The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 16, 1856, Image 4

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Wkli Htei I'obntMtinit lu Umiucky.
&rrual to f.sAni" Mr. l-'llloior.
0 V1 ' 1.((vunM., Tl.urVliit', July 3.'
The Whi fciiue Convotiiimi nut in (hit
Yi'y to dv, tvvcittvcii couniit-i Leing rep-
rentd. Tli Lcitiiijioil Wltf pliilform
w 'loiluil ttiih tl'C miditluinil rmlutioiii
that Conprets ehiuld pis trinx"!'! Iw
, tu iirohibil the lni.yrtatli)n or foreign a'u-
tMrniiJ, DtI ll.ul tlm tiina for th
naturalization of fori-inrrt ih'inld be ex.
v tonilvd ; aim lint this Convention iWm it
'''iifij'ollile t.T ni'ih" 'ji:iii"tin nhd reroni-
irHUliJ lo iIki hi;;f the L'niun t i l.old no
ali'innl Convention, hut crn-h WMj lu
ro'.t hit the caii'li'hito whoo rniiicij'Ic f'"'
form mntt nearly to hii own. ' '
A rcolulin txprtAn tho Coiifi'lgnciof
fills Wiiii,f Keiitiuky in Millar! Fill
more, aii J uyi.ij ho vtu worthy. jfibir
npprt lit in Utt). reeled ly tl
1 tot of itf n cout.tiv njj.iii.Dt lu one in
' favor. 1 ' " , '' """''j ' '
Jailiua F. Hill nI Ju'o Kinkiiid op
tioned the reioluiion indorsing Mr. Fill
mora. ,i ,
iljournrl, 'lit.
Mia DtniHii Unelrnyeta by fire at SI.
. I.oui.
' .' Er. Lons, Wrdncsday, July 2,
Al ft o'olook tlil morninj afiiebrokr-
out on bwrd iho '.niir 5. C7V, at tlm end of li (!, and to wn column-
nicntgd lo llio Mr-nincr Paul Andrnon,
4 Grant Turk; mid J. M. Stadwell, lyinjj
'aloni-idu. The Btcaun r Suulhtrwr and
; Sarmiae were cut luo fiom their iijonr
Jng, ttj t the turnip Lj' (loaiwl ngaimt
, lucm, aiiu Miiitiu on mu. u oi
six boat wore entiic ly coiifiinml. All arc
bid otien, i.'XCt'l'lin ll.o Suuthcntr. Lost
about 91 1)0,01)0. Iimuiatico not ascertain
ed. How , llio fiio 'origliiakd it i not
known. '
'Vrt AJUrtM from lit JUnUmVtof PUll-
L'. .riiti.ADi:i.riii.t,TburiiJiiy1Jiily 3.
At ft inrolifi of iiiervliauU luld ut thu
Ewliaiige ibiv imon, a Cuniiuiticu of tivo
wiw nj'pointcd to dm It an address in rus
po'i lo the MunchMtor Ttnc Addrcn.
Utu. lvrtUor T. Hnlth. ' '
I Ctn. !'iifor F. Smith haj nnived at
Wwdiintfton, Imvhijt been cut for by the
Prcaidciit. OrJeu li.ivo bcii isucil, uml
ha will jirotTi'J 08 tnrly nt posniblo to
Kinum to tu!(u clui'gu of Ihu Uiiiti-d Statu
foruet there. Iliii urder nrit iiiipcrntivv ;
in fnet, ho it c'otliud niih full ower n
down u!l innttrrrcii'tti, cuiiu from wlmt
quarter il nmy. 'J'iiiii policy Iiuh tt-dii
docmod At'vitabli! i" order to t!'o the Kan
tiw imbroglio out of iho hiilU of Congivss
and give praco nnd 'juipt to tha country,
JT. Y. TriluM,:jvaeM. ' ,l .
i. Ilrllco. ..
Tb difljonltiei between Sp.nln and Mrs
ico remain . untettleJ. . Mexico, being on
the di'ltn'4vi d"e not acem disposed tn
yield, while her ancient untnyruilst mcnacos
hur hy diplnyinj a powerful Meet bufore
Vorn Cruz, iitnl her nubjrijia In IlavntiB
boitHt that kho will choree Mexico to n set
tlement. Tho Spanitib force apuken ol
contiit of cluven vhii cf the line, three
fiigntc, four stcHiiiiin, and two corvettes
Mi-xlcnj II (m, ha f.iiled to fulfill cer
tain tretity etipulntions, nhith tho dignity
and dutyfvSpaln rivjujre he hould do;
hiuice the trouble". , Nt'goijiUjutii have been
suspended, Me.vico nluhing lo recognize
.(ho .Miuiktcr fronl Siuin liiitll the lutter re
(Kdolfrom her threutt nitifr altitude'.: This
bhe no(jh'et lo do, being at the tamo 'imo
euu'iout nut lo piocvd to open liojlililiia.
Thu correspondent of the Alia Oiilifur
,nia, writing fioin the city of Mexico July
Hlh si") tho difle'ences huvc been umieobly
arranged though not settled. Tho Spauih
fieri litis w ith luvwii fioni Wia Cruz, and
the ulluc-hniciiU ou punish properly have
t-een i!;solval.
' V The Leiuen worth JjttriU't of
125ih, 6H'i that infji ma ion h, been ro
cuived of more Indian depivduti'Mis i n the
l'lulm, and of u di 'termination of llio Che
yenun to Kill ail the whiten whom they may
mod niih. Cipt. Siuin, of the Soeund
drii;wonrt, vu w.i'ting the ni rival of two
compauiej, on)-, it J '.o liU amtislaucu, before
tkii'g tho li.-'ul ftcalii.t I.j IndiiitM.'' ' 1
,, 04T Owr l.ovejoy, of lluir'uu County,
htu bei i) noniinnted by the K' ublic.irn t )
vrpreut llieTh'cd Uintrivt of Illinois in
C'oogre!.5. ' '
Otto'.rTii ok r. Loun. It it tinted- in
ouo of Iho Si, Louw papnii coiitiueU
hate ulreaily brrn made lor thu eneiion of
three thous.uiJ houe in that city "during
the rrrnt enan, and tliut the improve
UJvtit in ihii lino arc only checked ly t lie
inability to procure ltm'rruiU for un addi
tional uuniber cf bu.IJingH. Onn block
alouo i estimated t co-l 6130 OKJ. Nev
er hai tho -a)on I tu known more heal
thy, or bu-ineKS more active, than now.
f&" (J.iito an animated u.i.uv!in l.n
jeen jr iiug on for some time pat, on t
mlject of S:.iei v, b.Htteen Hie Ivto Imd
lug j.un;ii of Ctitilitn, S. C , ll.o iLt
ciny Kii'l the Si -ii.'aid, ine l.-tu-r taking
thv "iiliiii ' Slatery it not tieii;iih
ent;i bv rxirnj.iig it.- area," and that evi-trni-iilly
lu liuu policy n ij rvsiiiel liie
Jn-uiutioii wiihin i pu. nt liiiiiin. Tin
Meicuiy token t!l j ul!i. tiiMUt of this qu-t
QJ The Cu''gr'ioiial Li.'ht I!.m bill
uppronii.-iten 0,tK)0 for a t.'ght !J usel
liT 'Tla- .iinir ol il.u HiidJ," an
Cohon, "are ke; t tre'-her by bills
,. , . . -)! r
Wr. DaUa not to be DUmlascl
, . r . .
'I'll ttn (mm Curup cowt iou lu Iho lilnl
ol J une. , " ,
Air. CuiMrroN, Li DriiUli AliuUtar lu tl
Unlii-i lntof Anuricn, rriJ In LumJoii im
lh Wlh ef ."lie tud lmi in inlrriw Willi Hi
fcml of i.aiikmiok. Mr. Vmuno ttUopaid
v t li Va-oiil r'nuiKinT.ii. " -
It wou (J mill llut ll.t rtlpt of Secretary
Marcjr'a Ut drieh'. ).u cxrrcixd do till
niltueiice on the Brmiti public, and tin givi-o
an nnliroly dillrn ut 'u U ibo qunliou iu d:
pl. - . ' ' '
Thu 'Time l.t je:ncd iu llie grnwtl belia
:tut Mr t'raniptun wit i ilnitty not Ilia mtn lo
idil ii Mn.i;tr lo llio L'hiud ISiaUa. lidm
nal doutjl in Ui lrl Mr. Oin'0u'a filihliil de
vul-iit lo hi cwn (nrinimiii nnd good mien
I inn lumnfa III (j -Tniiiiiitut tu whieli li wui
cut i bul Ihci ucli thing t enitlena and
in liMiptinrd fidiliiy ali'i-li lold iu nuuter, Oh,
mi. I ni. 1 kiiuw wlml you wunl. and 1 11 do il,
mid I wun l bu piiiliculur ,lhr." 'ih Timet
its tiiinki iliat Mr. Crmnituii sppearoil lo h ive
wauled in III kind of irnuni wilh
Hlioinlia cviiiii-cU-d linii'fll in lii varioua tran.
ctlunt, and lh aij-ie of pniceeilinj lie adopt
ed, and to li.ira managed bia alluire on a fieu-and-sartr
piiiic.Ji.'i, never iiileiiding, ixrliape, raid
ly loulLi.d Ilia Li. mil felaiea guvein.iiti.l -r lu
vuii.le Hi l.uiicd bialt-i la.t, but aiiup.) "il did nut aignily;' Uml il tvaai.f no u
iiickii.g at a Intle, and dial ll.o tuned buna
Uoveiuiucnt wuuld ncvur m-ko a fu abuut audi
a little niailer. , .
The Uail) Ko'.ve, in n leading article, admin nil dungeruf a rujilure Willi in L n.u-d huiet,
ariui(uut ui lli Liilmmi'iil que.l.uii, ia ul un vinl,
bul i-uiK.deia I tint every cure and preciulion nhuuid
be luken In elltrcl a Mllkniiiil ul llio Ceulml Auwr
nun d lliculiy. Ji tt annual inipoilant uud ueoi
ary llulevt-ry luuau. ehuuhl bu udi.p ed lo ti-vi-lil
uny culliaiuii on ilia pun of an Jtnjfliati or Arueri
tun commander, uu aueli au net may briiiK ou a
cuI.i.iku winch would piodui Hi inont ten ible re
kulu. Il a dt-bii ad that ulFa.i in Central A rner-i..-a
thonld be plucid upon audi a Tooling that both
L!ni;laiid und the Linlid tilalea could dinte
wall W)iiuiliuii ol obarivaUiu in It walen. 1 hr
ivnu r ejni-iea li.a prefen-uc for . a negotiutioii
oilier I li it ii uibnral.oii. upon the bcliel tliut mil
pi-mltiit iiationa wero railn-r riliietwnt lo aubniil lo
aibanddeviaiviw wlivii jiiiljjiiieul waa given ugatuat
Illtlli. and hoped Unit .Hi. 1'ullaa uml Lord Liar
t-iidoii would meet each i.lln-r lo the aame apuit
lhalacluuled Lord AnliLurloi) uul Mr. Webater
wlirn ihey met to aellle tl.o .Nurllitveat Buuudury
'1 he Morninir Herald, the ore an of the Cmiterv
atiit iulereal in KngUml, niakca ohji-clion to llie
conduct of lh liriiiah government, and coimidrra Mr. Craniplou uud llie three C onaula are dn-
nnsatd fi um oll'ie or Bipoiided in their function
bid use they obeyed iuainii-UouK, While tlioae who
iaauid ll.ein are lu be i-Aoiieraled, if, iu addition tn
a hiiuibio up..luy, tiny Kill conx-iu lu deliver over
llieir "luo-l.iithlul rnip:i.yeea. Ilia auino jour
uul ix!Mcai'aila irriiit for peuee, but eouaid-
era iliul a tubimuiou lo injuriou Ueuiauda on lh
part of audi a power aa America ia not the way to
i cure it.
llie report that a fleet of ih pa of war were pro
pping fur Ilia Norlli American bialiou lo be ready
in c je ul wur ino.itiailicud. 1 hey am only in-
leaded lu llio-e which are oiduod home fur
sir William F. Will.ami. of Kara, arrived at
Dover fmin i-'raiict-, oil llie J dill, ilo waain.ial
eulliuaiiiaiici.hv reieived. 'llie aiallanl Urneral,
in a ip'ech ul aome lnijjlh, f. euiirf'y reviewed
ll.e int. d. un cuiiueelcd wnh hi ci.uipmgu iu mo
'I line It a further talk of a determination on
the D il i ul Kiieaiu and I'ruuu lu bring nb..iil the
union of ll.e Llunubiau I'miuipaliliea under Ilia
aonri ignly of a tureign I'nner.- 1'iuaa.a aupporu
lliu LuHu of Augualviiburg fur her i-andiJate,
lnLl biigiand lavora on ul III Fnucta uf.Nai-
,.u. A ualti J ana i umey iuo atone oppoaea iu
Una uuiuli. ! '
Adi creupublialicilat St. Pctorabiirgjund tvceiT-
cd in Eugluud by uOinuMia telegraph, auuouuuea
Ihai la wdir lo atour in pr-ipcr unvmupuiwiji n
i.. i.e.. .,, fvvv c-..iiiaieinlv with a iMcilic ad-
miiiinlratiou, lh buildinj) and armou; el llie Hreia
aud of the ciuil detenura are helicaloith piv"d
undir llie command of the (Juvi-rnor-Uenerul ol
teal $.br.a. .-' " ti " -i-"I
'1 he auffeiera by th recent inun laliona in France
have icitivcJ thu ayiupaihy of Her .Mujiaiy, the
Qurou ef lingluuil. who ha) giteu lo Ilia fund 10.
their uTnf fl.UliO. l'liuca Albert liua loiwarJud
a dunutiun ol XiUO.
Sir Cilminid l.yont it to be rai.-ed to the
Poerugo fur aervieia reudertd ill Iho liliick 8eu,
being ll.o only l eer nittulaciurtu uom .waf mm
Kn.a a. '
The Queen lir-d a grand ball on the evening ol
the 17th. Tun li.uuAii.U niviluiioiii nau ueou
Ijivcu out. Mr. llallue win piesent.
Kkcteli of WaablDgloD.
Tho following poraunal doecriplion ef IVaiii
iNurux, cep ed from lh Lmidoii diiuiiUit, July
22, lTtO.givra iu (nine leipecta, u tetter Uution ul
h a pi-raonul iippiuruneo lliau unylliing we have
teen elaewhere : ,
"(.lenerul Wiiuixo ton ia now- in the -19th year
ef tiii fei ho ia u lull, well made man, miher
l,ir;c b uird, and haa a tolerably genteel aildreea
h! feature ire manlv mid bold, hia i-yeaof a blaiah
caat, any Very lively i liii ba r a deep brown, h:
lace rulher long, aud niaik-a with tliiomall pox ;
hie coiiiplcx.uii aiuibunit and without Imii li culur:
ai.d tuuliluitauoe aeanil'le, comu!ed and ihuueBt-
luL. '1'liena a leumrluible air f dignity about
Liin, with a siriUing ilegu ef gri-inliiea j he
lia an exc-iieiii uiiJiia.audiii)', iviihout much
iiu.ek.itaa.j-.ia ttr'.etly juat, viluul and (filler
oiu : nil iill. JHi.ualc hualialid, u fathl'ul Irii'lid,
a father lu the deaervinir roldier ; geullii iu hia
iiininii ia, hi temper Miln-r ri-aervo.1 j a tulal
uniig. r lo ri-l giuiia prejudice, whi.-h hava no
ofli u r.(. iled i-lulttiMi ef one d--unui:utioii In
out the ihruaiaef lhi uf aiuiher; ih hia n or
ala he ia im -pi onehahle, nnd tvaa ni-vnr kuuuii
lu e.vree.1 lh boun-le of Ilia mo t n..ul leiiipei'.
on e; in a k-mtl, all hia lli. 11. la ami aiquiimiuu
rn imiveinally alinw Ihul no mini ever nulled
n ha own peiein a iliare pnriam all anc of tin-tuliii-a
ef a h loH.'plier, well tlm lalen of a
i;ii,'.I cuiiilor, aiue. My, nfl'at.i'ity and aim
pliviiy, eeein lo be tho alrlliiii4 fia:ures of hia
cliainclo, ti!l an a o:!Vra of diplay fu
til,'- imt biavoif t.v.S iujejici di lico of
rtiSrlt." "
- tir Th m
t'oiiern, eni.ta lit
i-f FlfriJa, the nnt beau'lful of
fiaeraiice ; the bird of Para-
d e. the inoet heautilul of l.lrda, gives no ai.n;
ll.e c'vnres uf OTn-ec, ll.o Ducal of trie, yielda
no itu'il; Jiiadie, Hie fhiniest of men, have no
rcn.-e ; ana vaa romu oein-, in nnourai ui cic
ate.l rii-aiuirs, arc ever ofleu dif.u auJ a very
lialc more s.. '
rjpOie Joe Barllelt Itunrally aays: 'To ce
sn cd man, with en loot iu llie grave and the
oih r q iivei ng up.n the brink, laughing at nioiala
ami d oiling rvligiou. ia lb nnl Uetertabla pie
lureuf iiuiiiaii J p.aviiv tvh ch heart cau conceive,
el the i.r.ii paint.
; J 1 1 it nt 'e I .im," said a bully'ng
er in a umiw meet orihe unlemned, ,ll aim re
nt, iittis-r thai iin a tiaetiun uf lh a magn'tict-nt re
p lb ic." - Von are,"uid a hyaiaailer, "and
a vuLar oi.e at
II i a lingular fact that women e nnel
l.-ik fi.xtt a p tA-ltiie ef any magnitude without
h connrj d jy Hut aim m slili more ti;ulai,
the iliiiiiea di parra llie very n e nenl sonirl.ody
p.ra I. a a. ma air.nmd her waial lo 'keep her liuiii
laii.ii.'' Q.ieer, in'l ill
t T" I"' 'be "'' bav his g Jd. and ih man
of I, ..nor hia rini.trina ef renew n, Lui let my portion
he ilie b.Miii t.f fin ivlth p tMH-iiia-t wiilnn urie faitli
f.,1, ia wh rli p.a.-e, contentiiienl, and every
v.rlu r u,i.s ti pren.e.
XP -V will !y on'nr oiicn g."t up and
vim : "-lr, niter uiucii ri :.,eii..n, coiim.i.
pratioii. an I rtniniuaiioii, I hati ealmlv,
an I -I, liberal. -ly, an l ear. fullv to ihe
-Irlermiiieii cnriru.tiun that in citfet wherr
'he h x'a'ioii ii tcry lar,-, there are a
jr.a er imim Ut of in. II, w.imen, an i
drrn, than in cities lirre the ropulationis
reh m "
OCT Lord Iiatoii iay : "(Jeriainly it it
a IIeavi upon nrth lo have riian'a tnind
move in cbaiiiy, rt in I'rotideiiceBiid
turn upon tha p lr of trtb.'l( ; ! (
(flT Ti nth bv tvhorrmniiff.r poken comet
fr.n God, 'Jl ,l, short, a Div ine fiK-ucc.
- 1 :'..." .1 I
J ; V7n. O.'Ccmdnt & Co., " ' ;
At 'their bid tlund, Offvtii th Lapi Ofic,
UK not M-oeiving p" "Ork" and brig
J. "Halcyon," lb following goodai,...., .."
I.'iO boxea apenu aud adamaiUin candlaa,
i , - M ki drmd n p e and p acb,
- 100 bliUand hlf bbit eruhd ugar,
( 60 caaea p"ckle, i.-
3 - ili paash! - - . " '
...-i-.-.Jll ! pi fruil, ' i : a i. . '
'l torn (i. A. olt, i ; .-:...,
600 dm enpt and aaucor, ' ' ' I i
300 - plalea,
' 200 ' lumblera, 1 ' " 1
i- - 'it) . water pitcher, '
- fiiiptr a.'Wla. Ixa puta, Slc, die.
U)( k'jri pure lead,
n0 gala lined oil, - '
100 gal turpentine,
60 gala varnlali, ' v -
300 gall lamp oil,
loll inlalard "'
tillUU ydi brown !ieeting,
' 50HO " print. .. .
Jiliarhrd cltoua, bed ticking, ic., are.!
all of which w II l old low aa they can b pur.
chaafd of nv ether honae in Oregon City. niayl7
milE anW-rlber liu jul reeeiv.Tv;r;ajy1(
J. ed alaigi-anpplyuf FUIiNI- fygrnVSi
'1 L'KK uf ah dcacripiioun, coiiaiat-yvir -iaj
ins in part at follow
Sofa, mahogany and black walnut; -. , ,;
Chamber acta;
liiireuua, with or without marble topij ,
Office denka;
Hocking chalra, ntuffl-d iu hair, carpet, and with
cane and wood aeata; ' .
Dining chair, ean aud woaj aeata; .
Office chain, do do do , ,
Children' do, high dining and rocking; . "
l)cdliad, variuua kindaj
Tablca, cenier, card, and diuiog;
Writing detlu;
Parlor chairj
Iff ailing, toilet, and work table; ,
Louking-glaHea; . ;
Maltrei-..-, hair, mosa, aud wool
Window shades; ..
Paper haii.'in!,'. of every style ;
Oilcloth; I'liin. ae matting; fluid lamp, and burn
ing fluid ; with a variety of other, article too
numi-ioiM lo mention.
reiaons warning to porchase will plea call and
examine fur theniaelvea.
All kin Ja of country produce taken in exchange
for good. T1103. JOHNSON.
March 23, 1858. 49lf
ZiCg-s, Logs. .
CASH will be paid on delivery fur fir and cedar
LOGS at work of Oregon Milling it Train
portal ion Co. It. PUNTLAND, Aj't.
Linn CUy, May 10, 16j6.
Sacks! Sacks! '
rn.'IE undersigned haa coniiuuily in hand al hi
JL aick manufactory in Oregon City, SACKS of
all qiiiilitiea and an. , which will be sold allow aa
thrt can be bmij:lit in the Territory. Older from
a diat.uice p.omptly attend, d tn.
Wm. whitlock.
Oregon City, May 3, 18i6.-8y.
lumber, Lumber.
THE Oregon Milling and Tmusportat'on Co.
have established a LUMBER YARD oil the
riv.-r lank In rear of the store of Allan, McK.uluy
Lumber In large or amall quantities, including
di'Cfaed siding anc flooring, can altvny be had by
aniilicatiuii at ibo store of . , .
"... .... p s HOLLAND.
Oregon City, May 10, 1856.
' Frivate Eoardinf Souse,
Oppuaile llulmea ui. Co. 1- lie-proof build
ing;, UtiLVUM Mi. If, U. T.
iTT Charges reasonable. ' Nov. 3-6m.
,i Splendid Jewolry.
U. COLLIER ROBB1.V.S ha now on hand
a..- . - IL'IULM UI
. ;.. mo iiiivm a.rlllil:lll ui L. lijiiv I dvci
biuuulu tu Oraguu.- The aasorlnicnt cotiaista in
part of the fujofing artlclosi '
Diamoad broach, . , , , , ,
Diamond rings, . ,
Gold railway liiuo-keopers, .
Ladiea' watches, in enameled case,
Ladii-3 chatelaneni, .'
Mueaie ear-ring", .
Gu'd lliiiublea, oid and silver pens, - -Catd
cases, mantel ornaments,
Card baalteu, pearl casket, 4 , ."
Gul.l guard, vest, and tub chains, .
Sleeve biiliuna, shir; studs,
Lad ea bruochos,
and a variety of ulher goods too numerous to men
tiou. . -
Call 1111J see tho most magnificent display cf
Jewelry ever seen iu Oregon. . T
March S3. Front street, Portland.
Clinnnan & Waraor.
ATR. EDITOR You will pieaaa toll all our
j.tL le.iinv-ciiiiens of Oregnu that wo are atilj
ilmi'g buvin-wi uu.ler the old linn, and uirder the
o d a. .age Hiat a nimble sixpence ia better than a
alew ali.liing. V tt aut lu sell guoila, and will do
an viiei'pas any ulher house in City..
e have eulurcd our biibiueaa materially, nnd
no.e have 011 liaii.l, aa uailil. ull kinds uf GRO
CERIES, audi 111 will sail oily aud counlry trade,
which ue li.'fe all who have favorc I us w.lh iliair
liberal pauouagc know full well. Ca'lufa'u we
will doom- b si. CIIARMAN it. WARNER.
Apr.l 19, 185G.
Taitn for Salo.
A FARM of G40 acre e-flamliu Yam
hill eminw, six miles west of Lafntette, i
tidn d fur sale. There are HO acre in
culuvailoii, and l.'.l) acres in pasture an orchard
of ! 0 bearing apple tree. The place ia well wa
tered an t tiiuLered, and has Iwu wells of excellent
water, g.KKt building and OJl-hoiiae. The laud
is a gne-t as there ia in Oregon i.r lh world, and
its location make it aa good a stoek farm aa there
is in the Terriiorv. Farming nteaails and Block
wiil be aold with Ihe place, if d a'r.l. The claim
is well stocked with cairle, hnraea, and hoes, and
ran be had on reasonable terme.
UT" Inquire at Tu Aaoir Otfice, Oregon City.
tVuli'r lover lor nl.
THE undrrsifrned would like to sell one half of
his milS and w ater pjwer on the Tualatin riv
er, bont three m le from Liuu City, known a
Moore's Mills. It is urobaMv the best water priv-
ilejre, with the exception of the great Falls of the
tl illanwlle, that there is in Oregon. I would like
Ui ee-ll one-lull or one-fourth of my claim together
wilh lh mills and water power. My object is to
gel a partner, tu enable, ma to properly improve th
water power. J A.tliLS .11. MOORE.
reb.!), 1W6. 43lf
"T E hiv a full aaaorlment of BOOTS
V Sll'JES. al-o La.lies' (Jailer. and Buskins,
in f. ct all kiud o' l.tdi.a' ahnea
In onr linker?
'E keep a fail -ortn',ent of BREAD, PIES,
CAKES, and CANDY, at wh..lal aud
re'ail. apia CIIARMAN WARNER.
DK. H'1'-liaChol.?r1iie,aBdDr.Jonea'
Ameri-an Cholapfiif, ait th
McL N E'S c le Vated Vermifur and
Pi K (.iHtUtt.N CITY Did G STt
OREGON HAVr.dI!il'l,DERfj rnU
e .19 r4rvrvH-(fVr
,. i vt i.'XCTew Soohs I
rpilE ubacriber liu juM ecived t large a.
X ortinenluf HOOKS, d rct from Jiew Vork.
tmoiig which ar lh fallowing i
Aliaou' II it. of L'urnpe
A me r can lutillutiorii,
Nilliinan do..J -Peuweracy
In Am.rica,
"Laud and Lte,"
"'Reaanil Sailor,"
Three Yenra In C'alifor..
Cye. of Uleratur.
Iluchau'a t ain, i'liy'.,
Manual of Fine Am,
I.ectnr.ion lh Aru,
Travel in Peru,
Pular Ke;ioia,
Mahan'a Philo.phyk ,
Vld enp ea of C"auu
Li uf lb eiew-r,
Uabylou aud Nineveh, I
"Deck aud 1'i-rt," .
"Shin and Hhore,"
Usui Cyclopedia,' '
b'f rpl and the Holy Land
Ltnl nei ou M'iii Login,
Anc'l .M.Miaaliri.a,
Choic lliucriiphy,,'
I'eruvian Antiqulllr,
Cbca Ealrtcla, '
A t onely of foal. ,- '
ra' fpeller, . , ,-
. . j ." i -
McOumV)' do. ' ' "'
Wtbaier'a Diiliuimriei. .,
Davit' Algebra,
" Bourdon, ...
" 6urvoyiugi
M Legeudie,
" Arithmetca,
Thonipwa' do. '
Newman Ithrtorle,
Kay' ' da.
I'arley'a Umv. Uitlary,
Goodrich' ficl. V. B.,
Monleilh' Geography,
Mltle Speaker,"
.V. American .Speaker.
A Fresh Supply of Stationery.
Duy lluuka, duuiuaia, iedgara, Kel oid Uooka,
Memorandum, of all aizea, Diar el, 4c, Niilt and
Letter Paper. Knrelope, I'em, See., 4oFraa r
Kinvea, Er.taive Rubber, Gumoie d Label, Faber'a
Pencili, LNh, In quart and pint bottlea.
Oregon City, Auguit 18, lbS5.
New Jeweller.
HAVING employed one of lh beat Working
Jeweller nn the Pacifio coast, l m now
fully prepared to manufacture every dcacriptioo of
Mason'e Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Pins, Rings,
Sc., made to order.
Engraving neatly done. '
Call and see specimens of work.
N. B. I devote my eulir attention lo repairiug
t in tt atche. L. LOLLita Kousi.te.
Portland, Dec. 29, 855-37tf ,
TAYNE'3 Alterative, Expectorant, and Pill.
Cod Liver Oil, Ca!or O I, an4 Sweet Oil, at
"VtEXlOAN Mustang Liniment, G.
W. Mei-
chanl'a GarrliiiB Oil, at the
mUUSSES, right and left and double, and Ab-
X donuiial aupportera, at trie
PURE While Lead, raw and burned Umber,
Crome, Green and Yellow, and other paints,
Graefenberg Sarneparilla, Uterine Calhollcun
" ' Dysentery yrup,' consumptive
oaiin, .
P ie Ointment,
Health Hitler,
" Eye Lotion, &c, lie,, .
To be found at the agency of the Company, at
HAYMAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to
cure the drapepsia iust received nnd for
VR. Onvaott's compound extract of Sarssparilla
J and Yellow Puck, al the
LU Dr. Jacob Tuwnaend' riarsaparilla, at
DT!. J. Ayrce celebrated Cherry Pectoral for
congh, eoldSjOiid consumption, at the '"
DR. Tuwnnd', at the
SHAKER BarraparlUa, at the ' .
SANDS' Sarsapari;.1:, 'u anyqnanlitv.atthe
MOFFAT8 Life Bltlm anrt Pills, Bernard'
Dyscnli-ry Syrup, Wistar'a Balsam of W.ld
Chorry, atlh ". - 1 1
JUST RECEIVED at the CHegon City Drug
i 3eori-a direct from Me York an I San Ki-au-niecii,
a fresh aupply of DRUGS, MEDICINES,
Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, iVc, etc.,
which, will be mid aa but fur cash at they can be
fTOcurtd in the Territory:' Call and examine for
yourselves, and get au Aluianao for 1H50, gratis.
33ERUVIAN Febrifuge, for llio ear of fever
. i and ngu. &c , oic , just teerived and fur sale
I.n:i! for Sali'." "
I OFFER to sell 160 acres of cluiico land for
two dollars and a quarter an acre, cai-li. Tha
land is a portion of my claim, s x miles west of Lg
fayette, in the county of Yamhill. Title good.
Call and see for youraelte. .' "'Tibiiu trouble to
enow" the laud. S. C ADAMS.
. Glen Avocii, Deo. 2.'ilh, 1855-37tf ii -: i -
Sebuslopol lm Fallen .
4 ND CIIARMAN & ' WARNER wish to
2. inform the citiwns of Oregoti City and tho
public in general that they have just received a
good assortment uf GROCERIES suitable for
this seatun of thu year. .Also, we have received a
supply of fancy groceries, audi as Farina, Sugar
Tapioca, Arrow Root, und a variety of other such
articles too numerous to niciiliou.
We have a good aetortiiK-nt of FANCY
GOODS for the hoiidat. audi as raisins, dates.
figs, bottled pi fruits, raapberry preserve, and a
variety uf other articles in thia line, auih a will
suit the greatest epicure of Ihe land. We have al
so oa hand a good aseottnicnt of candies, and are
receiiiug a supply nearly evoiy steamer. So please
give ma call; wc will tell a cheap as any hooau
iu Oregon. Our moita i that a quick penuy is
better than a alow shilling. .......
W are now commencing to prepare iu the Ba
kery fur Cluiai'iias, aud shall have a good, assort
ment of cake. W shall alto keep en hand a su
perior quality of butter orackera, Button crackers,
and alo th sweet Voik cracker. Please vive or
der for the above iu good time. Our uijca -J.-JJ
be reason;;!;!, anu tn goods made of the best ma
terials in Oregon. . ! . . . ov5-i -
Who Wants a Good Saddle ? y
THE aubscrihrr, living five mile south-west of
Lafayette, in Yamhill county, ia now carrying
on the btntnees of Saddle Making in good earnest.
He keeps constant)- on hand the besi saddle that
can b manufactured with the materia! at com
mand in Oregon. Those wishing a genuine saddle
warranted to fit on both .dc. and rigged out In
complete style, cheap for caih, or good trade would
do well to j-. e me a call. My .hop i situated on
Baker Creek near where th road crosses it trad
ing from Portland and Oregon City, "up country"
by the way of Smith's bridge oo lb North Fork of
IT I keep every thing in the saddlery line, a
Bridle, Martingales, Halters , Line. Jrc . 4c.
Sept 20-3311. J. O. UKNDERSON.
TtinluiiM Aradt'Miy, t
Forest Grove, Washington Coftnty, O, T,
Firat Wedneaxiay in December ;
Last do in Februarv j
Third do ia May ; '
Firat do in September.
Trmoai re ai-aaria:
Primary Engliah me nn
Hv-h.r do 1
Ancient Ijnguapie, j ?.00
French 4 drwihf, eack, extra, tjjr)
Incidental charge, 2 j eta.
For information retpe,ning the S. Tioof a,?dna
Nev.gj, l?55.-r-fmo r)
CIGARS Th be,! rhince lo nick Is at tha
vre c' rHJ HMi .r. V e.VK
Allan, Pacionlay x vo.,
nAVE I Hat received ,
AkrocK or new goods: aU.-lhow wbe wWt to proeur
GOOD arlieVs at ren .bl. price, lo call and
ee them. They coa.Ut III parlof Ih. following t
rrindMon ' ' ' ' eanal wheat wrrowi
gram cradle. , i fauay
Briwcyihi4!.natln pliu do .
bruah de ' t ' aaaori d o4ired pall
10 K) harrow 23 leb , paiu'ruuiua
jiiio wa.h boarda
blaekainiih' bellow
eruaa em wa J It -
do 6 ft '
niin ejvlT ft ' '
hair luallraiMi doiibl
da e'ngl
hair belaiar double
do iugl
garden rakaa
ia liov 1
de apadua , ,
pol ahed ahovele
hay fork ' ' 1
luuuir folk,
wimlew git. 8 bv 10
do , ,10 by 13
ijierro eand.ea
wliidfiwaaihea 8 bv 10 ' ailumantin do
do 10 by Ji g,nP brtod tob.eeo
i. ..J ..Im . lueka tuliaCCO
. ShrttiiiC Tifhr, d?C (tc,
Arid keep eotwlanliy an h.nd a large luppty of
clothing, hardware, aud many arllelaa lno nuiuer.
eua to meniioa. .....
, Oregon City. Apill SI. tb.'.u-ly
rt BllL3.tlauuCruiLiinjutreidand
t)J foraleby .
Oregon Bacon.
LHrt.. tnr aaie by
W. C. DEMENT V co.
" Iigjptlnn Wheal.
A FEW bushalafor al by
nnvlO Wit. C. DE.VEXT j- CO.
, A Kure Chance
For time tngaped, or wishing to engage in
the Llourtng ISimnest.
WE have on hand ami for le, the following
machinery fur gust mill, which will b told
low for cash, or on a short time I
9 nnrt.ihlA milla.cnmnletfl 1
1 run of four feet four inch French Burrs, with
spur wheel, 1 14 cog, weighiug InSi lbs. j wilh
sp.nJIe, piuiou, bruah uudoil-pol and eollur.
1 run, same :.-, wiinoui pinion
tlm aama aa above. '
Other iron
Together with a general aworlmont ef lands,
boiling cloths, pulley, gudgeoiui, wheel, Coupling",
hangings for boiling cheats, &c, &C.
In other word, every requisite necessary to the
completion of a grift mill by -.
Wis. C. DEMENT tV co.
1 " Opposite the Land Office,
Oaioux' City, Nov 28, 1865.
"Sumu Abieail" and bark "Clias. Deveu,'
from San Fraucisco. the followins roods :
CROCERIES.50 kgs E. B. syrup, 548 gala,
SU bbls New Orleans .do.
JOUO lbs No. I Chiua sugar,
5000 lb table tall,
. 200 box Engliah and American oap,
SO cae pie fruit, asa'd,
i! gross P. i: B. ycaal powders,
5000 lb tobacco, an d brand,
100 lull' boxes raiaiua, .
20 bbls nnd half bb'.s crushed itigar, " '
3000 His saleratus.
CROCKERY A Central Atiartment.
DRY-VOOUS.MUO yd browu sheeting, ,
1IIU0 yd satinets, , . .
2000 " print,
10 piece alpnea, ' . .
. 50 pair English blanket, . , .
2U0 yds cai peting,
200 " 'oilololhj 1 Mil I -' '" ' -e'j
Together wilh a general uraortmeut uf ready made
clothing, boots, alioea, hata, cniat, and carpeulera'
tools. : . WM. Cj DEM EN T CO.,
Nov. 10. , -.1 Opjiuaite l ie .and Office. . ;
11, so afijrriva - - 1
WITHIN a few day, direct from New York,
ex clipper ship "Gulden Eagle,"
400 gal, linseed o l,
' 150 ga's. la. turpentine, .'
200 boxes window glass, (ana'd sizes,) ,.
"' 200 kegs white lead, pure, ' ' ' '" '
r 25 gals, varuisb,. ,-. , ,1
2011 lbs beestvux, ;
" 200 lb rosin, by WW. C. DEMENT it cu.,' '
oct 12. n oppoailu the Land Ollioc. 1 OREGON fuiOTHY
1 ' baa. foraaleby
1 .niil:t Vrwz l.lisiu. ' " " '
liBLS. fur sale tiy . j -i- . .
uovlO ". 1V.V. C. DEMENT & CO.
TN our bakery : we keep uunrlantly.o
JL bread, crackers, eakce, piea, etc
CANDIES, nuls, raisins, of an excellent quality
just received and fi.r u!e loV bv ' '
, - ' 'e Oranges ''
EllCEIVCD up.. ti the arrival of evory steam
er. Don't fail to call on
IV EKY THiNU in the line of Groceries,
J as cheese, nil kit, da of spice, sal soda, cabnn
alt soda, salenitu.i, cream inrtur, ore.. are enhl at
mOYS, ef df.'erent kiuri. for sale by '
Just Received.
Splendid assoitment of Family Groceries,
such aatua, syrup, sugar, ic. t also fine
aud coarse hall, cream turlar, apples, chili peaches,
aaruuies, nysicrs, uiams, yeasi powuer, also a large
quantity of superior cheroot cigar, and tobacco uf
every bran.luad almost every thing else in our
line uf buaiuo.-a ail. of which will be sold .a low
aa at any Ulicr piuce in town, for cash or pro
duce. ; i.-j CHARM A N $ WARNER.
' . Hardwaro
BRASS and Iron Butt, Screw, Lock and
Latches, Hammer and Hatchet, Axe,
Drawing. knives, Handsaw, Curry Comb, Horse
Brushe and Cards, Gun Locks, (un Cap. Wool
Cards, Chest Handle, Plane, lie . i-....
April 21, l5i-ltf .Ik '
" Groceries ! l ; 1
agJUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Toa, Svrop, Chocolate,
tv? Starch, Saleratua, Cream Tartar, Sal 8oda,
Carb. Soda, Peppta, Spic, Alum, Borax, Cop
pera,etc. Aprii 21, 1855-ltf
Juat Kcccivod,
At the ' Old Stout,' Canemah, April 2 1 , '5 5.
4A f A Lb- Wit Bruwn ugar.
1.000 I! ainaNo?l,dc,
1,000 lbs. Rio Coffee, ' :
15 Tons coarse salt; 500 lb, fine do.,
S.OOo lb. Oregon Bacon ;
1 ,t"00 bmheb outs, for a!o wholesale or retail, by
' To the Taruicrs
WE WOULD y, call at eur or.;-w.
will pay you a well for your produce a
any other house in Oregun, and will endeavor lo
make you feel aa couifurtable a w poawblv can
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY reiving, freah from ranch,
wheat, oat, bacon, lard, batter and potato.
Dec. 1, '55. JOHN P. BROOKS.
lb. Feather for aalc bv
ap-'lif T. JOHNSON.
Wheat Wanted. cash pnee pa-d by
.Nov. 1 WM. C. DEMENT. CO.
A FEW of Princ. ' Co.'a beat MELODE
t'MS for ie. Low. Euooirenuhai
Mr? OffWOV riTY Kkf e; STORE.
tieuenil CoipniUkiea Alrohnl, end kU
tl and retail I'eulera iu Dry Good, G.rcti
Ifiinlwaro, &e., Ac. ' . , , lf
- rCeorgeT.' Allan.' 1
Oregon City, May 5. Archibald M'Klnlsy.
i i,r.. I, i ( Thomaa Lowr. ,n r
rt LLAN. M KIM.AY & CO.,'; Lew
2. Bcotuburg, Umpitia, Oregon. '' -
Oregon Tcnitury. . . , May 5.
DE ALER In Hurdware, Grocerle, Dry GoocVi
Clothing, Boots it Shoe, Medicine, Books
.: i ... ii. . and Hlalionery. t ,.!
Main-st., Oregon Cyt AriJJ!l,1855-Itf ;
V7a. O. Bomont & Co.,
WHOLESALE und Mail Dealer. In Grocir--le,
Provisl on, r.lnta, Oils, Boot aa4'
Shoe, Crockery, A. - Opponte the Land Office,.
Mam 8l. Oregon City. - i i Juua lj 1855.
JOHN R M BRIDE, , ., ,
Lafayette, Yamhill County, O, ,
WILL faithfully attend to all buain m
truited to hi profeational ear.
April 21, 1B55-Itf .v ';
Wholttale Retail Dealer in Oroeerict, Produce,
, Proruiont, jrc.. Main Street, . , ,
A General Aaorlmenl kept up of Seltoted Good.
Canemah, December 1, 1655.- '
CA. REED & CO., succcaaor U Felleiee,
Reed if Co., dealer in Drug aud Med.eiu,
Book and Stationery, Pain la, O.I, die. Partiou.
lar alteiilion paid lo comnounding medicine.
Sul.m, Nov. 24. . ' 32lf
Vclls, Fargo k Co. 's Express,
Bctwrrn Oregon, CaK'flrnitt,' the Allantie
S'atn and Europe. ' -' 1
. HAVING made advantageoua
.7fO arrangemenl wilh Ihe Ln.ted
2b Slate and Pacilio Mail Su-am-
slno Companies for tiansportation, we era now Dra-
parrd to forward Gold Putt, Bullion, Specie,
Packaget, Parcel, and Freight, to and from N
York, N. Orloans, San Frnuuiaco, Portland, and
principal town of California an I Oregon. . ,
Our regular Semi monthly Exprcs between
Portland and San Francisco, ia dispatched by lh
Pacific Mail Steamship Co.' steamship Columbia.
connecting at San Francisco wilh our Mini-month
ly t.xprrss lo iVeui tor and JVu Urleanl, which
is dispulched regulurly on the 11 aud ltiihof eaeh
month, by Ihe mail teniner and in chare of our
ewn messenger., through to domination.
Our r.xpresa Iroin rtew lorK leave regularly
on Ihe 5th ami 20tli of oaeh mouth, also in charge
of mcaaenger. .t -. . . - ,
Treasure insured iu Ihe best New York com
panies, or at Lloyd's in LunJou, at the option of
Orrrcts icw Yuik, Ku. 16, Wall st; New
Orleans, No. 11, Exchange placo j San Fraucisco,
No. 114, Montgomery treet.
J. N. BANKER, Agent City, April 21, 18i5.-llf.
The Stcamor Portland, :
Ctn. A. S. MURRAY,
Will ruu daily between Portland and Oregon City.
Leave Portland al eight o'clock, a. M. Return
ing, leaves Oregon City ut four o'clock, p. t.
For freight or passage apply on board. ap21-Itr
Oregon City and Partand Daihf . Packet,
Jennio Clark.
m ti ai.
Will run dally, (Sunday excepted,) in the above
named trade, leaving Oregnu City evory day at&
o'clock, t. m. Rclunilng, will leave Portland at
2 r. M., touching at all intermediate point.
t or ireight or passage apply on board, i p21-tf
Now Volumes of the Four Review
,..-'. and Blackwood.. i' r
COMMENCE with North-, Br.tish for May,
13i5, an llie other Reviews and Blackwood
fur J aru.-, 1655. . , ! -jril ,i -,i
i ci mt of Su.:3cnvtiM..nv eno Review or
Ul ..cktvaod, S'l a ycur. Blackwood nnd otie Re
view or' ny' two Reviews,: Jl.i. ii'l'h four Re-
v owa and, Uiuciiwoud, $10. , roar copies 19 on
ad.! reus, $30. " v "'
1 Puatagi- on the four Review nnd Bl.tckwood to
any Poet oificc in the Uni.cJ .States, only, 80 qeut
a y. ur un t ach Review und 24 cents a year ei
Blackwood. " 1 "' ' ''"' "! ' - ' - '
, Address, L. Soott & 00., Publisher, 54 GukI
street, corner Fulton, New York aep8
Reading for the Million.. 3 j
, S. J. MCCORMICK ,'. -1
I'OUK, K.10.NT-ST, ror.TLA.SD, ORKOON, ' ' 1 ''
t Choice selection; of Popular Book, Nowk
pupern, Muaninea und Fancy Stationery. -Among
the bo.kion hund will be found work
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hut-tor)-,
1'oriry, Uiorrtiphy, MoJ cine, Religion
Sc ence, Mchnul Bunks, Romance, &.ul,'ovC, Sec.
IL7" Subscript ions received for Harper, Graham,
Gudey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 5)4 a year, foil'
age free.
O" Subscriptions received for any newspaper
published u nny pail uf llio Uuion. , - ,
Remember the Franklin Book Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, l'ortlaud Oregon. . '
priced catalugue will be published early
in April, und will bo sent to any part of the terri
tory free ou application. ,it. in . : ' .' nu t?.
"TSrOC will find an exoellent aortment-of Dre
JL - and Bmimt Silks, Saiiiis and Velvet i also
Bonnet Trimming, Hosiery, Glove; Lacet and
Rilbont, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc, at tha
tore of: CUARLES POPE. Jr.,
(Main -at., opposite Abcrju-'thy' sture,) w here may
be found almost ecerytl.iirg in the line of :
- Dry Goodat '. .-1
Such at Prints, Gingharha, Alpaca. Mrino,
Plaid l.inseys, Muslin, alliuetls, Jean, Flan
nei, Sheeiings, Bed Ticking, Hickory. Stripe,
Cotton Batting, etc.
Oregon City, April 21, 1855-1 If : ,- ,r ti
t Medicines for Sale, By -
OANDS' SaruparilU, Peck' Wild Cknry Bit
ter, Calcinau'a drop, Brandreth' pill, Let'
pill, Perry' vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cm
phor, Gum Arabic, B.-iliak uit, Lobelia, Hot drop,
3d preparation, Roman eye balsum, Dalhry'l paid
exlrachir, Laodanom, Parcgorio, Oil of PPPra
miut, Eascnces, Componilion Powder, Cartr'l
Pulmonary Balsam, Sulphur, Epsom Salt, Ac
April 21, 1355-ltf , .: -. . '
GILT MOULDING for picture frame( to
riCK CIGARS, the beat chanee r at
DO yon want Hay Forks, Spade nrj Stnl I
Zomcteing New.
ANY person having a Melodaoo, Sbriphina,
Accordeon, or oliier reed iuatmmenl, with
broken or defective reeds, can have them repaired
by applying or .ending to Chaa. M. Kester, at hi
reaideaee, two. aquarca hack from th Baptist
iMee'ing Haute, in th. North pan of Ore; Ciljn
Charge fur inserting single reud from $10 to
82,00. Reasonable dcdu.-Uon for a greater aua
br. c. M. K ESTER.
Oregon City, September 2J, 1S55-23
rpEMPLE OF UOXOR. Tualatin Tmpar
JL Honor, Ne. 1, meet every Wednesday eve
muf . at the Amencaa Hatf, Foreat Grove, Orrfcaa.
Brethren of lb Order ia good standing ar a
viicd to vkt tbi Tsm,-.l.
S. A. Dixon, W. R. ja
- LASS. Que.
are. and Crocker, at
rtf IB M t.v $ w.iRSER S.