The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 07, 1856, Image 4

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    Poetry. . . ,
', How very absurd i bir lb luit
Called "Pmlry' aow-a-dsys ! fsnnugb
The ''Stanias" end "KP'"" end "Ode." r.
Te put vry 'ty,n '"'''
And disgust M b with lhu "!)"
i Tnw ,l,ln '!,,, ""'"e' ' "" "'
. And "bask la km distant dim," t
TVithiiwt m thinking bw "or" he'd be,
Afwr flying away " P,e
Willi nothing to ml, lb iniuliin.
AnMlur Insist upon Ulnj "biij,"
T "fly o lljr !' Iwf i" lf,rreJ
M'hn bf k that lha ''My" U whom In re.
Di.n'1 own taeh Mug, ("! mf word'
lu "yller" biick house, up III ty th third,
.; Bb' living Oii very hour.
" Oue oak but " cavu in sum I""""1 J1'"'
' Away from ih cold world'i rtiift.."
Now, til. woods in flu weather ar nil very wtll,
Jiul giv liim ii wk V"rliiy spell,"
( And bt'll toon ''cave in" iu hi forest call.
And b ick uougli of th life.
, A ootlier on want hi ''lor g
And rom o'r th drk bin ;'
' Prhap h don't think, If ther "coin on blow,"
'Thai they'd both bo sea-siek down below,
A 'id t wretehed pair they'd b.
Another young man would lik lo dio
Whn tli roe bloom la spring 1".
! Just tot him fi-t tick, and he'll change hisery
Ili''Jassiiig away" i ''" ' "y )';"
Of "dnainlea elep" b gela quit shy J
ii, il ieu'l exactly Ih thing-
A nother would "dyi aud b luid in dell.
Beneath avin murmuring lilL'1
1 Now, in poetry' jingle, ItVuie to tell
But natty, wet place! M why not a well
. liar t nic, dry grave on the hill I
', One "love" how h lite ! "the glittering foam
, And the mad wv' angry tiife."
Juat Uk the young genius who wrols Ih pom,
Where the "billows dash and Ilia ea-birda roam,"
.'And he'd g'va all b had to be safely at hum j
He'd slay Uier lb reel of hi life.
,, Another young "heart-broken" calls onlii''own,
To cheer him with on ewe t ami! ;"
( Then h follow It up in a lov.ick tame,
' With hi ''bosom pang ;" (if the truth wa known)
It isu'l tba ''love" that cause hi niau,
llut I (uptfrabnnilanc of "bile.'
Tie Quantity not Matter of Principle.
r . '.OiianLiiin of nowcr.". invt Cliii f Jus
tice Marshall, in Brown vi The Stute of
,' Maryland, "do not depone upon the degree
to which it may bo exercised. If it may be
exercised at all, ii mutbexercid l the
' will of tlioio in whoie Itntidt it ii p'aced."
,. The priuciplo which will auiliori.u the
prohibition of the tnle of four gulluin, or
ny quantity Icnathun five, in a aingle Lar
gain, will auihorie tlm pruhibiiion of l lie
aalo of lent than a hundred gallons, or a
. thousand, at one lime, and indeed an sale
'Whatever. The extent i a question of
'policy and expedifiip, nut of principle.
( l beuornrt a quemion, not of the exigence
of the power, or the right lo exercise it, but
of the doyren lo which tlie public iuu-rem
rcqulrolu exercise. ' And t tii in noccsa.tritj'
a matter of l'ilutive diacroiion, with
which court have nothing to do. It la too
plain for argument (hat l lie rijrhl to s.dl
" foar gnllon Ii a sacred mi the ri;ht lo
j. aoll any oilier quautiij, however luryo, and
enn lie rightfully no more nbri'lgpd 01 takrn
away, -j And the owner ia uo mort deprived
of Li property in one crwo than in the oth
er, xwiit iu meaaure anJ degree.. If, ibure-
('oro, it bo oonoeded that former aUtute. on
thia auhjvut . woro valid cnactinenU, it in
folly to contend that thia net ia uncotbtitu
,tiotiAl,'atid lo Insist upon absolute, Individ
lial righu to I he traustnieaton ol properly
from one to another as paramount to the
authority of Government.
Vandalism. Some 80 yearaajjo, Ocn.
W'aaliinjjlun, in company with Col. Cun
ningham, visited the l'asnnic Fulls al Tut
"enonand while there CRrved thoir names ou
a rock, which lias since been known a "Iu
ilial Jiock.", .- Tbe InUlUgtmcer ays thut
during eliiy year ilu apol has ever boon
npproaohed with ruvorcuue, and though the
face of tho rock ia covered with names, ini
tio la and datea, no pemou has beou base
' rnongh to interfvro with the apol appropri
ated to the name of Washington and of Col.
Cunningham, w ho aoiompnnied him. The
i etui'laco of tho rock at that point had
1 carefully smoothed by Ihein, and a line
1 drawn around their nanu s and out iu the
rock, llut reoontly, some person evident
ly with malice bad attempted to deface
that of Cut, Cunningham, and two of the
angles of ilia W in Wmdiingitiu' name
' have been chipped out and the letters al
" niont obliterated."
Tbstinq Canso.n. At the Ordnance
Department, Washington, cannon are tes
ted as follows : Guus are in any shape
that may bo suggested by the process ef
. inveailgaiinn, I lion fired to tost their pro
' jociile force, then fired until tht-y burst,
and when the result has been obtained,
with every care to determine the causes and
" cooilitious of tho experiment, sections of
tho broken metal are carefully drilled out
' from different part of the piece, from the
. inutile aud the breach, and the inide and
' the outtide, and each piece Is aubjeoted 'o
a atraiu lo tent its tensile streugth. It h is
been uppwd that the cannon, alw sya cool,
iug from without, and the uutsiJo coulrao
ting therefore, around tho ina'ule still exten
ded by heat, would become more biiille ;
but Ihi, in such tests as bav been used,
would not seem to have been the caae. A
liar cut from tha outaide of the cannon will
gvnoral'y part with about the amr amount
ofextviiaioii a a bar cut fioiii the inside,
V, net her a be taken I rum a MngHUtliiial or
veriio! tccliou of the gun.
' ArmrA Coix.utTk?i Sotisrr. The
Nw Yoik Clonintion ?oeiety is out in
u apu! f V2l,t)uO in aid of Afiican col-
onizaiiuii. The Sot ii ty hrui the uffer of the
- f'reeJotn of 1 04 iav al the South, if the
can be aeul to liberia. Alr a !)' 570 Col
ored i ror. Lave applic I fur ra-isiL'u in the
riel to Li - lit cut bv the RT'etr in May.
Spikituai, Mi'Trom. Old futher Kih.
ird, a niovt excellent and bcnevoknl Cath
olic prlaat), who came lo Detroit about the
vear I7B5. and died ihere in 1831, woujru
an exwlletit cb.olar, and a fine liiiKuiM, had
a hard time in acquiring English rannliurtiy.
I la nreached one day from the text : "I
am yourshepherd-ye my dear hearem,"
mid he, "what was true or the bicasou aa
in, while unon earth, it if Iruo of every
faiihful pattor, now-I am your shepherd,
and you are my mutton." ureal senna
tiuii. (sir Lately a lady in New York, who
a very expert skator, offered the prize of
kiss to anv oue who could catch her. Th
offur snread like lightning she starlod o
dozens ilurtcd in pursuit, aud ho wa
after a good run, captured by a negro, who
good manneredly and polituly dccimeu ine
fjr- A niagnzino report of the fashions
says " J here is a la'iy in juosioh wuo
hubilually so aleepy that her curiosity can
not be awakened.
(ttr Mr. Samul Ileiily, of this county,
whom mentioned week before lust as
bavins abstained from food for fifty-aeven
daya, hiw since died, afu-r abaiainirg totally
for sixty days. aoc. Keg.
OtT A good newipaper ia like a sensible
and sound-hearted friend, wr,oe appearance
on one's threshold gladdens tho mind with
tho promise oft pleHsant and profitable
OCT Tho deepest water are the most si
lent ; empty vessels make the grouted
sound and tinkling cymbals the worst mu
sic They who think least, commonly
apeak most.
. Valle Htate Imports ad Exports.
The following figutcsexliibitthe amount
of imports received into the United States,
at New York and elaowhere, for six years:
At New York. Klhera. Total.
1823.... $30,1101, 4:.5 46,377.813 77,57!l.;fi8
mr,.... KMIM.HH 89.5!) I, CT 14U.P93.74SI
IS42.... 6'J,tU.,Kii7 S7,S47,K 1 10.162.719
K.'.:i...-. 17S,27.9!)'J H9.7li7.filS 2(17,978,fH
1B54.... 19.5.427,91.') 1 H.32 .323 30.-i.7H(I.9:i5
ie.'i5.... 167,77(t,:.ll 93,0Ut!,41 2Cl,3b2C0
Th eiporl during the tame peril d were a fol
low :
V.- V.l PI.,. .!.... T...I
m:,.... 3l,7u7,NH7 79.4HI,2I5 10lilP9,082
1HI2.... 22,107.119 77.470,578 99.877,91)5
in.-.i ... Yn.vnn.xro iav,io,nnr,:,o,i;ii
i mm . . iwi ia.1 .ia i.v, nor: r.ia o? on iuu
1655.... H3,73li;:iS lbl,425,GU8 T,j',lZ6fil6
Aanlvrrsary of tbe tlnttle of tbe Cowptnii,
Ou Ih AniKVeniary of th bailie of the Cow.
pena, it i liiiemled to erect a monument un the apot
which lcul Iradilion poiut out ua Ui on whero
Cil. Washington, ut Hi head of hie tMnpem, over
took the retreating llrllMi, and give lliem the Tint
taaie ol hie eteel, 1 lit rouudation of the monument
will be of concrete, composed of cement, and and
and ehell. from Kurt Monlirie, mixed in water from
Euluw Spring. On tin will be planed Ih ban,
an eight-nded slab of wlill murblo, from w hich
will enriiif a cual-u oiuhafl, surmounted bv a bomb-
aliell, on I lie apri of which will be a gulden eagle,
oeuigayoc imii,uiilargfd. ot Ilia (toil of the Lu
t,iw i'la s C'Aui oi Mrrcury.
IIazsii-Evko Uiku. AUjuf Noah taya that s
haul eye impirua al firil a i'lutoiiio aeutinieut,'
which gritiluully and aurely raiiaml into love a
Mourtly founded aa the rock of Gibraltar. - A wo-
maii with a haul e ve nerrr slopes ft am ktr hut
band ! never chut, never lind fault, uov-
er talka too much nor liKilittla, ulwuja i an enlcr
talning, Intellrctiml, agreeable, and lovely crea
ture. 'We never knew,' eiiy a brother editor,
'but one unliitcreMiiig and iiunmiablo ivoninn
a hnr.i'l iye, and the liiia a none which looked, a
tha Yankee nv, 'I ke the end of iiutliing whittled
down to a point. The gray is the syn of shrend
nem and talent, (.rent lliinkorn and cuptains have
il. in woman It ludirates a belttr head than
heart. Tho durk Inurl j noble ill significance, oe
In ila beauty. Tha blue eye I amiable, but may
be.fceb!a. The black tuke care !
IIP An exchange ay: "Jod intended all wo
men to be beautiful a much ia lie did the rmee
and llie morning glurii ; aud what lie intended
they should become, they woukl, if they should
obey hia laws, and cut indolence and frevli air.
l'or a g rl lo aipeot to be hauuoiiio with the action
of her lung dependent ou the expausiv uulura of
a crut'a woith of tape, ia u abanid as to look for
lulie in a mow-bank, or a full-growu ouk in a
lower pot."
t 2T Within two yearn up&urdu of on million
copies of Bibles, tract, and iiuilnr publications
buve been circulated among tha Annuuiana.
Near uin million of page were iwued during the
piiai year I run il lie pualiug-pieaaiit Uoiuiuuliiiopl.
llilile echooU huve alio been entublUlied in a hun
dred different plucea iu Turkey and the iinnion
tall compiitea in all 1 15.
ty It i wiid that the fortlu oniiug etatiet'es of
Miuwttchuw-tla w.ll kIiuw ihui i)ia liHNinnM nf ilia
hoe ami leather manufacturers of that Slate
amounta to th enormous lum of i"5, 0011,000.
Not Srar.rr Fioiit. Recently, a well-known
citizen of Colombo", Ohio, had an altercation with a
negro who wan woikingfur him. After miiiis lnfli
woiuV, tha tol., not wuhiiig lo atr.ka tha fellow,
and unable longer la bear hia innulting langnace,
turned and walked away. The xtrvaut seeing
tin exclaimed, "You can't fiighien dn chile dal
way, nmua j 1 know yon'io goiui( arterde gun, and
am conmi' back lo tlioot bul die uiirira ia
rah ! he hab libtwd in deunnyi,uf too, ear!"
ii unneceaeary io adit ttut the tot did not
ITT A nail iu th iiikiland. r aoma ol.l
pena that the ac.d of the ink can tal upon, Will
prv venl ateel pens iu uw from being ritty.
t'V Nothini aver touched the bsarl at a
that did ool coma fiom tho heart of Ilia writer.
LfTTu humbVat thing io the world, a ckk,
i alM aya runuing itielf down.
Ccaun-s. Il is a rrmarkuM fuel that no J, m
ever falla up..n ih publio lor uirl. To the
.r h ine jvwi o it :d, tliey lak car of all
thnr creed whrn under niiaioriiiue.
VE What did Naioleon meau when he said
b,.yet th.ak" f 'lh. nieaaii i. gbvioua. Ev
ery polnhed IbayooM ia capable of MecUon.
l" !l TM 1 mtl'n c,n Ikwn : "Take
' del'kerai.. but when t, tin fM ,ciicu .
nvaa, amp Uuukmf."
VT The beet thing t. i u, ro ,,mY ta fw.
givauM ; to vw ouo."!, tolerant , u ft,, ni,
yu kearti to rour chili. . '
Uiher, defertacet a vaur .
will n.k. her proud of yo ; to yr f, nnd ,
to ad mra, ehantr.
ThS Huearol So. Mnirr ' Did I not tell
yon am to tnmfak- than pr a;aia H
Hoftfui .V.a -J .iut ,,riW, Wlh rth
I'm a eat a Vm a peaceable as raa be."
f Aa lnttnaH . r.rt.1. ki bMi.... i- . .
aw ttwria, a few da) ,ae. la a not cat. a.ij,
j; "r I aaw Maucg at nif.
nhen get (., wm lw brcVtk!.,
raim for Sale. j
e.DM.r r.jn of land in Yam-
I., II oountv. sis inilo weal of Lafoyelte, i i
HI I ...r,l f.,r aala. Thar a bU acre m ,
culnvaUon, and lot) aeres In paatura-an orehsrd j
tared au.l, aud hu two well ' '"'
water, good building ana oui-in.uea. .. . -
iaa gool aa llieru u in Oregou or Ilia world, and
iU location make it a good n stock farm as thers
I in Iho Territory. Farming Mieuails and stock
will be sold Willi Ilia piac, u ut.iu. -..
.n j..,.l,l aiil, catila. horses, aud hoei, aud
w -ui ' -
tan be had on reaaonabl term.
fT Iu.uir al Tua Asuca uince, urcgou v,.j.
IVulvr Tower lor Kaln.
rnilK undersigned would like to aell one half of
I I. .m ...III- kMl..r ,H,K-ar ull tha TuulullU liv
er, about three mile from Linn City, known as
Moore s Jlille. It la pruuaiuy me ueai wior ..
ilexe, with Iho exception of lha great Fall of the
Willainalle, that there ia iu Oregou. I would Ilka
to sell otx-hulf or oii-fourlh of my claim together
with the iiiiH and water wwer. .My object w to
a-et a partner, to euabl me lo properly iuirove tl,o JAMB M. MOO It K.
Feb. 9, 1858.
SomotLiog New.
AXVperaon having a Melodeon, Seraphine,
Acoonleoii, or oilier reed iiwtruimut, with
broken or defective roed, can hnv Ihein repaired
by applying or sending to Chaa, M. rfealer, al hia
reaidence, two aruarea back from the llaplial
Mreiing llouae, iu Ih Nonh part of Orei'on (.'ity.
t:hargo for inaeriing linglo reeda from $1,50 to
82.01). Iteaaoliablo deduction for a erent. r num.
Oregon City, September ii, lb55-'-':l
rTliilll'LK OF llO.NOlt. 't'ualuliu Temple of
X. Honor, No. 1, meets every WmlneMlay evo
unig, at the Amerieail Hall, Foiebt (Jrove, Oregon.
Urdhrea of the Order iu good slandiiij are in-
ull.J (A uhI, lIltu'l'MIIMtlfl.
S. A. Dixon, W. It.
TAYXF.'S Alterative, Enpectorant, and Pill.
Cod Liver Oil, Cn!or O.I, and Hweet Oil, at
KXICA.N .Mustang Liniment, G. W. .Mer
chant'a Oaruling Oil, at the
rilltL'SSKS, riuhtundlcn anJ double, and Ab
I douiinal iipi.oriei, ul the
I3UKE While Lead, raw and burned Umber,
Croine, Green and Yellow, and other p.iints,
at'the OREGON CITY l)ltt'i STOKE.
Graefeuberg Sarraparilla, Uleriue Calholieon.
" Ltysrntery syrup, consumptive
file Ointmrul,
Ileulth llillon,
" F.yc Lotion, Ac., Sin.,
To be found1 at tho agency of the Comnnnv, at
HAVMAN'S Uyapeptie Elixir warranted to
cure the dy,eia jutt received niut for
U. Guysolt's comiound exti act of Sursupurilla
and Yellow Dock, nt the
LD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Knrnprill, at
the OKfctiU?! t il iiuuu oiukiv.
IVow Jeweller.
HAVING employed one of the bent Waking
Jowelletsou tho Pacific coast, I am now
fully prepared to manufacture every description of
Mumiiv'c Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Tins, Kings,
&c, made to order.
Engraving neatly done. , ,
Call aud see ipecimens of work.
N. R. I devote mv entire atleulion to renairine
Fine iVolchea. G. Collick Uoucins.
i'urtlaiid, Deo, 29, 135S-37tf . :
Tt. J. Ayrca' celebruted Cherry Pectorul for
coughs, coins, and consumption, at ine
tt. Tuwitaend'iSaraapnrill.1, nt the
1IAKE11 Snrearnrilla, al tho
ANDS' Snrsaparilla, in any quantity, at tha
MOFFAT'S Life Billi rs and Pills, Bernard's
Dysentery Syrup, WisUir's llnlsum of Wild
Cherry, at the
JUST KECEIVED at the Oregou City Drug
Store, direct from New York und San Fran
cisco, a fresh supply ot DRUGS MEDIC IS ES,
Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, etc., &c,
which mill be told a loa fur cath at (try can be
procured in the Territory. Cull anJ exumiiie for
yourselves, and get an Alumnae for I Soli, gratis.
1JERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever
and ngue, Slc, Slo., jtwt received and fur sole
McLANE'S celebrated Yerniifugo and Liver
Cuiiviiinli, Ktir. 2.1, 1S55.
ON hand ami for sale, low, for cash or product
Paiuls it load, chrome k'reen,
, while lead, prunaiau blue
red ' do in oil, chrome yellow,
blk. do . H blue paint, .
Commou and permanent green pully, class,
Laud for Mile.
I OFFER torell 160 acres of choice laud for
two dollars and a quurlcr an acre, cosh. Tho
laud ia a portion of my claim, aix miles west of La-
I'uyeltc, in trie county of Yumhlll. Title good
Call and see lor yourselves. " Tis no trouble to
show" the land. S. C ADAMS.
Glen Avoca, Dec. 33lh, 1855-37tf
Tiitilatiii Ai'iKli'iny,
Forest Grove, Yi'ushinylon County, O. T.
Fuel Wednesday in December $
Last do ; in February
Third do in May ;
First do in September.
- : tuition rea qusaraa:
Primary Engliah ' g$.00
Hiirher do . )
Aii. h-iil Languoe, ( w
French 4 drawing, sack, extra, J:i.()0
t Incidental charge, iljon.
ForioforinaUoa respwling the Srhonl, n.ldnas
Nov. U 18o5.-33-6mo Pruicipil. i
K. g k i 4 Ih- Feathers for aala bv
Central Produce Depot. i
MONSTANTLY reeeir ng, fresh from ranch,
k wheat, oats, bacon, lard, hjtier and prices.
Dec. 1,'iJ. JOHN P. BROOK-!.
nwacBi wanTca.
IGHF.ST cash e ra d hv
Nov. S. WM. C. DBMKST rn
RltD Appln, ia h'f and wh! barrels, at
t. S.f A. HOLLAND'S.
CIGARS The hesl chance lo p:ek ia at the
ILOL'R,freah, k oanauaily aa hand by
rt ILT MOULDING fa, per. fr., fof !
ae Py I1AU W A.N jt W AKNER.
r-H riCK CIGARS. t! beat thlarfl mu j
J. anl l'-IA-.Vl.V'A'.V.
New Soolu (
rnHE uljcriber ha Jul received a larga sa
1 ortineul of MOOKH, dirool from New . ork,
among which r tti loliowing i
Ali.iu'e Hist, of Europe
American Institutions,
Hilliinau's dn.
Jiruiocrauy iu Aim-rlca,
"Land ond l-e,"
i'Kea ami rlailor,"
Thn yearaiu Califor..
Dye. of Literature,
llucliaii's Fain. I'hys'n.,
Manual of Fine Art,
lectures on the Arui,
IJves of tho Signers,
llubylou and Nineveh,
Deck aud Fort,"
Ship and Hhora,"
Home Cyclopedia,
Egypt aud th HolyLnnd
lordlier ouSl'm Engine,
Anc't Monasteries,
Choice Biography,
Peruvian Autiuilhs,
C'hoic Etr"U,
Travels ill Peru,
I'ular Reiieiia.
l..l.uni- t'ltlllMOOllV.
A vuiiely of 1 uets. .
,UII-il - , . ' I -
500 cop es ol nnnucr rp-iier
;,UU " Leaders,
2."i0 ' Mefiiifli-)'' do.
'-i. u ll' a l)ieli,,nnrie.
Davics' Algebra,
u Geometry,
.. Bourdon,
Thompson's do.
Netvuiuii Klietoric,
Day' do.
l,.rl,Va Univ. Hintorv.
(Joodrieh's Piot. U. H.,
Monteith's Geogruphy,
Little Speaker,"
. Americau Speaker.
i .so.
A Trcsh Supply of Stationery.
Duy Hook, Journal", ledgers, Kccor.l Book,
Momorini luius, of all sixes, Diuriee, 4c, Note und
Letter Pler, Envelopes, Pens, &e., Avo-Krar
Knivea, Eraaive Lubber, Guiumid Label, l aber
Pencil, INK, in quart and pint bottle.
Oregon City, August Id, If55.
F. B. fc A. Holland,
DEALERS in Dry Goods, Grocrnes, Boots
&. Shoes, Crockery, Dook, Siuiiouery, Sic,
Muiu Street, Oregon Cilij. June 3U, It) 05.-y.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Til E llullelujuh, a new singing book, by Low
ell Mason jiwl Hi thing for einging schoolf
for sale at je3U HOLLAND'S.
Progression, Progression, Progression
IS ever onward and they that do not make on
ward profreasion-'are a little behind the time,"
and for the benelit or thoee that have a dcnire to
k..n un wiih this a-'e we have just received direot
from Now Yol k Iho following bat of BOOKS, of
which we oiler at wlioleaolo or ivluil, ou terms to
suit! , ...
Constitution of Man. by Geo. Combe ; Coihbe s
Lee, on Phrenology! Domestic Lile Thoughts on
its concord and diacord; Familiar Ix'ssona ou Phre
nology and Psychology; -Love and Parentage; ap
plied lo the improvement of offpriu; i Murriugo:
ua h story und ph.loMhy, with d reclloiis fur Imp
py niuriuigesi Memory, unJ Intellectual Improve
ment i Mental Science ; Lectures on the Philoso
phy of Phrenologvi Mntrimony: or Phrenolo(iy
und 1'hysiolugy applied, &c. i Phrenology proved,
illustrated, and upplied ; Phrenological nide, ic;
Rchgioii, Nalunil und Rovcnled j Self-culture, and
Perfection of character Self-instructor in Phre
nology and Physiuiogy i Temperance and Ti'lit
Lacing; Accidents and Emergencies; Hydro
pnlhic('ook Hooks ; Coiisuniptioii : its cuw-cs, pro
vnntion. and cure Curiosities of common water )
Cholera: its causes, 4c: Domestic Practice of
Hydropathy; Errors of Physicians, Ac. ; Experi
ence iu Water-cuio; Hydropulhic Family Physi
cian; Hydropathic Encyclopedia; Home treat
meut for sexual abuses; Hygicueaud Hydropathy ;
Introduction to the Wuter-eure ; Midwifery, and
the Dim-uses of Women; Parents' Guide, and
Childbirth Mude Easy ; Pregnancy and cliiklbirth ;
Practice of Water-cure", Water-cure iu Chronic
Diseases ; Water-cure in Every Known Disease :
Water-cure Manual; Ainativencsa: or, Evils aud
Itemedios, 4c. ; Combe on Infuiicy; Combe's
Physiology : Chronic Dis ; Frnrls and Furl
nacea the Proper Food of Man; Iloredilary Do
scent: its Laws, etc.; Maternity: or the bearing
and nursing of children, 4c; Natural Laws ol
Man; Physiology, Animal and Mental; Tofcieco:
its effect, 4o. ; Elements of Auimul Mnfrnciisin i
Faacinntinn: or Ihe philosophy of charming; Li
brary of Mesmerism and Psychology: Philosophy
of Mesmerism ; New illustrated Encyclopedia, com
plete in one vol. ; Sptntnul Intercourse, i'liiloso
phy of, iSro. ; Fainilinr Lessons on Aslronomy ;
Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; I mis towards Ila
forms, by Greely : Hope and Helps for the Young
of both sexes; Human Rights; Homo for nil, 4c;
Labor: its history and prospects, 4c; Power of
Kindness J Woman : her education and inlluence,
4o. :' - WAI.SO- ' ' 1 1 '
8 vols. Uevolatious, by A.J. Davis, the Clairvoyant.
8 H Appi'oachingCris's, " " i
8 " Hurinoniul Men, '' " 1
8 " Special Providcuces, ',' , , " "
8 '' Present Ag-- and , , ,
Inner Life, 1 " " . ,
S - ' 1st, Great Harmonla, '" ' - -
g II 'Jd 11 " "
8 " 3d, " " " "
June 30, 185j.-y .' F. S.ct A. HOLLAND.
40hlfbbls N. O. sugar; -SO
' " crushed "
5 hbls - " "
411 malts No. 1 China sugar;
100 sacks Rio coffeo;
!.')( 10 lbs En.soap;
lOUO saleratus;
10 cases olive oil;
4 " tobacco:
2.". " G. P. tea;
6 boxes yeast powders; '
4 " candies; ,. i
1j " candles;
DRY OOODS, dc . :
4 bales sheeting;
1 hiekorv;
1 " blue drill;
1 prints;
100 dox. Coats' s,ool thread;
10 pieces ulpacus and merinoes;
Also, a lot of Bools and Shoes, Crockery, Glass
ware, and one or two other 'iielas'' which wecau't
just now recollect. Givo us a call, tor we are de
termined to sell out. . i
fch3 F. S. 4. A. HOLLAND. !
K'liilMpol i;m Fulleii I
jil i'.il'onn the ciuiena of Oregon City and the
publio iu general that tliey huve just received a
good assorimout if GROCERIES suitable for
this season of tho year. Also, we have received a
supply of fancy groceries, such as farina, Sugdr
Tapioca, Arrow Root, and a variety of other such
articles loo numerous to mention.
We huve a good assortment ot' FANCY
GOODS for the holidaya, such as raisins, dales,
ligj, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a
variety of oilier articles in this line, such as will
suit Ihe greatest epicure of the land. We have al
so on baud a good assortment of candies, and are
receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So plense
give us a call; we wdl sell as cheup as any houso
in Oregon; Out motto is that a quick penny is
belter than a slow
W e are now commencing lo prepare in the Ba
kery fr Cliiiaimas, and shall hnvg good asaort
meill of cake. VV shall also keep on baud a su
perior quality of butter crackers, Boston oiackers,
..nd aUu tlie sweet York cracker. Pleas give or
ders for the above iu good link-. Our ricea shall
be reasonable, aud life goods made of Ihe beat ma
terials in Oiegiui. bov'J4
V7ho Wants a OooA Saddle?
rpiIB surxenber. liviug five milea onih.n.rt , f
, , ai.iin.i couniy, -m now csrrviair
on the buNur, nrs,.J.l!. "J.i.:.. , ",rJ'"S
H- k , , H 'n g'xi earm-st.
tle cps eorcaautly on hand Ihe best saddl. s that
can I manufactured with th. maleriu". al en,,,.
?r.'fr V" mKh nS ernoin' "ddle
warrantcl t. fi, OH b,4h a.,lee, and Hgied out in
commie sty, cheap fcrearf,. or gnod trade would
lo ell to j,,. . e,IL .My i. w
Baker, i ,t n,. min th. Timn
in from l'.rtUl aod Orepia City, "up couutrv
V Jmh y Sm;U,,' br'd8' " N",h Furk rf
r "if ' "7 ,hi"J iB ,h drferv Fne a., INltrr., Le, Ac Jte
Seyl.iiU.oj,,. J. O JIue
A ONH r",,C, lS' ELODE-
rOHDER,l,,t .
L F. V i. .1 t,VLI ,yD f.
Allan. McHlnlay A Co.,
ti I would invlt all ho- who wuh to proeur.
OOOD .rticle. at r.'"
so thein. J hey eoiwan ... r - - c.ual 4 whcl barrow,
grain cadh. fancy b.oo
irassaoytheVuatln P1'1", .
Crush do do a-ort'd coined pail. .
Ill sn harrows 23 leell ..-
ao no. - - .
. do sx.dc. cro- cut saws 7 It
poliahed shovels 0 11
hav forks null saw 7 ft
Sfork. kairu, Jf
tXeby,!) Mrho,..,
do 7 hy I"""" CT"J!r'
wiudowsahee8byl0 adaiiianline do
do 10 by 1 2 giupe hrand tobacco
ox bowsaud yoke. ruck "VTvntrV.
Hhrctiiif!) Tirfa, AC de. s
Aud keep constantly ou hand a lurg supply of
clothing, hardware, aud many articles too Burner-
Oregon City. Apiil SI, IH.rC-ly
Late Arrival
IN addition to oor prcaeiit aloi k wa are now re
giving direct from Nw York, "ex ebpp.r
ship Phenix," 1
50 bbla. and half bblf. N. O. Sugar
SO bid", crushed sugar;
10,000 lbs. Riocoll'eej
" 20 bbls. N. O. molawea; for sale low by
. Jun 30-y Oppaiito the Land Office.
r ( BI'.LS. Sauta Cnu Lime just received aud
Diilir'ebyWM.C, DEMENT 4 CO.
Oregon Eacon.
LBS., ha sale by
W.C. DEMENT 4 o.
100 boxes candles.
'Jil b ils. poiK, nv
ret 13
i:.t)pti:tii Win-ill.
- 'W
1 FEW bushels for sale hy
Is fur sale bv
iL novIO
A lliir li!iin-e
those tnmtged, or trishinr) to enynge in
the honriwj Btmnm.
"tTTE have on hand and for sale, tho fo'loiviog
V machinery for grist mills, which will be sold'
low for cash, or on a short time :
2 portable mills, complete :
1 run of lour feet four inch French Bnrrs, Willi
spur wheel, 1 11 cogs, we filling H'J lb"-! Willi
sp.ii.lle, pinion, und oil-pot and co lnr.
1 run. snme sixe, wilhoul pinion. Olher irons
Ihe Hams aa above.
Together Willi a gsneral assomnenl of bands,
bolting cloths, pilllr) s, gll Igenns, Wlieola, gs,
hangings for bolting chests. 4c 4c.
Ill other words, every requisite necessary to the
coinuleti iu of a griit mill by
Wm. C. DEMENT A co.
Opposite the Lund Office.
On icon Citv, Nov i'B, ISij.
"Susan Abigail" and bark "Chaa. Devcus,''
from San Francisco, Ihe following goods:
GROCERIES: M kgs Ji. U. syrup, gala.,
20 1.1,1s New Orleans do. ,
5000 lbs No. 1 China sugar, '
50(11) II tnl.le salt,
200 boxes English nnrf Aawrlcnn oop,
20 caws pi fruil, asa'd,
2 gross P. . B. yeosl powders, .
Suflll lbs tobacco, oss'd braiids,
)H0 half boxes raisins,
20 bbls and half bbls crushed sugar, ' '
3000 llw suleratisx.
CROCKERY A General Assortment.
DRY-COODS:dW0 yds brown sheolinj,
1(100 )ds satinets, t
2000 " prints,
10 pieces alpacas,
SO paira English blanket, - - '
' 200 y.l carpeting, .. .. ';
2U0 " oil cloth; i , . i
Together with a genenil assortment of ready made
clothing, boots, shoes, hats, cniw, and carpenters'
tools. WM. C. DEMENT $ CO.,
Nov. 10. . '. Oppite tie Lund Office.
To Arrive
WITHIN a few days, direct from New York,
cx clipper ship "Golden Eagle,"
40(1 gals, linseed oil,
130 gal, spt. turpentine,
200 boxes window glass, (nsj'd sixes,)
200 kegs white lead, pure,
25 gals, varnish, f .
200 lbs beeswax, ' . . . ,
200 lbs roeiii, by Wu.C.DEMENT 4 cu.,
oct 12. . opiosile the Land OHico.
bus. for ale by WM. C. DEM RN T d CO.
iuitu Crux Lime.
fTfV imji. for salebv
0J novlO WM. C. DEMENT Si CO.
rN our bakery we keep eons-taiitly on hand
L bread, crackers, cakes, pies, &o.
CANDIES, nuts, raisins, of au excellent quality
just received and for sule low by
EECEIVED upou the urrival of every steam
er. Don't fail to cull on
C.lfl.V.4V Si WARNER.
IVERY THING in tho line of Groceries,
J as cheese, ull kinds of spice, sul soda, cabou
ate soda, saleratus, creani tartar, 4c., ni-e sold at
f 110 YS, of different kinds, for sale by
. . ' ',. st Received.
4 Splendid ussonmeiii ol Family Groceries,
ii. such as tea, syrup, suyar, 4c. ; also fine
and coarse salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, clums, yeast powder, also a large'
quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of
every brand und almost every thing else in our
line of business ull of which will be sold as low
as at any other place in town, for eah or pro
Hardware . '-. - i
R ASS and Iron Butts,'Scrws, Locks njd
M-B Latches, Hammer and Hatche'a x
IJrawiug.kiiives, Handsaw. Cur.-'- Cor-1
tlrushes and ('aids. Gun I beks (- ""' ""rs
Cards, Chest Han,llo piane "P"' Woul
April xi, is:.llf
' . Ac
cvb p m' crram Triur' s'
Carb. 0,1., iipperi S(tCBi Alumi BorM .
Ptf"'"e' ApriiSl, lHo5-ltf
JtKi lt--iv'rl,
4 . , .. 4,1, oo.
1 1 i S II Lh LiSht Brwn Soiar,
. V V LOW lha. Chin. No I L
l.lMKt lbs. Ki Culiee, '
3.00.1 lb. Oregoo Bacon,
1 ,W0 busheU oats, for sale wholesale or retail, bv
T I lie Faruiera
WE WOULD y, call at m rtote;w.
V w-ll pay yoo a well for yo. produce as
make yew fed as eomfarraWe as oe noasibl. e.
WALtRATl S, I Wo.,01 h,,.
4 ZAA2V, WVJmtJLY m, CO.,
Jx. General l omn.iaa.oa Meruhanla, and wool,
sal nd retail pruhr in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hiirdwar, 4e., 4e. o
rZanrff T All..
. a a -
Oregou City, MuyS. Archibald M'Kiulay.
( Thomas Low. ,
1 LLAN, SI KIN LA a 4 CO.,
i Svotiaburg, Umpiua, Oregoa.
t Oregon 'J'errilory.
DEALKR In Hardwar,Grocerle,I)ry Cooa
Clolhing, Uoota 4 Shore, Medicine, book,
and Stationery, .
Main-t., Oregoa City, April "1, 1855-Itf '
Wm. O. Ocment tit Co..
WHOLESALE and Mail Dealer. In Grocers
lea Provision, l'ainla. lila. Il .- .
Shoes, Crockery, 4. Opposil the Land OHic,
Main Si. Oregon City. Juu I, IHU.
t it. l'-...l..;i '... n m
MMJvyitr, au.,...,,, vwHniy, 17, X
WILL fuiiliiiilly attend to all busiurs ttf
trusted to hi professioual care. -
April VI, Ipoj-ui
JOHN P. BHOfllfS "
Wholcmlt f Retail Drain in Croetrua, PrtJutf,
A Ceneral Asaorlmenl kept up of Selected Good
Cancmuh, December 1, IMS. '
CA. KEED & CO., successor taFellout,
, Rrnl if- Co., dealer lu Drug and .Medicin
BookiaVd Siuiiouery, Paint, Oil, 4o. Parliou-'
lur atteufion paid to compounding incdicincK -
Salem, iuv. v-l. 32tf
Wells, Fargo t Co.'s Express,
Brtwren Ongon, California, the Atlantic
S'atrt awl Euroiie.
HAVING made advantagcou
arrungeinents wnn ti.a United
Stales and Pacific Mail Steam-1
shiiit'umpuniea fortiuiisnortutloni We are now i.
parca iu lo.wa.u iu.u irmr, uuinon, aptcie,
Package; I'arcelt, od Freight, to and fioia N
York, N. Orleans, San Francisco, Pan loud, iiii
principul towns of Cal foniia and Oregon.
Our regular Semi monthly Express between.
Portland uinl Sun Frawi.-ico, is dispatched by th
Pscitic Mutl Steamship Ca's steamship Coluinbis
couiiectuig ul .-un Kruncisco wilh our semi-month'
ly Express lo JVi-sj York and New Oi leant, which
is dispatched regularly on the Island Kith of each
nioiiili, by the mail si earners aud in charge of our
own messeiigcia, to destination.
Our I' rrom New York leave, regularly
on Ihe .ill. und 2llih ot moiilh, ulawin charga
uf ni- s--iigeis.
Treasure insured ill the best New York com
p.n.irs, ar at Lloyd's in Loudou, at tlie opinio of
Omi'm-New York, No. 16, Wall f.; Now
Orirmw, No. 1 1, Exchange place; Suu Frauciscov
No. 114, Moiil-om. ry slleet.
J. N. DANKER, AStnt.
Orfgn City, April 2M8j5e-lU'
i tC8mer JPortUnd,
atoScaBKi ' ' CAFT. A. 8.MURHAY, .
Will run daily between Portland and Oregoa City".
Leaves Portland al eight o'clock, a. a. Return'
iug. leavea Oregon City ut four o'clock, p. .
Fur freight or passage apply on board. p21-ll'
Orepim City und Portland Daily tatitt,
VZtl 'cnn Clark,
n.aflrl 1. C. AINSWORTH, MASTER,.
W ill run duily, (Sunday excepted,) iu the above
uimed linde, having Oregon City every day atf9
o'eliick, a. u. Returning, will leave Portland at
3 r. ., touching at all intcrinudiato points. ;
r or frcilit or passage apply on board. ap21-tf
New Volumes of the Four Be views
and Blackwood' " '"
COMMENCE wilh ffortri Peikis for May,
1 and the olher Hcvis uad Siackwoodl
fur Julie, I8.".'). ,,
Terms of 8cn'pfAii.-i-Aiy one Review' or
IJIackwood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Re
view or any two Reviews, rJ5. The four Re
views and Blackwood, $10. Four copies to onf
address, $30., ... I- , ' (J
Postage on Ihe four Reviews and Blackwood to
any Post office-in the United Stales, only 80 cent
a year on each Review and 24 evsit a year on
Blackwood. ,, . ..
Address, L. Scott Sc Co., Publishers, 54 SolJ
street, comer Fulton, New York . ' ep8
Reading for the Millioa
A Choice selection Of Popular Book, New
papers, Magaiine and Fancy Stationery.
Among the books on hand will be found work1
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, Poetry, Biography, Medicine, . Religion,
Science, School Books, Uomnuaca, 4o etc., 4c.
ILTSubscriptions received for Harper, Graham,
Godey, Lcslio's, or Fulnuiu, at a year, jwf
age free. .......
O" Subecriptions received for any newspaper
published in any pari of the Union. '
Remember the Frankliu Book Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, Torllaud Oregon.
tfi'A priced catalogue will be published early
in April, an.l will be sent to any part of the terri
tory froe on application.
rOU will find an exocllent assortment of DrtM
. aud Bonnet SMt, Salint and Velvettt also
Bonnet Trimminiis, Honiery, G lot el, Lacet and
Ribbon, T able Cloth. Counterpane, etc., at the
store of CHARLES POPE. Jr., ;
(Main-st., opposite Abernethy' tore,) where may
be found almost everything in the line of ; '' '
i Dry ood: .
Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos,
Piaid Lmaey, Muslins, Satlinotts, Jeans, Flan
neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Strif,
Cotton Batting, etc. ' .
Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf ', ..
Medicines for Sale,1 Br
BANDS' Sarsopatilla,Pi.r - ' '
k5 ters, Bateman's - -' Wild Cherry Bit-
pills, Perry's very" -ops, Brandreth'ipilla, Leeat
phor. Gum '-..tuge, Opodeldoo, Gum Cam
3d pr-. arable, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drop
p. ration, Roman eye balsom, Dallev' pain
...ranter, Laudanum, Furegoria, Oif Pepper
rn.nt, Fssence, Compoeition Powder, Carler'
Pulmoiiary Balamri, Sulphur, Fpsom Saltav&e.
April 21, 18oo-llf ' ( ' , ,
War Against Hard Timet!
The Place to Grt ycrur Money Bad.
CnARMAN 4 WARNER are now earryinp
business at their old stand, where they are atiU de
term: tied to deal on term to suit th time. Ouf
motto hi, "a nimble sixpence is be tter than a low
hilling aird wo am determined to tell, h w de
sell upon a very small profit. W are keeping
PltS, 4e , 4e., thai were ever mannfactnred eat
of flour. We keep also all kinds of GROCERIES.
such aa Sutrar, CoBte, Tobacco, Cigar, Baiwn.
Spices, boaidea many Drugs and Medicioea, . (We
don't keep aoy "quack" medicine, bower.) W
have bought oat Ike other bakery, and intend to fix
up another establishment aoon. Th pre of bu
iues is so great that we are compelled lo ''spread
ourselves" over a larger platform.
y i-ouniry produce booirht and sold.
"Isx no trouble toskow "ietas." Call and try O.
Oregon City, Oclobef 13,1855. -, .
f tOCOANUTS, Bauaaae, an, othaf tropical
l fruiU, just reeeiied from Saodwkh Iuiad.
! "V ' SGAR. coffee, tea, srnjp. mU, '
-" '. 1 .4. HOLLAND'S.