i30. Fostuge on the four Roviews and BLtekvvood to any I'nsl ollice in the I'ui.ed Stales, only HOcenis 11 y ur en each Review uud I cents a year ou Blackwood. Ad lress, L Scott oi co , Publishers, 54 Gold street, corner Fulton, New Yulk sepB Heading for the Million. S. J. M COItMICK HAS CO.VSTASTI.V ON IIANU AT TIIK FRANKLIN SOOK siuiik, ruuNT-sr, i-ui tlvnu, oiikuon, A Cho'ee s.leetioii 0. I'opitlar U.s.ks, News .'ft. paper:', Mu.-iu.iKS and Fancy Siaiinnery. A lining the I10 ks on hand will be I'uitud works on Temperaiice, Ag.'icul.ure, lloiliculttire, His tory, 1'oelry, ll 'igiaphv, .Me I ciues, Religion, Suence, School Boiks, Itnitiiiiicis, &e., iVc., Sic. Qj'Subsciipt ons reiclved fur Harper. Graham, Gudey, L.slie's, or Fuliittm, nl Si t a year, po.l n'f free. IT" Subscriptions received for any newspaper published ill tiny part of the L'li'nn. Keiuemtirr die rruitklin Book Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Fori In ml Oregon. t ry A priced catalogue will be nublislied early ill April, un I will be sent tu any part of the terri tory free oil application. Ziadics I 7"OU will find 1111 excellent ussorlmenl of Dress . and Bonnet Silk, Satins uud Veltets: alto Bonnet Trimmings, Ifo.iicn. Ghres, Lices and R.tthons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., al tht store of CIIAULES I'OFE.Jr, (Maln-st., otiposite Abernethv's store,) where moy be louiid uhnust everything iu the line of Dry Good: Such aa Prims, Ginghams, Alpacas, .Merinos, '.aid Liitscys, iMiidius. Sutliuetts, Jeans, Flan- ne.t, Sheetings, lied I.cking, Hickory Stripe, Co lon Batiiug, itc. Oregon City, April 21, I S3S-1 If Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES TOPE, Jn. & A NDS' Sarsapaiilla, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit lers, Balcinau's drops, Bnndrelh's pills, Lee's pills, Perry's vermifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phur. Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsoin, Dulley'a paia extractor, Luiidununi, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint. Essences, Compoeilion Powders, Carter's Pulmimury Balsitn, Sulphur, Ejisum Salts, Szc. - pril it, l8oo-llf G ILT MOULDING fur picture fmmes, f r sale by CllARMAN' &. WARNER. for HO PICK CIGARS, the best chsnce is at L np!9 CHAHMAS f WAKSERS. DO you want Hay Forks, pad.nsnd Sliuvelaf Cull at CHARMAS A WARSER S. Something New, 4 XY persi.n having m .MessJeon, Seraphiue, Xjl Acotcleoii, ur other reed instrument, wills broken or defective reedt, ran have them repaired by applying or scuding to Clius. M. Kester. at has resideuce, two squares back from Ihe Baptist Mee'ing House, iii iho N on h part of Ore .on Citr. Charge for inserting singlu reeds from $10 to S'-.OU. Ueosuuub.e dtdu. lion for a greater num. ber. CM. KESTER- Oregon City, September 22, 1S55-23 T TEMPLE I'F HONOR. Tualatin Temple of Honor, a. 1, meets averv Wednesday - ng. at the American Ha l. Forest Grove. Orcfoa. Brethren of the Order iu eood ataudiug are ia- sited to siait tint Xeniple. Al. TLTTLE. W.C. I S. A. Dixon, W. R. 32 GLASS.Queensware, and Cmckarr, at apt? CHARMAS f WiRSER S