ttio FiofgKS. Senator Jaines io liis new Tri(T Dill give us tLo following nwgnifl cent statistics: "Dy tha census of 1950 il appear- that the amount of capital invested in llie mau iifacturcs of cotton, wool, mid Iron, only, wM but a fraction Iru llimi 8150,000,000. Tlia raw materials consume! by those tlircu cost over 1)7,000,000 .cr annum. Tlioir comWnsd product i eiiin;iU'd at 8160, 000,000, Tli UN, wo liavo nearly w7.'i,0l)U, 000, by meant of ilio three branches alunc added, mostly iy labor, to tua wealth ol me country ,vu though the tirotiriuiorii should train nlliiii!r by ilicir business. Again tlisso tli re branches alone employ nearly two hundred thousand iicrsons. The aniire amount of ciijiilal employed in nil the vnri .ous branches In set down at 3,;fii,U'iir,iwii while the number of persons employed ex ceeds a million. Tho raw material con aumed are estimated lit (550,000,000 ptr anum, and the alu of the annual product nt more than 11,000,000,000. Tliia ex hibit aliow an annual absolute creation of wealth In our country from these) source cf more than f 150,000,000. "The Liuoino Aiitiixb." Mr. Macau lay tells ui that what it now called tho lead ing article in a ncwupaper, sehluiii iipeiircd afier the editorship of the press expired i 1075, union there was a want of nrw ! When tbnre wan a icnrcity of intelligence wbon the Dutch mails were dutained by tli weit wind, when the rnpparera were piiul in the bg of Allen, when no itago-coac! bad been atopped by highwaymen, when no conjuring congregation bad been diapers d by constables, when noaiiibaerulur huil made hit entry with a long train of eoatiV. and. aix, when no lord or poet had been bur led in the Abbey, and when, consequently, it was difficult to fill up four scanty pages," then tho editors supplied n leading article. 03" According to tho Ki porlof the Sec rotary of tho Treasury, on commerce am navigation, tho five cities of tho Union which contain the largest amount of steam tonnage are the following : Nowlork, 107,(592 Ions, J'ltUburg, 81,:i00 New Orleans, 02,532 St. Louis, 62,477 DuiTulo, 38,U62 Well Foikiotten. The Hinghaniton (N Y) Democrat saya "Tho Londop Tel egraph, eniimeraliiig tho American ciiies which the Britishers could take 'just as easy' in case of war between tho two cotin trios, leaves' out Now Orleans altogether! We can't account for the omission except on the ground that I Ley took it in 1815, and do uut think it to lake it over a''aiP. it OCT A correspondent of the Rational Inteltiyenccr says that tho Mississippi river (lid not "freczo throughout its entire length" this winter, as has been represent ed. Il was open for navigation during the entire winter from Memphis to New Or leans. Souin (lonling ico was to bo seon on it as low down as B.-iyou Sara ; perhaps small quantities as low down as Baton Kongo. It was formed on tho banks, at tho water's edgo, in small quantities, as low down as Natchez, perhaps as low down as tho mouth of Kud River. To this extent, no more, did tho Mississippi lllvor "freeze throughout its ctiliro length. The sanm thing has occurred in previous years. Mus. Lucy Stonk. The editor of th Dayton Journal says "Having seen tho lady's name rrgisleroi una runups House- us 'Miss L. Stoni we lenlurod to inquire if sho desired to bo nddromd as 'Miss Luey Siono, or Lucy Stone Khickwell, n9 tho papers sometimes iiosignatcu ucrv I will call myself 'Mrs Lucy Stono, sir,' was the gracious reply." n ell, tlint will do ! Wo don't oflW "Mrs, T .. l l . t i , ... xiucy our tint, lur sue lias (loubUvssgol one of ,er own, to match her breeches ! Woman's rights, forsooth! YVtmre, we should like to know, are Mr. Ulackwell's lights! What is to both name of tho ehiljrou f Stone, of course, llurd for the labics hard forHlsckwoll andextrcmely lianlall niouml. I Ins comes of that "mar riago under protest," which, so far as the husband is concerned, turns out a soliiary sort ol tiling a mere "lllacUells Mam SO to speak. Heaven help him -Boston i'ost. Tub Dome c-y the Cai-itui.. A corres pondent of the Pennsylvania Enquirer, writing from Washington, thus speaka of tho improvement! of the Capitol : "The new dome Intended lo surmount the Capitol, and rendered architecturally necessary by reason of ibo extension of that building, li to bo a magnificent aflair, x colling every thing of tho kind in tl.lscoun try, and vieing with the most famous ones in Europe. It Is lo be constructed of cast iron, and somo idea of its size and workmanship may be bad in knowing that Mr. Walter, the architect, cstimntea iia cost at $1143,000. Tho old one has already been pulled down, and work will soon com iw it on the new cue. When tho dome and the twoexteiisions are completed, the Capitol will be one of the grcnlot (true lures in the world." Turn for 0ale. A FA KM of CHI arm of land ia Yam. kill county, sis miles weal of Lafsyeils, is ,tt. rod fur suls. I lion sro eu seres in niiiimlMi. and ISO acres In pasture an orchard of SO bearing splo low. Tho pises k well wa tered su.l timbered, and liss Iwu wall of excellent wstor, food buildings and out-houses. TIis land la as fiod as Ihero ia in Ong"U or (ho world, and lis loralion makes il as good a slock fnnn aa liters is In tho Territory, Forming utensils and stock will bo sold with Ilia rdsce. Il d sired. The elsim is well slocked wild oatlls, horses, and ho; snd ran bo had on reasonable terms. I T Inquire at Tiia Aaoes Olllce, Oregon Cily. IVntcr Power for ful. THE uiulenn'irned would like lo wll one half of his mills and water p-iu-oron the Tualatin riv er, shout Hires miles froin l.inn City, kuown as Moore s .Mills. II is probalilv the host water priv ilege, Willi llio excruou oi llie greal I uiu ni 1110 , ii inemeue, nisi mere in treoii. -uu:u to tell one-half or one-fuurth of my claim together with the inilla snd water power. .My objiul I to gel s partner, lo enable me In properly Improve (lis water power. J A .11 Ui .11. MUUi 1 1.. i-eb. a, ISjU. 4-m rieur Soolui ! iriillP .,il.til.r lis lull reeeiieu a ; .1 sortiiieiil of HOOK direct from New York, among which are tho allowing: AhWa 11 t. of ICuroiMjAmrrivus) IisMiliilions, larL'o as Lives uf llie Kittiirrs, lUhvlon and .Nineveh, ("IKtk and 1'orl, Ship and hure. l-',r, til atlj lbs llulvljllll l.n.lneroiir-'l'in Eiijjihe, AnC't Miawliiiics, ('leiico UioKniphy, I'eruviun AnUiuiUfi, Chuieo Klr."Ui, A variety of I'uels. Trade or Hurt am. The Dullalo Cott rirr claims for that city tha position of hi ing the first inland commercial city on this Continent, giving llio following Hgures : Imparl. Kirts, I,ke, $.-0Jl(i,8l9 lltl,000,000 Canal, e'J.!JIH,03ti Sll.CVtSS ( . ni ml Ks, 3.,()lU.!llin Iliilliilo City I'.ailrosd, 8,111)0,000 llull'alo & Kiie Itailroad, 10,9'iH,4-4 roreiyu Trsde, U,131!U3 Somotbing Hew, l.'i,0W,0U0 4,000,000 4,ft70, !)35,176 Tol al commerce, 1 f. 1 92,Hri4.444 $ I Ii5. 1 59,90 IBil, IJ8,000,()OU 130,U00,0UU Iaciesse in IH55; 37,bfi4,4M 935,129,920 0" Tho cumt-l experiment over the plaint, (for mail and other transport,) for which Congress made appropriation two years ago, will soon bo tried. TLo camels tire now tn rtmtt from Asa Minor. Th whole number is 33, viz : 0 imilo and 15 female cam- Is ; 4 male nod 5 femalo drom edaries. Tho vessels with this cargo are expected to arrive in Texas about this lime. Several of the animals are- presents from the Viceroy of Egypt. tTf The ll'itnlimj Timet says that Gil. Jacob's rilie ball is made of i uo and lead. The softer mol'il aluue was found to bo uselew. Tho bull luil ill slmpe altogether slier it had been fired, or become lo:uilcu. Col. Jacob behoves that an ar my of fifly lliousunil men, trained anil nicked, sml provided Willi llie improved illinie in-glil defy all the amiies of tho world. 'I'ho opiniuu has been de nounced as enlravsgnut. Yet il is just possible that this limy bs the next great change in llie art of war, and lint the lirsl iiotvor winch eniiiioysiton a grcut souls may obtain a momentary but complete Mip-riority. The half disciplined murkmnen of the II lilted blules liavo dcfi-aUU Ilritiih troois ere this. In the .Mexican war twenty or thirty Ken tucky rillemen, each of them probably trained up lo (.'ol. Jui'olis stundard, rcpvatiilly held whole regiments of Mexicans at bay. The survivors of the attack on .Viv Orleans declared tliut iiolhinir cowed the men liko llie single Louisianiiiu who as ANY person having a Mt-M-on, heraph.ue, Accunleon, or other reed instrument, with broken or defective reeds, can have them n paired by applying or sending to ('has. M. Ketler, at his residence, Itvo squares lark from tho llapilst .Meeting House, iu llie Nor III pint of Oro.-on Cily. Charge for inserting singlo roods from 91,50 to ylM. lieas-jimulo uvilu.-Uon for a greater num ber. C. M. K ESTER. Oregon City, September 22, 1 855-i.M rilKMPI.K Or' UO.NOIt. Tualatin Temple of X Honor, No. 1, meets every Weilnesday eve ning, si the Ainerienn Hall, l-'oiest Grove, Oregon. IJrelhren of the Order in good standing are ill- vili d Is visit this Temple. .11. 1 V I I LL, W.t... 1. B. A. Pixo, W. It. aa TAYiNK'3 Alterative, KiMctor.iut, snd IMIs, V KilllHIMil's Au. 1 le mooracy III America -Land nndUe," -K,-a an 1 Hailor." Three Yiarain Califor.. llonisCyclopudis, Cyc. of Litersluio, llnclisii's Kam. I'hys'u Manual of l-'uis AtU, Locluree on llie Arts, Travels in I'eiu, Polar Ki-gioiw, ' .Mshsn's I'liiWiphy. SUb cop es ui anars rK-iirr, f,00 ' " Itesders, a.'iO '' MctiulTey's do. ' 2."i0 M Webster s l)icti n.nries. Pavies' Algebra, iNeinsu's Kheloric, (iaomelrv. Duv's do. Iluunloii, I'ailey's L'niv. History, ' Hurvevinj. (iootlnch's I'lot. U. ., " Igeudrc, .Monleith's (Jeogruphy, " Arilhuielics, -Lilllo itaker, Tllompaou's do. N. American Heaker. A LSO, A Tresh Snntilo of ZtationcrV. Day liHks,, ledgers, Ituronl l)oiks, Meiiioramluuis, i, au s.iix, Llianes, ar c, fioie so Letter 1 ulier. envelopes, reus, &c, eVo l.ras. Knives, Kr.isive liul.ber, Ciuimiud Labels, Faber' IVncij, I.N h, in quart snd pint bottlis. WIIULKS.M.E ANU RETAIL. CHAUI.KS l'Oi'E,Ja.' Oregon City, August Id, 1H55. f. S. IIOLU.1D. A. IIOLU.1U. r. 8. A A. XXolland, TEAI,Er.S III Ury O'oode, Croceries, Hoots 1 &. Klioee, Crockery, Hooka, Stationery, tea. Mum Street, Virgun tiy. Juue ju, iojj.-y. ZXallolujab! Hallelujah! the Cod IJvor Oil, Csstor Oil, ami Hwei-t Oil, at OKUUON CITY DUl'l. STOKE. rilllE Mallvlujuh, a new singing book, by Lou X ll .Masou iiisl Hi II Mason just llie lU.nj fur singing solimltj for saleut jc301 IIOLI.A.MJS. AfKXlCA.V Muslunr I.inimeut, O 1 1 111. chum s (.arming (HI, at the W. Mer- OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. rimCSSK.S, right and left and double, and Ab- X domuiul su).orlrr. at the OREGON CITY DRUG 8TORE. 1)URE Whilo Lead, raw and burned Umber, Croinc, Green and Yellow, and other piiiils, at tho OREGON ClfY DRUG STORE. V . .. c- "" onoHU KKUI.S or TIIK Lats Kmpekor Nicholas. Tho swnrd xvni-n ltv V.i,... I...... 1 1 .... n .. ... .1 1 ..1 ...... j ....j.uiiwi ..uiuil'lll IB III IIIO UUI'lO of Marengo, Austria, in 1800, was pur chased by the ttmpcror Nicholas iu lfJOO, just half a century afier that eventful and tdooily batllo, for the euormous sum of thirt ttct) thoutand dollars. To N icholas, a sword worn by so distinguished asuldier,' iir a battle Unit lasted fourteen hours, and victory wa'd on each sido four times, in which sixty pieces of can imn worealternate ly won and lost, and finally carried by the IVcnoh, powsevd vhIu iu ,j,8l could not be estimated in tt.sllit rs and cents. It was purchased, J ,,l,k.0j imolg other relics once possessed by Napolton at tliiTcrunt periods of Lis life, and collected by that distinguished Kmperor. h j4 sajJ ,ile oihcr relics, (diamonds, medals, nnd tokens of honor,) aro of great value and may have rntcrrd largely into th mities,r I.oui Napoleou to war with his liigliM,' llie Au tocrat of lUfeia. CoulJ he possess them 1T the achievement of a victory, ha would doubtless, feel that Hie inspiration (.f il... great captain, ,ik uncle, had truly descend ed upon bimand nothinir short t'f tho fame of the all conquering Alexader, would salis fy his ambition fur i.lory.,'i;jr. A;ir... 03rCail. Kricsmin, il is ai 1, lis, nearly completed a caloric engine lo furnish motive power to' manufacturing esLsblih nveiit in New ik. He has con-rtrmte.l'u 30 herse power engin fr a prty io ti- ror: they advanced shot down the lefthand inuu. He took Ilium regulurly m.ui by man, and the deadly preciHion 01 ins aim iiigiiiened men who would not huve shrunk from the lire of a platoon, mined with the much vauiitcd Drown Uim.l'iieiiJ of I BOORKSS or IlirnOVRUSNT. Tim Pnnimi Railway is now complete from one sido of the Isthmus to llin other, adiilunce of 49 miles, rlsinir a, vno (inn in me line ion neigiil ol a.iU leet nbuve u,v pi;i. mo CUKI u, ,u s Wm tf U v ,1 ill liin iib inuwuy iroin aiexanuna to Uairo, 13(1 mile ui vv vjicnni iiiroiiLril llio elllira rmil., im tmn u llio Hues bridges aro Implied : and thou Incnmn. lives will no screomimr and nnnlimr il.r ,1. it.- lutid of the I'lmraidis. In India, loo, the railway is open for liO miles, and a train loaves Calcutta one duy, and returns tho next. This, for Ilindostan, is good progress ; tut llio Indian telegraph limy be cited as an iiistanco of praiseworthy enternriiu, 3001) miles having been erected ill less than 12 niouuis, at a cost of about JWOO per mile. Tua A.niiks. Tho ranrra nf ni.imiUma nn!lml tho Andes or Cordilleras extends r.wn t,,iln. nin the const of the Pacilic Oeenn, from the Isthnins of fira is 01 lung.'iiun. riic higlu'sl peak is Sor.ilo, In llollvlu, which has been asccr tiiincd to be 3.",250 feel abovo the level of tho sen. This is the highest peak of land in the world, with one single exception, that of Juhavuh, ono of the peuks of the Uinmi.-iluli .Mountains in Asia. It is nipiosed by ninny Hint the Cordilleras of Mexico are, together with the Rocky mountains, part of tho chum ol llio Andes. The highest volcanic peak in the world is that of Cotopaxi, one of the peuks nf the Andes, neur Chimburazo. Volcanic mountains nie tronerulv isolated. Ullil naiMrlu alt "m.i...j. iiiuiiiiittUlS ilctCJichct, I)EREl'MKKY,st the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES: Graefeuberg Sanuiparilla, I'lerine Catholicon. " Uysenlery syrup, consuinptivo balm, " Pile Ointment, Health Hitlers, " Eyo Lotion, eVc., ie., To bs found at tho ngency of the Company, at tho OREGON CITY DRl'O STORE. nAYMAN'S I)-speptic Elixir warranted to care the dyspepsia just received nml for sale al the OUEUOS CI TY DRUG IS TOR li. DR. Guysott's compound extract of Sarsuparilla and Yellow Dock, al the - seplj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. OLD Dr. Jacob Towusond's Sursnpaiilln, ul the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. iciv Jeweller. HAVING employed one of the best Working Jcwclleis on the l'acilic coasl, 1 um new fully prepared to manufacture every descriution of Jewelry. Muson'o Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Tius. RiiiL-s. i'C made to order. Engraving ui utly done. Call aud see sjiecimcns of work. j u. COLLIER KOUMXS. N. II. I devole my entire allenlluii lo renairimr Fine Watches. G. CoLLicn Roooms. rorllund, Deo. 29, 18j5-37lf DR. J. Ayres' celebrated Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, and consumption, at the uilfcUUiN Uin 1JUUU STORE. ue volcanic lleogmphica DR. Tuwiisend's Suwnparillu, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. SUAKER Sarsnp.irilln, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. SANDS' Sarsuparilla, in aiiyiiiiiintity, st the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. "jir OF FAT'S Life Bitters nnd Rills, Bernard's 11 L Dysentery Syrup, Wistar's Balsum of Wild Cherry, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. CosTorTiu Gu eat l'vasaiu-Mr. Tile, the Eng. uii areimeci, limes tile original dimensions of tho witiu I ymnuu ol l-.irvtit to mra been ir.i .... feet ni the base, and 4.H0 feet of perpendicular ... .K... t luv.imjj over j acres ol iriouud. It con suilliil CJ.U'JH.UUU cub c feel or mi.. I - .1 hoi now be built for less than X3fl,(IUU,000, or ono hundred and liny million dollars. The ioiutsof the uriro cuNin-r h!n.. Ly r . . . si arerly p rc, ptible, uot thicker Hun pap.r ; and the ni.ii Hr was so adhesive, that the stone iu some cs.s broko through their subslanee rather than Kiie way al llieir Julllling. , AUKRICAN IllO.N RlliJl Alll.rin.i, ..II. I IH.IM aic ecideU now, on Die best antliorlti- in K. ...i... Ill l.'ll..l..l. VVI..I. .i J ...I . . ..K..n u, ,, ,-ien ui uin Ml Hi a nrii., 'II. 1..1 l. r li.ll nir ....I .... ., .. . . . vt, OTV-WI viii sooner 111U1I I11A Am.ri. cau, and the siiieriority of the American is said to in uwimr io me tact that 111 t he nrocna r ..,11,.,.. the rails are re-heated, while the foreigu rails arc' vviinvivu n un one neunng. 1ST The llimhait Time mentions that two IKS of Electric Tdlr,.rl. .. ,i... r .....,. ,u .lluln, yjnv COIIIleclB HilriliniN n.,H Lt. ricu.iind will be extended lo Alexandria. Thooth er proceeds from Constantinople to the same port. V.IITV .tivm 'I'l V l . . - new mis ffr.i.f " "l noiea lor its lacnlty of calling nam. .n ewmu ineoineruay lo make a great nui uer i exiracis 110111 pahiical newspsptrs. aud iu rfUilmg each paper with in own il IlllldrtV .... hol t ilis, ni,liou of iu noliiics. Krom lk leani nisi mere are now the follow ing pnlincal par es III Win I uiled SLlti:,in,. .., iu .in Whig," IVinecral,' "Niegcr-Weisbipsr." log Kuowothiiig,"-Whig Auu-Kuow-Noih-' ins. V ... 11 . b ss ... . . . s '' "oiwiiper," "llanl-Shel Know. olhing.' "Whig Nigffer-Worshiper," -Whif Vi ,l . 1 "orauiper, "mint nd .Milk and Molasses Kimw-Nolhin. N;r,o,. Wo,, slnper." ;-H) Kiiow-Noth-ing, I welnh Section Kihiw-Nothiug," Whie S.ver Grey Know-Nothing half Nigger Vorsuii. This seemsnomethinj like".'itoi,.n." Things are gelling m,d up Aife Hlutrtti. OCT The bet modern Ilib'rnieism was that perpetrated by Mr. XlcKeon, of Xew 1 oik, whet in t'onsress. When in the im.U of s,e,h, nnd on being ealled to order by a m(.mKer for be;n a, jn remarks "1 , ,10, ,,erioB!l Mr.Speker I bad no reference to sensitive ceDtl! man .11 what I said ; but. sir, ibis U not th. hr lime that an arrow shot at a Tcnture has hit llio very mark tht was intended." JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Putent Medicines, Family Medicinos, etc., &c., which will be tutil as low for task as thru ran ht procured in the Territory. Cull aud exniiiiue for yourselves, anil get an Almanac for ISob, gratis. rrogrcssion, Progression, Progression TS ever onward and Ihry thul do not make on JL ward progression. ''are a little behind the limes," and for the bom-lit of those that havo a dmirs to keen up with this a -e we have just received direct from Now York tho following list of BOOKS, of which we oiler al wuulesole or retail, on terms to sun: Constitution of Mali, by Ceo. Combe ; Combe's Lee, on l'lirenology; Domestic Life Thoughts on its coucord and di.ord; f anuliur Lessons ou t'liro lioli-gy nod Psychology; Love and l'ureiituge: ap plied lo llie improvement of ollsiiring ; .Marnuge itsi history and philosophy, with directions for hap. py marriages ; Memory, nnd Iulellectuul Improve inentt Montal Science ; Lectures on I he Pliiloso. phy of l'hreuology ; Mutiiinony : or Phrenology and I hysiology upphed, Ac. ; 1 hreuology proved, illustrated, and applied ; Phrenological guide, 4c. Keligioii, Naliirui and Revealed ; Self-culluro, and Perfection of character ( Self-instractor in Phre nology and Physiology lcmieruncs sad light Lacing; Accidents and Emergencies; Hydro pulhic Cook Books ; Consumption : its causes, pro vention, and cure ; Curiosities of common water t Cholera: its causes, &c.t Domestic Pracliee of Hydropathy ; Errors uf Physicians, &e. ; Eiperi' euce in Wator-eure; Ilydropathio Family Physj. eian ; Hydropathic Encyclopedia; Home treat ment for sexuul ubuses ; Hygiene aud Uydrspathy ; lutPHluctiou to tho ater-cure ; .Midv.-ifery, and the Insenses of omen; rareuts Guide, and Childbirth Made Easy; Pregnancy and childbirth; rractice ol M nter-curo ; U atcrn-ure in Chronic I Diseases; i nler-ciire in Every Known I'iseuse Water-cure Manual; Amativeiiess.- or, Evils and I Heine lies, iVe. ; Combe ou Infancy; Combes Physiology: Chronio Diseases; Fruits slid l uri uacea the Prosr Food nf Man ; llereditnry Do scent: its Laws, &c; iMateruily: or the bearing and miming of children, Ac; Natural Laws ol .Man; Physiology, Animal and Mclilul; Tobacco : its cH'ect, ti ). ; Elements of Animal Mugnetisin ; Fusciuiition : er tho philosophy of charming; Li brary of Mesmerism and Psychology; Philosophy of Mesmerism ; New illustrated Encyclopedia, com plete in one vol. j Spiritual Intercourse, Philoso phy of, etc. ; 1-umillnr Lessons on Astronomy; Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; 1 lints towards Re forms, by Greely ; Hopes and Helps fur the Young of butii eexes; Human Rights; Iloincforiill, io.; Lnbar: its hisiory ani prospects, &c; Power of Kindness ; Woman ; her educullou !ud influence, Sit. -AWO- 8 vols. Revelations, by A. J. Davie, tlio Clairvoyant. a- Approacniiigtjrisai, - " 8 " lLiriuouiul Men, " 8 " Swciul Piovidcnces, ' 8 ' Present Agj aud Inner Life, " 8" 1st, Great Harmonia, " 8 " 2d, " " " 8 " 3d, ' Allan, McIIlalay A Co., nAVE Jiil received l STOCK OP NEW GOODS, and would invite all those who Wwh to procure (iOtiD srlieles at rcawmable prn os, to csll and see them. IVy eousist la port f llie following i .rsnnl A. wheel bsrruws fancy brooms plain do aworl'd colon d pails puiulrd tubs lino wash boards klauksmith's bellows cioss cut saws 7 It do cn mill saws 7 ft hair maitrussos double do single hair bolsters double do ' single sperm caudles adamantine uo viindsloiies giaiu cradles t grass scyllK-soVsnallis irusli de do lde lisrrows 33 Uoh gaiib a rakes do ho.s do spades Iiolished sliovils .ay forks iiuiiurs forks churns window ilasa 8 hv 10 do . 10 by li do 7 by window sashes S by 10 do lUbyJi! nml ULANKETti. DAM, L1XDSEYS, Sheetine Tirk, A c ite. And keep constantly ou hsnd a large supply of UROCEIlll- 8, clothing, hardware, and many articles too numer- ous to uienlioa. ALLAH, Jt'KlXLAY $ CO. Oregon Cily, Apiil Ul, IBSO-ly ruiHt brund lobaoco o tobacco Late Arrival. T V addition lo our present stoek we are now re- J. eeiving direct from New York, "ei olipr sli p rhrnn, ' SO bids, snd half bbb. X. O. Sugar , U0 bids, crushed sugnr) 10,000 lbs. RioeolleeJ ' 20 bbls. N. O. molasses; for sale low by WM.C. DEMENT CO, June 30-y Opposite the I-niiJ Oflioe, f ( I1HI.S. Sauta Crus Lime just receivca aim OU forsaloby jl'.'3-10 Vt .11. C. UI-..ME..M Oregon Sacon. 1AAA LUn., fur sole by lUUv) AV. C. DEMENT AV. co. .I UST RECEIVED, 100 boxes eatnllrs, SO obis, pork, by oct 13 AVM. C. DEMENT A tn. A I'Kjpliuii M'livul. FEW bushels f..r sate by novIO WM. V. DEMENT .f- CO. A It arc Chance For those engaged, or wishing to tngage in the l lourmg business. "TTTE have on hand and for sale, tho following 1 V niuchiiry for grist nulls, which will be sold low for cash, or on a short lime : 3 portulile mills, complete : 1 ruu of four feet foul iueh French Burrs, with f pur wheel. 114 cogs, weighing 1 03 j lbs. : with spindle, pinion, brwdi nnd oil-pot and collar. 1 ruu, mine site, williout pimou. uiuer irons the sums as above. ToBdhor with a geueral assortment of bands, bolting cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings, hangings for bulling diesis, Ac, &c. In other words, every requisite necessary to the completion of a grill mill by V U.U.lifc.MR.A 1 it CO. Opposite the Land Office. Ossoos Cm, Nov '26, IS j.'. -I. 1 T.T. A TlT Mr'irTWT.A V A. m - J U.-iiend Coiumiuiuu Merchants, snd wliol. sale aud retail Deulcrs Iu Dry Uoods, OrOceris, Iliudwaro, die, io. , f ReorgeT. Allsa, Oregon City, May 5. i Arcbibabl M'Kiulsj. -( Thomas Lows. -;' 1.LA.V, M'KINLAY tV CO., L Scottsburg, L'mp pis, Oregon. ALLAN, M'KINLAY II C.0 Oregon Territory. Iswsi Champneg ' MsyJ. CIIARLE3 POPE, 3t DEALER in Hardware, Gtoeeriie, Dry GmJ'. Clolhing, Hoots & Shoes, Medicines, 2L and Hlntionery. ' Main-st., Oregou City, April 21, 1855-Uf ' ' Wa O. Somont & Co,, y WHOLESALE and retail Dealer, Crocrt. lea, ri-ovurlons, Points. Oil.. n,. .w. Shoes, Crockery, io. Opposite the Land (MR.. Main bl. Oregon Cily. June 1, mi7 JOHN R M'BRIDB, 'T" ATTOSaSV A.XP COUSSILOS Af iMfayettt, Yamhill County, O. T. WILL failhfiilly attend to all business siw trusted lo Ins professional care. Apiil 21, IHiS-llf r JOHN P. BROOKS T" H'Aorsa .p Retail Dealer In Gneetu-g, Pninet Vrotisions, eje. Main' Street, . , A Geiieml Assorliuenl kept up of Selected Coodfi uinemsii, I'eociiioer I, lt)J5, Jm Rend f f 0., dealers iu Druin.nJ i.j .:.. ' books and Stationery, Paints, Oils, &o." Partkj&i lor nltenlion puid to compounding luedieines. Suleill, Nov. 21. 32tf June 30, 13j5.-y F. S. & A. HOLLAND. I PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever . and ague, Sic, Slc, just received and forsale at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Mel.ANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, OREGON CITY DIU O STORE. CuiK-iiiali, .ov. 25, IMS. ON hand and for sale, low, for cash or prod uce Points it lead, chiomo j. roen, white lead, prussiau bluo red do in oil, chrome yellow, blk. do " blue paint, liiharge, voiumon and perinauent green puttv, gloss JNO. P. BROOKS. JUST RECEIVED, 40 hlf bbls N. O. sugar; 20 " " crushed ' 5 bbls " " 40 niatls No. 1 China sugar; 100 sucks Rio colltoj &000 His Eng. soup; 1000 '' suleratusj 10 coses olive oil; 4 1 2i 6 4 15- io I.aitd (or Sale. I OFFER to sell I GO aeresof choice land for two dollars slid a quurler an acre, cash. The land is a iwrlion of mv claim, sis mil... u .,, r i . fuyetto, in the comity of Yamhill. Title good Cull and sec for yourselves. 'Tin m. i.,i.i. , sliow"U,a loud. S. C. AD I S t.len Avoca, Deo. 23lh, 185.'i-37tf tobacco; prunes; U. P. tea; boxes yeust powders; caudies; candles: DRY GOODS, .Jc. 4 bales sheeting; 1 " hickory; 1 " blue drill; 1 prints; 100 dox. Coats' spool thread; 10 pieces alpacas and in.nnnn.. Also, a lot of Roots and Shoes, Crockery, Class U'llh. n.i.l mm n . .1 - - ...,u muoiiier -leias - wine i , just now recollect. Give us a call, for we nre de. itriuiiiea io sen out. MS F. S. &, A. HOLLAND. Tiialaliu A iidi m v. Forest Grore, Washington County, O, T. rvl'ARTERS COMMENCE i.un do i Fii-st Wednesday in December j Last do iu Fehrimrv . Thiid do in May; First do in September. tuition rss QLASrtS: Trimary Englisli Higher do 1 Ancient Louguages, j Fretieh i drawing, eacli, extra, iiiciueuiai cuarge. $0.00 Foruiformatiou respecting the School, address E. I). S1I ITTIVL- V- OO 1CV 1 S'ov. 5$, lS"i.-53-6ino 5 11 1 I"- FeaUiers for sale bv ap-.Mtf -p. JOIIVariv Central Produce Depot. ! CAN EMAIL I CONSTANTLY reviving. freh from ranch, : .J heal, oats, baan, lard, buller and iwtatoes. i KT Right, not policy, should nevern our action. OCT When a man's coat is thrcaJbara, ifi , ar io pick a Lola in it. IW. 1,'ii. JOHN P. UKOOKS. H Wheat VCanted. tl. II LM cash pneis pa d by Nov. 3. H'.tf. C. DE.lEX TfCO. "TkRIED Apples, in h f and whole barrels at ' r 4 A. HOLLA N D S. CIG ARS-Thebert ehsnce to p ek is at the store of CHARM AX iV j u v ! J"' . . I sVsll. "nU)l U, fresh. ke: eoastxnt'y oa bind by X ; F. S. Sl A. HOLLAN D. VTjakby CHARM A WARNER rVY) PICK CIUARS, thebe-tehsTr -1 apl CilJ.V.I.T..lf.U.J?, S'l!itoitot lias I'nllcu! A "M li ru i ni i r .... l tVAKNER wish lo J.X. imorm me ciluens of Oregon City and the public in generul that they have just received a good assortment of GROCERIES suitable for w.... .easuo oi uio year. Also, wo have received a snpp.y uf fancy groceries, such as Farina, Sugar ...,,p,nJ a variety ol other such articles too numerous to mention. ",",,;V Sd assortment of FANCY s" ior me noiiuaye, such as raisins, dates, tigs, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a variety of other articles in this line, such as will suit the greatest epicure of the land. We havo al soon hand a good assortment of caudies, and arc receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So please give us . call ; wo will sell as cheap as any house in Oregon. Our motto i, that a quick penny is b?ttir Ihnn a .Int.. .Kill?..- 1 r J We are now commencing to prepare in the Bu-ker- for Christmas, and shall hove a good assort inent of cake. We shall also keep on hand a su penor quality of butter crackers, Hoston. crackers, and also the sweet York crackers. Please give or ders for the above in good lime. Our prices shall be reasonable, and the goods made of the best ma tenuis in Oregon. or?4 Who Wants a Good Saddle? I , , ,ulBcroer, living five miles south-west of ....a, euo, in ! amiiiucouiitv, ss now carrviuir on the busiui. nr..i.uA m..l:. ' . J lie keeps constantly ou hand the best snddh that eau M manufactured with the materials at com. , v..ri. , nose wrsnmg a genuiue saddie , ,u ,:l on Doin ajee, and ng;ed out in j complete style, cheap fo, cs.h.or good trade would i '0.W,U fc"e me . 6alL Mybop j, tim J Bakers t reek near where the road crosses it W . me from Portland snd On- by the way of Smith's bridge on the North V..,S..e WE ARE NOW RECEIVING, per brig "Siisuu Abigail'' and bark "Clias. Deveas," from Son Francisco, the following goods: GROCERIES: M kgs E. U. syrup, 5&8 gals., I! ) Lbls New Orleuns do. 5000 lbs No. 1 Chiua sugar, S0O0 lbs table salt, 1200 boxes Eiigli.-h and A luetic in soap, SO eats s pio fruit, ass'd, U gross . ,-, II. yeast powders, 5000 lbs tobucco, ass'd brands, 100 hall boxes raisins, 30 bbls and half bbls crushed sugar, 3M00 lbs snlerutus. CROCKERY A General Apartment. DRY-GUOVS:!)IM0 yds brown sheeting, 1 OOONyds suliuots, 2000 " prints, . 10 pieces alpacas, 50 pairs English blunkets, 200 yds carpeting, 200 " oilcloth; Together with a general assortment of ready made Clolbiiig, boois, iuoos, bats, cni, and carpenters' tools. )YM. C. DEMENT ej- CO., Nov. 10. Opposite t!ie Laud Office. Wells, Fargo & Co.'b Express. Between Oregon, California, tha Atlantic Suites awl Europe. ..f-fc. HAVING made advantageous ' Ks-i arrangements Willi tlie Uu iterf Elates and Paeilio Mail Steam. MB ship Companies fur tinn-n-irtulion, we are uow pre. pared to forward Gold Dust, Bullion, Speei,' trackages, Parcels, and Freight, to aud from n' York, N. Orlesus, Sun Fruucisco, Portlssd anit principal towns of California and Oreiron. ' II... ...... I... 1, w.h i.Ku.4n ."iiii iniMiuiij r.xpress between rorllund and Sim Frum-isco. is disiuiel,..) k. .t Pucilic Mail .SleanuhipCa'sstcainship Columbia coniicetmg at .'un t rancisco with our seini-montli. ly Express lo A'eie York and New Orleans, which, is dispatched regularly on the 1st and 16thofesch) mouth, by llio mail steamers snd in charge of oar own messengers, through lo destination. Our Expr.-ss from New York leaves regalsrfr on the 5th snd 20tU of each mouth, also in charge of messengers. Treasure Insured In the best New York eon pauirs, or ut Lloyd's in Loudon, at the option of shippers. ' Omens New Yoik, No. 16, Wall si.; New Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place j Sun Franciscov No. 114, Montgomery street. J. N. BANKER, ifceatV Oregon City, April 21, 18i5.-llf Tbo Steamer Portland, ' Cttakci C.M'T. A.S.SfURRAr, Will run daily between Portland and Oregon Cily; Leaves Portland at eight o'clock, A. M. Return ing. leaves Oregon Cily at four o'clock, r. , For freight or passogo apply on board. apSl-llf To sAdTive "TT7"ITI1IN a few days, direct from Now Yoik IT ex clipper ship "Goldeu Eagle, 400 guls. linseed oil, 1 30 ga's. fpts. turpentine, 200 boxes window glass, (ass'd sizes,) 200 kegs while Kud, pure, 2.) gals, varnish, 2u0 His beeswax, 200 lbs rosin, by Wm. C. DEMENT & co., ct 13. opposite the Laud Oilice. U. S. MAIL LINK Oregon Cily and Portland Daily Packet, j Jennie Clark, a. u. Ai.ianuuill, flASTes, Will run duily, (.Sundays exe.-pled,) in the sbovc. named trade, h aving Oregon Cily every day at 8 o'clock, 4. . Kcturiiing, will leave Portland at S r. h., touching at all intermediate points. For freight or passage apply ou board. sp21-tf THRESH OUEUON TIMOTHY SEEDflO A. bus. for ale by IViV. C, DEM EN T d CO. 50 Santa Cruz Lime. . URLS, for sale bv novIO WM. V. DEMENT & CO. TN our bukery we keep constantly on hand uieou, orucKcrs, caaes.pies, cVo. C1IARMAN .J- WARNER. 1AND1E.S, nuts, ruisius, of an excellent quality w j.i leucivru I1IIU lor BUIO low tiy v-lln AJN ec WARNER. EECEIVED upon the urrival of every steam, er. Don't fail to call on CHARM AN &. WARNER. IV'ERY Till NO in the liue of Groceries, J as cheese, nil kinds of snice. eul snd. el,n.,. ate soda, salernlus. crenm tartar, & o., are sold at "av VUAHMAN cf- WARNER'S. riTOYS, of dill'erent kinds, fur sale by Just B.fKfilMll i Splendid aseorlinent of Family Groceries, XX. BUeh as U-a. nvrmi. .iii-np X-n . j - , ano nno auu coarse sn t. ereuin larinr. nnU ....i . iti .... pcaeiiee, sardines, oysters, clams, yeast powder, also a large quantity of superior cherool cigars, and tobacco of every brand and almost every thing else iu oar hue of business all of whieh will be sold as low os at any other place ia town, for cash or pro- CUARMAN f WARNER. duce, New Volumes of the Four Reviews and Blackwood. COMMENCE, with North Brit-ell for May, l$.fi, uu.l the other Reviews and Blackwood for June, 1855. Terms of Subscription. Any one Review or llluckwood, $,') a year. Blackwood and one Rc view or any two Reviews, $5. The four Re' views and llluckwood, $10. Four copies to one address, 30. - Tostngo on the four Reviews and Black woeih Post office in the. United States, only 80 cents a year on fach Review and 24 cents a year oa Blackwood. Address, L. Scott & co., Pubiujliers, 54 Gold street, corner Fulton, New York. Sp8 i Heading for the Million. S. J. McCORMICK HAS CONSTANT!. O.I HAND AT Tll IKAKLIN SOOf aroaa, rao.T-sT, foctland, or soon, A Choice selection of Popular Books, Ifwe il papers, Magazines and Fancy Stationer;.. Among the bo ks on hand will be-found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry, liiogrnphy, Medicines,. Religion, Science, School Books, Romances, io., &c, Vo. HTSubscriplioiis received for Harper, Graharn, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 94 a yssr, sf age free. ID" Subscriptions received for any nrasns published in any part of the Union. Remember the Franklin Hook Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. VWA priced oatulorrun will he nnhlutlieil asrtv in April, aud will be sent to any part of the terri tory free ou application. Hardware FOR SALE BY popp m I as V , tai 'a Uut"' Scews, Locks and Latches, Hummers and Hatchets, Axes, rawiug-kmyes, Handsaws, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes and Cards. Cnn T ;.. n....l - . 'U M. OOl Cardj), Chest Handles, Tlanes, &c jirii ii, iroo-ltf i Yamhill. ST I keep evenr tlilnir in il.- j Brulle Marling U.L LinXX' " ' -- U. I l FPi,T Ml'IOflCOIH. AoNSti:?C.':MELODE. Groceries OR SALE BY CllARLF.S WIOAR K9 Stare POPE, JR. p...i ' v,tJm iaruir. Si, SnJ,. v. ui u- oooa, i'i nnr ' - n.-ruji. At.. r v um, Borax. Con. ApiiiSI, lrli5-iif . . Jn,t nercivl I.lllll- Liffht Brown Sugar, naTsJr 1,000 bushels oats, for sale wholesaler JOHN P. BROOKS. V,7 R ;eM oxeaoxnrY vkiWsToxE. LBS. '.T0,w.PER,ls rf.sM,, at To the Farmer E WOULD say, call at our store;w. Will pay yon aa veil t... ..... .. . anjr e'-lie, houi in Or,- 17.. Co IT " naie yon feel a, comt, u '"rZ " CUARMAN & Hffii ladles I TOV will find an excellent assortment of Dress . nnd Bonnet Silks, Satins aud Velrets: slso Bonnet Trimminm. Hosiern r)W. T.nret and Ribbons, Table Cloths. Countermines, etc.. at tha. store of CHARLES POPIt. Jr.. (Main-st.. opposite Abpnietho'. l..r. 1 h.M befoundalmosteeeryiAirig-intheliniof i Dry Goods; Such as Prints. Gimrlmma A i..u. al.; Plaid Lineeys, Mus ins. Satiin.ti. U.n.. FUa. neie, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe. Cotton Batting, etc.' uregon Lily, April 21, 1855-llf " " " ! M I , Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES TOPE. jJ J ANDS' Sarssparilla Peck's Wfld Cherry B'it - iers, uatetnan-s drops, Brendreth's pills, Leels pi Is, Perry, vermifuge, Ojiodeldoc, Gum Cam plior, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, Jd preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dalley's paitt extraclor, Laudanum, Paregoric. Oil of Peppe? mmt, Essences, Composition Powders, Carter'a Pulmonary Br;llom Suipi10r Sats, 4th AP"'g'.,lSo5-ltf . . , ; War Against Bard Times I The Place to Get your Money atk. GHARMAN &. WAUNER are now esrryin on the BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY business at their old stand, where they are still . termined todeal on terms tor suit the times. Our motto is, "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling and we are determined to f, If we de sell upon a very small prn6t. We are kerning er f'h,rie,y' W'SIOSS. BREAD, CAKES, Ja' C'' Ulat w're eyer manufactured out of flour. We keep also all kiodaof GROCERIES, such as. Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigars, Raisins, Spices, besides many Drugs and Medicines. (We don l keep any "quack" medicines, however.) We have bought out the other bakerv. .nil intend to fix up another establishment soon. The press of bus iness is SO irrcilt that wa am MinnlU in "BYnsd ourselves'' over a larger platform. ITI" f- . j v-oumry procuce bought and sold, lis no trouble to show "ictas." Call and try os. Oregon Cily, October 13, 18J5. "-'...lAiVi. f.S.f A. HOLLAND ?, "JOCOANUT3, Eaaanas, and other tropieal fruits, iusl nri4 f.Am 1 k I.nt- P-1- - CUARMAN & WARNER,