f WW (MB v c" . 'V1 i f ;1 V.V rf. ; M' .' i ; !'-- --" ! if V'l 'it j; V-' 'i. , V.-'i :.r: ,'' t v,.i , I v.' . .his ftljc wjou SUgu'a. . w. L. tvxut, r.DiTon ami nun-airru. onsaoir civz: SATURDAY, DHCHMISKIl 15. Agouti far tfco Jjrfus. 1 J. R. McDhihr, lufuijiiie. i i A. llKK.n, A'ii. Monti Kihoi.pii. SuhliuiUy. Wm. B,vm.ow, Mnliilla, ' Jl. 0. R.vmoiii, ' foe. 1B. DaVIS, llluiimhi'jlnn. FANIt W. Mhown, L'orealti'i. . , i,Amo IIakvuv, i'lum Vutltj. Koi.omoN Allcn, JHi'y. j. k. lvi.r, .. . Jo!l MtKlN.NKV, Vahll'HM. ; ! L A. JCh.-b, Ju-.ktimvillt. II. Jl.vnilis, CiiK'iimli. JUDUR SnELLINU, JVii', Tu. '" J.m IJ. J'kk.stu.n, ir7 To. 7A ,! H. A. N. l'lic.i.ps, Gatrsliiri', Jl'. ' ' law Couccmlur ICcwspnpcra, " ITr Jf uliw riljer onlnr lit j iiicuntiiiuflii"0 if llifir li;ivri Hie pnbl'Wirr may (nulinin l o'iki Uicm unlit all mrrnrtir air mi J. tV If nuUwMibeiiilK'ili'etnr irluim tolulie lljir pujiun I'r.iin llif ""il "(li r,foi!.i r il i , lnwliich Ihcy ara will, tliry ur(- r"im-i!j linlil the) will til rrf r.iKf, uliuulil lliTn l.o miy. DJ If ii:rilT rrinuvv In o'li r '! Willi nut lii'urtniiij Hi publirlisr, mnl Hn-nir inn'iii la Ih furiiH-r tiire'-iion, iliy ro lirhl rrfoiiili'c. JT II not nilliciriil fur i lrnj,er, ln n pnptrii nut liik'-n o:il uf lii ollli', In rcliirn ne with "uol luk( ii o.il'' n r.lln mi ll Im cili, Iml lit mini writ a lMr Injlio pu!il:'ir, iiii.(( Hi tir tiu.no weak peron vm llw itfn-, ibrea ive. k. ago. llio ludmu. I.nvo liml tureof "A frtUio Ci-it," duvolM ftbout d.ci.ld H-Jvantn ovor our volunteer troop, t.o eolumin of il.e l Stanford to hcuI- Mel. ww ra n up in U-o, equ lppt-1 ... .. I . . i . . i i i i....:..,' 1 1. ikIi lirinrmt i llir-V Couiu pick up, .... itrA ... ...m.i,.,. ti.il inn- i fctii ri7v iniiu iiib crimn ui in' ' rl..loryDaj.prn ... ---. , r - . , , ,,,.,-1 ,,;.. ln,lil(llH 10 ,vo brcn prei.Hr- .1. h i.iii.a i ai.Ti.ri i.mi hih'iiii inn ink luu uii v.iimij, - la in i" .m' nt". ...... - iiilcrniil iwipruveincut, Hricultuw, A'c.ic ; ill kliorl, tvmj thiny lliat will lllii.triitu Or rtnn life. Oregon rttoureti, lolLce itl. L'. H. ind which our ow.m.et it .-itlwr mi.hlt (lllJ A i. ul, wliPW, if at nil, tlio Luoian Tin nrtli-le l " ' "'" I ,mlvt mnKfl 0 tlMM'. ' . J Iio niH!ant Lve tl.irtren iiifniifry dj. nmr.r i npti to your f'ifi who lire ih-ci'ly iiilTi-til ill tli' tnnlfrt. iiml who urn cotnnlly ciprniH their griiiituJu fur Kin permitted to rend cur inn:r rrjfuljtrly. Aniilier tiling we cnnio nar furgtiin. VVbwietor yoo writ, if jtl m eoi.tiifnt ... uiivlllinv loiiiHPrn - .. . , i ItMWfly coni.neii:fd upon ty "' ""l"" Tini'i ii1 coii(lnnril Muiiuulli'iilfJ by llit In- trnlioiM ofllie !lrillh Governmrnl, winch no' uo l- nl,!ed liixl HlK'tMlli iHkimtnflUUiJim,-! ' ..w.. ...... . ...... ... - ,rull,:e moil our onlivl...... 01 v.uur... m i r.. I.Mli,.- o pro..,. w,r. Co.. IW.b ; hR for . your. .uppla,. ... I. .h. - J-' m r 01l nr,h phi.-H,., iw, M L-ir'andTiiR Am.MHrtdreH.lfullyeH.tlgaU.Jliy.L'.S. rifle. here '' 10 '''''' (rwut ....icuM. ft. , .ion. I. honorably !, on MKnif, rida'P, anil ur! thitunonvinoui Author. H'a nr inclined jour cntnp now nn.l litilo pol.tiwl KliriR wi 0oyetllul ay CUII,id,r u,.r'in t ,,lUr, ,10 tt f ,; wntwfilten hyoimof I lie "Siu-r of Cl.ur- ir" in thft French l'roirie. A !. prom- put y.mr reel namt to your irlicle. I hii i iv i to inllict h ietw of l tt.-r. upon the public, we KliNil prouaoijr mi m thurc.ult of the hit thnw, bef-ire wo pay anv pnr'icular n'toniiun to hi-rcn. not ulwava iifeef.ry or expedient, hut wc nro aliiiott iiiek of inouyinom eoinmuniea- liont. A innn ought never to write an r liclo llu.t he i aithnmed of J b'iile, on" ar- tiele o.er S nul iL'imluro c.irriet more neiiilit with it l Ii it ii a d.tfen over a fnle iiu.i.t). Home nrlich would do inoro rxei-u lion over a lictitioua nnii.o tin. ti they would over n rtal oni. Wo .liould likn t') have ii nptiunid willi in whether to lie I lie real niuiie of tin) author, or ome MiUtitulc. Krior of grmmiinr wodj not mind, thue we c.'.n fmi!y corrict, .ojou wiite i g:lly, nensihly, and to lln point, Sew 1'kikt. Wc have received thrt (irt Xo. uf the 7'nlile Hork Sailinrf, n new paper .tarled at J;iek-oiiviile, 0. 'J'., on the S4ih nil., by I'Vaii.t, 'I'AVi.oa, A lii.AKEi.v. lit prin cipal object acfim lo be to promote I In; in trentn of Soiilhern Orepon. If it lotio. name md pont-ollin, tnd M i.e iiml tl..- ph,t i-1 IIljr(1v , Micinlly, mid hvsicallv, wo con not Ukrn from the nfli.t. Oilicrwwe the put-1 .. , , ' , , milter ii le M reip"ibl. ' Ljrat iililo our iNmthrrn brethren t:p-m tlieir To Our C.nrrpooouili'ut.. ImJIci an I Gntlriiirn:u have v.on. dured a thousand tiine", no iLui'il, i,t the tttiiilily of tlichuinau family which n;;,lr it necessary in conveying in"! ruction to givo 'Imo upon line, line upon lino, pro cept uponprecipl, pr'c" t upon pncij't, horo a little, and theru u l.ltlu ' iuMiuction, ill oriler to beat into the human tnirr:'.:ili.l ing the tiniphst trutliH. "Suw if il lo n inatt'-r of wonder that lliu "c iiniuoti run" of thchuinuii family oieso.-luw in Re iv ing iiiftructioii, how intci we be n-tmiMicd nt nn rxhibitii'ii of a hiinilai i!ii!!n i-n in thrt' literary Imnle, wlio nlli nijit to rtil'iten their fellow pilgrim tliiiiiyh the press ! ' We havo iibtiinl nit f villi nee, in foinethinj,' leu I It nil two bu-hi'U mill llireo of cuiiiinuiiicalioiit notv on hand, that the hints W'elmie occasionally llntnin uiii have nerer Ihsuii lakeii by many who real our paper. We have ouie ciirrespoinlt iits who nre "apt to learn," find who keep wiihiu our rules so lis lo give us but lilllo liulible. For the bcnolit of those who nro yet tuiacijuaiiitrd Willi the rulei, wo t-liall lav tlnwn a few mi' gcalioiM, which, if attended lo, will nve us lirteh trotiblt', beside eiistninj!; ihe publica tion of tome m l idea which li e ahull other wiobo compelled lo cn4 lo lliu moles ami ball! , i 1. Write on only ono hide of your paper. 2, Make your article a slci t as possible. Over four paca it selilom admissible, but if an article in racy, nriiiiieutuli.n, mid full of inioresl, you may mid another pajjo or two. Not one writer in a hundred it ti Liu to kcop up ii tiillicietit intt-rist lo eusuro a reading, nfier ho (fels on iho tilth pajre. 'I'lielroiiblti is, tho ilnll, proy writers, liktt that kind of nernionizers, think thcmtolvos very intcrcslini,', mid imagine that every body else reads their production with the lime gusto they do themself.s. Others,: like i, are long wind, id, and they never ee the end of their subject. Itro. McKeau good luc! in having tlieir wants supplied. The paper presents n fine uppeiirance, nitd we seo noihin iu tho present iiutuber thai would iir'i.-fito n disposition to take "groiindi.'1 that would def. ul lite tthoveincu tioiit-d obji'cla. Sneccis, gentlemen, to yourentrrprisc, as luny ns jou lap on Ihe riihl Iw k. J!-d Tho ylii-o.-(ie,at Salem, still scene lo be occupying it old "grounds" on tem perance, so far as its ediloiial department is concerned. Serving "God end Mammon" was il eiil -d to bo entirely impraclicaolu ill Svvi Testament timts, but llmt was n "lull1 lime ai;o," and i'llro. IVarne" aoeins to be malting an cxpciiin-i.t to see whether tin- tliin" u-ont work in llio niuetcentli cenluiy, His correspondents, in writing on llu tem perance nil sliiin, soem to have got elitiiely ahead of him, mid now and then ono, like Kev. Mr. lliiies, make a center shot, or K'oiiW make one, if "Ilr0. 1'inrue" didn't jog his elbow a lilllo just as l.o wxs "drawing a b lid." TJie next linio "llio. IVnrno" cuts a pariigiiiph out of your conimuiiicnliiiii, b"cause of its beinj n "liitle loo sleep," just send il along to us. friend Ilines ; you shall be heard in Tiik Aiiors. "llio. Foarue," it is now a long lime nince wo invitnj you to jmUisli the r. solution wliich you, us chairman of the Committo on Slavery, reported to tho Conference which m t in Oregon City last August. Darem publish them, or dare you nut? Let us know soon, or we shall have to print tliein for J o i. lit collect, "Ilro. P.," that there is a "tvoo" to such men as are spoken w, 11 of by "all men," nnd if you do incur the displeasure of "llio. Hush," you won't lo-c iiiuro t linn seven or fight hundred sub scribers by it. .. . i t ... e I !.. to think, from it tone and .l.aracter, that il , inaiiilestca w nidi iw mr i.om o. ...u cms h lew week. ago. uur (surgeon miy. for the Southern bntlnllion is l r. Bark well. one of the democratic inembeni elect front Jnekson county to the lower louse of tho Loc'shitum. Mow lie cun legislate at Cor- vallw and attend to the (Juliet of hi oflieo here i in ro than I can divine. Yet tw lhi js an npnof wondun. the thing may be done. I ntn informed that a gentleman from Polk county on a former occasiou represented in l'.rrrrUon. Mr. I.awn nco II. ill has writlm us n com munication correcting u vend slalemeiits ..r ..... I..!.... In rnfritwlt ffi lint ft .III Ul Ul uu, - -- o- , . , I, , ,.nt... ., i'liieii in his I'Hrl 111 coiiiuj nn" it in unit:, unit. m n"l;eof some limj tince, occn n-ii(.dil.orhoid by the firiuL' uf r.-volten. Mr. II. seyi the firinj took place "at the hour of Iii'diiieht." "The bridge wn no.j1' Ciiarded. " I hero is no olil lieiy Willi tlie rhetimiilisin in that neighborhood." We publish lb'" correction!! inndo by Mr. II. in justice ti him and his neighbor as we are not ubh) to g' t ill his whole ciininunic.l-lion. r Wr understand that Lieut. Suruu Tr.n, together with three of his men were killed by the Indians nt Ft. Sleilacoo.n on I'uL'et Sound a few days since. It is said that the Indians crept up and filed ihroilgh a window of the Fort, killing these men. Hub Vr.inrls.ro Murkrts, The jiH.r of lVc.. 7th represent the produce trade as firm, w ith an upward ten dency. Flour rain from 01 rU to $5 75 per liuiid. ; Onts 8oa!)9 cent per bushel. Duller 3la071c. IT llio Li'iji.-ljluro ailjenrii J iu cointn'tle of llit whole fmm CorvurisioSulrini'ii lat Weilnes- rlny ijifrttf . Tli grot. li . in Sulein are lo be inukiuj money. ty J. W. Davis, 1- , Tc!t gi-npliic operator at Poi i'nnd, will i its neeitt our tliuuks for It's k i-iliiesi in Uttuttn tiitt? to us the latest intelligence by li-litni; 2. Wc me unler particular ob!ig:itions to A. Uui.nnooK, Kij., fr vtiluuble ilocuaieii'.t per last stei kt. the same time. Such being tho fact lite Dr. ntniidt a good chance to make it "pati ant well.' Jr. Greer i Hospital Surgeon at this place and Dr. flreyimin and others HssUtants in the field. The people seem well ali-fit d with the course of d'ov. Curry, hut in regard to the disposition of the troops nutl the appoint nn nts to office, there is no doubt some luient feeling in lite bosom of the disappointed but no public opposition to hi course. I!u-h' appeal to the people for nid in tho n.a' tor of those "petitions" met w ith a weak response here. We look forward with great anxiety to tho close of llio war, l'eople have lesft their farms, and miuins claim, to fight our common foe nnd the re sources of their country beincr for a limo un developed, we must expect hard times nnd dull prospect. For the present adieu G ARRIVAL OP THE MAIL. Success of tho Know Nothings In New York, Mttssnclnisetts, M;i- rylaixl, air! Louisiana. Tho P. M. S. S. Columbia arrived. last Wednesday, bringing iiewn from Europe and the States. We received file of Cali fornia nnd States' papers from J. W. Sulli van, Wells, Fargo cfc Co., and tho Pacific Express. nt'stiin-Atlon or Col. Nitmtili. The Times of last .Saturday contains a note from that gentleimin ottering sickness in his family, together with pressing private husiut ss, as an excuse for his resiiniaiion. ayi tec can "blow longer" than any body h.t The old "war horst" is of course excusable, cera., conseipienlly wo want n gre.ii ami wo Hunk, under any circumstance, the leal of room lor nr turn use. l!ro. M bat one virtue which inir correspondents would do well lo imitate, and that is hrri'iti, people would willingly have let him oil'. The fact is, his character for prowess, which has gained fr him such titles ns the "oW winch, in a 'iy jiroJuclwii, i. ihe "soul ( fir horse," "gallant Col.," cVc, with which wit," bill iu such article as his, (and some , he has been dubln-d by the able correspond of ours) is, to any the least, one of their I vlils of tho Times and Slandtml, are now best recommendation. considered by some to 1,ave materially op- 3. Write iu a plain, legible hand. If. crated as a barrier to bringing the war ton like many literny men, you were not bum speedy close. If wo expect ever to caleh withonougli of mechanical genius to make j the Indian, we must not send out men of ft decent penman, gt .onnbody to copy such sonorous title, which of themselves vouramcici o. ire you send them in for ! are Miecostivo to the ,mr,.....ii.. ..... u)lication. W. have tken the tiotiblo to copy many scrawls, so tii u ,.,mL.0 ,i;e compositors to set them up correctly ; but wo have br f.,r too much writing of our ow n to do, to c ipy correspondence t; ,nj,. night, buJ wc talk of .juitiinn uliojeth.-r In ft short limo. vaces of all sorts of horror connected with a war of extermination. We presume the Iudi am are hsr.lly done running yet, that took a stampede cast when they fi'rst heard the 'W.i iw flow" was nftcr them. J.irKSoNVll. 'E.Nov. 24, 18"i.r). I'rituJ Attains Lest you should think from my long silence that I had been slain by the Indians, or some, other calamity be t.uien nie, I sn.-itcii upon a leisure moment to give you h few items of interest. Jack sonville i improving. Ii has thi evening issued its lint number of a weekly paper ciitilled tho Table liork Seutimt, It is quite n respectable sheet, and will of course bo devoted to the mining interests.. In ibis you Walla Walla can get the wur and gold news, without depending upon faithless cor respondents. Jacksonville still continues to do business and to prosper, notwithstand ing all her siirroun ling dilliculties mid the Into fire. . Ikforo proceeding further, per mit me to correct a mistake which I am told some of you valley folks uro laboring uinler. I hat is, that the present war has been brought about by designing politicians and unprincipled traders, for the purpose of making political capital, and of selling n large amount of goods and surplus provi sions to government at exorbitant prices. A great mistake indeed. Our government was never iT.orn completely driven into a war, tliun ti on tho present occasion. We have home with the Indians until forbear ance ceased to bo a virtue. Our miners could not trawl from one part uf iho cuiititrv to another, without being shot down by the wary savag. a in ambush, Our teamsters and packers, on whom we depended for sup plies, we'e treated in like manner, and de fend I. ss families Were inhumanly hu'eh orcdin their own houses by the Indians. Houses were laid in ruins, whole herds of C0's- stock were, slain, and our country in many place.! presents a sceiio of general dev asta tion. That tho white man (as is areU,.j by some) has been i he aggressor is not true. If some (not very consecutions) men, have kilhd now and then an Indian, it was but in retaliation for past injuries. These Indians havo never been true to their treat ies. They never kept a treaty until tle blankets wliich bought it Were worn ,11,1 r8o Vrull. The .!(( California w as perfectly thun-1 IJllt tll!l"1' i'l,'"c Lane is not hero thi nine, auu 1 UuiiK the Wo nro always clad to r,w! -..I! ...... . . '..rkti'll..L- u, ,1... .1 . . I .... e l . L IU,'. HI . I I illlL- ., un communications unn , -...I ..n ...i f v" "" ""po'v oi s 'rejjon ti ml ta- -- .i,.m treaty mat is 'J.vl of public interest. i,,r f,;cll,, ; . k" 11 1' Columbia ou l.er last trip, ' M "kU lK'm 0P k'Tt always. i iiini w iiu-ii was iyij, rid tor sale attVliuit1 nuiu neau ipiarti i-s is not vt.rv , s'ores at I'll vv ng 'tl i.t f.in 1 1 to S;l .aeh. Thrt II i.t f'er to a 'VMrav.tgaiit prices." I'eai and VM'S J"sl but is nevertheless full f i -'.in' over a Vound voirdniK,ii ",,uri's' 1!lc Indians are all i.rein-. J.,vvn Xf.w VottK. Tho American have car ried X. Y. For Sec'y of Slate. J. T. II.-n.l- y, Am., has 12,51 plurality over King, Kepub. The rest of the Stato ticket was ulso carried by the Americans. Massachusetts. The returns fiom 31!) towns (all but nine) elect (jARD.vkr, Amer ican, by a plurality of M.02S. The vote stands as follows : Julius Rockwell, Repub., flO.5'20 II. J. (iardner, Am., Slt.OMl S.U. Walh-y, Whig, 13,(13 H. 1). Beach, DeiA., 34,02 ) Tho Americans have elected iho Lieut. Oo:, Sec'y of State, Treasurer, Auditor, and Att'y Ceil., by nbout 10,000 plurality. Cliallee, Am., is elected to Congress from the 4th dist. by about 4000 plurality. The Houso stands Liberal 3, Whigs 18, Pern. 3!, R.'pub. 71, Am. 179. The Senate, so far ns known, stands Am.' 23, and of all others 17. Maryland. The latest returns from this Stato make il certain that iho Know Nothings have elected tlieir whole ticket iu Baltimore, and their Congressmen iu the 3d, 4th, and Sill dists. Louisiana. A despatch dated New Or leans, Nov. 0, says "the Know Nothings have carried this city by a largo majority. vv e hnvo no indication vet of the result in the Stale, but the chance are in favor of the Know Nothings." NfiVjRRSBr.-The result of tin, election in this State is considered to bo a Demo cratic victory. The election was nn unim portant one, being oondncl to tllB choice of gislative Representatives and county ofii In tho Senate tho D, lltfernfi nt.i, isioti opposito the ' Alliei line, namely,, division of (lUiinl nt tho fortiliealiotu Iiikeriiuiniri the remain- i .i.. .. ..t.. ,.e i. .i.... - . in" el" III I't uru llio rvrii- m ijnuraiu Hum rtlatinnatviih Croat lliilainto bti a.rected by tins , f ,,i.C;.Tni (!u ii to Ailodornlld the river .u,..nu..io.,ef......lf..re..io..o.,r bonier., w. , ; K(ll;,,pni, A, are unable lo my, but noll.li.8h ) Umpired .'ol " OM lie V thul would jtKliiy lltn cou.bmoa Ihal war lie. Iwcenu and .air English iifhltor it any u.-oror si hand lliuii il was six mniillu tg.i. LATE FROM EUROPE. Kussiana 'q)iil.st'(l at Kara. KLYDUXX Sl'llUEXDMlED TO THE ALLIES. ' 'J in thu House 1-1, a gain of two since last year to the iem. Wisconsin. Tin tial returns from 13 counties show the following majorities on the vote fr (Jov.: Barstovv, (Dem.,) 8tfi3 ; Basbford, (llepub.,) 7420. Mississippi-Elects the w hole Democrat. ic State ticket by a majoriiy equal to that of , wuicn was 4700 votes, with larga gains in the Legblnture. Heorria. The Legislature of this St,,l.. met Nov. 51 h. The message of the Gov. was mainly devoted to State matters. Ho advise, the L-gi-l.-uure to mako provision tor calling a State Convention to d.-oh.p dksolu ion of the Uin, provided Congress refuses to ntlmit Kansas it0 the Union as slave State. I'.rpulse of the lusslus at Uor. The most inipoitaul news is tl.o ib c's'vo repulse of the Paissiatis upon tho Tuikis!) g:.i-on iu charge of Kara, the chief city in Turkish Armenia.. That placa has been for a long time invested by a powerful Russian army, who maintained the siege so closely that l he Turks were almost reduced to tar valion. About midsummer Oilier 1'iisl.a returned from, the Crimea to Constantino ple, and was shortly ufi. r sent over to Asia with an independent coKimuud, to make a diversion iu the rear bf tiie Russians in favor of Kars. (Jen M tiiraviclf, hearing of his arrival, determined to decide llio file of Kars b fore Omer Pasha could inarch to its relief, and to, on the 3 tli of Sept. iiiado an assault upon the city, in full force. A letter from the battle field thus de--cribes the obstinacy of iho combut : "The Russians invested liars on ell sides in full force. The battel ies tit Kars opened a murderous fire on tho b.'sLger. Tiree tin es did tint Russians gain n footing in t'n Tuikiah rntraneht:i"iits, tuul ihruo lim w w thy diiven out by the Tin I. at the point of tho b.iyor.,t. . Fig'.t hundred Ru sians were blain before a reiVubl d. f nded by four hundred Turks. 'Ihe filing lasted seven hours and a half, when the ltiis.datis to:d; to fiiglit. The Turki performed pro- ligies of valor, and tho I2ui'opc-aii ollicors Col. Lake and C.-tpls. Teesdale nnd Totii son (iisiingui.shcil tbcms-Ivd. I fie l.us- sian lo was nbo-jl 500!) killed and wound ed. They lo.-t besij: this n great quantity of store ; and about three hundred prisoner. vv.ero taken, amongst wLwiu wcro in:.ny of fleers. Four gate are said to have been taken. The loss of the Turks ia rcckotiol at about 750 killod and wounded, (Jen. Moiiravie.T admi's tho disasters, but ascribes it lo the number of generals and principle officer killed or wounded in the begining of llio nclion. , Kwrii-ntVer at the Vorlrrss of klubum. Kinburn, situated nt tho mouth of th Dnieper, had b. cu bombarih d by the Allied fl -t t, and the garrison, ntnounting to 1300 men, surrendered themselves prisoners of war on the 17th Oct. All the stores and a iununition of the place were taken. The fortress of Oezakoll'on tho opfosile of the river, was blown up by the Russians soon after they found Kinburn had capitulated. The capture of these two place opens the passage of tho Dnieper to the Allied StftiaJ rous, and in consequence iho road to the important cities of Nicolaiefi and Kherson. The ('.(intra not to be V.vacuaK-tt by the Russians, The following ia given on the authority of a Berlin despatch in the London Adeer tiser : An ord -r of the. thy from Gortschnkoir, dated Oct. 15 h, d.clares that ho will not evacuate the country confided !o his defence; neither will Iu tylivat before the invader, hut will difeiid the Crimea at all hiiiards eaterday, one thousand officers ntid men' Kicd'sh correiponih-nco lo Do. 12, sup. pose that tho Russiati from tho horth side of sjebastopol wcro falling back by detnch meiiuon I'eiekop. Tliero wa, however, no din.iuuliuti of tho lire from tho foit nnd battcrii on the north nido of iho lmrbor.- Their lire during tho last, four Jays bail been very uclive, and win ebloty directcj ngaiut-t the Malak"H' nm! tho French quar. tor in the western part of tliS south side. A Russitin d.-spnlcli of tlie 22d, viu Ber' lin, siys Iho A!lie, forty tlimnnnd strong, had marched from Fuputoria toward Tou hit ; but on thu 23.1, perceiving our lancer on their left Hank ihey retired behind At-.' kntschi. The announcement that tho Russians had blown up Foil Nicholas and, their other woik lit Oichakofi, la confirmed. Nothing ha occurred between Kinburn and Nikolnicfi. Fngli. l. letters say that tho gunbonU ro-. coiinoilred to near Nikolaicff. ' Maj. Dclafield, Maj. Murd'vh, Jr., nnd Captain McLillan American oflicersjioij arrived in tho camp. A Dritndi general order provides them with rations during iheirst.iy in the Crimen. ' Mi- Nightingale lind returned toScbas- loptd. Ciettcral AVytidham, the Hero of tho Re dan, has the command of the Fourth Brit- I i.-h 1 livision. The land strength of tho Allies in the' Crimea, including iho sick, .is ofiicitilly re ported nt 210,000 men. ' Affairs In tlie Wattle. Tho wcalher was bad, nnd tho English fleet near Nargnn was prepni ing lo leave. The gunboats nt F.isinore had been order ed to England. The coasling trade wis again springing uphince the reiiiov id of t!io fleet. Asia. Vhn tho Russians in Asia heard of the fall of Sebasopol, they, on tho 20th of Sept., made their attack upon Kars. Tho Turk- a!i details of tho affair nro received. The Russian loss is reported at two thou- and. Two Turkish r, doubt were lost nnd , retaken four times. The Hungarian Gon.. Kcminty, commanded tho Turks, in tho absence oflho English General, Williams.' Iho Russian General, MouravielT, with eighty guns, will continue the siege. The Russians have forlih'jd all the passes, loading lo Tillis. Omar Pasha was nt Sotichoin Kale " " '' V.lsreUaneon AVar Jicw. The latest despatch from St. Pt tersburg dated Oct. 20, says:-"Tlio whole of tho militia has been ordered on tho march, to reinforce the in my of the .South andcr Gen. Luders. Two liners, sixteen frigates nndi .some gunboats have entered tho pneiper."" The Emperor Alexander had left Niko lai, Q' for Flizabgood, ono hundred and! thirty miles northward. The usual slory is revived, that his reason is nfTected. There h nothing more definite ns to tho-. resignation or recall of Gen. Simpson,, thiiia was brought out by tho Arngo. The Lon don rout says that a new comniniidcr-in'-chii f is r.ppointcd, . but does not give his name. Rumor mentions Sir Do Dacy Ev ans, Codrington, Markliam, Colin Camp bell, u;id others. Osman Pasha, who kad been taken nt Sinope, had been exchanged. ' ' Tho Month ur publishes a list of the stores IT MSrt ..f tl... T.....I, l . .v .w.moij nt,ii Colli. r Hlli ieoial fiver by sending us all items fl new that co.no to titfir knowl.-dge. th;,, I "! would bo of interest to the i,l,i;.. I, ..., i tM,P a '"'" VI to S3 each. The All,, u-'"tt rivor 10 I o l,t known , the Big feci the postage tax to be too great a bur- ,U l,,e ito nnJ of our fruit ! M"lJo1. Seneral fight is aniicipa- then, we will f,rwd .ta.n:, to anv person I? " u' ,,a tilL' I'ac.lic climate 1 " "n," lingular Reportea Vnvsp,,., ,r v b,--. ,- .... ia .oirt ..r.li,. t.... :.. ., - i, . t.n.l... r1...., 1.. Ik i... t ... ti..,... ... .. . ureal Wlio will engage to u th, in in fi vi , Ii,,,. i lu "e woriu l'r ti nit grow-, " .'t- ''" ' v'i eit.cied with ' oreaaioiial items of in-. J 1 1 Vl, L.tutv ' of n irtnrtis je, death, n I inb, nn luvidetit,! It, .trv..L . t .. .... I I.. L I . t ,. C .... I I . . . - " i"n iei vy m le, ,,r rr,-. -.-r:n iok ot h.i,vn. !.. .. , .l . . " 1-nt.sru inro I .1 ... . . . tore, ore... , int.ti,,- "adve,,.,,,,.,-; thi ci y wi.hi,, ,h,,rt time m r,,'l0 B ' cn '' 1 utalion of ...eh m lUi Quivtie , wnt to f,l i : IWla!. There is nosa't f-r it in (),,., , ' I"Ju'' fi-!iU'r- T1,J ,r"Ts wiih, (end ,t ah.ng. But. ,,.,;!!,- U- Ciw. are pressing- jawn Ihe r.,r U tho of the fust regiment of light infantry of the B.uish foreign legion, embarked on b.tird f-und in Sebas opol, comprising a million the steamer Si-noot, for Balaklava. shot and cartridge., Bnd hlr A million Jlie Daily Acirs, city article, says: pounds of gunpowder. "The aneouncement that our fleet "in iho A St. Petersburg letter of the. 15th, sr5 American waters wa ,o be reinforced, has "The Allied succsscs had caused despon. exct. d consnlerablo discussion. The dis- dency, yet everything imKcntcs the intcn- ,u m"U!lw V,U1- u " ?"' "ml tion of Russia lo continue the war, uic n-rt'unic or he i.nn u . h n 1 ... "ill W IU quITetl by the British nnd French Cover: Prepa rations wcro making fur a fourteenth low nnd enrollment of the local militia. . Pray. i ; 'j ""n0 u..i. ooine lurtlier small parcels of cold wvre to dav lum from the Crimea." The nttiiiulu nf C .t -. i i " a"iv-iiiiy uft'il l -sati.she: UillAitt Hud iter Veiled KUtrs. in ... .i i iiv. . nv noyav t!, (J.-,-.,.w elimalel i U1P ulucrn battalion of Oregon moimU-d! 1,1 ' "eraU hr.diugio Euro- : ! volunteers an I the eo:m,! ..;, ,. ... ,l... I "-" " .. I : for lite inferrm-e that after the Australian nr-ri,-!,!. " r- Operations In tlio Crimea. The principle portion of the new, f- , Sebustopo! consis 0f obc,po M,om. . M is:o., October 0, 1853. . ToTiiECosia.vxDE!i-ivciucr Dear Sir: Tho SJ uay of ibis moiitli 1 came bael from Oiympin lo Kie Miwinn und fuund lutl aiu from all the tribe ihe mann.uv.re, of the two hph.U i . , I - " m w"' 1 hTO M field the i.l.-m- r i-i e ...... .amty w aeaa ta eipre. to He D-!l, el I he sub-tnnce of h,eh appears to b-i ' hn h" mud, ,uay tMt uulpose vnaiine Aim-, are moving forward P"- Tl7 have heard my argument, tad wiah volunteers, an-l the command .'iveo to lliu I """"" Ul,,b"TO- maucaiiy in strong force, and that the ! me to w,!w a U,Uet' TBey "7- "-" ' aforementioned offi.r. (,., I...... """'""'." ih Her.ld , ,0 !lav, , M'ss.nn, are retiring irl .,,.,. the !diM.. AVe e,e very i.t- thould like to , ,.lt ;, ; . ip Mead. ow-s to overtak.- the Indians. The Itelia,,, t 1 0 m li4.ll All Ul . Il.vit ...n . '-"' "''.'":' lWo ,he. ih. C!aV. left. IVTt r.f.,fui. ,l M ,rpJ al gjl have bad the U-t of it,,, f.ir. ' got batlly used up on jr;ivc . r.o oi , i -i "" "H-ir tonitied rosiltivtii sa, ttvltl. D i .. .. s..i. .,;. me rcl that EgaiMi hat materially ..i.,n!ed hrf Blvl fom, ., M'et tudi,hrh announced in an ludiacrrrt rli.4. iu llit Lmbm Tn.e. . fr,SJ.bl. UM il. I I ... .iw Americans wcro our f.-imds onr heart waa Th1lri,iA ...j d. . . !uol,,,1"-".llCayuecmlrvthoOoTerD- eua ng away the rums of the city. lumd ,u , ad ...d diiiiou. aVd b... re- I ha h mi. J. 1 c . j . l" intinun hal ndmni- "l'ou E''-'al war that will K- u-ltl. mi- 4 if i ; iiiii , -wv.v uctinrr -- an fii,i'ij d " i ti, unit riOTC w nil Oar bovs 1 .r" fT,-,1"W "' Xertk Am,-ri. , J trom Tchcmays an I Baidar Tine, atvl M mr " by tb. ..in! di. Creek some :,S S.:t:ev ri-- Y