The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 24, 1856, Image 3

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    Cuiit. Slicneld, snj Cant. O .Veil cuumiii
iui have rvcd their limo out, mid Iiuxj ru
cnived orders to give llioir iiud bonurnble
Uikcuarift. 1 h py company under tW
Jame Hairnet, ban rendered the) cuiniiiNiid
mi J tlio country distinguished services, bo
lug always ready and willing io movent a
I buvs recuived eneourugiii'' rww from
(lie furl Urloril company,, under Hie com
mand ofCaiit. llulpli fllcdsoe. Ilia com
fany ban rendered good iorvice, nio.l of (lie
iidinni are uow for pence. Col. IJiiclmnan,
und Cupt. Smi'liaro making their bead
quarter at I he. big bend or Koguo Ku or,
omu fourtocn mile wist of our station ut
the Meadow. At prcent, tlio trogp aru
destitute) of uriir and collee ; loinutliing
iiUMt be done soon to furnish tin-to article
for the troopi, or it will bo difficult to keep
thorn m the field.
Col. Kt-lsey bm received order to station
Uupt. tieorireand (Juiit. Muvuey complin
ici at I'u lliiv. in lllinui vulley, and to
inuke such other ditKiitioii of hit com
iniuid, aa will insure) general protection to
the wUlluincnl. dipt. INolnuil company
bre atHtionod on tlio went tide of the soutli
Umnoutt River, aud are doina (jood service;
in protecting the f.iiiiilles and escorting
train to the Meadow. A linur trail tins
been opened, by which pack train can
make a trip from Rovuburg to the military
tnl ion at Hie Meailow, ill lioin 3 to 4 (lav
A vast mining rfion ha been discovered
on lower Itogue Hivcr, end John Mu
creek, which can accomiimdaie from 4 to S
thousand miner, and will create ijuite a
market Tor the produce ol Hie Uinpiiua. vol
ley, and Southern Oregon (jcnerlly.
Tbt laulat War la Oregon.
The following I a part of ti e letter of
Horace Grcvly io tlio N. V. Tribune, in re
lntion to the Indian war here, to which we
alluded last week :
Nov. 21, Joel Palmer, Superintendent of
Indian Adair In Oregon, addresses Gun.
Wool in a letter protesting against the ex
asperating fulsuliuod which certain white
are constantly spreading with a view to iu
Volvo the friendly Indian in tlio bo.tilities
into which noma tribe have been goaded.
Here i a specimen of hi letter:
"I am satisfied thut the Cnyuses, a a
tribe, lire desirou ol maintaining peace,
and thut there must be on thnpnri of the
whites a depart uro from tlio principle of
jnalicii, and A viulation of rights much red
t bis tribe by the tr-iy, beloru they nil lo
virne a hostilu pariy in tlii war. Such a
ttup will be, in their apprehension, h dc
pernte last resort for preservation.
''This is aim) irue of the Ner.perce.-
Their uiiiforin good conduct and trieiidihip
lor our citizen render all intention uti t heir
part to make war on us quite improbable.
"The reposed combination of nil those
tribes with intent to wajje a war of exter
mination against the whiles is, I apprehend,
but a phiuituiu conjured up in the bruins of
alarmists, unsupported by nno siib-iiiiiiial
reason ; and tile plot, said to Iiuvp been
nearly consummated, of cutting off those
engaged in the in'joiitions last June, I
regarded as of iltn same character, originat
ing in the sumo source. "
Dee. 21, ho writes again to (.'en. Wool,
commencing as follows ;
t "(iKVP.n vt .! Tllft ov'xli.hrn o nnl" ."f
extermination by our citizens against nil
Indians in Southern Oregon, who, by ro
cent acts appear to evince a determination
Io cany it uut, in violation of all treaty stip
ulations and (lie common usage, of civilized
nations, has induced me to take steps to
remove the friendly bauds of liiidians, now
assembled at Ft. Lano and upon Uiup(iia
reservation, tonnsiicampmeut on the head
waters of Yamhill River, distant about
sixty miles south-west of Vancouver, and
adjoining the coast reservation.
"This plan has been adopted with n view
of saving the lives of such of thoso Indians
as have given just and reasonable, assur
ances of friendship. The tremendous ex
citement among tlio miners "'' 'tilers in
thut country, goaded on by reslless and
lawless miscreants who slaughter uliko in
nocent and guilty of both si-xes, induced
those friendly bands to abandon the reser
vation and claim protection of the United
States troops s'atioued ut Ft. Lane."
These friendly Indian he desires to re
move to a more convenient locality for pro
tection and feeding them, but says :
"I have received intelligence that meet
ings of the citizens of Willamette Valley,
residing along the route to be traveled by
these Indians in reaching the. designated en
campment, as well as those in tho vicinity
of the latter, have resolved upon resisting
such removal, and avowing a determination
to kill nil who may be. brought among them
us well as those who sought to rfl'ect that
Ho calls for an escort to protect these
poor, defenseless creatures from wanton
slaughter, and proceeds to speak in the fol
lowing plain English t
"Believing, as I do, that the cause of the
present difficulty in Southern Oregon it
wholly to be attributed to the acts of our own
people, I cannot but fuel that it is our duty
io adopt such measures ns will tend to se
cure the lives of those Indians, and main
lain guarantees secured to them by treaty
stipulations, The future will prove, that
thit tear hat been forced upon those Indiant
against their will, and that, too, by a set
of reckless vagabonds, for pecuniary and
political objects, and sanctioned by a num
erous population, mho regard the treasury
'of the United States a ligilimatt object of
plunder. The Indians in that district have
been driven to desperation by acts of cruel
ly against their people ; treaties hare been
violated, and acU of barbarity committed
by those claiming to be citizens that would
disgrace the most barbarious nations of the
earth ; ami if none but those who perpe
trated such acts were to be affected by this
War, we might look upon it with indiffer
ence, but unhappily this is not thecas.
Bear in mind that he who makes this
Utement is a Federal office-holder appoint
ed by Gen. Pierce, who enjoys of all men
the best npportunitit of knowing the right
and wrong of this Indian contest. For my
part, I do not doubt that his statement
above quoted is the vital truth. H. c.
It Je axpeelrd dial e-Govruir BijHer. of
fJalifaniia. will be avpoioted Consul at Stockuotm,
bat tha ooniia Xta has pot yet fca U-aasmillci to
lie btBA .
lalcrioura will ttatliorau al rro
ICJiloiiul Correudnc of th N'.V. Tribune.
Wasiiimjto.v, March 20, 18M
If the Roman Republic, in llio darkest
day ol it rutMuw ragumsin, liad coiejuer
id und annexed a furtile and gorueou re
gion beyond thu Lybiun l'oscit, yet bud
neglected for ten years to connect that re,
L'ioii wl'h its earlier possession bv a sub
sluntiul, practicable highway, I have no
doubt that this neglect Would have subject
ed it to the grave rebuko of it historians
from rolybiu to Arnold, let it is now
nearly ten year since the American flu;
Im wuved in uudixputed ascendency ovc
the modurn Ophir, yet it reiuuiut to this
liour separated from Hie Atlantic Mate by
a dreary, ltiiiupituOlu desert, (lie liuunt a
the wolf and the tuvuge, which a few hardy
pioneers annually tra verso with their rami
lie und herd at the cost of iufiiiito peri
mid sullering, losing a whole pauii in u
journey which might ba completed in ten
lays, and should bunt lurtlifst in ilrrty.
lo-uuy, i no letter eta miner in Ao'uJa,
pioneer on ru''et hound, to his wile in Iowa
or Missouri, must tiavel some, distance
weatwurd. then Voyai'O far southward' next
cross tlio lithuiu ol Uarien in a foreign
and emi-burliarou country, thence take
another voyage north eastwardly to New
lork, and now start nfresh on an overland
trip of twelve Io fifteen hundred mile north
by west to ii destination, making a circuit
of somovix or seven thousand mile to over
Come a distanco of less than two thousuud.
And t hero is no more need of traversing
this immense circuit than of sending letter
to S b ria on their way to Liverpool.
One ot the earliest and most practical
ugg'fctions for an overland route and mail
to California and Oiegou was that or Mr,
II O'Reilly the telegrapher. He petition
ed Congress to have the U. S ilruuo ms cm
ployed in building stockades at distances of
twenty miles each from Weston or ludrpwi
denco (Mo.) Io the nearest soitluinnnt in
California each stockade to contain accom
odations for twenty men and their horses.
A patrol from each would me t oue Irom
ual on cither side duily, receiving and de
livering a letter mail, so that cuch post
would daily give the hand to that on either
side of it, and the mere failure so to con
nect would be a signul of savage hostilities,
which would be imiiiodin'ely passed along
tho w hole line, followed by a concentration
offeree on tho point assailed. Each post
would inevitably ulterd a generous market
for the vale of vegetables, game, forage,
&&, at the same time affording protection
to settlers around it ; while the road daily
ru versed by the inuil-carrying patrols
would inevitably be improved and constant-
rendered more and more practicable.
Protection being thus vouchsafed, Mr. O'
Reilly oft-red to construct a telegraph line
along: tl.o whole route forthwith, asking no
nut of money or land from the liovorn-
ment, but finding associates willing to em
bark in the iiitrpri.e with a hope of gain.
Congress could never be inducod to act on
this project, though I can imagine none less
lin t are now throo bill oelora tlio
Senate looking to the establishment of an
Overturn! Mail to the Pacilic. They are
1. Mr. Welter's proposing that tlio P.
M General shall advertise for a weekly
nail to be conveyed in four-horse post-
coaches from the Mississippi River to San
rancisco in ninteen davs the first year and
seventeen for three years thereafter said
mail not to exceed three hundred pounds in
weight without ex'ri compensation, and
not to cost more than 250,000 per annum.
The contractors to i house their own road
(which is to be protected by military posts
utthe points mast exposed to savage attack,)
and to be. allowed 150,000 from the Trea
sury, to bo expended in making bridges,
sinking wells, itc, so as to render tho trip
at till times practicable,
2. Mr. r.rown's proposing to incorpo
rate n company to build a railroad and tel
egraph to California south of latitude 37 deg.
and, ns an incitement to build it, giving to
the corp . ra tors thirty (mile sqare) sections
of land for each mile in length of thu road ;
ulso, $5,000 per mi'e ns a loan, ('o bo so
cured by I'M mortgage,) wherewith to pur-cha-o
the iron ; also, $800 per mile per
annum for carrying the mails thereon until
the woik shall bo completed and for ten
years thereafter , lo, the right of way for
a width of four liuiulr. d feet.
3. Mr. Weller's Railroad and Telegraph
biil proposing to give a company twelve
miles in width of tlm Public Lands and
$25,000 per mile in Uuited States Six per
Cent Uouds, (the latter as a first mortgage
loan ;) alo, not more than $300 per mile
per annum for carrying the mails.
Such are substantially the leading pro
visions of the several bills now before the
Senate looking to tho opening of a direct or
overland mail-route to the Pacific. Mr.
Denver, from the Select Committee raised
on his motion, has reported a Railroad bill,
which I believe not vitally unlike that last
condensed to the House, hut it is not yet
printed ; I do entreat rather than hope
that this session may no close without
some decisive aud affirmative action on the
subject. H-G-
STThe Rev. Clinrles Stuart, Chaplain
in the Navy, and author of the well-known
work on the Sandwich Islands, says that
Louis Napoleon was not, during his resi
dence in America, either intemperate or dis
solute in his habits; but in the meantime
thero was in the city a young Prince of the
Bonaparte family who was. Thin was his
cousin, the son of Lucien Bonaparte, and it
is his errors which are Io this day ascribed to
the present Emperor of France- While in
America, however Louis Napoleon might
appear in pnhlic, he was in private in deep
dejection. The disgraco of his failures at
Strasburg and Boulogne preyed upon his
Oir Tradk with It appears from
the Kngt h report on trade and navigation for tho
month nf October, and for the ten Dion l In ending
October 13, 18,"5, that our commercial intercourse
with England is nearly three times larger than
that of I tie country ranking next to us in the
amount of iu touiuce, and in compariroii Willi En
gland herself, our tonnage onuunU to nearly one
The number of American lemeU which '.iiicred
English pirti. inward bouud, (luring the month nf
Octolier, iS33. was 75, Ilia tonnage or which
amounted to C-',0j9 too t durug lhe mine month
i iM.Vi Teasel. 70: tonnage, 2,S33 ; and-Juris
the ame month in 1655 vettls, 1U6 ; ton
nage 1U6.14G. Those outward buond were, du
ring October, 1853. 65, having a tonnage of 70,
03J ; in lf54 veawl. 75 ! tonnage, 68,266 J and
in ISj.V-veaael", 132; t,nn.ige, 121,337. The
amount of tha tonnage inwaid t'Und for the lea
month ending OcUer 31, 1855 wa 1,004J59
tons, aal tho arawn? of thai outwird butmd ra
A.NOTIIK IlcvourrioxAiu Sounti CJusic, Oa
III tj.'ld inst., CH. JimuIi I'urru, fuilier (if Ilia
lluu. Virgil V. Turns, di.l iu lluekfiold, rd il.i
y. sis aud 7 nuuilli. lieu ilwul luttKU ycsr
u:u, ii cnnairu iu in army ul llio Kevututuai, m;l
K-rvcd through mt campaign lis wu willi lieu,
erub CiiMii sihI hull, van ju bull to at Itlioile
Maud, Auju.r.'Tlli, KTs.iiiid wu U.Mjcd to b
uiu iimi survivor ul thut hunt -riilit emitr!, Cap.
lain I'arria Win burn in Pembroke. Mom., und tel
lletl in Uuvklit'M in 17:i.'l, where lie Inu r .iJed
ever since. Of ulwut ill) rcvoluliunary so'dien
who wttled in that town he was lh h-i.l'urt-
land Argm,
ITT On die ni(lit followiujf Ilia inuoiirntiun of
the JuckMai slmue ut Haw Urleuus, a Uerinuli
citixeii win found removing I ho etirrup ami ur
with liaiiiiiior und cold clusel. The ucrili'ijiuu,
wrvlcli wu ciiKuced to ten year iiiiiritouiiicul.
1'oreuTioN or Alabama. Tho ci-iisi of Al
abama fur lb.' 5, tukcit umlcr a tiwcial luw of
lliut blule, duwiliet In pre lit populalion u fol
low i WhiUa -inill'tl, sluve 'Jll,i'JU, free per
sons of color -',4m, itisuiie 47 1, total bJOJUJ.
IT Mis Murllu llurwell, of Uutvtuurt county,
Vs., recently iK'Cciwed.vmuiicinated lliiileen uluvc,
iid mude provimon iu hor Will lor their removal to
ID" An luiaiiag of the Britinh nulriol
and atuteMnau, John llumiHleu, has been forwarded
to till country by .Mr. Uuchanaii, a present Io
Coiigrea from Mr. Mellregor, M. P. for Glasgow.
It I at prinent oil privula view In III Cualoin
llouka at l'lulddelphia.
C2T The Legiilature of Tenneawe has paned a
billextendiug aid for interiml improvement, by in-"
d ining the bond of the vuriuu railroads to tho
anount of $I,(IHO,()00.
C2f The amount of money hi the treasury of Ihe
b'uilej Slate, aud ut the vaiiou uneutuul treuauiie
and depoaitiirii oil 11 of .March, wu $28,07(3,300.
Lead Mink or Mumovhi. From 1843 to 1853,
the lead mine of Miuuuri produced 7,1(18,1 18 :gn,
bearing a total vulue ut Uuleua of $IG,05d,IO.'l.
Tho price of lead in 1813 wa $2 51 por 100 lb. ;
hi 1853, the price had rinen to 5 50 per 100 IU-
The lurgcat yield of the M'unouri niiuo wa Iu
1815-778,138 pi-.
tlT Let you be ever o pure, you cannot ao-
ciale with bad companion without fulling into bud
olor. Evil company in I ke tobaeco tmuke You
cannot bo long in il presence without carrying
awuy a taint ol it.
ID" If moll with to be held in eteem, they must
auociate with tho only who are eitimuLle.
ID" He who can renre a moment' auger, may
ave many a day's orrow.
05- Tho AVhiL-sof Multnomah countv
met iu convention yesterday and made the
following nominations:
For Representative Thomas Carter,
Assessor T. J. Llolmcs.
Treasurer D. W. Lichtctitbalcr.
Co. Com. W. C. Hull.
Colonel Jas. Tcrtvilliger.
Lieut. Col. L. 13. Vickers.
Major S. S. Slater. ,
Sent of
Territorial I'rinter,
in disguise.
Fur Seat ol Caovcrutiicut,
m . T .1
ID Subject to the decision of tho Pcoplo. 51lf
For Scat of Ciovvruincal,
ID" Subject to a voto of the People. 50lf
At his houve iu Marion county, on tho uight ul
the Itith ull., Mr. J.imus Uonnev, aged G4 your.
.Mr. Uoimey h id utt'.rcd for several yeur fmm a
,li,-.oase of Ihe head, which ut times produced in
tense suti'utiug. The disease baflled ul! medicul
Kill,aud ulthough his cuuJition wu uot conaidorcd
critical by other, Mr. B. seemed to have a presen
timent that he wu ''uot lung fur thi world" for
mine lime before hi deuth. lie often expressed
hi roudincsH to go hence, assuring hi companion
mid friend thut ho had mude his peace with Und,
and thut hi Heavenly I'uther hud for ChrUl'a uke
pardoned ull hi sin.
For sonic time previous to hi denth he had suf
fered 110 paiu iu the hi ail, and wua uppureutly iu
belter hiulth than he hud enjoyed for some lime.
On Fr'duy, the day of his deuth, he wu busy with
hi aceus'.otued lubor on the farm, mill retired ul
uight with no premonitions uf hi appruuchiing dis
solution. 1 le awoko in the night culled for wuter,
uliidi he drunk, and immcdiully expired without a
struggle or a gioun.
Mr. llonney wu an exemplary member of tho
Christian Church, and by his orderly wulk, his
kindness us a parent, und hi urhuuiTy and gener
osity us a neighbor, he had endeared himself to a
largo circle of friends, who now mourn, not us those
who huve no hope.
"Blessed ure the dead that die ill the Lord, yea
from henceforth, suilu the Spirit, for they rest from
their lubor." coa.
Near Salem, on the 1 3 ill of May, Willard,
Infant son of Alfred und 1'liebe Stanton, aged threo
mouth and one day.
We sincerely sympathize with the parent of the
deceased in their heavy uflliction.
"The Lord gave and the I.ord hath taken awny j
bk sbed be the uume of Ihe Lord." '
"Weep not fur those
Who sink within the arms of death
Ere yet the chilling wintry breath
Of sorrow o'er them blows,
But weep for them who here remain,
The mournful heritor of pain,
Condemn'd to ee each bright joy fade,
And mark grief melancholy shade
Flung o'er Hope' fairest rose."
New Arrangement
rplIE next terra of our school will oommence
L July 1, 1850.
The Primary Department, limited to 10, will
be under the charge of J. ANDKEW POST.
The Preparatory Department, limited to 25
18 day pup;ls and 7 boarder will be under the
care of the subscriber, who will have the super
vision of bolh department. By these arrange
ment we hope to offer superior advantage to our
N. B Xone invited to attend but such a will
cheerfully comply with Ihe rule of Ihe chool.
Neither do we want any one who will be rough
,n his p'ay with his companions, or tow any im
proper lur.guage. J. V. POST.
Oregon City, May 24, 1856. 6
For Bale. -
I 'WILL SELL my situation on the
bluff at Oregon City at a very low rat, t
I have a good dwelling house, tU-t'.t, and 1
buiiJ nigs, with about 5 clioi'. rruit Ireeaof the
best var'ct'.e, in enclosure of eight lot, all of
liic; 0 be (old low, u I hare purchased prop
erty in another part of the city.
May 24. I W. W. BUCK.
Xrlain Street Bouse.
I'l'l. HOUSE, and am now prepared to ac
commodate the travcliug public Every attention
will be paid to the comfort of man end beast
Charge reasouable.
I Uall always be found on band by thoae who
choaae to patronize me. J. M I5ACOX.
Oregon City, .May 3, 1856. 3 If
DO you want Hay Forks, padend botelT
Call al C JUJOtAy f WJSySBS.
Wni. O. Dement dt Co.,
.tl riei old stand, 07101' li Land OJJiei,
II V. now reeelvlng per bark Or!t" and brij
j. x. "iiuicyun, the lulluwing good 1
l.'.l) buxn periii and adamantine candle,
50 keg dried app'e ami peachee,
(i0 ll,:nr,d hlf bbl crualied migar,
50 cae p'clilc,
III) " fleuli peaehe,
50 " p e fruii,
H Inn (. A. will,
5'IU do cup and suucern,
300 " plutea,
S00 " liiinblen,
SO " wulcr pilehera,
Hug tr how!, lea-pot, &.C., &0.
UOU krga pure leud,
SD0 gut Ihimc.I oil,
100 gul tiirjienliue,
50 gut varuiah,
31)11 gul lamp oil,
1 00 eut lard "
liUOO yd brown ilieeting,
6"U0 " prinla,
lHeiiched cmIIoih, bed tieking, et c., &-.,
nil of which will be Mild a low n they enn be pur.
chuaed of any other houio Iu Oregon City, muy 17
IV for hoy will lie opened a I OSU'KtJO, duck'
uinai comity. O. T., on MONDAY, I Dili hint.
The Iimtitulioii will bo under the direction and
ehurgeof Mr. Hkksaiiu Corncliu, A. 11., a riie
Ktlmlur and cxperieuceu tenrii. r, in who ruimly
boy coining Cruel utiroud will find a auitublo iome.
Thuao deniriug iiif.iruialion a 10 terms, &c, will
please addre Mr. l orueluw, at Omvogo. Kefer
mice muy be nimle to Itev. Dr. Mcl'urly, Fort
Vuuciiuver, W.T., Rev. S. M. Fnekler, llullillt-,
(ieu. E. llatnilloii, I'ortluud, Dr. A. II. Steele,
Orcgou City, or to the iindeigiird ut Portland.
Muv 10, 185G. 4-3w
la Equity.
John MuLoughlin, cjiiipluiuaiit,
Franci W. Petlygrovc Si. Alfred Pettvgrnve
Clackamas Vouuty District Court, Ortgnn Ter
ritory. TN this cause it appearing by an affi lavit of
A. complainant hied with hi bill thut both of (he
defeiidunl are nim-re:deiit of the Territory, it
wa ordered by the lourt that the Clerk make an
order, and have the ume published, d. reeled In
ai, defeiidauts ; this i thortforo directed to the
aid Frunci W. I'eltygrove und Alfred l'etly
crove, aud they are hereby notified that thi suit
wu commenced against Ihem 011 tho tith day of
beplemuer, Id.) j ; Hint tho object of the bill to
uuiot the title to lot P10. 0 in block .No. its 111 Or
egun City iu fuvor of tho complaiuatit, and for a
decree that a certain bond, touching the anme
made by I lie complainant to Alfred i'eltygrove on
the 1 3 til day of September, 1843, be canceled.
1 he .aid defemluiiU are required to apiwur at uid
ourt, to be holden at Oiegou City, 111 auid coun
ty, on tho first Muuduy of beptember next, and an.
ner (he bill, or that the aamo will be taken as
In witness whereof, I have horeiniio ub
l. aoribed my hand and uflixed my official seal,
thi 15lh day of Muv. a. i. 18.UI.
F. S.'UOLLAXl), Clerk.
May 17, 185G. 5-5w
To Merchants and Shippers.
I POIITATION CO. huve adopted the follow.
ing UirilV of churgea, which will bo adhered to till
turther notice :
Trausportiition of morchnndlse or produce
from beat to boat at works, per ton, $1 00
Sturage of same less thun live days, no charge..
' ' " over 5 & le thuu 15 day, 2."
1 i, u ' j j & " " 30 " 50
Eueh additional hulf inoiuh orlcs will bs
chai gtd, per ton, 25
Linn City, May 10, 1856.
Lumber, Lumber.
rplIE Oregon Milling and Transioi'talion Co.
L huve established a LUMBER YARD on tho
river bunk in rear of the store of Allan, AlcKiulay
& Co.
Lumber iu lartre or small mmutities, including
dressed siding and flooring, can ulwoys be hud by
upplicatiou at Ihe store of
Oregon City, Muy 10, 18j0.
Lorjs, Logs.
CASH will he paid on delivery for Brand ceilur
LOGS ut work of Oregon Milling Si Trans
portation Co. n. PENT LAX 1, Ag't.
Linn City, May 10, 1656.
Administrator's Notice.
I HAVE tukeii out letter uf administration on
the estate of Janice M. Woir, deceased, lute
of Clackamas county. All person ilidi b J to
mid estule are required to make immediate pay
ment. All claims nguiust suid esluto must be pre
sented tu ine ut my resideneo iu Cluckuinas coun
ty within one ynur from date of this notice.
Oregon City, Muy 7, 1856. 4-4w
Taken Up,
1 Y the subscriber, residing about twelve mile
J) east of Eugeno City, Luue county, O. T'., a
COW, about liro years old, color deop red, long,
clear, sharp horns, with a while slrcuk along th
belly ; no murk or brand. Suid cow eunie and
took up with my cuttlo nbout the first of Juno, 1854,
having with hern sucking calf.
Also, a ST H Ell, ubout two yours oh!, (tho calf
that oume with the cow ubuvo described,) of a
light creum color. NELSON DAVIS.
I do hereby certify thut I have, thia day ap
praised tho shore described animals, and valuid
Ihe cow ut thirty-five dullurs, and the (leer at
twenty-five dollar. S. D. Gaua, J. P.
Muy 10, 1856. 4-3w
Sacks! Sacks I
rplIE undersigned lias constantly on hand al his
.L sack ir.ttinilaetory in Oregon City, SACKS of
all qualities aud sizes, which will be sold as low as
they can be bought iu thu Territory. Order from
a distance promptly attended to.
Oregon City, May 3, 18.")0.-Jy.
For Sale.
Orccon City. There is a good spring and
a good stable on the premises. Fur further partic
ular enquire of F. S. HOLLA N D.
April ati. a-.lw
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a certain execution issued
out of the l)ilricl Court for Cluekumaa coun
ty, and to me directed, in favor of John McLough
lin against Singer, Miller, and Thornton for the
um of 1805.CJ-100 dollurs, I have levied upou all
the joint interest of the said Singer, Miller, and
Thornton, and upon tha joint and separata interest
of Singer and Miller, in und to the hereinafter de
scribed real estate. I have also levied tho follow
ing named exeC'Hions, to wit, John McLoughlin
ugst Singer and Milter for 903.85-100 dollars, Al
lan, McKinlay & Co. agsl the same for 72.00 dol
lars, Joseph N. Prescott agst the aain for 71.
25-100 dollars, T V. Smith agst the ame for 184.
21-100 dollar, George Plum agst the same for
58.05-100 dollar, Adam Weatherstoue agst the
same for 253.15-100 dollars, Frederick Vouderahe
agst the same for 145.C5-1 00 dollars, David Smith
agt the ame for 71.95-100 dollar, together with,
accruing coat aud interest th? ,4me upon ai
the right, title, and inlerr of the said Singer and
Mihir in and 'J. inn following described real entalo.
ai'-.,..! m Clackatnaicouutv. Territory of Oreiron,
dcrid a follow: cnurting of aixiy ftet of
ground, beginning at a murk iu the rock on Johu
McLoughliu mill reserve, ami running aioug ins
bank to the end of the 'xty feet, and eighty feet
back, begiun ng at the edge of Ihe bank and run
ning back Ihe length of the said eighty feet, also
including the ground privilege to extend a raee to
the reservoir fur th purpose of conveying in log
and water for th mill use, with the privilege of a
a road to and from tha m il ; together with all tha
buildings, machinery, and improvement of every
kind aud description situated upon or appertaining
loth before dcacribed tract of hind..
Sale to take place at the Court llonae door in
Oregon City, Clackamas eoonty, on MONDAY,
th 26U1 day or 1 , !".'', at a clock r. a.
SEP HL'EI.AT. Sheriff
April 25, 1556.-2 5r Clackamis County.
Administrator's Notice.
HAVING lukeu out loiter of administration
Uu Ihe estal of Samuel M. MuMahan,
deceased, (II peraun having claim against said
eslutenre required Io pr-weul llieui to me for allow,
aura at my residence in Cluekaina eouiity, O. T,
within one year from dale, All prnaon Indebted
hi J d estate are required Io make immediate ony.
uient. Yi.'t. MATLOCK.
April IU, 1106. 9-4W
Oregon Territory,
Vaiulilll ccniiil
"iiOVCEi In
tho nam of the
uiled Slate of America, you are hereby
commanded Io be and apK-ur belor Ihe District
Court of the United State iu nnd for th county
and Territory aforesaid on lh first day of the next
regular term llierrof, 10 answer Hie complaint of
Horace L. llariiwn, lon;rhlin Everett, and Mal-
Ihew Everett, or that Judgment by default will be
taken against you by said pluiutiH- fur tho sum of
three thousand with lawful Interest llierron
from the twelily-aixlh day uf Sepleiubir, one
thousand eight bundled and fifty-three, Hid cosl
uf suit, if you fa.l to upeur and auswer the aid
W , lues, George II. bteward, Cleik, and
tho eul of (aid Court, at Lufayelto, iu suid
t,. couniy, affixed this SUtduy of April, A. D.
A. Elbworlh, Pltf ' Attorney, Eugene City, O.T.
April 38, IS5lt. i!-.'lui
T u
J 70 !
bbl und hlf bbl i O sugar,
30 ' " " crushed "
4000 lh No 1 China
10 hlf bbl Carolina rico,
15 " " dried applet,
15 keg " "
10 hlf bhl peachea,
100IIO lb Liverpool suit,
10 ease Utile salt,
50 bbl Suntu Cruz lime,
50110 lb manillu rojw, asa'd size,
100 kegs uails, ' "
5U0O qr llour sacks,
6 bale drilling,
1 3 case am'd pie fruit,
13 " " pickles,
20 bundle window lash, ass'd si.'es,
24 pannel doom, " "
2 dot pel. grains scoop,
100 sack llio collee,
10 inula black pepper,
10 bulca oakum,
100 single nnd double block, nss'd size,
0 grus P & M yenat powder,
10 dm lino wash board,
500 galsS. I. syrup,
4000 lb white lead, purs,
500 " led " "
40 gal copal varnish,
15 dox paint brushe, aas'd size:,
15 "3 hooped buckets,
200 gals boiled liuseod oil,
100 " raw " '
Together with a good assorlment uf HARD
of which we propose selling at price to suit tho
lime. Cull aud are for yourselves.
Muin st., opposite the Lund Office.
Oregon City, April 19, 1856.
Cbarman cV Warner.
A 1"R. EDITOR You will please tell all our
XI L fellow-citizens of Oregon that wo are elil
ning busines uuder the old firm, and under the
old udoee that a nimble sixpeuce i hotter than a
slow shilling. Wa wnnl to sell goods, aud will do
so as cheap a any other house 111 Oregon City.
e have enlarged our buwues malenully. and
now have on hand, a usual, all kind uf GRO
CERIES, such aa will suit city and country trade,
which we bono nil who Imvo favored u Willi their
liberal patronage know full well. Cull airniil we
willdoour best, C1IAKMAX & WARNER.
April 19, 1856.
f LASS, (jueonswnro, und Crockory, st
have a full assortment of IiOOTS it
SHOES, nlso Ladies' (Juitersand Buskins,
in fact all kind of ladies' shoes.
Ill our Ilukcry
TTTE keep a full assortment of BREAD, TIES,
CAKES, and CANDY, ut wholesale and
Wedding l'uki
MADE to order, parties furnished with ictaa
011 shortest notice. An., by
Private Boarding1 Houso,
Ojijiosite Holmes Ai. Co.'e Fire-proof build-'
ing, O;iwoiv vis 1, u. 1.
iCT Charge reasonable. Nov. 3-Crii.
iigiicrrvo(ypi!Luok llorc i
TOE Dl'CHTEL is again ort hund ut hi rooms
over iMilwaiu's store, and wurruntaa good pic
lure to every olio who Will favor him with a cull.
Come 011 and Iry Jiiiri. Oct a correct likenesa uf
yourself and give it to your wife, your husbund,
children, brolherj aisler, or lover. Tl.o time will
come when they will prizo it more highly than any
gill you could bestow upon them.
Pictures tukeu ill all weather, and nil Ihe various
styles of cases. Satisfaction warranted. Eutranoo
to room on Third Street.
Oregon City, April 5, 1856. ly
Splendid Jewelry.
ft. COLLIER ROBUINK hn now on hand
f-g the finest assortment of JEWELRY ever
bioui'ht to Oregon. The assortment consist in
purl of the following articles ;
Diamond broaches,
Diamond rings,
Cold railway time-keeper,
Ladies' watches, in enameled cases,
Ladies chatelauer,
Mosaio ear-ring,
Cold thimble, gold and silver petir,
Curd eases, mantel ornament,
Card baskets, pearl casket,
Cold guard, vest, and fob chains,
Sleeve button, shirt studs,
Lad es brooches,
and a variety of atlier gaods tod uumeious to men
tion. Call nnd ee the most magnificent display of
Jewelry ever Seen In Oregon.
March 22. Front street, Portland.
rplIE subscriber hue just reuciv-rjjrrisi
X ed a large supply of FURNM-ftMg
1 L RU of all descriptions, couauu
ing iu part a follow
Sofa, mahogany and black walnut)
Chamber eu;
liureau, with or without marble bipj
Office desk;
Rocking chain, stuffed in hair, carpet, and With
cane and wood seat;
Dining chairs, caue and wood eat;
Office chair, do do do
Children' do, high dining and rocking;
Cedstcads, various aind;
Table, center, card, nd dining)
Writing dek;
Parlor chain;
Reading, toilet, and work table;
Matueaaes, hair, mo, and wool;
Window shades;
Paper hanging, of every style;
Oilcloth; Chinese matting; fluid lamps, and burn.
ing fluid ; with a variety of other article too
numerous to mention.
Peraon wishing to parch will plexje call and
examine for themselves.
All kind of country produe taken in exchange
. . n r.. 1 x-ur V
tor goods. tuua, wiu
March 22, 1856. 49tf
R. Osgood' ludiaChalagogua.aodDr.JoDe'
Amcnoan Uhoisgryu. at tlx
Wholesale Vrloes Onrriftt.
coasavrsa wnksi,v.
bar uooo. nanus ,V uruii'iMts
Sheeting, 41 19J lOOpr.euver N. Y.eost.
Diilling ft J rsonuts.
llloached ilnlliiif I.I Wheal, pr. b....9l,L'J
" shilling, 1116 Oat il (I
SlriiH'd do IJ J Poluine 1I0 , 75
Ticking I la lli Onion do $14
lienins 15 Kkuir...., t-l
Ulna drilling 1 1 C uri) Meal, fiesti 6
I'luid liiisey ..IhV.Mj rat it.
SuliiH-t "nallil; d,ird do ....15
Kentucky jeuua...2.'a4.'i,IVanhe, dtird do Io
Tweed ..5570; do pealed.. ...
ruiNT. ; Chili, dnd.srUk35
Bin and w hite ..13: raMioi.
Bin aud oiange 13 Pink, clear tune.
I 'unc v Ma 1 3; ' met 8'-,ki'
! .1 .... ..I, . -
I'uriiilure do 10u 1 4' I lain.....
" do. wide. 1 2 J tlucon
M. do laiiie Hu'.'.i. rw us.
Ciiighamii I.'iu22dlauird, pr ca...
Alwca SSalMI
Tuble d.iinask.....5ua7.V
" cloth GSulJSniall
Irish linen 10u$l Buck.
Sheep gru) lunit A'.'ta.'l liar....
pr k.g jjiy
l,e 1 i3
, 30
nuluiet do.
Fancy can, do.
Itc.'i,:! While lead, iuoll...l.J
.Klu.i' ol.,o.
Black ea do. $ja7 . Manilla, ainull 3'$
Rislllau'l shiil jtl lain " large 25
Blue do. do. ll5alK Hemp IOul5
Hickory shirt 5a7 tuniK.
Calico do S'.'ul'.' Ailmantine .45
oot A alior. :SjM-riii Ci
Men' kip bools9'-'ia4i tiu.ta.
" iier 81 Havana ft I0au0
' fine acwed tij Herman llOa25
Boys' kip Imooup...... American.. $20iO
" he'vy w's dol Ju2; tobacco.
Mens' lira's pr. dm..6il7 I'rideoflho l'niou.40n-l j
kip hrg's pr dw.jl20 Sun , 30u35
" eulf sewed do.. 3 1 Luke 37
Women' h'w nil's. Sil.1; tuanwx.
" liuedu iJl.VSIiovel :8al4
oliocKitlss. 'Spade fcMaltf
Cofie 1 4a I G! Axe 61220
Tea 65a 7li ; .M ill saw UUa 1 4
Sugar, no. I t'lu'u... . 1 1 J S cut auw 75uil5
' crushed lh, I utile cutlery, IU percl
Saleralus iOallif advance 011 N. A. cost
Slunh 14 Pocket cutlery, 95 prot
Syrup E Boston $lf advance.
do. H island :iu:uuier article 01 naru
NO.Molaaae 7U war fmin 30 U50pr
I.iv. Salt 3u31' et advance.
Tuble Suit 34a4, Nnils, asa'dsii. s.prkg fi9
Sandwich 1. Suit. . 2u31 " lioreho.,.U53i
Pepper ., 3e uiu.
AllsiHca 40l Lamp $lJaJ2
Cluuuinou llduRIi: Linseed boil 3 3J
Soap 10a 1 1. Turpe utinc pr gallftyaJf J
Portland and Astoria.
The Splendid Steamer
TTTI LL continue to run regularly between Port -V
V land and Astoria, tin Vancouver, twici a.
w sax, leaving Portland on Mouduy and Thuraday
morning uf each week for Astoria 1 and Astoria,
for Portland on Tucaday aud Friday morning,
touching V'ANCoivxa.bT. lltLKN, IUiaia,CTU.
lamct, OvC, each Way. For freight or paasago,
apply to It. 1IOYT , Muter,
jel6 Or HIoyt Wharf-bout, Portland.
Citieiis Uiie of Slcnmers.
iT c, PORTLAND, Cupt. Muat. ,
fiZriOZz. ENTEItrKISE, CaphJisnsaoN,
Will rim iu connection, th Portland leaving
PORTLAND dsily (Siiuduy svecpled) fur Oro
gon Cily ut 10 o'clock, a. si., the Euterpriae nio
king wmi. weekly trix to CORVALL1S, leaving
CAN KM A II 011 Mouduy ut 6 o'clock .., ud
Thursdays at 2 r. u.
IT All frelghl lor tlio ntwve line will be receipt"
ed for at ll yle What f Ileal, Portland.
Feb. 16, 1856. 44tf .
VamhiU Tfadfl.
aUU, under Ihe minis and slyl of tho
Yamhill Cumuuuu. aro uow building a aloainer of
ubout 30 lona burlhen ut Caiieuiuh, exproaaly for
the Yamhill trudo. She will be reudy to ruu soui
tint in June.
Oregon t'ity, April 5. i'l'f
n Srugs, Mcdioinesi Paints, Oils,
nnd Oyo-stdfJs
BcplS Mailt Stroet, Oreg-iU Cily.O.T.
vi:sti:kx nuTcr.
' Morrison st., holween Froutnud First t
15 1 pmirr.ANi). o. ''.
Charges rasnnahle. S. D. SMITH,
March 15, 1856-48 Proprietor.
W. Pi Burns,
0 R 8 0 O K C i T Y, O. T.
IT Strict utlentiori paid to repuiiing, and aatis
fuctiou to putrons wurrunled. feh9-4.'l
Zaofris tfhOmasi
ilfiiin if., nrry oi;io Holmes e Co.'t.
tkiims or siiAviMi, ac.
Shtvlhg iwico a week, one shampoo, hair
trimmed Onto, purnwnin, . vv
" once a week, 0110 hhuuipoo, hair
trimni'ed once, per month, 1 25
llulr trimmed, 2J
lluir cut ami dressed, 5(1
Slmvliii. arid hair diosscd. V
Oregon Cily, April 9, IBju-oi
Persons ilsir6us of gi lling good work none will
do well to give me u Cull, u my whole lime I do'
voted 10 llio repairing of Chronometer, LcVerj
Duplex, und Horiiolilttl walehim.
A a assortment of Jewelry on bund.
Jewelry inmlo to order, and repaired.
Price to sult.the times. 1 am thankful for nasi
fuvors, and hope to give satisfaction in future.
O" Located at llw old stand, oppu,ie ine 101-
egraph Olliue, OREGON CITY, rcb. 3.
To all whom it may concern-.
rpAKE NOTICE, that 1 claim for myself and
wife, mid shall insist upon holding, all of th
following described land, o our laud clulul lukeil
and held by me under and iu coiirpliuttca with the!
act of Congress entitled "An Act to create lh ofJ
fice of Survevor General of Oregon," Jko.i approv
ed Sept. 37ih, 1850, and the uleiidmeiiU thereto
all pretension or Wm. K. li. Coiton to the contra
ry notwithstanding, to wit: Commeuclrg at a
slukeou Ihe. Willamette river 19 chain and 25
liuks south and 27 chains and 50 link west of tho
outh-east corner of section 35 in township on
south of rang one eaat, thencs running east ICO
chain, thence north 00 chauu and w nuns, ii""c
west 80 ctiniu, thence oulh 54 chain and 10
liuk, theuee weal 80 chain to id Willamett
river, and thene up aid river With its iiieandtt-
ing to the place b ginuuig.
Slarcli 22, 1856.
To all whom it may conoern
ril.VKE NO TICE, that 1 claim, and shall insist
X upon holding, H of following described
land, a my laad claim taken aud held by me uu
der and in compliance with the act of Congress en
titled " A n Act to create the oflic of Surrey or Gen
eral of Oregon," .e., &o., approved Spt. 7lh,
1H50, and Ihe amendment thereto, all pi etauaion
of Win. R. II. Coltoa to the ooutrary notwithstand
ing, to wit: Commencing at a tike 16 chain
south of th soulh-eat comer of section 31 is
township one south of rang two east, thene run
ning wrath whh (action Una 40 chain, thene1
west 113 churn, tlienc north 30 chru and 71
link, tlieace east 91 chain and 50 link, theoc
north 6 eliaiuiaod 35 liuk, and Umbo aat 21
chains 59 Irak to lh Ugiawef eovner.
Mrch 33, 1851