The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 31, 1856, Image 3

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Dated from Europe are lo ilio 6ih of April.
Trace was sio.ncS a? Paris on Si'ndav,
The 30th of March. The event uai on-
nounced in Pann nnd London by mUoi of
irtillory. Taris was illuminated, and in
England the church bolls were pealed.
Tliree or f ur week mutt elapio ere rutifi
cationi of the treaty can be exchanged
Detail of adjustment are referred to a
Commission. The great event of Peace
hat swallowed up all minor subjects of
j The British Admiralty tinve lent two
iteamera la search of the Pacific. The
Allies have commenced the demolition of
the inclosure around Sevastopol, Ihmnc
Pasha ia increasing the army of Anatolia
Gen. MouravicflT has received reinforce'
tnonts by way of lite Caspian Sea and Tif-
lis. The city of Parma and the surround
ing country has been laid under a state of
siege on account of the number of asasi
nations. Mr. Buchanan was to for
New York on the 9th April, after fimt vis
Ml)g Taria nnd the Ilajuo. Walter Savage
Landor has addressed an appeul lo The
London Timet in behalf of Louis Kossuth,
who he declares to be in the utmost want.
Kossuth has declared himself greatly mor.
lifted at its publication. There is no ex
citement whatever in England with regard
to tbe difficulties with this country. A ro
view of 100,000 men is to bo held at Paris
n the signing of the Treaty. It is ru
mored that the Emperors of Russia and
Austria have respectively promised to visit
Tans soon after the conclusion of pence.
Napoleon is going lo send an expedition lo
Colon io Madagascar. Very bad feeling is
exhibited by Russia and Prussia towards
Austria. The Queen of Spain has per
formed tho annunl ceremony of washing
the feet of the poor. So ulsu has the Em
peror of Austria.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Post writes:
"If we make up accounts, perhaps ihe
contract in in favor of Russia, to whom
more has been given up ihun she lias re
nounced. Such a result ia naturally the
case, because it was rcverthe intention of
England and Franco to punish 'Muscovite
aggression with conquest involving loss of
territory, or permanent occupation. '
Accounts irom uronstact assert that a
squadron was ordered to be got ready for
the middle of May, but for what purpose
was not publicity known. It was rumored
that Us object was to convey the Emperor of
Russia and one of his brothers on a visit to
France and England. " This report was
strengthened by the fact that orders had
been given to engage plluis well acquainted
with the coasts of both those countries.
A Brussels journal says that tho coro
nation of the Czar will take place about the
Slst of August, and wiih great pomp.
Advices from the Crimen state that tho
xvca'her had become so intensely cold that
the troops found it absolutely necessary to.
shut themselves up in I heir tents mid huts.
It may be confidently expected thai the
j-ear 1837 will be far advanced before the
last man and lliel.tst cargo of shells can pass
tho Dardanelles on their way homeward.
Nor is any haste necessary in cunpleiing
the evacuation. Tho allies have accumu
lated largo stores, and assembled a great ar
my for the defunse of Turkey, and I litre is
no reason that they should incur iho ex
pense of new transports and a greater em
ployment of labor, in order lo hurry back
vith such speed as may gratify the desire
of those whom ihey savod to be quickly
rjrl of them. Tho presence of the Western
forces ' in tho Cast is only a question of
The details connected With the Danubian
Principalities and the liberties of Ihe Chris
tian subjects of the Porto, are the points
to bo arranged in the renewed Conveners.
The Porto objects to any occupation of
Turkey by the allied forces, and it is possi
ble that the point will bo waived, if the
Powers are satisfied as to tho safety nnd
privileges of the Christians. If. the return
, home of the allied armies is performed leis
urely, the feeling in official quarters is that
a sufficient force will remain for many
teMtu t ke?,n fanaticism in check. It
grows confirmed ifct the situation of Italy
svill form a subject of delioi'R'ion SeMre
the Conference dissolves.
The Emperof of Russia, in an imperial
manifesto, proclaims peace, "the object of
the war having been gained by the security
acquired for the privileges of Christians
In the East." To avoid future collision,
It is added, a fresh frontier line for Bessa
rabia has been conceded.
Advices from Berlin, of March 31, says :
Our Berlin papers begin to talk openly of
the marriage of Prince Frederick William
with the Princess Royal of England. fne
Trince will visit England at ilia conclusion
trf the spring revfews, and will return, it is
hoped, an Accepted suitor.
Accounts hare, at Trieste, March 30,
licen received of the death of Sir Charles
Hotham, Governor of Victoria.
. Trieste advices, same date, say: Many
of the Japanese nobles perished in the late
earthquake at Jeddo. The Emperor was
a red.
The plenipotentiaries, in tigning the
treaty of peace, made use of a silver-gilt
Inkstand specially ordered for the occasion.
Tho inkfctnnd is decorated in tbe s'yle of
1'ie first empire, and cost not less than
fjf G-ant graciously whet yoi eaaoel irfaee
VXjr, es4 eruslat thte r?a raaa?t ea J1-- 1
V. 8. Malt.
We ire tho Washington Union advr.
Uses tho following mail route, to be open
ad, if bids are accepted, by July, 6th, W0
7 ha contracts are to terminal June 30,
1838 :
13733 Fmm Hierr' Point, by brand Prairie, In
tngenc Lily, 34 milts sad back, oik
Leave Burr's Point every Friday at 7 s m
Arrive st kugen City wine day ly 4 p m;
Iave Kuc-ria C'ily every eisturday at 7a m
Arrive at Starr's i'uinl nine dy 4 n m
19736 From Fort Orford, by Randolph and Coos
Bay, to UardinsrOty, 85 ni Its snd beck
ouce a week.
Leave Port Orford every Monday at 7 a m
Arrive et Gard.ner City neit Wednesday
oy j p m
Leave Gardiner City every Thursday at 7
Arrive at Tort Orford next Seturdiy by 3
p m.
13737 From cVotuburo; to WinchesUr, 54 miles
lid Dues, ouce a Week.
Leave Scotlsburg tycry WedueeJay at 7
Arrive St Winchester next dav biSnmi
Leave Winchester every Monday st 7 s m
nmve ai ccoitburg next day by 3 pm.
13741 From Pec fio City lo Chauook, 13 miles
and beck, once a week.
Leave Pacific City every Wednesday at 1
P mi
Arrive at Chenook tame day by 5 p m;
Leore Chenook every Monday at 7 m;
Arrive at PscitieCity same day by II am,
Hide lo run by a dill'ercul schedule will be
13742 From Vaueovcr lo Sieilacoom City, and
back, once a week.
BiJdcrs lo elate di.lanc end schedule of
arrival and departure.
Miss Feltetl oi Mcarugua.
Mis, a lady who from travel in
and acquaintance with the leaders of the
present regenerating movements in Nica
ragua, is wi II qualified for the labor, de
livered an ad lress at Lyceum Hall, last eve
ning, concerning that country, which was
very respcclubly attended.
After giving a rapid but succinct sketch
of the lii.-tory of that country since 1823,
staling that hardly any two years had pas
sed without a revolution, the lady described
Gen. Walker movrmen's somewhat in
detail : agreeing fully with our published
account, and allowing that instead of an
invasion, tho whole affair was but those-
c ptance of an offer from the more woalthy
and intelligent class of people, residents
there. The advance of the army j its re
ception at various points ; the character of
the people, and their friendly feelings to
wards the existing order of things, were
clearly limned. Alpiding to the political
state of aflairs, tbe lady observed that Gen
Walker's government had been acknow
edg. d by the Catholio clergy and was a
fixed fact. The country is quirt and old
feuds have been healed. As fifty-six men
initialed tho movement in tha't country, it is
prolmUe ihe thousands now there and tend
ing thither, will he able lo mnintain it.
Presidi'iit Pierce's message had no unfavor
able effect nor will have.
Tho chief object of popular interest is tli
arrival of steamships which usually bring
reinforcements of strong, stalwart men,
suitod ton country's regeneration. Allutl-
ng lo the complications with other Central
American States, and Costa Ilica especial
ly, they wore not considered at all danger
ous. Walker needs American Assistance
to develop the country, but its government
is established. Somo speculations as to
what the land will bo when its Jack sons and
Clays mount t lie s'agc, and a greater civili
zation is attained, closed ihe very agree
able and instructive discnurse, which was
warmly applauded. New Orleans Cres
Kews From Fort Pierre.
Correspondence (Feb. 36, of Tbe Nebrnskian.
Chinking that a few notes from Camp
Desolation would not be unacceptable lo
le benighted denizens of the lower regions,
I take advantage of the outgoing mail to
commnnicate them, although I have noi
much of news to write. In fact, we are
too far away from nowhere (close by where
it tie empties into nothing, you know,) to
get any news. We did get the President's
Message by last mail, and also the Nelrat-
ian, for which we aro duly thankful.
Col. Vaughn, Indian Agent, arrived
here on the 3d inst., from Ft. Clark. lie
eft there about the 28th Dec., ' and came
down in the coldest time, thermometer 36
deg. below zero. Me said he left at that
inie because he was afraid to remain long
er, and says that he is prepared to hear of
the Fort being burnt up at any time. This
does Co' look like peace very much.- In
fact, some more of .hose devils must be
whipped. Meanwhile, nbont ten of the sev
eral bands who have got a "big scare" on
them, are now waitirg for the grand Coun
cil of Peace or War, H come off on the 1st
of March proximo. The Platte, Brule,
Winneconges and Ogelales, and one other
fragment, the ones who so groaly insulted
the agent, Vaughn, last Summer and Fall
are not here, nor will they be present.
Of course, therefore, they will be fit sub
jects for ano;her Summer's operations.
Gen. Harney returned here from L'eau
qui Court on the 15th inst., having been
absent sixty days. He walked all the way
down and back went down on snow two
feet deep, and back on ice total distance
about 490 miles ! This, in the dead of
Winter, with mercury 34 deg. below zero,
is no trifle. It is said that Gen. Harney
found the squadron down at L'eau qui
Court in such a ''used-up" state that it
eoufJ not go on down to Sioux river this
Winter, as was contemplate;!, bat '.t will go
on ice breaking on.
The Indian traders have ootdonoa rery
heavy business this year ro far in fact,
f f! or z'&h, tni CcJ kco it i ti r.
they should cesae to exist. Millions on
millions of dollars have been made by
traders amongst these Indians, which is the
causoof all their present troubles, poverty
and crime. For two pints of common sugar
lby purchase a bulfi.lo robe! and other
skins and p. Itrles at like rates, either in
sugar, coffee, tobacco, powder and ball, ic.
thus holding out inducements lo ihe Indians
10 kill hundreds of thoutondt of buffaloes
every year, merely for iho robes, casting
away the meat, Or else selling it, too, to
these same traders for a trifle, who cure It,
and sell it back to the Indians at ono thou
sand per cent, advance. In this way ihe
buffalo which would have lasted for centu
ries are fast becoming ex'.inct, and, ergo,
the Indians must tlttrve.
Sulh are some of the evils of permitting
traders to carry on traffic amongst Indians,
Other evils exist full as great, and worse
in a political apecl, by filling up tho Iron
tiers with a band of half breed, Canadian
French, renegade "Native Amcricaus," al
together making a kind of Salmngun boa
tile to peace, virtue, industry, or even any'
thing honest or praise wort liyJn the pursuits
of life. And from such the poor Indian
gets his instructions, his schooling nnd ad
vice. Strang develmx-meets may yei tic
mailo in tlii respect in this region of the
The second trial of Baker for the
murder of Wm. Poolo commenced in New
York city on the 14th of April.
ty If you would be pungent, be brief, for It la
Willi worde as Willi sunbeams tbe more Uiey are
oondenaetl the deeper Ihey burn.
To too Votori or Clackamas County.
As I have been preventcf, by other en
gagemenls, from visiting the different pro
cincts, miico my nomination as a Whiff can,
didato for the Legislature, I must address
you in this manner.
My political belief and qualifications
nrr, i presume, wen Known in you. 1 am
heartily opposed to ihe party in iiowpr in
i . . ii i .
Oregon, because I believe its leaders aro
selfish and unprincipled, and its measures
are a disgrace and a curse lo any free pco.
pie. Even a war for the protection of our
h resides and families is denounced, if any
one ia allowed 10 shoulder a rifle, who will
not mil down and worship the image set up
by this faction. No man of their own faith
can hold office unless he obeys litem, but if
lie dares to be independent in doing his du
ty, lie is declared to bo no better than
Win;, ana must ho removed. The
Legislature was alibol on freedom ; in
ance oi law it made otlices tor its mergers,
nod gloried in putting knaves or fools in
placea that had been filled with faithful,
honest, and capable men, becauso the last
would not be its tools. Ihe members from
your own county suited ihe ruling spirits,
one of whom said, "They were just the
mon for us J they never said a word, but
always voted as we told them. All such
democracy I am against, and if elected I
shall do my utmost in behalf of the pros.
perily of the Territory nnd our county; no
adcr of the Taction shall boast that Clack
amas w ill sustain them in whatever they
do. Tho question of a prohibitory liquor
aw I proposo lo Irnvo to the people, be
causo until public sentiment approves tho
principle, tho passage of a law that eannot
be enforced is worse than useless.
Of my opponents, I only remark that
heir greatest misfortune ia ihnt they bear
tho indorsement of ofiice-holders in this
citv, whose praise "ought to bo a reproach,
and whoso influence without office would
bo as ridiculous as their self-conceit.
Fcllow-citizcns, if you trust me as your
representative, you may bo assured of my
faithful and earnest efforts in your behalf ;
all the ability. I have shall be exerted for
the advancement of Oregon interests, with
out regard to party, nnd least of all for
any party that does not "carry tho fla and
koep step to Iho music of the Union."
11 you make, a dillerent choice I shall bo
content, thou;h I cannot but believe that
you will before ninny years bo satisfied
with Iho tyranny nnd abuse of those who
claim to be your masters.
Oregon Citv, May 28tb, 1850.
Seat of '
Territorial Printer
in ditguiu.
Fur Scat of Government,
O Subject to the decision of tho People. 51(f
For Seat of Government,
O" Subject to a vote of the People. 50lf
Tmsitort or Oregon, )
Secretary's Office. Salem, M.iy 8, 185C t
ABSTRACT of totes fur and agniust cnuvea
t on lo form conrtiluiion fur Stale government)
east at a special election held according to law in
said Territory on the 7th day of April, 1856:
For Contention. Againtl Cone.
Benton county,
Columb i
M "'.tnomab
Southern Brigade Vola., S34
Northern P.egiroent 854
Total for eoarention, 4186
Total agaioet couveation,
Majority sgsinat convention, 43
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true
and correct abstract of the vote cat al aaid elec
tion and re'uraed t this office aa required by law,
and that the majority again onvenfmn is forty
nine. No returns have bees) received at this office
f. om the eounuee of Carry, Jjephie, r Tilla
mook, nor from company nf volunteers lately com
manded by Cape A.J. I lembree, deeeaasd, or the
detachment of volunteers at fori Lelaod.
7 It Sserrtary e Orogla.
New rtrm and STow Goods.
rpilE underrtrned would rtiectfully aay to their
X friends and the public fiierally thai they are
STORK. One and all art invited to I've lhm
a eall before buy iif elaewhere. J hey w ill ever be
ready to 'how their rum, and they Hatter Ihnn
eelvee that they can suit the public-, both as to qual
ity and price. UItSTOW it CO.
t'oufiiiah, May 31,1916. 7
How Arrangement.
rplIE next term of our school will eomnifnce
X July 1, lsti.
The Primary Department, limited to It, will
be under Ihe clisrse of J. ANIJKKW I'Ub I .
The Preparatory Department, limiltd to 35
18 day pupils and 7 boardc-re will be under Ihe
ears uf the sulwciiber, who w ill liavu Ihe mipr
viaion of bolli departments. Dy then arrange-
nienls we h to clll r superior advantages to our
N. U. None Invited to attend but such as will
cheerfully comply with tho rules of the acliool
Neilher do we wnnl any one who will be rough
in hia p'aye with his compauioua, or iwe any im
proper laiifcuue. J. D. PUT.
. Ori-goa City, May 24, 1836. 6
Tor Ealo.
I WlI.L blOl.L my situation on the
I I blurt" at Oregon City at a very low rj.
I have a g"d dwelling Iioum. elable, and out
buildiuga, with about 100 choirs fruit trees of Ihe
best varirtiee, ill an enclotur of eicht lota, all uf
which will be suld low, ae 1 have purchased prop
erty in another pirt of Iho city.
May 24, lMfi-Sif W. W. DUCK.
Main Street XXoubo.
I IlAV U Uiucd the MAIN b'l'KEET
HOUSE, and am now prep.ired to so-
ouiiiniudule Ihe traveling public, livery attention
will be paid lo Ihe comloit uf wan aud beaut.
Charge reaaoiiable.
I shall always be luuixl on hand by tnoae wun
choose lo patronize me. J..M liACON.
Oregon City, .May 3, IPSO. . 311
Wm. O. Dement fe Co.,
At their old itanJ, oppoeilt the Land OJJice,
ARE now receiving per bark "Ork'' and brig
"Halcyon," the following gooda :
150 boxe uperni and adamantine candles,
50 kegs dried app'ee and peaches,
100 bblaund hif bbls crushed sugar,
50 cae p'eklea,
30 " freah peaches,
SO " pie fruits,
10 InniG.A. salt.
500 coi cupi and suueen,
300 " plalee,
300 " tumblers,
20 " water pitchers,
Suir ir bow l, tea-pots, 4.C., &o.
200 kegs pure lead,
200 gala liuaced oil,
100 giil turpentine,
50 gale varniah,
300 gall lump oil,
100 rule lard "
6000 yds brown sheeting,
6000 " prints,
lileached cottons, bed tieking, uc, &C,
all of which will be sold as low aa Ihey can be pur
chased of any other house in OregonCity. niayl7
XX. for boys will be opened at OSWtUO, Cluck-
amaa cunntv. u- - "n w- u.ii, ivm him.
The Institution will be under the direction and
charged Mr. Bernard.Cosnrlics, A. O., a ripe
echolur and experienced teacher, in whose family
bovs coming from abroad will mid a emluble home.
Those deeirmg information as to terms, oxc, will
p!eane address .Mr. Cornelius, at Onrego. Kefer
nice may be made to Rev. Dr. Mct'nrty, Fort
Vancouver, W.T., Itev. s. M. raokler, Hultevilie,
(ieu. B. Hamilton, Portland, Dr. A. II. Steele
Orrgou City, or to the undersigned at Portland.
rtiu.H. r.BiAiri, vmior.
May 10,1856. ' 4-3w
In Equity.
John McLoughlin, complainant,
Francis W.rttygrove & Alfred Pcltvgrove.
Clackamat Couuty District Court, Oregon Ter
IN tlita cause it appearing by an nliiJfivit of
complainant filed with hia bill that both of the
defendant are non-resident of the Territory, it
was ordered by the Court that the Clerk make an
order, and have the same published, directed to
said defeuduiiui ; this is therefore directed to the
said Francis W. Pettygmve and Alfred Petty-
crave, and they are hereby notified that this suit
was commenced against theio on the 6lh day of
September, 1oj5 ; that the object of the bill is to
quiet the title to lot No. 6 in block No. 28 in Or
egon City in favor of the complainant, and for a
decree that a certain bond, touching Ihe same
made by the complainant to Alfred Petlygrove on
the 13th dnv of September, 1843, be canceled.
The said defendant are required to appear at said
Court, lo be holden at Oregon City, in aaid coun
ty, on the first Monday of September next, and an
awer the bill, or that the sumo will be taken as
In witness whereof, I hare hereunto sub
t, . scribed my hand and affixed my official seal,
this 15th day of May. a. n. ISoG.
F. S. HOLLAND, Clerk.
May 17, 1850. 5-5w
To Merchants and Shippers.
PORTATION CO. have adopted the follow
ing tariff of charges, which will be adhered to till
further notice :
Transportation of merchandise or produce
from boat to boat at works, per ton, SI 00
Storage of same less than live days, no charge.
" " over a at less man i J aays,
" " 15 At " " 30 " 50
Each additional half month or leas will be
charged, per ton, 25
Linn City, May 10, 1856.
Lumber, Lumber.
THE Oregon Milling and Transportation Co.
have established a LUMBER YARD on the
river bank in rear of the store of Allan, McK.uloy
& Co.
Lumber in larire or small quantities, including
dremed siding and flooring, cau always be had by
application al Ihe store of
r.9.Ka. uubua.iv,
OregonCity, May 10, 1856. -
Logs, Logs.
C1ASII will be paid on delivery for fir and cedar
; LOGS at works of Oregon Milling Si Trans.
portalion Co. R. PfcNTLAJS D, Ag'l.
Linn uity, Alay 10, 1 Bob.
Administrator's Wotioo.
II AV ti taken out letter of administration on
the estate of James M. Wair, deceaeed, lata
of Clackamas county. All persons tndtb'ed to
said estate are required to make immediate pay
ment. All claim nSaimt said estate must be pre.
aented to me at my residence in Clackamas coun
ty with.u one year from date or tin notice,
ftllLlt' FOSTER,
Oregon City, May 7, 1 85.C 4-4w
Taken Up,
BY the subscriber, residing about twelve miles
east of Eugene City, Lane county, O. T., a
COW, about five year old, color deep red, long,
clear, iharp horn, with a white treak along the
belly ; ne mark or brand. id cow came and
took op with my cattle about the first of June, 1854,
having With her a sucking calf.
Alao, a STEER, abont two yeara old. (ibe calf
that came with the cow above described.) of a
light cream color. NELSON DAVIS.
I ia hereby certify that I have thie day a p.
pr aied the above deacriVd anirrn', and valued
the cow at thirty-five dollars, and the steer al
tweuty-five dollars. 8. D. Gao, J. P.
May 10, 1856. 4-3
Sacks! Sacks!
THE undersigned baa constantly on hand at hi
sick ir.auufactory in Oregon City, SACKS of
silqnaliliesaodsrscs, which will beeuld as low aa
they can be booght io th Territory. Orders fnrn
a disUacs protnstl v attended to.
Wat WTtlTLdOK.
Oregon Territory, j
Yamhill county, ) '
TO UKXItV hOVCEs In the name af the
foiled ritstes of America, you are hereby
commanded t" be anl appear before the Diitriot
Court of the I'nitedStulraln and for III county
sad Territory aforeiaid on the Ural day of the next
regular lerui thereof, to anawer the co.npluinl of
lluraee L. Hariiaon, Boughloa Evorett, and .Mat
thew Everett, or that judgment by default will be
taken again! you by said plaintiff' for the fum of
three thouwiud dolli, wiih lawful Interest thereon
from Ihe titeniy-aiiili day of Mepkmlxr, oi.e
lliou.aed eiulit hund.rd end fifiy-threo. and cotla
nf suit. If you fu I lo appear end snawer Ihe aaid
lines, ueorge II. Biewsru, i ier. ana
the seal uf aaid Court, at fofayette, ill said
. county, smeJ this 3l.tdny of April, A D.
S. E'Uworth, Pllfi Attorney, Eugene Cilv.O.T.
April 36, 1856. 2-3nl
T v
O 70 I
bbls and hlf bWi N O xigar,
.111 cruahed "
4000 Ihe No I China -
10 hlf bbls Carotins rioe,
15 " " dried apples,
15 kegs "
10 hlf bbls " pesehes,
10000 Ihs Liverpool nail,
10 ene table "alt,
fiO bhla Santo Crni lime,
5000 lb muiiilla repe, a'd itcs,
100 keg uaiU, " "
5000 qr llour euekf,
6 bales drillina, '
1 2 cae uaa'd pie fruit,
13 " iekle,
20 bundles window nuh, sia'd sixes,
3t paunel doors, " '
2 dot P"l grain MOops,
100 sek Riocollee,
10 mat black pepper,
10 bales oakum,
100 aiugle and double block, Re'd slice,
6 grins P & M yenat puwden,
10 d sine wash buani,
500 gal 8. 1.symp,
4000 lb while lend, pure,
600 " id " . "
40 gal cnt al varnish,
15 dot p lint bruhe,a'd l ies,
15 " 3 hooped buekew,
200 g.iln boiled linxced oil,
100 " raw "
Together with a trood aworlment i.f IIARD-
of which we propose wiling at price to suit the
limee. Call and see lor younwlve.
W. U. DIS.Mt.N 1 at Lt i .
Main at oppiite til Laud Office.
Oregon City, April 19, I8."6.
Channan & Warner.
MR. EDITOR Vou will, pleaen tell all our
fellow-cilizeui of Oreaon that we are lil
doing bunineas under the old fi:m, and under the
old adage that a nimble eixpence I better than a
low shilling. We want to ell good, and will do
o a cheap ae any other house in Oregon City.
V e hare enlarged our bunnem male nanv. ann
now have on hand, as umid, all kind of GRO
CERIES, such a will sjuit city and country trude,
which we hope all who have fuvoicd us with their
liberal patronage know full well. Call atra'n we
will do our b hi. CHARM AN ii WARNER.
April 19,1856.
GLASS, Quceinware, and Crockery, st
V V SHOES, nlvo I.adie' Gaiters and Bu.kins,
ill.f.ict all kinds of lailiei' shoes.
Ill our Bakery
TTTE keep a full aottment of DREAD, PIES,
VV CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale nnd
retail. apliJ CHARMAN $ H AKXEK.
sVi'ddiiin; Cnkcs
"ITADE lo order, partlos furtiishcd with Idas
JJJ. on sliottojt notice, io., by
Pritfato Eoardine IXonsc.
OptwailB Holme &. Co. I-ire-pruuf build-
illg, UKLUUil Islll, I. I.
JT Charge reasonable. Nov. 3-Gm.
Iagii'rr!ot j'prv-Lok Here I
JOE BUCI1TEL is again on hand at hi rooms
over M ilwaiu's store, and warrants a good pia
lure to evorv olio who will favor him with a call.
Come on and try him. Gel a correct likeness of
yourself aud give it to your wile, your hti.uan I,
children, brother) sister, of lover. Ti e time will
come when they will prize it more highly than any
gift you could bestow upon them.
Pictures luken in all weather, ami nil the various
tylcs of canes. Satisfaction warranted. Entrance
to rooms on Third Street.
Oregon City, April 5, 1856. ly
Splendid Jewelry.
G. COLLIER ROBIHXS ha nowonhand
the fiiieil assortment of JEWELRY ever
brought to Oreiroa. The awortmeiit conists in
part of the following articles t
Diamond broaches,
Diamond rings,
Gold railway lime-keepers,
Ladies' watches, in enameled can)
Ladies chatelaners,
Mosaio ear-ring'",
Gold thimblm, gold and silver pen) .
Card eases, mantel ornaments,
(lard baskets, pearl casket.,
Gold guard, vest, and fob chains,
Sleeve button, shirt stud,
Ladiea brooches,
and a variety of other goods too numerous lo men
tion. Call nnd see Ihs most hiognihcent duplay of
Jewelry ever Seen in Oregon.
' a ml .i.i Rn PORUIVS.
March 22.
Front street, Portland.
rplIE subscriber ha jut receiv..
JL ed a large supply oi ruiuii-
TURE of all description, conainl-
ing in part as follow
Sofas, mahogany snd blsck walnut;
Chamber eeta;
Bureaus, Willi or w.tliout marble lops)
Office desks;
Rocking chairs, itufU-d in hair, carpet, and With
cane and wood seals;
Dining chairs, cane and wood seat;
Office chairs, do do do
Children's do, high dining snd rocking)
Bedsteads, various kinds;
Tables, cen er, card, snd dining;
Writing desk;
Parlor chairs;
Reading, toilet, and work table; .
Mattrem, hair, moss, snd wool)
Window shade;
Paper hanzinc. of evorv style;
Oilcloth; Chinees malting; fluid lamps, snd burn
ing find; with s variety of other srticles too
numeroua to mention.
Persons wlehnig lo pnrchaie will please call and
examine for themselves.
All km'! of country produce taken In exchange
for rood. TUOd. JOHNSi N.
March 23, 1836. 49lf
DR. Og'o4'e lodiaCholagognendDr.Jonee'
Ameii'-an Cho'sgogw, at the
Tor Sale.
lit '', Oregon Citv. There ia a gnl epr mg and
a goal stable on tbs pismier. For farther partio-
niars snqu re ot . f . a. llUi.L,A.tLr.
April 129.
DO too rii Hsy Forks, Spade aod 6hoTl'
Wltoloiale Tricea Current
par ooo n. cii'ui 4 xcrnrin
Sheeting, 4-4 !CJ N. Y.cut.
Drilling riioDirs.
Uleaoh.d dr lliii4 13 Wheat, pr. ba $1,25
shirting, Haiti Oat do 1
do l'.'J Potato do 75
Ma 1 0 1 ) (,., do 814
I renin 15 Flour
Blue dilllmg Ml 'mi Meal. fiei
Fluid lliisey I6a'.'4 fkl'ir.
Satinet Tllalll); ' diied do ....15
Kentucky jean...!."a4.'i I'esche, diied d Dl
Tweeds fi57H; " do -alil......
I'Bist. Chili, dreil.S'iW5
Hill" and while I1?1 movino.o.
Illue an.l oran.-e t'J Polk, clear nore.
Jiiliey Sals; " nuiei Vaat
Furniture do lOaM llam 10
do. wiile.l-.' Ilueun 1'J
M. do Iuin.. l lu'J.'., Miwuna.
Ginghams 15am Hazard, pr es 15
Alpaca t'iuCli; pr keg 1U
Table d.iniaol, lOnlti shot.
" cloths lilaijl J Pmell ties S?f1
IrUli linen 40u.SI.Buek 3a3
CI.OTIII.'O. ! Kt'l.
Sheep gruy pant Jn.i 20
Satinet do. .(j.'jj.'l' Whilu leal, iiiu.l...h'
Fancy esxs. do. ...8 In-'ii Couo.
Bluek ca ilo. .'u7iManiIla, ainall 37 J
RedlWl sliiill 8I U18; " largo US
Blue d.i. do. telljnlK'Heiiip 1015
Hickory shirt !' uaihi.i:i.
Calico di fj'.iuk'iAdinanliiie , 45
soots & suors. i.-'porm Hi
Men's kip bo.)ik$jt i2 ciu4ss.
" sujier do. id $4'l'avara fH1aH9
" fine sewed i.J li-rinuii , .tfUluVj
Boy' kip hoots .y.'jAmericeii ;j'J5U
he'iy w'x dojll 1 10, TOero.
Mens' hn;' pr. dos..y li;Piideof the Uiiion.40a4J
KiplirgV pr ilii..-.,0Sun JUa.'tS
" calfwwed do.. jtv'T Luke's 37
Women' h'vy h'.AI3; iusuwass.
" fined. liVSlinreU $SaI1
oaocFBlis. ;Sp.ideS AI4olfl
CofTee Ho'. C Axes $1'
Tea C5a"ii;Mill-a 'Ji'tuiH
Sugar, no. I Chi'a....ll ) X cut saws 75al,i!J'
ciu.lieJ to; i awe cuuery, tv erei
Salerattis ItlsluJ advance) ou N. I.coet
Slureh I I'Puckel cutler', 85 prot
Syrup E B'wtnn (fV, advance
do. 8 Maud. an oilier nrneies or nam-
N O Mult'.sses 701 ware (r nil 30 to 30 pr
Liv. Suit Hn.' 4 ct advnnc.
Tuble Salt ."1 iOali,iia'diic,prk:S9
Sandwich 1. Salt.. Koi'lj " Iiorelioe...U5a3i
1'epper oi La.
Allkpiee 4:i.nmp fJaM
Cinnaiiiou UOnSlI Linseed boil
Soap 10al llTurpeutiiie prgall 9'l$k
I' o r 1 1 n ii l and Ail or in
The SplcnJi.1 Steamer ' c"Tl
ZVIultnomah frTS&sL
TTTILI. continue lo run regularly between Port.
V land and Astoria, ttVi Vancouver, T'irs
wr.r.K, leaving Porlluud on MouJay and Thundnf
mornings of each week fur Astoria ; and Astoria
for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings,
touching VAScoive.t.bT. Helkn, RiMrs,CTH.
Lamst, &C, eaeh wav. For freight or passago, '
apply to l'.."HOYT, Master, .
jelG Oral Iloyt's Wharf-bnit, Portland.
CICittiN' I.lno of M'niiiirs.
svl, t, PORTLAND, Capt. MesaAV,
iSScaLa ENTERPRISE, Copt. Jamiesok,
Will run hi connection, the Portland leaving;
PORTLAND daily (Sundays excepted) for Ore.
goii Ciy at IO o'clock, A. M., the Enterprise ma
king temi-weekly trip to COliVALMS, leaving
CAN KM All on .Mondays at C o'clock, and
Thursdays at 3 r M.
jy All freight lor tho above line will be receipt,
eil for at U. yt s Wlmrf Buut, Portland.
Feb.lC,lB5!i. 4llf
Vamnill Trade
JtSlih'Su? under tho name and siyl of tho
Yamhill Company, are now building a steamer of
about 30 ton burthen nt Canomah, expressly for .
Ihe Yamhill Irado. She will be ready to mn eoms
time in June.
Oregon City, April 5. bl'f
7 Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils,
-t and Dye-staffs,
aepl5 Main .Street, Oregon Cily.O.T.
wi:ti:iu uoti'.i-,
Morrison st., between I' root nnd lint sts..
Chargea reasnnuble, o. D. o Ml I ll,
Murch I j, 1S56-'I8 Proprietor.
W. T. Sums,
0 It K a O N CITV, O. T.
P" Strict attention paid to repairing, and snlia.
faction to patrons warranted. feb9-43
lYIorris Tiomas
Main t., nrarly oppntitt Uulmtt ij- Co.'s.
Tr.nMs or siiavino, itR.
Shaving twice a week, one shampoo, ha
trimmed once, perm mill, (9 OA
" once a week, one shampoo, hair
trimmed ouce, per mouth, 1 33
Hair trimmed, 25
lluir eul and dressed, 5"
Klmvinir. nnd hair dressed, 5
Oregon City, April S,
Persons desiruu of gelling good woik done wul
do well lo give mn u call, aa my whole lime is do
Voted to the repairing of Chronometer, Iiever,
Duplex, and llnrixoiilnl
An nMortment of Jewelry on hand.
Jewelry nin.lo to order, and repaired.
Puce to suit tho. lime. I am thankful for nasi
favor, snd hopo to give satisfaction in future.
IT Located at Ihe old s'nnd. opposite the Tel
egrapli Office, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2.
To air whom it may concern.
TAKE NO TICE, that I chum Tor myself snd
wife, and shall insist upon holding, all of ths
following described land, as our lend claim taken
and held by me under and ill compliance wiih thn
net of Congress eniillcU "An Act to create tne ot.
fine of Surveyor General cf Oregon," eVenpprov.
ed Sept. S7lh, WM, and tho biboii Inieni thereto,
pretention of Wm. R. B. Cotton to the contra
ry ikilwiihatanrlin?, to will Commencing at a
take on tho WiPnmctle river I J cliaina ana
link wiuth and 127 chain and 50 link west of IIm
sotuh-eait Corner of seclien 35 in township one.
uilh of ranifc one nasi, thence running al It
chain, thence nor.h 66 chain and 60 ln.k, 'h'nea
west 80 elinin, thence eoulh 54 chain and 10
links, thence west 80 chain to aid Willamette)
river, and thmee up said river with it meander,
ing to the n'acc of b ginninp,
March 212, 1656.
To all whom it may concern,
TAKE NOTICE, that I claim, and shall InsibS
up-m holdlu?, all of the f..i"WHig described
land, a my land oloim taken and held by me un
der kxd ia ronipliaix e with ihesMof Coagtewen
tillej " A a Act lo create the office of Surveyor Gen.
oral of Oregon," do., io.,- approved Sept. 27ih,
1H50, ami Ihe amendments thereto, ail petenioua
of Wm. R. U- Ottos to tlie contrary notwilhdand
ing, tow.l: C oiomsncing at a atnk lfi chaiaa
aouth of the south-east corner of sxetion 31 lis
tnwtuhip ono smith of range two east, thence ran
n ng sooth wiih seelkin line 4 ehaiM, I bene
west 113 ehiina, thence north 31 'ha as awl 71
link, Ihenee east 01 chains and 50 links, thene
aorth 6 chains aad 95 links, and thence essl il
chain 50 link to the h sinning corner.
tl.lriiU KLLIXV;
Tfaf-S H, !iX 43 '