The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, February 02, 1856, Image 4

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    Th .!, frrwM, anil Valine.
mw lliut I grow oldrr,
And I not U day by du) t
I ran frl my hrt B"w elder
A il pkaaurr pea wy
At Hi tolMale l I l"'t"f.
A wiih faded ry I lrc
Solemn tokens which Tim-'
IIu tngrtvru n my face.
Dot nn ni fflifnt cm """
To my bo)hi-d mi I ill) piui,
And wrrl roiirica mmroVr m
Of lUI brif nd b!rrd limei
Tlirn 1 hrar a father ' id- Ki
And I frl a mother' kiaa
And t"u ' "" "'"f
On alios aiiarid villi rorin) htm.
' Who hall my th I at in l r all
'Mih th Futur. ' eom nit wave?
W'lul III "wl di-lyliii l cheri.h,
From Oblivion' dcpih il ni"l Uckwud, ou I in,
Till I rt a li that final hi
Whrr ll 1'rrs. ul i lii .in.-,
' And whrr ('hai-tv lill nainor.
Clfinlierl' EdiiiWfA J.iurvd.
OOlcUl Annl a( '!' of Ihr la
tin Mardrrcr.
Iiitcllliinc wn rr-ccivnl ley tf- f -in-
niiwioncr.Oi lii'li.tii Aflrti y-tier'lay of a
liijflily lniiorlaiit character. Tim In 'inn
Agcut l Ft. Lnritniie t rif lu llin i lHcl
that H-il I-Pufi lnjr Cliin and S ollcl
Tail, tho three rliici.i! i nvnrd in lh
BlUck upon and munli-r of I lie nmil (.arty
in Nov., 181, li'i'l Ixx'ii ilvliviTi'il ti -1 Irm
oD tlm Stll ult.,inid ' r' turin-il nvi'i In the
coinimtriilaiit at Fl. 1 mvi-iiwoiiIi l.v him
lit which place liny were exi i tu arriv-
on the Stb lint., li t uj Ion tu lit t'ith.i
under (wort. Them Iinliiin woo nccoin
j.anicd by llii'ir women mul c-l'illr-n and In
A fori friciiiU, making in nil thirt'-i n .er
Two Loy, or fjnilii Jni'rf . ni- n, wh
woro prem-nt iluriinr lh iittuck, liiil who
took HO (mM in il, limn mil Ik-hi urr iil i
ed. One f limn Inn Invn ick for inoittli
pant, and i now m fi l.- n. tu irrv nt hi
being imivnl. Tin' oiIht hh mi iln- L:l
tlu MinAOurl Kivcr, in c"inniiiy uiili tl
MiiinrcnjoM, nnd liud l cn -it t fur. A
young Indian, cnin t iln Inner, luul
been oflured nt liiwlnc, but w:i not w
cptod atmtcb, bcvaiine llie cliii f iif tl r
UrulsbnnJ had pVdi-d tli. in-t lvf n fr lii
nurrnndur 0 (noil ii riiiiiicr cmild g''t In
liilil and return Ifanh. Union lire. 21
TheOrAVKOF MxlilbiiN. Ctirri'poii
iliMitofthu Fredirick iburif A'ewt, in l'nl
pepper county, Vn., irt n iim I uuliul.
pictuie of tho last rt'liii!! pi ic f tin illu
triout Mudi.iou. IIu lim bin I'liuily in
grave yard a liiort di la c f inn ln limi-. ,
upon hii otatanf Miinip, liy ; i, f, t
noinelcry is tiirrnuinleil by n li.iik
tlitt goto ineuliridy down. Tin- currnpon
iknt miyt tlmt nut n .tumi ni.i.ks iIim r. nl
Minn' resting place ; daik, running ftu-vn
box wrii it with verdure, mid the tracery
of broncho from hii old h-atlcM clirmil Hrc.
reliuving itmdf npiiimt llie warm mure kv,
nod and wiiva over tlm da' k liuniiilaiii
Tit n Koli'inn, calm mid peaceful upot.
The corrimpnmli-nt hiIiIk ilmt Mrti Madi
toll't rcniainii are in the vault nf lh. Con
grewioiml burial (round in Wa-liiiigtmi.
Her direction wan to bo inl. i r, , by ih,. j I,.
of her biband, but In-r on neirr f.lfilhd
her rej uest .
I.NTEHESTIMi ItKI.IO. ,M i. (i. ul'jr (i bli ,
in hit h'tHirl to dipt. MoO Ihiu, on lh
Iudian tribet (,f iho Territory ,,f a hiu
ion, publixhud in ibi r-yuii i i',i
on tho exploration fr u IVif'ie I!,nliunr1,
record having falpW in iih a ry inter
culing rulio aumiig tho U'alhi Walla:
"At tb orrwHing of Snake Uiwr, liesay.,
lit theniouih of the IYIum-, the l.'ha I'dfili,.
baud Wat tni-wiittai-liuw li-, in coin! i U)
vimiLnpt. iMot.lLllan.cxhibiiiil villi gU-i
pridu Ibo medal pr.nen ej to bin f;,,.. ,
Ke-powh kan, h) (Jiipti. I.eui. and l!Hrk...
Il it of tilvur, double, nud lh..,, , i,e
on the obvertc a m.-ttMli,.ti butt mi Ii ine
leifi'tid "Tlioiuait JelHiKOii, IVidi-iH, U. S.
A.D. 1801 ; " and mi ihe rcverr ihe cla-p. il'
hand, pip ami battle ave, crowd, with ib,.
lojjciid, "IVhc nti'l I Vieiidihip."
Sbnatoiu TauauiiLt and IIakun It
nppcart both than K,.m,. ,,,,.
ndniitu d to thrir neat in tho Senate. A
protest va pri'ei,u ,y (.J,.,, (J,, ,
portion of the m..iiib..rm,r the IllinuU I
llaturB aainti JmU, Tiumbull. which
pa..d by, and uii th .rreni,(ti,,n f I,
cmdentiali by Mr.U.ittoudcii, hwa.,ii.,li.
fled and took hi tent.
Mr. Harlan' credentials w(.r alo pi.
touted, mid S lialor Join t ..f I ,wh t:,t .1
that 'proton! wiw U for th,. ,iiW m r,..
gardto hi tdectioii. but a. h,. tta nx,o11
lor the aMi.Uiicuf hicoll MBMie,toi,i0,,a ;
that be bo tworu iu, which aaoidin'-K
done. '
PoiTCoAcHts io Calikikma. On iU
first day cf the U. S Sinalu'.u. .ni,.,,,,,,,
among other notice of bi!l lo U' im.u.1,,'
ccd.wat the folUwinj:
IW Mr. Welh r ;
ltumt.r lK..erHl to com i act 16 il.
iramporutiouuribw Lulled SI..I.. ...,!- ... I
fourhor., coach... i-o,.klv f, ,
Loui Miuuuri, to S.,.1 FraiicHU C. I i,r'
i-aKsinnNru-. I'mUdelplna cor-e-:K.udeni
of the S. V. lhruld i-y in
cent I. tier !
"I am informed from a reliable Mitre'
thai (Jov. Wit", v( Vn, hat written a h-t
ir hire withdrawing hi tUmi to tli
Meimicralic rretiih nlial noiiiinmioli in fu
..ruf Jauiet IJiicliiHian. and that infonna
ii..iihab.en received from Gov. Cobb, of
(ia nlo Klroii"ly in favor of lliichaniin.
Of the 'h . irate lo our Democratic Su e
.oinention, liuclmnnn ha one hundred an"
tel., !allatwerily. You may expKt, occor
llinlv.a full ISuthai.Mii del.jfiiiioii to fin
i- niiali, aii'l resolution in bi b half from
ihi. Slate Coven ion, which iH have a
owrful influeiica in other Slnti. 'I ln
i.oveineii' ol'Wiw in hi favor i c..n.ider' il
h re n mMuif liuihaimn tho Ht-mocraiic
.miniiiee; but ir'thing i certain wild tlmt
two third Democratic rule to jfetover. Per
il pH an ellorlwill be made to repeal it in
advance of a nomination
OCT The men who ciimioiica their cnri-i r
under the ",o-.l favorable auHpicet. mid th
uio-l l a teriii prop.-ctt of ucco, do no!
alwa obtain the eminence lh"y w k. I In
mcM it iiotalv to lhewift, nor the hat.
lie to the MlO 'g. There it a Certain Old. ill
wh ch all men niul uu.le'g.i in their paw
aire llnou'.'h I f.-. and n I ery iU"tionable
wh. ll er he ucc d b t wl o eoniuietice
nud r ihe matt apparently Hdvinila;:e.ius
c leiini- niiv t. 'l b. r it kucIi n tiling a i.
man iepi'iidiu;r too much lip"n bin mean-,
.lid '(),, liiil upon hiinclf. Siiuill c-rtu'ii-ti
il hut Wen ob-cried, are ofteu tho ru
in of man.
VokK. Mifl C'enil return have been w
Hir comple'eda- to give tln .n re pu u'n
tioii .f the State, which i Ihr re mllluns
four hiii.d'td uiid tiilij ;x tlwvmnd, nut
h ii ml ml and f ghlrcn (:l,l(J0 1 18.) Tlii
i i xelut ve of l In- pi.piilaiioii of the InJiin
reeivHt on. which will ad I about thro
i'o""it.. At tli Inst cein-uH. in 1 tli
popu'iii'iin wat 3,00.1,!'94.
The population of New York City )f
03" Tic pr .mjho.I ii ilioiuil iiiouiiin. nt n
I lynioimi I- t'.f.ii isl of a c.lo-"l luuro n!
Kai h poiutitij.' o the fki,-, in .il - (.'ran
lie, ami 70 f .t I i"h. 'ilh ihe .'.!!
it will foin a iiiiiniiiii' ni 15') i', 1 1 ,,.
TilKnav cirtii Anriioiini I'n.f .Mr'.an !vr.
of Hi ii r,,ii, Inn, r, ci nil)' irp,.irrd a : i ht on He
ii je-l of Ihe Buleru dn, n il uli in imj." n una. II
c.i cIm mi i, iImi beiueru Marnuiid Jnin, r do .
mr r vu!v. il i'nnei w all an eiii.iloiiul d amrl r
nl' 7II.IIIUI in let. and polar ilia.ur er uf only c gin
in llin- In ill,' f,i,p-A liko a w fur. lluviiij;
L'rral velu. ly on iia nxia, ii bum! aa no ar gun ii. g
lo rado, anil la fruL'nif nl loruir.l lh- aalaioi
Tina III. ni of llio aateroula n l, u lo ui.or
viiui in nia i miomna unu in liii nr li poittt-H
Ue. Dr. Wni. A. Binilh, a d:liii(juilied
div us o, III.' Mrlliodiat Kiio.l Churuh, Si.ulh.
ili:n(liie.l liy llie Conference now in afiwion at
IVti rlini(, on the clurgnof fal flio..d,!niinoruli y
ami aluu.ier, l)r. Ninitli accnaer ia I lie Rev
t'liarle 1'. Ueenia, of the Nonh Curulint I i n
feirnve. PoiiutattoB of taltrornla
I 'lifuril,l IHj,ie,l nl liar raennl Sluia
neiny ., iiuuurd ihoiiMiid vuIrk. lu.ler nr. i.
n.ry cm uniauiiicr ihia would ln.l cale a very
irna K), ui.ii ion, hut ilK-re ,a an aiiomaUia c nJ -i
on .a iluiIKa ni ihi reu on. It ia a coimminiiy
i:..iiik. t.l en e i) ..I inalra, il f. nudea i el. iff an II
" I'li'alivei) I. w. In aocifij lontuiuinu one linn-
ord iliotisuud udiili uialea lliite lamli. iu 1, ,
.aal Silo.lluu Hoin. li, cliid.en and y.aiilu, ,.r
an. g,reualp ii .iiii u of tiuU.0110. Th . A
l O.njr il in Ihr auiii.- nil o n ull M nnrwila M...I
i nar new I oin..iie, wlieie llie maa a arc ulwuva
U e.,o. aa a. Ilia luuul pr purlion. Hill if C.I ft...
lika any uf (lie well tented n,. ,w
lio.i wind be right or nuiu hiiudred ihou-aad, W e
al.ied,H,iu linir )0, by un enaiuiiiaiion ol Ihe
Mawiiger alaii.nes that ill p. wear of niialinnK
ihe tex.a .il fulil'orma ia gradually going on.hy
i.r pu,.deiaiK'ii ol frniulv iu il.a ell. , il.l.l.
. - '"
erard. .Sliuu.d Hi work uf rqudixuliuu be
piwhed by Ihr year If60. it iee.ii. im,.h. ,i...
Cai.toinia will rank high amnim bar iiieriiaie iu
oir ceur.ii. oi iierudl':. ,V. Amtrican.
OT N-ar Z.niM.vulH, Ohio, an Ii Uhumu liVe.s
hoia ihe p,op,iei.iro. a beamy of a ahauly a Iu
way ol ,hal Ihnviiu Place. II. .... .
eow a f, w we. U ug... ,lul ut , w. lhcr wlMi
lie hail lo h. irr he,- an.l lead her lw , Aa m.u
..all. n ached ihe k.vt-ly c.l wheraiu hiwf ai d
ill .i.i. Tut. war lodmn-'. Ihev e.. .
him, wh. n upon Aba fi ihu, b gun :
ell, I al, me darhul. where ..i.l Von nit
J "
ujai. ol a CvW I
ohureaii'lgolil of ould .Mr. Iliglna up
i the
I1MU '
'Whai.di.liebiiva c..w of ihui ...!.! Pr......
am t"
An' why iiol. B uljet dear. Ja v. K,i
b "e "I boll wuth r au.l I'll U i,l.
'. iln lier, aw . nwle J
llllre.'1 I
Itr.leidd axli w.. bid, and bring,,.
Htlc,ul..l(h.,Uullil.lidHuurr(1 ltoal)mmHJ
ma. back. ,,uk ng lh. c.. . ,, . Ju, d ,,, I
h. p.,,rd. Bu, Ihe ..J .,,.. hy n.,.kp
biiMiy Ii. hi ill u thtlit. u' vilr iol, ant tal w.ia ai---h
d. a d ,,e w.. f,, , .,,,,
-1....k,ki,trlllMh,1 b.lw
pud Ihe h..y w.r . ,te, n
r,"Ju" '" "k. iu.,,,av , m,.4 ..a,.,..
" I t, l'oc, el
-H.Jy V.g.a.d m.bcof .M...
PnU.UHt roe., , ifriwttrr (
Wvr Ag-lnit ZXrd Tlma ! .
The Pturt tu U' t tj'iar M-mt 'j Jud:
CII4KMAX 4- WAKXKIt are uuw carrvinn;o.M'XClluXI.I
hiu.lirx at llinroi.i eian i, wiiere mrj .. .....
laiiniiedli'dealuineiniatoaiiit Ilia lime. Our
mono ia, n mule ixM-nce la b ller (hun aluw
ahi.liiilf i" and w are deiei milled lu (.', if w "l
m-II ui.ll a very aliiU'l profit. We are k eping ev.
' . 1 i. . u li ii I.' . . i l '. k Is.
Pi !, i-'o'. fce., ilia. w. re ev. r Hiaiiuia. liired onl j
u ' Mil ..lir.r., mu ,i't
ol flour. Wr keep aloailkiiiui uuuv
audi aa hucar, Colli a, CigaiT, Ku l.,
Snic. a. beai'lea m "i) l"if" '" "-'""" (),
d..n'l k. rp any "Hiuick" ine.liciiiea, Im.vev. r.
have bouulil oul ll.e oilier bnkny. and iinnid lohv
up aiiodirr el.bliluueiil aaM. The pre ol hue.
iiiraa in m lliul wr are coinpcll.d lo ' eprend
oura. Ivea" over a la. ger i.lalfurm.
IT I ouulri pr "ducr boinht and aol I.
'Ii. uo iroulile lo .how 'ida." fall and try m.
Oreaon tily, Oclula-r 13.
"io uflinivo
"ITTTnilN a few laya. direct f om New Vork
Y e c ar ahip "Uoldeu fcuglc,"
hOII gala. Iiiiaee.1 0 1,
I All gul. rlM tllipelllilie,
SUII bujea wia.l.iw gla. (iwi'd biwaj
2nll Vrn while l ad. pure,
U'i K . la vainiali,
Sou Ha. berawut,
!!ii Iba pu. by .f. DEMENT At co.,
Kl ), npinaile ihe l.und Ullice.
Now Supply.
C1 ADKItNbl'iiV a o. uil'er lo ihe public,
la al low price, the following arliclea:
W lilinir iil,rr,
II .icheta,
Thread, uiaa ried,
t'omla, "
Dm lone, awirtrd.
Steel pena,
I'eii holder,
1 1 u nil . I axea,
1'ow bella,
I oliina' avra.
'eneel a.uaret,
, Black lea,
I AlepIC,
' Pe p r. black,
i T..b ceo,
( 'ream Tartar,
Pick ed aaiinon,
Smoked "
Oreaiin l.'ily. Kept, l-y
Ii ult Treoa for Alio.
X WUILU ,e.peui.Mliy cu.l me u.ic ',,.
I ... ... .... 1 k'.i.l. I. UM.nti..' Vi.rui.Pt' ll.-tir i
a lll.we liu era... . u. ... '
Hie b .nkol the illuiiw.te. po-iie lliilrville.con
mining aouio ti n ucrea ol line yearling or twu
yiar old lrec, iiuuibeiiug aoa.e .'ill.lMlli, mwlly
n.fled. Tney are ol tine healthy growth, very
tocky, and ruiard wiihuii uianiire, which ia a very
.nip.r.uiil poml, unit emb.aee nni-1 of ihe leutlinif
kimla of Vi,ile, Pea.a. i euchea. &c. M l ol
my kind. I liuve iiitroditcctl le re, ill great rxp lee.
truui ilia heal nurseriea Hi ihe Allutnic Sinlea, a,i.l
Ihey have iiiueiiy Uorna Iru t w b ell provra of Hi
l,,)il,e-, fei
1 aha . be on hand al the Niirarry from die S.'.lh
del. mi il hIumiI the lir t of Keliruury, und e.idy
al aa litiiea 0 vui. ll,ll who tuny avnr me
wall u cull. . I 'ii.ol a.'l, lor 1 uali only, m if 1 lie .ri-rn-
wih Ik- low 11 accord u e wiih Hie hard luii-a.
.ill Ir. ea purcliurd w II be mil h-d en I cuie nl)
pukcl, und delivered al the I lint; "I P ai e
Ititlevilie. w Ihuiilemra chara. I'roin the l-l ol
K b I ah.ill bcatOrrgou 1'ily toaieul in eclling
oeerthere. Jl I1N IV.UDD.
littlevile.Ocl 13, SS5. '
Wiio Wnta a Oocd Saddle ?
Illl; ai.her la-r. living live III lea will ii-.Hal of
I.iiium nr. in Vjh u li' "iii.iy. w now curi v ng
11, . Ihe bn-lueaa ol .u.ld . .Mul, un II gia'd ernel.
He k ep con luul v ouh ni't Ihe luai aad'l; Hint
c .Ii be tii itiu ueiurxl Willi Hie ii.ui. ri.iia nl din
tnuu.l in 0.i-..iii. 'I'liu e UK it ireituiiie aiold e
............ ... . 1., lir i... I. Hi a 1.4. ..nil ni'.,ol ,:l 1.
cmiiiei -atv:.-, clou,, lore,,.!,, ,.r K-aal w.inl.1 1 d
.. well un- a . ull. Al) -h"P a siiu.i'e.J en
H.ikera I le.-k l.';irwl'cir tlie li-tiil ca-nea it lead
in.. Iioiii I'unuiiiil and Oickoii t'iiy, "op eomilr) "
b die way ol ."-m th'a b.algc on the Noilli 1' oik f
. tnnliili.
1J" 1 keep every thing in the aaddlery I nr. aa
llri.llea, .Murliugalee, ll.illera, L lira, iVt . Ac.
Srpl. -jll-aSU. J U II' iN.
yi'i AU1-. NOW i, El Ml INC.. ).ei mm
t -Stiauu Al.igail' andtiaik"L'liHa. Uevi n-.''
1.. 01 Sun t'ruueta. 0, the ov ng irouds:
(iROVEttll!Si-to kg' It. U.eymp, 58 ;!.,
'JU hlil-. New llrlrutia do.
fiUlltl ,bi No. I China augur,
5IIUII Ilia tiit'le Kail,
Still boxea Eugli-h and .'Vmeii.-nti roup,
20 euaea pie fruii, u-'.l,
2 kruM P. . B. )i u-l pon-dera,
5IIIHI Iba lubaceo, wii b un a,
IHU hall buxea i-a'a iih.
20 bblauml I1.1I Ubia cruelied a"g .r,
3 (III llw aiiler.ilna,
CROCKERY A Gtnrral A.mrlment.
URY-COOUS: ,UtHI brown ahetling,
I UliU )da,autiuela,
2UJ0 " prima,
IU pirct-H ulp car,
5(1 pane Eugi ah t.luiikela,
2(10 ca.p"! ug,
2IHI " oilcloihi Willi a g, urr,d noriniciil uf ready made
ciuilinig, biKila. aliora, hnta, capa, und curpt'iiier
iuuu. nif. c. DLMt:yr .f co,
Nov. 10. l)pHwi.'r the Lund Office.
TV 1 NIO'S Altrraitve, Rvpreomut, a,;d Pill"
Ciai l.ior()il, Caatnr I) I. an I Swrei l ( III.
t-.XIC.vJN .MllB.UUir l.ltl tnt-lll. U. . .Vie:'.
chuul'a Uur.hi.g Oil, at Hie
OUI'.UOa i'I TY UUL'C. STORE'sSKS, rLhiand le.l and double, and Ab
L doiiiliial aup.tria. nt Ihr
OltEi;n.N i lTV DUllii sToltE.
1) U lulr Lrud, ruw au.l butiied Umber.
Cnune. tirern ami Vel.ow. and other p.onia,
al Hi OUEliON U I Y Dull'J S POKE.
I JEUrT.MKKY.ui the
(jruel'eiibeig Saraaparilla, UlerineCalh,.!i,un
1'ywniery ryrnp, cviiauuiptiva
" PleOnnetil,
" llenllh llillera,
" Eye U l 011. 4c, &,. ,
To be found at llie nireiicv uf Hie 1 ',,.,, .,.,. .,
Hi" OliEUOX 1 II y Din-,:'J
nAYMAN'S I ) .peptic Elixir-w..
cure I. r d, e.ia ihi receive
riuiit. d lo
veil ..11 I Lie
pKI.L'VI ,N Friinfug,.. fr t,P ,.. of ,rVl.r
X aud if nr. Jtc , Aic, jiM received and foraair
ai the
unr.uu.-4 VU Y URUi STORE.
I'll JYS, of d tieretil kieda, loraal. l.y
i- I II . K VI A N .V vv I; vi o
S by Un I onl, .1
F S. .r .4 HOLLA X I) S
aluD Afp.a, ai ti 1
F. s.
and wiuae r.r., al
II l L IN. i.v
LKit A l CS, ..iwr o. '.id hi 0 ,-. d ..Ii .1
" K
'U l ulr k ul
F .
i Ol.!. X) f.
milii 4 r:i
- lor ,ir
.0 V (
rf.My.stx co.
l ut) Ii III U
!i. al
i lAV ni lr i t a, i.
New Hooka !
riMIE auUcriber ha. ju.t revived lurga a
T -miii-ui f lUJitK.-, d .act from New Vork,
aiuuuu which are Ilia fnl uwiiig I
Aiiirreun Iii!.lilulion(
hive, of tho Kiuiiera,
II. ,l)i Ion and Nineveh,
U ck an I I'laV'
'hip and Shore,
KV.ui ond llie llo vLilid
Aliauu II al. ol burupe,
Mlliuuna do.
I leiuueruey ill Am rica
"Land and e."
Kca an.l ,Sa lor,"
1'hr. e Veara in (a!ifnr.
I'yc. 0 Lilamliiie,
ItiK-liuu'a Fain, t'hya'u.,
Aluuual 0. Kni Aita,
lclurxoii lh Arte,
Travel in I'eru,
Polar lleirioiia,
l .lii.ii 'a I'llhoaollllV.
I,. roiier on Sl'm Engine,
Vn. 't .Mouuatirl.a.
i:ii...c lliur,,pt,y, Anu'iiui.,
hoice EH.'t,
V vutiety of I'ueta.
iUU copeaul feauU. ra rp. tier,
;,ilO ' " Iteudera,
2,0 " Metialfi-y' du.
a.,0 M Veb.ier' DivliotuirtM.
Dav ra' Algebra,
NrM iiiau'a Hheloiic,
I luy'e do.
Parley ' L'niv. Iliatory,
" Sum-) nig,
" IKeudre,
Arilhutel ca,
Tlioniaion do.
(f.Hidrich'a Picl. L. n.,
.lloiilritir (ieogruphy,
Ij.tlu Sp. akei,"
V. Aineiicuu Sjiruker.
A rresh Sapply of Btallonory.
Dav W.aiK, J.iuii.u,., Id(ei, K.eunl t)i,ka,
Meiiiuiuti uii.a, of all anea, Uiur ea. 4c, .Sole nud
Uller Pier, Knvel(i'a, I'eua, in., etc Erui'r
Kinvea, kr.aiiva Ku ber. (iuinui.d Lala'la, Kaber'
I'in.'i.a, l .K, iu qu..rt und nl bullh.
( pui'i:,J.
Oregon City, Augual IM, leij.
Uli J. Ui:UMI.iit A CO.,
aug. I. IDj.V
Auerutuy, Cl-rn x Co., AID FoMWAKDI.Nl, MKIICHANTX,
Sin Franeiiro, Cat.
I LI. attend 10 aellii.g Dr. 1(011 pmiliice, nil
III! old' r.. ur (too la, linic-r ea, Ac. ut lite
loweal rulea. I lie p.ilronugr ol Ihe prop of lit-
, ruecllllliy
0 '
lie led. aug I,
r. . IIOLLAMI. ll"l.l-.MI
if. S. tfc L noUand,
rvEALEiiS II I'rv, Ijrocenea. Itonn
I J oi. abura, Ciockery, Buuka, titaiuaiery. Ale,
.U.nirerl,Oie(fiC'iiy. Juue3U, I
Ilallclajah! n&UcluJah!
ril 1 E llulle iluIi, a new uigiii uouk. by Low
J. ell .VI.1M111 ial Ihe til U4 I' .r ring ng aclnaav.
i..rauleal L)'3"! . H.taAiMi .
regression, Progression, Progression
1a . ver oiiwa.d and tliey tliui do 1101 make on
w.iiil u i.reallile behind ihr luno-,
au.l for IIu- bi ul ll.o..e Ihul huvu a d aire lo
keep up w-.lh ihia a,.e we liuve jiu-l reeeived dure.
Ir an Ne.v Yolk the I'.illowiux I al of BOOKS, of wn ii,.'er at wh-.K-auiu ur lelu.l, 011 Unit lu
ami :
Con-iiltilion of Mini, by lieo. Comliet Cotnbe'a
L.-e, on 1'hieno.ogy; U.iuieriic Lne 1 huualnson
la ci.ucor l nil 1 diaeord Eutii liur Lraaouauii 1'liro.
K)' a. 1. 1 Paych.log); Love und PaMiiuue: up-
pln d .0 Hie iiiii.rovein ill uf offsprui'.' ; Muritnge;
ti Ii atory and 'li Iim)Iiv, with d rectiona lor hap
p.i 111. 111 la-jea ; .Meiiioiy, an.l Intellectual Improvement-
Ale11l.1l no . lice ; Leciureaon Hie PIiiIumi
pi) ol Purriioogy; .MiiIiiui'uiv : or I'ln eoo o-j)
un I I'liy-doloay uppiied. Ac ; I'nr . imlogy p.oved
unruled, an i upp e,l . PhrenoUigcil
llolig on, Ndlunii .Hid Itcveii e l ; oell-cullun-. and
r rleci 011 of clia uccr; n. ir-iua.iuc.ur 11 l ine
u..oiry un I rhy.iio.oy; Temperance and Ti..h
Lucniji ; Aec den a und Em t-gcti. tca; llytlro.
pu.llic t'u..k t.a.ka; I 'oiiNiiiii.t 011; ila cuiea. pre
vention, and cure Curioailiea of eomiiioiaa1t'.,irr . il. euuae-, iic. s Duitieatic Pt uctice of
lljdrupuihy ; Eri-ntbo I'hyaiciaua, 0.0. 1 Exiei'i
ence 111 Wuiei-ciiie; liydruputhio Kunnly Pliysi
cm; l!yclro.i!lno Eucyclopeiia; llo.'ne trcal
1 cm for ellul u'.tiiaa: llvaieiieaiid llydrona hv ;
lii.r.ulaclii.11 10 llie Wulcr cure ; Midwilery. and
Hie DiCHt-ea ol Woiti.u-, Pareuta' (jitttle, and
(.' Mude Euay ; I'lrunuticy und cliiMbirtli;
I'r .Ciice of ; Wu er-ciire hi Chronic
Diaeuara; Wuier-cure iu Every Known Diaease :
aier-cure Muuiiai; A ial vt-u.'sa: ur, Eviiuund
Iteiue nei, tV. . ; I'unbe on Infuiicy 1 Cotubei
Phyaiology : Chronic Diseua. a; Eiuha and i'ari.
iiaeea Ihe Pr.ip. r E0 .1l ol Mull ; Hereditary De
scent : ita Lawa, 1V0. ; Muleru ty: or Ihe bearing
..n l uuraing or children. Ate; Nulurul luu o
.Man: I'liyaiology, Atiimul au.l Mental ; Tub .ceo
ita effect, c. ; Ek nienta of Animal MnneiiHn :
E.uscinut on: or Ihe phiioaophv of churimtig; Li
brary of MeMll. riain and Paychulngy; Ph loaophy
01 Alexin, rami; Wiwiliuatruled Micycloped a. com
plete iu one vol. 1 Spiritual Inlercourae, J'luloao-
phy ol, die. ; l'uinil ur Leaauita on Astronomy
l-uiute of Naliona, by K.iaaiiiri ; llintatoward-, lie
lorttia, by Cr.ely : Hep. a and llelpa for the Young
01 notiiaexee; lluiuaii ltigliia; Home lorall, Sic;
Labor: ila biaiory ami proata-cla, &.C.; Power 01
W ...I.. , VC. I. :.. 1
in.n.i ? v.. tut, . l uuvauuu u.iu uiiiucuc. 1
iiU- -ALSO- TI
ri vola. Revelutioua. by A.J. Duvis, the Clairvoynnl.
8" App. ouch ngCriaa, " "
M " iiiinml Men, " "
u, .Deo al Providence, " "
8 " Preeut .tjf.' and
i.ier Life, "' "
H 1st, CJreui il.irinoiiiti, " "
8 idi u
M " 3d, '" " "
Junc3il, I8.i5-y F.S.i A. HOLLAND.
-Direct Troin Hoaolala,
..1. ... u
1. iiiu,
10 to.ta S.
I. 8. It.
No. 2 Sugar,
No. 1 "
1 Syrup,
1 .M'lavaea,
Polar Oil.
c nt-:nETHY
127 inula
SO kega
2a llbla.
oa 11
3:IU G.illnmi
Sep. Olt.Ti.l.
A c.
Ja&t Zlccoivcd per C. Sevens,
I ff liurtou eyiU,t 5 uai..,
-JJ ! box aaerilua; ad uo o p; jfldU
lb.. I tuna No. 1 .Sn.ur; 2j box. cund t-a; II) Jo.
inipe.iul and youiiii hyiaiu leaa; 111 cuaea inn-aull
IU dot 3 hwp puila; 20 lit l.hla crushed '
"I C. AliEttNhTtiY A co.
RECEIVED u,.n me untvul of every (team
rr. Duu'l f il locallou
Ai m lr.iii, ..i,. tV i0.a.t.,,
Brrrl" "' Ne Orlrmi. ,u. ar per cl p.
per all p u hav." P
ou .tu 0. Aew viileuu. n.olaa.ea pr-r cl pia,,
II. rail of iik- .lior.iinr; " r'
lilt aLlir, rli. l I ,.
.... , Md(( lfCf.1Vt. -h0 , , . .
.l'i , t iioiii N w Yu.k. u,id,lc;.
JAAiEs u'N El LL.
i i O Ti' V''i ' 'l"rc f''Sndw.cli
; ja. S l -Un la, lor au.r ,,, 0 ,ui, ,-,.,,,..,
I bLj!"J Tims. doir.Ng-
i i.OlH fr'" Brrdfu' le in lou
. M"J.yN,r l., T.JuHNSON.
a A i 5 r Feilier for aulr bv
"W" ap'llf T. Jl
pl(i .R-i-TlielH... choce to pek i.., lh
"L'LOL'R, :eJi, ke, 1 h a J (,v
Allan, r.IcJlinlny dt Co.,
and would .11 Hi .'" HZZ
riooDLrlicleii "al V H P"'". I "
... T hev eoiiiiai .a panui
canal Jkwli.el barruwt
ifruui craill.-
grn-ae)lll .i. anatli
fane) Ii 0..111
plaiu du (
a-Kiri'd colon il pat
painted li'U
tine W'u-ll le.anla
bl ckainiili'a Ih-I.ow
cruaa c ill aavva 7 11
du ti ft
II 1 : 1 1 NIW 7 fl
hair iiiatlraaM- double
tlu ting.
hair bo.elnr double
du iii!lo
BHrui candle
a.lamuutiiie do
giap. brand tobacco
luck liili.ic.-o
briiai do a
tl mi harrow 23 leeli
gard U ru:.c
du ho
do ( ale
M)I .bed .liovt-l
imy furka
in-iiiiire fork
wiudow glaa r by 10
do 10 by ia
da 7 by 9
window b by 10
du I (I l.y 1 -J
o Ihwb and yoke
Sh'elhiKt Tfl . tic Ac.
And keep coiiBtanlly on hand a lar-,' tupply of
clothing, hardware, ami many arl clea loo numer-
on lo mention. .......... . r-n
Oregon City, Apiil Ul. K'5-ly
rrosh alrrival of Oroccrio.
llllKanli-criber ha. iial received a n-ah up
1. ply of Crateru; Vnt.imn and Ihriluare,
which. 111 ad l.tion 10 hia foim. r nock, be will ll
al exlremtly low pnera for Caa-i or I'roiluet. Ilia
elock con-iaU iu pait of Hie following arliclea 1
New Oileaua aitgar,
( 'rallied do.
Itio it Java coffee,
New Uridine ayrup.
Sandwich la.auda do
I'epp r V All-pine,
Eaal Doeioii ayilip,
S.iiidwicli laluud augur,
Powdered, do.
Young llyaon and Im
pend leaa, Peach
Yel fxmp l owuer,
(imiauiou ii Cluve.
.V.iir. Ca-l and 0. riuan atrel. mill and ci o
cut. h .ml. paiiuel. au.l wlnp-Niw
t'l t und '' 1 I' '''' fr"m '" 10 '"
iiichea: tiai b.ata d lilea Ir-ill I" lu M niche.
iua-rli.ra from 3 10 7 ii.cheaj h di round lil.-B.from
7 to I I nchra; ruiin.1 do. from 5 in 7 mclie j Iium-ra-m
fioin 11 lu 14
CatftiAtf Tool: t inn r rhirel ami goug.a
111 aelta or .nig e ; lockel chocla; U-n -li .l. ue;
iron 11ml Hit-. I Miliaria. Irv Hu.irea; crulch awla
mi l .aw driven. ; plant and iluil. d ma kinsx giuigea
and bevel; couittiou all I concave iij,u.; liaml
uvra: humme aund h..n-lieia.
IliiiUUn lliirilirnre.',im, Hal, pad an I nmr-
lice Ira-ka ai d I Icliea ; hrua-., u.iuerul and waiir
Hiiolia. co plole round, low-a und ,iat aiirinu b .Ila
cuat Inula nl all aira. and crewa; al-o. r luul und
lul bur tmn; nuil rod, do. j huriH- ahoe bur. lu
11 d 1. ow alerl.
wJl'ti Alt, Sul;, Co;l'er, Tea, Syrup, Chocola r,
Starch, Sal. ralua, Crcum Turtor, Sul Soda.
Curb Sola, 1'tpper, Spce, Ah Borax, top-
pcraa, eic. Apriiil. IH.'.S llf
Late Arrival.
IN ad I'tion to our pieaen. aiu, k w are now re
ceiving direct fium New Yoik, "ex cl:nier
h p Pheiiix,"'
511 b ila. and nun burr v. nugur ;
2.1 I. iila. eru-hed augur;
10,111111 lh. Itiocotr.-e;
2il bbla. N O. muluit-ea: for rule low by
June aO-y 0 pne Ihr lain. I (.fiice.
Jjst Received.
Sp'en lid u-mji llie I Family (itocetiea,
BiK-li aa ! a, avriip, Ac. iiImi Iiiu
au i courae auli, . rruiii lunar. nppiPM, cu 1 pen. ties
aanliuea, ovhtera. ciutna,eaM anv.ler. uU a la g
inutility of aitper or clnroot c:gur. a .d tuhitccu o
evervbiuu. and ulmoat every Hung lae iu om
Ii.. of bua.nea ad 0. W'lii II will be aold ua low
aa at any oilier plu e in lew 11. for ca h ur pro
duce. VU.iK.UAH .J- IVlKiViiK.
ALL llioar ;n bled to Ptealnn, O'Neill & Co..
are re iieal. d lo c ill and aet'ie Hi. qiiic im
airdia ely, by Cnth or Prmlurt. A.I d bis ro
muin ng imp ltd lat of June, w II be loll for col
lecti.ui up-'lll JAMES O'M'II.L.
,T? f BI!LS. Santa Cruz Li.ue jttat received and
UJ lorauleby
A f I. US 01 Oaage Orange ac. d fm aulr bv
ji'lliil( till Bl 'wl.
T HE tock of Dry .aa and .Hardware of
" Prealon ON. ill Si Ca. vt i.l he co ed out ul
c.Jt price. Prion de-ir-ata in' buy ug cheap,
win .lo well to call ou Ihe anlwcrib r.
Oregon Sacon.
Llla., lor rule In
W. C. DEMENT it. co.
Central Produce Depot.
tlOXSTANTLY recevng. fresh from ranch,
J w heal, oaia, bucoli, laid, butter iitid potalue
Dec. I,T,S. JOHN P. Bitot K
dlll.l Itei t-iK cl,
At Ihe 01 1 Stand,' Cflnrmah, Jpril2 , 'bo.
LI- Lirjlit Brown Sugar",
I ,l)i HI Iba. Cbma No. I, do.,
1,000 1b. Rio Coffee,
15 Ton course ault ; 500 lb, fine do.,
3,00 lb. Oi rguu liui'Oll j
1 ,000 bibhrkt ouln, for rule wlmleaiile or retail, by
John p. brooks.
IN our bakery we keep cou. tunily on band
bread, cruckets, -uk. a. pie, ic.
f 10 RSE V FI S E S LT-1 have in alorr
. ' 2.i Ion . un I fine R.iit lo h. sold eery
a,a,ti Ja.M!- u Nl .ILL.
IKS, mils, ruii-ina, of an exceileut quality
r.ceived and tor aa.e lo.v by
J a 11. ...a .. ..... 1 .... 1- .
r. . ..'' o oune.a tor a ,r f,y
upii.i III. OS
.1 ::u;.:T".',:,;,',j..'".h',i;,,rr
- ' "J i-f'J 1 iiwn. JUJ..s((
i -oroANCTs, I!.n.,.n
fraia, jai ,r, riied frnin.s.
1 o hr Ironic il
N.nrl.. ..I. 1. 1
V '
'SCCiAR.e tea. ain.t. . 1. 1.
F- A'- 4- A HOLLAND'S.
P'WDER, lead, ahead cap,.,
. s- A UOLLAXn e
OOKS-by 1!,, crd, al
1UU b..e-n.'lr.
. r 1 1 1.IU.I.IB.IOU .M. rcliania, and who).
iie and le.u.l I' iu iry Uooda, Oroc.ri.
1i1.ruw1.1c. at.,
( Grorg T. Allan.
Oregon Cily, May 3. Archibald M'Kiulay.
I 'I liumaa lw e.
l.LAX. M'MM.Ai CO., Lower
KYvtirhiirir, Uaiaiu, tirrgop.
1 i.lan.mkim.ay'
ic CU,
May J.
wnutitatLi Attn err 11, aitLia i
I'riM I'loiw A flnrdwnrr,
Ao. I, Vui Strtih
TE LEU in llurdware, tinierri., Ilry Goudt
X) I'lotliing, Boole ii. Slna-a, Alrdiciuea, Uoukf
a-d Maltonrry.
.Main ai., Oregon Cily, April 21, IMS-llf
Wm. 0. Dement At Co.,
WHOLESALE aud r. iuil Iieuh r In Grocer--iea.
Pri.vw.aia, 1'uiiila, Oila, lioola and
Show, Crockery, lie. Ihe Land Office f
Main SI. Or. gun City. June I, 1H55.
ATTOeftKY tao cotatiLoa T law-,.
Lajaytltt, Yamhill County, 0. T.,
WILL faiihl't")-Jiltend lo al! bualue i'i&r"
Itti-leil lo lit irofriunl care.
April 21, IH55-Lf
W'hulnaU d Retail Duller in (Irartrii i, Product's
Piutiiitui, ij e , Mum Street.
A General Avorimrul k. l up of Selected Gdi-
Caui'iiiiih, Drceutber 1, le55.
Wells, forgo d; Co t Express,
lh lw hi () gm, Villi urma, the Aiantie
S ulrit mi I Knmpf.
lltl'IVf! I.. ..I... K
. 1 . ...v. . ....... -m.u Kr.
iirTuiiieii.rulB w - it la Ihe I'll trd
Ma ea ulaj Puctlie Mail Slcuiu-,
aiiipCoiiij Uiia-a tor tiuiii-p -riuiiuu, we a.e now prr.
imird lu luiwnrd Ould I) nut, Hullion, Suerie, '
Puckiifset, I'urrtit, and Freight, to and from N
Yuik. N. Oileaua, S.iii Franc aco, 1'uriland, aud
prnicip il tow ua uf Cat furu a an I Oregon. '
Our rrgular Semi iiiuii.hiy Etpn-aa SctwVr .
PorlUtid un I Sim Kiau -beo, iadiapulchrd by Hi
I'ucioe Mu l Siriimrli.pCu.' icumahip Columbia,
uiinrciiiig al .-un Era. ciaco with our armi-moulti' :
ly Expreaa to AK York and A'rir Urlrnnl, w inch,
ia diapiHchcd regi hilly on ihe laluud Killiof eucli' '
iioiitli. by Hie muil aienmera and in charge Of our
awn me-.j-ngeia, tlnoiigh ludeaiinalion
Our l- vpr.M. from New York leavea regularly
011 the ii.h mid iiUI II 0, each nioiilll, u las in eliarga
uf 111 B-ruifera. , , -
Trea ure tnaiirrd in Ihe brat Nrw York eoin
pnuea, or al Lloyd'a m Loudon, at the optiotf .
Omt-K New Yoik, No. IC, Wall at.; New '
1 irieuiiH, No. 1 1, Exchutige place ; Sun Frauciaco, 1
No. 1 14, Moiil0oiui. rv nirrl.
J. N. BANKER, iteaf.".';
Oregon Cily, April 21, INi.V-lif ,
She Steamer Portland,
:o-., jy.
iv 1 ...11 (lu ly bnliveen rni tlund uml Oregon City.
l.cuvea P r and al right o'cl. ck, A. M. liclurn.
ug, leavea 1 reuou Ci;v al four 0 clock, f. v. ' '
For neigh, ur apply on bmird. . iip21-Jtf'
U. S. MAIL LINE. ' ' ''
Oregon Cilij md I'nrt'and Dally Packet
;tli7. r Jennie Clark, -
o-- - J t;. Al.v.sWOKTH, MASTER,-
it il 1 un .uily (Sun lay 1 xc. pled,) ill Iho arovr-' I trade, I uvii g Oregon City every dny at 8 '
'I'lui'ls, '. M. Ueliiriiiii, will leave Porllund Mi
2 r. M., loneltitig at all iiileruieiliate H)!uta,
For I'ri ight or .uao apply on board. ap2) If
Njw Volumes of the Four Reviews '
end Blackwood.
COMMENCE with North Br.tajh for May,
IS,'."), und ihe ulhcr Review und Uiackwuvd
I01 June, I KM.
Terms of Suhncrijitiun. Any one Review of
lil.'.ckwood, $1 a y. nr. Blackwood and one It-,
view or any two Reviewa, 5. The four Kc
v rwa and Ulackuood, (I0. Four copie lo
add re, fc.'IO. , .
Pitt-lag,- mi llie four Reviews and Blackwood to
utty Post ullice 111 the l'ni,cd State, only 80 cent
a y. ur on tucli Review und 24 ccula a year oa
Ad.trew, L. Scorr & co., Publisher, 54 Gekl
street i-nrm-r F11I1011. New Yoik cp8
Reading for the Million.
eioitE, rno.vT-BT, ronTLANii, oiiKiiojr,
ACho ce aeloition 01 Popular Biaik, Newe
papen., Mniiaziue and Fancy Stationery. ..
Ainot.g the boks mi hand will be found work
on Temperance, Agricnltiirr, Horticulture, Hi- '
lury, 1 oeiry, K.ngntphv, Med cinr, Religion,
So ence, School L'uoka, Rnniiineei, &c, &C, 4.C.
ILrStilwciipi ous re. eived for Harper. Graham,
Guodcy, Lilies, or Puinum, at 84 a year, pott
age Jre.c.
VT Subscriptions received for any newspaper
published in any paitof the U'nnn.
Remember Ihe Fianklm Rook Store and New,
p per ucv, siteet, Portland Oregon.
fj'"A priced catalogue will be pnbliahed early
in April, and will be sent to any part of the terri
lory ftee on npplicutioii.
Y'OU will find an t xc. Ileni asaorlmrtit of DreM
M. and Bonnet Sitkn, Snliim and Vetretii alo
tfuiiHft Trimmings, Uomcry, Uiott; Lacet and
R bLoiis, 7'a4. CmIii, Counterpane; etc at th
"" re of CHARLES POPE, i.
(Mu.n-st.. opposite Abcrnethy. al- , . ,
bt- lottiid almost ccaythinr ".)""
D... . ihe line of
Snchna "' -r OoodM
Paul nnGiiighaoie, Alpaca, Moiiaot,
""Jl. Aliivluia. Suiliii.,.,. I.... vZZZ
or a.
t I ' ...... 1 "I y 1, A HlHI
, Miee.nga, Ucd
V.0 IOH I llllliir. ,1.
Oregon diy, AM nt fi55Uf
Medicines for Sale, By
III o, r. . I
n, 1. P. - -p., uruuureinipur, ix-e
p.U Per,)-, v.rm.iug,.. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor, bum Arab.,-, U..,n.h oil. Lobelia, Hot drop.
nn , "ia"U"' bilof Prpper-
VuL T' tu"'eition Powd., CaVUr.
U litl "n" '
Wii. k ' ''r"' ud Ha.cheta.Axe.
ci"d Chei Gun " Cpi Weol
a ' i?1 ""I", Plane, die
April 21, lr-5 lit
biiavpo k. hr
OA LBSotANUtecdroraaleehep by
Jyj jams o-yeiii.