rijjlH. nJ ll't majorities will noon hbragnia jin.liiliilory law in thefitale, ulncli now liiivo tli.'m ! wliy clin should we trjr t'l eii- , 0Ct III will til lllo ptie will neither ,l)icrve norretnin I Vi political men nml ogilatur iny mom nguirwt prohibition tlmn some "fits friends ilo ? No; fur lliey - riuielly mid with much urns fruit nv, 'if tlio jit'ojilo w-fiiil sti'h A law, vt will liu ready lo eitnrt il." Wo wrk fur the peo .If, but tlicy Into cxprvktvil no such wuui, ml we do not believe tliey wili tlio law, wh then trinj tlio vexed fjur' ion into ' tlio fli-ctiun I "Wt repeat our full cuiivic tiun," vnyl itaunek prohibitionist, that tlio liquor trullio will ultimately bo inter iliotcd by Inw, law thrttsliiill violnle no ' man's Just rights, uinh-r tlio constitution or oiherwiso. Wemny not bo prepared Tor it now wo probably nro not. Hero then is tlio quietus put upon nil direct ae lion upon tlio question, ho not try lo t'leet a mini to tlio Io;,'id.iture on this ni ono of hit avowed prineipK-s say ill" ruinub lers; for it i neither riyhl nor possible t )o nut bring lho (UCblioii into our rmiks, "echo party politicians, for lho pcoplo nro ,not prerwred to voto upon it : confusion and trouble and even injury lo tho good cnu.se will bo lho consequence. Kcp it ''out of wll pnrticn nd party issues," re-cthoo' our Triend prohibitionist, for tho "people nro riot prepared for it uo'v." The common judgment will class theso thrco uljictori together. Their position, though apparently opposite nro in reality one, ns lho forces of an nnny in battle ar ray, occupying different positions, aro yet noting together. Since souio prominent temperance men have taken thin position, lo bo innciivo tho natural enemies of the fleli.ivs been remarkably quiet. Hav ing won a temperance party to their own opinion on tho subject of voting, they wisely withdraw from th contest, for tho preseut, and leave ono class of prohibitionists to op pose tho other. Civil strife, thoy think, will do moro to ruin a pcoplo than r foreign war. Happily, Clackamas county is for the most part, free from Ihrso elements tif confusion, but wo pity Marion county. . ! . - Yours, A. - ' Fur the Argut. Dayton, Yamhill Co., April 18, 'CO. At n public meeting ol tho citizens of Piiyioii and vicinity, convened at Payton on tho 18lh of April, 13j0, to tuko into consideration the resolutions adopted by tho citizens of Lafavetto relative lo tlio acts of Ceii, Joel Palm eu as Supt. of Indian Af fairs of Oregon Territory, nnd to refuto tho charges imputed to him by a correspondent of lha Orcyon Stalamitn signed "w.,' indited at Dayton on tho 7:Iiint., Wm. Graham was chosen President, and D. C. Kkm.ev, Secretory. On motion, Courtney Walker, Dr. A. 0. Henry, Willits Star, John Thcsning, and Thos Turner weio chosen to draft resolu tions expressive of tho sentiments of the meeting; when lho fo'lowing resolutions Were reported nnd adopted : Wheheas, We havo seen with inticlt re gret a scries of resolutions adopted by a public meeting hell in Lul'ayctto on tho 1st insl., that not only reflects wMi much se verity upon tho OJicial notion of our friend nnd neighbor lien'. Joel Palmer, Superin tendent of Indian Affairs, but also with eijual severity upon his privato character, impugning his motives, and charging him in direct terms with duplicity and falsehood: And Whereas, We havo not only seen with regret, but with surprise nnd astonish ment, nn anonymous article over tho sign turo of "V," in the "Oregon Statesman" of sho loth inst., which has been sent foith to tho world containing charges, in our opin ion the most unjust and libellous, and which if permitted to remain uncontradicted might iullict a serious Injury upon the character of (Jen. Palmor where he is not personally known ; Therefore, JiesoJeed, That having known Gen. rai nier intimately for many years wo havo no hesitation in expressing our entiro confi dence in his honesty, integrity, and frank sincerity ; and that wo regard tho asper sions cast upon his hitherto untarnished fama as a most gross and unprovoked out rago, and meriting our unqualified repre hension. 2. Jtetolvetl, That in defending the pub lic and privato character of our 1'rioud nnd neighbor from the unjust and wicked as saults iuado upon him, we would not bo ml.i.iod as either endorsing or disnp """. nnhW if tho present national PaT'"?J I"' ' bein A-rricd intoef Administration, now wma feet by the Superintendent v.- iHer, towards the Indians of Oregon Territory". 3. liesulved, That whateverodium may ittach to lha policy, of colonizing tho In dians upon tho coast reservation in tho es timation of tho citizens of the Willamette yalley, il should bo made to all upon the Administration at Washington City, and pot upon their Agent Gen. Palmor, whoso official action is directed by specific instruc tions from the head of the Indian Dapirt Hjpqt of the Government. 4. Resolved, That we do not bold the Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Ore gon Territory responsible to the citizens of Yamhill and Polk counties, exclusively for the manner in which he may discharge bi official duties. The , Rcwlu'Jo-- wero unoriimousiy ndopU'J. a on molion tho meeting ai J'ncd tine die, . Wm. CaAnAM, Chair'n. David C. Kellett, Sec'y. For the Argut. Hoamontti VntvcrsUy. L. Adam Deab Sia: In looking ' iove'r Thr Argts of March 20th I find an error with regwd. to tho above University lands. Instead of "Lilt have already been sold toaViut 150 person)" it should Lave ibecn, nbottt 159 acres of the denoted lands ;Jiive aTrcndv been .sold. t- . Will yoa ba so kind as to insert this cor. .rncm in yc ar next Usu.i, and oI.Ud! your ,Itf'id, Johs K. Mltj uy. .l3tE:C5,roCo.,O.T. Lcmaxon, MAmoN CVii'nTtr, Anril IV 18.V1 Kdilar AryitHhv.AH Sji: After ibis length of limn I nind you lha mon'v for your limiliikblo paper, wlncli I wouM have M ill long since bad it not been that I have been "H it broke all winter. Hut here your money, and be assured it dots ii"l come grudgingly, for your paper is b.'ller worth Ito 00 i-cr mouth, llinu $i 00 per annum, and I hope through the itluenec of J iir Annt'f tho morals of our u.ilme'l coun try will Lo Improved, the people become more eiiliyht'incd, by tuning heed lo ibe truths iiimI wholesome priiie'plcii'.conuiins, . . i j. I. so n urn 10 v running iu r an mo new "ixiiis they hear advocated by tho politi cul deungoguee who nro trying to cull tho people on Stale question-, licrine lu h, nnd nigger nnentions." I Imvo said moro than I intended to when I took up my pen, and I linveskid this much to lot you know how your paper is appreciated by an attentive reaJcr. I regret very much Hint I r!o not get every number of your popnr. I have nii-snl ijiiite a number. Who Is to blann I 1 wish lho culpable person would reform, nnd let each Copy of Til 8 Aituus reach tho person to whom it il directed, 1 am ntifii:d that our postmaster at this office if not to blame. Ho Is always cither at hi pott himself at tho arrivul of every mail, ready lo distribute all papers and letter to lho anxious and impatient crowd that collect every Tuesday eo as often as the time rolls round, or his excellent lady, in caso of his abicnco is always ready to do tho same. u ho Is to ohme I Yours, E. C. Adair. We lppe that Dr. Adai will excuse us fur inserting Lis short letter to complimen tary to Tut? Akcti and the L'banon.post master. We are truly glad to hear that the post-master aforesaid has set bit lions in order and attends to Lis duty faithfully. W heard a considerable complaint from that ijuartcr a few months ago, and rather came down on the office. For this reason wo ih"ii;lit it our duty to publish tho Doc tor's letter in order to make tb proper cor rection, at tbo proper time. We wish that tbo Dr. Lad stated more f articularly tbo circumstancos connected with those missing numbers of Tub Akgus. If our package for Lebanon arrive, containing no paper for lit in, the fault must lie in our own office. If the whole pnekngo fnilv, the fault is in the post office somewhere. It is truly painful to us to henr of such failures, es pecially when such friends as Dr. A Pita aro deprived of their paper. Glbnwood, April 22, 1850. Mr. Adams I take tho liberty of send ing a specimen of Glenwood "yras.t, con verted into butler." (See Arcus of A p. 5.) I hope the farmers will so patronize The Argus ns to enable lho Editor lo enjoy "this luxury," even though the prico be not ''below CO cents." Yours, Ac, P. W.Chanpl-b. Mr. C. will accept our thanks for her benevolent contribution. The butter was tho finest snmplo weLavo seen produced in Clackamas county, nnd from tho note ac companying the gift we see slio is ablo to turn hcrhand to something besides making butter. OCT A cotemporitty says that tho differ ence between Joan of Arc and Noah's Atk is, that ono was Maid of Orleans, nud the other was made of Gophor wood. Allaih; Fie A i. in tiik shiiit or God. Oh, benuleoua tliouulit ia thin, that there it not a tout that's nearest (Soil. Tho aulcatd, the lowly, the the down-trodden and tho poor, all live within Hia meaiireleHa provision. All, nil aro aealling beneath one Parent's protecting wing. Trl-.il Trln at tlin ev Htonmp.e Kinfielta, This fine steamer left this city April 1 for Astoria. On the return trip the grffests held a nioeting, when Mr. James O'Xkill, Mayor of Portland, was called to preside, nnd R. N. McLaren appointed Secretary. Messrs. T. J. Dryer, of Portland, T. T. Chifiulle, of Vancouver, and Dr. Steele, of Oregon City, were appointed to prepare and submit resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the guests to the officers and crew of the Senorila. The committeo ro ported tho following, which wcro unahi mously approved : Itcselvcd, That wo, the p.is$engcrs now onboard the steamer Smoriln, deem it our duty to express our entir confidence in the safely of tho new Steamboat Senoritn, ns well as our approbation of her speed and arrangomcnls fur the comfort and convenience of those who may happen to travel upon our rivers. ItcKoived, That the nmiJuity and promptness with which CnpL Wells, hia mate, engineer, offi cers and crew, discharge their several duties, ia a sure guarantee to all, that those who travel on the Senoritn, will find all the com I oris aud conve nience of a first claas steamer on the eastern or west em rivers of the Atlantic Stntcs. Resolved, That our thanks aro justly due, and arc hereby tendered to Capt. Wells of th Senorila, to D. LiT''"! c't'r' t0 (-'"P1- Harlow, mate, to Cnpt. HoTCtt pi'oi to Measi. Gillman and Smith, the en Biueers,'ai!dliis; though not least lo Mr. Uahleaa, the- steward, for the pleasure we have enjoyed on this firat trip of Hi 0W Pll-M tcamer norila. , Resolved, Tliat a cr.py of these procecflmjs be sont lo each of th nowapapers of th Territory, with a request that they be published. JAMES O'NKILL, Chairman. Rodt. N. McLaren, Secretary. Anil aitrned bv Col. J. H. Kipley, U. S. A., Lieut. II. 1 C. riodges, U. S. A., Thomas, r. utneue, U.S. A.. Lieut. Carr. U. S. A., Lieu '"- Withers, U. S. A., M- . T M I(rV ... Liaj. Lugcnbell, . . i-q'.Yh, Mrs. Covington, Mrs. Ciiif- felle, Mrs. Capt. Anger, Miss Connor, Miss Brown, Miss Beatty, Miss Crawford, Lieut. Cromptnn, U. S. A. Vancouver M'. James Birney nnd two sisters, Miss Anderson and sister CatLlamet. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neill, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. II. Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ied, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Painter, Mrs. Alonzo Leland, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Moult, Miss Quivey, John Green, T. li. Trevett, R. S. McLaren, II. D. Green, T. J. Dryer, D. Bradford, F. PfalT Portland. Mrs. Collins and Mias Collins Milwau- t CMr. and Mrs. J. N. Banker, Mr. and Mrs. 0.B. Twngood, Dr. and Mrs. Steele, Mr. and M-s. f rutcb. Mrs. Buck, Mrs. J. G. f,,n,h,ll. Mr.. O.f'.. Pmtt, Mrs. Heard, j flrid,'". MissToembran, Mis Hurst, ! M:;i HA Culver Oregon City. IlEtD (jiUSTSM, KotTUSItS ,lHY, I Kr l.ruMi, April IS, Ihitl. ( Tq Hit EirtlltHrf llrvrpe ('errv, (Ivtrrimr Oregon, ti'ulrm, O. T. I Rurrcreu His : I lisrt j"-t returimj from in iuilirn iiutiaUnn. I li r..niiiiny (mm llmi tin'Ulir n had jiM e l in. and broiiL'til in- tcllcw tint I'l l Juhn's InJ.nn hnil K"i" to Hie twn utwi, llicir siri'nlio!il. I li.t v oiilrrrd 1.1, Cul, Cli.ijitmn tint ,M;ij. II. n- tomnvo whh til entir Irfnj li of ilio ,u'hiTii bitlnllni. '1'liry will Irivs la inuraw itilli Inula and pruvwioM Willi eirnl lo txa I lid lii'lium in tluir fottrf, If il li'iiild bo n.enr. I'll troops take with Ihctu 'ii dies riitioiM. t am hnppr to slat that thv lioup are lo fluo hoalili, ami iniilergoodilijcipliuo, a lll'ili Much to l dra ird. 1 am inulng prrpa. mlioiii lu moro with Ilia northern t.mt.il cii day after to-morrow, to meet Hi iiiIktu Ii illation at tli Moadoirt. Tli batliilu n will C" tluwu on llie wulh lido of Itoue Itivcr. 'I'll ikti liern ball illon will atari from Ihia plaeo and marck by tli nay of Hungry Mill and Wliinky Ork. I will ancmn. nany tfiiabatUtlion my If. I J.) uut Intend to com. ba -k until wa enn eoniilrly cn:iiier the enemy, or lint 1 we liar to return fr w.mt orpmvuiun ur iipptr. Kvrrylh iij seenia lo bid fa r for a aue eaful eampa'cn. I bar good reaeons lobellev llial Coo. Vtmil ha iaiued orders lo In V. a. liog not lo act in eonert with I lie wlunlecn. Hut ill officer at Fort l.ane tuld me they would, whenever lliey met me, mart cordially ro oH-rai with any volunteers that! had comiiiaml of. 1 here ia now under cnmnmnd of Col. ht'my.w men Kourinir llio country from Hungry Hill to tli .Meiidowa, Tliero is aim a detachment of 30 men unler Cajit. Kheflield eeournj the country fruin llungry II II ! Ih meadows. There ia alaoa do- laehiiiaul of 3.1 men under l'pt. KhttlielJ ourinj Ih country fioiu Hungry Hill la Uio big bead f Cow etoek. JOII.V K. LAMERICK. Pkxto Doi'di.n Sen itor Uouirlaa arrived In WanhiiiiMnn on 1'riduy. W learn that he doea nutdeny that hie aenlimcnts towarJa the Admin Ima'iou havo undereono an Important clianceiin- di-ed, hi mind haaasperienctd a revolution to Cea. I'icrne and hia Cabioel. Ha eonaidera It policy timanla Central America px.ilUa'niom and inia. talirn. Tho Walker and llivaa (joveruiuent In Nienraiua, be aaya, shuuld havo been promptly reeojjniird.niid ih virtual repudiation ofihe C!av bin unci liulwer Convention ahould nut, in hia opin ion, havo btea auhm tled to Conrrw without a dittinct reuoiuenduliun as to the ntvut of obtaiuinj redreae; .'ikm Kannas afuiim the Illinois nolitic'an ia sta ted to be la oomiinicaliv. This ia delieate jronnd ff'r him, and hu doea not go into detnila cor.carnin;' it. Hut here, too, lie condemn lho courso of tli Adiiiiuwtration, and cliorj.-a upm it refponalbility forth civil war now impendin;, and in truth actually begun in th Tarritory-iV. Y, J met. Wmar FaaeziNO. lu Joueevdlr, I.ee county Vs.. the keeper of a srocery irtore.it ia aaid, broach cd a barrel of whiaiiy to serve out to cuitoaiera, but upon attempting to draw aemo or tlx llquiu u wit fuund to have froien into a barr, I of aolid ice. Tbia nruve that tho weather wae unpreeedontedly cold or that too much water bid Ixeu mixed with that wbiaky. V Dcecncv la a matter of latitude. In Tur key a man with tisht iiantaon ia ennaidercd o g e.il a vulj;aiitv that he ia not tolerated in respect able eciety. To rpit in tho preaenco uf au Arab ii to nuke the acquaintance of hia cheese-knife' In iluasia, that man ia conaiderod low who reluaea a warm breakfuat cnnxUtiug of fried c:indle. Jit this country, vulgnr p.'0le are suoh aa keep good hour), and lire within their income. Queer inati- utiou, that human family. American Ratty. Thoro iftoba a convention of the American Party held nt the eourthouw iu IIillloroiij;!i on Ih lal nlonday in Aluy, at 2 o'clock r. u., fur the purpoxo of nominating a county ticket. 'The basis of tlelrgntion is, on dclcgiite to each ten voice ca"t in the preoinet lnat general election. Il ia cnrncKtly urged upon (he friends of tho good caues to hold their precinct conventions at as early a day practicable, ond invito all who eppoe tho mi- hallowed c nine of the prevent Administration to uttend and take part in the proceedings. Americans shall ruls their Countrv. ?iotlce. The undersigned Temperance Lrat;iie Commit tee respectfully recommend lo the fi irn.la of Pro hibitiun iu Clamop county to meet in Convention at Astoria, on Saturday, the 3d day of May next, ut 1(1 o'clock A. M., to nominate candidates to fiii tho various county otlices tho ensuing year, and to moi o fully organize tho Temperance League. I). ISOAI.IJI, I.. II. .luilsON, W.H. tiiuv, W. W. 1"a1UER. sAstoria, April 15, 1853. Ureirnu City Vnlvevslly Acconliiij to the Charter pa-scd by the Legiala turu at the last session, the following are appointed Trustees of the "Oreeon Citv University": (Jeo. C. Chandler, E. Fisher, W. T. Matlock, II. John Hon, T.J. Cliase, L. I . C. Latourette, W. C. John son, O. P. Newell, J. D. Carrelt, S. L. Campbell, I). U Lenox, J. 8. White, W. Sperry, E. T. T. Fisher, C. M. KeBtcr, li. Wautnn, J. Saunders, J. M. Kulkerson, Ii. Dickens, J. Alngcrs, J. John son. J. S. Iluhnan, II. L. Tine. The ubovo Trustees aro hereby requcsteil to meet in the llaptist meeting-house in Orogon City, on Wednesday, tho seventh (7th) of May next, at 1 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of orgauiiiug, nnd attcndioir to other important business. Ceo. C. Chandler. April 12, 185C. S. Jiotlcc. TTifxeisrlilh annual meelini of the Oregon Aux. il ary Tract Society will be held at Sulcm on Thursday, May 15th, at 9 o'clock a. u. ATKINSOX, Sao'y. For Scat of Government, rsSTEAMER IIOOSIER. IP Subject to the decision of tlio People. SI If For Scat of Government, xr:mT"sx:?B:m.s:3C9 ITT Subject to a vote of the People. iOlf BOB. IT: On the 23d ult., at the Santiam Gap, Marion csuiitjr. Mrs. W. u. 1 itAZER of a daughter. DIED: In Salem. n th 17th of April, Dr. W. IL nr.. . . T'l.. rip full HnaJaa nn thm (V- l,il.u,u.,. .. J-,, While siisingra BmiUl aa conven"-"-- j. Atihoorrh medical aid was immediately procured, h was a corpso in less than au hour. II had been suffering under the effects of an enlargement of th liver, heart, and lunT, for a number of months, although lho real character of th disease was never fully understood by any one, till it wos revealed by a pott mortem examination. Th Dr. was long an aotivo and zealous member of the Methodist church, and by hi affiibility and amiahleneas of disposition had secured for himself a large circle of friends. Com. Tor Sale. . A GOOD HOUSE AND LOT in Oregou City. There i a good spring and a good .tab!, on lb. pr.m ror umier pame ular. enquire of F.S.HOLLAND. April 26. J iw Adnuaitrator' Notice. KAVIN'li taken out letter of administration opon the tat. f Samuel 8. McMahan, deceased, all peraona having olainia against .aid estate ar rfjuireJ to pr-ut th.m to ise for ilow. anc. at my rcdenc. in CLckama eounty, O. T, wiihia one year from diUe. AU peraoaa imlebtwl to :d eatate are reouirtd U mike imrrodiatupay nnt W.'f.MATWCK. April 2, W ?" Oiaiolutioa. rpiIR partnen,h p liKreti fore ex iting unilrr Ih i nrili oi ii .-i. r.i as. w., wwu'wuvi ou llut UlU f March. WM. MEYER. II. fK t'lKI.U. Fan Krane'aeo, Apr'l 7, IS.'a. ItT" Th nudralgned has bought ul lhaanliro ai..ek oi in mi'- iiriii.iinu win eouiinns iu ineuu ine at 1'orllatnl mi l Oirgou Cilv. April '.'il, IS.ifi '..,1w A. KKWI IF.LD. Oregon Territory, Yanihlll eoimiv, j rpi IIKMtV 1:(VCK: In tho nam of the I United Htiitc of America, you aia hereby eoiiinmuded t Ix ami appur bcfoi Ih Dialriel Coin t of llie I nil, d Stairs in nnd for the county and Territory iifureaaid on lite fintl day of th next reituluf lenu thereof, in ai awer the complaint of llurai' I., llarilaon, I!oii'litoii r.ven It, and .Mat thew Everett, or that i elL'inent by default will be taken against you by aaid plaintilla for th sum of Hire liiinuituu dullnia, with lawlnl Interest thereon from the twenty-sixth div f Neutmiber, one Ihouaaud eight liund.ed and lifiy-lhree, and cmta of an ', if )"ju fa I lo ajipeur and nuawer lb aid Complaint. Wilueas, Georg H. Slcvard, Clerk, and the muI of said Court, al Lafayette, ill aaid ut county, affixe,! this Slatday of April, A. I). 1Sj. ' CEURCli II. STEWARD, Clerk. 8. Ellsworth, Pitf'a Attorney, Eugene City, O.T. April 20, lb5(5. 2-3m - Sberiff'a Salo. BY Y1KTUK of a certain execution iaeutd out of tli District Court fur Clackamas cun ly, and to m directed, in favor of John McUtyli lia a :aint Sineer, Miller, and Thornton for the um of lfl.'i.Cti-IUO dollars, I have levied upon all the joint interest of the said dinger, Miller, and Thornton, and upon the joint and separate intcrcal of Singer aud .Miller, in aud to llie hercinaner de scribed real es'.ato. I have also levied the follow ing named executions, lo wit, John Mclaughlin agn Singer aud Miller for 0U3.bS tU0 dollars, Al lan, McKinluy & Co. ast lho snni for 72.UU dol lars, Joseph N. Preaeolt agst the tame for 71. ii.'i-lOO dollars, T V. Smith agst the same fur 184. 21-100 dollar, Georgo Plum agat th lama for o8.Cj-100dollnra, Adam Wenthersloue "g"t the aame for S.'d.lS-lOO dollars, Kitderiek Vouderahe ag-.it the sumo for M."i.C5-lt)0 dollars, David Smith aga! tho same for 72.!5-lo0 dollars, together with accruing coat and intercut npon Ih same, upon all the right, title, and interest of the said Singer and Miller in and lo the following described real estate, situated in Clackamascotinty, Territory of Oregon, described as follows', confuting of sixty ftet of ground, beginning at a mark in lb rock on Johu McLoughlm'e mill rtearre, and running along tli bank to ih end of lbs sixty feet, and eighty foet back, beginning at the edee of th bank and run ning back the length of th said eighty feet, alto including the ground privilege to extend a race to the reservoir for the purpoae of conveyiug in logs and water for the mill use, with the privilege of a a road to and from the mill ; together with all the building, machinery, and improvements of every kind and description situated upon or appertaining to lha befoie described tract of land. Halo to lake place at Ih Court House door In Oregon City, Clackamas county, on MONDAY, the 2(ith day of MAY, 18."o, nt 2 o'clock r. u. SEP UUELAT, SherUT April 26, IS56.-2'5w Clackamas County. 7 notice to 2 oachcrs. 1 TEACH Elt is wanted immediately for tli 1 V. Oregon City School. Application may bo made to A. llOl.HKOOK, Mayor, or , L. F. CARTEE, School Sup'L Oregon City, April 19, 1855. 1 TUST RECEIVED, J 70 bbls and hlf bbls N O sugar, 30 " crushed " 40(10 lbs No 1 China " 10 hlf bbls Carolina rice, 15 " " dried apples, 15 kegs " " 10 hlf bbls " peaches, 100(10 lbs Liverpool salt, 10 cares table salt, r0 bbls Santa Crus lime, 5i)(lll lbs munilla rope, nss'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, " " 5000 rt Hour sacks, C bales drillings, 1 3 cases nss'd pio fruits, 12 " " pickles, 20 bundles window sabh, nss'd si.es, 21 pannel doors, " 2 doz pol grains coops, 100 sacks Rio colFeo, 1 0 mats black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 single and double blocks, nss'd sizes, C grovs P & M yeast powdors, 10 doz zino wash boards, 600 ffala S. I. syrup, 4U00 lbs whit lead, pure, i00 " led " " 40 gals copal varnish, IS doz paint brushes, ass'd sizes, 15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " " Toethcr with n good aeorlment of IIARD WAI'tE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which ws propose selling at prices to suit tho limoti. Call aud see for yourselves. W. C. DEMENT A. CO , Main St., opposite the Laud Ollisc. Oregon City, April 10, ISoti. Charman &. Warner. MU. EDITOR You will please tell all our fellow-citizens of Oregon that wo are still doing business uuder the old firm, aud under the old adage that a nimble sixpence ia better than a slow shilling. Wa want to sell goods, and will do ho as cheap as any other house in Oregon City. e have enlarged our bus.ness materially, ami now linvo on hand, ns usual, all kinds of GRO CERIES, such as will suit city aud country trade, which we hops all who have favored us with their liberal patronage know fuli well. Call again ws will do our test. CHARMAN' 4. WARNER. April 19, 1S56. D' O you want Hay Forks, .Spades ami Shovels? Cull at CHARMAN $ WARNER S. G LASS,(Juecnswaro, and Crockery, at apl9 UHAUMAli $ WAKftEKH. Wa havo a full assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, nlso Ladies' Gaiters and Buskins, in fact all kinds of ladies' shoes. npl3 CHARMAN $ WARNER. OS REUON HAMS and SHOULDERS for sal alfl CHARMAN WARNER. In our Bakery i a full assortment of BR K8, and CAN DY, at i WE keep a full assortment of BREAD, PIES, CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale and retail, aplii CHARMAN WARNER . iVedtling Cake MADE to order, nag, umUhcd with icta T'ieat notic. fce.. by aplj CHARMAN d WARNER. TO PICK CIGARS, the best chanc is st ,P19 CHARMAN WARNER S. , a KELLY'S Pt Private Boarding; BJoiuto, il'JU:sl.On.oi(e Holme, oc Co.'. Fire-proof build ing, OREGON CITY, O. T. IT Charges reasonable. No". 3-Cm. Iagncrrcotjp?l,ok IIre! JOE lil'CIITEL is atrain on hand at bis rooms over Milwmu'. store, aud warrants a good pic ture to everyone who will favor him wilh a call. Coma on and try him. Get a correct bkene. of yourself and give it to your wife, ywr bnaban I, children, brother, rister, or lover. Th time will come when they will priz it more highly than any gift yon could bestow upon them. Pictures taken in all weather, and all th variou style of cases. Satia'aetion warranted. Entrance to room on Third Street. JOSEPH BCCHTEL. Oregon City, April 5, 1808. ly o Vrazt, Mcdicinci, Faints, Oils, fT and yo-staffg, ft ltk OKi.ON CM Y DKl'B STORE, ?PI5 Mi 8 Street, Ore.8 City, O.T- Yamhill Trsdo. -trw. fOCIIUAX.CASSADY Co, r.ii-Z UB.h r Ih nam and style or Um Yumi ll L'umvuiiu. ar now building a alraniar oi about 30 tone burthen at Caneinali, espreaaly for the Yamhill trad. Hh will b redy lo ruu aom tiuui utdiiue. COCURAX, CASSADY A CO. f a":... An.ilK Tails JVXorrU Taomsi, n A R II E R AND HAIR DUE88KU Atoiil f., nearly oppitite Hairnet $ Ce.'. hi n aiiAvmn. afl. UI..HIH iMtmi n M'afk. on. ahamiioo. hair Ii mined one, per mourn, v H one a week, on hauipai hair trim. ned one. lr mouth, 1 Hair Iriniiiifil, Hair rut and dinted, Shavlne. nnd hair dieaaad, Sha!uoing, Oregon City, April n, in.Hi-ai Scaled Proposals -rxTtl r. lui n.ii',l hv ih Oret-on Mimimc luring and Tranporlntioo Company for rmniiiiimnd miaiuir a KLOUlt MILL. iOxtJO f.et. 4 alonea Ingh, at their wots al Lina uiy. Plans and speeifiealion may b eeit at tho counting room of G. Abornethy & Co. I'nynictiU will be made lu mstuiiuciii aa mo work progreMc. Ilids will b received up to in uutn oi Apm. The Company n-serv Ih right to reject all bids. Linn City, April 5, 18.i6. fil-3w plourlid Jowclry. ,f!.COLLIER ROHH INS b. n.w on hand A!. th finest asurtineiit of JEWELRY ever i..l,t in Ore j.m. Th aaeoilinent consuls in part of Ih following article t Diamond broaches, Diamond rings, Gold railway lime.keepsra, Ladies' watches, in euauieled eases, Ladies chatelaners, Mosaic ear-rings, Gold thimblaM, geld and silver pens, Card eases, iiiaulel ornaments, Card bnsketa, pearl casket", Gobi guard, vest, and fob chains, f-'.leeve buttons, sliin studs, f M.l.ua l.nuu.liaa- and a variety of other goods too numerous to men- I'0"- . ... Call and th most magnificent display f Jowelry ever een in On gon. o. vui.Ljie.i- uvino.i.-p March 22. Frout tret. Portland. rrtrnitriro. THE siitorihr ha jiu rcivd a large supply of FURNITURE f all description., eoaist- Ing in part a. follows Sofa, mahogany aau utaca wainuij Chamber mU; . lliireaus, with or without marble tops; Office desks; Rocking chairs, stuilud in hair, carpet, ana wnn nana and wood aeata: Diuine chairs, enne and wnotl seats; Office chairs, do do do Children's do, high din:ug aud rocking; Bedsteads, various kinds; Table, center, card, and dining; Writing desks; Sideboards! Parlor chairs; Settees; Rending, toilet, and work tablo Lookinjj-gliuwa; Mattresses, huir.nioss, and wool; Window shudes; Feathers; Paper hangings, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese matting; lluid lamps, and burn ing llu'd ; with a variety of other articles loo numerous lo mention. Persons wishing to pnrchase will pleas call and exomino for themselves. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange for goods. TIIOS. JOHNSON. Mnreh 22, 18Jfi. 49lf M WESTER HOTEL, Morrison at., between Front and First at., PORTLAND, O.T. Chnrffee reasonable, S. D. SMITH, March 1.1, 1856-48 Proprietor. Administrator's Notice NOTICE ia hereby given that 1 havo taken out letters of administration upon the estate of William Quiucey, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estato nro reipiested to pre sent the earn, to mo for allowance nt my residenc. in Claekamaa eounty, O. T., within one year from date. All persona iudi'btcd to said estate ara re quested to make immediate payment. JAMES FIN LAY SON, Adm'r. April 5, 185G. 51 -4 w Time. WF. IH G II F I ELD, WATCH-MAKER. Persons desirous of getting good work dona will do well to give mo a cull, aa my whole time is do voted to lho repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, aud Horizontal watches. An assortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Prices to suit the lime.. I um thankful for past favors, and hopo to givo satisfaction in future. U" IK'nted nt the old slaniiropposite the Tel egmph Ollioe, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. Co all whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE, that 1 cluim for myself and wife, nnd shnll insist upon holding, all of th following described land, as our laud cluim taken and held by me under and iu compliance with the act of Congress entitled "An Act to create the of fice of Surveyor General of Oregon," eVc., approv ed Sopt. 27th, 18MI, and tlio amendments thereto, all pretensions of Wm. K. 13. Culton to tho contra ry notwithstanding, to wit: Commencing at n stake ou the Willametl river I'J chain and 25 links south and 27 chains and 50 links west of lho south-east corner of section 35 iu township one south of rangs one east, thence running east 1G0 chains, thence north GO chains and 60 links, theneo wed KO chains, theneo south 54 chains and 10 links, theneo west 80 chains to said Willamette river, and thence up said river wilh its mouudcr intra to th place of beginning. JOSEPH KELLOGG. March 23, 1850. 41) To all whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE, that 1 claim, and shall insist upon holding, all of the following described land, y laiid clairn, Uir. Si.u r.C:3 ny mc un der and iu compliance with th. act of Congress en titled " A n Act to create th. offic. of Surveyor Gen eral of Oregon," oVo., &o., approved Sept. 27th, 1850, and the amendment, thereto, all pretensions of Win. R. U. Cotton to tho contrary notwithstand ing, to wit: Commencing at a stake 111 chains south of the south-east corner of section 31 in township one south of rang, two east, thenc run nine aonth with section line 40 chains, thence Q . . . . mn L . . weal 113 chains, me nee norm ou enaina anu 13 links, thence eat 91 chain &d 50 link, theso. north 6 chains and 2" links, and ttiesce east 21 chains 50 link! to III beginning eorner. KLISHA KELLOGG. March 33. 185C. 49 W. P. Burns, WAGON' AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OBEGOM CITV, 0. T. ST Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis faction to patrons warranted. febil-43 Hew Jeweller. HAVING employed sne of th best Working Jewellers on th Pacific eeaat, I am now fully prepared lo manufacture eve7 description of Jewelry. ' Masonie Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Pins, PJugs, ic, mule to order. Engraving neatly dons. . Call and ae specimen, of Work. G. COLLIER RODftIN'9. N. Tl. I devote my entire attention I repairing Fine Walche ' Coixira Rosaisa. Portland, Dec 29, 1855-3. tf Wii led I WANT TO tl'-'Y good REEF CATTLE, for which I will pay " P"' eL l "T ,h"l' CHARLES ALUR1GHT. OrrgeaCity, M"!h 1 4Mf OUKGON CITY Wbolosale Prices Current. rossscrsu wnni.r, nar uuens. .' eaeua At iir.iiiuisrw Sheeting, 4 4 ........ ICl ICIIpr.sMivrr N. V.e". Iliitlin .....I'-j raovu'K. Jlinuhrd drib M Wheal, pr. by,.... $1 sbirtiue. llulli Oais "I... ....... Strhsd lu U I'oluiora do ........... ii To k. ii' M......14ulli Oiiikm do ........ Al I iraina 15 KVnr m .... Illua ih III mv'm II Colli ,Mrl, fresh. I'laid lliiacy lli'.'4; ral'IT. Riliu.t M iatlil; u allied do. Kentucky jeuiaa...'.'.''al.'i IVmlira, ilrif J do. '1'ivi.e.la u.55all' .Li in'uli' ...u .14 ..III rsiST.. ( bib, dr.ed.tlUu','. Dliie nud liite.......l'J rviio.a. Illue and oruiiu? I'J Toik. rlaar .none. Fancy fit " i ........ .('JxaSU Furmtur du Illal l lUoia...... I "i do. wide. 121 Dues, li M. de lain.. l -lu'J.ii run us. GiuiiluuiM l.'m'J'.' Ilaanl, pr ea... ,...811 ... iu Allium 'J5ul.il " ur k- t . Table ihlliak......lai.i, MiuT. clollia OluSIl Knikll al.ra.... ..'?) ii . $:ia.li Irish linen IUal lluek l'TIIIKi, ) l.KAI. Sheep gray panla i.l Itir , Sutiiirl do. " hlle lea l, In oil... Fanerraaa. do. ...Slla.V IS.BIMHS. .3rt ,11 IttMcli i-aaa. ilu. ft5a7..lttuilbi. B.liaJI... 40 2.1 lo.U ...-50 Red Hani ahlit fit'lalS " lurgi'.... llliw Co. Ml ia 1 1 Hemp...... Hickory ahirla. 57 tAsiar. Culko da. ... . ft'.Ul'J A liOJiatltt boots ft. siioks. iSuvrui..... Mi Men's kip UwlsS:Uill' ciuaa. . . . Al II A IA super (10. 00.... 9 linraua..... cii'ur-v a u ..J i:l i:.m... Skliu'J. iiim maw f m . - - Boys' kip boots flAmerican JAlaSU - lie vy w a 0091 jw nwn M.na' bnr'e pr. dim.. N 17 Priileof Ilia CuUin.40a4.1 kiplirg s pr il.ij.u nun ovau ..,.trl .lo Ail l-nk-'a 37 Woinen'a h'vy sli's.l.T NtanwaaK. " line do. $lj Nlinveui ;rai i uaoi.'KniK. 'Snaile 14818 ColTe .... I4al8' Aea Sl'JaVH Tea G5a7i Millaa IHInl M., nn ll-lu'i. . 1 1 1 T rut aawa 75oel " erithhe,! Iti Table eutleiy, 10 jn-ret Salerntu l'Ja.16 a Ivauer vu N. .cot Sinn h II rocket cutlery. 25 prcl Syrup F. Morion.. ,!)(u?l: edvanpn. do. S laliiud en utner arneir. 01 Hern s' O Molasses 0, war fMn 'JO lo 50 ir Liv. Salt 3:U et advanr. 'able Salt .tl4 Nails,awdam,pik(V Sdich l.Salt.. u'.' i.rsah...l)aaJ Popier 3e oils. Allsnie 40 Ump $Ua Cinnamon COuWI l.ins.ed boil 'J! Soap Illall Turjienlino pr guU a. 3 U. a MAIL LINE. Portland and Astlnrla. The Splendid Steamer Multnomah WILL continue lo run retfiilarly between I ort lund and Astoria, Vancouver, twicr A wars, leaving Portland on Momluy nud Thuraduy inoriilligs of each week for Astoria ; and Astoria for Portland on Tuesday and Friday moniinirs, touching Vancouvss, St. IULSNB,liisira,CiTii. UMKT, He., each way. t or treietii or passage, apply to It- IIUY T, nlaster, jelG Oral Hoy fa Wharf-bout, Portland. Citizens' Line of Steamer. ana. - SnDTIlVn Cut Mi.aa.r. ENTERPRISE, Capt. Jshikwk, tt'oi ... i Mnt.nMiinti. lha Portland leavine . Ill I, ,11 v ".. - r. n.iu'rr wll .l;u- iSimitui etreiited) for Ore- ivniunni' ii.'.j - ,- , eon City at 10 o'clock, a. ., the hiilerpnn ma- r. ' . . . . ... .in, . 10 1 ing semUweeKiy trips 10 wmiaijun, i.i..b ANEMAII on Monday at 6 o'clock i.st., and Thursdaya at 3 r. at. s r All rroiirht lor the almvn line will be receipt ed for al lloyt'a Wharf Iloat, Portland. ALEXANDERS. MURRAY, ARCHIBALD JAMIESON. Feb. 10, 1856. 44tf Wilier Itwir for Mule. THE undersigned would like to sell one half of h s mills and water power on IhoTnalalin riv er, about Hire m'le from I.iati City, known aa Moore's Mill. Il is probably Ih best water priv ilege, with lho exception of the great Falls of lbs WHIimietle, thnt there ia in Oregou. I would liko to sell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together with the mills and water power. My iihjeet b) lo Bet a nartiior, lo enable ni to properly Improve 111 water power. JAMES M. MOOItK. Fell. 9, IS56. '3tf Something; Now. AN Y person having a Melisleon, Seraphine, Accordeon, or oilier reed insb unielit, with broken or defective reeds, can have them repaired by applying or aending to diss. M. Kesler, nt hia residence, two e.pmn'S back from the lluptiat Meeilng House, in III North part of Ore .-on City. Charge for inserting single reeds from 81,50 lo ftJ.OO. Reasonable dcdu.tioii for a greater 1111m bPr. CM. K ESTER. Oregon City, September 22, lH."i.va:l TAYNH'8 Alterative, F.xpeclnrmit, und Pills, fj Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, nil I hwei'ltm, al Ih OREGON CITV DRUG STORE. f KXICAN Mustang Liniment, G W. Alor- 111. chant's GarL'line Oil. at the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. rilRUSHES, right nnd left and doublo, and Ab 1 dominal aniniorters, nt th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. "I URU While Lund, row and burned Umber, JL Crome, Green and Yellow, and ether paint, at the OREGON CITY DRUG S TORE. 1)ERFiJMi:Rr,.tihB OREGON CITY DRUO STORB. Gt RAEFENHERO MKDK'INESt GraafenbergSanraparilla, I'lrriua CathnHmHa 1 Dysentery syrup, cohsumptivo balm, Pile Oin'inenf llenllh Ililtfrsi Eye Ixitioti, Ac., .e.-, To be fmind at lho ngeney of llie Cotiipatly, al tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORM. HAYMAN'S Dyspeptio Elixir wnrrnnted l cure the dysriepsia just reeived and fof sale at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, DR. Guysott's compound exit uctet SaiBnpriis nnd Yellow Dock, al tho wp!5 OREGON CM X UUUU Binur.. 0 LU Dr. Jacob Townsenil's Surstinnrilla, a4 lbs OREGON CITY DRUG Slum D .R. Tewnaend's Sarsaparilln, at ill OREGON CITY Uliuu ajuitr.. Q UAKER Sursopnrilla, at Hi 3 OREGON CITY DRUG BTORB. s AXDS' Sarsaiiarilla, In aev quantity, at tba ',.., M.t',.tl t.lilNl U'l'l III V.. M cLANE'S celebrated Vermifug " Ijiv.r Pills, OUKGON CI l X Pitt, t'"""" It. Osgood's India Cliolagogue.and Dr. Jour.' Amvriean unoingogiie. ,,,. OREGON CITY DRUG STORIi. D It. J. Ay res' celebrated Cherry Peolotal f. cou-hs, co os, auu consura 10 . "OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. OFFAT'S Life Dim ra and Pdla, llrtiiard'a IhseuUry Syrup, Vtiatocs tKuaam 01 vviia Cherry, - DBl.c gTOUE. JU.1' RECEIVED at Ih. Oregon-City Drug Store, direct from New York ami Han Kr eho, fr.h wpply of HRUOS MEDICINE. Patent Medieim-s, Family Me'liciuea, &c, Ate, which irilf o sold as low for rath as thej ran it maearti id the Territory. Call .nd examine for yourselves, mid get an Almanac for 1356, gratia. 1 PERUVIAN Febiifnge, for Ih cure of fever and seue, Ac . Ae., just irrei.rd and for Ml at tho ORdOS CITY URI C. S fOKK 4