The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 12, 1856, Image 2

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    . J.
Sljc rcgon Clrjus.
w. .. iiim, (uir rirn:ius.
C3.Z50Z7 CITY:
Our V'uiur'.
'I'liU number r'(iM tliu fir.i volume of
a .... i r ... ..... .. .. ... I
.i !. .i.:..i. ..f .....'An ui.l. Iii.ii'irulinn Unilici u lli ut llicrft
I n- ,iu...a. vim .. -
f.kliJ pv to our f olurjirioo ll.o Hit of, i lime mM n h-woii fir ewrj 'lliing, und
a Imziiril'iUH p riii.Mil. Wl.iln oinn of in ll.o jn.licy of l'nul miJ llie cruft of Tim
our fiiindi wri' cxtr. iik-Ij' il.nil.iful to . otl.y, in inning nun, we think we lve n
tlio finul tii': of n --t ocuiijo ii.ji ' i.ri'd jin-codoi.t fr whnt we oni. Iim
jilion of our, our. iniu.ii ll.oiiyl.l lli.-y j.lciioiiiiimlc tl.o".olic)' of r." We Iiiiow
,iw cl.-nrlj mndy f -uii'lutioii mid' r our that we Imvv fnil. d to mod llie PipccUlioii
iii.ri(triKtiirc, mid r xullinly proplioki'd 0f a fw in itfor-nce to iiwttvr itbout
our downfall b'-fore tliii tnii moon liould i which lli'-y nre !iiicretl, but we
wax and wane. Tltrir lionet were bavd j nro jt ax conlidfnt that j mcftiiij; iheir
upon ll.o ignorance of the peojilu and therxpoctaiioiii wekhoul l have ruined our in
iloj.ra viljr of the liuiimn heart, whiUl ours 1 (liience with nine-tenth of our render, and
rested ujron an iilidinj,'roni"i.J''ticu in the in- j j.ljcod it h.yonJ our power lo nccoinplili
U'lli"euco of a lu.jjo I oiiion of ourtiii"ii'tlie good wo y'-t liopelonee renill froinoi.r
lioo j,iii.alliiea were oh the idc of rilil labor. We have made no comjiroiiiUe
In every iitu, to io.ui n llio tiglil error, and we n vcr khall. We thall
could be iKcerti.ii.i 'i. The rcull of our j continue lo balilo for llie truth, wiili the
xperiiicut lint alioHii ihi.t no havo not I ox nictation of living to co Oregon one of
: overeslimaied llio r'ouu.' upon which 'v ili0 moti intclliy nl, viiluous, free, and in
relied for itipporl. Jivi-ry returning moon .l.-pfiidfiit Stales of the Union. 1'hat
gim n new niiirnn,e l lint wo have put
loecu in a craft thai will triumiilianlly out -
rirfi. llie storm.
In coolly taking
T Irodprclivo (jlanci1
from our pretctit Kliind point, a ihounnml
thought and r. lUctiom crowd upon our
mind. In tho full cuiiciotiii':9 that we
liave tiled to purituo tho ligl'li nd r jret
tho wrong, y.;l in lurning over llie kavct of
our file for tho lint fifty one weeks, we find
abundant evidence of a fiuilly and f.illilili
ty which belong lo the nnni nnd .laught.'is
of Adam all over 1 lie world. Although wo
tee tomo thilign which wo nro willing to
admit ought lo Us expuupd, in order that
no spot orlarmMi nhould attneh lo our rec
ord of pasting cventa, yet wo fiom
friend and fou charity which covers an
many bint ni w nru w illing lo cast our
inanlla over upon a timilar reimot from
tlinm 'I'lil'd 14 fill ll.f.1 wn'A nitv ti.rli.
. . . ,., , . . i
io ciaun. lie may niivo mirc pretrmcn
the conduit and character of our opponents
at timet, from a iiiinlukrii tivw of u! the
facia in ill1 premise', but wo havo never
lone ao iutcnlioiially ; neither havo no
doiio to without using all the meant within
our reach to mrivu at tho truth. If there
it n single human being hum we hnvo dealt
with ui.jiittly in Ih'iK respect, wo binceruly
crave hi pardon, and upon being mailt- con
scioutof il wo will cheerfully make gospel
' "
restitution. J he irreal ol.i cl of our labors
ought to bu lo mal.o men heller nnd hap
pier. In atleni.iiiig to euro sncluly of ag.
grnvuted moral cviN, however, tho knife
and the lancet must bo Used at well at the
-mollifying oil. Tho history of tho world
furnishes no solitary instance of a great re-
form havinir been brou.,l,l al,l will,..,.
toeming violenco. Il took tho Vulcan arm
of a Luther, nerved by the power of an
liron will, lo snap the festering chains of
Pupal slavery that bound tho living masses
or nil I'.urnpe to the bloated carcass of the
"Man of Sin," whoso thunders from the
Vatican, through ll.o nioiitl.-pieco of ''in.
ifallibiiity," made Si. IVler crnny chair
K.-1'enk al every joint, mid bought the world
to their kucc, -excepting I.ulher. A Lu
ther broke ilia alje, and a Mcliin;thon
lollowtj, p .miug iu tho hejiliug oil, oir
binding up the brofcou hearts.
Whilst the imigiiituile of our umtortakiii"
.may be small in conmuns,... i.i . i:.! ,,f i .
, ' I
ni.Meeuui cemury, jel tlin plullllillil'opist
fliul reformer have a wide liebl ilmt invites
their labors iu Oregi.n. Tho full eMent of
Jho evil under v l.i. li we sull.-r is not nji.
hire.'iutf'.l i I.... .1 I,.- .!.,..... ni... I ...i ..
;.rticlarp,.ioto look a h.tle behind ,hel , T"' "'6 '''u' ,s VW
!ot a CO.IUIIL' Hetorv ovi.r i. ...... ..I. .
eenes. I arty Mavery. intemivrance. and'
slavery, llitemp. rsilce, lltli
sice, aro making a desperate ellorl to crush
mt the list lingeriug Lo.ei of ll.o friends
of real diJHoewey and social .urity among
us. These banes of society inn all rolled
Js sweet morsels under l toniie f tbo
a.mintpritig yf a politjeid oig.-mi.alion
which asjiires U control the future desti
nies of our people. The menus u are
used to perpetuate their inllueiices h:ivo
coMe so ofteu under our i.mueilii.te obser
valion, sod .) l,vo so r.-jieatedly been
wd tl ubjeet of impreca'j,m and curses,
Aolh loud and d il,t 1, P0,n,. ,(U)
Jiko nn ineeiwiiui inri upon our head,
coupled at one lime with the wild ravings
i'f iho imhi uted maniac in his drunken or
gies, dipping at another im tbo iv
tongue of the pulitk-al,, nud
groaned out at Soulier .bum.,' tlio tit o
lions of honest religion bigots or ranting!
1'hari.ces that to iiuu ten.....-.! kJ
jonti all Uicko miiiieiivv w niay Mt time,1
Imve appeared ummuiwarily hai-sh in some'
of our stricture. Si far as wo have lieou.
able to learn, however, the grc;tt f.
jnrea.ier ni vreiin, aim even our ex--
.... : m .1.. C..,.. I..... I: '
" v" ",v " nuu
uiculutiuii cjvet u cncourag. iik "I I"
new our exertions to make I periodical thai
IihII iiic"! ll.o exigencies of the '" "
During the pwl year lave buffi left to
1 . A . 111!.., lit itlft
K' T,
BU"-Mt" "n " .
i . -r ..i .r nrii m iruiii
'our flielid.. W ilill o solicited IHU Kllllli
, nreolHl, wo have our on
! .. .... .. ... .i i.i - ... .1.1,1. ...
iu L'moiil m lo tho ultimatum lo wimii lo
! i.mvI. owe uhich w I. live had lo
i v 4
j tlx re li;w been a coniidrablo change for
, the belter in the northern count'ei of llio
Territory during (he lat year, we can too
very oainly. .Men who labor for the im-
provcuieiil of l.'icir kind miceetsfully, mutt
( be Lli std with the gift of continuance a
I constant untiring energy, that it b.iihVd by
' no complication of adverse circumstnncot,
an l appalled by no gain-ring gloom of
' durknu,, that wait on midnight or pro-
cede thoduwn of day.
To our friend who Lave nobly stood by
ut in toiling up tho most rilled part of llio
.lucent lo a permanent stand point, we oiler
o'.ir wariiir.'eliickiionlcdgciuciitn. Wothall
still continue lo exert curelf to muke an
acceptable paper.
Uvriiiia Ut) l.lieUo.
At ll.o city election u-l Moi-.ny t,rri.
were thrco ticket in the fv'td. It was the
'K'licri.l liiidcrslaiidin
'1. so far in we were
applied, tlml tl.oro Wouj ll0 tfftl to
draw )'.'irty lines, nnd run men upon
paity issues, regardless ol qualifiea'M.s.
Tho people of III ! city, like thoso of mauv
other portions of the Territory, have be
C'imc entirely disgusted ii (he g. nseh
rant of a few toft handed, ollicu-hiintin.'
j dandies, who sun themselves, whittling dry.
goodj boxes, on tho south eido of stores
uJ 8,W,i?ls '"V'"8 PI,M for fielf l""0
I l.ri.i 1. 1. il,o I.....I 1 .1
lion by wooling llie hard handed veomaiiry
of tho eoimtry to support llio men they
choose lo put on tho ticket for ollioe.
On the cvo of tho election, we nro. in
formed, iho silk stocking gentry held a
grand pow-wow in tho hand CMlice, nnd
I of which
" u ' " "l'n eirt
" " ' 'B-y euieiem anu popu
lar Mayor unfortunately permitted his
name to bo placed. This naturally stirred
up sumo of the Wbiga, and tho result w as,
nnother party ticket was brought out.
The conservative!!, not being loused with
this party squabble, determined to run a
conservative ticket, -gotten up after Tom
Jkffkrson's receipt. On the day of the
election tho silk slocking sulli-red dread
fully at tho heels, from the constant trolling
of their owners lo drum up tho faithful.
liul.VlusI Alas! thai niueh abused mid
misapplied word Democracy has lost its
eh.-tnn for iho first limo in Oregon City,
and tin' people would now
... 1 ' fc i '
their Knees lo a loi
nees lo a lonc-caied minuul. ul-
ihyugh he might bo branded w ilh a demo
cratic iron reaching from the tip of the nose
lo the rot of the (ail. Whiggprv j.S e
believe, at about us low on ebb. The re-
... . " . ' cr
il'regoii. 1 lie limo lias fullv eono ul ..
.men who m.-iko their living by diumiiiiii;
up tho party should be ei 0 ork ut some
honest and productivn labor.
Hut hero aro the ticket
Thomas Joliuson, 31 A. llo:brok,
For Hmn Jcr.
A. Il:i..u.. 7M I A. Ile!! ni,,
tor Villi rnunril,
Furl. Ilun lmy,
A. i: Uu,
K. Uliimk,
IV U. Stowjrl,
l. II. Ilanii.h,
Foihc. H.lay,
A. K. Wait, '
K. K. tstnu.k.
I hointu. I , r,v)
Tliu.nas C'liarunn, 54
For .Mayer A. Uothrimk,
FiirCMy t:u..cil
F.'iln-s Han-lay,
'I 'inimii I'tij-e,
Th.Mii:i Channan,
Jeliu U nion!,
W. f. IliiilcieU,
Jo 1
r A few 0f tho ciiuen of Y.n.,l,;ll
have inutiii;.i..,l ,.,,. .1;..,- ... :
...-.j.iiciui.r in rrer.
c"co lo lien. I'alsiru's ih.
'' the Ind'aes en t!!0 1
rral mass of llu citizens
ble and (juiet
--v incrr were tno
considerable f,osl ,
'luring the pas, e,.L buI ,
iiongli nei
ie i.'osii... 1 f.,
son was never f,,,, 1
TrrrtlorUI V.lrtilim. j
V., lime uut L, i n Ma lo secure full
Mliiriia fri.lll . Ill, fdeelhin on ihu Convention I
i. .... ....... ... - -
v..- I.. .1.1. w,..nii- il.fl returns!
Vllt III VH" VM'
l.nto not yel ah tome i.
Wo ro dill ill'
!.l,,u.oth result, but i. i. Hen.-rsllvlmnyuoi be
. - i
I ..l..,l .I...I lU L-o.nH.llul. i. m. w
, " - , ,
ctilonutfie majorities of lli following
" - ' , "
c.unti,., from a. follows:
7S !
I'olk, ISO
Linn, .100
lii'iitim, 1 3
The Convention i probuiny lott oy
mall initjoiiiy liorih of tlio Calapooin
iiiouiitdiu. I ho majority aouin oi nut
will prob:ibly be njainl a Convention.
. . .i
VorltawA Uly Klcrltua.
We nre gld lo tee that our former towna.
man JH?.s O'Nkii-L, K., bat been elected
Mnvor of Portland. The vote atood :
James O-Seill, l-'O'
A. P. Pennison, pl
(jiving 0'Ni:ii.l a iimjority of i3.
Vrom tWt I)ttr.
Mr. How ell, of I.inn county, who is just
in from the Ukllc-i, informs us that he was
iu the expedition beyond Snnko Uiver. The
. .... . i r.
voluuleert toon aooui o.iu nornes uiu
Indiani, which were so poor that they were
left. They also captured an Indian boy
three years old, which wat brought into the
The vote at ll.o Cascades, Mr. II. says,
was nearly tied on Convention.
The Indians that attacked tbo Cascades
came out la'cly nud drov off 27 cattle and
0 horses, belonging osettlernt the month
of the Clickala'. Ten of the nsiiners la
ken at tho Cascades havo been hung, ami
the rrsl nre on (rial.
K.'ininiakin, wilh his whole force, has re
lented into the Yakima mountains as far
a t'ney can get, nnd his people nre scat
tered iu every direction.
t'rnm I'litti'l Houml.
Th" 1'uyt Sound Courier has again ra
vived after n short snooz, nnd is again un
der the conduct of K.T. Giinx.
Wo learn from tho Courier, that John J
Lowell, late cbrk of the Council fur Wash
ingtnii Territory, was r-cenlly drowned in
endeavoring to swim White river, on bis
way to Slcilacooni, ns bearer of dispatch
es from M.-.j. Garrett, iu command of the
rogular forces. Information has been ob
tained thiougli friendly Indians llinl the
So. Hid Indians w ho are ho.-tile expect a re
inforcement from the eastside of the nioi.n
tains in nhw weeks. Thu Indians are
still breaking out upon the settlements in
all parts of the country. On the 4th of
March llie savages fired upon Mr. John
Urii'lley while ill iho field plowing, but
w ho with his family almost es
caped. Mr. 1!. was uccompaiiied by. his
w ife, who drove the ox team attached to the
plow ,n one corner of the field were depos
ited their children, n boy of three years of
age, an I a babe. When tho Indians fired
Mrs. H. ran for th. children, nnd by the
directions of her husband darted into :ho
brush and atlcirip'ed to reach tho house,
Mr. B. caught up the boy nud started to
reach the house by crossing the field. Tho followed him on horseback, ami
fired at him some seven or right times.
Some of iho Indians were within ten steps
of him when they discharged their guns.
One load from a shot gun took effect in
Mr. 13. 's bund and the boy's hip, but Hot
producing a dangerous wound. Mr. H.
finally succeeded in reaching his house and
procuring n gnu vhen tho Indians retired.
His wife lay concvnlcd in iho bushes till
iho Indians had disappeared.
Uy ll'u''.v, Co's Erpras.
Oi.vmi'ia, April olh, ISoti.
Editor Standard ews has just been
brought in town by express riders, of an en
gagement on tho N'es(iia!ly river, between
a scouting party of Cuj.t. M.i.von's compa
ny and a baud of tho Nesqually Indians, in
which eight warriors were killed ami four
teen In liiins taken prisoner. Twenty-one
horses were found w ith the Indians uud cap
tured. The prisoners will bo in town to
morrow. Uov. Slovens is about fortifying tbe place.
Sam'i, Williams.
JOT Maj. Au.MsTiioxd pafj through
this city last Monday on bis wny to rol l,
land to take passage on the steamer for the
Stat, s. The Major is going for a time to his
home in Iletidi rson colllitv. I!!. l.! .. ;!)'
return to IVegoi, as soon as practicable.-
. , -h,
; -M-jor A. has proved himself good soldier "
in the present Indian war, and
.v,, . !
C,wl,;, ,,,f , ., i . . I
a .
. i 'eniocrai iv ins tin
in i
in order to make, ter.
"'r ",ore aecrptable, as the ' Sent of (Jv.
enimr .it, ' the prop-ietors think ri(ulv '
f mli..1i;.l.;-.. 1.... .. 1 .. 1 .. .' 1
'-"" "i 11 11 jjooo uniieu as 1 ,
liOA'iIuy lo the cKquo
n,AW.. , IT . 1 I .1 . I 11.111 I 111! 1.1.1 I ... . . !1 I '
"r-T 4,1 .,,.1 b..,, ,;.).. . r ... .. ... ' i "ruce and the n.e un.h r him. Y.,. l. . ' ' . u"" "P0" heir
i i .. : I " r ms huh imc rri' ir(i : - v. bil uii wuuci u i . ,
u' s uw n... il.- I. ....... 1 c .1 . . ai.o ass lor liar, on If . U-
... 1 -"- v -i. i- o" 11 on. me iorui, , 1 J ",B
aroieacea. I IL7 T n...rr;.i- r. -r., T'" "vu us cipi. i,uoy an.l Lt. Moore. ...1. 'eeo.innena an Jmner .-.
, . . ...v. ,.. ...... u.einnii 01 Ille ....! ...1 , : . . ." I -,'
7.wr ii.for.iis us. ibat in or.U, ... 1 - vn ,u luc 8t'ruce , rroPos ' crown Jo Lane as En,
ttT Tboft. m r.port in circulation
ll...ilur. have fo.i-ht a balilo Mb ihu
Indians mar llu- mouth of Il.-gixi Uiver, hi
m 1 1... u.ui 1a i,r i:,.n in in vnr. 111
-hiih the 1U1 wero U.Teiiteil Willi ni"
of 25 or !!' in-'". This may Lo so, and
I rum ttit Hnutu.
KoBBnfi:, April 2.1, 1S50.
V,WI..W-A.if.i...dof iniiio
from H'!ue uiver on bit wiy w m
WlllnnirtU ralley, I lia-icn w pve ,n.i
what iU'imoTwur new nrc in my .o - ci -
.Ion. Tho war lack, a - ot U ,.g
over in KouthiH. Ur.W.u. " o qi.uM.j.ii
every cxpremm an llniK
mi count in ai nio,ii.ui. ..i. - t " i ,,r nn.
newt hoiiin, w.ui uie i-p.-ciuon o.
' . . ' . ..... ....... e
I in" of fri-tli limbtort, uuJ new ueieait.
j0 - y H fuW H,,0) j,r. jiaiiWt., in
......... ttit, B vnm number of men who
bcloi.",.) lo M i. Itruco't command, were
attacked by a body of seventy-five or n
hundred Indians, und two men wero in
alanlly killed. lJrueo't force were on their
wny to r.lievo n pack truiu which had
been corralled by llio Indians on the morn
ing of iho name day, when llurkwill and a
few men rodo some distitiico in advuiicc of
the main body, biiJ were pushing on lo
tho relief of iha wounded men who belong
ed to the pack truiu. Tho Iudiautshol the
Doctor' borso from under him and look
hit tuddlc-bagt, with nil his instruments
and The Indians fled upon the
iipi.rouoli of the main force under Bruc
It it a L'rcut wonder ll.ut tho Indians hadn't
caoUirou liurKtt'eli: wi as few ol llieir
, i i . . i u wu.njt.-vi. Li,' lime no fill ill." "
use for a surgion, besides as they have now
L'ot tho iir.trumciits, tbey probably think
their own prnctitionsenn do equally us well
Is llie JJoclor could. If tho war gels no
'oettor as fast as it has for the lust month,
iho Indians will bo better prepared to carry
on the war comfortably, nnd scientifically
than wo are. Yours iu haste. L. II.
Official LiKjtileh.
IlE.iDQuAiiTr.its, Southern Army. )
Fort Lola nd, March 31st, 153. f
His Excellency, Cko. L. Cl'KRV,
O'ov. Origan Territory, SuU m, 0. T.
My Dkar Sin I have tho honor to make
tho follow ing report of the Troop under
my command. On tho 2'Jd ult. 1 gave or
ders (o Maj. Ilruce to move with his com
mund to Illinois valley, to scour thut part
of tho country, and if possible to find "Old
John's" band of Indians. Iimcc immedi
ately repaired to thu head quarters of the
Southern Uutlalion, and give the necessary
orders for n march. His men moved on
tho 23d ins!. As they were about start
ing news cainu into ramp of 'John's' band
beiii on the trail to C'rcsconl City and that
they had that day killed three, men, on I
ihat they were then attacking the house of
u Mr. Hay. Capt. O Neil's company hast
ened lo the assistance of Mr. Hay, and in
getting thern hud lo tun through tho whole
of the eiiPinv's line, some 200 strong. As
soon us liruce camo up the Indians retreat
ed from the housd and took to tho moun
tains. .M .j JJl-uce (In n wilh his command,
Commenced getting the families in that
section of country iu a condition to protect
lliein-nlvcs. In tlio meuntiino the enemy
were endeavoring to kill all the mu!c3 and
horses they could find on their rctrcut.
Maj. r.ruco pursued the Indians some five
miles, linli'ing all the wny. Three ol bis
men were killed, and some 10 or 12 Indians
killed. Night coming on the men drew
oil" the Indians still retreating towards iho
On the 22J ult. also, I ordered a detach
ment consisting of 10(1 men of the Northern
llattnlion, uniler the command of Major
Lutshaw to 0 down Cow ere k. Oa the
2Ud they fell in with from T3 to 80 Indians
six miles below I'oit fcmith. ll.o light
here commenced ; tho men pressing for
ward nnd tho enemy retreating. Some 30
Indians were collected on a hill to tho righl
of iho battle ground ut this time, und one of
the spy looking through aglass, discovered
a white inuii amongst the Indians en tho
hill. 1st Lt. Coombs, of the lleuton Co.
company w as ordered totnko30 men anil
charge tho enemy on the lull, which he did
gallantly, killing one lndiim und capturing
a mule, saildlo blankets and a pair of boots.
The Volunteers drovo the enemy right
and left, scattering ilium in all directions.
The enemy lost f mr killed, certain, and
hud many wounded. Four mules and two
horse were captured. Oue w bile man kill
ed of Shullii-hl's company, and one of the
spy company wounded.
Great credit is duo to thc-o brave Volun
teers who have driven llio Indians from the
trail and nro still iu pursuit of them
Unit. Lab.
en I, uov s command lad a
fi.i, " :,i -- i I . .. , i
liglit Willi some (. Indians six miles South !
of Camillas valley. The enemy came into
llie vailey, it appears, to sw eep tho settle-1 nevertheless a class of men, who sutler them
ments. Upon hcaiing il Capt. lSuoy, with ; selves to bo inlluenccd rnlirelv by parly
3j men started in pursuit and came un will. L...:...i: i .. .
the enemy on the mountain leading lo tho
meadows from the North. As soon as Capt.
Luoy came up with the Indians, he imme
diately divided his command and chargrd
luem rigiitHiiii kit, ami completely routed
and defeated them ; killing three Indians
which I hey found on the ground, one witl,
a Navy sized pistol still tightly grasped in
is hand, ibnii-l, ,!.,i 'n- . ,
follow...! lh l.Sit - i
- hiwu. u 111 it", in l I i.
"ero completely for want '
i . I
.ere lhtu te r" i
llinl lOP'lmn I I.Ij I. ..1. iv
, ""-"...pai,v,uu.ll01llcerS
.Illil l.,nn m i..... I . ..... . . in sueii a wanner
. t . . .
. ....., .Hem 10 iup iimncsi oraise o everv
citizen of our country.
me to men
- J I
I have ordered 00 men from Cant. Bu-.r'.
a"uray to follow the Indians and if iK.s'si
We lo fail in with Oil. K!. ....I f.: ..
,. , -""jor
.... ...... . -v ... r v, .ulv caf..
-vol ,ey ,,,.r Ubc a very active
... ... .... I,, ...... .,1 ! L III
i.nflil. llio W UMl'nilteU lu
i u i mn air
Willi nnieli rte', I wnaif. '
Voun. .no.l ob't rv I,
Itrii'ii Hit CJ.-ti. rul, t. T.
J..IIN Jl.II.u.i!,Aid ile Cainp.
T T7 ,.
OCT The la-t ram. Uva M.- .l lrt W .
I: .. river tome fivo'or ix ftvt, wltic-u
U,i....niu.rnero.,. .,,.
reum-n u in ""-.'";"" ".. . ,
, w WAliinmn, all of whom nro
j ",ni, 0f mcn:
; u l.,low mo lane. j fluiflic0 n OfiKJitiUoB la Clirwlimtliy 0V
, , m,IIC(.j running, but webe..11" 1 , , ' v
,.,,,,; .U 0I1V one wl.icl. good monil.. , An l.onc.t mart on-l, M,
- o.rvdlia reiiuhi - ly. -
iUI pnp roo .... ,T- - - - .
pointed time, mui tno igm....B
aheiid of our timepieces, and It frequently r..u' iiiinutL't before In r tel tiu of.
We sec tlml some of our subscribers have
fallen into Iho error thul ilio',subscription
price of Tub Ancus for next year must al
ways be paid in aJvnnce. U'e n.k no man
lo j.ny in udvanco unless he chooses to, but
if we havo to wait for tho pay wj must buv
thu old price, uiileit iho nioiK-y ia I'010
within six mmillit, in which case, it will ue
only S I 00 a year.' All good men we cai
dilate to wail nn unlil they are able to pay,
without distressing themselves. 'V'c have
been distressed so often by poverty that
we havo great sympa'by for poor. men, (if
they nro honest.) j
from Vorl llcnrltlta.
Wo rec'ived a communication from J.C.
Stewart, dated Fort Ileuiiclta, April 3d,
too luto for this week. .
II states that Col. Cornelius, lifter leav
ing Siinke river crossed over tho Columbia
lo Priest's Rapids, but finding no Indians,
i now on hi way to the Dalles with hit en
tire force, excepting a detachment, left to
hold the country till tho regulars take the
field. j
JTZTOii otiroutsido, will be found a cor
responJcnco between Gen. Wool and Gov.
Stevens, of Washington Territory, whicli
will bo read with much interest.
OCT Liun county has responded' to the
call vf Gov. Curry, and furnished a com
patY for the southern field. James Rlake-
r.Y was elected captain. This makes tho
fourth company that has been raised in
iT Wo are informed Gov. CuRitr
has ordered the Northern volunteers to be
withdrawn from the field. This is jusl ns
it should bo. If n sufliuieiit forco is now
sent to Jlogue river we may expect to fight
(ho Indians lo some advantage. ' j
00" Since shipment of potatoes to Cal
ifornia ceased, they tiro selling in this sity
for 7 3 cents a bushel.
OCT An old bnolielor recently asked us,
with a great deaf of apparent solicitude,
' What lm become of 'Viola' I "
JT To-day, April 12th, is tho 79th nn
niversary of the binh ofllii.NRY Clay. The
o"cas'on. cs usual, will be duly honored by
iho friends of llio illustrious deceased
throughout the Union.
iS" The Yankees in N. Y. city have
got up a new kind of skd. A set of hubs,
with bo.xesto fit tho axlcsofa wagon, con
stitute the principle cost of tbe runners.
Into each of these hubs three strong spokes
arc driven, and the runner attached in
place of iho felloe. When the snow falls
the yankeo slips the wheel ofT his wagon,
slips on the patent runners, aud drives oJa
sleigh instead of a w agon.
For the Argu$.
Sl-bm.mity, April 5, 13oG.
Mr. Editor The privilege of voting was
given for a noblo purpose, and connected it are responsibilities that all should
understand. The cct of voting for princi
ples and men, as it involves tho prosperity
... i :...... . .
"no renin unv oi ine uovcrnmcnt. is one
, '. . . . '
"l!U Ul-'iriiU"" ll"o ueliuoration. lliore is
prejudices, and parly leaders. While they
acknowledge, and agree that the leading
men of the dominant anti-dcuiocralic party!
in uicgon are essentially corrupt, vet
is the t'Ower of narlw . M.! . - .
sue .
wonderful charm of .1, 11 " M
-""""'j, "'u.u oi
""""'"K whenever .ho party ,iBe, !
are ilrimn o.t .t. 1...1. r.v. . ... I
: i: j ". . Ir'esin, j
is unit ifii in i .nit. Ki-.b.-. i . i .
made that if thev ,.,', . .
. "'"eat is
they shall have lb..i, 'I !. " '
;:lthe hook of democrat nn(l ZT "
rritooccunvthnamn :r, iyofiha army, was referred to the
l" occupy ine same !ninrtmn.,. ri
with Jo Lane. flW ,r ..l ..." .. . '
" MHIIVIIl 111 111
.m ,. ' ' b ..'B.a over, aim,
marrow bones
eli.Ue was to
eminent and
1 .1 .... .1 i w'i
-ul "lc" eyes and vote for iu
in exercising the right of
voting for those
Wiethe laws, a
o nmse or eifeule
"" loan C.l.t i! nn. I ..
or mji,!,,..,; coacnl;
o ire inuuencea hr 1 1
- -
jOllillli lOHW i-""."H lilt
go0l Uiho'gMl li.aiN of llie people, w,'om
I imore-n ire inadu Inwpnrblo by the grest
lucinl ooinpaol, iiud who liv umlur tin Mum
political lintitulioi.e. Tin prlvlt.-jje. of ih,
id. i-tfve friintliiw ! riiJ .eJ ni aliiclj
nniint opprwim and lyranny, and wa
'no JiinI lo net' n a check uimn mci,
, ... ' .
'ordVrof locteiy. An upflght nmn will net
I Vl)te fur tin liidividunl wl.o.o pcmonul in-
,,J ut"' Vul W' . l",t', " rg"Ucr
0116 who oppretsct the pnor;on who
I , Ul0,j,fr01 lulu
Willinolus Iiom luuor in jui reward, or
who plunder his neighbor, even under
ll.o sanction of law. ' Neither will a man,
w ho It governed by a right motive, vote f0-
. . !.- I
a selfish aristocrat, who hut no feeling ii(
common wilh tho mass of tho people whom
ho represents, or for an Indiviiial who uses
dishonest menus to got into ofiica. lie will
nl.o refuse to support a man who will buy
votes that ho may Lo placi d in an office,
wlicro ho can feather his own nest by ita'
imi from tho government treasury. A re.-
, publicau can never volo for a. man who
j ,u,H'to principles, nt war wiih tbo genius
of free institutions, becutisc (here would bV
danger that such a man would give official
sui.ctiuii lo practice and principles' cnlculu.
leJ to corrupt public morality, disturb so
cial order, mid overthrow tho government..
Wo daily ceo llio effects of parly igiio-r.-vco
und corruption but wo look forward
with anxiety to the lime, when the sovereign
people will reeso from their slumber,- and
the scales will full from their eyes, so that
they may discover llio gathering clouds of
despotism, which threaten destruction to
tho country, when meu will look with pure
ncss of heart, and honesty of intention, af
ter the real interests of the country in the
choice of their officer, and when the will'
cense blindly to follow a parly, right or
wrong, aud begin to support the most mer
itorious men for etlioo. . That day will only
come, when tho present ruling party is
broke dowu in Orcg ni.
. ' j Respectfully yours, ,
An Impartial Ouserveb..
News from the States;.
Datei'jrom A'cu York to March 6lh', awl'
from Sun Francisco to March 28A.-.
The mmi'uUy with;tanil.V fcU! for
tius coukU ui-Uou of Ten Xw. HUaas-.
Ships or War passeA tkt Hrnatt.
Tho brig Situ Fruncltco arrived nt As--loria
April 1st, four dhys from San Fran
cisco, bringing news from New York to.
March 0, Tho mail steamer will bring:
but threo or four days Inter wows. We
copy from the Dextooratit Standard: '
Capt. Smith brought tip California dates
up to March 28. Tlio news from Califor
nia is of but littlo interest. . A slight ten
dency lo advance ia flour. ' i
Tho Alia of tho 2 fill of March caiitiona
California Merchants -against Washington
Territory war son'p. ,
Sax Francisco Markets Morch'Siih..
Sales up to 12' o'clock nr.; 400 r. sackss
Hour, Magnolia nt $10 50- per iblf 100"
half sacks Pasitio extra at $11. per IbL
Sales on Ibe SOtli, 2,000 ejr. sacks of Ore
gon City Mills,, at $7i. 100 sacks of.
wheat al 8J els. 200 sacks Oregon pota
toes at cts per lb, Lard nt 20 els.--
Choice butter atb3 nnd'40 els. Adaman
tine candle nl 80 els- Chiua rice at V cts-
llio cofile 12 cts. We notice n-selo of 250
sacks of flour, Salem brand 'on- th'c 2 Kb at:
$10 53 per bbl. .' ' ' '.
States:' Nuns. , ,
The principal news is tho publications of
ihe correspondence between tho officials of
tho United State and Great Brirain, role.
live to the enlistment of troops in the Uni
ted States for the Uiitieh service,., aud ilia
Nicaragua question. In another column,
we publish extracts from this eerrespoir-
We take the following from tho ILrald,
relative to Congressional mutters : , -
In tho L'nitcd States Senato Wednesday
a bill to increase the efficiency of the iirnrt
w as report by the CgrmUleo on Military
-ujhb, iiJ0 lmalid ,md other pansion np'-
' '
propriatton bil3 were passed.- In tho'
. th 1,1 Jian "PPpria.ion bill was;
renorle.I . ,ilo i -
K usa "7.. . "
iiausas respecting slavery aud slave prop-
er!y, and authorizing thu hm,1 f rircnn
!. "
Io ...rm . -,. o..
- a . -. -. . w. v.
...,, von c.iiuiem. jue i res'.
4 "'S. recommending ih. cxpeiv
ca,en. Military Committee, of which Mr. Quit-
ffian is cllairma
In the United States Senate, Thursday a
resolution was adopted caljinu on thePresi-
nt and deni for information relative lo the repWK
or.theyjedofTer of Great Britain to refer to om
. ! friendly 1'ower for n.b:t...-i ,k
jderstanding growing out oTTlm Cl.yto.
1 nler i.- ' , ...
Uulwcr treaty. No offer of thn kiml hM
. . .
een maae. 1 .1...
;h it appear that LorJ
r -1 ... "
larondon directed fr. Cf-npu tj fv.tvl