The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 12, 1856, Image 4

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'4, Jit
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:..rj;-. I
my' :
i! -V.
i ,'1
.. I l I'..!!.. ...... .
uriui. u i ,
to tlie lure i wNii n h won w
III audi tfiiw I It tvo noii'.K'rimtivcMln.n
to ad iicfloriliii to my own d, lib ra'ii ji.-.'.
. .. : '....t , l.i
Win, Mr ii, w.i im's "7 o"
your, tiijuy should result, tl.c r.-;nn-iliil-fly
would much 10 Hi" noli than yuur-i
.eir. , I
Oi!irU, why U inihi o'"i "'
and the Ivx'cilito mude it I'l'ii'iiaud'-r in-
thief? Il i l' meet eiiirii'if l.k't Hm
JTMHIlt. Uul wer-j It pliVJlieabl" Wen"-j
,ly k it Ii youric'i'iisiiioiia, nt,d u ri ilium
requisition fir a firtu in my j1"""' i't(
t'liiipefnl, I hu!d ii"t d-ni il fVi"l.clit
to iilut-o tho fircii tlni "t'"J ""'' ''':
. . . ... . i. i... .....
coimimnJ of tliu oluirra oi u r'it'
The war liu now L"'!i" on Ii'" nioi.tIi-.
, It in a war emphatically for ill" def i.-c i f
llio m-llleiii' iiN o much mi, !- I liu v
ordered to the Sound four compani" from
. tha Columbia Kin-r, and at thi critical p
riod it i. imp'iiiBiii tlml there should lie ho
clmiige in I lie coiiiiiiiiii'I or in tin plan. In
view uf this, and ul-o in view of il
cliang'- of opinion nnd of ilim on llm part
of tlm officer in chief ciinii'iii I on tlii
' count, growing out of a want of a proper
UuriprntuiiJing of lliP difficulties W bo en
countered, I am o( opini hi tliul llm whole
forowill lie ni'no clliciint, ami thut llwra
will bo a Littti-r nniril of co operation, if
llio regular and volunlc:r rviai aru k'.-l
IW thin ail nmv, the cnmpaiji. i, I " " , ' ,r 7 i .i.. r
trutLappro-KliinsilVcn,., I'.li'.n. ...J " ,' m Vj-f
chaiJ of can only l frunylit .hi. y '!'" f '"'
liiiii'l?i,'f llioioiylity e liicaifd, and Ud eiij ,ytd a long ca-
'jVo'cili'lw of tl.i T.-rri-orV hnvo v, ry rrirof ....i.,l-rn,p.r,l pro.por ly, b.,ll. in literature
croal co.ilid.'i.w in II," ollicor f llm r.-'i ' " I C " """B I"'"" uf ''e
Ut wrvic", and .-,,n-iully ia thi- th im-M''" l" l l-p"' n-l'""'"'" "f
with the ,oplo of the Sound. Tin kc i-- j lioua.- uitb Ki-'U lil,r,My. and iimiiy Amt-r omii
l.ilion Iimv burn ni'iru limn cmdml, lh.-y Ii v k-ea Ii tei. From an aru-le in Hie Un-
lire thu wilnei! of llio i-Hicmury of lln- j
troops atalioniMl lu-ro, ami llu-ir jr:iliiu'lc
liaa bm:ii announerd nit m-vi-rul o(:i ii-i'iii
hinoo t lit oijjaniiati'iii of lb'" Torritmy.
The forcn now in llm fi. lil bu noi b"rn
THUtr)ml into llmacrvict uf lln' '1'ririMry.
but into the ai-rvice o'' llm Unin d St in-.
My Hiithoiily, nn lli, higli,'l (-li-ru ( nllie, r
. ol tliu 'IVrriiory, i . i i v d fiiun t li- miiii'
antirce as llmt of llic M ijor (ii ni-nil ciiu
in.'iii'liiij; tlm Pacific 'lit ifioii. I nm com
iiiiwiiincd by the Cioi'lriil, mid I m-l nn
imr tliu liillli'inly 'I lln- lu uf C,'iit.'r, l
and the ruMpoii'.ibiliiy of my onili "f tH
., For llicsu ri'iisiiiiH your r' 0,1'i.ti'iouo cur
. not bo complied iih. Ai ihe minie t:ni",
yon may rent iiured of my iloinu cn-ry
tiling in my power to 'f op' rule wit1' you.
mid I hupo lliat lliiniili ihe iii'iion of u- nil
the uur limy Kimn le elo- ,1, hihI llm Mil'
feriuj; iiihuliiluiilH of the Territory uiuv
roorued from their present uiiluij py on
diliuli. Truly nnd rrspocifullv,
Votir inmt nbi'cli, nt,
Isaac I. sti;vi:ns.
Governor and t'omuiuutlrr in Vh'uf.
The Lantlnn 1line on llie Htavcry Quea
Itun tu llio VBlW'il Mialr.
In conime-iitiiipr on that portion of lh
Prciidelil' Mewsuon nlii, h rliofim-' til"
flllijeft of slavery, thfl London 7V;-tny
lliat llio tiubilily ofiliu iu-.timiioii will be
impaired your by year by tliu influx of I'.u
ropemii into tlm field of American labor,
nnd thai for this renvoi), prominent mining
. ollier, iho only pi Bel if" 1 iiuestioii is Ihia:
Jaic is XLtrcri to fa ktpt within bnuiuh.
broiiiht to a quiet M age, nnd dertiitli iu
Urr:d some luindnd ttiirs Ifme ) We
quote further from that paper, thus :
"Wu, in Iho Old U'oitd, mtiU but lii
tin way in llm cum of our own social rvi'a,
tiiltwnuM ill bi coiim 'i to irei rilie for
Slavery. The inaniirr of our own almli
lion uua no mold for any Suile, l,at "fall
imn lliat hud i' Slavery in iis on n busnin
Vt t we may veiilurelo iinlien thnomisvuir
of all ninnijils In iiuan tlir- fuluu'of Slavery
In tho Message- b"fuie us. W'n iloul,' nuieii
,heier the next ryhl yeu 8 ofils history
will bu liku tlm lust. Tlieif in one impmi
ul novelty of imlui,, to elli cl it, nnd thai
tho in ni infusion of tbi d prets ,1
classes of Kurn)d into lh. workinu; popula
lioll fjf Aim i iea. The social d,llieullie of
the Tnion havo nlrendy a more l''.iiioieiin
charneler tlia ti a few yearn no. In iue
tioui of education, religion, mid cri , one
may every day nee cMip:iii'on beiweru
nlaiichcslor nnd N,- York ; mid an Kny
lih jdiilunthropiM uM I'm, liim., Il'(iiit,,
t homo at any Kivat cily in the 1'iiion.
Thin stntn of things iiiusi t,i,eail, and, as it
l d'llicull to conceive a lavo population in
London, in Lmieadiii,,, or iu nny o'lier port
uf theao i.lea, ,, cni'hidu the day must
cniii) hen Slav ery ill Im n moral' impos.
ibility in tlie l'm!,-d S ales. Ibp, il'i,is
i only prl, coiimi.oii a,-nse u,;',',ts,
lluit the policy of the Sta'es, and "of llie
Union uUo, n-i I'arns it em l, done with
"lt offence. i In ii;ne tlie way for the iTe'il
l and peac fid exit f Slavery. Oatlii.
Mil.' tl.c A'.l.iii'.ic it Would be 'eMini luoiif
, i, ,,, i- uie proper nl.i y ,r tlna ni
but lliorc can be no ,itsu'iii'ti,i
....!...!- , . .' 1
jiiu uy mii .lilerietill w I rat. 'smell to full
Hder wl i,e, M.r,v ;s I i. lv to .-xisi.
and ifso, lo what vMeninnl in' for,.
in ihe I'liion in the year ; .,d ,
far it will lio n elKct ln y. ec ami coin
fort of a hundre.l million ci-i.,,, 'I'l,,,
unallest misiiv inU'4 ns to t,,. ,,l,ul,!,.
klale of thine; at tint ,1,!,, s'.o,,'. ,,... ;,
ill, llro4e,ll eolt.,,1, ;.,... ,.T .... V. . 1. . I
i k- , ,ii iri'tcno
.a , I., b ..., ..i 1 . I
... , - ii,ci,tn. .-i:tv,iv, in iir
humlile oniiiioii. will il .;,!... I I
in our j
ri! lo exiNl. or rtiti m i I.....1 i . :i
. -.,--
,.,, t ' . ' ' tt-
in i- .v, , Ui,ls , A,ii,-ri,'nn pontic.
'I'b'.e , .. h ., I. .......... : , i
imrc faotlliur .,rl V ... . .
... .... ,w. ,,,, I'li L H!', IT ,1 VJI..1.
to Am..ri..n,,,,k ' ,.. , 1
iuiiicliintr ol the Mali;n oaclo. riiniiv.
1'Jther pvJtco or war, e-ji h.-i mutual foe
lMar.tne or anjj'v cmtrovcrsy, will , ml
lo the entire; nmriln;,, ,.;,, , f , ,.tin rt il i
J viii'il.irand sotloseiv tnriv.(. i;.,t t.v,My
n.iii,l ill" ell Milium 'f ilUIUl,u
. . f .
t,,..rti.'l int ma of the biab. u-J
t J m I'm "
My '. I m-il'T, il'"" f I '"
Tu )0 , fjif ll'liV "I"-'" I
turn I k'" "I')1 lu'" I
I ho II M CJ'I lll !'":! V U
T III!., VJ orl,l of wnr,
II , I u rrji.y ill 'It'" ' f Im
'1'liut to ilij,e!f I
My iiK.ilier ! oft tliy rr J iianie
IUiIi ilmlli-J my h n i-iltiu" iij,"ljjri'
All puriiy, all g uillriM ! !"!
I'.rtVt-Ird In tl,y m lii'K (
Wlim Ikivi riiif ",;! .''''l hn'i
U mirni.f J on my f.i'i!iful !-
A ii J .hull t 1,11 Hi)f npift etirna
Tu wliijr, "CliiM, mert ir parf
Fur wlim Ul lliy gntl fwu
Ixiwin ili-nl gruire,
Tli liu uf P "'" 'pui'i'd 'I'T lunil,i
And C hu ub. wlii rrd.t'lU lw gv
Tliy m llmr ik her home
And wlwo IhyaorroyruiK dmya arc i'r
At cuvuy biipU w'II leiiirn
To wafi ihi-a hero you'll rt uo Diort-."
Ht. llri.r.!M, M irrli 9!l, 'oG. J. C.
. .... 'kIhh af On , . .
On lli. iilil of llit l'lli Jiiiiuury.
Km, Hog.
.! . ., , K.i.l i.h,.I(hf .I'k.1 In liu
don Illu-irat, ,1 Newt w ritruct Hie follu-iiig:
I'wo T, ry difl'eri nl im-n rpwart,l at .ottt in
ptiiit for ihe fir-t linifiu Iho me year Hi Ayr.
h r I'loiijilimiin and t1' U,niliur. Kir. cl Hanker.
In III year I7--C uf ir-l at Kilminio, k lliat vol
iiiim of "I'. i iiK, cliiifly in III ScoitUli iliulecl,"
alicli will live an long a Ilia Kiilili Ian
gmgf i and in the , mn yrui app arfil iu londoa.
"An Oil le Sii,rlii on," tin, pn.rly liicledid
ill the inuiM-ruim iepi nl of Ihe poem of ila au-
tl,r. Hiiiim piilIM,e, hn oelavo volum by tub- I
iM-rij-liou anions
tli.- w.'uv. r. ,.f Kilmarnock wbilm
K g i l,k (a - bav heard Inn relate) lii no-1
e i.a t t aueit iii in ntr.iiiu, aim icti a cueca io
,ay f. r llie c.wl of pu'.li. ntion.
Verv ililTieiit. inlerd, r, re'll live In lb flesh
of Ihe Iw-ii men who tlmt commenced log :h-rtliir
I v a ill poelry. llm lis Iiuk k en ilea I i.iy y, ai1. I
U.iir. ihI a eoiiM-ineiillt uul lived the post Ii.- cum. '
' r
I .i . f fulll, I..- ,1, ., m,..Iu. r
,e, r. ... ,u..,u n..
M'he.i I! gera made hit opiM-nnn lit a poet, I
l.oiil llvroii was unlwrn-aud Hvnm ha been
dead nearly thirty-two year! When 1
llyashe Shelley wits kini, rtogerawa iu hialhiiti-
th year and Shelley Inn ki ll dead neurly lliir-ly-'our
yearn! Winn Keata wua born, "The
PI iurea of Memory" waslooked upon a n stun l-
ur I ieiii -ami Keata h is Ik-i ii tleu I thirty -live
yeu,! When line century eminence,!, Ihe man
who du d l,ui ycMeufiiy, ant! in llie latter It , If loo
of llie century, hud i lirody iimnlierul us many
jeiiaua llui ns ami l!y run bad uumSered when
ill, y died.
Our oldest living pnet ate Waller Suvue Lun-
ilur. Inn ii l?7.i ; l.euli limit, born 17S I; and
Hurry Cornwall, born 171lt(.
The Ureal C.colrutHra la Traotcal Atvlra.
In the Culwer Mission', lal wo I'm I, (suya the
New Yik Tribune) with nnio leilera In, in Dr.
R, lini.iti, (herd the I I Ii and lintli of April, a in p
which i communicated by Iho leaiueil missionary.
Oil tin inn,, heiw en the I'ljiintor and 10 d g. f
aoiilh lalilinie, and liclwceii the Slid unci .! 'Ill iec.
ridiuu, lua a u im n, uo sea without outlet, Iwico
as lar,- as iho lllaek Sen, inclutln g tliu Sea of
Aoll'. Il is ilesigua', d I 'k, rewa, or Inner S, a,
uud the well kiiniva Njiesu Si a npjieatt as a
small bay on the ont!i-t uir. Dr. Uelimtin rtfors
t, n map in detail which hla coieptuion, Dr. l!r-
haidt, is br ngiiig to Mnrcpo. Th.t great discove
ry, the coiise,ticnoea ol which can hardly be esti
mated, has rested hillierlo on the testimony uf the
native of Lji.'i sin, res of ihe Inner Sea with wh,m
the mis.ioiiaries cin iu contact. lr. A. Peter
son rcuiuilvs, in n Utter iu the Atluiiieum, that
Ilia Afiieau gcogiapliel, Ml. Cuo.'eV, argued long
ago for the evislmcc of a single great ca in llie
center or Af.ira, and this opinion was
prevent, d In in becoming geneial by the obstinate
opposition of llm missicuaiies of Faslern Africa,
who now confess tli. ir error.
Anet'ilnle or llio He v. Ur. Vllttniuer.
The I'illslmrg II a'd tell the following auec
dulc of the U.v. Dr. Plu uinor, lale of lialtiniore :
Doling u visit to the Hut Springs, on a eerta n
occiis nn, he wj invited by the company gnllien-,1
there to preiteh for them on the Sabhatli. He eon
seiil.d. Tlie bull room of the hotel vi as prepared
for ril-i,nu wurili p, uud tho audience assembled.
I'll speaker announced hisle.l and begun In dis
ci urn i but vvasin .i iiiicdi,, find tlim by mine of the
younger and mure frivol, in of Im he ti, rs of both
set, . the whole pel fonnance was Uikid uk,n a
a sis.,1 j ke, and to be treate.l acco. diugly. Some
weie nmhng, ome were w liisjieiing, and ail i
sieinly levity prevailed throughout III congriga
lion. Fur a lew minutes It endeavond lo w ill
sl.iu.l it by a simple prm iitat nn of the truth j but
io no purpo-e. Stopp'tig short iu his discourse, he
at on, ur.esled the.r aileiiiiou by the question :
"My foe, .,1s, do you know how these Hot Springs
me said lo have Iks n ,1 .scuveml f I will tell yen.
Many Vein since an o'd Dutchman and Ins .n
rr. lusug
. ...m .-., , lrt. j ,,uerq ine
iod now l. uu lUt you we out there ' po ming to
,., u, w J in "h i. ..iuv ... .1...
.. .. r
I'l'Oit. tliey lp,
it tlieir tea ii to ivaler the hor-
'Hie e'd nun lo k tho baekel n.,a , ,1..
. . . .
- -n-l w'.. ., ,f ,1,. w,:e,
I... band a,.,w.M,kiul. ,1Ull,
Iv dro o tup ll.M t,l.i l... , .-
...Ti, .u Mtonajjoil.i
runo.Mg. a.,d c.ll,n( t h . mu in gr, coi( ,
slerii .t' -Triee on, lla,, lr . ,,;; M(
ario-a J,, f.V'l" At tlm hi. ..!... '
burl eot Ui.i,.',i wl... : . .1
l,vkefJ-.,s-,.o!,n,,i... ...,i. .... "i
H-t. -'', oooieu'.ieiV rS.11111 Hi,
. 4 r - ten; .a.
. . .. .1 .I... I iMinliitll lliut
,i..,.J. r-, Ii n.k II.. app: c'l "I '; Ju t
i.:...a. il.ll ii r,,i fioui Ihit ,Uc." Titan
writ i.o nior miiltt lullut congrfjuioatlial d)'.
'. ' I '. I ll.. n mm f lllft
hOII.O llO IMMId II Ml I II c,-,,l U - -
leiluit of llm .luy "I j'l'lu'neiil Iwd "'
1 1," 'I I' fi"u"l i'l''" "I l''Uii'I-rUrm
fjtinit a li'n Wlj.''iii" wine lioino lilit.
Now, Wi,"'iiii toncliT, and U'l drunk
. , i ,i.:.... It..
Ioj Inticli li'iiioii!iu",l or ,nii,-,,i,ii.
ciiino ill" ro 'in hiiioii. lii wilt nJ
IttU', and jutt lin n tumbled over
tlia cradV and fell li"p on tliu floor. Af
tcraliilf lioioo mid wild:
t'Wif.-.iiro you Ii'irtl"
t'OirU, royou lilirt ?''
t'Tcrriblu tljj), wan't il ?"
OT Smith and llrown, runciiiijf oppoitr
whj round rorn' r. t-trutk nth oilier.
''(ill, dour 1" aij Smith, "how ym mmle
my ln'iid riu "
"Thiit' a in it'i hollow," tuid R.
"I'i'lu't your ritiy 1 id Smi'h.
'Tluu't h mk" oik h'"'."
gtf "Ma," vuiJ a lit tit prl to li"r motli-
ler, -Uo tlw UJeU wain m lii-m"'""
much n the wnm"n 'to?
"J'uLaw ! what are you lulkiii)! about i"
"Wbv, mn, t!ie ttoiimn who como here
are alwaystalMnabout g' ttitii' marrird
the men dui'l do "o "
OCont' iitni' nt rlejn-inl liui upon what
wo have, but upon what we would limo;
n tub win hir;;i! i noii'.'h for DiojjrMif, hul a
lror i wu too snia'l for Alexntidcr.
Cold Wkatiirr in Tkxas. Tlia Hous
ton Ttliyrnph learn iliut the Urintoa River
w.'ih fiwn over al Waco, duriug iho late
"cold upell," so hard that "watronj ami
t.-nm-i could pux iivrr on thp ic."
'ril.'CMPI F. "F IIOXOIl. Tualnlin Trnip'anf
I Honor, Vn. I, ni"'l ev, ry we-liwoay eie-
" '" r U'T "'."'
I(.t.ll.,.. ..r tl.a flnUr ill muwl fit II 11(1 1 1) ff UfL til-
vill.d v;,;, ,bw'.w,.
S. A Dixon, W. I!.
Wlio Want3 a Good Saddle ?
r.-,iir. i,I,,t.It. livimr five milea mulli-w, t of
111. Bl,,r, ,!,, ,l, Ufa ,t n.uiii-i.ii ',,,,r., i-i. , - ill Yiiinhillcniiiiiy, i now curiyini,! piiy of Phrenology; Matrimony: or Flirenolotry
I,.. I, .,,... r s, l,ll MukiiiL' in hihkI earnest. I uiel IMivtioloiiv ueulied. tkc. I Flireiiolngy proved,
on llie busiii'" of Mi.lillo .Makinu' m g'HKI earnest.
if . .. ., , I .1... I...... u...l.ll.. ,l.u( I
11' eps COtt-miMlV ,, li.iif I iu t" nui, b tnn. .
I call 00 li,ll,IIUUl,r,, n ,1,1 ,,,,. , o .... i
, . , . , .
iniuifl nOiejnn. Thos wishaiga geiiiiin ta,ld.r
wurmine.l lo lit on b'lh s ilea, ami ried out iu
Cmi'letctly!, - , cheap for cnali, or good trade would
.In mil l give uu- a call. ,My -h,,p .a eiimile:! cn I puihic ( oa l!(,ka; Lonsiimpliou: ila cnueca, pro
.,ker I 'nek near vvheie tlm road crowea it leud-1 vemion. uud cure : Curioeitie of eomnion water:
in,' from 1'uriluiid and O.eirou Citv, "up couiili v''
by ill way ul'Sia Ill's bridge on llio Ninth Fork uf llydromihy ; Hrrora of I'liysiciaua, &a : Fxjieri
ViiiiiIiiII. . eu'ce in Wiiier-cure; Hydropathic Family Physi-
Hi" I keep every thing in the add ery I ne, uh 1
liridlc. MnriiiiEulc. Ilulieni. I. lie. ,Ve . cVc.
Sept. -Jll.-'ltl. J. O. II N DKKSON.
Scl:ispitl hti I'allciil
VND ( II I!M VN & VV A UN lill wih lo
I'lloiin the eili'eiia of Oregon City and Ihe
public iu general that they bnvo just received a
"ood nsMir ui'-nl uf UKOVEKIKH euiluble for
tins season ol Iho year. Also, we have rcce veil a
supply t,f fancy groceries, such us t'arim, Sugitr
I ,iMurn, .irmic Haul, una a variety ol oilier audi
url cles loo iiiimt-rotis to nieiilion.
We have a good as-urtuieitl of F.IA'CV
f7 0 O ) for lite Itnliduv, stieli as rjiaius, dales,
ligs, bo.lled pie fruils, raspberry preaervet, uud a
variety ,,f other articles in this line, null a w.ll
suit the create"! ep cure of the land. Wt huve ul-
soon hand u good assoilmetit of caudles, anil ure.
reeeiviiiL,' a supply neurly every steamer. So jil asc
give us a call; we w.ll sell a cheup as any house
in Oregon. Our ino:t,i is thut u quick penny is
belter I a slow sli llli:'.
Wo are now eoninii'iiciug lo prepare iu the Hi
krry fr Chri.lnias, and shall have u g..od u-sort
iiient ol rake. Vv c shall also keep on hau l n su
perior quality of Lu'lI, r cr.ickers, IjusIhii ciaekers,
ml also the sweet Yoik crackers. Please g vc or
ders for the ub'.ve iu ood lime. Our prices shull
be reasonable, and the goods made of tho b, si ma
terials in Oi egon. nov'.' 1
To Arrivo
"11 TI I'llIN' a few days, direct from New York,
V I ex c.ipper ship "GolUeii liagle,"
Kill gals, linsecil ol,
loll gai. spis turp.'ii(iic,
"DO boxes willilow glass, (,'ols'd sizes,)
'Joil kegs vvhiie hud, pure,
'.'."i g tis. varnish,
'Jilll His beeswax,
Silo lbs rosin, by M'n.C. DEMENT & to.,
ocl 13.,. ihe Laud Olllce.
aO cases iiteu's heiivy boois;
10 " 111' n's uubuuml brMgnni;
" lined uu I bound do.;
" calf bi-ogans;
II (jout
boy' mihoil.'id "
youths' calf "
women's lace boola;
" inorocto '
misses' lace "
child's Jenny ,'iul "
Sllil pairs " fancy tip shots;
7- " women's kid buskins;
f, baler drilling;
4 plallo; m scales;
110 k, ;;s syrup;
IMl boxes snip;
J"', sacks coil! e;
SO lif N O. s igor;
5 eases yctist pow U ra;
! " easiilo ao.,p;
" SO barrels Ii no.
fell'' G. AHEliNKTIlY 4. Co.
VFKW of Piinc & Co a Wst M ELUDE.
O.NS for a'p low. Knrpi'i c at llie
To tlio raruien
TR WOl'Ll) say, oil .1 our alore;-we!
V ? will pay you a well lor your produce as
any ether housv in Oregon, at.j'wdl endeavor to
make y.iu feel as emrriable at we,!v can
ii"- CUKVI V .J- WAK.S'ER.
tSThpat XXTnrA I cisii K,e, pu d tv
N .v. j. it .!, c deue:
XT 4 CO.
D ALEK ATI'S, l.svco. but halo .vdrisli .1
O f.S .f- .1. IIOLl.ASlrS.
W -v. ,ie nrn ,. , .
1".. 1'i.n, ,.., an I can al
E S A itoLHyps. 1
m- VI. -1.. I
X Lrl"l of IHMIK.S, d r.-l from Now York.
u ... lliM ful.OM'IIK?
Mi,u't of lIuii,-.'n'Miin Iiwtllulimi",
,ll.mir. do. LivMoflliuKiK'n-iii.
lii-iiiocroi-y in Am rica, f anu
1) rk and Fori,"
"Laud nnd In e,
Sua an I riiilor,"
Time V am in Califor.
Cyo. of l.ilnrulur,
llui-lmu'. Fain. I'liyt'n.
Maiiuul ol Fm AiH,
li luratoii the A
Travel in F'ru,
'..Ur lt;ri"U,
M ,1 '. I'liilwnliv.
Ship and Slmre,"
I lame i:velow,lia,
Cg. pt and Ihe ll'i'yl.nnd
Lirilneroii.St'ui Euyine,
Vnc'l .M,niat rie,
(,'liuice lliomphy,
eruvliiii Aiiii'uitua,
'hnice Flra -U,
V variety of I'oel.
5ul) cop et of hundi-rt pp.uer,
i.iiU " Iteudon.
on MetJufTev' di.
ei'iU " Wibjler't Diilloiiiiriet.
Davie Alerl.nt,
Newmaa'a Klietorlc,
I luy't do
I'arlev'i Univ. lliatory,
ti Survey mrf,
ti l-tfeiidre,
' Arilhiuelca,
Tliouii",n' do,
Ooodrlcli'a I'iut. U. S.,
Moutfitli'a Geography,
Lilllc SjKaker,''
X. American Speaker.
A !.'),
ATrcsh Supply of StationcjPV.
D.iy U'Mike, ,1'iui i,ui, ldl!, llui'oril Uuokt,
McmorHii luui, of all alien, Uiar e, ic, Not and
Utter F.ip-r. ICnveloiK-a, Fein, &c., io-Kraay
Knivee, ICr.iaive ItuUber, (juiiiuuil Lubola, 1' aber t
Piudl, INK, in quart and p nt bottle.
Oregon Cily, Angiul It1, IBM-
Aborncthy, Clark & Co.,
S,m I'ranciteo, Cat.
WllA. atlend to elliiir Oregon produce, nml
lill older for ti,i.l, Oruceriea, Ao. al the
l,.u!t mti-a. Tlu; iialmiiaee of llio people of Or-
L'oii it reatieelfully .licled. aug 1, lS55-llilf
r. S. & A. Holland,
"pvE.VLKItS in Dry Uoo.1, lirocerie, Bontt
XJ ii. rihoea, Crockery, Uook. stalioiifry, oc
.Maui Street, Orrgun Vitij. June 30, ltji5.-y,
Hallelujah I Hallelujah !
rnllK ilallelujali, a new ainginff book, by Low
X ell Maaou jiwl llio th ug fr ingui(r achwli;
rrtaleut U''3U HoLLANU'S.
Progression, Progression, Progression
IS ever onward uud they that do not muke uii
wurd pro-lenui'H -'i:re a Mile behind the time,"
uud fur the benclit of those that liavo a draire to
keen uu with tins a'.-e we have inat received direct
fi-Min New York Ihe following lint of UUOKS, of
winch we oiler at wlhilewlu or retail, ou lerina to
Nltit ,
Constitution of Man, by Geo. Combe ; Combe 'i
Lee, on Phrenology: Uom.-lic Lne I nougnte oil
iu coucord and diaeord; Fumlliar Letnona on 1 lire Fnycli'ilngy; Love and Fareiitago: ap
plied to the improvement of ofil-pring ; Marriage
iu h sturv mid ph losophy, with d recliona lor hap
py inuri uiea ; .Vlemoiy, aim imeiieeuiui unpiovr'
inenl : Mental Scene -, Lectures on the I'hilono
aiel I liyuology uppn
.l I ...... ...! IM.r.xinl.MTifnl irm, . A-n
nm utcu, u,i u. -h .
v, iu, ,,. u, , ... . .. .... .. , .
,,r. V.. If..v ,l , M, nrp. nnrt
I. rfeei on ofehaiacicr: S, If-uistruclor in Phre
nology und Physiology ; Teinperanco and Tight
Lacing; Aecalenn una bnurgeiieies; 1 1 yum
Cholera: il eunae-, &c. : Domestic Practice of
coin ; Hydropathic Lncyclopeilia; Home treat
luenl for sexual uliuses; Hygiene and Hydropathy;
latp'dtielioii to the Wutcr ctirc; Midwifery, and
the Disease of Women; Pareuuj' Guide, and
t'lnl .bii'.li Made Easy; Pregnancy nnd childbirth;
Pmclice of Water-cure ; Wuter-euro iu Chronic
Diseases; Waier-curo in Every Known Disease;
Water-cure Manual; Amat. venose: or, Evils and
P.cinedies, Ve. ; Combo on Infancy; Combe's
Physiology; Chronic Diseitset-, Fruh and pari
uaccu the Prom r Food nf Man ; Hereditary De
scent: its Laws, i c; Maternity: or the bearing
and nursing of children, tkc; Natural Lnwi ol
Man ; Phvsiulogy, Animal and Mentul ; Tobacco:
its etl'i-ct, Acu. ; ill, nicnts of Animal Mugneiisin ;
Fascinaloii: or the philosophy of charming; Li
brary of Mesiiiei ism uud I'sychnlugy ; I'll losophy
ofMesim risiii; New illustrated
ulcto in one vol. : Spiritual Intercourse. 'hilo0'
phy of, ,Ve. ; Familiur Lessons on Astronomy;
I'uliii'C ol .Villous, by Kosstilli ; linns towards He
lorius, by Gn ely : I lop, s and Ileltu fur the Young
ut both sexes; Human Uiglns; Home fundi, &a ;
Labor: its history and prospects, eve. ; rower 01
Iv lido, us; Woman: her triuculiun and iiilliience,
Jto. -ALSO-
rlvols. Uevelalions, by A.J. Davis, the Clairvoyant.
S" Approach ngl nss, " "
6 " Men, " "
(j " Spec ul Piovideuct', " "
!j " I'resent Ag-' and
Inner Life, "
S " 1st, Great llarmonin, " "
f) 2d, " " " "
" ad, " " " "
June ISO, l8oJ-y F. S.& A. HOLLAND.
10 hlf bbls N. O. eugar;
20 " " crushed "
5 " "
40 in itts No. China sugar;
100 sacks It collee;
KuOO His lin.'. soap;
1000 aalrrattis;
10 cases olive oil;
4 " tobacco;
1 " prunes;
S." " G. P lea;
6 boxes yeast powders;
4 " enndiee;
15 " candle;
4 bales sheeting;
1 " hiekorv;
I " Hue di ill;
I " prims;
100 d"i. Coal' spool thread;
10 pieces a'pacas and liter noes:
Also, n lot of Hoots uud Shoes, Crockery, Glas
ware, and o:c or two other "ieuia" wh ch wc can't
just now recollect. G ve us a call, for we are de
termiued 10 sell out.
fvb-3 F. S. it A. HOLLAND.
r ARE NOW UECEIVIN'U, per brig
I "Susan Abigail" and bark "Cliaa, Devens,''
from San Francisco, the following goods:
OROI ERIES.-HM kg, K. B.svrup, 5.5:8 gals.,
SO 1,1,1s New Orleans io.
.MUltl lbs No. I Chiuatugar,
iooti Ida ul,le wit,
SOU boxes Enirlili and Amerienn toap,
20 cm pie fmil. usa'd,
3 tiro P. a-. B. yeast powder.
SOtlU lb tobacco, as d brauda,
10U halt boxea ra'am
So bblaand half bbls crushed turar.
3' I'll IL. snleratua.
CROCK ERY-A General Amrtm,nl.
DR 1 -f.f )OIS .Mloo yj. brown .heeling,
100U yd aatiuela, '
SlhKI prints,
10 piece alpaca.
5d pairs Lngiish blankets,
20, 1 yda carp, I lit;.
SWU oil cloth :
; Toother with a general anorlment of ready mad.
!fl,l.;.. t -i .
un. .,v-. .u.. caia. and carpenier.'
I it lr f. ni'in en . l ie,
H . U. C. DEMtNT i n:
Nor. 10.
0;7orite the Und Office.
AUan. McKlnlay to.,
-a- .. .. . .h i nrorur
d would invite an i - rn llld
ee them. Tliey cou.ui in pa,." cuniil iwlnel barrow
ruincrad. fancy b o"i..
gra!ylhe&nalh pl' io ..
7 .. 'j. .1.. amort (I CO lld pull!
uruMTi uo , . i
lrtM,harrw.2Jle.U "",,,.
garden ruke
bl ckmnilll'i bellowt
croae cut taw 7 II
do 6ft
mill aw 7 ft
bair mallruaee double
do ting!
Iiuir bolatert daubl
do ftiiiyle
tprrm cundlea
ailumantine do
grup.' brand tobacco
lucke tulwceo
do no -a
do snidea
po! shed bovclt
ii.v fork
in inure fork
window ('as 8 by 10
uo iu or iv
,1a 7 bv 9
window eaaheaS by 10
da 10 by ii
ox bow and yoke
Sfoctiii Ticks, de dc
And keep cointunlly ou band a lare tupply of
0 R o v n nir.",
loiliine. hardwure, and limuy article! loo nunier-
out In mention. ............ . r-n
ALL AX. M ft ' i' m ' V v
Oregon City, Apiil SI. Ie55-ly
late Arrival.
IN ad lllion to our present ato-K wo ore now ,r
ceivine direct fiom New Vork, "el clipper
h p Phonix,"'
90 b ,1s. and nan iiuir. v. o' i
20 bbla crushed attgar;
111,000 llw. Itio collee;
St) bbl. N. O. mohisses; for ole low by
June 30-y 0'P '-'nve-
f ( IIIILS.SanluCrux Lliuo just received ami
OU roraleby L
jeS3-10 Jl. -. U',i'lia t
Oregon Sacon.
Llla., lor ule hv
VV. C. DEMENT it co.
100 boxes candles,
SO b iM.pnrK, HV
net 13 WM. C. HEM ENT Sc tu
llKVpHiiii Wheat.
4 FEW bushel for sale by
A novlO IV.V. C. DEMENT .J- CO.
A It tiro Clin lire
For those engaged, or wixhing to engage in
the tlottrtng jjimncss.
WE havo on hand and for Bale, tho following
machinery for grist mill, which will be sold
low for cash, or en a short lime i
S portable mills, complete :
t rn ,.fi',,i,f feet four inch French Tiurrs. with
spur wheel, 114 cogs, we ghing InSi lb. ; with
sp udle. pinion, brush and oil -pot uud collar.
1 run, aime a,zc, wnnoui pinion, voter nona
lh sunif. hb uhnve.
',r will, it oreneral nssorlnient of bands.
-.'fr""."-- ...... -
bolting cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings,
hangings for I, oiling chests. vc, ivc.
In other words, every requisite neceaeary to the
completion of a grit l mill by
Opposite tli Lund Ollice.
0kgun Citt, Nov St), lb'Sj.
bus. foralc by VM. V. DEME.T$ CO.
Miiidi i n, l.hiio.
liBI. for sale hv
novlO VM. C. DEMEST& CO.
Central Produce Depot.
4 10NSTAXTLY rece v ng. fresh from rnnch,
wheat, outs, bueoli, !urd, butter und Mitntoea.
Uec. l. 'iiS. JOII.N I'. l.l.HOKS
,liil iti'i'iived,
1 the. ' Old Stuuri,' Caaruiah, April 2 , '55
Lbs. Light Brown Siiftnr,
1,000 lbs. China No. I, do.,
1,000 lbs. Uio Cotl'ee,
15 Tons course suit ; 500 lbs. fine da,
3,01), Hit. Oregon Hiteon ;
1,000 biiohels out, for stile wholesale or retiil,l,y
"N our bakery we keep constantly on band
L bread, crackers, cakes, pies, i.c.
CANDHiS, nuts, raisins, of an excellent quality
just received and 0r sale low by
1") ECEIVED iis,ii tlw univul of every atentn'
t rr. Doa't foil to call on
J'VEUY TH.NG iu the hue of Groceries,
as cheese, nil kinds of spiee, sal snilu, eubon
ate soda, sulci inns, crenm tnrlur, &c., are sold ul
I JAUYd, of d llerent kinds, for sale by
Just Received.
V Splendid ussoi. niciii ol Fuimly Groceries,
such a tt a, syrup, eugur. &c. ; also line
uud course suit, cream lunar, npples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, clams, east powder, also a lurrzc
quantity of superior eheionl cigars, and tobacco of
every brand nnd almost every thing else in our
hue l business uil oi which will be sold as low
us nt any oilier pla 'e in town, for ca.-h or pro.
A BRASS and Iron Butts, Screws, Lock and
JLJJ Latches, Hammoia am) Hatchet, Axea,
Druwing-knives, Hondsawa, Cur.-y Combs, Horse
Brushes und Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cups, Wool
Curds, Chest Handles, Plane. Sic
April 21, lb5o-llf
(Ct'UAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Svrup. Cnocol-.
K5 Starch, Sahratiis, Cream T 'rtlir' f, v
P1'"' April 21, lS55-ltf
War Against Hard Times I
The Place to Get vour Mmeu
pHARM AN 4. WARNER arc now corrvii'rz
business at theirold n 1 i.... .1 .'. .
... 1. j , "iey are nai de
termined lodeal on tenia sui, ,ne uluea 0
nmiioii au.nible aiIp,ce ia tk tter than a iJow
ah. hug f and we are deiermined to sell, if we do
ell uiion a very small pmfit. W, arr kl" j
Pi'Xi' i1"'1,u-NS- bkead.cPa"SS
ni ,1 l ' "'' ",re "'nai'a.-lured ou
of flour. . keep al, all kmds of GROCERIES Suptr, Co.V,e, Tobacco. Cigar., Ra.7nV
S!ue., many Drug, d Me,lfe,neV (V'
kJr. h.l'P."Dy "M"ack",e.lici however) VV.
bav. boughl out ll other bakery, and intend to fix
1:': Ptf bur:
-.,, , conipciica 10 "apread
rF "rl'lferplatfonii. F
-., pniuce nonirlit and sold.
1 ia no trouble to .how "icta.." CaU and try u
Oren Cite, October 1 :, 1 e55.
J. l., nen.l Cout'i,wiou MeroliauU.and wbol.
al and retail Dealer In Dry Good, Crocori,
Jlaidwaro, de., sVe.
! George T. Allan.
Arelnlml'l M'Kiulay.
Thoniaa Low. .
uTaN, M KINLAY 4V. CO., Lower
Scoll.hnrg, Dinp,na, Oregon.
a j,i,.v.s, in rti.s... w., ,i.nipH
. . t leeivr iv jt, r-iv en
Oiegoii Territory.
cii:u. Auiiitxirmv co,
auR. l.JfjJ. IGtf
DEAL EH In llurdware,Orocerli,T)ry Good
Clothiiur, Hoot Sl Shoo, Meditioei, Book
and hluliunery.
Muin-., Oregon City, Apiil 21, 1855-tf
Wm, O. Scmont A Co.,
TTTTIOLIiSALE and retail Dealer in Groesrv
V e, Fruvlkioua, Faint, Oil, liooia aad
Shoea, Crockery, lea. Oppoaito tlia Land Of5c,
Main Hi. Oregon Cily. June 1, 1B55.
ATToaaur and covaiuoi at law,
iAifayttte, Yamhill County, 0. T.,
WILL faithfully attend to all butioett eo'
trusted lo lua profeuioDal oars.
April 21, lb5j-lif
Whulemle J- iVal Dealt r in Groeerks, Product,
I'ruriiioni, ije.. Main Street.
A General Aatorlment kept up of Selected Good.
Cnneinuh, December I, 1855.
CA. REED St CO., successor to FrUovi,
( Heed if Co., dealer iu Dmgaaiid Med eines,
Hooks uud Stationery, Paints, O la, Ac. Particu
lar utlention puid lo compouuding mvdieiue.
Salem, Nov. 21. 32tf
Vells, Fargo & Co.'s Express,
Brlwren Oregon, Caliinrma, the Atlantis
Sinlrs and Europe.
HAVING inadeadvaiitageotn
, arrungemcnta with the United
State and Pacific Mail Steam- i
ship I'ompanict for ti utisportulion, we are now pre.
pared to forward 6'oif Dust, Bullion, Specie,
l'ackapet, V arctic, and Freight, to and from N
York, N. Orleans, San Franc acn, Portland, and
principal town of Cal.foruia and Oregon.
Our regular Semi monthly Exprcs between!
Portland und Sun Francisco, i dispatched by thr
Pacific Mail Steamship Co.' eteunuhip Columbia,
connecting at San Francisco with our Kmi-iiionlh'
ly Expresa to Arm York and New Orleans, which,
is dispatched regularly on the Island 16th of each)
mouth, by the mail tteumert and in charge of our
own messenger, through lo destination.
Our Expresa from New York leave regularly
on the Sib uud 2lllli of eaeb month, also iu charge
of nn ssengei'8.
Treasure insured in the best New York com--panics,
ur at Lloyd's in London, at the option of
timer New York, No. 1 6, 'Wall tt. ; Now
Orleuns, No. 1 1, Exchange place ; Sun Franciaco,
No. 114, Montgomery street.
J. N. BANKER, Agent.
Oregon Cily, April 21, lS55.-llf . .
n 5Cha Steamer Portland,
asjnarnsi CAFT. a. S. MURRAY,
IV ,1. run dutly between Portland and OregouCityv
Leaves Portland at eight o'clock, A. H. IEetuni'
nig. leaves Oregon (Iky at four o'clock, r. '. '
For lro'ilit or passage apply on board. npSl-ltl
Oregon City ami lorlhnd Daily Packet,
ftl., Jennie Clark,
in,r.!rS. J. c. AINSWOKTH, MASTER.
Will run duily, (Sumluyi excepted,) in tlie above-
nnmeil trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 8
o'clock, t. M. Returning, will leuve Portland al
2 p. M., touching at all intermediate po uts.
I' or freight or paesuge apply on board. np2l-ll
New Volumes of the Four Reviews
and Blackwood.
COMMENCE with North British far IMay.
1855, nnd the other Reviews uud Biuckwuod
for June, 1855.
Terms of Subscription. Any one Review 01
Rlackwood, .') a year. Blackwood und one Re
view or any two Reviews, $5. The four Ro
v.ews and Blackwood, 11). Four copies lo one
address, $30.
Postage on the four Reviews nnd Blackwood to
uny Post office in the (Jukcd Slate, only 80 cent
u y, ur on each Review und 24 ccnlu a year on
Address, L. Scott & co., Publisher, 54 Gold
atreet, corner Fulton, New York ep8
Reading for the Million.
A Choice aeleetion of Popular Bisikt, New
. papers, Magazines und Funcy Stationery.
Among the books on hand will be found work
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hia
lory, Foelry, Hiography, Medicine, Religion,
Sc ence, School Books, Roniuncet, &.C., etc., vVc,
ITTSiibsciipllons received for Harper, Graham,
Godey, Leslie's, or Puliiain, nl 4 a year, post'
age free. ;
O Subscription received for any newspaper
published in any pai l of the Union.
Remember the Franklin Book Store and News
pi'.per Agency, Front atreet, Portland Oregon.
lA priced catalogue will be published early
in April, and will be sent to any purl of the terri
lory free on npplication.
OU will find u excellent- . .
1 and Brnet s II ' - .'KOr 'T1, f I'
Bonne' TrinZ" IV 6a""J,,ld VeheU'
" 'Ao,, " . , lmerV, Glares, Laces and
.tor. ' ' Cl0"" Ctrpne: etc., al th
"'"ro CHARLES POPE, Jr.,
(.Main-at., opposite Abemethy' store,) where may
be found almost everything in tho liue of
Dry Good!
Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos,
llutd Linaeys, Muslins, Sattinctts, Jeans, Flan
nels, Sheeting, Bed Ticking. Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Batting, etc. :
Oregon City, April 21, 1 955-1 tf
Medicines for Sale, By
CJANDS' Sarsaparilla, Pccka Wild Cherry Bit
lers, Batemau'a drop, Brandreth' pills, Lce't
pdls, Perry' vermifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor. Gum Arabic. Ur,iih I k.n. 11.. j
Jd preparation, Roman eyo balaom, Dallcy'a pain
extractor, Laudauum, Paregoric Oil of Pepper
mint, Easeticea, Composiliun Powder. Carter'
Pulmonary Balaom, Sulphur, Erajom Salt, Ac
",l Al, ill
t 'OCOANUTS, Banana, and other tropical
o, U m'T"1 ""oil Sandwich Island.
"J O. SUGAR, coffee, tea, vrop, nlt, at
All F.S.tki fim.t.Mvrro