-a brokers,, .But It the Governor h.w lukcu nil Ilia lud.aue aud pul ilieui uul uf llioir land into 'au enemy's country a country too poor ,r Ilia Indian l!mt liu nut sufficient f,,od fur two emnpfl; mid wc liavu spoken iu thi in..in,ci i Tim Ameri cans will kill our hcuil mid Inly by hunger Ilia best deulli U by gun, w.i nut will 1st mure enemy wu will have only one heart fur la vindicate our uwu ualionnl.ty our country. 'lint Ihe H jf i'w n.it m near I II some Annul otni will) urn in Ihe iu'ns go la luka our women iu J have LiHcd niia lud.nu, and after that wa lisva lekrn our rin f"r lo dcfeiid ourselves. Af Isrwurd Mn IJalon has cams annul 3 us and has soberly vilified. Itti hue suid lliul t hi return lo III Dalle ha will dupauh thoeoldicts fur lo bike till the nation but wa huvo lit liim coiitlnua his ruiid. After u little time we rejoined bnu wc wero Ununited and lie linn p- k on iu Ilia name iiiuuucr. Till n we took Mm and killed L iu lliun we Itsvo Hut oflbred ill j war, but wa mo defond.iig our clve. : ... "If the soldiers and tl.e Americans, by this letter, will remain quiet sn.l uiulta fi iciukdiip, we will no iiuru uiuk war. We w.ll give, in ull lliu ir.but, piece of laud, if llieywill acquiesce ill ourdf.ro but if liny will limit horses on our nutivu country we wilt nuke war, and if wa aru vuuqui.he 1 ihe stieu who prulicl the cu.i will kill ull Ilia women 4111.I cliihlruii, nud thu country will bp ut your do minion. Wo ut tli'a timu number tliousait I aud fifty men, ami wo arc exp.nling ill a few d jys a re cruit of about leu thousand iiiru, uud if ili a number ahull be considerable more. "Wrilo lo iho Sulilicia nud lo the Anitricuns, nJ lliry will give uuswi-r that hull si ow your In tentions. If they give 110 uii.wcr llu-y will lie fur tliu war.'' Sir.ourlfu j expired to dungcr. Some uhiiu liicu urc just arrived Irum Furl Cuividc, uu l lltey ay tliul the Governor is iu the Spakuti couuliy. 1 think Hint uu immediate unwcr ia necessary tu protect the life of tire U. iviTi.gr if the war la otuowu the ludiutis could kill the Governor. Y aura, air, respectfully, FAN DO Y. -Trocectliarjs of the Lerjislalnro. t'.nuacll. (Jutiue'l met ul Coui.eil Cliiimlier, ttl t'ic aeut ul' (J uvei uiiKiit, uu thu 3.1 uf Dec , ut i) o'cluek, I. M. C)i;iiiiixi.'il temporarily by iiioinliuent uf J. M. rulliuisoii l'rcnlrut pro tciu.; II. Ocii oii CL-rk iru tcm. On; It niliuiiiisti'rvd to new luumbora by Ciiiurjittio.f Willi.iins.'. AJjouniuJ until Tut-siliw tit ID, A. M. TuboAV. IKc 4. 'Mossrs. X. IIu'iA'r, Y:n:i!iill mi l CI.Usoi, n 1 A. I'. Dciniisuii, Wliiiitnii, Multiii inali tliul Co!tniili:a, tank lliu unlit ut' utlieu JH Cullliuil.il. '11. A'ljiiitriifil until 2 p. m. Ar-rBII.SOJV. I'lucwil. J 10 i-l.Ttiotl ul' iiriii.iiii.'iit ulliuvrs, wliicli Ru!lo.l us fol low : Fur lVeci'liint, A. l Diiini-o:i . " Tlio out li uf uliictt ,! duly ii'lmiiiiiii. t.ir to ilio Pr'Hii)-n t liy Jitilirit WilliHiiH. Fur Cltiuf Clerk, T. V. li. nl.. ..f Clais..;.. Assistant Clurk, A. S.ili-r uf U'a-liint.in. Enrolling CK:rk, L W. I'Ih-Ij.h ..f Linn Sor'l at nnusv M. I'. l!mko of I'ulli. l'"ur J)i)Oikeei.'r, James Earl. Tlio utticers ttci'O duly qualiiioJ Ly the iPresdciit. Ai)uintcl Mn-ssn. IVLIcs, lluli.-r mi l fimiLli a coininittoe un iir.iiaiK'iii i iiK'n. Ilc-jiurl. rs of tlio tlilK.'n.-iit a'ct in the Territory adinitt.'d to U within tlm bar. Jlfitolred, until otlierwko uriK-rcd, llial ftlio moriiiny; sisioii coiiiiikhioo ut 10, uud -ttlio al'turcouii at 2. Adj.niriii'd. Wku.nkspav, D o. 3. After reading tlio journal Mr. lVnliles, ifiom scli ct cuiniiiitti'i', rcurt. d tlio ndop. tiuii uf tlio rulos ul'tlin last sossicin, with an jimelidin.'ilt li-iiviu;' ulit ;ill cticol ninj on irollwd bill's cuiiuuittt'O. llottso riurif(l oauizatioii, nndsrutidi jipss to prucoud tu Ijusiiioss. On motion of Mr. lVclili's, fifty copies of rj-tiles ordurvd to Uf printed. . CL'iU onlored to inform tlio IIoiio, by message, of organization. Resolution by Mr. Smith, tlmt tlm Clerk ftubsvrlbo for a sullicieiit nuinbi-r of tlio dif I'orout tiewspnpers of tho Territory to sup ply tho inoinbers and officers. ' Amendment by Pec b'.cs, "nut to exceed .six copies in nil," carried. .Yeas, Drain, llujicr, O'Byailt, Peebles .mid Mr. President : ). Nays, Fulkera'oii and Smith ; 2. Adjourned. A FTliii.Noo.N. The following standing' -committees were npiointed by tlio Presi dent : . ( Judiciary ; Flubor, Peebles nivd Kelly. Ways and Maun : Fulkeisoii, Smith mid Drain. Klections ; O'Brvatit and lluber. Kducation ; Peebles. Kolly and Drain. Claims ; Smith and (''ulkersoti. Incorporations J K'eily, O'Biyant and JIuber. ' - i Pnnniifa ; TJrain mid Fulkerson. I Commerce ; lluber, Sinitb mid O'Hry--fliit. Kngrosscd Rills; Peebles and Fulkerson. Jlwad and Highways ; Drain, lluber .-and Kift'lj Military A.T.tirs : Kelly, Peebles and .O'lSrynut K jsolution by Mr. Smith, that a cmrimit- 'tco of two bo appointed to ael jointly iih alike committee on tho part of tlio House, to drof! joint rules for the government of ?bolh Bouses ; adopted. Motion by Mr. Heebies, that fifty copies .of the list of standing totnmittets be printed tfor the use of the Council. ' PiCSululion by Mr. lluber, that the Sec retary oflhe Territory be authorized to fur- liediencli member and ClerK wiin n copj of the Statutes of Oregon, and Journal of the Oounoil of,I.ist sessiou ; aduj.tud. lU-solution ly Mr. Smith, ibat a joint .coininittee, con-siitin;; of two members trurrf each branch of the Assembly, ba appointed to inform Lis excellency, the Governor, that -ihe LegiLitive Assembly is uoiv orgauUd; adopted. . J Ijutiracd. Uuue. ' MoNDAV, Dec, !1 1. MelllbiTS el. tt aaeinbed at tile hall at 2 P. It,, appointed Frederick Wuyiiiir.i ffuui I'ulk, hpeuker pro tciti, and J.i.iiea Klkina Clerk. Appointed It. I lloise, I) luzijii Smith un I V. It. Dm bank, cuiuliiitteu on Cicdeti tiul.. Adjouraud lill'l'u vlay at 10 A.M. TOKKUAV. Def. 4 til. i II into met pursuant to a ljuiiriuiu iit. Coiililiitl.'e uu Credential reported the f .l ! I iwing ni.'iiibeis present as eutidu I to sea's : I Pliilii l.' ill. uul, r, Cluts'ip county. I John 11 irris, CYlumbia. I . V. Itrown, Mulliioiiiah. I I Iyer Jitcli-oii, Multnutnah and Washing ton. O.-villo llihley, Hiram Strnight an I Jas. , Officer, Claekauiiia. A. U. lluib.iiik uud Andrew Shuck Yam hill. Wm. H.irpole, L. F. Grover and John ! Haiti on. Marion. Fr di-rick Waymiro an I tt. P. Boio, Pulk. D I izon S uitli, 1). I. Giant nud II I. PnAvii, Linn. 11 C. Iliiekiiighani uud John Uubinseti, Il.tituii. ' ' N. 11. G.fes, Wa-ci. J. It. Mooivs, Lane. J M. Cozurd, l iiij rpia. Win. HiitMin, Douglas. Win. Tiehi'iior, Cooh. 1 1. .tiso proceeded to tho elecl'un of pef. u a ieiit uliicors, which fiction resulted in the choice uf Dela;: n Smii li, Sp.-uker ; ( 'dili.nl, cliiel Ch ik i Jallles Klkilis, Ass'l Clerk; Mansi. Id, euroliiiig ("lerk ; A. J. Wi leh, Seig't at Anus; Albert Itogs, ; Duorkeejier. Oath wa u linini.-teted io tho Speaker by Ju lgu Williams, and to t lie members Itnd officers el. ct by tho Speaker. The rules of 1 ho last session worn adopt-r-d temporarily for tho government of the HullH'. Messrs Tieli"tior, G i over and Cozard vver aopoiiit. il n coininitteo to report per manent rules of the House. The Clerk was instructed to inform tho Council that the II-uio wus duly organized and ready fur business. Adjourned till WultK'i-dar at 1) A M. Great fridian Hattlc ! NL'AR WALLA-WALLA. Ct.pt, lu'DlK'tt Killotl! 5 Killed tmcl li Wouriiknlt ! Pec-puu-luox-mox ami .r0 Intlian.s slain 1 DESPATCH FLOM COL. KELLY Head Qu.tnTKK, Lkft Column, M Kegl. (). M. V., ..I Camp Wulla Wulla, Deo. 8, lo I1.L1AM II. I ArtllA II, Alljlltlllt 01 Urgt , S:r : Ytsieidu) m..rii:ug us my c imuiund was mi ihe I;. 0 of iiuieh fioin ihu mouth of To ichct liver .n Whionmi Yulh y, we w.rn attacked by ... out four huiiih . d (ml uiiH, wiiii whom v. a kepi up u tunning liit ull day uud for a dUmice of ubout ten ui.lcs from lliu Wulla Wail. a livr. Al, tilt' k 0:1 jenu-r.l.iy lliu baillu Was susucndid by the Indians ':!. d a.i in;. Wo .Irovo the 11 from every p.M.li. 11 w li.eli llii-y look, I.01I1 ill the tiriii'li-uoud a'ollX tho liver hank uud on Ihe ; d uc. nl liilU. 1 his in .tiling Hie b it;lu was reiiewo I, un I rugid aid iv Atilu.lt this evciiiug ill.' luUiaus 11 cum wnhdiew The uuiiitierof the ludiuna who fought 11.1 his lu'en eon-iderulily gieuUr iliau yetenluy, un. I is Ki.i. 11. u :o exec, u "X huti.lrcd. . lo-inor row inoiiiiii we exp el a riicwal of ihe bailie, which in u! I prebubnliy will luit lor aoiue lime yet lo come. 1 re-'iet lo ray, that yiMrd.iy nud tn-dav, we liuve lout ni iiiv brave uud excellent men, who fill nobly lighting lorilie.r eouniry. Hub toned 10 this dispatch you will find 11 list of the k; I. d uud wounded. '1 Ilo lose of the Indians mus: be very gi-eul, us their kiih d, uiouo, during two iluys, euumikt e leas lliun lilly men. Among their ki.liil 011 jeataduy wua the nole.l chief of Ihe Wulla W alius, the celebruled Pt-l'tu-Mix-Mox. lie was lukeu pr.anner by my coinm and 011 the 5ih insl., near his camp on the Touchet, and during the buttle ycaterduy niude un ell'jrt lo ecupo. In doing au he win killed togelher with four others whunere made pran.ra at the saaio limo, and w ho nl? 0 utleinpt. d lo get uwuy. . T'c-.n row, us I said, wo expect a renewal of die bj.tl.-, an 1 1 regret to say thut we ore not in a Mliiutiuii to repel the uttnek af tho Indiana wilh thut vifiur thut is dvsiroJ. This urUea Irom our scaiclly of Knimun'tion and the brokcn-ilowu con dit.on uf our horses. The un mils have become so poor nn.i ja led lluit it ia imp iss ble to make a suc cessful oliarso iig.ii.al the In liana, who are moun ted oa l!e. t ho a s, and 1 un e.ia ly 1 sipe. We n:c tl.e. cfure eoiu;ie.lc.l, in a measure to set 11 the de fense of our pjfitun, which we u 0 now f .rl fy iig. by making a rt.ickn.le f ork tic- .1111111 mil 011 w II be cxliausie I, I f. ar, w.tli unodicr h ..rd day's fight ing ; un I unless we eun rice vo u su p'y f.om 1'ort llenrietlu, our posit 011 will bo eritice.l iu lecd. Oj p,o.i.-io::8 we have oil y enough for nbout three iluys, but we expect :o get a supply in two or ihree duys. 1 must insist upon suppl esof ull kin la being 1 eat forward at mice, os I do 110; intend to abandon this pos tiua un il the lust i xliem ly. Hy bo doing the enemy would be greatly emboldened. Til a d.s.a:eh is written in g.'eat haste, an I ia diseonneeled and exiccdingly br ef, and I know will "b unsmief. clor, ; but 1 wish to send the mes senger forward immediately, soihat be can reach Fort Henrietta by duyl ulit At nno;hertimo I will give you a more d. tailed report of all trun-ao-t ons llmt haie occured s nee Icaviiy the past 011 the Umatilla. r.cs. cstfuily. iS-c, JAMKS K. KELI.EY, L eut. Col. I'.cg't O. M. V. V,lsl of KllleA nrul Wouaied. Killkd Capt. Chan. Uin'u.tt.Co. F. : Second UuifJ- M. Cnrmws, Co 11 ; P.-ivntu Simon L. Yan Hagirtnan, Co. I. Mortally Wounded a.nd aisci Dead. Pri- vato Kvki. Co. A. ; J'tivuts IKniy Ciow, Co. II. Tc3TALLY WOCXDED BUT STILL ALIVE. Pri vate diaper Snook, Co. il.: I Private Joseph Slui tevant, Co. B.; Privauj ,lewe Flem ng, Co. A.; D.vxaEaoraLY Woundf.e. Capt Layion, Co. II.; Private T. S. Payne, Co. 11.; Private Frunkliu Crubtrie, Co. II. J Private .1. li. Jervaia, C'u. K.; Private Nathan Fry, Co. H. Sevsrelt WoexiiED CapL A. V. Wilaoa. Co.- A. , Ca pt. M unwin , Co. J . fcergt. M j-. Ic M.ller, Co. II Private, G-W.Smiih, Co. B. Slioii-lt Poinded P.-ivate, Franklin Duval, A M AJl ngtn, Ca.lL (Advurliaoiuuut. Him I hob, Out You tnve n-a.l of Alminlir, Iiih iiriiBuia wo ilia Lite it, Of t'oHir ami N.inoleiui, lloili h jit-rioin uf rvi.ilttt Uul lute j on hear I uf Sijii.ImA," The iiiuii uf iciu-red n .me, ' ' "J .hu hue .U" uf Uu- -r awer," Of San .ej.) fain ? A warrior mid .1 wi,tr. And wliliul an rn rui-r. The in 111 who H'e .Kii -le.a'.li'r "li p", And nil. 1 alwiiys wi.ir a m er. A few we k nee he Inud.d Kirt lime uiriii oiirnluire ; lie nwclle I hi.iiM:f, an 1 hnuk llinuc'f, An I 1. fully liu aware, lie damiii'd in la our liier. And our fair.nl uiuid.'iia hfanl Ilo v all dLVui I of (ffiicia They w.e by "S(;iib .b'" word. The Mini, he miid, Wi re (,'uilly Of n.ihlo' alKiciti. , And all our n iviu, "John l'lut:i'." raid, "l'y 0 , are ull iii Jiwlroailien.'' So h'..alrd lip w'ib. wlf c uiccil, . Ami wild a little pride, Tl.ii "l'lia.nx"of Hie I'li.tiier bocu on Ihe eluudi woul.l r..le, Bui lor the we uhl of 11 .live bruaa That ill hia face uipear, , No liuu'i tkiu tr ui-for ..a an aa, And u v I.mui our feura. Ui.h i wr.iieuof a U ud Who iiu-t niiliiu.ly file, U.cauo .nam (he billy A 11 ox would emulate, l'e eai eful, llirn, Ihou "Squibob" man, Or el:, like l'p'a load, The gut thut SAella you ao of lute May luckleicly explode. De eurrul, for we cannot tpure Althouiih an great a nalioii Tlie man who uf liiniaulf hua audi "Inleiuw nppr. c atiou." And U.icl.1 Sum can ill iiffii.l To lo', w hrn you ilepurt, , The only puppy in hia puy, With lop all by h art. a. a. 0 . rpiin anbser;b.rs of the .VeM:niivil!e College I urn rrqu.ntml to meet nl tho Colli-),' building on Mmiduy, the 3IbI day uf De"eiuber, IMjj, lor ll.e purp u uf in:.kiiiK urruu'iineiita for the cum pV'.imi of uid biiil lin,'. i lectin g a m w I'oaidof Trusitca, and doing nil older uufinlshed bualiiesa lieci ."ury to lie ili.lio for ihe purp..) uf tli'ectili Ihe ..he. t il.-ni.-t d by lae li.slilulion. U.c. 1.1-35 W. T. N EWBY, CUrk. 0;cgil i ity I'mli Eltus(. C1IIARMAN, AYAKXICK, i. DOYE would ) iiif .riil the fnriuers of the whole eouniry tliul they arc now fully r. ady lo purchase FAT IIOIjM. T In Kq, having auch wiil plearo to fuvor them wilh a cull. Dec. Iu -Jjtl rrrvrv uusiiuls of wheat wunted, UvUU fur which we will pay cash or Hade ut the maikul price. Dec. 15. C1IARMAS .J- WARSER. Shcril'3 Ealo. "TY virtue of a cerium writ of Execution now in AJ my hands, issued out of Ihe D stiict Court of l lackumos county, to me directed, in fuvor of II. J. Puat, uguiust 1'uuiel lirik-k, and fur the want of peruana! property tu aaliufy the name, I have levied upon ull the riglu title uud interest of the aaid Dan iel Urock iu a certain luud claim, aituu'e.1 iu Clack iimas couuly, deserihed liinotilicutmn No.(i(i3, now on lile iu the Laud Ollice for Ilia Willamette dis trict of Oregon, ss follows, to wit : SI i of S. W. of See. 9 W 4 of ' 10 Fruc'l S. E. of " 6 It v.-r I..;, No. 3, 4, and 5 Sec. 21 Fruc'l river lot No. 2 iu " 21, T. 3 S. K. 1 East. Conin'iiing R-ID acres, more or lets. 1 ahull proceed o ell all the right, title and in terest uf the said Daniel liiuek in the ubove dencri bo 1 laud, or so much thereof us will sutixfy the sum of S JIIIt .".(), I. eetlier wilh interna und aceru ng anal, oa Tiiesduy, the loth day of January, ISjlj, ut XI 0 cl"cli r. H., of su:d ilav, 011 the prumtsea. SEP. ll'UKLAT, Den. la, 'ou-35 Uliitrijf duckamai Co, Administrator's Sale. TY order uf llie Probute Court of Clackamas D eouuiy, I n i l sell ut public auction nil the 111 Wnst of Cyrus Wudswotth, deceused, iu lile laud eluiin held by the deceased ut the time of his death, situuLd in aula county, on the roud leading Irani .Mihvuukte lo Oregon City 1 and ulso all lie" reul estule of asid ilco used ; viz :.Tno Iota oflnnr! iu ihe town uf iMilwuukie, and uouula uforesald, and known us tlio Elliott pluce, uud bounded on the north by public street, on the eust by land owned by Lot Whiicomb and others, on the south by lols of luud owned by ejiristlun Deurdorf, on the wef by street. 1 will sell auid interest und ubove flc aeribed properly ut Milwuukie, in county ufuresnid, on the 1st duy of Junuury, 1 r-.riti, beiweeu tire hours of ten o'cl iek and thu setting of the sun the same day. Tot me of sale, one thud cash, Ihe re maiud.r iu six inoiitha, secured bv bond and tecu rilie. J. P. EAG AN, Milwaukie, Dec. 5, Ti5-35-3w Adm'r. Tiiiilu.iii .It adi iiiy, Forest Grove, WaM nylon County, 0. T. QUAftTEilS COMMENCE ; j First Wednes iuy in December ; Lust do iuFrbruury Third do ill May ; F.rst do in September. ' TUITION PER ftUAttrES: Primary English gtf.CO . !-' . ! ' .00 Ancient Lingiiages, j v Freneli Si. druwing, each, extra, .1.00 Iiicideulul charge, li.) els. For iuf jrinatiou respecting Ihe School, n.ldreaa E. I). SHAITUCK, Nov. 23, l8."5.-33-6nio Principal. C'niiriasili, .luv. 26, 1955. ON lind und for sale, low, for cash or produce ; Puiula Si. lead, chrome green, white lend, pruseian blue red do in oil, chrome yellow, blk. do " blue paint, litharge, Common end permanent green putty, glass, 4c. JNO. P. UKOOKS. Walnut Grovo TMnrscrj. rpUH rplendid csiuhl sliiie ut ia ailualed in the I French Prairie, un II ie ruad lea.iiug f-om Or egon City lo Salciii, twenty-oi.e miles frnui the former, and sixteen from the latter; where the un dersigned have 011 hand a large assortment of root eralied Al't'LE, I'EAR, PEACH, PLUM, APRICOT, anil llLl.MJK also, aeverul va rieties of Crape, Currant, UooAthtny, ij--, $c. ; ull uf which they oiler 00 the itinet reasonable terms, fur cull, Cattle, er any kiud of liicrcli.iula ble produce. Call and exaiuiue. No tmuble to show fruit tree.. N. JOlIX'SsON Si. SON3. Nov. 21, 18j5. 32-3in ' Direct From Uonolalo, ER Itr.g L It. Luul, 10 tous S. I. SJt, 127 uiU ' No. 2 Sugar, 50keps Nal " 2.i Ubls. Syrup, 2-J " " Molasses, SUOGJlotis Polar Oil. C.AEi:K'i;Ti:Vie9. Ilorriblii Jlaoiieru wf Wliilea t DON I' be alurlh .l, ireutln reader, for we have uo l .ier nutteof Imliau depri dutluna from either Ilia uorllior ihe eoulh, hut wa do nut kunw how i)rj we may li ive. 'l l.e ( ir:iuli ia u..w, if the lu ll ana aliould nil rise, nrr ynu rmilij lo goantl Ji'lil? I. you have u..l g iod andd.e 1 ijrif.ti' )ou aiouoU All ue wi!i to ,iy tie 11 i, lluit we have now aiurl- ed a 8. WOW A SO II A It. li.SS MAMWS rliil.lihnieiit 111 O.eo.iii I'Hy, wa ie we lira i-e.ii-aluuily turiilu.'outaaddlea, liatlie.M, bil.Iha, nmrt.il gn r. col!ar, haliera, un.l 1 very 1I1I111; eUo that you 1 ver lie. r I of com Hg ..ill of a -a !illcr'an!inp. Car r.:.; liiiiuiiiuir oonv lo ord.-r. ALL SOU IS Of It HI' A HIS ilmie on ihorl imliee. W e invito nil ll.e world ami ihe n -i 0 muuki'iid 10 tlivo ua call, and rx-eiiilly Ilia far n.rra. A I orb. of proilune llmt Weciiutiini to any iieeouu;, will h li.keu ill puyiiieul lor wurK. Duui full to cull 11 it I ere ns anyhow. Otll neiirly oiipiHiiie tlie Alain Si, lloiue, oloaeb('hi luuil and U'arut r'a bakerv. M. w. viTin:ii:i.L& co Outaos City, Nov. 21, ISia.-;i'Jil To Ilio Farmers "TTTK WOULD any, call al our atari'; e V will pay you ua well fur your produce aa any other hues.- iu Oregon, and will ei.d.avor la make you feel as eninfonuhli aa we poaihly enu. UI.24 CI! ARM AS J- WAltXElt. IV'KirY TII.NlS 111 Ihe line of Groceries, U as chei-ao, ull kiuda of spiee. al aiulu, cuhoil ute aodu, aulo. ir.ua, c renin inriiir, Ae., are aold at i.ov2l CIIAItMAS if WARSER'S. A IZtiru Clisiiiro For those tugagvl, or whiting lo twjagt in tin Flouring Business. Wfl' have on hand on.l for wile, the following I V iiiaehmery for griat mill, which will be told luw for caali, or an a fhuit time ! 'J porlablo nulla, e.niipVlo : 1 run uf four fret fouriucli Freneli Hurrs, Willi pur wheel, 1 14 cogs, we gliiejr lUi.i liu, ; with p u.lle, pinion, b rii-.li and oil-pi' and collar, 1 run, nine aize, wilhoiil piaiou. Oilier irona the aume ua above. Togeilicr w.lli it geuerul awiriincut of bun!, boiling clothe, pulleys, gudgeons, wheel. Cuiipliiigt, liuiiriugs for bolting cliuatu, Ate., &c. In other word, every requiai'.e uecemary to '.he e iiiipleti.ui of a trrl-t mill by Wm.C. DEMENT & co. Ojipurils ihe Lund Ollice. Oneaui City, Nov SS, lr5j. COUNT' ORDICIH foraul.-nt 11 di rnnnt. nov'.'t O. AllEltNETllY & CO. Mt'.:.iopil lias I'allt'ii ! A NO CUARMAN & WARN Ell wish to inform the eiiurus of Oregon City and the public in general that they have just received a (,-ood asaoninent of GROCERIES cuiluble fur this season of tho year. Also, we have rcce.ved a supply of fancy groceries, such us Purina, Sugar iiitiiora, .lrruie lliol, un.l a variety or other such artdca too numerous tu mention. We huvo a good assortment of FANCY 0 OO OS fur the holidays, such its raisins dates, figs, bottled , pio fruits, raspberry picsorves, and a variety of other articles in this line, uu h us will suit the great st epicure, of tho land. Wo have al so 011 hand a good assortment of cuudics, and aru receiving a supply nearly every sleamer. So pleuso give us a cull ; we w.ll sell as chcup us any house in Oregon. Our nio'.to is that a qutcK penny la better lliun a slow shilling. We are now commencing to prepare In the Ba kery for Christinas, and ahull huve s good assort ment of cuke. We ahull also keep au hand a su perior quality of butter crackers, Uustoit crackers, and also the sweet Yoik crucki-rs. Please give or ders fur tlio ubove iu good time. Our prices shull be rcu-onublc, aud the goods made uf the best mil lennia iu Oregon. nov.Ql District Court, Clacluimus County. Leander Holmes, Complainant, ads. 1 The Willamette Fulls Canal, Milling, V ' In and Transportation Company, uud I Chancery. others. Defendant. J TY0 Sumuel K. R inii-k, Oiner McK'nney, Ja- A. seph Scolt, Charles It. Uuller, Joseph U Riley, J. 1). Cumpbell, L. M. Douglas, J. 11. Spalding, Erwin Cummins, p. D. Suyers, Wells Luke, Juliu Dv Robbing und others, Jutues McNuru, E. W. Dliss, a part of the defeudunts iu ubove suit: Take notice that the lidl of Complaint iu this cause was filed 111 I his court cud stibpomu issued thereon on tho sixteenth day of August now last past 1 that this anil is brought by suid comp uiniint lo recover the sum uf $."400, claimed to he duo to complainant us and for interest up.. 11 the sum of )g l.),(JIIII, nils ng una accruing us lollows thai Kol.eit .Moore uud June E , bis wife, i n iho Is duy of December, 1 152, sold und conveyed to Daniel II. Ferguson certuiu IuiiiIb and premises iherein de scribed ill L 1111 City. 111 Ihe Ihen county of Wash ington, now county of Clucitiimus, nud for Ihe unpaid purchase money thereof received hack at Ihe same time from said D. II. Ferguson the prom issory note of said Ferguson (among other tilings) for the sum of $ -13,000, secured by mortgitgo ut same time on Iho premises aforesaid ; that su d note bore dute the said first duy of December, rj.ri2 -was payable to said Robert Moore or ordiriu ten years after said dale wilh interest ut six per oent. per annum, payable, unnuully; thut oil the l'Jth duy of March, 185H, said Ferguson sold and conveyed sume premises, subject 10 suid mortgage, to the au d Willu.uelte Fulls Canal, Milling, and Trun p irlulion Company, wilh actual notice to suid Company, at the time of such sale, of such claim uf .Monro thereon w hich conveyance isund was all Ihe title of aaid Company to suid premises ; that sai l Compnny ia in poaxession of said prem ise; thut ou the fust day of April, li-ol, suid .Moore for valuable considerulien assigned uud con veyed said note and mortgage to O. C. Prult, who, on the tenth day of August, 165j, assigned and conveyed aume to said complainant ; that no port of said principal mom y or interest has been paid, Hil l coinp'a.nunt seeks lo foreclose said mortgage for nonpayment of said sum of jg.VlOO due Ihercou for interest j that said defendants respectively, to whom this notice is addressed, have filed 111. chun k's1 liens wi:h the proper officer against suid prem ises for work uud labor alleged to huve beeu done tli.re.jn and materials found for such work fur and on account of suid Willamette Falls ('anil, Mill ing, and Transportation Couipuny, or liuvool. tamed judgments against said Con. puny iu thu District Court ol satil county ot llackumus, duly rocoiuca; that the sherilT of aaid county, having returned thut you Ihe said defendants, to whom this notice is directed, could not be found, it is ordered by th court that you and each of You do appear iu suid SViirl on the first day u the next lean thereof, lo he held at Or. gon L ity in S..1 1 couuly on the lirst . . ...... . - it. .it . 1 tuouaay in .uurcii uexi, 10 a-mwer tuc sum uut ui cm. plan. I, or Hint the siiino will bs taken aa con fessed against Ihose not uipeuring. November 19:h, X. li F. i. HOLLAND, Clerk. Nov. 4-32 8w :i!ila riiz LI me. A RB!,-. for sa'e hy OU iiovlO WM.C. DEMENT & CO. r-fjyplinu XVftiaf. VFEW bushels f..r sale by iiovlO IV'ijf. C. DEMENT CO. 15 OOTS 6c SllOM fsr rile by nor? I .ire.m.v j- nj,n.r.ii IIGHT plenty si j F. S. 4, A. HOLLAND'S. Vfiicat V7antcd. II 'GUEST cash jinei-s pad by N iv 2. .V. C VEXEXT $ CO. U. B. MAIL LfNE. I' a r ( I (i 11 (I uud A I o r I n . The SolendhlSleumer ' jL i IVIaltnomsb " TTlLli ooniiiiue loruu regularly betwciii I'oru V luo.l mid Aalu.ia, r:d Vancouver, twick wur.H, leuvmg Periland ou .Monday and TIiiimI. y iiKiruiuga uf oueh ne-!( fur Astoria ; and Aslonii fur I'uillau.l uu Tuel.iv and 1'ii.luy iiiamiiia, tuuehing Viaeoevan, St. Ilei e, IUihui.I'ath UiiiKT, iVc, each w ay. 1 'or fn -ighl or pjue, , up ply to U. II11YT, Mu.'.er, jel(l Orut I lo, fa Wharf but, I'oilland. r.Iolodconi riVVn Sl'FHItlolt M KI.ODKONS, lonrrlve X dneot from New York, for tele VKY cuiAr lor cali or wheut Cuqutre of Nov. IMtltf W. C. JOHNSON. TV- AUK NOW UF.CEIYIXti. per bug V "Srt im Abigail'' and bark"Chita. Daveuo," f.oui Sen Fiuucisio, the following goods: ORUCERIES.HM kga E. U. syrup, 58 sale., ill) bbla New Drleuna do. MKIO Uu Nil. 1 Cliiua sugar, 50110 Ilia tiilile salt, yOU boxra Eng'oh and Aintiienu soap, SO easea pie fruit, usa'd, 9 gross P. .-. II. yea a powders, S00O lbs tobacco, nsa'd brands,, 1(10 half boxes i-a.rua, Si) bblaand hull' bbui crushed augur, 3U0II Ilia aalrrit'.ua. CROCKERY A General Anartmiut. DR Y-(lOOOS.:m0 yda brown shelling, lllliU yda sutinela, 20110 " prima, 10 pieces ulpac.is, .V) puita English blankets, 2'MI yda enrp.-ting, 200 " oil chilli I Together with a g.-neial onorlment of ready made cluliiing, boots, shues, hats, cutis, aud cuttteulera' tools. WM. C. DEMENT CO., Nov. 10. Opposite the Land Ollice. rruit Trees for Sale. rpO those who uro iu want off mil Irers, I would J. any eome along und gel them, n Ihey are go. iug oil' l.ke hot cukes. Sly ireea are uf the selec tion uf J. W. Ludd, now oclcbruled all over Oirgon aa Ihe liest selection of fruit ever brought to line coast. My Ireea comprise all the choicest varie ties of fruit which liuvu Irouirlit premiums ut ull Ihe ncent Cain in all Ihe northern Suites in the Union. Aly present stock ia of Ihe present Sum mer's gro-.vlii, large und Ihrif.y. If I rniinut suit you in sue. J. NY. l.u.ld cut, whose a lverliseiuent yon will see in Tiik Anui s. You will ulwnys find iue (wln n 1 inn at home) on the Monlicello l'urm, .Maiiuii county, w h.m I ahull be happy to wa I un you, while my Irues hold out. My piicns will suit 1110.it ainlio.lv. SSAMl. MM.MO.N.-3. IIowki.l Prairie, .ov. 1, I."i.i.-:i0-8l aa k V. LEY'S ljt? JPrivate ZJoardiurf Eoaso, ILt-X.I lirimiiii llulmes tio.'s t-mi-1. rout buili ing, OREGON CITY, O. T. iLT Charges reasonable. Nuv. 3-Gut. nAY'MAN'S Dyspeptio Elixir warrunhd tu cure tho dyspepsia just reeeived und for su'.cuttho OREOON CITY VRUO STORE. 1 PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for Ihe cure of fever and ugue, Sic, &.e , just received and for sale ul tho OREGON CITY ORUU STORE. The Scst Chance, I.IYER oll'ereil ill Oregon, to those wauling 'a Ci,.iu 1 lenott tt.iv In llm tiill.li.i that I mil olli-riiig my stock of Stoves, just received, al unsr ly REDUCED PRlC'E'j, from Five to Ten Dol lars below former rates, O. U. TH OUOUIJ. A UOOD assortment of Tinware on hand, und for sale cheap, by O. U. TWOtiOOD. - AAA IIUSHFI.S of Oats wunted, for LUUJ which I will pay the innrket price, in Stoves. O. U. TWOtiOOD. i)(fr HUSUELS of Wheat wanted at u Vj U VJ the market price, for whi. li I will pay in Tinware or Sloven. O. It. TWOtiOOD. 1 FEW uf the celebrated cook sieves known us jL Ulack Diamond and May Flower on baud und forsulehy O. U. TWOtiOOD. c OOK STOVES at 18, by not 0,-tf U. IJ. TVt WiUUU. Somctliing: New. 4 NY person liuv.ng a Mclndeun, Seriiph'ue, Acc.r.leon, or oilier reed iiislruuiciit, wilh brukeii or tlrfeclivo reeds, nun have ihem repaired by applying nr Bending lo 'has. M. Koster, at his residence, two wpiures lia-k from thu Duptist .Mce ing House, in the Norih part of Ore on City. Charge for inserting tingle reeds from $l,S0 to $2,U(J. lieusouubie dedu. lion for u grenter num ber. C. M. K ESTER. Oregon City, September 22, lSfiS-33 j) Briies, LIcdicincs, Paints, Oils, Yj and Iyo-stutfs, utthe ORhlioN CITY DltL'G STORE, opl5 Main Street, Oregon City, O.T. DR. G uysotl'e compound extructof Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, nt the septa OREOON CITY DRUli STORE. SANDS' Sarsa-arillu, in anvquantilv, at ihe OREOON CITY DUUli STORE. 0 LO Dr. Jucnb Townsend'a Saisaparillii, at Ihe ORECON CITY DRIOSTOHli I) R. Townsend's Surf apar.lln, nt Ihe OREOON CITY DiaOSlUKhi. SHARER Sar-Hpiriil,i, at the OREOON t ITY DRUG STORE. "cLANE'S celebruled Vermifuge und Liver Pills, (HllOilJ.N CI 1 1 JJKLU hiuiu'.. D It. Osgood's India C'holugogue, und Dr. Jones' Ami rican Cliolagogue, ut Ilio OREGON CITY DRUO STORM. MOFFAT'S Life Hitlers and Pills, Ileri.ard'e Dysentery Hyrup, AVutar's Dalsuni of W.ld Cherrv, ut Iho OREGON ('ITY DRUG STORE. J) H.J. Avres celcbiated Cherrv Pecloral for I eote'lis, enl,ls,nnrl coiisumpliuu, at tlm OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. TAYNE'o Alterative, E.-.pectorunt, and Pills, i Cod Liver Oil, Castor O.I, and Sweet Oil, al I Ihe' OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. I EXIC'AN Mustang Linimcut, G. W. Mer-1 chant's Garcling I'd. al Ihe OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. rplll.'SSES, iLht and left and dedlie, and Ab I dominul supporters, ul lite OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. IyVt'.l'j While Lead, ruw and burned Umber. Cronie, Green and Yillow, and olln-r piinui, at the OREGON CI I'V DRUG STORE. 1)ERFL'MERY,at i OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Ci uaj;ff.nuerc MEDICINES: K Graufeuberg SarnapahiU, Uterine Cat hulieon. " Dyseuiery syrup, coosuruplivs bal.n, , - Pila Oin m'nl, ' Health Eillera, ' Eye Islon, 4c, tu... To be found at the sgenev of li ( ompanv, al I'm oir;:: ci rV l-kcc sxcKi OREOON CITV Wholesale Frleei Curreut. coasacrrau wskKkr, unv noons. ; usevaJk uiuieiMa Sheeting, 4 4 lOj'lOUpr.cl.uvrr N. Y.cost, Drilling l'-i mouits. tilenilied drilling U Wheat, h-. ba S.'iuHU ' shirting, IlultiOuis clu....,,..4iluio Slrtpd do l l'Pulnioes du . .new....it ' i'lek.n. I lalliOnious da M Heiiins ,..1.Y Flour lllue drill. n' 14;Curu Mvul, ftvb I'liiid liiuey lllu'.M; rsiir. Satinet 7Uu!n ilricil uu .... la Kentucky iruns...il.'iu-l5,l'euohea, dried d......l Tweeds 65u7li; " UouenliJ rsisra. ; Cbtli, (Ir.ed.yHaVs I'.lue and while 12' ruimutw.is. lllue and orange 12 Pork, i-lcur none. l-uiioy tftl-4, " MK 2!s3ll Funuluia da lOull llunui. , 3,i " , da. wide. I-J llucm no sale, M. do luiu. u I lu2.it riiwusa. . Oiiighams I AisS. Ilavjird, pr oa $J.1 Aipacs '.311IHI, " pr ej .... v' Tuble d imusk .'lOaT.Y siior. cloths li.iatl Small slu-s 8-iJl' Irish linens lUu$l lluck trl 11.0 rill.SU. i LKA'i. Sheep gray punla t&.'J a liar 2U Siitiuet do. .l-iiH White leu.l, In oil Uul a Fancy easa. do. ...fcliii imkuauk. . Il'iuek earn do, fc."iu7. Manilla, small 40 Itedllttii'l sllirU SllalH' " lurge 2.1 liluo do. du. I. iu IS I loop lOsl.1 Hickory alurls .riu7- canhlks. Calico do $!lul2 Aililianllne ..aH boots Si. siioks. .Sjk-iiii bo Men's kip bo-it.')J tJJ: ciiiASS. " super da du... . $-1 Ifuvaiie 1 $40a!W " line sewed li) O'rnmu flUutf.) Doys' kip bo . a American iMisSU he'vy w'x do!) i t'l" Tosxcee. Meus'brg'apr. dos..jil7 Pride of Hie luiM.40as1.i " kip hrg'a pr doz.l5J0 Sun 8(aW " eulf sewed do..$'.'l Luks'a 3a Women's h'vy all's. Stl.1. iuauva.- fine d. fjllj, Shovels...., ,yrui4 uitoOKiilKS. Spadea sl4alt! Coffro 20u21 Axes t1a2l 1'ou U5u70 M ill saws "JOu I i Sugar, no. 1 Clii'a....ll J X cut suws 7ool crushed 1 1 uliieciuiery, iu pt-rci Sulorulus I'ia.lU advaner on N.Y.eoM Starch I I Pocket cutleiy, 25 prct Syrup V. Huston. ..illlul; a lvauce. du.-B l.l.illd .i.Ullier uruciea ui uunj- N O Molasses 7; ware :r..in 20 to fiO pr I,iv. Salt 3u3J el advance. Tuble Sail 3J:i4 Nuiaj,uss'dbii-s,prkg (18 Siindivich 1. Sail.. 2u'J " Iiora.alioe...2jiul5 Pepper lio un Ahspies 40 r.nii'i...'. tlJaAQ Cinnuu.oii I.Uutil" I.iusird boil J2 25 fioop lOall 'i'urpcatiua pr gull 9. U . . . -i.. ' ' Fruit Treoa for Salo. I WOULD ro-peialullv cull ihe utlenlioii of those ho wiinl Fruit Trees lo my N ursery, near the bunk ol lliu Willamette, npjiosiie Hnteville, eon tuiniug somu nine ucres of litis yearling er two yeur old trees, numbering sou nU.OOO, mostly grafted. They are ir fine beullltv growlh, very stocky, and raised wilhoiil uiuuurr, which is a very iinportunl puiul, aud embrace must of iho Uudiut kintls of Apples, Pears, Peaelies, &.C. Host of my kinds 1 huvo introduced lu-rr, ul great sxpeusa, from Iho beat nurseries in the Alluulic Status, uud they have mostly borue Iruit wit ch prsves of Ilia highest exeellence. J sha'l be on band altbe Nuiery frutu tits 2.rill Oct. until ubout the lirst uf February, and ready ut all limes to wail tipou those who may favor ma with a cull. I shall sell for easli only, nnu me pn- cos will be low in ucoordunee with tlio hard tunes. All Irccs purchased will be labeled uud cuiefully packed, and delivered at the binding opposite r. ' . . , !, 1. ii ,.e Hulevilla, w llioilt exira cnurf;o. rims mo i- Feb. I shull be ul Oregon City lo attend to selling trees there. JOHN W.WUU... Uulevillo, Ocl. 1.1, 1S5j. 20-dut War Against XZard Times 1 Tkit 1'lut.t to Gtt your Money Duct:, . ClURMAN &- WARNER are now currying on the BAKERY un.l XN FECI ION FRY business at their old etan-.l, wneio iney ore sun tie lei in: ned tu deal on tonus tu suit the times. Our motto ia, ''a tiiiubk) sixpence is belter thuit u sluw shilling ;" and we ure ileleriiiiued to sell, if wo tin sell upon u very smull profit. We are keeping ev ery variety, PROVISIONS, II RIO A 1 1, CAKES, I'iES, iko-, 4c, Uiut were evir uiaimlueltired out ,.r il WLkwoulsoDllhiudsufOROCERII'lS. such as Sugar, ColUe, Tobacco, Cigars, Riesliu . . . ' . .. i .... i. . it-. Sptees, besides inuny irrngs una .wouicinra. 1 1. don l keep any "qunck" lueilicines, howevir.) Was have bought out thoolhor bukery, and intend Co lit ,m i.a.,Mr AMt -hliNlinieut aoon. Tlte Itresa of bus- iness is so great llmt wo art) coiiik-I1i d la 'spiuail ourselves" over a lurger platform. ILr country pruuuco uouhi mm who. "l is no trouble to show "ictus." Cull and Iry a. Oregon Cily', October 13, 185o. To Arrive WITHIN a fuw duya, direct from New Yoik, ex c.ipper ship "iiuldeu Kuglc," 400 gula. linseed oil, Lit) guis.spts. turpentine, 200 boxes window glass, (nsu'd tites,) SilO kegs white had, pure, 2."i gals, varnish, t 20(1 lbs beeswux, 200 lbs rosiu, by Vm. COMMENT 4 co, . il... I I IIS'..... OCl 1h. tl'IUSIIV IIIO UrilllU .llll.l" ltevr Supply. f't AUERNKI'll Y iV i u. oiler lo Ihe Dublin, To at low prices, tiro following articles: Writing paper, ilLilrkets, Thread, usu. rted, . .Steel anilines, ComLs, iitai-K Irll, Sus)ie udors, rlspiee, ISultuns, uirtfl. I'epp.r, black. Steel pens, I tobacco, Soap, iCiruin Tartar, Pickled salmon, finokid " ran holders, Handled uxes, Cow bells, Collins' uxes. Oregon City, Sept. 1-y Wbo Wants a Good Saddle ? riMIE sub cr.bcr, living (ivo in. Ira aoulh-w.at of J Eufayelle, iu Yumlull i-uiiuly, is uow carrying on the kusiiirsa ofSaddu- Mnking 10 good eatsieat. Ilo kcops cunstuntly 011 h uul lliu best vtuldlesi that cuu be manufactured wilJi li e maleriula nt Com itiund ill Oregon. Tho-e winh ug 11 geuurue auddl wurrnnled lo fit on both sales, and rigged out in complrte style, cheap for cu.li, or good Iru.le would do well togive me a cull. My shop ia shoaled mi Rakers ('reek near where the mud crimen il lead, ing liuui Potllaud un.l Oiegou City, "up country' by the way of Smith's brulgu ou the Nut III Folk of Yamhill. II T 1 keep every thing iu Iho saddlery lirur, as Iiridlcs, Marllllgult-s, ljallets, Lilies, f(e , lie. Sept. iiO-23'l. . J. O. Hr NDKRSOV. fpoYS, of d fi'erenl kintls. for sale l.y CIl ARM N Sl, V. ARNER. SOX by tho foot, nt F. S. if A. HOLLANDS D UIL.D Apples, in h'f and wfiole barrels, ul I- . n. q .. in I. ri LLUA'J'L'S, 'hueco, bul lulo cd ish. al . 3 A'. .4. HOLLAND S. . IJOllK ill bairtls nt F. S. 4 A. HOLLAND'S, IAV OREGON TIMOTHY SKLD-Ar) i fcusfo.rJby 1'M. C.DSMEST 4 CO.