I? 1 ft: lAl' 1 1 ; 1 , iM " M'if II ll: ;!!5 3 4 m .1 m i m v. 5 'SI ! ill ill III :s& 1 . ' .; ,,, , i- America. ! TuKTL.oAHi.-lroinll1lotuiir. Wi tt., tit l.lf. t A merua frtlk drlre(J lwf, , D,,,,,.,,!,..! Soei.ly we When we coma to sjieak ' I cebn cuit itilreiii2 Uct not before collected to fe.tcJ can.cil.es for ft coir L ou. and tlevn- geHier. Th. length f telegraph lie-in the great 1 "Wq Cl , , , ., , i, u,;i ! countries f the world as .4lwa, io mile: toJ oci"ty, there I one trail nhuli W (J .,, 3i(KH, 11( 500 . ' ..... n tri.i (.. .: J. ill occur to every Wo have nuaiueu; licyoiiJ itny pojpn on tho f.io of llin arih runrUs'J tiue'irj woman. 'J'liurit r tw liiL-lirit nromio. . I In Tirt it km t our great p'.liliri! Wn, tint m.n i n!unMa , inun, nil l' in ioliicully iUl. It i (tint woman in tj ln Iralod coiirleou'-ly womin. Abroail, ("'( f nuik or funiily or woUh, are trcftiml with deference, but nil Afilyricnin arc kliocUJ itll tli uegl'-ct of wuinoil wlia Lavo no iucIi cliiimi to liV tinolion. Wn quote a lino or two fiom riiwUBrv: "I will ti'H you wli-ral Imve t-mi mil in mill I of 10 of llio flilunt gi-ntlo- ,no,boul, W.a m. of; hero in your own oinmous cni"g' mm '' way car, wltin I liav r en u woman U iu, liamlwmo or not, wull-drwed or not, M workmao in liob nail sliue, oraditt'dy in llio lilglit of fashion, ruo up and givo licr liia (lac. I tliink Mr. fiectator, ith hit abort face, If lio lind ccu such a deed of courti'fy, would linvo imil':d a awoc-t imile to the doer of tlirtt gnntlcmanly-like action, and have madp him a low how from undr liU great poriwiij. I am ure Dick Steele would have hailed him were bo dandy or Mechanic." &e. . Thi extract introduce! the other char acterlalio 'of A nioricani. Not only i tvery woman treated as a lady, because fcho i a woman, but this i dune by every Amoi lean. It U not eiieclally clmrncturiniic of city or country, or cultivation or want of cultiva tion, of the old Stated or the new ; wherev ft there i woman who bX'havrs modestly, fioui one ocenn to the other, the hits a pro jector in every American she ninets. Thi ia exceedingly beaulifull. It dceervca more eulogy than it has attained. The world lias never sceu any thing like it. Few ohiurve one sign ofits deep beauty and significance. In the inasao it is an un concious grace and excellence. Two-thirds of tho men who will put themselves to the most goiicrous inconvcnicnco for any wo man ' whatsoever, just becauio she is a woman, would hardly unjgrstuiid a com- tiliment upon the matter. It is a thing of course, like kindness to a parent, or taking a child out of danger. Tho American sim ply feels that a man who will not consult a woman's comfort in preference to his own, is a brute; and so the whole ihiny, lies in a nut shell. This is the foundation ofim. meaauruble hope. If men could only take another step of politeness towards each oth er I It U obvious, however, that another and dillerent principle hero come in, the sliirdiuett, vigor and self-help churuulcrmtic of our race. Men, thry think, if they are worth anything, can takuenre of themselves. If they liavo liiininesit with each olhor, they may os Wull bo civil, but what i the use of perpetual louring and smiling and shuking linnila and tnkli'g ofj hate? A great deal of uo in it, wo say, if It promotes (;ood feeling, makes us ull butler mid happier, and if it would tend powerfully to niako the great Anglo American race gentlemanly externully, as well as internally. To this, us a people, wu have not attain-rd.- - Our manners, as a whulo, are bad. There is a hundred limes the kindness that appears on tho surface, a thousand times liiuro courtesy in men's heart than there js iu their actions, and Americans nre con etanlly smothering down good feeling, which custom will not allow them to express because it is not considered manly. Man ners of any elaboration are considered, if not deceitful , yet dangerous, and it is al most as much as one's character (or honesty is worth, to say tho simple truth in the way of commendation of a book, a speech, or a good aulion. While every one, of course, likes to be hotiostly praised, the reputation of a flatterer, or the mere .echo of a distinguished man, is amongst tho most repulsive possible to Americans. Our (nnuueri, in tiuili, greatly need nmeii I incut, or rather formation. We nre not so much an ill mannered ns an un-ummiered i aco. Wo get through our business and devotion In some kind of straight forward awkward fashion, and m that no one is knocked down and hurt in a day's opera tion, w fuel as if we were safely through that twenty-four hours. There is a great deal of wilfulliiess iu this. lVcause vt can light bravely, we will be as tough as we choose; because deceit it charac'eriMie f courts and worn out aristocracies, wo determine tha' we will be blunt; nnl bo cause I'Vehcli and hlieut oflun make lli m elvea ridiculous by grimace, we will make uursalv ttilV and dUsgreeable. "I take leave toay"obiorves Mr. Tlisekery,"that coui'teousnesa can be out of place at no time and under no fla. A politeness and - kimplicily, H tiuihful manhood, a gentlo res- pect aud deference, whieh maybe kept HSlheunboughtgracoof life, the cheap du. ense oi manK.nn, omg alll.r ,u 0M Brlm. ei. il distinctions liave pn.veu a nay. ur. lL vitu: -I'm. A companion thai is cheerful, and free from swearin!; and scurrilous discourse, is worth gold. I love such miith as dots not make friends ashamed lo look upon each oilier next luoruing ; nor men, that cannot well lear it, lo repent the money they I spend when they nrewaim-d with drink. And like. ihia for a ru;e : you may pick bill suib lime and such ompsnirs, that you may make ronrwlees merrier fr little th.iu a great deal of money ; f, " 'tie the company and not I ho tharg that mule ihe fea.'t." orcat Witaio T" Germany . Prussia S'iuu ln kd-.uc France' 4,500 Italy M " Austria 3..0UO Kw.iserlsn, 1. 0 i'uifct-y I."" 11,1 u 'fu ,,vvv rii : .. ,, A eon.rj.ny Iim been formeq in cii(ianu, - JjJJ ,lld iw,l, .d h.. ii iu full ,.. ,,,1,0,1 hv January, iM. A nw cul.l bu un Prrri.d lo rim Irtlwuiii ttl" ll" '' tl,e """" Wd.aud will kuij ba Uidil' mo diator rvtut ' Tlinrw re lidj' exlcuiling from au to 8vlsfluiil, Mil. ili" enp't't'd, to bo carried to Ciir!M.f5uidiu'M,liitoAfiii'a,tlincellirouKh An.a, mi lint wli'ii Ihs mih-marina lint belwei'ii tli' country (lid Knglnud kluid, diiect couiiniiiiiniliuii an b liuil with llii! grmt ultien v( tha limKru llf ini.plicre. Aliolh. r lilts of Ulgepll i ,rc.Ki- ed frum Hin hruncitco loii the count or xxirtn Am,.o.iIo Uebrinir't HlruiK, Into Ain i thence to j.v" STb-S Auieriea is ll,730,OOU. Twenty inounin.i a .ii m-nl blween tlii" eilV and UuhIou. The New York prew payt :!0,00U annually fur muaaera- Fifteen thvukaiid word nre sometimes sent for one edition, 1 he pre is llie great pilrou of the telrgreph. Cour. d Enquirer, DnrraiiuTiox or Sesiis. The Agr'cultural tl.ir.nn of ihs Putenl Office is aolivelyeneagi-d iu dtril,utiiig rare and valuable sreile procured in this and oilier couutries. It is said that the quan tity thua scattered over tht laud will amount, by il,e oiwiiini of summer, to over five hundred bush els. Tlioa soedj are put iu package varying from a thimbleful to a half pint, and are distributed through eery part of the country to the most no led of our si-ientifie sgriculturists, through the msil or through the M. C.'s who represent their districts. Itev. Ijobiiit Allen, Commitsiuuer of l'ullie School! in Rhode lalao I, haviiiff received wine of these needs, conceived the iilta of, distributing Hum among the school children as rewards of merit. This cuming to the head of tha Agricultural Jiu re.ni. orders were eiven for tho immediate truns- mUaion of 400 poekuges of assorted garden lloiver mtrd. lit 1 he b l kuul. to Ilia Uoniui ssioner tne fr.r eiich school in Ihe State. ' Th'sidt-a of simula ting svluilarsh'p, aud awakening at the limo a love . I l.nrt'n.illill-a in ill., mill l.ffllil- drun, is worth thiiiking about is it not I Winds in tub Northern IIkmusphcre l'rofcssor Coffin, of Lufuyetle College, Penn., in an eluborato scientific pnper says Thero exists in the Northern Hemisphere three great zones of wind, extending en tirely around the earth, modified, and, in some cases, partially Interrupted by tho character and configuration of the surface. Tho first of those i tho trado wind, nrxt the equator, blowing when uniutcrupted, from northeast to southwest; this belt is interrupted, however, in tho Atlantic ocenn nenr the const of Africa, upon the Mediter ranean sea, and also in Turbary by the ac tions of tho Great Desort. The second is a bell of westerly wind, nearly two thou sand miles in brondih, between latitude 02 and 00 north, and encircling the enrtli the westwnrdly direction being clearly de fined in Ihe middle of the bull, but gradual ly disappearing as we approach tho limits on cither side. North of tin?, thero is an other system of , winds blowing southward ly, from high northern latitudes, and grad ually inclining toward tho wost ns it moves into u latitudii of f;reaier easterly velocity. Tun Gun-boat Flekt of Enuland. The London Times says thut tho inven tion of a gunboat fleet as the mainstay and principal feature iu a naval armament is in deed a novelty iu war. Like other discov eries, it hat grown out of the necessities of tho lime. Tho (radical efficiency' of Hnglnud's navul fleets it says must be com puled by thu number and equipments of the tnosquilo swarm of minute vessels, and not by the squadrons of ships of tho lino. If these vessels nro so available for attack, arelhey not as serviceable for defending a harbor ( One of the standing subjects of ridicule against Jefferson used to bu his re commendation of harbor defence by n gun boat flotilla. Yel modern experience has brought one of the mo.tt ingenious nations of (he world to adopt the gun boat system as the most uflcctive which can bo employ ed in shallow waters. 05" Is poverty a crime f Certainly it ntusi be, for wo see tha rich rascal court ed, his offences forgotten ; while the poor mini, with no stain on his character but poverty, is shunned and of no repute. There ii a redeeming graeo in gold which hides all iniquity, As tho gold leaf ap plied lo tho pustules of the small pox pre vents their leaving a pit, so does the tame guld, in theahnpo of current coin, restore the wounded reputation, leaving not a sear behind. 0" An old gentleman had three daugh ters, ull marriageable. A young buck went wooing the younger, nnd finally got her consent to have him, ''if pa was willing." Upon application to the old gentlemnn for his consent, he flew into a passion, dccla. iug that "no man should pick his daughters in that way; if the. xoung man wished to have one of his daughters, he might marry ihe oldest, or leave the home forthwith." Whatever indillVrence we may affect to show for ihe good of mankind, every one seek for esteem, and believes himself more worthy of it iu pronoi lion as he finds him- j ,(f morally entwined : he considers the ,,(lbli an If, ago as a surely for the high inil)n illlWo( Li ,f The nreU.nJp( c 'iitempt, therefore, for reputation, and the sucrnfice suid lo be made of it to fortune and reflection, is always inspired by the despair of rendering oursolvrs illustrious ; w e boast of w hat we have, and despise what we Ifave not. Thisja the necessary rlTi ct of pride; and weshould rtbl again.t if'weie we not iit dupe. 4 A very poor and aged man, busied in planting and gra fling aj'plo In es, w as ru le ly iulerruptttd Ly thia uiUrrugaUiry :"Why do you plant Iroes f you cannot hope to rat the dttit of thein.'' He raiecd himself up, and leaning npori apnle, taid: "Some one planted Iroes for me before I was bo'ne, i, lu i, t fi.r : end I have eauui wo " , r others, that tho memorial ol my grainy. may live when I am dead aud gone. A "SiiTonv." "Come here, llannes, mein to w. Does Hume vant Ins votier to doll him a shtory 7" ' "Yes, dotty.', Vel. mpin leer zone, shall votier dell him tin dru shtory, or ein niuksli believe I" "tfn dru shtory, dotty." "Veil den. mein leer zone, tcr vonce rosh einco'jf, schmnrl leHlu veller, hu-t like vou, but ein vine oJ dotty, shust like m, unt, mein tecr zone, rter uotty uook icr Incite poy.shust ash I dakes you ; den ter vine old mun.shusi like me, dukes ter leoilc, schmnrl, pooly boy, stm-it like min zone, unt puts him on hish knee, shust, rnein Terry tecr zone, ash I puts you ; den dor dotty d.yVes ein pig shlick, shu.l like mo, vollops dor luellu vellcr, shust liko you. von Joo dree ever so mooch dimes ! shust, moin teet cost llannes, ah 1 vollops you. Dal ish ein vacl 1 r- A suit for freedom was receully brought in a Virjfin'a court, by a e itore I woman name I B-t-ly, and twenty of her descendants. It was cloliu ed and proved that she was emancipated in I7U0, by her muster, John Anderson, aud her suit was granted. raim for Oslo. A FARM of G10 acres of land in Yam hill county, six miles west of Lofayelle, is .offered for sulo. There are 80 acres in cultivation, and 1 00 acres in pasture an orchard of 50 bearing apple trees. The place is well wa tered and limberrd, aud has two wells of excellent wuter, gooJ buildings and out-house. The laud is ns good us there it iu Or, gun r llie world, and its location makes il as good u stok farm ns there is in tho T'crrimry. Farming utensils and stock will be sold with the place, if des'reJ. The eielin is well slocked wilh cattle, horses, and hogs, and can be had on reasonable terms. IT Inquire at Th Aaous Office, Oregon Clly. lVttl(!i Power for Sale. THE undersigned would like lo sell one half of his mills aud water power on the Tualatin riv er, about three miles from Linn City, known as Moore's Mills. It it probably the best water priv ilege, with the exception of the great Falls of the Willamette, that there is in Orrgon: I would like to sell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together with the mills and wuter power. Sly object is to gel a partner, lo euuble ms to properly improve the water power. JAMES M. MOOItE. Feb. 9, 1S5G. 43lf Something ZTew. A NY person having a MeMeon, Sernplfne, iV. Acoonleon,or other reed instrument, wilh brukcu or defective reeds, r.an have thein re-paired by applying or sending to ('bus. M. Kesler, at his rexidcuce, two squares back frum tho baptist Meeting House, in llie North part of Ore jon City. Churge for inserling tingle ree-ds from Sl.fiO'to ft-J.ijLI. r.eusouuble deduction for a greater num ber. C. M. KEsSTEU. Oregon City, September 22, 18;",5-2d miCMl'LE OF IIONOIt. Tualatin Temple of JL Honor, No. 1, meets every Wednesday eve ning, at the American Hull, Foiest Grove, Oregon. Brethren of the Or.lor in good standing are in vited to visit this Temple. M. TUTTLE, W. C. T. S. A. Dixon, W. It. 33 JAYXE'S Alterative, Espeotonuil, and Pills, Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, un 1 Sweet Oil, at the OHEtiON CITY UltUG STOKE. 1 f EXICAN Mustang l.iuimcnl, G. W. iler 1) JL chant' Caroling Oil, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STOHE. miU'SSKS, rikt and loft and double, and Ab JL duminal supiinrters, nt Ilia OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 1)URE While Lend, raw and burned Umber, Crome, Green and Yellow, and other paints, at the OREGON C ITY DRUG STORE. 1)ERFUM KRY.nl th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GUAKFKNDEKU MEDICINES: Gruelcuberg Sarsuparillti, L'lcrine Culhulieun. " i)ysrntery syrup, consunijuivo balm, " Pile Oinlineul, " Health liitlers, " Eye Lotion, Ate ete., To bo found nt (ho ngrney of the tiompiiuv, at tho OREGON IT I'Y DliUG STORK. KAYMAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to euro llie dvspewia just received and fur taleut the OitEUOX CITY DUVG STORE. DIL Guyana's compound extract of Suisupurilla aud Yellow Dock, nt the. seplo OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. OLD Dr. Jacob ToW'nsenJ's Sarsnpurilla, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. New Jeweller. nAVING employed one of the best Working Jewellers ou lha Pucitic coast, I am now fully prrpured to manufacture every description of Jewuiry. Mason'c Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Tins, Rings, A'c, made to order. ' Engraving neatly done.. Cull and see ipecimons of work. G. COLLIER ROHIUX3. X. R I devote my entire attention to repairing Fine Watches. G. Collies Roamas. Portland, Deo. 29, 18i5-3ilf DR. J. Ayrcs' celebiated Cherry Pectoral for cough, col, Is, nnd consumption, at llie OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Townsend's Sursnvirllu, at the ORF.GON CITY DRl'G STORE. SHAKER Sarsnpirilla, at the OREGON (. 1TY DRUG STORE SANDS' Sarsaoaiilla, in anr quantity, nt the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. A l OFFAT'S Life Uitler. and rills, Bernard's j)L Dysentery Sjtup, Wistar's Balsam of Wild C herrv, at the OREGON CITY DRf'G STORE. Jl'ST RECEIVED at the Oregon Clly Drug Store, direct from Newr York and San Fran eiseo, a fresh supply of DRl'CS, MEDJCiXES, Paleut Medicines, Family Medicines, cVC, Ac , w Inch will be toiJ as low fur cask at Ihty can it frtcurtd in tin Territory. Call au I examiue for yourselves, and gel an Almanac lor If 56, gratis. 1)EKl'VIAN Febrifuge, for tho cure of fever and eiM, &c , o , juslieceived and Cursale at Iho VREUO.S CiTY DRl U STORE. Mi LANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, OREGON CITY Dltlifi STORE Cuiii'muli, ov. "J5, ISM, ON bind sad for sale, l.vr, for cash of produce PaiuU&lesd, , chrumecreen, white kad, Prussian blue red do iu oil, blk. do -litharge. chrome yellow, blue paiut, Coiumou and permanent green pnttv.laai, J NO. P. CROOKS. A.C. I.nnd for Sale. I OFFER to U 160 acre, of choice land for two dollars and a quarter an acre, e--4v Th Und s a portion of oiy claim, mi uulrs M 0f j. fayette. in Ihe couuly of Yamhill. Tide gtvd Call and see for yuuiselte. -Tisiw truuWe t shew" th land. S t. Al.Msl Glen Am. Dec. 5.' A, 15ij ITtf New JJoolto I mllE sueriber lias Just re.-elved a large a IB sul)enner na jun - - .H,.,...i of UOUKri. direct ftoiu New oik, among which are tne Mowing) Ali.u's H st. of Europe Ainerii-sn Iiislilulioiis, W.l,.... .n'il rill. I, ires of the Mignrra, Huh) Ion and Nineveh, Iinnoffrapyla Am-.rics, "Land aniline, ..J- ... I Sailur." -I.cK an I run, SI, ii, and Hhure." Three Vc srsin Califor.. Ill oine Cyclopedia, ( j o. of l.ileruiura, Iluchaii's Fain. Fhye'u., Manual of Fine Aits, leturi-son the Arts, Travels iu Peru, Kg) pt aud Ilia iioiyiinu U,r,ln,-ronHl'in Uii.-lne, Knr'l MollBStvrit'S. Choice Umnriipliy, I'eruv.au AutiUiUia, Choice Klra -ls, Polar Iti-i'icns, I 1 u ,.,lw.flil'. V variety of Fuels. MNIieu r -J ; - - SOU cop es oi caiiucis j0() " lleaders, n-o il Vi.f ?iifliv(e do. io " Webster's Dictionaries. Uuvies' Alk'ebra, iNe-AUiuu's Utietoric, (eonieiry, llourdon, " Purveying, " IMfendre, Aiiihmelc.i, Thouiwon's do. Days oo. Parley's Univ. HUiory, Goodrich's Piet. U. Munleiih s Ueogrupliy, Littlo tnakr, M. American Hieako. A LSI, il Fresh Supaly t Stationery. Uiy Uooks, Journali,, ledgers, Itueord lo.,ks. Meinnrun lunis, ol ail sues, in,, - -Utler P.iper, linvelopes, Pens, eVe., &.c Krus'r Knives, trusive Kubucr, uumuiiu wi i Pencils, INK, hi quart and pint bottles. WHOLKSALB AND RETAIL. CTI.UU.ICd PoPE,J. Oregon City, August It), lKei- f. t. HOLLAND. MOLLAHO. r. S. fc A. Holland, DEALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots & Shoes, Crockery, Uooks, Stationery, Ac, Maiu Street, Orfi"in Vilij. June 30, lBS5.-y. naUoluJahl XXalloluJahl rnllE llallelujuh, a uew singing book, by Iaw- a eu iiiosuu ih" - -, for sale at ICJU 3U holLanus. Progression, Progression, Progression I -..J.l I.... A,, nn, lil.L. .in. o-ver onwuru auu wry tun w w JL ward projrcssiou "are a l. llle behiud the lime," and for the benclit of Ihose that have a d sire to keep up with this age we have just received direct from New York tho following list of BOOKS, of which we offer at wholesolo or reluil, on term to suit: Constitution of Mun, by Ceo. Combe Combe s Lee, on Phrenology; Domestic Lile Thoughts on iu concord and discord; Familiar Lessons on Phre nology and Psychology; Love and Parentage: ap plied to the Improvement of offspring ; Marriage : its history and philosophy, wilh directions for hap py marriages; Memory, and Intellectual Improve ment ; Meutul Science ; lectures on Ihe Philoso uht of Phrenology : Matrimony: or Phrenology and Physiology applied, &C. ; Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied ; Phrenological gui.le, eVe.; Religion, Nuturnl and lleveuieil ; beii-cuiture, ana Perfection of character t Self-instructor in Phre nology nnd Physiology; Temperance and Tight tracing; Acciuem. ana rauergoucirs , iijuio psthio Cook Ducks; Consumption: its causes, pre vention, and cure t Curiosities of common w.iler : Cholera: its cuuscj, &c: Domestic Practice of Hydropathy; Errors of Physicians, &c. ; Experi ence in Water-eure ; Hydropathio Family Pliysi ciun; llydropathic Encyclopedia; Home treat meul for sexualabuses; Hygieiiennd Hydropathy ; Iutreducliou lo the Wuter cure; Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women; Parents' Guide, and Childbirth Mude Easy ; Pregnaucy nnd childbirth ; Practice of Wnter-cure ; Water-cure iu Chronic Diseases; Wutor-cure in Every Known Disease: Water-cure Muuuul; Auiutivt-ness: or, Evils und Remedies, Ac. ; Cnmbe on Infancy ; Combo's Physiology ; Chronic Diseases ; Fruits uud Furi nacca Iho Prope'r Food of Man; Hereditary De scent: its Laws, Act Maternity! or the bearing and nur.iing of children, &e. ; Xulurul Laws ol Man; Physiology, Animal and Mental ; Tobicco: its effect, Sic. ; Elements of Animal Magnetism ; Fusciuulcn: or the philosophy of charming; Li brary of .Mesmerism and Psychology; Philosophy of Mesmerism ; New illustrated Encyclepcd a, com plete in one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, rhi'.oso phy of, Ac; Familiar Lcstong on Astronomy; Future of Nations, liy Kossuth ; llintstnwnrds Re forms, by Grcely ; Hop. and Hi-lps for Ihe Y'ouug of both sexes; 1 1 iinmn Rights; Home fornll, &.C.; Labor: its history and prospects, lie.', Power of Uiiiduess ; Wumun : ber education uud influence, &.O. -A1.FO- 8 vols. Revelations, by A.J. I")uvls,lhe Clairvoyant. S " Approaching Crisis, " " 8 " ILir.uoniul Men, . " " 8 ' Special Providences, " " 8 " Present Agj and Inner Life, . " 8" 1st, Great Hurmonia, " " 8 " 2d, ii a ii . 8 " 3d, ' " " Juno 30, 18.i5.-y F. S. & A. HOLLAND. c!;tlofl Itns rnllou! i ND CHARM AN & WARNER wish to Inform llie citreeus of Oregon City and the public in general that they have just received a good nssoMiictit of GROCERIES suitable for this scuron of the year. Also, we have received a supply of fancy groceries, such as l'urinn. Sugar I iipioca, Arrow Kant, and a variety of oilier such articles too numerous to mention. We have a good assortment of FANCY uuuva for II, liohduye, such as raisins, dutes, figs, bottled pie fruits, rufpberry preserves, and a vuriely of other articles in this line, such as will suit the greatest epicure of tho hind. We have al so on hand a good assortment of candies, and are receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So please give us a cull; we will sell as cheap as nny house in Oregon. Our motto is that a quick penny is better than a slow shillini;. We are now commencing lo prepare in the Ba- aery lor I nnstmns, ami shall have a good assort ment of cake. We shall also keep on hand a su perior quality of butter crackers, Iioslon crackers, and also the sweet I ork crackers. Please give or ders for the above in good time. Our price shall ne reasonable, and Ihe goods made of Ihe best ma terials in Oregon. nov?-l Who Want3 a Good Saddle? niHE subscrilier. liviiur five milpa nuili.u-ot .if -L Lafayette, in Yamhill county, is now carrying i, hid uti-iursa ui cuuuie itiaKinjr in good earnest He keeps constantly on hand thu best saddles that can bo manufuctureil wilh the materials nt com mand in Oregon. Those wishing n genuine saddle warranted to fit on hnth nH t,.,..a complete style, cheap for cash, or good trade would ocu iuKuc uic a ean. .tiysnopis situate,! on Bakers Creek near where the Mad crosses it lead- in(T from Pi.rtliintt An. I 0...n..n n:i.. ... . by Ihe w ay of Smith's bridge on the Korlh Fork of l amiilll. ID" I keep every thing in the saddlery line, as Undies, Martingales, Halters, Lines, &, &c. Sept. liO-SUll. J. O. Ut'iNDERSON. ' Titiilnfln Aendeiiijr, Forrst Grove, M'ashlnrhn Count;, O QUARTERS COMMENCE: First Wednesday in December ; Last do in February ; Third do iu May ; J .rst do in September. TCITION ess Di'r.c Trimary English llit-lier do Ancient la, gnages, J French i drawing, each, extra, lui!,Ui.,.l $6.00 JJs.OO $3.00 25 els. i-or information respecting Ihe School, addresa I-'. It Kit IT'I'IK'L- Xot. 28, 18i5.-33-Cmo Principal. .TlrlocJfoiia. 4 FEW of rrince A Co's best MELODE. ii. tiNS foe sale. low. Enqnire at the f.bj OREGOS CITY I)ltl O STORE. 1)0 W D E R, le i d, shot and e p, at f. S. i .4. HOLLAND S. unfit i i vn. I TY!," J',T Fnrk'' f-d'-san I Shoyelat I U t ail at CUAKMAX WARXLR S " S.VLERATUS, t..leeo.b,,t h.,1, . J- A. HOLLAND S. TJ'I.Ol'R, fresh, kspt em.i,tly en hand by -s- r. S. A. HOLLAND. Attan. MeJUnlay A Co., - WyWVcTor WW GOODS. a. . . . . . . i. a MiLU L, nroeure nd w-ou d IllVlle ail ui " r ,, . , ?;JuUa..,e..t rr.u...bl. priee-. toeaU see Ihein. Th y eonUt In purlol ins .u..o-.g . e,id.1oe. Mn.l&wl,c.lbrWws . fiuirv blOOIIM a, -...I- .Tain' d. i i. ,u do UIUPII , lit u harrows 23 teell paiulrd tubs tine wash boards bljcksmilh's bellows cross eut saw 7 It do 6 ft mill taws 7 ft liair inatlritssee double do single buir bolsters double (jarjen rakes oo nwe do spiidrs pol.tlied shovels hay forks m-iuure folks churn wiuduw glass 8 by 1" jo iu uy w - m i n ........ aiiilTi,s da siug;o wiuduwsasl.es B by 10 adamantine do do 10 by 11 giapc brand tobaceo o, bow. and yoke. Tucke tobac . ULAXKETS, DAISE, LlDSEb, UiriiiMc - And keep coiwlantly oa hand a large supply of lr ( w y o ' ' ' clothing, hardware, and many article, loo numer nt. . oil, Ihli-.illtt Oregon my, flp"' - f f DDLS. Santa Crui Lime jiw receivca . . . - j i jc'JJ-IU ii .ii. v. Oregon Bacon. LUa., lor sale by W. C. DEMENT Sl c. 1000 i:g)'pliiiii Wlieut. A FEW bus ielf'-T slsbv A aovlO WU. V. DEMENT t CO. A Ituru (Titllll'C For those tngny'd, or wishing to tngnge in the r touring jjiuihc. WE liavo on hand anJ for sale, die following machinery for grist mills, which will bo sold low for cash, or en a short time 1 2 portable mills, complete ! run of lour feet four inch French Hurrs,willi ... -a I l l.l Vrloi(r lipjj lb. : with insu.lle, piniou, bru.li and mi-pot uud collar. ' ..... ,ii nli ion. Other irons . i run, nunc iiw, i the sain as above. Together with a general assortment of .bands, boiling clollis, pulley, guJgeons, wheels, couplings, hanging for bolting chests, &o., Jtc. Iu other words, every requisite necessary to tho completion of a grist mill by Wat. C. DEMENT 4. co. Opposite Ihe Land Office. ' OatauN Citv, Nov 28, 18i3. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING, per brie 'Susan Abigail" aud bark "Chas. Devens, from Pan Francisco, Ihe following goods: GROCERIES. 150 kgi E. U. syrup, 548 gala, 20 bbls Now Orleans do. 50110 lbs No. 1 Chiua sugar, 50UO Hi table salt, 200 boxes English and American soap, 20 case pie fruit, ass',1, 2 gros P. i B. yeasi powder, 2000 His tobucco, ass'd brands, 1110 half boxes rais'ut, 20 bbls and half bbls crushed sugar, 3000 lla ealerutu. CROCKER YA General Aforlment. DRY-GOODS: !000 yds brown sheeting, 1000 yds satinets, 2000 " prints, 10 pieces alpacas, SO pairs English blankets, 200 yds curpcting, 200 " oilcloth; Together with a general assortment of ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, ca. and carpenter.' tools. IV.W. C. DEM EN T . CO., Kov. 10. . OpjHwite l ie Lund Office. To Arrive WITHIN a few duys, direct from Now York, ex ciipper ship "Gulden Eagle," 400 guls. linseed oil, lfiO gals. rpts. lurpeutino, 200 boxes window glass, (iws'd sues,) 200 kegs Ii ile Uud, pure, 25 gals, van, iuli, Still IU beeswux, 200 lb rosiu, by Wu.C.DEMENT A. Co., oct 12. opposite the Lund Otlicn. HRESII OREGON TIMOTHY SEED a0 L bus. for sale by 4V.U. O. DEM UN T J- CO. Kiuiln :i tiz I.iuic. f A 11DUS. for sale by sJV novlU U'JI. C. DEMENT & CO. rN our bukery wo keep comtunlly on hand L orouu. crackers, uuKcs, pies, ftc. CHARM AX cj- WARNER. t.VN'DlliS, mils, raisins, nf an excellent quulity vy just received and lor sale low hv CHARMAN & WARNER Orang,C3 RECEIVED upon the arrival of every steam er. Don't fail to cull on CHA RMA X & WA RXER. IjlVERY TTliNU iu the line of Groceries, J as cheese, ull kinds of spico, sal soda, cabou ale toda, saleratus, cream tartar, eVe., are sold at nov24 CIIARMAX i WARNER S. mOYS, of difl'creut kinds, fur sale by JL CHAR.MAN Sl WARNER. Just Received. ASpleudid ussortmeul of Family Groceries, such us tea, syrup, suar, &.c. ; also fine aud course salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches, sardines, oysters, clams, yeast powder, also a large quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of every bran 1 and almost every tiling else in our line of business all of whieh will be sold as low as at any other place in town, for cah or pro duce. CIIARMAX j- WARNER. Hardware FOR SALE DY CHARLES TOPE, JR. BRASS and Iron Butt, Scsews, Locks and Latches, Hummers and Hatchets, Axes, Druwiug-knives, Handsaw, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cups. Wool Cards, Chest Handles, Plane, &c April 21, 1855-ltf V Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES rOPE, JR. ft UGAR, Slt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate, s 'J Starch, Salcratua, Cream Tartar, Sul Soda, Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, etc. Aprii 21. 18i5-Ilf Just Received, At the ' Old Stand,' Canemak, April 2 1 , '55. 4 4ftaftafsi Lb Light Brown Sugar, 1 .000 II Chiua No. 1, do.. 1,0011 lbs. Rio Coffee, ' ' 15 Tons coarse salt; 500 lbs. fine da, 3.000 lbs. Oregon Bneon ; 1 ,000 bushels oaLs, for sale wholesale or retail, by JOHN P. BROOKS. To the Farmers AVE W0L LD "J'. 'I l our store;-.-. will pay you as well for jour produce as any other house in Oregon, auJ will endeavor to make you feel as comfortable a we possibly can. no-4 CHARM AX A WARNER. Central Produce Depot ' CANEMAIL CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, S-V wheal, oats, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes. Dec. 1, 55, JOHN P. UROOKS. 51 fell lb- K"l"er f" sale bv r W ap : 1 tf T. JOILNSON. K.IIES 1 cash pric-s pa d bv Nov. S. WM.CDEXtFXTjt.rn RIED Apples, in h'f and whole barrels, at L O . II.,- . . ... . i. o. g- a.. aav.'L4jAAJJ S. CIGARS The best chance to p'ck hi at llie lore of CHAR.MAN WARNER. UUSINIsSS CAKDS. A XXATJ, M'JXIZniiJta,T OL DO,, f L..uural C oiiiii,pimi Menjhauls.and wkaU. sal and retail Dealers In i y Goods, Groeri,H lluiuwuis, CO., o. ( GeareeT. Allan. - - Oregoa City, May 5. An hibaM WKInlay. . -i ( Thomas Lowe, ALLAN, M'KINLAY II CO., Seotubnrg, Uuipqua, Oregon. ' Lower . av 1,-sivr l V J. 'il ChsmpoeBj, Oregon Territory. may a,. CHARLES POPE, JR., DKA LER In Hardware, Groceries, l)ry Gondi. Cloiliiii', Boots Shoe, Medicines, Beeko and Stationery. Muln-st.,0regou City, April 21, 1853-Ilf "t' Xffta. O. Dement ttt Co.,, WHOLESALE aud retail Dealer InGreeer iea, Proyisioiia, 1'aliils, Oils, Roots audi Shoes, Crockery, &o. Opposite the Land OftW. Main St. On gun Cily. ' June li, 1855. JOHN R M BRIDE, ATToaasr and covaaxLoa at da we, LnfuyMe, Yamhill County, 0.1"., ' WILL faithfully attend to all business eo Irusteil Iu Ills professional care. April 81, lti55-ltf ' , JOHN P. BROOKS, " Wholetalt if Retail Dealer in Grorerin, Prtduer, l'rutiiiu, Jv) . Afna Street. A Gcnen.l Arorlinent k pt itpuf Selected Good. Canemali, December 1, 1855. . 1 ' - i A. REED At CO., suoueeaora U Ftilott,, .. -j---., miU. iieaeinee, Bool.s aud Stationery, Paints, Oils, 4e. PariL.u. lar attention paid to compounding medicines. Suloin, Kov. , KU Vells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Between Oregon, California, the Atlantic LSirttes anil Europe. - '' irivivr: i...i..... " - . , jT-Tv . v. iiiuuc au.uiltiigcoiw VIV errangemeiit wilh the United if-L-jd States and Pacilic Mail Steam-.' nip v-wii,'iiiv .-.rr..MBlwll, wo are now pre- pareu io lorwaru ltuiu vail, uuilton, Specie, Faekapee, Fareeli, and Freight, to and from li York, N. Orleans, Sun Francisco, Portland, and principal towns of California ens! Oregon. uur regular nenu mommy ttxpreas between Portland and San Francisco, is dispatched by the Pacilic Mail Steamship Co.'s steamship Columbis connecting at San Francisco wilh our semi-monthly Express to New York and New Orleans, whieh is dispatched regularly on the 1 st aud 1 Clh of each inonlh, by Ihe mail eteumera and in charge of ear own messengers, through to destination. Our hxpress from iew York leaves regularly on the 5th and 20th of each month, also io charge of messengers. Treasure insured In the lost New York eon- ' panics, or at Lloyd's in LonJon, at ths otaioo of shippers. Orrrcrs Sew 1 oik, No. 1G, Wall at; Now Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place; Sao Fraocicv No. 114, Montgomery sueet. J. N. BANKER, Agent Oregon Cily, April 21, 1855.-ltf Tao Steamer Portland. , -sn-W?. . CAPT. A. S.MUBHAY, Will run daily betweeu Portland aud Oregon City. Leaves Portland at eight o'clock, a. at. Return ing, leaves Oregou Cily at four o'clock, r. w. r or li eigni or passage apiiy,a ooara. spxi-iu U. S. MAIL LINE. Oregon City and Portand Daily Packet, aZfl'V5 Jennie Clark, iCitiasZ J. C. AINSWOIIT1I, MASTER, u ill run daily, (Sunday excepted,) in the above nnino 1 linde, having Oiegon City every day at 8 o'clock, i. u. Returning, will leave Portland at 3 r. u., touching at ull intermediate points., For freight or passage apply ou board.. epQl-tf New Volumes of the Four Reviews and Elackwood. c OMMENCE wilh Morth British for May. ISo.i, and Ihe oilier Reviews and 15i.cS.wooa for June, If55. . . Terms of Suktcripticn. Any one Review er Blackwood, $, a yeur. llluckwood and one Re view ir any two Reviews, ."JS. . The four Re views aud llluckwood, $10. Four copies lo one address, $.10. Postage on lie four Reviews nnd Blackwood te uny Post office in Ihe (Juiled .Slates, only 80 cents a year mi each Review and 24 cents a year en Blackwood. Address., L. Scott & co.. Publishers, 54 Gold street, comer Fulton, New York eep8 ' 'Beading for the Million. s. J. M CORMICK HAS CON8TANTLV ON HAND AT TUB FSAXLIX 1O0K I'UIIK, rilO.NT-ST, rol'.TLA.ND, OKSOON, ' ' A Choice s' leelion of Popular Books, New, paper', llujianines and Fancy Stationery. , Among the bo hs on hand will be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, 'oc try, Biogruphy, Medicines, Religion, Sc ence, School Bonks, Romances, Slo., &c, die. tLTSubscnptions received for Harper, Graham, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, ut $4 a year, post age Jree. BJ" Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in nny part of the Union. Remember the Franklin Book Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. -. t'A priced catalogue will be published early in April, and will be sent to any part of the terri tory free ou application. Jbadies I TrOU will find an excellent assortment of i9rs JL nnd Bonnet Silks, Satins aud Velvets i also Rannet Trimmings, Ilotiery, Gloves, Laces and Ribbons, Table Chths, Counterpanes, etc., at the store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Muin-st., opposite Abernelhy's store,) where may be found almost everything in the line of , . Dry Cioods: , , Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos, Piaid Linscys, Muslins, Saltiuetts, Jeans, Flan neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Coiion Butliug, etc Oregon Cay, April 21, 1855-Itf : ; Medicines for Sale, By ; CHARLES TOPE, Ja. ft ANDS' Sursaparilla, Peek's Wild Cherry Bit k5 ters, Baleman's drops, Bmndreth's pills, Iee's pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d prepurutioit, Roman eye balsom, Dalley'a paia extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of repper miut, Essences, Conipocition Powders, Carter1! Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, Ac April 21, 1855-1 if War Against XZard Timet ! The Place to'Get your Money Back, CIIARMAX 4. WARNER are now carryin on Ihe BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY business at their old stand, where they ere still de termined to deal on terms to suit the times. Oar motto ie, "a nimble aixpence is better than I slo shilling ;" and e are determined to sell, if we de sell upon a very small profit. We are keeping ev ery vuriely, PROVISIONS, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, &e, SiA, that were ever manufactured eut of Hour. We keep also all kinds of GROCERIES, such as Snjjor, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigar, Raisins, Spices, besides many Drug and .Medicines. . (We d-u'lkcep any "quack" niediciues, however.) We have bought out the oll.-r bakery, and intend te fix up another establishment soon. The press of besv ineas is so great that we are compelled te "spread ourselves" over a larger platform. IT Country produce bought and sold. Tis no trouble to show "iclas." Call and try Oregon City, October 13. 1655. "Vf O. SUGAR, eofieo, tea, evrnp, anil, at -j- e F. S. d- A. HOLLAND'S. GILT MOULDING f,.r picture frame, for sale by- CHAR.MAN 4. WARNER. TO nrK CIG ARS. Ihe be chance is st fie t'HA UMAX tr.l RNKKS.