The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 15, 1856, Image 3

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Prarrealaii la IMimt ea la t'.lrrltun of
V (Oii tho Clerk nmiounceil iliat Mr.
Hunk was elected Sjiunki.r,(li.ifi'iiiiij shout
of ii'.iiuk' followed iVoiii tliu republican siju
end other quarter of tin) Homo. Tlio
lmli waved their handkerchiefs in iliu
Ifallurie. 1'or several minutes ilia disor
der M a beyond d('cri.liuii.
Mr. A.IC Mandiull turned the ijue!ioti that
Mr. I Sank was not elected, sny in;; ilia Clerk
hud no power to authorize; such A result lu
lio announced, ll must be to dvclurud by
the vuie of tins Hmn.
Tim Clerk exiiluineil. civinst reasons
which appeared to bo satisfactory for hi
Mr. Cdinnheli, of Ohio, appealed to the
honor of gentlemen to cany the plurality
rusolutiou into f(R.ct, and end thisdUgmee
ful content.
Mr. Cobb, (dein.) of (leorjjia, regarded
Mr. Il:ink as virtually elected by a nnijor
it j of tlio llnuso under the plurality rule.
Mr. Aiken asked to bo allowed to conduct
Mr. Hunks a Speaker to tlio chair. (Ap
plauso.) Mr. Smith, of Ala., highly appreciated
Mr. Aiken' request' If granted, lie thought
it would heat divisions, and pour oil on
troubled waters. When grown up men
make n child's bargain, they ought to stick
to it (Laughter.)
After further debate, Mr. Cliugmau,
(dein.) of N. C, oflorod a resolution declar
ing that by reason of the adoption nf the
plurality rule and the vote taken under it,
Mr. Hank hud been duly chosen Speaker,
and is hereby do declared.
This passed by yeas, 130 ; nays, 30.
Several gcutleuiril explained, though
they had consistently voted against Mr.
Hanks, they felt bound as juries, not as
Actors, to carry out tlio order of the (louse
by voting for the above resolution.
Mr. Dunk was, by request of the Clerk,
conducted to tlio chair by Mr. Aiken, Ful
ler of Penn., and Campbell of Ohio.
lie was greeted with loud and enthusi
astic cheers, and, amidst the profound si
lence which followed, said :
Gentlemen of the House of Rhphesen-
: Before 1 proceed to complete the accept
mice of the office which you have conferred
nnnn nm. I avail mvsclf of vour indulgence
to express my obligation for the honor
conlerro'l upon mo. it wouiu auora me
greater pleasure were it accon.pauied even
by the self assurance, that I would bring lo
the discharge of ardoU9 mid delicate duties,
always difficult, but now euviioncd with un
usual difficulties, any capacity commensu
rate with their responsibility and dijiniiy.
I can only say I shall bear myself, so far as
applicable, with fidelity to the interests and
institutions of the country Bnd iho govern
ment, and with impartiality so far us re
gards the rights of the members ol this
House. I have no persoual objects to ac
complish. I am animated by a single de
sire of contributing in some little degree to
the maintninance of the well established
principles of our government, in their origi
nal American signification iu developing
that portion of the continent we occupy, so
fur as we may do so within tlio power con
ferred upon us cnlurging and swelling its
capacities for uVnifiuient influences at home
mid abroad, and maintaining intact in per
petuity the inestimable privileges transmit
ted lo us. I nm aware neither myself nor
any other man is equal to the perfect ac
complishment of these duties I am, there
tore, ns a man must be in such a presence
n Riinnlinnt fur vnur indulgence and sun-
- "ri j o
port 1 again return to you my thanks for
the honor you have conferred upon me.
Applause, deafening oud IoHq continued,
Mr. Giddings, nf Ohio, being the oldpsl
momber of the Hoase, administered the
oath to Mr. Banks, by request of tlio Clerk.
Mr. Stanton, (rep.) of Ohio, then offered
tlio followiug resolution :
Resolved, That the thanks of the House
are eminently duo, and are hereby tendered,
to J. W. Forney, for tlio distinguished
abili'yi fidelity and impartiality with which
ho has presided over the deliberations of
the House during the arduous and protract
ed contest for Speaker.
This was unanimously adopted, and the
House adjourned.
Tlio republicans were wild with exulta
tion, nnd lustily cheered Mr. Banks, and
congratulated him on his success.
Washington, Feb. 4, 153.
The Speaker administered ihe oath to
Mipport the constitution of the United
States to the members the representatives
of each State advancing as their names were
called for that purpose.
The delegates from the Territories were
likewise sworn.
When the name of Mr. Wn field was
-H.l Mr. r.row. .republican) of Fa., said,
in deference to the wishes of his friends he
would not object to his being sworn, tie
thought, however, that circumstances would
warrant the withholding the oath. He
hoped to be heard some other time on the
Mr. Campbell, (rep.) of Ohio, said that
a constituent of his, (a Kentuckian by birth),
had been Jiabolically murdered in the most
cowardly manner, having been shot in the
back, as he was credibly informed, by an
officer under the pay of the general govern
ment in Kansas. As objecting to the ad
ministration of the oatb to Mr. hit field
would only tend to greater confusion after
their excited struggle, he would not insist
. it
.upon ifc- , . . . f.
On motion of. Mr. Washburn, (rep.) or
Me., a committee was appointed to wait on
the Senate and inform them that a quorum
of the House had assembled, elected Mr.
Banks Speaker, and was now ready to
proceed to business.
On motion of Mr. Tennington, (rep.) of
!N. )., a committee was appointed in con-
j in. on v. ,. , mm of the So... c, o w,t on r S,UMur To ,mb f c . ,
tlio Vesid,,,. and inform him thai . quorum ivfr,d ft ,t.cll)r0 , T ; T J U.
oft he two hou. had wore lon, on .he.vcing of the 24th Ju . 'in do
ready to receive any con.mun.cai.on l' f-ns, ,.f .he in.titutinn.of lh Sou.h? The
miiii . I be plra-cd to make Tmkr, which paner publishes the h o.
wr. I uur.iun.iiMn.; i u. i., mi.-m a
resolution for tlio election of a Clerk hv
viva race. Laid on the table by 103
ngamt d.
. ... II. ii.-n- ii
A ifiulmion ilecliirmg William Cullom. I
t'r ft Ait il. II i ii
ii , vimi "i hv "um, n rva iioupicii
by I JO ic.'iiili-t H7.
As the Sprulier administered iho ontli of
ollice lo .Mr. Liiilniii there Mvru miiuiftstn
lions ofnproval in the gallon.-.
The ini'iiibcrs then proceeded to select
seats, in aecorduuco w ith a rrs'ilutioii mov
ed by Mr. Bell, that all the members retire
without the bar, and severally return as
their names warn drawn by the Clerk from
a box, and take possession ol such seats as
Ihey Illicit select. This proceeding con
sumed about one hour.
Washington, Jan. 31, 1830.
Tlio Senate met again tn-duy pursuant to
adjournment, and on motion of Mr. Fitz
patrick, proceeded to the election of Senate
printer. The fourth ballot stood ; Nich
olson, Si) ; Beverly Tucker, 8 ; Cules A
Sutltou 3 ; scattering 14. Mr. Nicholson,
of tlio Union, was accordingly declared
elected printer.
Mr. Seward then addressed llie Senate on
the subject of Central American afluirs) He
reviewed tho history and geographicul re
lations of that territory at ilie mouth of the
river Sun Juan, known as the Mixqnito ter
ritory, and conjured the S-nat to hold
fast to the Clayton and llulwer treaty, and
to insist that Ureal Britain shall eras to
violate its stipulations.
He look the ground thai ihe positions
which had be.'-n assumed by the 1'reHiileiit
wero correct, and ought to be maintained
by the counlry no mutter ut what cost
Wo would not, he said, recede without na
tional dishonor ; mid that was not to be
ihouizl't of. The language of the treaty
was too plain lo be misunderstood, and the
British Government had resorted to miser
able perversious in order, to evade its re
quirements. Potlllral.
Senatoh Bk; ANn Mr. Bixhanan.
liov. Higler, of I'eiii svlvania, who ha- juut
been elected lo t e U. S. Senate, bus pub
lished a letter avowing his decided pu-fer
ence for the Hon. Jam. s Buchanan forihe
('residency. He says :
It is in v liileu'iuii, when at Washington
city, in the capacity of a Senator, to pro
mote the nominal inn of this eminent states
man bv every primer means, as I shall
surely, lo ihesame extent, u'nl his election
should he become the nominee. In this I
shall be suiltvof bad faith to tin man who
favored my election to fho Senate, Cur ni
presidential preferences werelreely declared
to the members of the Legislature, anil
ollinrs, previous to my election.
Vikuinia K. N. State Council. Thi
politiciil body, at a convention held in Mich
uioiid Ust week, resolved tnabolish all cere
monies of initiation and obligations of sc
crcsy. It also adopted the 1'liiladi Ipliiu
platform, and approved of the course of
the know nothing members of Congress.
I'. A. Boiling and J. D. Imlioden. Ksqrs.,
were appointed delegates at largo to llie
national convention.
Gov. Pollock Gov. Pollock, of Penn
sylvania, is spoken of in various quarters as
a candidate for the next Presidency.
PlllLADEtrillA, Feb- 4. lion James
Buchanan has carried the election for Dele
gates in Philadelphia, almost unanimously.
Non Intervention. Among the bills
introduced into the House ot Delegates of
Georgia, we notice- one "to promote the
settlement of Territories of the United
Stales." It provides for Slate aid to com
panies of Georgians, organized for the pur
pose of emiuriiting to Kansas, but who may
be disabled from so doing for wsnl of funds.
It proposes that tho leader or captain of
the company shall give bmd and security
for the l'ai:bful disbursement of the funds,
and within twelve months after the receipt
thereof transport one hundred emigrants lo
Kansas. It proposes that the aid shall be
given in sums of $50 to each emigrant, not
to exceed in the aggregate 130,000, and
that the money so expended is to be reim
bursed by a special tax on slaves.
Washinhto.n, Thursday, Jan. 31t.
Mr. Hullas has accepted the Enoih Mis
sion, has been nominator!, and will bo con
firmed to day, if thcSe.nntebasan executive
session after Mr. Seward's speech.
Francis Markoe.oflhe State Department,
will probably be appointed Secretary of
Legation. He is an old friend of Mr. Dal
las. Skvbn, P. M. Mr. Dallas' nomination
was taken up in the Senate to-day, and
though an effort was made to procurr- its
immediate confirmation, it was laid over
till the next meeting, unanimous consent
hein" required to depart from the standing
rule, and there being one voice in objection. Admiiiiftlralor'a Nolicc.
There is of course no doubt about his con- -sroTICE ia hereby given that I have been ap
firm lliun. pointed adminislrolor of the estate of Isaac
' n , rr r . I Warwick, deceased, late of the county of Clacka-
Col. II. FRENCH. Parker II. t relicli, niM lfd jrrilorv of or,Vm. All persons having
Minister from Nicaragua, appeared in tl clasima against said esisle are requested to present
House to-day, aud was surrounded with the same M me for adjudication at my residence
friends. In a few dava he will present ! w.lhiu one year from date. All persona ind. bled
iu : to said estate are reooired lo make immediate pny-
his credentials, and will init upon an im-1 J Jxili M MOOREi M,Jr
iTiefliate recooiilltnn. ir. .iarc) is kh.i.
fiedof Ihestnbility of Walker'ssroverninent,!
but personal objections to Col French may
I .. J ... nJ Mlnt.ioe '
prevent Ins recognition as MmMer .
!p1 SathVd. nrominent for Ihe interest ne
has for many years taken in missionary
andCvrus AL'er, the well known
I cannon and punmaker. died in the city of
I Boston on the 4lh of February.
I tl k ll
The IIF.EM.TAOE.-Th bill to purcha e
for the Suite five hundred acres of the
Irrround includinir the tomb of Jackson and
the builJ.ngs of the Ilcrmiwge, ha, parsed
coebrauch of the Teancfcce legislature.
,llro j.. fl.,i tl)v, ;..,', ., .
ciirioxiiy lo heir what could be said by one,
himself a slate owner, on tlio other ilo of
ttiie unvAil I .1.- I. ..II 11- I
"- ' c-' u .lui-niiun, nil'l llie mill will HIII'll.
.'. i :
" ' ""i w' iuiu m rii it
on several occasions. He spoke fiiran hour
anil a liia 11, nn'l kith the exception of occa
sional hiinif, laiihter, and ironical ap.
pliiiise confined, however, lo but very few
of tho undieiiee he Has listened to with
uloniliiiii.r Htii iiiioti and patience."
Piiohihitio.x in Maryland. The Leg
islature of Maryluud appears indisposed lo
agitate the Statn wiih n prohibitory liquor
law movement. A majority of the com
mittee of the House of Delegates, lu
the subject was committed, yeste" t
ported ajuinst llie expediency f' i
the question of such a law lj' Ct
ihoir action, and express theft Xa
modification of the license rVuwsT l
more effectual for good. Tho Tepoi t was
concurred in by tho House.
There in no nrwt of iniroiica from the Crimea,
lu Awn Minor Mouravietr ww rau.dly advancing
lowuriU KiH-roimi.
lu EiikIuuiI I'reiiilriit Fleree's annual M-iumje
dad been received, and produced rmher a fsv.irs-
ble unpreMioii lliill ollierw isu.
'1 lie news from India received by the Arubis is
nrry iinportant. Not only had III i'emsiH luki-n
Herat, but their lroow had fully occupied Ihecily,
nnd it whi apprehended that they would toon nd
vauce beyond iis walls. The entire family of Ya
iMuhoined had been put lo deulh by Ihe IVrsiaiu,
with llie exception of tlio (jueen niolher. Iiwl
M'jlioiiied wus in treat alarm fur hn sufety. He
contemplated a military reiiniun with the ebitf of
t'uudubur. Attain in Iho East are rapidly bmu-
uiiiig au ominous iiiprcL
W A eorresiHiudrnt of III New York Tn'A-
unt savt that receullv. duriu." Hi ballutint for
Sieaker, au old 1 lemocrat from Te.ineasee remark
ed that "during llie previous twenty-four hours, he
had Tancied thai he could aee the lurm ol me lin
ni'irlal Joi-kaou hovering over llie aaaeinlily, and
with all the energy and ileiermmatioii that lormr-
ly characteried linn, xclaimiiij.'Uy the Eternal,
uo mura Uauka." '
Lnm Must BswAasreuJing the (eduction
b it of Mr. Nuttall, in the Kentueky legiilalure, .Mr.
Itiiceri, a gallant and accomplished member from
Warren, unreduced an amendment, which, if
ndnpied, will create some stir among the ladies. It
provide! that any female guilty of attempting lo
seduce a young man by wearing low-neck dresses,
and other cupnvaling articlea of attire, shall be
puuirhed with Ihe auuie pr unity aflixi d iu the case
uf seduction. The gay deceivers will Ik obliged to
correct llieir hahilt, should this amendment be
adopted. Loumrille Courier.
tW T"1 cenvua of Illinois allows a population
in that Slate ofabuul l,30U,(i(J0, against HOU.OIH,
ill ltj.'ill.
fW" Tlie Senate of the State of Georir'a lint
adopted a bill which provides for the election of
judges by the people.
tjJT A Western editor gives Ihe following vat'
eilh'lory : "The undersigned re:ire fiom the t-dito
rial chair with the eonifileie conviction that all is
vuuily. t roin the hour that we slarteil our paper
to the present tune, we hove been solicited lo lie
upon every given auhjeet, am cunnotnow remem
ber having told a wholesome truth without diniiit
Ihliing oor tub-cription list or making an enemy.
Under these circumstances of trial, und having for
oumelf a thoiougli contempt, wo retire in order to
recruit our moral constitution."
r3y A Kentuckian, being asked how much
corn ho raised, replied, "Ten barrels of whisky,
Ucttdci toAiit toe anile fur bread.'
In rorlland, on the Clli inst.,by Rev. V. P. Doy-
ukin, Mr. oVLVEfTCR rENNovEa to Mm. IMarv ,V.
J Iu Portland, by the tome, at tin same time and
Fj,... i iau.... v r-. ...... m:...... t
At UinP'iua Academv, Uuiijlm County, on Keb.
7th, by liev. J. II. Wilbur, Mr IIe.vrv It. Kink
iiXhdt to Miss Sakaii 13. Sweet.
raim for Sale.
A FARM of G40 acres of land in Yam
hill county, six miles nest of fafnyclle, is
oIK nd for sale. There are 8U acres in
cultivation, and 160 acres in pasture nn orehard
of 50 bearing apple trees. The place is well wa
tered and tnuliered, and has two wells of excellent
water, good buildings and out-houses. The land
is as good ns there is in Oregon or the world, and
its location makes it as good n stock furin as there
is in Iho Territory. Funning utensils and stock
will be sold with Ihe place, if desired. The claim
is well stocked with cattle, horses, and hogs, and
can he had on reasonable terms.
JJ" Inquire at The Asocs Office, Oregon City.
vi:smt. iiotix,
Morrison St., between Front nnd First its.,
Charlies reasonable. S. L. SMITH,
March IS, 1S.")6-4S Proprietor.
for which I will pay H per ct. nt my simp.
CHARLES Al.nitKillT.
Oregon City. March 15. 44lf
Ciurdvn Hied.
THE undersigned has a fine lot of Ilova seed
ling Strawberry plants to dispose of, alo Cali
fornia grape vines, and a largo variety of choice
garden feeds. WM. FOUTS.
j Cuuemah, March 15. 4g-3w
Tuau,in M,,, .March 15, 1850. 4-4w
,VUf7',. n
ATE R the Methodist Church in Oregon City,
Loday . WATUll. which
)ie erc,n gel by calling on me and describing
the same. 1 can be found al Mr. .Moore a.
Lis ClTT, March 8, 1H58. 47
Administrator'! XUnal Settlement.
j -VToTICE w hereby given to all person, inter-
' l eeled in ihe estate of Nathaniel M. Creighum,
j fir- Tlll-., ln A)inl .
0m1 b). pri)llU. foort .f CLckama. Co.
h lhe fin.rseitlemeut of said e.t .u at Oregon
cay, n,dcoo.,ty. O. KISI l-Y , Admr.
' c.-y, March 8, ie.6-47 i. i
City, I would rviueit all iImow indebted to
me lo make immediate payment, either lo ui or
lo F. H, & A. Ilolluml, and much oblige,
March 1, l:,i)-40 O. II. TWoUOOI).
Administrator'! Notice
""OTIL'K ia hen by given that I have taken out
il l tiers of Adtniiiislraiiiiu upon the etate of
bamuel W, McMnhan, ihresd. All persona
having fllailnaairaiilMt aiaiil elula am renin.!. A In
prcM-m the name lo mo for ndowunre al my resi
dmea In ClaekauiNs County, O. T., within one
year from III date of t Ilia. none. All persons In
debted to said totuta are required lo make immedi
ate niyimui. . 1..H.UMS A,
Murch, H, 1S.-.C-I7-4W. Admr. of hUtaie.
Administrator'! Sale.
1)l'RSl'ANT loan order made by the Prohite
Court of Claekanuia county on the 4th of
March iiint., I will sell al . rivals and public sale
Ihs following prowrty,conssliugof C'nltii-, llones,
Mules, Hogs, Sheep, one wagon and ene carriage,
haruivs, Ac i also the liounelmld furinliirs, farm,
inff uleimila. and all other futuree aluiul Ilia nratn.
iaes nlau the grain, potatoes, hay, sad many oili
er articles not named.
1'ksms or 8ai. One-half down, and the but.
sues in sii months, with 111 per cent per annum
cnlil iiaid. Willi nnnroved aecurilv. or no aale:
all sums under p.'O.UO cash down.
W hatever roierly is not sold at private sale
will be sold al Diihl o aals nn SATI IIIIAV ll,.
2Ulliduyof MAUCII, iiut., at 10 oVIock a. m.
run." m ii. ii,
Administratris of Ihs Fjitalo
March 8, 1850-47 ol jas. S. Williams, deed.
Tho rirst CalL
1 LL persons knowing themselves Indebted lo
1 X. us, either by note or book account, will pleaw
cull and selile up and pny up. We are deter
mined to vloao up our entire) trading business
therefore make this our first call, and bops It may
be the last.
We have now in store the best stock of groce
ries and staple dry goods in the market, aud are
determined to sell ihein on" a little cheaper than
our neighliors just on purpose lo f uir, and to see
how it will ret F. S. ii A. MOLL AN D.
Feb. IR, IH5C-44
t'illxii' Line of Nleainers.
PORTLAND, Cat. Mi'ssav.
in 1 1 1 sal fi
ENTERPRISE, Copt. Jameson,
Will run in connection, the Portland leaving
PORTLAND daily (Sundays escepled) for Ore
gon City at III o'clock, a. M-, the Enterprise ma
king te mi. weekly triie lo COItVAI.l.lS, leaving
CANEMAI1 on Mondays at 6 o'clock a.m., and
Tiiursdsys at 2 r. M.
rr All freight lor the above line will be receipt
ed for al lloyl's Wharf Boat, Portland.
Al.r.AAUI'.U 9. .UL IilliS. I,
Feb.l(!,18a6. 44lf
PrivatA Bnnrrlinr BanaA.
,OpKite llntmea & C'o.'i Fire-prool build-
UHHUUN Vii t, U. I.
ItT Charges reasonable
xsov. a-bm.
Sheriff'! Sale.
BY VIRTUE of two certain executions now
in my hands, to mo directed, one insued out
of the District Court of Cluckumas county, in fa
vor of Murk Sawyer against Edward A. Wilson,
and one issued out of tho District Court of Wash
ington county in favor uf Jordan Robinson against
Ihe said Edward A. Wilson, aud for want of per
soual properly to satisfy tho sume, I have levied
upon all Ihs right, title, aud interest of the said
Edward A. Wilsou iu and lo a certain land eluim
siluuled in Cluckumas county, and known and des
ignated in the surveys aud pints of the United
Siutesasapirtof sections 15, 10, 21, 28. 27, 28,
33, and 34, T. 2 S. R. 1 E., bounded and descri
bed as follows: Beginning a a point 10.50 chs.
East and 10 chains North uf tho S. W. corner of
Sec. 1ST. 2 S R. I K., running thence South
167.50 chains to the Tualily river,
thence S. 48 dig. W. 13.20 chains,
' N.GSdrg.W. 10.50
JSorili 1 1 .on
N. 25 deg. E. 13.30
North 5 110
N.27deg.30minAV 9.75
N. 49 deg. W. 9.20
N. 45 drjj. W. 2(1.50
North 128.50
East 40.00
" to the
p!uco of begiiining, containing 610 acres, being
. j L...I :.. v-...:il-...: ... X'..
llie Hnme isnn uemrriueu 111 iiuiini-aiiuii n. ioi.
duled 2.M Ii Aug. 1M52, on file in the Land Office at
Oregon City. I shull proceed to sell all Ihe right,
litle. Slid interest nf the said Edward A. Wilson iu
the above described land, or so much thereof as
will sutisl'y the sum of 5oli 35-100 dollars, with in
tcreat and accruing cost, ou MONDAY, THE
31st DAY OF MARCH, 1850, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, at the Court-IIouse door
iu Oregon City, Clackamas county, O. T.
Sheriff Cluckumas Co.
March 1, 185G. 46-5w
W. 7. Burns,
It?" Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis
faction to patrons warranted. feb9-43
Wtilvr S-wrr lor inl.
riHE undersigned would like to sell one half of
I his mills aud water power on tho Tualatin riv
er, about three miles from Linn City, known as
Moore's Mills. It ia probably the best water priv
ileire, with the exception of the great r'alls of Ihe
Willamette, that there is in Oregon. I would like
to sell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together
with the mills und water power. My object is to
get a partner, to enable me to properly improve Ihs
water power. JAMES M. MOOItE.
Feb. 9, 1S56. 43tf
Christmas Presents.
NOW is the time lo purchase the Holiday Pres.
en is. You will fiud s large assortment to se
lect from at
' a. o. sosbiks' IIWCLII STOSK,
Front Street, l'ortland.
All kinds of Jewolry manufactured to order.
Engraving neat'y executed.
l'rompt attention given to repairing Fine
Walehes. "
IU-Remcmber G. C. BOBBIN'S'
. Jewelry Store, Front HU, l'ortland.
Portland, Dec. 8, 1 B55. 3C-tf '
JL'ST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug
Store, direct from New York and San Fran
cisco, a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES,
I'ateut Medicines, Family Medicines, Ac, A'c,
which mill be told as ioio Jar eaeli at they can lie
procured in Me Territory. Cull and examine for
yoorselves, and get an Almanac for lH5fi, gratis.
Xunlaliii Academv.
Forest Grove, Wanhinyton County, O. T.
First Wednesday in December j
Last do in February j
Third do in May ;
First do in September.
tuition ret acsarss:
' Primary English S.00
"i-'1'" , d0 1.00
Ancient Languages, ) .
French at drawing, each, extra, $3.00
Incidental charge, 5i ots.
Forinforuiaiion repe iing the School, address
Nov. 21?, ISji33-6ow I'rincipaL
i'enwns deairous of getting good work done will
do well to give mo a call, as my whole time is de
voted lo llie reirin( of Chronometer, Lever,
uupiei, and llonsoiilul wstclies.
An ojsorlmrnl of Jewelry on hsnj.
Jewelry made to order, nnd repaired.
Price tu suit Iho times. in, thankful for past
favors, and hope lo give satisfaction iu future.
IT ideated al Iho old slaml, nouta'to the Tel
egraph Ollloe, UREUUS CITY. Feb. 2.
Sometaing Xfew.
VN Y person having s MeMeon, Hernphine,
Aowsileuu, or other reed iiwlruuniil, with
broken or defective reed', can have them repaired
by applying or sending to I'has. M. Ke.ler, al his
rreidenee, two Huan-s lack from Iho llaplisl
-Mes'ing House, iu Iho North port of Ore.-ou City.
Charge for iiiser'mg single reeds from 8 1 ,.'0 lo
9 .',00. lieosoiiaUie dcduvlsm for a greater num
ber. C. M. K ESTER.
Oregon City, Srptemlier 2'.', 1H55-S3
II.T MOULDING for picture frames, for
sale by CI1AKMAN ot WARN Eli.
jt Drnfi, Medicines, Paint!, Oils,
Yv and Syo-stufls,
alihsOKhiiON LliY DuUli STORE,
aeplS Muin Street, Oregon Cily.O.T.
Dlt. UoysoU'seiaiiiound extract of Sarsiipartlla
and Yellow Dock, al the
LD Dr. Jacob Townseud's Sareaparilla, at
tho okeoon cu r mwa sixjke.
It. Townaend's Sanarilbi, at the
UAKEK Sarsaparilla, at tho
SANDS' Sarsaparilla, in any ciiantilv,at the
McLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver
It. On(roJ'g IuliaC'iola(ogu,iud Dr. Jout'
aiih'th'hii i noin(opur, ai iiiv
R. J. Ayns' celebrated Cherry Pectoral for
ouughs, eotils, nnd eonMimption, al III
MOFFAT'S Lire Bitten and I'illa, Demard'a
Dysentery Syrup, Wislar's Ualsam of Wild
Cherry, at Iho
A FEW of Princs & Co's best MELODE
'jl. ONS for sale, low. Enquire at Iho
IVow Jeweller.
HAYING employed one of the best Working
Jewellers on the Pacific coast, I am now
fully prepared to manufacture every description of
Masonie Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Pins, Rings,
etc., made to order.
Engraving neatly done.
Cull and see specimens of work.
u. collier RonniN.s.
N. B. I dovote my entire slteiiliou to repairing
Fine Watches. O. Colliks Kouhins.
Portlund, Dec. ?9, 1855-3. If
Liiud for Sal.
I OFFER to sell 160 acres of choice laud for
two dollars and a quarter an acre, cash. The
land is a portion of my claim, six miles west of La
fayette, iu the county of Yamhill. Title good.
Call and see for yourselves. " Tie no trouble to
show"-tho land. S. C. A DAMS.
Glen Avoca, Dec. 25lh, 1855-37tf
To Tnx Payer.
COUNTY ORDERS for sale nt s discount.
uov24 G. ABERNETHY & CO.
Wheat Wanted.
IGItEST cusli prices paid by
Nov. 2. WM. U. DEMENT .j- CO.
Ahi'mil" .,ll,.,k "'l,. 11,... "
from San Francisco, the following goods:
GROCERIES. iit) kgs E. 1). syrup, 5&8 gnls.,
yu huts New Orleans do.
5000 lbs No. I Chinssugar,
5000 lbs table salt,
300 boxes English and Americiio soap,
SO oases pie fruit, ass'd,
3 gross I, i: It. yeast powders,
5000 lbs tobacco, ass'd bran Is,
100 half boxes rasins, ...
SO bbls and half bbls crushed sugar,
31100 His sulerulus.
CROCKERY A General Aeeortment.
DRY-GOODS: 5000 yds brown sheeting,
1 000 yds satinets,
SOU!) " prints,
10 pieces alpacas,
50 pairs English blankets,
900 yds carpeting,
800 ' oil cloth i
Together with a general assortment of ready made
clolhiiig, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and earpenters'
Win. V. UKMEN t VU
Nov. 10.
Opiosite the Land Ollice.
New Supplv.
rA ABF.RNk.niY & CO. oiler lolhe public,
VJt al low prices, tlie lollowuig articles:
Writing pillier,
Thread, assorted,
ConiU, "
lluttom, assorted.
Steel pens,
Ten holders,
Handled axes,
Cow bells,
Collins' axes.
jSleel squares,
Klack leu,
Pepjsir, black,
Crriisi Tartar,
rtckled salmon,
Smoked "
Oregon City, Sept. 1-y
all coses men s heavy boots;
VI " men's uubound hrogaus:
3 " " lined and bound do.;
3 " " calf brogans;
2 " " gost "
4 " boys' unbound "
1 - youths' calf "
4 " women's lacs boots;
2 " " morocco "
1 " misses' lace "
1 " child's Jenny Liud "
200 p iirs " fancy lip shoesj
72 " women's kid buskius;
5 lialrs drilling;
4 platform st ales;
1 00 kg syrup;
100 boxes sosp;
30 sacks cofl'. e;
20 hf bbls N. O. sugar;
5 case yeast powders;
5 " csstile soap;
50 barrels lime,
feb 9 G. AI1ERNETHV Ac CO.
Canesnab, Nor. 33,
ON hand and for oak-, low, for cosh or produce
Paints A lead, chrome green,
white lead, proaean blue
red do ia oil, chrome yellow,
bik. do " blue paint,
Common and permanent green pnlly.glaM
Wboleiale rrleei Onrrot
voaascTKU wsssur.
nsr oooue. I osios A hsuicisks
Sheeting,-4-4 12J lOOpr.cljiver N. Y.iost.
Dulling I'.'i raouita.
Illrached drlling CI Wheat, pr, bu..... 01
sliirtuig, llaimials do ...JliuM
SlritKd do
14 I'olaloes do
I it-kin";
I leu ins
Iliu drilling....
I'lttid Ii itapy ....
..Ilalli Onions do
IV Flour
14 Com Meal, frreh.
. IHa'.M rstlT.
..70aViK " dried do
Kentueky jruus...'..'ia4.Y I'caclies, dried do
Tweeds 55s70.' " do pealed
rsisTs. " Chili, dried. 80a23
Dlue and w hile W rsovisioxs.
Illus sod orange 12 Pork, clear none.
Fancy Knl ' Mess $2Ha.1U
Furniture do Illal4 llairsi.. 1
do. wide. 121 lluci.u 14 laiuc I Iii25; rnwnta.
Giughuiiis I5u2'.' Haurd, pr ea (IS
Alpaca -'.WiO; ' prb.g ft 10
leblo damask .lOnT.i, shot.
" clolhs Oasfi 11 Small siios ....... S?l'"3
Irish linens lOaSI Duck A3u34
ClAirillSO. LKAB.
Sheep gray pauU 8?u.1 Bar 90
Satinet do. .fctViail w Into lead, In oil I lalA
Fancy case. do. ...$4a5 Cosnsoa.
Illaek esse- do. 8''a7iManilla, small 40
Red flun'l shirts StUuIbi " large 2:1
llluo do. do. Stl.wl lie mp lllali
Hickory shirts 5u": CANHLrs.
Calico do 8'Jal J Admauiine -f0
boots ft einiKS. iSjierm tij
Men's kip bolg.'IJa4' ciuass.
" sur da do.... 94 Havana ftlOaHO
" fine sewed lit (Jrrman ttlOaS.'t
Duya' kip bonis 'J American r20a50
" he vv w i dogll ill' Tosscco.
Mens' brg's pr. dot., (i 1 7; Pride of the L'niou.40a45
" kiplirg . pr doi st.'tisun JUu.ia
' culf sewed do..t.'l Luke's 37
Women's h'vy all's. $13; luauwsai.
line do. Jtl.i Shovels ;$Hal4
osoiksiks. 'Simdee l4alti
ColTee Kial8:Axra 9l2a2n
Tea V5a7li Millsaws !)Ua$l Chi'a....lltX cut saws i5wl
crunheil II. 1 able cutlery, IV p'rci
Snlerutus 12a. I fi advauce ou N. Y. cost
Starch. 14 Pocket cutlery, 25 prct
Syrup E lloston... advance.
do. S Island i.i Utlirr articles oi nam-
NO Molasses 70; wore from 2(1 Io50pr
l.iv. Salt Jull J el advance.
T'u'ble Sail "i.i4 Nuils,iiM'duca.prkg$S
Sandwich 1. Hull.. 2a21 " horstshoe...2.'iaJ5
Pepper 311' oils.
Allspice 40 Lamp $liag3
Ciniiumon OllnHO Liiwed bo'l 225
Soap Iliall Tureiiline pr gull .2
Portland and Astoria.
The 8;ilendiil Steumer S'AJ , n
XkZultnomab SSgSSl
Wl LL continue to run regularly between Port
land und Astoria, via Vancouver, th ick a
wkkk, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday
mornings of each week for Astoria) and Astoria
for Portland ou Tuesday aud Friday mornings,
touching Vancouver, St. II klkss, l'.MSirs.CsTii
lame r, Ac, each wav. For freight or passage,
apply to U. IIOYT, Master,
jel P Or at Hoyt's Whurf-bont, Portland.
J A YNE'S Alterative, Expeclomnt, and I ills,
Cod Liver Oil, Cantor Oil, ami Sweet Oil, at
EXICAN Mustang Liniment, G. W. Mer
chants Gargling Oil, at the
rpiil'SSES, rlghl and left and double, and Ab-
X duiniunl stippnrlers, at Ihs
IJUIIli While Lead, raw ami burned UuiW,
. Crome, Greeu and Yellow, and other paints,
1ERFL'MKRY,at the
Graefenberg Sarsaparilla, Uterine Cslholienn.
11 Dysentery syrup, consumptive
' Pile Ointment,
' Health Hitters,
" Kyo Iitiou, &.c, Ac,
To be found at the agency nf Ihe Compsnr, at
AY.MAN'H Dyspeptic Elixir warraulcd lo
cure lite dysiieiisia iust received ami for
EltUVl.VN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever
and ngiie, Ac, Ac, juut received ami for solo
at tho
N;baslopol lins Fallen I
inform Ihe ci It tens of Oregon City and the
public in general that they have iust received a
good assortment of GROCERIES suiluble for
this season of Iho year. Also, we have received a
supply uf fancy groceries, such as Etriiia, Sugar
TnpwcH, Airow Root, aud a variety of oilier audi
articles too numerous to mention.
We have a good assortment of FANCY
GOODS for the holidays, such as raisins, dales,
fig-i, bottled pie fruits, raxpbnrry preserves, and a
vuriety of oilier articles in this line, rurh as will
suit the greutest epicure of the land. We have al
so on hand a goad aiwnrlment of cundies, aud am
receiving a supply nearly every steamer, So pleaw
give us a call ; we will sell as cheap as any lioiwo
in Oregon. Our motto is that a quick penny is
boiler llian a slow shilling.
We are now coimneucing to preparu in the lis
kery for Chrislmns, and shall have a good aismrt
incut of cake. We shall also keep on hand a en
perior quality of butter crackers, lloaton crackers,
and also Ihe sweet York crackers. Please give or
ders for Ihe a lion iu good time. Our prices shell
be rrononalile, and the goods made of the best ma
terials in Oregon. nv2 l
Wno Want! a Good Saddle ?
IMl K auhncrilHT, living five miles aoutli-wcnt of
l,afsyrtte, in Yamhill county, know carrying
on the buuneas uf Saddle Making in good earnest.
He keeps constantly on hand the best saddles that
can be manufactured with the materials at com
mand in Oregon. Those wishing a genuine suddle
warifinled to fit on both sides, nnd rigged out in
Complete style, cheap for cash, or good trade would
Ho w ell to give mu a call. My shop is situated nn
linkers ('reek where the road crmaes it lead
ing from Portland and Oregon City, "up eouHlry'
by Ihe way of Smith's bridge on the North Fork of
I J I keep every thing in the saddlrry line, as
1 indies, Martingales, Halters, l.mea, iVe, Are.
Sept 20-2.UI. J. O. J I r N DEItSON.
To Arrive
WITHIN a few days, direct from New York,
ox clipper ship "Golden Eagle,"
400 gals, linseed oil,
150 rata. spte. turpentine,
200 boxes window glos. (osa'd sizes,)
2n0 kegs white h ad, pure,
25 gals, varnish,
200 11 beeswax,
200 lbs rosiu, by W.C. DEMENT A. .,
act 3. opposite the Laud Olliee.
KILL) Apples. in b'f and whole barrels, at