The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, November 10, 1855, Image 3

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    Sews from lUs Kuulli.
Cow CllEKK, 1'aII'O.IM,NoV. 2, la" J.
0 UK ArU8VV..VX MB ! 1 sirnteh
n moment to writo you lliu now juNt brought
in byo friemiof mint) from Crave Cru. k,
lie rcpoiU timidity bofurc yesterday, Cnpt.
Fit.;-.: Id's coiiimny of regular, to.oolhor
nun iiiu iiin.-u cum iiniinn ni volunteers, un-
rter Cant's. Smith, IVilvftnd Cordon, "nvo
biiUlu to tli6 Indian encamped on n njnir of
tuo inoiiutuint, sumo ety;lii tmlo urlow we
crowing uf Crave Creek. Ho rojiuri that
nine whiles were lulled, Mid some twenty
Wounded, 'l'liu soldier in K'-'lling ill I lie
Ihdimu, had to pit llir"u;!h u canyon, nil
of tholimo exposed to u deadly lire from
tho Iildiuti w ho were accreted in tliu brush
ubovu. thorn. Our suldii-nt after u wtirm cu
jruoemcut " wero repulsed, Yesterday tlin
Indium made nu iitliiuk upon the nrtny, in
which our soldier agitin it tliti worst of it.
No body known any tiling iitnuit tlio num
ber of liidinna that fell. Our hi ! liunt nru
naid to lf ucinly out of aiiiiiiiini'ioii. The
Indians number so mi' 300, and have ph-nly
of ammunition mid provi.dou. , Tin y lituu
ii large uuiulji r of fat emtio in their camp,
' besides a lot of li)rse lltnl initios, (iilli'spi
of Kugi'tii' city, i tlio only name that I
liuvo heard of nmotio; tlio killed. Maj. VV.
J. Martin, has sent in mi express for umtnu
nilioii. As you mi: lit well uppoo, ureal
txeitemctlt in thi part of the country.
The course of i hu Statesman, in reference
to this war, hm rendered il editor odhiuit
in llirac part. I inn glad to see you aliin
tlio young man occasionally, and hang up
Lis hido on it polo. Tlio pi'ophi out lure
foel soma grntiricali'in in seeing hiin "bat
U." Wunt in haste. T. 1'.'
, tv.u n vr ri.v, in ji.if
'There Was a sound of revelry by nighi"
In Maine's cupltul. There hid gathered llieu
Her ailti-Muinc Law cohorts, anil llio bright
Lamps alionu o'rr hurluta uud besotted men:
A thousand livurtk thumped mightily ; and when '
Muslo uru.v, inch us in hoard iu 11.11,
lied ()'( lunki'd into Liool-sliut oyt'Hf.jriii,
Aiul till wire liuppy, as the ful.nai kaell
Of Temji'rnncc uluIKd itjnn ca It village bell.
Did ye not kcir il 1 Yes; 'tuns Ike tho liowl
''lint sliuok llell'u bruzeii ivul's, when fi.-4 t'.e m ivs
AVtn tliunJi red ut iiv gates uf Adum's full.
Tlio dark, conqlum. rutr.l, moJi'V e; ewj -Uf
Mirecrrm, liurltx, rlum d moeriits,
And "ring Xiclit," tlie uuwuthed of llio "Hard
Shell V'
'Soft S!itll." Whisky Miigs, "11.11 Cuts," und
' ... "WildCkU,"
Made nih! hideous with tl.eir doleful veils
Over the viet'ry of Wliieky uud Wui.u.t
On wilh the dunce ! let joy b.' imroafiiie.!" j
No sleep till iii irii, v h: n hlauted ruaiiiiirs meet '
To furue llio elm Us uf ;teelill", n ml lu bii:d
Willi bl.Hid-MH iie l link.'" wi lows' nil I or; bans' feet.
21 ill hurk! thut dismul stiuad breaks iu oiiccuio.e,
As if our biils its echo did repeal,
And nearer, louder, slroiiger tliuu!
It Is the 1.1111111 liy which our "puzzlers" greet '
Maine's shriek, criuhed under Uacclius'irou feet.
Alas ! iu .Muino there's wretehedness, nil J wo,
And tears, and sad foreboding ol distress, ago
And cheeks ill Llauehed, which but two mouths
Were deeply flushed wall iheirewu happiuess;
And there are brawls uud kck'riug'), such as press
The life from loving heurts, and cltohitig sighs,
Al) cua-cd by iinui unchained. The fcry muss
)i mill sweeps tlio laud ; lluie wilhering dies,
Or spreads her wiugs fur uioro propitious skies.
The hosts of Bacclius gather iu hot haste,
To nelebrnto their bloody v'ct'ry won,
And push their con piests, till a moral wai:
Shrouds every happy land beueulh the suu.
Ail echo backward rolls from Oregiui
lu warm response ; u long and loud amen
Is heard from those upon their bucks, low down
In gutters, or some gloomy, loulhesoinu den,
Where liquor, sold and drunk, makes brutes of men
And there's a rumbling sound upon the n hurfs
I Maine: the rolling casks mid elutt'ring jugs
Are hurri-d to the shore by "Hunch Back" dwarfs,
The hireling clerks of liijuor selling "tugs,"
And tapped for topers gathering with their mugs,
To drink a hcullh toSalun's k ugdom come.
Tlio howl of topers over broken jugs
llua struck her citizens with terror dumb, .
Whe whisper with whito liis "'Our foe ! 'tis Rum !
'tis Rum!"
And the hemlock wuvei above them her green
Dewy with tear-drops, ns those drunkards pass,
Grieving, if aught iuauiinate e'er grieves,
Over man's foibles, and his shame ulas !
lire evening fo be spruwliug oil the grass,
Whieh uo.v beneath them, but nbovc shall grow,
III its next verdure, wheu the rotten nm:;s
Of bloated toiers tumble to the fee,
Andrdyiug without hope, he mouldering cold and
" low.
, Numca by which dilH-rent factions of tile "de
MOeracy" call themselves iu Muiue.
; tXhis verse, you see. is less smooth sad poetical
than truthful. The qualification which, ill tlie ub
wjnee at every other, made Ben Jouson's poetry
pass, is all we claim for Mm iune,--'tht naked
truth." We ml it more difficult lo bring these
discordant "isms' -into metrical harmony, than tlie
rummies did to harmonize them ut tho polls.
For lite Arz'i'-
Ma. Editou Dear Sir: P!esj permit me,
through your columns, to pay the following merit-
ed tribute to that political despot who baa bten
recently scouring this part of the volley for names
-to one of Ihc most soulless, unprincipled, and ma-
Jicious petitions ever presented loan intelligent be-
jn. While the tomahawk of the savage is reeking
with the blood of our citizens, while their dying
groans are heard at the Korlh and at the South,
while tlie smoke und flames from their burning
dwellings comiuually ascend, while the nppreh.n -
jfous of our ciliiens generally are of the moat seri-
us charac er, while some of onf best citizei.. are
the slain and those now falling victim, to
ii - , i ( 4 . !'.!, F.t nf
the ruthless seahung knife, As-Orieli bush, tul. ol
... .i u , ,..!,
Statesman, is doiog every thing be can to weaken
, . , ,
n i u ... r. ! 1
i interrupt ear pr.g-ess. Uclas b en to Tor L.n.1
r r " , . , , , ,
to w!iip the Govern r (perhaps kill him) for op-
.. . ' -i.iun. in
IM U Uf 41C HltM w n-wie.
did lint vote llieso-esllel ilriinHTiiliu ticket ! .Mr.
Iliidi, 1 lire long been your .u'ltical and personal
1 f.itii.l I un a Demociut. but no Wore, such
j ,J0U arv, cli as approve your curse. You
.avo priV(. yourself, in this lio,t net or,'nfi.tnv,.mo
0f tw ,naKi deprattdM men, r.n uccoiiplMic'd vll.
I tain a mei.n, sncukitig, unprir hdcl vu You
are an ob'eel of disgust hu're I abhorrence !
1 he peuj.le have marM y..u ! Look out lor the
fo it'l, siouii lie!, u k uut ! Iiemeiiiber Hub vul,
Julus.iuid An old! JlOlt.VTlO.
Hov. fi, 1S.M " '
0i We envy the following itcnm fiom
the Slitiidiird of last 'I'hurs Iny : .
tV Thou. Sm'ih, E , of .Milton, inf mis us
mat several IikIiiiiih tinriri encrred Irom ancoii
ier, u id koiic down on tho o:lior side of the Co
luiiib n, by their umn'fest inti ntious of pAvg to the.
Viikima. c used miieh iilurm,nd scire of the eit
ijeni procurii u it.d fiom the r-outh si lo s'de uf the
riv r. uir.sle I tln-in rn I lis I ilu-m brought to Vun
eoineroii llio,h i,u 'J'u.whiy evuiinjf.
Mr. Smith pir;,oed lo have furu shed oihep ib
I c a full s:u en.eut of this trana.c: on in tli s issue
of our puper, but n l. o nto fir the
I2i" H)' lt!!er frnin (.'apt. (jladwell, ut Astorin,
we .enrnihit Cap:. Jauui llluir nini two uther
men wero drilled out to fen 'na small bunt, on Sun
d .y li ght l:.B , mid lire np o d In huve been lust,
a Hie I his sni'.'o been fo ml tin own r.iho.e on
Clattop lieiuh,
A fi e oeourreJ at .Tuck nvillo two wtcks
nga lo-duv, eo.iMimiug tb ml one fourth of the
ti.wu snjipusjit to be the woik of i.uen diaries.
t3'" 'i he grU-mill al St. Helens, belong n' to
Mr. J Jul oil, wiis Ci.nsumed by liie on the dtli iust,
Ktnsntar 1". tret Ion letnm.
Tim renders of Mr. Lii ber's nbhi work on
Civil Liberty and Sclf-ChnorniiiLiit, will rc
nieiiiber n very interesting paper appended
toil, mi tho proportion of thosn who m-t n
allv vote to the whole- nut:ili"r of (ju.ililied
vo'.cr., in nny extensivn el.-ction say one
covering a di.lrici where there nic "),(I:U vo
ter, lu i!!i!atri.tiu' his suhj-et, Mr. Lieher
s"ected iu-tniiues of Anifiienn, l'nlish.
rrotich, an. I ueriiiitn i ec!:on., Iho slaltsties
an I- iRToinpaTiviii eircntiinnces .f which
uro well ii-certjitud. 'I'hu cneluion til
which he arrived was, that very frequently
l-s- thun lil'ty out of a hundred citia in who
have the ri,'l t to otc, nelually efi) to the
poll , and that this ivul( ni,,is a fair c nil
ni.ili interest in the uhetinii ; that if sixty
voter out of a him Ir.d mc! unlly- ote, it
proves n jrreiit interest in the election ; mid
tiint seventy iutual vo ers out of a lun.dre l
is nil evi l.-uc" of jrre.-tt eciteiilelit ; w hile
the iiuinh r of sevotity-.'lvi' volers r.u' of n
hnudr'd is liar My ever -rachei ntid niai'lts
an iiiipass'uiii d election. Mr. Licber proved
from lli"s ealetlhllioiis llitlt the rotetlileil
return, by whieli Napul.-oli III. win lifted
t tliu imperial thivne, mid nceo'dnio t0
which iiiu ty-Kve l-'r n y mi n actually vo
ted out of every hundred authorized to vote,
win a falsehood, which could only bf palmed
upon p 'opl iilt.-rlv k'tm.iiiit of election sta
liMic X. Y. Ti li nts.
Wo ncUno.vled'6 l!:o correctness of the
p ciu'ses lui 1 dju'ii by tlio ku: lied author, as ex
h.b Ud uliove, but dissent from the conclusions
whieh lis has drawn resneclin" Ihc elevation of
Louis Napoleoii to tlie imp rial throne of Kruico,
i.nplyiug fraud in llio returns mude, from the large
projwitlon of volts polled to the actual numlerof
those having the right to vole. Although we con
demn the violent and illegu! menus used by Louis
Napjli'oii in paving his nay to the limine, yet we
w sh to present one or two fuels which go lu annul
tho (huge that n fulse return was palmed upon the
jicopie of Fruuee iu the matter uf his election.
Al the cic'tiou of ''Si ubout eight million) of
votes werecus:, (we sic; k in round numbers,) out
of a population of 3G,OUO,000 being in the propor
tiou of one vo:er to every -I J inliab lanls, which is
about the ixuil pmporlion of qualified voters, over
the age of Si years, iu the free States of this Union.
u lS'M, at the eactiou held i.umcdiuteiy after his
aup d'etnt, and the overthrow of tlio republic,
ubuul llio sua. e number ef voles wero cast as in '53,
uud at both elections I.ouis Xupolion received an
almost iinaii motis vote, Eiuno few thousands iu '5U,
and several bundled thousand in 'il, hut fog been
thrown nguuiBI It m;iy bo urged, however,
und wiih a show of plausibility, that Xapnleon, be
ing at the bead of the government in both instances,
through his millions in each dejiarlinent, could
make up just such returns us suited him, and pub
lish them to the world us the true result of the elec
t'on. The probability of this being done by a com
mon usurper, is reduced lo a bare possibility when
it is rcine.iibered that a Hon.uaute was playing
thr game, and was to be voted for by a people
whose love for his uumc is so intense that, us nus
remarked ut tlie lime, iu our presence", by un iatel
llgent I'len haiuii, if a man of slruw uete dressed
up n the hat, coat, reginicaluls, etc., of the great
pjleon, and carried over the country as a candi
date for Piesident, the straw gentleman would re
coivo the sufi'mges of nine-tenths of the whole peo
ple. Uut let us go a little farther buck, and see
whether we can not glean something from the an
nuls of French history that will aid us to a ccr.u n
exit nt iu this matter. '
. In 1818 France became a republic, and in the
latter part of that year mi ehctlon for a constitu
tional President was lo be held. Several candi
dates opjieand Lamirtine, (then supposed to be
the most papular man in 1'rauco,) Gen.Cavaixuac,
(who it was thought would be elected,) Ledru Rol
lin, (lied It publican,) Louis Napoleon, an l one or
two others. The last named personage was in the
Convention that formed the constitution, and but a
few m iLllis before hud b en attached to the con
stubuhry' police face of England. So slim ap-
' pcar,-1 ebunces of elrflion tlmt when he eiP.-red
himself us a candidate the umiouuceineiit met with
' a derisive hoot un botli sides oi tlie Atlantic, and uo
J one s emed willing to risk his reputation for sagoci-
j ty by veuturing an opinion iu favor of his succes-
J The election passed off, and how stood the re-
suit 7 Out of more than tight millions of votes
' cast, Louis Napoleon received over six millions,
j Cavaigoac about one million and a half, and each
of the others less than a million-.n.ewl eie in
, bmnlnds of .housau.U Then, every one will ad-
; mit, the people went to the poM- ' ''y nntrsmel-
ed, and free from all extraneous influence, beyond
'the pem-nal popul.rily of the candidate. ; yet we
fiida forger nninber (we believe) of votes given
o ' e.
ilun at any sub-e ineiit elect torn iu that coomry
"" . . . f
and ii.e uuduubttd inferenee M lhat the hM elee-
ana u.e una ..
lion 0' Nspe eun III , by winch he was rawed lo
oou o. ,
' it.,, il rone, wa- a P tiely legitimate one. so far a
'- ".rone, F J
the numix of votes is concerned. The cbare of
I , il J s
I'ur tlit Argut,
l.lnrs Writ tea fur an Album.
Siuoe other names are wr.lleu lie is
Which thou haul e inw to much revere,
And hopes and feelings are revealed,
That nought but f, lendhip's pnw'i csu wiold,
I crcliuues, un this iuviliug pige,
I jnjght some p issing thuughm engage,
And here inpieu, as nth. rsdo,
. My fervent hope and p.nye.i for you
1'i.r llio' 'lis brief siuee fiul wo met,
I slill call hep.- we'll ne'er regi et
That wo can now, llio1 but a due,
Such inuiks of fiieii Uhip thus convey,
And wh lo you juurnry ou through lf,
'Mid trouble d scenes, and toil, and strife,
May guyer, richer, bilhler gems .
Thau deck the uionarelii' d.ud.-ms,
Untwine thy blow, und richly ble- i
Thy heart with joy and happiness,
While fund refiecliou o'er thee beams
With visions sweet enchunt Ihy dieumsj
May ardent friends Ihy cheek curuss
Iu warm all' cdou's teudrruess,
While Goo's approving saiile endears
Thy name lu those of oilier spheres,
Aud wills (here may to you be given
Eternal rest with Him in Hum-en. a.L. w.
Financial Mov bmi:.yi'8 i:t liciiorB.
Wo frive n IM of the great loans recently
madj by the L-'uroprnti powers:
Lmjliihljun I'lO.OaO.UOU $77,440,000 .
" :io.utu,iii);) idu.uo.uoo
French loan.,llilO,0HU o(J,U.MI,(IUI)
' .'itlU.OilO.UUI) lUo,ii()ii,otiU
" 7."iil,lltni,(IUU J.";II.O0U,0t!(l
Turkish luaii A'J.oOU.lHiO y.tU.UtU
" 5,0k"J,UUO ,Itl,iUU,U0'J
Total Sil9,j'JiJ,000
To th'.'so must ?w uddod the loam ell'.-cted
by l'ruskia find Anuria nt the coiiinietico
in -i.tof tliu war, some liftv million more;
utid a suia'l loan lec-ntlv vlo'eted by Said. il
ia under the (uaiiiutce of Knolund.
Tho Mail Hteattiur is duo to night
(Friday )
"Teli'sion" iilaro rnoii .' D-dazoa Smith,
whum our readers w.ll remember as the holder of
a Government commission umbr John Tyler,
somewhere iu South America, and who defied the
AJmiiiislrutioii uf Mr. I'oik to find li s whnrcabouls,
iu order to recall him, has lurued up iu Oregon.
lie bus written a letter lo an Iowa puper, bring
ing out Ueu. Jo Lane fur the Pi csiduuey.
Ve'.usfou takes the following sensible view of
tho mutter:
"fjincc lien. Cuss' ago places him out of the
lists, and since it is uuderblood llint Douglas does
not w.sli his name brought before the next Nation
al Convention, where is liie in. in inoro suited, as
I lie sla;iCjr4 bearer uf the National Uemocraey
to meet the ami-American, aiiti-Kepublicuu, Con-
s.iluiion-deslroyiiig. Uuiou-huliug, sectionul, strife.
engendering isusol the duy, and roll them back lo
a tucce.-stul issue, thun (Jen. Lune? Chicago
ThK Oiikoon A aaei (lately sturledat Oregon
City) n spirited uud Weil printed sheet, V. L. Ad
ams', Kditor, aud which addresses itself earnestly lo
the good cause, brings us much interesting inlelli
gence. Iu conclusion, we cordiully adopt the following
expression of Tun Aitoes : "If Aluiue is so forlu
naleusto stand ul the head, wo hope Oregon will
uut wait to duliglo at the lai."l':i!iibitioi:iet.
Through the politeness of a friend, wo have re
ceived three numbers ol a new l'uper, published at
Oregon City, Oregon Territory, entitled Tint Ok-
eoo.n Annus, which shows itself a friend of the
cause of Kviigion, Temperance aud Freedom.
I rom tho numbers before us, we unhesitatingly
pronounce it a pniwr worthy the patronage of uny
community, and hope it will receive a good support.
It is a strong advocate ol I lie Maine Lienor Law
The Editor si.ys Ihut no law will suit ihem but
reul Dow s extinguisher. JHuy he not be disap
pointed. The people appear lo hu wideawake on
the groat question of 1'n.hib.tion. The procedure
ofsevoi-ul lemperauce Conventions aro eiven
which show Ihut they are animuted by the right
spirit. Kveu the Ludies arc ut work, lu one ot
tho numbers, we find a memorial from the Ladies
ol Salem, Murioii county, pruying the II. mid of
Commissioners of said county, lo suppress, if pos
sible, the onwi.rd progress of intemperance. The
memorial is signed hy a laro uumbor of ladies.
They have an Auxiliary of the American Tract
Society established iu Oregon. Also, one of the
American Ilibte .-oo ctv. liulh have meetings ad
vertised, which were tube held iu Juno till. Il any
of our friends should want a puper from Oreijnn,
Tiik Anoia is the paper. Western Melhjdul I'ro
teslant, I'utuum, Ohio. .
Oct. 41 Is, by K -v. Aimer Gardner, at. his resi
dence in Linn county, Mr. Wm. H. Vs.xdkiivort
to Mrs. Eun.r M. Luse, bath of Marion co., O.T.
PROF XEWELL's class of young siners
will upp ear beloro the I'uhlio wilh a chuico
selection of new music, which they will perform,
together with part of Flora's l-'est vul, iu the Con
gregational church, on Wednesduy evening, Nov.
21, 155. Admission, at the dour, AO cents.
Cliildtun, half price. There will be no tickets is
sued. Doors open at fij o'clock, performance lo com
mence ul 7, r. M.
V "Susan Abigail" and bark "UW Devens,"
Irom San Francis. o, the following goods:
OUOCERIES:l 50 kgs E. li. syrup, 5A8 gals.,
W0 obi New Orleans do.
iiOOU lbs No. 1 China sugar,'
5100 lbs tai ls salt,
200 boxes English and Aineiienu soap,
SO cases piu fruit, ass'd, ,
3 cross P. ii. yeast powders,
5U00 lbs tobacco, ass'd brau.Is,
100 half baxes,
Hid bbls and half tibia crushed sugsr,
3n00 llw snlenitus.
VltOCKEUYA General Amriment.
DRY-OOCWti;;MV yds brown sheeting,
1IMI0 yds satinets,
aOJO " prints,
10 pieces ulp.c n,
5 J pairs English blankets,
S0,l yds carpet ug,
2U0 " oilcloih;
Together with a geuenl assort meat of ready made
clotluu-r, boots, shoes, hats, east. and carpenters'
tuols. WM. C. DEMKST f CO.,
Nov. 10. OppiBite the Land Office.
fntsta Cruz 1. 1 hi c.
IlDf-S. for sale by
uovlO WM. C. DEMESTk CO.
f gyptiitn Wheat. t
1 IEW hushels i-1 sale bv
j flovlO WM. C. DEMEXT CO.
i bus.Ia.-tak by 'M.C.DLXr..V;'$C9.
Cbcltaiar.j Co. Tcmal? Zovaluttj.
rPHL' budding heietofure known usiiboie will
X beopeiir l eg do fur Schl pnrjsxes on Mon
day, Novrm irr I'Jdi. und r toe d.reotiuuof Itev.
II. K. ami Mis. M. ). Dims.
Ttrmtnf Tuition p'r term ofeUrm leces.
1'iiuiury En -lull,.; 11 Ih) '
II eh.r l 0 U'J
Fieuch, Di swing, or Muiio-Clito- ,, each, (extra.) 2 00
A few students cau be ocemmii-alnt. d wilh
boanling. tl K. Kl.VEd.
Oregun City, Nov. 10, lH.15-30.3w
rra'.t Trcci for Ralo.
rpO those ulio are ill wmit uf fiuil Ire., I would
L say eoino along uud gel Ihem, a they are go
ing oil' I ke hot cakes. My Irees .no of 1 1 is scire
tiou uf J. W. Ladd, now Cil.-braled ull over Oirg.'ii
as the beat select ou of fmit ever brought to this
coast. My trees eoinpri-e all tho choicest varie.
ties uf fruit which have brought prvmliiins ut ul!
Iheriosnt fairs iu ull :he lionliern Ntutes ill Ibe
Union. ,y present s'.oek is of the prrseul Sum
mer's growth, lurgr uud thrifty. If I cannot suit
you lu sue.J. W. IjtI.1 can; who-o olvcrileii.enl
you will see iu Tiik Asuea You will ulways find
me (when I inn nt home; on the M.mticellu Farm,
Muiion comity, win nt I shall b happy to w ail on
yon, while my Irees hold out. My puces will suit
most any bo I,-. ' SAMl. SIMMONS.
IIowei.l t'sAiaic, Nov. 1, r.3. 30-St
Wta takes It Up ?
I HAVE now on hand, at my residen -e In II-.w-ell
I'ruirie.muny sp ciinens of fruit, known as
the I .odd sel c. ion, wh c 1 1 huve r .1 cd hi a large
o. chard ol beating trees, which I ptopase to show
Willi nny fruit gruwer in Or. -non, uho lit uks he can
ex-el mo hi sire or quality by any other variety
I lie re-ii I shall be a haul settlement or the question
na lo whomer.dll is due for hav ng bru't to Oregon
the best variety of fruit. Il' you cannot beat me,
gentlemen, or if yon chouse not tinner Hie arena,
just back nut, and I y silence niveionselll tog villg
tlie lienor to J. W. l.auo.
Nov. 1, H15. 30-1 1
K K 1. 1, Y
rrivato Eoardlnsr Eouso,, '
t-t ),,:,. awn. llu'lliesiV In,', rire-proul build-
lllg, OKtSUOM VH ,
O. T.
Nov. 3-0m.
JCT" Charges reason. Lie. '
HAY. MAN'S lysieplio Elixir warranted to
cure the dvspeiisia just teenived nn.l fo.-
sulealthe OlllWO.y CITY DHVO STORE.
I PERUVIAN Febrifuge, fur Hie euro of fever
and ncue, Sic , tie , justieceived mid forsuiu
Territory of Oregon, i .
Yumlnll eouuty, . ( '
AT III - October term of tho Tiobale Court,
holdeu ul the court-house iu the villuge uf La
luivtte. ou Tursduy Hie 4th d y of Oetuber, lSi j,
wherein Wiilium Graham, odm i.istrutor ol tho es
tate of All .u lus Stuuky, dee d., has tiled his uo-
count, praying fur a tiuul settlement of said estute,
notice is hereby given, to tho end that all per uns in
terested may appear ut tho term of Prohulo court
lo be holdeu ut tho court-house at Lafayette on
Tuesduy, the 4th day of December next, to show
cause, if any, why the suid uceount shall not bo al
lowed aud u tiuul set Itemciit made ; and it ia fur
ther ordered that this notice be printed III 1 UK Oa
kuon Anuts, a weekly paper printed at Oregon
City, for three weeks in succession previous to the
day of settlement. A tree copy.
Nov. 3, 185"i--J9-3w Judite of Probute.
Wheat Wantsd.
IGI1EST cusli prices pa d by
Nov. 3. IV .V. C. DEM EX T ,J- CO.
SEALED rROPOSAW will be received by
tho undersigned until Hie 1st of February,
irjjti, for the pc.lurmauco of the following work,
On the Military road from Astoria to Sulem, Or
egon Territory, to open the First Section of the
roud, from Astoria to Cariuihan's, being ten miles
or thereabout.
The road to be cleared entirely of trees, brush,
and fallen timber, fur a width of two rods, uloug
die Hue of the survey recently made, und marked
out ; and a truck or carriuee way tu he included
within Ibese limits, one rod iu width. In the car
riage way, all roots, stumps of trees, and other ob
structions, must bo entirely removed. And when
trees are grubbed out, the holes ure to bo compact
ly filled with earth, uud the filling rounded oil so as
lo make a small mound about ten inches above the
general level of the ground. 'When tho line of
survey ascends or descends hills, cutting uud tilling
will be resorted to, to make the roud easily practi
cable fur u loaded wagon. No ro id will be re
ceived that does uut fully come up to these condi
tions. Where the road crosses tho WalcusM Creek a
bridgo w ill bo required about ilbO feet in length,
und sixteen led wide. This bridge will be built
on piles not less than 10 inches iu diumctc; driven
in courses of three; ten feet between each course.
The courses aic to be united by a tin, not less than
ono foot iu d mooter, framed ou their cap-., and
three string pieces, one ut each side und one iu the
center will ruu the entire length of the bridge.
These string p eces will be united to the ties hy iron
bunds, two niches wide und one inch ill Ihielines?,
unci their diameter not be less than one fuot.
The eurriage way across the bridge is tube of three
inch plank, firmly sp ked on. The entire structure
must be three feetubuve Hie highest waler lino on
the creek. A railing of 3.v I inch scantling will be
made oa each side of the bridge.
Li tiieir proposals, contractors will either propose
for the whole section, the bridge, or by
Ihc mile, m.,kiiig separate proposubj for t-rectiug
Ihut work.
Proposals, as above, will also bu received fur the
srcco.No section of this road, being from Curna
hnn's lo the crowing uf the Nel.alcin river, twenty
miles or llicrcnbouts, to be contracted in like men
uer tu the above. Advances maybe nude to the
contractors ou the completion of portions of thdir
work' Proposals must be accompanied by refer
ences, and a written agreement fru.ulwu substan
tial parlies to b come snrities tur the completiuii of
the work, ill ease a couiracl is given.
Il must be understood lhat nothing in this adver
tisement implies lhat contracts will necessarily be
given lo the lowest bidder: ull proposula received
will be considered aud submitted lo the Superinten
dent of the Mililury (toads in Washington and
Oregon Territories, and the mutter left to his dii
cretiuu. The cinlruftx are lo be comp'eted by tho 1st of
September, lfOT' but if Soulier completed, the
woik iv II be iuspecied, and received, if properly
Prop .sals will be endorsed "Prfp.u!s for opcii
in.' 1st (or 2d) section uf the military roud Irom
Astuna lo Salem, O. T."und d r tied to
U. S. Topograph cal Engineer,
OIHce of the Oregon and
Washington Territory Military Roads,
Nov. 3, u.'i-v'Uifel Sun Franclnco, Cal.
Portland uud Aalorln.
The HtdcnJid Steamer , ,
Multnomah rSi
"TTT'ILL continue lo run regularly betws. n Port
V lan.l and Astoria, tia Vancouver, twice
werk, leaving Portland on Monday and Tbursd, y
mornings of each we-k for Astoria; and Astoria
for Portlend on Tuesday and Friday lr.oruih',
touching Vaxcouvks, St. Helen-, Uaisii r.Catii
Laxet, are., each way. For rn-i-jht or pasrage,
apply to It. HtJYT, Ma. tcr.
je!6 Oratlloyfs Wharf-boat, Portland.
OhcrlSfj Sr.le.
1Y virtue of sCeition moeh uiio's lien eieeutlun
) liir.l out of lh Distnet Court of Claekauias
cooniy, und to ins diiroled, iu favor of Alexauiler
S.Culd irll ngi.let II J. Me Wilbums and others, 1 I vi.d ujuiii, mid shall sell ul public auction (n
lb hirhesi balder for rush, on TUESDAY, the
7ih DAY OF NOVF.M DKIt. I M.'3, on ih prom
ises, tho felt.aing deser.bed rul estate, lo Ill
Lots N a. si veil (7) aud cljjlil (M) in Ul'-ck No.
Iv.riily-riglil i','"), ill the un of M 'hi ankle, iu
M.iel.uinus county, aud al-o lha ft-nine bail liie.',
thr.s sluii.a Ii ghliOhy 2 feet wlih a dining
r-je:n one story It gh and a k leh n two slori a high
stlachrd Mu-reto, ni,d known i.s tl.e iraiiuuh Do
lel,sitiiblt-d ou ll.e Lerore des-riturd lols. Sulo. tu
tube tilute at 1 1 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day.
SKI'. Ill' FLAT,
Oct. 27,-09-M Rlieria'Cluckumas County.
Xrrlata IJotica. ,
TOSl'I'.'I P. E.VtlAN.BdmiiistrnUJronlhees.
tula of Cyrus Wsdswoith, deceased, having
fit d a petition in lbs I'n.'.ate Cmu t of Clackamas
county, verified by bis ullidiivit, f-.r un on'er lo he
granted him to sell the real cwtu'e of said deceased ;
herefore, all persons interested are directed lo ap
pear at the Devi term of the I'rubslr Court, to be
holileii ut Oregon Citv on Hi.- first Tuesday uf De
cember next, ul 10 o'clock,, u., uud show cau-e
why su'd order rhnu'd n t he cranlrd.
Oelober 27, lbOS-jb-it Jude of I'ro'jaie.
Now is "onr Tltno.
VS it is prolmhie I shall close liie d'ljriisrreolvp
in 2 liusim-w for this season in about four wrnks
from this time, those wishing DAGI ERKEO
i'Yl lj will do well to come ri.'lil aluug wilhuut
Pictures taken In till kinds of weather, and : at
hlui'linii wuinnited. Call ul the sky-l.ght li'uus
over Milivain's store, corner of Main and Third
sireeLseiilrunee un Third street. 1
OregouCity,v"vt.l3. JUriEI'II BL'CIITEI.
W Do you know lhat plastering is cheaper and
better thun ceiling ll' to, why not plust.r your
houses iusieud of botching them up w.tli ceding I
I have fulloued the business fur many years, aud 1
ou ;lil to know. I uiu pr pared lo do ull sorts of
wurk in my line, from plain to the finest ornament
al work, ou the la t rrusonnblc tetms. All of my
work will In warranted. To tliose who nre building
lions, s to lire in, 1 would any, "step and think be
foie you further go," if you um iu'i-n-ling to cil.
Give mo a call, and let us talk the m uter over,
at all events. J. E. HURRIRl).
JUegou City, Oclo'.r 13, IbVij-iJdil'
(1 ILT MOL"LDIN( for picture frames, fur
J sa'e by (TUBMAN &. WARNER.
JJho Bost CJiaaco,
I.VEU olVere.l iu Oregon, to those wanting
j Stores. 1 would say u tl.e public that I inn
oileiing my stock of Stoves, just received, :il uhkat
u REDUCED I'RICEd, from I jvu to Jen Dot.
uns below former rules. O. U. TWC-GUUD.
surlineut of Tinware ou hand, and
IX. for sale cheap, by
1 ilA A .HUi-TIELS of Oats wanted, fur
ivvy which I wtll pay Hie murket price, id
Stuvcs. v
i)fff UUStlELS of Wheat wanted ut
V KJ f lh - market price, for which I will pay
in Tinware or Stoves.
VFEW of tho celebrated cook sloves kuuwu as
Di.u-K Piauond and Mav Fi.owkr on baud
and for sule by O. I). TWOGOO D.
COOK STOVES at r$l8, by
cctC,-lf O. 11. TWOGOOD.
Something' New.
ANY' person having a Molodeon, Sernphlne,
Acoordeoii, or other reed instrument, with
broken or defective reeds, can have Ihem repaired
by applying or sending to Cbas. M. Hester, ut his
rc-idcuce, two wpiures back from tho Eap.itt
Mee'iiitr House, hi the North partol'Oro on City.
Charge, for inserting linglo reeds fiom $l,.r0 tu
$2,00. Ueusonuble d.du.-tiun fur a grout-'r uum
bor. C. M. KESTE1U
Oregon City, September 22, 155-211
n Drufs, Medicines, Taiiits, Oils,
Jj and Jiyc-EtulTs,
epl5 Muiu Street, Oregon City, O.T.
TIL Gnysott's compound extract of Sarsuparilla
XJ and Yellow wock, aiine
O ANDa' Sarsa arilla, in anynunntily, ut the
LD Dr. Jucob Townsend's SuiBaparillu, at
R. Townsend's Sorsnmrilbi, at the .
OllutiUiv cur utiL.u ciiuui'..
SHAKER Sarsnpirillu, al the
"IT'cLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver
R. Osgood's India Cholagegue.and Dr.Jones'
American Clwlagogue, ul Hie
MOFFAT'S L;fe Hitters and Pills, Bernard's
Dysentery Syrup, Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherrv, ut tho
li. J. Ay res' cclchmled Cherry Pectoral for
coughs, and eonsuinpllun, a! lbs
OiititiUix ct i x uiteu p ioiir,,
w . j a I. . I.' . . .....1 1MI
Jrt 1 . 1-o lucrative, i.ji:uiumiiu, unu , oia.
Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, aud Swe.-t Oil, al
MEXICAN Mustung Liniment, G. W. Mer
chant's Gurgling Oil, at lbs
rpRUSSKS, ryht and left and double, and Ab-
doiniual suiiporters, ut the
UKK White Lead, raw aud burned Umber,
Crome, Green and 1 elmw, nnn other p unts,
ut the
GruefeubcigSsrsupiirilla, UlrritieCatholicun.
" Dysentery syrup, consumptive
P ie Oiiiimsiit,
' lie. l:b Eaters,
" Eye I.tion, &c, ice.,
To be found at Hie agency of the Cmopiitiv, at
Street Trcn Honolulu,
I)ER'l!rig I. H. Runt,
10 tone S. I. Salt,
127 mats No. 2 Sugar, ' "
50 kegs ' No. 1
2") Bbls. fyrnp,
2.' " " M..!ases,
2.10 Gallons ToLr Oil.
Sep. 2tl,'.,5. . A BliRNETHY co.
SALEUATU.1", t-dinceo, but h.ilo cisll'
V. A'. 4 A. HOLLAND S.
'. in batrils at
r. . &
A. I.OM.A.T'S.
OKlifiO.V ( ITT . .
WholoaaU jfrfcei arreitl
uoasnrrKU vvtaaLi.
naf coons. 1 pai ns .V iiKinnisis
Sheeting, l-l I4 H 0pr.el.over N. Y.Cit.
Drilling i It-l rxomca.
D.tutlie.l drdling 1.1 Wheal, pr. bu.....8.'a0
" shirting, Half. Ouis do 4'isio
Ktriptd do J4 Putaifst ! . .new.. . SO ii'j Malt! Ou ons do HI
lienii I.'i l-lour
Illue drilling 14 Cum Meal, fteslL...,
i.i.i.i n...... H'.M'i.i. . ( re.
1 la'u mh"-j ...,.-., ........
;,,linit ....7oyo;. " dried d
Kentuel.v ieaiis.. . 2." alo reaches, diled do!...,
I'weeds Mu7l; do peahd
niivrs. j Chill. dried.Sl'iM
Illue und lih;.!..l9r x ' muvisioim.
Illue audoiange 12 Tork, elsur none.
('aiicy M-t " 'a.10
i-'uruiture do I'-atl I Hums 3ft
do. wai. I l-l. tlacoll .35lsat
M. do la. ins 1-luia. rnwora.
Gincjiauu... Hj.r.'t.'HantH, p ra...,
lpuci SSuMl pi . f -.
. iio
Table iliinask.... '.osi.'i! - shot.
clollis UmiSli Small siiss
Iriih linens Ita'jl lluck
elOTIIIMl. 1 LKA".
Sheen miiv inmls 'lj 3 liar si
Sutim-t , do. .Jj'-iH White lea-l, liioilUuli
I 'unev earn. do. ,..!f ma. o..Kbsua.
Dlaek cuss. do. Jfaul Manilla, small.,.
Redllan'l shiils 81 lalf' " Isrge..'..,
Illue do. do. ril.'islS ilcmp
, lOalS
Hickory shirts Saii cash-SS.
Culleo do $'.lul2 AJuiaulins
boots ii- ISpeim
. ..Ml
Men's kip b olsjjltj idi cioaiis.
" siqer du. do... .iji i lluvaua 10s80
11 line sewid I J O- rsiiui $IUaVlj
llovs' kip boots $2't American f 'JUsSU
'' he'vy M-'x dojij ii' Tossceo.
M ens' br.'s pr. dox. . V 1 7 Pride of th. V via 0s4
" kipbrg's pr .iu.Si;0.Siin 33
calf sewed do.. A'.' I Luke's 17
Wo ncu's h'vy sli'a.$l3f iiAaswaaa.
line ilo lo.siiovsis i?ii
oi'.ucKiiits. ;Spadea l4ulG
C.nVo 90o22; Axes 8's20
Tea ti ia7 tl M i tl suivs UUa?
Sugar, no. 1 Chi'a... . 1 1 J X cut saws "io-Sl
crushed 15, ruble cutlery, 10 percl
Sulerutus Ua.lG' advunee ou N. Y.eost
riiureli M; Pocket cutlery, 85 prct
Syiup E Uoston.
UCmSll u lvuuce. - .
7.i; Other urliclea of bard-
... . 70' M ure IV. m 20 to jll pr
. Ua.'lj et advance.
do. S Isl.iud..
NO Molasses... .
Liv. Salt .
Table Suit
J.i4 .Nails, ass Usuu-s.prKif ?so 1. bait.. 2a21
l'.oi..rr lllil
Vl'ml.r, :.40 r,nmi Uai9
Cinnaniun 0"ur'O .insed bod t'-l'iS
Sunp Iiiu 1 1 Turpentine pr gull .2
rruit tSrccs for Sale.
IWOULU i-o-wi:iiuily call Hie ultentioii of
those who want Fiuil Tries to my N ursery, nenr
llio biiukoflhu Willaiiietln, i ppodte Huleville.cuu
tainiug soiuo nine acres of line yearling or two
year old Irees, miuibeiing .',0,000, mostly
grafted. The y ure of line healthy growlh. very
stocky, and raised without manure, which is a very
iiupirlaut point, und embrace most of lb,e leading
liudsof Annies. 1'iuis, leaches, 4o. Most of
my kinds I huve Introduced Here, ill giuui akiiw,
Irom tho best nurseries in Ilia Allunlic States, and
they have mostly boruo fiultv.hch fovea of tl.e
liijrhcsl excellence.
1 shall he on hand althe Nursery from the 2.ith
Oct. until alwul the first of February, aud ready
at all times lo wait upou thoso who muy favor me
with n cull. I shall sell lor cash only, and the pri
cos will be low iu accordance with the huid limes.
All trees purchased w II bo lubeled and curel'ully
packed, und delivered ut the lainlillg oppisile
Ituteville, without exlra ehnrfre.' From the 1st of
Fib. I shall be. ul Oregon City loatlend to ai'lluig JOHN W. LADD.
Dalcville, Oct. 13, 1535. So-oiii
War sfljjaiaEt Hard Times I
The rhice to (Jet your Money Jivck.
"xIlARMAX k. WARNER are nmv rnrrvlng
on Hie UAKKUl utiu.o.irr.i.iioiM,ui
business nt their old stun I, where they aie still lie-
toriniued to deal on terms to suit me limes, uur
motto is, "a n inblo sixpence is better than a slow
shilling ;" and wo ure determined lo sell, if we do
sell upon a verv small pi ol'ii. We are keeping ev
ery vatielv, PROVISIONS, RREA1), OA EES,
PrlCS, Ate., fee., that were ever inanufm-lnn-d out
uf Hour. We keep also all kindsof GltOCERIKS,
such as Sueur, Coll'., 'Tobacco, Cigars, Ru sliis,
Spio.s, kesidea many Drugs and Medicines. (Ha
don't keep uny ".pluck" medicines, however.) V
have bought mil the oilier bukery. and intend tofix
up another establishment soon. The press of bus
iness is so great that we ure conirllid to "spread
ourselves" ovor a linger platform. i
IT Country produce bouolil and sold.
"i'is no trouble to show "ictus." Cull und try us.
Oregon City, October Hi. Ir?55.
A Valnablo Tain for Sale
rUIE subscriber oliins loi ado one hiinili ed acres
X of luud, parlly improved, siluahd within two
miles of Onv.oii City, nenr (Jen. MeCurvor's furui,
on the most rur'inmlilt terms. Fur particulars,
empi re of Thos.,orl the i.lli e ol Wuit (c
Kelley, Oregon Cay. G. E. COLE.
Oct. a, ls;,5.-25if
Co Arrive
"1 JfTITIlINf a few days, direct from Now Yolk,
cx c'ip;ier ship "Gulden Eagle,"
-100 guts, linseed o l,
15(1 gal.', pta. lurpelitiue,
21)0 lews window gl.-i-w. (s'dciraj
2nd kegs while hud, p ile,
SoV'.iIh. varnish,
200 His heeswux,
tO,) lbs r'i", by Wai.C. DEMENT &.CO.,
oct 12. oppoMte the I ,snd Otlice.'
Icw Supply.
"t A BERN I.TT I Y A; CO. oiler to Hit poblis,
" X at loiv prices, the anicles:
Writinir pniif r,
I. lie i.-ls.
Thread, ties- fed,
Combs, "
liullous, assorted.
Steel pens,
Pen holders,
Handled axes,
Cow bells,
'steel s-iuares,
lllack lea,
. i'epp r, black,
jt li earn Tartar,
Pies ed salmon,
Collins' sxes,
Oregon City, Sept. -y
Who Want a" Good 2addlo?
ritllE subscriber, living five miles aoutli-wcat of
I Lafayette, in Yamhill county, is now carryings
on the bll-incts of Saddle Mulcug in goml em iiesl.
He k eps con.slanlly ou h ind the best saddlsa that
can be manufactured wilh the malerin's ul com
mand In Oregon. Tho wishing a genuine sudd a
warranted lo fit on sales, and rigged out in
complete style, cheap for ca .h, or paid lru.'c would
do well to give me u call. My sh -p is situated oil
llak.-rs Creek nenr where the msd croet it bail
ing frain Portland and Oregon City, "up ronnlry''
by the way ol Siii.lh's bridgo on the North Fork of
Uj" 1 keep every thing in lbs saddlery line, aa
Eri.ilis, Martingales, Halters, I. A'fi . Ae.
rent. 20 i'.'lit; J. O. IO- NDKKSON.
TJ YS, of d li'erent kinds, lor sule by
CIIAK.MA. Ct. ailI.ll.
J Jt'U hoic Calldki',
20 bbls. pi k, bv
:ct 12 Y.'M. C l'EMENT A ea,