taUatcd, eloqueot and influential preach art of tlie gospel in Lino county than my aelf, wbo would ptrhapt not be willing to .acknowledge anati tbeir "head eoma of the moit popular preacher or (be gospel in Oregon reside in Linn county, and I am far from being vain enough (o suppose my alf capable of elanding, or "walking" at their "bead" aa their file leader. In fact Delaaoo flatter me excessively In alibis allusions to my charaoter by giving me a decree of importance to which I do not pake the slightest pretension. Delazon evidently thinks I possess an influence in this county which he has great reason to fear.or he would not avail himself of every ecaion to calumniate my character. In . . . ,r .i. common who more man iu7u iuru i mo preacher of the gospel, aa well as of the ... ... . . . . . i rea.iy iiiiii.g..t r " v-...,, regard Delaxon aa a corrupt, unprincipled demagogue, but why he makes me lb. .pe- aial object of ni ease vituperation can oniy L t.s.l riniiU lla na waMMiw r-....r - -... naieu my name wnu a seat in me rir. w . . - gon. Ak I tnero a tue ruo. uiuzon is dreaming by day and by night about JAaf seat, and he i fearful and jea'ous of every man who micht posibly be a formidable rival. But allow me to allay his anxieties ty assuring him that some six years ago I resolved that I would not become a candi- date for any civil office from fence-viewer to the PresiJoncy. I will now except that when Delaxon get to be President of the United States I have tome thought of ap. lilying for the appointment of running minitUr to South America. But Delazon has gratified his spleen by falsifying my rote beforo the public, and that too with tbe glorious viva voce "open poll books" before hi eyes, lie aaya 1 "marched" up and voted for Keeney 1 cay I voted for R. II. Crawford, H. N. Ueoige, fnVnds, and to auch an extent a will in nd David Ballard, and David Ballard's sure them facilities for a constant develop- name was entered under my own eye in the "book" in a plain round back band, in place of Keeney. I have before me the certificate of J. II. Line, Cferi of Linn county, and Hugh Dinwiddie, Intpector, and Origen Thomson,. Clerk of the election in this precinct, both setting forth that my name it recorded in the "book" as having voted for Crawford, George, and Ballard, and of course not for Keeney. I took little interest in the contest, and did not election' eer for Keeney farther than aimply to re. mark that if it wero a matter of compulsion I would vote for Keener in preference to Delazon. And I yet say that netwith- tending my "oath" aforesaid, and notwith- standing "Me eteer" aforesaid, I do regard Jonathan Keeney as a purer patriot and a more honest citizen than such J mus faced, hireling and calumniaiing demagogues as Dolazun Smith. Wilson Blain - Union Point, I. inn Co., O.T. ) ' July 19, 1856. J San FaA.NCisco, July 4, 1850 Editor vf the Oregon Argue Sik : As I sit naiiing in my quiet room, I hear the music and sounds of joy and glailness in the (treets, Commemorative of lliilviuiid- enee, for whrch our fifth... fought. I dm reminded of the fact that other nations, and people, and kindred., and tongue, de- sire independence ; and I liaVe thought, if r... ... k- r.. . t . . , , rapidly VallPVS Of the I'aClfio. and Will ROon OCCU- .i i .t i Py ine cno.ee regions oi m.er.or anu on the plains, thereby curtailing the red mans range, and forcing, oloser proximity of the race; it is important that we should now consider well the causes which have hereto-1 for resulted in the destruction of one and kL. J-.-l -T . L ,t I ue ocvriiucin ui me uiucr. .r4tianot (aaaome suppose; a necessary censequeace of contact ; the history ol Pennsylvania and the teatimony of Dr. McLoughlin disprove it for it is known fhaft iti gentleman ha lived for more ahan half a century as a resident and tra- tiler wllh llndians, and for twenty-two years stf Jbat'time ihe was Superintendent of the IluJson Bay (Company; and yet be de. elarea in all Ihat time there wa no wasting v.r. Both rare, dwelt tonthar in liar. enooy Under tb -administration of impar. tial law., and the Dr. declares hi. belief I Chat jf no injustice was allowed against the 1 Iadian there never would be war from I them, becaaae they know their interest, and eel proud of the white tnan'e friendship. But yet tie sentiment i common, and of. fen expressed, that "IA race can't live to gttier." The proper anewer would be, 'itf Ml home ; if yoa cannot live amongst iFreochor Spanih, or Indian, why ibey don't wia rou. But surely you don't ex- pect any people to leave their own country . ' , , i Tl..uniim.i oryouraocotwsodalion. Theasnt.ment ja DOi tra, became in South America, the isle of the ea, a ni throoghont the British " oi I iewiaieae, they live together,and no cause In view of the fact that our people are basis for concord and happiness in human on six months' credit on SATURDAY, THE 93o Ui "d interest of the above named Willieton D. . I f i ... i .... .... I II V I Uf AUiilJa l. loan, at lUa ulaek A h I v UOflcoca, lliai uv uw im vr unu ni ins uiiiv takmg pos.ess.on of the beautiful government, and that ia impartial ustice, f. J, '.bn .11 .h. said judgm'snu were docketed .. af.rea.id, ia and art discord. The eantimeat u not credita a4e to those whe make it, because it ia an ckwowlrogmeot that the prople are o reekreae the won't keep the peace, and the gwverametH ee weak that it can't ra alraia them. - Let Us now look at lle eirtumttancea in wb'icil we Hod the different tribe. A a general thing each occupies a certain pre- . aeribed diatrici, over which a jealdu con trol held. Thie u aeceaeary for their existence, because if driven from their own domaiathey are forced upon their oigh- : bort, and war etwee. The while explo Weritaronf. The aetlve. at irst, awed by raperior inte!3ct, ii ttrfc.ted ly t4; work of art, are pleased with their visit - on, and for a tiro confluence exist, and mutual good will is exchanged ( butno sooner do they perceive a design or per manent occupancy of ibeir land iban leal ouy i exoilr-d, and a natural desire full to get rid of the intruders. This desire is of- ten aroused to bate and murder, by con temptuou. treatment and abuse of their females. But the natives, not being equal to an open attack, must use strategy, take by surprise, or cut off in detail. And then forthwith they are denounced a treach- erous savages, unworihy to live, Now, Mr. Editor, suppose a company of foreign travelers, with arms and equip munta as much superior to your as yours ii ,y iu i,ii...i .u..u . .,i i vi uuiii , auuuiu seme upon your form, and subsist upon the pro I .1 .' - r i i . .... . , w,u iu.. uo worse than our monopolizing the Indians' land, and annihilating bia mean, of life Ana suppose you Una no extraneous aid, I ki . ,!:.. i.i . . w. - ,...i.u..iD ihuuth, muiu vuu noi use strategy or any meana In Tour Lna.l In ,. f ik. I.I..J.... C. I--; , ... , v, ..i.ruus.a 1 wr- tamiy you would, and not be a treacherous aavage either. Well, then, let us allow our fellows to exercise the same impulse of our common humanity. For undoubted! the Father of ua all, who supplied these streams with fish, and raised these lofty hills, And made these valleys fertile, gave them a the inheritance of the red tnnu'a race. But as the reception of civilization and science would lessen their necessity fur such large domains, we could purchase all we need bv their impartation. Vet to be just, we should not think of dollars and cents, hecnuse no amount of ihcse, or of i - their material value, would beanequiva lent in their circumstances. The compen aation should be given in such a manner aa to assure thoin of our aincerity a ing in the higher scale of being. In this way the Indian would become a trophy of our science, a living monument of our pbi lanthrophy and religion, and a valuablo element of our national atrength. And, Mr. Editor, who does not see how much better and cheaper and more honorable this would be, than taking their domain for less than value, and then spending mill- ions to allay their resentment for the cheat, But there ia a common notion that we must 'whip them first," "chastise," "bunv hie, dec. But the questions atise, what fori and what good would it do t If the strangers, whom we have supposed in pos rsion of your farm, were to chastise or kill some of the members of your family, would that inspire you with esteem for their jusiice I No, it would be as a smoldering nre to consume your oppressors Those who entertain thn above senti- I .-.... I : u I.;.. imiumrrc uu. .e.rou in nuiimu nioiory, or they foreet that it belong to the aces of ilarktl. ss, and is the language of tyrants ask, riots nrt know that f.ar is repellent 111 its essence, whilst love is adhesive and permanent ! .r,, , ,. . 1 lift Indian appreciate our superior power; we have only to make hi,,, conscious .hat it will be uniformly ex- erased for hit interest, and he will yield to our control as naturally a. ,he river, flow to the ocean. m, . ... ., , . . , . tuero is men oniy one principle or true a full nrontinol nlrnnuilnilnm . .... .. i . . rights of all and It is a truism COBHrmed by the history of the World thnt where the just right, of any da. .re denied, other classes are not secure in thuira. If then, Mr. Editor, a calm review of the incidents pertaining to the origin and i .1 I ... . 1 progress oi tue amasirou oinicuittes wn.cn have distracted communny, ahould dia- close tbe fact that we have not dealt with due consideration and forbearance towards a less fortunate race of our fellow-men, it becomes us aa a great and powerful and magnanimous people to make all the res'.i tution in our power. It become us to be more earnest and exemplary by virtuous live, purity, brotherly kindness, and char tty, to attract these poor savages to good neM Bnd ,ru.th-. And' eoneloaion, per twite ma tt ta-iLr A Vl111 i 07 A nnt kaa mArsl trttan eyer fetdy in tb(Bl cxerci9e of thRl mercy towards our fellow, which we desire of I he final Judge, who is no respecter'of persons ! .... I Krspecttuiiy your I JOHS D BESOM. On Thursday, July 24th, Mrs. MvKinlat of a daughter. Obltaary. Died, of Dhrenitis, at their residence la Wash ington county, O.T., on ths 6th of June, 1856, an iufant daughter of Almoran and Sarah Jane Hill. aged 8 years, 1 month, sud 12 days. Amanda Hill, the deceased, was a most smia- 0,e an, j,,, child. H.r native int.lltu.1 powers were conaiderably in advance of inediocri- ,J: Zi cnu,'"mP,loeuc',,Da aociahle : a child indred of mnuh nromiaa. But 10 ths providence of Him whose wsys are inscrutable, who sera not as mao sees, Hs has ta kes her to himself, and thus freed hr from th "evil to come." O ! the thrilling interest of that ever Bwnorable aaaouDcement of Chriat my Lord, relative to in luture sum or those whs d,s in in fancy "for of soch is the kingdom of heaven" aad "Excapt yebe'oeovened, andbeeosM at a bui child, y a'J eats enter inle ths kingdom of beaven." Yes, .lease is the resting place, tbe fiual home of all soch, wnr they nun gle with "Ui aprrtU of jnat sncn mad perfect t" where the wicked cease from troubling, and th weary are forever at rest." Shenld not the eoa- derations wtaa o fraoa earth, and attach as to bearea t where we shall reunite "with those Who have gone before ; where stands the infant dangb ter of brother and eta Hiil, lb snany baoasof lb Jordan, Waiting to receive, aad welcome, aad iaoodue them lo th society of beaTea, and the pared aa of Cod. Rer. 3: 91. What s attraction, la bate a ohiid ia beavu '. J. McBaia. jy The sbev aotic was accidentally mislaid, bt it woo!! ksrt sppesred two wtsb ar?:T- - 1 An Exhibit fifth Receipt aniExpendl. turn uaacamu bounty for th cur rent yiar, Ma; Jul, 1 858 : IXCKIPT. Am't f Coustjr ux paid by Collector, 16339 47 483 00 - Co.teipaidbyCol..neweatWl, . P H 4 H H " received from licrasrt, IXPK.MDITOaRS. For support of Jury, $ 748 00 " " Roads, 618 88 369 43 9 60 JOJ ou " Auditor Jr. Clerk Dirt. Court, w " Election., - - Criminals, " " Pour, -n Amw, " Hhriff, " Couaty Court, u u Probst Juds. 479 88 373 30 330 IS Hi 49 848 00 225 63 178 98 113 43 i'rosecutiuf Att'y, 67 00 Icidnul Expenses, I Am'tosrsbovex 143 87 sbovefipehdilures,36l2 79 $7451 60 17431 SO ....- - tht Finanet. 0f ... c,ti J "" " Art , TnuarJ July MllUm,nti low. f 1947 SO .I Paid in ey Collector lor 1H55, 899 95 I u mum ou naw aaa'm'l 59 77 95 00 33 38 I " " " from Sues, I ' OalS Of SlrsVS, BslancsduoTreas. last aetuWl, t 3 96 School orders canceled July '56, 9167 18 T"""' con- irs. I Troaaurcr'seom.ooam't paid out, 90 06 B'aceof skheolfuBdiairsas, 797 96 $9950 60 $-(960 60 An Exhibit of tht Territorial Fund Ain't in Co. treasury at July settlement, 1V33, 9 481 58 paid in " by coll., for 1855, 874 55 new la rn t, 69 77 By tre aa. com. on sm'l paid id, $) 1 8 44 out, it 3i ".TerriloHellreamirer'irec'pu. 127 99 To balance remaiiuug in Ce. 'i'r., 76 99 91408 90 $1408 90 An Exhibit of the Finances of Claekamat tounty : Whole am't of orders issued up to July 1856, Indus ve. 150,459 18 Deduct whole sm'l of orders canceled, (interest added,) 41,351 63 Debt of County, ft 9100 SS Am t duo from Washington county for keeping Win. Burris in jail, foM 79 Am't duo from Wasco eo. for keeping John Hull in jail, 150 00 Am't due from Polk oo., 73 00 $916 79 Am'ls due on le of town lots- Judgment of A. Hood, " James Athoy, " " H. Johnson, Notes of Franklin Cadwell, " " Wm. Stephens, 11 Isaac Miller, " A.J.Cuttiug, 704 00 819 00 861 00 337 50 487 60 79B 00 838 50 Am't due the County, $5169 29 F. S. HOLLAND, Auditor. Oregon City, July 16, 1856. On Monday evening. July 91st, William IIin. ar, son of John Thomas, aged 18 months, from a diaeaee or Ins heart, ttherrf'i Sale. TT VIRTUE of certain elocutions issued out -- of the Diatnct Conn for iho eouuly of Clack. itMi, uulmtiAnla fit nMAlianW lina -i". j--s . -i and to mo directed, in favor of Samuel Hhafer, Charles R. Butler, and others, against the Willain- .... L. 1 1- i Mill:-. ...J 'I r-.. nd to satisfy the said executions I have kttied the said executions upon the saw mill and warehouse of' I 0f land, beluga portion of Robert Moore's land eisim, suuatea in uisosamas coumy, ano oouaoea i aa loiiowa, io wn : iegiiinmir mi ine niuametio Li... .i,.n.. k lin. ..t.nHi,. the onnh boundary of lha basin up the bluff to a rods from the edge or said bluff, thence eaaiwsrdly KaWa331 thereof, thence by the said main channel to Ihe northerly hue of said basin, to the place of begin- . f ,hn BrM..H to ,i . ,h.hi.,,t k aa H..riKl nmrniau. I TheTboVdSM premie will b. sold sub- Meet to a mortgage given by Daniel H.Ferguson to fct SEP HUELAT. Sheriff of Claekamat County. rer uxxDi.xr; ueputy. 15wS July 26,1851 iobk JtetOi -j- EFf my house about five week sgo CHEV- -a-i ALlbK KIUlIAKUau.N, an insane man. Any person Who will bring him back to m at Uackainaa Ulty tliall be paid for his trouble. July 19, 1656-14. JUSlil'lI UHUKCil. TTTE sre just receiving a quantity of DRY TT GOODS, EARTHEN WAKE, and al most every thing else a man oan mention. Farm ers would do well to call and gat their harvest sup. plies about now. July IV. VHAKMAN d YYAKPiEn. IrOlt 1 N IRON GRAY MARE, five year old last XI. spring. She belonged to Iho Clackamas company of volunteers under Cspt. Caaon, aud was mounted by one Donaldson. On the return or the company the gave nut. and was left at or near the foot of Laurel Hill. Any pt-rson sending 1 r U ... 1 1 .u.ll L - I .rA.A i.9 n 1 . rphnkriV nt ,,f ih nl ini.r.rf t rmA (Vtmnanv in anH to lha alurc to the I'ollownift' described land eliiim situated IU .-a ,-ir- BARSTOW It. CO. Telegraph Notice. I A T a called mreting or Uie Board or Director XV. of th Psciho Telegrsph Coinpnny, held at Lafayette on Monday, the Kid of June, Clayton R.chardson and A. K. Burbank were appointed Collectors to recriv th moneys dus on ths 1st, 3d, 3d, and 41b installments of said Company. Th stockholders are hereby requested to pay to ths said Collector th several sums now due on said installments at th earliest possible period, as ths money now required la complete iu hue to Corrallis. Par order of tbe Board of Directors. J.S. McITEEN Y, President July 5, 1856. 12ml OREGO.1 IIOLE, Cor. 3d 4 Water sU, opposite Ferry land'g, VKKUUN CITY. The traveling public are respectfully iavited lo give as a call. TIM UUUiUA iiuuac. m in moat pieasaatiy located Howl ia ths Territory, and baa been eo altered within Ih last few swath as la make it sea f th moat commodious. Tbe labia will elweye be supplied with III best thst the market sfforda. Good aceaaunodauoa far ladias and families. Goad stabling aad feed fm bores, with proper at tendance. 6PREJ1GEK at Entfla. Job 28, 1856. T Furnaere. OCR REAPERS nd THRASHER Bt atrirea. Cell soon, rf yen u get M,. Ws have 3 oighl-hatt taaoart aad - 3 reapais sad ratre. Joty S.IUol G. ABERJfETHY k CO. $4000 TO LOAN. Inqrrr st lha SJ. SJ. LOOM. ' . - B. MLTOH. teat4 ell Salton, HOUSE, SIGN, 4 ORNAMENTAL PAIN TERS, Yo., HAVE received end offer for sale, 4000 IU Allsoli whiU load, 350 gallon boiled lloeeed oil, 300 " rew 3U0 lurpeotln. 8(0 Tildsii's No. I furniture vsrnish, ISO MM eMen - 900 Japan 1000 lbs of putty, 6 doi Adams 6-10 brush, 6 dus saab tools aoaortrd, 10 packs of loaf fold, 10 Mlrar, 100 lbs of Swell's ssasrted colors, 3 gross of camel and sablo hair pencils, 6500 it of glass, 8x10, 10x19, HUM. 10x15. Clated saab, auy quantity, of lbs fullowiuf ate and prices: ox l, 3,'.'S per window, 10x19, 4,00 9x13, 4,00 " 10.14, 4,50 1U.I5, 6,00 Messrs, L. A. D. would respectfully call the at- t.niiott of Ih. tr.ds sud th. public f..r.lly to rx amino their slock before purehau eawwhore. Jun, M 18J6i "UVA3 'rZSm' t. Bv Bark Ocean Bird. TJ ECE1V ED June 4th the lollowmf GOODS, Lli and now eellinf rapidly at a small advenes. 150 kegs syrup, 50 boxes candles, 60 hf bbls NO sugar, 10 bbls crushed " 13 dos brooms, 90 ' buckets, SO gro matches, 10 Utile eider vinegar, 15 eases toliaovo, 35 " shoes, assorted, 95 grain nradlee, I Ihreaher and separator, 1 reaper and raker, 19 straw cullers. Juno 7 GEO. ABERNETIIY A CO. S. ftXilwaia, Minufacturtr, Wholctalt nd Retail Dialer ia COOK AND PA B LOR STOVES, TrN 4 corns was, nxsowas, sc., MsiuSt., opposits Mala Street Motsl, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat aud jobbing work attended to with dirpntch. Orders from the country promptly filled. je7 Barneii and Saddlery. p-SK Til K underatgned having 0iened anew r; In BUTrEVILLE, Marion county, O. Tr 1 T.. In the Post Office building, are ready to manufacture and furnish al short notice, end in Ihs best sud moat suhatantial style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Carriage Trimming, e. June 91, 1856 -y KVVr & UOUK. Those wbo Sell Ihe Cheapest Sell I be noil. CHARM AN A WARNER, Ortgan City, hate the best selection or GROCERIES, Boote and Skoti, also Oils, Paints, Glass, to sell wholesale sud retail, cheap for eash or produce. Uur stock in partconiisu of 6000 Ibseoffi, 2000 lbs No I Chins sngsr, 9000 " No 1 Balsvis " 1000 " Sandwich bland sugar, 1500 " crushed sugsr, 2500 " assorted candy, 50 kegs E. Boatoa tjrun, SO kegs nails, 10 csaes pickles, " pie fruits, 12 dot aseorted can fruits, 6 " lomato oataup, 5 ' pepper asuoe, 4000 lbs salt, different kmds, 8 doi brooms. Largs aaaortmeiil of Queenawara, Glaaewsre, Itc, 10,000 cieara, bv the thousand, 40 bono tobacco, China rice, Carolina do.. 300 lbs tea, 2000 lbs dried spples, spies of sll kinds, 4.O., Ac. je7 Sheriff'i Sale. BT VIRTUE of two oertain executions issued out of Ihe District Court for Ihs county of Clackamas, and to mo directed, one la favor of Eber L. Bradley against Williton D. Woodcock, for the sum of eight hundred dollars snd sixty-two cents, with 18 55-100 dollars cost upon the same, for Which amount judgment was docketed in said Court ou Iho 8th dsy of April, 1856, oas ia favor of Robert Caufield for the sum of forty-eight dol lars and eighty -seven cents, with 15 BiMOU dol lars coat upon the same, whinh judgment was docketed in said Court on ths 21st dsy of December, 1855, snd for want of personal prop erty whereof lo make Ihs above named amounts I have levied said executions upon an ine right, ti Clackamas county, described iu Notification No. 977, now ou fils in the L.nd OfficsatOregoa City, as follows, tklltltl. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point 0.98 chains east of a point 97.U0 cha. north of S. W. corner of N. W J of Sec 4 in T 5 8 R 2 K, thence N 42 drg. 30 miu. E, 35.00 chains, N 52 deg. 30 mm. W, H.aO 8 9deg.30roin. W, 110.50 " 8 82 deg. E, 80.00 ' N 8 deg. K, 90.90 N 45 deg. W, 39.75 to ths place of beginning. I shall proceed to tell sll Ihe right, title, snd interest as aforesaid, or so much thereof aa will satisfy Ihe above named amounts, with interest and accruing cost upon Ihs sams, to the highest bidder for cash at public auction on TUESDAY. THE 29ta DAY OF JULY, 1858, at one o'olock, r. ., of said day. Sale to taks place on tils premises, South half set spurt to the wife. SEP HUELAT, Sheriff June 28, 1856-1 lw5 Claekamat County. New Firm and Mew Ooodi. rtH E undersigned would respectfully aity to their X friendt and the public generally Ihat they ar opening O ROC ERY f PROVISION STORB. On and sll are invited to give Ihem a call before buying elsewhere. They will ever be m.J In uhnm 1 1... ir myvla. anil lhfv Hatlar lhain. Ui.ea that the ean suit the nubile, both as to oua!- Canemah, May 31, 1d50. T Zfew aftxrang-eBent THE next term of our school will oommence July 1, 1856. The frimary Lepartmnt, limited to lb, will be under Ih charge of J. ANOKEW POST. 1 he Preparatory Department, limited to Ma id day pupils and 7 boarders will b under th care of Ui subscriber, who will hav Ih super vision of both departments. By thss srranrr- ments ws bop te offer superior advantage to out patrons. N. B. Non invited t attend but such is will cheerfully comply with ths rules of ths school. Neither do we want any one wno win no rouga in hie p'tys with his companions, or use Sny im- proper language. J. V. POST. Uregon City, May 34, loSS. Tor Sale. I WILL bELL oiv situation on th sUH blurt at Oregna Cily at a very low rata. 1 hav good dwelling bods, (table, and out boildings, with about IU0 choice fruit Ires of lb,, beat varieties, ia sa sncleaur of sight lota, til n( which will be old low, at I have purchased araa. sity la another part of ths city. Msy 24, 1BSB Btr w V BUCtr Caavab. SoV. 3ft. ISM. (V- '" or cash arad sea sJ'i'oi dr, load, chroma oreeo. wbit lead, prosaitn blu red da iail, chrome yallw, blk. da ' litharra, aiu paint, tOotaauaa aad psrmaaoat gvssa puuy.gtaaa, at. J.NO. P. BROOKS. "I"cLAXE'S celebrated Vorroifug aod Liear Slain treat Bene. I HAVE! Irasad lbs MAIN b'I'HEET HOUSE, aud am now prepared to so eiHumodals lbs trawling public Kfery sttaution will bo paid lo the comfort of man sad boast. Cb4rges reaeonablo. I shall always be found on band by Iboas w ebeoss lo patroniio mo. J. M. BACON. Oregon City, Msy 3, 1856. 3tf To Slerchanta and UUppere. rnilK ORKGON MILLINO A TRANS- I POItTATION CO. hare adopud the follow in( Urin of cbsrgas, Which will bo sdhsred to till rurtlisr polios I TianaDortation of mcrehsndis of produce from boat to boat al works, psr ion, i vu Slorasa of asms leas than firs !sys, as charge. " " ever S av leas iiisa laosys, .) u m I j It m 30 60 Each additional half mouth or loss will be vliartid, par tna, 85 R. PENTLAND, Ag'l. Linn City, May 10, 1856. Oregon Territory, ft' . I ' ftOYCE Yamhill count mo llliNKY UOYCEi la the asms of ihs I United Statu of America, yoa are herebr oomniniided to bo and sppir before Ih District Court of Ihs UniUd Blstrsin and for Iho eouuty and Territory af.ireaaid on Ihs first dsy of the nest reirular lerm thereof, lo answer Ihs complaint of Horace L. Ilariiaon, Hociirhlim Everett, and Mat Ihew Everett, or that Judgment by default will bo taken against you by avid pleihiiff" fur the sum of three lliouaand dolljis, with lawful interest Ihsreou from Hi Iwenly.sixth dsy of Septrmbtr, on thousand sight huud.ed and Bfly-three, and costs of suit, if you fail to appear and answer lb said complaint. Witness, George H. Steward, Clerk, and the seal of said Court, at Lafayette, In said us J county, sfflxsd this S 1st day or April, A.D. 1858. GEORGE II. STEWARD, Clerk. 8. Ellaworth, Pllf's Attorney, Eugene Cily, O.T. April 96, 1856. 2 -3 in TUST R E C E I V K D, J 70 bbls snd hlf bbls N O sugsr, 30 u ' crushed " 4000 Ihs No I China " 10 hlf bbls Carolina rice( 15 " " dried spples, IS kegs 10 hlf bbls posebee, 10000 lbs Liverpool salt, 10 cases table sail, SO bbls Sauls Cms lime, SOOU lbs msnilla rape, aas'd sixes, 100 kep uaila, " 6000 qr flour sacks, 6 bales drillings, 12 easss saa'd pie fruits, 19 " pickles, 20 bundles window sash, ass'd sitss, 94 pannil doors, " ' 2 dos pol. grains aosops, 100 sacks Rio coffee, ' 10 mete black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 single snd double blocks, aas'd sixes, 6 gross P it 51 yeast powders, 10 ds tino wash boards, 500 gab 8. 1, syrup, 4000 lbs whits lead, pur, 600 "led 40 gals copal varnieh, IS dos point brushes, ass'd sixes, IS "3 hooped buckets, 200 gsb boiled linseed oil, 100 " rsw ' " Together with a good aseortmsnt of HARD WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which ws propose selling at prices to suit the times. Call aud see lor yourselves. W. U. DEMENT dr. CO , Msin st., opposite ths Lsnd Office. Oregon City, April 19, 1856. Charm an St Warners MR. EDITOR Yoa will please tell tl our fallow-ciiijen or Oregon that W ar stil doing business uudsr Ih old firm, snd under the old adage Ihat nimbi sixpence Is better than a slow shilling. Ws wont to sell goods, and Will do to as cheap a any other house in Oregon City. Wo have enlarged our business malerislly, sn3 now have on baud, as usual, all kinds or GRO CERIES, such as will suit oity and country trads. which wo hops sll Who have favored ua with their liberal patrouage know Tull Well. Call again W will do our best. CIIARMAN it WARNER. April 19, 1656. GLASS, Queenswarv, and Crockerv, at apl9 CHAR3IAN d WARNER S. T TTE have a full assortment' of BOOTS & VV SHOES, also Ladies' G titers and Buskins, iu fuel all kinds of ladies' thoea spl9 CllARltAN WARNER. 01? REGON HAMS and SHOULDERS for sale 19 CHARM AN d WARNER. In our Bakery TTTE keep a full assortment of BREAD, PIES, V T CAKES, and C ANDY, at Wholesale aud retail. apl9 CHARMAN $ WARNER. Weddliif Cake. MADE toerdcr, psrties furnished With lets on shortest notice, Ate , by spl9 CHARMAN WARNER. KELLY'S Private) Boarding Some. Opposite Holmes it. C'n.'a Firs-proof build- isg, OREUOH CITY, O. T. ST Charges reasonuble. Nov. 3-Gin. Splendid Jewelryi G. COLLIER ROBBIN8 hut now on hind ths finest aaaortmeiil of JEWELRY over brouirht to Oresou. The assortment consists in part of Ih following artioleti Diamond broaches) Diamond rings, Gold rsilwsy tims-keepers, Ladies' watches, in enameled esses) Lsdies chstelsners) Moaaio etr-ringi, Gold thimblee, gold snJ silver psnti Card csset, msutel srnsmeuls, Csrd baskets, pearl ouskeM, Gold guard, vest, and fob chain) Sleevt buttons, shin studs, Ladies brooches, snd a variety of other goods loo numerous ttt men tion. Call and ses th most mainificent display of Jewelry ever teen in Orvgon. U. CULiLilMl Kunains, March 22. Front etreet, Portland. rornitare. Tilt! iiibecriber has just receiv ed a large supply of FUltNl IUKK of all deacripuont, coueiat. in ia naft aa rolloWa. .- Sofut. mahdguny and black walautt Chamber eeu; liiireaua, with or without msrbl topst Office desks; Rocking chsirs, stuffed ia hsir, csrpet, and With an and wood seals; Dining chairs, ean and weed seats; Office chain, do do do Children's do, hl(h dining snd rocking; Uedaleads, various Kinds; tables, eenior, card, and dining: Writing desks; 8 d. boards; Parlor eiiaiin ', Sef-eee: Rifling, tolfet, and work tables; Lsoking-glssaei; Mtltresaos, hair, moss, and wool; Window shtdee; Feathers; Papsr hangings, af every styl Oilcloth; Cbinrt malting; fluid lamps, nd burn ing flu d ; with a variety of other article taw urnerou to inentloa. Persons wishing to ps'rcbsss will pleas call sod examine for themselves. Ail kind! Dfeoaiitry produce taken In sxsliang for good. TUOi. J0H58OJJ. Hatch 23, 1858. 49lf DR. Osgood India Oiaiagagoe.aad Dr. Jsase JLaSarvsa Chcsagofuat Ui CISOOV OITY Dim STORE. OREGON CITY ... ,.,j, WboloaaU Yrloea Current. MV oooos. I nanus It msdicixis. 6hsellag, 4-4... . 1 ls!2 J 100 pr, eUver N. Y.soat. Drilling ISA raoouc. Dlsschsd drilling U Wheat, pr. bu.....l,00 shirting, lal60sls de:....-.. 76 Blriped do IS, Potatoes do 75 Tickiu;... .I... Haiti Onions do ftl Dsnins 15'liloar $ Blu drilling l4,Csru Meal, fresh C I'lsid liusey I6a24; run. Halintt 70s90 " dried do.13.alS Kentucky jeaus...25a45.Feaehes, dried do 18 Tweeds 55s7U; " do pealed raiNTs. Chili, dr.ed.SOaii Blu and whit 19? raovuuoas. . Ulus and orange 19 Pork, clear none. Kancy 8a 1 ' meas J98a3 Furniturs do 10a 14! llama IS do. wide. 191 Bacon 19 M. do Isliie 14u26; rowusa. Ginghams 15a2i lleiard, pr ca SIS Alpaca 25afi0; " pr keg SIV Table dumask S0a75 shot. cloths C5aU Small sixes tJinl Irish liuriis 40u$l Buck 83u3 CI.OTIMKQ. ) X.XA9. Sheep gray pants S2a.i3.Bur 20 Satinet do. . 8S iti While lead, In oil. ..I?! Fancy case, do. ...$4a.V ooaosoa. Black caax do. R5a7;Msuil!s, small Si Redflin'l shirts 8 1 4a lb' large.. ...Si Blue do. do. $ 1 5a 18 Hemp. lOalt Hickory shirts 5a7- . caNStss. Cslioo do S'.lal'l AJmantiue .37a40 (0s6i soots & suor.s. 8perm Men s kip bootsS-la4i' cioaas. super do. do.. ..04 Ilsvsna.... $40a80 Hue sewed C4 O'nnan ,. .tl0ii9i Boys' kip boots 9, American )90a58 " he'vv w'x doSl n9' tosacso. Mens brg's pr. dox..$l7 Priilsofthe Union. 40n45 " kipbrgsprdoxgOSuu JUoai " talfaewed do.. K'2 1 Luke's 37 Women's h'vy sh's.313,' hasbwxss. Hue do. 9 1 5; Hhovels j 5Sa 1 OHucasias. :Hvsdes I14sl8 Cofie 14s1C'Axes 812a90 ea 60aC5 Mill saws. 90a$U ugar,no.l Cbi'a 1 1 X cutsaws. 75a$l Si crushed 10' i utile cutlery, 10 peret Sslerstus lOsIC' advance 00 N. Y.cost Starch 1 4, Pocket cutlery, 86 prot Syrup K Boston $IJ sdvsuca. do. H laluud 90;uther articles or hrd O Molusses i war from 90 to SO pr N Llv. Sslt . 3a3J' ct advance. , 3)u4;Nsils,sssdsites,prkg9S , 2a2i' horseahos...95a3 3o! oils. 4u!Lmp $lii 80801 Linseed boll (UK 10ali;TurpenUnprgsll 9 Table Sslt Sandwich 1. Bait Pepper Allspice 1.., Cinnamon Soap V. S. MAIL LXNB. Portland and A.lerlat. The Splendid Steamer zkiuitBomaB WILL continue lo run regulsrly between Port land and Astoria, si's Vaucouvsr, twics a' wssk, leaving Portland on Monday aud Thursday mornings of each wsek for Astoria j and Astoria for Portlsnd on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching Vahcouvh, St. IWuns, Kaisiss,Catu lamkt, dec, each way. r or ireignt or paassga, spplyto K. MUX 1, Master, jel6 Oratlloyt's Whsrf-boat, Portland. ' Citizens' Lino 1 Steamers PORTLAND, Caps. Muaaav, ENTERPRISE, Capt Jamison. Will rua In connection, ths Portlsnd leaving PORTLAND daily (Suudays excepted) for Or' gon City st 10 o'clock, a. a., the Enterprise ma king lemi.weekly trips to CORVALLIS, leaving CANKMAII on Mondays at 6 o'clock Ails., aad Thursdays st 2 r. at. IT All freight lor ths abort lin will be receipt d for at Hoyt'e Wharf Boat, Portland. ' ALEXANDERS. MURRAY, ARCHIBALD JAM1E90X. Feb. 16, 1896. 44tf Tamhill Trado. , .affh COCHRAN, CASSADY Co aSaaaaaaSSa under lbs name and styls or th Yamkitt Comvanv. are now building a stssmer of sboul 30 tons bnrlhsn at Cansmah, sxpreaaly for Ihe Yamhill trad. She will be ready to rua some time in Jun. COCHRAN.CASSADYfCO. Oregon City, April 5. 51 U HZ Drag's, Modicinet, Fainti) Oila, atna vye-itani, Ih OHKOON CI'l'V DRUO STORE. sepl5 Maiu Street, Oregon CUy.O.T. , 1 . tVESTERIV HOTEL, Morrison st, between Front snd First at.. PORTLAND, O.T. Chsrges reasonable. S. D. SMITH, March 15, 1858-48 Proprietor. W. aft Sum., WAOOX and carriage maker, 0 It K 0 0 N C I T Y, O. T. . tT Strict attention paid to repairing, and sail faction to patrons warranted. febt-43 ZrZorri. Vhomas, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, Main it., nearly eppotitt Holme $ Co.'. team or ihavino, ao. Shaving twice a week, one shampoo, hsir trimmed on e, per mouth, $2 00 11 one a week, on shampooi kslr trimmed once, per mouth) 1 IS Hsir Ui mined, 28 Hair cut and dressed, SO 8huvltig, and hair dressed, 25 Shampooing, 50 Oregon Cityt April 5, 1859 51 Time WF. HIOIIFIELD, a WATCH-MAKER. Peraont deairoua of getting good work don will do well to give me a call, as my whols tims i de voted lo Iho repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and lloritotita. wator.es. An assortment of Jewelry ou hand. ' Jewelry mad to order, and repaired. Prices to suit tbe times. I sm thankful rot past favors, snd hope to give satisfaction in future. ID" Locsted st Ih old stand, opposite the Tel egraph Offioc, OREGON CITY. Feb.! To all whom It may concern TAKE NOTICE, that 1 claim for myself tn.! wile, snd shall insist upon holding, sll sf th rouowmg described land, as our laud claim taken and held by me under and in con-ipliauce with Ih set of Congress entitled "A Act tscreal th of fice of Surveyor General of Oregon." Ate., snore ed Sept. 27th, 1850, and the amendments thereto. an pretension or irm. tl. x. cel'oo to tbe eeotra rv notwithstanding, to wit; Csmmenein at a stskesn Ih Willamette r'.ver 19 chain aad ti links south and 37 chai'nt snd 50 lioks weal of ths aiuth-estt corner tf section 35 la township on south of rang ona ast, theuce running aat 160 chains, th'ie north 68 chains and 60 links, Uiesc west chains, thence south 54 chain snd 10 li'.Vs, thene west 80 chums t aaid Willamette river, snd thenc up sard river with its msander lugt to ths place of begin niog. k V JOSEPH KELLOGG. March S2. 1856. To ail wbom It nay eoneera. T AKE NOTICE, that I cUiin, and shall insist npon holding, all of ths following described land, as my Isud claim taken and held by me ea derand in compliance wiib the let of Congreseeo titled " An Aet to create Ihs office f Surveyor Gen eral of Oregoa," eYc., ft., ipprovad Sept 27th, 1U50, sad Ih mendinot thareto, all pratansiaa of Wui. R. B. Cotton to ths contrary notwithstand ing, to wil; Commencing at a stake 18 chains south of th south-east aoraer of aoetioa 31 ia township on south of rsngs two oast, thence run :ng south with taction Tin 40 shams, tbeae west 113 abaias, thane north 30 ohsiu sod TJ ticks, thenee east 91 chain and 30 links, ihancr erlhl obainsand 25 links, snd these Mat If eheias 50 links la the heginwna aoraor. ?sftk,:?s.