die course ii Im reti iwly j.urtunJ, scarcely Jitervei A reply. 'Mia circulation of lUu Ili-rulJ nuvur wu no largo as It U at tlii uiuinctif. If wo had llio fPjuiito tiiiiclii- i i t i ti nerVi mitcii is now iiiiikiiij i t in uy .ncsars. J I jo k Co., instead of I ho 70,000 Juily cop leiwliiill wears si 'reuiit Jrlnliifj, wo wuulJ won mntli 100,000, Willi ri'jjiul lo tint allugpil alteration in llio character of our circulation, wo can state will) pm f i 'ft (ruth llmt tlio recent course of I l,o lloriild, instead of diiiiiiiihliiii'', hut rather increased llio number of our nuu'cri born In iho 8 'utli. The circulation of t he Herald in the Synth was never but n very small port of iu ii.iort, as ii will always bo but a small mrt of llio npiort of any Northern puprr. For lliii lust ten or fif tn year our cifculition ia Boston and Mauuchutrtti alone hat been equal to the teholeof our einufulion in the Soulurn State: Tbo truth in that llio Noilhern Slates are tliorreatnuwiiiicrrciidcr; and ncvur lias an idea of circulation, patronage oraupport enUred our lienJs in connection with tlio course w hich wc have pursued in relation to the political or party issues, or governmental questions, of the country. For tho hint thirty yearn wo have u,poted iha constitutional rights of tliaSutitli on the negro as well its on other question. Dul wc never professed to bu a Southern journuli or lo kiipprirt exclusively the rijhtu of 'lie South, or the riglitaof any section of the Union. Our ulle''iaiice lini always; been given, au it wits duo, to tho constitution, its principles ami its compromise ; but to nothing beyond that. Asa positive fact and on n hciicficeiit institution, wo havo al ways regarded slavery in the South in a f.i vorublu light, both as an existing clement of society and a mi iiilisunsiiMo necensiiy in warm tropical latitude. We Inve lived ititlioSu'li ns well as in the North, mid are personally acquainted with tho condi tion ol hibor in both sections of the country From experience, wo know and believe that Southern slave labor, as a practical in slilution, is) mo it favorahlo to health, hap linesi and comfort than that of Northern free labor, so fur as numbers are concerned Wo could illuslralo this position by philo sophical argument and statistical data, but it is not necessary fir our pres' lit purpose llmt we eiiotiiu cuter more lullv into its discussion. As lo slavery in its political aspec', we have always "a lien the same view of it as that entertained by the frame rs and found crs of the constitution. W'o have ul way -inaiutaiiied that in the admission of free Slates into the Union, an equilibrium of represent:! in should bo preserved lo ll.e tSoiilh, more especially in ihc Senate. If, for instance, Kansas should be admitted as n free Slate, we hold that another slave Stale should be carved out of Virginia, Tex as, or Florida, so as toprcservo the balance of the constitution. These arc some of the views which we Lave always maintained anil which we mean to slick to. these principles and our moral convictions have been the same for thirty years past and aro the same yet. We appreher.d that our opposition to tiuchanan, Fillmore, or any other candidate Tor the Presidency, has very little to do viilt great constitutional principles. We are opponed to the party whiuh supports ftucliatian, not because it is an exclusively Southern party, bnt because it is a corrupt, vicious and demoralizing parly, iu who.-e hands the interests of l lie country w ill not be safe. We are op osed lo Fillmore, he Cause he is supported by tho rump of the old whig party, under a false mask, false professions, false- principles and false lead ers, with Hi sincere or well defined objects in vie. Wc are Inclined towards Fremont, because he is a new Innn, untrammelled by pledges or antecedents, unimpeachable both as regards his personal and political character, and opposed lo all the corrupt parties and politicians who have hitherto had the administration of our ntl'iirs. We look upon him the more favorably because wo belive thai with him as President there will be morechanca of carrying out those administrative reforms which all must ad mit aro imperatively called for in the pres ent condition of ottr institu'ions. We have no doubt that there are persons innumera ble iu iho South who entertain similar opinions to these, and it is an improper use of words to class tho Herald, or the per sons who think with it, in the same catego ry wilh Wilson, Lloyd Gariison, Wendell J'hillips, Seward or Sumner, Theodore Park er, Henry Ward Dcecher, Fred. Douglas and other abolitionists, black republicans and rabid secessionists of the North and Suuil). We are merely using tbc black re publican rascals for the purpose of getting a fonn and revolution in the administration orthe government. If we are to judge from tho vast influx of subscribers which is pouring in to us from all parts of the country, but more par ticularly from the South, we should say these sentiments are beginning to prevail generally throughout the country and we Relieve that before the month of November next there will be large and influential party in favor of Fremont in the South, which uauing with his supporters in the North, will very much increase the chances of his election. But this party will not be composed of corrupt spoilsmen, intriguing cflioa seekers and insane disunionists. They will form a firm phalanx of the friends and supporters of tho constitution, deter. ; mined to csr7 the election of their d'M daU OB hi;jl moral Sod constitutional grounds. I'Male. Tho wilier ol tho follow in commiinica. nei., , I v .l 'n. . ..I. if n iu u n lllbll IIIIIV UO U llll 1IIOUU Ltia run ml np li.nAnin u'it-l li Crttn I ' mii vmii w i ivwuiiiw nwuuiv" i' vih , , , .ii , .i if. being planted Imig in the same- looulity. 'J'llO experiment he propose, can be easily .. , , ... , .-, I ,i . liii-u. in tins laiiiuue, wo aupposo linn tho planting can be deferred even later than . . . - the second weik in July. Potatoes plain ed mar tho lirat of July often niuko a hiiiiiKoino yi Id. Wo invito our friends to try llm phui jiioposed by Mr. Sender., fanner. To llcnew Putaton that hnrt Lien run out by conilaiit ltiiitiii.t)o back wed till tho lirr.1 or second week in Jul v and then carefully harvested, the product will be potatoes not larger than wulnuis ; if these are plnuii'd the next spring at the iiaual lime or planting they will pro luce Inrj-o sized potatoes us sound nnd mealy a the particular spicks ol potato plunted cm r was Tim advantages of this plan, is, thesav ing of time over I he old plan of sowing seed liom the potato apple, and renou'ini; a fa vorito species of potato lo its former excel Iriico, 1 have tried this titan myself and can as sure lai mers uf its success. ClIAS. SKAIiEtl Springfield, Illinois 1800. Unpaid I.i:tti:us. I lie plan put in op. oration at New Voik, some wueks ago, for the deposition of unpaid letters addressed to persons tritltln the United Stutes, hew" found lo woik nitisfac'orily, we are author- i.ed to say that the Postmaster (jeiiera! has given directions for it to bo extended toal other oflices as practicable, lilunli circu lars and no'es of instructions have been printed, and will bo distributed to postmas ters in due course of business. The follow ing copy of this circular and note shows w hat this plan is : Post Office, 15- A letter bearing vour address is detained in this oflice for non payment of poslngo. Uy enclosing lo mo, immeuiati ly on receipt ofthis, three cent tlamp and pre-pay- Ing your note of reply, tho letter will be duly forwarded according to iu direction. Respectfully yours, Postmaster. NoTF.. Postmaster will fill up, address anil (rank the ubote notice, without the use of an envelope, to all persons in the Lnited Nut.'s lor w hoin iinxiul letters shall have been deposited iu their otlioi s ; and may dispense with llio former practice ol port ing up notices in their otliees that such let ters have been deposited therein. J.ts. Camniki.l, Postmaster General. Maki.nii I'hovisio.v fob You.nq Mux. M:tkiii; n small proion for young men is hardly justifiable, and is of all things the most lireitidicial to themselves. They think w hat tlirv havo much larger thai) it reallv is. nnd iniikc noexortion. The vouni: kIiohIiI nrier hear nnv ltin"iiii!ro but this "V,. Iiuvpvoiie nun wnv to miilu.. mill it depends upon vour own exertions whether you starve or nut." fcir Tlio United States has housed in one of the Arsenals near Philadelphia, no less than threo millions of pounds of salinctie. 3J" The entire income of tho London Timet is SfiO.OU'J per week three millions a year. 1- PnOTESTAXTISU IN TIIK UoSI'HOIlUS. Tho Lon dun Times has a letter fnnn a correspomleut, dut cd Constantinoble, May 13, iu which ho says : Yesterday (Ptuidiiy) the hells rung for iho first tune on the i-her.'S ol the ISoKphnrus, luviuiig uie faithful to Protcaleiit worship. Thechspel aiOr tukoi was opened. It was entirely gut up bv pri vute subscription, nnd, unnoticed uud unaided, tho Entrlisli colony of Orlukui decided to waive ull sec tarian diU'crcnccii, and to unite in build. a suita ble place or Divine worship : .they have complete ly succeeded, and it would bo difficult to imagine anything more simple, tasteful, aud suitable to the purpose, naniclv, io acrve as a temporary church. It ia siluuted ull one of the highest points above Orlukui, commanding a biulirul view over the lower part oribe U isphorus and the Golden Murn. Cocraor, MuTiitss I Newton sinned away his early udvuut.iges, und became nn ubambined prutliuate, but iho text and hymn his mother had fixed iu his miiid iu his infnney nnd childhoud were never effaced, aud finully t'ustened him to the emu. Cecil tells us, in rl in ine ajys oi nis vain ly, though lie withstood no many pious endi-uvors, he never could resist his mother's tears. Wilton, lute liishoiMifC'alcutlu, in his narrative of inter course wilh liellin'ton, the ass.UM.i, suys he cold. I make him feel nothing till he mentioned his moth er, ami then he broke into a flood or tears. "In the muruiug sow thy seed aud iu tho evening hold iioilhy hand." Woman's Naturb. I should not suy, from my experience uf my own sex, that a woman s nature is llexibln und impossible, though her feelings are. I kno-.v very few instances ol u very interior inun rilling the mind uf superior wmnau ; whereas I know iwciitv fifty of u very inferior woman rul ing a superior man. It he love tier, llie ctiunees ore lhat she will in the end weaken and demoral ize h:m. If a superior woman marry a vulgar or inferior man he mukes her miserable, bin lie tei- dom governs her mind or vulgarizes her nature ; and if there be love on hit tide, the chances are thut In the end she will eletule onJ refine him. trff Suys a scientific writer :--"To obtain some idea of llie immensity of the I restore works, let us look through Lord Itoss's telescope, and we dis cover a tar in me innime oepiua oi apace, win light is 3,5000,000 years m traversing lo our earin moving at the velocity or twelve millions of miles iu the minute. And behold God wo there. Pocla Deu'Sioss. It takes a keen observer ... j. ,..,. i! lhaooou ar la! acres mat arc mo in ih rnnntn. We. en valiant, note a few of llxm1 . .. , , . It is a p pular delusion to believe mat on eauor it a public Deiiowa, oouna 10 pun ccij.u...s everybody lhat wants to use lilin. That the moat certain roan to lonune lainroujju the turnpike of polilica. That a mau e lute.leetia id rauo w uu uia aasu- rauce. That the most Cheistian-like course whicu a lrgymaa caa follow i u alauder aud vilify those Who dluer WUU Olin iu uia uuciriuai puiuui ui faith. That oowderon a lady a lace ha the aame ottect u is the pan of a muaket aaasts her to go off. That ? alure, when ahe made "lovely woman," meant, but omitted, to have finished her off with a buctle. , . That the music of a consumauve piano is luuy euiial to lhat of the spheres. That a formidable moustache inspires a poltroon with the courage of a brave soldier. That oo'a count rv ewes him a living, and will discharge the debt without any effort on bit part ,wT"i;4rlat ind ,mMM Wo amuggtcd ioio one of the leara-d profeaioB?. las tru 'iii aud tr'n'l-mia. 2T Tlw I'l.miicinu alphabet, invented b '""."'. ",d orW,lye"ly rirti'n letiera.bui ilia I I'lltrli.li Inia lisiHnlv.ki (I.- U. ...... I. . . I tv luikiali thirlv-tiirdt. ill IN....... i..,. ... ,. . . a . . V. ",7n",r . t-JT I'" CiviiiJ eviihiiee in hcrm f buriflnfy H.11C, ,(.Hj. c,m, b,fof, a ..mgu,,,,,,. ut ,h'. lii-uii.I.-r-l.j lie, ( Ki,clmnl Mr. MarlmicJ, a pnwn. broker, who bIo a bluckNinilli. (ad llmt iloor- L-k wou!d:b muei. morn ttnmilv n:r-Ll u.!ll. iI.m . r - " " sty in mo m inun without. 11 coul.l pirk urn rly my lock wild a nirca of wire if llio ksv weru Ml In tli lock i and knowiiif llmt, ho ul- ways iuus uie Keys out ol His duvra. IT "I have had niHiiy elnldriui," uy Mm. 1 1) , "but I never lout bill on, lie a at a brlehl b.')' named Juenb, and lie wu very iiKiiii.llve. I diui'l nelnd to knuwr much, a-iu lie would p-iw iiiu m. n nen I was in Ilia iloueli, lit would C'.mo ,-oiind ami uk me nidi iuel,om such ".Mu, hIih iimkcs Iho li iiMlnorilie cluck iru r.iiMiil?" or, " Imt i Hie rriiwii thut the wiifuii wluela io roiimi null in vi going straigtit aliea.l like llio liune V Hoineiliinir w.ia nlwava revolting in his mind. 1 used to tell him fur, law I I didn't know "It ig btcaiiui llie wind blowa llifin, my little dear," or, "do sway, my dear, I'm imikinza pudding-" Hut lliis didn't Run lo Miliary him. n lial a IlliniT it la I'l Have a Child revolve ao mueli in Ilia mind ! I am cimv iuctd if lie Imdu't ht tn a revolver he wouldn't hare goue off so quick. '' notion foil. rj" An ed tor in Iowa ha been fine.l $-?.'0 for hune'iiK a girl in meeting. C'heup enough," aoya anuiiier ol lite Irulrriiily, "wu once hugged a cul In meeliiijr and 1 1 baa coat u a thousand a year ever since.' CUT Whut is llio d IK-reiice jMlneen fillini a pi.cher wilh water and throwing a woman over burd T Due is "wuler ill the pitcher," and the olher,"ilch her in the wuler." lU'tttitout Notlre. I!tv. Geo. C. Ciiasdlkr. I). I)., will preacli in the Hup i.l I'hureh iu thiacity on the lirnt, aeeoud, mid four ill Lord's Days in euch monih, and I lie Iter. II. J.iii.vson on the third, bervico ut It1 4 o'clock a. M., and at 3 r. u. Yamhill Co. Agrtcnllurat Hoelrty. The nnuuiil Fair of lira eiety will lo held at ji Kuvette U. T. on Tliursdny, tictober 2'Jd, lSjli, to whieh (hit citizen or Ymniiill Cii. arc generally invited. The public are nfcred to primed cata logue (nt the Court house in La Fayette I or arti cles for exhibition c. &. Maiitix Olds, Prea't Iji Fayeltc O. T. July SI, 18.16. Wm, Holmes V Co., ( Ft It P. PROOF BK1CK Bl'lLUINfi, ) MAL ST., OREGON CITY, TJ" F.V.P constantly on hand a roll nMnrtment f . the rulluwiiig urticlea both WIlOLKiALli uud HETA1L : DRY GOODS: K Inree nuuntiiy. conaiatiuir purlly or prints or all k.nd, nit rinoH, KngliMi and French ulpueos, do luines, fuiiey and bluck silk, eliretin-je, hhirlings, I ckinga, twee. In, caiisiincrea, cotlniiuderi, hickurya, denims, drilling, sutiiietle, blue, bluck, grey, uud mixed, &c, Ve. GROCERIES: A well ai lected apsortinent, in part cnnisting ot augar, eoflee, tea, eyrup, soap, candlea, fruit, Hour, butter, bacon, sp.ee, pepper, salt, saleralus, soap powder, ink powder, yrust powder, gun powder, tc. CLOTJIING: such us black froek, sack, and shaii;liai coals, or caxsimcre, enssinette, suttnet, and cloth J vests, bull", Bilk, blaek autin, cloth, and caaimero, pluin and fancy ; punts, a largo assortment of doeskin, cawiiuiere. clu'.li, jcuns, aalinrt, linen, and all other kunls ; huts, ettjffi ; over and uiiiter alnrls ; aloeks, hnndkerchiers, and cravats, aud a Ihoitsand other thing, such as BOOTS d) SHOES, women's coarse and lino boots, fine blaek aud col M,,J !'-. "tipper, &c. ; nien'acalf shoe,liKhl and iu-uvy brouns, k p and culf buot, culf aud euaiueled g.titers, boys' and children's boots, shoes, uud gaiters. A Is.,, nails, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws, axes, ecylhis, steels, squnrca, Sec, cVc. OT the above gooda will be sold ut tho luwpfcl market rales. All kinds or produce tukcu in ex change Tor goeds. WM. HOLMES, R. II. MALLO'.IY, A. HOLLAND. Sept. 19, lSiti. y Wo aro now 11000171110; AND have iu store JL 100 sack Uio coffee, 60 whole and hlf bbls crushed sugar, 30 " " " N O " 100 doz brooms, 950 boxes Eng. soap, 100 ' candles, 1U0 " glass, avs'd sizes, gelher wilh a general useortinciit of crockery, hurilware, boots und shoes, paints and oils, Sec, rX'e., w hich wo olkr for sale ut a low price as Ihey can be purchased in Oregon Territory. .11. c. ui:.ii,. 1 o: lu. Oregon City, Sept. 'J. B'resh Oregon Timolliy Seed. -1 rA I5UStIEf.S just received an! for sale i.OU low by Wit. C. DEMENT if- CO. To Arrive WITHIN a few days, direct from New York, 1000 lbs spun cotton, Dl'U lbs beeswax, 100 gals coach varnish, S bbla rosin, for sale low by Sep 19 WM. C. DEMENT k. CO. Seed Wheat. HAVE 1500 bushels cleur white WHEAT, entirely free from smut, which will bo a very (h-siruble urlielu Tor those wishing ro sow wheat this full. Itcan be hud at my barn for 81.00 per bushel. WM. BAULOW. Sept. 2H, 1S."G. 23-wl Blank Books. 4 I'T. ESI I supply, and first-rute assortment of lY full and hull' bound BLANK BOOKS, jusl received ex "Younjr America." P.ifa Hooka, Mieep and I uek .Mem.irat.dnms, monthly and Nrekly lime Books, r.eceipl Booka, shipping and Storehouse, and C'utli Copying Press Book, schoil WrDni; IJooks, 31. mature Blanks, Autes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Sec, Sen. Noisy Curriers lick und Siationery Co., IN 0. 64 & lib Long Wharf, and 97 sep. S0-m3 Battery at., San FranciecO. Administrator's Notice. "VJ"OTICE it hereby given that the undersigned J.1 was appointed by the Judge of lite Probate Collrt in and for Cluckama county, O. T-, Ad ministrator of the estate of Andrew Jackson Cut ting, late of the county of Clackamas, O. T., on the Hth day of Aug. IKou. 1 hereforo ail pereons in debted to said 1 state will please make immediate payment ; and all persons having claims ajainsl said estate mutt present the aame to the under signed at his residence in Molalln. Sworn to a the law direct. JAMES OFFICER, Sep SO, '50. 23-w4 Adminiatrator. Saw XvXilL I WILL rent my SAW MILL, and timber for it use, fur one or more year, ou very favora ble terms. The works are in complete repair; and there i an extended custom to this mill, at it runs ail the dry season, u well a most of the wet season. Steady, temperate men with fami lies, can now have a first rate chance to "make a raise." I will aell some of my fin blooded catll on good terms. DAVID NE WHOM. Marion Co., Sept 6, 1656. 2ii5 SONS OK TEMPERANCE. "Oregon Di vision No. 8 Son or Temperance" meet ev ery Friday eveuing at 7J o'clock, at their new Hall over the Drugstore. IT Members of other Divisions are invited 10 at tend. R. S. BKOL'GHTON, R. 8. Ang.23, leo6. 13 T0 yoa want io. km- yarn I We have it. XJ anie CIIARMAN 4 WARNER 0 REGON HAM and SHOULDERS for tats by al9 CIIARMAN 4 WARNER. Dissolution of Copartnership. rpillJ ci'partuaialiip lieMulorv tvi-linif between L the en'iaeriLers umler the firm or HisaTow Si. t o. was diaaolved by uiiitual cuiiaeul Autut 1 Gilt, IH.it), Ivrauiia iudebud will pleas nuke puv mailt lo J. Hurilow, who will receive all deb: duo the late lion, JOS. n vItSTOW, W. t'OKUY. Cuuemah, Srpl. tl, ltjJB. 91 Jos. Sarstow T S by liinneir, and would rip.'flfui:y my to hie X liii'iiiia uu l llie puli.ic iteiirrully lliul he la lliunkful for p iil p iirunui'e, and will continue busj. lieaa ut llio o d stand, uud will ever be ready lo anow ma i.oudu to iiiom, wno limy favor him wilh a c.i 1 1. Cuiue one, eume all, both ifie.it and amall, and five him a cull before Hireluiiii' elH-wbeie, uud esuuime for youraelvea Ilia epteuJid and select lock or DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTII- ISU, HOOTS and SHOES, Tea, Sugar, Cnfii-e, Spi.ea, Alc, Vc, II iIb, Xnili, llrooins, Slu,, and uhnoet every Ihiuj; ierlainiui; to a geuerul I, ue uf bua.nea. Lniiciuuli,beil. 0. raim for Salo. A FAR.M of ClOuersoflundin Yam. hill eounlv, sis inilea nest of l.al'uyette, I aolli red for salo. There aro KG aeres iu culiivuiloii, and 1.10 acres in pasture au orehaid or oU bcanug apple liee. The place Is well wa tered anil timbered, and hut two Welle or escellent water, irooj buildings and out-huuaet. The liud la aa gno l o there ia in Oregon or lbs woild, and its locution makes it ua good u ttoek Turin at there it in tho T'crriiory. Funning ulenails und ttock will be at.ld wilh llie place, it' dea red. The claim ia well "tricked wilh eatlle, hursca, and hogs, aud van be hud on rraaonuble term. ID lmjiiire at Tits A sue Office, Oregon City. Jllst KtTI'IVI'l, 4 Nl (V (it iV tiOOII.S, couialinir oT Do Lsiin, Jaeonrt, II. .ok .miiIui, cruaa-bined .Mualin, hil-' ng, liner (ion, liublein Ladies' hose, collars, Are., Sec. Abo, HOOKS and STATION KUY. tHAULES POl'E, Jr., aug 10 Muin St. MoiiM-tliing New. "1XTK, in addition to our Grocery Ol d linking T T biisuiera, have just received a good and well telt-ctrd stock ut MtY GOODS, eueh oi ealieure, musl in, uiuils lie luinea, sutim lla, tweed, KriHuckv ji'uni.. ivc , Ac. aluia good aasorliueiit of Huniicta, bed lick.n.', and drill, p ukot hand- kerclrels, nrekercliiefa, dee., all or w hich we war rant lo be or tho beat quality, and will tell aa low aa cun be bought at any other bonne in the city. e suy lo Hie f.irmere, we can till your billeeoin- plelely, which will euve you to much trouble in running around elsew here. Call and ace. Aug. 10. VHAUNAX J- WAUMiK GOOD grain sacka for sale cheap, bv CIIARMAN WARNER. rpt) pick fancy shoes, either ladies' or gentle. X iiKU'a, call nt iiulll CIIARMAN $ WARNER S. I)Ot'KET and table cutlerv of first qiml.lv, lor . sale Ly CIIARMAN J- WARNER. DO you w uut IiuIk, guoil and eheup? Call at CIIARMAN 4 WARNER S. BRUSHES, erub, hand, und loolh; du hair; pu'ul biuahcs, eVc.. for sale at theslnroof CIIARMAN ij- WARNER. CLOTIIIG uAittuoisr. Wm. G. Badger, 109 BATTERY ST., COKNb'R OF MEIIC1UNTS, SAN FRANCISCO, .fesiSj.IMI'OrtTF.R of every variety of Cloth ssiug and Furnishing Cowls ; also of Ducks, Drills, Sheetings, lilanki-Is, Huts, LSunts and l!ro gaus, by recent arrivals has received very large invoices of the most desirublc styles of CLOTH ING, ami it is llie laiigest stock ever offered in this market. The Goods are manufactured under my own supervision, and of the best material, well cut, lurgo sizes, und made hi tho must duruble manner. Tiuders from the country are invited to examine this heavy stock, and Ihey will liud the prices I. ave ii than they can bo found clscnlicru iu the in.ii ket. Purchasers may rely on receiving the best and most saleable goods, ua each urlicle is guarantied. OP.DlCltS FROM THE COUNTRY prompt, ly and carefully attended to. 10,0110 pairs assorted fiinby eusimre pantsj 10,000 " assor.cd futicv und pliiusatii ct do., 7,000 " " linen pants, 2,000 " " Uoodycur't rubber pant 1,000 Uoodvear's while rubber coals. 2'JO cases Goodyeur's long and short rubber bouts, 200 " miners' bnols, 1,000 d,,zen super flannel overshirls, 300 " fancy cussimore oveialiiitn, 1,000 " while shirts, GOO " heavy hickory shirts, fi00 " heavy check shirts, 300 Merrimack shirts, 600 " lambs' wool undershirta, 300 " re(;altu iinderahirts, 200 " grey flannel undershirts, 450 " laiuhs' wool drawers, 250 " blenched drill drawers, l.f.UO " overalls, 300 ' Denim frocks, 1,200 " country-knit wool socks, 1,500 " heuvy w hite and mixed cotton do., 1,000 pieces supsr silk pocket handkerchiefs, 100 dozen super black silk neckerchiefs, 200 " cambric handkerchiefs, 300 " rubber belts, 250 " buck gloves, 400 " bueksiii gold bigs, 1,(1110 doeskin business costs, 400 black cloth frock coals, 2,000 assorted overcoats, 600 " p a cuuui, 3,000 "ilk, cbilh, and velvet vests, 20 bales blue and while blankets, 50 " A sheeting, 50 " drills, 30 ' osturled duck, 50 cases line felt huts, l00 " straw hat. For sale by WM. O. BADGER, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, No 109 Battery, cor. Merchant at., Sun Francisco. N. Ii. No goods sold ut retail. 14m3 gi:o. ae(i:k i:tuv & Co., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Aberncthy, Clark di Co., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, iSria Franciico, Cnl., Will attend to aelling Oregon produce, and fill or ders Tor Goods, Groceriea, Sec, at the loweat rulsi. The patron.ige of the pcoplo of Oregon ia re pentfully aolieited. Aug. 2. To Merchants. 1TTE are now receiving llie following articles: V 50 bbla S.uii a Cruz lirne, 15 " hydraulic cement, 5 " plaster of paris, 32 kegs units, 8 " spikes, 5 & 6 in., 100 " 11 iston ayrup, 5 g.ilt., 2 ba Uio collie, 25 mat China No 1 tugar, 25 half bbla N O augar, 5 bbla viuegsr. aug 3 G. ABKRNETIIY Sl CO. To Ulucksuiilh mid .Tlaiiulucla rem. "1 1 J" are now receiving tea ton of iron of the T V following ai7ea : Round iron from j lo 1 inch, Square " " lo 2 " Bar " " 11 to 3j. Nail rode, Hoiee shoe iron, Band iron, 3i J. Flow reel, 121 i For sale at lowest market rate. aug3 G. ABEKNLTHY A. CO. TU. Oajfiofe luliaC'holagogue.aDdDr.Jonea' XJ Anv n. an uiiotagofo. at the ORCGOS 4.ITT OKl'O STORC. What' tho Vso of Oolnf Barefoot? rilllK aiibacriber huaiiH-nrd a boot and shot thnp L in (hit vitv, where making and mending will bu don taordtrax siwkt aunca. 1 olo kep con.lunlly on hand ready made boot and tlinea, which I will sell on nuwinsblo term. Tliaukful forpaat favora, I Hill solicit a reoaouubla tliar uf patronuge. Call aud try ut anyhow. J. II. ULA.NI'IED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 18.1C 17ni WE are juat receiving a iiuonlily of DRY GOODS, EARTHEN WARE, and ol moat every thing elae a mua can innti ut. Korin era would do well lo call uud get llieir harvest aup pin about now. July 13. t'l.lJT.V.I.Y n .1K.lK. i otti:..i iioi'si', ftt. a Cor. 3d i Water it, opposite Ferry land'g, OREGON CITY. 'J ho truveling public are reaiiectrully invited to give iu a call. The OKl'.MU.I IKUMI'. is the mrt pleatantly located Hotel in llie Territory, au l lias been an ulterrd within I lie lut few muiilhs as to make it one or the moat couinialiuu. The tuble wtll always be supplied with the beat that the matket ull'ordt. Good accommodation fur ladiea anil fumihea. Good alubling aud feed fur hurec, with prniierat h'lidaiiee. Sl'ltLNGEIl i, bllL'.NK. Juna8, 18.1C. Iiiu To Farmers. UR REAl'KKS and TIIKASHEnS have urrived. Cull toon, if you wiah lo get one. We have 3 eighl-horau Ihrushert and cleuueir, J reaper aud ruker. July .1, lboG. O. AUKKNETHY & CO. II. W. LUCAS. t. USLTOS. Lucas 6l Dalton, IIOL'SE, SIGN, ft ORNAMENTAL PAIN TERS, Sec, HAVE received and oiler for sale, 4000 lbs Atlantic whits lead, .150 gallons boiled linseed oil, 300 raw " 300 ' tiuieuiine, 200 " Tilden's No. I furniture vurni.li, 150 ' " " coach 200 " Japan " 1000 lbs of putty, 6 doz Adams 6-10 brushes. 6 dux tush toole assortid, 10 pucks of leaf gold, 10 ' " silver, 100 lbs uf Small's assorted colors, .1 gros of camel and sable hair pencils, 5500 It uf glass, 8x10, 10x12,111x14,10x15. Glazed sasb, any quantity, or the following sizes and prices: Hxlfl, S3,n5 per window, 10x12, 4,00 " 9x13, 4,00 10x14, 4,50 10x15, 5,00 " Messrs. L. 4. D. would resptclfully call the at teulioii of llie trude and the public generally to ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. LUCAS Se DALTON, June 28, 185G. Front St., l'orllninl. By Bark Ocean Bird. RECEIVED June 4th the lolkmmg GO0D3, and now selling rapidly at a small advance. 150 kegs eyrup, 50 boxes candles, 50 hf bbls N O sugar, 10 bbls crushed " 13 doz brooms, 20 buckets, 50 pro matches, 1H bbls cider vinegar, 1 5 cases tobacco, 35 " thues, assortej, 25 grain crudles, 1 thresher and scpurator, 1 reaper and raker, 13 straw cutter. Juno 7 G EO. ABERNETHY & CO. Harness ani Saddlery. Tl I h undersigned having opened anew in HUTTEVILLE, Murion county, O. T., in the Post Office building, are ready to manufacture and furnish ut short notice, aud in (he best un I most aiilwluutial style of the cruft. all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Carriage Trimming, Ac. June 21, ISjO.-y HOOP &. COOK. Those who !si II I lie L'livuiU'kt Sell C111ARMAN & WARNER, Orrgnn City, J have llie best selection of GROCERIES. lioote dnd Shoei, ulso Oils, Paints, Gins, to sell w holesale und retuil. cheap for cash or produce. Our stock in purl consists of OOllO lbs coffee, 2000 lbs No 1 China sugar, 2000 No 1 Batavia 14 1000 " Suudwich Island sugar, 1500 " crushed sugar, 2500 " assorted candy, 50 kegs E. Boston syrup, 50 kegs nuils, 10 cases pickles, " " pie fruits, 13 doz assorted cun fruits, 6 " tomato catsup, 5 ' pepper sauce, 4000 lbs suit, ditl'crcnt kinds, 6 doz brooms, Large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, Ac, 10,000 cigurs, by the thousand, 40 boxet tobacco, China rice, Carolina do., 300 lbs tea, 20U0 lbs dried apples, spice of ull kinds, Sic , & a, ju7 Tor Sale. I WILL SELL my situation ou tho bluff at Oregou City at a very low rate. 1 have a good dwelling houso, stuhlo, and out buildings, wilh about 100 choir fruit trees of the best varieliee, in an enclosure of eight Iota, all of which will be aold low, aa 1 have purchased prop erty in another part of tho city. May 24, lH56-6tf W. W. BUCK. Main Street House I hav e i..ued the main street HOUSE, and am now prepared lo nc- cnmmodute the truveling public. Every attention will be paid to thu coiulbit of man und beast. Chargra reasonable. I ahull ulwuys be found un hand by those who choose to pat ron te mo. J. M BACON. Oregon City, May 3, 185G. 3tf JU H T RECEIVED, 70 bbls and hlf bbls N O sui;ur, 30 " " " crushed " 4000 lbs No 1 China ' 10 hlf bbls Carolina rice, 13 " " dried apples, 15 keg ' " 10 hlfbbl peaches, 10000 lb Liverpool salt, 10 Cusea table salt, 50 bbla Santa Cruz lime, 5000 lbs manilla roe, ase'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, ' 5000 qr flour sucks, 6 bales drilling", 12 cusea oaa'd pie fruits, 12 " " pickles, 20 bundlet window aoah, asa'd aizea, 24 paniiel doors, ' " 2 doz i"l grains scoops, 100 sack Uiocollee, 10 mate black pper, 10 balea oukutr), 100 tingle and double blocks, asa'd eizes, 6 groa P & M yeaat powder, 10 dirz zinc wash board, 500 gala S.I. ayrup, 4000 lbs white read, pure, 500 " led " ' 40 gala copal varnish, 15 doz paint bruahe, asa'd aite, IS "3 hooped backets', 200 gale boiled unseed oil, 100 " raw " h Ti-gcther with a good amrtmeut of HARD WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which we propose selling at prices to auit the timet. Call aud te9 for youraelvea. W. C. DEMENT CO. Main at., oj.poa.i ibt Land Omcc. Oregon City, April 19, J5fi. 1)RESTO'S Sectional and County MAP of OREGU.V WASHINGTON TER-UlTOKIKS-fcrtale by IS tllAELE f'-TF., Jr. - i i l a i i i i i j- f ORKGON CITS' Wboloaalo FrieoK Current coaascTka wttki.r. UBV OOOHS. WlCfct Se Sl btriM.l. Sheeting, 4-4....11ul?i luopr.clover it, Y.euat, Drilling U'i' ruoitic. UleudieJ drilling Ill Wheat, pr. bu 9 1 ,0(1 ' thirling, Hull Oats do ',' Griped do l-'j Totuioe do Ticking Hull, Union do U Deuins 15 1'1- iir tj( lllue drilling I U om Meal, fiesk Ii Fluid husey Iflu'.M; pat it. Satinet 70u!lo; diierl do lijil'" Kentucky jeans. ...,;,al.'.,reaclns, dried d Ill Tweed iji.711' ' do pealed rnisis. Hlii ami white lllue audorango, j ' Chili, ilr.rd. 201123 .12! rsoiisio.va. . I'.', Pork, clear lion. Funry ftu 12: mi's S-ta.'IU l'uriulure do I Un Mil lame,.., do. wide. I'.'t llocoll.,, M. lie lailkl. ..MuVui ruwura. . .I5a2'.;llauud, pr ca 15 ..25iilili: pr keg 6 10 ,.5t in ",',' shot. liSnSjIJ Small sites 2Ju3 (inghami Alpue.i Table tlauiask. " cloths... Irish linens tUul.llucK 9JUJ CI.OTIIINO, ! I.KAl. 20 Sheep gray punts i.t Bur. Satinet du. .2ia.'i; White lead, iiiod.-.TJl I'onry case. do. ...Atju.V csiui. r.. Black coas. do. 5a7'Manillu, tmail S5 Redflan'l shut $1 Isls! " largi 25 Blue do. do. $ jnlS'IIeinp I0ul5 Hickory shirt 5u' caxuli.s. Calico do $'Jul2 A.linuniine 3,al0 boots Se annua, Hnciin bllatj Men's kip boots"! '-I: ciaAt. super do. do.. ..(11, Havana is-ioa fine ae wed I'. 1 'German S 1 0u2;'i Bova' kip bout ti'i American fetiJailr he'vy w'a doAtll i2f tosacco. Men' brg's pr. doz..Sil" I'tideof Iho Ciiiou..t0a-t."i " kipbrgaprdoz..'ti'Kuii wy;. " calf sewed do.. S2I. Luke's 37 Women's b'vy sb'a.SI.'i; lUuuwAna. fin do. 51,VSh,,vels .al4 ukockiiiks. ISpades frl lulti CofTes 1 -lalfilAxes S(12u2ll Tea 5Uali5' MillsawS J0a$ I Sugar, no. I C'lii'a... . 1 1 S cuiaaws ij.i$l,'.'i crushed in; I utile cutlery, io prrci Salerstus 1 Ou I II' advance ou N. ) .cost Slureh 14 Pocket cutlery, 25 prct Syrup E IliMton $1! uJvunco. (to. S laland UU I'llier urliclrs 01 IIBM- NOMnlusscs war from 20 lo 50 pr I.iv. Suit 3u.''i ct advance. Tuble Salt SJ.iJ:Null,!is'dei7.es,f kg $H Sandwich 1. Salt. . 2u2j' " horsslioo...20u;i5 Pepper Hi', oils. A I spi..e Hi: Lamp $1 JaVJ Cinnamon IjnuHii Limned boil fJUl Soap 0nl 1, Turpentine prgull ffl U. S. MAIL LINE. 1'or tin iid und Aalorin. The Splendid Strnmer VjfbK Multnomah WILL continue lo run regulnrly between Purl Iu ml and Astoria, rin Vancouver, twicb a wekk, leuving Portland on Mouduyaud Thursday iiiomiuga of each week fur Astoria ; and Astoriu for Portland on Tuesday and Fildny inoruings, touching Vancouvkk.St. Hclrns, Haimi s,Catii I.AMET, O.C eueli way. r or Ireighl or passage, apply to It. IIOXT, .Master, jelO Oral Iluyt's Whuif-buut, Poillan4. CUlzeiis' Lino ol SU-amcis. a?. t, PORTLAND, Copt. Muaasv, SSnaiai ENTERPRISE, Capl. Jamiesom, Will run ill counettion, the Portland leaving PORTLAND dsily (Sundays excepted) fur Ore gotlCity at 10 o'clock, A.., tho Enterprise iun king semi .weekly trips lo COKVALLIS, leaving CAN EM AH ou Mondays ut b' o'clsek A. aud Thursdays at 2 r. at. i f All freight lr the above line will be receipt cd for ul Hoyl's Wharf lloul, Portland. ' a i w 4 v ih.'ij u MitiinAV ARCHIBALD JAM1ESON. n i,i . .... " ... . t Feb. 10, 1850. 4llf Vamhill ttrradoi COCHRAN. CASSADY & Co., Zl under the name and style of tho Yamhill Com im mi. nro now building a sleumer of uhuul 30 tuns burthen ut Cunomuh, expressly for tho Yuiuhill Irudc. She will bo ready to ruu somii lime in June. COCHRAN, CASSADY .J- CO. Oregon City, April 5. 51lf B. Milwain, Muntiiirlnrjr, Wholctalc and Retail Dealer in COOK At PAKLOU STOVIJS, Trs k corri.R WAiia, iiardwaks, ic, Mai ii St., opposite Main Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat aud jobbing Work attended to with dispatch. Orders from the country promptly filled. je7 ? Brugi, Medicines, Paints, Oils. Tit and Dye-stuffs, i5 n the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, sepia Main Street, Oregon City, O.T. wnsTnit iiotix, Morrison at., between Front and First ats., Portland, o. t. Charge reasonable. S. D. SMITH, Murcb I.l, IH.,6-18 Proprietor. W. V. Burns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, o b b a o X c i t y, o. t. IT" Strict attention paid to rrpuiiing, and satis faction to pultons warranted. fcbO-43 Morris Thomas, BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER, JfuiB tl., nearly appneite llulmti dj- Co.': Ti.njis or suiviMi, iu. Shaving twicu n week, one aliampoo, hair trimmed once, per mnnin, it W 11 once a week, one shumpoo, hair trimmed once, per month, 1 23 Huir trimmed, 83 Hair cut uud dressed, 50 Shaving, and hair drCsseJ, 25 Shampooing, 6U Oregon City, April 3, lH.ib.51 Time. WF. HIGHI IELD, IV .1 YCll-MAKkA. Perwui deairoiia of g King L'ood work done will du well to give me u call, as my whole time is du. voted to the repairing or Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and llorizunlal walclse. An assortment of Jewelry on bund. Jewelry made to ord -r, and repaired. PnCes to suit the times. I am thankful for mat favors, and hope to give satisfaction in future. aT l.o. ated ut the old stand, nnooailo tbuTel- egrnph Olliec, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. To Merchants and Shippers'. T MlH OREGON MILLING & TRANS PORTATION CO. have ud u.led ihc follow. lug tariff of charges, w h'ch will be adhered to till further notice : Transportation of merchandise or produce from b.mt to boat at works, per Ion, JI 00 Storage of same less than five (lays, no charge. " " over 5 & less thuu 15 fya, 25 " " 15 Se " 30 " 50 Ea-h ailditioiial half month or lea will b chargi d, per ton, 25 R. I'ENTLAND, Ag'u Linn City, May 10, lt)5. Caiiemati, .ov. 2.1, 153. ON hand and for aalc, low, for cash or pnsluca Paint Se lead, olirome green. while lead, red do in oil, blk. da ' litharge. pruMiau blue chrome yellow, blue point, Coiauiui anil permanent rreen nuttv. a'im tVe. Ju. P. BHiuiksi Vcdilin,; C'nkea MADE lo order, parties furnished wilh lets n shortrst inaiee, See., hy 13 CH ARMAS f WJRNLie .15 .14