The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 12, 1856, Image 3

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    The Jtnnit Clark brought up 700 IuJi
aat yesterday, wliicb wart brought lo
Portland by tbe Steamer Columbia from
Tort Orford. George and Llmpy with
tbtlr flock i compote tbt crowd. Jobn'i
Uod have givta up thtlrarms, and will
come in by land; Tbit will of eourit clott
tbt war In Rozut Bivtr. It behoves tbt
Indian Agent to look well to hit family I
.Yamhill, and tee tbat Ibey art deprived of
weapons with which to tlty eaoh other and
endanger tht safely of lha settlements
around. We hear that tome of the Rogue
River Indiint on the reiervatlonttill retain
their arm. The Agent knowt hit butinru
better than wa do, but tbe people will not
feel tafe with a knowledge of the fact that
' Humbert of thete Indiant itill retain tbtir
rent, and the Agent ie afraid lo iotitt upon
taking them. Thia may not be to, but w
have it from a certain "General" conspic
uout in tbo "grub department" of tbe last
war. ,
In regard to the Kaimi difficulties, wa
. can obtain nothing which appeart mere au
ihentio than the annexed, whioh we find in
the St. Louit Intelligencer of 28th Muy.
It tee mi to be a reasonable history of tbe
disturbance! ',Alta California.
The steamer Star of the West arrived
yesterday from the Missouri, bringing us a
number of papers and extras from offices
in that region, referring mainly to events
f recent occurrence in Lawrence and there
abouti. We have also seen Judjro Tain,
who acted at United States Deputy Mar
hat and at Deputy Sheriff, in Lawrence,
and who bat given us some additional ilems
of news. The Judge is on bis way to Geor
gia, fur his family, intending lo return im
mediately to Kansas, to take up his perma
nent residence in Lecompton.
.According to the reports before us, e arly
on Wednesday morning, ihe United States
Marshal, with tbe men wbo bad obeyed his
proclamation calling for aid to asist in the
xeoution of certain wnttin hit hands,
4ook possession of Ihe Mound in front of
Lawrence. They numbered from four to
five hundred men. lletween 10 and 11
o'clock, the Marshal sent his Deputy, Judge
Fain, into the town, with a of eight
men, to execute the writ. They made
four arrosts, returned, and delivered the
prisoners to the Marshal, and he dismissed
Jlis force.
The Lawrence people wore disposed to
exult over this result, declaring that they
4id 'not intend to resist his authority ; al
though Reeder had set them the example of
contemning it and that of the U. S. Judge
of the Lecompton District.- But when
Marnbul Donaldson had performed his duty
ShorifT Jones, who had recovered from the
wound received in the attempt lo assassin
ate him in Lawrence, appeared en the scene,
and summoned the same men to aid him in
at like service. lie took about twenty men
wun mm aim roue into Lawrence. Me
shopped in front of the FreeSinte Hotel
cittod up, at is well known, as a fortification
and, calling Tor Uen. romeroy, demand'
ed from him all the Sharps's rifles and pice
esof artillery about the fort, or hotel, civ-
ing him five minutes to decide whether he
would surrender them or not, saying that
he desired to enect this purpose peaceably
and quietly. Pomcroy, having consulted
tvith others, agreed to deliver up the arms,
and fifteen minutes further time was al
lowed to stack them in the street.
Cel. Eldridgfl, who keeps the hotel, was
then requested by Sheriff Jones to move
hit furniture from the building, giving him
wo hours to do it in. But this be refused
to do, and the posse entered and removed
most of the furniture into the street. Tbe
artillery wat then placed in front of the ho
tel, and fired open it until the walls began
to fall, when fire was put to it, and it was
left in ruins.
The printing materials of the Herald f
frttaam otbee, and of tbe Kansas J1 ret
State office, wtre then taken and thrown
into the river. !t was the express order of
Bheriff Jones tbat no private property
should be injured, and particularly tbat
Gov. Robinson' house should not be touch
ed ; but it became impossible to restrain
the crowd, and the presses, &o., were des
troyed, and, after a portion of the posre had
left the town, Robinson's house was fired,
put out, and again set on fire and burned
down. It wat a two-story frame, Tbit
wat the extent of the damage te property.
One maa who was observed attempting to
make hit escape from a house, during the
heat of the excitement, wat fired upon and
killed; and a pro-slavery man was danger
ously injured by the falling of a brick from
the hotel walls. Another pro-slavery man
wat accidentlv shot, but he will probably
get well.
Sheriff Jones gave Gen. Pomeroy a re
ceipt for all the rifles and cannon surren
dered by him to tbe authorities of Douglas
Jacob Branson, whose name has figured
a good deal in tbe affairs of Kansas, was ar
retted on Ihe 18th, by Deputy Sheriff Fain
and four others. He was taken at his house.
He threatened to shoot the officers, and put
a rifle through the crack of the bouse, but
did not fire. His wife opened Ihe doors,
with a pistol in each band, and warned
them not to approach a step nearer; but
Ihe trigger wat not pulled. Finally, Bran
eon agreed to surrender.
Tbe evening before Lawrence was en
tered, a man was killed at Branson's bridge,
lie wat hailed by tbe picket guard, refused
to answer, started to run, and was fired up
on and shot in the back.
, Tbe tame evening two of the picket
Card were out about one mile from
wrence; they were met by five men
from the towu were asked if they belong
ed to the Fro-Slavery party, and on answer
ing that they did, they were fired upon, one
of them receiving a shot in the arm the
other shot one of the assailants in tbe head
and both of them then escaped.
Gov. Shannon, it was understood, would
request that 100 of the regular troops should
bo stationed in Lawrence, 100 at Topeka,
and 100 at Oaawatomie. Sheriff Jones bad
aome writs to serve at Topeka, and it wat
reported tbat about 100 of ihe malcontents
had assembled at the Big Spring, to give
him battle, bat, after the occurrence at
Lawrence, this will hardly be done. At
Osawatomie Judge Cato, of the District
Court, bad been prevented from holding his
twrt, by threats of violence to the Grand
Jury frexn tbe Free State men, and thit
precaution wat deemed necessary.
There Were about three hundred citizen
of Lawrence still In town on Wtdneflay,
and many of tbtm were greatly exasperated
at their leaders, because they had deterud pT The Pauai Office K.ports give ib aeal
i. it. k t A-.mfuu. .-J B velneef al lib animal sod vgtbi arodai
... -"- -V
vowed that lby would not again be found
in resistance to tht laws of the Territory.
A good many were passengers on the Star
of tbt West, returning to the t.
Tat Caeatlaa View ef tkt Msatietak
8omof th leading Cantdita prs hsvt ex-
pressed lhlr views upon this nutur. ' From the
Toronto Olth we have the foUewiugi
"Tbe ttlsgraph snnouoctd lo us yeslerdsv
svsninr inat the nan imeatenee aitmiasaj or sir.
Crampton, and iho British oomuI at New York,
Fhlladsiphisaad uioolonau ass taken ttaee, and
that as a eoaaqucno,diplomtie Intercourse bo-
twoea Ihe Ceiled Slate aud Great Britain bat
eoaoed on this side of Ihe Atlantic W faav
uvar uiougiu inai uiw moreruent, ou th part of
Ui American government, would lead to a uriou
ruplur between lb two oouutri and, indred,
Mr. Harey'a I Iter, which eooompanie Hi diamlav
ai, i aia w nero on irnmed epeoally to avoid
lb daniror of each an vuL But it cannot b
eonoealed tliat ink aclieo of lb Uuiled 8lle
muet lead todiffieutie wbieb will pvar to b of
a urealrniDg obaraetar, ra If they are not real
ly so, and will bar a prejudicial effect on in'
tanutional commerce. Mr. I'ierc must b held
responsible for thl eril, and w doubt much wbeth-
b will 8ud himeeif tHmefitted at th Cincin
aati Convtntion bv tb eoarw whicb ho ha ta
ken. An idea that war will aria out of the biui
orat can only be mentioned to bo ridiculed."
Tb Montreal Herald say: "By th attention
oi our waihington eorretpondt-nt we were enabled
yeoUrday aflornooo to aim a alip eoutainine th
intelligence, received by Uirgrupb, of Mr. Cramp
ton and coiuuta Barclay, MaUiew end Rowecrofi'e
amnmu by Ihe United Stale government. Our
eorreepoudeiit add that Mr. Marcy'a letter in
reply to Lord Clurendon a last despatch, ia 'eoncil
latory, but Ann.' The Kaw Yoik papora, in con
lamplalioa of lb dieiniaeal which hu lakon plac,
appear, pretty generally, to believe tbe Hritith go.
ernmeul will 'pocket the affront,' and send sucee.
nrs to tlicir dismiaed ulBcial. W are of a diflrr -
nt opinion, and have no doubt Mr. Delias will bo
served with a 'notice to quit' within an hour of lite
receipt r Mr. Many dispatch, however 'eoncil
ialory' may be its terma. The pretence thai Air.
Crampton ia not dismiaeed becuun of Ih enlist
maul imbroglio, but from hi being personally dis
tasteful to tn I'retidcnt, la, la our view, untenable.
and ought not to be accepted. Mr. Crampton
waa, notoriously, personally acceptable to Ihe Pres
ident previous to the enlistment affair and it is
clearly hi alleged eonduct in that aff.irlo which
Ilia dismissal must b attributed. Beside, ar
Meaara. Barclay, Mathawa and Rnwecroft til per
onauy unacceptable to ine rr.auieui r
From the Quebec Mercury we tulc the f
lowing : "It would appear that the dismissal of
trie British Miairter at Washington la s reality.
"It ia to be hoped that this Irauanction will be
regarded in It tru light in England simply a
an aoi oi impotent oniciai insolence and political
clap trap on tbe part of a President who is a dis
grace to the great empire whose government be boa
neon accidentally called lo administer.
"brave aa Una incident may appear, it bv no
mean follows that more than official cootnes for a
brief period will result from il. Much will depend
on tbe good sens of th Anglo Saxon race on both
aide of tb At anlic wo rely very confidently on
the strong souse of our Yaukea "cousins," who we
imagine lo be sufficiently "calculating" to count
the cost of such an lllicuve war, and who. we inav
se sure, wui uui be ready, to compromise tlie mi'
rtant.nMreorcomroerceuu.uiuJtI.. t.opco.
nit 111 St IH lt Mlfiaua lnilr fnt fliaa tuimAu fkf fn l I I
.ul ?-r-r " ..
I.!- , "l" c P"'ro" J' oveu-
fcuir.n uc WIT, VUIIIUt,
"itut it oehow u to give our "cousin ' acrocs
the border unmialaknbie evidence of our dasira to
live on friendly terms with tliem. and we would
hail with pleasure aome publio action to elict the
expression ef such eplniou."
Frets UaiDiie. I
En-GLANB. Very little has been said or
written recardinjr tLe battle of Costa Kica.
wue luuuniiiiai juurum, m i no go cru nieiil I
interest exnlsina Lord Clarndn'a l..l iop
...-..-n- ,.. onnn k .i...
rT. .. T . ' ' "
old muskels en sale, and will be P-ltd to
. :.u ..L . 1... m. . it. r.....
iuooi wiiuuiucrvuaiuiiieia uvsiuua ineoueus
The annual ataenent of the Chancellor
of the Exchequer has been laid before Par
liament. Ine estimated revenue for the
current year is set down at 67,166,000,
showing a deficiency of 8,873,000.
CoMMKRCE OF Nr W YoRC The official
monthly ret urns of trade at New York, from I
1st July. 1855. the beiiinn ne Of the cur-
rent fiscal or Trananrv r. to the 1 at of
w. ' i v" . :
March, inst., thow that the impart of mer
chandise amounted to 9121,000,000
Three weeks in March 11,251.319 I
Total lo 20th March
Against same time last year
Increase about 12 J per cent 914,725,038
fM . .. j I
Tbe export of domestio produce during I
tbe same period, and the re-export of mis-
cellaneous foreign poods amounted to
" I
5, 033,000 1
Three weeks in March
Total to 20lh March . 155,475,215
Against tht tame time last year 44,424,073
Increase to date 911,050,242
The imports for the week ending March
'I'M amounted to 93,438,047, against 2,
020,812 same week Isst March, and an ex
port of domestio produce and miscellaneous
goods, of 91,468,053, against 1,068,424
corresponding week last year.
The Cittli Business. During the
last year the State of Ohio sent to the mark
et of New York about 40,000 bead, Illinois
over 22,000, Kentucky 10,600, and Indiana
9000. The New York and Erie Railroad
brought forward 58,789 cattle and 224,879
Jiogs, and the Hudson River 48,503 cattle.
There were consumed at beef in tbat city
185,574 cattle in one year, and in Philadel
phia and Baltimore about 100,000 one
half of which it is estimated came from tht
Western States ; it is believed the business
for the eosuingyear will be much larger.
Coal. There are stated to be in the
United States 129,032 square miles of coal, I
AM AAA '- - Til! n . a .' 1
ui "u.u ii.uuu are in Illinois, zi.iuo in i
Virginia, 15,437 in Pennsylvania, 13,500
in tvemucKy, and 1 1,900 in Ohio. In hu
rope there are 17,497 square miles of coal,
of which 1 1,850 are in Great Britain, 3,
403 in Spain, 1,719 in France, and 518 in
Belgium. The yearly product of coal is
31,500,000 tonsio Great Britain, 4,960,000
in Belgium, 4,140,000 in Prance, and 4,
000,000 in the United States.
rSPTh Round belonrinr to tb United State
Arsenal at Baton Rouge, La., embrace an rea of
37 mile, in three magnxine then ara 30,000
pound of powder, and 9,VO0 round ef cartridge
for small anna and cannon. Tbe torebone eon
tain 35,000 aosketa, rifle, carbine, and pistol,
3,500 sabers, 100 casMos, 600,000 eanaoa-baua
and aneua, 30,000 poand canister, and aeeoatre.
menu lur 100,000 men. The total valo of th
bod sad tmiMiBj. "4lb eontentav over 1 fMr
tr It is etlmald ihit nllv-li million lb.
lard are made it Iks taitsd ttialM, of which
twenty Bujlisos ere and la Cincinnati. EugUod
tnd Cut Mb tab annually bum miJiiea pound
n amihu wa,
raietd In lb Uo.ud Slat. Irvm t "figuring
Lp" of the principal product And ih.i if!
tr product arrxmut to about 13,000,000,000
rr fioBMnd milliane deMart I ,
W Th annua! valu of noultrv la Ik ITnilad
Slaw I Minuted at aJO.000.OUO. Th ailv
of New York xpuds yearly $1,500,000 la lb
parch ef egg alone.
t Th deposit la th Sen Francisco mint In
Jauuary and February 334,5(6 (gainst 145.964
aunee it torn troths tut year. Th eoiaap
waa 3,405,C34. includinf bare, anient tMi..
ov. i at suvsr ooiuite wa 131,609,
tV Th income of some of ih New York hw
yei i abeolutrlv marreloue ihe incom of 130
000 is not unnwil. and th ram of 150.000 te a.
etued by many or lb prominent men al lha bar,
I A GsMTLtain. It Uke four thing to make a
I thorough gMlma. Yet eiial ' bo a geullenun
m your principle, a graiKman In your Uutn,
renllemaa in )or manner, t eaumaa in your
ttlt(lea Itoitre.
Roy. Geo. C. CiUNOLia, D. D., will preach In
th Baniiet Church in thil eity on th Ant, tecoud.
and fourth Lord s Hays in ach monlh, and Ih
Rev. II. Johiwon on Ih third. Strvic al 101
o ciocx a. a., and at a e. a.
liraaa DlvUUa.
Tb third quarterly mealing- of lb Grand Di
vision of the Son of Temperance, fur Oregon, will
be held at Astoria, on th 23d of July, commenc
ing at 10 e'okick, a. a. -
Omoer and member are requested to be
prompt. Wo hava warm friends in Astoria and
anticipate an interesting meeting. Come, and tut
us advanoe the interact of th cam In tbat taction
of our young nl flourishing Territory. Aa Ad-
dree will be delivered by our G. W. P., Gca.
Thomuaon Ward, unless delnined on account of
sickness in hi family. All W. P'a and P. W. I"a
1 ara eligible to arsta in th Grand Diisioo. and will
be welcomed to th ordr by pretenling their
credential Commuuicalion are expected from
th National Division. Th Temperance caua i
aJvaneinj;, and if we are allowed to judge the fu
ture by th put, th cause will soon have won th
"oold water triumph." C. II. HALL,
Julys, IBaG. U. a. or U. JJ. of U. 1.
In Albany, O.T, July 3d, by Rev. 8. G. Irvine,
Mr. John Baaaowa to Mia Louis C.Smith, both
of Albany.
And ia it possible that one of Cupid's arrows his
reached tbe heart of friend John Barrows? Sol
omon aaid, "Whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good
thing," and we believe it ; but
" Tia not in Hymen's gay, propitious hour,
With summer beams and genial breezes blest,
Hi at man a consort's wort h approvcth best : .
Tia when the akiea with gloomy tempest lour,
When cares and turrowsall their torrent pour,
She clasps him closer to her hallow'd breast,
Pillows bia head, and lays hia heart to rest
Tia A erf he feel her worth, her love, her power."
.At Winchester, Douglas eountv, July lit, by
Kev. 11. Wilbur, UapU I,, f . Moshek and Mis
WiNiraao, youngest daughter of Hon. Joe. Lane.
TTTE ara just receiving a quantity of DRY
yy QOODS, EAnTlIEff WARE, and al-
. . 1 . '
most every thing else a man can mention. Farm.
, woula do well ,0 inJ -et
get their harvest tup.
plies' about now.
July rj.
A N IRON GRAY MARE, five years old last
J. spring. She belonged to the Clackama
EonlP,ny 01 voiunteen unaer tpi. tsem, ana
of tbe company she gave out, and waa left at er
nfr ,ha. '1 of l'?"r" .A?y I0" """"a'
warded. 1JWJ JJ. J. OUHEbLr
To Farniert.
hvc 3 'Jh'-bone Uiraahera and cleaner.,
3 reaper and rakers.
July 5,1 Sob.
Telegraph Notice.
AT a called meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Pacific Telegraph Company, held at
Lafayette on Monday, the 83d of June, Clayton
Richardson and A. K. Burbank wtre appointed
Collector to receive the money due en the lit,
0.1. 34 an.1 aih inta!lmnla of said Pnmnanv
Tbe stockholder ar hereby reouetted to nav te
the aaid Collector th several um now due on
'naiaumm in aariran posHoie pcrwo, aa
Lne m,.ne " Mw ""l"1" W COmPleM w
For order ef the Board of Director.
J. 8. MclTEENY, President
July 5. 1856. 13ml
Cor. 3d & Water eta, opposite Ferry land'g,
The traveling publio are respectfully invited te
give us a call.
Alt aawijLU w uiv hush. uictatMatsvi
i,.,.j hi.i m th. T.mtorv. nd huii
1 n isiix,uuu nvuon. is mo mm piewsantiy
altered within tbe last few months as to make it
one of the most commodious.
1 uo wuio win mtwmym am auppiiaii wuu uiv um
that th maiket affords. Good aocommodalions
ipl. ... , .1, . 1 L. r-J .:L at.. I .
for ladies and families.
Good stabling and feed for hor, with proper at
tendance. erKBixuKK at Buunm.
June 28, 1856. 6m
Lncaa k Barton,
TEK3, &c.,
HAVE received and offer for aale,
4000 lbs Atlantic white lead,
350 gallons boiled linaeed oil,
300 raw "
300 " turpentin,
200 " Tildana No. 1 furniture varnish,
J50 " " " " coacb "
300 " Japan
1000 lbs of putty,
6 dos Adams 6-10 brushes,
. 8 dos eaah tools asserted,
10 pack of loaf gold,
10 " silver,
100 lb of Small's assorted colors,
3 gross of camel and aable hair pencil,
5500 ft ef glaaa, 8x10, 10x12,10x14, 10x15.
Clazed sash, any quantity, of tbe following sites
and prices:
8x10, $3,25 per window,
10x13, 4,00 "
9x13, 4,00
10x14, 4,50
10x15, 5,00
Lai), would respectfully can tbe at-
tention of the trad and th public generally teex-
,liraf.Ml. hafnra rairnliaainn alaarlaM
r - "-"'""-
June 28, 1856.
I ront ., Portland.
TO LOAN. Inquire at th
Bv Bark Oceaa Bird.
KECEIVKD June 4th to loilowiog GOODS,
and now eelliog rapidly at a small advaue.
150 kega syrup,
60 box eandle,
50 bf bblaNOaugar,
10 bbls crushed "
13 dot broom,
30 " buckel,
SO gro matches,
11 bbls cider vinegar,
1 5 cases tobaece,
35 " (noes, Bortd,
25 grain cradles,
1 thresher and epantee,
1 reaper and rakrt
13 straw eottera.
; XL XXUwaln,
Manufacturer, Wkaleeal and Retail Dealer in
tin a crrss wasi, suae w at, c,
Mala St., eppesit Mtia Street Hotel,
Btaambeat aud jobbing work attended It with
Urdus from lbs ootmrry promptly filled. j7
XIarntii and aUMery,
rj-f TH K undrlgnd hing opened anew
a ia nu I I cvibUK, Marion tooniy, u.
TT T.. ia tb PnlOffio building, aridy
te manntaotor aae ftirnab at snort aouee, and la
lb bt and moat ubeuntial styls of tb eraft,
aU kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY
WORK, Trk and Carriage Trimming, c.
Jun 31, IbiC.-y
i Bark VtUttuBkoat'
IS eapeelad lo eommnct leading with
product prior to 1st July. Application
for freight may be mad lo(JpUBln.bry
al POKTL.UiU, r lo the under.iga.d-
Jun 91, 1858.
Tkewei who Vail Ihe Cbeaawet ttell
the Hi,
CHAR.MAN & WARNER, Oregon City,
bv Ih best selection of GROCERIES,
Boat and Skaee. else Oils, Psint. Ulaaa, te oil
wbolal and retail, ehsap for cash or produce.
Uur slock in part consists of
6000 lbs cork, :
3000 lbs N 1 China sugar,
9000 " No 1 Batavia "
1000 " Handwivb Maud sugar,
1500 " crushsd sugar,
2500 assorted candy,
SO ksp E. Boston syrup,
50 keg nail.
10 ease pickles,
- pi frniu,
13 dot assorted can fruit,
6 " tomato catsup,
5 11 pepper sauce,
4000 lb salt, different kinds,
8 dm brooms.
Laree asaortuwnt of Queeiisware, Glasmrare, dee.
10,000 cigars, by Ih thousand, 40 box tobacco,
China rice, Carolina do., 300 lb tea, 2000 lbs
dried apple, (pice of all kiuda, axe, dec. j
UieriS's tale.
TY VIRTUE of two certain execution iemied
JO out of the District Court fr th county of
uacaamas, and to me directed, one in favor of
Eber L. Bradley asainst Willwlon D. Woodcock,
f e tbe sum of eight hundred dollars and aixty-tw
cents, with lo 6S-1UU dollar, east upon tbe me,
for which amount judgment was docketed in aaid
Court on th 8th day of April, 185S, on in favor
of Kobert Canneld for th ram ef forty-eight dot
lars and eiglity-eevcn cent, with 15 92-10U dot
Ian cost upon th aim, which judgment
was docketed in said Court on tbs 21st day
of December, 1855, and for want of personal prop
erty whereof to make Ih bov named amount
I have levied said executions upon all Ihe right, ti
Me, and interact of the above named WilliaUin D.
Woodcock, that he now ha or had at th tim
aid judgment wera docketed aa aforesaid, in and
to the following deaanbed land claim situated in
Clackamas eounty, described in Notification No.
977, now on file in the Land Office at Oregon City,
aa follow,
being a part of See's. 4 &, 5, T. 5 8. R. 3 E.
' 33dr,33,T.4S. R. 8 E..
bounded and described aa follows i Beginning at a
point 0.38 chains east of a point 37.00 chs. north
of S. W. corner of N. W 4 of Sao. 4 In T 5 S R 3 E,
inence n u oeg. au mm. r., jj.uu ensini,
N 53 deg. 30 min. W, 83.50 '
S 9deg.30mia. W, 110.50 "
8 63 deg. E, 60.00 "
" N 8 deg. E, 20.90 "
N 45 deg. W, 33.75 - te th
plaee of beginning. I shall proceed Ie sell all the
ngbt, title, and interest a aforesaid, or o much
thereof aa will latisfy the above named amount,
with interest and aeoruing coat upon the same, lo
Ihe highest bidder for cash at publio auction ou
TUESDAY, Tiitf 29TB DAY OF JULY, 1856,
at one o'clock, r. a of aaid day. Sale to take
place on lb premiae. South half set apart te tbe
wife. sue till EL. AT, Sheriff
June S3, 1856-1 lw5 Claekamt County.
Mew Firm and Mew Oooda.
THE undersigned would respectfully say to their
friend and th public generally that they are
STOKE. One and alien invited to give them
a call before buying elsewhere. Tbey will ever be
ready to show their goods, and thev natter Uiem
selves that they can suit th public, both a to qua).
ity and pnc. uakstuw & uu.
Canemab, May 31, 1856. 7
Xfew Arrangement
fjlUE next term of our tcheel will commence
L July 1, 1858.
Tbe Primary' Department, limiud te 16, will
be under tbe charar of J. ANDREW POST.
Th Preparatory Department, limited to 25
18 day pupils and 7 boarder will be under the
care or the subscriber, wbe will nave Ine super
vision of both department. By tb arrange
ment w hop to offer superior advantages to our
N. B. None invited ie attend but such a will
cheerfully comply with the rulee ef tbe obool
Neither do we want any one who will be rtugk
In hi plays with but companions, or us any im
preper language. J. D. POST.
Oregon City, May 34, 1 856. 6
For atxda.
1 WILL BELL my situation on th
bluff at Oregon City at a very low rate.
I have a good dwelling house, atabla, and out
buildings, witrrabout 100 choice fruit tree of th
best varieties, in an enclosure ef eight lota, all of
whicb will ba (old low, as I hav purchased prep
rty ia another part of tb city.
My 24, 1858-6tf W. W. BUCK.
Wb. O. Dement dk Co.,
At their eld eland, eppoeite the Land Office,
ARE now receiving per brk "Ork" and brig
'Halcyon," th following good i
150 boxes sperm and adamaatine eandl, '
60 kegs dried apple and prach,
100 bbls and hlf bbls crushed sugar,
60 ease pickle,
30 " fresh peaclie,
50 " pi fruit,
10 tonsG.A. sslt,
500 dot cup and taucera,
, 300 " plat,
S00 " tumblers,
30 " water pitch,
Sugar bowl, tea pots, 4tc eto.
800 ksgs pur lead,
300 gab linaeed oil,
100 gal turpentin,
60 gals varnish,
300 gab lamp oil,
100 gab lard M
6000 yds brown sheeting,
5000 " prints,
Bleached cotton, bed ticking, te Ate., .
all of which will be sold is low a they can be pur
ehusd of any ether boo ia O re goo City, may 1 7
Lumber, Lnmber.
THE Oregon Milling and - Transport atia Co.
have established a LUMBER YARD en tbe
river bank ia rear of th stor ef Allan, McK.nlsy
Lumber in large or small quantities, inelnding
dreased siding and flooring, can always b bad by
application at the tor of
F. S. y. A. HOLLAND,
Oregon Gty, May 10, 1856.
ZsOft, ZsOfS.
CASH will ba paid on debvory for Brand eedat
IKIS at works ef Oregon Miliing dc Trans.
pwution Co. . R. PE.NTLAND, Ag'U
Una City, May 10, 1856.
JUekal aUcka!
rnilE aadeniitwd na eondantiv a band at be
J. ack eMnufacUfy ia Oregoa City, SACKS of
all oautlesaod ftf, which will beaold a lew a
tbey ean he bought ia tb Territory. Orders free
a dutauce arouptly atteadrd lo.
OnyB Of, Htf 7, 1? Wvflyx
SZafn Street Banae.
HOUSE, and am now preparsd te
eommodat Ib traveller public. Every altenUon
will be paid to the eonuort ef man tad bsasU
casrgs rauooatiie.
laball always be found on hand by the who
oho ie Datieaita me.
Oregon City, May 3, 1156.
To XXerehanU and hlppera.
X PORTATION CO. have adopted th follow
ing tariff of charges, wbieb will be tdhered to till
ruruier aetie I
TrensDortation ef merdhandise or produce
from boat to boat at work, per Ion, II 00
Storage ef eame rs tbaa five days, aeobarge.
. ovsr 9 l srs man ia aaya, aa
i 'i u 1 u J5 A. " - 30 " 50
Each addiUoual half month or less will be
char ftd. per toa, 33
Linn City, My 10, 1656.
Oregon Territory, J
Yamhill eounlv,
mo HENRY ltOYCEt la tbe name ef the
X United State of America, yen ar hereby
eommunded tn be and appear before the District
Court of the United Stale in and for lha county
and Territory aforesaid n th first day of the nxt
regular term thereof, te nwer th eomplilut of
Horac U Harrison, xioughloa fcvsreu, and Slat-
thsw Everett, or that judgment by default
taken against yon by said plaintiffs for th sum of
thr thousand dolbis, with lawful interest Ibsreon
from Ihe twsniy-sixlh day of September, on
Ihouaind eight bundled and fil'ty-lliree, and oosta
of auit, if yon rail te appear ana answer ins said
Witness, George TI. Steward, Clerk, and
; the eal of aaid Court, at Lafayette, In (aid
L.a eounty, affixed thia Slatday of April, A U.
S. Ellsworth, Pltf ' Attorney, Eugene City, O.T.
April 36, 185B. Vim
J 70 bbb ami hlf bbb N O auga,
30 " " crmhed "
4000 lbs No 1 China "
10 hlf bbls Carolina rice,
' 15 " " dried appiee,
15 keg ' "
10 hlf bbb " peaob,
10000 lb Liverpool salt,
10 ease table salt,
50 bbb Santa Crux lime,
5000 lb manilla rop, aaa'd siies,
100 kegs naib, "
5000 qr flour sacks,
6 bales drillings,
13 cases aaa'd pi fruit,
13 ' " pickle,
SO bundle window eaah, ats'd aixes,
34 panncl doom, " "
8 dos pol. grain teeope,
100 aacks Rioooffea,
10 mala black pepper,
10 bale oakum,
100 single and double blocks, asa'd siies,
6 gross F AM yeast powdsrs,
10 dot xino wash board,
500 galsS. I.ayrup,
4000 lbs whit lead, pur,
500 " ted "
40 gab eopal varnish,
15 dox paint brush, aaa'd siz,
15 "3 hooped bucket,
S00 gab boiled llnsesd oil,
100 " raw " "
Torether with a rood assortment of HARD
of whioh w propose telling at price to luit tbe
time. Call aud see for yourselves.
Main St., opposite the Land Office,
Oregon City, April 19, 1856.
Oharman tit Warner.
MR. EDITOR You will plea tell all our
fellow-cilixen f Oregon that w ar (lib
doing business uuder the eld firm, and under the.
old adage that a nimbi lixpenee it batter than a
alow ahiliing. Wa want to tail good, and will do
te as cheap as any other hou in Oregon City.
We have enlarged our business materially, and
now hav on band, aa usual, all kind of GRO
CERIES, such as will suit eity aud country trade,
which w hop all wbe have favored us with their
liberal patronage know full well. Call again we
will doour bi-at. CUARMAN 4V WARNER.
April 19, 1858.
GLASS, Queenswaro, and Crockery, at
TTTE have a full assortment ef BOOTS &
IT SHOES, also Ladies' Gaiters and Buskins,
in tact all kind or ladie' shoe
In oar Bakery
TTTE keep a full asMrtmont of BREAD, PIES,
CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale am
Wedding Cake
TfADE to erdar, parti furnished with icta n shortest notice, ate., by
11 Private) Soardlnf Home,
LULOpposit Holmes A. Co.'s Fire-proof build
ing, UKEUUn VJtX, V. T.
IT Uhargea reasonable. rov. J-tim.
Splendid Jewelry.
G.COLLIER ROBBINS has now on band
the finest assortment ef JEWELRY ever
brought to Oregon. The assortment consists in
part of the following article! t
Diamond broactiea,
Diamond ring,
Geld railway time-keepers,
Ladies' watches, in enameled case,
Ladie cbatelaners,
Mosaic ear-rings,
Gold thimble, gold and ailvar pent,
Card oases, mantel ornaments,
Card basket, pearl oaeketa,
Gold guard, vest, and fob chain,
Sleeve button, (bin lud,
Ladies brooches, '
and a variety f other good toe numerous t men
Call and ee th most maimificent display ef
Jewelry ever seen in Oregon.
March 33. Front street, Portland.
THB snbecriber hss just recciv-si
ed t large supply of FUIINI-I
TURE of all description, eoiuust-1 '"J
ing ia part as follow
Sofa, mahogany and black walatti
Chamber sets;
Hureans, with or without marble topr,
Rocking chairt, atufiVd in hair, carpet, and with
cane ant wood seats;
ining chair, cane and wood seats;
Office chsirs, de do do
Children' do, high dialog and rocking;
Bedstead, variou kinds;
Table, center, card, and dining;
Writing desks;
Sideboard; -
Psrliir chairsj
Reading, toilet, and work table)
Mattresses, balr.moas, tnd wool;
vvmoow snaoes;
Ppr hinging , of every tyle;
Oilcloth; Chinee matting; fluid lamp, and burn
ing flu d ; with a variety of other article too
anmcrou to mantion.
Peraon wishing to parches will oleas call and
examine for themselves.
All kind f eoontry produe taken in rxchtng
lot good. TUOS. JOH.NHON.
March 23, 1956. 431
DR. Osgood In.liaCbo'ag'V'e.sadDv.JooW
Aaterk-aa Choiarnfoe, at th
Wholesale Vrleea Ootrent.
to -
pav uoooa. ) dkui.s 4. Mrmciivu
ShMtlng, 4-l....lla!?)'lP0pr.etver.V. y.tut.
Drilling It J rauuvct
Bleached dr lling 13 Wheat, pr. bu.....t!)0
shining, llsioOais do 1
Ruiprd .
12i Potsic d ...... ,,.H
IdaltiOnion do $H
ISPIout... 4
14, Corn Mal, frasb
124( . miT.
70ay0? " dried do IStall
B...S5a45:raachM, drisd do....,.U
.....6570; . do peakd....i.
a. i ' Chili, dried. 3033
Bin drllliug..
Plaid bny..
Kentucky lea
Blu and white
t I3f
Hiu audorsns I7reis, cltar nont.
Fancy 8a 1 3J " uum 1.1839
Furniture do.... ...lOalt llama- It
do. wide. 131 Bacou ..,....19
M. dlJnu 1435) rownsa. , ,
Gingham 1 53j'lfatard, pr ea H
Alpaca ...35ah0; pr keg,
jaois ai inaait otnua; siitr.-
cloths 115s 11 Small siies t'iiU
Irish linen 40. I. Duck t.a3a
ciTiiifia. ixio. i ..
Sheep gray pant 8?J t3 Bur...... : .90
Satinet Ho. .(tisa.S: While lead, In 04I...IU1
Fauoyoaa. do. ...tkinSl ouaoast. . i
Black eaaw do. $5a7 Manilla, email..,..., H
Redflsn'l shirts SHalSf " Urge.,.. 95
lilne do. do. ft I5ai 18-fIuiiip lOali
Hickury shirts Sa7' oaauu.
Calico do Cllal'iAdmantine... ...... J7a40
soot at anoes. . . vSperm COaM
Msu's kip boou8'jaJ; cieaaa. '
super da do.. ..j-t' Havana iuaoe
fine eewed 4 German...... .. .il0a9
Boys' kip ban ft:.' American 30a5
h'vy w x dogUn3' tosacco.
Mans' brg' pr- doi..$l7;Pridof the Unia.404
" kephrg s pr dua-S-'OSuu .Usit
" calf sewed Ao..i Luks's 17
Womeo's h'vv sh's.fsl.t; naauwaas.
nneao. Qia;nnveia :tai
oiioctiiss. 'Knadrs $14al6
Coffee..... IdsIC Axes 9l2a90
Tea 5nat5:Millsan'a..i Ua$l
Suj'ir, no. I Clii'a....)! ;Xcutsaw 75a$l,!i
crushed I u' l alilc cutlery, IV pur el
Saleratu lOalCI advance on N. Y. ooM
Starch 14, Pocket cutlery, 35 peat
Syrup E Boston ti;. advance.
do. S Isluiid..
....SO Uther article oi tarn
.. i wareftuniSO teStfpr
3s.1J( et advanoe.
3 44 Naib, aaa'd kg $1
3a J J ' horavhoa...8ja)l
...3d! oil.
....40' Lamp ftlUt
N O Molusse
I.iv. Suit
Tuble Salt
Sandwich 1. Salt.
.COaRU Liimed hoil... U9C
,..10ll,Tureouuprgull $i
U. 8. MAIL LZNB. '
Portland and Atlvrla.
Tb Splemlid Steamer
WILL continue to run regnlarly between Port
land and Astoria, via Vancouver, twice
wist, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday
mornings of each week fur Astoria: and Astoria
for I'ortlaml on Tuesday and Friday morning,
touching Vancoiivss, St. Hxlsns, Uiit,CTU-
Lamst, xc, eaoli way. r ortrcigtit or pag,
apply to K. nul l, niiwter,
je!6 Oral Hoyfa Wharf-bont, Portland.
Cltlzcua' Lluo of Steamers.
PORTLAND, Capt. Muasar,
ENTERPRISE, Capt. Jamisson,
Will ruu in connection, the Portland leaving
PORTLAN D daily (Sunday excepted) fur Ore
gon City at 10 o'clock, a. the Enterprise ma
king ieniNWekly trip to CORVALL1S, leaving
CANEMAU ou Mondays al 6 o'clock a. ., and
Thuradnv at 3 r. m-
tT All freight for the above line will be receipt-,
ed for al Unyta Wharf Boat, Portland.
Feb. 1G, 1856. 44tf
Tamnlll Trado.
jrs COCHRAN, CA88ADY & Co.,
aanawasasMU under the name and tyl ef tbe
Yamhill Com dbv. are now building a ateamer of
about 30 ton bnrlhcn at Caneiuali, expressly for
Ihe Yamhill trad. She will be ready to run oni
tim in June.
Oregon City, April 5. 51 tf
n Druga, Medlcinos, Paints, Oili,
f V and Dye-ttuflfs,
eeplS , Main Street, Oregon City.O. T.
Morrison St., between Front and First stl ,
Chrgereaoiiabl. 8. D. SMITH,
March Li, 1856-48 Proprietor.
W. T. Snrni,
ST Strict attention paid t repairing, and lb
faction to patrons warranted. fb9-43
aftXorris Tbomas,
Afoia et., nearly oppoeite Holme f Ce.'e.
Shaving twice a week, one shampoo, hair '
trimmed ouce, per month, t 00
" once a week, one shampoo, hair
trimmed ence, per month, 1 St
Hair trimmed, 95
Hair cut and dressed, 10
Shaving, and hair dreased, 9
Oregon City, April 5, 18.16-51
Person desirous f gutting good wia don will
do well to giv mo a call, as mj whol tim i do
voted to tie repairing of Chronometer, Lsvar,
Duplex, and Horiiontal watches.
An assnrtiiient or Jewelry on hand.
Jewelry mail to order, aud repaired.
Prices to suit the times. I am thankful far peat
favors, and hope to give satisfaction iu future.
ID Located it the old stnnd, opposite theTsl
egraphOifioe, OREGON CITY. Feb. 3.
To. all whom it may concern.
TAKE NOTICE, that 1 claim for myself and
wife, aud shall iusiat upon holding, all of the
following described land, a our laud claim takea
and held by me under and in compliance with th
act of Conirres entitled A Act te cn ate th of
fice of Survj or General of Oregon," io., apprev
d Sept. 37tb, 1850, and the amsndmcnl thtrett,
all pretension or, Coiloa to th contra
ry notwithstanding, to wit : Commencing at a
take on Ihe Willamette river 19 chains and 9i
links south and 97 chuins and 50 link west of th
south-east earner of section 35 in township so
south ef range one east, thence running cast led
chains, thence north bti chains and HO iiuks, Ihene
west 80 chains, thence south 54 chain od 10
link, thence wist 80 chain to said Willamette
river, and thene up aaid river with it meander-
ings to the place of be ginning.
March 32, 1856. 49 :
To all whom it may concern.
TAKE NOTIC", that I cbim, and shsll insist
upon holding, all u( th fuliowing described
land, as my land claim taken and held by me un
der and in compliant with ihe act of Congress en
titled ' An Act lo create the oflic f Survsyot O. u.
nil of Oren," A e., c , approved Sept. 37th,
1850, nd Ih amendment thereto, all pretensions
of Wm. R. B. Cotton lo the comrary notwitlistand
ing, to wit : Commencing at a stake Id eliaiea
south of the soulh-east oomer ef veliun 31 ia
township on south of rang two t, tlieao r rui
ning south with section Un 40 chain, Ihenc
west 113 ehain, thne north 30 cl.a n and 7 J
link, thence aael 91 chain and 50 links, the now
north 6 ehain and 35 links, and ihenc at 21
chains 50 links to th Uinoinr comer.
yxTch n, i!. o