The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 05, 1856, Image 3

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iimriliine J'uwcrs of the world convent and
agw to limit lite number of gun (hat eacl
nnd . all : can koop afloat during peace, to
those which would bo acioallr needed for
the protection ok'onimerce on the high seat
an J the police of their ewn shore. . Amor
leans advocate neiiuor publio nor pmittu
roVbery ; tberefore we go further, and say
for our people, lot the lur of the setts bo
"that all commercial nud unarmed tliip
sbtm pRU freo of capture or detention dur
ing war." If they ire to fight, they ore
quite willing, if others will place themselves
to as to be compelled to do the time, to fell
' the growing trect and buil J I ho shins aftor
war it declared.
. Tbo world may aud should know it, that
the American pcoplo, through their govern
nient, will at all timet be found ready to
meet, nud honestly respond to, any fair pro
position emanating from other maritime
Powers, whether .singly or united. Thry
are frunk and open, but at the tame limr,
quick and threwd; they are, therefore,
noither to be cajoled nor forced into a trap,
however nicely arranged or temptingly
baitod.' - Let France and England ouco
how ihuir tincerity, by disarming and dis
mantling their numorout superfluous ships
not needed for peace purposes, and turning
them over by tale or otherw ise into private
hands for merchantmen, then America will
be, if not on an equal, at least uu a fair foot
ing with them. .
Would riot any boy, even if full grown,
with no other weapons than a pocket full of
stones, laugh at a roan with a sword in his
hand, who, looking to a probable quarrel,
should cunningly propose that there should
he no th rowing of missiles when they fought?
Although ours may not yot be a full growu
people, the government of the United
States will doubtless agree to renounce the
future use of privateers if the governments
of France aud England will agree to sell
find dispose of all their superfluous public
ships and keep no more afloat for the future
than such a number of guns at may be
'agreed upon as necessary for the protection
of commerce on the high teas and for the
proper police of their own shores. JV. Y.
New rental Arraanesaeals with the Culled
A rrangemcnts have ' been mado for ex
tending to letters between Great Britain
and the United States the system of regis
tration in force in the two countries respect
ively, on the 1st May, and thenceforward,
any letter addressed to the United States
(including California and Oregon) may be
registered on payment of a registration fee,
as well as tho ordinary postage to which
. these letters are liable, must in all cases be
ijinifl in advance, and no charge whatever
will bo made on delivery of such letters at
their destination. This system of registra
tion will apply equally to letters addressed
: to California and Oregon which may be
uptxiully directed to bo forwarded by the
, Vi est India mail packet via Panama. Sim
ilar regulations have been made. 'in 'the
United Suites for the registration of letters
addressed to any part of the United King
dom. Eurojitun Timu.
. . TheIkdians of the Uniteu States
According to tire Tfport for 1H55 of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the Indian
population of the United States, exclusive
of a few in several of the States who have
lost their tribal character, or amalgamated
' with tho whites or blacks, may be estimated
at from 320,000 to 350,000 souls. The
tribes are ninety-nine in number. In 1854,
the payments of money by tho Government
to the various tribes amounted to $540,
357,38. During the last ten years, cxpen-
- ditures have been made by certain socie
ties for the educational and religious ad-
vancemunts of the Indians, as follows : By
the American Board of Commissioners of
Foreign Missions Boston, $102,074,; by
' the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres-
hyterian Church, New York, 8327,105,53;
by the Missionary Society of the Methodist
'.Episcopal Church, New York, $107,230;
, by the American Indian Mission Association,
Louisville, 1 104,413 15; by the Catholic
Mission, St. Louis, 87,310 05. During
ib same period the Methodist Episcopal
Church South hat expended for the same
purposes about 1288,000. The total out-
. lay for the cbristianization and civilization
of the Indians, within the last ten years,
mounts to more than 82,150,000.
A letter from Ft. Pierre, Nebraska Terri
lory, gave the particulars of a horrible af
fair which occarred during the past winter
..between that Fort and Sioux City. In Do-
cember, three soldiers, named Rigart, Wick
er and Cornell, deserted and started down
the river. On their way they overtook four
parsons, and they all proceeded in company.
. The party were overtaken by heavy snows,
;. accompanied by intense cold, which con
tinued thirty or forty days. During this
- time their provisions gave out, and for six
''days they wero without a particle of food.
. Cornell died of hungerand cold, as did three
of tho civilians, and tho remainder were
: compelled to subsist on the dead bodies of
their companions, until tbey were fortunate.
- ij rescued by a party of soldiers from Maj
Howe's carop.
(fir A new tort of shoes is now made at
" Andover Mast., cut of leather, gutta percha,
- and other thing, without tewing. The
1 tola can Be melted ofTand on again without
" damage' ; the shoe is water proof, more dur-
h!e than olher "d a0 Pers" re
deployed in tfcfe macafao'ura.
The Constitution.
Great were llio thoughts and strong Ihs winds
Of Ihowi who framed in high debate, ,
Tin imuiurul league of Ion Hint biud
Our fair broad Empire, Slat with Slate.
And df cp the gladness of (It hour,
Wliso a the euepioious tank waa done,
In "oleum (runt the sword of power
Waa given lo glorf't epoUow sun.
The noble face la gon Ui suns
Of sidy years have risen aud act,
lint the bright liulu, Uio chosen once,
So sUongly furled, art brighter yet.
Wide as our own free race increase
Wide shall xleod the elaatio chain,
And bind io everlaetisg peace,
State alter Slate a mighty train.
Bar ant.-
A Patriot's Death.
The records of aucicnt Greece sud Rome do not
inhibit a nobler instance of patriou'rai than is con
tained In the following inscription, found upon s
gruro. stone at New London, Conn. No woudor
our Revolutionary fnlhare wore invincible, while
they were actuated by euch mulivce aa are here
recorded i .
'On the 30lh of October, 1782,4,000 English
fell upon Uiis loWu by fire and sword ; ,UQ Amcri
cane defended the fort fur k whole day : but in the
evening, about four o'clock, I lie commander of the
besieged delivered up hie ewurd to an Englishman,
who immediately (tabbed him. A II hi compmiione
wore put to the iword. A line of powder was then
laid from the luagaiine to llio ea, there to be lichti d,
aud blow the fortress inlu the air. W illiam llotinaii,
wno lay not lur uisiant, witn time stroke of the
bayonet in his body, said to one of hia wounded
friends who waa etill alivu, 'We will endeavor to
crawl to thii line, end thue we will completely wet
llio powdor Willi blood, and Willi the life that eUll
remains in iw, save the fort aud iugaziue,aud per-
nape a lew or our comrade lio era ouly wouudsd I
lie alone had strength enough to accomplish this
noble design. In hia 30lh year, he died ou the
powder which be had overllowod wilh hie own
blood. Ilia hiends aud aoven of his wounded
companion by that means had their lives preserv
ed." After this narrative are the following words, in
large capitals :
"Unas Rksts William IIotman.''
f.uroueaa Items.
From the tone of the Parie palters it would acem
that something like a clone alliance, or rather inti
macy, la springing up between r ranee and Russia.
Let Austria look to it. Russia ia etuni at beine lelt
in the lurch by Auttria, and Louie Napoleou knows
well how to pluy Ina cards. Count Orion has pre
sented letters of congratulation from Abisander II,
on the birth of the Imperial Prince, and has offi
cially announced the tcceaaiou of the Czar to the
throne, lie was conducted in great state 15 the
Palace of the Tuileries, and back in the Imperial
1 ii the isritish rarliamenl the adjourned debate on
Mr. Whiteside's motion for a vote of censure on the
government for the fall of Kan, had beeu preened to
a division, wucn llie motion was lost by a majority
of 127 against it.
til eat alarm prevails both in England and France
lest tht return of the allied armies from the Crimea
should import some Asiatic plagues. The French
government have taken precautions to guard
against such contingencies, by maligning camps to
the troops in desert localities. Half Paris has been
lying ill of tlio quinsy.
llio English government has asked for an
allowance of '70,000 a year for the Princess Royal,
who is ubout to marry 1'riuce Frederick William, ef
Tho Amoor is now being surveyed b y the Rus
sian Uovernment, and is intended to be made
I lin channel of vast commerce with England and
The Russian Government hasalready taken steps
to turn to aocouut their late acquisitions on the
Chiucse frontier.
IIuzxa ros the Yankkks! The steamer Erics
son, which sailed last week for Liverpool, took out
one of line s six cylinder lightning printing presses
for a London paper. Six men were scut out with
the press as "fooders," accompanied by a foreman.
This is better than a v'ciury ou the battle -field.
A Monument to John C. Calhoun. The
ladies of Charleston, S.C., have raised 1(1,500
for the puriHiee of erecting a monument to the
memory of John C. Calhoun.
A Lucky Shot. During the siege of Sebasto-
pol, a Russian shell buried itself in tha side of a
hill without the city and open' d n spring. A lit
tle fountain bubbled forth where the cannon shot
had fallen, and during the remainder of the eiege,
aflorded to the thirsty troops who Were stationed
in that vicinrty an abundant supply of pare cold
ty One of the saddest tliinssi about human na
ture is that a man may guide others in the path of
life without walkiug in it himself a pilot, and yet
a castaway.
SjST An advertisement of cheap shoes and fan
cy urticlra has the following : "N. B. Ladies wish
ing them cheap shoes, will da well to call soon, as
they will nut last long."
tW An author of a lovs-slorv. in describing
hia heroine, nys : "Innocence dwells in tha rich
clusters of her dark hair." A waggish editor
suggests that a Ane tooth comb would bring it tut.
Relliclous Notice.
.' Rev. Geo. C.Chandlxs, l. !., will preach in
the liapiist Church in this city on tin first, second,
nnd fourth Lord's Days in each month, and the
Rev. II. Johnson on the third. Servieo at 104
o'clock a. m., and at 3 r. H.
Urand Division.
The third quarterly meeting of the Grand Di
vision of the Sons of Temperance, fur Oregon, will
be mild at Astoria, on the "3d of July, commenc
ing at 10 o'clock, a. si.
Oltiecrs and members are requested to tie
prompt. We have warm trienda m Astoria and
auticipats on interesting meeting. Come, and let
us advance Uie interest of the cause in that section
of our young and flourishing Territory. An Ad
dress Will be delivered oy our u. w. r., una.
Thompson Ward, nnless detained on account of
sickness in bis family. All W. P's and P. W. l"a
are eligible to seats in the Grand Division, and will
be welcomed to the order by presenting their
credential Communications are expected from
the National Division. Th Temperance cause ie
advancing, and if we are allowed to judge the fu
ture by the past, the cause will soon have wen the
"cold water triumph." C.H.HALL,
Julys, 1856. u. B. orii. U.eiUi I.
KAt Dr. Bobbins'. Julie 29. 1856, by Rev. G. H
Atkinson, flir.Josern umiu"i ' vuiwiutw,
of Massachusetts, to Mies Nascv Rosdixs, lata of
. . . r It .. r f 1. l-t.
Ed. Argu$Th bridegroom encloses (1 for
the Printer. . - Yenis, O. II. A.
Those Canemah bridegroom are of th genu
ine Yeung-America kind, and ia their remem
brance f the Pridtr they are in advance of many
of their peer.
"From this day forth in peace and joyous bliss
May tuey togeiner lire without debate
Nor private jars.nor spite of enemies.
bnaU shake the safe assurance of their state."
rf"At bis residence in Polk conntv, on the 2 tti
ult., of lung lever, r. I'STta,in Uie win-
year of Ins age.
bklu Polk county, on th 18th nit, of th tvpboid
lever, 3ir. jowrn vauuww, m w ui jcu
of hia age.
Rev. John E. Murphy informs us that Mr. Da-
v'dson waa to have been married on Uie same day,
boor, and minute, that the messenger of Death
cut him down. He willed a part of hi property
to hia intended bride,
-Weep not (or him who diclh
For he sleeps and is at rest ;
' And the conch nherevn be lieth
It t-e f-t'-n eerilA rivet b.-eac ''
riV Childhood is hke a mirror, catching and ra
fleeting linage. On impious or profane thought
ulteredby a parent's lip may 0krst upon tho young
heart like a careless spray of water thrown upon
(wlishej steel, slaiuiug it wilh rust, which no sfler
scouring can enuce.
tT Praise, whsu judiciously bestowed, tends
to euuouruge every our In the pursuit of encelleiice.
I 1ST OF LKTTEK4 remaining in the IW
J Ollice at Oregon City, July 1, lH.Sti :
Addingtou A M
Jeckoon Mrs Emerlt
Kerns Lois
Killingswarth John
Kandl Jacob
Kendall B F
Kilborn Miss Sarah
Lehuher Christian
Langary S W
Long .lames
Laswell Isaao
Marsh John
Muvct F
Muusqii Lyman 3
Myers A J
Muse James
Marks J
Miller Elizabeth
Neall James
Powell J L
I'atcrron Abraham
Palky Acan
Pervlnee Ervin
Peiger Henry E
Pagnley Win
Mc London Dr Willis
MuNary Miss Klita
McPherson Mist Rachel
McMulian R
McCoun William
KiU-yJH 4
Keiliuk Shad or Thomas
Koop Jacob
Sanders Mrs Plieba
Stuart Geo II
Scott J R
Sallrona Dr Henry
Shook R S
Sawyer Dr JS
Thomas L L
Tivis John
Thompson William
Asher Richard
Allen Peter
Allen Heniamia
Adler S
Brown Mia Martha
Brown J M
Brown Charles
Bintera John
Boggt Thomas
Hoggs James
Bratton Paul
Baker Jas W
Beauer M as
Baldwin Marshall
Brock Mahlon
Bnuglimnn Jacob
Ituxarth Basil
Bryant C W
Bryant Hon W P
Buntnn William
Batkiu Richard
Barber M L 3
Cuxlaud Daniel
Carpenter William
Craufirld Isoin
Corby W
Crockett D M
Dunbar Miss Emily "
Davidson Samuel
Davis II W
Duguary Alexander
Foster U C
Foredye Wm
Folsoin Moses
Gaines Miss Maudis
Gaylord K H
Groom Geo
Grovo Samuel
Gibson A T
Gordon Dauiel
Hally Bartholomew
Ilocket J C
llickinbothani Gen
Tasli Norton
llunsnker Miss Mary A Thomson W L
llunaakcr J T 2 Vsnable Newton
IliteWmS Wright Harrison
Hayward B B Wuldron Samuel
Holmes L Wilcoxou Daniel
Henderson Nancy Womock Presley
Harmon Robert Walker S H
Hall J L Whnrton Jack
Jenkins Nimrod 3 Wright Albert
James T F Wilson Peter
Jones Joseph
tST Persona calling for any of the above named
letters Will please say they ore advertised.
w. w. uuiH., r. al
Look Hero I
LEFT mv heuse about three Weeks ago CII EV
A LIE R RICHARDSON) an insano man.
Any person who will bring him back to me at
Clackamas City shall be paid for hia trouble.
July 5, lt5fl-lii JUSfcl'li (J11UKUI1.
To Fnrtuers.
arrived. Call soon, if yeu Wish to get one.
We have 3 eight-homo thrashers Slid eleuuors,
3 reapers and rakers.
July S.IHju. li. AUbKHCilll
Telegraph Notice.
AT a called meeting of Uie Board of Directors
of the l'acilio Telegraph Company, held at
Lafayette on Monday, the !23d of June, Clayton
Richardson and A. R. Burbank were appointed
Collectors to receive the moneys due on tile 1st,
3d, 3d, and 4th installments of said Company.
The stockholders are hereby requested to pay to
the said Collectors the several sums now due on
said installment at the earliest possible period, as
the money is now required to complete the lino to
l'er order ef tho Board of Directors.
J. 8. MclTKENY, President.
July 5, 1850. ' 12ml
Cur. 3d it Water sbt. ouuosite Ferrv land's,
i?P-sL miF.nnn city.
The traveling publio are respectfully iuvitcd to
give us a call.
Th ORECON HOUSE is Uie must pleasantly
located Hotel in the Territory, and haa been so
altered within the laat few uontlia as to mako it
oue of the most commodious.
The table will always be supplied With the best
that the niaiket affords. Good accommodations
for ladies snd families.
Good stabling and feed for horses, with propsr at
tendance. SPRENGER & SUUNK.
June 38, 1856. m
Xiucas sfc Salton,
TERS, ie.
HAVE received and offer for Sale-,
4000 lbs Atlanlio white lead,
350 gallons boiled linseed oil)
300 " raw
300 " turpentine-,
SbO ' Tilden'sNo.l funiiturt Varnish,
150 " " toach "
300 " Japan "
1000 lbs of putty,
6 dot Adams 6-10 brushes,
6 doz sash tools assorted,
10 packs of leaf gold,
10 " " silver,
100 lbs of Small's assorted color,
3 gross of camel and sable hair pencils,
6500 a of glass, 8x10, 10x13,10x14,10x15.
Glazed sash, any quantity, of Uie following sizes
sud prices:
8x10, $3,23 per window,
10x13, 4,00 "
' 9x13, 4,00 "
. 10x14, 4,50 "
10x15, 5,00 "
Messrs. HI). woUld respectfully call tlio at
tention of the trade and the public generally to ex
amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
June 28, 1856. Front St., Portland.
TO LOAN. Inquire at th
Tm Sale.
THE subscriber having mors use for Cash than
a HORSE, ia under tho necessity of offering
his faithful servant and fellow-traveler for public
sale. He will be sold in Oretron City n SAT
highest bidder for cash. The saddle and equip
ments, together with an India-rubber cloak, will
als be sold. JOHN BEESON.
June 31, 185C. 10w3
Bantu aad Saddlery.
THE undersigned having opened anew
in BUTTEV1LLE, Marion county, O.
"1r T., in th PostOfCc building, an ready
to manufacture and furnish at abort notice, and in
Ih beat and most substantial otyl of th craft,
all kinds ef HARNESS and SADDLERY
WORK, Trunk md Carrwe trimming. At.
Jnn 21, l85.-y ROOF ft. COOK.
By Bark Ocean Bird.
RECEIVED June 4th th following GOOD3,
and now selling rapidly at a small advanc.
150 kegs syrup,
50 boaea caodk,
. 60 W bbla N O sugar,
10 bbls crushed "
13 dosbroouia,
30 " buckets,
,50 gro matches,
1( bbls eider vinegar,
13 ease tobacco,
35 " shoos, assorted,
35 grain cradle.
1 threlif and separator,
1 reaper and raker,
13 straw cotters.
f0 rou want Hay rrks, Spades so i Shovels! 1
J Ca s,: CHJB.MAy f KARrZH'S.
S. MUwain,
Munufdcliinr, Whulrialt and Retail PraUr in
COOK AXU imhlou tovi;n,
rrs a corrss wahs, iliuuwask, c,
MsinSt., opposite Main Street Hotel,
Steamboat aud jobbing work attended la with
Orders from the country promptly filled. je7
Bark Nahnmkeaf
IS expected to oouimsui-e loading with
produc piior to 1st July. Application
for frelzht may b mad toCajtbtaJuasry
at riItl UAJilt, ml ui in uoorwynvo.
June 31, 1856.
Those wlio Krll the Cbcuit( Sell
llie roost.
CHARM AN & WARN Kit, Orrym Cili,
have Hie best selection of UllDC lUili.S,
limit and Muiet, also Oils, 1 ainui, Glass, to nil
wholesale nnd retail, cheup for cash or produce.
Our slock hi purl consists of
lilKltl Ibsromu,
'M00 lis No 1 China su-iir,
3OII0 " No I Butavia "
lililO " Sandwich Island sugar,
1 j()0 " crushed sugar,
t5lt0 " ajwirted candy,
50 kegs E. llusM syrup,
.'0 kegs nails,
10 cases pickles,
" " pie fruits,
1 J dot assorted can fruit,
G " tomato catsup,
5 ppM'r sauce,
4000 IIm sail, ditfereul kinds,
8 doz brooms.
Large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, tie.,
10,000 clears, by the ihoiwuM, 4U boxes tobacco,
China rice, Cnroliua do., 300 lb U a, 201 IU llis
dried apples, spice of all kinds, oVc., iVc. je7
Probate Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that James Iiipmin,
adininistrabir of the estule of James Akin,
late of Claukainns county, deoeased, has reiulerrd
his accounts for final settlement to the Probate
court of said county, and said court has appointed
Uie first Tuesday in July next fur the adjustment
ef the same at Oregon City In said county.
June 7, 1 856-8 w 3 Judge of Probate.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTl'E of two certain executions issued
out of the District Court for the county of
Clackamas, and to me directed, on in favor of
Kber L. Bradley against Willnton D. Woodcock,
for the sum of eight hundred dollars snd eixty-tw
cents, with 18 55-100 dollars cost upon the same,
for which amount judgment was docketed in said
Court on the 8th day of April, 1856, one In favor
of Robort Cautield for the sum or forty-eighl dol
lars aud eighty-seven cents, with 15 83-100 dol
lars cost upon the same, which judgment
was docketed In said Court on Uie 31st day
of 'December, 1855, and for want of personal prop
erty whereof to make the above named amounts
I have levied said executions upou all tho right, ti
tle, and interest ofrtho above named Willistuu D.
Woodcock, that he now lias or had at in time
said judgments were docketed as aforesaid, in and
to the following described land claim situated in
Clackamas county, described in Notification No.
977, now on tile m the Laud Otlice at Oregon Uty,
as follows,
being a part of Seo's. 4 eV 5, T. 5 S. R. 3 E.
ay at, 6J, t. 4 a. n. r..,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a
point 0,'JS chains east of a poiut 37.00 cha. north
of S. W. corner of N. W 4 of Seo.4 in T 5 8 R 8 E,
thence N 43 deg. 30 min. E, 35.00 cliaius,
" N 53 deg. 30 inin. W, K3.50 "
" S !) deg. 30 min. W, 110.50 "
" 8 83 deg. E, (SO 1)0 "
' N 8 deg. E, 30.90 -
N 45 deg. AV, 33.75 " to the
plats of beginning. I shall proceed to sell all the
right, title, and interest as uforcsaid, or so much
thereof as Will satisfy the above named amounts,
with Inttrcst and accruing cost upon the same, to
the highest bidder for cash at publio auction on
TUESDAY. THE 39th DAY OF JULY, 18.1t'.,
at oue o'clock, r. H., of said day. Sale to take
place on Uie premises. South half set apart to the
wife. .SEP HUELAT, Sheriff
June 38, 1856-1 lw5 Vluekamai County.
New Firm and New Goods.
rilHE undersigned would respectfully any to their
L friends and the public generally that they are
STORE. One aud all are invited to give them
a call befor buying elsewhere. They will ever be
ready to show their goods, and they Hatter them
selves that they can suit the publio, both as to qual
ity and price. BARSTOW At CO.
Oonemah, M ay 3 1 , 1 85G. 7
Hew Arrangement.
THE next term of our school will commence
July 1, 1856.
The Primary Department, limited to 16, will
be under the charge of J. ANDREW POST.
The Preparatory Department, limited to 85
18 day pupils and 7 boarders will be under Uie
care of the subscriber, who will havo the super
vision of both department By these arrange
ments we hope to offer superior advantages to our
N. B. None invited to attend but such as will
cheerfully comply with tlio rule of the school.
Neither do we want any ono who will be rough
in his plays with his companions, or use any
proper language. J. D. POST.
Oregon City, May 34, 1856. 6
For Sale.
I WILL SELL my situation en the
bluff at Oregon City nt a very low rate.
1 have a good dwelling house, stable, and out
buildings, with about 100 choice fruit trees of the
best vuriolies, in an enclosure of eight lots, all of
which will be sold low, as I have purchased prop
erty in another part of the city.
May 34, 18.Mi-6tf . W. W. BUCK.
Wm. C. Dement fc Co.,
At their old itand, oppuiite tht Land Office,
ARE now receiviug per bark "Ork" and brig
"Halcyon,'' the following goods :
150 boxes sperm and adamantine candles,
50 kegs dried apples and peaches,
1 00 bbls and hlf bbls crushed sugar,
50 cases pickles,
30 " fresh peaches,
60 " pi fruits,
10 tons G. A. salt, '
600 doz cups aud saucers,
. 00 " plates,
800 " tumblers,
20 " water pitchers, ' , ,
Sugar bowls, tea-pots, 4.C., &t.
300 keg pure lead, .
300 gals linseed oil,
100 gals turpentinei
' 50 gala varnish, .
300 gals lamp oil,
' 100 gals lard "
6000 yds brown slieotiagi ,
6000 " prima,
Bleached cotton, bed ticking, oVc, eVc.,
all at which will be sold a low aa they can b pur
nhasd of any other bouse in O regdu City, way 1 7
Lumber, Lumber.
THE Oregon Milling and Transportation Co.
faav established a LUMBER YARD n the
river bank ia rear it tht store of Allan, McK.nlay
Lumber in large or small quantities, including
dressed siding and Booriiig, can always b by
application at Uie (tor f
. F. S ot HOLLAND. ,
Oregon Cily, May 10, 1011.
Loga, Log 1.
"I ASH win be paid on debvery for flr and cedar
J IX;S at work of Oregon Milling df Trans
portation Co. R. PENTLANP, Ag't.
Linn fcrity, May 10, 1356.
Sacks! Sack!
alUE nndertigmd has constantly on hand at hia
. anck r.auufaotery in Oregon City, SACKS of
all qoahtiesand sixes, which will b sold as low a
Uie? can b bought in th Territory. Orders from
a dntaito sromatly atksiirdto.
Oitvu. C.iy, 3, 1 SrC-Jjr.
Main Street House.
JV.L.1. IIOI'SK, and am now prepared lose
commodate the traveling public. Every attention
will be paid to llio conduit ef man aud hcs.t
Charges rroMiiMM.
1 shall slwaya he found no hand by those who
choose to patronize inc. J. ." 1 h Al.l'N.
Oregon City, May 3, 1856. 3tf
To Merchant and Shipper.
J PORTATION CO. have adopted the follow
iug tariff of charges, which will bo sdherij to til!
runner nore :
Trniartai!an of mtrehsndit or product
bom boat to boat at works, per 1011, i uu
r , fit.
Storage of sain less than five days, 110 char,
" over a its man i.i nays,
IS St. " " 30 " .''0
Each additional half mouth or lea will bs
chniL'cd. per toll. 3
Linn City, May 10, 1856.
Oregon Toirilory, m
Yuiiihillcoiiufv, I
mi) HENRY KOYCE: In the name of the
L United Slates of America, van are hereby
cciniiiuudcd to bo uinl aiipiar bcfiir the District
Court of the Uuiud Slates iu and for the county
and Territory aforesaid on the first duy of the next
regular term Uiereol, lo answer inu roinpiaini oi
Norm s L. Ilarnsoii, llonjlitou l.vorclt, unu M.u-
thew Everett, or Ihut juduuieiit by default will be
taken against you by said plaintiffs for the sum of
threo thousand dolluis, witn la win! interest tiirrcen
from the tweuty-sixlh day of Heplcmbi r, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and Costs
if suit, if you tail to uppear and answer uie saiu
..... . . n. J .1 . J
Witness, iieorge it. oienern, ier, sun
tho seal of said Court, at Lafayette, in said
l. county, afTixed this Slat duy of April, A.D.
S. Ellsworth, Pllf's Attorney, Eugene Clty.O.T.
April 36, lb.Vl. "2-3in
I 70 bbls and hlf blU N O sugur,
30 " '' " crushed "
4000 lb No 1 China "
10 hlf bbls Carolina rice,
15 " " dried apples,
15 kegs '
10 hlf bbls " peaches,
lOUIIII lbs Liveqiool suit,
10 cares table salt,
50 bbls Santa Crux lime,
5000 lbs manilla rope, aaa'd slue,
100 kegs nails, " "
5000 qr Hour sacks,
U bales drilling,
13 case an'd pie fruits,
13 " " picklus
30 bundles window sash, ssa'd sixes,
34 pantiul doors, " "
3 doi pol. grains sctnps,
100 sacks Rio ootl'ee,
10 mala black epper,
10 bale oakum,
100 single and double blocks, aas'd sues,
6 gross P ii M yeast powders,
10 doz lino wash boards,
500 gals S. I. syrup,
4000 lbs white lead, pure,
500 " led " "
40 gals copal varnish,
15 doipaiul brushes, aas'd sixes,
15 "3 hooped buckets,
300 gals boiled linseed oil,
100 " raw ."
Together with a good assortment of HARD
of which we propose selling at prices to suit the
times. Call sud see for yourselves.
W. C. DEMENT i. CO.,
Main St., opposite Uie Land Ollice. .
Oregon Cily, April 19, 1856.
Charman sit Warner.
MR. EDITOR You Will pleas tell all our
fellow-citizen of Oregon that we at sul
doing business uuder the old linn, and under the
old adage that a nimble sixpence Is bolter than u
slow shilling. We want to sell goon's, and will do
so as cheap a any other house iu Oregon City.
We have enlarged our business materially, and
now have on hand, ss usual, all kinds of GRO
CERIES, such As will suit city and country trade,
which we hoie all who hnvo liivorcd lis with their
liberal patronage know full well. Call airain we
will do our best. CUARMAN St WARNER.
April 19, 1856.
GLASS, Queensware, and Crockerv, at
WE have a full assortment of BOOTS k
SHOES, also Ladies' Gaiterxnud Buskins,
in fuct all kiuds of ladies' shoes. .
Ill our Ilukcrf
WE keep a full assortment of BREAD, PIES.
CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale and
retail. apl9 CHARMAN d WARNER.
iVctldiiig Cukes
MADE to order, parlies rurniahed With ictus
on shortest notice, Ate., by
KELLY'S -Private
Boardinr House,
lOppoaite Holmes k Co.'s k ire-proo! build
IT Charges reasonable. Nov. 3-6m,
Splendid Jewelry.
G.COLL1ER ROI1B1NS has now on hand
the finest assortment of JEWELRY ever
brought to Oregon. The assortment consists in
part of the following articles :
Diamond broaches,
Diamond rings,
Geld railway tirtie-keepere,
Ladies' watches, In enameled casosj
Ladies chatelunere, ,
Mosaic ear-rings,
' Gold Uiimblea, gold and silver pen)
Card cases, mantel ornaments,
Card baskets, pearl caskets,
Gold guard, vest, aud fob chains,
Sleeve buttons, shirt studs,
Ladies brooches,
and a variety of' other goods toe numerous to men
tion. Call and see the most mignificent display of
Jewelry ever seen in Oregon.
March S3- ' Front street, Portland.
rpHE subscriber has just receiv-
X ed a large supply ruiim
1 L'l'.E of all descriptions, consist
ing In part a follows
Sofsst mahogany and black walnut)
Chamber eels;
Bureaus, wiUi or without marble tops)
Office desks;
Rocking chairs, stuffed in hair, carpet, Snd With
can and wood seals;
Dining chairs, cane and wood scats;
Office chairs, do do do
Children's do, high diniug and rocking;
Bedsteads, various kind;
Tables, center, c Vd, and dining;
Writing de'h.i;
xir'ior chairs;
Readily toilet, aud work tables)
JOokiuir glasses:
Multreisw, hajrnMas, aud wool)
Window shades;
Feathers; '
Paper hanging, of every style;
Oilcloth; Chine matlin''; ttuid lamp, snd burn-
ing fluid ; with a variety of other article toe
numerous to mention.
Peraon wishing to perches will picas call snd
cxamin for llieuwelves.
All kind of country produc laksw in exclisng
for goods. moo. vn.i.i
March 32, 1J36. 49tf
R. Osgood's IndiChotg')fro,ajie1 Dr. J one'
Amtricsn LiHlg'Me, at th
clears city wrjz stock,
Wholesale Prices Current?
IIHtr UOOIK. '. I'KUI SAl Mklill lMtS.
Sheeting, 4 4... . llal'JJ ll'Upr.eloer N. Y.4.
Dulling Vl rsnwrs.
Bleached lulling L Wheal, pr. bu fl.Si
" shirting, 1 1 alii ( do ft I
Striped do Yl Potatoes d ...i 'ii
Ticking I l.iluOn oi'i do $'4
Deuin l.i'Hwr S
Bin dillliu?.... l4 C..rn Msl. frh
Plaid liuey 1634; rtuir.
S.itim.1 VW, " dried do lijali
Kentucky jeaii.,.8.'e4.Vaelis,
Tweeds .AaiO; " do pooled
raisrs. Chili, dnsd.'iUali
Blue nnd while 13 rsorisio.v
lllu amluiauge IV Poik, elesr nous.
Fancy ....8ul3 nus Q-JSa3V
Furniliiie do 10" 1 1 Mains. Ii
." do. wide. It' J lljcon I'i
M. do luiihs 1 IiiV.v rownsa.
GiiiKliaiiM I5u .' Ilaaid, pr ea Bit
Alpaca 35nisl " pr keg Sit)
Tuldu il iiiii-k 5Ha7.V shot.
cloths t5ali Sinnll mui Ir'-'aj
Irish linens lu$l Buck ttJaJt
Sheep gray piuil ffH i'i Bar 90
Satinet do. . tyii i.'l U'hil lead, in oll...K'i
Fancy enss, do. ...$l.i.V Sosnsus.
Illnck imm. do. (j.'.iil .Manilla, small Qi
lleillluu'l shiils 91 lulf " large 35
Itliio do. do. ftl.'iiilKllciiip 10al
Hickory shirt 5n7 casuts.
Calidi do i'JM Admniiliu 40ati
soots A. siiok. Swrin liVatii
Men's kip bools$oii. ' VIV4BS.
siier din Huron QlUanv
fine M'Wcd lit lii riiiun Jll0a3i
By' kip IkjoIs fi'J American giUaaU
' lie'vy w s doSli ia tobacco.
Mens' brg's pr. dot.. $17 Prideufthe Uuioii40a4'.iunun n.i
" talf sewed do.. All Luke's 37
Woiueu'sh'vy slt's. ALT ua"sws.
vy si
1 ilo...
line ilo, MIA Nhorels...
,.. -Hi4
.. I4I6
onoctiuts. Spades...
, Mai 6 A e...
..Mi.ili.l Millsaws....
Sinrur, no'. I Chi'u..
.11 iX uiitauws..
cruhe.l in lanicciinory, iv pvrsi
Saleratus lOalti advsue on N. i . to
Starch M Pocket cutlery, 35 pro!
Syrup E lloslmi $1 advauce.
do. a mum yu umer urnciee w nara-
NOMoliuwes .' rlroui30 t50pr
I.iv. Suit 3n:U et advance.
Table Salt :iVi4 Nails,iiesdsixe,prkgjll
Sundwich I. Salt.. 3uis " honkho...85ia
Pemer 3d oil.
Allrpic.....', 4U l-oinp .. IM
Ciniiauiou bllafil Unseed boil 33C
Soap Wall Turpentine prgitll frliU
Portland nud Astoria.
The Splendid Steuuier
WI LL continue lo run regularly between Port
land snd Astoria, ri.i Vancouver, TWICS A
wkkk, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday
mornuiga or eucli week for Astoria t ana Aston
for Portland ou Tuesday and Friday morning,
Lamkt, arc, eai.n way. r or ircijriu or passage,
apply to It. llOx T, master,
jelC Orut Hoy t's Wharf-bout, Portland. .
i'ltleiis' Lino of Stenniors.
sifl, PORTLASDi Cut. Muaaxr,
!y?Zri. ENTERPRISE, CapL Jan.xbo!.,
M ill run in coimectiou, the Portland leaving
PORTLAND dsilv (Sundays excepted) for Ore
gon Cily at III o'clock, . at., the Enterprise ma
king semi, weekly tri to COI'.VAI.LIS, leaving
CANEMAH on Mouday at 6 o'clock a. St., and
Thursdays at 3 r.M. '
IT All freight for the abov line will b receipt
ed for at Uoyl's Wharf Bout, Portland.
Feb. 16, 1850. tf
Vainhill Trado.
under the mime and style of th
Yamhill Ciim'rtiiy, are now building a steamer of
about 30 tuns bnrlhen nt Cunniiiah, expressly for
lliu Yamhill Irudc. She n ill bo ready to run sums
lime in June. , .
Oregon City, April 5. 61 tf
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
and Dyo-stuffs,
seplS Maiu Street, Oregon City, O.l.
Morrison St., bxiwren Front and First sts.,
Charges rrasonuble. S. D. SMITH,
March 15, 1H..6-48 Proprietor.
W. r. Burns,
0 1 BOON CITY, O, T.
IT Strict attention paid lo repairing, and suti.
faction to patrons warranted. fcbV-43
Morris bomas,
JWm'ri f (., nei ly oppniile Hulmei d; Ct.'t.
tssMB or siuvinii, o.
Shaving twice a week, one jdiuinpeo, hair
triniined unco, per inoiiui, a uu
11 once S week, one shampoo, hair
trimmed once, per moulli, 1 85
I lair trimmed,
Hair cut and dressed, .
Shaving, nnd hair dressed, 99
Oregon lity, April 3, lu.iu-ai
Persons ries rous of octtiug good work don will
do well to giv mo a call, a my whole time i d
voted to the repairing or ijironoinettr, Lerur,
Duplex, and Horizontal watches.
An nssorliiienl ol Jewelry en nan.i.
Jewelry mude lo oid t, and repaired.
Prices to suit the limes. I am thankful for past
Divers, and hnpo to give satisfaction in future. ,
JT Located at the old stand, opposite the Tel
egraph Ollice, OREGON CITY. Feb. 3.
To all whom It may concern.
rTUKU NOTICE, that 1 claim for myself end
JL' wile, nnd shall iusist upon holding, all ef tho
following dehcribed laud, as our laud claim take
and held by mo under and in eoinpliauce wilh tha
act of Congress entitled "As Act In create th of.
fice of Biirvoyor Cciieral of Oregon," to., approv
ed Sept. '.'7th, 150, aud the s:;,eudinenls llieret.
sll pretensions of Wm. It, H. Cotton fb the centrs-
ry notwithstanding, to will Commeucinr at a
stake on llie Willainetl river 10 chain and 'ii
link south and 37 chains and 50 links west of ilu
south east corner of section 35 in lowiwliip on
south of rang one east, thence ninnim; east IW)
chains, theiice nor;h 0 U cliaius aiul U0 liuks, tbeue
West 80 chains, thence south 54 chain am) in
links, tliciiro wist 80 chains lo anl tniauwit
river, and llieno up sa d river with its uieaudti
iiiffs to th pluw of b. ginning.
March 32. 1856.
To all whom it m.17 concern.
rp.VKE NOTICE, that I cLiim, and shall iasist
Ju uwa holding, all of th followiug described
luuJ, a my land claim taken aud held by in un
der aud ia cni.hance with th ar.l of Congress en
titled " An Act U create the olhco of Surveyor Gen
erl of Oregon," A.c, io , approved Sept. 27th,
1850, and the amendment Ihi-retn, all pretensions
of Win. R. B. Cutton lo the contrary notwiilMiand
ing, to wit: Coiiimenciiig at a Uk Ki citain
south of th sonili-east cornet ef section 31 in
township one south of rang two cast, Iheuc run
ning eoutli with section line 40 chiius, thenc
wsct 113 chain, Ihsuce not I Ii 3)1 chain aud 75
link, tlieuce eut 91 eluins and 50 liuks, thence,
north 6 ehaiisj and 35 links, mid thenc east 31
ohauu 50 link to th brg'numg corner.