The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 24, 1856, Image 2

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    I esurieJ that our Government eight to be in electing llmir firai Legi.luturo under her
limited monarchy. Nothing is plainer O'gauio act, had tbo bualue or manag.
than the f..ct that It u fait verging lowards j lug her own donatio institution" taken
a monarch. The leading men do now 'out of hand by about four thousand
bead the l'lorco and Douglas democracy MiouriM, who wr lit over by lite advice
Would no doubt like lo rule over the peo. 'of Atehiann end Hinngr'lloi and ciectca
tile, if llicv bad the power to L'ran llie ; the member of iho Legislature. String-
I c Ur ru.J w rel it fiom their band with-, follow, In a peccb niudu in Si. Jph, Mo.,
$i)c (Oregon 5vgii0.
w, u. oa, amru aso moraiarua.
e ' - - - -----
rUlfam uf DaugU Uetancraef.
The partv celling ittlf democratic bite ! out the formality of an election
laid down a platform compoird of jnt four nn instance of ihi kind of a disposition in ' ued the following tunguue :
ulankl. on' which tb v d. irn lo huddle to- the laid conducl of Wir. who htr.i.tcd . ' ' ! J "' swrys.-ouD.lrel w v,m
gather the ciu.' ii of Chickama county : in holding (he gubernatorial chuir of Vi
nt ibe June election. The caucua which I cumin, notwithstanding the Legislature
con'truclel thli platform over I tie drug 1 and the Supreme Court bad both decided
tore in tbl city on ihn 10ih of May, . !. ! thai people h.iJ tlcrf-d another man.
Hut let u (x.irtiiiio plank number two :
'I!,lva.1, Tint ll. proiijilca i,f ht Kan
lid NVhruaka lllll. I.V 'lii!ti llm mil art iem of uuVm.
ry in tlx leri.tmira t.kea from Hi ('engie of i " 01 ' Kih, iu dafuue of ICeo-lor mid In vile
tl.a I 'i.m.,1 Ki.ia,l I. A m il,. I .ni.n.r 1 invim:dun, d vote l Ui po.nlof llio buwic-kuitu
Hi uriiiri te b aciad on, it hut sud ui accord- ' tui revolvr. N. illier giv or take piarler, u
auc nun inie UenKcincv.
1920, in order to satisfy the good people
that il plank ure all nounj and capable j
vt bearing up a criM'-rnble weight, have !
comfortably lestoJ exactly a taker's dozen '
of portly grMitl.'incn upon il, at ft lent we !
auppoto of i atrcng'h, Uvpry oiie of,
tbete gnnllcinrn war a niuik, hu h will
be readily undnrslood lo he, "camjidate.1"
Their nfim t ae a folloir : A. L. Love
joy, F.A. Lollard, W. A. Starkweather,
f . 8. Holland, Thomas Juhnon, C. P. 13. al.
If, R. CaufUd, V. W. Iluek, W. C. John-
Hut i lli Icut Inliiii'd w ill frfw'liin ami '
I lit ouirm, arid txttrminntt him. Nviilicr (it ikt
leke quarter fiom Ilia Jmnucd raeU. 1 irupoM
1 lo murk llinn iu Hi a liuute, and on llio pnnl ou
caaion, o dial you may cm an Turn be r."
I ''To lliox Mholuive qualm of coiumienci) ai lo
' fiolalinu law, Kiel or National, tli lima ha
1 curue when luch iinjHjtitieu imwt le dianurdrd,
1 aa ur ri;lita ami irnLriy arc in daiiuri and I
; wr M jou, n nu all, luvnlrr every tlsction n
, our Can deniaiidi it. Il i enoupli lliul III tluvo
i l.iiMitm IiiIj.ii.bI uilla il. fruiri eytiieli there ia IIM ril).
(litre we have the tlrnt contain the h el. What riflit baa aorrrnor licedcr to rulf
roil eicnce of mo-lern democracy. Thi i '" ' V"'"" uJ
' ' " I liieacnbfd oulli mut l repudmled. It la your i n
C' wa found In tlio neat of Douglui, and terctt to do to. Miud that tluvfry i etlutl.alied
ha Uri much adm.Ved by hi f .llowera a j "bf" " " "-"
a r,al demooratio production. Many have Tl' M'"'"r'l" e,llero'1 '
wiucu jjHeu inns oi inn
wallowed it becau their nolitit-al Udera n CSiatature,
. i i .i . . mnar nr.nruttiva ! fiiotwi nnil iiikliJiiil uf
. ,.,n,.i m;m... r. w n n i i"iu tuoin il wa lumoy arrreiitdr-mocrat : i vi i"v " v "
V vhiiih'JI iMIVIf VJ a II ajaflPUII. U, Vy , I (7 '
Thurman, and Cyrui Suttle. Our buinr si
ii not to Inquire into the enpneitic of the
candidates to fill the oilier lh-y desire, but
to look a litilo into the mundiiet of the
plank which compose the political raft ou
which they have put to cfi, and upon
which they propose not oidy lo ahiji lliu
clli."n of tliii couuty, but lo depo-it the
ark that cont.iim iho p.illadiiun of our lih.
ertie fur which our father bled. If thai
aacrcd ark i logo lo tea on Muh raft a
thi, and If our neighbor mid friend are in
take parage and go down Into n political
inaeUtrom, wo beg the privilege a a friend
to the candidate for ruin, lo the other paa.
eengera, and especially na a friend to rial
democracy and our gloriotu I'nion, to lull
thoin what we lliiuk of four alaU on
which I hey are about to bo launched, a a
"platform," "raft," M.ip 0f democracy,"
or what you please to call il.
The artificer, maker and liiii,her, of thi
machine, wo are informed, was James
(ullino, who put it up ns Solomon did I ho
Temple, without tho nund of n hammer,
nnd after testing it, pronounced it "good."
We hope they will forgivo us for diaseuting
from audi an opinion.
This hollow platfunn as a whole w0 look
upon as anii-democratio nud anti republi
can, notwithstanding Hpjmri,t ,0ni.
no of onu or two of the plunk.. Like
tho wooden liorso wlihh iho Jemocralic
Trojan huuled into their city, believing it
,iU, u,c jriju.-, una modern
madiino of Douglas A Co. hides within ii
dark cavity principles ns deadly hostile to
democracy as iho "armed Moots" wPro to
the cxi.tunco of Troy. As wo said before,
ono or two of tho planks, which uro put in
inorciy ior oiled, nro such H l)0l,ody
would object lo; take for instance plank
number one :
other becauso they had a natural liking
for a ' bad egg"; whilat others again, like
the ninth gentleman ou thii platform, swul
letting the people elect their own county
officers, tho Legislature appointed teen the
Sheriff , and commimioiied them for four
low it fi.r tlx. am e,..,.n ll I.. " 1" OClUIll CltlZCDS 01 1UU8H. were
man twallowed a rott.n egg at hit patron' I ,lrivc" fr0,n 11,0 l'uU tlle livt otl''m of
ttiMn, with but a slight contortion of the l"B,n wvro lUKt"' ,UB "ulwrV UI '"
face; and when akcd whether it was a er d"tr0H U Miouri iuvadera,
"good egg," replied lhat "it was not exactly
ftthh, but a gond as could be expected for
llio teaon." The outer sin II of this e"g
i r..'inarknbly fair nud beautiful; hence it
has deceived many to believe it wa "good."
We khall lake the trouhlu to break ils ahell,
nnd ahow tho real democrats that it contain
unto ctse man a young "nigger in em
bryo, nnd a polygntuist at that.
Tho advocates of tbo Nebraska bill pro
fcs to love it btcauso it broaches the doe
trino of "ruatler sovereignty," or in oth
er word, thai tho people have the right lo
govern themselves. W'o havo often ex
posed this humbug, heuce the Nobrankuite
are becoming cuuliou, and are careful to
sny nothing about tho greut new privileges
After these crusaders had left for borne, the
pcoplo of ICuiiaii held a convention, elected
a Legislature, aud framed a frc-o coiutitu
Tho aduii'g'ralion has denounced (hcwi
men us rebels, and used ils uhohi influence
lo cruh out Iho movement, and support
tho Missouri dynasty. The officers of the
U. S. in the Territory of Kansas, the Judges
District Attorney, Secretary, nnd Marshal
are all from Slave States, while Gov. Slum
noil, who is from Ohio, is a willing tool in
the hands of tho administration in carrying
out tho edict that the people of Kansas
shall ml regululo their own domestic in
atittitions. Thus we sco that the glorious
principle)! of democracy as contained in ihis
iho citizens of Kansas nnd Nebraska eniov fli carricd out Ly Uuuyliia a u J I'iorce,
over those of oiher Territories. Now jfj Alcbiton and Stringfellow, cousisl in the
the Kansas Nebraska bill bud Dermiited ft,llowi,l2 prerogatives: Tho rrtidentM
permitted I
thu citizens of thee Territories to elect l
their own officers, instvnd of having to livo
under a Governor appointed by tho I'resi.
dent, ns they r.ow do a Governor n ho has
the veto power, and who, together with
live members of the Council, tun ieisl the
known will of tho people, ami prevent the
pnssage of any law thry want wo av
that if the bill had given them these privi
leges the friends of it might consistently
call it a real democratic bill. Dut wore, a
Governor appointed by the President, and is fl"" Pl"'oaching indeed it is unblush-
aipoiut nil tho Territorial odicers, aud the
Governor shall have the veto poieer. The
Legislalure shall be elected by Missourinns,
and the Legislature shall appoint, the
county ofliccrs for a term of four years.
Kansns shall never bo admitted into the
Ui.iou till slio comes with her ''domcsiio
institutions" regulated by Missouri regula
tors. .
A dissolution of iho Union is the grand fi
nale towards which this Nebraska nitntiou
tZTi ,Tlml ",0 paily i. cne.
lot,, rl! ,,,, ,let.a,lpjl ,,f
Well, who don't recognize tho riht of
me people toinako laws for thcmselte ?
presume that no pnliiieal society in
il.. i.:ii .. . . '
.... v.mvu, ium iloel not support
Douglas democrncy, would dissent from l hi
resolution. Indeed, any society or gather
' BeH"'ff society,' tho Tomulc
moral relor.n fociety,orn boys' dibali.e'
society, might all cousisleiilly muee Ui
they "recognise the right of tho people to
make lawV'Ac. Hut s,ra.,g tny ,,at
Ihe only party i Oregon which prnciicallv
. .he "rig!,, of th,, pilltle l0 tml0
laws is this same democratic pnrtv, falsely
o called. It will be recollected 'that the
House lust wimer, after passing bill per
"" iU p0()r,o l0 Sy wj!l(or t(v
wanted prohibiiory law or not, eonclud,d
III ft.. ,.. .
... .wUon ot onenrlo men lhat
Hwas"a.1ti.dcmoe1atic"lop,RP,ieh a law,
even if nius-(etl,4 of th ,.e.,,,a WPro ,
of it. The bill wa, ...mscqnemly
withdrawn Hon, tha Cumcil, to which i'i
had been sent, a,ul this Mnio party
cone ihliiit ili .i ii.. i i ... .
. " I'ec 'ie snnuij linve
sont there from Ohio, backed up by five
men, (a majority of the Council,) can shake
his fi,t of dulinnceat filly thousand citizens
of Iho Territory. W0 will ask any ration,
nl man, who is not so far blinded by parly
that he cannot see ut all, whether audi n
government is not belter denominated an
oligarchy or a despotism than n democra
cy ! Our Governor has no veto power,
neither has the Governor or a Binglo Ter.
litory belonging 0 the Union, sava the
Governors of Kansas nnd Nebraska, whoro
tho present Administration seems lo bo
making experiments to see just how far it
can push this Government towards a mon
archy without producing a revolt of the
The whole object of Ul0 Nebraska hill
was to foroo slavery into these Territories,
hitherto sacred lo freedom by the provision.
. .i ... .
ot llio .Missouri LViiimorniso. fr
. r"'i'"-snoiiij nave iHt
uoh law. as the Sulen, ;g,,,,.u. ,
! for them. This ,a,0 ,,k.,,
1W, bill is not approved bv. ho people
'7 it i a wreck of f,u,lali3m
tl'Un,, it I:...
... mery oi ilo.lioeraev, pass,.,I ,,
"'- W bill in order to iMii.i.Mt ,1k.
poopte to support tho parly, whether thev
ished to or not. They know tha, ,1...
, - ' i isiii.
Mvorito measure wi,, ,lu Vl.,, nris.
tocrals and huge eapi,isu, who" by .hi,
means are permitted to force ,h,ir e.nnloy.
ees to volu M ,1(,v ttHm
know ih.t official patn,,,!, Mf t,a ,,;.
M,. power here i8,,rol!jel ll
;n'U"J"JrV"te I.hattolong.,
the.r "inemorialist," Cl,nlro ( JUl
t.ouof favors a. Wellington, so 01M
can fcourgo every B,pir8ll, illto he Usk
Ihis party s candidate for Congivss:,,,, M
ear ago, cpelly mi j Unhlushisly j,,,
fifd those Senators at W,,js,0ll !l0
persisted in resisting t al uf t,e)r CuB
utucut., and in trampli, ,lt, wi of a
11 00 IHOli!,, un.lor ll...,. I ,
f ' " "ee,s ut hv
Iko dUs,v,tism. Strange indeed tlHt lll6
etv littHv l.i..K . . . .
4 ,-v --v.. i.o prai,. sojoiullyof
j.""..ia oe u,o greyest enemy to
Jo.nocr.tie principles, ,, , .
-'.'"'0 right, paa.,bei,o.B.ii;r.
thefirs.,0 wrest, hi. pr,ro,a,ivafr,lm
-r-r. . !- uio nanus
uiuomise. tor aunnort
mg which lhouins Jefferson tendered
Holmes his wannest congratulations, and
for rendin- into fragments nnd violating
which l'rai klin l'ierco embracod Stephen
A. Douglas. Uui, , 0 s.liu h ,
whole object of tho Nebraska bill was to
force slavery into Hu so Territories. Doy?.
las it Co. pretended iliat the people weio to
be allowid lo "regulaio their own domes,
tie iiisiiiuiioits." Tl0 cnunciution of thi
principle is looked upon as n permit to tl,0
people of all iho Territories lo introduce
slavery, ami practice polygamy, if they
choose, with impii C0Iltra"ct on ' ,
part of the Government lo adm't any Ter
ritory into the Union which chooses t
adopt these "domestic institutions." Utah
is invited to come in, clothed ns she is iu
the habiliments of a harlot, nnd because
there is nothing i ,h0 Constitution of tho
United Stales preventing it, and because all
Territories have the right to adopt the prac
tice of polygamy and introduce slavery
under this locofoeo hill, this satuo locofoc'o
parly which denies the right of the citi
zens of Kansas aud Nebiaska to "regulate"
any thing else, and crushes theinunilor
'l' heel, of imported oflicials-is ready j
lo stretch out it WIM to ,is lm j
d compel white m.ato lake seats iu Con-r-s
by iho side of Keprcsen.a.ives aud
ftllil Nat It n I !... I
I 0 t '"''i doping a harem
laves, and .opp0rtej ou, o , lf
Ol Hie I Ulled Still... t . , '
, , , . ''tul uonars per
Jaj would bnrUiy -upport so !arge a fau.Mv.
l erhaps ttwnswitb.neye to this iocreale
of ;f' V"pense,latIvtrsonillDouT
Us loco from Georgia, Introduced lit m
on tho ISih of la.. Man h,,0..increaS(!lh4
pay of mcmU rs of Congress."
The original object of lougla 0 force
-lavery into Kansas has hec fully jevl.
ingly avowed to be tha ultimatum of tho
fondest hopes of some of the leaders of these
'squatter sovereigns." Stringfellow vays
in his paper,
"We hope the Th'rly-r'ottrlh Congress will to
lite lust emigres that will ever assemble, nnd lhat
llio auiuiicra iiieu coming into hmuua will he
prepared lo luntfO Kuusiu ill tlie Suullicru lie
public." 'Jhj trtto tillo by which these Nebraska
id s ought to bo designated i-', Pro-slavery,
polygamy tlisunionisis. IIuw any nun,
who lias eyes to see; and has a pnrlicle of
reul democracy in him, can be gulled by
such miserable political claptraps, is a
wonder to any man who has not watched
tho infiuence lhat demagogues 'have obtain
ed ever iho pcoplo by such high sounding
phrases us "demoerary," "squatter sov
reignly," "ihe constilulioii nnd the Union,"
"tho right of the people to rass laws." ,1 e.
Plank No. 3 :
"Itcrolvcd, That in tho so-ealled Ktiownothin
party we recognise a luiiiseMu conibinution eT
men, outenl fruni other political orfjauiiuliona aud
Willi audi men the democracy hold no political
Now this is certainly cool, coming as it
doc, fromacouvitition tunning two Know
Nothings on their ticket this year. We
nro informed by one who ought lo know,
that the niieeut!iman ou this locofoco,
Nebiaska, polygamy, Know Nolhin", ab-
oittioii piauoim, (tho know nothing and ab.
olilion part of tho structure consists in
willns by which the slabs are tied to.'eiher)
was n clerk in a Know Nothing wigwam
last year. Wdl, well, who ever beard of
impudence, deception, and hypocrisy equal
to this.
Plauk No. 4 :
"Ueaulved, Tlmt the prelen.led admiration of
eerlion teen crammed with every iam of the dav
f r Jrlleraonisn prine plM, ii but e'olouk to the in',
cessunt war they muii.tuiu oiMiu.1 n, ,1- ...
AVe suppose lhat this was slipped in by
Guthrio to show the people thatns such o'f
their candidates as nro "crammed with
every ism of th0 day" make no pretensions
to an "admiration for JelTersoitian priuci
pies," they are sound locofocos and in full
"uiombership with the arly."
The "party" thinks the everlasting d.
tiny of the country is now resting w i"ih its
awiui weight upon the success of these four
SV In anwer to our Yamhill corre
ipondeiit, w have lo state that on the 7ih
of January lat .Mr. Uurbank ollered a res
olution in the Legislature, tendering the
use of tho Legislative hall to Gen. Palmer,
which wa adopted. On the afternoon
tho same day U'aymiro moved a rcconsii.
era; ion of the vote, which was warmly ni
ported by Waymire, Doise, and Burbuuk
till of whom voted lhat Palmer should not
have tliBchaneoof defending himself.
On the 3d day of January, Di hzon
Smith presented the petition of Win. llohn
and other citizen of L!nu county, "pray
ing for the parage of an act submitting
the question of the relocation of the conn
ly seat of Lfnn county to the people at
the no,t annuul election.
On the 21st of January, a "genoral law
for locating county seats" was passed. In
advocating the bill, Mr. Durbank said that
he was in favor of it, because il required a
two third) majority lo locato county seats
lie stated that tho petitioners from Yam
bill wanted to locato their county scat by
a bare majority, which ho "was opposed to."
Two days after litis, Jan. 2:i.l, a peciul
law wa passed allowing Lint) county tolo
cnte her county seat in accordance with the
petition presented by Smith, aud the Stales
mint reports mention no opposition as coin
lit'' Iron) liuroank or any body else,
Two days after this again, Jan. 23, Mr.
Buckingham, from the committee to whom
was referred the Yamhill petitions, report
cd that they had leave to withdraw their
petitions, as "the object prayed for can be
obtained under the recent 'general law' for
locating county seals." Messrs. Durbank
and Shuck made no opposition to this, and
the strong inference is that one of them, or
both, had asked leave to "withdraw" tho
petitions, notwithstanding a special law
h id been passed for Linn county after the
passage of the "general law," which Mr.
B. seemed glad to have applied to Yamhill,
because it required a two thirds vote to re
move tho county seat. The record does not
show whether Burbank nnd Shuck voted
for Smith's Linn county law or not j but il
is very certain that they wholly failed to
urge tho prayer of thoir petitioning con.
OCT Tho American Pnrty in Washing
ton county has nominated Col. Cornelius
for joint Councilman, II. V. V. Johnson,
for representative, 'and Col. Hull for joint
representative. In Yamhill county a "dem
ocratic" ticket is made up as follows :
Councilman, Dr. Hayley ; l'epresontalives,
m. Allen and Tlios. Bailey ; School Su
perintendent, K. R. Geary ; County Com
missioner, tr. W. feprinrrer and Juremiah
l.nmpson; Treasurer, Breymnn ; Assessor,
Uandley ; Coroner, Dr. Woslerfield ; Pub
Adm., G. Nelson: Colon,.!.
this is bound lo win, Lieut, Col., Ilibler
iho opposition have nominated for Coun
cilman, V. V. Parker, of Clatsop ; Ben.
Capt. Ankeiiny and J. M. Forrest ; both
good men nnd true.
ihe "locos m nominating Dr. Bay ley
are carrying out their old principles of pick
ing up somo now comer that nobody knows
any tiling about. I hey rot bit by Deadv
Parrot, lluber, and Brandon, but they seem
to like u.
Whig C.omealtoa
Tho Clackamas Co- Whig Convention
met laat Saturday in tin city, J. . Hank
er chairman, and W. II. Vandervort Soc
Nomination were matin as rollowa :
K..r llenresonlaiives W. T. Matlock
P. II. Hatch, A. Ilolbrook.
Co. Commissioner C. W. Bryant.
Auditor W, Whitlock.
School Superinlendent J. D. Toat,
Judge Probate J. M. Bacon.
Assessor Mahloii Brock.
Treasurer Tho. Pope,
Coroner 1'. Barclay.
Colonel John D. Demoiit,
Lt. Colonel Gilbert Reynolds.
Maior S. N. Chamberlain.
W.C. Dement. Owen Wade, nnd Tho
Pope wero elected County Committee and
authorized to fill vacancies.
Voted, to iitiblish urocceding in The
A Rous and Orfgonian.
J. N. BANKER, Chair'n.
W. II. Va.nubkvoiit, Sec'y.
OiT The Standard publishes the folio
ing, which it clips from a N. Y. paper:
"The memorial is aigncl by 'Diluwn Smith
Speaker of the House uf Iteptcseiitalivea.' It
ii-iii. ii.i.viuuus in uiosc who Iiuvp Known him, to
aco je , ii s name impended to uu accusation
against General Wool , uuil we doubt wl.etli.r
any accusation which he might brii.j; uguitist any
man would have uny wueht with am- body, un-
oss endorsed by ulheta either not known, o
known lo possess other r,u:iliiie than those remem
berud us Ihe upwnduL'c of 'Delusv Smith.' '
If others had taken our method tho Tor-
ntory would havo been saved ibis discrace
We left the space for the name blank,
wnen wo pbuhshed the "memorial" know.
ing that btmth mime appended to it would
disgrace the Territory mid kill the force of
the meinoiial.
jir Much important matter ia unavoid
ably crowded out this week. Times.
We have noticed that such has been the
easo tor ihe last five years.
Saw Vram-lsco Price per last steamer.
Flour looking up Oregon $10a8l2
per bbl., Oats 6149; Potatoes new $3 40;
Bacon ITalSc; Butter 40a40c : CofTee
1 (i ti '
ioc; Lined apples lO-jc; Su
Syrup P7Je.
John II. McBride, Esq., informs us
lhat they had a good timeofit, al tho "vol
unteers' dinner" at Lafayette. There
were at Last 1000 citizens present. A
gun was presented to James Beecbam who
1. a.-.l-A I.:,. !
.ns .uu over me head of a Snake
nver Indian. Capt. Ankenny, Cant. A lie
Dr. Henry, and several o:hers made speech
Ibe Slemorlul.
Tho following is a truo copy of tho
morial sent to Washington lust winter, ask
ins the removal of Col. Gakuner. The
Statesman published tho same with what
it thought to be a few "slight variations,"
just as it publishes every thing else. Y
have no idea that a law has ever been print
od at that office just as it passed. Our leg
islutors pass laws, and "pass aud sign" mo
moriuls, and then leavo them iu the hands
of the public printer to fix them up to suit
bis likitir;. Under such an arrangement
we livo under a despotism instead of a do
Tho memorial published by the States
man makes the following alterations from
tho original: In referring lo tho laud law-
it says, "approved sept. 2iw, JboU, " in
stead of 1950. In place of "not qualified,"
it says "uot apt," It strikes otifcornyW"
as applied to Preslou. Il changes "rejoyc-
ecf" to rejoiced, ";ifVe" to entire, "parti
ten" to partisan, aud "constiluttnU" to cou
stitucnts. It strikes out tho naiiio of Gro
ver, and makes the memorialists ask for no
particular appointment. It also inserts th
following, which is not found in tho origi
nal memorial, knowing that tho falsity of
the charges would be detected at Wash
inglou, ns everybody there knows that the
delay in issuing patents is chargeable upon
the Department there, rather than upon tho
land olhce here. The clause was inserted
mordy for effect among his "partizen"
readers, and we have no doubt but ihe
tire" body of tho "constituants" of tho
learned memorialists "reoycecf' when they
heard that Col. Gardiner had beeir re
moved, so that Mr. Ziebcr could issue put-
n Is immediately.
But here is the chtnso ;
"lie conducts the public survevs in nn
indifferent and tardy manner, so lhat our
settlements linvu been in advance of the
surveys ; the lands declared by our organ
ic act, to be reserved for the purpose of be
ing applied lo schools, have been occupied
and held by settlers, while in lieu ihereof,
rewt must be had to sections and fractional
sections of mountain, swamp, and timber
ed land, in many instances comparatively
valueless, nud not a patent hns issurd to 'n
single claimant of the public lands in Or
egon, nlthotigh fully entitled by residence
and cultivation, unci due application there
tor, nioro iliun four years ago."
To the President of the United Stoles:
Your memorialists tho undersigned Dem
ocratic Members of tho Legislative Assem
bly ot tlie 1 cm lory of Oregon, most res
pecnuiiy represent that by the act of Con.
a I of Oregon hu proved to be one .i
ingly unfortunate, bold as regiird Hi, Z't
tights of tha peopl.of this Territory ,)'
ourlund laws, and tho present lutcri(lnj
fill uro success of tho Domocraiio pin
burs. '
Immediately on lbs arrival of ihe prcJ
Incumbent in Oregon, his predecessor bid
prepared to leave thi Territory for ,i
Stale; but finding that tho new appi,ej
wu not qualified, toperform ihedutlcsof
Surveyor General, ho remained and ot;ued
a private land office in Oregon City '
which he advertised himmdf ready to pe?
form all kind of land office busiiie, bm
double llio rates illegally charged while I
ellice. Iu tho mean time our present Sat
veyor General refusing to make ihe fxiri
illegul charge of fees, refused also to do lb,
proper duties of hisolllco, and pcttunsj j
ho refining until on comprint of cliin
hcrr, the commissioner of the General Land
Ollice specially instructed him in Uj. u
half. In '.hi Col. Gardner acted in direct
conflict with thu position of the Democratic
Party in thi Territory taken publicly again,!
his corrupt Whig predecessor, and in coo
llict with what every unbiassed citizen be!
Icived lo bo his rights under the land law
Tho present incumbent is incapacitated
to perform llio duties of bis office from
want of knowledge of its workings and
praciical details, and from old son k. u.
ing nearly a score year beyond the ordinary
constitutional limitation of tho different
States, in filling any judicial posiiion.
I Ie lenves the control of the office to clerks
who nro indolent and careless so that w,l
from the field is frequently unexamined
and consentient unapproved for mnmh.
nnd sometimes years after performance and'
due return by deputies.
llo is lyranical arbitrary and petulenl
towaidsourcitizons who apply ia,im
claimants of public hinds frequently eom.
polling them to resort to the courts tse
cure their plainest rights, which he miy
from some porsoual piquo havo conceive1 it
proper lo withhold.
Mo brought lo Oregon besides hi BWI)
sons, three clerks, Busey, Thonmson. n.t
Jones, who are whig and know nothing
end have acted nnd voted with lhat Party
hero the first of whom has lately returnee"
lo the States, and is ihe ton of Dr. lWv
of Washington, proprietor of the Know
Nothing organ of the nation.
Tie has retained in offico many of the
clerks of his wbij predecessor to ihe e
elusion of ablu and competent men ot the
uentocraiio rurty who have gained promi.
nenco here by their service to the Territory.
The chief clerk of the office. Belden i
now and has been, an avowed With? an J
know Nothing, and an active political oar.
In our lute contest with lie most des-
penile ami corrupt pofiiicaf organization
which has ever disgraced the pace of our
coniiiry's history, iho office. Survey
General in Oregon instead of being a rally,
ing point for tho struggling Demoerary ess-
came nn inviting resort of the Knights of
llio dark lantern.
Innwar linff contracts loDenwfv Sarver.
ors nud in reinining the servie,. ,f 0t,or
employees, his chief requirement in quali
fication, has been nnd now is that tlm n.
plicant does not belong lo the Democralic
Pnrty of Oregon a Party that challenges
the criticism of national politicians, for its
purity of principle and vigor of practice.
We therefore most respectful v
your Excellency in ihe name f car f onstit-
nauts, and our parly, thai tWesK. Gard
ner bo removed from tho ofiiee of Survevu
General of Oregon ; mid that Lnbycl'e
Crovor, a competent, active national Dciao.
ctat be appointed in hi place, and as ia
duty bound will ever pray Ac.
giesscreaiing me ollice of Surveyor Gener
al of the public lands i Oregon and to pro
vide lor the survey and to make donations
to settlers of said public lauds, approved,
Sept. 27ih 1350, a public- trust wnsVrnuioJ,
tho duo execution of which is of vast im-
pot tance to Ihe citizens of said Territory ;
that the powers conferred by said one ex'
raoruinary : that tho interests intended lo
ba secured by the snnie havo caused ihn
immigration lo this distant portion of our
Lnion of nine-tenths of our permanent pop
ulation, and the intire fortune nf lit!) ii tr ti i-a
i i w. iiihiii in r
,'r "T ,1'isi anu taitlilul exer
cise oi ineoitaial duties of our Surveyor
Under the administration of Milh.rrl Pin.
more Oregon had a Surveyor General who
was young, vigorous and comnetenl. ,l
an active and an active political parlizen
but against whom tho Demoem nf n,
.i.....v.,jr prcioireu ino Serious charm r,f
C1"" "V" oince in demandinif .. r.
services in the ordinnrv
duty for the performance of wlifeli ho was
paid by the General Government a liberal
mry. ne accumulated hirce sums of
money, illegally received from ih. h,A
earnings of our fellow citizens.
The people of Oregon, hoping for a cor
rective of this nnd other Linrl,. !.,... :..
ourtederalofiiees, took a deep interest in
the election which resulted in placing the
present Administration in . ,
hey rejoyced when it was announced in ,l,
rvs- n ... . .,
w n.nsiow o; Lo., are opening a nCw
tilery siorc at Lanemah.
1. lM.:.i:. . . "u" ! . .
III. till! Ma.ii.1 .. .... .vn. 1. 1 K . I. . . - . ...
in a public .,1, i(,v v t 1 V' W tn Aliu
rtt Adtinmstran Il is wdl keown that the citixrns of Kans.
"('.real God, on what rottrn Uuvad
Hang everlasting than,- !"
To I'.orrvsponilrBI.
A. C, Dalles Hand it to J. E. Lyle.
We ask pardon of bro. Mattoon. Our
failure to "ev." was uuintei.tional. In our
hurry we forgot to put the Exposi-er on
our book. V0 have now done so, and
will ex with pleasure.
O. T.t Union Point-Ve are at preen.
i"'gr supplied,
X. D.
-.:.-u. i
" iuiii uas nol made n irpntv
with Kamaiakin that wo have heard of.
U","""1SI Ba force of over a thousand
Indians in the Yakima country, and re
fuses to treat with Wright, who' wishes to
(10 so.
Euireoe Citv V. !,..! : i ! 14 5alJ "e 'H niake a trea; u-iil,
ai4 iiisur vu . J
it two wiek, when we received your titer.
S A. N., WasLin0ton Butte-It came I
OCT The C! volunteers are ex
pected in, in aljout a week.
if" Kr!til TiT.i.: .
H.nuuug arncie came to
nanJ too late fur this week.
rvi o..i i
-c... . aimer ins gone iScutll. h
the In-
af lv all ric-ht.
XiT Mr. Painter will .ccep, our thank,
fcr her coa'nlution of a nice h: of L.u.ter.
r , . , . uiiiiounccu in llif
inaugural Address nf tho
that "OHices can be ,Ur-rf. 'S
only in tbo isht ftf ..;,. '... W "" UVU
mem of th. ".-.-.r I. arori?eaoco,nP"h-
ran r. , t"""'cgooa, ana as occupancy
can nlor no prerogative, nor importunate
desire for preferment, any claim, the public
nterests imperatively demands that they
be conwdered with sole refrence to tho
duties to be performed." i:..
may -ell claim the protection of goo Z
but a claim for office, is wiat )e
a Rcpub .o should never reco"i2c ' V0
reasonable man of any political party will administration to be so Lit
wnitn wil require not only severe labor,
but cordial co-operation." '
Acting Up0n thi,
cecntie for the inno ntmoni i. ,
Portions in Om'i n " " "
formn.. .. p democrats Whose
luuruuiies; lo most of thr.
prompt response was made Lv 'tin
those rccommendiJ in ,.!- 1 '
honor. ' ' lrusl n1
But the appoitiasnt of Surveyor Gcncr-
lualans Suluj fov rcftc'c.
Gell. Lainei iuk in hi, otTiciiil renorl nf
.1.. i ..i .... .....
uiu mu ui ino nleaUuns, s8ys:
During the fight ofiho 27th, a small de
tachment went down on tho north side of
the rtv. r, for the purpose of capturiV nn
am.i.nls that might be below ; wiThin
sbnrt dislance I hey fell in will, two di,lw
killed one, and shot tho oilier throngh lire
shoulJcr. Ou.oKming of ibe SSih,
Oiscovercd the simin fires f iim 1...1L..-
making down tho river, nnd saw the squaw
crossing a bald hill on tho south side of th
nver, making towards the coast. On this
evening, Capts. Kcatb and lilakclev's com
panies, arrived under COMrmid of Mm.
Massey.ond were camped on the lower hi"
M.wlows, near John Mule creek. On tho
550th, I ordered the command to cross th
river, in pursuit 0f tle. anJ ,0 c(-
denvor to go out by Illinois vnllev. Thi
evening with th0 assistance of the'twoean
vass boats, which I bad made at Jackson
ville, wo all got across t&e river with pro
visions, camp cquippage, &c. The rain,
and snow still continued, nnd m the 30th.
the storm so increased, and tho snow fL.f
lo such a depth on the mountains lhat ia
was considered bv nil i,n '
quainted will, the country, that it was im
possible for the troops to move in that di
rection. After consulting ihn KinU r m
we concluded to establish a military post at
tlie Dlnr JJendows. nenr ll. ,....L W
., . - - ---t ' IIIUUIU HI JOI1U
Mulo creek. Officers and mon ,.r .1-
opinion that Limocv'
I TI toe iF T.A1 .
Wscs were capture which w'ere taken at
y ranch, by John's band. Some nf
pica I instruments were found belonging to
Dr. Barkwell, taken at the same time, and)
place. Some saddles were found which,
were taken by the same band of Indian
last winter at Murphy', creek. We also
round two scalps of white' persons-one of
nem was recognized as having belonged
o Mr. Harkness, tho other not known-,
they were both buiied; many things were
found, which had been stolen or caplurwf
" nV. u"nng iUe winter.
Ibe troops during ihe late action be
haved most gallantly, and deserve ihe
gratitude of a generous public. There has
oeen a complete discomfiture of the Indians
notorious stronghold ; during the fight, the
Indians called loudly for a treaty and
good talk. Someof the Volunteer, said
the Indians offered to give up their puna
and any.btng else tbo while, wished, if
they would only treat wiih them. There
is now an opportunity to treat wiih the In
dians t on any terms. A station has heed
estn.l slied at the big Meadows, Maj.J.n..
Kruce u in command. Capts. Kcath ami
niakeler of the 2J liuti.tiL r :..
Capts. W ilham, and Wilkerson, with their -companies,
,rj also stationed at thi post.
I he two last named companies will Voon
have served their time out, and it is but
:mple justice to say, that ,hcse companies
ie Krcd their country mon f.ii-bfullv.