Hoeart I a Pes. 'Tb p- n 1 MilgliiUr Hits th word." ThU Id k xpanded io the ubjoind sonnet, which w And in th Wekly London Tim, of Nov. 8i Y, Ihoughl-wrogeJ Pe, I hw much hiih la . Hi I , W.iima f.rroiglilir lhu lb iword or gun Brort th yi ,h11 ,nd ou"" As mists of " before th nwg wn, Alrudy fr " "a et J,,li wun" Yif itn of speech much of our liberty. And orueued bumsuity shall one day mo A (iint nerds of evils totter down Before llijr glenoue marching, mighty pen. Thy pow.r iucreselh lik i lid, Buuadiag w lb fore, resislleaa lo tho wido Ocean. Aud tho sweet lime sppruacheili when Tliino hiHueo.. shall bo fell in ovary I'liino. Ail owe thy Iriumplis glorious suuhine I Th tan of r retries. In a recn.t nuiuhcr of Lift Illustrated, . over iho aigrmturoof ' Uluir," in Note and (Jiifrica, occur ihe following question -, 'What lellm cnnse of prairie without tim ber, or the bott ihoory on the subject f Having resided ft number of year in the prairie couniryof the Weal, "he anno Inquiry haa often srixpn in my itiiiiJ, nnd I would here, in answer, alate the conclusion 10 which I have arrived on the ubjct. It iVan rminiuii hold by many that the prairie regiou of the West wm once cover d br (he water of great inluud set or lake, and that, in process of time, g ge. logical catites, it wai elovated to its pres ent level. The theory is alao supported hj tho fact Unit in many places there have lcen found at various depths beneath the surface, remains of different kinds, but specially leaves of tree, bnrk, cinder, etc. There appear to bo two principal causes for the exiatonceof pmiiies in their present utitte. Those are t lie elm sod of I he pral . -riv grsa, wlticli tends to prevent the ger ruination tnfl growth of the seed nf trees ; and the Gres which in the uninhabited parts ae frequently sweep over tin country nd destroy the young trees which have succeeded insiublinbinj themselves In the toil. Those view are sustained by various TPawna. The soil of the woodland that skirt the iprw'rioa ia mnnly of different quality from the prairie soil, and tLus more Juvorable Is the growth of tree Ihnn of grass. Lying along the blufla which follow ;tlie count of stream, it is more broken and hilly. It Is nUo ef a poorer quality, Wing mora exposed lo the washing of the rains. Again, where the country is set tied and 'She fires Mcludud, we frequently nbscrvo a thick growth of briers nnd Imzel. These s soon choked out by the hardy plum and crab-npplo, which latter in tine give place to the slill moro flourishing for jest trees. Sometimes the brier or hnzel coinpoio the strip next the open prniiie interior of this, and nearer the timber, the 'plum, block-haw, nnd crab -npplo are found; then come the young forest trees, and final iy the full-grown limber. We have seen quite exlensivo tracts undergoing iliis pro. cesi of transformation. The faots here given are sufficient to convince our own .mind, although wo do not claim thai the opiuiuii expresned would stand the teat of a moresuienlifio investigation. Nkw Mail TiuNsroRTATiuN. We see it slated that 1. S. R;chardaon, of Rnston, La renewed his polilion to Congress for an appropriation of $173,000, to enable him , to carry out his grenl project of trunsport ing tho mails between Huston nnd VVntli. ington in an hour's timo, by the application "of atmospheric pressure. Mr. Richardson's plan is cheap, siinjdo and feasible. (In proposes to Iny down an iron pipe two feel in diameter, between distant cities. In this pipe tho mail bag are fusloiicd to a piston. 'The pibton is moved to and fro by the ao tion of a stenm air pump placed at each end of tho pipe The velocity of the piston will of con rhe depend on tho movements f the air pump. I!y increasing its pressure wo can easily reach a velocity of two lain dreil mile an hour. Kichnrdvon'g plan has been before tho country some five years.. ; Everybody admin th.it it work well, yet mobody comes forward with necessary funds to put this wind instrument in motion. Rotany. A writer in JllactrnxxTt May at'iM does not seem to put a favorable es timate on Mr. Orecly'v biographer. Here is an extract from the article : Now, then, readers, if vou do not cive us credit for introducing you to the acme of nwiorn uiogrnpuy, wo pronounce you tne most ungrateful and least discriminating o human beings, "If Horace Uroely were a flower" says J, P., 'botanists would call him singlo, and cxmnino him with iutereal." -"lie is lint the Ucriiians sometimes atyle ' nature."' And if J. 1 also were a flow er, botanists would inevetiablv prono'ltice him "a tulip." Ho it what, in Scotland ' we sometime call nntural'Votherwise known a ''a hafling," 0r, in vernacular . Eogliah, a horn fool. raisTi.Mo Ofpick Rui.ks. iter aro the , latest. They should be observed : 1. Entor softly. 9. Sit Jown quietly. !(. SnWribo for the pper. 4. lKn't touch the p.ikor. 5. Say nothing intereatin'. 0. Kngng4 in nocotitruvarny. 7. IKm'l smoke. P. Keep six feet from the table. 0. IVn't talk to the Triiilcr. 10. I lands ntr the papers, 11. Eyeaolf the inaiiUNCripl. If you'll obaerve these rule when you go into a pi lining office, you will greatly ulige the printer. "The entire Democratic V'cket wa lee'ed at th lat-i muu'kipal eh-ctioii in I'hiladel hia. The majority for Vaux, for . Mayor, i 3.STH. The upper branch of the City Council, wiib. thoac holding over, will Undlt Ieinocrat to 10 e.rpoilioa J the I wer branch 6 J to 17. PaooaiM ur Tcmecorie BcisncaSIr Ps id Jjrawater, adverting to the prop xl of future aalrnunniical progrfaa and dueovory, aayi thai however ftni haa bn the acliieverrieuta of tli paat, and however nia(niffent the inatrurnrnl M wb cli wo owe lliein, the lirniU of teleecopie via in have not bean needed, and epace haa yet manroloue etereu to eurrenJer. A tea feet r,,J", or will be due lo aeieuee before tho ekaw of tho century, aud dies of Unit f laa.. twenty-nine Incliee in diameter, await the enriunaud of aonie libtraj overnrrient, or aoine muu Iwenl individual, lo bo convert! luto in acliromalie leleacoie of eitraor. aiu.ry power. There b no doubt thai the x. pecut on will be realiwd in li than half on lury. Ho, ao, wlae ir l)aid Brewater, 'epaee bae vel marvel..ue eecreuto aurrender ." and with a ten frel MUmr1 yon will mike epec yield them up. Hir V vid, your 'r. Ileeior' might add to your already cmwded celwtW eharla, nnlliona up nnliiuiia of iyanma of aolar pianola, nd far beyond iheee m Iky waya, erowded with nebulae, with double and triple and quadruple etar mad to ap. ear, and ttien, Hir David, not a secret would bo yielded ! Were your reflector of the diametrr of iiiv H.- i - tary aecret, and were it to bring you I'glit rrom . h .t..i.a,i iiint fuimun lenffiiera or human IV . - n n - iiuauinatian euuld not invent terma to eipree Hie oiuericft, aim yci uki nmi mw-w v.. - woulil he Dul lieigriwiring aionie in uie tho imineiiaily we call ip.ice, and were Sir David 10 iravel wun inecciniir 01 invun., w un line, through III yean of eternity, he would mver arrive where epaee ia not 1 Why, Mir Aatronorner, apace ia elrmiiy, and with vnur 'ten f-el tolloclor how could you uiuao eieruuy aurreuner n eecreu. (Jots! tv.. uWim mmvm m iu-Ulimteil elif milt. "eaiata around ua and to u eiteut and under con dition! which eacape Hie notice oi curaory owiw era. When tho dyer buye of Uie dry natter on hundred pounda eai h of alum, carbonate of end a aud aoap, he obiaina in oxuluuge for hi money no em thau forty-five pound iu the eecond, and a va- riamo quauiuy, eoiiieuniua iiiuiiniij w p.vi.. ...,L f..ir nAinia In the fhir.l. Kven the Iranaparont air wo breathe eoutaiiio in ordinary weamer, aooui uro greineui wairruiiiiwruuiruuu .-.I. ..i.1m r.u.t r l.nlL biiH lime raritied water EUI. 1 1 .UUIW . VI iw HH.n, no more welath air llian the aolidified water weta the lime oroal In which ilataiiaoiDea ui apiaa- ... ..I P..:. .t.l.M ttfaiMliliiM fiir riiiinifta. mart than one good pound ieaolidiiied water. Kven the preciou oinl la aolidineu waier, criuoinra in we proportion OI nine jreuie 01 uivcaum ihkhmwhi to one of the fluid. Of an acre of ulay land a fool i ... i .. . .i i i 1-..1 oei p, weiriiug noout one inoimuu ihuhimhivi - r,.n. Iiiin.lr.! Inn urn rntr . nnil mvmn M'll ( 1 MM. VW HH..U.1.U . -. of the great niotiulnin chaine with which the globe la ribbed, many muiioue oi tone are water puiiu.iicu into earth." Cuaioce Rauc K. W. Ammtrong hu pr Minted 1'rentiee, of the Louitvillo Journal, with an old relic that la indeed eurioaity. ll i an Indian jug, Urge enough to hold about three pinta, huving a long narrow noes, ana auinaing upon tnreo leci in thuahape of balla. ll eeema to have been made by the moulding and aubeequent baking of pulver. ixed inuecle aheile. It waa found in digging a well . . .i i. loriy leel oeneatn tneaurince, in .mmeiippi voun Iv, Miawurl, foriy milea from Wolf lland. 'Hit Journal anya: . Thia relio, which I the aeeond one of die kind ever found in Mimiaiinui Co., ia uunneaiinnably very antique. Af'.er tli diicovery of the liml, nearly half a century ago. a aleamboat captain, who haa aince died in thie city, had a converaution about it with the ged chief of the tribe then inhabiting Mioiaaippi county, and waa aaturod bv him that there waa no eiimvin tradition aa to the Indiana who manufjcturcil that aort of ware. 13!" In memoir of Manhul .Vey, reeently ia- sued, Lord llroughom, alter derendin Wellington from the oharjre thai haa been brought ngauut linn, of want of generality iu alluwing the punishment to be carmd luto elleot, menliuna a circumatance which w do not reeolleet to have seen elsewhere recorded. . "While Napoleon powd williln rnngeof an En glish ballery at Waterloo, and the oll'iocra were about to lira at the group, lie at once peremptorily forbade it. 'Thia piianage,' he adila, 'in hia illualri ous and uualaiued life ia worth a thousand auper. Ihiuua mnegyiica, aud pule lo flight nil inipulalioua upon him as wanting in thane feelings which, in company with more nire and stern qualities, are avi r fouud lo adorn the character of tho greatest men.' Cncncii STATienca. The general niinnlee for 18.'i.'i-'itl of all the Couferencea of tho M. E. Church, South, twenty-lhri iu number, are now completed, aud will soon be uaued from the publudi iiivr house, at Nashville, Tenneawe. The returua ahow the following result ia totals, with referruoe to the preceding reports: T'riivuling preachers, 3,U7cl Huperannuiited preuchers, 4,C'.'8 ; While nienihers and prob.itionere, 4u,Ji'i ; Colored nitnilicin and iirobatiouera, 17U, 15(1 ; Indian members, 3,013 j Total membenliip, o.'i.blia. The total Increase reported is 27.623, which is reduced by decrease in tire conferences to Ibe netl liieresiie J l,US9, ns above given. '1 he lurgi st w hit membership reported, b for the ueorgia I oufercnee, 4 I.VjJ j the largest col ored ineiiiberehip, (juulh C'uroli!ia Conference 37,- it.'l.'l and the Inrgeat nwiulx'rahip generally, Houlh Carolina, U.vuj. TuruLATiox or Kojia The General Vicariate ol Hume hu jual published an ullicinl census of the population of Koine for th year lS!i5. In all there are 177,4111 inhabitanta, among whom there are 30 biahoM, lli aecular prieula, ,313 monks and olhor rehgioua, 1 ,9-l'J uuns, and C$7 seminarists. At Hume, therefore, there are in all 5,081 priests, monks, uuns or seminarists. That ia to any, one to every thirty -live iiihabilaula. 1ST A I.on.Uiu letter says that the differences uf opiuiou which have exikted in regard to tho pro. ptuod luw legalizing marriuge with the decraied wife' aisler, will probably be arranged by requir ini; such marriages to bo solemnized before alteg inter, aud not in Church. ' A College 1'rofkssor. lie was one of your precise men, who measured off sen tences as a clerk docs choico ribbons. The good professor took it into his liend to re lieve tho monotony of his existence by an aquatic excursion. The boat was unforlu nuioly capsized near tho share, and he was put in a fuir way to test Pricsnitz's theory, tie was averse to making any uncouth out cry, and had just gone down twice without saying a word ; but just as his occiput was disappearing the third time, ho rolled on his buck, and blowing like a porpoise, ex claimed, rather louder than usual, "It it anticipated thai some one will extend lo me a roj.'' 03 John Uandulph was one of the most siircaatio men that ever lived. Out time a young man attempted to nmke Lis ac quaintance. I Id obtnincd an introduction, and among tho first remnrks said : "I passed by your house lately, Mr. Randolph" 'T hope you always will !" was th reply. (KT West Windsor, Vt., i remarkable for the longsvi'y of it citizens ; fifteen of its 1,000 inhabitants died over 80 years, of age during the month of March. tlT A Isle writer w shea to know what mote p-vioue ollemur can be la d upon a mWe heart than the tirel Iota of a pure, aln-olieoale girl, with an uud.ved iulere ia e ght ooruer krto, and fuur leea thno-etory houaeeF Tie o'er the empire of the heart Thai woman holds the reign, Wherv what she conquer uot by art ller Wars w 1 1 e'er oouiu. tiT" The flsf of Niraragua baa a device of fire Tokanoee ia full b!a, imenoVd. we su pw, to in divatethe tir-We energy ef fill baitei.tm. raim for Bale. otlnnJ in Tim . ... II. .J I ....Ilea U riur.f hlH COUnlV, MI miiral W W I,-.U7v..-ar, - I I I r ,1 iXm taU. Tlmr. art feO ftCfM In I JI mnta In nja.iiir Q or:hfd .i, 1 - ..u.t. I.awal M'l.ai n ai 11 Wflll Wft tertd sad timuerrd, nd li( two wellaof eioellenl water, good buddinga and out-houere. 1'h laud ia aa ruoj a there i in ()rrg..u or the world, and . a I. - I .. -a L S.aaa aaaa lliat-M Its lOCtUOB miKM U mw a- 1.. Ike I'evrilneJ V mt fill II If uteiuila and stock W III HIV - m 1 - will be sold with III place, If drarred. 1 he claim M well Blacked wild catlle, horses, Slid huge, and can bo had on reasonable term. Jr Inquire at TH Aoi nine, uregon uuy. IVnlcr Power for nl. THE undersigned would like to eell one hall oi h a mill and water power on tho Tualatin riv er, about thrro mile from Mini City, known Moor' Mill.' ll i probably llio beat witter priv ilet'e, widi tlie eieeplion of tli great Folia of tli . .i i. i. . . . I ... 1,1 1 1 L tVillameiie, inai mere u in wiruoii. ... . ii k.lr nna.rAiirili iA ni ffleint IrMrelher m evil viiv'iim'i v. mi. i- will) tlx mill and water power. My object is to jet a panner, wenauie ""P",J ' I I HIV 11 11.11 llfct' water power. ja.hu .h. mvvi.r.. feri.il, mod. . Something' New. AXY person bving a Metodeon, Seraphine, Acwir.leon, or other .reed inatrumeut, with broken or defective reeds, ean hav them repaired by applying or lending lo Chua M. Kestar, at hi residence, Iwo wpiarea back from the lirplial .Meeiingllouae.iii the North part of Oregon City, tlhargo for iimerling linglo reede from 81,50 to KJ.UU. lieasoneuia OeUU.'llon lor Eiem. r rain- S,;. C. M. KKbTEIt. Oregon City, Beptember 22, rilliMPLE OK IIONOlt. Tualatin Tempi of JL Honor, No. 1, meeta every Wwlneaduy ve ning, at Ui Amerien Mall, Forest Grove, Oregon. Urelhren of the Order in good (landing are in vited lo visit tin Temple. IU. lull i.e., II .V. B. A. Dixon, W. It. 33 FAYNK'SAltorativo, Exieclomnl, and I'llla, Cod Ijver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet Oil, at the OltECON CITY DUCUbiUKC" 1 KXICAN .Mustang Mniment, (J. W. .Mor llL chant's Garbling Oil, ut Ihe OREGON' CITY DUVG STOI'.E. fllltl'SSEH, rixht nnd loft and double, and Ab- 1 duminnl supporters, at th OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. 1)Ui:E White Lead, raw and burned Umber, Crome, Green and Yellow, and oth-r paiiiut, at the OREGON CITY UUUG STORE. IlERKL'.MKRY.nt Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. RAEFENBERO MKDICINES: GraefeuberfrSarupurilla, L'teriueCutholtfon. Dysentery eyrnp, consumptive balm, - Til Oiiiiuienl, " Health Hitler, " Eye Lotion-c., Ao., To be found at tho agency of the Company, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. nAYMAN'S Dynpcptio Elixir wnrranled to cure ttie dyspepsia iut received nod for sale at the OREUOX CITY VRVU STORE. TR. Cnyrott's cumpouud extract of Sarsoparilla U and Yellow Dock, at the seplj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, 0 I.IJ Dr. Jacob Ti.wnsell'l's Sursopurilla, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STOKK. Xcvr Jeweller. UAVING employed on of Ihe bci-l Working .Liwi'IUim uti tha fiit.iric enaet. I am now fully prepared to manufacture every description of jeweiry. Masonic Jewelry, Odd Fcllowe' Pins, Ringi, ile., made to nrder. Eugruviug neatly done. Cull and ace specimens of work. G. COI.I.IEIl ROBBING . 15. I dcrolo niv eutire alteiilion to repairing Fine Walclies. G. Collies Rossi.is. Portland, Dec. 29, 18."S-:t7lf R.J. Ayres' celebrated Cherry Pectoral for coughs, col.ie, and consumption, at Ins OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. U. Townsend's Snrsnnnrilln, nt the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. MAKER Sarvapnrilla, nt the OIIKUONUTY UKl'li blOKli. s A N ils' SarsBparilla, in arrv iiunntitv, M llio OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. MOFFAT'S Ufa Bitters and Tills, Bernards Dysentery Syrup, Wistur'a Bulsuin of Wild Cherry, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and Knit Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRUtlS, MEDICINES, Puleilt Meilk'iiHs, Family Medicines, &c &e., which fill bf told at low for cath at thty can bt procured in the Territtrtj. Call and examine for yourselves, aud get an Almanac for l&iu', gratia. 1)ERUVIAN Febrifuge, for Ihe cure of fever and ague, Ac, &c, just received and foreule at tho OREGON CITY VRVU STORE. M cI.A N E'S celebrated Vermifuge and Iiver Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Cuiieiiiuli, Nor. 95, 1855. ON hand ami for sale, low, for cash or prod uco Paints eV lead, chrome green, white lead, prusaian blue red do in oil, chrome yellow, blk. do " blue paiut, litharge, Common and permanent green pntty, glass, Jte. JNO. P. BUOOh'S. Lit ml for Sale. I OFFER to sell 160 acre of choico land for two dollars and a qunrter an acre, cash. Th land is a portion of my claim, six miles west of La fayette, in the county of Yamhill. Title good Call and see for yourselves. " Tie no trouble to show"-lhe land. S.C.ADAMS. Glen Avoca, Deo. 3.1th, IP.1S-37tf Tiinlntln Aradviny, Forest Grove, W'aM 'nylon County, O. T. QUARTERS COMMENCE: First Wedneeday in December Last do In February ; Third do in May ; First do in September. tuition rsa ci-AATia: Primary Engluh gr.,00 Higher do 0() Aueient iJtngusges, ) s- w French Jt than ing, each, extra, 13.00 Incidental eharge, Si eta. Furiuformatiou res')ecting Ihe School, addres E. I). S1IA1TUCK, Nov.Sf, 18;.5.-33-6mo Principal. Central Produce Depot. rtrin - c 0NSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, heat. oats, bacon, lard, hutirr n.l nniiw. Dee. 1. '53. JOII V P. Ill!ifil.- CfiA lbs. Feathers fur sale hv MWW apiltf T. JOHNSON. II IGHEST crh pruH p,d by iv a. U M. V. DEM EXT CO. D IliD Apple, in h'f and whole barrela, at t - S. d A. HOLLAND S. C1UAR3 TheWt clique to pick ia at the store of CMRV.1.V4 WARSER. Ij'LOUR, freah, rA coua:amly oo hand bt F. H. It A. UOLLAN1 C.ilt moulding tt petur fr. fo, J sale by CIIAK.MA.N Sl WARNER. rVtO PICK CIGARS, th, h eham ie.t X I'H IV.VI.V HARSHK-f. TTflw Books I THE eTibacriber haa jurt received a large u aorUneut of IIOOK8, direct from Now 1 ork, among whieh are th following ! Aliwin Hist, of fcuropojAmericno in..iiu. Kilhinau' do. I.ivea oi tue nincn, lUkilon end Nineveh. Democracy In AmJric, ("Deck nd Port," "Land nd 1," HM,. end Sailor." h'Hhlp and Shore." Thre Year in Califor.. Home uyeiopeme, Kgyptaudth Holy Land LnrdneronSl'm Engine, Anc'l Monasteric, (,'yo. of literature, Iluchan r am. 1 nya n., Mnnual of I iu Ar'a. lectures on th Arte, Travele in Peru, Choice Biography, Peruvian Antiquities, Choice Extracts, Polar IW'iom, l. ll.ilnMililiV. A variety of Foets. , SU0 Cop.MOl OailUcra njK'iicr, f,00 " ' Headers, , 2."i0 McGnfrey's do. 2.',0 " Webster' Diclionnrie Davies' Algebra, Newman's Rhetoric, l (ieometry, " llourdon, ' riurveyiug, " Legendre, ArilliUieCcs, Day do. riWa L'niv. Hiatorv. Goodrich' PicL V. 8., Moiiieith s Geography, "Little Speaker,'' . Americau Speaker. TliouiMon' do. ll.e.0. ATresh Supply of Stotlononr. r. .. ii ..I.. I,.,, Iilirrra. Keroril llooks. luy uiwmi wi. ' , ' . . . . Memorandums, of all siiee, Dianes, 4c, Koto ami Letter Paper. J-.uveloes, I'ene, etc., a-Or r,rae-r l-.:. l.v..i.- Uuhhcr. (lumnii d Labels, taber Pencil, INK, iu quart and pint bottle. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE, Ja. Oregon City, A ogturt Id, 1 853. f. I. HOLLAND. A. HOLLAND. I S. fc A. Holland, DEALERS In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boot it Shoes, Crockery, llooks, Stationery, &0-, .Main Street, Ortgm City. June 30, 16S5-y. Halleluiah 1 Hallelujah! rnllE Hallelujah, a new singing book, by Low X ell Mason just th thing for singing schools; for sal at L)"UJ HOLLAND'S. Progreaslon, Progression, Progression TS ever onward and they that do not make on ward nrotrreMiion "are a little behind the time," and for the benefit of those that have a desire lo teep up with tliis ae we hav just received direct from New York the following list or UUUlts, oi which we oiler at wholcsolo or retail, on term to suit: , Constitution of Man, by Geo. Combe Combe I.ee, on Phrenology) Domestic Lile Thoughts on its eoucord and discord; Familiar I-essons on Phre nology and Psychology; Love and Parentage: ap plied to the improvement of offspring i Marriage : lis history and philosophy, with directions for hop py marriages; Memory, and Intellectual Improve ment ; Mental Science ; Leclureo on the Philoso Dht of .I'hreiiolesv t Mutriinouv: w Phrenology and Physiology applied, lie. -, Phrenology proved, illiHlrutod, and applied ', Phrenological guide, 4c.; Religion, Natural and Revenled ; Self-culture, and Perfection of characlor ; Sclf-iaalruclor iu Phre nology aud Physiology; Temperance and Tight Lacing; Accidents ana junergenciee; siyuro paUiic Cook Rooks; Consumption: Us causes, pre vention, and cur t Curiositiea of noinmon wuler ; Cholera: its canoes, &c.s Domestic Practice of Hydropathy ; Errors of Physicians, &c ; Expert ence in Water-cure J Hydropathic Family Physi cian: llvdmpathic Encyclopedia ; Home treat meitt for seiual abuses! Hygiene and Hydropathy; Introduction to tho Water-cure ; Minwiiery, and th Diseases of Women; Parents' Guide, and Childbirth .Made Easy ; Pregnancy and childbirth ; Pructic of Water-cur ; Water-cnra iu Chronic Diseases; Wutor-curo iu Every Known Disease; Wuter-cure Manual ; Ainativem-ss: or, Evils and Remedies, Ate.; Combe on Infancy; Combe's Phyeiology: Chronic Diseases; trulls ami fan nacea Hi Proper Food of Man ; Hereditary De scent : its Laws, Arc. ; Maternity : er the bearing nnd mining of children, jc. j Natural Lawa of iMnn; Physiology, Animuland Mental; Tobneco: its eflect, Sic. ; Elemenls of Animal Magnetism ; Fiucinut:on : or Ihe philosophy of charming ; Li brary of Mesmerism and Piiyeliology ; Philosophy of Mosncrism ; New illnetrated Encyclopedia, coat pletc in one vol. ; Spiritual Intercours, l'hrtoso phy ef, &c. ; Familiar Lessons on Astronomy ; Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; 1 lints townnlx Re forms, by Gaely ; Hopes and Helps for the Young of both sexes; Human Rights; Home for nil, Sea.; Labor: its history and prospects, .Vo.; Power of Kindness; Woman : her education and influence, &.C. -ALSO- 8 vols. Revelations, by A. J. Davis, th Clairvoyant. 8 " Approachinc Crisis, " M 8 Hurmon'ml Men, " " 8 " Special Providences, H " 8 " Present Agu and Inner Life, " ' 8" 1st, Great Harnni, " 8 11 Sd ' " u " 8 " 3d) " " " June 30, 1853.-y F. S.& A. HOLLAND. JUST RECEIVED, 41) hlf bbls N. O. sugar, 211 " " crushed " 5 bbls ' " " -40 malts No. 1 China sugar; 100 sicks IU Collet; fiO0l ll Eng. ooop 1000 " saleratus; 10 cases olive oil; 4 " tobacco; I H prunes; 25 ' G.P. tea; ' 6 boxes yeast powder; 4 " candies; 13 ' cnmlles; DRY GOODS, $e. 4 bales sheeting; 1 " hickory; 1 ' bin drill; 1 " prints; 100 dox. Coats' sj'Ool thread; 10 pieces alpacna and merinoes; . niso, a lot oi iioois anu noes, crockerj', Olass ware, and ono or two other "ietne" which we can't just now recollect. Give us a call, for we are de. termined to sell out. fetd ., F. S. &. A. HOLLAND. (ivbasiupol has Fallen I A ND.CIIARMAN & WARNER wih to XV luform the citizens of Oregon City and the public iu general that Ihev have just received a good assortment uf GROCERIES suitable for tins season of tho year. Also, we have received a supply of fancy groceries, such as Farina, Sugar Tapioca, Arrow Root, and a variety of other such articles too numerous to mention. ' We have a good assortment of FANCY UUUVS (or Ihe holidays, such as raisins, dates, tigs, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a variety of other articles iu thia line, such as will sun ins greatest epicure of the land. We have al ao on hand a good assortment of caudiee, and are receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So please giro usacall; we will sell aavhean aa anv hou I ' Oregon. Our motto is that a quick peuuy ia uvi.ni man a Blow ailllllllg. We are now commencing to prepare in the Ha. kery for Christmas, and shall have a oon.1 u,rt. meat of cake. We shall also keep on hand a su perior quamy oi butter crackers, Boston crackers, and also the sweet York crackers. Please give or ders ui tlie above in cood time. - Our Dricea ahall j be reasonable, and Ihe goods made of the beat ma terials in Oregon. novil XXTho UTts a Good Saddla ? rpilE subsenher. living rlvs miles south-weal of Laiajfue, in i anilull county, r now carrying on the bnsinesa of Sadillc Making m good earnest He keeps constantly oa hand Ihe best saddha that ean be manufactured with Ihe materials at com mand in Oregon. Those wishing a genuine saddle warranted to fit on both Wite, and rigged out in complete style, i hrap for cash, or good trade would, do well to give me a call. My shop ia ailuaied oa Bakers ('rerk Bear where Ihe road crosses it lead itig from Portland an.) Oregoa City, "np country" by the way of Smith's bridge oa the North Fori of VamhilL IU" I keep every thing in the saddlery line, aa Bridles, Martingale, 1 1 Hers, Lines. ., Ac Sept 2t)-i3tf. j. o. H FN DERSON .'rirlodeona, A OxTr'"" Cl' MELODE. febg precox CITY DRVG STOSE. pOWDER,le t'd. shot and cap, ,t x 4 - i-IIOUASD S. AUan, McJIlnlay eft Co., TIATitnci tor sew coons, Md would luvll all the who wish to prweur. OOOD .rtlc..t reasonabl. price. "11 d see Ihem. I ney oomiai m r grain craoie , , ' j- rraas nylhe.df. roath plain , do Crush do do aon acoorcop.... 16 en harrow 23 teen peiuieu . . .l. n ,kea Sine wash uoarna garden rake Ma,i.n.lth'. bellow. CO noes - do spud ere, cut mw. 7 It .ob.lied shovel . d0, invforka m.llsaw7ft mnnur.fork . batrm.llra--.oouo- chnrna . , . ?? wiudow glas 8 by 10 nair noisier. oo.. .n an An mwaim HO . IU oy ! tl o - i i.tf fl anirm caliulci window sashes 8 by 1 0 adamantine cM do 10 by 12 grape brand lobaceo oi bows and yoke. lucke tobacco BLANKETS, RAISE, LMDSEIS, Sheetings Tiek, Ac tie. And keep constantly on hand a larg wpply of GROCERIES, clothing, hardware, and many article, too Burner- ou to mention. ,.,, . . re ALLAH, iU JWiVKJii y Oregon City, April 21, 1850-ly rw4A Arrrfval. IN addition to our present stock w r now re eernB direct from New York, "ex clipper Hi )aiJ ship Phenix,'' St) Dins, anu nun ova. ... v. , 20 bbls. crushed sugar; 10,000 lbs. HiocolTce; 20 bbl. N. O. molasses: for sale low by W.M.C. DEMENT & CO., June 30-y Opposite the Land Office. r f DHLS. Santa cms uns juw reoei.eu ... OU forasl'by...-. ji-23-10 . c. uri..i i 1 Orcron Bacon 1000 LUo., lor aaie nv W. CDEMF.NT4.co. JUST RECEIVED, 1U0 boxes cundles, 211 bills, pora, nv octl3 WM.C. DEMENT . I'tljptla" Wlicul. FEW bttohcls for sale by novlO W3L C. DEMENT CO. A A llaro Chance For those enyayed, or xcishivg lo enyaye in the tlourmy uutinett. WE havo on hand aa.1 for sale, tho following machinery for grist mills, which will b sold low for cash, or on a short time : 2 portable mills, complete : i ,n ,.r fnur Ti.hI frtur inch French Burrs, with spur wheel, 114 cogs, weighing 1023 lbs. ; with spindle, pinion, brush and oil-pot and collar. 1 tun, simie size, wuiiout pinion, vmci nm the same us above. .T..ffntkr with n fretiernt assortment of hands. bolting Cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings, hangings lor uoning cuesis, kg., t. In other words, cverv renuisile necessary to the completion of a grit mill by 4 ... f nvlirvT 1, MM ns. ui'i..ni.-w v ... - Opposit the Land Office. Oreoon Citv, Nov 28, 1853. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING, per brig "Susan Abigail" and bark "Clias. Devens," from San Francisco, the following goods: GROCERIES: 150 kgs E. B. syrup, 548 gals., 20 bbls New Orlau do. fiOOO lbs No. 1 China sugar, 5000 lbs table salt, 2U0 boxes English and America soap, 20 case pie fruit, ess'.l, 2 gross P. . B. yeast powders, 5000 lira tobacco, ass'd brand, 111(1 hull' boxes rais'us, 20 bhlsuud half bbls crushed sugar, 3000 llw sulerntus. CROCKERY A Central Atnartmtnt. DRY-GOODSi'M0 ydebrawnsheetiag, 10(10 yuo satiaetsy 2000 ' piinus 10 pieces ulvicnsr 50 pairs English bluiiKet 2(10 yds carpeting, 200 ' oilcloth; Together with a general assortment of ready made clothing, boots, shoes, nam, caps, and curpeuleu' tools. IV iU. C. .)(.. 1 d- I.U., Nov. 10. Opposit lite fie Land Office. To Arrives WITHIN a few days, direct from New York, ex clipper ship "Golden Euglc," 400 gals, linseed oil, 15U gas. spta. turpentine, 200 boxes window gloss, (oss'd sizes,) 200 kegs white had, pure, 23 gals, varnish, . . . 200 lbs becBwax, 200 lbs rosin, by Wst.C.DEMENT Sl. co., oct 13. opposito Ihe Land Orhco. F RESH OREGON TIMOTHY SEED SO bus. for sale by WM. C. DEMENT d CO. itsita,Cruz Lime. miS. for sale by novlO WM. C. DEMENT & CO. 50 fN our bakery we keep constantly on hand L ureau, cracaers, cuaes, pies, flee. CHARMAN d WARNER. BANDIES, mils, raisins, of an excellent quality jusi rcceiveu ang lor sale low by CHARMAN & WARNER Oranges RECEIV ED upon the arrival of every eteam er. Don't fail to call ou CHARMAN Si. WARNER. IY ERY THING in the line of Groceries, U as cheese, all kinds of spice, sal soda, cabon ale soda, saleratus, cream tartar, &e., are sold at novi'4 CHARMAN WARNER S. rpOYS, of different kinds, for sale by X ' CHARMAN Sl WARNER. . Jnet Sseeiniil A Splendid assortment of Family Groceries, u.m. sucn u tea, evniD. su?ar. dr.e. , . an fin. and coarse salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches, sardines. ovsters.claniH.vpiist nmnl., .L. . i. quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of j ui.nu uua aimosi every ining else in our line of business all of a lii, h will K A i a at any other place in town, for ca-h or pro- uuw. - LflitniHaiV A. WAH,KU ) Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. BRASS and Iron Butts, Screws, Lock and Latches. Tlnmmi.ni iin! irnl..l,.i. t " ",lr"l AT., irawinrkmvf.e. llnHtr r ...... i n n i " ' . -"-i .. j vmuia, nurse Uraehea nnd ( ards. Gun Locks, Uun Caps, Wool Cards, Chest Handles, Plane., &e iprn Al, lOoj-ltf i Grocerirtn FOR SALE BY CHARLES Pnvr rn SJUsGAk' I C0ffi,f' Tc"' Svr"P' Chocolated Starch. .U.pntiM i - -r . . . , .7 ' unsr, oai Boda, Carb. &o.la, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop npraa. em . . .r r , . . April 21. 13jo-Iir Jiil Her el ted, At the'Old Stand' Canemah. Airil2. 's.t 4 ft fit ft Lhe-1-'?1'1 Bron Sugar, : VW" '0"llCbm.No. l,do i, ww ids. i.io t. ottee, 15 Tons eoarse salt; 500 Iba. fin da, ' 3.000 Ibe. Oregon Bacon; 1,000 'o.,focrafewheV-leor wtnib - J W P. BRWKS. se rarancrt y other fcS'i-d d,'' nk you fed M cm(M,t , to CHARMAN 4 WET QJALERATVS, -bu. hah, - BUSINESS CARDS. T.T.AT HlirmAV dl MA s:..i..r..l 1 'ftmiMtSkhiUtlt MrnIiN'nli t.,,A .Ll ' ai,. .-eiwnss - -.-,. WWI uli tntl rcliil Detlt-rt in Dry Gootln, GrocriM, linruwarv, a. - . Off gon City, Mny i, ArcliibaU M'Kiu'uy. ' t "" JeWlJ( f , ALLAN, M'KINLAY tt CO., Lo,,,,, Bcotuburg, Cnipin, Oregon. v. , . ) ALLAN, M'KINLAY It CO., Oregon Territory. ChmPnl My 5. , CHARLES POPE, JR, DEALER In Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goodi Clothing, Roots Sl rllioe, Medicines, Book nd (Stationery. Malruat., Oregon City, April 21, 1855-Ilf i Wn, O. Scmont Jl Co., TTTHOLES ALE and retail Dealer. InCroeer V les, Provisions, Painla, Oil, Boots an4 Shoes. Crockerv. cVc. . Oimoaiul the La nit (-. Muin St. On gon City. June I, less. JOHN R MT3RLDE, iTToaasr and oouaaiLo it taw, WILL faithfully attend to all buaiuc. av trusted lo hw professional can. , April 21, lt)53-ltf JOHN P. BROOKS, , , , T W'hoUnale a Retail Dealer in Gnetrin, Prtdueg, ' Provisions, j-e., Main Street. A General Assortment kept tip of Selected Goodav Cnnemnh, December 1, 1855. - ' i CA. REED & CO., successors to Fellows, Reed a Ci., deler in Drags and Medicine, Booka-ond Stationery, Paiut, O.le, Jte. Partiwav lar atteiillon paid lo compounding mcdieine. Salem, Nov. 21. 32lf ' Wells, Fargo fc Oo.'a Express, Between Oregon, California, th Atlantic" Siutrt and Europe. ' - . . HAVING made advantaireous U3r arrangements with th Units ttJOcL Stale and Pucifie Mail Steam- 2 ship Companies for tiannporlation, we are now m. pured to forward Gold Dust, Bullion, Spteit Packaprs, Parcels, and Freight, to aud from N. York, N. Orleans, Han Fnineisco, Portland, audi principal towns of California and Oregon. . . Our regular Semi monthly Express between Portland and San Francisco, ia dispatched by the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.' iteamahip Columbia connecting at Sun Francisco with our semi-month' ly Exprees to AVm York and New Orleans, wiirlV is dispatched regularly on the )'st and 16tbe eachr nionlh, by the muil steamers and in charge of our own messengers, through lo destination. Our Express from New York leave regularly, on the 5th and 20th of each monliV, alluvia charge of mesaengera. Treasure insured in Ihe best New York eotm panies, or at Lloyd' ia Loudon, at tlie option of shippers. Omens New Toik, No. 16, W'allst.j Now Orleuns, No. 1 1, Hxchauge ulaa. Sao Franciscoj. No. 1 14, iMunigomury street. !: . J. N. BANKER, Agent.- Oregon City, April 21, 1855,-llf Vt, Tho Steamer Portland, , y224EX& CAl'T. A.S. MUliKAV, Will run duily between Portland and Oregon City: ' Leave Portland at eight o'clock, a. M. Return ing, leaves Oregon City at four o'clock, p. m. For freight or passage apply on board. ap21-ltf U. S. MAIL LINE. , Oregon City and Portlumi Daily Packet, Jennie Clark:, 1. C. AINSWOnTH, MA3TBIT, W ill run daily, (Sunduy exeepted,) in tli above named trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 8 o'cleck, . M. Returning, will leave Portland at 2 r. Mi, touching at all intermediate point. -For freight or passage apply on board. ' p21-tf New Volumes cf the Four Reviews and Blaeftwooeh CTOHIENCE with North British for May, 1855, and the other Review and Blackwood for June, 1855. Terms of Subscription. Any one Review or Buickwood, $3 a year. Blackwood nnd one Re view ot any two Reviews, $5. Tli font Re views and Blackwood, $10. Four conies to ono address, $30. . Poetago on the four Review nnd Blackwood lo any Post office in the United Slates, only 80 cent a year on each Review, aud 24 cent a year on Blackwood. Address, L. Scott St co., Publisher, 54 Gold street, comer Fulton, New York , ep8 Beading for the Million, S. J. McCORMICK : i HA CONSTANTLY UN HAND AT 1HI RACIM tOOS stork, raoNT-tt, rar.T&AND, orkoon, A Choice selection of Popular Books', News papers, Magaeiine and Fancy Stationery.' Among the baiksoa hand will be found work on Temperrgiee, Agriculture 1 lorlienltnre, His tory, Poetry, liingraphy, Modicine, Religion Soience, School Books, Romance, id, &c, SiOL OSubacripti0Ds received for. Harper, (iraham, Godcy, Leslie's, w Putnam, at 94 a yean, fast age free. , ICT Suh."cription rreeived. fo' any aewepape' published in any part of th. Union, ' Remember the Frantlia Book Store and.'New piper Agency, Fnnl etreet, Portland Oregom JTA priced catalogn wis be pnWishdlarrjF in April, and will be seal to wnif part of trle-rssri-tory free ou application. ' Ladies ! !'. YOU will find nn excellent assortment t JPhee nnd Bonnet Silks, Satins and VerelWaisoi Rnniwl Thmi'.. Un.lm.. t.'lnf.M. Jjiftt Mill Ribbons, Tabls Cloths, Counterpanes, ste., at h ...... . c i-i. , i, r . , . . imni f. lor. oi uuAiiL,r.o ruriii -i.t (Main-at.; opposite Abcmethy' tor,) where may be found almost txerything in the line of . i , ' v,t !, Dry Goods! ,! ,- .''t Such as Prints, Gingham., Alpacas, Merinos, Plflid l.lnanv. M nalinfl. finttlnAtla .Tana FlflB nai. Sheetimrs. Bed Tickinsr. Hickorv Stripe, Cotton Battinir, etc. i . t , , . Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf ' " ' Medicines for Sale, By nil tnr.pa vnvv t. j STANDS' SarsaparilK, Peck's Wild aerry Bis. Kj twni. Rulamnn'. J Is T puto, Peiry'g vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, UrilUh uil. Lobelia, Hot drop .1(1 nrannml!.. TJ i i 1 1 1 1 !. r.v.i.iMi, nuuiau eye Daisom, vauey a extractor, Laudanum, Paregorio, OH f Pepper. uwiicea, (.oraposuioB J owners, tnai .".i.ua.j iwiio, ouipiuu, tpsoaj 34! ia, Anril Ql. inr.t liei.V: : .. .. ' War Against Hard Times ! The Place to Get your Money Bad. CHARMAN WARNEn are sow carrying on the BAKERY and f:i)FE(rriONKY business at their old stand, where they are (till de termined to deal on term, to auit the time. Our motto at, "a nimble aixoeuce a IwUee than slow shilling j" and we are determined to sell, if we d eell uHn a verv smnll profit. ' We are keeping v erjr variety, PROYISIONS, BREAD, CAKES, P1LS, &c. Sic, that were ever manufactured out. of floor. We keep also all kindsof GROCERIES,, sneh aa Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigar, Risi, Spices, besides many Drugs and Medicine (' don t keep any "(ituck- howeveO W. hav bouirM PD, lhtber bukM.y, lD(1 intend tefcc up anoi;r establishment soon, i tf preas iuess is ao great that we are compelled to spreafl ouraelrea" over a larger platform. VT Country prod oce bootht and woii. ". 1 Tkj ao troubai t how jclas," Call and Irj Oregon City, October 13,1853. , (10COANUTS. Banana jji froita. WfvdrioS..dWKh Ha n2l ., CHARMAN ah.- O St'GAR, coffee, tea, rr ran. salt, at f f .S.i A UQllASD S, N