The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 26, 1856, Image 4

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    tub rm w no P.
A title :ift'c! of ruin,
Thai from 0 pitslng cloud descanted,
V licurj ill ii idly lu lompVin
"My b.'inf ixstsnc uowieuJeJI
Outcast aliko of eunh and skv,
Etc! i to live, unknown to do !"
1; chancoJ tu f ill lulo I lie m,
- A ii J there in open ili' ll received il ;
An I yiiir bw r ill wus lis
Who fr mi its priton house relieved It
Th drop of rain hsd formed i grin,
To deck a hi niiir.h'a dinlrin.
TUc I.otl Tribes of ltrarl.
Mr. Kennedy cominunicutcil llio follow,
inj; to llio Ilritisli A mucin: ion fur I ho Ad
micciiii nt of Kuicncn, nnilio resuliiof lii
r:HCarcliCK iutu tlio interesting urnl nuicli
controverted qii'.'tl'uii of llio lost tribe of
lrni'l : '
' 1 llio nuiiiljr of those token away
in llm diiT roni c'iiiiiiii' li.'i'l Lti-ii mucli
ovcr-c-tiiiiutcil, only tho jrincijul )t"j(ta
li u li)' lw.n Hindu captive u iioslnjjr.s, willi
tliM limn of war, and oilier liiuil avuiluble
ni slaves ; I lint I In) main body of llio tun
tribe were not lulcn away by iLe Anyri
mm, but were left in lliuir ancient possess
ion, nlir.'ii lln-y became npiiin partially sub
jected tu the kinga of Judali ; tliut llio
tribes lliut can be supposed to have beon
reully removed wcro the Jlcubenitee, tlio
(Jadilos, with llio half tribe of Mnnasseli,
and that of Narilitlnili, win, being jiluued
on llm cant of Jordan mid on the north,
wore most exposed lo the ntmcki of llio
ciiomy; lliut I ho greatest pnrt of ihoso
who had boeii Inkeii away Hub) Inn, or
their deiiveiidaulr, mid llio doccndunti of
those taken away Ly I lie Anyriiins, relumed
1o their ancionl Intel; llml, while in Jiaby.
Ionia, Assyria, mid ether countries of their
coii'iii'ruM, Ihey could not bo supposed to
h iVo lived nparl by their tribes, bo that in
Ihuspnvo of two hundred years mid "up
'wurJa those taken away iiiunI havu lout al
most every distinction of tribes, and ihus
linre become prepared to form part of that
restored nation which took tlio iiamo Jews
from Iho principal tiibo amongst them J
tliut the tribe of Judah having been tlio
most numerous, and tbr ir eily of Jerusa.
Join thu oeniro around which I he Isrneliiri
congregated, u follows as a linlurul cousc
iiwicu that thuir name would become tlio
prevailing olio ; that the nmulgatiiniiou of
union mlo on peoplu 0f all the Israelites
was in accordance with the prediciions of
the iropueta; thai ih reinnnntaof the Is.
nielitcH left in Uabyloula and Assyria,
though smaller in miinhiir than that por
tion which ttu restored lo their ancient
jiossessions, inighl yet Imvo Increased loan
Linticiiso multitude, in llio six hundred
years which elapsed between llio first res.
toratiou ujfd llio timo of Josephus : but
that Iho remnant left beyond iho Kujdiru
ic cannot properly b considered lo ha
been the represeiilaiivesof the tribes, much
less the entire body of tlio leu tribes : that
ill Ihe timo of Josephus, all distinctions of
the other tribes having brcmno lost, except
it -i t i i i i
n."u oi juuim auu JJeiijaiiiin, ho erro
iicotnly supposed they were thu only tribes
(Hainan relumed, and thai H,e other ten
tribes still remained beyond llio Euphrates;
urn., iii any ease, the dream of RMlriis re
feting Iho ten tribes having taken eoun
sel among themselves, and gono into a fur
llier country, wl,ro never mankind dwelt
was a niero dream or vision, s it in reality
Biblical Hcleocs,
Lieut. AUi'iY expreisei Lis Id'ef tint
science had advanced to a high state of cul
livBiion In tho daja of Job. Many pas
snges in tho Uiblo convey t mysterious
inc-aniiig, which tin light of agronomical
dittovrry can alone elucidaie. He shows
that iLii pa'ssgo, "The wind diiveth away
rain," conlnini meteorological fact of
great importance in the study of the circu
Uliun of the atmosphere, lie oWrvcs:
"The Bible frenuenily makei allusions
to ihe laws of nature, their operation and
elicits, liut inch allusions sro often to
wrapt in iho fdds of the peculiar and grace
fol drapery with wMih Ita language is oc
caiiotmlly cloihod, ihal the iiieanin"
though peeping out from Its thin coveting
nil the Hhile, yet lies in some tenia con
calvd, until ihe lights and revelations of
scieiico are thrown upon it ; then it turn's
out and strikes ui with I lie more forco and
benuiy. As our knowledgo of nature and
her laws has incrcineJ, so La our under
standing of ninny passages in tho Diblo
been improved. The iiible called the earth
'tho round world'; yet fur ages it wan tho
rnont dumnublo heresy for Christian men to
say the world is round, and, finally, sailors
circumnavigated tho globe, proved tlio Iii
Liu to be right, Bud saved Christiun men
of science from the stuke.
'Ciuut thou tell the sweet influences of the nide?'
"Astronomers of the present day, if they
have not answerod this queslion, have
thrown so much light upon it as to show
that, if ever it bo answord by man, he
must consult tho science of astoiioiny. It
has been recently nil but proved, that the
enrlu and sun, with their splendid retinue
of comets, Mttellilo, and jdaueis, sro nil in
motion around some point or centre of at
traction inconceivably remote, and that
point is in the direction of the star Alcyone,
oneoftbo rictades! Who but the as
Ironomer, Iheu, could toll their sweet influ-
ences I And ns for tho goncral system of
atmospherical cireuliilim which I linve
been so long endeavoring to describe, the
Diblo tells it nil in a tingle tetitence:
Mho wind goeth townrJ the south, nnd
turmith about unto the uorlh ; it whirluth
about continually, and tho wind returneth
again nccording lo his circuits.' Eccl. i: 0."
Tks Atltr les la IWt r.rr War.
Ths NfW l'ik Tribunt, to seskiug uf lbs u.
ropeau wtr, ssyai
Indeed, when III south aids of 8bop J wa
sbnndoued by IU Itunitu irsirinou, il hsd ciwl III
Allies, in desd sn.l ninlel. it, two liu'idred and fit.)
IhouMiid uisu, bMiie milliun on anllions oi ni'Hi.
ey. 'I'd Hmmih, always w.irnt. d ill baltls, hsj
xrf ilurly drfesie.1 their riiemies in row'uilmi, t
livity aud thetkill u( ihcir UHiiiiiaudiiig iiiaeer.
If JnLeiiimun u auind libldi(frae lu lli liu
u, the bull ting uj) uf llm ri -doubt uu Hufau aud
III Miinisloii by lli lluuiuni, uiid.-r lbs very
nine of lliclr oniiH, was an iuJ. Iible diatcso
lo both Kiiifli'li aud Krrucli. Aud alter sll il sp.
petrs Clu.t hcbiulOol did not to much tsiisu'l lli
loioi ui kumis tri0 ( ilia Alien, lor it d duul
pifvi-el the Kuoiuiis fiom luk.NK Kars.
"Tli Uk.uf ol Kars ia, lu laei. the iroel d
Ijricful Ihiiiy till ch euuid huv lisppeued lo III
Al.iis. Willi lli uuiiuoii uaval ariiisuiriils at
their dl'0l, with a uuinUr of truipa superior,
ever since June Ibi.'i, lo Ilia Itunuuu iu Ibe ti Id,
tley newr nlisekej the weuket p.uU of Uu-
14 Ibe If.iu t'siicii.un provmcM. '
Ijff" Tli North American rt-uiuik that lli
leciiiiu of Mr. Dank as speaker of the Nuliunul
lluuae of U pneiiuiivn completr the fulliwiii
unusual resulu: Tli I'leiident of III United
State, the Swaker of lli Ilou.e, Ilia I'a i
of lh Btuale, lh head of tli CsLinet, and the
occupant of our most important diplomatic pott,
lh Minister to Eng-laud, ar alt nieu.
A inajoi ily of lh Cabinet sro alao from the North.
Gen. Fieicesod Mr. Baukaare from New Eng.
land, Mr. Msrcr and Mr. Buclianju from die
Middle Statu, aud Mr. Uiiglit from Ind.aiia.
Wool tod Haw Materials freet
We learn, on jood aullioriiy, that thu imuor.
taut (cvitiou of our preteul Taritl'. ricoiiimeu.iej
IB tho lost Uepurl of tjcirolurv Outline. nieeU Iho
hi'uity approval oi the Coiniiutle of Wave suit '
II . ......:,., ... . .. '.
..leant, ui hiiicu j jr. muipDeii, ol oiiio, Isatuie
Z7ew Books I
rTlUE ulcr:ber has jul lecrived a Isrpe as-
I . . .. ii.i.tL'u .1 ..... V-M. ! ink.
a oriineni wi iiwn.j, n iwii,wh,ih .-
sinouj ninth ar Ilia following I
Aliiu llisl.of EuropoJAinerican Inslitulions,
Hilliuiau's do. LivMof llio HiKiiers,
lieuwcracy In America, Uahylon and Nineveh,
Land and U," U.k so l I'erl,"
'Sea an I bailor," 'Ship and Klior,"
Thn V vara in Ca!ifor..IIuui L'jclvpeilia,
( ye. of Literature, jr-lOP1 and lb Ho'yLand
liuclian I1 tin. rnys n.MriiueruiiEii in .ncuir,
uo I AluiiatleriL,
I'holca Uwunpliy,
I erutiun AiiIiuuiiks,
l.'hoic Llrn U,
ariety of 1 vol.
.Manual of Fin Arts,
I.Miir.son ll.o Arts,
Travel in I'uru,
Polar It'tioiii,
.Mahtn't t'hilvsephv,
ioO roue of Sandcra' Spvller,
5uO " " Hesdera,
SCO " MeOuflev' d..
U.'iU Vcb,irr Dii-tieiiurlr.
Davlrs' Algebra, Nemnuu's Itlmtuiio,
" (ieeineiry, Day's do.
II .nr.lon, I'ailey's I'niv. Uittory,
" Hurveyiiy, (Joodrich's I'ict V. i.,
" 1 j-K'iidre, .Monieilh t lieucrupliy,
" Arillunel Cl, 'Ulllu PU. aker,
Tlio:nn' do.- S. Aineiicaa Speaker.
A Frosh BuddIv of Stationer?.
Vuy tiuokt, Joun.uit, LeilKert, Itceonl tiouks,
.Mciiaiiiin.luini, of nil siiet, liur rs, 4 c , Not aud
letter 1'.ih.t, tuvelopcs, Pens, &., 4o Kr 'r
Kuive, l.riuiiva Kuuber, (juiniiud Label, I aber a
Piucils, I.Nh, iu tjuurt and p nl bottle.
Orefon City, August IH, lUiS.
Allan, McEinlay ft Co.,
nAVK jil'l reeeived
and would invito all llioa who with lo proeur
(;i)ol) artiele at reasonable prier, to call and
them. They cou.l it in pari of III following
canal At wheel barrows
fancy broom
plain do
airl'd colored pails
puiulrd tubs
tiuo wutli baurds
blicktmith's bellows
cross cut saws 7 It
do C ft
mill saws 7 A
hair mntlrusBes double
do single
hair bolsters doubl
do si iit;le
sperm candles
adauiantine do
grape brand tobacco
lues InUllCeO
Uhrrtingi Ticks, etc tie.
Aud keep eouttnntly ou bund a lure; supply of
clothing, hardware, and many articles too numer
ou lu mention.
Oregon City, Apiil 21, I H55-1 y
lirain cradh
gras snyllus & ninths
bruth do do
Id u luirruws Ueh
garden ruke
do lioi
do sp ides
fiol.thcil tbovels
lay forks
in mure folks
window glau 8 by 10
do JO by 11
do 7 by 9
window sashes 8 by 10
do IU by 12
ox bowt Slid vnkos
F. 8. & A. Holland,
in Lry, liroct-rirs, llonts
&. hboet, Croekery, Uookt, bialiunerv. Are.,
.viuinMreet, Urrf tin Ciy. JuneJU, ltsj.-y,
late Arrival
IN ad lition to our preteut stoek wo ar now re
ceiving direct fiom Now York, "ex clipper
tbp Pbenix,''
fiU b its. and nan .M. v. sugar
SO bbls. crushed sii;iir;
10,0111) lbs. Itioeollee;
iiJ bbls. N. molawes; for sale low by
June "0-y Opwito the Land OtTieo.
professes to have been."
" NkwSPAI'RK I'ltOFITS IN Nmv Vniiir.
"We learn from good authority thai tliu net
l"uu.s oi mo Jnbiim newspnpor, for ihe
pa year, uniounu to $Ji,(HM, and Hint
tho profils 0r the Hmtld exceed $75,000.
Tho Uouritr ,f. Knquirtr and the Jourmd
of Iwnmcm have probably etich a balance
of about 950,000 on tho right side, of the
ledger, ud iho Cummmi-il Adnrliw
iQW. Thu Time is ulao doing a good
lusiuesi and llio KrpMH has found the
jutst year one of unprecedented prosperity;
Iho siimu ia said to be true of the Post and
Vhm. Tho Sut:dy hits gone ahead
iu advertising ptmnago ,) t.iri.u.iu ,
nJ il.o l;,,,ntlh, Ihe Time,, ill0 ,ll,n,
......on,,,,-, aim u,e Mm-nry ra making,
o are assureil, tiom 9i,W0 to 10,000 a
year . y, j,m..
Daltlmouk, Rib. H.-A7iihonv Kennedy
wai to day elected by t, L-RWatum V.
K Senator fur Mary land, iu plat-oof I U.
Annus 0. Pratt, whose tern, u.s,,iros
of March, Ho7.
Utl Your Hchools.
The following rotmrk are wortliy of th otten
tion of those interested ;
"you could not du a better thing. Your boy
ins tho idea that you can: scarcely mors thuu Ii
b''s value uluut his nn.irr.. il.-,...
th nka you are too buny ubont more iiiraiiiat-le.-,
lo worry uhoul hor reeimiloMt :
as dry as diitt to lier, g. 0fr,i,,hy is tedious, arith
metic is a boie, rtuJiin it Imin.l n ... 1. 1
ciul aboin nation. It the tueakt nf.iii...? , .i...
ble, alio is hushed uu. Von talk nfi..,l .,.! .....
Htimliin nf il.u u.... l .- I
r, ir. auu urn ir;(;e, j ,0 VOIlim
" i--ir Kiiuies tmaii nmttpnt ,,,
vw.uumbu,, un yours.
i.ui your school t...Uy. Ilea, u l,,, or
I v reeitcd. from their Icacheiswhat their
. , , wnat ttiey of cn st tail, n what
,P w,,",il'' '"xtllieui ia ihe sc hool
room. No hoiv they cummre n persea il
aueo, whether they ,t,k h,,,py ' J a. homj. If
.juainted w,th the.r tcheol h.ib you earn, ,t bu
hi oilereMe Inthem, , ,. y,lc,"J'l
bly nvo d lalkinr of them. M-.ri ...t. ...?TL.
...k... ,i , " unit iimaen
sub,! ol homo conversation, will oirlaiu y ttim
ulato them to belter iin.,i.J,,.L. ,2 "
ars of them, llv all mean. H,.,. ;.;, .... . .. i ' T
Ho alone, if nn will T''"""
always bo weleomedb , IV
- ... u ..i n, ,ui neit oil. Mhtury Yuitor,
naUolulab! IZaUolujah!
riVIK HullelUjuli, a uew tinging book, by Low-
I ell Mason jum the tli.ujj lor tehoulf;
'tor sale at JeJUJ UULLAA U S.
sud oilier Isrirs manuU. turet -whi, I, will lit H.
import duty uo a(f nude iu whole or nun 1 FrofTcssion.Froirrcssion.Froirrcssion
oi n oul, SilK, Cotton, II. mp, 1- lax, 4-c, at lh My TS ever unwurd aud Itit-y thai du uot uiuko uu-
percent , wi Wool. Dvetlolii I 1 want nron emi,,u 'nra a bllln liehiuil iheliinet."
and ull Uaw Muleru't, J-'rre. It is undertluod i and fur the beuelit of those that hare a disire lo
DHLS. Suntu Cruz Lime just received aud
for sul by
jcSfl-IO WM. C. DEMENT a CO.
lieud, who will shortly renorl a Tariff Bill drafted
under the advice of .Mr. Juiues, ol Ithode Iluud.
Oregon Bacon.
L.1IS., lor sale uv
W. C DEMENT &. eo.
thai this bill lueett ttie uiproiulioa of Ihe President
sua, and tu it il will undoubtedly be car
ried thrush by a lr8e luajnrity. A. Y. time:
tlT iVilo news from Ihe Soulli I'ueiio or Feje, deiuils th particulars of many shocking
uiurdi-isuf Anierieau cilueiit then-, aud tlietuin
msry vrngeauva lakeu upou llm murderer by
Commodore lloulwell, of the Jubo Adams, who
lauded aud burul four of their lowna. It ia charged,
and lh proof tumulied, that thus atrooitie were
Committed al the instijjuliou of tho Kuhsli mittiou.
aries, whu thouhl thereby tu further Ihe schem of
snuexing the Itlaud to lha Uoveruiucut of Ureal
tS" The London Daily iVciM, refsrHng to the
attuull of lh Tunei aud Ibe 1'utt upon the L'ui
led States, thus reful to Ilia luii.r: W. ,l
lear lliut tW vukir ng of the l'unt will ditlurb the
Huauuiulyoftlio ciliwus of the Lulled Slates;
but we are heartily ashamed tu fmrf ih.-.t ih.r.
cveu out Englishman copuble of g ving ulteruue
.VBU..U iu'j;.ti auu lawless oravami.
If!' Ths Missouri Ruuivilt.. I..,.
beeu measured aud found lo bo 2,'.'.'t!) feel wide,
or 401 feet less then hulf a mile. '1 ho ic in the
channel is 18 iuclies thick.uud inutlier places uear
three feet thick. Jt bus beeu frozen over tine Ihe
lha !i3lh ol December.
Tuk Suasks YnotKli It is suid. hr the oble.l
settlers, that so cvere!y cold iveuther has never
been exir;eiiced iu Florida unt I this winter.
Capl. Hollies Do Ora informs iw Ihal thuijts have
been frozen lo deuih durinc the lute cold tnell in lli
Clisrlolie Uurboi. Such mi evenl l,.,t .uu i .,..-., lo h a kui.wleilm, for tho lust thirtv-live
years. ramn I'enimular.
tW The widow uf Ihe ill-fated Prof. Webster
nut two ol her iluiigblers married iutu lb Dub
uey lam y. Mr. Dubniy, Sr.. is an Amcricuu
of princely fortune and m.iunvrs, aud ofgreat inllu
etice at Foial.
Klcam Xttvtgalton la the uey of
"e Kmlnai H"i of recent date eon.nint
some imeresiuij ,Ulllst.e, rop,ctinc the steam .
igiil on of the Miit ppi river uud it, tributaries,
'". ...neu wo copy t, fHmvi -,.,:,.
o.e, ior inoyeun. Bllj i8ili.
Wow Orleans,
Other pliucs,
11 1
llnats. Tonnnce,
Airrrreir.ite. (ill) 1ku,:o
lueleoto ul' b .uit. '
" touiiiige, J
oirictss t arwa.
h:. , .
III IS.'iti,'
per cent.
12,4 IS
t V When we record our unpry fod.
l, tllbe iM 11,0 "nu'. thut l!-o fi,st sun
ehmo in .tyjdiliiernto the,,, ft.(1V0r-
is wr,imJeTnu7t"7.riy fim
l.u.ldred slave, have wwped from bondage
by cssii.jj tl,o Obi.. IJivor on the ice, du:
iin tho month of January last. '
0STKas.-Th, capital liied in tl,u
oyster Irndo in the ci,y f Bultimoro
nniount, to tJ.OOO.OOO, employing fiv,
liundrcd vcisels and fifteen thousand per-
f"is' II .1
' "team vessels eniii'nve.t ! .1.- it;. ,
Slates, nearly laf gre , ; '
mil if wo were lolne',, !.. .i.a . .
piitelulf. '"l ,U"Sl" "JUulf,
JxliXr ir-"Cu," m
".1il,'!!'kl)'6'ITI""i, enn'tsirorJ it."
, b"t ' pay r0f it."
Loss uf heahh aa.l eucriy, llllira hrim,-,.
cluiraeter, peace ofin n.l " P c '
breaih.'' ""-"t'eci1uuaa,nCct
13T The lotul reeeiatsof the Aiiier.-ffriti nil,1..
Socely, lor the month of Decembar last, amount,
ed to the in,, uf g30,CU3 i7. The receipt into
the treasury uf the Anierieau Tract Society, for
the saiiio mouth, w ere S34,l6 1K.
t Among the deaths the mint vuir i..r t.v.
eiity-one soldiers uf the Revolution. There ar
uui lew kfL
llv llU-Nnl Ttmlutiti Temple of
., . ,. C1Ty llt,M
n ny. ut the American Hull, Foieat Grove, Ure.ron
llrethren of the Order in good standing arc in-
,.DI, nut 1DIIIJ)P,
8. A. Dixon, YV. K,
Taita for Sale.
A FA It.M of 010 acre of land in Yam
hill county, sis miles west of Laliiyetle, is
oil red for sule. There nm Mil ;..
cultivation, and ljO
of oO bearing pp! nM "I'lie place is well wa
lered and timbered, and has two wells of excellent
water, good bu litmus and oitt-huuses. The
is os good us tliero ia in Oregon or the world and
its location makes il a. good a stock farm as there
in tho territory. 1'uriniiut ,, i. ...i ....i.
will be sold with the place, if d, . red. The claim
is well .locked with cuttle, horses, and hogs, uud
can he hnd ou reasonable tormt
IU Inquire at TnaAauita Office, Oregon City.
taiiviiiali, Xw. US. IS5A.
ON hand and for sale, low, for cash or prod uce
Paints & lead, ohrom.trroen. "
wiiite leud, Prussian' blue
red do moil, chrome yellow,
du " blue paint,
CoimilOII and n.rn.nn.,,1 .......
X " l..-v,i-
.0. IVil 11
keen up Willi this u-'e wo have just received direct
from New York the following Ut of UOOKS,' of
which we oiler at wholcjolo or retail, ou terms lo
Constitution of .Man, by Geo. Combe i Combe's
Leu, ou rhreuoiogy; Domestic l.ile 1 houghts ou
it concord and discord; Kum bur Lessous ou 1'bre.
uolugy and Psychology; Love aud Parentage: au
plied to tba Improvement of uffspriug ; Murriuge :
its n story ana pnaosopny, Willi u reclions lor hap
py ni'irringee; Memory, and lutclleetuul Improve-
menu Mental Science J Lectures on lha I'liiloso-
p!ij of Phrenology; Matrimony: or l'lirenoloyy
aud Physiology upplied, Sic. ; I'lirenoloey proved.
ibml rated, und ajipiied ; Phrcuologicul guide, ic ;
ifongion, iMuturnl and Keveaieil ; belf-cullure, aud
Perfect on of character j 8, If-iustructor in Phru
uuloyaihl Phytioloiry j Temioriiiice and Ti'ht
Lacing; Accidenta und Luiergeni-ies: Hydro.
psthio (look Hooks; Coiniinipt.on: ita causes, pre
vention, uud cure i Lurunities of eoiumou water ;
Cholera: its euuse, ic. ; Domestic Practice of
Hydropathy; brrors of Physicians, & c. ; Exri-
eticem vYaior-ctue; llydrnpstliio rumily t'hysi
ciutt; Hydropathic Eucvelonedia: Home treat.
meat fur sexual abuses ; Hvgieueand Hydropathy;
l,n.,i,,n,i - .1.. l:.i...:,-. '.
.........u...... w i' n.v. -i.i,ie , .,1 luruerj . BUU
the Dite.'isea of Wunieti; Parents' Guide, end
Childbirth Made Easy; Pregnancy and chiklbirtli
1 ruetice of nter-cure ; ater-euie in Chronic
Uiseases ; utcr-curu in tverv Known Disease ,
Water-cure Manual; Aiuatireues: or, Evils aud
Heme lies, iVe. ; (..oinbe. on Iulaney; Combes
i nysioiogy : cnionic Uiseaws; J-runs and 1-uri
liaeea Ihe Proix-r Food nf Mall : lleredilnrv Du
scent: its Laws, Arc. ; Alateriiily : or the bearing
unu uursuit; oi enudren, o.; Natural Lawa el
Mnn; I hyuology, Animal uud .Mental; Tobieco
its ellecl, &e. ; Klemeuls of Auimul AluueiUm ;
lusciuuiou: or me ptiiiosopliy ol chuniiing; Li
bruryuf AlesiiH'rism aud IVychology i Ph lowohv
nf l,,...,... . V. lll ...'j L..7.1i' J - '
, ww ..tuaiiuiru Le uiopeu n. com-
plete iu one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, Plii.'oeo.
phy of, iVc. ; J-'jniibnr Lessons ou Astronomy ;
Fulure ef Nations, by Kossuth ; Hints towards Ko
forms, by Ureely: Hopes and llelw forthe Young
of both sexes; Human Kightss Homefornll, ic;
Lubur: its liitory aud prospects, io.; Power of
Kiidness; Woman: her education and iiillueuce,
ie. -AUo-8
vols. Kovclulious, by A.J. Daris, the Clairvoyant.
8" Approach ng Crisis, " "
3 " H.iriiiouiul Men, " 11
8 " Spec.ul ProviUeucca, "
a Present Ag. aud .
Inner Life,
8" 1st, Great Uarinouia, "
8 " 2d, u ,.
M " 3d. " u
100 boxes candles,
till bbls. pork, liv '
ucl 13 WM. C. DEM ENT & tu
'gyptiiiii H'licul.
FEW bushels for sale by
novlO WM. V. DEMENT .j- CO.
2 (.'oimiiissiuii Merchants, and ku
sale and retail Dealer in Dry Good, GrocTi
Hardware, ic, Ac. "wi,
rw, ., . 4 Corfs. T.
OregouClly, Mny5. t Archibald M'Klulay, :
( Thomas Lowe,
Scolttburg, Uinpiia, Oregon,
AbbSA, ni HI IN LAV & CO.. Ch.-T
Oregon Territuiy. ' ut'
DEALEK in Hardware, Grocrle.DrfJj ,
Clothing, Hoot, i Shorn, AIediciue7
and Mutionery. "
Muiu-st., Oregon Clly, April 21, 183ji
Wm. 0. Somont A Co
WHOLESALE and retail Dealers In fie-.
ie, Prov siuns, r.ini. Ou uZl
Shoes, Crockery, 4o. Oppcite Ihe Und Om.
Mam St. Or. go., City. Juue 1, IS5J, '
Lafayette, Yamhill County, 0. T
WILL failhfully attend to all tmmmm
trusted to bit professional ear.
April 31, 1653-l;f
W'AoWe f- i?eal Dealer in Groeerkt, Product
I'rothioni, At.. Main Street.
A General Assortment kept up of Selected Goods;
lancmun, uecemuor l, !Kb5.
CA. HEED &. CO., rreces0iP,,M.7
. e'JCo.,dearsinDrnpandMedciaJ:.
Books and fMutioncry, Paints. p...,
lur attention paid lo compounding medicines
fuiem, iiuv. A l. jjj.
A Kuro Cliimce
For those engaged, or wishing to engage in
, tin bluimng Isusihcss.
"TTTE havu on hand and for sule, tho following
1 T machinery for grist mills, which will be sold
low for cash, or on a short time :
il portable nulls, complete :
I run of lour feet four inch French Burrs, with
spur wheel, 114 cogs, w ghing Ill2i lbs. j with
sp udle, pinion, briedi aud oil-pot aud collar.
J run, mine size, without pinion. Other irons
Ihe same as above.
Together with a ceneral ussorlmcnt of bands.
bolting cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, Couplings,
hangings for chests, ic, ic.
In other words, every requisite uecessary to the
completion of a gr it mill by
M m. U. DEMENT & co.
Opposits lh Laud OlCce.
Oskous Citv, Nov i?8, lbij.
"Susuti Abigail" and burk "Chan. Deveus."
from Sun Francisco, the following goods:
GROCERIES. 150 kgs E. & syrup. SJcS eals..
2U bbls New Orleuus du.
50110 lbs No. I China sugar,
5UU0 lbs tnlile salt,
.-uu ooxes r.iigii.a anu AtnericBn soap,
SO cases pie fruit, ass'd,
3 gross P. B. yoasl powders,
5000 lbs tobacco, usa'd bruuJs,
100 lull boxes ruisns,
2l bbls und half bbls crushed sugar,
3'MHI lbs snlerulus.
CROCKERY A General A,mtm,nt.
DR yds btowu sUecliog,
loou yas saiiueuj,
20U0 " prints,
10 pieces ulp. cne,
50 puirs English blunhtts,
2')0 yds caipilitig,
200 oilcloth:
Together with a general assortment of ready made
ciuiiiiug, uoois, snoes, uuis, ca(.s, anu carpenters
loom. II ji. v. lsE.Jlc.i i tv CO..
Kov. 10. Opposito I ie Uud Office.
Wells, Fargo Sc Co.'s Express.
Between Ongm, CaUrnrwa, the Atlantic
o'nrrj anl .urove.
HAVING made odvantugoous
iiuii;oiiieiiis wun me united
Slates and Pacific Mail Steam. '
ehip Companies for lianeporlation. we are now we'
pared to forward 000" Vuti, bullion, Spetu
. .... . . ..g,.,, ,u ana Ironi H
York, N. Orleans, ban Frunc sco, Vortlaud aud
principal towns of Cul.fornia an 1 Oregon-.
Our regular Semi monthly Express between
Portland and San Francisco, ia diapatched by lb
Pacific Mail Steamship Co.' steamship Columbia
connecling at Sun Francisco with our eini.inoMa!
ly Express to JVew York and New Orleant.wkkh
is dispatched regularly on Ihe 1st aud 16th of etch
mouth, by the nmil steamers and in charge of our
own messengers, through to destination.
Our Express from New York loaves regulsriv
on the 5th aud 30lh of each month, also incharri,
of messengers.
Treasure insured iu the best New York com
panies, or at Lloyd'a in London, at Ihe option f
Omcrs-Ncw Ymk, No. 16, Wall st.; Now
Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place ; Sun Franca,.
XVo. 114, Moutgom.-ry ttiaet.
J. N. BANKER, Agent
Oregon City, April 21, 1805.-1 tf
Tho Steamer Portland,
W., run daily between Portland and OregouCity,
Leaves Poillnud' at eie-lit o'clock, a. at. Reinr...
nig. leaves Oregou 'ity at four o'clock, . m.
For height or passage apply on board, npill-ltf
Juue 30, !8o5.-y F. S.i A. HOLLAND.
putty, (.lass,
f,C"f P'"' fyou,,!alH!r.
"ihvtl the bit," 1
;;Tl.enbaft,,r(.a,!i nieamnnhcr
"1 m aslspa, be inborn."
islspa, be jnbers,
Jai'a. t-oine eu.busiajtio
wrltteu the following
married man ha
fcT A d-. which haJ lust iho w 1, of
l.erinlerv!inijf.ilv ,,.,,,
poke- pieco of crHJ thnujh the J.ior.
nan lle ol one of the
town the other day.
sausage shop. p
A Kai
t - - ir.n.i tr
wnowesrs t.,r-eo!rrl m.a.he l. I. ,'
ver bis hp, . p ,,,;, .i-'r" , h"k l'u'l
Adelaide-- Uhv ill, 'T"'1 ""'e.-know-
' Jr 1 don't
limits. H'cl I
and try ,t. '
n, there not iu this w'.l. ....! 1 . 1. . . ...
Lund for ulc.
OFFER totell jfio aere. of choice land for
livo dollars sud a ouurier n ... ... r
v., , , cm",1 ,IX ,uil west of La-
CM nd V"my ( Y""hl11- food
show'' l,r, ,a'i w"- " 'Tit no trouble to
tlio the land. g aivi!
lileuAvoca, Dec. Soil,, lM.V37lf '
4uhlfbbls N. O. sugar;
30 ' ' crushed "
5 bbls "
40 malts No. 1 China suarj
100 aacks K 0 collco;
L'tlOO lbs Eng. soup;
1000 " salerotusi
10 cuses oyive oil;
G.P tea:
boxes yeust powders;
can. lies;
bales sheetln?:
blue drill;
100 in. Coats' spool thread;
111 pieces u nac.m mil ,..;...
Also, a lot of Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glass
ware, aud ono or tw o other "ietas" which we can't
, . 1 j u yo a call, for we are de.
""""CU IU 9VII Ollit
f,'M F. S. i. A. HOLLAND.
Tualatin Untie,,,,,
Fomt Grove, Wa,hin9t,m County, O. T.
hrsi Wcdnetaay iu December;
Last do in February,
','" Ho in May'
do in Septemher.
tuition rt Qcurtm
1 rimary tllgiltn
, . Higher do j
AiK'ieut languages, j '
Freneh 4 drawing, each, extra,
Incidental charge.
Fur information reapeciiiig the School
-I.. I'.IH'Illl Uie CIMTfMIB (if flr.e.... ls 1 .1
pubfie in general ,, ;;.,, ' f
.1,' , - ""-"-uitg aunuuie ior
on v Tf"' ,h 'VCUr' Al8' We hl", d a
siipi'lj of fancy grueene., such as farina, Saar
!;:!Z:: 1mi: aj vv of other 8sCh
rnnnT" f00? aurt'"" ' FANCY
t 1, tfr "i! ",lidai''' "" " rui". dates,
g , bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a
vsns yof uthe, artiele. in this line, sn. h .. w,U
sun the greatest epicure of the land. W. b "e .1
won hand a good assortment of candies, and are
receivmg .apply nearly eve,.y ,leumer. ,t,
v. , us. call; we w.ll wB a. cheap as any Cut
oe&arSng' '-Kuuyi,
V et 0
kerv 1. 1 r . '""'i'cing to prepare in the Pa,
tuent of cake. We shall at I.. 1'
To a&rriva
"fTT ITI1W a few any, direct from New York
f T ex e.ipper ship "Golden Eoglc,
40(1 gals. I.tifoed oil,
150 guis. spts. turpentine,
SUO boxes window glass, (ass'd sizes,)
2uO kegs white lead, pure,
i-Ti g ds. varnish,
SOU lbs beeswax,
00 lbs rosiu, by Wm. C. DEMENT 4, co.,
ocl 13- opiosito the Laud Ollico.
. bus. for sale by WM. C. DEM EN T A CO.
Mi iila Crux LI inc.
liUl-tv lor sale by
0J novlO WM. C.
IN our bukery we keep constantly on hand
bread, crackers, cakes, pies, &c.
rIANDIES, nuts, ruisius, of un excellent quality
J lui 1 1 , ... 1
j . .imii.u u i,,r tuie low Dy
KECEIVED upon the urrivul of every steam
er. Don't fail to call or.
I EKY TI1.NU iu tho Gvcerics,
-i as cheese, ull kinds of
ale soda .aleratiis, cream tartar, o., m'e mi,.' at
tpoYH, of d.ll'erent kinds, Siraalu bv
Sp.eudid aseoriniem of Family Groceries
such us tea. avrnn. .,.. X,- .
aud coarse salt, cream linn, .n,.iL .'u?-!: .
sardine.. nv-.. '-"" ' peaenea.
n ". ... "r .i powuer, also 1 Is
v, uwrior cncioot cigars, and toh
everv h,n.l ,A i . . . " '
Oregon City and Portland Lady Patktt.
as . wi m . '
Jennie Clark.
VV ill 1 uu duily, (Sundays cxcorXe),) in the above,
named trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 9
o'clock, . u. Returning, will leuve Portland al
2 r. m., touching ut all intcriacdintc points.
F or freight or passage apply on board. ap2Mf
New Volumes of the Four Review
and Blackwood.
COMMENCE with North British for May,.
1to5, and Ibe other Reviews and Blackwood!
for June, le55.
Ternnof Subscription. Any ono Review or
ninckwood, ,$.1 a year. Blackwood and oue Re
view or any two Reviews, $5. The four Re
v.ews and Blackwood, Sill. Four copies to ou
address, 30.
Postage on th four Reviews nnd Blackwood to
any Post office in the United States, only 80 cental
a year on eac. Review aud 21 cent a year on
Black wood.
Address, L. Scott oc co., Publisher, 54 Cold,
street, corner Fulton, New Yk sepfl
for the Million.
A Choice Selection of Popular Books, Nrt
pnpers, Magazines and Fancy Stationery.
Among Iho books on hand will bo found works
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, ioeiry, Jliugraphy, Med.ciues, Religion,.
So ence, School Books, Roinaiioi s, io., &c, 4.0.
ITSubseiiplioua received for Darner, (iraham-
Codey, Leslie's, or Putnam, ut 04 a year, pott
age free.
lET Subscriptions received for anv newananer-
publislied in any pm t 0 ,e Union.
Remember the Fratiklin Book Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon.
E3"A priced catalogue will be published early
in April, and will be scut to any part of the terri
tory free on application.
every biand-and almost every thin,
hue ofbusmesa-all of which will ; '
aeco of
as at any other plaee in town
ue .u as low
"a a su-
Not. 2 1 Si5.-33-tiiiw
K. D. SllAlTiri K,
' 3ui' T Hi ah... Iri,
if .b...,. ,w. and a h.V0 .T11 T" n"'M' b
Bui all thVi " """ lh' " Io.
being immee. uiT?Jr,$!
ana patture iu ca of ..!,. 1 "
.. den,),, p,. " J.f"ouf1c'y become.
er of the human race, P"""
CiLtroaiu Goto Tu ..i.t .1
from Chroma, in S;,4 rf
!!. M..Mib'.l:t. "l'&1.60 -.V. ,
p.1 swMnnt t ftnt.cri; ,;p,nc,,,'fur fit jesrn
8S.00 pen'or quality of butter crack.
.."V- 1 tease g veor-
be rcaonable, r j , . "n' "r I,riee shall
... .. m koods made of 11,. k.
.. u. . ,11,,.
"nd ulso the sweet York era-',...! 'J!!!."'" 0rilcl'ersi
uers tor the above iu food ,
lerials in Oregon.
Wlio TA7anti a ttA a.n,.. "
' i iafsvM,. 7!r'v Vm,t! ,:1Ve '"il-aouth-w.f
iKieK constantly ouh:in. tl,. k.., i n .. .
CA I'll I CUU bo manulael,,...! .:.i. ., r. . lUIU
C rli from ranch, ?ZX
Hl'"'' 0'.b'".lard, butter and is.tatoel 1 arr" '1 b"tl, s .les, and need out in
"5- JOHN P. BKtohx I ZZn . ylts th"1' forc"h'
or good trade wonlj
Bskee. r. iT ' ' """P " "'luated on
tiaaers I reek near where the road eroawa it le.7
uur from l'.,r,l....j . , rs 11 lead.
h.ik.Z" :VT. ' .u."rT00 -"' "P eountrv-'
Central Produce Depot
CAN EM 1 !l '
11. II EM cash prw, p, d b,
T I1KD Apple, hi h f .d whole barrel, ,
nilJAKS-Thehe., rhjlnM b t
VtURVAN A X-akxek"
on h inj by
i K. S. A A
, - ' y ,v j
37 1 kppo rir- tl.m. si .
Bridle.. M....; L I S '" "7."aa i'V s
. V ' ",,"rr" 1 i-mea, ie , a-.
.l.aQOu. J.Q,' KKbEBy.
tlx CHtnifS nnni, ...
ir' .. "r,Ja.
H Laieh.. 11 BatU' Sm' Lock Md
April 21, lboo-ltf
BY CUARLFX nnnr. .
lii jix.
Curb. SC. P.;r8'S'"UmA, I""!: Sal
. - . 1 ......, uorax, 1 op.
April SI, 18o5-Itf
perus, etc.
feh3 OREGON citv Th. 7 'VS.'
o 'ORE.
cap. at
"r r- tv'.
t iwiL"a2,-''
1.000 lLL.T,,,Bkrow,, Su'.
i bushel. UaU,rur,jwh(Iwleor
To iho l'arnifrt
1TTE WOL'LD say, call eur
make von fi . r .r.7, acJ '" "deavor to
jfLs By
Iiadles !
L7"OU will find an cxcelleat assortment of i0r
- and Bonnet Silkt. Sutin h v.i.t. . .1..
Bonnet Trimming Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and
KMons, Table Chths, Couferno..;, fc, at th
nre of rn.DT us-tD't? i
uuain-st., opposite Abernethy's slws where may
'"und almost trerythins ;.'i theliue "sC-""
Dry Goods:
Sunli at P..:.,,.. . .
Paid i . 8ns, Alpacas, Merinor,.
iiaiu Unsevs, M us ins. f , "?"uosri'
Dei'. Kl,..,f n... ro-."'""0""'. 100-
cotton ;;'t,ru lwms- u,ckory s,f"'
Oregon City, April 31, 1 855 1 tf
Medicines for Sale By '
S 'iD b f area',,a,!l', Pk' Cherry Bit.
m Per'ri t"mnr 'BfLet',
I,.' "I. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam."
3d DrenrtArabB ' Bfi,i"h oil' k6el'i Hot dro
Ja preparation, Roman ee hln ax n ' Wl
R LMenD. Comraisiiiou Powder, tW
P"im"Mao7 Sulphur, Ej-xim Sal,., .
War A8tast Bard Times I
The Place to Get your Mon, Unrlr.i
butineu .1 Ik . w" IC-1 lOflKKY
outinesa at the ro ,1 itnnl .i ... .
motto is, nimble .ixneuce i. h,.n .k. . Jl
?L, eWe k"P uls0 " kinJf GROCERIES'
VT' Coffie' Tobao- Cig. S
Spices, beaidea man. 11. j. ,fc ' 7'
j ,', i ua .ueuicine. fvri
h. K. P,"X l" medicinw, bowerer.) U'.
lnotroubleto,how-iolaa.- Call ine iV a.
Oregoi, City. October 13. 1853.
ALERATIS, tAaec-ba, halo eodrWh 7
f'1 t iXARtf A Y A, v kovro
" - " I AIU1 Etl.