The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 07, 1856, Image 1

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;l L rouauso tvur mornixo, '
1 Office-Good's Building, Main st. Edito
' ' rial Room in first story.
' TERMS -The A sous trill bt furnlthed at
' J ru uouart ana njty Vtnti per annum, ,
I , n Wi luuicrtum ihrtt UoUart
each to clubt of Itn at one atiict.
Tibo Dalian far tit monthtNo tubicrip-
uonl receiceajar a lett period.
jfT "O paper ancontinuea uuM all arrenragei
i: art paid, at the option of the publuher,
. ,, ,, tli Old I'.onUaeaUl.
13T" Thw following lines of Longfellow's illr the
blood, aiid almost bring before ui Ilia picture of
tin fijfllt! . .
' la their rajrgMl regimentals,
'! Stood the old Continental!,
i Yielding not
i Wbilu the grenadiers were lunging,
Aud like liaililonue fell tlio plunging .
' ; Csuuon shut !
tyhers the files
'" : ' Of the Wee,
1 Prom the smoky night encampment,
Bore the banner of the rampant
; . i, .. Uoicorn) . . t :
., t -. And grumtnor, grumnicr, gruinmer, ,
' Itolied Hie "roll" of the drummer.
' ' Through the morn.
, Then with eyes to tlie front all,
. And with gun horizontal,
, Stood our airce j
"" ' And the balls whistled deadly,
And in flame flashing redly, '
i : ' : Blazed the fires
As the swift
. llillows drift
Drove the dark battle breakers .
O'er the grecu sodded acres
Of the plain ;
And louder, louder, louder
Cracked the black gunpowder,
, . All amain !
Then like smiths at tlieir forges,
; Labored the red St. George's
And the villainous saltpetre
Hung a fierce, discordant metre
' ' Round our ears j
Like the roar
On the shore, - -Rose
the horse-guards' clangor,
As they rode iu roaring anger
On out flanks j
And higher, higher, higher,
Murued the old-fusliionrd fire
Through the ranks !
' Then the old-fushimied Colonel
- Uulloptd through the white infernal
:' Powder cloud, i: :
And his broad sword was swinging,
And his bruzon throat was ringing
Trumpet loud !
And I he blue
' ". . Bullets flew, '
And th trooper jackets rrddeli
r At the touch of the leaden
' ,, UifW breath I ' , i it .
And rounder, ruuuder, rouuder
Itoared the iron six-pouuder,
Hurling death I
fclass Mecllag In ambllt. ,
, ' Lafavbtte, May 23d, '1850.
Dear Argul propose to give you a
summary of thu proceedings of the mass
' Convention which assembled on yesterday
at this pluca to mako nominations for the
coming election. , A consultation among
t tho Whigs previously held had resulted in
tall for a meeting without distinction of
party, to meet on yestciday and scleci men
to e supported by the people. -
a As the meeting was (ir several reasons
rather an extraordinary one, I hope no apol
ogy will be deemed necessary for a history
f its proceedings. ' ; 1
- The bouse was called tn order, Mr. Ilto
derson mt chair, and P. Henry secretary
. X committee oa resolutions was appointed,
which, after retiring, through Or. Henry
. repor'ted a series of resolutions (or i might
erhaps mere properly say that Dr. 'Henry
reported 'them alone, ' as upon the discus-
. which followed he took the whole rcspoosi.
ttiity of getting them up upon himself, and
said they had leon written out several days
before,) for acceptance and adoption by
the convention. ; . . ,
The first part of the resolutions affirmed
tlie doctrine of "popular sovereignty", the
"inherent right of I lie people of the Terri-
' tories to form and regulate their domestic
fwtAjtiont without the interference of Con-
-. fhe Dr, aceowpaened his Teport with a
speech in which he avowed his willingness
to support the democratic candidates who
liad been Dominated on last Saturday on a
Nebraskaito , Aduiinistration platform if
"they would only assent to his ; remarking
. Aat several of them had seen bis resolu
(ions md had accepted them. . :
This was, I have already said, mass
toeeting of nil .parties, and I think the im
propriety therefore cf the. introduction of
ny question of general National policy
auch as this should have been manifest to
all but when it was known that in all
probability the Whigs were here in the
majority, and when it was known that that
party had no later than last year laid down
a platform diametrically opposed to the one
it was now proposed to indorse, tne expec
tation that the meeting would do so will
appear a inconsistent as it was chimerical
and illusory-.The Dr. went on to say that
he had always believed in the dnetrine of
popular sovereignty, and that this position
was not inconsistent with the anti-Nebras-
lta sentiments which he was known to have
formerly held". . ; . i
Td this i have but just to lay that if a
tnati tvalloirs"NebraskaiSm sb far as 'b ad
mit thai the peCple of the Territories Lave
tli ihbeteht right to form and regulate
tliCtr tiottiW'i iwiiintiona without control
from anv Mr, and that any h wuith
prevents' tlicm from exercising this right Is
wroi-2 in rrin.Tlo-i.B J 'te right is ' in-
A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jefl'ersonian Democracy, and advocating
hcrent1 it must he and that he opposus
tbo repeal of such a law as a matter of pol
icy only j I say if he goes this fur ho may
just as well take the whole don. ' If a thing
is wrong in principle, it cannot be right in
practice; and if the old Missouri C'Ompro
mise was a violation of ihe constitutional
rights of the people of Ihe Territories, why
the sooner it was repealed the better, and
the true principle of popular sovereignty
The discnssioQ of this resolution was
somewhat animated, and on the rote being
taken, it was unanimously rejected, the
members of the committee who reported it
not even voting in its favor.
Dr. ILmry then arose and declared that
the meeting was controlled by a factious
current of ultraism with which ho had no
sympathy, withdrew his resolutions, and
putting on his hat, very politely bade us a
political farewell, and walked out of the
convention. But one opinion is expressed,
so far as I know, in reference to this move,
and that is that it was a bold attempt to
sell the opposition in this county to the
present Nebraska democracy.
The meeting then proceeded to make
A vote asking the Ortgonian and the
Argut to publish the proceedings, also re
questing Dr. Henry to furnish a copy of his
resolutions for the purpose of having them
published as part of those proceedings, wa
carried, and the meeting adjourned.
I forgot to say that when the vote re
specting the resolution was announced,
and the Dr. took his leave, our secretary,
his gallant relative, followed suit, and we
hid to elect a new one iii his stead. The
men chosen. are all good and true, and if
they are beatm it will ba a greater dis
grace to the county than injury to them.
" Yours truly,
I'rom llie Railroad Record (Cincinnati.)
The IPactttc Raltroait -It ran be Built
Easily and Eaa Safely. ' '
We have been in no small degree aston
ished at finding some intelligent persons
among the members of Congress ufllct thnt
the Pacific Railroad would not be soon
made, or that it could not be made or run.
Among this class of persons was the Hon.
Mr. Clayton, of Delaware, who announced
in ihe Senate, that in his opinion, the early
completion of the Pacific Railroad was a
delusion. Fpr this opinion he gave no
reasons, and we are obliged to think, lias
given litilo attention to the subject.; In-
leed, the greatest difficulty connected with
the sulji'ct is that members' of Congress,
who ought to think such a national enter
prise as the Pacific Railroad of the highest
imjiortance, make it secondary to what tbey
call tlw"jviieiq and "platformt" cf trail'
ient party controversies.' .. ' ' "'
After this real, though not professed,
neglect of the subject, the next greatest dif
ficulty is to make men of apparent intelli
gence comprehend the bare element of the
question, For example, it is now frequent
ly (though by ire means so often as a short
time since,) asserted that the Pacific Rail
road cannot be made. If not, why not t
The last object we have heard is that it
cannot be made in a "wilderness, and
through '.'moantains,'' and among ''In
dians!" . One would think, to hear such
persons talk, that we were living at least a
thousand years back ; that no road was
ever made is a new country ; that no rail
road ever crossed a mountain ; and in fine,
as the Chinese say, we are only: "outside
bai4ark?,s." Now, as to the first objection,
that, the road will run' through a wilder-.
nesi, this is of no force, except as to the
supply of provisions, fuel, ic. But, does
not the objector see that a railroad carries
its provisions, fuel, Ac, with it, as it is con
structed ? This is one of tlie peculiarities
of a railroad. A Pacific Railroad will be
constructed out from both ends, and as it is
maderwili supply operator with all
that they need.
Secondly, The "mountains" present no
other difficulties than those presented by
climate. That this is great on the northern
route, is admitted ; butlhis is an objection
not applicable in any degree to the Texas
route. . The suntmti, on the parallel ot Vi
deg., is at least 3,000 feet less than on the
middle route or northern routes. Ihe cli
mate is mild, and no obstruction from snow
and ice exists on the Texas route. This
is one of the facts in relation to the south
ern route, which is not to be pot over in any
way. '
Thirdly, At to the Indian. Does not
every one know that the rood, as it pro.
cceds, must have station houses and depots
each one of which becomes a point fupjmi,
easily defended t - The truth is, n railroad
is the easiest thine defended on f arth. So
far from the Indians attacking it, they
will take food care to keep out bf iU way.
In truth, thers are no particular objec
tiuns id the construction ofths Pacific Rail
road, except those which aiiie from the im
mense amouot of Ubtr nJ money wnrcu
Is retttrtd. 10, ili9 jy to consider
this i to cornprt tie nisjnituda cf the
undertaking with what has been done.
Lot us look at It in that way : t
1st. The Pacific Railroad requires 2,000
miles of road $100,000,000 of money.
The money estimate is very high $50,000
per milo so that we do not dodgo the
2d. Supposing this all to be done in live
years, it will be 400 milvi per annum, and
920,000,000. This will require 00,000
3d. Compare this work with what ha
been done. In the year 1855 admit 3,000
miles of railroad were mado in the United
States, whose cost was 100,000,000, and
which employed 280,000 laborers. It a p.
pears then that in fact the United Stales
have made, in a tingle year, much more
railroad than Is required for the whole Pa
cific Railroad. But it is not required in a
single year. If tho Pacifio Railroad were
made in fire years from it commencement,
it would be more than it most sanguine
friends expect. But this would be doing in
one year ouly one-fifth of what Is actually
done each rear in the United States. For
that men and money can easily be found,
provided Congress furnishes the induce
ment ; aod it u the duty of Congress to do
thnt. It will bo a poor excuse before the
people to talk of Indian, mountain, and
wilderness I The people are far mors
sagacious and intrepid than their represen
tatives.and will hold the latter to a strict
account for any neglect of so important a
subject as the means of communication and
defence to our Pacifio possessions.
Lastly, when the Pacific RailroaJis
made on the Southern route, it can be easily
and cheaply run. On the parallel of 33
deg. it will ha neither disturbed by Indians,
nor the far more fatal danger of Ice and
snows. Cars runninj in that equable en
mate will be run easily and cheaply, The
difference in expense alone will be equiva
lent to half the cost of a rond on the north
ern routes. But let Congress rnovn ho
matter what route is taken. Let them not
shrink from what, in comparison with the
mighty power of this nation, is but a potty
I- Farther from Ureal Halt Lake. .
The Convention The delegates of the
convention from the various counties ex
cept Green River met in the Council House
on 17th March. The event was announ
ced by the firing of cannon and music from
Copt. Ballo's band. Throughout the day
flags floated from the cupolas of the Govern
or's mansion and Council House, also from
a tall (lug polo on the Temple Block, aud
in frout of , '.he Deseret and ; Livingston,
Einkead & Co.1 stares, from flag staffs on
the roof of Gilbert ic Gerrish's store, and
from those on the roofs of many other pub
lic buildings, . ; ; ,
At an early hour a large concourse of
citizens had assembled, anxiously awaiting
the commencement of those deliberations
and acts, which have for their object the
addition of another star to the brilliant
and thickly sqangled consellation styled,
"E Pluribu Unum." , .
, The Convention organized by unani
mously electing the Hon. J. M. Grant, Pres.
ident; Mr, T.Bullock, Secretary; Mr.J.
Grimshaw, Assistant Sec'y ; Mr. R. T.
Burton! Sergeant-at-arms ; W. C.Staines,
Messenger; T. Hall, Doorkeeper; and
Messrs. G. D. Watt and J. V. Long, Re
porters. At 12J o'clock, adjourned until
2, P.M.
In the afternoonlie freedom of the con
vention was: unanimously tendered to His
Exoellency the Governor, the United States
officers of the Territory, Prest. II. C. Kim
ball, the members of the Legisislative As
sembly, Hons. E. Snow, A. Lyman and
E. Hunter, Hon. E. Smith, Probate Judge
of G. S. L. county, and the Aldermen of
G.S. L. city.
, Tho convention adjourned on the 27th
of March.
The Constitution adopted doe not difltsr
materially from the Constitutions of many
of the States of the Union. The following
are some of its provisions :
Boundary anu Name. All that part of
tha Territory of the United State now
known as Utah Territory, and bounded a
tnUcw ; On the west bv the State of
California, on the north by the Territory
of Oregon, on the east by the summit Of
the Rocky Mountains, and on the south by
the thirty-seventh, (37th) parallel of north
latitude, is hereby formed into a free and
sovereign Slate, and named Deseret.
1 RELlGioN. All men shall have i natural
and unalienable right to worship God ac
cording to the dictate of their own con
sciences; and the General Assembly shall
make nd law respecting an etablishmeot
of religion, or prohibiting the Tree exercise
thereof, or to disturb any person in his re
licioui Worship or sentiment, and all per
sons demeaning themtetve peaceably, as
under the protection of the law. a - 0
ubordinaisn- , 0r,v one ect
j or denomination to another shall ever oe
'est sliced by Isir-nor shsH any religious
O.T., JUNE 7, 1850.
test be ever required for any otliuo of trust
under this Constitution.
The powers of government of tho State
are divided into three departments, viz :
Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
Tho LrgWlulive authority is vested in a
General Assembly, consisting of a Senate
and House of Reproscntmivcs, The ses
sions of the Assembly are to be annual.
The Representatives are chosen biennially,
and the Senators once in four year.
Qualifications. No person shall be a
member of the General Assembly except he
be a free white male citizen of the United
States, and an inhabitant of this State one
year preceding the time of his election, and
has at Li election an actual residence in
tho district he may be chosen lo represent.
Hons. Geo. A. Smith aud John Taylor,
ditor of The Mormon, were unanimously
elected delegates to proceed to Washington,
and lay before Congress Utah's request for
admission into the Union.
Several members of the Convention as
serted that there were 100,000 inhabitants,
and many asserted there were as ninny as
wore required to form a State. The New
say the convention inciuuta persons oi
"divers creeds."
The Temple. Brigham Young In a late
ormon aid: 1 ,
"We are going to suspend labor upon
the Temple For a year, until we can prepare
i s n r - 1 1 i. - At--
ourselves more tuny lor mo worn. te
have abandoned the idea of using adobes in
the walls of that building, and intend to use
Want. Young, in a sermon on the 16th
March, said : '
"Doubtless there are many who are suf
fering through want, of food, but there is
no necessity of any family! suffering in this
city, and when this city is supplied, the re
mainder of the Territory may be consider
ed independent.. I presume that we have
one-fourth less provisions in thi city, to the
number of inhabitants, than has any other
portion of the Territory, and yet we need
not sutfer. Here we need not bo ashamed
to beg, when stern necessity has closed
around us. I do not expect to see tbo anv
when I am perfectly independent, uniil 1
am crowned in the celestial kingdom1 of my
Father, and made as independent as my
Father in heaven." i !.:"'.!.
: Peas. Pea wore worth fifty cent a pint
in the middle of March. , , ;;
.j Poison Root. tn the present dostitu
lion of food, says the News of March 5th)
many will oon be searching ufter greens,
thistle, sego, and other roots, toeko out
their broad and meat, and sui'ain life. In
so doing much' care must be exorcised to
avoid being poisoned, , ns , several have
been formerly killed in these valley by eat
ing roots and other vegetables of a poison
oua nature..?, ., ,.. , r
' ' The Murder of King. ' '
Wo find tho following sensible remarks,
upon the excitement in San Francisco in
the Sacramento Union : '
"The intensify of the excitemeitt should
not be a matter of wonder. A few months
since Gen. Richardson was shot dead by a
gambler, and up to this time through ths
law' delays and tbo influence of money,
the perpetrator ha escnped conviction.
The public mind has not forgotten this
transaction, and .when another man widely
known ts added lo tho bloody catalogue a
fearful excitement might reasonably be an
"1 hat Mr. King may have been too se
vere in his comment upon the acts of in
dividuals; thnt he may Iimo gone further
jn assailing tho acts and exposing the cor
ruptions of men and public olhccrs ; that
he exposed and common ted upon the pri
vate acts of Mr. Casey with an unjustifiable
freedom, may all be admitted Without of
fering any sufficient justification for shoot
ing him down in the streets without giving
him a chance to defend himself. Tlie man
ner in which it was done appears to us like
a deliberate assassination.
"We look udob all cases where a man
goes and arms himself takes a stand for
hi victim with a pistol cocked in bis hand
calls on his opponent as he approaches
within pistol shot, to draw and detend him
self, and then shoots him down tho instant
he makes a motion to draw a weapon, as
premeditated. . .
"With all his faults and fierco and fear
less personal assaults, Mr. King has un
questionably performed a good work .in hi
editorial career in San Francisco. He has
met the sympathies of tha laboring mosses.
ot all classes wbo maKO an nonesi living
by the sweat of , the brow, and when shot
down before their eyes tor uiacnargmg in
dependently hi editorial duties, they rise
' . l;- j .t irj
st one man io avenga ni ue.mii. nu
it,n hnen srmVd and oriranized; the result
would have been fearful and fatal."
tjut Tli is Out. A correspondent of the
London Literary GateUe, alluding Id the
numerous cases of deaths from accidental
poisoning, adds : M venture to affirm,
there is scarce even a cottage in this coun
try that docs not contain an invaluable, cer
tain, immedato remedy for such events-
nnihinT mora than a dessert inoonfut ofi
made mustard, mixed i a tumbler of vessel, carry m? O,809 gun. ,
warm water and drank immediately. I-1 To ,b" t0 bo M- b of war
ac....aa emetic, isalwav.-ldv..ndmav!,osl l' ck " f"''
.f Te(jn;retf gy making thi imple anti-
dote known, you may be the mean of s
I -
ring many s frllo'
creature from, au un-
time'y etid."
tbo sido of Truth in exry wsuo.-
, No. 8.
Important Naval Mews.
We havo seen a letter from one of llie
officer of tho United .State ship Savannah,
un lur date of Feb. 11, at Kio d Janeiro,
addressed to a gentleman of this city, giv
ing somo important information on this
It seems that tho English squadron, of
which Sir Hope Johnson is Admirnl, was
lying in tho harbor of Rio, and that the
steamer America, Capt. Hudson, belonging
O and suiting from the United Stairs, was
there also. Tho F.nglUh Admiral on that
morning seut a lieutenant on board tho Sa
vannah to inform Commodore Salter that
from lute information received, he believed
the America to be a Russian privateer, and
that alio was loaded with arms and ammu
nition fur the Russian possessions jn the
Pacific, and that ho full it hi duly to
suaich her. To ihis massage Commodore
Salter relumed answer that under no con
dition should he allow on English officer to
search a vessel bearing an American ting.
Citpt. Hudson, of the America, came on
board the Savannah and denied the charge.
He was perfectly willing to bo searched by
tho officers of the Savannah, or the custom
house ofliccrs of Kio ; but he would not
submit to anything of the kind from tho
English or French, and threatened, if they
sint a senrching party on board, to throw
them overboard.
On tho morning of tho 12th, anchor
message was received from Admiral John
son, who was not satisfied with Capt.' Hud
son's denial of the charge, but still insisted
on the right to search Iho America1. Com
modore Salter sent back a warm answer,
which was met by a threat on tho part of
the Admiral to follow, overhaul, end search
the America at sea. This caused tho Com
modore to censo all communication with
the English, and bend all his energies lo
preparing his ship for action. A letter
was sent him from tho Admiral by a British
lieutenant, but the letter was returned tin.
opened. At the timo of writing tho ship
was ready for sen, her boats being all hoist
ed in, and tho ship unmoored, and riding
at single anchor. ' ' " '
The America was to sail tho next morn
ing, and tow the Savannah to sea with her,
that Commodore declaring that though the
English force was treble his own, he would
fire upon them nt the first nttcmpt lo make
forcible search. Tho officers and crow
of the Savannah were excited by the pros.
pect of an engagement with such odds, but
hopeful of victory. 1 ' ' '
Such was the certainty of nn engage
ment that a. number of the foreign resi
dents nt Rio had chartered a steamboat to,
accompany tho two squadrons to sea, in or
der that they might witness tho engage
ment. v ' ' . ' 1 ' - '
From advices from Rio de Janeiro, we
learn that tho reason that Admiral John
son, of the British squadron,' insisted on
searching tha steamship America, which
touched at that port on hor way from Now
York via Pemambtico to San Francisco,
was that he had received an affidavit from
Samuel Adams, lata second mate of tho
America, charging that she had guns con-
Coaled under horcoul, And also ammunition;
that she had two sets of papers, nnd that
while sho claimed to bo an American vessel
she was In fact a Russian privateer.
Cdmmodoru Sntter, of tho American
squadron, called Capt. Hudson of the Amer
ica on board the frigate Savannah, and
questioned him as to this statement. Tho
charge was strenuously denied, and accom
panied with a request that a searching par
ty should be sent on board. This request
the Commodore granted. Tho result was
that Ljeut. Le Roy and Boatswain Whit
akor, who' led the searching party, reported
in writing that they had examined every
part of the America possible, and that no
vestigo of the alleged ammunition was
found. Capt. Hudson was onco connected
with the United Slates Navy. The man
Edwards or Adams was shipped at Rio
as second mate of tho America, but was
discharged tho same day as incapable of
doing tho duty of that office. Washington
VKat tha Asserleaa Xavy DIa.
The Philadelphia Ledger, for tho pur
pose of showing that the boosting of the
English Journals that tho commerce end
navy of ihis country would be swept out of
existence within a year afier the declara
tion of war between the United Slates and
Great Britain, has prepared a list of the
captures made by our litHe navy in tho
war of 1812: , ' .
War vessol", .08 in all, carrying 800
gun; merchant ships, 254 f brigs, O'.O;
schooners, 20 ; sloop, 13.1 various
classes, recaptured,. 75 making 2,'s09
. '
From thi brief record it will appear that
our transatlantic neighbor, are bating of
thir skiU ia Som that to can pay tu
One spure (lit lines or U) oiie,
" " lw. iiiwrtioiM, JJ'I
" , tliiw in riimis, :,im
, . JCacli siibw.'uiiil iiueniou, JJH
I!eanab!e dejuolions to thse wlui adierike b
' ' the ytar.
Job Printing. . ,
Tins rsoraiKTos or tiis AKUL'fJ is iMrrr
to inform the inlilie that lis has just received s
lui'xo stock of JO II TYI'IC and oilier nw print
Inir iniiti-riiil, and will be in the snexdy racs'pt of
liililitiuiis suiiril tn nil the riqiiirxmrnts of this lu
entity. - HAXIHtlMA lli.sTKUH, !T,ANKH;
UAitun, utcuiAii") rA.urtu.n.i-nvitjv
ami uiliur kimli, June to urler, on shurt notice.
V.UVt'U of lntenivrrtiare to Maltamat 1
The result of national iudustry depend
on the aniuuiit of well-directud intellectual
and physical poncr, But intemperance
paralyzes and prevent both these spring
of human action.
In the inventory of national Io by In
teinperuucu, may bo set down the" labor
prevented by ilidoleiice, by debility, by
sickness, by . quorrcls and litigations, by
gambling nnd idleness, by 'mistake nnd
misdirected c lJurt, by improvidence and
wastefulness, and by the shortened dale of
humun lil'u nml activity., Little wastes in
grent (tiibii!.hiiieiils constantly occurring
may d feat the energies of a mighty capi
tal. Hut where the intellectual and mus
cular energies are raised to tha working
point daily by nrduut spirits, until llie agri
culture, and commerce, and arts of a nntion
movo ou by tho power of artificial stimulus,
that moral power cannot bfl maintained
which will guarantee fidi-liiy, and that phy
sical power cannot be preserved and well
directed, w hich wUI insure national pros
erity. The intiion whoso immuiiso euer
prise is thrust forward by tho stimuli! of
ardent spirits, cannot ultimately escape do
bility and bankruptcy.
W hen we behold an individual cutmTin
youth or mid.llo ago, or witness the waning
energies, improvidence, and unfaithfulness
of a neighbor, it is but a single instance,
and we become accustomed to it ; but such
instance nro multiplying in our land in
every direction, and are to be' found in ev
ery department of labor, nnd the amnuulof
earnings prevented or squandered is incal
culable ; to nil which must be added the ao
cumulating and frightful expense incurred
for tho support of those and their families
whom intemperance has made paupers.
In every city nnd town tho poor-tax, creat
ed chiefly by intemperance, is augmeuiing.
Tho receptacles for tho poor are becoming
too strait for tlieir accommodation. : Wo
must pull them down and build greater to
provide accommodations for the votaries of
inebriation ; for tho frequency of going
upon iho town has taken away tho roluc
tance of pride, and dostroyed the motives to
providence, which the fear of poverty and
sulFering once supplied. The prospect of a
dosiliut old age, or of a suffering family,
no longer troubles the vicious portion of
our community. They drink up their
daily earnings, aud bless Cod for the poor
house, and begin to look n it a of right,
the drunkard's home, and contrive lo arrive
thither as early ns idlenoss and excess will
give them a passport to this sinecure or
vice. ' Thus is the insatiable destroyer of
indurstry marching through the hind, rear
ing poor-houses, aud augmenting taxation ;
night and day, , with blaeplc activity,
suuuiii!orIng property, cutting tho sinews
of indus ry, undermining vigor, engender,
ing disease, paralyzing intellcOt, impairing
moral principle, cutting short the dale of
life, nnd rolling up a national debt, invisi
ble, but real and terrific ns the debt of Eng
land; continually transferring larger and
larger bodies pf men from tha class of con
tributor to tho national income, to tho clast
of worthless consumers. ' ; ,i . : '."
: : Add to the loss sustained by the sub
traction of labor and the shortened date of
life, the sustaining of tho poor, created by
intemperance, and tho nation Is now taxed
annually more than the expense ;whlch
would bo requisite for the maintenance of
government, and for tho support of all out
schools uud colleges, and all the religious
instruction of tho nntion. Already a por
tionofthe entire capital of iho nation is
mortgaged for the support of drunkards.
There seems to bo no other fast proporty
in tho land, but ihis inheritance of tho in
temperate ; nil oihor riches may lake , to
themselves wings and fly away. But un
til tho nation is bankrupt, according to tho
laws of tho State, the drunkard and his
family must have a home, should lh
pauperism of criino augment in this coun
try ns it has done fora lew years past, thero
is nothing to stop tho frightful result which
have come upon England, 'where property
is abandoned in somo parishes, because the
poor tax exceeds the annuul incomo. ,You
who nro husbandiiiun, nre accustomed to
feel as ifyour houses nnd lands wore wholly
your own J but if you will uncertain tho' per
centngo of taxation levied on your
prope'rty for the support of the intemperate
you will porceivo how much of your capital
is held by drunkards, by a tenure ns surely
ao if held under mortgages or deeds of
warranty. Your widow and children do
not take by descent more certainly, than
tho most profligate and worthless part of
community. Every intemperate and idlo
man whom you behold tottering about the
streets and steeping himself nt Iho store,
regard your houses and lands as pledged
to tako caro of him, annually puts hi
hands deep into your pockets, mid eats his
bread iu the sweat of your brows, instead of
his own and with nmrvellous good nature
you bear it. If a robber should break loe
on the highway to levy taxation an armed
force would be raised to hunt him from
society., Hut the tippler may do it fcarh
ly in open day, and not a voice is raised,
not a linger is lUten. uccmcr.
.-The Chinese rebellion par8 to ba
making head agniu.-t the UovrnmeuU yln
Kwangbi the rebels havo been successful,
and have entirely y.osscssed lhemrlve 'f
threeprcf.ctu'Dtin lheprovincc of Kiongsi,
which i'hrcuten to Interrupt iho Irsnsit
from the tt.i and silk producing country.
In ' north, also, the prolnco of Ilouan
j .j to in nmteof Insurrection but
no particular of the movement have yt
reached u.
SroRTLis.The edi'or of Young Amer
ica has a ferocious poodle, which lie tick
to lkk any plate in the neighborhood.
fp Tha l'hrf notogical J-rnsi says that ths
moM (ht .!
ll)n;i ,ht ttn fr-