The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 08, 1856, Image 2

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    A i
SI) regon 2irgu0.
oraooif citzi
AenU Ibr tio Arena.
J. R. McBiuuc, Lafayette.
C. A. Reed, &ifm.
Moroai Uudolth, Sublimity.
Wm. Bailow, ifulalla.
H. C. Raymond, ' Grow.
Dn. Davis, Blooming ton.
'Anon IlABver, Kn.
Solooi Allkn, ylmiy.
J. E. Lilt, Dallas.
John McKin.nev, C'alapooia.
Rev. Wilson Ulain, fnion 'oin.
L. A. Rice, Jacksonville
II. Harris, Cincinnati.
D. Ghkub, Sterlingvills, 0. T.
Judge Swelling, Krelu, CW.
Jno. 15. Preston, WW Co. .
K. A. N. I'UKLPS, Oalrsburg,Ill.
Willis Warrinkr, Camden, Mo.
Iu the progress of human events, an J the
fulfillment of prophecy, the time seems to
hsve fully come wheu ''wars mA rumors of
wars" are heard on every hand. - 1 hrce of
the great powers of Europe have for years
been engaged in a conflict which Lid fair
to enlist Ilia hitherto neutral powers, and
ero long involve the whole continent in one
general conflagration. Tlio whito (lug of
peace which lie been unfurled by Austria
and Prussia hat boen spurned again and
gain by Russia, England, and France, and
according to the opinions of European jour
oaliits, ban, by the pride of the former and
the cupidity of the latter, been scornfully
trampled in the dust, in inch a iiiininnry
manner that the moat (anguine expectant
of a compromise of hostilities has aban
doned every hope of any thing but n peace
conquorcd at the expense of millions of
treasure and oceans of blood. How it
would be possible to edict' a peace upon
any basis which has been proposed by ncu
tral powers, Is hard to understand ; and
how a peace can be conquered, so long as
ll Europe stands aloof from IrreY-confliot
and permits Russia to fight it out with her
adversaries, is still harder lo understand.
Tho man who lives ten years longer will
witness a greater turning and overturning
of thrones, principalities, and powers, than
(he world has seen fur tho last two thousand
years. The real philosopher fiuds abun
dant reasons fur such a conclusion, apart
from the dark and lurid war clouds thai
no iv bang ever both hemispheres. The
"signs of tho times" are so plainly written
in the great evcuts that are now transpiring,
thatlho veriest footpad Ibat strides along
tho great highway thronged by teeming
millions ia enabled to read something like
an omen of coming "woe," as be "pro
gresses" at a gait which in a certain book
would entitle him to tbo position ef one
who "runs."
Hut we set out with a view of stating
that w have fallen upon warlike times, iu
tead of moralising upon the present as
pect of things. Even in our own country
the moil rod-mouthed warriors are likely
to have their appetites fur blood fully sa
tiated. We now have on hands an imbrog
lio with England, growing out of the Clay-ton-Bulwer
treaty, and an alleged violation
of our laws by England in raising recruits
among us fur the Crimean sorvieo, as also
serious misunderstanding with the filli
buntoro government of Walker in Nicara
gua; besides being positively engaged in
throe Indian wars, with the Seminole,
Sioux, and Oregon Indians. Right on the
hoclsofall this comes tho news by the last
mail uf a fresh outbreak in Kansas, which
lias moistened the ground with the blood of
a number of o'iroituen, struck down by
hands nerved lo brandish th fatal steel by
internal causes that threaten to wrap tho
Uuiou in a bl.uo of civil war.
The rabid fire-eaters of tho South and
the miserable, skulking doughfaces of the
North, bound together by the lies of gov.
crnmcnl patronage and u desire for tho uui
vorsul extension of negro alaveiy, who
have trampled tho Missouri Compromise, iu
the dust, and declared slavery a "national"
institution which might bo plained in all
the Territories, are about to realize in the
present struggle just what Houston, of Tex
ai, aud Bell, of Tennessee, predicted would
be the bitter funis of disturbing these 0I
emu compacts b-lween tlio Norih and the
South, which, by excluding , institution
from all territory north of a given line, was
considered as a soli um recognition of the
right of its existence in all territory south
i'f the saiuo line. The olicy of that l).ug
las measure has now been folly lested, and
the result of disturbing the old compact of
l&iO is exactly wh it some of the uist a
leioui Southern statesmen predicted it
would be. Douglas anj TinrcJ, the goJ
fcther and mother of tho scheme, hae ru
iv.ed th.'ir prosjHcIs for the future, and ihe
Southern Sui. will yet find themselves
innch in ihe position of tho d"g who snatch,
cd at the shadow,
At the time the Nebraska bill was under
discussion, oil of our readers will recollect
how i s advocates fiom thn South, as well a
from the North, most solemnly declared
ihatihey bsd no expectations that slavery
would ever iro Into Kansas, as in soil nd
climaie were entirely unadapted to making
slave lubor profitable. Their only object
was, as they declared with uplifted nanus,
to 'enunciate agreut democratic principle,"
namely, the "right of tho people to regulate
thoir own d-mestio institutions." No
sower was ilio Territory of Kansas thrown
open for settlement than thero was strife
between the slaveholding and noiislavehoK.'
ing Slates to see who should selllo the
greater proportion of represents! ives there.
lty the assistance of the Massachusetts bm.
Igrant Aid Society, hundreds of poor bard.
woikingmen, who had the Western fever,
wore enabled to make an outfit for them-
s lv s and familes, and remove to Kansas in
order to locate land, fell tho forests, and
make themselves comfortable homos.
These men being luborers themselves of
courso hud no desiro to live in a slave
Slate, where their own labor should be
brought in competition with slave labor,
and where they would themselves bo de
graded to a position in society little above
that which is assigned to the negroes in
slavcholding States. The vole of these
men would uf course be cast on the side of
freedom in Ihe great contest of "regula
ting the domestic institutions" of Kattsns
Missouri and other Southern States entered
the arena of competition with Mnssachu
setts and other Northern States in settling
Kansas, but were sudly distanced in this as
in all other enterprises. Now if tho slave
States had gone no further in this matter
than the free Stales, and had confined them
selves lo assisting pro-shivery men to utile
permanently in Kansas, no matter what the
object of their patrons might have been in
sending them there, the Nurth would have
had no just ground of jealousy if the South
hud distanced them in the race, as badly
as the Yankees have now headed the slave
driver. Whatever might havo been the
views of the Northern States as lo the jus
lice or policy of breaking down the barrier
that had for more than thirty years preclu
ded slavery from entering into n competi
tion with f'ecdora for supremacy upon the
soil ef territory north of the Compromise
line, the harriers once broken down by the
rash indiscretion of ambitious demagogues,
the North would have undoubtedly sub
mitted to the introduction of slavery into
Kansas, had its introduction been effected
by a fair and honorable competition with
them in endeavoring to colonize Kansas
with permanent lettlcrt, representing and
lawfully defending the peculiar institutions
of the States from which they emigrated,
whether of alavery or freedom. W hethor
the North would hare yielded to the ad
mission of Kansas as a slave State into the
Union, Is another matter,
Missouri, it seems, has endeavored to
make up for her own inactivity in coloni
sing and that of her sister slaveholding
btates, by sending swarms of border ruff
armed with deadly weapons, from her
frontier into the Territory of Kansas, who
have gone there, not for the purpose of be
coming pormanent settlors, and thereby
lawfully securing the prerogative of voting
upon her Institutions, but as an army of
piebald crusaders and nigger, wbippers,
with the avowed object of driving free State
men from tho polls, controlling tho elec
lions by outnumbering their voles, or in
caso ef a fuilure to do this, to destroy tho
poll-books and ballot-boxes, The villainies
that have been porpctrated in Kansas nt the
instigation of Atchison and Stringfellow,
which make up tlio history of the wrongs
that whito men have suffered in that Terri
tory, in Ihe way of having their properly
burned, or otherwiso destroyed, of being
driven from the polls with bludgeons and
howie knives, and hunted even beyond the
limits of the Territory like wild beasts, be
sides being compelled to mourn the loss of
kind red, whose blood, like that of a mur
dered Abel, now cries to Heaven far ven
geance; tho sum of these villainies will
never he fully revealed titl tho groat day of
retribution, aud tho crimes of these har
dened wretches will never bo expiated till
Atehion and Siringfcllovv pull hemp, and
iheir rufihui tools drink blood to their
heart's content. The man who can excuse
such diabolical conduct upon tho part of
these miscreauls on the ground that Mas
saehusetts assisted a few poor cmieratits in
lump their duds on Kansas soil, where
ibey might mako themselves permanent
homes, anil who sneeringly denounces every
man lite Lane, Reeder, and Robinson, w ho
are opposed to seeing tha soil of Kansas
cursed by American slavery, as "abolition--,
deserves to have a pair of leather
spectacles placed upou his nose, and a cool
ing poultice tied to ihe back of his bead
Mine -drivers are rapidly making m, ihe
issue b 'tween I Use io contend lhat free
d..n is 'national," ami til evnt!e...
see nothing worth such a denomination but
tho Nfiitiar institution. u.l are determined
iu plan: it in every inch of our lerrilorr
Ihe '.sales Uk rather warlike just now.
Arrival ef Iks Mall.
The P. M. 8. 8. Republic arrived at
Vancouver on Saturday morning lat, hav
ing left Ran Francisco on the tvenlngof th
23d of Feb., when off Port Orford fire broke
out on loird, placing the vessel in immi
writ danger. Tho flames wore extinguish
ed after considerable damage hnd been sus
tained. The news from the Atlantic States and
from Europe will bo found in our columns
this week.
More Coaelslal at Iks t.PolaU.
"Our subscribers north of Oregon City
constantly complain of the detcmionof the
Sn,tiiian fund we presume nil mail mat-
ter at that nlace. We are informed that
il.u Ri.,irsnmn. which should reach Oregon
City Tuesday night, hardly ever is forward
ed lo Poriland. until Saturday morning,
wh'reas boats run every day, ond a regular
mail i carried on Wednesday morning.
Can tha person in charge ef the Oregon
City office explain tho reason of this habit
ual detention at that point I
It (iie Statesman) ouL'ht to be received
t Astoria, if the muils were carried per
contract, on Thursday night of the week of
publ ication." Statesman.
That's right, young man; pitch into
.ir not master and "llivo him fits.' II
deserves it for not recognizing the States.
man a a democratic paper, nor allowing
his house to be one of the "points" to
which you send it. You say that tho mail
is due hero Tuetdau nhht. and ought to
leavo far I'ortlatid on Wednesday morn
ing. All the difference betwocn your state
ineut and the truth, is, that the mail is not
due here till Wednesday noon, and, "if
carried per contract," would not leave here
till Saturday morning following. But when
it fails, ns it did last week, to reach here till
Saturday morning after the Portland mail
has left, your paper must lie in this office
till the next Wednesday. Your statement
in referenco to this matter, although false
by some eighteen hours, is so much nearer
the truth than any statement you have
made for the last five years, that we are
disposed to hope you are "under convic
tion." AVe cannot for the lifo of us tell
why our miserable, post master don't send
your sheet along down to tho "Points"
three or four days before it gets here, unlcsn
it bo that he is a Know Nothing. Just tell
your patrons that he is one, and load up
your "favorite riflo" with a box of Bran
dreth's pills, and "draw a bead" on him.
After this is clone, just refer your readers
at the "Points," for further information on
"male derangements," to Dr. Czapkay's
adrertisements in the Statesmm.
Fro as WashlBitosi Territory.
We have the Puget Sound Courier of
Feb. 29th. The U. S. Troops at Ft Steila-
coom wore making active preparations to
take the field against tho Indians., Four
companies have already marched for the
Puyallup and White River country.
Kanaskut, a chief of one of the hostile
tribes, had been taken by the U. S. troops
and hung.
- .
Mtntlo, avealleet
Prof. Ne well's Flora's Festival class
Lf yonn ginffers are reqllested lo meet at
the Musical Hall over Dr. Steele's Drug.
Store this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'j
clock. All others not members of th.
class are invited to attend.
1T We are under obligations to WelL,
Fargo & Co. and Pacifio Express for late
Erratum. In the article "License vs.
Prohibition," on our first page, 5th para
graph and 3d line, read "uprooting," in
stead of "reprobating."
tW We are pleased to notico the re
turn of Hon. O.C. Pratt and family to
Oregon by the last steamer.
XT J. N. Banker, Esq., has laid us un
der obligations far favors.
California Items.
Earthquake. A very severe shock of
an earthquake was fait iu San Francisco on
the morning of Feb. 15, a few minutes af
ter 5 o'clock. The outer wall of one build
ing was thrown down, and soveral brick
buildings damaged, besides crockery being
smashed, and furniture generally deranged.
The tenants of the house were dread
fully frightened, of course, many of them
rushing into the streets in their night
It was suggested that tha earthquake
was only an unsuccos-ful effort of Nature
lo settle land titles in the city.
Sntr.MRNT or Treasure. The total sn.ount
of gold carried out to ihe Atlantic States
by the steamers on the last trip was $1,
763,430. For the month of February the
total amount was 13,390,973.
niAFKETS. riour was selling nt $S 50
to $10 50 Ptr bbl.j Wheat $2 SO to
II . r.
53,00 per hund. lbs ; Oats 82 50 to fi 75
per hundred lbs. ; Butter, 33 lo 87 cts, ;
Lard, 15 to 16 cts.; Coffee. Rio, 11$ to
11 jo; Sugar, crushed, lCc; Chiua, ?c;
Potatoes 5 to 6 cts per lbs.
KT 0. rind C. II. M. next week.
For ths Aifu:
FeetUf Apeat.
Friend Adorns Enclosed I send you a
copy of a letter, which was sent as ad.
dressed, end request Its publication In TilK
Argus, as I know your paper ha a large
circulation in Washington county, and it is
but right for the people of Washington to
know wiih what care and solicitude they
are watched over by the author, and the
genilemun is so retired and unassuming
that his talents are not observed by many.
I think such untiring watchfulness and ex
treme anxiety which tho old gontlcman
manifests in his letter should not pass un
rewarded by the democracy. He is es
pecially worthy with "Paddy whack" alius
I presume the letter was not intended fur
publication, but as it was sent to the Leg
isloture, and contains nothing but matter
for that "omnipotent" (Dcliwon) "body" to
act upon, and as it contains the e in bod
icd sentiments of the democratic party in
Washington county, and as that party de
test all secret means of electioneering, and
all operations in secret, I nin nt once led to
the conclusion that nothing but modesty
prevent!! ihe old man from publishing it
himself. Tho letter is addressed to "Met
iers A Shuck and Burbank Corvallisi Or
egon Teritory," and the fallowing is a copy
"verbatim tt literatim et piinctuatim ct
spellitatim." II. V. V. Joii.nsom
"To ihe Honorable Representatives of
yamhill co. Dear sirs we ure compelled to
call on you lor Help in ttie coinemg Leg
of Oregon as a large portion of the citizins
of Washing County are not represented Bui
under the lyranical rule of kno'v nothing
intolerance Aud as your interest is closely
connected wiili that of our own we can
more freely call on you fur help
our half representation will no doubt do nil
he can for our good but be lives at a re
mote part of the county nevertheless we
will instruct him so our wish may be some,
whut carried out. ihe know nothiii" Doc
tor promised some of his deluded support
crs that he will do great things such as a
largo appropriation for a know nothing
lload from his claim to poriland and niter
uther roads and ulso to have the Tuafan
land River pass the Sucker Lake to the
Wiiiammctte dec We ask you Jentlemen
Not to let the Kno -g Doctor alter any
roads in Black Creek precinct and no appro
priation lo his know nothing Road If he
can make the River pass through the suck
er Lake let him du it We desiro yai!
would acitate and carry out the Townshin
system at least in Washington Co ns it
will lake away some of the power of Coun
ty Courts which is oppressive and un-
rightous Enny whiffit of the know noth
ing order can co and Lave all the precinct
offices filled with somo of theer own clan,
wiutlier they are qualibed or not We
think it much more Democratic dc Repub
lican to have as inaney of the officers Elec
tive as possible as it will curtail the corrup
tion of favoritism we also desire you would
cut down the tees of otheers in the county
Si precincts Three dollars a day for
Judges & clerk of election is an oppress
ive tax on the county i hese views are
the embodeyed sentiments of the Demo
crauo party in wasmngion L-ounty wo
hope that you will treat our know nothing
Doctor with contempt of neelect which he
deserves io
Please recieve our best wishes for rour
health it a prosperous session
John Hall Ac others
Black Creek Washington Co Nov 11th
1855 "
P. S. There were no names signed but
John Hall. II. V.V.J,
For the Argus.
State Government.
A 3 T .
lur. jiuams wear &ir ; i noiico in
your paper of Feb. 10th that A. G. II. has
written a long article in favor of State or
ganization at an early date. Many reasons
aro given. Now in tha first place long
cnmmuuicauons are apt to confuse anil
blind tha the eyes of many ; for by the
time they have got through reading, one
half at least is likely to be forgotten, and
iney torm their opinions upon what they
recollect, being generally speaking the
winding up ot me argument, w hich is cal
culated lo blind the reader. Now it must
be acknowledged that A. G. II. has nddn.
ced soma tolerably good points to sustain
his position. But, notwithstanding, I must
becomo acquainted with the gentleman bn
fore I can believe ha is no politician, and I
feel assured that it is men of that class who
are agitating the matter in favor of a Slate.
at this time. Now, sir, to some of the ar
First, the right of self-government pur
chased by our forefathers; second, cmital
ists never refuse to invest capital where
uiey mm mere is a prospect of a dividend
in turoe or four years; third, to invest
ininy thousand dollars to pay off State of
fleers will briiicr in four hund" Pod tlliMta-inrl
dollars from the General Government, three
minarej niousand more than the Territory
receives; fourthly, the enormous nmnnnt
of 500,000 acres of land, worth fmm$3lo
9 Hr acre. Now the gentleman fears
that Ihe land will all be taken up by settlers
beforo we become a State, if w-e Jo not
vote for a Convention this coming April.
According to my idea of the matter, woll
would it be for this Territory if the gen-
itcmaus fears could be verified, and all of
mat gona unit be- taken up bv tax-ravin"
inhabitants; f.r all will admit'that it takes
population aud money to conduct the af.
fairs of a State. As regards these lsrv
amounts of appropriations that w shall
receive annually, whea one? a S;at is a
ease of clones; as the csa tii when
asked which wny he wa-fioin. "er
or down, whilo hi. craft was whirling in .in
eddv, "may be so, and may bo no so. t
must be acknowledged that capita 1"
frequently enter into business uwuim.-u,
.1 . . .. .i.. A .ii.rimr nrosnecl
IV III ullttl llieV UtClll
I . .1 .. I tt. II. .-, MMIWCU
UfiV tli,m. ...d come out bankrupt in tho
end ; o I fesr It may in mis maucr u.
a State, if gone Into prematurely, as
gaids our forefathers, we can do them mow
honor when belter prepared. Now a lo
tho Indian war: ho fears non-payment un-
less we become Slate, in order to get
help from tho California Sennlurs. Iu re
lation to that matter, I believe we lire ns
sum of appropriations being made throng i
. 1 1 ' . ,i ..... .1. ..!,
Ihe influence or our nutegaio n iiM"iK
that of California Senators, not withstand,
ing they have us much right to use their in
fluence now in our favor n when we be
come a Stale; ana one iniujj -
father is more certain lo hear the prayers
of hischihlrrn than thoso of his hro licror
sisier. Now this thirty thousand dollar in
vestment spoken of, (which will probably
bo thrco times that amount,) will be very
apt to make tho lax payers squirm, ami I
am induced to believe that thn great advo
cates for a State organization aro but small
tax pnyers, and aro looking anxiously for
ward to suck the blood from thu bono and
sinew of Ihe country. How ftrnnge it is
thai the people nro so frequently deceived
and gulled by these aspiring demagogues !
It ia lime, and high lime, that we awake
from our slumlirrs, and be on tho alert ;
for be nssurud that April next will tell fur
nrn"ainstour future prospects, and I do
honestly believe, if lie aspirants gain their
point and we bo organized into a Slate,
ihal Oregon is set back fur mnny years.
With a few exceptiuns, our counties are in
debt, and it takes counties to make a Stn'e.
Let us first get out of debt, and when wo
become able to sustain ourselves as a State
then I will say amen.
I have not so much undertaken to refute
ihe arcuments of A. G. II. as to give my
own views upon ihe subject; and as I am
no writer for public journals, this may not
be worth publishing, hut if you deem it
worth noticing, you can give it a placo in
your paper.
A Clackamas Tiucum.
(KT J. W. Sullivan, of San Francisco, as
usual has seut us a fine lot of papers, mag
azines, &o., for which he will please receive-our
(W Col. Cornelius was at Fort Henriet
ta about the 20th of February. Ho has
boats iu readiness to cross Snake River so
soon ns the Volunteers shall have all ar
rived in camp at Walla Wulla valley.
ct. , f
Oianaaru. i I
- il ,, 1 T O...., -J ,
WT irruin ins urmocrauc siauuara.j
nniniRi.i. ivnix m , km . r.n
(seventeen persons billed by Indians near
tbe mouth or Rogue River, among whom
were Ben. V right and Capt, Poland.
From Judge Pratt, who catno upon the
Republic, we have obtained the following
details of the massacre of Whites near the
mouth of Rogue River. Judge Piatt was
furnished with these particulars by Maj.
KeyuoIUs, the othcer in command of tbe
few troops stationed at Port Orford, and
who came on board the steamer while ly
ing at that port.
The narrative will be better understood
by first stating that Ben. Wright had been
sent by Gen. Pulmer down the coast with au
thority lo collect the friendly Indians about
the mouth of Kogue Kiver and cause them
to be removed up the coast to Coos, so as to
be separated from the consamination'of the
hostile tribes dwelling higher up ttje river,
At the mouth of Rogue River is a settle
ment of Whites embracing about 30 per
sons. About 4 miles up tho river and on
the South side, was a bouse, the residence
of a white by the name of McGuire, who
had been acting as an Indian agent. Op
posite on the JNorth siuo is an Indian vil
lageof the Toutootens.
Ibis tribe, together with the Shasta,
coast, Alaccanutens, and a few other small
tribes living in tho vicinity, were regarded
as friendly Indians: whila the ualecso
Creek, Applegate and Cow Croelt tribes
living farther from the coast, were known
to be hostile, and to have made endeavors
to induce these coast Indians lo join them
against the W hitcs. One Eneas, a half
breed, is the leader of iho hostile bands in
that section- The month of Rogue River
is about 30 m:Ii s below Port orford.
On the 22d Feb., Hen. Wri-'ht and Cam
Poland with about 40 troops, had been col
lecting these Indians at Toutooten villatro
preparatory to proceeding with them un the
coast. On lhat night about 25 of the troops
leu ineir arms wim tneir comrades and
went down to the mouth ol the river to at
tend a ball. Wrh'ht and Poland went
over to McGuire s house to remain durinu
tho night. The remainder of the f iree, 15
in number, lodged in camp on lli Noith
side of the river near ihe Indian villas.
About 2 o clock on the morning of the
3d, ihe soldiers in ciunn were nwukenrrl
by ihe noise of a scuffle over the river nt
McGuire 'a house. They heard no shots
fired, and the darkness prevented their be.
ing able to S'e the naturo of the trouble.
I hey remained awake, proceeded to nr-
lam mcir ureuMusi, aim were ready to
u..: i i. r . , .r
punane oi n just ai me nrst dawn of day.
A Mr. Fostfr, who escaped and reached
Port Orford on the 24'h, savs that as he
was about rinnkmg his cotton a vol lev nf
musKeiry was iired into camp, ono ball
knocking his cup from his hand. He im
mediately rose up, and by the li,,llt nf ,!,
camp. tire observed that the Indians v, re in
tnetr midst in L'reat numb.-. IT- imme
diately took to the brush, and succeeded in
secreting himself under a log about 300
yards distant from camp. The Indians
fired several shots after he left camp, and
when daylight had fully anno,
yelled and whooped and danced like- de
mons, iney came several times close
upon him as he lav concealed. Ua roco-r-niicd
among th:m Esc the half breed,
whom he know, mid iiiiilorstan'ling their
langiiRi,'. ho heard them ioy that ibey bad
killed and had found the bodius of 13 of
thno in camp. The other one besides him.
self who hii'l rut-aped Lo know not nor
. .11 U.. J'.....t IIa iu.. .... .1.1 M
HOIC UV ivi v -.
.!.. ...... ....
I move u , - "T. 7 ZlZ " 7
lellllll nlUUinru nuuo uuu unon ujiiieg,
and this led him to suppose that tha scuffle
which was heard there iu the night was the
net of butchering the Inmates by the lo
diiius. and lhat ihey had done thia without
firing a gun lo hvoiu umnmiiK inn soiatera
in camp. Ben. Wright, dipt. Poland and
three others, were tho oocupama of the
house that night.
Foster remuuied in bis hiding place tin
the of the 23d, when supposing that the 0
dians had proceeded directly to the settle
ment at tho mouth of the river, he left hi
retreat anil made nil hnsle for lVt Orford,
where bo arrived on the 24th.
Tho other person who escaped the mas-
sacrcalo lay concealed till the night of
ibe 21, and then proceeded immediately
to tho month ol tho river an i gv the
alarm. The citizens snt a small schooner
which was lying iu port, immediately to
Port Orfird for assistance This craft ar
rived there beforo Foster nnd apprised Maj.
Reynolds of the massacre. The Major
having only iibout 30 men at hiscomnwud,
was unablo lo render tho aid asked fur.
But Capt. Ticlieuor nnd a fow of the settlers
at Port Oiford relumed immediately with
the echo inur. The fale of tho settlement
was not known on ihe 27th win. ii ihe re
public left Port Orford.
. .... . . . ,-.! .. . n if. .
Tho cnppU'O conuuion oi in nejmo.u. in
consequence of u fire oil board, and thou
cited state of hor passongcrs, rendered it
impossible for her captain In aid Maj
Holds, nnd hence the Major sent up a rqui-" '
sition to Ft. Vancouver lor a company of
troops. '
Tho Indians engaged in this massacrn
are said by Foster to have been tho Guleetn
creek, Apple-gate, Cow creek, hostile bands
combined with tbu coast Indians who hava
been hitherto friendly.
When tho s'.caiiier left Port Orford, Maj.
Reynolds was fortifying that post.
KJ 11 J
News from the States.
Washington, Jan. 2t. Tha IIoui
opened with prayer. Mr. Fuller said it
had been his desire for week to withdraw
as u cundiduto for Speaker, aud hud so ex
pressed himself to his friend ; but as they
had considered his name under their con
trol, nnd not his own- hu had permitted its
use without public objection. He wished
now to withdraw, and havo it distinctly un
derstood he tendered his nuknowledgrrnenf
for ihe support he had received, and for tha
uniform kindness and courtesy with which
he hud been treated. He expressed the
hope thai the House would now adopt some
plan by which existing difficulties might
be settled, by adoptingsome mode of adjust
ment agrecublu to themselves, satisfactory
lo their constituents, and honorable !u the
whole country.
Bunks, 03
Fuller, 12
Orr 68
J.B.Ricau.l.Me. IV
L. D. Campbell, 3
Messrs. Eddy, Pennington, Miller of Iu
diana, Kennel, and Williams, each one. -.
Necessary for a choice 102.
Withdrawal of Mb. Buchanan from
the Coubt of London. The following is
from the Washington correspondence of
tho N. Y. Herald :
"The news brought by yestcrday'sZferali
of the probable, witlrflrawal of M r. Buchan
an from the Court of England, has produc
ed in this city unusual excitement. Tbo
President has had calls from almost over
quarter iu relation to the subject. - I havo
just learned that ho will submit for advice
the matter to the Senate in secret session
It is probable that his communication has
gone in to-day, 17th. 1
"The important information communi
cated to tho Herald in my last threo des
patches from this city, has to-day been con
firmed by the President in conversation
with members of Congress. The Presiden;
has determined on sending to the Senal
his reasons for tho withdrawal of eur Min
ister.Mr. Buchanan, from iho Court of Si.
James J but unfortunately that body ha
adjourned over until Monday. In thcst
two days Gen. Pierco may think he hw
discovered a necessity for withholding what
he has now decided upon."
Our Relations with Great Britain.
The difficulties growing out of the Cramp
ton affair and tho Central American Treaty,
are still unsettled. The Washington Union
thinks there is a probability of a rupture,
and calls lustily on Congress to organise.
Pennsylvania U. S. Senator. The
Democrats of Pennsylvania have elected
Ex Gov. W. H. Bigler to iho U. S. 8cnatc.
Jeff. Davis Elected to ths Senate
Jefferson Davis has been elected to the U-
S. Senate from Mississippi, his term com
mencing 4th of March, 1857. A writer
from Washington to the N. Y. Herald
learns that ho contemplates rcsicnintr bh
seat iu the cabinet. If he does, it is thought
Mr. Falkner, of Virginia", will aucceed him.
Teruific Storm. A terrific eale of
wind visited the Atlantic seaboard about
tha 5ih Jan., and lasted three days, several
vessels were wrecked, and a large number
dismasted. Some went down carrying all
on boiird. It is impossible yet lo estimate
the number of lives lost in thia storm, but
it must be very great.
Battls in Kansas Fatal Rrsult.
The latest lelecranhic desnatch to the N.
Y. Tribum announces a b.uile between the
pro-tlavery men aud the abolitionists
Kansas. Thu fullowinz account of H
froin a Kansas paper :
Sr. Louis, Jaa. 10, 1857.
The Kickapoo (Kansas) Pirmerr of tl.
18th, savs : "A battle took nlace last cteht
at Cdston, between a party of abolitionists
and some pro slavery men, tbe former mk-
in; at.aca. U:.e pro-s.avtrj m m waa