i 1 1 isli I'M1 hx'A jV.7i 1 it-: "I o Ml pr Ik t ? ' .f . f '5 ' lav. tsr.rrr.n iyxd. .Inini. it i)) mas. '"Bound' m iir Hid '!nii uilii , s Surry ItekViiui ar In oijr sia;!il k la Hid lami of rarlli I eland, - ' w Lohfon; fur lilt D' r Land. k yarns of many en old,- yr, Jj-T liajyi iii my lUicnii.g mr J .'umea uf tli'xm lli'il U jW I w.eji, . t Ju llia batter l.iD'i ai kjiu. t . ! r There slinll niuny pilgrim ni'ft ' 'JTier liil many nioiirnars ret ' . one, parted on before, "'i'l" UcUcr shore. ' , . There no .mind of gr evlng word ' tl,bl.all be ever, ever heard '.: Hounds of joy mxi leveikuss In the lirlirr Und r known. Voyager on llie tide of lime, " Toiling for Hie II. Iter Clime, r,.TfcillierI aru speeding fori, ; Whore llie lo U of tmie on- past. . , ; Calmly luring far I el.iiul . . Enillt daik nwu ori., If I me fii d Loving smile, ami greeting hand J Joyful iu the Belter La,.d. ' ffavior, It (lie falling tear , Hoon forever disappear, t, Guide mc w. ary and i.pire'l &iMylotliel.aii.lorlral. TnE CANTO KiVCK. SUug can Le more rtiririiing or Alliitliihg to thu Kuro jK.nil,'tliiin tin' aip"Hrnuro of the Clinton riv vr; fiir let Liin litiru trmel' d far ami wiito, naught cad pvo In'in tin Men of lite nceno hnt oculiir ilfiunMrHtiuii. M vrirnln uf bunts loot on tlio n atcrn; autn'r ili'i uti to liiimli craft nivii of hII ili'tcriptioin, oilier to retail. fr of cJililcs, cHikiJ tun! uncooked: boats InJcu with cheat, uf tea piled one on tlio other, tinr upon tier, until tltri niiln of tlic boat i level with tliu water's cdo; nian (larin boats wliii'li fore their wnv ntttliori- tativcly thro' the erowil; war junks nt au . thor; whilo hern iml lliero n Kuropemi boat innnuoJ by sailors, who ive vt-nt hi Iboir ., , , .. . . , . . excted f.-.li.ISs Ij itltenttnrsiin.lrynjncula. tion not Jiltl lieu hilly coinjililllcntliry to tho good scaiiiiiiisliipof tho natives nor 0X hn. ivo of kindness toward them. FoWcr boats nt.,1 ulliora l.,,n.ri. In nrlimn. v..n. ihn of fnod, ,e,!(.r, merchant., i.oult ry, nnd . " ' ' '. ' ni,if j.niif, ine niiiieii lufiuer III U1U MIIUU mass, npptiretitly itnpcni trullo; while the uir is filled nml the ear sliiniied with tho dr-nfening sound of gum's nnd wind instru ments, diiicoiiraiu 1no.1t iinetirlhly music; nccoinpiiriii'il by tho yelliny, scronminp, pith Ming, of hiiiidri ds of thousRiida of human totifrurs, producing 11 Imd podgo ofaouudt unrivaled mid titie(iialeil sincrt tho liuililine of the towrr of Itnlx l. thore is no part of. the worhJ aodi'tisi ly populuted naChino, o there la no part of China so thickly pop ulated at Canton J thu pnpululion of tho city nnd i suburb beiny; estimated tit 1,000,000, mid thu ileiiizotu of tho rivor, who habitually irsiihj in their bonis, nro said to i'Xi-cd JOO.OOII. lUnjurd Taylor. ' ' tlio V.anii's Ulni. corrvspu.lciit of iho Nuw York Tribune says : '1 'In Ot)0 of iny lutt.Ts I (Ivo yon somo nccotint of tho earth rini', itiseovored or rutltor Meiitifi.il by l.i, tit. J,iii,lS uftbu n,1Vy n. I fiillotl linn. I liavo since learned hut tlio fortunate finder of nur plain I's 01 na- inont is not a Lieutenant hut a Chaplain llo is tlm ftrvcreiid CVoryfl Jones, I beliovo corlainly ho U thu lleierrnd Jones. He wits forniui'ly 11 ckrxymaii at Annnjioli., Ml., and was nppoitited a Chaplain in the expe dition to Japan. Uy tlm itiNieo of somo wientiticfiieihU ho devntnl himself dltrint! Ihovoya'B lo olnervntions on thu lodieiil liyht, a pheiioniei of tho na'tiral history of tho heavens which ha puw.led n-trono-iiicrt for a loiiif while, and of which the only theory prctimis to that .,f .Mr. Jones' win tho niisiiti,faetory one that the. lilit viun riti arniind tho sou betwecnthe rarth'a orbit and thu orbit of Mar. Ily a aeriest of oluertalion carefully made, tnom anJovciiinj, for two or Ih r,o yoara, in ill tho latitttdv'4 traversed on tlio vova'-e t e r ' . . " conclusion, atipporled by a chain of nmm- rently irresistible ronsotiing, that tlm di. I'cal light i, rlnS around tho earth inside of tho moon oihi'.aiul probably in the nunc piano with tint orbit. It J llol i0 museus "'i"'"t,' of Saturn npnanntlv .u on nisi point, na well ms on iubivaulh, thiekness and e.ael disUtieo front tho ea. th via not p,.,o at present to form rolia ihjopiniou." .Donybro.,kf.1rw,lioU,rw rewniaioMoryaad,,,.. h i7p IT ; 7' 7 - Ih. e..rth- ' "7 """"'"'-na. dert.J ftum ; ence. and I h , il . , . . " . .I j-i'His.ca.r theounk .u..,...,,v .jju, ucvaiusim. Tbig b , maliPr " mm "o live i ,lw f; lJ.fm,ni,vhr,H,k,fur,.t0),1tlit f u TerynnKhJeaeaer.,.,!. Ju i,l,l .,., ft, of aaaw. U. eil were ,, tiw, ,. .ftviprenKaadnig ,ll0 4 for. Ih. fceurreu, . ,f ,h, rf F' for l,lrk .k , l . nininwrt reni ti. fc vwr, (Men ltd ih. t,l .1 j . ir. cr, a) brook becima lh reiert M 'Hit aWnd-mad and prodigal, and funny a likely lad and laae a ha lir.t put H-ot upon the road lo rufa at Dotmylrreok Wf ntin f.ir Cniiltv u came M uiihiltiiTateil t illiiMU '0 j-i lo the neighlmrhood, that a eulwirlpllon waietJiJey I f the piirjmM of ranung flS.UWU, wnuiiie o.iBu of pun hoeing Irani lltf nropmiu-eaa, Mia Madden, Hie Ml. nl by hii.k the fair waa held. Little d.lH cjlty waa eierienccd III nil!g 'raiuired amount.' The patent wae purchaaed, and a proela ni.ition haa beou iaaued by lha Lord Mayor lup preeaiu tliia ret ran acme of fun, frolic, riot, and wickJuc formerly the glory, but later the dJ. grao, of IriJjiueu. liittion Trattlltr. . HkrtcU of Lather. . A avaree, rugged. ilekeiaa face it m, A Willi great araj of cliec k bottua wild amount of jnui eiontite energy and appetite ! Dut iu liia dark ryv were H.xkI of aorrow; and decpeal Uielmiclii'l)' awectueaji, and uija'ery were all llnre. OteO did they aeem to meet ill I.utlicr the Very opjioaile kIi in ii'au'a eliaraeter. He, fur Maniple, f whom I'ie'iler b id aaid that Lie word were balf batlk-t ; lie, Vt lira lie liit begun to preach, aulKred uu lienrd of ayouy. ' 0 Dr. Ktaupiix, l)r. Bluupiu," uid he lo the riear general of liia order,"! can not dull. 1 tliall die iu three uioutln. ' Indeed I con not do it." Dr. Sia'ipitz, wine ami coiwid era a inun. eaid upon thia, "Well, air Martin, if you niiut die, you niuat but remember thai Ihey u ird guod beade up yond.r, t"0. Sopreai h, man P' rauli and then live or die aa it liapwua.'' bo l.ulli r urejcln d and lived, and be became, in J,, . great whirlwind of anew, lo work with - 1 out ntii:g iu thia world; and elm before he d ed ha wio:a very many bonks booka (u which the I true man was fur in the niidal of ail they deuoiiu eed and curaed, what touches of tendermaa lay Look at Ih lable-lalk for example. We ice in it a little bird, having alighted ut auiuet on tint bough of a Iree thut grew in Luther's garden. Luthor looked up at it and said: "That little bird, how it cowera down its wiegs, sleeps there 10 still and fearh sa, though over it are the infinito slurry spaces, and the greut, blue deptha of immensity! Yet it feura nut it is at homo. The God that niade it loo is there !" The an mo gentle spirit of lyrical admiration lain the other passages of his books. Coming hnmefriiiu Lelpnic in the autumn season, j b"'ul" furth livi" '""'" l f T, ' ."7 "), on Usheautiful lane stem and beud.ng its beautiful gMon lc.d Hilll oraid iuUle lvli,io(uMn aeut to him yet another year!" Such thoughts as these nre as little windows, through which wegue '" the interior of the sirene depths of Martin ,'u,l"''l, ou,i " Me "" tempeata "'T "I f lifl,Und llv I ""Kill Iiuvu painted he might have sung-could Iiave been heniiliful like Riiphoel, geat like .Michael Angela Ctirttjlc. Uow lo Prosper la lluolne. Iu the first jiluco, make up your mind lo accomplish whatever you iindortako; de- cule upon somo jmrticulnr employ nient and persevere in it. All difficulties' aro over come by diligence and assiduity. uo not afraid to work with your own hands, and diligently too. "A cat in gloves catches no mico. , Attend to your own business, nnd never trust it to another. "A pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled." He frugal. "That which will not mate a pot will make a pot lid." Uo abstemious. V)0 daii;es tov ' shall beggars prove." Uiso cnrly. "Tho sleeping fox catches no poultry." , , Trent every ono with respect nnd civility. ' Kwrything is gained and uothing lost by courtesy ." (lood manners insuro success. Acvur anticipate wealth from miv other source than labor. "lie who waits f irdead men's shoes nmv hnvc to rro f;irn , i.livfoot." "Heaven helps thoso who help them selves." If you implicitly follow tlwo precepts, nothing will hinder you from accumulatine- wcallli. A'r. Iff' Mr. Joseph Cmndall, a soldier of the devolution, died nt rrattsburi-, Stenhon county, N. Y., on tho 13th in.-t.. oed Rn years. A t the early ngu of 1 0 thu deceased Plllisli'il ni. n L...l.tt... .1.. . . " -"ion-i 111 me army ot it is country, and continued iu tho service until the cln.10 of tho war. Tho Clwale family, it Mu ,vin 1..... . grand family pnherin?, somo time next ummer, on Uud, L'ssex, Mass, the btrtli -place of the Hon. K,,fs Choate. XrT J. AV. Hooih, a son of theirreat Jnnl. us Ilrutu. booth, mado his "first appearance op any kt,.jru n, Baltimore, pn ,le l1lh Hie otlicial report of the comptroller 0 New York shows that tho valuation of rvi. and persona! estate in that city islJ-liO ojjt , V, about double that of Dostoti Tits Effect. At n latt, anniversary of alu Collojjrt, Professor Silli.nun w. o' by a ciMiinlimcntary toast Tn'iu! "fltis romaika thn nrofi -1, for tl, U.IK di of the y0U11Jfer bro,hm pnwni, to any how it was that , I fTft.M... . . ""'' V- j'-,uoollJOvcJucIl oxcllout health 1 "nil sorita. lis. ...il .k ,.. . Z - a -ji- 110 was '.H'cpucni.dreeUo. llueutmr.l :. 'Jlyll.tinmlalltSil,njLMlHvjno tin meted ono year, nml th.m 1. 1 . , , , . ' - vM .v.uiiiuu (o labor. I Id atd -i.:! 1, . rillM. 1 lo cseheir.il V , pry lunii. i.eerv luorninu ium.1 il.. Hlld irtt.l u. .. 1 . . . u'cniluranco than !..- i power -mvm .10 Wl. uj uo abatement of intellectual" row. i GEO. AUf.HXm ilV & CO., MliltCHANTii, - L Oni'JlOS CITY.OHEOON TERRITORY. Abcrnctlijr, Cliri & Cc, ' COMMISSION ANU'ru'tWARDINf) MEUCUANTS, '' ' San I'raticittu, Cut, TTTII.L attend lo 1 aelling Or'g"ii pro.luco, nud IJixi.Ib, (Jr.ieerir 1, &e. lit tho till ordcra for kiweat rntea. The pniniini'je of the cr.p eof 1 ir tcilic'trj. egoil .a reapecuuiiy eoiic ieu. iiB ,, io-."h " 1. ' ' ' ' 1 ' r r. a. lioLLiiii. A. iioi.xv.no. T. &. 4i A. IZolbud, cimw ; ll. v (:,.!. Ilmeriea. llonla Mioes vrOiKery, IJooX", ntntiouerv, eit9 reel, Orrgun Cit ij. June 30, lf5j.-. ' MulnHtrert, llaUclulah! HaUoluJah! fllliU llolloiujsli, a uew singing book, by Low. X en )Iaou fur aal at . fjoJU HULLAADtJ. Pro6Tosslon,ProfjTession,Progrcs8ioniowiii - Ti ...np idiwHril nml ihev thut do not inuke oil- Coiuincnciii2 at the livnith of tlio Tukamion 1. waiili.ro.'refsi..n"iirea hllle behind the limes," and for llie beiiellt of thoe that hnvo a di lre to suid river to its a mrce ; tlunc eusteny uiong lite keep up with this ae we have iust received direct suiumil of llie liluo MouWuiiw, and on tho south from Now York the MU'WinIist of VUUliX, of j eni boundaries of the purchahe mu.lo of the Svi which we oner at whulesolo or retail, oil term lo J'ereu Indians, iind 1 11 -t' ily nloii!; that hoim.lury .1 ... ... e...-. r .1.- .1..: I 1... it... Ntlj. Coiiititution of Maii, by Ueo. Coiubei Combe s Lee, on l'lirruology) Momestic Lite Thou-lile on its concord nnd discordi Familiar LrsiKiiisou I'hro - nn'nifv n.nl 1'nvehiloirv: I toy nnd l'ureii!a''e: ou - plied to llie improveiiMit of oltipriii ; Marri:ie : its hstury and pli.luaopiiy, wan 11 recuons lor nup - t. - VI I I..I.H... I l...npn.'tt. py iiiarrinea; Memnry, ami Inlclleuluul liuprova me nt ( Mental Science ) Lectures 011 the I'lillom ulir of l'hrenoloirv : Matriinonv : or l'hrenolo'V mid I'hysiolngv applied, 4c. ) Phrenology proved, illuatrut'cd, and applied ; I'lirenolugicul "uiile, icj Itehgioti, natural and Kcvcaled ; heir-culture, and Perfection of character : 8;lf-uitructor in Phre nology aud Physiology; Ti'mpernnce und Tiht 1 .acui if ; Aocidi uta and Euiergenies; Hydro pathic Couk Hooks ; (.'onsiimption : its caiisen, pre vention, ond cure ( f'uriiwiliea of common water t Cholera: itacuiwei, Sec; Domestic Practice of llvdronathy: Lrrurs of Phyal'ians, Ac. : Kxnerl- ence in Wnler-cure ; Hydmpathio Family Physi cian; Hydropathic Encyclopedia; Home treat. uient for sexual abuses ; llyjpcuennd nyrtropatny ; Intrrihiclinii to the Wuter-cure ; Midwifery, and the Discuses of Wuiiuii) Parents' tJuide, and (Childbirth Made Easy ; Pregnancy nnd childhirth; Practice of ater-ciire J Water-eure m Cliruuic Piaeuscs; Wutor-cnre in Every Known Discus : uter-cure .Manual ; Aiuat;vcueHa: or, r.vilsand llemedies, &c. ; ('ouihs on Infancy Combe's Physiology: Chronic Diseases ; Fruits and Furi- uacca tho Propor Food of Man ; Hereditary Do scent: its Laws, Ac-: Materuitv: or the bcunng 111 1 uuraiiiff of children, Ac; utural Litwa of .Man; Physiology, Annual ami .Menial; Jou.icco: its eli'cct, to). ; Elements of Animal Alagnelism ; raFciuuton: or the philosophy of charming; Li lirnryof Mennerisin and Psychology; Philosophy ol Mesmerism ; Newilliiatruted bncyclopedia.cuiu. plcto iu one vol. ; Spiritual Intercourse, l'hiloso. phy of, Ac.; familiar lessons on Astronomy; Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; lli.utstowards lla forma, by (ircely : llop.s nnd llel for the Young of botliexes; lluuiun Kiinits; Home for nil, Si.c; Labor: iis liMlory and pronpects, Ac; Power of Uinduess: Womau : nor eaueation aim mtluonec. SiO. -ALSO 8 vole. Iievelations, by A. J. Davie, the Clairvoyant, 3 " ApproachiUKCriS'S, " !t lliirinoniiil Aleil. 3 " Kiweiul Providences, " " 8 " Present Aga and Inner Life, ' 8 " 1st, Ureal Hjrmoiiia, " " 8 " 2d, " " " 8 3d, 11 II Juno 30, 18jS.-y F. S. & A. HOLLAND. lTotico. COU.XL'IL CiUOI Nl), 1 Wau.a-w.illa allkv, W. T., , June i-'. Ks."i5. S ATA Tkkatv eoueluded with the Yiikiuiu Na tion of Indians at the Council Crouud iu tho Wulla-walla Valley the tlth duy of June, lbii, thu land imlnded within the following boundaries was ceuea lo tlio L ii.toa nuiteit, lo wit : CuininoiicK.g at .Ml. l.uaior, thence Uiitlheily aloug the main ridge of the Cascudo mountains to the poiut where the norlRcrn liibulury of the 1 il.e Chiihiu and llio southern tiihutaiieaol the Methiuv river have lluir tiro ; thence south-easterly on the d.vide bclwecu the waters of lako Cholan and the Mi tliew river lo the Columbia liver; llicuce creas ing the Columbia, oil a Iruo cost cotirao, to a point whose lougi'.ude is. ono hundred und ninteeii de. itree and ten niiaiitei which twoluller lines m p. urate the above enulcdrratod tribes uud bands of I. ..I I... . o.. . -i .. . .. iiu.uiia nun, hid v.'iuilhOtaUu I.IIW 0; iUulUilS : ilience ill a tiuo tunth euiueo lo the forlvei-enili parulleloflutltnde ; theace east oil tho suid parallel to the muiu 1'ulon.w rivor which l.vo lallur linen ul'liounduiy aeneratc tho ubovo eoiifuderaied hll...a an I bands from the fiiokans ; thencj down tho I ulouae rivor lo its iuuetiou with the .l,i!i.l..n. shooraoulhein trlbulary of the none ; theuca iu u south-easterly direction to the t-uuke river at the mouth 0! the Tucuuuou liver, scperutiiig the ubevo coulederatcil trilits from the Nej Peree tribe of In diana ; thrneu duwa the Siiuka l iver to its junction wilii mo o.uinuia over; ineaeo up Clio (.oiuiuba river to Iho' While Hanks' b. li.w l'ri.sl's Rapid thence westerly to a lake culled "l.u Lue 1" il.l,... southerly lo a point ou the Yakima tiver called "roh-mah-luke ;" theuee in a sOuih-westerlylcliieo-tion to the CuluniM.i rivor at llie western extremity of ihe' Hig Llund," betwoen the nmulh uf 1, t i.i.iuiia 11, ei iini oiiiier ereeK ull wh.eh laitor houudaris si narafp the nliMvn ...,.r...i ........1 . and bunds Horn tho Wulla-walla, ui v esumiu.mi-of Indians thence down the (.oltiinbia over to midway bettecu the mouths of W hue fabliau uud Wind rivers ; thence nlon.' Ihn .1 ..i.ta lii....A .... .... - umi iuiu rivers 10 trie III 1111 ridge ol the Co.cade Mountains; and llieuce ulong suid ndje to the place of hu;iiinin. i her. is, however, reserved fwai the land above eiu.-u. ior ine exclusive uso and oeeii;ir.tion of said confederated tribe, and bauds of lodiaiumhe tract of land mcluded within the followimt boundaries to wit : " ' Commencing 011 the Yakima river hi (he m.Hith oftho Attahnuui river, thonee westerly alonrr .aid Atttihnaiii ftverlo the forks; thence" alonir il,. aoulheiry-Hbu, "n rTSi' i . . saivuiiiutlK. 1 ., , ' "u:1is 10 the .spur wheuc. tlow the water of llie Kilkaiat and Pweo river. ; tlutice alonir suid d vide to the divide sera rating Ihe waters of the tfalns river from those tk'w mi! intolh. (Vlumhia river; llieuce along, aid di vide to Ih.ma.n Yakima, .Itrht mile, below (he ...m.,1 u. mo oarnss river : and thence up the Yak una river to the place 01' begiuniiij. 'T " !a"d """'diag in quautilr one tnwnsh-p ofaix mile. ,uare. .hums, , .1. fork, of ih, i,'v ':'"m I..,,... '"-ioin river, aid said Iract shall be surroved and ."7 : ,l """":'l"n Kmloryi" which . - -.m.yeo.nu marked out be ever tlio t'reaident may direct. I.) an express provision of thetrestv, the coun try embmced iu .!,. cession and not inclnj.-d iu he le-rvaiion, ,. open t. settle,,,, t,.p!, l a th. lull.,.. WcUrr,l iu Jn t heir buildms and unprovement. Buul remove w "i ItlllUU. il,.1 !'iS, ""'"V, l"'"''-! f th inf..rm-.ti..u of by gnt, A. J. IWon. ' "" ,0 ,ub' ISA C! I STfvrvj .jt., and Sunt, Ind. Atr. V. T June 59. jjjo. tJ-cnj 1 UniicB. VT'l'lUJATlKel .ludtd with lha Krt 'l'r.i. J Iu.1miu. and with tho conlVderuted trihea of the Wallu-waihu, CuyiUk-a.anJ L'mutillua in ti.a V!l.i.wklln Vallev at the Council timund, Ihore waa rtdi d Iu Hi United Hlatea truel of cmnl7 havinj the following luiundunoa, Till Uy the Nri 1'errea, conmieiicing nt tho aource of tl.u W'oh.n ahe. or euuthera iribulurT ol III ! Talouac river, lliiiico down lli rivi i to ilia inaiu ji;uu ( iiK.n,J0 in a aoulherly direction to the , s , f ut ,le 10u,, f i, 'I'ukannoii rivor, - uiel(., 'J'ukauoii lo ita bonrco in the Ulna ; Jlouulaina ; tlimu'O aoullieny Uiong me nu;;o wi : t, jut. .Sluiiniiiiiir i lIu-ncT tn a point oil (iron i 1 l)jt. rjl1. ,i,!tvay belnaen tlio CJruiid Kourle nud the mouth of Hie Wull-low-how river ; llieime bIoikt the iliv.de between the waters of lha Wull. tow-now aiei 1 owner nm , uiinu j of Snuke river at the iiiiiuth of I'uwder rivor; tlieiice lo the Kalinon river (illy in Us ubovo tho piuce k iiwn us the "erowung uf the bulmoii river j thence duo North to the summit of Hitter Knot Miiuntuiiis:tlKUCaloiiktlie crest of tho Uilter uy iha Wa!ln-wa!lai,Cayiise and ITn l!v the Vu!ln-wu!las, Cayiises ami Umatilliis, 1 lha li ai'l uf laud havinc the followini! bouudsriea, river, ill Vahingtnu Terrilory, running (hence up lOllle Wl stum tllll IN 01 010 vuuiiu(T tiumicii u) ,11c 1 Shoahonea or Suulio Indians) lueuee soullierly I ulun Dial bouudary (being the waters of I'uwder 1 riiei) to the source of I'uwder river: lli-uce lo the 'l heud of Villow creek ; llieueo down Willow chfk . to the Colum'iia river ; thence up tha channel of 1 ine i iiiumuui rivor 10 i;iu ioor mm 01 a I I l,.l.,n ll,u .....lltll nt I Iniltlilllt rivr , lliMnfM iiortboriy ton point on the Yukima river called Toh-uoxh-luke, thence lo Se Luc: thence to the i White Uauk on llie Columbia below Priest's Rap. ids; thence dowu the Coiuinhiu riv.-r to the junc lion of the V. luiubiu aud nake rivers ; theuee up the nuke liver lo the plate uf beiuuiuir. Pro vided, linwecer, Thut so much of Iho country des cribed uLove us is contained in the following boun daries shall be set spurt us Indian Kcsvrvutioua lor the Nez I'erce Tribe, viz: Commencing where the Muh-ha-na-sho or southern tributary of the Palouso river flows from the spurs of the Bitter Koot Mountains ; thence down said tributaries to the mouth of Ti-na-par-iip cieek ; Iheuco southerly lo the crossing- of Snake river, ten milta below the mouth of thu Alpowuin river: thence to tho source of the Aliiowuin river iu the lllue Mountains; theiic. along the crest of the lilue Mountains; thence to the crossing uf the Grand Rondo river, midway between llie Grand Hondo and the mouth of the W oil-low-how river ; theuee uloug tho divide between the wulers thu Wull-low-how river uud Powder river; thence to the crossing of S-nufie river, tifteeii miles below tho luoulh of Powder river; llieuce to tlio Salmon riv er above the crowing; tluuee by the spurs of the Hitler Koot Mountains to the place of beginning. For tho confederated tribes of Wulla-wullas, Cayiises and Cinntillns, viz: Commencing in Hie middle of the channel of the Umatilla river, opposite the mouth of Wild Horse creel;; theuee up iho middle of the channel of said creek to its source; thciic southerly to a point iu the lllue Mountains known as Lee's Encampment; lliei.co iu a line to the wulers of llowiume creek ; theuee West to the divide of the Howtom. aud llirch creeks ; thenco northerly along said divide lo a point dlio West of the South-west comer of William C. McKay's claim llieuce East aloiy lus line to the South-east comer ; theuee iu a line to the pluce of beginning. , By an express provision of the Treaty, the conn-'! try embraced in Iho cessions uud not included iu the denervations i open to settlement, excepting thut Iho Indians aro seemed in the possession of llieir IhiiIiIiuus and implements Ull removed to the Reservations. This notice is published for the benefit of the public , I I he attention of the citizens propositi? to loente claims upon the ceded Territory isegKciully called to the provisions protecting the Indians in the pos session of their improvements and for furthor in foiinutiouin lefei-eiioe to the Walla-wulln. C'avnse and L'mulilla Kescrvalion, they nro requested lo ppiy 10 agent, it. u. Thompson. To the Kc 1 erco t.eservalion.to hub-Agent, W. II. Tappan. 1SA.AU l. &TU tS.NS, (lov. nnd Sup't of W. T. JOEL PALM Eli, . Sup't Indian Allaire, Oregon. Council Ground, Walla-walla, . Juno 12, 18,)5 . 12-Cm liTcw Books ! rnllE subtcriber hns just received a lame as- X sorliuenl of HOOKS, direct from Now Yoik, uuioiiu nineii are tlio lollowing: .viisous u.sl. ol j!.iirapo,IAiiirnenn Institutions, jSilliman's do. Lives of the Siirners, Heinocrucv in Ani.rica. liahvlou ond Nineveh, "Deck and Port," 'Ship and Shore," Home Cyclopedia, ' Egvnt nudllie Ho'vLiind "Land und Leo," "Sea nnd Sailor," Thrco Years in Califor. ('ye. of Literature, Uuehan's Earn. Pliys'n. iMnniial of Pine Arts, Lecture, on the Arts, Travels in Peru, . Polar Regions, ' Malum. Philosophy, LirdnoronSt'm Engine, i'uc't Mouastcrii s, Choice Biography, . cruvian Aiiliipiilus, 'hi icc Ejlrai'ls, A variety of Poets.' ; ouu cop.es ot Banders' reciter, 80 '" " Headers," ' ' 2:.0 ' MeGulTey's do. ' Sol) ' " Wcb.ler's Di.tinnnriej. Davles' Altrelirn. Newmuu's Rhetoric, Hay's do. ' Parley's Univ. History, Goodiieh's l'iet. L'. S., Mouteith's (tengruphy, 'Little Speaker,". ., X. American Speaker. " (Jeouiclryi " Bonrdou, " ' Surveying, " l.eg.'tidre, Arithmetics, 'n3-. ' ALSO, A PrcsIi Supply of Ctationcry. Uay Hooka, .louriiuls,.Led)ter8, Keeord Uooks, Memoiaudunis, of ull sizes, Diaties, Ac, Note slid Letter t aper, Lnveloja-s, Pens, &c, 'oicEras v Knives, Lrnsive iiul.bcr, Ui md Labels, Eaber'a ren.il, l.k, iu quart and pint bolilia. WllOLESALB AND HEIAlt,. ;;. CHARLES POPE, Jr. Oregon City, August 18, 1655. . Just Received per 0. Devens, 1 On "KM iiosUm JSyrup, 5gals., -a. J r 10 tkixi a saleratus : 50 do. rnsin llw i'i.;.... v- 1 . "" '"t' -'ooo "7 Sii eandlos; HI do. 'v uui ut u ounsr livson ih. ill 10 dot 3 hoop pails ; 90 I.I hbla crushed aour. ' "I O. AHElt.NETHY 1- co. r. Uoa't fail to call ou CH.IRMAN Si. WARNER. B5 J r T '"'leaiis ,u-ar r slop Hulhay." per clip. do. Of .VeW l)lk.nn. I ' .. ' "vralJ of Ihe .Moruinj" ab,,v ,rti" ' shall receive about the I5tl', of .May, d.rert from New York, end will cW tin m out at low prices. ," u close paiir .TUirsnivr... ' v .i ClUU. Ift in L.t UISUIUOV 1. J. Ill Uisuiuby T.Jl)U.Su.. s'SCItD ""k.i.forwlebv n " apjlif T-JOHNfJON. w of CHA R.VA.y 4 . AUan, RlcKlalay k Oo.'- HAVE livt received ' l.'i, J' 'l .AiTOCKOfHEGpODS, , and would invito all thus who- wrbdi " td procilr (iOl)U arliok rt .rt-aaomiWa prices, W nail i"l se Uiem. They consist Iu purtof 111 following I grindstone. " ' "iwol & wh.ef burrow. ' grain cradle :' fancy broonvn I i'i grus:yllie4iat!i plain . do , . . ,. (rwb do do oasort'd colon d paili , ilw iarriwiS3teeh ' painted tub. .i''-'-1 4" garden rakea , y ?., vm wash board 1 do hoi , Hicksmilh bellow. do sp-ide ' 1 '; 1 etom cut saws 7 It " '' tiolished ahovel . . 1 1 do ' , (i ft , H. buy fork. , . mill saw. 7 ft uianiire fork. 1 hair mutlraase. doiibl churn. . ' . ' do . ' window gluss 8 by 10 hair bolster, doublo do 10 by 12 " do ' .ingla " ' 1 , do "1 7 by 9' lcrm cundioa nw.. Window luuhea 8 by IU Biluinauiiiie uo , ' do ' lUbyU grupu orauu loouctw o hows and yoke ; lucko tobueeO 1 ! ' BLANKKTS, BAUSJi, LLWSEYh, Shrethin Ticks, Ac Ac. , Aud keep constantly on bund a largo tupply of. : O H O C. E R I JS S, 1 clothing, hardware, and many nrliclea too numer ous to mention. ALLAN, W KIN LAY f CO. Oregon City, April SI. IHSS-ly ' 1 fresh Anival of Groceries. rrjlllE subscriber haa insl roceived a fresh .np Ja. ply of Oroeerin, I'rovifioiii nn.l Ihrdiiart, which, in addition to his former stock, he will sell at ntremelu loW prices for Cash or I'roduee, Hi stock consists in purl of the following article s " New Orleans sopir, Sandwich Islund .tijrtir, Crushed do. Powdered, do. I!io &. Java coffee, Yoirnif Hyson nnd Iin New Orleans syrup, periul leoSj Sundwich Islnuda do Utiod Apples . Peaches Sulerutus, Ycust s Soup Powders, Prprs-r At. Allspice, Cinnamon a Cloves. : East Uuslou syrup, , . Haict. Cusl uud German f el. mill and era cut. hand, nunnel, and whin-saws! 11:1 und Unm Mill saw lilcs Irom IU to ill inches; tlat busturd iilea from IU to 14 inches; toper tiles from 3 to 7 inches; half round tiles from 7 to 14 iuohea 1 round da from S to 7 inches; horse rasps from 11 lo 14 inches. 1 Curiienltm 1 oofs. ! inner chisels and gntigi in setts or single ; locket chisels; bench phuies; iron and steel HHiorcji; try squares; scratch uwls aud saw drivers ; plain and Hatted uiai king gungee and bevels ; oominon and concave uugurs ; liuud axes; huininers and hatchets. limUlert1 Jlardicare. Kim, flat, pad and mor tico locks aud hitchesi brass, mineral and while knobs; complote round, town and tint spring bolts; cast butt ot all sizes, and screws; also, round and Hal bar iron ; nuil rod, do. ; horso slioe bar, do., and plow steel. epnltf ' JAMES O'NEILL, a.. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. gJUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate, l3 Slareh, Sulerutus, Cream Tartar, Hal Soda, Curb. Sodu, Ptpiier, Spice, Alum, liurax, Cop peras, etc. , Aprii il, 18j5-ltf Lato Arrival. TN addition to our urrsent stock we are tiow re- A. ceiving direct from New York, es ulijiper sli p rlicnix, ' . . .,.. 5U kbls. and half bbls. X. O. Sugar ; SO bhls. crushed sugar; ' , 10,000 lbs. Kiocoflee; . . ... 20 bhls. N. O. riiohiiMes; for sale low by 1 WM. C. DEMENT & CO., June 30-y Opposite the Laud Office. Just Received. 4 Splendid assortment of Family Groceries, J. such as tea, syrup, sugar, See. ; also fine aud coarse salt, cream tarjur, apples, chili peaches, sardines, oysters, clams, vea,-t powder, nlso u lurge ijiiaulity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco uf every brand and utmost every thing else in our lihe of business all of which will be sold us low us ut any other pla'-e in (own, for cash or pro duce. , CHARM AN J- WARNER. ALL thflso indebted to Preston, O'Xeiil i; Co., are renuested to call and sct'.le the rnmc iin mediately, by Cos or Product. All debts re maining unpaid 1st of June, will be left for col lection. upQltfl JAMEft O'NEILL. KA IiliLS. Santa Crux Lime just received uud t)VJ for sole by je','3-10 WM. C. DEMENT &, CO. A f LUS of Osage Orunge seid for sale bv , J ,, JAMES ON EI Li., KclliiiS off at Cost. rP'niC stock uf Dry Goods and Hardware of rreston, w Weill & Co. wiil be closed out at cost prices. 1'eisons desimus of buying ehca will do well to cull on the subscriber. P-'ltf JAMES O'NEILL. Oregon Bacon. I I If W I u"s lor sale hv AV V W. C. DEMENT Av co. Central Produce Depot. CAN EMAIL . f? CONSTANTLY l-ecelvlii?, fresh from ranch, XV wheat, outs, bueon, lard, butter and potatoes, ,:l'3' ' ' - JOHN T. UP.OOKS. Ju-t tStct ivi d, ' .if tittt'Old Siund,' Caitemah, Ajtril 21, '55. i Brlfe I,b,i IJf 1,1 Drow" Rwr. .i.' l.Otio lbs. China Ko. 1, do., 1,000 lbs. UioColJee, , ' ' 15 Tons coarse salt; 500 lbs. fine do, S.00 1 lbs. Oregon Bacon : . 1 ,000 bushels outs, for sale' wholesaleor retail, by ' John p. HKooKs. TN ou, bakery wekeep constan.lyon hand ! X bread, cracker, eakea.p es.&e. .: ..... iiHAHMAN a uiiovoD g 10 A RSE & FIXE 8ALT.-1 have in store -o tuns coarse and fine suit, to be sold oeru cheap. tt;,2tn ,. JAMES O'NEILU - riANDIK, nut, raisins, 0f an excellent ,;. : V just received and for wle low bv CllAUMAX & WAREf. OIL aud syrup in barrels, for h auSltf Tn.w . I'toi'""'" "' Topical I'-1 IHAKMAN & WARNEK "NT - St'GAR.: tea, .n. .....J F. S .A A. HOLl.AMv T0VDER,ead,shot.dcap,,, ' " vIjIjA AD'S. ' ' ' ' "" IV rktimr...:.. TOOK.?-t,v t),e -j"-'ii:s.- .if. rd. at - :" !iAmzAND's: 1 ui na-KiVEo. :. J' b.W candle., S'niiVporVhy " cct 13 l l.eiier.d, Coinintssioii Merehunta, and whole, swh) and retail rWulcr. f Ur .tJood, Ufaurl,) Ilardw. o,..,,,,, 61J OregonCliy.Riay S. Aiohibald M'Kintay.n ni; , ni -n.'i I ! Th""' Lowe. .;,;.;, , i LLANc M'KINLAY & CO.; oil) JU.rt J , tooiiburg, Uiiip'iu. Oregon. , , i , , j LLANi M'K IN LAY fc CO; Champo,, Oregon Toifilorjr.. , ' , Wuy5. , 1: JAMES O NEILI4 ,:..,!, wHOL.fc Mail 1 rrovMoiif Hardware, , n , . JVo. I, Hum Strtti. v.;-.-CHARLES fOPEj. JR, ,!;,,, DE A.LEH In Hardware, Gmcriva,l)rj( 0a,,, Clothing, Hoots A Shoes, Medlciues, liov0 . and Stullonery."" J "' .0 iMuin-st., Oreou City, April CI165-Itf ;i ,,.,( " ' Wn, O. Ocincnt & Co,, ' 1 ;1 WHOLESALE aud retail Dealer, rn Graoer ir., Provisions, i'uiuls, Oil., Loot, arid Shoes, Crockery, &c. Opposite the Land Office Main St. Oregon City. June 1, 18.15. i JOHN R IMBREOE, ' ' ATToantr and coi)K.Ki.dR r Lkw'f Jrffri'jette, Yathill County, O: T., ' x 1 WILL fuithlully attend lo all business; la trusted lo his professional cure. , April 21, 1855-ltf ' ' ' ' JOHN P. BROOKS, .. m irMraae if Retail Dealer in GrorerivM, Pnitif . . Pmitioiit, ijc. Main Street. A General Assortment kept tip of Selected Gadv Cuneinnh, April 21, 18.'i5-ltf. , ,-. . . , Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express,: ' Brtwrfn Orrgtm, Calitnniia, the Atlantic S'ntrs and Europe. ; ..i If A VI VI! I- ...1..M..UM - pVp X arrungeiiieui watt tho Cuitcd .states uud 1 acihc Mull btuain- i ship Cuiiipaiilra for tiuiisporlution, wo are now pre'. pared lo lorwaru bold uun, vuutoit, Upttit, Packafet, Purcelt, and Freight, to and from N i Vork, N. Orleans, Kin l'lnucleco, Portland, and' principal towns of Culiforuiu and Oregon. . Our regular Semi iiiouthly Eipres betwoi B Porlluud uud Sun l'fuii'-ico, is dispatched by llie Pacilic Mull Slcam'hipCo.'e steamship Columbia, eouiiecting at Sail Eruucisco with our seiiii-inonlh ly Express to New York and New Oi leant, wliicli is dispatched regulurly on tho I st nnd 1 b'lh of racls mouth, by the mull steamers and in charge of oar" own messengers, through to destination. . . Our Express from New York leuves regularly on the 5th uud 20lh of each inoulh, ulso lu olisrja of misseligers. . , Treasure insured in the best New York' coirf panics, or at Lloyd's id London, at the oiitiou of shipper.. . ,, Ofitcks New Yoik, No. 10, AVall t. j Newr Oaleuus, No. 1 1, Exchunge place ; Sun l'luntlSCOJ No. 1 14, Montgomery street. 1 r i J. N. HANKER, Agtut.. Oregon City, April 91, &&-)tr ' : i .' i 50 Steamer Portland, ' ' J!iSSxL CArT.A.S.MURKAy,-"' ' 1 H ill run dully between Portland aud Oregon City. Leave. Portland ut eight o'cl. ek, a. ii. KelurU' ing, leuves Oregon City ut four o'clock, r. K. ' I' ! or Ireight or passage apply oil board, .np.'H-lIP U. S. llAIIi LINE. "" ' Ore-ion. City ami Portland Daily Pacfofl 1TfTU , Jennie Clark,; .rr-,-j-f.-ra J. C. Al.SWIIlll, WASTEH,.,,, ;( Will run iluily, (Sou lays excepted,) in the nlsjve' iiiiiiuM trnile, leaving Oregon City everj- day kt 8 : o'cliiek, . M. Ilclurniiig, will leave Portland a 2 r. M., touching ut nil inu niicdiute points. . Tor freight or passage apply on board. ' ' p5I- tf New Voluniss of th8 Four Review end Blackwood."" " 1:1 i'':, COMMENCE with North llritisli for May,. Wja, uisl the oilier Hcviews and Dlackwuod for June, Ib'SS.' ; 2'erwi.o SulitcriiHion. Any one R oriel of lilackwood, $: a year, lllackwood and one He. view or uny two Hcviews, $5. The font He. views nml Dluckwood, (110. Four copies loon address, 10. . Poslajto ou the four Reviews find DUckWood to' any Pit oflice in the United Stnios, only 80 cents a year on cuch Ilcviow and U4 cents a year o Uinckwood. . v : ,. .9 1 1 Address, I. Scovt & Co., Piildishers, 54 Gold street, corner Pullon, Kcw Yoik.". i es3 1 i . i i Heading for tlie Million. 1 S. J. M CORM1CK ' .';"."'' IIA CONBTANTLV UN HAND AT TMK rSAKLIS tOOX, .roiiK, rnoxT-sT, ror.TLt.VD, oiieoom, V A Choice selcotion of Po))idar Disik, Newe paient, Mugaziues and fancy Slulionery. Among tfie, bocks on liund w ill be found work' on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hi" tory. Poetry, Biography, Medicine, , lioligioii, .Science, School Hooks, Homances, &c, &c, A.p, CTSulBienptions received for Hurr, Graham,- -Goodey, Leslie's, or PuUiiim, at 4 a year, uiut-, aje free. . . KT Siibseil;,:ions r,CLivjj ror iny'p inioiishcd in any part of the Union. v.. -r-, . ),t Kemember the I'riuikliu Book Store and Newi pajwr Arreiicy, Front street, Portlaud Oregon. ' ' . t'A priced catalogue will be published early in April, aud will be aeut to uuy part of the terri- Inn- Tma a .....IL..: 41 ... T ...! j upjiiieuoou. Ladies ,1.1) i v V0U,vT" fil"i'" excellent usortrue.1 afDr.' JL and Bfimut v , .. 5 - '" ""M and V'cre; also kmo'.,. Table rurvi. j:0!"' ' .. . . CHARLES POPE, Jr., Mam-M., opposite Abemethy'. store,) where may w lound almost everything iu the line of.i , ". . lry Ooot.!u:. , Such as Priuti i, Giujhanis, Alpacas, ' Merino fluid l.inscys, Muslins, Suttiuetls, Jean., Flan- colfK!d Oregon City, April SI, lS55-Jtf ' ' " : " '' Medicines' for Sale; By ,..'ii CJANDS' Saruparilla, Peck', Wild Cherry iU ' 7T 1a,tlnau',lnl',Brandretl,'.pill.,ice'a 7. ' . """""so, vpcoeicoc,, Uuin tattcs Pfjor, Cum Arabic, liiiiiab oil, Loboiiu, Hut Stop., Jd .reputation, Roman eye balsom, llalleyVwIiB enactor. Uudamm,, farcgork... Oil of Vrpper mint, Ls-ences, Composition Powdcra,, Carlor'l . HfATdwaro. "' - ti FOB SALE BY CtlARLEs' tOTE', 'JK I aM,ron Scwi, Look, snd -auar Latches,, llaunaer and UaWliela. Aoe R.h'Ue k'r''JUd,i'n'' "C"? Comb. itS Bruahe. nnd Cards, Gun LtLk., (5on Can.. MW r , t ' sv . 1 0 T X ':mi;. .0 LB rf ccd for sale cheap by: i 'ill