The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 08, 1856, Image 3

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    killnl, and several woiiwM. Sotcrul
uLnlitlnuIsLs wain akn InlLH nnt ........
abolitionists wet alto killed nnd lunio
wouudca. company from Lawn-noo,'
Itsadcd by Capi. llrown, commenced
u'iv wnu uiu ititaupoo Hunger. A iart-o
numbor of persons have Idi teuton. The
di-tutbaiico it itipKed lo liava original. J
out of tbe fico toil elccliun of tho 10th."
Nicaiaoiu Minister. Tli Washing-
ton correspondent of tho San Francisco!
IIkrald tayi iLut Parker II. Krfiicli "Iih
withdrawn bit credentials, mid it ia under,
a'ood be will leave for Europe within n few
liira, and t hut ha will ho succeeded by a
iiativa Nicarajunn, who will renew the ap
plication of tho Wulker Ciovornmenl fur te
cognition by iho Unitud States. This step
will rcmovo much of tbo nri-juilico existing
aguimt Walker nod hi enterprise, and will
p.omoto tho establishment of friendly rela
tions. But we muU remember tliu Texas
applied for seven yenrs for rccojjniii m be
fort the obtiiinfd it from the Uuiled States."
J'arker II. French hm bi-en arrested, to
gut her with levorul oihera, for nn ullcjjrd
tiolntlnn of our neutrality laws. Ilu hat
waived lbs question of privilege, anJ asks
that the trial proceed.
AnnRSTor Killim'ster. A numU'rof
men were arrested on tho Star of the Wat
just an the wa lent In New Yoik, nn uv
piciou 1 hut they wcregoiii'' to nettle in J'i
n.iragus. Nevertheless ono hundred and
fifty wen wero allowed logodowti under
n.surunca that they were employed tn work
en the Trunsit Company's ilocks at Virgin
Hay ! They will toon bo In Walker's on
idoy. Iowa. Tho Democratic Sta'o Cnnven
vf I w have chosen delegates to tho Na
tional CiMiveution who favor the nomiiiaiion
f Juda Douglas for the Presidency.
Indiana. Hun. Jcsso D. Ilright wn
recommended for tbe Presidency by the old
line Democratic Mato
met on tho 8th of Jan.
contention, winch
Our Relations Willi Ureal urltala.
We extract the following from the luller
.f iho wull infurmed Washington corres
pondent of tho San Francisco Herald:
. Same of the prtuei ire trying' to create the Im
pression our relation with Ureal JiriUiia ire
KMumiug a threatening aspect, suit that the Pre
itleul it about to bring 011 a war by wiihdrswing our
Minister from Londou in consequence of England a
lailure to recall Mr. Crumplon. Even the cautious
aud Vclersu odilora of the National Intelliifenetr
ure seriously alarmed, and calling upon I In House
to rgunae at ouoa, and kaA the Executive.
There U not tho slightest fuundulioii fur all this
pauic. I no J resident hot taken and propose nu
unaaurct in this collection other than are already
kauwu to tike world, lie expect hu message
- idoubtlenlaid before Parliainent on tho lSlhJuu.,)
will rele a wunutioii hi KuL'lauil which will force
4Sn Uritiili Miuislry loan umiinble ce'.tlcinrnt of
..II our dilluri'uces Willi her. He waits for newt 0!
the reoi p:ion of the mfwofo auj for aa answer to
.'Jr. Maroy's dimand for Cramptuu'g recall, with
the alUmative of hu dinriistal, which went out In
.the ttcamcr of thu 5ili of January.
It it uot true that any other detpatchet on the
-controverted quctnoui have been tent lo Uugland
ine that dale. Nor ia it true that a Cabinet meet
ing hat betu held ereu to coutider Ihe propriety of
withdrawing Air. Huchanau. It hnglund peiauta
in relunnguu aajuttmeut 01 pending dirucultiea it
will eontider the uropriery of tuipeudini diplomatic
relation with her, but the whole matter mutt re-
naia m ttatu qua at leant until about the very last
j)i'-tht preaonl month, and prububly luuzer, becauae
we caunot get replict to tho detpalch of the Slh of
Juuuary. We cunnot, while still holding out the
"olive branch" by uegotialioa, utumeto wield the
word alto. It ia equally untrue that the Pretidout
lull a tpecial mcstage proparcd to tend toCongrest
.va Uie illicit Brituli recruiting in IheUuiteJ 6tate.
1 ne no reaaou to modify my opinion that the
uHrituh Govcrnineut will recall Mr. Cramptou, aud
.ancept in mortihed ulence the revocatioa of exe
quatur! in her toutult who were implicated in tbe
recruiting icherue. The Central American affair
involves more terioua difficulty, and pouibly may
lead to a rupture, but I do uot believe it. The
attempt to declare war against ui on that issue,
would limply retult in the overthrow of the Minit
try proposing it, and the installation of a new oue,
with whom we could promptly arrange an amica
ble and houoiablo settlement sa tome terms or
Dwhochatic Candidati roa Puesidext. Mr.
Buchanan's friends are iu excellent spirits iu re
gard to his prospects for the Ctnciunuli nomination,
.aud I think have good ronton to be, notwithstand
ing Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, uud North
Carolina have appointed dalepates iu favor of tho
nomination of Mr. Pierce. Indeed, l'ierca him
keif feels quite sure of success. 1 should be willing
to take a small wager, hrst, that nnrce aou i get
the nomination, and second, that liuchauuu does.
Wash. Cor. S.K Usraii.
3T Tbo following paragraph was pub
'HahaiJ by us last week, but tbo accidental
omission of tbrce words entirely destroyed
its sifjniScanco. Tbo omitted words nro in
tlica'.ed by italics :
The Visginia Banks. The Virginia
House of Delegates has instructed the
Committee on Banks to inquire into the
nxpediency of prohibiting tho Banks of
Virginia Irom discoun'mg any paper pay
able at the North at sight, or within 15
days thereafter.
Tbo memoranda of the steamship Gold-
at Gate contaiua iho following relating to
Mexican a (lairs :
"Tba Mcxicau mail of tho 1st Feb., had
trrived iu Acapolco, and it was reported
that General Comonfort's Government had
beou permanently organized, and that the
leaders of ibe various opposing factions had
Uieu conciliated and brought over to the
, kupportof tho Admiuistratioti."
The nrw government in Nicaragua was
in a flouribbiiiy condition. Many merchants
were going thither (t the purpow of ca
ublubing con;mcrcial houses in Granada,
the capital.
Can. Walker btill maintains his position,
f.,r which Lo appear to be well qualified.
Hi mildness of temper and gentlemanly
conduct towards all ore fast attaching the
waives of tbe couutry to Lim.
Twenty-one recruits had arrived at Gra
nada from New Orleans, under command
of Cap!. Jarni-s Linton.
The Government h recalled Parker H.
rreuoh, and suspended all official comtnu
Aiwrluu will JXmU- WhfcIcr.U. S-
Minuter in Nicaragua. C.iu.o-!t
.t . i.: i : :.. . .i
tho l'iurcq Administration 10 reconiiw tlio
iiresetit "ovuriimeiit of Nicaragua, in op.
position to ilia puMio opinion of the Uuilcd
A Nkw Granada. Tho t.lnn of a new
town, or at lcut nn exlontiun of the present
city, is at picM-m ucinr surveyed lielwecn
tho city ol (Jrunadaaiid the Lako of Nica
Hklations with IIoNDCRA.-Siiior Col
ludret Leeto, from I londu rat, in a li tter
written nt Leon, furiher than w hich hecuuld
not procved in conenuenca of ill lu-n
aiuri' tin' Minister of Foruiin ll. lution
Uuit I'liniin lerrcr.of his nrcfiund scull
mnituf roprci fortliecxitin guvfrnmeiil
ui iMCHru'iiia, 111111 exprewcti u lione that al
l.wt ,t piwiful itnirperiiiitni'til sotilnn .nt uf 1 la occurred in this Id-public.
1 i.J-Xl 1. J1JJJ.L1.LUI
Fonr Days Later ftom Europe.
New YuhK. J.m. 21.
Tho Collins ni'il Mtcaniliii D iliic. Cnn
CuiiMiotk, arrived at 10 o'cluclt this niurn
111. bliu left Livenmol at nuarter n.-ut
o'clock on Saturday oflcnioo:t the 13th
It ia asserted in account from Uerli
that Count NesclroJu had declared to M
do Sanbuck tluil in his opinion Russia ha
made, !n ihe circular of 22J Die, tlio lu.i
concewtion she would or cutilJ cuntent tu.
It ia Mated that the firxt period alloATi
to the Cabinet of St. Petulsliua fur delib
eutiutioii tho AuHtiiau tirupsiiiiiii!i L
been extended from the 5:h to the Ulh inxt,
ana tliu kcuiicI from ihe 8th to the 18th
We learn by telegraphic despatches from
iciiim uiiii ocriin.iiiuiuoutil MucKclUerg,
who is tho bearer of tho Uussian reply tu
uie propomiH 01 tlie Allies, lefi tt. 1'uters
hurt! on Munduy, nnd is expected lo arrive
at Vienna about tlio l.ltli or Hlli inst.
The Council of War had assembled i
Paris, at tho Tuilcries, uudcrthe PrcMdcn
ey of (lie Emperor.
1 he Danish Government has now lnt
all hopes of bringing anything liko a con
fereneo together on the Sound Dues. The
(juvernmetil is described in the letter as in
the greatest embarrassment and disunion
as to thn course to be pursued towards the
flag of the United Slates, on itn first attempt
ing to pass Kronenliorg duty free after the
expiration 01 mo preeni treaty. It is nn
tu rally enough feurtd that tho aiicmtit. il
successful, will bo imitated bv other nations.
and the example, become widely contagious
It is even aflii mad that tho Danish author
ities liavu at least deliberated upon the plan
01 lulling me amcricans through unmole.t
cd, but of keeping an nccunt against them
for presentation when tho subj ct of tbe
sound Uues shall have bsou adjusted
Accounts havo boon received in Paris
from Marshul Pcllissier, announcing that
on tho 26th Dec, the French army sur
prised a liussian outpost, when eighteen
induing tho commander, were killed, and
eighteen others taken prisoners, nnd a quan
tity of arms captured. Thu French sua
tained no casualties either killed or wound
Advices from Constantinople of tbe 31st
Dec. announce that a committee Los been
appointed for investigating tbe Kara ufTuir.
Omer Pasha had fullen back on Redoubt
Kalch, and his troops were suffering much
from the inclemency of the wcullicr. It
added that tbe Russian detachments
were harassing his rear as muck as possible,
Tho Danish Government has issued a
circular to the various European Stales,
renewing tbo declaration of her continuing
a neutral power, and declining to admit
that she is any way bound by the recent
treaty between oweden and the Western
The Very Latest.
Bkiili.n, Friday Evening, Jan. 11, 1850.
It seems to be known hero that the reply
of Kussui to Count hsterhazy a propositions
is far from a decided negative.
In our diplomatic circles a long scries of
negotiations is looked fur.
Tho Prussian Ministry is getting ex
ceedingly nervous about a threatened gen
eral blockade of the Baltic by the Allied
It is sai".' that ono part of Colonel Man
teiid'cl's mission to Vienna is to ascertain
whether Austria will give her support; to
Prussia in case of such a violation of her
Meunwhile, Prussia is redoubling her
efforts to induce Russia to comn to terms.
The King of Holland has added his ef
forts to those of his relative, tba King of
Prussia, to urge on the Czar the necessity
and policy of peace.
Sr. Petersburg, Jan, 3. The (treat
Council of War is concluded, and from
what has transpired on the subject, it ap
pears that tho Russian tactics for the ap
proaching campaign have undergoun some
important modifications. Various oruVrs
sent off from head quarters would seem to
indicate the resolution to abandon the Cri
mea altogether, for a part of iho Iroops ure
ordered to march for the Caucasus to rein
force the corps of Gen. Mouravicfll whilst
others havo orders to join the grand army
of tlie Ccciiv. unler den. Kanmtive,
Jeddo Destroyea 30,000 lbablUaVt Lnsll
100.000 Buildings Swallowed up It
The clipper schooner Page, Morehouse
commander, arrivcd at San Francisco on
Feb. 14th, from Japan. Wo take tire fol
lowing from the San Francisco Ukkald :
On the 11th of Nov., at 10 o'clock P. M-,
a violent earthquake occurred at Jeddo,
which destroyed ono hundred thousand
dwellings, filly-four temples, and thirty
thousand inhabitants. Fire broke out at
the same time in thirty different parts of the
city. The earth opened, and closed over
thousands of buildings with their occupants,
ThesbockwassevereatSimoda. Although
the distance from Jeddo to Sinioda is hut
xty miles, it appears that no official ac
count of the earthquake had been received
st '.be latter place as tb tirac of the sailing
uf !of t!i scliooiier IV'o-D. cumber IO1I1
.Imm """"" ""
1 U Hews wa. nhtiuned throu''ll the Du cli
interpreter. 1 he Japincse stem' d to at
tach hutlitileimpirtaiifolothecatatirophe.
nu iiiuuuiiuui oi tne portion of the city
destroyed wero f.'rwarm-d of the disaster,
and uiuny ofihem escaped. Thu building
of Jeddo aro chielly of una story, uud con-structi-d
of very light nmtcriu I. The tein.
pies of worship, however, are lofy, mid iu
some inctmius ure const ruc'.od yf heavy
There have been eovonlv-piulit nmm!
of ships at llakodadi kinco that port was
opeii'-d lo foreigners. Several u balers hud
airiv d during ihe -a'n, but their nartiei
could not he ascertained.
Thuru were ne Japanese cood to ba ob
tained at the port of himoJa.
llio Buy of lluko.liidi uus covered with
ice on me 'i nay of Jitiiuiny. nm wns
thn-u feet in depth in aud around llukudud
on tlie till)
Thu Government nt II iko ladi content
plate building a vessel after iho modern
tvlo of arcliiliclure. IVrmiskiou was uk
Cd tiy tlie tioveriiorol llakoJinli loexumiiie
and take Ihe dimensions of ihe Pico. Of
ficial, carpenters, uud draftsmen visi'cd
her for that purpose.
A CairL
I lake Hi t opportunity to return my sincere
thanks lo llio.e frieudt who have kiudly coins for
ward, and L'rneroutly coutributt d to rrlt teme
from the enikarraatnieiils cuutt-d by the lute barn
inj of my house with all tlie valuable ileouta ued'
Uy their uumerout act of kindues they have
placed me under lasting obligations to them, oue
aud all. MORGAN UUD JLP1I.
March 8, 18:6.
In this city, on .Munduv, Feb. 4, by Kv. Mr,
Ilinet, .Mr. Joint to .llio CsTiicai.NC
ruoMrsoN. both of this city.
tt -
L At Forest (.'rove, Oregon, Fob. 7lh, by Milton
lut.le, J. r., .Mr. IIashon bwicc, or Trcuiiunh
Mich., to Mrs. KscusL VauoasM, of Junetville,
tuns Slate.
laOn the 31st January, by Elder C. P. Chapman,
Mr. Jacob stTKsrsLLia to fllita JUsr Ann
Woollrn, all of Marion county
In this city, on Wednesday, March Slh. bfanl
son ot Jons and lliiaoetii
VTEAR the Methodist Church in Oregon City,
ll ou Sunday lutt, a COLL) WATCH, which
Hi owucr cau get by calling on me and describing
ine tame, i cau uc louuu at Mr. Bloore e.
J. T. AlTKUsiON'.
Linn Citt, March 8, 1658. 41
jdainistrator'i Ztfotice.
TOl lt.'E ia hereby given that I have takeu out
Xl l.ttersof Administration unoa the estate of
sumuel w. aiaiUalian, deceoaed. All peruuis
having cluimiaeaiiut aaid estate are requeted to
prcteut Iho tame to me for allowance atiuyreti
deaea in ClaclAiua County, O. T., ivithiu oue
year rrom th dato of this notice. All persons in.
debted to laid itate ore required to make iinmedi
ate payment. W. T. MATLOCK,
March, 8, 18jl-47-4w. Admr. of Ltlato.
Adiainlstrstor't rinal Settlement
"VTOTICE is hereby given to all peraout inter-
XI tted in tlie ettate of XMathaniel M. Creiehton,
deceased, that the lirit Tuesday in April nest is
appointed by the Probata Court ef Clackamas Co.
for the final settlement of aaid estate at Oregon
City ia said county. O. R1SLEY, Admr.
Oregon City, March 8, 1 856-47-3 w.
Administrator'! Sale.
T)URSUANT to an order made by tba Probate
X Court of Clackamas county on Iho 4th of
March intt., I will sell at private and pubho sal
the following property, consiating of Cattle, llortet,
Mulet, llogt, Sheep, one wagon and an carriage,
harness, ie ; alto tho household furuilurs, farm
ing utensils, aud all other fixtures about the prem-
itet ; alto the grain, potatoea, hay, and many oth
er attic-let uot named.
J ksmb or hii.e One-half down, and tlio bal
ance iu six months, with 10 per cent per annum
culil paid, with approved security, or no sale;
II sums under 3.U,UU cosh down.
n hatover property is not sold at private sale
will be sold at public tale ou SATURDAY, the
SUtudayof MAKCli, iust., at IU o'clock i. 11.
Adminiatratrix of the Kslats
March 8, 18:6-47 of Jus. S. Williams, dee'd.
J City, I would request all those indebted to
me to make immediate puymeiit, either lo uie or
to r . S. & A. Holland, and much
Match 1, 1856-46 O.B. TWuGOOD.
Tho rirct Call.
LLL persons kuowing themselves indebted to
us, either by note or book account, will please
U aud sotlle up uud pay up. We are deter
licil 10 close up our entile trading business
there foie make this our firjt call, and bopo it may
be Ihe last.
We huve new in store Ihe best slock of groce
ries aud staple drv goods in the market, aud ure
determined to sell liiein oil' a little cheaper than
our ne ghliort just 00 purpose to cui(, and lo sea
how it will feeL F. S. & A. 11ULLA.N D.
Feb. 16, 1856-44
Citizen' IJiiu of Monmi'm,
, PORTLAND, Copt. Mcrrsv,
ENTERPRISE, Capt. Jamieson,
Will run in connection, the Portland leaving
POR1LAND daily (Sundays excepted) for Ore-
Cily at 10 o clock, a. m., tlie biitrrpriao inu-
'. .. u.tiir.t I 11. 1 :
ng teini-weekly tups 10 wutalwo, iraymg
AN EM A II 011 Mondays at 6 o'clock U.K., aud
Tbiirtday at 2 r u.
ST All freielit for the sbnve line will be receipt
ed for at Hoyt's Wharf Boat, Portland.
" . ... ........ .... n 1
ALtXAIN Ulitl 3. .nutUlrtl,
Feb. 16, 1856. 44tf
I.Lpcrsnnt having cla maagiintt Robert Dirrl,
dec d, late of Clackamas county, are hereby
required to exhibit the tame, with the necesxsry
vouchers, at my residence in Clackamas county
foresaid, on the claim lormerly owueU ana occu-
ed by the deceased, within one year from the
eofthiili.Hk.. LI.1JAI1 lilul),
Administrator of the estate of K. B.rd
dee'd, with Cut will aunexed.
Februar)15, 18C6-44t4
p?-a Private Boarding House,
-jLlLOpuoalte iiolines 6l Ca.' t ir-prol Ouild-
iT Charges reasonable.
Nov. 3-6in.
A FEW of Prince & Co' bet MELODE.
ONS foe sate. fcow. Enquire al Ihe
By Telegraph.
PosTLAfto, March 7, S r. h.
The steamer Fa h ion lias juat arrived, tjhe te
porta that Hit " WoW ws flrtd into by a baud of
Iu liana al ihe mouth of Dog Itvtr u;pued lo
be JOU ia number.
Jolj n't houie hat been burned. Maj. Hall
wat at thai point Willi out company of troop
Nu newt ficui the St at of war. Mail steamer
Jut to morrow, (Saturday ) Kstst.
ShsrlJ'j Sole.
TJY VIItTlli; of twoeertain executions now
At iu my Inn It, to me direetrd. una IwueJ out
oi in uitlnct t uuil i'f I lackumo ooui.ty. in fa
vor of Mmk Sawtvr agsiiut ICdaard A. Wihon,
aud ou Ukurdoul of the l)islr cl Court of Wah.
iiigimieoumy in favor uf Joidau Itubiutna aeainet
the aaid r.dwtrd A. ilib, and fur aut of per
ual pn.perty to satiafy Ihe tame, I have l.v cj
Umu all Hi right, till, aud inlrreU of lh d
tdaard A. ilaoii iu and lo a certain laud claim
tituaied iu Clackamas eviiiitt', aud known and dee
iguated iu lh surveys su.l plat of lh Uuitrd
bialet ana p.rl of ereiions 15, lit, SI, 27, 2i,
33, and U. T. 3 rt. L I K . bounl. and dete.-l
bed a folio wi i llrgiuuing a a polut 1U 5U ehs.
Eu.t and IU elit.iw Nunh ut the S. W. e imer of
Kee. 15 T. 2 8 It. 1 K., ruuuiug thenco fc'oi.ih
ibi-jU clisiua to III 1 uality river,
thence S. 44 d.g. W. 13.20 chains,
N. Hi deg. W. 10.5U
Norih 17-00
" N. dej. E. 13.3U
" North 5 60
" N.87deg.3Umin.W 9.75
N. 4U dr. W. 9.S0
" N. 45 deg. W. 2U.50
" Ka4 40.01) " to th
p'ace of beginning, enutainlng 640 acres, being
Ihe Bam laud d.vrribrd ill Kotilicati. u No. 787.
dated JSib Aug. ISW.ou file ill the Land Office al
Orogou City. I hull pnicecd tu tell all the iil'IiI,
title, and iulereil of ihe tuid Edward A. WiImjii in
the above described laud, or to much thereof ut
mil tutitiy tne tumor Oiu 35-IUU dollar., with in
terett and acciuing eiwt, ou MONDAY, THE
31st DAY Ol'" MARCH, Ic5(l, at 10 o'clock iu
Ihe fureiio-iii uf suid day, at the Court-House door
IU Oregon City, 1 luckniune counlv, O. I .
bhcrili'Clackumas Co.
March 1, 1856. 4t-5w
W. r. Saras,
IT Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis.
lo patrons warranted.
WiiH r Power fr Hnle.
rpiIE uiideniiKned would like to sell one half of
l h t nnllt aud wuter power ou the I ualutin nv-
er, about Ihree in let from Liun City, kuowa as
.Moore t .Mills, It is probably the best wuter nnv
Metre, with tho exception of th great Kalli of th
Willamette, that there it iu Oregon. I would lik
to tell one-half or one-fourth uf my claim together
with the nulls and water power. Aly object it to
gel a partner, loeuuble uie to properly improve Hit
water power. JAMES .11. HI (JOKE,
Feb. 9, 1856. 43lf
Onristmai Presents.
"VTOW it the lim to puroliae th Holiday Pres.
XI ents. i ou will nnd a large assortment lo te
loct from ut
o. c. aussiNt' jiwiLar stoat,
Front Street, Portland.
All kind of Jewelry manufactured to order.
Engraving neatly executed.
Prompt attention given to repairing Fill
Q-ltemcmber G. C. ROB DINS'
Jtwelry Store, Front St., Portland.
Portland, Dee. 8, 1855. 36-tf
I WANT to buy a larg quantity of heavy fat
hoge, delivered at tlie Oregon City Market, for
which I will pay the highest market price, iu
ST I will also buy all the PORK I can get.
Oregon City, Deo. 29, 1855.-37lf
Cuuewali, Nov. 3, 1835.
"kN baud and for tale, low, for cash or produce !
W I'amtt & lead,
chrome green,
white lead,
prussiau blue
chroma yellow,
blue paint,
red do in oil,
blk. do "
Common and permanent green putty, glaa
50 cases men's heavy loots;
. 12 " men's uubound brogans;
3 " " lined and bound do.;
3 " M calf brogans;
2 goat 44
4 41 boys' unbound "
1 - youths' calf 41
4 41 women's lacs boot
2 " morocco 44
1 14 misses' lace 44
1 44 child's Jenny Lind 41
200 pairs 44 fancy tip thoet;
72 44 women's kid buskins;
5 bales drill. ng;
4 platform scales;
1 (10 kegs syrup;
10U boxes soap;
36 sacks colli e;
20 hf bbls N. O. sugar;
5 cases yeast powders;
5 44 eastile soup;
50 barrels lime,
feb 9 G. ARERNETHY it CO.
Tiinlutlii lead .'iiiy,
Forest Grove, Washington County, 0, T.
First Wednesday in December ; do in Frbruury 1
Third do in May ;
First do in September.
tcition rrs aVAkrcat
Primary E.iglish
llilur do
25 ct.
Ancient l-inrusies.
I'ronch it drnwing, each, extra,
liienleutal cliargn.
For information reepxeling the School, arldrct
Nov. 28, 1 S.j5.-33-Ciiio Principal.
War Against Bard Times !
The Place to Oct your Money Hack.
CIIARMAN & WARNER are now carrying
ou th BAKER Y and CON TKC V
bus nes at their old stand, where they are still de
termined to deal on terms lo suit the times. Our
motto is, "a nimble sixpence it better than a slow
shilling ;" and we are determined to tell, if w do
sell upon a very nmuil profit. We are keeping ev
rihiS, Ceo , It, that were ever manuia. ior.-a out
of flour. We keep sIm all kinds of GKOC'ERI ES,
such h Sugar, Colli, Tobacco, Cigars, Raaina,
Spices, beside many Drugs snd Mo-licittes. (We
don't keep any "quack" mediciues, however ) We
have bought out the other bakery, and intend to fix
up another etublihment soon. Th prea of bus
iness is o creat that we are compelled to "spread
ourselves" over a larger plaiforin.
jT Country produce bought sud eoU.
l is uo trouble to show "ictas." Call and try ut.
Urejne cny, wooer ics.
WI'. II IS II K I Br, D,
Penvut dntiieut of g. Uiug good ork don will
da well to giv mo a eull, a my wlielt Inn i do
von d to th repairing of Clirono.iieler, Ltver
uupits, aud llwiii.nlMl watel.e.
An awirtnieiil of Jewelry on hanJ.
Jewelry mail to oid r, uud repaired.
Pi ices to suit th lin.c. I am thankful for Dost
luvurt, and hope lo g.vo sal , faction in lului.
ST Locatrd at lh old nan.l, mipua.ta the Tel
b'raph OlBa, ORKOOX CITY. Feb. 8.
Somcthinr ZTcw.
4 NT pers..u having a Metsiooii, Seroph'ne,
IX. ACurjeon, or oilier leed Instrument. Willi
brukeu or defecliv recda, cau havt them rewire J
by arplyleg or lendiiig lo Chaa M. Kr.ler. at hi
nideuc. Us aqnaiv lack Horn th litpusl
Mtt'icir liou, in lh North pan of Or on City.
I'liargo for iuter'ing tingla fioin 81,50 lo
Q.'.UU. Keasulitb. Utdu.liun fur a iresi. r unni'
ber. (', M. K liSTtll.
Orrfon City, September 22, 1855-23
Walnut Oro70 Nursery.
rpill.3 plendid et!aUtlimut is litua.ed la the
X hreiich Prairie, on th road lea.lmg f'om Or
egou t'jty to bulem, tweiily-ou niile from th
lormer, aud iiueen Irom Ilia latter; win le Ihe un
dersigned hnve on han't a forgo assortment of Mot
araiied AI'I'LU, PEAR. I'HACH, PLUM,
APRICOT, and OtY.YCE-.lto, several va-
rieiits of Oiapt, Currant, Goottbtrry, Ac, ie. ;
an ol wiiicii lliey euer on in most reasonable
ternn, for, cutut, or any k:ud of niercluul
b.c p. aluce.
Call aud examine, fiolroulil t show fruit
Nor. 21, 1855. 32 ?in
T tal by
"1ILT MOULDING fur picture frame., far
Drujt, Uedicinos, Paints, Oils,
V and Dyo-stuffs,
iJ atUiOKl.CO. ctl'Y DttllG STORE,
sepia Ala u Mrect, Oregon Ciiy,U.T.
DR. Gavwtt't compound extraot of Sartapatilla
aud Yellow Dock, al the
OLD Dr. Jacob Tuwinwnd's Haisaparilla, at
tho ORUUON CITY DRUG b lull It
DR. Towiisend'a Surapnr.lla, at th
SUAKKU Sar-apirlila, at th
SANDS' Sarsaparilla, in anv quantity, at lh
McLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver
DR. O'guod's liiJiaCholagogu,udDr.Jone'
Amviieau C'holagogiie, at Ihe
TR. J. Ayrcs' celebiateil Cherry Pectoral for
AJ cotigha, colils, and conHiimptiou, at III
f. fOFFATS Life Bill, rs ami Pillt, Der.iard't
lTj. Dysentery Syrup; Wistar't Balsam of Wild
Cherry, at the
- New Jeweller.
HAVING employed one of Ihe best Working
Jewellers uu th Pacific ooast, I am now
fully prepared to manufacture evory description of
Mason'o Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Pins, Rings,
Sc., made to order.
Engraving neatly done.
Cull sud see specimen of work.
N. B. I devote my entire attention to repairiug
Fin Walchee. G. Coixisa Robsins.
Portland, Dee. 29, 1855-37tf
TEMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Temple of
Honor, No. 1, meet every Wednesday eve
ning, al Hi Amenean Hall, t oieet brove, Oregon.
Brethren of the Order iu good standing aro in
vited la visit this Temple.
. Al. TU I I LIS, W.U.T.
S. A. Dixon, W. R. 33
Land for Sale.
OFFER to tell 160 acre of choice land for
two dollan and a quarter an aora, cash. The
land it a portion of my claim, aix miles west of La
fayetto, in the county of Yamhill. Titl good.
Call and see for yourselves. " Tis no trouble to
show"-th land. 8. C. ADAMS,
Glen Avuca, Dao. 25th, 1855-37lf
JUST RECEIVED at Uie Oregon City Drug
Store, direct from New Yyk ami San Fran
cisco, a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES,
Pateut Mediciues, Family Mediciuea, &c, etc.,
which fill be told at low fur eath at they can he
procured in the Territory. Call aud examine for
yourselves, and get an Almanac for 1856, gratis.
A GOOD assortment of Tinware on hand, and
for sal cheap, by O. 11. TWOUOuD.
LIGHT plenty at
F. S. 4 A.
To Tax t'ayeis.
COUNTY ORDERS for sale nt a discount.
uov24 0. ADERNETHY St CO.
Wheat Wanted.
HIGHEST cash pries pa d by
Nov. 3. rVitf. C. DEMENT d CO.
"Siman Abigail" and bark "C'lms. Deveus,"
from San Francisco, the following goods:
GROCERIES. 150 kg E. B.ayrup, 5 A 8 gala,
2U bbls New Orieuna do.
50UU lbs No. 1 China sugar,
5OD0 lb table sail,
200 boxes English and American soap,
20 eases pie fruit, ussM,
2 gross P. ti'. B. yeani powders,
5000 lbs tobacco, as'd bran It,
1110 half boxes raia in,
2U bbls and half bbis crushed sugar,
3000 lbs saleratus.
CROCKERY A General Amortnu0t.
DRY-GOODS: 5000 yds browu sheeting,
10U0 yds satinets,
2000 " print,
10 pieces alpacas,
50 pairs English blanket,
SOU yds carpi.tiug,
200 oilcloth;
Toelher with a general assortment of ready made
clothing, boots, shoes, hat, cais, and carpenters'
tools. nM. V. i- a- vu.,
Nov. 10.
ttppuaite the Land Oflio.
New Supply.
ABERNMilY ot CO. oirr tolht public
at low pricet, th following artiolen
WriUug paper,
Thread, assorted,
Buttons, aaaorUd,
Steel pen,
Pen holder,
Handled axes,
Cow belle,
Collin axes.
Steel f luaree,
Black lea,
Pepper, black,
Cream Tartar,
rickled salmon,
Smoked "
Oregon Citjr, Sept 1-y
BOOTS & SHOES for sat by
Wholosalo rrieos Onrreet
PsraooM. Davos St Mamnihsa
Hheetlng, 4-4 l?i'lOOpr.cU.rN'. V.-
Dnllii.g It-i' rsootc.
U.tsc.ieJ drilling loi Wheat, pf. tu... . $1
" shirtiug, Hal6iOis do JOtOd
Hirined do l4;Polato lie "i
Tick.uj HallrOniuiw do 8'i
Peiiint li'l'lmir m
Blut di llling M;C'vru Meal, fie.h
Plaid husry Ifis'.Mj ravtT.
Salintt 709I; ' diltd it
Keulucky Jeans. ..V.' a t j;l'tscliee, dried do la
IwvU SoaM " ao . .
rsivr. ! Chili, df.d.'JCt2S
Miut and whit ..12 raevitioro.
tliu and orang IV; Pork, clear cert
1'ancy felvj " met. $iHt.0
Fuiuitui do lUuHillanit.. n IS
do. w.ile.l'.'i U.ocu W.
M. djlaiiie I4u2.i mwosa.
Giughains I5aij;llarard, pr ea &IV
AtPiOJ 25al0 tt kia E1J
TaWt damask. ... &0t5 shot.
cloths e.aSli'Smatl tliet ...... .Cf4.J
Irish linens 4UaSi;fiuck t'JJii
cumiiha. I int.
Sheep gray pauts JiDar 20
Saiiuel do. .t:k,X While lead, InoilUatJ
Fancy eass. do. ...$45) coausoa.
Uiaek east. do. (;.'a7:Maiiilla, email .40
Itniflau'l shiiU SMaltt! Urge 25
blue do. da. glialMIimp l(lal.V
Hickory shirt 57i csncls.
Caiico do t'Jtii AJroauliu -JO
soot Sl alios. tDeiua Ca
Men' kip Loot.iJJiaJ! Class.
upr do. do....4;lIavana ;wtnti
fin sewed It'Onnaii 610o3!t
Ooy' kip boon S'.'jAmencto QSJaS1)
" ha'vy w'x do$: U tomcvw.
Mr in' brg't pr. dos. .$117: Pride of lh Union 40u4S
M kipbrgsprdui.g:u;un 3V.
" calf tewed do..$.'l'LuL' 17
Woi n's h'vy th'a.$13 Hsaawass.
fill do 815;Shovela ; iSal
aaocsaiK. !Suadra ftUalb
Com lGal8:Aot $r.'U0
t'ea 65a7 Mill saw 90a$U
Sugar, no. I Chi'a... . 1 1 J Z cut aawa. 75ul
crushed il, lunie cutlery, iu peici
Sateratu 12a. 16! advance on N. i.oot
Starch W.Pocket cullsry, 25 prel
Syrup F. Boston. ..90u$l! advance.
Co d Island v.i umcr aruciea oi nara
N 0 Molusoe 70J war from 20 to 50 pr
Liv. Salt 3a3' ct advance.
1'ubie Salt SI i4 Nails,aas'dsiirs,prkg $8
Sandw.chl. Salt.. Sai'l " horatho...25a3S
Pepper M oils.
Al.rpica 40 Lamp $Ijuyi
Ciinmuion 60aHU' Linseed hot 2a
Soap lUall Turiwutiuo pr gull 9.
Portland and Astoria.
Tha Splendid Sleumor V2H4 m
Zaultnomah Snvrrmti
WILL coniinno lo run roguluily between Pott
laud and A.toria, tiu Vancouver, twice
wsss, leaving Portland on Mouday aud Thursday
mornings of each week fur Astoria; and Astoria
fur Portland ou Tuesday and Friday morning,
touching Vancouvis.St. llsn.Nt, Uim,Cath
laust, &o., each way. For freight or possogo,
apply to R. IIOYT, Master,
jel6 Or at Hoyt't Wharf-boat, Portland.
JAVNE'S Alterative, Expectorant, and Pills,
Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet Oil, at
TI TEXICAN Mustang Liuiincnt, G
W. Mot-
chaul'a Garclme Oil, at th
TRUSSES, right aud left and double, and Ab
dominal supporters, at tha
PURE White Lead, raw and burned Umber,
Crome, Green and Yellow, and other paiuta,
Uraefeubarg Sarsaparilla, Uterine Catholioun.
41 Dyeeutery tyrup, contumptiv
Tile Ointment,
11 Health Bitter,
41 Eye Lotion, &.O., 4to.,
To b found at tha agency of Ihe Company,
HAYAIAN'S Dytpepiie Elixir warranted to
cur lh dysupimia just received and (r
PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for Ihe cure of fever
and ngue, &o., Ve , jiint leeeived and for sal
Mttbnslopol ba Fullen !
Inform the ciliuns uf Oreguu City and th
public in general that they have Just received a
good assortment ef GROCERIES auitahl for
this season of thu year. Also, we hava received a
supply uf fancy groceries, such as Farina, Sugar
Tapioca, Arrow Hoot, and a variely of oilier tucta
articles too numerout lo meutiou.
We have a eood assortment of FANCY
GOODS for the holidays, such as raisins, datee.
fig, bottled pie fruils, raspberry preserves, and
variety uf other articles in thia line, tm b a will
tuit the greatest epicure of the land. W have al
so on hand a good assortment of candies, and are
receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So pleas
give us a call; we w.ll tell aa cheap ss any houn.
in Oregon. Our mono it that a quick penny
belter Ihan a slow shilling.
We are now commencing to prepare in tho Eu
kery for Christmas, and thai! hava a good assort
ment of cake. We thall also keep on hand a au
perior quality of butter oruckor, Button orockert.
snd also the sweel Yuik cruckers. Please give or
ders for the above in good time. Our prices shall
be rea-onsble, and Ihe gooda made uf the best ma terials
in Oregon. Dov24
Who Wants a Oood Caidle?
rpllE subscriber, living five mile touth-west of
X Lafayette, iu Yamhill county, ia now currying
on the btiMuens of Saddle Making in good earnest.
He kee;ie constantly on hand thu beet saddle chat
cuu b manufactured with th matei iala at eons
maud in Oregon. Thou wishing a genuine saddle
warranted to fit on both .!, aud rigged out ia
complete style, cheap for cash, or goodlrada would
do well to give me a call. My shop is situated on
Baker Creek near where the road erase it lead,
ing fiom Portland and Oregon City, "up couulry"
by the way of Smith's bridge ca th Nertb Fork of
ST I keep every thing in the tadd'ery I ne, tut
Bridles, Martingales, Halters , Lines, Ac , Ac
Sept. !i0-23tl. J. O. HKNDER80N
To Arrivo
WITHIN a few day, direct from New 7wU,
ex e ippar thip "GsUleo Eagle,"
400 gala. Iiu.rod 0 1,
150 gait. ipt. turpentin,
200 boxe window gloss, (nae'd sires,)
2.10 keg white lead, pure,
25 gala varnnli,
200 Ibe beeswax,
200 lb rotiu, by Wm.C.DEMEIIT 4.
oct 12. opposite th Land Owea.
DRIED Apple, iu h'f and whole barrels, at
F. 9. f A. IlQI LANt "a.