The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, February 02, 1856, Image 3

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Uo. SliRRnoa'a VMl lo 1iwr.n.t fro.
bable PacIRc T-rinTaatto-i la tue Diru
rutty. Coin-ipondencs of tlte N. V. Tinion
Uwau.irB, I'rlilny, Pt-c. 7, 1855.
Tlio news of (ioc, Shiiiinun' iiitr-mloJ
vUit to I .nwrciico caused ewry variety of
opinion find comment nmon;- llic citizen.
Sumo indulged lii.pcs of Ii'h successful iii'
Icrfe-reiico between litem nnd tliu mob, but
hy far the rri'iiti-r tnimbur had noconfuli-ticc
io tlio result. Vt-rv few lmd imy belief in
sillier liln gnoil faiili or hi stten;tli. f?o
lull; mv tliu people of tlii Territory lucli
outrujred by their ncilibom nml betrayed
by their rulers, that it icnrrcly snenu-d crcd
iblo tlint n man o thoroughly coimuit'ed to
tlio Atcliisoninna a (iuv. .Sli'innoii could in
nny way nfToril ilu-m rvli'T. Still, all nc
quicscedclu'oi fully in tlio gi-neml order is
sued by tlio Commander-in-Chief fur the
)tirpoo of securing tlio utmost decorum and
ijitict during tliu visit.
Many did not ovon believe that ho would
coiue. Among thoso who Lad expressed
the greatest distrust of tlio Governor and
bin motive, win Col. Lane, who cmplinticnl
ly declared, on Iho basis of personal acquain
tance, that he was destitute- both of strength
nnd honesty. As the morning ndvnuccd,
tlio mo-t anxious observation was maintain
ed of tlio Franklin road, in watch for Un
expected messenger. And as a "solitary
horseman" wag finally seen nppronehing nt
a brihk gallop, the feeling of expectation be
came almost painful.
This horseman, on being cscoitcd into
town, proved lo bo the expected messenger.
Ha was greeted by some of our oQiecra its
Col. Kenrnpy, anil was immediately conduct
ed into tho presence of iho Commander-in-Chief,
to whom lie delivered n written com
munication from Gov. Shannon, to the if
feet that tho latter awaited tlio Committee
cf escort nt Franklin. Tho Committee,
tinder the direction of (ien. G. P. Lowry,
bad for some time been in readiness, and
the order was at once ".iven to mount,
On arriving at Franklin, tho gentlemen
of tho escort wci severally introduced to
tho O'ovcrnor, and thu lattor expressed his
Ti:udine8S to proceed. Col. Boone and Col.
Slrickler of Missouri, accompanied him in
his carriage, and Col. Kearney rode by its
side. . The party was -met nbout half a
mile from Lawrence by Gen. Robinson and
Col. Lane, with a suitable retinue, and con
ducted into tho town.
' Tho conference continued till night.
'"Tho visitor were the guests of ficii. lob
inson, with whom they dined. The points
of dillbrence between the people of the Ter
ritory 'and tile Executive- wcro -severally dis
cussed with apparent satisfaction on both
aides. The Governor expressed entire
confidence in tho people, on receiving a 'true
... . . I .1 - N .. TT . I .1 . . .
suuciiioiu, oi uic enso. no uau not yei
Itjnrncd tlic death of Judge barber, and ex
pressed the most profound regret, lie ad
mitted the law less character of the force as
sembled at tlio Wakarusa ford, and expres
sed great apprehension as to bis power to
c'Mitrut them, lie trusted, however, that
they aiight lieontrolled until tho arrival of
the United States troops from Ft. Leaven
worth. '
' These apprehensions wero shared by Col.
ttouito a resident .of Weetport,' who had
jtccunrpauied the Governor into 'tlio Terri
tory fur the purpose .of jiidiugliim in res-
ttuiining iho invaden. This grtillcmnn is
ai: merchant oi West port and tlieJ.Wnia
4or there; Jones, tlio LcgisIaturu'u.Slicriff,
was his deputy. Uu is -ft graufWn of tld
ilUwOi 'B9e,a'l. 'La iniji.iiied the noble
icfwactcr of Lis ancestor. Ilo is a gentle--uiati
highly respected by all ; and iVs not
Uiesitate to condemn in the scv!rt hmgitnge
flie outrnges of tho Atolii-owiine.
As v,eying drct- eac, ai wa plain to
(jcoinitifttlho timu for confi-ronco was in
AUfficicUt. It was not thought best for the
tpnrfy tg reroa'tt JuriBg tho night ; imd it
Vas finally agreed that they should return
io Franklin and reprat the visit in the mom-
ing. Tho Governor promi-cJ to b-- in Law
icnco again' precisely ut 8 o'clock; and
Lercupon, and with the mol cordial adieus,
lie took his Ieavo.
The character of tho Council in the even
ing was essentially modified by his visit.
The Governor had left a memorandum of
the points which thcpcoplo of Kansa, as
represented by those assembled in Law
rcuce.vere expected to guarantee, and of
Hhosc lie was willing to guarantee himself.
The idea of taking from tho citizens their
oraAaJ long since been abandoned ; and
the only remaining prominent point was
tlio willinrrncss
i of tho people to coniesi me
laws of the J"islature in a Ir-pa! nmnnor, so
. .. ft . I .,
l..nrr m a tiir trial before a I cdcral tnbunui
WHS sccurcu. .
A Commute .'as .M to draft a
.Lvummt tcttiDS trth the . fat-U and the
-. t ....r.l nnJtobe sirrned V i
point, of aSrcei.H nt, na to W s nn
tLe Governor and some cf tlic prominent
citiwns. This CommitU-e consisted of J.
M Winrh. '.I.C: K. Il'iJay, ami lite Cotn-
, ' r sr. ,-' .l,nei l.n hnnrs.
manacr-in-cinr,. a -
lhir rcpvrt wuciJf, and uaati n-!y
adopted (i,.n. Robinson being further em
powcicd lotuuko such changes as tho Gov
ernor niijjlit wish, not coniproniiing the
honor of the pcplo or stultifying the Free
Statu Parly.
Judge Johnson passed ihrfugh iho town
thi moriiiiig. He is on Lis way to Wn-h-iiit
ui to contest the question of his removal
and that of Jn Igo li'niore nnl, in pacing,
will nddreiH the people ofthe Union on thu
wrongs of Knln-i. Ibi g.,o by way of
Leitv.mwoith, to attempt t'lu hasUnin of
jllio L uitcil btales troops,, Salnnlay, I)ec. 8, 155.
Tun Co i-mor returned thi, mo iling,
though so late that it gave rise lo strong
sn-p:cion ilint he was himself a prisoner I
the Missouri mob. In company with Col
llooiic he is now in conference iih Gen
Kobinson and C I. Lnne.
hvle Klnioro and Sheriff Jones are nlo
in town. The former came on private busi
ness. I Io does not entirely justify the
Missouri inub, nor entirely endnnn it, as
one would expect a United Status Justice to
Sheriff Jones is in n towering passion
cause ho was challenged by our picquet
guard (who did not know him) and escort
ed in. Ho swears ho will enter nnd depart
at all tunes as ho pleasos. Peis inully, Mr.
Jones is a gentleman, though too rubid
Pro-Slavery man to be a safe ofliccriu Kan
sas It is evident that he is greatly displeas
ed at the attitude of Gov. Shannon ; nnd
ho declares to me that if the latter made tho
contemplated terms with tho poople, he
would at once resign his office. This would
iloultless bo a measure of great wisdom.
Uo was nccoinpanicd by Capt.Shnw of tho
b. sieging force ; nnd received neither insult
nor threat from citizens. night our horse patrol, under Gen.
IMUhr, Adjutant to Gen. Kobinson. cap
lured 'two of the enemy's mounted guard,
who, admitting tho possession of one of our
stolen horses, wcro brought into camp. Af
ter being examined, this morning, they were
discharged and sent back under escort, with
a pledge to return the horse.
Tho same patrol met a larger parly of
the enemy s horso guard, which, nfter
mutual challenge, wheeled to the right and
rodo of. ' -
The aspect of affairs is now dvciJediy
pacific in its character. Tho mob must
either fight expressly against the Governor,
or go home. We still wait whh some im
patience for the United S'ates troops, w Licit
oii'dit sooner to hnve been here.
Marbmges im Sak Francisco. "And
ihere shall be marrying nnd giving in mar
riage," says Holy Writ, and the fact is ap
parent by the subjoined tabular statistics
furnished by the San Francisco Herald :
It is nothing less than a complete list of
all the marriages that have taken place in
San Francisco county during the year 1855.
It appears thero Lave been, during this
time, 207 marriages. Assuming tho pop
ulation of tho city to be 50,000, it gives a
wedding for 87 81-100 persons in the place
all things considered n very fair propor
tion, nil must admit. "There is a time for
all lliiugs," sailh the proverb, hut our peo
ple seem to have taken all limes for this.
The marriages are pretty equally distribu
ted, in all the months of the year; but
April the most bcnu'ifnl nifmth of our
siiiii2 season stands pre-r miialit, while
bleak January ranks lowest in ihe scale.
The following will shmv the number of mnr
.risirts in eaeu "month. ef the .) ear !
March . ,
September ..
Scientific E.vrr.osATioN or California. The
Doslon l(.ra stales that Mr. E. Samuels, nn en
thusiastic naturalist of that city, IcftNeW Yoik iu
the California steomer of tho 5th December, nn a
p,.r..-;;e . - - -. ,
make a Iho.ough exploration of No.-lh.rn tul.rur-
uia. in all Use iTI-!''1- oS Xal"1 ll,gW't i
and Willi lh.;t object will remain in that ngion one j
ortwoye.irs, devoliuj i.ll his liin.-lo n-.nking col-
lections in ils un'mal, vegeiablo, and mineral king
doms. Iliscolleclions will be for the joint enrich
ment of the museums ofthe. Smithsonian Insti
ta:ion, in Washington, nnd of the Boston Society
of Nutnral History, of which Inst institution Mr.
Sumiieis has been, for some years, Uic toii.lennUf
With praiseworthy liberality the Pdnnma Steam
ship Company oh learning the pnrp e of Mr Sam
uels, offered b"im every facility their line cou'.d ef-
ford, including a free passage for hine'.f and ail his
necessary iniplcn.euti of collection, and letter, to ; precious lo mc" On be ug ssked if he had anyevi
BCC 7 .' n L in..ie0-ee. The enter-! dene, of hi. acceptance will. MUy
render him all the aid in llieir power, cm. ,
prising house of Wells, Fargo & Co. have aiso vol-
untecridnonnimporianlaid,aud their agents in
i ..:.i ir-,t,i,ie all the assistance in Uieir
li:., iu m.... .
p3Wcr n Mr. Samuel.
' r
Srrr. The "ew
L ' ... . ' ;.h,n,led. and
(jr;tiius nre icpuruncni nf i
liiC cily K0Vcrnm,nt has made a cou-ract wh -
MeMW. Jolin 1 ounm., for tlie esunga ov, m
6res fr the next live years, i .... v -
. .. ..a.. ..i.j fim.
IX --Yoo ks s thourhjoi were bes de yoor-
thc ,,g d to . fop who hW.a,d lo be
I self,"
Thociiclo is squared, videi "If voulnkea'
silver wire twelve inches and a qmiitir long,
'he quarter b -ing allowed to unit the two
end, you have a circular wire exactly twelve
inches ; nnd if this iro.mii l--t- form tli.
true sqnari', i aeh of it. il, ill b . pri!
to uiiiH qti:irt inch' . No, ii tii' .in'
wire is lilJyrt . d toUuiil ' lit.- lui" ei el , n
iseii'h nt thiitlhe an a of (he . nil.- il! I.r
'he sum" n it wa in th' qii'ir" For in
stance, if a wall Ixtbu It iim.iiiI u -nv, mid
it U fonn I to b' tw-l.- mil. r.nii-., t
nr a of tliut e ty is nines piare ini'c There-
fin-, thi- piaru oT any circh- i equal io
llirn -fo nth of the t n,'liof il-iiwiici'cum-fl-renec."
Lninlmi Court Journal
lltlmits Ut n.
Statc Rkvkmcc It israiiuntrdihat the Suit
r T -nuo ar aiii! fnun all saurcea, Incliiding eaoal
ond cuiin! IoiiiU, Dill for lbs prewnt year aniounl
lo upwards of $1,500 ,0110. Alm.nt all Ilia lnd
n the Slute are now lutu'Je and coniribma llieir
iiu,lu lo the revenue of t'aa 8lule. lo lew than
leu jrara, it is thought lluil lllliiuiswill boetuUeJ
lo liquidule her rnliia Stale IndetUdueaa.
T At rrcrut ule of the Slate lands lyinj lu
Iroquoia county, lliry brought I lie overage pilce uf
ix duliais p.-r acre. A ft-w years ago, wa under
stand, they wora refund at twelve cents (Slate
scrip.'' 1
IT Hpinj the lait nioiilh, the Central Rail
road Company ha sold land to Ihe amount of
$1,100,UIID, mol of which hatgouo into the hauls
of actual renters, i
UH" A London pap r says Ihe British govern
ment is now determim-d to aupply the troops iu
ihe Crimea with every comfort; aud mentions,
among olhor "comfurle,'' that "lies tery tlrgant
black heirtei'' are ready for shipment to So-
The Fiurr Cuescn m KixeAe. It is now
ultlcd matter that the first church erected in
Kan-aa will bo under ihe auvpicee of the I'nlta
riuua. The sum of 5,000 haa been rui d iu the
deiiominntion for the purpoee, aud lliengsnt is now
ou hi way lo the Territory to superintend the work
er A la'e number of the Brooklyn American
announced the dinlruct on of Ihe editor's hat !
whereupon the Conuetiville Timn wonders if any
lives wore lo-t.
ID Insults are like counUrfeit money we i-an'l
hinder their being offered, but we are nut eoiniel.
ed lo take thorn
Fur Hit Argu.
Original charade.
I am a conip iund trord, of Iwosyllatilrs.
My first lives in the deep, de p sea, -
Whieh men a monster deem lo lie j '
Some of my liial men ship away
For the poor man's nocturnal ray !
My second from my first doih com,
WliiK- yet in man ii finds a home J
It t'iiide, it moves, nnd yet lies slill,
And dotii tlioro'iy a fuuetioa fill.
My jle :a borne o'er ocean's t'du
Tu sirve iikiu's etise and H-iiinun'e pri lo I
I nerve in norm ! I eorve in culm !
W'hileVomau.liigsiriiv;h do harm!
Till following name I pemrna, Titi ilees uf
the "Ore;n Se nina: y," will pl.-ase meet ul
the Seminar building on Moud iy evi-u nj. Feb
ruary 4, al alf p.ibt (i o'clo k: (ihurh-a I'-p-.jr .
Tliomaa Pop?, A., J K Ke.ley. I. II-
Hatch, VVr. C Uurns, Win. Kiit.-ei-ih, tjic-invit
Mince, C. F. lli atlie, II. K. Hine, rimrlr-. Ad
ams, Gen. Aber i.eihy. A. E Wail.
An organization ia to b- e.'.ected a; lha; li ne.
and oilier important businesa Ira'iKa -e i.
li. K MINKS.
In Portland, .lal. "1st, by 1,'ev. William Itolierls.
Cul Isac N. l'ii, of ahd-iv's Islim-I, W. T.,
lo Mrs. K.milv aTsconck, O. lire Sirmer ptiee.
"f-On Mill .lamtary, in Salem, by J, I), fioon,
Jud.'i- of Probate, Wil.TEa I-oiiwaud, Esrj, to
Miss Minv L. Gur.KB, all of Marion county.
V On 27th December, by Rev. ,T. F. Roberts, Mr.
TnsNrie H. Dunn to Miss Ann Cecilia Ciisistun,
Loth of Eugene City, Lane county.
ar In Portland. December 30ih, by Ri.hopScuU,
Milr. I.i-ovu Waslrngton Territory, and
MissCeNcviKVE G. Hamilton, of Portluud.
Iu iho same p'ace. on Ihe 2!)th Dec., hy Rev.
W. F. Hoy.-. kin, Mr W. 8. PowBtxaiid Miss llcb
cm (.'. 1 1 ill, nil of P.irtlanrl.
In Linn county, on tl e 2!).h December, by Jus
lice Cray, Judge 8. D. Halkv Io Mrs. Dianiiia
! ytTt'xtf' 11 ri Jl11-gTIMCT)aPtlJT--3
D I B 3B t
Aj1or. JnM 5(( 0. ,u f Hara(, f.,AN.
d hu,; of m.fU and g.,, elTtn ,Jpd
6 muuil-. ..
.. L.fav,,e, on the 1st Deceinb- r, Emm Asm,
daughter of Sarah and Juhu S. rriuIe, a'ed 4
years and 5 months
On the 17th Di-cember, aci d about one year,
Silas, youngest son of Owen Delkuup, of Benton
On the Till J intisry, in Sa'cm, infant daughter
of lion. J. C Peebles.
Editor ArpuiVr.i His: On Ihe Kiln of
January I wllneimed the death of Nicholas C. Glo
ver, who died of typhmd fever. H s lut words
were, "liod nns paraonea .u my sine, ana 'iinm
jn Hi Mrtjy
j taberDacie wa, gi,Bg w,y, and hia enfettered soul
;o01, iu everlasting Hvht from hi. poor cl.y
member of the Cnmberlan I Presbyterian eh-irch
and had ornamented hia profefcion though he had i
. . l . L i . .-u il . r.t .
scarce arrivea i "",
. are Ibe d.a l thai die iu the 1-rd,
scarce arriven io maiiuw-j, i-o j -
rm henceforth. vea.saUitlie-jpiril, for the). ball!
tl ir L Imr. "
u'. . lnoM-llt hlrn,K .
b;1- A (h.
, (ol1 j, ,e bresirt wn cu warme. .r . u..,.
r)r. mmt rlU uo Iliur,,"
. . ...... , . . ML.I
Clarion v -
- A TONE Y TO tfRtf
Jan. 13. W. I ADA MS, Ag" Office.
SMART, sciiveb-y.u.Us or fifteen years
i Ho.-,
j "
of A-, tu Irsiu priming Irula si lliis of.
. i
T V. II 10 lit I HI. I),
It' .4 TCIl. Mi K t'.R.
IV. .. ). -Urn t minf . .. u.k fluin. will
dowll i. mr m a ; ,.,! wlt,ilrii. io-
veil io id .iwi-i-j. of i hr. o r'p., Urr,
I )' i, jihI i ,'nni iiMlH iM m
n 4i-t. . .-ill oi J. ne'ry o.i lun !
JfwrW ma r lit out r. mI rt-i-iitrpd
diem in miii Uic u.i'H I am llisnkfiil or past
f vnn. siiit Imp tu 1 am .fn n fulm.
IT l.oea'rd al the old Mam', ;iuua.lo IhvTaU
n.,h om. OKItuOM CITY. t ab. .
JL'S r HrXKIVt:!) al lh Oregon City Dnif
rilur.-, direct fiom New York an I San Inn
ri.i, a frr.h mpply of DRUMS, MEDIC IS ES,
l'aleut Me Ik-Una, Kamily MeJicilirs, Ao , Ao ,
winch trill be told at low for tatk tt thty tan lit
proeurrd in tSr Ttrritory. fall and examine for
youreelvea, and eel an Almanac for IfiO, gratia.
A FKW of rrinca & Co'a beet MELODK
V (I.N'S fnreale, low. Kunnire at llie
Just ui:t'i:iv'KK
-lilhirbbla N O. augar)
) " " criuhed "
4 ,,U "
40 uislta No. I China sugar)
100 sacks Ro coffee;
!.'.III0 Ibe Knir. anap)
UMIO aalrratuii
10 cases oiive oil;
4 lobseoj
1 " prunee;
25 O. P tea;
6 botes yeart powders;
4 ' cundiea;
15 " eaudl-e:
4 balea ilieel ng;
1 " hickory;
I " i-lne drill;
1 " priu
100 An. Coals' apool thread;
111 pieces alpacas and mr noes;
Also, a lot of Uuols and Hhoea. Crockery, Cla-is
ware, and one or two ether "icinn" which w,-eau't
just now rccoilect. Ci vo us a call, for wt are de
termined lo sell out.
feb3 F. S. &. A. HOI.IAND.
Al.f, Tracliera, and friends of e luculi"n, in county, are inviled le nn-et at
Kureet Grove i. u Weilueaday, the Si III uf I eb.
nest, ut 13 o'clock for Ihe purpoe of organis
ing h county Teachers' Association, and adopting
other measurer lo promolo Iho ctuue nl e luealiou.
Teachei-s and others fiom oilier counties are
Wi 'come to attend.
rpilE V.'aohiiuton c-iu .iy Agricultural Society
I ct j Imltf iheir uuniial meeting al Ihe Ameri
can Hull, in f'orml Uruve, on Thursd-iy, the 7lli
of Feb. next, at eiwoc -x k r. . .MemiKN aud
all iiitereoied will pie -so !e preeeui.
II. C. ftAV.MOXD.See'y.
K i;ll V'S
V-;B ' Privato rorrdin? Honso,
'p;.osi-. Holme, it o Fire-proot build-
llir, UKLVVit VI it, U. I.
if Cliarp- resiKin ble. NV. 3-Cnt.
The p.rlnereliip heretofore exisiin belereeil
M. W. Wiiliercll u I myself is dissolted hy inuiiul
content. . D. MURRAY.
Ori-imn City. Jim. 0th,18.)6-40-2l.
Carlstmas "Presents.
"rOW Is the lime lo purc. s-e lhe Holiday Pres.
1 ente. You will liud a largo nssorliiieut to se
lect iioni ut
I' rout Strict, J'urllund
A-l iljvw-rity n eoufii'-tiired to crder.
Ki p ra v . ii i ne-itiv executed.
I'l -mot ii.iciiiiua u i v n io repairing Fine
ILTK'-tii. in'.e- . (i C RilHIlINS'
JelVein- Slnre, ro: I St., i'o. tland.
P.ntia.'d, 1.1 c H, i-,,,5 -,;ri-tf
rp-i - Pl.i; iF IiONOR Tempieof
I Mono-, No l,ni-el- ev ry W. ..nei-dy evi
ii utf at ilie Amen, un Ha l. F-m-nt Crove, Orig-'n,
llrelh en of Ilie Oner iu good standing are in
vited lo vi. l this lea.ple.
S. A. Dixon, W. R. 89
To Fanny Fern'n 1,000,000 Readers!
WE have Ihe pleasure of announcing llintwe
have in press, and shall publish ubnut the
first of December, a new work of fiction, entitled
The lust work, and first eontinueus tnle of this
brilliant and fascinating authoress, "Ruth Hall,"
achieved a success unexampled lu the annnls ol
letters. In the lanuunire of a leading periodical, it
"created a more profound sensation lliun any
which hoi been issued during a quarter ol a cen
tury." lint it is unnecessary to allude lo the merits
of "Ruth Hall." Judging" from Ihe number of
copies of it wo have sold, we juihre that every body
in the United Stare, baa read it. Aa respect, the
work we have now in prms, Itosa Class, we can
only say lhat we regaid it as, in every reip-ct, a
greater, better work ; und are confident it will net
only sustain, but even inermne the reputation of ils
distinguished oniliorrc We have reasons for
thinking "Hose Clark" will make s greater Sensa
tion than did "P.-Hh flail."
It will form nn elc?inl !2mo volume of over
400 pages. Price $ 1 .85, on rertipl of Inch cop
ies will be eent ley iiiuil, post-pa;a. u w in uo
sale h- all bookeller. Puhltshi d by
40-3w MASON DUO IHE ICS, New 1 ork.
Laud lor -alr.
I OFFER to sell 1R0 acres of choice laud for
two dolinrs and a quorter sn acre, caeli. The
I .iiH ia aooitioii of uiv claim, six miles west of La
fayette, in Ihe county of Yamhill. Tille gooi.
Call und see lor yourelves. " Tis no lr-jUhle lo
.ho" the laud. S. C AlUMfi. .
Glen Av.., Dec. 25th, 1H55 37;,
i'ah? ot eiioij-i i'n .u e nv
7 bua. for sab-by WM. C. DEMENT dj- CO. j
' i
To Tin Payi-ix. i
CIOUNTY ORDEIC-i for sal-- st d.r..unf. '
i.nv:4 U AULRN ETIIY &. CO.
s N active ho- e-1 Mao in each section of the
j. 'iVriitory Li lkor .ersby 'eampe for VEL-i-aII
s t ui.kll -.GENI. To acose men
a salarv o. 8MM pr year, .od a email emniiiieaion
-l!br'M U.y p.yM..le roon hly."-For
p.iUcuU-. ., id. m. l. V ELPAIJ, 4-'4 Broad-
Ne 1 .:, euc ' i g siauip io prepay an-
- r, -I
"SUUt'it. kc,.i o-tan-ly n hanl by
r. V A. hOLLAND.
I Xvw Jeuellcr.
TTAVIXC rnii!iyril oim of ilie bi.t Working
' M I Jpw. mi I In I'jiiIio, I (in mm
fully ircMiJ Ut liiKiMlisi luiii iVdl) dttcriplion o!
I M.IWNS i'VfWy, Odd Foltiiws' Piut, Rill,'",
., mil li nn.Vf.
I Kiii;uv.iij -ily n.
' un l ' " ""m '"
' ' ,! ' ' enlim sit. in la irpuirmg
I'i'.e Watclira IS. t'oi xir.s
I'oitliii.d, Dec. 'J9. I."5 ilTlf
SomotMng XCTcw.
VNVprt.n huvng a .MnMeou, Seraphine,
Acc-irdeon, nr oilier rued, wilh
broken or drfecliie reciU, ran have ihnn rcpiired
by aipl)injor sending to ('haa M. Kenlor, at his
rMideuv. two equares U k from tho lt.ii-nl
Mee'ing iliHiae, in the North part of lire on City.
Charge for'ing liylu reeds fiom til, 50 in
S-,00, Iteaiuiiab.s didu. lioii for a great- r mini
ber. ('. M. kK.-fl'KK.
Orer;on City, Reptonher Si.', lt5i-SJ
Walnut Orovo Nurf erf.
rpillj splendid esiubl hm-'iil hi situated in Ihe
1 French Pruirie, on the road lea-ling f oni Or
egon Cily l Halcm, Iweuty-oue miles from Hie
former, aud sixteen from Hie lutler; where Ihe un
dersigned hnve ou hau l a targe ewor;m-ni ol ruol
pra'ied AVVIX, fMf, VUAllt, I'LUM,
AI'inCOT, und 4ll.CE also, several vs
rieliie el' thrift. Currant, tlivmherri, i-?., de. ;
all of which they oiler ou the muni reas-muble
Urini, for ciuh, cuttle, or any kind of merchanta
ble produce.
- Cell ins! essiuius. No trouMn le ahow fruit
ireea. N. JOHNSON & SONS.
Nov. 51, 1855. H 3m
. Adinlulstrit tor's iVoIicc.
"VfOTlCK ia hereby given lliul Ihe iindersigmd
J, 1 lias btM-u legally nppointcd ailmiu stratr x of
the lute uf Jamaa S. WiiliuiiM, deccasetl. All
persona indebted to the etlato are called upon to
make immediate payment, and all persona having
claims saiusl the eslatu aro uoliiicd that ihry
niuil present Ihe aunie lu me ul the plure of my
rvaideuce in the county of Clackamas aud Territo
ry f Orcgeu, wilb-u twelve muuiha froui ihe dile
uf this notice, or limy will be forever burred.
Jan. 12, IciG-JtMl Ailiu niatietrix.
I WANT lo buy a latgo quantity of heavy ful
lioi, delivered al Ihe Oregon City Market, lor
wltjch 1 will pay the highest market price, in
..!,. ( II AKl.liS AI.HltlUIIT.
0J- I will also buy all Ihe I'OKK I can get.
Oregon City, Deo. ilJ, 1W5.-37U'
Cuiifiitiili, ov. aft, 155.
AN hand mid for sale, low, for oath or produce ;
J Paints Si. It-ail,
chrome ureen,
while lead,
prinisian blue
chrome yellow,
blue paint,
red do ia eil,
blk. da '
Common and permanent green pully, rIoss,
Te) llio rui-mrrs
WE WOULD say, cull al ear stnre;-we
will pay you us well for your pi odium ss
any otlrer house iu Oregon, and will endeavor to
make you feci as eomiiirluhlc as ne pnwiuly can.
no24 C II A KM A Pi d WARNER.
ITV'ERY TIIiNti in the liue of Groceries,
IA as cheeae, all kinds of spice, sul euda, cabou
sle aoda, naloi a'.us, cream tftrtur, au-., are sold at
A Raru I'lmui-o
For those engaged, or winking lo engage in
the I lowing liusinaut.
WE have ou hand ami for sale, the fe lowi-ig
ma- It tliory for grin! mills, whieh will be told
low lor raeh. or eu a rhoi I time I
2 portable mills, cinp ete I
I run uf tour irei fnuriii-h Fi-en- h Burr., with
spur whuel, 1 14 cogs, wc.giiing It'll.) Ibe. wall
sp it'll.-, pinion, and oil.p-,'. und cuilur.
I run, name S i--, wHItout piniun. Oilier irons
llic same us above. ,
Together III ii pencral aswr inet.t of bands,
IwltiugclotliB, pulleys-, gudgeon, wheels, oniiplings,
hanuiiigs I'.n oljd-,1.. occ. &.C.
lu oilier v, oids. every ieii-.ii.ile neci usury to the
coippl. lion uf a giitt null by
Wm. C. DEMENT i co.
Opposite the Land Cilice.
OsraosCiTT, Not 28, 18a5.
Nclmsloitol Im f'ul'on!
i-.ifonn the cilirens of Oregon City and the
public in general that tlu-y have just reci ired a
(rood assomnent nf UROCERl ES auiiahle for
this season of Ihe year. Also, we have rece.ved a
supply of full'!)- groceries, such as Farina, Sugar
Tapioca, Arrain Root, and n vurieiy of other such
article, too numerous lo mention.
We huve a good assortment of F.-tiYC'Y
GOODS for the liolidais, such as rais in, dales,
ligi, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and u
variety of other articles in this line, sin li ns will
suit the greatest ep cure uf the land. We have al
so on haad a good uswirlim ni ef candies, and ar,
receiving n supply nearly every steamer. So plean
give us a call ; we w II sell as cheap as nny house
in Oregon. Our motto is that a quick penny is
heller tliun a slow slullinp;.
Wo are now commencing to prepare iu the Ha
kery for Chiistmaa, and shall huve a good OHSart
nient of cake. We shall slso km p ou hand s su
perior quality of butter orackers, Huston ensekers,
nnd also the sweet Y ork crsckcrs. 1'lcase givo or
ders for the above in (,-ood lime Our prices shall
be reaonablc, and the goo Is made of the k st ma
terials in Oregon. Iiov'.'l
ILT MOL'LDING fr picture fninieH, fur
VJT sale by
Drugs, Mcfilclncs, r?tnts., Cils,
Of 'and Jtiyo-stig,
altheORWiON tl'.'i DUL'CJ STORE,
ftla n r3'.rcel, UregonCily.O.T.
DR. Gnysotl'a compound extraci of Rorsnparillu
and Yellow Dock, al the
OLD Dr Jacob Townsend's Sarsapnrilla, at
; -rv (. Tawnnend'. Sonuiiirilln, al the
i ; ; "
I fJIIAhM mr-nr, '"'..? . wntic
LJ UtlllUUll I I I 1 o
... . .. , l
' QAND.V f'';:1'!'11":;" n" i r vniiiK
KJ unrw-w
McL WE'S cclehraled Verinii'nge and Liver
It. O-ifoo-l's India C'holagngiie,
and Dr. Jones'
American frolagogue, nl the
Dl!. J. Ayrca' celebiated Cherry Pectoral lor
coughs, coble, and, at Ihe
fX)K hTOVES at $18, by
j ,tC,-lf O. B. TWOGOOD.
. .u...H.n.i.l.f1in..M nn li.i.n. find
,7 7,,.,,
J i ior sa.e cueup, uj v.
lor ra.e
Wholosalo Cricoa Current.
usr coons. St ueiiiuinss.
Sheelins, 4-4 15J 100 pr.ct.over N. V.oost,
Drilling U'4 rsuiiLvs.
U.e.uhrJ drilling IJ Wheat, pr. ba $1
" shirting, Haiti Onta i'o Sia0
Siriind do 1 1 I'nliitoes ilo 75
Tick n-; I-Iul0 Onmns do (lit
Denius 15 l-'lmtr , (SjJ
lllue drill ii l-ll'uui .Meul. de.k (
I laid I y lu'u-.M; IKtlT.
Siiliml 70uilu; " dried do ,...U
Kentucky ji-niis. is 15, Peaches, dtied do Ill
Tweeds Si'miO; " dopeslcj
rsisrs. ; " Chill, dr.ed.SVs.i
Dine and while 19' rsovisiuss.
illue and orange IU Pink, clear uoue.
..ML ' mess SSaJU
t'utmluie do I'hil I Hants IA
" do,'J Uscjii ..I"
M. do la!ii,-e..
.... 1 lu'.'.i; Mteuta.
....I.'ini?'.' Ila.-nrd, pr c SIS
..Wnlill) " pr Keg .... fiu
. ..')Oo75, anuT.
(I in)! i Small
..-lOuijl Uuck )3mJ,
Table d.itnusk.
" ciollis...
Irish linens
Sheep gray punte tti-'J iH tl:-r 20
Saiiuet do. .fc-'f ili lilt. IMI, lu 0ill13
l-'uncy es. do. ...SjiluJ CJSSiua.
Illuek (sn do. 0."iai!Maiiiila, small 49
Red Bun'l khirla 9 Haiti' " laig.- ili
I Hue dii, do. $ 1 5n I A 1 1 .-nip 10.15
Hickory .Inns Sii" casclss.
Calico - do t'.I.U A '.lujinuie JO
aoors Si stiota. iSpeiiu .4
Men's kip liootf!.Tli!J Ciesns
wiper do. do.... )4 Havana StflaSO
' fine tawed 0 Oeruiau .-. $10i
BV kip boots g'J'Aineiicsii jjg.40
' ha'vy w's doftllii.'! - vostcee. '
Mens' hr'. pr. dux. .$17 PiiiJs uf the liuiea.4Uai&
k pl.rg's pr do.ft.'Oun V3i
" vall Mived do .M.'l l.nke'e 17
Womau'a h'vy .li s. jll.'l, wtKiBK.
fine do Silj-Shnvela
... S3.1S
... $14.10
oaocESiae. -Simdea
Coffee lCalhjAxee
I'ta li.S.'iii Milleans I t'lii'a... . 1 1 4 X cut saws..,
" cru-li..l 1 1. tulilv cutlery,
IU perct
alrrnlew ISa. IK advunce ou X. Y.coal
Starch ..HTorkel cutlery, 85 prat
Syrup l-i llos;ou...auuvr advance.
do. S Ul.iud i.'iiOther articles ef bsrd-
N O Mules o; ware from 20 to 50 pr
Liv. Salt 3e'Ii ct advance.
Tubie Salt H,l,Naile,Man'$S
s.mdw oil 1 Salt. . a.ii!i " horai-shoe...!lja3
IVpi-ar...- 'M on
Al!hU;ee 4u'Laom IllelS
Ciunaiiioi liouwt' Liuat ed boil $ti 8
.Soap lUaliri'urp.ntiuo pr gsll
-'j!rr--fjr-r.-rr-r---.' v - .i-i Jt
Port laud und Astoria.
The 8lenJid Steamer lfl?
Xanltnomab igrlnmsa
TTTILL continue lo run regularly between Port-
V lend uud Astoria, via Vancouver, TWica A
wkkk, le.viiig Pnrilaiid on Mouday and Thursday
mornings of each week for Atoriarnd Asloriu
fur I'ortluud mi Tueulsy slid Friduy inoriiintfs,
tOllclMllg VANC011VF.S,Sr.'llliLNS,RAlMrS,CiTH.
Laiikt, Ate, each way. For freighl or passage,
apply lo R. UOYT, Master,
jolC Oral Huyt's Vlmrf-bont, Portland.
Tualatin Academy,
Forest Grove, Washington County, O, T.
First Wednesday ill December
Last do in February ;
Third do iu Muy I
First do in Sopiouiber.
tuition rss acsariin
Primary English
1 libber do .
Ancient Luiiirnaces
S1.UU '
French : drawicg, euch, extrs,
Iiieidf-iitul chartfe.
Forinf iriialion rcspeeliug the Sclinet, address
l-;. i). nhaa mi k,
Nov. 23, lRjS.-33-Gmo . PriuoiHil.
(1 A. UI-'.EI) &. CO., Riiecessers to eoif,
J Reed dj- Co., dealers iu Drugsattd Mediciues,
Hooks aud Sistiencry, Paints, Oils, &o.' Tai liiiu
lur utlenlion puid to compounding medicines.
Suleni.Nov. 21. 33"
Tho Beet Cbaneo, - - i-
ITtVER ofTercd in t)rcgon, te those wsntiog
!,., I wnul.l kuv lo Ilia iiublio that I mil
4 .....-. - -j t
na-...i.,MM,v .inrL i,r Stoves, lust (1RRAT
i.v REUUCED PRICES, from Five, lo Tan Dot-
tans below former roles. U. II. i i W.uuu.
t rvAA RUSHI-iLS of Oats wanted, fur
JAVV which I will poy the market price,
;)AAA I1USI1ELS of Wmsat warned at
J(UUU the market price, for which I will pay
n T.nwiire or Sloven O. li. J UliUUlJ.
I FEW of the celebrated cooK slnves Known as
iV Hi." Diasmnii snd Mav l-'i.owss on haud-
and for side by
OFFAT'S Lif" Uitt- rs nnd Pills, Bernard's
Dysentery Sjrnp, Wislur's llsissin ol Wild
t. berry, ut tho
tJlll.ljU.' 111! iuiuniwnr.1
Whoat Wcntfld.
iC II F.ST cash p- v s pa d hy
Nov. a. w:j. ;. jiu.vhx i f j.
v;io titi n:M-riio
i titr. CHILD'S PAPER? The ttVidrfignl,
Agent for ihe Or. gon Ausiltury trad Micieiy, is
n adv lo the abuve papers to all who w.sil
to subscribo. ' ,
Single copies, nioiithly, foron. jesr, OSels.
'1 wenly c-lii"". to one a.ldrrs, J3.00
i cs us or child's rsrr.R.
Ten copies, monthly lor one year te one ad.
Fifty ' ' " t'-5
Po tige, Ccts. per copy ,
Oregon City, Nov. 3D, 1H.'i5-33
Jio Volumes I Sahscriliers tnay begin
J WKKKt.v NKv.i'Aren, devoted to news, lileru-
line, si-i' nee, nu-l the arts) to euleriainmeni, im
provaai. ni.aii l pnrees. One of the beat family
neep.ipers in ibe world. Ouly two dollars a
DeviJ.d to Hy Iropi.hv, it" pb losophy and prse
tice. j to Plij .:.. y and Anatomy, with numerons
illu.iral.otis; and ih-wlows which govern hfu and
health. Illustrated. 1 s year.
Devoted to all those pragree.ive measures f-V the
elevalion au-l iiiiprovemelil of oiankmd. Amply
illustrated. 8 1 )".
For thses dollars, a copy of eseh ef these
three Journals will be sent one year. Agents wsul
ed. ISaniplo. gratn. Address
33 3ns Uroadway, New Ysrk.