The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 16, 1856, Image 3

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    folk, Mr. Buchanan, a Secretary of Sluie,
surrendered to Hngland Inrire slice oi
Orrgon. ((liases) You know that out
Wwi he went in for "64 40 or fljrlu." In
Ohio we werenll ready to fight. (Applause)
11... .1... I... II. A II
but the ileve power, lod by Mr. Calhoun,
came in crowiiiij; they feared a war. and
o Mr. liuchanaa came down to 40 hiiJ no
..fight. (Laughler and hisses) Ny, we
don't wanl a man of thai kind. Wa waul
a man Truth from lh people nol grou
'"' ' gray and fosailed, and one who after lony
years in public life, ha done nothing at all
r remolit will Jo soiiietbliiir. On (he pari
t of Ohio I can safely my the will give h-r
vote for rremonl. (Loud cheers.) lb
litre lliat every electoral vote in the Ureal
V ett will be cail in the tame manner.
(Loud and long cousiuued cheering.) Tim
stendhist American and the honest Ueruian
will be found voting for bint aide by side
(Applause.) In Ohio we will give a ma
iorilv I bat wi4l astonish the natives (Laugh
tar and applasse.) We intend to do even
better thaa ar 70,000 majority luitt year.
iCr.efefioa, and cheeia.l I he nonn
nation of tVetnont has driven all the op.
'- power oT the border rtilhuu democracy
Into a aoltn tinned oociy. ( voice,
'"Uold'em there.") The crinia ia one that
demand the attention of every freeman of
(lie Wort, we are fiirhiiiii; for a brinoi
pie not frBce and I trust in (iod tbat
we thall eeeuccessful. (Loud cheeri, dur
tug wiiioa 4ie speaker retired.)
TrtaVet Free State Prisoners la Kaasas for
Trtuma 1a,ret rtmaaded, aail tva ae
Lawhejcr, Kansas, June 23
I Lave already lold yu that eight pri
oners (Free State men) who were arrested
near Ossawatomie bad been taken to Te
cuinsob for trinl. The trial rame oft' tn si
week, and five of them were released, and
re new in town on their way home. 1
Lave learned many interesting fin; is con
neeted with the afluir that ahould go upn
the record
After they had been kept near where
they were taken about two weekt, guarded
, by United Slatea troops, who were ordered
t keep them in irons the most of the time,
they had orders to remove them to Tecum
aeh. A ftnt then followed which hat no
paralUl in a Republican Government
They were chained two and two by taking
a common trace chain and uting a padlock
at each end, which was so fixed as to make
a close clasp around tlx' ankle. Like a
gang of slaves, they were thus driven on fool
the whole distance, at the rate of twenty
five miles per day, dragging their chains af
ter them. The last part of the journey
was most torturing to them. They were
. unaccustomed to traveling their chains
Lad worn upon their ancles, until one of
tfcera became quite exhausted aad whs put
.' a wajion. What a humiliating, diV
gustily eight, in free government to
aeoacVaiaed gang of ninti, who bad com
mitted no crime whatever, driven sixty-fivr
tnilea by their in.-rciJi'-i perxeculors to ai
tend a trial, i lion have niant. 4 ttiem an tin
conditional rcloase, and an provision for
They have con view J three ef Am f
treason, while five are allowed to go fr(
when the testimony was u;, against
th'eril all alike, with fiw exoeiilinas. One
of the prisoners, nuinrtl Jacob Krmjamin,
they could find iiorhtfii: whan'ver against,
-lh witiiesi-es did not -vn know Irim,
and the proceedings tooled" lidiuulou
against him. that the Court 1ms wiruck his
name from be warrani and txW-r legal (or
illegal) pp(rt-s, as ymi wiii 4jrrfler in
the report,
; Thpy linve ihi'ir chains tiere wiih iliem,
find their exhibition excites much curiosity
V'he one worn by foltu ttrow, it mho
it intone in eontefaence efkis mhirmtin treat
ment--' polished t4trulily by his con
itant exercise while taring i fee released,
and is easily svlecied try 'its bright appear,
a nee.
While they ere at TfcfrmsHi, tliey
witnrssod ibe examination of Dr. Tucker,
of Topck, wi a -clia'e of horse-stealing,!!
before Edward iWgland, Esq., United
States Commissioner, before whom thoy
were also examined, and although the Doe-
tor proved an alibi, by five or six reliable
witnesses, he was contictti without any
jhow of evidence against him. tie even
aaid before the trial commenced, that if he
jproved an alibi, by 150 of the best men in
Toptka, L would still convict him. This
Hoagland ia from Dundee, New York, and
is a capital specimen of a Northern dough
Mr. Williams and John Brown, Jr., who
mre retained, are both members of the To
peka XegWatare, wliicli ia to assemble on
Ihe 4th'0f July, and that may tie etifficieri
cause for the partiality exhibited. Corret
pndettce N. Y. Times.
OCT The 4tn of Jury was celebrated with
tnore than utilal spirit in Honolulu. The
Declaration of Independence was read,
toirsta given, fec. ; a ball waa given in ihe
evening ; their majsties were among the
f uests, as were alo H. ft. il. Priauew
Victoria, Aflrtiiral Bruc, officer of the flag
ship Monarch, and Fr. nth brig Alcibiade.
tW The government of the Netherlahd
is earnestly discusain a project for abol-
vshrrqt slavery in ita Wert India eolonifs.
Ihe nVarsre itself na been dt-ciCed on, i
and publ'ie opinion baa loco; been demand
ing it, bat there seems to be a rreat diver-
tity of opifiinn as to the manner in which it
wnjlit to be Carried out.
(K7 A new cut-off has been discovered
on the route from Silt Lake lo California,
whereby the seven mile summit is avoided,
and eighty miles of mouo'ain travel tared.
C" The orchard of Messrs. Smith, near
Sacramento, will yield between three and
four thousand lojlek of peaches this tee
A CiurriiuN Noses. A little luriia I
dp noe itipgestt al one a ehilJiah and
imperfect eharacter. Little stumpy noses
swongnien srerers In the higher races,
I I l. .l... . ...I I ...I ... !...!!
and, when Ihry occur, arldoin fail lo iudi
cale weak net of mind, or illii' rli'ct iiio'hI
drvelopilieiit. If they are fhort and thick,
we may safely presume a strong tensuul
disposition. Alurnvdup nnse, with wide
open nostrils, it a rarely di-covering sign
of empty, pomprus vanity. A largestroiig
ly maiked nose is rare in the fairer sex, and
where found, ia a sure sign of masculine
temper, or undue developemeet of ihe less
refined sensations. Oreat, general leanness
the excessive use of snutl, and the frequent
use or the finger in deep meditation, may
reduce a nose to a pitiful shadow, and iiive
it a most raarveiloue sharpness. When
coupled with pale, thin lip, such nose is
certain warning against the narrow mind
tliut dwells within, or speuki of melancholy
temper. Faces of far-famed beauty, in art
or in hie, show mostly a nose approaching
the Greek ideal, which, perfect aa it ia in
theory, still does not convey to us the feel
mjr we innst priv, of a highly devnted mind
and vigorous character. Il may please the
senses, but it can not content the heart.
(&" Mr. Uorwine, U. S. Commissioner,
had nearly completed his investhN'ioni in
relation to the outrage of the loth April at
I Hiiania, expected to leave fir Washington
by next steamer from A spin wall. It is
understood that he has mado out strong
case, fur our government.
03" There havo been seven hundred and
fifty deaths by lightning in the United
Slates, during the last fourteen years ; i.f
whom, but one was killed in a building
furni.hed with a conductor.
Marriaok op Kamkhameha. His Ma.
jesty of Hawaii, King Kamehamcha, the
fourth of that name, was married at IJonn.
lulu on the 19th June, to Miss Emma
Rooke, daughter of Dr. T. C. B. Hooke.
The ceremony was performej according to
the Church ofEniiland, in the Stone Chuch.
Some three thousand persons were present
on the occasion. A aalute of artillery was
fired on ihe Occasion. In the evening there
was a gmnd ball at ihe palace. The King
is 22 yeart old ; the Queen 20.
Louis Napoleon is taking steps to have
the Empress appointed Regent for hereon,
The project of a law on the suhjeul has
been sent to the Senate, and debated with
closed doors. The prnj.-ct proposes that on
the lvupror's demise th Empress should
reign, te-ti-ted by the . Council of the Re
gency, win a. names ihe Emperor ill leave
iind. r a t-ealed envelope niianwliile the
gmvmitKiit papers are writing up the pro
le latest from Psris, under date of'h''
2Ut, states that the Monilrur con'aiim a
decree ordering the creatimi of a gen ml
sysli ittof inspection nftlie army and cum
inissuria', by a special statf .ttHt(iln-d for
lliat" purpose. Tlie Honiieur alio gives
the njtx trf 8,-nal n a CominillPH on
the Reiewv. It stales that the Empress
moiberis 1 1 lie recent and K"rilian of her
son Atfringhrt ininuiity, but ia nut to con
trac am emd inarriugH while it contiiiues.
in i lie case oi me death the tiinpress
he Reimicy s Wpassio ihe senior Prince
of Frsmce, thence to the Hier Piinces in
order of hereditary succession, and failing
them all to the Council of the Regency
chosen by ihe Senate.
Two and a half million francs have been
collected lor the sufferers from inundation.
(f Mr. Baker, formerly of Louisiana, is
preparing lo plant eight or ten afies of rice,
on the American liner bottom, California
next autumn.
OCT Col. Warren says that Alameda ia
deatmed to be the great fruit garden of Cal
ty A terrible accident ncuurred in Philadel
phia at 8 o'clock on iht arteruaoe of July 1st, from
mt lulling ti tnt Ketdtrraet wharf. Over a hun
dred men, women, aud children had collected
(here, lo iujoy the cool breete from the Delaware,
when the pier upou Ihe wharf retted gov
way, with a crash that wat hekrd several aouarea
distant, 'precipitating the wltole nniiibt'r into tht wa
ter. So far at known, nearly tliirtyhves Wert lost
Of those saved, tome eecaprd by swimming, or
clinging to Ihe timbers, and others were rescued
bv boats 1 at following ia a bat of Urcea known
lobe lost:
Harriet Rhinr dollar, John Bills, Sarah Jlne Nic-
kles, Ann S. Niekles, Mary McMsnn, John and
f.lizabeth llnrrtaon, Wilson w Overton, Hester
Shoot, and Sarah E. Woollier.
Many otti.-rs r" muaing, and it is supposed the
bodies are beneath tht falka timbers, from which
everv eaertion wat beinz ma.le to recover Uiem.
fiajr war tittea out oa the 3d, and, though
diead'.ully mangled.
were rvcos'uized by their I
Tht accident eonaeJ a great excitement in
tht vieaiiy whert it eccurred, and had created
a general gloom tkroaghaul Ihe eity, which tend
ed greatly to check the usual feativrtkt of the
Focsth or Jolv. Th national holiday was
celebrated throughout lha Cniou w lb tht usual mil
itary an) civic displays, and demonstrations of cn
Uiu.insm, on Iho With auoivereary of tbat glori
ous epoch. Tht SA-cidaala ia S. Vork and other
pools, as far ss reported, are rather leu m
number arid severity than in year.
Tsairv RcoCctio. A Bill increoainr the Fret
List, by the addition of many raw material inclu
ding chemical and dye studs, and including tht
majouug w wool, win ononiy e repirtrd
by Ih Ifouee Commiltea of Ways and Meant,
Thi will redact tlit rtvtna I tht actual ixptn
aa of tha Govern roent.
Iaatma Woai at HoLvaaao. EaeLaiD.
Tbt grtai harbor aad breakwaur weeks al Ha-
lyhaad are progressing well. I be aorta break
water ha been carried strt (400 feat, the taatrra
2500. Since th eommcncamaat, m 1 S49, 5K0,
000 too of toa have beta asad oa the w.-ka ; tt
obtaiaed from tht quarry ia Hotyhead Moua-
Uiu, where the powder (or blasting nd tsvar
tl toot at a time. Oa ens tceaaioa 90.000 toot of
ttco wrra rest frn th moonuln. bom twelve
koadrtd met art emrWarol Tht tp-ri itara
up to tio 'titr.t'.'.zn LutMa apv J cf CsM,-
fur tki Aigmt,
Brsutlful Jw drops, liiwrin( krlbt,
AH ia His saranisr suuksm's light,
Wsvinf te sad fie iaihs Um,
At Iheir leaves sroiiffi.) bjr tlit nwrnlnf hresje;
llsiif ing lias pearls ua such tiny siwsy, ssy.
U'liila Uis birds wild s light wiaf brmk llism
OUoo B bars see llirs ia lit frtm,
Uslhiiif Ihs eld drta's fr.l ss ibrjr pM,
Drlghteulnf Ihsir nwruing wsy te tchsol,
Aad mskinii air n frrah sod owl i
Nssiliufduwa ia Iht fluwrtt cup
That (Udly tp Ihs tiny drops
Tdl Ihs brillitul mtruing suubesmt eomt
Tha, fllltd with frayraoct wudi Ihrm boms.
Beautiful dt w-drois, why srs yt firra T
Why d" yt come eseh aighl from lltarta f
Why art j t tool, but lo lotcb at tU
IInw bouiiireutly our bliwiiif fsli T
Why do yo oumo, yot atvtr roinsin,
But lo loll us eur b!oiugs inuat go ngsia T
But uisy w not loara fr.m llio grateful (lowsr
To yield life's gems la lh nviruiug hour t
Aud Ihe souls that to our trust art given, oa T
With Iht frsgrsnco of praise wild bock to llf tr
ials Hill, Aug. 9. VIOLA.
Tn a TsaUANTarto Ruors. The orolMl sT
the Tehusutopoo route bting slwrlly opvuod, will
bo grstiryiui uows. Mr. Win. L. Millar ef Clave.
laud hss lately goo out at Surveyor of Uit
Company, aud lha tUwmer vf Ihs ISih Juuo cou
veyed tlio ouaUavlor and a lsri( eorjis of laborers
from Now Orleans. Il it islanded lo put Ihs iletm
srs upon iho river Cuaucbuslea, iiuvifsble for 90
ml.1 for I iht drsujilu Teaiela. a nil to eeutiruul
a uarrisi: mud from ihe head of lha river uav
llislioa lo Veiilugit on Iho Pscifio shore, die.
isnce of HO miles. The distance from Niw Yoik
lo Han I'rsucuwo by thlt toulo will bo shortened
I AW milts, and tlie time saved not leas than lea
A railroad will lit built nrst slier I heeomolation
oi mo S'age ruaa, wiilcli last aeeuree lha bene-
hi or a very ravorab'o giant made lo the compauy
by the Mejicau Guveruiw-ut in I Oil). The coun
try is ssid to be peifuta ia tropical productions, sad
well adapted fur a railroad. W. T. binilli takes
Ihe contract of Iho road fiom 8uchel lo Venioaa,
at $ IUV,U0ll, which sum tin beeu raised tine the
new iirgan tat on of the eeaipsuy by substaulisl
paruet si isew unaans.
tW la Dm United Sittes there art 160,000
quart mileaefcoal bede, while in Great Briitia
iht (retreat manufacturing and iroo-uraduciiic
eoumry la iim world, there are lees man I'J.OW
Tbs lima miiat come when we shall eoulrtt hsr
stiperiurity ia this rrtpsct, as wt already eoaleat
ner supenonty as a eomniarcial nation.
OT TIm New York Herald save llm Jnhu
Van uuien s davot on loiSouihera nun ana Boulh
ern rightt itexplsined by hsj approaching marriage
with a yeung lady recently reiuruea from Kiiro,
and now iu New York the only child ef a
wealthy Smuitof of South Carolina, lately dictat
ed, it atsu say that Jouu will thus became s
large slaveholder.
tW A mnilemao in 81. Peteraburirh aava that
Ihe best feeling eiials ainoiig sll elaaar towala
America and Americans, and n-ahini but folly
snd misconduct oa their owa part can prevent iu
tF A Itwytr had hit portrait taken ia hit fa
mne ttlilude,tttnding wilhhia banda in hit pock,
eta ; the piciurt wat thowa to a wag, aad asked if
b did not look natural, lo which he replied, "Il
would resemble you more closely if you bad your
bauds iu your clienl'a puckela."
t3J Rev. Dr. Cummiuire, editor of the Ckrit-
tiuii Itirrtr, died lalely, on hit return from Pana
ma, where he had been oa a visit to hit daughter,
aud was bur ed al tea.
t7 At a recent industrial sihibiiioa of one of
H e London Sooieliea, amonc olber uovelt ea where
some curried leather from Ihe skin of the wh ta
porpo te. A reHirt says, "It seems to poesese Iht
e-euiial requiailet of tonrhseas and anfineaa.
and has beau coiwid. ml aiaxr or lo Ihe skius of
land aunnala: the price ia 111. same asihat of the
beat cail akiu ; but a sample pair of boots shown is
slated lo have worn outaevta talis."
Tht regulsr annual meeting of the Oregon As
sociation vf Congregational snd Preabyteriin
Chiirchct will bt held in iht Congregational
ehnrch iu Oregon Cily, commencing at 10 a. at.
of Thursday, Sept. 4th, 1853.
Thomas Cokdon,
Albany, August 8th, 1856. Clerk.
YaathUl Co. Agrlcuttarat Hoctety.
The annual Fnir of this souivty will be held
La Fayette O. T. on Thursday, October Sod, 1856,
lo which the eltiiens of Yamhill Co. are nnerallv
t....:.-J Tt . .
iuviicu. auo puoiio are rwerea 10 pTiniea eairt-
loguet (at Iho Court house iu La Fayette) of arti-
eiea lor exu biiiun ixo. ..
AlAari.x Olds. Pres'L
La Fayette O. T. July 31, 18i6.
dTnst Received,
I NEW and general assortment of DRY
JM. GOODS, consisting of De Laim s, Jaconet,
Book Muslin, cnast-baned Muslin, Edeinir. ti'ser-
nun, uauiein Ldies' hose, collars, ore, o.
tug 16 Main St,
T)RESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of
lilTORlKS for sale by
tug lb CHARLES POPE, Jr.
SometUins; Kew.
WE, in addition to our Grocery snd Baking
business, havt just received a good and
wll selected stock of DRV GOODS, such at
calicoes,, mous de lattna, eatmerts, tweed,
Kentucky jritis, At , calao t good assortment
of flannels, bed ticking, and drills, pn-ket hand-
ssrth'efa, Vieckerchiete. ote., sll of whidi we war
rant to be of the belt quality, tnd will Sell ts low
as can be bought al any etlwrhdnse m the eity.
W ay to Ihe farmer, w can fill your Will com
pfetely, which Will save yon to Ynutli trooblt in
running amend ebvwher. Call aYtd er.
DO yea want stocking vam t W have it.
aulG tllAR.fAN WARNER.
ritu pica ramy tlioee, tuner ladies' or gentle-
JL m.a's, call at
GOOD grain sacks for sak- cheap, bv
POCKET and table cutlery of first ter
sale by CHARMAN f- WARNER.
DO you want hats, good and cheap? Cail at
BRUSHES, eerub, hand, and tooth; do hair;
pa nt bmabes, dec. for sale at the More ef
Probata XVotlce.
NOTICE is hetrby givcu that Mra. Mary Jant
Faulkner, admrnistialrix of the eataU) of
Andrew Jackson Cutting, late of Clackamas coun
ty, deoeaaed, baa rendered her account for final
settlement to tht Probate court of aaid county,
aad aaid court hat appointed tht first Tuesday in
October next for the adjustment of th sains st
Oregon City in said county.
August 16. 1856-18 Judee of Probal.
What'i the Vie of Ctalng Barefoot T
TU E tubtcribtr has opened a boot tnd shot shop
ia ths) eity, where making toe mending will
be done It trtfer oa ihot aorict. I also keep
constantly oa baad ready mod boots aad sbota,
which I will n tn rtaaaaabi term. Thaakfnl
(or paat favor, f ttili eol.cit a rcaeooable hare nf
patr.iisga. Cail aoa try us a.ij'K..
J. B. BLAN?Iir.
Crf-r. r -. A ?, !F:s.
herUf's ale.
T)Y ViaTUt o( a certain writ ef rseenlloa
A.) now ia my ksnda, itsuad out ef Iht Uiatrivt
Court fur Clackamas eouniy, aud It nie derated,
ia favor of A. E. Wail tguiuat U ind tturnaidee,
la pursuanet of a )ud(nVat oblsiued In aaid I'.mrt
which was doflkeled os lbs Bill day of April, loSU,
lor iht turn of .'l-W,0, and for wiul tf prrauiwl
prnpariy whrrevl' l tanafy said tstvolion I huve
levied Hit aain upon all Iht right, law. and ia
ttrisl of Ihe sforeaaid David lluiu-idea in and I
the follow ine dnoriurd real ealal, lo wit, Im
and 13 and a part of 1st IU Ih bloi'k $ ia Limi Cily
Clackamu eouuly, O. T., aecnrdmg hi the plat of
taw uon t-ny, asm leit I, il, 9, 4. a, , 7, 0, u
block 101, and Ion J and ia block IIU, ia Or.
egon Cily, Clackamas county, O. 'l seconling It
the plat of aa d Urtgoil Cily. 1 shall proceed It
aril iht aamt or to much thereof at will ettiafy Iht
above naiutd auiounl, with iiittreet and acuruing
coal upon Ihe eume, lo lha hilil bidder lor cli
on MONDAY, TIIK livu DAY Or Is El'
ir.AIHMI, IhOB, kHweea Iht hnurt of nme
o'clock a. aj. and aunael, coinnu ncinf at 9 o'clock
r. a) , in Liun t'ny. Tlit property iu Linn Cily
mil Hit block IUI In Uregon t.'uy will bt told ou
Hit prtmiaee; loui and 6 in block 1 10 iu Or-got
vny win bo told at Ihs t ourt iioux wr.
August IA, I8.'.0-Swj Vlackamai County.
Wm. O. Badger,
IMPORTER of svery vsriely of Cloili
nil? aud Furuiahini GikhJs ; sko of Duck.
Drills, Slisetiun, Ulankeia, Hals, UnOta snd liro-
gans, by recvul arrivals bss receivd very large
uivoKee or tht nioal detireblt stylet oi l IAJI II
ING, tud it Ihe Laaoirr rroca tver olfercd in
this nitrkeL Tht Cooda nt manufactured and. r
my own tupervuion, and of the best material, well
eul, largo sizes, and niadt iu the most dursbls
Trsders from Ihs eounlrv are Invited to eitmint
In ia heavy tlock, and Ihry will find iht price!
Low a a than they cau bt found elsewhere iu iht
Purchaser may rely on receiving the beat tnd
moat saleable iroods, na each article ia guarantied.
ly and carefully attended lo.
10,000 pair assorted fancy eaeumert panlt,
10,000 " aaaoned faucvand plaiuaalieet do.,
7,000 " " liueri pauta,
8,000 " Co..d)ar't rubber pints,
l.OoO Uoodyear't while rubber coals,
9U0 caeet Uoodyear't long and ehort rubber
BOO miuert' boon,
1,UU0 dmen tuper flannel ovorthirlt,
300 " fancy eaeaimero overahirta,
1,000 u while ahirts,
600 " heavy hickory shirts,
500 " heavy check shirts,
300 ' Mrrrimsck shirta,
6i)0 " lambs' wool underehlrU,
300 " regalia undrrsliirta,
800 11 grey Huiiik-I uiidershirts,
450 " lambs' wool drawers,
950 bleached drill drawers,
1,500 overalls,
300 Denim frocks,
1,900 " oounlry-knil wool socks,
1,500 " heavy w h It and iniaed cotton do.,
J,000 pieces super eilk pocket bandkrrcliiefa,
100 dieu auier black tilk ueckrrchicfe,
900 " eanibne handkerchiefs,
3U0 rubber belts,
950 buck gloves,
400 bucksin gold bags,
1,000 doeskin bueinwe coats,
400 black cloih frock costs,
9,000 assorted overcoats,
600 pes coats.
3,000 silk, clnlh.and velvet veets,
90 bales blue snd white blankets,
50 A sheeting,
60 " drills,
30 " assorted duck,
50 eases fins fell halt,
100 strswhals. For tale by
Wholesale Clothina Warehouse.
N 109 Buttery, cor. Merchant at., San Francisco.
n. H.ISO good old at retail. Itfui3
Abernethy, Clark tit Co.,
San Francitco, Cat.,
Will attend lo selling Oregon produce, and flit or
ders for Giatds, Grwerke, io , at the lowost rates.
Ths patronage of the peoiile ef Ore iron ii m.
apectfully solicited. ug. 9.
To BXerchanU.
WE art m,w receiving ihe lollowing articlea:
50 bblt Santa Crus lime,
15 " hydraulio cement,
5 " plaster of pari,
39 ki'ga nail,
8 " apike, 5 A. 6 ih.,
100 " Bojton syrup, 5 gall.,
2") bair Rio coffVe,
95 mat China Nu 1 sugar.
95 half bbls N O sugar,
5 bbls viui gar.
To Blacksmith mid nuiiu facial
WE are now receiving ten tons of iron of the
following ai7e :
Houn.l iron from to 1 inch,
Square ' lo 9 "
Kr ' " ' lxlo3x,
Nail tods,
Horse shoe Iron,
Band Iron, 3xJ,
Plow steel, ISxi
For sale at lowest market rates.
aug9 G. ABERNETHY it CO.
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a petition haa been
duly fill d iu th DiaUlct XJturt of l lackaihae
couuty, Or.gon Territory, by William Singer,
praying a divorce from the Sonde of matrinuny
enisling between him and hie w,fo Sarah Singer,
for cauaee fherein mentioned ; and unlese tht laid
Sarah Singer, 'dtfendftit, thall appear and make
di-fese Iu said petition, at the next term of said
Court, commencing on tht first day of September
next, tht prayer of said petition may be then
granted. .
Wttnees my hind and the seal ef sa d Court
L.S.J this lit day tf August, A. D. 18.76.
16w4 Clerk.
ttharirT'a alt.
BY VIRTUE of . certain executions iatued out
of tht District Court for tlie county of Clack
amas, upon judgment on mechanics' liens,
aud to mt directed, ia favor ef Samuel Khafer,
Charlaa R. Butler, and others, against Iho Willam
ette Kalis Caaal, Milling, and TrausporUliou Co ,
and tt satisfy the laid executions I hart levied Iht
laid exeeutwue upou the aaw mill and warehouse of
the aaid Company, together with a certain purccl
or laud, being a portion of Robert Moora'e land
claim, aiiuatad iu Claokauia couuty, and bounded
al follows, lo wit t Brglnn ng at Ihe Willamette
river, thence by line extending westwardly with
the north boundary of lha basin up the bluff to a
point 13 roda distant from Ihe tdgt of aaid bluff,
thsoce 62 rodsin a soothe ly direction to a point 1 3
rods from tht tdgeof aaid bluff, thtnet eaelwardly
in a I ne parallel wilh tlie first described course to
ihe bank of the said rieer and to the main channel
thereof, thence by the said main channel te Ihe
northerly lint of said basin, to the place of begin
ning. I shall proceed to sell to the h gheat bilder
on six months' cfcd t on SATCRDA Y,TflE9iJ
DAY OF AUGUST, 1U56, at 10 o elo, k a. a.
tf said day, st publ e auction, all Ihe r ghl, title,
snd interest of aaid Company ia and te ths above
described premiers.
Tbe sbuv dosenbad prtmiee will b sold sub
ject lo a mortgage given by Daniel H. Ferguson lo
Robert Moore on th 1st day of December, 1802.
Salt lo lake pUce oa tht premwea.
t,iJf HUKLAT, Shtriff
. aj Ctaciamsi County.
Ptr, Depot.
Ju 96, 1Sel. ISwJ
ORCVJ.V HA a-d SHDL'LDt f"r..!.
Zsook Here.
T EFT my housrsboul live weekt IgoCHEV
J ALIGIt UIC1IAKDSON, in Insane man.
Any person who w.ll bring; him back to mt
CLu kamus Cilv etinll bt paid for Ilia trouble.
July 19, 1 Kill-1 -I. JOKI'll CIIUItCH.
"llTt are ial receiving a ouanlily of OHY
must tvsry thing els a mun tan meulia. Farm
ers would do well to call and get their burveat tup-
pjirt about uow.
onncot iioi'tii
Cor. 3d 4 Wtterels.oiino.iis Ferry land'r,
"I'M fllS.'fJfJ.V f.'ITV
'I lie trsveling pnblio are respectlully invited te
biv us a oall.
lha OUtUOi ItUIMH. Is Ids most pleasantly
located Hotel in Iht Territory, tnd hat been st
aliered within ihe last few moalbi as to makti il
oue ef Ihs must commodious.
Ths lable will slwsys be supplied with tlis beet
that Ihs msiket all'urde. Good accoiuniodalioue
for ladiee and families.
Goa l stubiiug snd feed for hnrsee.wiih proper si
l.nd.ime. SPKKNUKIt 4. SHUNK.
June 28. 18,'iG. Cm
To Fitruivrt.
arrived, ('all snou, if you wish lo rut one.
We hsve 3 eight-horse thrashers snd cleauers,
3 rvspers sad rakers.
JulyS, 18 j6. O. AUEK.-VETUY t CO.
a. a. lvcss. t. osLToa.
Xiucat 6l Dalton,
TERS, &.C.,
AVE received snd flVr for tsls,
4000 Ihs Allsnllo while lend,
351) gallons boiled linseed oil,
3U0 raw
300 " turpentine,
Sl,0 " Tilden's No. 1 furniture vsrnli It,
150 " " " coach
900 ' Japan "
lOuO lis of putty,
fi dint Adonis C IO brushes,
0 dot sash tools sssorti d,
10 packs of lesf gold,
10 silver,
100 lbs of Small' assorted colors,
3 gross of camel and sable hair pencils,
5500 llofulass, BslO, I0il9, 1IU14, 10(15
Glated sash, any quantity, of the following a n
Haiu, 5J,va per window,
10x19, 4,00
9x13, 4,00
10.14, 4.50 "
10x15, 5,00 "
Messrs. L. 4. D. would reenectfullv call ths at'
tsulioli of the trade and ihe public generally to ex
siniue their atock before purchasing elsrwher.
June 98, 1856. Front st., Portland.
By Bark Ocean Bird.
RECEIVED June 4tli Ihe lollowing GOODS,
and now Bulling rapidly at a small advance.
150 kegs eyrup,
50 bnxeo candles,
SO l.f bbls N O sugar,
10 bble crushed
13 doibronine,
90 " buckets,
50 gro matches,
10 bbls cider vinegar,
15 esses lobsceo,
35 " shoes, assorted,
95 grain undies,
I thresher and separator,
1 reaper and raker,
19 straw cutters.
Harnoas and addlery.
f THE umlersigued having opened anew
f in BUrrEVlLLE, Marion couuty, O.
T T., in th PostOflic building, are ready
to manufacture tnd furnish at abort notice, aud in
lha belt and most luhstnnlint style of the craft,
all kind of HARNESS and SADDLERY
WORK, Trtnk and Carringt Trimming, tc.
June 91, 1856,-y KOOP It COOK.
Tboao who Ml this Cheapest Soil
the n)al.
hsve Iho beat selection of GROCERIES,
Boott and Shot; 4W0 Oi'.i, Paints, Glusi, to sell
wholesale nit.i retail, cheap for cksu or product.
vui aiw; in pariconaiau 01
CoUO IbacofTco,
2000 lb No I China augar,
9000 ' Na 1 Batavia "
1000 " Sandwich Island tugtr,
1500 " crushed lugar,
S500 " assorted candy,
50 kegs E. Boston syrup,
50 kegs nails,
10 casei picklei,
" " pit fruits,
1 2 doz tarnrlrd can fruit,
6 " tomato catsup,
5 '' pepper sauce,
4000 lbs suit, d Herein kinds,
8 dot brooms,
Large assortment of Quernswarn, Glassware, it c,
10,000 cigars, by the thousand, 40 boxes tobacco,
China rice, Carolina Ho.. 3U0 Hit tea, 2000 lb
dried apples, spiee of all kinds, Ac , Ac. je7
New rirm and XVew Goods.
THE uiiderslgne'd would nspectfullysiiy to their
friends and the jul1ic gene'ranv tnul tliey are
STORE. One and all are invited to give them
a call before buying elsewhere. They Will ever be
ready to ow their goodi, and they Duller them
selves that they can suit the public, both aa to qual
ity and price. BARSTOW k CO.
Canemah, May 31,1816. 7
for Bale.
I WILL SEIaL my situation oh tht
bluff tt Oregon Cily at a very low rule.
1 have a good dwelling house, atsh'e, aud out
buildings, With about 100 t'hoic fruit trees 6f the
bi st varii'ties, in an enclosure of eight loie, all of
which will be old low, a 1 have purchased prop
erty in amrther part of iho city. . .
May 24, IK)b blf W. W. BUCK.
Main Street House. , .
HOUSE, aud am now prepared to ac
commodate Ihe traveling public. Every attention
will be paid to the comfort of man and IkoaI.
Churgee reasonable. .
I shall always be found on hand by those w'in
choose to patronm me. J..M 1JACOW.
Uregoni;ity, May .1, IK5U.
J TO bble and htf Wis N O sugar,
30 " " - brushed "
4000 Iht No 1 Chi' t
10 hlf bblt Carohnt rict,
IS . " " dried applee,
J5 egi '
10 hlf bbls " peaches,
10000 lbs Liverpool salt,
10 canes lable salt,
50 bblt Santa Cruz lime,
5000 lb mauilla rope, asa d siics,
100 k gs uails, ' "
5000 qr flour sack,
6 bale drilling,
12 case aas'd pi fruits,
12 ", 'I pickles, .
SiO bundle window sash, aaa'd sues,
24 psntiel doors,
.9 dot pl gralu seanpa,
100 sacks Rio codes, .
10 mats black prpper,
In bale oakum,
100 tingle and double blocks, tsi'd tile,
6 gniet P Ac M jrrsat powders,
10 d. xiuu wash boards,
500 gale fe. I. syrup,
4000 iba white lend, pure,
500 it d . - "
40 gals copal varnish,
1 5 dot paint brushes, aas'd tixet,
IS "1 hooped bucket,
200 gels boiled linseed oil,
100 ' raw - .
TtSr with a good sssortmaut d HARD
of which we propoaa ae'lug al prica to suit th
tittle. C'slt and fs fot ymnrSyt.
w. c i.tnt-vr it en, '
Ml'3 n , r!,, ie tt L'tJi (.!;.
- r I ; i J a
Wboleatle Vrleoa Current
paroooDs, ) bancs .V ncuiuisis.
Hheeling, 4-1.... ilal&i'lOOpr.cloverN. Y.eetf
Drillinir -i rsontcs.
Ulesched drilling li Whtat, pr. btt...
. 76
.. t
shirting, llslb uais de...
SlriiK'd do
I'JVPolaiott do
Ulna dillliu...
I'laid liuscy..,.
l laiti Onion da
....1.1' Flow
....1 1 Corn Meat, fresh
ICail! rsvir.
70i9l)! " dried do lSitli
Kentucky jrint...2.ri l5Trtclies, diied do 10
Twttdt. 55a7l'; " do pttled
raiNTs. J Chill, drled.S0a9.1
Bint and white 13f rsovmoM.
Blut and orange 19, Pork, clear none.
Fancy Hal " must liSHaStl
Furniler do. 10al4;lliiiui IU
do. wide. I'.' i Ilacii I
M. delaiues 14si5,' rowuka.
Glnghauis 15a2W llaratd, pr es (1
Alnaca VSahO " pr kig Kill
Table damask 5075$ itOT.
elothi (Waft I i Small sutt...M..ta3
Irish linens 40afil Buck
8heeo rrav nanls fca3 Bar
Satinet do. .2is3. White letd, inoil...l2
Fancy csas. do, ...f4a5 Ousntaa.
Black caes. do. itml'. Manilla, small...
Red flau'l shirt SUslS) " larcc...
. JOali
Blue do. do. l5a!8 Hemp
Hickory shin 5s?! ctaDLS.
Cslico do filial' Admauiine
boots II suors. .Sportu.
Men s kip boot$xj3JJ cleans
super do. do... .94 narsna ymaoj
fine sewed bl (1'iuisn 6l0a!iS
Boys' kip boots $4 American ffrJsStf
" he vv w X doSli iU' Totacco.
Mens' br's pr. JI7 Prii'eoflhe Cuion.4iUi
kip brg s pr duii.U sun 3Vi3
' cslf sewed do..S.'l Luke's 37
Womeii'a h'vy sb's.l3' Uascwasa.
fine do $15. Shovel 'JSaU
oaoctaixa. 'Upnd.-i tUalC
Cofllt 1416 Axei ...8ll5a
ea 50a 05 Millitas 90tlt
Sugar,uo.l Chi'a....ll Zcutsaws 751,S5
critehtd 10 I utae etlllerv, IU prei
Salerstua lUalb ailvanc 011 N. Y.ooet
Starch 14 Pocket cutlery, 95 prct
Syrup K Boston SI' advance.
do. S lelund 90 Other articles of hard-
N O Moluasea wart from 20 ta 50 pr
Liv. Salt 3u3i vt adrsuct.
Tab'.t Sail ? i4 .N'ai!e,nM'ilsUas,prkr$!
Sandwich 1. Salt.. 9aWJ' hoiauilio...95a3i
Prper 3u- ciu.
Allrpice 40 Lamp IUsP
Ciuiismon OUaBO Linst-ed boil ii tl
Sosp I Oall Turpentine pr gall $i
Portland and Astoria,
The Splendl.1 Rteamer
TT TI LL continue to run regularly between Port
V T land snd Astoria, via Vauoouver, vwict
wara, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursdsy
mornings of each week for Astoria) and Astoria
for Portland on Tuesday and F'riday mominge,
touching Vsncoi'vir.St. Hemcns, Raimks,C&th
Lamkt, &c, esch way. Fur freight or paasegs,
apply to R. HOYT, Master,
jel 6 Or at Hoyt's Wharf-bout, Portland.
Citizens Line of Mcnniers.
J-T PORTLAND, Capt. Mcaaar,
Will run in connection, the Portland Iravlt.g
PORTLAND daily (Sundays excepted) for Oru
gon Cily at 10 o'clock, a. m., the Enterprise mu
kine eemi-weekly tripe to CORVAl.LH, leaving
CANEMAH on Monduys at 6 o'clock ani
Thursdays at 2 t. at.
IT All freifht lor the above line will be receipt.
cd Tor at Hoytt Wharf Boat, Portland.
- . .. . . . . ...... .. ....nn .ir
Al,t,.Arikit a. mukiiaii
rcb.ic,i85C 4-nr
TamhiU Trade.
iriffiavU'ris under the nam and style Of thv
VomAWI Comimij. are uow building a teamar of
about 30 ton burthen at Canemah, expressly fet
the Yamhill trade. She will be ready to run souls
tlmeTA Jtne.
Oregon City, Apnl 5. ulu
B. MUwain,
Mnnvfacturtr, Wholeialt and Retail Dealer in
TrN a corrta wasa, nauwas, tc,
MaiaSt., opptsitt Main Street Hotel,
Steamboat and jobbing work attontk'd to with
Orders from Ihe country promptly filled. ju7
Drogi, MeaMeineir, Paints, Oils,
ana Jtrye-arnns,
ipl5 Main Street, Oregon City, O.T.
Morrison sL, between Front aud First at.-,
Chargm reasonable. 8. D. SMITH,
March !.", 1800-48 Proprietor.
W. T. Burns,
tT Strict attention paid to repairing, and an lis
faction 16 patrons warranted. feb9-13
Morris Thomas,
Mum tt., nearly bppuiitt Holmet y Co.'i.
Shaving twico a week, On ahampod, hair
trimmed once, per month, 3 00
once a wecli, one shampoo, hair
trimmed Once, per month, 1 9.1
Hair tri.mned. . 21
I lair cut aud dressed, i'l
Shaving, snd hair dreaded, 2.1
Shampooing, 50
Oregon City, April 5, 1S..0-51
.. Person desirou of galling good work don will
do wall to give me a oall, as my whole time is do
voted to the repairing ef Chronometer, Lever,
Duplex, and Horiionlal wahihea. ,
An aasurtment of Jewelry on mn.d,
Jewelry made to ord.t, and repaired. .
Prrcee lo suit tht times. I am thankful fur past
favor, and hop to give aatisfaction in future.
ILT Located at the old stand, opmite Ihe Tel
egraph Offloe, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2.
To Merchants and Shippers.
X PORTATION CO. havoadoptud the follow,
ing tariff of chargo, which will be adhortd to till
further not e : .
Transportation of merchandise or produce
from boat to boat at works, per ton, 1 1 00
Storage of same e than live days, ue charge.
' u over 5 ft tew than 15 day, 2o
- ' 5 4, - 30 50
Each additional half month or le-a will be
charged, per too, 26
Linn City, May 10, 1856.
Canemah, Xor. 2a, IS55.
SS band and for sale, low, for cash or prcdu-
j rain is at lead,
coram grn,
whit lead,
pruiu blot
ehrooi yal's",
blue p-uat.
rd do in til,
blk. do
Caaaaica a.-.d ftntiaaaf greea paav. g'su.
J.VO. P. BKOOlfb
Wed! I tit; Citrtctj
ADC to oiJrr, r. fj . h"J w''t ?-'sa
on fhsrrst la..., '.-., , . y
of.'.' ".J I.' 'VAFrSF