The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 24, 1856, Image 1

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    rciiimci) avsar avruaiuir horniso,
Oflice-CooJ'j Building, Main st. Edito
rial Room in tirst story.
TE !.'' Asoua Kill be furniahai al
'J'hrte Dolfail and fily Vinla fr annum,
la aingla anbirri'imThrtt Dutlari
taek la rlulu of Irn al ant afiee.
tff Turn Valtori far m mantliiNa autitcrlp-
liana rtrtivtj fur lean period,
fjf Ka wiper ducoiilinurd unlit alt arrenrufet
art paid. unl"t al Ike npliun uf Hie puhlithcr.
fsueaW UtttUy t
BY Jl'MA M. EMI ti".
Speak gcutly j cil.l, Imicl ward am felt
Beyond III piiuing hour J
, la aflet Ufa U known, alas I
Tusir chilling, douilly power.
Bjwkk gently to III Millie auil
Karlli genlly liMenou-h of
TlioM do not by lliy eulilm check
Thy ilrit'ij) omlluw.
Spoak gt-ully tu til wirrowing
The Imrt op.iend wMi grief,
; May Ontiiu lliy coiuoling ward
, , AbU-staudeureriliif.
Speak genlly lo tliu littlo one
That cluster round lliy way )
' Lift may nut alwaye wear lollrem
Au epeot fair iuJ gay.
. Speak geully to III euUerhig poor
Twill help IokmiIi lliair woe,
! If tliou, with kind lud gentle worJn,
Thino alme lu lovo bestow.
; Epcuk gently ; k'nd, friendly word
It U not much to give ;
Dut iu tli weary, cure-worn heart
It memory long shall lira.
Speak gently ; fur kind, lotiitg word
Possess a innjio power,
To lighten aorrow, care dispel,
And cheer a lonely hour.
mmrmmwmmmm mem mm Tuamvmm mm am i
Democracy, turn advocating me mw vi muum
Weekly Newdpopcr, devoted to the Principles of JeftlMwrnim
n OREGON CITY, O.T., MAY L4, 1850.
Xo. 0.
An Englishman U America.
Tlio following nniolo appears in the Lon.
don Shipping and Mercuntilo Gazette :
To tlio F.tlitorof tliu Shipping and Mercnn
lilo Gazelle :
i Sir : I have now mndo the tour of the
Slates of North America, and think it prob
ublo I can give your readers some useful
information. I landed nt New York city
teu months ago, and havo spout my lime
in studying the diameter and customs of
those people, and must confess thut if I re
mained ten years tliu result would ho the
eainc; and 1 know very little ubuut them.
Dut upon one point naliotiul prido men,
wemen, and children are nil uliku, and the
idea of any nation of Europe, or the whole
.r ii . ....... it.. ... ....ii.iiiniMiHr tliU eoun-
VI IIICIM 'UV ',..iv.., r -
try,.is perfectly absurd to them. Every
.body 'rends the papers, and n good-humored
urchin of twelve years used to rate me
soundly nt Philadelphia lor our failures at
Scljuiipo. The best version f Ameri
can sympathy was civ. n me few days
idnce. 'Wli.'ii iliu war commenced ih
Turks were the weaker power, and our
sympathies were uilh her. After the id
liance, it was three against ono, an I our
sympathies went for llussiu ; but, should
Trance join Russia to morrow against Eng-
land, our government could not prevent iis
citizens from not only -.'ympathizrug with
England, hut assisting h"r with
uid.' This I heard from a very intelligent
man, who 1 do not think suspected my na
tionality ; and I firmly believe it. In the
South I spent some time upon the planta
tions, nnd many times held long converse
tions with tliu slaves, und always with the
same result. Thcv aro much better satis-
lied than 1 suspected, and when 1 spoko f
the probability of sr,I was answered,
thai "whito folks wouldn't let tiia fi'ln."
'Hut,' said I, "the blacks from the West
Indies will cme here and help you tonm
vour freedom." '-What! black soger
I.r l..i 'nn eum. den. ninssa : lei ii
fight the nigja, I know, and (ior Almih:y
wo civoVm.goh !" If not in the s um-
laifnage the same fueling was ever ex
I have viitud all their national armories,
und nhhou"h the county is at peace, the
roniPift netiviiv prevails : all ihe old arms
nrecon(femned, and by next spring nearly
1,500,000 Minio rifles will bo ready for
. ..iL,.;i,i;,.,. .1,,l,.s CoIl's. Clark's, and
oll.ers. A Mr. Al"cr, at Boston, is now
engaged on a new kind of gun for the navy
'The ranso with solid shot is nearly 5 miles
with shell, somewhat shorter, and the explo
,sion of the shell renders conflagration cer
lain to a i-reat distance. These are called
by those at work on them, the secret gun
Hut what the secret is I could not acer
tain. Since the war rumors 1 have been
ubservanl of all and everything that could
give a clue to the feclinps of the peopK
This is not difficult to come at, as the feeling
is general, and their confidence so great iu
lheir own strength that the most diffident
only speak of the cousequences and the re
suit. In company with a party of mer
chants, most of whom were engaged in the
trade with England, I broached the war
...KwH.inil was astonished to find them to
indifferent about the consequences.
One of
them, largely it.terc.led in cupper-.,..,
in answer to a remak of mine, that he would
i t inners "NTot a bit ol
I.ava iu "i" ri
-.,'1 h.v "thev will make capital pr.
teen; the government will furnish guns of
lon- range; no British man-of-war can
catch them except a tteamer, and they can.
not in a good breeze, so we must take
thanoes." -But where will you get your
m.f -Where 1 We have 94:000e-
ti.4 fi.Wmen who will floJ our aeaportfi
r.Hlv that in less
ana i k j" , .
.(..r. .! mon'h after the war la dec ared,
there will be 500 of the fastest els in
th. wor!J a!oit ar'iT-t:rr''' hti " '
li.h merchantman will nut oo uttoweu to
,ow herself at ten. W hat il'we lose a few,
wo will nnkn it up in the end. Two steam-
era were launched a few days since, each
about 4,000 totif, built in chJil mouths, and
it i jut as easy to build &U in the same
time or lo." "Hut your coasts aro not
defended, lti-member you have no Sebas
topol or Cronstadt." Nor do we want any.
Wo have a fov very pretty loris, but shot'l l
any nation nttempt an invasion, we will
meet them with hands and hearts equal lo
any, superior to most ; and we can con
centrate 800,000 men at any point on our
coast in a few days. Let the alarm be
sounded at this moment, and in a few hours
nearly 80,000 men will makothoir appear
ance nrmed and equipped."
This sounds lik ! bragging, but it i fact.
This city (New York) has near that num
ber enrolled nnd equipped; every man
keeps his rifle nt home or in the private
armory of the company to which he belongs,
and I find it is tlio samo throughout the
country. I have frequently met with boys
of 13 nnd 14, with gun and game-bag,
starting at early dawn for the woods, for
here they can shoot game wherever found.
War is argurd against by everybody as
something to be avoided, but the idea of
backing out to avoid it does not appear toen
ter the mind of any body. Some of the papers
fpeak of the President's message disparag
ingly, but the people are with him. I re
gret I cannot defend my country at this
t'uno as 1 would wish. The Bulwer Clay
ton treaty is plain nnd explicit, and there
don't nnd won't understand double mean-
ings in treaties. They say the man with
the white hat does not refer to the individu
al in tho whito cap, und my Lord John Rus-
s II acknowledge ihe American interpre
tation. There are thousands of men hero
that the Americans would he glad to get
clear of, but that does not justify England
in blinking their laws by enlisting them ;
and my Lord ru'inerslon's instructions
ivnroiiiethiii''like tullinira man to stab
his neighbor but not hurt him.
If the iren'y (Clayioti-Buhver) is adher
ed to, wo have the Stat pledged never to
occupy it, (Central America,) for, say what
we will, they will stick to the trra'y and it
wilbnot be annexed ; abrogate it, and in
-ss than ten years it will be one of the
State s of tho 1'n ion. The Canadians are
n very h.yal set, and think they could take
nosscss'on of the Uui'id States at a mo
ment's warning. Tiny have caught the
hubit of bragging from their neighbors
without having the wherewith to brag on.
A I rip up the lakes is the must convincing
proof wo can have of the ilillereiife in the
two pmple. In the American are well fin-
J,iil cities and towns, sawmills, riiilwwls
tunning in every direction u. o.ei, ,vu
seldom lose ti;:ht of tho locomotive nnd
there are innumerable teamris nt every
itidilK'. On the Cann-lian, where tliere
nre settlements, yon see the well-kept, com-
fortnblu dwellings, the smooth snenrcd lawn,
and everything wears an air of comfort ;
but liille or no business, with the exception
of the great railroad. However, they arc
rapidly improving ; but should there be
war, the largest nnd best portions ot i, ana
da are lost to us. Quebec, Halifax, and
...Iw.r iwiints wmild bother them. But to
" i
sum up my own observations after every
opportunity that one man could have ul
forded him. the result wouM benslollows.
Mexico, Culia, nnd the whole of Central
America iu the. South, including Cuba,
wmildbe annexed ; and I have little doubt
of Canada, in tliu .North ; millions ot trea
sure and thousands of valuable lives lost to
En"!and forever ; our commerce crippled
in tvery sen, and some fighting that will
irliiddeti tho heat ls of our tried soldiery.
Now, what can we gain ? A fool of ter
ritory t We don't wnnt it ; nnd if wo did,
six feet for the majority of our brave fellows,
I feu, , wuuld be the extent. Naval or mili
tary glory we don't want, nnd as for the
sand beach of tho Mosquito king it is a de
cided humbug. What would be the result
to this country ? It would put her back in
nrospcrity for half a century; it would
i . - .
ruin thousands who are now in,.
but would en rich thousands who are now
poor. But the great advantage the Ameri
cans have is that they can produce and
manufacture everything tbey want ; the
different climates nfford this. They would
get accustomed to their oWI. goods and dis
card ours forever. But the greatest injury
io all parties, and I may say to the world,
would be the making of this nation of 2-V
000,000 a warlike people ; and once in
stiled with the love of war, the propagand
ists of Europe would have a fearful ally. The
last rear's crop of wheat is officially given
at 170,0110,000 of bushels, and everything
else in proportion, so that we cannot starve
ihera out ; and, my own observation,
would rather see England contending with
the whole of Europe than against this
country. I am no croaker, nor have I any
dcubt of the power and wealth of my be
I loved country, and, if need be, coull agin
'v-cj:e s a:T.krt f'rter l?n l'T
but ihu day that wuris declared between
those two niigh'y rivals a contest will bo
commenced that will bring more honors in
it tfiiti than the world ever vet wilnewed.
There is another item which I am liko to
forget. Many of my county men place great
dependence on tho abolitionists, or friends
of freedom, in this country ; but I assure
you their greatest protection hero is their
iusiyiiilicuiico. They flourish as long as
thought harmless, but the slightest suspi
cion of their collusion with a foreign fo
and they would bo annihilated ; in facl '
have proved to my entire satisfaction that
those terrible and exciting questions uro
only intended for poliiical effects; but at
tach any importance to thr-m affecting Jie
interests of tho country, and they nre gone.
You would, uo doubt, be astonished to hear
that many children of foreigners, and, in
fact, foreigners themselves, aro know-nolh-iiv.!s,Htnrted
lo proscribe them ; but such is
the fact. I have extended my remarks
further than I intended, but they have one
desirable feature that is, truth. Should
they prove acceptable, I may again intrude
on you. I remain, yours,
Buffalo. New York, Jan. 11, 1850.
From New Mexico. Col. Savery, Mr,
Bransfotd, Mr. Rccs, and several other
"entlemen, have recently arrived in our
ci'iy from New Mexico. They represent
tho Indians as quiet, and a better prospect
for a permanent peace among tho hostile
tribes, who have heretofore been a terror
upon the plains, than ever before. Indeed,
tho Indians may ho said to bo suing for
ncace and foi'eivoness. ihe Santa re
mail, duo the hitter part of this month, wil'
not, it is supposed, arrive, as the new con
tractors for its transportation, it is alleged,
have not the means or necessary appliances
to put it through. The outward bound
mail for Santa Fe, which started on the
first of this month, only proceeded a few
miles from West port and then camo back
on account, it is said, ef the depth of the
miimw. nnd lies there at present. Thero is
no news of any particular interest in iSew
Mexico. The winter has been the hardest
ona ever experienced there, und the stock
upon thepluins have suffered quite severely
The Arkansas river is reported to bo frozen
to tho bottom. A number of merchants
from New Mexico are already in our city,
utid others are expected, lo lay in their
stock of goods fur tho season, lnu put
cliases this year will be very heavy. Si.
Louis Republican Munh 20.
05" Tho Wilmington, Del., Republican
t. lls n story of John Bceson, nn old miser in
tl.oso parts, who is a bachelor, about eighty
years ol nc, nnd by his peculiar modo of
living has amassed a lortune, ueing me
owner of some two or three hundred acres
of land iu Uraudywiue Hundred. It is al-
e-ed that since he arrived to manhood he
has never slept in a bed, preferring to lie
on the floor near the lire place, with a stick
of wood ior a pillow, lie. has taken all tho
wheat he produced on his farm lo tho Uran
dwine mills, whore, it is said, the money
has remained for two or three years before
he would lift it. No went without shoes,
and the soles of his feel became impervious
lo briars and even thorns.
Predominance of Amuuican SmrriNO
in Chinese Waters. Tho Friend of
China, of Dec. 15th, gives the tonnage of
foreign nations nt ihat lime in the ports of
Shanghae Fuchow-fou, Whampoa, nnd
long Kong, a total of 50,000 tons. Of
this amount, 18,075 is British, and 2 4,192
American. The latter is within 4,034 tons
of the combined tonnago ot all toretg'i na
tions at these ports, and is larger than tho
tonnage of England, France, Spain, Hol
land, Sweden, Hamburg, Denmark, I'ortu
al and Bremen.
Our Hf-t'.oiil Uvrtnsts.
From an elaborate article in Putnam's
Magazine for Murch wo gn'hcr some inter
esting facts relatiie to our sea-coast de
fense. Beginning iu tho Eastern part of
tho United States, iho writer of the article
alluded to gives us tliu designation and lo
cation of each fortification upon tho coast
around to the Mississippi, together with
our Lake defenses on our Northern boun
dary. In addition to this, we have nn ac
count of tho number of men necessary to
garrison each fort, the total amount of
money already expended upon them, and
the amount necessary to complete each of
the forts enumerated.
We think tho writer has omitted one fort
on our extreme Eastern border,' ut East-
port, Maine. A high natural eminence
overlooks tho town, upon the summit of
which aro barracks and some 20 guns ol
largo calibre, though not enough by any
means to defend the town from nn attack
of heavy war ships. The first fort enu
merated in tho article in Putnam is fori
ICiiox. nt BuckstJort. Maine. Situated nt
about 25 miles from iho inou'h of (he Ve
nobscot nt a "narrow" in ihe river, it coin
pletely precludes the possibility of iho pas-
sa"0 of a hostile ship. There have been
One Htuart (14 lu lt) ona i.iitln, )3,P1
II II Wul.lM!lt.Uk, 4,(0
m tlir c ii.s- rw'i, .','0
Tacit fiibwra'in inw'iuiii lV
Reaneali'a dtJuc Iwa u. tli- aJftriiw by
ll. v. ar.
Tc ranraitma up m AHilS fa furi-tr
lu iuluriii Urn H:ic stmt l.a li J'l raea.vcil a ll Tll'i: and o' J.M.W
in unit, rill, and will ka la lU a, cciy ifi' t "f
ud.liliiiiiasi.iiv4 mull Ilia rural. I'l.x-uss uf" ilia lo
eulliv. 11.1X01111.1. I'lWTI'.ltK, libA'j
nml iitl.ur liii.Ja, Jour lo or.ler. Imrt not e.
. i , ' 'jy'ALJ.'-1. '- i-5
No Fixu'itts is Nati'ue. Tboro aro
.: i. :.. ,i... i' fierier, unon no fix uros In nature, ihe univurm ts tluid
the recent war excitement, wo extract the and volniilu. 1't ruw.icncc is but a word of
following: le'. Our gl,bo seen by Cod Is but
.-England would l.nve no chance of win- transparent law, not a mas. of fads. fU
nittg any glory from a contest with us, will, oueu
out bor people wore thoroughly united and uur mur. I, "" .
zealous for ho war-this they are not. nor an idea, hioh dr,,wa it . his Hat, o U,
re they likely If bo. Should tiny, how- and institutions. Le, us ra,e an o.ho i v .
over, forge, tleir own pursui.s of L , ,
-,,,1 !,.! .I,r-i, ,, in seeking a War ""cu
with the only country in the world ihat of ie j here n.l lb.r
Of 8 Rksoi'kcksop Naval SrnE.vuTH.
solitary figure or
as we ice IKcKf mm
i ...... .i.i. .i.. f 1. 1.., 1 1 trai'tniiit remaining
synipniiiiscs niwi inc iun i "" - ,, , ,. ,.
. ...i i ... scrai sof snow left m cold dells and moun-
i.oeriy lueairugj;.. .uu.u , . . ., .,.-.,;
f , ... .. ..... .1... niuc e s.iiuunoor juiy.
wor iy oi a neroic ago a conieM, iui mc , .,e.
J . . .. ... . i ii n.itw K.-imewliut else.
Tho weakness of mu. crime - - -
The Greek letters last a littlo longer, vu
dominion of the ocean.
England's insular position would bo appar
ent in one or two years, when the unequal-
ed sttppiics of liml cr and naval stores, iron
and coal of America, would bo exhibited
in the continuud prtduolion of fleets tur
passing the capacity of all tho worlJ.
..n, 1 .. . t .... I ! .. . n , . r. m.l
joiners enough in tho United Stales to build oflbo foregoing. Now art. dest oy the
wo hudredw.r steamer, of the tiu of U. See the capital ...
the Merrimaceach year, without diverting l":
t at..- I ,.1. r.-n.In o. ffUnpOWUCr, lUilui u.iv. v r
II IIlUll UUIII Oil y UlllUr UIIHUII va a-MVt iiu 9
msehiniits onoiifli to fit tlirm with encmes, h' kU'al" i
- a .
and sailors enough to man them. Since
are already passing under tho same sen
tence, and tumbling into the inevitable pit
which tho creation of new thought open
for nil that U old. Tho new contininU are
building out of the ruins of an old planet,
tho now races feed out of tho decomposition
steam bv electricity.
expended on it already 6130,442, and
Xfl Mr. ISeorge Sumner in a recent
tho daye of Tromp and Kuytcr, England cctur0 8poU of the excessive ubc ol sal-
05" A bill to establish an overland ex
press mail from St. Louis to San Francisco,
via Albuquerque, N. M .has been introdu
red into Concress. The conttactors are to
be paid $3000 per trip, and allowed lo
preempt a section of the public domain for
every ten miles of the route. The post-
ago charged is lo be SO cents per ounce ;
and if after the first year tho contractors
fail to make tho trip In fifteen days, they
are liable to a heavy penalty.
Westf-bn Emigration. The New
ifnmnshire Patriot says! 'e hear ot
persons in nil sections of the Sia'.e. who
are starting for the West, or preparing to
go, while many have already gone this
spring. In one day last week, an ag-nt on
one of the great routes to the West sold
fifteen tickets to men going from this vicin-i-y.
There'." no doubt that more people
will leave this State for the West this year
lhan have gone in any three past years.
8500,000 more are required to complete it
according to the original plan.
Portland (Mo.) harbor has been prepared
for partial defense by tho two forts Scam-
mel and Preble, built at an expense ot
8111,137, nnd mounting 111 guns. To
complete these works $7,500 aro needed.
Forts McClnney and Constitution com
mand the harbor of Portsmouth, N.1I.
They mount in tho aggregate but 73 guns,
and were completed nt au expense of $39,-
Boston Harbor and City aro defended by
three forts and two batteries mounting in
all 539 guns. On these an amount of
1,088,103 has been expended, nnd 5124,
D73 ate yet required to complete them.
New Bedford, Mass., has one fort of 14
guns, completed at an expense of $5,000
Fori "Adams c Jinmauds Newport, R. I. It
mounts 4G4 guns, has already consumed
81,301,343, ni:d requires 830,000 to finish
it. Fort Trumbull is tho defense of New
London, Connecticut, mounting 08 guns,
and completed at nn expensoof $-250,0-1 1.
New York City is defended by soven
forts und fmr batteries. Theso in all
mount 1000 guns. To carry theso work
as fur towards completion as they at pres
ent are carried, has cost $2,511,404. To
perfect them 394,520 moro uro required.
Forts Delaware nnd Mifflin, on the Dela
ware river, aro provided with 204 guns.
There has been expended on them the sum
of (021,013, nnd 8592,000 will be requi.
red to complete them.
Fort Monroe, nt Old Point Comfort, and
Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roads, have 595
guns, have cost 84,007,407, and require
yet $804,332 to complete them.
Forts Washington, on iho Polomnc, Sev
ern nnd Madison, nt Annapolis, mount in
all 133 guns. They have cost 8590.854.
Tim first two are completed, tho last re
quires yet an expenditure of $30,000,
There nre two forts prepared in part for
tho defense of l3altimorc Carroll and
Mcilenry. They mount 233 guus, have
cost 231,0G3, nnd require an outlay of
8G5,000 yet
There is a fort (M icon.) on Iho coast Ol
Vorth Carolina, at Beaufort. It mounts
01 L'uns, and has cost 8470,730. To fin
ish it 83.000 are needed. Thero is nnolher
nt Oak Island, Sinithville, N. C, Fort Cas
well, mounting 87 cues. It has been near
ly completed nt nn expense of $571,221
Charleston, S. C, has three Forts, Pinck
ncy, Moultrie, and Sumpler. They have
225 guns, awl havo been liuis tar compio
ted at an expensoof 1795,718. $158,090
will fill out the original plan of these
three forts.
Forts Pulaski and Jackson dominate the
Savannah river, have cost 1,003,659, and
need an expenditure of $90,000.
On the coasts of Florida aro seven Forls
from Cumberland Sound around to Pensa
cola. On the ramparts of these are 1041
heavy cutis. These Forts have cost $2,-
410,321, and yet require for their comple
tion'lha sum of $2,213,802.
Fort Morgan, at Mobile Point, and
Gaines, at Dauphin Island, coast of Ala-
bama, have 221 guna. They havo cost
$1 23-2,550, and need yet an expenditure
of $2 10,000.
There are seven works of detense on the
coast of Louisiana. They have in all 446
cuns, have cost $2,393,101, and require
$115,500 to coinpleie them.
Forts Wayne, at Detroit, Porter, at Buf
falo, Niagara, on Niagara river, Ontario at
fhweffo. and Montgomery on Lake Cham-
plain have an armament of 342 guns.
They have cost $012,650, and require now
$353,040 to complete .mem
has never had a really naval power to con-1 (mtn, as a cardinal cause of our prevaleut
tend with. Sho has destroyed fleets, but American ill health. Ow mg to it, ho say
tho nations who owned thorn have not been ,,at tli0 overage Auwrlcau mortality i
able to replace them again. We do not raull to that of the filthiest and most uoi-
spenk of armies, for in such a war they som atrocts in London. Ho denounced
would ho of secondary importance, i he jt a JcaJ?y poison whose uso should bit
chivulric valor of our people needs no en
comium, nnd tho superior 'military educa
tion of our officers over tlio British is too
notorious to require comment."
SfcCKss or Pacific Missions. Thero are jjj ft pm,,hlet to prove that tho comot
119 American und English missionaries in Lxocted to appear in tho course of lh
shunned as tho slaughterer of iho iufuut,
nnd the destroyer of tho strong man.
The Comet. Dr. O. A. Jahn,
the astronomer of Leipsic, has just pub-
iho Pueific Islands ; 50,020 communicants,
and 51,708 pupils. This wonderful suc
cess in the missionary ellorts of barely a
inglo geueration, is nn earnest of the im
meiise harvest vet to be reaped among tho
millions of Asia, Afiica, Austrulia, and L ar0 glii exlant
Polynesia, when onco the Bible and tho
livin teacher shall bo found heralding the
. . a i.t a nil ft
present year is identical wiin mai oi nu
und 1550. Tho latter is called in Germa.
ny MJancthou's comet, from the fact of
that reformer having written several let
ters and dissertations about it, eleven of
Si'GAit. Tho sugar planter in different
. f T ..a it... I al.y .trnll'.
aH in all tho diHeren, tongu -s and Ian- - J -"
"ua"es of tho Eastern Hemisphere.
nat'-rial injury from tho unusual severity
Gold in North Ameri- , .jn,er nilj ,iml ttjcre is every rea-
can North Carolina Englo slates that the sOI) (0 01,p,.ciend another short crop of su-
slaves nt the Tortis gold mine in Franklin itaf Tljs js jt,y t0 CI1U30 tho Mrti-lo lo
county, the property of T. K.TIiomas.foiiud, "1)im)ta;n js present advanced rutoa, if not
a few days ago, several nuggets of gold, (o nicr figures.
makiii" about $1050; one piece was worth - . .
- . ,,. i . frr The Norfu k (Vo.) -ilx'iM notice
between $800 mid 8000 almost pure l ne ioiioik yy ) 0
., , ..... ..... l, .i, fttor, with pleasure tho fuel iho British shipping
-.oie,, ..i.o.ue. !.. ... ., , ... .. r v...r,ll- ,ln,.nml..d ibuir
!...!, .,,,, I . severu in uio nuiou. "i
HI It I ilat.i-si ! ......
olhers worth from 810 lo $40.
masts with flags, on tho 22d, in honor of
ilm National Anniversary. lo L.nUa
The School Ma'am at IIomr. While yo,;.,, Capt. Wallace, in particular,
the world is perpetually insinuating its I prusCJt(.Ll a haudsonio appearance.
sus,.icion that Mho schoolmaster is abroad,' pBI!eTi:B'. Hand
it will, wo doubt not, feel relieved by the . "ow ..... - ;
receipt of information of the most authen. iAVEt...--.i.iuus - - " " v -
tic character that tho school ...a'nm is at au ay, yei m .... - -
. . I . . r,. In, ..i Inntl Inn l.anil ls.1 as
home. It is not necessary to sav that the S"'l i't...., v-. - - . . '
' i ... document is authentic. Neither 'o ',a11 Prove
w a
flood nor Hook nor Hogg, nor nil three to-
rtpther. could have done it. Great Nature
ulono is equal to tho effort. How we came
by it is of no importance. e stole it.
The thing will ntono for Iho Hit It. Vo
plead it in justification. It is in response,
as will ue seen, to u iiiuviiiiiuuun u,uu
ment. Cm. Commercial
A good Printer will a"t
8000 ems a day, or about '.'i.uuu wurr.
Tho distance traveled over by his hand
will nvonieo ubout ono f.ot per letlor, go
ing to the bnxes in which they aro conUiin
ed, mid of course returning, making two
feet every letter ho sets. This would make
a distnnce, each day, of 48,000 feci, or a
little more than nino miles; ami, in the
ennrsp of the vonr, leaving out Sundays,
uNjAvrMuen tlio lfllh. A. D. 1855
j)rnr Siril i with great pleasure that the member travels about 3,000 links.
I take my pen in hand to write n lew lines
to you. "I was looking over my brothers
newspnper. Seeing inserieu irieru ... um.
Hud on Ihe 3d of March, aged 88 years.
.h In pnniiiuii.icnto with any votll.2 It. u..i n son of Hull. KOUI'.K SllKUMAN,
iady of rospectubilily with a View of" Mar- Qwof (ie s!ll0rBOf tha Declaration of In-
riagu Dear Sir I profess lo bo one that are . j " j oll0 0f ,ho leading men in
in possession of which you require. As "M-" , . j
for Music, I profess, lo be a perfect hand framing iho Constitution of tho Ln.ieu
at playing iho instrument called tho Accor- Slates.
dean and piann. I am in possession of - "
both Instruments. I obtained thorn from Excessive Ea'ino. In a letter to Lord
my Unklo ua a present I nm Teaching jiurr.,y, found in the lifo of Sidney Smith,
School at piesnct at 20 dollar per mouth. . , ' lU;lf ,lu ioUer says :
Sear Sir when you write to mo 1 win navo ntlcixlins moro to diet
moro foundation to write, my ago is i u my - ,.livtl.inff like
lanrrun-ro is english for commo.n Dut 1 can than heretofore. If ou wish anyilung like
talk German as goad as cnglisb. My prop- ln)pincssin the fifth act of life, cat and
erty can be Sold nt any day nt Fourteen Jilk ul)0Ut ,Rlf what you could rat and
hundred Dear sir If you ore a person Jrink r)iJ j rvcrtcy0u my calculation
ehnrter1 $?Z hunting -d diinking J lining nscer-
cWlitu!. Jierson that will do well for a mined tho weigh, of what I could live upon
Woman I bono you will condescend so low ,n , to reserve health nnd strength, atiJ
as to Answero those lines As I wish to com. d j j jve ul,0,( f JUn,l tlnat between
r.i !... ...'.II Wriln
mutlicate Willi somu peimni mi".
on tho subject of Marriage, for I am the
age that tho most of tho Ladies get Mar
rnt in this neighborhood. I have never
kepi company wilh Hut three young men
ihpv are respectability. One of thetn is
paying bis respects at present out no is noi
one that will suit me for I believo he wants
ten and seventy years of nge I had cairn
und drunk forty-four one horse wagon loads
of meat and drink more than would have
rp.rv.,d me in life and health! The value
of this mass of nourishment is considered to
lo worth 7,000 sterling. It occurred to
... it.n. I mnj. lv voracity, havo starved
liiu hi... -.-
my ricnes nui. ue-. . ,., ti.;. ;
Pleas exenso my poor Vriiing and com- t0 ,)t.ftih moro than one hundred, lun is
posing, the Scholars are waiting to rocite rrufa calculation, but irtesistably truej
tr i .,t , rli'r,inr-ltv l as ' 353,04U to complete .mem.
Governor M..rehead of Kentucky as ? have of batteries, ea.llea. and
Pn indicted by the lirana iry o. , - -- , . . "... . ' r. '
... --. toioris, on our noio coosi, m, iu,
county, for allowing one 0 Rlirr wn foral of the, they require 30,
hire his own time. I he onl) d.mcui y f i
is this that after they nne me . , a -v
ihe matter
Governor be
Ilni.inir to hear from you soon. And then
I will write better and write sensible,
Yours truly
OtT Mr. Daniel Bowen died in Pbilad. I
p'nia not long since In ti.e 0'iih year of his
as. Ho was the oldest printer and pub-
lUher in the United States. lie published
the New Havrn nepulcr in 1784.
fcT Never touch your rye but with your
and I .Link, dear Murray, your wagon.
would require an additional Horse tacn.
OCT Capt. Dobbing, of Erie, a well
known officer in tho revenuo service, dieu
on the 29th Feb. Ho participated as Lieu-
tenant in the battle of Lake Erie, 'Terry
Victory," hearing himself bravely and con
apicuously in that memorable engagement.
2T Enemies toboauty ore fe-s to na'ur-.