' l Vrt. 1 v li TO iMi: l 'lir:.'!', .'it; i- 5 i'h . i. LI- 'IU I I'll 'l 5 li 1 j 3i Mil ' R I i r.t:;i 1 ?li ivli: h :: ii h 1 I'M I it- ' J. . Ml e J! i1 i: III Afcer4u nf ikrkiot. ' Tlio Wcitcrn C'liri:in Advocali rord the follow 1113 ii)tcriti'ii tipecluto of Jatlc run. TIo nccno or il wim in tlio Tcuiietnc Annual Confiirnnce lielJ at Nimbville, and wliiuli he lmd been invimd Ljr 0 veto of tlio brethren tlmt limy miglit have lli ,lcfluro ofun (ill rojuction lolilni : . "Tlio coii)iuiliu win np,bin!oil, mid the (icnural fixed the lime fur 0 o'clbtk on Muiiduy iiiurnin. 'I'lie Coiifvrcncu room hding ton iniiill lo iNvoinniodnto llii litm-dn-d wli" wi.li' d 10 witm i lliu iiilroiluo lion, one of tin clmrcVii win nMtmlituted, and nn liuur bi forn 1I10 tiinu filli d loovi r flijwin?. I'ront ..a' er ren.rved f"r tlio muiuUrvor lliu OmfirriiC'-f hitli r.ill.Td loordr ly llm Jlilioji, leultd in largo cliuir in I In- iiliar, just Lcfore iho j.ul pit. Afu-r prayi'M tlm cmiinilUd rniind, and n iniuuto nfu rent' r,d conJuuliiig the limn whom ull li lighted to honor. They 1.. I liinl to tlio I!ilii'j' cliiiir, which wu Hindu vacant fr liiin, tlio liiliofi mran U'liilu occupying unollicr pl.iw williiii lliu "Tlio Sftrtlary n directed to call lliu nami.'V of tii MKii.tjTB ofCiiiferriici,l wliicli lio did in oljiluli'tical onler, each coming forward uii J reciving from llie llislioj, a personal introiluclion to (he rx-resident, and imniediati-ly reiiiing lo (jive place Id flic next. The crcinony had tifiirly b;fn completed, when the Secretary read iho iiatiw of Jlov. J.inu: T ; an elderly gentleman, tviili a ucu'hvr L..,t, n faco, chid in a suit of j'-ii, and came fir ward. I'e' iccuicd lo kii'in him. Jle had alii) btcnon circuit, on the frontier ; nnd thoiili ill a)' at Conference, lie He-vi r trulibh d il with long pn.'clii'n, but kept bin 'at, und RliiJ but lillle lliul lilllc, huuever, nan oIwrv lo tlio purpose. Mr. T. canm for ward and introducod to Gen. Jncknon. Tin turned h'u fuco towards the (Jciioral, vliu said, 'It sot-ma to 1110 that w have nu t before.' Tlio pronchcr, apparently einhar rasnvd, said : '1 was wiili you through the Creek campaign one of your body guaid nt tlio battle of Homo Shoe and fought tind.'r your command at New Orleans. ' The General rnseuluwly from his sent, nnd lui'jwing his long, withered, hony arms nroiind tlio preaelier's lu ck, oxclaiiiiid : 'We'll soon meet where there's 110 war whore llm siiiulio of battle ncrer rolls up its aulphtiMis mc-enf ! "Aever Ulure, or mice, have 1 s- on so tnuny tcnii shed uh then flowed forth from tlio eyrs of tlmt vast assembly Every rye was iiiuint with weeping. "Kleveu years liave passod away since that day. Tlio old hero has been more than ten in his silent and narrow homo. Tho voice that cheered tho drooping fight, ami thundered in the rear oT routed armies, is silent forever. The old preacher, too, li.n fought his Iu4 lattic, luid his uruior by, and gone homo to his eternal ret." ., - . IJli.NHV t'LAV AND HIS L'.NKMIKS. The New York Herald, alluding to tho Clay festival at Slash Collage on Satuuhiy, 12th of April, and lo the fact of so many distin guished Democrats being present, and out. vicing oen Wliigi in their piuisa of IliiNiiv Clay, now Unit be is dutd and out of thoir liny, inukes the following pertinent reflections, which wo have no doubt sag gesled themselves to many others in con templating tho great and wondrous change which has cine over tho opinions and feel ings of lliu ancient enemies of tho lamented fctntcsnnan and p'llri it : "'. was a very interesting nfTiir, nnd very remarkable from the fuion on tho oc casion of tho ditinguisied politician and Miitcsmcn of all purth s who wore there. Could IIi:.niiv Clay have relumed for an hour or tw o, in the body, to that "Slash Cottage," on the day In question, unrecog nised by the company, what a glorious sur prise they would hao given him ! In hear ing Caleb Cushing, Judge Douglas mid I Senator Maum and liuth'r out eulogizing even John Minor Kotts Liunelf, it would certainly have led tho "noble Hurry of the West" to exclaim : 'Am I that Mr. Clay, vr uiu I not if I am, I was sadly beliJd in my lifetime aiming tluso g.'iill, men if lam tint, ihen soma other Uu.nhy Clay hn Appropriated my Liory,' "U halapiiy thutiho sinking of all per nonal and political asperities against a great und deserving man should come teu bite lo do any g0l. As long as Mr. Clay was in the full poiossioii of his streng'.h and fac ultics, ho was di'iioanced fium one end of tlm couiiliy lo the oilier as a very danger ous and really de.p'uablo character when lis Oceania siipeiannuni, J fioiu the infirm, illes of age, and stood in nobody's wav, be was ducoveud te bo a deserving patriot ; when bo is (b ad ami buried, tin, vio. lent omoiig bis enemies whil,. he livcj cx. alt him and his services, bis virtues and bit glorious name to the U'u." C V" Tlltl la.l Ictli.'in fioin Cuu-I.iii!in,le state tliai the S.ilian lias antlioriieil ibe publication of a iicHsiaj r in tho Arul lati g'M'e, fi-r circulation nmoii! t tic i.iliabi- taiusin yrn, l.r',vj,t, ami uther parts of his cm; im in hIi.'cIi Arabic is spoken. This journal, which h Ik bear tlio liilu of Miiul u AluJ (the Mirror uflhcIVopIe), is to appear oiuu wcok. iTf""Th silverti.iug columns uftlia Lon J in '1 inns are rs iiniitcd to )iIJ the c. tsl'li-lrnent the enormous sum of f3.0W,. I,'0 ,ier aiiiiuni. One linn alone pays llie 'i'im, as hi;ih ss $150,000 a vrar for aj. tciiMii'.'. and ibcreare several business s.-t:iMMmr.nts that pay it otcr fiOOOOa vi tV aJut:i-;n ah'Ui. New York Koitipications. We copy tho following interesting item ofncwi from the Tribune: "The late talk about war will) England linn stirred up tho authorities at Washing ton, and the .Secretary of War some time since Issued orders directing those completed fortification of llie Country which vere dc ficient in armament, 10 bo supplied. Ac cordingly this work has been going on amnii; tho defenses of this harbor since the opening of navigation, but will probably not l Cn'slicd before mid-summer. It is expected lhat tho supply of ordnance at iho (Jovii'iinienl station hero will be iinumciciit for lhe purpose, and in tuch case ruoro will Imvo to be ordered from other stations, or in an u fact u red in iho United Slates found eries. 'Ft. Schuyler, at Throg's Neck, com ui'indiiig tho East river, is now destitute ol armament, though otherwise completed it will bo mounted with 318 cuds. I t Columbus nnd Castle 'William are both armed, und when South Mattery has ro cived its armament, the united force of the three will be 197 (tuns. Kllis and Hedloe Mauds are at tho present armed, having together 02 guns. Ft. Richmond, on tho 3 n'en Island aide of the Narrows, is in procesof construction, nnd work is going on thoio rapidly, Batteries Hudson and Morton, on the same shore, arc already armed, Ft, Lnfayctto, nearly opposite, on Long Island, is completed and w ill he sup plied with 7G cuns. F't. Hamilton hat now a full armament of 113 guns. A ('iiKAT A iiTKsiAN well. A now arte- siau well is being bored in tho Avenue Ctinrles X, nl (he anglo of tho Avenue St, Cloud and lV-lil Pare, near Parij, for iho purpose of supplying tho ornamental lake oflho liois do Boulogne. An interesting paper has hern communicated to tho Acad omy by M. Luinus on tho subject, from which it appear thai Mr. Kind tho engineer has undeitukcn to bore a well 29 inches in diameter, und continue llie sinking, if no. c wiry, lo tiio depth of 2,.r00 feet, and thus obtain a daily supply of 10,000 cubic me trcs of water, being nonrly equal lo the vol nine of water delivered by the Soine through the Punt do lit Tournclle, nt l'aris. The boring was commenced on August 2nd last, wilh a diameter of about 41 inches. For some time when theopcrations wore through marl and chalk, the avcrngo daily progress was 1C J feet; then, through sand, it was reduced lo $ to 10 feet ; and now having reached another stratum of chalk, contain ing boulders, the speed is 5 feel, and by May 1st il is expected that Iho enormous depth of about 2, MO feet from the surface will ho attained, being mora than 1!)0 feet deeper than tho Artesian well at Crenelle. The motive power is a steam engine of trtcnty fuur horse power. Turkry. A memorial has been pre sented to tho Sultan, in which his ministers nro accused of having sacrificed tho nation al honor, and the intorests of religion, 011 lliu occasion of tho Into concessions made to his Christian subjects. They nro accus ed of having granted to tho allies tho same privileges which were demanded by Russia, und the withholding of which was ona of the chief causes of the war. Tho mem orial (the nuthors of which nro said to be known) wns presented to tho Sultan by his grand Chamberlain, Jezzet I ley. As lo tho effect it produced upon tho monarch, nothing is known further than the fad lhat Jezzet Uej has just been dismissed from oflic,", Nichet Hey, an inferior chamberlain, having been promoted lo his post. Tim ClIUTLATIoM OF T1IK UlDLE. Tlio total number of volumes issued from the Bible house in New York last year was about eight hundred thousand, and since its fust operations in 1910 more than ten millions. Il hasbceu carefully estimated that siuco 1S04 (the date oflho institution oflho rtriiisli ami Foreign lliblo Society) the total nggregato of copies of the Scrip tures issued through the medium of Bible Societies has been 111010 ihuu fifty millions. Of ibis number a proportion of about one fifth has been published by the Americau Society, and about three-fifths by tho llrilhh. OrDurino; iho year lfi5."), there were seventy-three battles fought, or moro llinn one a week, with nn average loss of a thou sand men killed in each, excluding those who hnvo fallen by disease or skirmishes. The number swept out of existence must have been abnut 300,000 the bloodiest year since ihe battle of Waterloo occurred. jf iT The rose of Florida, the moal beau, tiful of flowers, emits no fragrance; llie bird of Paradise, the mosi beautiful of biids, gives no song ; the cypress of Greece, the lincst of trees, yields uo fi uit. OT The application of towels wrung out in hot water to llie forehead and temples is represented to be an illicaciotis nnd speedv remedy for headaches arising from ncurui g'c atleelions. N kkv LlkKLY. A foreman in a printiu" ollice, who thought it would be a gooJ idea to employ giiU as compositors, went out to look some up. Meeting an honest me- tliaiiic.liesaid, "Mr , have you any gills who woulJ make good lype-setters !' 'No, sir," said , "but I have a wife who would ii.i.tc an citra gooJ Jnll.'" (r Snooks says the prettiest sewing machine he ever saw was about seventeen years olj, wi;h short sleeves, low nccl drc tad gutter lots on. Fairn for Salo, , , FA RM of C 10 seres of Imiil iu Vsm , f. 3 lull counlv, sis miles fl of l.fnyll, Is jliJLnltrcil fur !. Tln-ro sre KI sens in euliivstluii, and l.',0 seres In pa.tjre an orchard of 60 Iwsiiiiir PP' ,r"', '' lit pined is well ws re, suil limbarrd, slid liu Iwu writs of excellent Miitrr, (oo I Lii.ldin;'! slid out-lniuars. The lond is t (00J u Hi' J" is la Orej in or llm world, snd its locilion msiiei il a god u Block fur.11 ss lliors is in llio Territory. r'sriuiiK uleiwils sud s'.oell will be sold wilh III Ueo, if d red. l lie c'.mm b well stocked wilh tstlie, hn, sud lioft, sud can bo hd on rcainahle term". J j- Imjuire at Tub A sot s OnVe, Oiegoa City. Wrilifr I'ou'cr lor Knlo. rpllH linilersiirnril would like lo sell oneliulfof .JL lis mills and water p-nvnr on III" Tualatin riv er, about three inilss from Mull City, known as Moore's Mills. It is probably llif best wiitor wriv. ill'."', with Ibe exeeplinn of llm grt-nl Falls of the U illcmetle, thai there is In (Irrjron. I would like to Bfll one-lislf or oi.c-fourlh ,.f my nlolm lo.'t-llier wilh the mills and water power. My object is lo ffel a partner, to en;ib!o me to piprly improve lbs water power. J A. MM M. MUOIlK. 1 eb. 9, ljfl. dJif Something TtOVJ. VXT p'rn Iiaviiijf a Meliloni Peropbine, Accirdeon, or oilier rc-d jnairiimenl, wilh broken or drffctive reeds, enu liuve lli"in repiired by oi,!yiii(r or eeinlin; lo C'lms. M. Kilter, al bis reideiu. two squares back from the Ilnptisl .Mee'inir lliai.ie, in Iho North ptrt of Oro.'on City. ('hare;,! for inneriing lintu rn.ls fioin f?l,.''0 lu fj-l.W. Reasonable dniu -tioii lor a trrc.n. r num ber. C. M. KliiiTEK. Oregon City, Peplembcr 27, lSM-iiJ rnKMPl.li P JIU.NUK. Tualatin Templeof X Honor, No. 1, meets every Wednesday eve. uiu;, at the American Hail, rorcat (.rove, Orcein. Ilretlircn of the Onler iu good itaudiug are in vitcd lo visit llusT'empte. Al. J I I I LI-., W.U. T. S. A. Dixon, W. It. 2 JAVNK'.SAltorut!ve, Kxpcctoruht, und Pills, Cud Liver Oil, Ca:nr O.I, on. I !Sivi. Oil, at the OKIXON CPPV DIIl'O STORK, Al KXICAN Mustantr Liiiimenl, 0. W. Mer cbaul's (jar'.'linc Oil, nt llm OUliUON ITTV DKL'G STOI;E. rpill'.SM.S, n'lit and left and double, und Ab I doiniiiat suf;iorti.'a, ot the OKLHJON CITT Did 0 STORE. IJl liK White Lead, raw und burned Diiiber, Crouie, (Jreen and Yellow, nnd oIliT piiuts, ul the OKEUI IN CPl'V DitUij KTOKE. I3EKFl'MKRY,at the OP.EUON CITY Dr.UG STORE. GKAi;pt'.NUEU(; MEDICINES: (jraefeubergSunuiparilla, I'lerincCulliu'icon. " Jlysentery syrup, cuiuuuipliva balm, " Pile Ointment, " Ilenllli Hitters, " Eyo L,,liin, &.C., fi., To be found at tho nireiiey of Ibe Comtiaiiv, at Iho OIIEUON' CITY DULO STORE. HAYMAN'S I)ypepiie Elixir warranlcd lo cure llie dvi iisin just reepived nn,l for sale at the OHEUOX CITY VltVG UTOltli. "IR. Uuysotl's compound extract of Sarsapirilla A. J and Yellow Dork, at the. scp!5 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Oi it i . ,,, ,, ... LD Dr. Jacob Tuwiiw-n,! s Saisnpou a, at lb. OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. -""' Sew .loMolIer. TTAVINO employed one of ibe best Working JL A Jewellers ou tho Pacific coast. I am now fully prepared to inanufacluro every description of weiry. Masonic Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Tins. Iiinirs. &c, made to order. r.ngruvmg neally done. Cull and see (peciiueim of work. C. COLLIER ROnillNS. X. M. I devote my cnliro attention lo repairing ine Wntches. 11. Collies Husslns. Porlland, Dec. 2.1, 18j5-a7ll' "I"l. J. Ayrcs' ccicbiatcd Cherry Pectoral for es congns, coiub, ana consumption, at tlie OREGON CITY DHUG STORE. DU. Townsend'sSursnpar'.lla, at tlio OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. SHAKER Surnapirilla, lit the OREGON CITY DKL'G STORE. SANDS' Sarsapurilla, in anvipiantitv, at the OREGON CITY DUL'G STOEE. MOFFAT'S Life Diners and Pills, Bernard's DyseiiKry Syrup, Wist.u's IJalsaia of Wild Cherry, ut Iho OREGON CITY DUL'G STORE. TL'ST RECEIVED at the Oregon Cily Drug tJ Store, direct from New York and Sail Fran cisco, u fresh supply ol DRUGS, MED1CIXES, Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, Ac, A.C., which will be told at lorn fur eath as they can be procured in the Territory. Cull uud examine for yourselves, and (;et an Almanac lor 1S5G, gratis. 1)Ei:i'VI.VN Febrifuge, for tlio cure of fever and ague, Ate., Ac , just iec, ived and forsato at Iho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. MeLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, OKI-ICON CITY DUl'G STOKE. Caiiciiiali, Xuv. C5, 1855. ON hand sad for sale, low, for caali or prod uco Paints it leud, chrome green, while bad, priissiau blue red do in oil, chrome yellow, b!k. do " blue paint, litharge, Common and permanent green pullv.g'ass ilc' JNO. P. 1IROOKS. ' l and Cor $ulc. I OFFER to sell lb't) acres of choice land for two ,1011am snd a quarter au acre, cash. T'lia cash Z ii. ilia land is a portion of my claim, six miles layette, in Ibe county of Yamhill. Title rood ' Call and see for yourselves. "l'i. no.btato I vtutui, si III, cs WCSI O I.:,. ' snow ine laud. s c AD VMS Oleu Avoca, Dec. Solli, lgVi-ilTlf ' ' Tualatin Aiademy, Forest Gioic, WmhiiigUm County, O, T. 0 CARTERS COMMENCE: w First Wednesday in Decemb.-r ; Iaist do ' iu February : Third do iu May ; First do in September. i i j , 8l3 00 ! v ' , Tiniox ie ai-Aarsa: Primary English lli!nr do Ancient Ijanguages, French 4c drawing, each, extra, Incidental chaive. giS.OO 8:100 For information respecting Ibe School, addr, o CIS. Nov. S, 1S.,.)-S3-iuo Principal. a?ft 6 5 i ) " Pa,1'ers for sale b aP: i if r. jo 1 1 nso.v. Central Produce Depot. CAN EM !I 3 lu.Mi.V.TLY re, 1. i,. i reeeivinj. f. esl, Trom ranch, 1 :ou, lard, butler and iue - - uacou, lam. uuller am i,ii. 1 ' , .... ' I I 11. tltS l tuli prK', ps d (v X 1. Act. S. WM. V. DE DEMENT. CO. DB. , . , - .. nciV uio roau craesei a lead KILU Appl. iu h f and v. hoi, barrrls. at I ,n f"'ni Por.land aud Oregon City, "op country" F. S. A. ll'il.HNOS. !'''""' way of Smith's bridge on the North Fork of ClUAroi-Th,,,,,, chanco to pek i. at tbe aor..,f ril.ilt.VAX WARSEK. 1I.Ol'K,r:nh, keMcohitamtv on hnd hr 1 E. S. A. A. ItOLI.AX D. V.I M.eby CIIABMKNJt WARNER TJ ,'!,:K "JjVrtaarali,, - J J- : t.'.IA'.V.I.V .y WAHNkHS. New Eookj I riMin suUerilxr lias J it received lure" as. I aorlmeiil of IKIUKS, direct from Xw York sinon whleh sre Hie following! Alison's IL.I.of KuropeJAnwriesa Iiililutione, hilliinau's do. I,ives of Ibe fiirncrs, Jii-moeraey in Anu-rica, llabylon and Nineveh, '(.und and la," "Ueck and Port," 'Kea and Mailor," "Ship rilmrr, ti..... V.Nnlii fTatifor.. Home I'vctonedia, Cyc. of Literaliire, jl.'cyptandtlie llolyl-nnd llucban's Pain. Pliys'ii.,ll.'ir'JnronM in t-aine, Manual of pine Arm, Alic'l Miiiiatteries, Ietur.eon lbs Alt', 'I'mvels in Peru, I'olar lierjimu, .Vjbuii'a PhilosKphy. ;('liice Jiinjfrnpfty. I'eruvian AnU'luilles, Choice Exlraela, A variety of 1 ocle. cop.es of fconders r-uer, SIlO ' " Itradi-rs, S',1) '' M'fJlllTey's iln. L'.'jO " Web iter's Dictionaries. Davles' Alflra, ' (ieoinelry, '' Ihairdoa, " Kurvej in'i " cr iidre, Arithmetics, Tlioimu-.n's do. Newman's Kli'toric, Hoys no. Parley's I' iiiv. History, (ioodric-h's Piel. 11. H., Monleith's (ieoeropby, "Utile hpeuker,'1 N. Americau .Speaker. A.SO, A Trosh Supply of Stationory. i !),, U,ks. Jimniuls. J'ili'em, lleeonl Hooks, Meiiiorundiiiiis. of all sues. Diaries, demote onil i,elier I'niwr, Envelopes, I'eus, &.C., Ate. Kras-r Knives, r.riisive I!ul,bcr, (Jumimd Labels, Fabcr's Piueils, IMv, In 'turl and pint bottles. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CIIAKLKS l'OI'E.Ja, Oregon City, August IH, IBaj. V. S. HOLLAND. A- IIOLLANI1. r. S. & A. XXoUand, DKAI.KP.S in Dry (ioods, Groceries, Boots &. Mioes, Crocker)-, Uooks, Stationery, Scc., Mum Slreel, Urfgon l ily. Juuo JU, Itsoj.-y, HaUolujah! Hallelujah I rnllK Hullebiiuli. a new sinciuE book, by Low I ell Musou just the lliliy f',r siueinir sclu,,lj rorsaleat uejuj iii,u..i,io. Progression, Progression, Progression IS ever onward and they that do not make oil ward i,m.'rei,.i"nre a l.ltlc liehindlbe liuic',' and fr the benelit of those lhat have a desire to keen iid wilh this ' we have just received direct frni New York the following list of HOOKS, of which we eflcr at wholeso.c or retail, on terms to Miil: Constitution of Mun, by Geo. Combe: Combe' I,ee, on Phrenology) Domestic Lite Thoughts ou its concord niiJ dotit; 1- amiliar l.owonu on i lire noloL'V a,i, Psveholoirvi Love and Parentage: op plied to the improvement of offupriiig ; Murriage : its history and plulosoptiy, Willi uireeuons lor nap py marriagre; Menioiy, and Intellectual Improve, meut: Mental Science -, lectures on Ibe I'liiloso. pby of Phriuiology J Maliiiuony: or Phrenology aal PhveioWy applied, Sic. : Phrenology proved. illustrated, ami applied ; I'lirenologlcal uide, Sic.; Religion, Nuliual und Revealed ; Self-culture, and lVrleulion of character : heir-iustructor in I lire. uologyaud Physiology Temperance uiu) Tight Lacing; Accidents und liuei'ciuics; Hydro, pathic Cook Eooks ; Coiumption : its cuui.es, pro. venlion, u lid cure : CuricMities of roinmon wutcr : Chuleru: itscuusc, Sic.; Doinestic Practico of Hydropalby ; Errors of Physicians, &e. ; Experi ence iu VnteMure ; Hydropalbic Family Physi cian ; Ilydr putliic Eucvclopedia; Homo treat nicnt for sexual abuses; Hygiene and Hydroputby ; IntriKlactiou to the Wuter-cure; Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women; Parents' GTiide, and , v.i ihiitmn .iiaue Jjuey , I reiiuaucy , iv,.,:,.. f u-, . ',.' .,.. ... v "lC . lUr-cuir- ,V Diseases ; utcr-cure in Every h Childbirth Made Easy; Pregnancy and childbirth; cure m Chronic Known Disease ; Water-cure .Manual; Aiuutiveuess: or, Evils aud liemeilies, &.c. ; Combe on Infancy ; Combe's i Physiology; Chronic Diseases ; Fruils aud l'uri ! nacea llie Proper Food of Man : Hereditary Do, scent: its Laws, &c, Maternity : or the bearing ana nursing ol clulilreu, iVc. ; ISutural Laws ol Man: Phvuiolorv. Auimuland .Mental: Tobacco: ils cited, &o. : Elunents of Animal Maanciism ; rascinut.ou: or llie philosopliv of cliarming; Li biary of Me;nurisin aud Psychology; Philosophy of Mesmerism ; New illustrated Encyclopedia, com plete in one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, X'hiloso. pby of, Ac.; Fouiiliur Lessons on Astronomy; Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; I lints towards Re forms, by Greely ; Hopes und Hels lor Ibe Young of both sexes ; llumuu Eights; Home forull, io.j Labor: its history nud projects, iVc; Power of KindiKbs ; omuu : her tuucatmu aud nil'.ueuec, oie. t also 8 vols, Tvevelalious, by A. J. Davie, llie Clairvoyant. 8 " A ppioacbitig Crisis, " 8 " Iliirmoniul .Men, " " 8 " Special Providences, " " 8 '' Present A gj aud Inner Life, " " 8" 1st, Groat Harmouia, " " 8 " 2d, " " " (j 3d ii ii ii June 30, 1855.-y F. S.& A. HOLLAND. J UST KECEIVED, 4(1 blf bbls N. O. sugar) 2U " " crushed " 5 bbls " " 40 malts No. 1 China sujar; 101) sacks Uio coliee; I.MIIU lbs Eng. soapj lUttU " taleratus: 10 cases olive oil; 4 " lobaeco; 1 " prunes; 2.'i CP. tea; 6 boxes yeast powders; 4 " candies; lo " caudles; DRY GOODS, .Jc. 4 bales shectiug; 1 " hickory; 1 " . blue drill; 1 " priuls; 100 doz. Coals' spool thread; 10 pieces alpacas and meriuocs; Also, a lot of Bools aud Shoes, Crocker)-, Class ware, and one or two other '-ictus" which w.. cnn'i just now recollect. Uivc us a call, for we are de termined to sell out. feW F. S. A: A. HOLLAND. Mcbaslupol lias l alltii ! 4 K C1IAR.MAX & WARNER wish to - ,10 cilwn, uf Oremni Pilv H ll, i- . . B J - ' . B i. " ' "avB J""1 received a J" f Gli"WS for , 7'"' "," J1"'. iiiso, we nave rcceiveu a 'r'lhV s K,,x'eries, uch as Farina, Sugar ' "fiocoi -lnuu- Hoot, and a variety of other such arucie loo nuinerous lo mention, i Wo Imvo a Food nssori,..,ii nf I' I vev GOODS for llie holidays, such as raisins, dales, "Ci bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a '-"'my ui oiner articles in tins line, smh as will suit Ibe greatest epicure of Ihe laud. We have al- so oa baud a good assortment of candies, and ore receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So please give us a call ; we will sell as cheap as any house !" 0rrSa- 0llt motto is that a quick penny is belter lloin n .I.;,e... " W o arc now eonimencmir lo orenire in Ibe T?n. Uery for Christmas, and shall have a good assort ment of cuke. We shall also ke,. l,.l . ... penor quality of butter crackers, Doston crackers, and a so the sweet York crackers. Please o vo oers tor Ihe above in good time. Our iirices shall be reasonable, and the goods mai!e f ,lie b,s, ma. terials m Oregon. vofll Who Wants a C-ood Saddlo ? ' uir. sarcr,iH.r, hving five miles soulb-wvst of m '5 b'JM"eM Making iu good earnest . rps c011rla:"ly ou haud trfc best saddles thai i-aiajeue, in 1 an, ,. count v. it. n. vu . nuinacmred Willi tho materia!, at com maud iu Oregon. Those wishing a genuine saddle j warraute 1 to lii on both sides, and rigged out in com:..ete style, cheap for cash, or good trade would do wel to give me aeslL Sly shop is situated on I lanilitiL 1 ITJ" 1 keen n.n tni.. In it.. i- . ju,ri) rue, as U-Ih-s, Martingale., Ilalten, Linen.,. &e Sept '.0-SJu'. J. O. lltNDERsu.V. Ii'lodt'otis. A iuce Co ME LODE. " -,:.l ow- K'"l"e t Ibe frbi CI TY VKI '12 x Tn o 1 )OWDER,t.-l i. d,,! cap, A t' i -I -HOI, LANDS. Allan, IHCcRlnlajr tfc Co., nAVK iiwt received i STOCK OF NEW GOODS, od would Invito oJI those who wi.li lo iroeur GOOD articles at reasonable prtew, to can sua see Ibem. They consUt In partr llie following grindstones canal A. win el bsrmws grain cradbs fancy brooms . i,. .( mkiIii ulula da brush do do assort'd colon d palls 10 so harrows 23 tech paimru inns 7-ina wash bourds blacksmith's bellows cross cut saws 7 It do 6 ft mill saws 7 ft hair maltrasses double do single hair bolsters double do single sperm caudles adamantine do grape brand lubacco lucke tobacco garib n rukes do lioi do spades polished shovels iiuy forks manure forks churns window glues 8 by lft do 10 by V2 do 7 by U window sashes 8 by 1 0 do 10 by 12 ox bows and vnk BLANK liTS, liAISE, L1XDSEYS, Ulieeliiiet Ticks, dc tfc. And keep constantly on hand a large supply of OROCERIF. S, clothing, hardware, and many articles too aumcr om to mention. ALLAN, WKIKUY f CO. Oregon City, April ill, 1BM-Iy Lato Arrival. TV addition lo our present stock we ore now re JL ceiving direct from New York, "ex cliper II I, Plicnix, ' 50 bbls. and half bble. X. O. Sugar 20 bids, crushed sugar; 111,000 11 Uiocoll'ee; 20 bbls. N O. niolawea; for sale low by W.M.C. DEMENT ic CO, June GO-y Opjimite llie Land OlRee. r A I1IH"S. Sunta Cruz Linio just received ami fjv lor sale by jei.3-10 WM. C. DEMENT &. CO. Oregon 3acon. 1 AAA LHI'-rsulelry 1UUU W.C.DEMENT&co. JUST RECEIVED, 100 boxes can lies, 20 bbts.poik, by oct 12 WM. C. DEMENT & cm. Ilgypliaii lVlivul. FEW luahels fr sale by novio nr. a vemcxt .j co. A A niri-u Climice For lho$e engaged, or icUhlng to engage in the v louring Uumuss. WE have on hand ami for sale, Iho following mueliniery for grist mills, which will be sold low for cash, at eu a short time : 2 portable mills, complete : 1 run of four feel four iuch French Eurrs, with spur wheel, 114 cogs, weighing lU'Ji lbs. ; with spindle, pinion, brush aud oil-pot and collar. 1 run. same size, without piuiou. Ullier irons the same us above. ToL'cthcr with a general assortment of bands, boliiug cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings, huugiiigs for boiling chests, fee, &.C. in oilier words, every requisite necessary to the compUtiou of a grlit mill by M M. IMiJi.tlli.Vl co. Opposite the Luud Office. OneaoN Citv, Nov 2d, lbi5. WJK ARE NOW EECEIV1NG, per brig 1 V "Susan Abigail" und bark ''('has. Dcvcus," from .San Fraucise'O, the following goods : CV.OVFRIES:'M kgs E. li. syrup, S&8 gals., . ill) bbls ew Orleans do. fitlllO IIm No. 1 Chiua sugar, StilHi lbs bible sail, 200 boxes English and American soap, 20 cases pie fruit, sss',1, 2 gross P. i: 1). yeast powders, 5000 lbs tobacco, ass'd brauds, 100 hull boxes raia'iiH, 20 bbls and ball' bbls crushed sugar, 3 100 l'..s suleriltUS. CROCKERY A General Awrtment. DRY-GOODS. MO yds browu sheeting, 1000 yds tuliucls, 20JO '" prints, 10 pieces ulpacas, 50 pairs English blankets, 2U0 yds cuipctlng, 200 " oilcloth; Together with a giticrul assortment of ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and carpenters' tools. 11 ,U. t-'. VJiMEK I d' CO., Nov. 10. Opposite l ie Laud Office. To Arrivo XTr'TIlIN a few days, direct from New York, I I ex ciijiper ship "Uolden Euglc," 400 giils. linseed oil, 1 j() gals. spts. turpentine, SOU boxes window glass, (uss'd sizes,) SOU kegs white leud. pure, -','" giils. varnish, QUO lbs beeswax, iJ00 lbs resin, by Wm.C. DEMENT ico., oct 13. opposite tho Lund Ollico. "17RES1I OREGON TIMOTHY SEED-r.U X bus. for sale by WM. C. DEMENT it- CO. Mautii t'rnz Lltiie. K fV KDIJS. for sale by O J novl 0 WM. C. DEMENT & CO. IN our bukery we keep constantly on hand bread, crackers, cukes, pies, ic. C1IARMAN .J- WARNER. "BANDIES, mils, raisins, ofun excellent quality x- jusi receiveo auu lor sale low bv C11AR.MAN & WARNER Oranges EECEIVED upou the urrival of every steam er. Don't fail lo call on CIIARMANSl WARNER. INEKY TTIINO iu the hue of Groceries, J as cheese, ull kinds of spice, sal soda, cabon ate soda, saleiatus, cream tartar, Sic., ure sold at novi-i CUARMAN J- WARNER'S. flOYS, of dill'erent kinds, for sulc bv A. CHAU.MAN 4. WAKNm Just Received. Splendid ussorlment uf Family Groceries, iJL such as tea, syrup, ugar, Slo. ; also rise and coarse salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches sardines, oysters, clams, yeast powder, also a lar,j quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobaccoof every brand-and almost every Ihing else in our line of business-all of which will be sold as loW as at any other place in town, for cash or pro "nee. CUA'.tfV j- WARNER Kardwaie FOR SALE BY CHARLES vdpv id BRASS and Iron Butts, Screws, Locks and -SL Latches, Hammers and Haluhets, Axes, .-.....jj-nnncs, uanasaws, Durry Combs, II, Ilru.hes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cuns. ,rse un Cups, Wool v-arus, tliest Handles, Plaucs. Ac prilSl.ltii-lif Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR Carb. soda, lp;,er, Sp.ce, Alum, Borax, Cop. Cod. Apriiit, lB.",5-llf Just Rprelvi-d, At the ' Old Stand,' Cauemah, April 2 1 , ' 55. J- i ft Ltw- LiKbt Bruw Sugar, 1,W0 bushels oats, for sale wholesale or retnil.by . JOHN P. BROOKS. To the Furuicra YTE WOt'LP y, call .t , rtOT.;w. f will lay vou wall (., v.. ii) 'other howo iu Oregon. .:,U will end, ,vor to ;ull as comi,wnil.. as we posi,lvcaD CHARMAN 4- WARNER.' Q ALERATUS, t,4Kicco, Bt hale cKsh.,, BUSINESS CAIIDS. JX. liiiieral Comuuasion Alreliauls,and wholes sale end retail Dealers iu Dry Goods, Urocerieay Hardware, A e., Ac. ( fioorge T. Allan. Oregon City, -May 5. i ArebihaM M'K.ulay. ( Thomas Lowe. LEAN, M'KIXLAY & CO., L rieollsbiirg, L:nivjua, Oregon. Lower 4 ELAN. M'KIXLAY U CO., Champ,.,,, J.Y Oregu Territory. . May 5. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER In Hardware, Croeericf, Dry Cad, Clothing, IlooU & Shoes, Medicines, Hooka and Htnlioncrr. Main-st., Oregon Cily, April SI, 1835-Ilf Wm, O. Dement 6c Co., WHOLES ALE and retail Dealer, in Grocor. les, Provisions, ralnls, Oils, Jiooi, ln(s Khoes, Crw kery, &o. Opjiosite the Land Office, Main St. Oregou Cily. June 1, 1853. JOHN R. M BRIDE, ATToaasr and cocksslos at law, Lafayette, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL faithfully attend to all business eav trusted to bis professional care. April 21, 1855-ltf JOHN P. BROOKS, ll'Wrsa.V if. Retail Dealer in Gneeriv, Produce-, J'rotitioni, ij-c. Main Street. A General Assortment kepi up of Selccted-Cood Cancmali, December 1, 1855. ' CA. REED 4. CO., sueaMn to Fellow,,' , Reed if Co., dealers in Drugs and .Medicine!. Hoolia and Slationery, Paiiils, O.I, &e. PWta.ii. lur alienlion paid to compounding medicines. ruierii, .-ov. a 4. Wens, Fargo d- Co.'s Express, Deticrcn Oregon, Calilornia, the Allantiq Suiln mi l Eirone. HAVING uilileadvuntngeo arrongeniM,!. will, the l1,;t, eons i.a Ernies and rucilic ill ail Sn.am. .,,. v ..,,.. lor imn-p .nation, we are now nr.. I,ircd to l'nrurr.l ISM I.... M..II. .. I . ii I iiuuioii, ispteie. V V -'' to ana noin N iork, N.Orlcuns, San Irauc.scn, Portland, and Jinncipal towns of California un I Otenoa ri. .,. i. i- " . ," "r" J. ' Mress between Portland and San hraueiNco. la disuiti,l,i.a I... Pucilic Mail SiiuuihipCo.'sliiuhipColuiiibis connecting at San I'ranoisco wilh our semi-inoiilh' ly Impress lo Neu York and New Orleanr, which is disialrhed regularly on the 1st aud Kith of each moulh, by Ibe until steaniera and iu charge of our own iiiostengors, through lo destination. Our Exirciot from New York leaves regularly on Ibe 5lb and 20lh of each month, ulso in charge of nit sscu.'ers. " Treasure ir.snred In Ibe best New York er..-. panics, or ut Lloyd's in Loudon, ut the option of Omers New Yoik. No. IC. AVII v Orleuiw,No. I l.Exchuuge place) Sua Fraucisco, No. 114, Montgomery street. J. N. HANKER, As,t Oreg,.n City, April 21, 18i5.-llf Tclq Steamer Fortland, CAl'T. A. S.MUHRAY. Will run daily betweeu Porlland and Oregon Cily. Leaves Portland at eieht o'clock, a. m. lteturn. ing. leaves Oregon ("iiy at four o'clock, r. , fur freight or passage apply on board. ap2Iltf U. S. MAIL LINE. Oregon Citg and Porlluml Daily Packet, 'li tionnie ciam, i3J J. C. AINSWOKTH, MASTER. Will ruu duily, (Sunjuys excepted.) iu the above- named trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 8 o'clock, 4. M. Eeturniag, will lruve Portland al 2 r.M., touching u all intermediate points. J'or Ireiglit or iujuge u;,p!y un board. np'Jl-tr New Vcluunes cf tho Tour Reviews and Blackwood. COMMENCE with North Ilritish for May, is:,5, ami the other Reviews uud Blackwood for June, lc'55. I emit of Subterinthn. Anv one Review of lSlackwood, :) a year, llluckwood and one Re viewor uny two Reviews, $.'1. The four Re views und Uluckwood, 11). ' Four copies lo oue UUU1CBB) QtlVi Postngo ou the four Reviews nud Blackwood to any Post office in Ibe L'uiled Slates, only 60 cents a year on each Review and !M cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. Scott & co., Publishers, 54 Gold street, corner Fulton, New York sep8 Reading for the Million. S. J. MrCOllMICK HAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANU AT TI1K FSAKLIN BOOK sroiiE, FRoNT-sr, poiitlanu, ohsoon, A Choice selection of Popular Books, News la. papers, Slagazincs and Fancy Stationery. Among the books on hand will be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, History-, Poetry, Biography, Medicines, Religion, Science, School Books, Romances, io., &c, ic. ILTSubscriptions received for Harper, Graham, Codey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 4 a year, pos ae free. lET Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any part of the Union. Remember tlio Fiunkliu Rook Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Porllaud Oregon. tSf'A p.iced catalogue will be published early in April, and will be sent to uuy part of Ihe lerri. lury free on application. Ladies ! T7"OU will find an exoclleut assortment of Dreu JS. and Bonnet Silkt, Satin and Velrett; also Bonnet Trimming!, Hosiery, Glocei, Lacct and Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at the store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Slain-st., opposite Abernetby's store,) where may bo fouad almost everything iu the line of ! v Ciooh; Such as Prifils, Ginghams, Alpacas, 5Ietinoi 1 laid Liueeys, Muslim, Sattiuotts, Jeans, Flnni n's, neeiings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Striiti, '-otton Batting, tto. Oregou City, April 21, 1855-ltf Medicines for Sale By vii.akljs fVVE, Ja. pilll I'lior, Gum Arabic. British ,.M T ..11; II.,, a.nn. dd preparation, Roman eye balsom, Ualley's pura extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composiiion Powders, Carlei'a- uuiiouiiry iiaisom, &ulpliur, hpsom Salts. &c. April "I, lgJO-uf ' .War A.g ainst Hard Times I The Place to Get your Money Back. CHARMAN & WARNER are now carrying ou the BAKERY aud CONFECTIONERY business at their old slaud, where they are still de termined to deal on terms to suit the limes. Out motto is, "a nimble sixuence is k ii.r ih.n . ! shilling;" and we are determined to tell, if we do sell upou a very small profit. We are keeping ev ery variety, PROVISIONS, BREAD, CAKES, I IKS, Jte., Ate., that were ever manufactured out of flour. We keep also all kindsof GROCERIES, such as Sugar, Cod'ce,. Tobacco, Cigars, Raisins, apion, besides many Drugs and .Medicines. (Ws) du t keep any "quack" medicines, however.) W have bought out the other bakery, and intend te 6a op another establishment soon. The press of bus iness u so grcal that we are compelled lo ' spreud oum-l res" over a larger plalfonD. O" Country produce bought and sold. Tu uo trouble to show "ictaa." Call and try Us Oregon City, October 13, lSao. ' 10COANCT3, Bananas, anj other tropical fru.a, jiaa revived from Sandwich IslamU apil CUARMAN 4. WARNEIC fej ANDS' Sarsaparilla, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit lers, Dalemau'a drona Hm,Hrii.' niu. r !, Perry's Tcrmifue. Oiml.M,. V1..- o. y .a. IIVLLJ.ND 4. - .1 , r. S. $ 4. UOLLXNffS,