The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 05, 1856, Image 4

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    " " TVWVf IH A V.11 '
Viii "r
- On l'fr't 4f. ""'"J str-em,
V'fcicli it to .j':V' gout U.l
Aceount it Lut dream.
,' 'Tt I' ll ''. '""' il-"
f Of Time's iJ he m,
Vlikb tliek-i no. enl euoi.g s l..
J ' nihil with Lfedd "
Whllttarr "I " '"'
, Of lira o!d Ir- 'on
Of Lul l)".'" "IKJ 'I'' I'0'
V. When death ma I '''')
. lit but I ftp Ui'eu the ' '
Wb h ' I'10'
" ' A fw wore step", "i" I 'I' '''
' ' L fi't wciry " 1 nu
I ." At A'l aWalaiky
I'lidf orillumy f:ri'Uii'lirM
wo are
apt lo, remember tety !i im.' ly evciilt
which occurred upon our firl entrance into
anew oouu'ry, c;ty r siaic mi l it i ofi-n
very hintrdcgio comparo our dr.! iiritai-J
I'lliun wf a in J
ill i..; -mi
Ly A firtl interview, with lli
1 r.iuclTit
which ihey fviinii.illy il. v. l",o.
' Every gun who li i" jiiuni''y'l ij'h' at
wott, s inn lo Licet with '!' iie.rc
cf l' peculiarly lii'liuftliv" of tho peo
.r. . ii ......u ...r
1 .
iirinnp imikl Lttvd !' n llm firlia;'
4 III.
a friund of our, ilu:in;r an ii (. rvi,-w with a
liiilivo Kntiirkiuil wLlch oii'inr.'.l iiiini
diiiicly afl'.r llm urrvul i.f !ln; mi! ! frl. ii.l mi
th "link and Llnody giom-.d,'' a iliu n.t
dJiglit in tyllin; 1 1 1 ir bud.
i Our fiiriid laduiii'il in i In; I'lH'ii.Poriii
" r
jjif ai.iwi, and Im I to K iiturky to
imiirove I rc-io.. Ly tin a.hl.iiun of a
certain rjiou.l, Ii nas-to nukothc f.r-
tune of cvi-n Udy I. r il, .-II'I.iiihI, ImiI
wlih.'h didn't i!o any 'ic'i tdii., ii tli i vml
proved. Jiidii.g iilon it n pmlty (iod
pace, In order to ri gid) n .c-niiin tovn l.v
llililf.ill,li pntid a rud.! lo'd.iu liur
wlili li nlood a liltlo Lai I; f.nrri Mud, and
which wai t lie only hou-fl pa- vd Ly him
forlorn tnilit.
Wliilo fl.mcin Lidiiud liimal thuinldity
oflliu arcliili'Cluru diitpluyud in the ercc
tlon of tlio buildln;' liit attenlion wan vnd
Juiilv ulhorb. d Lv tin. r..iii. ii.iilnii..n .,f
rouh looking individual, who, mount, d on
a largo Hack hnrw, and biaiidi,l,in a lonj,'
rifle, suddenly d.iJied nruiind th, corner of
the Louse, and cunooti ..( a . I . . -! . i i . pace
TOcilerattii' lo linn lo s'oii. no
propriety in bein' ord-rcd lo a bland in
audi a peremptory in itun r.our fm udjiru-a
d on at tlm np of lii ap. ed. '
"Stop, yuil devil, klop!" ji died lli.' LL.cJi
horseman, nt the Kani.. limn throivinj up
hit rifle und liiiiir wil l!y at oiir-ii;'iiii'i riuir
youth. A small Umli u cu' fiom ihe
tree A few feel from til' puitu-il, who iliink
ing lio bud bi ilcr pel out of the uy of to
furiously di-poaul a ruUxo, mid b' inj; tin
armed, aoiilil lo rcaiu by llijht. The
evident superiority of Mh, Li nk liorae which
till) rilluinuil bestrode, lo liU oivn lrav-1-worn
least and the fact that IC tiliuky
had nearly coiiip. (i d liie r. K inlin (.f Lis
longrillo, nud PxpiesM-d a d. terminal inn In
bring liiin ilo'n the next shot, indue, d our
friend to rein in liiab'nt and na t the nr
rival of Ilia pumilcra. )iisiur ui In lii
tide and preHciilin;; ihe lilb-, llio liorvemaii
jaoulnted :
"Say your prayer, my comi, Imfoie I
VfltililulPVoitr miaotulilce iieasN wiih n bul
let Lole !''
. "Wlutt do you menu 'Lo do yfni
uppotn nm t What the dm il il jH
WUIltl" fcliouled out tlm!.l ii an.
"Wnntl Why, jou'ik ihe f. II,. w w,,,
bloke ilitu my lioile tli ieu lii-lila n;:o, and
I waul lOidmot yon lo m ,1,.. it ,jii:ir,.."
. '-Vuu liii'ule," replied our f iend, calm
ly. " K in i stran-ei- juit arrived in your
ainjjular ruuniry, and I m ver saw jui
houto utilil the last half Lour, if indeed the
Olio I Lave just pasted Let, una What
do you mean Ly fiiiu!;at mi tint mi ,1 sti an
ger I I have not harmed you an way, ami
Lave no valuables nlmul me, if yon intend
'. "UoLLeryl tlr:in:;cr I" Thn Loneman
looked at Lint Intently a f. tv nioiin uu,
while repealiii", llio .iieli,.n mechanically.
'I T-illo you ar'nt the nrm !" L Midilcn'ly
ahoulcd. "1 sfu it ,' , toii t jn u,( ,
"you arn'l the man who broke into tny
kliauty but tell jouwliat," lienenten,
"you look daiii;eroiily like him, nml I did
COUIO IuodMioih near niakiiw mi extra!
liilton-liola in your coat. Any way, strati
fjer, I tec my liul n.i.stuke, und'l don't
boar any malice, and x your pardon,''
, Uur ttnjiinecriiijr fucd r,.l0u.r, J
composure and frankly f..ravB tLe trilliii);
eecurrcnee, and to Low hn alu.. nee'
nil fear, produced a dri,, and ask,. J
the btttek borsemanto drink. Hs noiiei
wat complied willi. and al'Ur l ikiii ' bi,l,
drink, Keiituckv ft'.nin
i Id foilh, ihit time
in tba way of apologv.
,.v , . . , i
way-. I ,n,r,(,v I (h a. you,
r)ouw.,l'll!ltf,U,,lL.l:i,, la,,,''.omake it , ,;.!. fur ,H, ,r
fold Ktniuk.and o , I
' t-xi.iic A Si 1 .Ul
;-cr. Nowju.1 luck y lit. H"'""'y
,pcr and liich of u ball bnv
ml a Cullli
' " ... . . .. .L. -1.1
htl.otf Til ft llour UlJlI ...."-
I , 'I fit, at the (Jhrr, Ult ditlaiict. What ,
ny I
'Siyf Tl.atjk. you. 1
mil perftiolly
uti-ft'-'l litio.tdy.'
J !,n a l.'.l; i-f much troublo remain.! on
I ,, foe ofiU Kv.tituJ.ittn, and ho teemed
! i. ..,.(! si.Xd at lU ruaratn.'a Le wat
Lml:ij Ut lU mi-take. Walcliinf? hit
In.. ri, tliou 'ht ho do-
mci, ' .V"' v' " ei o
i.-t'nl a lok of incipient inutility in histy.
and lliiukiii;,' In- would tuiror tbo desire
f.,r .itif.ieiitiii which tin K'-lituckiuii X
Libit.), as th'i quickest method of being rid
of Mm h thus pi.U :
"Your apology fur 'olr utitjtV was
"llOU'lll. I'Ut It V'lU Weill tlOlltlt'J 'iout
ill.: iiult'T, Mi ull you wht I'll do for you
I iiiii in a Lurry Uj-i.i-l.i, anj cannot po
. M. l.ill I
I.:., u in i., ir m.uw win. ivu n.-...
'i 'l' u" wining U'l '
I'uciaiH, I'll drf. in on yon, and wot:.n
tiii litilu iiuiltr any way to I'lue
' Strnni'cr. vou'ro 8 Ir'iiup uril !" ronrrd
tl, .1, lii' Kentiickiiiii. "Y ou c
. i- .1 t.n.l M.n.n I .miin fl.l
C( 'I'll IW ll'iiu i ww-.
hii nnii lime. I'M ullttt b'J many. Kiflu
I iitol, bowie knifo or ijaujt, I'm your uitui
II oi.udiddl- !"
j ..
Lit-riii" a hinnlurly axiiliant crow, and
iiiuoumiiio in u jell of deliulit that tie '
"cihiIi." and a "ring tailed rur.T."
i .. . i i r..i i.:.. .:..
K' l't'KK -nj on nm nur, '
in th ir, ud da.l. d off as radly as l
had mad bin appearance.
When o;tr fiioud leachrd lLo tavern,
wliich to hit relief tooti after occurred, he
related hit advoiituro, and adicd an opiu
i.,n of lli.; landlord on the allair.
"Wnl.nir," opened ihu laadlord, "I ad
mire lie didn't aliool you. Tliat fellow
uio!d Tim WiU'n ; he isn't quits right
in liia mind, ever tince the Indiaim tried to
ir tiiu Imir offn bin head, many yearn
ii"i), llo'talltH boltin' after people as
puts bit homo ; thinks they hao been try
fliiii.' to rwb Liiu : and tho old coou would
j Lave killed same ono with linjshoo'.in'aforo
! now, but bo can't bit a barn door when Lis
crnzy fit i ou.
TLuiikfiil fur the, taoajie lie hud had, our
friend nu-jht his couch, but his tltiml.trs
were loineu hal brokeu Ly tho recurrence of
Lis adventure in his dreamt, and lie found
bimell'liauuted in hit rc.itlessneKs Ly the
iiur'ili!! atlirancu of Ilia tormentor, "Ilillo,, bowie-knife, or gouge, I'm yot.r,
I ' ' or' J i
man 1"
I .on after I Lad beconto familiar with
the ways of old Ivetttiicky, be wat wont to
recur, win n pressed for a yarn, to Lis first
und last appearance as a tutpected hotM
l.r.aker. True fluff.
Poi'I'i.atiom of Kansas. Tho following
in from the corri'ipoitdeiK'e of the 7. Louis
Ikmtxriil : '! n u letter from Topcld,
-ome nimillis ago, I L'lutcd that I belimcd
tlio population of KanMtH Id be 3 j, 01)0. At
thai l i ii iu I Lad not travelled furl Lor north
ward llian Leavenwortli, nor visited I lie
MMitliein portion of the Territory, I have
linee discotercd thai I greally underrated
their population. A heavy emigration for
otue moiitlm picvioui to tho date of my
letter, and tiiicu that lima, hut been pouring
into t lio toulhcrn nud northern district! Ql
tho Territory. In lV-ccmlvr I met gentle
inrn front every portion of thu Territory
und ttiHile caiel'nl iniiiti ies at to thu pltyai
e.d clutrucleiislu'M, polilical condition, and
popnlaiion of their respective distriolt.
Tin recall b. no dolibl iLat if a census was
immediately taken it would bo found thill
ibe present population of Kansas is nearly
tiU.ulH). My ligurcsgivo B.'i.OOO, but id
lowttneo uiiist Lo made, and I have made
liberal nllowauco for incompetent judge
and exaggeration," The population ol
Leavenworth City it 1500.
Postal IIgform. At a mats meeting of
lite niircliiinta of Now York, the followinc
proposed reform in tho postal system wore
unanimously adopted :
1. Uniform postage of two cents on let
ters, without regard to distance, and a
cheap ii 1 1 1 to in rule lor printed mailer.
. Keeeivuii; Louse aud letter carriers
lor l he collection and delivery of Inter in
cilit and piincipal low ut without oxtia
i liarge.
.'!. Miney orderj, for sums not excecdini;
S.'o, lo bo Jiawn by tbe principal post of
licet on each other.
4. Compulsory prepayment to be- abol
he.l, and double i.ostaL'e lo La cLaroi d .i
' all mail matter not pre paid.
i !i. All 11-1,1 lll,.,a I,.. u ...i .1.
jwn - er,, and, wheuever possible, without
i l" 'u'",sl-
' ,V" ro"S " 'l franked matter to
U paid by llio llovernmtnt.
i Till, VlrftBe .vn 'IM .
v "' emirij, i ue .nieri-
mU vry t,M fl f
Lip,,,, hioo-,0!,. each. An, fl on
. f
f l Ul K f,?"r,d m" '" c!'ITf
tout t,.h, and placed cu the enua. '
torial line around tli gl"l, each tkippur
may fpak the net In I'm by raising hi
voict n litllo ubove tho onlinnry pilch on
.hii.boarJ, round th whohi tircuniferniCO
i i i - ..:' I
l tl'O RW-
would not faro better with h.T coiniiiercial
- ,
of 6,'J()0,000, but Httlo tli"
our own. I
1f Wt hnvt rn a j'wd miny inlii-t f
foHyiu III utof fire-amn, tul the f..llT ii from
-1 . ... ..ii .1... nr....!--.'' wa avtr
an luwa pij";! wi . '.
taw or l.rnru ui :
A Mr. Mout, f Vhmt tuwntliip, litvn? "C
iou lo un Im nil. . which ta loudrcl, il out of
In. Lou, lo Jirtliure it, wlnrh lit fuilnl lo ii
l,r ei.!.li..g cuM. Ho tliii went to Ui
HOW, tll.i OU XllliliUtl..O C4III to Iht (..uclutioo
llml lha powder m wet. H pni ktd tuint dry
iww.ler iuio tl.r luU, aod placed on il a cup, partly
fill, d Willi pow. r auw. Hi the a look Iht wiper,
wliich hud a ball tcrew ou the end, .ut it uilo iht
rill, and tcrtH td il into the ball. Aller R.Uuiff
tbm e- farwtdy forPHTt.on, be art the Indent,
cocked Iht lille. ami aultiii b- teeth on the wi
ix r, pulled, while auollii-r rope be it at! lha
Ultima. Tba nllu went oil', and tul, biill an.! ill
pued lbr.Ui;li b litoutli and neck, and entered
lb., wull of Ilia Lou.-. fcuuii! to toy. ha ml but
liKl.tly injured, and waa able lo go at lit work iu
t W Accordim to a labulur mulemont in the
LoimIoii MiimiK Journal, Ilia toiul mint of Ibe
aii-lalliferounprtidiiclioiiaof Ki.glan l for the cur
raul year, it 13,715,000, or b7,7JI,-uu
tinouiil more than .uuleil by lha vulue of two
Ain-ricun produeta imtft mid eolton. Of lint to
til Coal forma Iwu-lhuda. or Xl.0O0.Wi0. lion ore
t.l.mui.HUO.Copper A-l.:iUOUuil, LedXI,iOU,OoO,
'I'm A'7UU,U0n, .Silior r.'Otl.OUD.
Raihoiihin tii UmtbdStatia According
to UiiiMiiore'a I'.ttilwuy Uu.da for January, the
l.,.r .r n, I.h ol railwav uowili oiieraiion mine
I'niicd Sluleiia XIX IV, which la an iiicreana of
3,lUamica Jauuuryof IuhI year. Valmnn the
CiiiiplU d ruilruada at I0,UUU por mile, the capi.
tul now inveated iu thia iutereal ainouulalo oU7,
o .ii i. im
j-Jf Riwa a it rich in mineral pioju. liona.
Tbe gol'l mine of the L'rul nioiiutuma yi. lded ill
IS'il . Mt'J. IHUi.liOU. Intuit her weallli I in. alima-
ble.auil berirvu la well kli'.iwi to lie abuiid int,
tud of the lineal quality. 1'lulina it found more
ibuii'lant in Kuaau than iu any oilier portion ol me
Or Tba income of Ohio Ibe bwt year wiuiubi.ul
four and a ijuarter niilliont of dollart. Hid ilt t-p-nart
three niilli.ina ami a half. Il hat t00 mil.
of ctnula, lion of navigtble nvera, and i! Hill mil..e
nf railroad. Ita wheat crop la-l year waa 30,000,.
000 of bnabelt, and corn 00.000,1101).
CiiKrari'uiKta. "DiOieullita d.iaolvi Iwfore a
cheerful apiril like tnow drifla before the tun." It
wat intended thai man should be of cheerful mood,
e'ae why it be ttirrt.uii.led by elements af Win
Why lha varied iiitiliariea in imture aiding Ilia Imp
pineaa, and in-pinnir in him an eiilivoniiiir aud at
timet an exhilaiaiing lluw of tpirit. Mind hue
a great deal todo with maltort in mun'a perfect or-gan.V-alion
; it it only when the mind it beclouded
that dilfieultiei haruat lit. When Ihere it a lively
ebb of life we aro ilhoiit tho reach of trouble
when the heart revela with the blight hopea auJ
cheerful funi iei Ihe entire being it rndiaul with an
imation uu taak reemt burdetuomc. It it then
we achieve our great Iriiin.pht.
rfHew!ioipawiotialeunJ hasty it central
y- 1 yre.l,dis....nbl,1,,;h,,cr,.eof
w,om ymi should beware. " I here a no decep.
lion in a bull dog." It it only the cur that ineakt
up and bites you when your bacK is turned.
Sti.ivr TiusKt. A little boy wat muncliinj a
bit of gingerbread ', hit mother naked who gave it
lo hnn. ".Mist Juhuaon cave it lo me." "And
did you thank her for il 7" inquired the in.!, er.
' Y-e-a, 1 did, but J didn't Ull her to ."'
Sckse vron A Steamboat. Captain (awfully
rilid ) "How ciime you to turn in there wilh your
b-iots on?'' HockwiKitlsiuun (who bad just woke
up) "Why, do you want a feller lo turn ill here
among those vai mints barefooted 1"
f,y "The Full of Knia" in, and the of cars in America, occupy the columns
of all our eas.'ern exchanges.
t'flT The numrjer of ;uurriuge in the eily of
New York during tho past year was ;'.,i05, the
number of births 11,11)1), the number ef deaths,
tST II it dilliciiit fur a woman four feet three to i
arrv obeiieiilli bni'seir." let Iter Irv ver wi l,ui-il
marry "beneath herself," let her try ever so hard.
ljg A young muu ta)t ho did not find it half
so haiu lo ge , married us he did to get the furui
I, no.
t J" Censure is a tax that a mail pays lo the
public for being eminent.
rPKMPI.E OF IIONOK. -Tualatin Temple of
-a. lienor, o. I, meets ev, ry Wcliiesdav evc
u ng, at the American Hall, Finest Grove, (ir. gun.
Brethren of the Order iu good standing arc in
vited to visit ihisToinple.
S. A. Dixon, W. R. ,jo
1 V 50 rases men's heavy boots;
1- " meti't uiilioiiud hregans;
3 " " lined and bound do.;
3 ' " eulf brogans;
S " " goat
4 " boys' unbound "
I " yoiilhs' calf
4 " women's lace bonis;
" morocco "
misses' lace "
" child's Jenny Lind '
plirs " fancy tip shoes;
.' " women's kid buskina;
A bales drilling;
4 platform Kales;
D'O kegs svrop;
100 boes soap;
3i sarka cotV. e;
SO hf Lbla N O. sugar;
6 caKi yeast imw.lert;
5 casltle toup;
50 barrels lima.
fb 9 O. AI'.EltNETMY A CO.
VFEVV of Piiuce & Co't best MELODE.
UN'S for sale, low. Ei.nnire ul the
To I he 1'urnicr
ATTE WOULD tay, call al our store; we
I V will pay van as well lor vour Drmliks. u
any other houte iu Oreirou. and will ei,.t. i-..r i,,
make you feel at eomfonable at we rju.ilik. ,,
Wheat Wanted.
I II.II1..11 cash p.s.apad hv
it iv.r. y.
O ALEKATUS, tohaeeo, but halo coltish at
J F. S. 4- A. HOLLASD S.
. ;
Powl)l:Ri 'rJ. !'oi tud cap. at
new Boohs (
riMIK iu!rlUr haa jut racelvad a U'Cf
T" .rtmenl of lUX'KS, d reel from New oik,
BiiioiiirshiliaralheMiowliiji ,.,,.. Lmi.u.wiie.ieM .
K.l',.,,i,ii'a do. i Iwvoaol Uio riinia,
"Land and be." M . 'l ' ut
Heaatil Kailor, - 'Hup and .Mi'".
Thria Vera in 'a!.f..r..: ume i yc 'i- .
Cyc.of l.iirature, Kr.'plaiwiin .
Hathau-. f.u. l'"-u- in liidiiir
Manual of Fine Ai ta,
ui:'l M.'inil. ri'.
lctur.11 on the Aria,
fli.iiee Hio';r.iby,
Tmvela in I'eru,
,1'rruvian Auti'imi'i
l.'h'.ice Kilra. t,
I'ulur Keirioiw,
Mnli.iii'a l'hlllMllllV.
variety of i'oeta.
50(1 cop etof OuiiUtr n
j.iU Uendera,
" M. CiulTi') ' do.
o-o V'ebler'a l)i, li..n.iri't.
Davlet' Algelira,
" riiirveyiii,
" I.eendrc,
Nouman'e Itheloric,
I luy't . do
1'arlev'l Univ. lliatory,
Ifiuudrieli'i I'icl. L'. S.,
Mimleilh'a Ueograpliy,
-Little S aker,''
N. American SSpeuker.
Thoin'D'a do.
A Tresh Supply of Stationery.
D.iy lt,H,k., Journal". Ledurra, Ite. or.l I1ih.H1.
m. .... I,.,,,.. .,r ull aiie. Diur ea. 4c, NnteiUid
Letter Iier, K.ivelowa. Hena, A.C., Ac-Lra.;!
Kmvaa. Kriiaive tlul.b-r. Uumin.d bW, habere
Peik'ila, INK, in quart and pint bottlee.
(IIAU1.K.S 1'OrE.Ja.
Oregon C'ily, Augnrt 1, Mo-
Abornothy, Clark A Co.,
commission and forwarding .merchants,
Sun Franeitco, Cal.
ffflLI, atleud lo aellilig Or.gon prmluee, ami
till ordera for liila, Orocenea, Au. at Ibe
i - 'I'h.. uuln.uiiL'e of the iieoi'le of Or
egon it reMpectfully flicited. oii I, If j5-l0lf
F. S. A. A. Holland,
T-vKAI.KItS .ii lrv, tiriKi-nea, l.i
j 1c SIioch, L'rovkery, liuolia, Slationery. Ac.,
Main .Street, UirguiiLiti. juuojo, ic-.....-j
nallclujali! Hallelujah!
rii K Hulleliiiuli, a new tinning lok, by l.o
X a" Mumu jul the tli-u
f.,r tale ul '''M
..r tllilMlt! M!l.Mi
rrogrcssion, Progression, Progression
TS ever onward ami "ley mat uo uoi mase uu-u-i.r.l
llm'reailllilre a l.llle behind llio limes"
and for Ibe beiit lit of lliose that have a d. aire to
kern up with thia ne we have jiwl received direct
f,,,u. New York the of 1UIKS, of
w Inch we oiler at wlwlesolo or retail, on terms lo
r,,niii,.ii,n nf Mun. hv (Jeo. Comlit I Combe t
Lee, ou Phrenology; Domestic Ltle Thoughts on
its concord un,l dijord; Funnlinr Lesmina on Phre
nology and Psychology; Love and Parentage: ap
plied to Ibe improvement of ofl'apriu" ! Marriage :
itt history and philosophy, with directions lor hap
py marriages j Memory, and Intellectual Improve
ment : Menial Science ; Lectures on the Philoso
phy of Phrenology; Matiimi.iiy : or Phrenology
aud Physiology applied, Ac. ; Phrenology proved,
illnslrated, und applied i I'lirenolugical jiui.le, Slc ;
Religion, Natural und llevealed J tielf-culture, and
Perfection of character ; Self-instruclor in Phre
nology aud Physiology ; Temperance ond Tii'ht
laicu.g; Acciilentt and Emergencies; Hydro
pathic Cook Uooks; Consumption: its causea, pru
venlion, and cure ; of eouimon water ;
Cholera : itt causes &.c. : Domestic Practice of
Hydropathy; Errors of Physieiiins, c. ; Experi
ence in Water-cure; Hydropathic Family Physi
cian; Hydropathic Encvcliipeilia; Home treat
ment for acjiial abuses; Hygiene and Hydropathy;
Introduction to the Water-cure; Midwifery, and
tbe Diseases of Women; Parents' Guide, end
Childbirth Made Easy ; Pregnancy and childbirth; .
Practice of Water-cure; Water-cure in Chronic
Diseases; Water-cure in Every Known Disease;
Water-cure Manual; An.ativenesa: or, Evils and
Itcuiedies, fcr. ; Combe on Infancy; Combo's
Pliysiolngy ; Chronic Diseases; Fruits and lari
naceu Ihe Proper Fund nf Man ; Hereditary De
scent: its Laws, &c; Maternity: or the beuring
and nuriunii of children. Sic. ; Natural Laws ol
Man: Phvsioluev. Animal and Menial; Tobacco:
its etl'ect, Ac. ; Elements of Animal Maguetiain ;
Fascination: or the philosophy ol cbarininj. l.i
brary of Mesmerism and Psychology; rii.losophy
of Mesmerism ; New illustrated Eneycliiped:,ciii
plete in one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, Philoso
phy of, Ac.;, Fumiliur Lessons on Astronomy;
future ot .Millions, iiynnssuiii ; t nnistowarus Ko
fornis, by Creely : Hupt suud Helps for the Young
of hothsexeB; Human Eights; Homo for. ill, Ac;
Labor: its histury aud prospects, Ac; Power ol
Kindness; Woman: her education and hillucuce,
y f,,3. Kevelations, bv A.J. Davit, the Clairvoyant,
.. 1'.;" o
Approach ngCris a,
d "
8 "
a i
Kruioiilul .Hen, " "
Special I'lOvidenccs, " "
Present Ag and
Inner Life, " "
' 1st, Great llarmouia, " "
u d ii 41 " ii
i. 3,, o ii ii .1
June 30, lt5.15.-y F. S. A A. HOLLAN D.
40 hlf bblt N. O. sttgar;
20 " ' crushed '
5 bblt " "
40 malts No. 1 China airjar;
If)!) sacks Ii i. collee;
!.'(ll)t) Ilia En-, soap;
ll'llO ' saieratus;
10 cases olive oil;
4 " lobaeco;
1 ' prunes;
2.". " ti. V tea;
6 boxes yeat powders;
4 " candies;
15 " candles;
4 bales sheeting;
1 ' hickory;
1 ' blue drill;
1 " prims;
100 d.iz. Coats' spo.ll thread;
10 pitcea aipacas and memoes;
Also, a lot of Boon ali.l Shoes. Crockery, Glat
w are, and one nr Iwo other "ictus" w h ch we can't
just now recollect. G.vo us a call, for we are de
leruiined to sell out.
f'b2 F. S. A A. HOLLAND.
T7-E A It E
Villi' I'L-.-cn ,v
V'M.. .'V 'NG, per brig
"Susan Abigail" and bark 'Cln.a. Deiens 1
from San Francisco, the f..,owmg gmnls:
lUL f.Kfc.- Lit) kga E. it. syrup, 5A8 gals.,
20 bids New Orleans do.
5000 lbs .No. 1 China sugar,
5ooi. lbs lal.le tall,
200 b..xe English and American toap,
20 cases pie fruit, ass',1,
8 cross P. -. It. yeast powders,
5000 lbs tobacco, ass'd brau is,
100 hull' boxes raiaiiis,
20 bblsand half bblt crushed tugr,
3otN Hai suleratua.
CROCS ER YA General Avnrtment.
DRY-(;)OIS::m) yJa brown sheeting,
1000 yds satineuj,
20.BI " prinu,
10 pieces alpac.u,
50 pairs English blanket!,
Sim j Ja carpeting.
Together with a ge ner.'l asrtment of re.rfv m,rf. 1
VOO " oil cloth ;
Nov. 10. OprLdoflce. 1
Allan. Mcltlalay A Co.,
a!,,! would invil. all lb- . to r.o..:.ul. pm;'-. U. -
.e.ll.e.,1. Tin y con.U .1. parl'-f Uf f ' ca,,d.Vwl,.elb.rr.m.
Iniu eradl, t fancy biM..t
-y.M .-'' :'::,,1i.r,JlWi!, do . ""'.,: ' '
IU mi linrr-.wi 2J teen puu...u
rino l.arda
1,1 .ckii.ilh't bellowt
crow cut tawa 7 It
do 6 ft
liair inultrutaei duublo
da ting1
Lair bo!tert d.niblo
do tiiylo
perm candiet
garden taket
Uo no, a
do apiuet
iul:rbed aliovclal
hay rurkt
in mure fo.ka
window g!aM 8 by ID
do I il i.v n
do 7 by !)
I...., ft bv II)
u.lumuilinie in.
do ID by 13 grnp; urnnu iu
ovbowa and ynket oeke W.IM
ihi-rliti!; TM--1, f'C
And ke.p conatantly oil band a larse t'tpply of
O R O C E It I t: 8,
cloihinir. hardware, and many urtlclet lo niniier.
o,,.,.,..e,,,iea v v A.m lr (,0
Oregon City, Jil, l".".i-ly
' into Arrival.
-.1 i;r,n m ,ir iiieaeut alo. k wa art now re.
. . ... v.... V',.l, i.,a uliMlier
ceivmif mreci iioiii i' w"'i -
hip I'llelllX,
50, and halfbU.O.r?ti;ar
SO cru-lied aiigar;
10.1)00 lha. Kioeolfee;
f'U bbla. N molawea: for tale low by
JiineiiO.y 0.peJlMO:'.
f DHLS. Santa Cruz Lime just received and
'""'""WM. C. l)EMEXTm
Ore? on Sacoa.
1,11-.., 1. 1 Mile bv
V. C. DEMENT & eo.
tust i:ei i:ivi:d.
J 100 biuiea caudles,
Jo b.!t. poik, hv
et 10 WM f. DEMENT cu
FEW laehels r, r sale by
nuvlO WM. C OEM I'UT .f CO.
A Iliiri' rii:m
for thM ciijjwiul, or wishiiKJ to tnjnjt in
lh i'luiirinij U:isintis.
"7"E have on hand ami tor tale, the foduwinff
ma. binery lor grist mills, which will bs sold
low for rash, or an a short time :
' iMrt .ble mills. complete :
1 run of lour feet four iui h French Eurre.wilb
.....r who. I. 114 cow. weghing ll''-J. lbs. j wilh
sp udle, pinion, bru-.ii and oil-po! and co la
Other iront
I run, tone aiic, wuuui.i pi,..uu
Ibe same us atove.
Tom-ther with a general iiHsorimenl of bands,
bolting cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings,
hangings for bolting chests, Ac, Ac.
lu other words, every requisite necessary io ine
completion ef a grt null by
Opposite the Luiul Ollica.
Obkoo Citv, Nov iti, It.'....
l4 bus. for sale by ll'.tf. CD EM EST y 0.
!tiil:i rir. f.iuu'.
" r UItl.S. fur sale bv
Central Produce Depot
C AN EM All.
C CONSTANTLY rece v ng, fresh from rnnch,
J heal, oute, bacon, lard, butler and noliitois.
Dec. I, 55. JOH- r. H.;"'iv.
Ju.l hii t i iv l,
At the' Old Stand,' Vancmah, April Z, 'u5.
'Ti 661lt Lbs. Light Brown Sugar,
-VP y 1,000 lbs. China No. I, Uo.,
1,000 lbs. Uio Cotl'ce,
1 5 Tons course tu'.t ; 500 lbs. fine do.,
3,00,1 lbs. Oregon Bacon ;
1 ,U00 bushels outs, for sale wholesale or retail, by
TN on." bake.'V we keep consluully ou hand
I bread, "'n tf 'lVARXER.
riANDIES, mils, r.iMns, ot"1"1 fieelleul quality
J just received and for "ale low t'.v
71 ECEIVED i the arrival of every steam
I V n. ii....- r..:i .,..n
itl'iiv '1' ,,, h.i. .,r I ;i..,r. es,
as cheese, all kinds of spice, sal soda, cubv"
ate soda, salera'.ns. rreinii tnrtar, A c., are sold 8i
) pu YS, of d lVercm kinds, for sale by
Just Received.
V Splendid ussoriiueat ot Family Groceries,
sueh as ten, syrup, sugar, Ac. : also fine
tu. I coarse, salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, clums, ca-t iwder. ulso a large
cjtianlitv of superior chcrool cigars, uud tobacco of
everybn.n l and i.lmoji every thing else iu our
hue of business ull ol w hich will be sold as low
as at any other place iu town, for ca-h or pro
Pftlt ASS und Inm Dutts, Screws, Locks und
JS.J&, llamineis und Hatchets, Axes,
Drawing-knives, Hundaawa, Curry Combs, l,,rso
Brushes und Caids, Ciun Locks, tiun Cups Wool
Cards, Chest Handles, Planes. Ac
April 21, lcj.'i-li
(SjH'GAK, Salt, Collee, Tea, Rvrup, Chocolate,
...tup, i, cam aiui. oa. cuoa,
c.rt.. So,la, P.pner. St.ce. Alum. Borax. Con.
Ktas, etc. gi, IHoi-lU
War Against Hard Times !
The flare to Gt yvur Afumi Each
CI I A R.MAN A WARNER are now earning
business at their old stand, where they are stdl de
termined to deal ou terms lo suit the times. Our
motio it, "a n n.ble tixpence is Ik iter than a slow
shilling ;" and we are dcienuiiied to tell, if we do
sell iis.ii . very small , Bre keeping ev
PI f-S, Ac , Ac, that were ever manufactured out
ol rlour. We keen also all kinds of Gltot't'.l'irri
,sucli at Sugar, I'olUe, Tobacco, Cigars, Raucns!
I Spa-c, besidet many Drugs and Medicines. (We'
I d,.u l a. ep any "quack" medicines, however.) We
j have bought out Iheolber bakery, and n.lend to fix
up auouier eiao,wimeul n. The pre of bus,
1",! V. lomI' "'P'ead
jfrC .1.
li. in-r..l C'i.iiioiMi" .Uerelmiila.and whole.
mv nod reluil Peul-ra in Dry Ooodt, Uroooiitt,
Hardware, A'O., 4e.
( fieorce T. Allan.
OrenCily.M.iy5. Arelnlml l M huilay.
luiiiiui Ixiwe.
kicotnburg, Uinpiua, rK.....
Vi.i.AN, M'KINLAY cV CO., Chnniagr '
Orepn Territory. May 5. '
Cir.o. .ii:i:iriiiY a. Co.,
Mld'.CI! VNTH,
aeg.l.lW'1''. ' K'f- '
DKA LEU I" Hardware, Orocerna, Dry Goods
ClutliiiiK, Uoolt At Mioii, Medicinci, lluuka
and Slalionery. -'
Main-tt., Oreou City, April ill, lMS-Itf
Wm. C. Dement & Co.,
TyiIi )i.IWALE and retail Deuhn in Groc-r. .
in. I'rov sioiia, l'aiiila, Oilt, liuott and
Shoes, Crockery, Ac. Oppotlle Ihe Und Olh ;
Muiu St. Or. gnu City. June I, Hs55. ,;
l.itfttyrtte, Yamhill County, O. V.,
ILL faithfully attend lo ull business en
trusted lo bit prufesaional caro.
Apiilitl, lB55-llf
JOHN P. BR00K8, ' - '
Wholtwlt ij- Rtltiil Dmler in Urocniva, Produce,
P,uvitiont, ijc , Main Street.
A General Aseorlnieut ki pi up of Selcclrd Goods. .
Caueniah, December I, ls55.
CA. UEE1) A. CO., mrccsiors to I'eUuiei,
, Ri'rd .( Co., deulei t in Drugtand Med ciuer,
II.siI.b unil Stationery, Pui.iui,, o;c. Particu
lar ul eiii oii paid lo compounding incJieiiies.
Sul...i,Nov.SI. 32tf '
Wells, JTargo l- Co, 's Express,
Urtwen Orrgmi, CaWortua, the Alantic
S'-ilr.i dirt Europe.
HAVING iimdeadvantngeous j- '
fit f arraiigoincnts wilh llio L'u ltd rtl
Staiet und l'ucilic Mail Stcuru- Ssm
lup Companies for tniusp .nation, we are now pre.
pared to forward 6'uf.l Ihitt, Udlliun, A'.ecie,
Parkaurt, I'urccti, and Freight, to and from N
Yoik, N. Orleans, San Franc ici, 1'onlund, aud
prnicipal towns of fliil fortiiu Uli I Oregon.
Our regular Semi monthly Evpreni between
I'l.rtliud und Sun Fiuueisco, it dispatched by Ihe
l'ucilic Mull Steam-hip Ca'tileumsliip Columbia,
connecting at Sun Francisco with our semi-month,
ly Express to lew York andXeu) Orlean, which
it dispatched regularly oil the Isl und lb'lhof each
mouth, by Ihe mail steamers oud in charge of our
own messengers, through lo destination..
Our Evpr.,8 from ew York leaves regulurly
on the 5ih and 20th of each mouth, abo iu charge
of iu sseiigem.
Trea-ure insured in the licst Xew York coin
p inies, or ut Lloyd's iu Loudon, ut the unliunof
Omens New York, No, Hi, Wull s(.; New
Orleans, No. 1 1, Etchuuge place ; Suu Francisco,
No. 114, Montgomery sireot.
J. N. RANKLT., Agent.
Oregon City, April 21, l!?55.-llf
The Steamer Portland,
Will run daily between Porllund und Oregon City.
Leaves Porllund ul eight o'clock, A. M. Ileturu
ing. leaves Oregon City ul four o'clock, r. '. .
lortrcight or passage apply on Is, aid. i.p'1-llf
Orc'ton CtJ mid Portland Daily racket,
fl"-.,. i Jennie Clarb,
V-T--:-.. gV. J. C. AINSWDIiTH, .MASTER,
U ill run duily, (Sundays excepted,) iu the ubove
namcl uadf, h aving Oregon City every day at 8
o'clock, t. M. Iteturulng, will leave Portland at
o p.m., lunching at all intermediate points.
For freight or pussage apply ou board. apSl-tf
New Volumes cf the Four Review
and Blackwood.
C IOMMENCE wilh North British for May,
LS55, und the other Reviews aud lliuckwood
fur June, lrJSa.
Terms of Sulncriiition. Any one Review or
niiickwood, 11 u year. Bluckwood and one Re
viewor uny two Reviews, Jia. The four Re
views and Hlucliwood, $SI0. Four copies to ouo
Postage on the four Reviews and Blackwood to
any Post oIKce in the United Slates, only 80 cent
a yenr en each Review und ,1 ccuts a year on.
Address, U Scott A co., Publishers, 54 Gold
ttrei corner Fulton, New York. sep8
Reading for the Million.
arose, rtoiit-sr, rowUND, obeoon,
A Choice SeiV-liou- of Popular
- Zr '"'v""" '-niculture. Ilis-
or. wi?raiice, Agriculture, Reli"ion,
tory, l'cvtry, Riography, Mcdiciaet, 'tie.
Se.ence, School Books, Romances, Ac, Ac,
IDSuhsoiij..i:i;.'is received fcr Harper, GmhaTVi,
Godey, Leslie's, or fulmim, at 4 a yeur, ptJfr
age free.
IT Subscriptions received for any newspaper
published in uny part of the Union.
Remember the Franklin Rook Store and News--
piper Agi iicy, Front street, Portland Oregon.
C??"A priced catalogue will be published early
iu April, and will be tent to any part of Ihe terri
tory free on application.
KTOU will find an excellent assortment of Drese
Ji and Bonnet Silk, Satins and Velrett; alto
funnel Trimming, Hosiery, Glares, Laces and
RMons, Table Clutit, Counterpanes, etc., at the of CHARLES POPE, Jr.,
(Maiu-st., opposite Abernethy't store,) where may
be found almost ererything in the liue of
Dry Good-.:
Such at Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos,
Plaid Linseys, Muslins, Salliuetti, Jeans, Flan
neit, Sheetings, Bed T.eking, Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Batting, etc.
Oregou City, April 21, lS55-ltf
Medicines for Sale, By
CHARLEd rorE, Ja.
RANDS' Sursoparilla.reck't Wild Cherry Rit
3 ter, Balemun't dront. Braiidreth't nills. Lce't
pills, Perry a 'vermifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor. Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,
3d preparutiou, Roman eyo bultoiu, Ualley'l pain
extractor, Laudunum, Puregorie, Oil of Pepper
mint, Essences, Composition Powders, Cartcr'a
Fulmouary Bultom, Sulphur, i:pBom SaJtt, ifcc. '
April 21, 1855-llf j.
A lOCOANUTS, I.unuuas, aud other tropical
S fruits, just received from Sandwich Islands,
"Vf O. Sl'GAR, cofTec, tea, si rup, salt, at
e F. 6. d- .1. UQLLASVS,