The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 08, 1856, Image 4

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    I'orlrsll f Vhi;ln. by l.mi MieuiiU-
"Willi none of lliut brilliant fctiiut which
(;iz.lfon)iii;iry iiiiinU; willi not cv.-n any
roniurkalile? quidine-M of D.r:tioti.iori ;
with kiiuvt lude less tliun almost nil persons
in the mi'lillo rank and many well Chea
ted of I lie llUllll'llir cIuSHc'D fM.HSCss, (his Mil'
inrnt person is irocu!cd lu ourobfrvntion
fcluthcj in attribute in moili'iit, as iin;ir.
Inniliii", m lilllo calculated to strike or nv
1'ubli.hid by Request.
l'rri lAi aid Hulrllnallnm.
Tu the Editun of the X. Y. Keening Post
Gentlemen; Sine my return from the
country, tvher I have been ipendiiijf some
puriiuii of llio summer, my attention lu
Uen culled to an article, copied into your
paper oflhe Slit Auui.l, which reflect no
wriou-ly on the religious fuith which I, in
common willi many others, liavo embraced
mid do dearly cherish, that I am confident
touisli, as if lie Imd passcj uiikiio ii you wi uot regard ino us impertinent or
through aonie secluded region of private jurruaiva in acekiug an opportunity to do
lift). Ilut bo had a ju'lrmcn; sure anJ f,.flfj tl,at fidth from tho impulation tliu
aound; steadiner.i of mind which newr
au.Tered any passion, nreu'ii any passion to
rufllo it calm; a strength of understand
ing which worked rather than forced its
way through all obitntli, removing and
avoiding rather than overleaping them,
If profound aagncily, unshaken steadfast-
. ness of purpose, and entire- aubjnjjalion of
all tho passions which carry havoc through
ordinary minds and at times lay waste the
fairest nrotpecu of greatness nay, the din
cipline of those feelings which aio wont to
lull or seJuco genius and to mar and to
tdoud over the apectof virluo herself, join
ed with, or rather leading to, the mod nb-
aolute sclfdcnial, the most habitual and ex-
elusive devotion to principle if thee
things Can constitute a great -character,
without even tiiickncss of apprehension, or
resources of informntiun, or inventive pow
ers, or nny brilliant ijualiiy that miglu daz
zle tho vulgar, then surely Washington
was tho greatest man thai ever lived in
thil world, uninspired by divine window,
nnd utisuKiuiuud by supernatural virtue
Nor could the humau fancy create a com
blnulion of qualities, oven to the very wants
nnd defects of the subject, moru perfectly
lilted lor tlio scenes in which it was his lot
to bear the chief part ; whether e regard
tlio war which he conducted, tho political
constitution over which hn afterwards pro.
aided, or tho tempestuous times through
iblch ho had finally to guido tlio bilk
himself had launched
"His courage, whether in baltUor iu
council, was ns perfect as might be expect
ed from his puro nnd steady temper of soul.
A perfectly just man, with a thoroughly
firm d....!. ...'., .......... I.. !. . I .. I,
utYur iu un lllisien ny oiticrs
nny more than to bo by othura ovoruid
never to bo reduced or betrayed, or hurried
away by Ins own weakness of olf-dcluioiis,
nny more than by other mens arts; nor
never to be disheartened by I ho most com-
plicated dilhciilties, nny more than to be
apoiltontho giddy heights of fortune.
audi was this great man groat, prc-eini
nently great, whothor wo rogard him sits.
wining, uiotie, tlio whole weight of llio
campaigns all but desperate, or gloriously
terminating a just warfare by his resources
and his just oourngo presiding over the
jarring elements of his political council,
alike deufto the stonm of extremes or
directing tho formation of n how govern
ing! for ft great people, tho first lime, so
vast nn experiment had been tried by man,
or finally retiring from the supremo power
to which hit virtue had raised him, over
tho nation ,0 had erected, and whoso des
tinies ho had guided ns lonjf ns his aid was
required J retiring with the veneration of
ail parties, of nil nations, of all mankind,
m order that the right, of nun miglu bo
conserved, and that his example might ncv
er bo appealed to by vulgar tyrants. Thin
is tl.econsuinnmio glory f Washington ;
' "'i rro 1110 moat sun.
guiue had a rinhtio despair; n,ru
row '""1111'edUl.euUiesofacoun.oHliolly
nneJ5 'ut n warrior where tho sword
ly left its sheath where the fin law of
mr nature commanded it to be drawn
Power, gently ,u unostentatiously desired
"'t t ,o cup ,, flom liin() hor
would ho sutler more to wet I,:, I;,,- ,i
"l0 "asl ,ul'' J sered duty to his
country and his (il ,,,nilir(,(i
' . ""'Mi md this great (Wriot ,.!.
tun the noble character of o tptain, tho
piro,, of peace, and a.ta.cnan. the fuend
v. jus .ee. i.y,,,,l0 H.11Walt.( 0 ,
wurdwinui, ho had won. i
" "iH'riy, and chafed th,
I he
cast upon it.
The article I refer to professes to bo an
account of the "C'eresco Union," so called,
and of loiters from Mr. Warren Chase nnd
Mr. T. L. Nichols, defending the principles
of. that "Union," as legitimately (lowing
from Spiritualism and tending to the doc
trines of Socialism and Freo Lovo, nnd in
which it is said, among other things : "(jl-
course, as Pouricrists, or Individualism, or
Spirilualiitts, they repudioto mnrriago ns
mi nibiirary institution, and accept more
or less the "free-love philosophy."
It may be. for aught I know, that these
yi'iilleimn and their associates of the "Co-
reco Liiioii (Jo entertain I lie doctrines
here imputed to them, but I utterly deny
that they are, or can be doctrines embraced
by any "enlightened Spirituulist," or that
they can find any warrant In tho pure and
elevating teachings of the spiritual philoso
Spiritualism has from the beginning had
to encounter much of misrepresentation
from its opposers, and it is not to be won
dered at that it should also huvo to encoun
ter much real injury from ita professed fol
lowers. As lonir as we were few in num.
her nnd generally contemned, ihcre was
but little inducement for insincerity, to
covet our wealth nnd profen eur doctrines ;
but as our numbers are rapidly augmenting
all over the country, wo must not be sur
prised ut our experiencing tho fate with
which even the pure religion of Christ has
been visited by pretenders. Nor have wo
n right to expect, umid tho dillicultiea nnd
discouragements attending the inaugura
tion of a new faith, that all who are willing
to embrace it, can be ut ouco imbued with
a full knowledgoand understanding of all
itssiiblimo and beautiful truths, however
honest may bo their purposes or intelligeni
may be their searches after truth.
The most patient, the most untiring and
the most intelligent of tho investigators of
Spiritualism known full well, that wo huvo
but entered on lis threshold that ns vet
the groat object has been to demonstrate to
man tho reality of intercourse with tlJ0
Spirit-world that with but few and com-
puialivcly inconsiderableoxceiitions,uauL'ht
else has yet been attempted thut a few
only of the general truths have been given
wnicu may yet How from the exlmustless
stire-lioiiHc, of tho Spirit-world, and thai
tho intelligence which is dircctinc this
miehty work is pausing iu iu revelations
until ninn can, by realizing the existence
of spiritual intercourse, bo fitted to receive
This fact conies to us from numerous
sources, mid it has been to tho most judi
cious long a source of deep reL-ret, that so
many in their hasto have jumped at conclu
sions before the teaching could be finished
a... I ,1,.. I . . . . '
...... wiu3 suusuuucti uieirown ima n nr
for the truth ns it is in iod. lint much as
no may lament ibis, how can it bo avoided,
so long as llio instruments used aro of ne
cessily imperfect, and tfho to others as im
perfect as themselves that which has una
voidably thus a taint of earthly imprlVc
"'OH i It is unhappily lru tu "t j,.
Hat much which Spiritualism would teach
has bee,, perverted. llt js ,.,,
h'S'-ld'y i hence to infer that nothi,,,, rm.i
,l .... o
now ironi in (bat because tho igno
'"! and uninstructed aro used ns instru
ments, thence to declare, that no pui,.,
nmie out of Nazareth i That because some
believers misunderstand tho
therefore lli0 teaching., are wrong j
, A,,1' we P'ononnco the mission 0f Jesus a
I'dlncy because one buliver hetrave.l l,i.
fear, tho truth revealed t" lliein, haw deem-
, i , .i . i 'rn
eu ll ui.ur uuiy 10 auanoon an lempor., , uf ((,OKS (lom New Vo(k
uiii'Hi ivhleli urr Hid following I
rpilR sulwerilier lia Jul received a lore n
Alixiu's ll.l. of j:inoH-,j
HlllillMllt ilo.
Iii in'ierany in Ain rica
duties, and devolo themselves to that task
alone ; and I have had it urged upon rnn
by some over-earnest zealots that because
I could speak and write, thereforo I .lioubl l"''a,,u
nbanuon my profusion and my brniily, niel Tlirie Yi-snui Culifor..
surrender myself entirely to the work of , ul '''Jr""'; .
it I IIiii-Iibii imiii. Hiy a
prencning ine iioir imiii. n iuoh nine i
.liable those people to iiudorslund that our
....:.r . " v"" ""'er to . .... ... ,
io. tnceabbard but iu.rlf.U u,'"wa " ' W tho mi,
nr !n J..f. , f .i
,, T ' '""''ei'iury and her f, w.
-u.. "''"tu.ding them, that when i,
ouldb othus drawn, they s,loula m.v
h tbeit, nor ever, ilci, i)Ut
f S.lh.iiu their hs,!8) ,lMJrtlli '
lihmei,t theof.'-word,!,, ,
.... I'ii ""run, tho majesty
" " a ouuoryof Athens and lUll0
It will bo the . ult. ,r,i. . . . nr'
-v -iiu Historian an. th I,
ige, m all a;.. u i . I hutidred
coiiimenioratin.' tl.i. ill......:... 1 ui limes
,., . "iiious man . ... j
u-it.1 time shall be no more, wi!,
thpmif.hici,ou,r.wU IIlftlo
wsdom and m virtue, be d.rivcd fr,,,,, .
ston oftl.o Aposile. to ie 0f tlu, i."
h'.vingonofh ia ls, an error, because one
ol theirtdUors oflerod money flr the
gA I May we denounce the decalogue
hecausothe Sadduceo deemed it lawful to
bear faU witness for his neighbor. ,..l ....
hiwful only when it was ,i,M(sf hjln , M
we -urn with aMrn fro,n w J
mtcautt wim ,ho Hst :.,,.,
years, fools m fiuiittiVs l.v. ,.
perverted or iniscon.vitP.I i. .i..
religion was one that enturcd into every
act of life, and tended only to make us care
fill to perform every temporal duty
too, I have seen those who on being taug
that there were errors in the sectarianism
of the day, were disposed lo make war on
all religious forms and ceremonies ; and
was something ot a task lor tliein to U urn
that John Kimx was not the wisest man
the world, when he lore down llie churches
in order to root out Romanism from Scot
Ho, too, I have mot with tli'mo who, being
taught to abhor the domination of a reli
gious hierarchy, could find no refuge but
ina hostility to all order or religious gov
eminent, and it would require lime nn'!
perhaps experience to teach them that an
archy is ever the legitimate parent of des
So, too, I have encountered those who,
lamenting tho injurious effects of a great in
efjiiulity of wealth, of power, of position and
of social condition among mankind, have
deemed there was no rodress but in a com
muniiy of property, and they have had to
try the experiment beforo they could learn
thut such a state of things is utterly incom
patible with inau'a nature, and in conflict
with his duty to his fellow,
And I have heard and read of those who,
on being tnught the fundamental principles
of Spirituulism, to love God and our neigh
bor as ourselves aye, better than our
selves have honesty deemed themselves
obedient lo I he Divine command when
they yielded rather to tho nnimal
than to tho spiritual impulse of af
fection. With such, to learn liu ir errors.
would doubtless he a work of time : but
oven with thein time is perlorniing its task,
and they nro learning that it is no merit
with them to love that which is attractive
to them, but ihatobedienue to ihn coi and
consists in loving that which is repulsive
not merely in loving tho fair and beautiful,
but loving tlni aged, tho decrepid, the poor,
the debased, the wanderer from tho path
of virtue, the sunken and degraded anion"
our fellows blessing them that curse us,
doing good to them that hate us, and pray
ing for them which ihspiiefully use us and
persecute us.
Our beautiful faith does indeed teach ns
to be free in our love and to extend it to
all mankind tho young aud the old the
bond and tho free the fallen and the re
pulsiveand that not for our own gratifi
cation, not for the indulgence of our own
selfish propensities, but from our love to
God from obedienco to His law, uud from
our desire to attain that pnrity without
which we cannot behold or approach nigh
unio tho Fni her.
Oh ! how sail is tho mistake of thoso who
loach that that obedicuce can be, without
crueifyiug the man within us! How un
hnpppily nro they deluded, who supposed
that tho law of ''Love one another" can
consist in any thing elso but purity of lifo
and thought ! How wretched is their .-on.
dition, who thus smother tho innate prompt
ings of childlike innocence beneath the
smolderinc fm,9 of mure eanly propQ,si.
lies I And how dangerous aro ihosp teach
ers, who thus, whether honestly or other-
wis-, inculcate principles that tend to man's
di b.i.simciii, and not to his
thai bring around him a pervading in.
Iluetico that vi ill sink him deeper and deep,
or day by day !
No! such re not the doctrines of Spirit
uii'isiii. Such are not the teachings of the
hright intelligences now hoverini. nit, ,
US, and who bat.. .1...:.. i . i
- 11 " nappy Homes
n the far distant realms 0f t1B yj ,0
assist in the mighty work of the repurifiea
tion of man.
Paidon mo for speaking thus earnestly.
I would not wiigy fl;.nj Bny bnt',
would defend a faith, inexpressibly dear to
" "ciicepnon so injurious and
" justly injurious in its inline,,.
otheis. '
Aint-r.fjin Iimiilaliuiu,
live uf the Signer,
II. iln Ion uml Niiimih,
c-k sa l IWl,"
Sliii ond Wliure,"
K'i(iluiiiillie II VyI.ind
I. inner nn M in l ee,u,c;
nc't ,M..ii;iIi rie,
(.'Ih.xo lliiicrniliy,
IVrut mi Aiitiiinliis,
.Jlmiee 10tru.U,
V vurirly ul 1'uets.
.Manual ol' Km" AiK,!iiriii on llio .rl,
Tt.ivth in IVrn,
I'nlnr ltri,,iiii,
Mulnin's I'lnliMiiilir,
Sill) cnniMlijf Keller,
fiot) ' l'.p:idcra,
2..U ' Melinflt-y's .In.
S 0 11 Wt bler' )i.ii,,n;iric.
Duvic' Algrlirn, .N'oniiua'n Klmt'iric,
" (.'.ini.iry, Duy's ilo.
" IJ.itti-.lciK, Parley's I'niv. History,
" Kurveyiic, (iooilrich's I'iel. V. H.,
" Lrji-mlte, .Munlriih's lico;rupliy,
" Arilluurlicni "l.iillu Sinuker,"
TliuuiMin's lio. . AinericBii Sjieulicr.
A Fresh Supply of Stationery.
liny ll'Kiks, .lunri.ais, l.pil;prs, Keeorcl llunks,
iMeinoruii.liinis, of oil siip', Diur rs, Ac, Snlf mid
l.tller l'ilHT, Ijivrloiiea, i'cnii, &.C.. Ac KranT
Kiuvra, hrnmve Itniiber, (iiiiiniiid IiUvU, i uber s
filkils, INK, in qunrt und pint boll In.
( iiAitr.M roi'K.Ja.
Ori-gon City, Adjust IH, I M.15.
cii;. .tm:iti;r(iY & to,
uiii;. I, j.i. Jfiif
Abcrnotliy, Clark A Co.,
Villi I'ruuciuro, Col.
WIIX altend lo aWling Oregon produce, anil
till orders for (ino,l, (iioeeries. ttrc. ut llie
lnwi-sl rules. 'I'lie pulmiiiiKc ol lliu people of Or-
fgoa is respectfully nuliciled. siij 1, IHiS-llitf
r. S. A A. Holland,
"PVEALKUS in Dry tinuls, (iroeeries, l!on
yj at hliws, Croekery, Uookn, fsiulionery, A:u.,
Main Slreel, Oregm Ciy. June 30, lb.i5.-y.
AUan, lVIcItialny A J. ,
n.VK l"'l re"fived
A STOCK Ol' MM conns,
uud would invito all lh who wili t I'roeurs
(iOUU srlieles at tvwmuMt print, lo cull slid
e ll.ern. '1'ln y cun. i.1 ill pirl.if llie fo!iowili I
canal A. whe el barmws
f.iiie) bioniii
pluia iiu
awnrl'd nil. il id ui!
puialed Intis
vino wnli Inmrds
bl .ell.niilli' bellows
cross cat naws 7 It
do crt
mill a7 ft
liuirmnltruJKPS double
do single
buir bolsters double
dn single
ierin candles
ilsiiiaaluie do
grn't wjlle &. snaths
briiuli do do
1.1 n lisr.- iws 33 levll
tfit r i. a rul.FS
do lio
th p lb''
HUIrtl flOVel
bay forks
in tn tiro forks
chin in
window gun 8 by 10
do iu by v:
do 7 by !)
window saslies 8 by 1 0
do IDbylv irrnih' bruiiu lobacco
ox bows and yokes lueke loh.ici o
Shretingt r'fki, ivc tie,
And keep connlunlly on hand a Inre supply of
(J 11 O C E 11 I E s,
clothing, hurdware, ami many articles too nuiner
oas to iiienliou.
Oregon Cily. April i!l, If.'.5-ly
loiiefiil I .iiiui.Imiuii Alerebstils, and wliolt
irnle and retail lleubrs In Dry tiouds, O'roeeritS
lliirdw.ire, A.O., Ac
Oeoree T. Allan.
OrrgtiiCily,Mii)'5. I Ar. Inlul.l M'KiiHsy,
Thomas I-ot .
4 LI.A.N. M'KIXLAY tc CO., Ifr
i. Iscutuliiui;, l'iiiiiw, Oregon.
T I.I. A , M K I X I, A Y TttChsmp.,,7,
IV DrrgaiTririliiry. Mays.
Trcsh Arrival of Groceries.
1IIK sulwcriber lias just received a fresh sup
ply of (iruecrien, I'rutisioM and llaitluitir.
n liich, in adililion to bis former stork, lie will m II
at txlrtmrlij low prices for Canh or I'rtnluei. Ilis
el.ick coiisisu in purl of the following articles :
fiiindwicli Island sugar,
Powdered , do.
Young Hyson and tin
p Tuil leas,
I)rieIApp!es A Touches
Yeast k Soup Powders,
tiniiumou fc Cloves.
naUclujahl HaUclujahl
rill IK llullehijuli, a new singing book, by Lou
X ell Musoa jus) I he tli.iy for singing kvIuhiIi:
loriuloat irJUl liOl.LAMJS.
Progression, Frogrcssion, Progression
S ever onwurd and they taut do not muke on-
JL ward iiroi'rcmioii "nro s little behind llio times."
uud for the beuelit of those thut have a desire to
keep up with this wo have just received direct
New Orleans sugur,
Crushed do.
Iiio & Java coffee,
New Orleans syrup,
Sandwich Isluuds do
Pepper Si. Allspice,
Lust Huston syrup,
Suict. Cusl and (ii rmnn sleel, mill uml eros
cut, baud, piinuul, uml wliip-Kius.
t tin ana Ktinpt .Mill saw liles from 11) to lli
inches; tint bastuid liles from II) to M inches;
luper tiles from 3 lo 7 inches; hull round liles from
lo 14 inches : round do. from a tn 7 inches ; horse
rasm ii-iiiii n lo H inches.
Curimutrri luuu. l irin. r chisels and gouges
yi sells or single ; locket chisels; bench planes;
iron and steel wuiirin; try wpiares; scratch awls
ami saw driven ; plum und Hulled line kiujr gungra
uud bevels; cummoii uml concave uuurs; bund,
uves; liiimmeis uud Imtcliels.
Uiiitilert' llnrduiirt.tim, Hut, pad and mor
tice locks and lulches; brass, minerid aud white
knobs; complete round, town aud lint spring Is. lis;
cast butts ol ull sizes, and screws ; also, round and
llul bur iron; null rod, do. ; bono shoe bur, do.,
and plow steel,
ap-'llf JAMES O'NEILL.
.ui New urk the following list of BOOKS, of foJ SALE BY CIHR1 FS VOPF IK
Inch we oiler at wholesale or retail, on term, lo , , ' FE' JR
lit: UtAU, Suit, Collee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate,
Slurch, Siikratus, Cream Turliir. Sul Sodn
Curb. Olla, Pepper, Spice, Alum, llorux, tiop-
perus, eic. April HI, lNOS-ltf
riovMon tt llnrdilnre,
Ko. I, Main Slrrtl,
DKAI.DIt In lluidvaro,(JroceHi,I)ryGos
C'lothiiy, lloiils .V SIiim s, Medicines, llook
ai d Nlulimipry.
IMaiii-st., Oregon City. April 21, g55-If
Wm. C. Someut A Co..
Wlio.ESAI.i:aiid retail JJealors in Crooe
les, Provisions, l'uinls, Oil. Iloet. ,n,1
Shoes. Crockery, in: (Itiposiio the Land m.r.
tl..:.. u . i. :,.. . . " r
Hi"'. wregiMl VII'. JIIRO I, JPS5.
Jiato Arritral.
TN addition lo our ireseni slock we are now re
JL ecuing direct from New York, "ex eliuiior
-i.. ni .. ' "
n p i neiiut,
Sll bids, and half bbl. N. 0. Sugar j
20 bids, crushed sugar;
10,(11111 lbs. Kiocolli'c;
2d bbls. N. ( ). moliiKJes; for sale low by
June ,10-y Opposite the Laud Ofliec.
Constitution of Man. bv Ceo Pninl.s .,.'.
Lee, on Phrenology; Domestic Lile Thoinrlils on
its concord mill discord; I' umiliui' Lessons on Phre
nology and Psychology: Love and Purenta.'e: an.
plied to Ihe improvement of .llspring ; Sluningc :
ils history und philosophy, with direiilions lor Imp.
py inurruii(es ; .Memory, uud Intellectual Improve
ment; Alontul Science; Lectures ou llio I'hilosn.
pliy of Phrenology; Aluliiniony: or l'luenology
and riiysiohwy upplied. Ac. ; Phri'iuiloirv nrovpil
illnstruled. uiiil upplied ; Phrenolo"ieal rfui,le, Jtc.;
itengiou, it uioiiii unci ncvealeil ; il-cullurn. and
Pi rleclion of chai ucler ; Sclf-uislruclor iu Phre
nologyaud Physiology; Temperance and Tight
Lacing; Accidents und Ein.rireiieies: Hvilrn.
piilhio tiook IJooks; Consumption : its causes, pre
vention, and cure : Curiosities of
Cholera : its causes, tVo.t Uomestie Practice of
iiyuroputiiy; brims ol Physicians, eve. i Exri
enee in Wuter-ctiro ; Hydropalhio Family Physi
cian; Hydropathic Encyclopedia ; Home treat,
uienl for sexual abuses; Hygiene and Hydropathy;
Iatroducli..ii to the Wuter-cnre ; Midwifery, and
the Diseases of Wonuu; Puieuu' Guide, and
Childbirth Made Easy ; Pregnancy and childbirth ;
Practice, of Water-enre; Water-cure in Chronic
Discuses; Wuter-cure in Every Known Disease;
Uster-care Manual; Amuliven-ws: nr, Evils and
Keinedics, tVc. ; Combe on lnfuncy ; Combe's
rltvalnln,.,, . . It , . -. ....
. .Vb.u.Kj , v ii.u.i.u uiseasfs ; r runs aim ran-1
uuceu the Proper Food of Man ; Heredilary De
scent: its Luwn,-o.; Maleraitv; or Ihn h.,ri,,
..nn nursing oi eliililren, Ac; Natural Laws oil Kli "lw'S. Santa Cruz Lin.e -list received and
n : I "
Just Received.
A Pplcinlid ttssoruiieul of Family Groceries,
j. K. sucn as tea, syrup, stip;nr, cVc. ; also line
and coarse salt, cream turlur, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, chiins, yeast powder, also a large
ijuanlity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobueco ol
every brand and almost every thing elso in our
Hue of business all of whi' li will bo sold os low
us at any other ptm e in town, for ca-h nr pro
ALL those Indebted to Preston, O'Neill & Co.,
are requested to c ill mnl set'le the same im
uiedial. ly, by Cash or Produce. Ail debts re
maining unpaid 1st of June, w II be left fur col-
eciuin. lup-juij JA.11ES O NK1LL.
Man ; Physiology, Animal and Menial ; Tobacco: j
lor sule by
its ellect, tVo. ; hlcmcnls of Animal .Magneiisin ; I Jl-J-' WM. C. DEMENT & CO.
i ascuim on ; or ine niulnsmiliv ol cbarniinir: Li. '
iMfuyrllr, Yamhill County, 0. T.,
WILL faithfully attend to all business en-'
Iruated lo bis profcssiuuul core: -
Apm ui, if.'ij-r.r
WlmUmte . Retail Dealer in Cliorerwt, P'ndluti
i'mitiou; ij-e.. Main Street.
A General Asiorlineiil kept up of Selected Goods!
C'aucinuh, December 1, li-55.
Wells, Fargo St. Co.'t Express, .
Between Orgn, California, the Atlantis4
'ales awl Lurnne.
ItllMCi. I t
i.t .. iiiiuicaiivnntngcous
KftCl arrangements willi tho United l&fS.
araftt Stales and Pucilio Mail Sleiini- MEui.
ship I'oinpniiies for tiunsisirlulion, wo are now ore--
..U....I . f... ..I i. .1.1 l..-M I. II. r.
...u ,U uoii jn, million, Specie
I'tiei'tapei, Parcels, and Freight, to and from N
York, N. Orlesus' S.ui Fmnciscu. Portluml. s,ll
principal towns of California and Oregon.
uur reguiur M-uii nionlhly JJvpress between
1 orthiud und Sim Kraiiebcn, is disputched by the-
I ucilio Alall SieanislupCosstpaiiishin Columbia..
conm cluig ut Sun Fruncisco with our seuii-monlh-'.
. ..;- iu itr j on .. new urleant, which'
is dispatched regularly on tho Island Kith of each'
mouth, by the mail steamers and in chum of one
own niesseiigjis, through lo destination.
Our Kxurcss from New York leursy
on the 5th uud 20ili of each mouth, also hi charer
of messengers.-
Treusuro insured in the best New York
names, or at JJoyd'a in Loudon, at the option of
Omens-New Voik, No. 1G, Wall si. j Now"
Orleans, N o. 1 1 , Exchange place ; San Francisco.
No. 114, Montgomery street.
. k ii N. HANKER, ilj-enf,
Oregon City, April 21, ltii5. if
ITX. i Siio Steamer Portland.
iXtTri-UVf?, CAl'T. A. S.WURItAV.
W ,h run duily between Portland and Oregon City.'.
Leaves Portland ut eiirhl o'clock, i. m. ij
ing, leaves Oregon Ciiy at four o'clock, r. n.
rurireiglitor passage apply on board. spSI-llf
Oreton Citu und Porttund Da.Ui Pnrl-.h '
raA.g Jennie Clarity
., SIASII&lt,,
H .11 run duily, (Sumlnvs cxe.'ntod.) lu llm ha.
mimed trade, leuving Olenon Citv everv dt.
o'clock, i. M. licliirniiii;, will leuve Firlld ol
a p. M., tiiiielung ut ull lulermedinte points. .
i or ireigui or passage apply on buurit. . npSI-tf
brnrynf Mesmerism and Psveholnirvi I'l, lnnni,,. ! 1 A LBS ofOsugc Orange seul fur mln h"
of .Mesmerism : New illustrated Encyclopedia, cm-1 X J M ES O'NEILL.
ptete in one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, Philoso.
phy of, cVo. ; 1'amiNar Lessons on Astronomy ;
Future of Nations, by Kossuth : lliiiisinivnr.l- n.
.onus, ny ureeiy : I lop, s and llelw lor the Vouinr
St'HitiK off ul ..
!"l f H l1 6l"ck of I)ry ;"008 nlul Hardware of
. kl I'n.wln.t .I'M 111 .. i
r boii. ....... n...... . p :..i.. ii..." s" .. . 15 i r vu- m
I..I... , i". , """""oraii, ttc; puces, reitons of buying cheat
Labor: us history and urosuecis. P., , w I ,in u-..ll i ..n - .1 10. ..' c"c''1
.v.i.uiKss; ttomaii: liereuucation nud influence
-. -also- '
8 vols. Itevelations, by A. J. Davis, the Clairvoyant,
!1 M A inn "-:.,:.. ii ..
"IT1 A 1 '"i
lltirmnniul Men,
Speoiul I'rovidonecB.
Present Agj and
Inner Life. 1,
1st, OreulHurnii
8 '
8 "
8 "
Juuc 30, 18o5.-v
TIER gffijft Il0K0lU.
X 10 tuns S. I. S ilt,
12. mats ' N. o g r
50 kfgs " Xo. 1 1.
oi 1'8' !' 8vrl'l''
" .Molasses,
330 Gallons Polar Oil.
"'P '"-'55- AUERXETHY & co.
will no well to cull on the subscriber.'
1 ,9re?n Bacon.
l (CCi LUd'' l'"rale b
l-UUU M". C. DEMENT &. co.
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch,
, "'T".'. .oal8' bacotl '!. hntter und potatoes.
Dcc- ' - JOHN P. BUOOKS.
New Volumes of t&e Four Review!
and Blackwnml.
COMMENCE wild North Ilrltish for My,
lh.i.l, and the other Reviews and Blackwood
far Jane, 185a. "
lermtof SubecripUon. Any one Review or
I lackwood, Ig3 u year. Itlockwood and ou Re.
view or any two Reviews, $5. The four Re.
.7 S 'slucli"00d, 3 ' our copies lo one
address, ,30.
Postage on the four Reviews nnd Blackwood lo ''
any Post-office in the United States, only 80 cents
a year on each Review and 24 cents a year on
Address, L. Sc ott & co., Publishers, 54 Cold
street, corner i niton, New York ep8
Jlltl lic iv l,
At the ' Ql'l St.iml,' Vanemah, April 21 , ;5 5.
& Li)s- LiRht ,!rwn Sii?ur-
1,000 lbs. China No. 1, do.,
1,000 Ibsjtio Collee,
15 Tons coarse suit ; 500 lbs. fine do.,
3,1)0" lbs. Oregon Uacon;
1,000 bushels outs, for sale wholesale or reUiil, by
1 tKCei?cd pcr c' enir
I 00 -- , 'sJ'ru. 5 gal..,
--V7 'J boxes !....,,,. . j"
ibs. chin... v 1 uu- "P ; mo
;,,;, 1 '!, -io oox.s candles ; 1
ou ao. onp
imnerial and v.,7... ' " -.-.! in ,to.
IN our bakery we keep constantly on hand
bread, cruckers, cakes, pies, ire.
Reading for the Million.
A Choice selection of Popular Books, News,
papen., Magazines and Fancy Stationery.
Among the books 011 hand will bo found works
nn Ieinpernnce, Agriculture, Horticulture, His.
lory, Iolry, Biography, Medicines, Religion,'
Seencc, Jscliool Books, ilomnnces, &0., &C, &.C.
u ...cs.Tijiiious received for Harper, (irahum,
Ooodey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at $14 a year, pol-
age fre.n.
p Subscriptions received for any newspaper
published in nny part of the Union.
Remember the Franklin Book Store and Newt- .
piper Agency, Front street, rortlaiid Oregon.
E"A priced catalogue will be published early
in April, and will be sent to any part of the tern
lory free 011 application.
. '- - j "..kii) son teas; H cases lino .alt .
10 3 hoop pails; SOhf bhlsemshed sugar
i u- AUERNETHY i c
Aew York, October , lst:,5.
IW- In the b .ttle, diontenl seeks fo, comfort
COWIl'd C fur rniiram. ...J ... . .- . . "
1 i,-,i.u oasaiuiueu lor
It .. P "le urriv"l f every st.-.m.
-Iter. Don't fail tocallon y m"
IOA RSE i FIN E S A LT.-l have in store
Jo tons course aim' fine salt, to ,o sold cerv
uur per clip-
Vet such, unhappily, is the rule by which
Z. "T. 0,"'Vt,r """"''our faith. -
",u wu isnoientir. lv hi
le,?"1""' ",rVm,reliMol'l in the brief ..
Parrel, of New Orleans
Y, P1'' "'"" Hatliay."
Herald 7Z P cPP
'''nouutl 'aVw Urk- ! iU close
CANDIES, nuts, raisins, of a.n excellent quality
mat r. c v.l ,i..,i r. 1. ... l..
v H ,. ,, tow uv
d ML ond syrup in barrels, for sale by
S apillf THOS. JOHJ
I e nro
1 l;".-TeuilT",",
"t-w.nes us to beware hw .
!"-.-), .id-: "i'late haste, wegive,rroUiflir ,u:
enieiibercon,. !..; . . t "unJ 'r this griev-
Kniilu Crnx
. V y-v 1,111 j . . - .-
i.,i io'ias. ior sate by
f lr iiovio WM. C.
!lin,..Jif' Sandwich
" io in ii in r.. 1 1.
wnt Tiiorjoiior
Jorsuleby upil THOS.JoHNSON
ILadies !
YOU, will find nn excellent assortment of Dreu -nnd
Bonnet Si'Hs, Satin nnd Velr.iM- .i.
o n lI."l,Slli'ry, Cloves, Lace, and
Ribbons, Tabic Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at the
store of CHARLES POPE, Jr.,
(Main--, opposite AbcrnetliyV
be found almost '" , where urn
""V""ng ,n the line of
CotlonBatii, fl" 3' IlK;kory S"W
uLUAAUTd, P.unans,. .l . . ten
fruits, just received from sZZ 'Z ,r"P'c-H pill,,
- . " " ."nt.s tn,
' ' ;mir.i-n,
... CHARLES Popr. t '
P'wr.Giim Arabic Bri iU , T I IT' Vum c-prepuru1un:&
h cluldr.,, , ;";?,'at" ' ree.1. ' Wware how, by our incon O ' TTTr. 1,1,10 '
n . k".. m ' " ' b"'" "'' pdlaws -t ..!.!. sidcrate hast. ; . ' r "KVn , A. HOLLAND
, " UISI It cl
lur. sua
&&4 ffB, ,,... ,
aae,.rd...f lu tb. ,y j
"- '""Ulllg ol us.
rtve SOt.n n,.. . I
. """'"onien, toA h
ar aneaainra n.i -i
n wiiici, ll,.-, L ll
for sale in lou
"I)ORK in bam la at
f s A. HOLLAN D S).
i J I Hi Km,1w fr sale hv
I , . -'.., w l.t 1 "
Ion be.,.? oM ,0 fiv, , . pi.Ol R.freah, kept e.lntly . .
7)0WDER, lead, shot a,,,!,..
-a- p c .. . .r'
a) pri 11 ...
1 P'7i.f " 'w H suieT
I SV)limi Wheal.
i I EV bushels f..r sale bv
'1 novlO WM.C.VMf:yTiC0
T)OOKS-by,he cord...
- - jM; A- HOLLAND S.
exlractor, Laudanum . KW P
mini, isene., r '-."t ou o n
d..' -c"pes, Composition Pnu.,1... r-
urmonarv Bi.w.m i:,., ."wcrg, Can,
April 81, 1855-7.; Sa
, ii :.,:
100 boxes candle:
Uruwine.kive,, .'land I,,, r '''. A.e.,
Brushes ,nd Ca ds ? ' f rry Ccmb H"n
Curd,, ChMtlH; nA'i l"0 C'"l-- "
'April 31. leJi.j,f