tleattlal ftraart. i'lio following Rriorl of the Hoapital it ,l.xonvillc, fur tin 2d Regiment Oregon .hunted Voluuieert, embrace A liat of the l' itii.'ntiJroi(Ud and ilimtiatud tinea Doc t:tt!i, together lliuo ri'inuluinpt in the Hue l'.!;tl fit tin prctcnt timo, and nn npToi Mi llion to the amount of expeiieea dttring month ending Jan. 3tb, 1956 : 1'alitntM JleceiuA tinci Former ltrport. It, F. McKeen, Aloorn'e Co., Opthahnia. , i:. F. Newland, Wtlkiiiaou'i co., Tirouic ! v. .I..lin Tinnen, BWi ee., Fro lllttsji. ..u.L'..ll..... IIimi'm Huea Fool. .i.b Kporei, Independent co., wounded ae- ely. T. U. Harris, ludepcudeul ca, wouudred "ly- .... A. Tompaon.niee i CO., Intermittent fever. D.M. (Omenta, Aleora'oM., wuuudtd slightly. V. J. Knnwlon, lliee'i ea , intermittent fever. ;eorge Uruwo, Aleorn'ieo., hcpatilii. Dismisitd, Vin. Pernoll, Harris co , wounded J cured. Nathaniel Campbell, Wilklnsju'i CO., oplhal- '.'hli Kv.n. Wilkinaon'. co.. wounded t cured. Wm. Parish, wiikiiwinioo., Intermittent fever; Tliomai Mitchcl, Vilkiiuam'. co., chronic dya- . u-arv. Jamil Iirnwu, Wilkinson ' CO., neuralgia toured. U. F. Newlaud, Wilkimoa'ico., dysentery; red. John Tinnrn, Rica'i co., frost betlea ; cured. twie Calhoun, llicc'e CO., lore foot. Thc&doro IKdiie, Wilkiuwo'a Co.. remittent f.tvr. - Hubert G.immil, Williaini' co., wouuded ; cured. HemainiM in Ilotpnul. ' Wm. U. Phillips, Kyucrou'i co., olhalmia i.cirly well. Wm. M. Uaud, llarria' co., wounded ; Improv- Wm. I. Mayfield, llarria' co., wounded ; nearly I. iMiaa Kiiurol. Wilkiutou'e co., remittent fever ; improving. Uuvid Svxlon, Williame' co., wounded ; impruv Jacob Long, Rice' co. wounded ; improving A. Toinjauu, llico'e co., iulerinitlen fever ; im n.nvinp. A. J. ldiowlcn, Rico'aeo., Intermltteul fever j iuinroviMg- i'homai Aubrey, Rulry'i eo., wounded j im jvin!. J. F. Caldwell, Alooru't co., rhucinatiim j im ?5. V M -Kooa, A'ejra'tco., ophthalmia j aearly r.ll. I. M Clcmnt, Arcorn'tco, wounded iliglitiy; mi'iroving. C:. (ioodwin. Bruco'i Co., wounded aeverely H.-nrlv well. W.A.J. Moore, Lswii" eo., wounded iliglitiy; nearly well. Jacob tSpjoret, Independent co , wouuded to. vKft'ly. 'I'.'ll. Harrii. I u lenendrnt co.. wounded icverely Siimiiel Venreaa. Independent CO., wouuded .' ;ilnly. itcorge llrowu, AU-orn'i ci., hepa'.itia. :kiten.a fur the mouth, ft'J,5U0,U0. . W. GREER, Wl Suron 2d Reciment O. M. V. aud At Lading Surgeon on Hp'tal. W. J. RoiiNMM,Steward. Vre the Araay Nortk. Waiilatpb Valley, j Jan. 30, 1856. j Mr. (iforBut very little of note has transpired since my last. Tho express has m rived from the Governor with the com mission of tho Colonel, who has taken com mand, and Mai. Chinn is ordered home, and h is left for the valley. On the 23d of this )'ioiith dipt. Ilembree returtiod from n . out, and brought 250 head of horses, but iliomost of them were wild and unfit tor ..rvico. lie also discovered at the junc tion of Snake and Columbia Rivers a large land of stock horded by Indians; could it tell what number, but judging from the number of lodge fires in the distance, there w..a a liirrrfi number of iho red skins. We .'lave three prisoners, who camo in a few t.ayt ago. They say that the main body of Indians are encamped on Peluse river on , tic opposite side of Snnkc from here, and !J StocV " hilly is commander-in-chief, :nd has gone to hold a council with hnmai :.kin. Thev say they intend to givo us an other fight. We will be ready for them as ! .ion as we get supplies and make necessary rrransemetits for getting the trommam. cross Snake River. The command would i.ave marched before this time had the weather been favorable and our horses fit for i irvice. The number of men now in the command this side of the Dalles is 330, all tld. The weather has been very cold for .ho past month, the snow from 6 lo 10 uchea deep all the timo, and a very poor prospect of its being any better at the pros ,-nt time, although I think it will not last n jrcat while longer. As a general thing tho volunteers have a very bard time. Some of the companies are destitute of tents, except where they make them of blankots, and most all of ihcm are destitute of clothing lo ltocpjhem- :.tlves comfortable. A great many have hnd their feet frost-bitten, on account of having neither shoes nor boots. Some have uubstituted raw hido for shoes, and eat Ucf strait a great portion of the time. I ope there will be supplies furnished from ihit on, so that we can do something to wards cleaninc out the red devils. I think ihat we will be able to fit out our expedition Or Snake River in 10 or 15 days, and sec wfcat w can do. The boya are all anxious fir the expedition, and would bo a great al more so if the pack train would arrive with a sniM.W of tobacco ; doing without it nikes tho boys cross and somewhat out of T umor. However, they do not get very .'.anacroua, that is, to each other ; but Mr- Iadian must look out It has been a great time for Jo Mett's business, as the snc w ha riti U-.t he would not "ruch truublti chitkiiig the Indian ui the raviuu Nn J lomuhawkiiig them ; tad it ii a tine thing that Dr. Sundford wa with ut, or old Jti would linvo Uk ii under the tod r lhi time He (old Jo) offered up eevertil ry ere to tlio Almighty lo ipare hint a short linio lunger, hi ho wanted to ho b candidate m n II . f it T . II .r Aeuiur .uitjor 01 ins uiinem. lie any (hat ono d:iy ilia volunteurn killed Mnj. Chiun, and luried him, and lli next tried to rnite him with a probing hook. lie ny ho wmits to bo elected Mnj., not so iitu'.lt for tlio honor but the pay, and that it woi.U mako lain credit pood Mow for whisky. lid tnyi if he in circled he will allow no quarter nor rw! any, and 1 am of the opin ion he will run a pood race, and perlmjm dhjtanco the field ; but time will tell. All the boyi have to nmuno tlieniavlve with breaking wild horsea, and I do nurc you it is is poit. Aside from tins, tlry have duuali"S t0J "7 ni!l,, nd hJ lw liy we have a very llllcrcKling lime listening (o cUuctitanecchca. I think of noth- louctitpecchea. ing more ; you Hi near ironi me again. PARA-WOKEN. for tht Argui. Monmouth, O.T., Jun. 31, 1855. Mr. Editor i 8i : I write an answer lo the arilhmetical problem ii your paper of the 19th ult. The reaou that by multiplying any given mim ber by S, ll will be the earn ai dividing the uum ber by 9 and anneiing a cipher lo the quotient when there ii no remainder, and 5 when there U, la Ihii: A cipher plaeed at the right of a given number iucrraaei 111 value len timet. Now it b plain that half of it would be five lime tbc given uurnber. For the mine raaion to multiply any number by 25 will bo the name ai to annea two cipher! to the iiuniber and divide by 4, for adding two c pliera Increaaei the value 100 timet. Mow if the given uurnber iaincreaaed 100 timet, one fourth of it would be the number increiwd 25 timet, became 35 it one fourth of 100. N. II. B. The reason ia sntifctory n far at it goee, but why annex a 5 when there it a re maiudur I t3T Mnj. Chinn came down to Tortlind a ww dave aco. we ocnere ue comein- platoa returning to Walla-Walla shortly t3T From all that we can loam, Cpt Cornoyer will be elected First Major instoad of tome othert who are talked more of. tW The following will be recognized as one of Viola's best. Her love of the beautiful here is sanctified as an angelic sympathy, by its seeking the perfection of lasting beauty in Heaven. . For tki Argui. the Beanttf ml are First te Bit. There'i beauty in tin early dawn, In the ray tint of tho morning ikiet, When tht dew-dropt iparkfo on the lawn, Aud tho twinkling itan have cloeed their eye. Yet the beiuty of tht rosy light Ii transient ai the early dew j For morniug goee, and toon tht night Obaourei the beauty morning knew. There'i beattty In the blushing flowert, Aa they meekly lift their drooping headi, Their bright leavei wet with evening ihowen, Like diamonds shine in their lowly beds : Yet Autumn comet, and hit chilly breath Snaps every flower from tho fragile spray, But their bright eyei tell ut, e'en in death, The beautiful first shall pain away. Therea beauty jn the sparkling stream, Ai it glides along ill peaceful way, Like tht lilent beauty of a dream, Which, ere we wake, has passed away. But sparkling atreami to the oceau haste, And low themselves in the rolling tide, Aud it menu but a day lince we law them first, Gushing all bright from Hie mountain ide. There 'a beauty in the rainbow bright, "That stretches its wings o'er land and wavcj" Pure iparkline dropt in the itiubeami br ght, Reflected from the hand that gave. Yet while we gaze on the radiant bow lit beauties melt in the aiure iky, For the loveliest objects ire finl to go, The beautiful are first to die. There'i beauty in the human face, And in the radiant sparkling eye But yet in all their loveliness, The beautiful are first to die. I had a friend in early jouth, One who did honor to tho name ; , The loved one was a friend in truth, But the destroying angel came. Though she was beautiful and bright. By far loo lovely long to itay, Too toon we found the brilliant light Of her black eye must pan away ; The roee-leaf faded from her cheek, The luubeam from her joyom eye, And we felt the truth we need not eetk, For the beautiful are firat lo die. I taw a merry child at play, Cluae by bit gentle molher'i tide ; At her fair white handi 'mid his bright cutlt play- She gated on ber boy with conscious pride. Yet the father! joy and the mother'! pride Wert not enough to keep him uigh. On bright Spring day it waa lit died, For the beautilnl are first to die. ' Yet there's a laud more bright than uYa, Where bcautiet all unfading are J A land of glory and of bl , And death shall never enter there. Then though earth'a beautie paa away, Aod 'oeath the hand of death torn Im, lo that bright laud of endlete day Tkt Itftiful thall nntr die. VIOLA. lUttt Dsn. Fb , 'It. By Telegraph. He Heeaktr Kite lea. The ateamer"Itepubi;eH arrived at St. Helini, and returned latt n ght Cour e ia unoranlieJ, no Speaker having been leoled. Flour hit declined in California. fT Tlicy who ire matt worthy of life, and yet re mod uuwil ing lo die , ere sucb who have lis- d o no purpooo who have rnlliur breathed than lived. Clartnilon. Fiaui PencrriiAN. There ! a young lady in Nashua, N. II., who makea nothing of walking sixteen iniln befura bioukfaat Of count alio n ruddy, attractive and hearty. How abort if humau life ! The very breath Which fruniee my worde, accelerate my death. Hannah Moor: An Aet to provide for Auditing CMmi against tkt Terr.fory growing out of tht exitlmg In dian War. Section 1. Bt it enacted by tin Legislative Awmbly of tht Territory of Oregon, That there thall be elected by joint ballot of both houses a com miwoner ou Indian war eluimi, whoso duty it hall be to investigate aud audit claimi af citiiim against said Territory growing out of tht existing Ind.iin war; provided, aaid ooinmittioner shall audit auch claims only at havt not been duly vouched by tht certificate or other lufficiint vouchers, of the proper officer of any of the department! of tin military organisation of said territory. Skc. 3. Said commissioner, before entering upon the duliet.of bit office, shall lake and tub. tcribe an oaih before any duly authorized officer, faithfully to perform the duties imposed on him by this act, and shall fill tin same in tht office of the Mcrctirv of the territory. Sac. 3. la the Investigation of claimi, when practicable the oath of the claimant ahall be taken, but no claim ahall bt allowed upon tht oath of tht claimant alone, unlet! eorroberated by luch eir oumttaiicca ia shall satisfy the eoiiimittiontr tf tht truth and justice of tht tame. Sao. 4. In all casta wherein the pay far str vicei reudered, the use ef property hired tr appro priated, or the prict tf property furnished It tht territory, forming the batit of auy claim, it rued by law or the conUaot or appraiiement of any officer or officers, authorized to makeiuch contract or ap praisement, laid commisoioner shall be governed thereby and in all caaea whereiu no pay, prict tr valua ia fixed, he shall detenuiue the tame accord' ing to the equity and justice of the case; provided. that on appearance or intimation of fraud in any claim, aaid commissioner shall iuveetigate the tame from the begining, aud award what should be justly paid. Sec 5 Said commissioner shall diligently in quire or ana concerning oeois, aemauai aua tei offt, which tho territory may havt igainet tht claimant and deduct the rami from the amount at' lowed such claimant Sao. 6. Said comniisaioner shall have power to iaaue in tht name of the territory all proecta, by summons, aubpana and attachment, necesary to bring partial and witnetwa be fort him, and tht sheriff of any county ahall execute the huh at the expente of tht party demanding prooen, and he shall have authority to administer all oatha in tht premise! necessary lo carry out the proviaione of thus tot. Sao. 7. AN claimi allowed by aaid commta- ioner shall be by him recorded in a book to be provided at the expense of the territory and a eer tificate of auch allowance given to the proper clai mant. Sao. 8. At tht commencement of every session of the Legislative Assembly uid commissioner thall report a list af olaimantt, aud the amount al lowed each ; alto a liet of all claimi by him reject ed, with tht reasons of his rejection j and no claim which iliall have been iona fidt passed upon by laid commissioner, thall undergo an investiga tion by the legislature. Sac. 9. Said commissioner ahall keep bis of fice at luch places and points in differeut parte of the territory at ahall subserve the mtereata, of the claimants, and he ahall give thirty day! notice by publication in ncwspaperi and posting written or printed notices, wherever he shall change the to cation of hie office. Sec. 10. All books and stationary necessary in ilia discharge of the dutiet imputed by hn act shall be provided by laid commissioner at the ex nense of the territory. Sec 11. Said commissioner shall be aiiowea six dollari for each day he may be actual ly employed in the diacharge of the dutiea of hit office. Sec 13. Thie act to take effect and bt in force from afler ita pasrage. Citizen' Line ef Steamer. PORTLAND, Cupt. MuaaaT, ENTERPRISE, Capt Jawiewn, Will run in connection, tho rortlaad leaving PORTLAND daily (Suudayi excepted) for Ore gon City at 10 o'clock, a. M.r-the Enterpnto roa king mi.w.eklytriptt. CORVALL1S, leaving CANEMAH on Monday! at 6 o'clock A. , and Thursday! at 2 r ii. ,. CT All freight lor the above line will bo receipt ed for at Hoyt'i Wharf Boat, Portland. ALEXANDERS. MURRAY, ARCHIBALD JAM1ESON. Feb. 16, 1856. t CnorirstOalU A I.T. nenoDi knowing themsen I.I. Denoni knowing themtelvea indented to J iu. either bv note or book account, will pii ...n .nd aettle no and pay op. Wo are deter mined 10 cloee up our entire trading bueineea therefore make thi! our first call, and hope it may be the lait. We have now in ttote the beat itock or groee riei and itiple dry goodt in tin market, and are A.,...i...d 10 aell them off a UttU cheaper than .ighbon-j.-.a porp-o to ,.if, aad te o hew it will eel. I.a.a, Feb. 16, 1856-44 STotice. ALL penont hiving claimi agaiott Robert Bird, derd lata of Clackamae county, are baveby nqnired lo'exbibit the atme, with iho Maewsuy voucben, at h residence io Clackamaa eownty foreaaid, on tht claim formerly owned aod occu pied by tho deceed, with,. o y from U. date of thsj notie ELIJAH BIRD, Admituetrater of the erfale of R. Bird dee d, with the will annexed. February 13,1806-44 Wanted, A SMART, active b,.y, twelve or fifieen yeara of age, te lear the printing trade at Ihit of' lico. Vf P Soma, WAGON AMD CARRIAGE MAKER, oi io n it c i t r, o. t. ET Striot attention paid to repairing, and eat a faction to palront wan anted. fc-blMS Xfotice. DURING my ubtenco from the Territory, 1 have aullioritej Meatr. Wait & Kkllkv lo tranmct all my letil buinna, and I Imva left all my noltteiid paieni in their hand., an t tltoaa In debted tome will pleiet aetlle with them. A. r. 'itf. Canemah, Feb. 9, 1856. 4'l-3w XTIUL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS, YV fit 60 easel meu'i heavy boom lit " inen'i uubound uroran; 3 " lined md bound do.) 8 " " calf brogaus; 8 " " goat " 4 " bovt' unbound " 1 - youth' calf " 4 " wonieu t lact boots; 8 morooco ' 1 ' mittet' lact " 1 " child's Jenny L'nd " 800 pairt 11 fancy lip slices; 71 women'i kid buskins; 6 bales drilling; 4 platform aualee; 100 kegityrup; k 100 boMMapt 38 sacks co e; 'JO hf bblaN.O.mgar; 6 caxi yeast powderti 6 " cattile oo.ip; 50 barrels lime, feb 9 O. ABERN'ETIIY V CD. ZTotiea S HERERY CIV KN, that ipplicatitn will be made al the nam term or Hie I'robato Lnurl w Clackamas county, by one of the uiidpnyiie I, for letters of administration upon the estate ut lac Warwick, deeeiKd. JAMf.S M. IHUKr., JOHN E. HEDUEi. Feb.9,18jC-43.3w Water Power fer enlt. fTtnE undersigned would like to sell one half of a bit nulls and water pou tron me iniiann riv er, about three m let from Linn City, known as Moore'i Mills. It is probably the best water priv ilege, with the tierption of tht ureal Falls uf the Willamettt, that there is in Oregon. I ivenld Mke to tell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together with tin tnilli iad water power. My object it lo gel a partner, to enable me lo properly improve the . i . t'a M Uiiiiul water power. jaihu i. iuuuhd. Deb. a, 1 Son. " Time. WF. H101IFIELD, WiirCH-AfilJrBJl Fertoni desirous of getting good work doue will do well to give me a call, aa my wnoie nine t un voted to the repilriiig of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal A a assortment tf Jewelry on ban 1. v Jewelrv maile to ordiT. and repaired. Pricei to euit the timei. I am thankful for pat: favtn, and hope to give satisfaction in rulun. U" Located at Ihe old Hand, eppoate the Tel egraph Office, OREUUfil Vl l X. i n. z. JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug 8lere, direct from New York and San Kian- citco, a fresh supply efi;lW', AlfitViOiivco, Patent Mail einel. hamt V MtUleiliel, SC., 0 , which vill he told u I for cath mi they tan hi tnturid in the Tirritor. Call and examine for yonreelvet, and get an Almanac for 1856, gratia. iriclal!oiia, A FEW ef Prince ft Co.'i beat MELODE. J. ONS for tale, low. Eiwiuro at the feb3 OREGON UlTV VKUV aiUKE. JUST RECEIVED, 40hlfbbla N. O. lugaf; SO " orushed " 5 Ibis ' " 40 mntti No. 1 China sugar; 100 aackt Rio coffee; 9000 lbi Eng. Map; 1000 lalerttutt 10 eaees olive oil; 4 " tobacco; 1 ' prunes; 2.'. " G.P tea; 6 boxea yeast powders; 4 " caudiea; 15 " cnndlm; DRY GOODS, it. 4 balee sheeting; 1 " hickory; 1 blue drill; 1 prims; 100 dm. Corns' spool thread; 10 nieces alpaca and ui'r noet; Also, a lot of Boot! and Shoea, Crockery, (ila-t ware, and one or two other "leuw vt h eh w. can jtiat now rec.illect. O vu ut a call, for wi an it termined to sell out. feb2 F.S. cVA. IIOI.LVM). Xfotice. A LL Teachers, and frleudi of education. Wathiucton county, are invited lo imet Fosast Grove on Wednesday, the 2th ef l i b. next, at 12 o'clock M., fir thi- purple of orgai inn a county Teachers' An-ociatioti, and other meaauret le promote Ihe caue uf tlucalioii. Teachers and othert from other eoumiei art welcomt to attend. MAXY TF.ACllF.R.. KELLY'S Private) Boarding- Bouse, lOppusiie Holmes Si, Co. r F ire-prool build- rr ...... . . . 1 m.r r. m ing, WCUIJV v. M. ST Charget reason ible. Nov. 3-fim. DI.SSOLU I ION OF COP.vlU NEltMllt'. The pirtnerthip herelofoie exiniiua between M. W. Wiiherellind myself it diMlnd by muiuiil ctnsenl. D- MUllltAY. Oregon City. Jan. 6lli,lR.)B-4 '-2l Coristmaa rreents. OW ia the tiiii" lo purca-e the Holiday Prea- enti. You will find a large asoorlmeui to se lect from at o.c. lulnsi' lKWli.IT I T O I, Fi-odt Street, Pertlnnd A'l kindtof Jewelry manufactured lo order. Engraving neatly executed. Prompt atteniioa givvn to repairing Fmv Watehe CTReinimber G. C. ROHBI.NS' Jewelry Store, from ol, re. nana. Portland, Deed, I SOS. HC-Hf TEMPLE fF HONOR. Tualatin Temp. f Honor, No. I, meet every W,- ne.da en-, at Ihe Ameriean Hail, rorem urove.ur. g Urelhren of the Or.ler in good standing are in vited to viail thie Temple. M. TUTrLE, W.C.T. 8. A. Dixon, W. R. 32 F RKSH OREGON TIMOTHY KI.D- 0 but. for tale by WM.C.DEMKM d; VU. CIGARS Tbe beat chance to pek in at Ih Hereof CHARMAN J- WARNER 'LOUR, froth, kepteooitaiitly on hand by ' y. H. fc A. MOLLANP. New Jewvllar. H AVINO employed ono tf tht be-t Workiag dew. , hue im the Paeifie cms!, I am how I) prepared to niariu.aelure evei) dtieriptioa oi Mawue Jewelry, Udd ftiiowa rioa, umj.. c, mailt In order. KiiirraViiiir ueallv done. Call and aet pi cimeiui of work. U. CULI-ICIl lluoil.a. N. B. I d. vote my entire aiteiiiioii to rtairiiig ii.o NVatehea. U. toi.uca Kosime. Portland, Dee. 29, 1855-37lf Something Zffcw. NYpere-.n havnga MrMeou, Serapliine, Aewinleun. or oilier reed Instrument, with wki u or defective reeds, nan havt Idem repaired ii plvint or teinlinr to ('has M. hrnter. at his ideiiet, two squurea Ija.k from lire Baptist lee niff House, iii the North nut of Ore oa City. Iiarge for inter'Hig single rtiili fiom 81,50 to trt.W. Iteaiiiab.e d.du linn for a grenl. r num ber. ' M. KKtiTEll On-Kon City, September 22, 6ib-3i Walnut Orove Narierr. T II 14 eplrndid wtalil lnn"Ut it liluaied In tin Frviiolt I'rair.r, on the road leading f-oin Or egon t'Hy to Haleni, tweniy-oiii mile! from the loruier, and suleeo I mm the latter; wn. re me un dersigned have ou him I a lurge afor.mem of r.w. xra ied APPLE, PEAR. PliACU, PLUM, APRICOT, and t'iVC'E-Hk.!, several va rieliti of Orapt, Currant, Uoiuebrrru, ej-e., de. ; all uf which they nll'er on the mutt reap. .liable terms, for Cash, c.itlle, or any kind of merchanta ble produce. I all six! tiamine. no irounie it snow irun treet. N.;n MJ.ta. Nov. 91, 1805. 32-3tn Lnnd fer htslf. I OFFER to tell 160 acres of choice land far two dollars and a quarter an aeiv, ca-li The I md hi a portion of my claim, ux nn ee w est of La- tavette. in the eouulv of Yamhill. Title good .Tall ant w-o lor voureelvea. " I it no iroueio 10 how"-the land. S. O ADAMS, (il n Av,h, Dec. Siili, Ih.i.'i 3,if Wanted. WANT to buy a la ge quant ty of heavy fat ho-je, delivered al the Oregou Uly Market, li wmcli 1 will nav the liigheat market price, us c.,,1,. t:llAKLKS AI.II1I1UIIT. tr I will alto buy all the POItK ! can gel. City, Doe. 29, 1855.-37tf CuilfUiHlli .Uttv. aft, 1855. VN hand and for sale, low, for cash or produce ; J I'ainls Sl lead, chrome ureen, white lead, pruian blue red do in oil, chrwne yellow, blk. do " blue paint, litharge, Common and permanent green putty, glai He. JMI. P. UKUOKS. WE WOULD say, cull at our alorr; we will nay vuu ua well lor your pindirae a any other houn-.m Oregon, aud will eud. avur It .tae you leel aa eumionanie at we utmniMy i-ai,. u.4 CHARM AN 4 WARNER. I?iVEUV TH.NO in tht line or Urocenti, j an cheeee, all kiiull of spice, sal nala, eabon le soda, saiera.iw, cream lartar, &., are sold al nov24 VUAKMAN n Annan a. A Rurv ChMUi'tj For those engaged, or tpiihing to engage in the vlourmg JJumntsi WE have on hand and for sale, tho fo.lowing inauhiuery for grist mills, which will bt sold low for oath, or 00 a short time 1 a nortiible nulls, complete t 1 run uf lour leel four inch French Burn, with sour wheel. 114 eon. weghing 103j lb..; with p udle, piiiinn, brUfh and oil-pot ana co.iar. I run, lame tile, wiineiii pinion. Other Irone tha same aa above, Togolher with a getieral assotiment or bands, boiling cloths., pulleys, gu Igeom, wheels, coup irgs. haiiviuirs for chests. &o.. etc. In oilier wordt. every requiiite tieeetiary to the oompletiou of a gr t mill by WSl.t I'Lllllil 1 ex. co. OpDosile the Lund Othue. OaanotCiTV, Nov Stt. ltjbo. HetiaatwpMi bun FHllerta I 1 ND CH.UtMAN & WARNER with A. iuform the ciltxeni uf Oregon City and the pubiio in general that they have jiitl received a uood aaaor.menl of GROCERIES auilable for this seaHOii of the year. Alto, we have rece ved a supply of fancy groeeriei, such Parina, Sugar Tapioca, Arrow Kot, ana avineiy ei oinor iucii urt.clea loo numeroue 10 iiieiiuon. Wn Imve a rood artiueul vf FA NC GOODS for the holidai 1, inch aa raiilni, dales, lig, boilled pie fruits, raspberry preserve!, and a variety of other articles in this line, smli as w II suit the greaU-ai en cure of the land. We have al 0011 baud a good assortment of Candies, and ar. receiving a supply nearly every steamer. 80 pi. ate give u a call ; We w II tell aa eheup ai any In urn. in Oregon. Our molto ii that a quick penny li beller ilian a slow shilling. We are now commencing lo prepare in the Ba kery for Christmas, ami thall have a good asmrl uieiii ol cake. We thall ilvo kern on hund a su perior quality of butter er.ickers, Button Crackers, and alio Ihe tweet V oik cracker I'rease g ve or der! lor Ihe above in goiid time. Our prices shall he reatdnahle, and Ihe gooJtmadeof the bittniu. if rials in Oregon. novi GILT Mi tale by MOULDING for poture frames, fui CHARM AN &. "Ann till Drufi, Medicinoi, Falnta, Oili, (,nd Xlye-fctuA. t at the OK1-O0N CllV DUUU MIVICK., pl5 Ma n Streel. Oregon City, O.T. TVR. Giiytotrteumtionnd extract ol Saitaparilli J and Yellow Dock, al tlw wp!5 OKEiiON CITY lRG STORE. O LD Dr. Jacob ToWimeinl's Stmapnrtlla, at ............ w ..... , 1 imi.i ur,,DV the uiibiiuw 11 1 1 1iioooiwi.u- D R. T iwntend'a Samirair lln, at Iho URciuU.i I'I I I Uliou oiuru. s al tha OREGON INI I'KUU biuiio. SANDs' 8ara; arilla, in any quantity, at ihe OUKO'iN CITY DKUU TuKL. a a ,.r.A vE'tt ...4,h .led Venni uee and Liver M I'i.K OREGON ( ITY Did O nTOIIE. D It. O-g.ioda lnliat..lioiagogiM.,ana . , . I a 1 Amerh-aii t:ielagogo, al Hi! OKLGON l ITY DltUO STORE. D V. J. Ayrea' celebialed I berry rrctoral it the i-iiglii. cat it, 1 nd con unipi nn OiiEGON I 1Y Dl.UU STORE. CVX)K STOVEaal$ J .l6.-lf O. B. TWOGOOD. k tiOuD aaortnieut of Tinware an hand, and A M ea e elieup. by O. H. T WOGO. ,D. LIGII r-pU-nty at r r.s. A. HOLLANDS. Te Tni Paffra. COUNTY ORDER4 for tale at a dieeewnl. aevS4 Q. ABERNETHY A. CO. OREGON cirr Wboltisl Vrleei Onrrtat. coaaacvas wtcakv. uar ooe ot. i nauet xaoitmaa. .Sheeting, 44 12H00pr.tuvr. l.mi. Drilling raoBvoa. U.eachid drilling 13- Wheat, pr. ba..... SI ihining. HalU Oata do Sirimd 14 I'olaioM do rick o. .UalbOinoni i M.fU ISiKleur IP i N Coru Meal, fitek .IfiaV-t ralilf. 7H.UHI M ,;! Aa ....II Deiiins Ulue drilling laid limey. Muliml. ky jautV..25a4j I'eathet, dried do 14 enlue wetdi 3Ja7lK ' do peak nitrn I bill, riM.!ivaia lllueand while 19 ratviaioaa, Ulue aud orange I'i, Pork, altar aiicy BaliT. Bieoi tp uruitura do. lualtiiianie. .16 do. ,..18 .$ti M.dolaitii! 14a!5 rowoaa. iiigbami lSa22: Hazard, pr oa.., Ipsca !(5afi0) pr keg. abli dimssk OOsS! ihot. clotlu e.'itglt Small aitoa .2f3 ......90 Irish linens 40agi;Duok CLOTHINd. f HA'J. Sheep gray pauta $5 i3'riir. Saliurl do. .fH3 WhiU lead, 10 011101 Kancvean. do. ...t)laS! txaasei. Illaek cast do. fcia7, Manilla, email u Itedtlau'l thitia 8UalB " large n Illue do. do. SirialS'llemp 10al5 Hickory ihirli a7 ni.aa. alico do. Aumanuuo -19 aoo-ra Ac auoaa. iMieim Min i kip boot$3iuJi' diaaaa. 11 super ij-iokv " Ano tewed l Orinan t)IOitaa yi' kip boon liAmericta MaW i haw w'i iluStlij! Ttaaoce. Meiu'brx'spr. do..e$17;Pridtoftbt Wuiea-iOtlA " kiplrgiprdoa.5-.U;Bun " ealf sewed du..tJ.'l Luke'i .s 7 Wou.en'eh'vy ah t.13j naaawaaa. But do. jio;Bii'via :" oaocisita. '.Spadet I'i.1 Coffe 16al8 Aztl f IVaitu .a 85e7ii: Mill aawi. wa 1 Miliar, no. I Chi'a... .1 14 X cut tawi ooji vruantU 1 1, iunieiiiyi 1. r" lerattjt 13a. 16! advance oa . I.cou titan-h U;Pocket culltry, pr 11 Syrup E Boiton...9Ul! advance. do. H island ia;uiutr anieir N O Molaeset "0! wart from 0 to M ft Liv. Salt' ct advance. I'.bie Sail H i4:Naiui,aie'dsizes,prago Sandwich 1 Salt. . 2-1 " honeaboo...aaad ,lpieo au. imp '!"" Cinnamon OtlaHOXianed bo.l .. .joap.. ....IOall,Turienlint pr gun U. a MAIL LINE. Portland nu4 Aalorla. Tht Splendid Steamer Mnltionah rt WILL continue lo run ngulitly between ron laud and Attoiia, ia Vancouver, twice a wkkR, leaving fori land on Monday ami mursuaj iiitrtiiiim nt each week for Astoria t and Astoria for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching VacouvEa,ST.Ilai.aii, KiMa,CaT. unit, ate, each way. For freight or passage, apply lo ii. auri i waaier, ja(t Or at lloyt'i Wharf-bout, Portland. Tniilailu Aiitdi'tuy, Forest Grove, Waihingttn County, O. T. QUARTERS COMMENCB r Firat Wednesday in December f . A. in FahrnmrV HI I Third do In May ; Fint do In September. tuition rta .caaraai Primary English Higher do ) Ancient, ( - French tk drawing, each, tilra, l.iAiiUiniil eharve. fS.GO 18.00 t)3.00 85 eta. Forinfnriiialiou raspeeliug tht School, addreaa I.. l ull kTTDCU . Nov.2B, l855.-33-6mo Principal. CA. REED &. CO., aucueaeen to FtUoiii, i Reed i Co., dealeniu Drugaand Medicinet, Uooat and Stationery, Painti, Oili, Ac. Pirtlon. lar attention paid lo compounding iiiediolnea. Salem, Nov. 84. 3911 , Ih Bet Obanco, IVER offered lit Oregon, lo thoee wintiag Stovee. 1 would tiy to tin pubiio thit I am ottering my atock of Stovet, iutt received, al oiaaT. ut REDUCED PltlCES, from Fiva loTra Dtfc Lata below former rates. O. B. T WOUOOD. 1000 UUSHKL-S of Oati wanted, for which I will pay the market price, ia O. B. TWOJiOOD. CiAAA BUSHELS of Wheat wanted ai aiUUv the markol price, for which I will pay 11 T.uwure or Hlovea u. n. myuwu, , 1 WW ..f lli ce rhralert cook ttoves Known J Blc DiAHonn and Mat Fuiwaa on haod mid for sale by O. B. TWOGOOD. fOFFAT'8 Life Bitten and Pills, Demard'a llJL Dyientery Syrup, Wiatar'a Baleain of Wild l.herry, at the omnV Ullr.UUn 1 1 1 1 uiiiuuioi"" Wheat Wanteds nIGH EST' cash piieee paid liy Nov. 8. v!t. C DEMENT 4 CO. To Fanny Fern's 1,0011,000 Jiiadtrif A NEW BOOK COMING I WE have the pleasure of announcing that have in pre, and ahall publish about tho first of December, a new work of fictionentitled ROSS O Xi A B. n , a aosuNci iv riNNT rata. The lait work, and firat continuous tale of thie brilliant and fascinating aulhoreti, "Ruth Hall,1' achieved a eucceii unexampled in the annala of :elten. In the language of a leading periodical, il "created a more profound eeiiiatlon than any which has benn ieaued during a quarter of a cen tury." But it it uuneeeasary to allude to tht merita , of "Ruth Hull." Judging from the number of enpietof it we have told, we judge that every body .11 the United States haa read it. Al respect" tha ,vark we have now iu prea, Rota Cult, wo eao only aav I hat we regaid it aa, ill every respect, gn ater', better work ( aud are confident it will not only tustain, but even incrcai-e the reputation of ita dn4ingiiished authoress. Wo havt reatoni for thinking ' Kote Clark" will makt a greater leaee- ,i..T.. ..lint!. Hall " It will form an ek-gaal 12mo volume of over 4011 page Price ft I .li j, n receipt of wlnclr cxy 10s wnl be sent by mail, pott-paid. It will ba fot suit by all booksellers. Published by 40-3w MASON BROTHERS, New York. AN active honest Man in each eectien of tho Territory to orders by 'aample' for VEi i-AU fi Jl AGN tl IC AGENTS. To acUve man a .alary 0, fiUO or year, and a nnall eemmitaK arllba Dad. "S..lry payabra monthly." F01 p.rticulaVa a-ldr.ta Da. M. VELPAU, 42 Broad. ay, New York, enclosing clamp la prepay en. ser.-3"i4 J5 VOVi il 5IIK fr .also y noi4 Cf.tKllv tf nAn.tnn i t