The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 14, 1856, Image 3

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    Wabih.ioto.i, April 23.
A Dumber of member o( Congress Lave
laiely beld consultations, at ihe private
' lodgings of a Southern member, on the
tubjoct of (he nonilnition of Mr. Tierce at
Cincinnati. , They not only sgrel, it is
aid, that Mr. 1'ierce in I lie iuoi suitable
' candidate for the Southern Democracy, but
also took roeusureito use influence in the
South to promote his nomination.
abk Valueless We understand imiui
ric continue to be made at the drpartmeut
why stamp cut from stamped envelope
cannot bo used in prepayment of letters in
the same manner as ordinary postage
stamps. Tenons, In addressing tliir let
ters, sometimes, through carelessness or
mistake, destroy the envelope, and, without
stopping to reflect, many think it a hard
shin that havine paid the government both
Nearly all the Southern aspirants for Ur tho stamp and the envelope, they can
.the Presidency, desire Mr. Tierce's iiomi- not be allowed to cut Out and use tho
nation. Mr. Hunter, Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, stamps on a plain envelope, The princi.
Mr. Rusk, and Col. Orr, each have some pie reasons why this cannot be permitted
hance for succeeding Tierce.'aa the choice aro . flrili lMe aw ,.jvc, 00 vau0 , ,,.(,
of the Deinocraoy for the terra commencing stamps, and makes no provision for their
in 1861. , They are all youug enough to use, except when connected with, and
"wait. ! forminir a part of. the unvelones ns nronar.
Mr. Douglas, on the' other hand, would 0J unjer t0 law. with suitable water
prefer tho nomination of Mr. Hunter or marks, etc prevent fraud : second, let.
any Southern man, hoping to succeed him. ters stamped envelopes may bo lawfully
It is understood in the Democratic Tarty carrjed outside of the man", nnd when so
that hereafter tho North ie to have the carried jt i believed that the atumDs ar
presidency alternately with tho South. ,eJ0m, if ever canceled. These are con
This is a great concession cortainly, on the trollinir reasons, and will at once commeiid
.,prt of the boulh, which will contribute themselves to evory person of reflection
most ot tbe electonal votes to tho election of Wathinntnn Union
Parker and on were attending somo fish
lines on the rlrer about three miles above
here, when limy were surprised by a con.
tinuous, unusual roaring towards tho mid
dle of tho stream j the night was without
wind.. Owing to the duikne, no cffirt
was wade to ascertain the causo of this
strange noise until daylight, when it was
seen that a whirlpool of lurgo extent wus in
actiye oporntion some two hundred mile
from the Missouri shore, which still cmitin
uus in operation, drawing in a ureal bodv
of mutter ; to much indeed, thai the vol
ume of the river below is sensibly lessened.
Driftwood nnd lurgo floating log go in and
disappear totally. Many hundreds yester
day weut up lo see this strange sight. I' ti
les this chasm soon fills tin with water, the
edict upon navigation will be calamitous
indeed, for it would seem that tbe bottom
of the river has really fallen out. Squatter
Sovereign, (Atciuion, A. T.)
fcT Specimens of fish, with four lei?.
from Ft. Defiance, Now Mexico, have been
received by Prof. Agassi.
mr i no j ennetsea papers annnunco
the death of the venerable Alaior Mab
formerly a member of Congress from that
iliniiiedielely for HAN FRANCISCO. I
ror freight aptily Is ill uiiaVrsiiriied.
Juus 7, IdiO. U. AUKUNETH V 4 CO.
a Democrat at tbe coming election, and
.probably in future elections,
' As matter stand, Mr. Pierco's chance
'for the nomination is, I think, better than
What of any othor Democrat, Northern or
CoadtUoas of the Treaty.
The Opinione, of Turin, gives, upon
what it declares to be good authoriiy, tho
condition contained lo the treaty of peace
Southern. There i. butone difficulty about lhTc7ro Bffirraed tobe M fulloW!
i. j .i :..k. ..l ,. . I. Neutralisation of the Black Sea.
inated.'he will not be elected. As Mr.
.Buchanan is sure or 1'enneylvania, it is
contended, with much force, that he is the
only Democratic candidate who can, with
any fair prospect of success, bo put iu nom.
ination. Cor.N. Y. Com. Ado.
03 A speaker Cuuks declines to bo a
Candidate for tho Presidency ; as Senator
.Seward docs not consider his chance as of
success very good, if nominated, the preva
lent omoion is. that Col. Fremont will be
selected to carry the standard of the Re
sia not to keep more than ten ships of war
armed for the defence of tho coasts.
II. NicolniefT reduced to a merchant port.
with engagement that no ship of war shall
be constructed beyond the number agreed
lo as above.
III. Russia to allow consul from all the
powers in the ports of tho liluck Sea and
the Ualiic.
IV. Bomnrsund not to be reconstructed.
V. Russia cede a part of tho Territory
of Bessarabia, comprising the fortress of Is
VI. Russia renounces tbe exclusive pro-
jiibTican party
3r Th. IIun. Jamea C. Jones. Senator on tne Danubian principalities
from and an old line Whiir. has V,L Sh8 eH'j renounces the protect.
published . letter to hi. constituent on no- onl of the Greeksof the Ottoman empire.
'litical parties, and the rensona which will
party at the coming election.
VIII. The free navigation of the Danube
induce bim to act. with tho Democratic guri""d Stale, without except-
The IXth article refer, to the com mis
sion t be sent into the principalities to
study the questions of the frontiers aud tho
mode of government.
The Opinione denies that any stipulation
has been made in favor of Sardinia, and
that the Italian question will be discussed
at large by the plenipotentiaries in their
eapplimeatnry sitting. Russia will, it is
said, send an embassador to Taris after the
ratification of the trpnty.
The Washington Star says that
Senator Douglas' bill for tbe admission of
. . Kansas, while it will pasa the Senate by a
ilnriM mnifwitv will hui'A a Jt&r maionlV
, -j j i j- s
iio the -House of Representative. Jt pro
vides that jwbea Jaank-as tastlie requite
1 'opuUtMHi, ttlie may eutwiule the Usion
avith-euab Jt osinaiirBtiem fa miay adopt,
avitbiMt reference to the slavery oueslkm.
IncREASB in FivbVjsabs. "iie ,popn1n
tion of four of the Southern Stnti's, four of
. theWestern. aud three f tin- Central, shows
03" A St. Louis man linn sold for 124,875
a site in 1st. nil, Miunrsota, which be pu
purcuascq lor vuuu six years ago.
For Mothers' Eves. Mothers who en
courage their daughters in superficial ac
coinpliiliineutsand bold display,, are ofien
preparing for them a lifetime of chagrin
aud misery. Un the other hand, when
they are trained at home, by precept aud
example, in retiring, industrious, studious,
virtuous habits, they are prepared to be
useful aud nappy ihroughot life.
t-S" Vicious company is as dangerous as
an mtectious and contagious distemper, and
tliererore ought to be carefully and indust
nousiy nvoiueu.
Hpcctal Netlce.
Upon a recent funeral occasion, at the sugge
tion of Rtv. G. H. Atkinson, It was voted to hold
a nisoting of the citizens of Orrgon City and ti.
cinitj) at soma future time, and take some steps to
secure the burying ground to the use of the citizoui
in the future, aud havo it properly laid oft". The
undersigned was appointed lo see Wra. Ilolmes,
Eeq.twko will convey the .land for the use above
named, and with him agree upon time and place,
and coll the meeting as sppoiuted. He has done
so ; and this is to request the citizens of Oregon
City and vicinity to meet in the Mill over the
City Drug Store on Saturday, the 31st or Mat,
iutt, at 3 o'clock r. u., for the purpose above indi
eated. Fellow-citizens, come togolher, and let us
secure and properly arrange a resting place for our
dead. W. C. Johnson,
Oregon City, Juue 14, 1856.
Religious Notice.
Rev. Geo. C. Chandler, D. 1)., will Drench Id
the Baptist Church in thirdly on the first, second,
and fourth Lord's Days in each month, and the
Kev. II. Johnson ou the third. Semco at 104
o clock a. M., snu at it..
5" A bill just reported in I he Massa
cliushtu Uuubi of Representatives enacts,
n increase in five years of 1,532,187, or at that if aay person sbull be guilty of adul
A like increaf ia ter""S nillK "y water or otherwise, ne
(be rate of.20 per cent.
he Vest of ihu-State would giv for im
ame time an aggregate increase of 4,638,
375, and total population of27,82U,25l.
Famine in thb Uatk dh VcreIsi.nbs.
An oBiceriatbe American navy, writing
' lo his fiend at Waslangfm, gives a pain
ful account of tbe famished and perishing
condition of the inhabitants of the Cape de
Verde Islands, owing to the scarcity of rain
and consequent shortness of cnops for the
last three years. Alieady from 5,000 to
6,900 bave died of -sheer famine out of a
population of 120,000. AtStJagothe Gov
rnor isooingi aiinusi lur inr ivur (" w
site, by sesiaUag stnall vessels, as he can
raise the means, to tbe cost ot Africa lor
grain, which he distribute with the strict
est economy to the destitute, devoting to
(bat purpose the whole of the revenues of
tb islands, and bis own salary be has not
touched for the three years of his governor
shin, living very poor and with great frugal
ity. He thinks he will be able to keep
starvation in check till July, after which,
unless provisions are sent out from Europe
and America, 20,000 persons at the least
: calculation will starve to death between then
and Dec lie is about to make an appeal
to our governmental Washington ; and
the writer strongly urges the condition of
this unfortunate people upon the sympathy
and charity of the American public
Cir A Crimean correspondent of a Paris
journal, giving an account of the rejoicings
which took place between the French and
Russians, on the banks of tbe Chernaya,
when the new. of. the armistice arrived,
eays: "At last they separated, promising
each other to meet again. . 'Good bye, till
we meet in Paris I' were the words they
hallooed to each other with enthusiasm, as
. tbey retired."
; OThe Kingdom ofOude ha. been seiz
ed by the British East India company, un
der the following circumstances : they made
a treaty with the king, some years ago, by
which tbey bound themselves to respect
Lis rights, and be agreed to govern with
wisdom and moderation ; under pretence
La has not done to, tbey depose bim, seize
Lis kingdom, and levy a tax upon it to fill
'v:. rr Ho A i!, VntM done this.
WWIlCtS. .WW - ,
it would bave been termed "fillibusterism ;"
uoae by the Jiritisn, it w merely "a master
stroke of diplomacy.
t3T. Tbe total number of land warrants
issued under tbe law. of March, 1955, as we
learn by a dispatch from Washineton, are
227,000 ; requiring upwards of 15,000,000
.acres. Tlie number of claims received are
545,700. Upward of 14,000 warrants, j
waring T.TO.OOO acrr, were issued in
slioR, oa conviction, be filled, $50 for the
firt offeiic, one-half of which hnll be paid
to the complainant : aud for the second of.
Imcp, shall f unprifoiied ui tbe Houso of
LorrectKM not Jess than two nor more than
six months.
05" A late baver from Key West, Fla.,
says: "Un tlie lata, Uia wind being light
from the soath, the report of guns, fired
without doubt at Havana, was distinctly
heard throughout the Island; the distance
travofled by the Souod oouJd not be loss
than -00 miles. 1
65r Loaisville, Ky., with all the advan
tages of Cincinnati, save that of Free-Soil,
is fadiug away, tinder the blight ef a Slave
country. There are fifty-five vacant tene
ments in Main street alone ;--ond the mrtr
chants, alarmed at the exposure of naked
ness made by tbe newspapers, have held a
meeting, and formally requested the news
papers to disoontinue tho discussion of the
prosperity of the city.
Xew Flrt-Arnt Important lmirovtments
The National Intelligencer describes a
setof specimens of fire arras, all of thm
new models, invented in New York. The
first specimen is a magazine repealing needle
gv. it solves the problem of the appli
cation of thedischarging needle to revolvers.
A cylindrical magaaine containing forty
cartridges is attached longitudinally under
neath the barrel of the gun. These car
trideges are successively fired as fast as the
gun can be cocked, and the mechanism is
such as to secure a most perfect leading.
Ako, a revolving needle gun, without the
magaxine, having the advantage over all
other revolvers, that it can be used with
The last gun we saw strikes us as being
a must important invention. It is an old
United States musket converted into a
breech-loading gun, and this is done by such
simple and ingenious means, and the gun
operates with such facility, that we cannot
but anticipate the best result, from it. In
all tbe attempts at producing breech-loading
guns that have hitherto been made the
great difficulty was to keep the sliding sur-
laces of the breech and barrel so completely
uninjured by tbe combustion of the powder
a. to insure uniform nicety of operation.
This gun has a contrivance which, effect
ing the opening of the breech ba the dit-
charje of tht bullet, prevents anr deleterious
action from gases on the breech by produc
ing an instantaneous draft of fresh air
through the barrel and breech. The in
ventor claims that the latter improvement
possesses great advantages, especially in a
military point of view, that it enables men
to shoot from fitu to fix time mart rapidly
and to obtain a greater range tban with tbe
present masket, and that it obviates all
danger from premature discharge.
GO" Hall, in his Journal of Health, says
that tbe best method of keeping off a ten
dency to insanity b not to dwell tco long on
one idea.
03-The yellow feVer has made Its ap
pearance .511-4 in Orleans. .
jC. At the rtnidouce of F. V. Ueer in Butleville,
r ... 1 fl I I n II . . .
morion couniy, iune xa. oy j. noop, uwn.. Mr.
Joscra C. User to Miss Mart Strong, both of
1 Ullllllll.
K At Pacific City, W.T., by Uev-Gustavus Hines,
JI011. A. A. oKi.NNRR, ot Oregon, to Alias liza-
beth Lincoln, of Portland, Mains.
Mav 27th, of consumption, Mr. Samuel Anosll,
of Yamhill count), formerly of Wayne co., IuJ.
June 7, at his resilience in the Forks of the Sun
tiuin, Linn co., Mr. Nathaniel McCartnev, sged
do yrurs,
T HAVE lost a YOKE OF OXEy, which
X strayed from this cily some four weeks ago.-
Oao is a black ox with a white epot in his face,
haviug the putern joint of the right hind foot a
little thicker than the other, and slim, handionie
horn : lie had on a large bell with new collar.
The red one had some white spots on, with some
while in the face, and rather thick spike horns.
iliey are 7 years old.
Any pernon briue-inir the cattle to me at Oregon
City, or sending me word so that I oau get them,
snail oo Hberally rewarded.
June 14, 1S.-.G. 9w4
B. Kilwain.
Mnnnfnctnrer, Whole tale and Retail Dealer in
TrN , cor per wars, hardware, ac,
MaiaSt., opposite Main Street Hotel,
Steamboat and jobbing work attended to with
Orders from the country promptly filled. je7
- Sy Sark Ocean Bird.
EECEIVED JMie 4th the following GOODS,
and now selling rapidly at a small advance.
Iju Kegs syrup,
60 boxes candles,
' 60 hf bbls N O sugar,
10 bbls criuhed
13 doz brooms,
SO " buckets,
SO gro matches,
10 bbls cider vinegar,
IS cases tobacco,
35 " shoes, aaorted, '
85 grain cradles,
I thresher and separator,
1 reaper and raker,
13 straw cutters.
election of GROCERIES,
Those who Kell the Cheapest Sell
Ihc Most.
y have tue oest
Baolt and Shoe; also Oils, Paints, Glass, to ssll
wholesale and retail, cheap for cash or produce.
Our slock ia pan consists of
6000 Ibscoff-e,
SOOO lbs No 1 China sugar,
3000 " No 1 Batavia "
1000 " 8andwich Island sugar,
1500 M crushed sugar,
2500 assorted candy,
.60 kegs E. Boston syrup, .
50 kegs nails, '
10 eases pickles, -"
pie fruits, ;
12 dot assorted can fruits,
6 " tomato catsup,
5 pepper sauce,
4000 lbs salt, different kinds,
8 dos brooms,
Large assortment of Quecnsware, Glassware, olc,
10,000 Cigars, by til thousand, 40 boxes tobacco,
China rice, Carolina do., 300 lbs tea, 2000 lbs
dried apples, spies of all kinds, fee., oVc. js7
0bori8'a Sale
T)Y VIRTU', of Iwo certain executions Unied
St out of the District Court for Ihs county uf
i lactsinas, and to ma directed, on In favor of
1. bet L. llrudley against WiIMoii I). Wmdcock,
for the sum of right hundred dollars snd siilv-lwo
cents, with 18 S5-I00 dollars cost upon the sama,
Tor wliii ti amount Judgment was dK.-keled in said
Court on the Hlh day of April, IH56, nus in faror
or Hubert l aulirid for tlie sum of forty-eight dol
lore and eighty-seven cenis, with 15 HU-1U0 dol
lars rotl upon Ihs same, whinh judginrut
was nocxrieu in said l imn oa IDS '.'1st day
M LersmiK-r,, snd lor waul of personal prop
rrty wnereoi to mass Ids above usiihm amounts
I have levied said steculions upon all the right, ti
lie, nnd Interest of the above numed Willintuu I).
Woodcock, that lis uow bus or hail at Ihs time
said judgments wore docketed ss sforessid, in snd
to the folluwiiig described laud claim situated in
Clackamas county, described In Notification No.
077, now on lile iu tho Laud Olliceat Oregon City,
na ioiiows,
being a part of See's. 4 A. 5, T. S 8. R. 3 K.
" 33 ic 33. T. 4 8. R. I) K..
bouudeil and described aa follows! Beginning at a
point 0.28 chains east of a poiut 97.00 chi. aorth
of S. W. corner of N. W of Seo. 4 In T 5 S U 3 E,
inencs io vj org. ju iniu. I-., J.i.uil clisius,
N53deg.30min. W, 83.50
" 8 U df g. 30 uiin. W, 110.50 "
" e) 89 deg. E, hO.OO "
N 8 deg. K, 3050 " '
" N 45 deg. W, 33.75 to the
place of beginning. I shall proceed to nell all the
right, titlo, and interest as sforesaid, or so much
thereof as will satisfy tho above named amounts,
with inierest and accruing east upon the same, lo
mo highest bidder for cash at public auelioa on
at one o'clock, r. ., of said day. Sslo to lake
place on tho premises. Boulh half set apart to the
wile. st;t' JIUEI.AT, ahtriffi
June 7, 185G-8w4 C'taekamat County,
SrXaln Street Banss.
I IUV b kased the MAIN b l'UlXT
IlllUhe., and am now prepared lo sc.
coiiiiihkJoIs ihs traveling public. Every allentivn
will be id lo tlw eeiiJoii of man and UssO-
Charges reaMniatils.
I shall slwuvs be fouud on hand by these who
choose lo psi'oiiM ine. J. .M llAC'ON.
Oregon City, May 3, lMfl. 3if
Oregon Territory,
Yamhill coiiutv, ( '
rpt) HENRY KOYCEi In tlio name ef the
X I'niled SlaUs of America, you are hereby
ennimaiided In bo and appear brlore the District
Court of Ihs United aisles In and for Ihs oouiily
and TerriUir)' aforesaid on the first day of tlie next
regular term thereof, lo antwer tlie rumpluinl of
llorne Li. Harrison, Iloughloli Lverrtt, and .Mai
thrw Everell, or that judL'iiienl by defuull will be
taken against you by said plaintiffs for the sum of
three thousand dull,u, with lawful Interest thereon
from the hveuly-sixth dny of Heult-nibtr, one
thousand eight hundird aud filly-three, and costs
or sun, if you tail to appear and answer lbs saul
iliieM, tteorge II. bleward, Clerk, and
I he seal of said Court, at Ijifsyelte, iu said
us. county, sfl'ued this 31st day o( April, A.D.
fl. Ellsworth, Pltf's Alturney, Eugene City, OX
April xu, IB.H). -'-Jul
Wboloitlo rrlcti OorrDt
lBV I.OOIKI. . iSI OS k. MrilM lktS.
Sheeting, 4-1... . lis I'.'J IOOpr.el.nwN. Y.eost.
Hrillinu ! . now or.
UleiKbed ilrlliiij :i Wheal, r. ba.... .Ijt.1
" shining, I into Oms do (i
Mriiied de I'.'J Potatoes de .....
Tickn( llulli On ow do $1
1'eni ISKIour (I
lllns drlllmg I -J Core .Meal, fresh 0
I 'la id hiSM-y IUV.M' ralirr.
X'ltinet 7n.!)n; - dried do 12il5
Kiitik.-ky jeans.. ..,,ia l5 I'eaches, dried do lit
TweeJa ijaM' do iraM
. minis. ; Chill. dr.ed.S0a35
Illue and white W rao visions.
Blue aud orange 13 fork, clear none.
Fancy feal3 ' ideas iH30
rurnnuro do lol I llsuis...
do. wide.lX'l Bacon..
New Firm and STew Ooods.
riltlE undersigned would respectfully say to their
L friends and I lie public generally thai they are
SI ORE. One and all are invited to give them
a call before buying else bore. They will ever be
ready to rhow their goods, ami they flatter them
selves that they can suit tlie public, bolh aa to qua!.
iiy and price. UAK3I O W & CO.
lanemah, May 31, 1856. 7
New Arrangement.
THE next term of our school will commence
July 1, 1856.
The Primary Department, limited to 16, will
bo under the charge of J. ANDREW I'O.ST.
The rreparntory Department, limited to 35
18 day pupils and 7 bourdero will be under Ihe
care of the subscriber, who will have the super
vision or bolh departments. Iiy these arrange
ments we hope to offer superior advantages to our
N. 1) Xone invited to attend but such as will
cheerfully comply with the rules of the school-
Neither do wo want any one w ho will be rovga
in Ins plays with bis companions, or use any im
proper language. J. V. l'Oai.
Oregon Uly, May !I4, IBSti. b
i 70 bbls and lilf bbls N O sugar,
30 " m crushed "
4000 IU No I China
10 hlf bills Carolina rice,
15 " dried apples,
15 kegs "
10 hlf bbls peaches, '
10000 lbs Liverpool salt,
IU cases table sail,
60 bbls Sanla Crux lime,
50t IU lb manilla rope, aaa'd sites,
100 kegs imils, " . "
SOOO qr flour sacks,
6 bales drillings,
13 cases ass'd pie fruits,
13 " pickles,
' 30 bundles window sash, ass'd sizes,
34 panuel doors, 11 '
3 dos pol grains scoops,
100 sacks Rio cofTee,
10 male black pepper,
10 bales oakum,
100 single and double blocks, ass'd sixes,
6 gross P ii M yeast powders,
10 dux lino wash boards,
500 gals S.I. syrup,
4000 lbs white lead, pure,
600 " red
. 40 gals oopal varnish, '
15 dos paiut brushes, ass'd sixes,
IS "3 hooped buckets,
SOD gals boiled Unseed oil,
100 " raw
Together with a pood assorlmenl of HARD
of which we propose selling at prices to suit tho
times. Lail ana see lor yourselves.
W. C. DEMENT &. CO.,
Main at., opposite the Land Office.
Oregon City, April 19, 1856.
For Sale.
I WILL SELL my situation ou the
bluff at Oregon Cily ul a verv low rate.
I have a good dwelling house, stable, and out
buildings, with about 100 choice fruit trees of the
best varieties, in an enclosure of eight lots, all of
which will be sola low, as I hare purchased prop
erty in another part or tlio cily.
May 34, lHjb-Otr W. W. BUCK.
We O. Dement k Co.,
At Ihcir old itand, opposite the Land Office,
A RE now receiving per bark "Ork" and brig
J.X. ' Halcyon, ' uio loiiowing goods :
150 boxes sperm and adamantine caudles,
50 kegs dried apples and peaches, (
100 bbls und hlf bbuf crushed sugar,
60 cases pickles,
30 " fresh peaches,
60 " pi fruits,
10 tons G. A.jalt,
S00 dos cups and saucers, ,
300 " plates,
300 " tumblers,
30 " water pitchers,
Sugar howls, tea-pots, &.C., &c. . '
2U0 kegs pure lead,
300 guls linseed oil, '
100 guls turpcnliiie,
50 guls varnish, .
300 gals lamp oil,
100 guls lard "
G000 yds brown sheeting,
5000 " prints,
Bleached cottons, bod ticking, cVc. ic.
all of which will be sold as low as they can be pur
chased of any other house in O regon City, may 1 7
Charm an 6l Warner.
EDITOR You will please tell all our
fellow-cilizens of Oregon that we are still
doing business uuder the old firm, and under the
old ailuge that a nimble sixpence Is better then a
slow shilling. We want to sell goods, and will do
so ss cheap as sny other house iu Oregon City.
vt e have enlarged our business materially, and
now have on baud, as usual, all kinds of GRO
CERIES, such as will suit city and country trade,
which we hope all who have favored lis with their
liberal patrouag know full well. Callatrain ws
will do our best. C1IARMAX Sl WARNER.
April ID, 1856.
GLASS, Queensware, and Crockery, at
TTE have a full assortment of HOOTS &
IT 811 OES, also Ladies' Gaiters and Buskins,
In tuct all kiuds of ladies shoes
Gingham I3u3'. lluwird, pr cs 913
Alpaca 3,'wMI ' pr keg 010
Tuhle d.iiiiask Slla'.'i shot.
cloths Ms! 1! site ft-?lu3
Irish burns HIuk'I liM:k .'liul
ciithimi. LKA'I.
Slifep gruy pauls ft'.'i'i-l Bur Qll
Satinet do. .i.'jt.'l Whittt lead, In oil...','i
Fancy cans. do. ...$ln.' OosUAua.
Blsek eaas. do. i.'iu7 .Manilla, small 31
Red llsti'l ehirt SI UI8 " large 35
Blue do. do. Jl.ialH lleinp JOalS
Hickory shirt 5a7 vaniilss.
Calieo da t'.ial'J Admantiue 4015
soot Sc siioks. .Sneriu C0aC5
Men's kip boot.g'.'Ja-ll ClUASs.
super da d 94 llsvsns 940a80
fine sewed 64 German. IOa!i.
Boys' kin boots Si American 830a50
he'vr w'x du8l4'd . toiacuo.
Mens' brg's pr. do..$l7 Pride of Hmj lluion.40a4.i
" Kitbrgsprilre.l.'OSun 30u.'IS
rlf sewed Ho..'.'l lake's 37
Womeu's h'vy sh's.(ll.1 ' luauWAse.
fine do f 15 Shovels -8al4
UHOtsatKS. 'Hpadea. tMalO
Cofle 14al6 Axes 9l'Ja3U
Tea 50a (iS Millsaws. 90aSI
Sugar, no. I i'hi'a....ll) Z cut saw. 75alj
crushed lb 1 able cutlery, 10 Uerct
Sulcrutti lOalti ad va nee on . Y.eost
8tareh 14 Pocket cutlery, SS prct
Syrup K lloeton f I. advauce.
do. a Isuind U0 Oilier article or hard
NOMolnsses ; war from 90 to&Opr
Liv. Salt 3a3 el advance.
Table Salt .1in4 Nail, ooa'd ki ill
Sandwich 1. Salt.. Sa'-'J " horedios...35a3
lriier. ,..;I0, oils.
Allspice 40 Lamp llluM
Cinnamon fiOaHO Llnaeed boil $9St
Soap 10a II Turpentine prgall $'UH
Portland aud Asloria.
The SjilenJid Struuirr
WILL continue lo run regularly between Port
land and Asloria, via Vaucouver, twics a
wstx, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday
mornings of each week for Asloria i and Astoria
for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings,
touching Vancouver, St. IIklrns, Kaikirb,Cath
Laust, Ac, each way, For freight or passage,
apply to it. HOY T, .Master.
jel 6 Or at Uoyt's Wharf-bout, Portland.
Cliizciia' Lino of Stcnmen.
n FORTLAXD, Capt. Mvaaav,
Will run in connection, the Portland leaving
PORTLAND daily (Sundays excepted) for Ore
gon City at 10 o'clock, A. the Enterprise ma
king semi.weekly trips to COUVALLItt, leaving
CAXEM.UI on Mondays at 6 o'cloek a.m., and
1 humlava at 3 r. a.
tT All freight lor the above Una will bo recshit
ed for at Uoyt's Wharf Boat, Portland.
Feb. 10,185b'. 44lf
Iii onr Bakery
WE keep a full assortment of BRKA D, TIES,
CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale ami
retail, apl'j CIIARMAN WARNER.
Wedding Cake
"TADE to order, parties furnished Willi Iclns
XI k. on shortest notico, &a., by
Private Boarding Home.
lOpjxisite Holmes & Co.'s Fire-proof build
ing, UIth;UUN VII T, O. I.
SIT Charges reusonuble. iov. 3-t)in.
In Equity.
John McLoughlin, complaiuaiit, 1
vs. i
Francis W. Pcttygrovo Sl Alfred Pettygrove. )
CUtckumai Couuty District Court, Oregon Territory.
TN tliis causo it appearing by an affidavit of
A complainant tiled with his bill that both of the
defendant are non-residents of the Territory, it
wo ordered by the Court that the Clerk make an
order, and have the same published, directed to
said defendants ; this is therefore directed te the
said Francis Vv, Pettygrove and Alfred Petty-
grove, and tliey are hereby notified that tins suit
wus commenced against Ilium on the Cth day of
September, 1B55 ; that Ihe object of the bill is to
imet ihs una to lot Wo. 0 iu block No. 38 in Or.
egou City iu favor of Ihs complainant, and for a
decree that a certain bond, touching tlio same
made by the complainant te Alfred Pettygrove on
is uili day of September, 1S4J, be canceled.
he said defendants sr required lo apiwer at said
Court, lo be huldea at Oregon City, lit said coun
ty, on tho first Monday of September next, and an.
steer tlie bill, or that the sumo will be taken us
confessed. .
In witness whereof, I have hereunto sub.
L. s.l scribed my hand snd affixed my official aval,
this 15th day of May. a. n. 1850.
F. 8. HOLLAND, Clerk.
May 17, 185G. 5-5w
Daguerreotypes Look Ilercf
TOE 11UCHTEL is again on hand at his rooms
rj over Milwain store, and warrants a good pic
lure to evory one who will favor him with a cull.
Come on aud try liiin. Gut a correct likeneiw of
yourself and give it to your wife, your husband,
children, brother, sister, or lover, ir.n time will
come when they will prize it more highly than sny
gin you could bestow upon them.
f ictures taKeu in all wcnther,nnd ail the various
styles of cases. Satisfaction warrautcd. Entrance
to rooms ou Third Street
Oregon City, April S, 1856. ly
To Merchants and Shipper-.
L PORTATION CO. have adopted the follow-
g Unit of charge, which will tie adhered to till
rurther notice :
Transportation of n-erchandise or produce
from boat to boat at work. per ton, II 00
Storage of same leas than five cays, no charge.
" " over 5 4. leas than 15 days,
" " " 15 &. ' 30 " 50
Each additional half month or less will be
charged, per ton, 35
Linn City, May 10, 1856.
Splendid Jewclry
JfA G. COLLIER ROBBINS bus now an hand
iffl the finett assortment of JEWELRY ever
brought to Oregon. The assortment eonsiels in
pari of the following articles : -
Diamond broaches,
Diamond rings,
Gold railway time-keepers.
Ladies' watches, in enameled Casc
Ladies chatelaners.
Mosaic ear-rings,
Gold thimbles, gold am) silver pen)
Card oases, mantel ornaments,
Card bankets, pearl caskets,
Gold guard, vest, and fob chains,
Sleeve buttons, shirt studs,
Ladies brooches.
and a variety of other goods too numerous to mention.
Call and see the most magnificent display of
Jewelry ever seen in Oregon.
U. COLiblKK i;UW(l.!S,
March 23. Front street, Portlaud.
Probate notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that James Ingram,
administrator of lb estate of Jama Akin,
late of Clackamas county, deceased, bos rendered
bis soooants for final eUJment lo tb Probst
court of said eoonty, and aid court has appointed
tbe first Tuesday ia July next for tb adjustment
of the aro at Oregon City ia said eoonty.
Jane 7, 1535 Bw3 Judre of Probate.
Lumber. Lumber.
THE Oregon Milliug and Transportation Co.
have established a LUMBER YARD on Ihe
river bsuk ia rear of the store ef Allan, McK.ulsy
4 Co.
Lumber in Urge or small quantities, including
dressed siding and flooring, can always b had by
application at Ui store of
P. 8 tc A. HOLLAND.
Oregon City, May 10, 1856.
Logs, Logf.
CASH will be paid delivery for Grand cedar
LOGS at work ef Oregon Milling fc Trans
psrtatkwCdt R PENTLAND, Ag'U
Lino Cay, May 10, 1856.
Sacks! Sacks!
rrHE undersigned ba consunUy on hand at his
A. sack manufactory ia Oregon City, SACKS of
all qualities and die, which will be sold low a
Ihey can b bought ia Ibo Territory. Order from
a dntaue promptly attended to.
Oregon City, May 3, 1856.-3y.
DO yoa want Hay Fork, Ppodeaand Shovels t
rTMi subscriber has just receiy- ss "aTsq.
J ed a large supply ol fintm-a t
TUBE of all descriptions, consit-'"",",""J
ing in part a follows
Sofas, mahogany aud black walouti
Chamber sels:
Bureau, with or without marble topsi
Office desks)
Rocking chair, stuffed in hair, carpet, and with
con and wood seals;
Diuing chairs, cans and wnoj seats;
Office chairs, do do do
Children' do, high dining and rocking;
Bedsteads, various kinds;
Tables, cenmr, card, aud dining;
Writing desk;
Parlor chairs;
Heading, toilet, and work tables!
Maltrtaaas, bair, mourn, and wool)
Window shade;
Paper hangings, of every style;
Oilcloth; Chines, mattuur; fluid lamps, and burn
ing fluid ; with a variety of other articles toe
aumerou to mention.
Persons wishing to pnrehus will dImj call sod
examine for themselves.
All kinds of country produce taken In eichanim
for goods. TH03. JOHNSON.
March 22, 1856. 491
DR. Osgood's India Chofagogu, and Dr. Jones'
A merles Cholagogtie, at the
Yamhill Trade.
aMfs iiSHSm under Ihe name and alyl of tho
YamA.'U Company, are now building a steamer of
about 30 tons burthen at Canemah, expressly for
the, V uniiiill trude. She will be ready to run some
time iu Juno.
Oregon City, April 5. 5llf ,
i Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils,
ana iiyu-aiuns,
epl6 Main Hlreel, Oregon Cily.O.T.
Morrison at.i Iwtween Front snd First Sts,.
vnHTi.ANn. n.T.
Charges reasonable. S. D. KMITIT,
March 15, 1H56-4S Pnairielor.
1 att
W. P. Burns,
O I ED OK C I T V, O. T.
IT Strict attention paid to repairing, snd satis,
faction to pull-ons warranted. febtM3
Morris Thomas,
' Main sr., wenrly opposite Holme 4 Co.'s.
TRiiiis or niAvmo, to.
Shaving twieo a week, on nhaniioo, hair
trimmed dili, ier month, (3 OB
" euc a week, one sliainpoo, hair
trimmed once, per moiilli, I 3.1
ITuir trimmed, ' 35
Hair cut and dressed, 60
Hhnviug, and hair dresaed, 35
Shampooing, 50
Oregon City April .1, 1850-fll
W. r
Persous dradrous of g lling good work done will
do well to give me a cull, as my whole time is de.
voted lo the repairing til Chronometer, Lever,
Duplex, and Horimntal watches.
An assortineilt or Jewelry on Hand.
Jewelry made to order, aud repaired.
Puces Ui suit the times. I sm thankful for past
fuvors, and hope to give satisfaction ill future.
IT l-oeated at the old stand, opposite the Tel.
egmph Olucc, OREGON CITY. Feb. 3.
To all whom it may concern.
mAKE NOTICE, that 1 claim for myself sml
L wife, nnd shall insist Upon holding, all of the
following described land, aa ur land claim taken
nd held by mu under and iu compliance with the
act of Congress entitled "An Act lo create th of
fice of Surveyor General of Oregon,' etc., approv
ed Sept. 37lh, 1650, and th amendment thereto,
all pretension of Win. It. B. Cotton to th contra
ry notwithatanding, t witi Commencing at a
stake on Ihe Willamette river 19 chain and 35
link south aud 37 chains snd 50 links west of the
south-east corner uf section 35 in township on
south of range one east, thence running east 160
chains, thence north tit) chains and 60 links, thence
west 80 chain, llisne south 54 chains sad Id
links, thence Wist ell chains to said Willamette
river, and thence up said river with its meander
ing to Die place ef begiulug.
March 22, 1S56. 49
To all whom it may concern.
WAKE NOTICE, that I claim, aud shaU insist
A. upon holding, all uf th following described
land, is my land claim taken and held by me un
der and ia compliance with th act of Congress sn
tilled "An Ad to create th office of Surveyor Gen
eral of Ore gen," Ac., Ac, approved Sept. 37lh,
1850, and Ihe amendment thereto, all pretensions
of Win. R. B. Cotton to the contrary notwithstand
ing, to wit: Commencing at a Make 16 chain
south of the south-east comer of section 3J ia
township ou south of rang two east, these run
ning south With section Tin 4ft chain, thenc
weas 113 ohs'in, thene aorth 30 casus and 7S
links, Umuis east 91 chain aius SO links, lae
north I ehain and 35 link, and thane at 31
chatas 50 link to the beginning earner. 1
Jfar'h V, I3r 4a