The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 13, 1856, Image 3

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The Senate passed six private billi, and
one providing rur the compulsory pro-nay-
tnoni ni puanigonn mi prinicu matter.
IIousr Hvrnino tSfisaioji Mr. Craw
ford of Oa., uprMwf on the slavery que-
tinrii said ilia jNoriii never rcsprcled tho
Missouri restriction, rxcrnt when it worked
to tnair advantage, wiuio lue bouth ao
knowlodcd It in the Oregon bill. 1 he
compromise measure ot iSJOgave Ibe
South nothing to which she was not entitled,
and now what wai ilius tecurcd to them ia
.. t I... .1.. .
in us rrpuuimcu uy mo two panics oppos-
ed to the Democracy.
air. jowi'ii 01 ivy. smu 11 jur. v rcmoni
should succeed on purely sectional grounds,
the result would be disastrous to the Union.
Mr. Darkdale spoke in vindication of
tho Democracy of the South, and of the
soundness of the former relative to llio con
stitutional rights of the latter.
Mr. Iltade took usuo, and said Mr. Van
Durcn, a Free Soiler, was now supporting
Buchanan, brsi'lea seventeen Northern
Democrats had voted Tor Banks for Speak-
er, because ho was a Democrat.
Mr. Barkdalowas sorry Mr. Kcade was not attempted to acquire or to colonize
not well posted. If Van Huron supports these islands since 1850, but held thcin bo
Buchanan, he docs so on the platform of fore that date. If, then, Honduras were
principles Imu down by the Democracy,
-l f i. ! ' :l i .
uirowing asiue ins ireo sou uauiiiuienis.
The colloquy was further continued, in
Wing tho principles of the Democratio
and American candidates
The trtaat HctUetaeavt er ike Ccatral
Aaaertraa ntmculUes Secession er the
May or Islands to HoadnrasAbaadoa
neat of Ihe loinllq Protectorate, kc
From Ihe Londua Timet, July 19
It is a consequence of the widely extend'
w oommion which oreat r,iam nns ac-
quired that we .hould continually become
involved in great disputes about compara
lively little objects. Franco is a great
lower, but its sphere is only European ',
Kusaia influences tho Christiansof the East
and i ho pagans of Tnrtary, but with all
her extended empire she has for three
fourths of tho world no existence. Even
tho United Slates confine themselves whol
ly to their rights and destiny in the New
World. But the political relations of this
country may be called planetary. We
have scarcely finished a war fought out in
Europe and Asia than wo bear of probable
disturbance at the extremities of Africa,
und are engaged in warm discussions re
peeling the destinies of Central America
and the communication between the two
treat oceans which it divides. It cannot
be wondered, therefore, that our people, ex
cept when roused by the chance uf a nip
turo with some civilized State, pay but lit
tie attention to these territorial questions,
In fact, what are first rate matters to the
politicians of other nations have from habit
ti-coine but of secondary interest to our
selves. Hence, even in the present dispute
with America, the rights winch our states
men refuse to cede, and the grounds on
which they build their reasoning, aro far
less considered than the consequences of a
rupture on me one nana, or .ne evu o. a
too tame concession on the other.
universal feeling is mat llio territorial queSf
Hon, whatever tho Americans may think of
it, is of very small importance to us, who in
many other purls of the globe have matters
of much more serious concern which ile
tnand our car a. To preserve at once the
peace of the world and our own honor is
tbe only witili of ihe lintisli people.
The Americans may bo said to be brought
into intimnlo political relations with bng
land alone of all the great rowers. Henco
diplomatic campaign against this country
is a vent for ull ihe energy of tho Weslorn
politicians, and is looked upon as an tin
tailing source of popularity when party
combinaiioiis arc proceeding unfavorably at
Iioiiim. Icauso England, with her mul
tifarious concerns, cannot devote her atten
tion, year alter year, to these squabbles,
and is only to glad to have done with them
on any equitnblo terms, it has been said
that this country has followed too much a
policv of concession to unfounded demands.
1, ..l i v . r .i , ,
But the only serious disputes or the kind
of late years those respecting the Maine
and Oregon boundaries have been settled I
honorably : and there is now little doubt
that tho present difficulties may also come
to an end. Asia well known, there are
three questions involved the right of Eng
land to the Bulize territory, to the Bay Is
lands, and to the protectorate over the
Mosquito Indians. Now, as it is in refer
ence to the treaty of 1830 that the discus
sion has arisen, it may bo as well to call to
mind the motives which lud to that treaty
nnd the spirit in which it was concluded.
Its singlo object was to preserve the com
municaiion between the oceans from the
exclusive preponderance of either Fowcr
rr.. . ...J, i.. ,!,.... ..i. m;...,
The nvcr San Juan ran through Nicaragua
territory, but Its mouth was in the land or
the Mosquitoes. Now, ibis river was to
l the o-rpat hinhwav between the Atlantic
nud the Pacific : but ao brotcctea1 1
the Mosquitoes -rrlnst Nicaragua, and
America protectee Nicaracua against the
Mosquitoes, thna was much chance of
fbarrol!ing and no prospect of neutrality.
lleSC? til? treaty provided and it lias cer
tainly teen a jrcat gain that neither coun
try sliould occupy this coast or acquire
sovereign rights on it, The prohibition
v(u7 extended to what is called Centra)
America. Row, it roust be plain that a
treaty concluded for tho purpose of obvia
ting difficulties to tbe traffic of an isthmus
jtnl the construction of a ship canal must
lie admitted as evidence of the meaning to
be attached to anything that appears doubt
ful in its provisions. Hence, even were
ihe terms of the document less precise, it
must be doubtful whether British nogotia
tors could be held as intending to deprive
their rights which it had exercised for three
fourths of acentury. But it may,. wo think,
b shown that in the question of Belize,
the text of the treaty is wholly on the side
of England ; that with her protectorate
over the Mosquito coast its provisions do
not interfere ; and that with regard to the
Bay Islands, the question la one of fact,
and belongs exclusively to the relations be
tween Great Britain and the State oflion
durss. With rcpcct to Belize there can be lit
tle said. In the treaty Englands binds her
self not to occupy or acquire any territory
in Central America. The clause has, of
course, a prospective signification, and can
not for a moment be held to apply to Belize
or British Honduras, which has been an
undoubted possession of the Eriiifch Crown
for 80 years. But, if even that were doubt
ful, the mailer is taken out of the jurisdic
tion of the treaty by the simple fact that
peTize is to: in Ctntral Amerca at a.1, but
forms part of Mexico, will) which republic
r-ngianii in traatetl concerning: It In re
cent timet. Ai to I lie Moiquilo territory,
iviigiand hu not v loin led and will not m
lute tin trusty. Slie will ot ocoupy or col.
oniw llio country, or establish any milita
ry posts. Uul lue proticterate which Tor
a century and half alio baa oxorcisod ovor
tho Mosquito Indiana remains untouched
I by any legitimatoconttruciion e-rtlio treaty
lib regard to the uay isianus, material
I ly the moot worthiest of the three torrilo.
rirt, the right of Ureal Britain appear to
I l..l....l . . L ..
i us more uuuunui , iiui, uuever, iron Me
operation or Ibe Clayton-Hulwcr treaty,
1 uui iruin iui iiisuuimency 01 lue Claim
I which we possessed to (be sovereignty pre
I vious to that settlement. Legally we con
celve that fcnpland alandt or fulls by the
I rightfulness of her claim to the islands as
I against Spain and Spain's successor, the
atnie 01 Honduras. If we have no buvi
ne lu lluatan and Bonnacea, then it it is
for Honduras to raise the question, and the
matter must be settled between the two
countries. The United Slates bave no
ground of interference, for England has
to submit that we were the riirlilful owners
Ii.e in.. , . . ...
before 1850, wo should bave the right to
reiaiu mem now ; and, conversely, any
claim of Honduras must rest on her form
er rights, and not on any construction of
the treaty of 1850,
Me cannot but fuel that the justice of
me uritisb. construction has been acquiesced
in by the government ef the United States
when we learn what are the propositions
winch air. Dallas is, it is said, empower
ed to make, lie will, if we are correctly in
forrned propose the establishment of 'San
j aafrl(t .,,. Kicarantan son.
ereignty, reserving to the republic of Coita
mca tite rtyht of traffic throuuh it and
through such portions of the river San Juan
as may be necessary ; the Mosquito Indians
to be concentrated in a definite territory,
which shall leavo clear the mouth of the
river San Juan and the town : but thei
rights to be guaranteed, and au annuity for
a term paid to their chiefs; the Bay Is
tanas to be restored to the state of Hondu
ras, but Belize to remain a British Posses
sion, with the same territorial limits as in
1950. By this arrangement we merge our
separate protectorate of the Mosquitoes into
what may be catted a general American pro
kelorateand m gitUp the Bay ulnd
to WMcn a desultory occupation had given
us an uncertain and still questioned claim.
On the other hand, we avoid urging the
United States to abrogate the treaty of 1850,
which would expose this part of the world
to many evils, which the treaty.inconelusive
as u may appear, has dissipated. Wefuf
ly establish the neutrality of Central Amor
ica, and raise a moral prohibition against
any luture hlliuustcnng or annexation.
ti. i .l: 1 1 i
u ne iuu niiyiuiujr miuenui oy sucn as
arrangement no one can believe ; but still
the arrangement should be clearly under
stood to be a compromise, in which this
cou)trv doM , , iltnin,ntinn .
, : -------- -r .
the treaty, but only makes concessions cor-
r(ispollUin t0 lho;e of ,he Amorican
j i..,j: :, .
eminent in abandoning? its own extreme
views. A fifth paint in the nroaosnl nf
air. uauasis that the Central American
r. . . . r. r :
States shall make grants similar to that
promised by Honduras respecting any nc
tual or prospective plan for a communica
lion between the two oceans. If the con
sent of theso republics can be obtained to
such an arrangement, it will, no doubt be
a great advantage to tho cause of civilize
lion, and causj us less to rep ret the temno
rary difference which have ended in such a
Arrisom, tiis Infkrnal AUcimni Man. Wm
Arritnn, of Cincinnati, spent months in mskinir
rb iiif. rn! mtclmie. He gusnled every step of
iiu prugrees in me wore wun a most scrupulous
cure, tin wu as coot as it was diiboli
Cul. When his machine wu done, lie sent it by
a child to Mr. Allison, stewird of the Cincinnati
"wpaai, sgiiiwt whom he had a bitter grudge.
A""0" ri in the preience of hie wile, where-
upon it exploded, killing tliem both and tearing the
house nearly to pieces.
Arrison fled, but was caught and taken back to
Cincinnati. Ilia third trial hasjuet cloaed. The
')"? ouai ,lim ui"y of raaiulaiigliter ! They
did not affect to entertain a doubt of the facte as
we have atated lliem, but decided that the act he
was guilty of waa not murder. A more infamous.
monstrous, and accursed verdict was never ren
dered on earth. It mints hock the moral lensaa
and the common aense of all mankind. If the
Cineinnnti editors havo anything more to sny
about "Kentucky Juries,'' we ihould like to hear
it. Louinuu Courier.
Tat MoaaoNS. Theo. Olahausen of St. Louie
lias published, in Germany, a history of the Mor
mom, or Latter Day Saints, in North America,
from which it appears that America contiui68,
700 of the seel, of whom 38,000 are in Utah ; 9,000
in New York : 4,000 in California : 5,000 in Nova
Scotia nnd Canada, and 2,000 in South America
nJ th, Winfc Eanpt tonUjuf 3 of
w,om 3300 are ia Great Britain and Ireland t
5,000 in Scandinavia; 1,000 in Germany and
SwiUeiland. .W - ::,,... uj find in e at
of uroP In Asia there are said to be rnnn . 1
V?J"J, n kuLlZ
schismatics, including Strangites, Rigdonitee, and
Wightites. Theea numbers amount in the ag
gregate to 116,500, and it is supposed that the
whole seot cannot exceed 120,000.
LisiifA EaiGEATioa). A bill has been introdu
ced into the councils of Savannah, imposing a tax
of $300 each, on all alavee or free persona of color
brought or sent to that oity for the purpose of being
transported to Liberia, er any other foreign coun
try. Tbe Republican aaya ' the tax ia a high ons,
aud, we presume, was intended to ba probibiiary ia
its operation."
A disgraceful low occurred ia New York
at John street M. E. Church, betweea the ap town
and down town partiea, who were struggling tor
possession. The np towners employed some bul
lies to does the church, aud the down townen ral
lied in defence of their rights. Great excitement
ensued, and the potic interfered and quelled the
The Hudson Star aaya a decision haa
just been rendered by Judge Mead against the le
gality of Ihe practice adopted by the New York
and Erie Railroad Co. of charging aa extra ptioe
for tickets wbea not ooUwed al tbe station
f3? Rev. Dr.Buehnell of Hartford writes from
California to the New York Independent a
graphic account of the immense cedars of Califor
nia, the greatest Ireea io,tba world. One of them,
which bad been felled, be ascertained, by count
ing tbe grains of the stomp, to be twelve hundred
and eighty years old. When Mahomet was at
nurse this tr waa sprouting.
The editor of a paper in Schenectady,
in describing the effects of a squall upon a eaaai
boat, aaya that "whan tbe gale waa at its high
est, the unfortunate craft keeled to larboard, and
the captain and soother cask of whisky lolled
XT Never suffer yourself to bo deterred by a
fa lee shame from doing any act whataver, now.
aver suial its-ay ba, whieb you caa ea'.t.'Uis ao
rtewaeb.'t deubl that jeu eufht to de.
A 14. asovT Giau' Nmra. If yen tree very
precise man, and wish te be eeiUin ef what yea
gel, never marry a girl named Ana, for wt h
Ihe authority of Liadley Murray, and allien, that
inutnnne srurie. t.ithnnf.
If you do net wieh te have a bustling fly-about
wife, yon should not marry one namrd Jenny
17 cuuuo ppiuurr anowa tual wu'iiee are al
wave turning.
If you bave a wife named Cordelia, yen ehoulj
never drop any f your old acquaintances, far be
who baa the iiat never cuts.
If yeu mamr ana named Munnl VAN maw
confidently silieet thai aha will end hrr Java on
Ihe gallowe, for all Ilia world knows that ptgs
were niado for hanging.
The moat incenaut writer la die world la ha vha
n aiwaya bound to Ad-a-line.
Unleas you would have ihe Evil One for
father-in-law, you should not marry a lady named
Kliia, for the devil ia die father of Lit, fliM.'
Many men of high moral uriuclnlee. and who
wowa not gamble lor alien world. Hill hava tut h
fueed to take a"llet."
Unless your wife's name ba Ruth, van will ha
oi a cruel owpneitioa for you will be Kutk-ttts.
A raw Hints to D.ciiclom. If you intend
marry if voo think vaur hanoiiiMa will 1m
increased and your ink-real advanced bv matri
mony be sure and look where vou are uoinc
Join younelf in union with no woman who is
arlluh, far she will sacrifics you with ne oue
who 11 fickle, for ebe will become ealranged bave
naught to de with a proud oue, for ehe will do
piie you nor with an ealravaganl one, for aba
will ruin you. Leave a ooquelto to Ihe fuoli that
flutter around her 1 let her own fireaide accom
modate a scold. Come not near a Woman who is
slatternly, for ehe will diaguet you ; and flea from
one who lovee eeandal as you would flee from old
Nick himself!
Vrs or New Yoaa. In 1854, Ilia united
Hard and Soft vole ia New York exceeded the
republican vole by 53,541, and the k. n. vote by
6,C03. In 1855 it waa 13,991 largertlua the re-
puuuean voie, sua a,l i larger thai the k. n vote.
Theee two eectiona of Ihe democratio party are
new united. The aggregate vote of 18.'.S, wu
523,394,-for Tierce, 265,03 Bcolt, M4.8tj8i
1UIV, lp.w?.
13T The taking of the quinquennial ceneue in
Farm haa been terminated, and it appears from
it that the population, iucludinr the eoldiera.
the aick in the boapitaU, and Ihe oecupante ef
Ihe prieona, eiceeda 1,200,000 souls within Ihe
octroi walla, and 1,600,000 within Ihe fortifica
tions. STorriNO a NswiPApra. A certain man ia
aid one day lo have atruik hia toe against a peb
ble, and thereby fell headlong la the ground. He
wu vexed, aud under the influence of anaer and
self-sufficiency, he kicked old mother earth right
1 w:.i 1 ....i.ti .. . . . .
nranuy. n iin iniperiuroaoie gravny, no looked
to see the globe come to naught. Iiut Ihe earth
remained, aud only bis poor foot was injured by
the encounter. This ia the way with man. Let
an article appear in a newspaper touching bim
in a tender spot, and he straightway sends te have
hia paper atopped ! With great aelf-eomplacencv
he looks te sea a crash follow, whoa the object of
Hie wrath shall cease lo exist. I'oor fellow ! ba
haa only struck hia toe against an imaginary werld,
which duea not perceptibly feel the tremenduoua
All to si Elictcd. We bare examined
our exchangee with some eare, and if they are
all to be rel.ed on for truth, there will certain
ly be three Presidents of Ihe Uuiled Slatee cho
sen al the ausuing election. Andmtr Adttr
t'utr. Till Lano or nil LrviNQ. Said one to an
aged friend "I had a letter from a distant eorrve-
poudent, who inquired if you were in Uie land of
tbe living." "No," replied the venerable man,
"but I am geing there. This world is alone lha
world ef shadow, and Iho eternal is the only one of
living realitiea."
tX Say not a word you had bolter leave un
said. A word ia a little thing, we know, but it baa
stirred up a world of strife. Suppressing a word
has saved many a character : many a life. Who
can tell the good or bad efTecta produced by a tri
fling word? He careful what you say. Think
before you apeak, and you will never ba mortified
with yourself, or oauso a thrill of pain to flash
through tho heart of a frieud.
IS" The Philadelphia paperassy that the
whole number of victims by the recent disaster on
the Northern Pennsylvania Railroad is Si, of whom
40 were males and 13 females.
tST A boy about alxteen yeare ef acre, in St
Louis, shot hia mother with a pistol, woundiug
her severely, because she attempted to correct
W A conspiracy haa deen detected at Puebla
to restore Santa Anna. Many prieite were im
t3T For the relief of the sufferers by the late
inundation in France, the sum of 87559 baa been
raised in Now York.
VW The man who ia fund of puddinga and
e placea himself fearfully in Ihe power of bia
wife !
tST It is very rare to find around which pro-
uces nothing: if it ia not covered with flowers.
with fruit trees and grains, it produces briars aud
piuea. It is the same with man if be not vir
tuous, he becomes vicious.
Oni or Tin BiAUTiesor Moxmoniim in Utah.
A woman who had escaped from Ihe Mormons
recently appeared on atrial in New York, and sta
ted "I have heard Brigham Young any he
would have hia own children marry each other j
he said it while preaching in the Tabernacle."
The Trustees of ''Oregon City Seminary'' will
lease meet al tbe Seminary building Monday,
Sept 15th, at 7i o'clock t. M.
ILK. Hists.Pres't.
Saw Mill.
I WILL rent my SAW MILL, and timber for
its use, for one or more yean, on very favora
ble terms. Tbe worke are in complete repair;
and there ia an extended custom to this mill, as
it runs all Ihe dry season, aa well aa most of the
wet season. Steady, temperate men with fami
lies, can now have a first rate chauce to "make a
raise." I will sell some of my fine blooded cattle
on good terms. DAVID NEVVSOM.
Marion Co., ScpL 6, 1856. 22w5
DUaolataon of Copartnership.
THE eopartiierobip heretofore existing between
the subscribers under the firm of Basstow It
Co. wu dissolved by mutual consent August 1 6th,
I808. Tenons indebted will please make pay
ment to Job. Baratow, who will receive all debts
due the late firm.
Caneroah, Sept 6, 1856. 21
Jos. Barstow
IS by himself, and would respectfully say lo bia
frienda and the public generally that ba ia
thankful for past patronage, and will continue busi
ness at the old stand, and will ever be ready to
show hia Goods to those who may favor bim with
a call. Come one, come all, both great and email,
and give him a call before porohaaiog elsewhere,
and examine for yourselves bia splendid and aeleot
stock of
Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spieea, 4t, ace., Hats, Nails,
Broome, ate., and almost every thing pertaining la
a general fine ef business. Canemah, Sept 6.
vision No. 6 Sons of Temperance- meele ev
ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock, at their new
Hall ever the Drug Sutra.
ILT Members of other Divisions are invited te at
tend. R. S. BROUGHTON, R. S.
Aug. 23, 1656. 19
" f eLANE'3 oelebretad Versr'upe
and Lrrer
u rcu.
IS HEREBY GIVEN', thai I will be at the
office of lbs Auditor of Clackamas oounty,
Oregon Territory, en Ihe I3lb uf September net,
from 9 o'clock a. . till 4 e'elot k . . of anid day,
aou wiinmesaMaunca ef aaid Auditor will eiain
hie the aaaeeement roll to correct niietake, if any.
nil jvnme miereaieo are reqiHai 10 auemi.
C. K. liEATIE. A-nwr.
August 30, 1850. 30w3
Just Itecclvcd,
A KEW and general aaeurtmenl of DRY-
1Y (HNJD8, eouautiiig of lM Laines, Jaconet,
1100a ftlneiin, enaarred Mualio, Kdging, Inasr-
lion, iianiftn 1-ailiW hoae, eollara, o, axo.
CHAULia ronur.,
aug 10 Maia 81.
Semelhlng NtWi
WE, la addition to our Gmeenr and Diking
bueincaa, have jtart received a good and
wfii aeieciea eiocs 01 lilt! UUUH1, aucn aa
ealieaee, muelina, moue de lalnee, salinells, Iweed,
Kentucky Jeana, Ae e-alao a good aaaortmenl
01 nenneia, bed licking, and drill, picket band
kercbiefa, neckerchiefa, ote.. all of which we war
rautto be ef Ihe beet quality, and will aell aa low
a can be bought at any ether hauae ia the city.
We eay lo Ihe farmen, we can fill your bille com
pletely, which will aave you so much trouble in
running amune elaewnere. I all and era.
Aug. IS. VIIAKMAN cj- n Anil UK.
iM OOD grain aaeka for aale cheap, by
tn.lK.Wfl 4 WAKHEK.
rpO pick fancy alioee, either ladies' or gentle-
"DOCKET and table cutlery of first quality, for
l aale by VII AH MAX d WAKMiK.
T0 you want hats, good and cheap? Call at
fjnUHHES, scrub, band, and tooth; do hair;
U paint brushes,
, Ac, for sale at the store of
Sheriff's tale.
BY VIRTUE of a certain writ of execution
now in my hands, issued out of Ihe District
Court for Clackamas county, and lo me directed,
in farer of A. K. Wail against David Jlurnsidea,
In pursuance or a judgment obtained in said Court
which was docketed on the 6lh day of April, 1856,
'or the sum of $349,60, and for want of personal
property whereorto oaluriy aaid execution I have
levied Ihe aame upon all Ihe right, title, and In
terest of lha aforesaid David liurnaides In and to
Die following described real estate, lo wil, Lota 1 1
and 13 and a part of lot 10 ia block 5 in Linn City,
Clackamas county, O. T., according to lha plat of
aaid Lsnn Uly, alao lets 1, u, 3, 4, , B, 7, 0, in
block 101, and lots 5 and S in block 1 10, in Or
egon City, Clackamas county, O. T., according lo
the plat ef aaid Oregon City. I shall proceed lo
aell trie aame or ao much Ihrreor aa will satisfy lha
above named amount, with interest and accruing
coal upon Ilia aame, to me higheot bidder lor cash,
TEMBER, 1856, between Ihe hours of nine
'clock a. M. and sunset, commencing at 3 o'clock
r. a., ia Linn City. The property iu Una City
and Ihe block 101 in Oregon City will be sold an
Ihe premises ; lots 5 and 6 ia block 1 10 in Oregon
iiiy win oe sold at ma uourt House door.
SKI' HUELATi Sheriff
August 16, 18."i6-18w5 Cfaraansaa County.
Wm. O. Badger,
jiSaxtMrOUTER of every variety of Cloth-
11 ,r :"t and Furnishing Goods ; also of Ducks,
Drills, Sheetings, Blankets, Hate, Hoots and lira-
gans, by recent arrivals has received very large
tnvoicea f tbe most desirable styles of CLOTH
ING, and it is Ihe lasoist stock ever offered in
this market Tbe Gooda are manufactured under
my own supervision, and of the boat material, well
eut, large sixes, and made in tbe most durable
Traders from Ihe country are invited to examine
Ihia heavy atock, and they will find the pricee
Lowes than Uiey can be found elsewhere iu the
Purchasers may rely on receiving tbe best and
moot saleable goods, ns each article is guarantied.
ly and carefully attended to.
10,000 pairs assorted fancy eaaai mere panta.
10,000 " assorted fancy and plain satinet do.,
7,uuu " " linen panta,
2,000 " Goodyear'e rubber pants,
1 ,000 Goodvear'a white rubber coals,
300 eaaes Goodyear 's long and short rubber
200 " miners' boots,
1,000 doien super flannel orersliirls,
lancy caasimere ovoraiuris,
white ahirta,
heavy hickory shirts,
heavy check shirt,
Merrimack shirts,
lambs' wool undershirts,
regatta undershirts,
5;rey flannel underahirts,
ambs' wool drawers,
bleached drill drawers,
Denim frocks,
country-knit wool socks,
heavy white and mixed cotton do..
l.UUO piecea super ailk pocket handkcrcmeii,
100 doten auper black ailk neckerchiefs,
200 " oambrie handkerchiefs,
300 " rubber belts,
250 " buck gloves,
400 " buckain gold bags,
1,000 doeskin business coats,
400 black cloth frock coats,
2,000 assorted overcoata,
600 " pea costs,
3,000 ailk, cloth, and velvet Vests,
20 balee blue and white blaukets,
50 " A enacting,
50 drills,
30 " assorted duck)
50 eases felt hats,
100 straw haU, For sale by
Wholesale Clothing Warehouse,
No. 109 Battery, cor. Merchant st, San Francisco.
N. B. No goods sold at retail. lom3
Abernethy, Clark Co;',
San Francisco, Cat.,
Will attend to selling Oregon produce, and fill or
ders for Goods, Groceries, otC, at the lowest ratea.
fhe pau-onaga of the people of Oregon is re
spectfully eolicited. Aug. 3.
To Merchants.
WE are now receiving the following articles:
50 bbls Santa Crux lime,
15 " hydraulic cement,
5 M plaster of psris,
32 kegs aails,
8 " spikes, 5 aV t in.,
100 . - Boston syrup, 5 gals.,
35 baza Rio eoflea, ,
25 mats Chita No I sugar,
35 half bbls N O sugar,
5 bbls vinegar. , , .
aug 8 G. ABERNETHY at. CO.
To Blatcksstiiths ftad fllaasifacta
WE are now receiving lea tons of iron of lbs
following sites :
Round iron from ta 1 lack,
Square U 3 -Bar
lx to 3x,
Nail rods,
Horse aba iron.
Band iron, Ix,
Plow steal, 12i.
For sals at lowest market rates.
"T0 yaa want stocking yarn 7
Wi hsv it.
Wlut'i tho Use of doing Barefoot?
rilllE aubwribor haa opened a boot and hoe
-a. in una city, where making and mending
this city, where making and mending will
his cllv,
to nan
lie done lo orilrr on sirnuT aoricc. I alM k'en
eonatantly on hand ready made boota and ehne,
which I will aell on rvannneble tern Thankful
forpaat favors, I at ill eolicil a reaaonablo aliare uf
patrooaee. Call and try in anyhow
Oregon City, Aug. 9, 18jO. I7mt)
S WARh, and
Tf 7K are iuat receiving
I y ooohs. K ART HE
mnet every tiling elae a man can nieulMu. r ami'
era would do well to cull and get their barren! eup
pin about now.
ORF.UO.V iioi xi:,
Cur. 3d A: Walerita.oiinoaile Kerry landV.
'a m rivf.vjri.v :vv
The traveling publio are respectfully iuvitvd lo
-;, m R r,t
i;ON' HOUSE la Ihe nrnal phuantly
located Hotel in ihe Territory, and haa been i
altered within Ihe laat few rmmllia aa to mnko it
one of Ihe moat cointnodioiu.
The table will alwava be aunplied Willi the beet
that Ihe niaiket alforda. Good avcomuiodaliona
for ladies and famihea.
Good etubling and feed for hnreea, with proper at'
tendance. M'ltUNUEll A. Bill INK.
Juno 9S, 8oC. 6111
To rnrinere.
arrived. Call soon, if you wish to get one.
We have 3 e elil-horac thrashers and cleaners.
3 reapers and rakers.
July 5, 1856. G. ADERNETIIY & CO.
si. si. LUC4S. I. DALTON.
Lncas sit Balton,
TfcKS, &e
HAVE received end offer for aale,
4000 lbs Atlantio while lead,
350 gallons boiled linseed oil,
300 " raw "
300 ' turpentine,
300 " Tilden'a No. 1 furniture varnish,
150 ' "
200 - Japan
1000 Ibe of putty,
6 dii Adams 6-10 brashes,
6 dos sash tools assorted,
10 packs of leaf gold,
10 " ailver,
100 Iba of Small's assorted colors,
3 cross of camel and sable hair pencils,
5500 tl of Kless, 8x10, 10x13, 10x14, 10x15,
Clsied sash, auy quantity, of the following sixes
and priceei
Vxlii, i-i,"3 per window,
10x12, 4,00 "
9x13, 4,00 "
10x14, 4,50 "
10x15, 5,00 "
Messrs. L. At D. would respectfully call the at
tention of Ihe trade and the public generally to ex
amine their atock before purchasing elsewhere.
June 28, 1850. Front at., TortlanJ.
Bv Bark Ocean Bird.
T) ECE1VED June 4th Ihe following GOODS,
XV and now selling rapidly at a small advance.
1.1U kegs syrup,
50 boxes candles,
60 hf bbls N O sugar,
10 bbls crushed
13 dozbrooine,
20 ' buckets,
50 gro matches,
IA bbls cider vinegar,
15 cases tobacco,
35 " shoes, assorted,
25 grain cradles,
1 thresher and separator,
1 reaper aud rakor,
12 straw cutters.
Harness anl Saddlery.
Til E undersigned having opeued anew
f- in UUTTEV1LLE, Mnriou county, O.
Tr T.. in the Post Office building, are ready
to manufacture and furnish at short notice, aud in
the beat and most aulietantial style of the craft.
all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY
WORK, Trunk and Carriage Trimming, e.
June 21, 18.16.-y HOOP & CUOK.
Those who Sill the Cheapest Sell
the Most.
"1HARMAN & WARNER, Oregon Cilu,
KJ have Iho best selection of GROCERIES,
Boots and Shoe; also Oils, Paints, GIuks, to mil
wholesale and rrtuil. cheap for cash or produce.
Our atock in part conaista of
60110 Ihscolfce,
2000 lbs No 1 China sugar,
2000 " No 1 Batavia "
1000 Sandwich Island sugar,
1500 " crushed sugar,
2500 " assorted candy,
50 kegs E. Boston syrup,
50 kegs nails,
10 cases pickles,
" " pie fruits,
12 dox assorted can fruits)
6 " tomato catsup,
5 pepper sauCe,
4000 Ibe salt, different kinds.
8 doz brooms.
Large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, lie.,
10,000 cigars, by the thousand, 40 boxes tobacco,
China rico, Carolina do., 300 Hia tea, 2U00 Iba
dried apples, spice of all kinds, &.c, &e. je7
Tor Bale.
I WILL SELL my situation 011 the
bluff at Oragon City at a very low rule.
I have a good dwelling house, stable, and out
buildings, with about 100 choice fruit trees of Ihe
best varieties, in an enclosure of eight lots, all of
which will be sold low, aa I have purchased prop
erty in another part of tho city.
Alay 24, lo.iu-mf W . W. rHJUn..
Main Street Bouse.
HOUSE, and am now prepared to ac
commodate the (raveling public. Every attention
will be paid to the comfort of man aud beast
Charges reasonable.
1 shall always ne loiiuu on nana uy innsc who
choose to patronize me. J. M BAl.ON.
Oregon City, May 3, 1 tub. Jit
70 bbls and hir bbls N O sugar,
30 " " " crushed "
4000 lbs No I China "
10 hlf bbls Carolina rice,
15 " " dried apples,
15 kegs "
10 hlf bbls ' peaches,
10000 lbs Liverpool salt,
10 coses table suit,
50 bbls Santa Crux lime,
5000 Iba manilla rope, ass'd tht;
100 kegs nails, "
5000 qr flour sacks,
6 bales drillings,
2 cases ase'd pie fruits,
13 " " pickles,
20 bundles window sash,
24 puiincl doors.
a'd aiAs,
2 dox pol. grains scoops,
100 sacks Rio coflee,
10 mala black pepper,
0 bales oakum,
100 single and double blocks, ass'd sizes,
6 gross P A M yeast powders,
10 dox zino wash boards,
500 gals S. I. syrup,
4000 Iba white lead, pure,
500 " red ' "
40 gala oopal varnish,
15 dox paint brushes, ase'd sizes,
15 "3 hooped bucketa,
200 gala boiled Uneeed oil,
100 ' raw "
Together with a good assortment of HARD
of which we propose selling at prices lo suit the
times. Call and see for yourselves.
Main st, opposite the Land Office.
Oregon City, April 19, 1056.
TRE8TO.V'S Sectional and County MAP of
X OREGON and H AbHirUlU.i ILrt
RIT0RIE3 ft :e by
Wholesale Prices Current.
iisv oiiona. I nai'iia Sl mkuii'inm
Mieeting, 4.4....llal2J lOtlpr.cliver N. Y.coat,
Urillinif ml rauui't'K,
IlleacheJ drilling Ill Wheal, pr. bu $1,00
" ehlniiig. 1 laid Quia do .. ;;,
8lrliHd do I'.'l I'olaioea do 75
Ticknr UiilbOiiioiia do lt
al - i,ni fl (.),,, j t
lllu. drilling 14 Corn Meal, freah 8
I'luid liutey lfio24: rauir.
Siiliiitl 7lla!lil; diird do ISJal.t
Kentucky jeana.. ,'.'.,.a l.,i 1'euchea, dried do Ill
I weeds SiUili; 1I0 pealtil
raiSTB. ) " Chili, dried. 2UaS3
nine and white I J raoviaiona.
Illue and orange lit Pork, clear. none.
Fancy Hal ' mvaa 8'.da3U
Furniture do Usl I llama 15
do. wide. I;'. Hucon 13
M. do luiurs MuU.'i, rowuKS.
Ginghams I5u2'i.llauird, pr ca 915
Alpaca 25ulili: pr keg $10
iuble il.imask :illa7.i( shot.
doll 05aA II Small sues ftSinJ
Irish linens -lUaaji I. Duck 83u.'U
Sheep gruy punts ftCiii.1 liar 20
Satiuel do. i.'l. While lend, In oil... I:.' J
Fancy easa. do. ...Jjilii5 oiaiiAiia.
lllank case. do. $-7 .Manilla all 25
KedlWI shirts fills 1 8 " large 35
llhio do. do. $l5al8llcmp lUalS
Hickory ahirta 5a7i canhlkb.
Calico do glial? AJmantine .17a40
shot at aiioKa. i Sperm OUab'3
Men'a kip bool'JJ;i4 ciuAaa.
siiier do. do.. ..J 1 Havana ftlOaPO
fine sewed f i 'German 8 Wa25
Bovs' kip bonis $?l American A20a5U
be'vv w'x do8Ilu2' tobacco.
Mens'brK'spr. dox.. $17 rrideoftho Uuion.40a4."
" kip brg's pr clox.g sun
' oalf sewed Ho...' I Luke's 37
Women's h'vy sh's.ftlJ iiaruwars.
fine do $ I. , Shovels
, ;$8al4
. l4al6
ouucieeiKa. '.spades
ColTre 14al6'Asea
Tea 50n(i5 Millsau's....
Sugar, no. I Chi'a....ll X cm saws..
" crusheJ 16. Table cutlery.
10 perct
Nalerolm lOalti advance on X. Y.cost
Slareh 14 Pocket cutlery, 25 prci
Syrup K lloslou (I) advance.
do. 8 Islund tlll.Olher nrticlea of hard-
NOMolussea ! ware from SO Io50pr
I.iv. Kelt 3n.1l' el ailvaiice.
Table Salt .li-t.Nttils.iw'dsiics.prki ffl
Sandwich 1. ball.. 2uti ' bora'slioe...lr5a35
Pepper Hu; uiuh
Allspice 40 Lamp $l)a$3
Cinnamon UiiaHU Unseed boil t'J2
Soap IUall,Turientincprgull $'4
Portland nud Astoria.
The Splendid Steamer 12?
XVXultnomah sZa
WILL conlimie lo run regularly between Purl
land and Astoria, tin Vancouver, twioc a
wscs, leaving Portland on Mouilayaud Thursday
mornings uf each week for Astoria 1 and Astoria
for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings,
touching Vancouvis.St. IIkluns, lUiKMta.CATii
lamkt, &e., each way. For freight or passage,
apply lo K. IIUY I, Alusler,
jel G Or al Hoyl'a Wharf-boat, Portland.
Citizens' Line of Sleniucrt.
aiartsT. PORTLAND. Capt. Muaaar,
ENTERPRISE, CapL Jamikson,
Will run in ennncejinn, lha Portland leaving
PORTLAND dsilv (Sundays excepted) for Ore
gon City at 10 o'clock, A. M., -the Enterprise ma
kino srnii.weeklv triiw lo COItVALLIS, leaving
CANEMAH on Mondaye ut 6 o'clock A. ., aud
Thunduya at 2 r. H.
tT All freight (or the above line will be receipt
oil for at Hoyt's Wharf lloal, Portland.
AI,r,.Ani'r,uo. ini'inmii
Feb. 16, 1856. 44lf
Vambill Trado. l t V- r A DU A nV jSr tn .
J 'fiMti7s under the name and atyla of tho
YamhM Vamvanii. are now building a ateamer or
about 30 Inns burthen at Cuiieinah, expressly for
the Yamhill trade. She will be ready to ruu eoma
time in J uuo.
Oreson City, April 5. ' If
1 -
B. Milwain,
Manufacturer, Wholetale and Retail Dealer in
tin il corrss waiir, iiardwasb, ac,
MainSt., opposite Maia Street Hotel,
Steambout aud jobbing work attonded to with
Orders from the country promptly filled. je7
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils,
ana vye-siuns,
scpIS Muin Street, Oregon City.O.l .
wi:nti:iim iioteIm
Morrison st., between Front and First its.,
( lhargf reasonable, B. D. S M 1 TI I,
March 15, 1H.1B-43 Proprietor.
W. P. Burns,
O" Strict alteution paid to repairing, and talis
faction to patrons warranted. feb9-43
Morris Thomas,
Mi11 St., rieoi y opposite Holmes d- Co.'t.
tkrus or siiAviNii, ao,
Shaving twice a week, one shampoo, hair
trimmed once, per month, $2 00
once a wcea, oue snainpoo, uair
triininsd once, pet month,
I lair trimmed,
I lair cut and drrssnri.
Shaving, and huir dtewed,
Oregon City, April 5, 185b-51
1 2.1
PerMius dmirous of g lling good work done will
do well to give mo a call, as my whole time is de
voted to the repairing of Chronometer, Lever,
Duplex, and Horizontal watehea.
An assortment of Jewelry On ham).
Jewelry made to order, and repaired.
Prices to suit the limes. I am thankful for past
favors, and hope to give satisfaction in future.
IJ- Isolated at the old stand, oppoeilo the Tel
egmph Office, OREGON CITY, Feb. 2.
To Merchants and Shippers.
JL POItTATION CO. have adopted the follow
ing tariff of charges, which will bu adhered to till
further notice :
Transportation of merchandise or produce
from boat to boat at worke, pel ton, $1 00
Storage of same less than five days, 110 charge.
" " over 5 4 less than 15 days, 'Jo
1, ii m li A, " " 30 50
Each aldilioual half month 01 less will ba
cbaig'd.por Inn, . 25
Linn City, May 10, 1 B5u'.
Canemab, fiov. 95, 1M&&.
-N hand and tor aale, low, for cash or produea
Paints at lead,
chrome Rreen,
white lead,
pruatian blue
chrome yellow,
blue paint,
red do in oil,
tilt, do
Common and permanent green putty , gfasa,
Wedding Cakea
MADE to order, part es fumishid iib ietu
on Mtiteel notioe,