The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 31, 1856, Image 2

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l)c (Oregon Slrgus.
onsaoir cxtyi
SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1850.
Arrival r tha Halt.
Th Columbia readied Portland on last
Tuesday evening. Uy Wells, Fargo & Co'
Kxprese wo received lib-rid file of Culifor
liia and States papers.
' jTsT Let every man w lio goes in for the
principle of true democracy, fur the Union
and the Constitution, and who wi.hes to
live under a.good And h"leorne adimnls.
tration intmd of a despotism, go t" ihe
polls on next.Mon lay, tarty in the morn
ing, and discharge bis duty to himself, liii
family, hi country, and hi God. It U
high lime that the friends of a restoration
of the ancient oidorof (food old fu-hioned
Wiishingtonian and Jcfl'roninn, coiisorva
tivc policy, uliould l(i;in to stir ilieinsvkc.
Don't lt the Devil do all the work llii
time. Our country muni and will be re
deemed. The Vr.
Wo notice that nearly all the paper
from the Slate have come to the conclu
sion, from the report or Wool, Palmer,
and private corrcupondcti', together with
the proclamation of Gov. Curry, hoinninjc
with "Information having been received
that armed pariiV," A-c , that the war in
Oregon has hceu provoked ly speculator
and U. S. Treasury rohbers. 'I'lm Preni
d'Wt ba sent in to Coiiien vtduniinous
document of llio kind, nil ti'inlin to ninkn
out this cae. Wo should ho in a bad fiK
just now if we hsiln't flit nn Ma Dele
gate to CongrcM, Many of our good citi
zen, who would bs nearly ruined hy the
sacrifices they hsve made to support the
war, should tho expenf never be paid, cm
sluep soundly and snore jint ns loud as they
jdcaio, if they voted for Jo Lane, because
ho has written a note to Judi'o Watnrniun,
editor of the "Democratic" Weekly Timtt,
assuring him that " Aa7 pan the law."
Continue to voto the Nebraska locofoco
ticket, and leavo the wholo nintter of your
temporal and eternal salvation to Jo Lane
lie hn "all power" to "pa law" to got
you out of any kind of a snap.
Vroia the Monti.
The Clnckamns volunteers have all re
turned. We learn from Col, Kelly that
the Linn county company will remain to
guard the pannes leading into the W ilium
4tte valley from the east vide of the Cascade
mountains. The reinforccmont unt for by
Col.' Wright left the Dalles lat Saturday,
and would reach the Colonel on Wednes
day last, The ndiansurc aid to he aveise
to peace, and aro encamped aorws the
Nachcz rivor opposite to Col. Wright,
about 1000 stronjr.
tW Dr. Itelknap, of Multnomah nolo-
riely, is tlio Nebraska candidate for joint
Counoitmou from Multnoiuuli, Wakhingtun
and Columbia. Joint Ucp. for Watliing-
ton and Multnomah, Wesley Mulkey.
We thought'Mulkey hud too much sonse
to endorse tho Nebraska Bill, llo and
Watennnu both admitted to ua hist tpring
that they had. boen deceived in it, and
thought It to bo a great humbug.
Tho oppobiliou have nominated Col. Cor
nolius for Councilman, and T. J. Dryer for
Ropiesentutivo. They will have an in
teresting tiiuo of it during th canvas.
The "gentleman from Linn" is said to
have taken unwell when he heard of the
. 03" A correspondent in tho St. Louis
Republican informs us that several com
panies of emigrants to California were to
leave Westpoit, Mo., on the lOih of May,
by the ovoihmd route,
03" Nothing more has transpired bo
tween Great Ilrituin and our Government
indicating the terms upon whirh the dilll
cuhies between the to govornments nr
to be settled. Mr. Dallas, upon hit nrri
- val at London, was petted by the ollicial
dignitaries, and treated with such marked
attention as clearly to indicate a determi.
nation of their government to remain on
friendly terms with u if possible. All
hopes of a war are nearly abandoned by
those who havo heretofore prayed for it.
JT One of the Nebraska candidates
scuds us word that ' ho don't see that we
hit their platform so dreadful hard after all."
Well, we hall plead in justification the
same excuse that tho man did to bis wife,
when, as he was engaged in trj ing to quiet
a crying child of some six w,.ck old, hhe
vociferated, "spank it 1. spank it! why
don't you spank it!" Ho calmly replied,
"because I can't find anything big enough
to spank."
Locofoco, polygamy platforms are al
most too small stLir lo allow of being
"spauked" much.
tW Tb Yumliill ticket which we piint
to day it in Ms a very good selection.
OSr Th weather is warm anj showery ;
everything is flourishing hi our gardens,
(especially lha weeds in ours )
(XT The It. S. of Suldin L)ui,ion, S. T,
i informed llmt our constitution and by
laws are alrradr p'inU I.
(KT rrotfcdings of Co!J Water Army
next ek.
03" Thau to W. V. Davisr fir hi
contribution of
On essminslioa of the ouVlsl vols nn lbs cm.
fntln, w discovsr lliat Multnomah eouniy r
inilta sa bavinf 1M) vol" for eoonntlon and
V,.. ii!-. ...;.. Tl.'. I. n.litaWa Id til
biiiy iva
tulitr In the Auditor of the county or ilis
ry. Ho Ilia Auditor admiia. 1 no irua n-w
eounty was 150 for Bud S(i5 seaiuat conrantiun--Moiorily
against convrntion Iu this eouniy its.
AHm llins Ih vols of th othr countiw moTOcibI.
ly eiv.n lo b, Ihen Ih maiwily sbbibsI
c-uyriilioe la ll.s T.rrllory is 2 19 Sf ndard.
Tin Slatctman, in publishing the ollicial
return, ay that the majority against
Convention was only 49. Tho Standard
thinks th "mistuke" in giving Multnomah
in, 105 against Convention instead of 305,
mutt have been made by the Auditor or
Tho vole in Clackamas county is pub-
tithed a two less against Convention than
the Auditor gave to us after tho returns
were all in. We presume that these "mis
takes" were made in the Stateiman office
in their crcat hurry, just ns a great many
other mistakr are made there, all innoetnt
and unintentional onei, of count. We
wonder that enough of them were not
made to have curried tho Convention by
some lltree or four vote.
We .are glad to see that the people of
this Territory aro beginning to wake up to
a sense of their degradation and abject sla
very under the miserable dynasty which
rules over (hem, and kicks and cutis them
around a "political pizarinclum excre
ment." If this clique continues in powor,
we predict that a State government wilt be
voted for again next spring, and it will be
ciiricd, voleni volent. liut ns "A'gorino
Alonzo" is about to ride awhile, we hope
fr a better administration. At all events
it cannot possibly bo worse.
XiT The marriage of W. It. Dunbar,
and several others published two w eeks ogo,
wo learn was a hoix. No such magistrate
as Willi, tho sneaking wretch who sent
the notices purported himself to be, reside
in that county.
The Enterprise, Franklin, and JI"osier
arc tho only boats that aro now running on
the rivor above. The Franklin is not able
to get any higher up Yamhill, than Martin's
San Francisco Prices, per last steam
rr. Flour 813 to 8U 50 per bbl. ; oats
$1 44; potatoes 83 00. ,
03 Read Col. Gardner's letter in this
OCT We have several communications
on hand which we shall overhaul as soon
as vre get time.
03 Hkniiv C. Pouts has our thanks for
a contribution of a splondiJ sample of
Ilova Seedling Strawberries.
03 Tho tallies in Canton, Illinois, have
turned out and destroyed all tho lujuor in
the dngge rips of that place.
Trumbull Mallory, whom we knew to
be an old hardened sinner in 1837, lost
over twenty barrolsby tho operation.
XST Read tho communications on the
outside this week.
Vtac wtlU tbe Hloun,
Tho St. Louis Republican learns that
Gen. Harney has had a talk with the rep
resentatives of all the Indians in the Sioux
country, excepting perhaps two tribes rang
ing nbout Fort Clark, and terms of a treaty
of pence have been agreed upon.
OCr'fho electionn in St. Louis, Cincinnati
Clevoland, Chicago, Hartford, and New
Haven, have all resulted in n victory to the
foreign or Administration party. The
foreign voto in some of these citie is strong
enough to carry the election without a sin
gle American voto. The Cincinnati pa
pers say that tho recent Ohio Democratic
State Convention, was composed of ninety-
fire Roman Catholic, eiuhtyfour of whom
were foreign born, and sixty Protestants,
a part of whom wore foreign bom. Of the
candidates nominated, fivo were foreign
born, and three natives.
Solifiif ctai'y and Richmond havo elected
the Apicricnn ticket.
tuUuvaUow to lUaaaa.
The N. Y. Herald trives the following as
w -0 -
nearly a correct table of Kansas emigrants
thus fir for lS'iO-.
From tht South.
From the North.
Massachusetts, 3'0
Connecticut,- 120
S. Carolina,
N. Caroliuu,
Rhoilo Island,
New York,
New Jersey,
.John A. Washington hasapraml in
si ll Mount Wrnon to the United Slates, or
'o Virginia, for 20(,00", but he will not
sell it to any one in.liwJual or a coinDanv
of individuals. A letter to tha N.iv Vr-.L
rriiiNssays: "I hear that Mr. Washing.
ton driveo quit an income from Mount
rrnun, notwithstanding its sterility. f
rrc- ived $l,o0U taxi year of tho oat
which plie bawcen this city nj Mount
Wiioii for tha priwleae 0( laudinir na.irn.
gora at the latter, and be haw just sold tim-
Dt-roil the place to the amount of 112 OOO
to be manufactured into Mount Vernon
canes, snuff boxes, etc. I txlieve this trade
is ye: in its infancy, and isipi(ted to
03 A warm discussion has taken dIsc
in ih United S atcs & ii.ti on th propo
sition to admit the newly elected Seniors
Irjn) Kacsas.
Has MmIIbi la Marios.
Pursuant to public notice, a mass meet
ing of the independent vot-rs of Marion
ounty was held at Nswsom's Mill on Sat
urday, the 21st of May, 185a, for the pur
pose of nominating an lnocpenuint nces
Ibr Marion county, to be supported by the
people at the eiuuing June election. On
motion, Hkx.Clev-- was called to the
chair, and C. S. Worilnngton appointed
Secretary. J lie Uiuirnian eaiicu ino un-ei-ing
to order, and Joseph Mugoiie being call
ed"upon, slated the object of the meeting;
after which the following candidates were
unanimously nominated : -
For Representative Jonn u urawtoru,
Ilcnjnmin CUver and Julin Denny.
Sheriif 13. N.Cooke.
Co. Auditor C. A. heed.
Treasurer W. C. Oritwolj.
As-esor F. Cooiimi.
Commissioner Wm. Frazcr.
Public Adin. Joseph Ganison.
Coroner Dr. lSelt.
On motion, the following resolutions
were unanimously ad 'tiled:
Iletohed. That thn lenders of the porty
in Oregon assuming tho name Dfmorrai ex
hibit a species of tyranny and dictation, re
r1l,.i nf nrincii'ilen. which should no
longer bo tolerated by the freemen of the
Pftnhed. That Wm. L. Adam, Editor
nfthn Drennn Araut. and Cot. C. K. Card
ner, receive the tlionk of the people of
Oreon for tho development nl certain fac's
in a p-cent correspondence in regard to
certain uicmnriul passed in secrrt caucus at
the last Legislative Assembly, reflecting on
tho character of said Col. C. K. Gardner
and mutilated and suppressed in part by
the Oregon Statesman.
Reunited. That tho Oregon Argus.Dcm
oeralic Standard, P. C. Advocate, Times,
anil Oreyonian bo respectfully requested to
publish the proceedings cf this meeting.
On motion tho merlin!.' adjourned tint
die. BF.NJ'X CLKAVliK.CI.n.
For the At gut.
Lafayette. May 20, 1850.
Pursuant lo call, ih citizens of Yamhill
County convened at Lafayette, to day, tor
thn purpose of nominating county officers,
to bo clect'd at the ensuing June eleotion,
when J. II. D. Henderson was called to
the chair, and D. C. Kellet was chosen
Sec'y. On motion, proceeded to nominate
county officers when the following named
gentlemen received the nominations:
For Council Eudorsed W. W. Parker,
of Clatsop.
Representatives A. P. At keny, J. M
Co. Com. Win. Odcll, Col. Jas. Graves.
Supt. Com. Schools J. II. D. Henderson.
Assi ssor Joseph Robeson.
Treasurer John Bird.
Publio Adm. W. R. Daniels.
Coroner Dr. McRride.
On motion, tho seeretnry was instructed
lo inform W. V. Parker that this meeting
endorso his nomination.
On motion, voted the secretary furnish
the Oreyonian im Argus with a copy of the
proceedings of this meeting, nnd request
publication ofthesainf.
On motion, the meeting adjourn.
D. C. Kelly. Seo'y.
For tht ArguK
Tha Oregnn Auxiliary Tract Society
held its eighth annual meeting at Salem,
May 15th, 1830.
The report of tho Secretary evinced nn
increased interest in tho cnuse, and a more
systematic plan for fulfilling the purpose
of tho Society. The Depositary has found
it difficult to supply the demand for books
nnd tracts. Tho Agent for tho Messcnyer
and Child'1 Paper, R. H. BnovdiTON, of
Oregon City, is filling orders every week
for these publications, besides furnishing
packages fir freo distribution.
The Treasurer reported a sound and safe
condition of our finances.
Among the resolutions passcJ was the j
Resolved, That I lie interests of tho Am
erican Tract Society in Oregon and Wash
ington Territories demand ihe labors of an
Agent specially devoted to this work, and
that we recommend tha Parent Society to
provide one.
Business being closed, tho evening was
dovotrd to addresses. The absence of tho
colporteur', from sickness, was much ro
grettod. His reports, so full of incident,
illustrating tho nsluro nnd importanco of
Ins w'ork, are relied upon to give special in
terest lo the anniversary. brief account
was however given, showing that his first
visit prepares fir a second, thus increasing
the demand for his labors. Many families
welcome him as a personal friend. More
than 700,000 pages have been distributed
during the year, and more than 600 fami
lies visited. The Society hnpa to put at
least 1,000,000 pagea into the hands of
readers during the year to come.
Rov. P. B. Chamberlain briefly showed
tho value of these publications as a means
of "curio" modern Infideliiv. FW n
Dickinson exhibited the amazing influence
of the Newspaper Press, and remarked that
the papers of tho Am. Tract Society had
probably more than a million readers every
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year :
President Rev. Harvey Clarkr.
Secretary and Depositary Rex. G. H.
Treasurer Thomas Pope, Eq.
Directors P. H. Hatch, M. K. Perrin,
R. II. Droughton, Rev'ds. J. D. Fost, C
Dickinson, D. Uagtcy, J. M. Garrison. Win.
C. Johnson.
Au lHor R H Brougblon.
The Society adjourned lo meet at Oregon
City tha Thursday after the second Wed.
nesdsy in Mjy, at lOoVKk a m.
O. U. Atii.nsox, Sec'y.
tlT Th. L.MhB Tin cor-iM, u ,mrB
v J"1" ,"C1"3'' " ccl", N-w
i, ,'. . erT'ni spp-.rwl.ia th. New York
ll.r.U. aaJ th, btU w. r 0 by th. eol,d r.
nn of ifve ) -ufolrm Kwtl
(ita. Uaraaer's Oefias.
Salem, O.T. April 23d, 1950.
uJ nnn Kir ! I am as much gratified
with your defense of me, againtt charges
. . ... m ruin
liltli, IV seems, ero '".-. ., -
lunicated to tho President, si if I had been
.n s'-nt to answer more com uou-iy
of which you had no knowledge. But did
n,.t il.n l'rn dent see llial I oouiu not u-
Apprised of these secret proceedings,
.1.... . ..! nnpn tt'fll C'ivrn 11)0 fur (ll fc-
nso f
Docs ho not see tho picture it exhibit, of
s set of men, (claiming to belong to the na-
tioiial Democrat party, out navn, ,,v
connection with it) who denounce the dark
lantern party for i's secret, midnight pro-
scriptious, tnell pnicwce mo '" h
themselves against Gen. I'uluier, Super
intendent or Indian allairs; l.ol. Aiery,
Po-lnl agent, and myself besides other of
ficials, who I am told were under difcus-
ion In their caucus! And we, members
of the Democratic parly, and appointees ol
tho President hiinselt, not aiioweu a ue
fense t Gen. Palmer, who was attneked in
the public sessions of tho Legislature, wan
refused, on his application, a hearing: my
enso was entirety secret.
It may be suggested, that the caucuses
being held in the same town, I might have
enquired and investigated. My answer is, I l.acl nreviouslv oitcred my rcigna
lion, of which Gen, Lane was fully apprised
by me, at bin departure in September lust
iliai I tiwnrd of memorials being sent on,
but wu aware ol no charges j and thero
was never the slightest ntlusion lo my or
fice in ihu tiublio sessions.
I had heard of t-o prev ious petitions, for
my place, of which I took no notice oe
cause I was not apprised of their contents
and they were harmless, as I trust this is,
in Washington. If 1 hud been allowed the
privilege of a defense against these charge,
1 could have shown, what I will cive a
siiminarr of, for tho satisfaction of those
who are dear to me. Of the first stain
men!, that I declined to rill tip the 'notifi
cation' of lund claimants to myself: I
did not conceive it lo bo my duty under the
law: and certaintv that I was not author
ized to employ the clerks of tho office for
that purpose without instructions from the
commissioner of tho General Land Office,
particularly as the former commissioner
had authorized my predecessor, Mr. Preston
himself, to perform that service nnd charge
the settlers fees therefor which I declined
to do. I could have shown
1st. That the charge of my br ing "ty ran
nical, arbitrary and petulant" towards cti
zens who have land claims is a bold false
hood by tho general voice of the Terri
2d. That I am "nearly' eighty years of
ego, is known to all your city to be tnlsc.
3d. As to tho examination of field notes
being delayed : no Surveyor has ever made
a complaint but Ano, ( Murphy) whose notes
when returned were incomplete, and wnoin
I was obliged to send back into tho field
to finish his neglected sub division surveys
in parts of tlireo township as could ue
seen by the maps in the General Land Of
fice. 4th. Of the three dorks, they say I
b'oujiht with me, nnd call whigsand know
nothing. Busey was neither whig nor
know nothing w hen he came ont in 193,
(ihu know nothing had no existence then in
Washington,) and I discharged him in 54;
Mr. Thompson, nn accomplished draughts
man, is a democrat whom know as such
in New York, but ho did not fraternize willi
the "Salem clique." lie did not come oul
with me, but was an immigrant to Califor
nia in '49, nnd came here in '51. Of Jono.
(ihe messenger) who was always a demo
crat, the same remark applies.
5th. Of Mr. Belden, whom they calt nn
"avowed whig and knownothing," tho mis
representation is quito as palpable, lie
was an "old line" whig, and refused to join
tho knownothings when npplied to. He is
l he most accomplished draughtsman and
surveyor in this, or any oilier territory, and
had great experience in tho office. His
services could uot, with any regard for the
public interest, bo dispensed with.
6th. Of the last churge, perhaps the
boldest falsehood ol nil, tha' is awarding
survey coiitri'e.ts to deputies, Ac, "his chief
requirement in nualiiicutioil, h9 been nnd
now is, thai the applicant dots not belong
to the democratic party of Oregon," is, to
uso an apt comment, "made out of whole
stuff." Tho records of tha General Land
Office show the names of all tho principal
surveyors, who havo been, ns they are
known to be here, democrats to wit:
Messrs. Rmler Ives, Gocrgo W. Hyde,
Wells Luke, (my former chief' clerk.) Har
vey Gordon, now appointed a principal
clerk, Lafayette Cartee. (once democratic
speaker Daniel Murphy and his son, Col.
X. Ford, Maj. A. N. Armstrong, Dr. A.
W. Patterson, (a democratic member)
besiiles a son of mine, and other democrats.
The five first named, I lie same records will
show, have h id the heaviest contracts with
There is one remarkable thine in the net-
ling up of this memorial hy tho editor 'of
me statesman, to remove ine and ostensibly
to appoint Lafayette Grover, who was de
voted to Mr. Bush, and a lending member
ol the assembly. The Editor made every
exertion to gel the nomination by tho cau.
cus, of his father-in-law, Mr. Zii'ber, (com
mencing at O-rvallis) hut failed, Hp then
obtained the use of Grover's name, willi the
proposition to send on his declension in
favor of Zieber in consideration, through
the agency of the caucus, of Grover's being
supported for Representative when Oregon
became a State, thrn counted upon with
certainty. I should suppose, when the
President received 'the declension of Mr.
Grover. that he would have seen lhrou"h
the trick. 1 remain. &c,
John J. Almt, Esq.,
Lt. Co.ndg. U. S. Navy.
CJ" Taul Gamier, of Pnria, hat invented a tele
graph "communicator," of very iugtuioos eon-truc-lioo.
intended lo be used with Morse "a telegraph.
Instead of eperalinj Ih. key by hand, for
mswigesin ihecmnmon way, the metsajj. a com
peted before liand.and dispowd helically alonf a eyl.
inder, which i provided with Iwo thousand key,
mad. of torn, non con.luclio: tubaUiK.-e, and ac
ewding as Ihey are arranjfed on th. eylindr r they
effect the breaking and ckaving of Ih. circuit aud
wni. the nmaage.
Wutwabo o ! We learn from the Chicago
Democratic Treat that during the turty-eighl houia
ending Saturday morning Ih. .:ght mint on th.
Michigan SoutlKro road brcnighl .ijhtront eoach--
"""-ioing M pasrangxn j ,d iu ,h, Mw
fcioe ih. Ua.ns.TM U,. M ch'aa Central t-k
int. th.rc,.y. Ity.lhre.cs.ehM,t.o..,nm!
.-..i..m.iki la Has Irawclsco.
i . .1.. i Im ateoiner left San Fran-
AH"- ,
Cisco, the city was In tho mld.t of perhaps
the greatest e-dtemeniiuiiv "
known there, produced by the, murder or
Jamks Kino, of William, editor of the Em-
niny Bulletin, by Mr. UA-f.y, pmPn-..
i.. Sndmi Times. Mr. King "hot
down in open day on the public si reels, on
tho afternoon of May 14th, nJ lingered til
ihe 20th before lie expired. A aiwooi ou
feeling had for a long lime cxi-tod between
King and Casey, winch nai ecn i.unu.c.
hy various publications in their pnpers, im
plicating each other's character, but the
following, which appeared ns nn editorial
in the 2?iVin, fanned the flume of ven
gr-nce in the breast of Casey to an extent
that resulted in tho death ol in accuser;
"Ths fscl that Cstey had been au Inmate of
Sinj-Sinir prison in Jew , ..
Sins-Sing priann in i-o -. - - -antt
e Iswiof this Stat, i nor is the fact of hi.
having HutVeJ himself llirough Hie ballot-box as
lUcled lo the Hoard of Snpereiiora from a district
. m i.. .. .., avi.ii h enndiuate. BUY
wner. II IB mu no - - -
iu.lifiealion for Mr. Bsgleylo shoot Casey, howev
' .... .... h i k i in n&ve his nrcK
er riciny " r .
airetched fer sueh fraud on ilia people. These are
acta aiinsl inepi'imo gou, ... -
ley In pnrlicutar, nud however much we Buy detest
Casey's fi rmer diameter, or be convinced of the
shallowness of liis promised reformation, we cannot
justify Ih. assumption by Mr. Basley lo lake tip
on himself III. of thew wrongs. 1 his
... I ......J ..a n.....h an.ite. Bllll
Cjsc ol ungiry s iuu - -
w. should hsve been p ensed lo have withdrawn
. i- .... I.:. ...... r..,.n lli liil alluded 10. but W.
Clicinuiiy iiiBiinu.v
cannot eoiiwienlii u!y do more than express our
gratification at Ihe insurances we get of his pree
"nl conduct, la which we trust he will perscrcro.
... .i.u f-ue itrv'ii. wa mivtrest lo Mr. Banlev
JIB IV .B . ..fc"-. B -
if he can explain that away, it would not b. om s
lo do so, and h etia have the use of our cstsinns
for that piirpoje."
Casey met King on tho afiernoon of ihe
same day of llio appearanco of this article,
ilm nffiai of the Pacific Express Com
pany, and said ''James King, of William,
are yon armed J draw and defend yourself."
Mr. King folded his arms and asked, "are
rnll in pjiriiMt V9 Chbov mill vcs. ami iin.
J w- ... - J 0 1
mediately shot King llirough the body
. a J
with a large pistol. Lasey was immeoi
atelv taken into custody and lodged in joil
Tho whole city was in a perfect uproar of
excitement from this hour till the death of
King was announced. Ibree thousand
people signed their names to the roll' of the
V!.r;t,.nf Cimniittrp. twentv-sevrn hun-
dnd of which, went to tho jail, look out
Caey, nnd Cora who mururrou Iw'ciinro
son, lust fall, and hung them both. Mr.
King was an old pioneer in Cunfni nin, for
merly connected w ith Adams fc Co.'s Ex.
press, but latterly editor of tho Bulletin,
ilirnnrrli whieli he hfuexnoscd so much rus-
o" i
cality in certain directions, that he got the
p i i.i... t.i i.i i. i.-
i i.wu or rryUBS nun uiuckil. hhiiuuuii na
wm heioeeii iv ino cieat mass ot me nco-
. M.I
j O I
.i i ... . ., : 1. l
pre, w ho IOOK llio law inio tucir own nani.a
and avenged his death.
norrlblo ItaUrsad Accident on the Islh
,mns. The passenger train, of eight cars, car
rying 500 passengers, in crossing tho Isth
mus from Aspinwnll to Tiinama, May 5, mi t
with a slight accident, which caused the
Superintendent of tho road to start the train
back to AspinwulK v hen within n short
distance of Gatun Station, in passing a
.slight enrvo of tho road, tho whole train
ran off the truck, mashing np the cars, kill
ing 43 persons, and wounding 70 others.
Somo of the killed were so' horribly muti
lated that it was impossible to identify
Adknstus Cook, Li. Babcock, Jas liroker,
Barney McRmnsey, Franeis Hughes, T F
Golsoii, Jus Green (c dored), Saml Jenkins,
Thos Iloinday, Manin James, A Hammiit,
I Gilson, James Green, Francis LiehhnL'.
Wilson Ensign, Michael f I Rogers, Jos C
King, Win Limuuoti, I eter Ktinstic, John
i Murphy, Win V Oastin, Simon Ctosclia, O
P Duma, ;::os Walsh, i.wii a Uoon, u r
Lewis, T F Deany, John L.'naneur, Jo.'m
Crime, Jas Jackson, Robt VVallers, Peter
Vanderbeck, Abraham Collinon, Comfort
Haley, Soln Manly, W in L Carpenter, w
S Liukar, Silas Baker, Lewis Minion, Wm
Linguist), Win II Redloam, F Burmsister,
John Morton, John Nichter, J T Kranter,
John Wight, Ryan Johns, Thos James,
Hen Archer, Thos Ford, Robt Checsbrough,
J nomas Llollowav, Ji Baker, C llarey, A
PiMichnor, M Reed, A E Idp, S Hotl'inan,
Tlios Crowly, wife and son, Moses Walton,
Danl Stuyvesanl, Mr Tlirnves, G M rin
don, Mrs Julia Cronan, Mr Thos G Ball
ger, Mrs Dennis Crowley, John R Johns,
Ueo James Wale,
LIST OF MrssrNn Pllrvr.rnc
S Baker, lady and infant, Mrs Wise, W
u arpi nrer, Duller, Mas A I noma, J
Beal, Bridlel Murohv. Marrmrt MuriJiv
Kate Murphy, and boy, Jnlia Cronan and
infant, Margaret Bulger, Joint Hodge. E K
rttisiin, niarguet urowley, Uennis Crowlcv
Sumner (Jiliuan. T Nah S firojeler '.
Urecn, J H Brooks, W Smith, II Hopkins,
Mr- E Ryan, J A Rrockway, J. G Kranter,
j rvocn, j Jenkins, K Jasped, T James, j
B Raker. Mrs Limrnish. F Oi lnil. S Minis
T Ford, J Sischer, wifo and child, J Broker'
J Hector, II A Martin, C Harvey, Mrs
Lancaster and 2 children, S Crssy, E
James, H West, C FiAllen, J N Kin?, J C
King, A CoJIinson, B Vanderbeck, C Haley,
M Uarland, J Linan, D Cahill, U F Coon,
F Hughes. 15 McArdle. O P Burns, T L
Denny, B F Lewis, X Fide, F Libling, W
Harrison. C, J Gill, A Johns, J BL.Mit, W
Lander, B Archer, B F Stoops, W Smith
J Fair, J Leroy, J Sullierland, E Mills, B
Olsen, HD Williams, M Rceil, J Jackson
L Hutton, wife and 3 children, J T. Cotton
M W.lters. S IIofTinan, A Hammel, M
Bumster, W Rerlfair, H N Cromwell.
tW w'hat most bar. been th. eSect upon tlie
imada of Ihe paanen;eit by the Gotdeo Are, arri?:
j.-.. .., , ulrll mq,g lor ,neif the funeral of the murdered man pamnir
ihrongh atknded by thoonnda of rjm
palhwng ciiuena, th. city full of armed men, dear
ly tfte entire inhahitints in ih. atrrris, and Ih.
- v . ... ....iuu ciw, titer in. uira
of horror ihey bad lisienl to on th. khmos of
Panama, of ih. oatraves lately eommilted Uier
and th. dancers they lhene!vn had p iwe I n th.
railroad .a Iht-kr srav to tk'm
J . " . 1 ' . ri. .1 J . ..ra
Now3 from tho Statei. I i'
StLoch ajcd MiLwauKiK. As (her
has been considerable boasting on tho part
of ihe untcrrified Democracy, as to the re
snl's of the tale charter elections in Milvrau.
kio nnd St. Louis, it is well to refer thos
gentlemen to the number of population,
native nnd foreign, and the number of votes
in those cities.
Population of ihociiy ofMilwaukin i
NHiivo 0,1 8 1 foreign 42,782
Leirril voles 1,020 Legal rote. 0,111
n a a . T- -
Population oi at. wui :
Native 00.C20 foioign 38,007
Legal votes fi,OI8 Legal voles 6,ft70
It is not very astonishing that the For-
eiyn or Democratic party should have the
majoiity. ..
New York Leoislatork The Legisla
ture of New York adjourned without male-
ing any appropriations for carrying on tho
government. An extra session is Inevitable,
notwithstanding the refusal of tho Governor
to call ono.
Among tho bills that fulled, in the noise
and confusion, arc
The General Appropriation lilw. .
The supply bill.
The Apportionment tilf. '
The appropriations for Cunafs.
Nothing done with tho New York Cil
Police bill. . ,
Conukess. In the United States Senate
on Monday Mr. Harlan, introduced a peti
tion of Gen. James U. Lane, relative to thn'
memorial of tho members of the free Stater
Legislature of Kansas which wus so uncere
moniously kicked out of the Senate last
week. The real business of the country
was postponed, und a lively discussion of
the Kansas issue and political questions
generally ensued. Finally the motion lo
receive the petition was laid on the table
by n voto of twenty-nine to twelve. In
the House, leave to submit resolutions
closing the session on tho Fourth-of Jury,
and directing inquiry as to the propriety of
prohibiting polygamy in any of the Terri.
lories, was refuead. Tho last mentioned
proposition1, aimed at the peculiar practice
of live inhabitants of Utah, was received
with much merriment. The Deficiency
Appropriation bill was tiVcn considered unr
til the adjournment.
In the Ut.i.od States Senate on Friday
resolutions directing inquiry into the ex
pediency of establishing a uniform rate or
postage throughout the country, and of
permitting inhabitants of the British Norlh
American provinces to enjoy tho benefits,
of the patent laws on the same fooling as.
our own cit'aens, we re adopted. Mr. Wel
ter delivered an elaborate speech in favor
of the government facilitating tho construe;
tion of a railroad and telegraph line to the
Pacific. Sixteen private bills were passed.
In the House, tho debnto on the deficiency
bill was continued. , Both housvs adjourned)
till Monday.
Oregon. 0(fi'ctul; document" recently
IrnnMnitCud t9 Congress nre said to fully
sustaiiv the position tnkn hy Gen.- Wool'
with regard to- the Indian war in Oregon
and Washington. Territories. It is satis
factorily proved1 1 hut ihe troubles had their
origin in the schemes of plunder eonooctedl
by unprincipled white men.
Jons Wetitwohtit's Ticket. Long
John Wentworth, of Chwigo, nominates
the following licket, to w-it : For President
John C. Fremont, of California. For Vice
President, N. P. Banks, of Massschnsettt,
The Connecticut Election. The pop
ular vote of this State, with all the return
in but those from (Jan hind ir Ingham,.
32,620; Minor, 2'),844 ; Wells, 6,815;
and Rockwell, 1,123. The whole Tote w
over 20,000 larger than hist year.
The Senate is thirteen opposition to
eight Democrats.
'It w ilt be seen by the iftove statement
thattho "Repuhlican" vole in Connecticut
is about one-fourth of tho American vote
Minor beinu the American, and "Wellli the
"Repuhlican" candidate.
Tun Connecticut Election and titb
Foreign Vote. Of the 1,767 DemocrBlie
votc! given in Hartford, at the reectt elec
tion, 1,100 were by naturalized citizens,
chiefly Irishmen, and of the 2,309 Demo
cratic votes given in New Haven, more
than 1,500 wre of the same character.
0 y Col. Fremont has written a letter lo
Gov. Charles Robinson of Kansas, in which
he endorses the action of those who bare
organized, under Gov. R., a state govern
ment. In other words, he has cone out a
flat-footed Republican.
05" The London Chroniclt of March 31,
A great experiment, attended with the
most satisfactory results, was tried a few
days ago at Vincennes, in the presence of
Gen. Lahitte and the officers of the fort
The secret of compressing and governing
clcctiicity is at length discovered, and that
power may therefore now be considered li
the sole motive power henceforward to be
used. A small mortar wns fired by the in
ventor at the rate of a hundred shots amin-
: without flashing, smoke or noise.
The same power can, it teems, he adapted
to every system of mechanical invention,
and is destined entirely to supersede steam,
requiring neither machinery nor combus
tible. A vessel propelled hy this power is
said to skim the water like a bird, dtw
fear neither storm nor hurricane. The in
ventor had already petitioned for a line of
steamers from L'Orient lo Norfolk, is, th,a
United Stat.s which passage he promjsrg
to atempVi-n in rd f irt? Ifiiira, -