The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 13, 1855, Image 4

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i 'JJ,i)iIi. 1'i.fIuKrfiU'iuiki
Goxl Mussulman elnlain from pork I
There e a prt of tvery eln
No friend r folluw. r of mint
May taste, wtmUi'er hit Inclination,
On pain of eiroi.imunlralion.
Huch MnlctiKl'i m)leiioueherge,
Awl tliiu he Willie point si large.
Had bo the sinful part espteastd,
Th'-y milil wild safely rat !! rest !
Bui fur on pii ce they lliiilt II hord
From Ihu whole bog lu ba debarred J
And Ml I heir wit at work to find
What joint Ilia prophet had in mnA.
Much controversy straight an (
Theee choose Ilia btnk, Ida belly thosei
Ely euroe 'in ev.ufidi ntly eaid
Ha maanl tvit to forbid llie head :
While others at thai doctrine ra I,
And pioualjr prefer Ilia tail.
Thua oeneeieiice fr. ed from av'iy clog,
Mahometans eat up tlie hug.
Youlei.tfh 'lis wnll llie tulr applied
May nuika you biugl. on t'other aide.
Itrncuuce Ilia woild, llie pr. arher erir
"We do," I multiinile repln-e.
While una aa iuuocenl r gurda
A snug mid friendly (time at cords;
And one, hatever you may any,
Can wo no evil in play ;
Soma love a concert, or a nice,
And others shooting, aud the chum,
Itevil'd and lov'd, rennutieid and followed,
Thus, hit by bit, the wuild la swallowed
Each lliluiu Ilia neighbor inukce loo free,
Vol likea a elite aa well lu be :
With sophistry their suuee limy ewerten,
Till quite from eiiout to tail 'lie eutrn.
from llaiU-y's'Teataa."
Tor every leaf tliu loveliest flower
. M'hicli beauty sighs for finm her bower
For every atar a drop of dew
Yot every aim I sky of blue
For every bear! a heart as true !
For every liar by pity shed
. Upon a fellow-sufferer's head, ,
Oil! ba crown of glory given
Suck crowns as saints to gum havu striven,
Such crowns aa seraphs wear in heaven.
For all who toil at hours! fume,
A proud, a pure, a deathless mime
For all who love, who loving,
lie life one long, kind, rinse eurrso
He life all love, all happiness !
From llio I union Ejprcss, .Inly 17.
Drain af Napoleon's l.esl Mcillrat Atlcml
anl. In onrobilimryof thi'sdny I recorded Iheden'li
of Dr. Archibald Anion, in tlio fi lib year of h
ago. ,.
Dr. Arnott entered the nuny iipwnnls of sixty
years ago, ami retired from active scrleo in l.s'lt!.
For a few yours he was ottuched to die I lth dra
goons, but for a much longer r:oil served with Her
majesty's twentieth fool, sliming the erils ami ex
ploits of that distinguished ior. uii the Nile, in C'a
lubrin, Portugal, Spuiu, and llollund, mid earning
a mednl, with clasp,, for F.t, Muidn, Vimicrni
Corunna, 'ittorio, (ho Pyrenees, Nivello, Xive,
Orlhes, anil Toulouse.
After tlio war, Dr. Arnott accompanied his
brave conipauioiia in urma to St. Helena nn.l India,
aud at the former station hecniuo the medical at
tendant of Niileou Honnparlo. His professional
ability, ingenuous character, and U-riltt and Jig-
hilled ileurlment aa au olliccr, at mini secured fur
him Uia ouufidence of that onlrnordinnry mini,
whose g.HKl oiiiiioii thus early furnied, was strength
ened liy Umly Interviews dm li g llie progress of bin
fatal disease, nn.l at lust rijn ncd into uinm persona'
iuuicuiucui sou smeero est. em. rhewm ulinienlii
were conliallyroelpMoaud by llie ..ys ; uud,
on llie mrt of the illm-trions inllenl, ere riprrwed
uu nil aoeaninus by deb ate atteiilinns and lively
marks of afli cl un tie re!nl. In pnrl'ciinr,slinrt
ly prevlona to hie cUolutl.m, Xajioleon gave a very
Interesting teHtinnmy uf his reuwl for Dr. Arnott
and grateful stum uf the wunn syinm!liy and in
defaligablo (enl with whlrli ho luliore,l to m'tlgntn
the cruel siifTi-riiigs wldeh no art could hiMl.
To use the words of one then on the Islnnd, "the
ICmjierur, on bis dealb-bed, desired Hint a v.iliwhle
Kold amill'-box might be brought to him, and hav
ing, with bis dying hand and lnt cff.M of depart
Ingatrength, engraved m..on !l lid with n penknife
Ills letlor 'N.,' be presented it to his kind and val
ued frioud, aa a purling memorial of bis deep es
teem aud heartfelt gratitude." Dealt!,
una,, tehiin COO Napolcona, and
the llrilish goreminont, to m.itk Its approbation of
his eonduel, conferred on him jCjOO. When llie
cineatliiHldrew to a close, ib patient opite.1
mm uis ngiii nuiiu in unit of Dr. Arnott
1 A ..... . . '
w" "Mum the l.-t sniTlvor of these
wtioaenameawillba handed down to pMerity in
couneilou will, the events gf th0 lut daya of N.
poln. lliamaMuhnc and leuaeions mind wss to
the last richly siored with recillections and mieo
dote. of the period. 1W the public would bare
wad with bilere.1, but except dear and distinct
Mortem Appearance, of Ma,., Jlonaparie,'
IK.blud..d iuitv!,h.uould B.v,rb. mdmto
co...... I iWmu, print, being reluet.m to mi,,.,,
pubMy i. lh. keen ,nd paifl con.n.r.rsy of
lima, although nev.rcuceahug hi-omniou in pri
vat conversation.
it i . ...
..-......re0.p,ll,,e l!uvl)r AmMn,
tire to h- n.Uv. pari.),, and ,,, W, ,.
...nial ,,.0fK;lkcu,l,ll.lllll.eul ll.
ing ofbu.d.ysb.ueliciaMy , tb. neighborhood
aud honorably to himself.
THg Susan ok SKiusTornL.-nulor date,
of July 10, tho crrciHindciit of the London
Times writes us follows ;
"Mover sinev tho Uoimii.i! f t10
wer bolh par-ii so thoroughly j
present. Thecsehan.?,. of shot ,l
bell is infant. Tw P , f
7 lo "y (Ateiit, hut to lb
uieir naversari
nie.liis of 1 a T. - T
lliern must be n 11' w . V' ,,rs ettie.ent steam ....! ... I
tkinlr . "v "uiu . lauiuv.l n tl. 1 . 1 . . .. . to locale ob,i,. .1 1.1 ...... r:
..uuolh .ml ucw, m, , . tuM, ; ( f ry H .n lo plv on thc C! ISAAC I. STEVENS.
J b.tweiu 0,aoMw and (,reeno,k. Jaaf w J .., and Supt Id. A.r., W.T.
l.,i.U vvblcb It i tajwuibl We, n grent r.nvnl tinw nnl cm be without
tliu mi mi. of lunntirncltirina it own intim
tiwus. PowJern)ill.irobubly Uo cxiftj
but in Mh ll. e mm t' q'tKn occurs
n. lowhoratlio iiwitcriulu fr llio nmnufiic
turu aro Ui como from."
The Wart' rrnrea.
It is curious and deeply interesting to oWre
how much of Ilia advaneo which mankind lias
....,1. I,, auna of liio most eosenlial of
material improvement has be effected will.iu Iha
last quarter of i century J and, oil tha other hand,
how many department, of human intelligence
reaJxd Iheir culuiinaling (mint a((es agi. It is
not likely that the world will ever ee a mora per poet than Homer, a grander statesman than
Periulea, a sublimer or mora comprehensive phi
losupher than I'lato, a sculptor equal to Phidias, or
a painter superwr to R:ihiil. Certain it la, thai
the lu of twenty or five aud twenty centuries
has giveu birth to nono who have surpasses1 them,
and to few ho have approacbsd them. In llie
fine arts, and in sjicculalive thought, our remotest
ancestors aro still our masters. Ill science nod its
application the order of precedence la reversed,
und our own age has been more prolific aud ama
zing then the uggrcgutc of all the agea which
have gone before us. Take two points only, Die
mmt obvious aud Ilia most signal lia'oinotion aud
the liawmission of intelligence. At the eerliint
period of autln utic hUlury, men traveled a fust as
iu l&IU. Niuirod got over the ground at the rate
of efchl or ten miles an hour: Napoleon could go
on further, lletween 130 and 1.SI0 we raised the
iimeminn of epeed from len miles lo seventy.
The fiil sil lhottand years d.d nothing, or nest
lo iilhlug ; the next six yean did everything:
reached the limit of possible achievement in
thia direction; for no one Imagine that
any gn ater speed ia attainable af would be
beaiable. Again: It ia probable that Abraham
sent n.rnngeeto Lot juat aa rapidly as Frederick
the (irei.t, er (ieorgo III, transmitted orders to
their Generals and Admirals. In 1794 the old
wooden was invent, d, and made a cer
tain, though a partial and slight udvHiive. But,
with this exception, the rale at which intelligence
could lie conveyed had remaiucd stationary at that
of ordinary locomotion on horseback, iiji to H4'I.
In 1810 we communicated at the velocity of twelve
miles an hour. Iu IIjjO wo communicated ovor
immramiraljle dintances in inappreciably infinitesi
mal subdivision, of time. T'ho experiment wrei
made, and n n.eesago was transmitted from llol
grade lo Liverpool, liintuutnneoiwly. A spark given
ut Duuileoeoiild fire Ihocounun of the Iuvulidcs at
l'aris. Here too, at a single leap, we have reached
the n plus ultra of euithly pawibility. In ten
years nay, iu five we have cleared the vast
vpuco between the speed of a hone and llio speed
of lightning. North llt itiih Reritu.
Sellout Herne. class in philosophy, slop out 1 Close
your books. Joliu Junes, bow man)' king-
loins aro there in imttirc I
Nntno llioin.
Hogliind, I relatid, Scotland, and Wales.
l'-a lo tlio next Sinilli.
Four animal, vegolublo, mineral, anil
Clooil : go up Jicad.
llobU, what is meant by tlio animal
kin,'tloin ?
Lioiw, titjors, oloiilianU, rhinoceroses, hip.
ouilamusis,allii;iitors, monkeys, jackusBts,
liiieK-ilrivers, and nchool-lnirhcn.
Very well : but you'll take- a Uekiiu' for
your lust rumnrk. .
(liles, whut is the mineral kingdom I
The hull of Californey.
Walk straight up head.
Jolinsuii, what is tho vegotable kingdom I
Cianli n irnss, potatoes, carrots, ingyuns,
and all kinds of greens that's good for cook-
And what aro pines, liomloek, nnd elms
ain't lliey vegetables
Mo, sii'-reo, you can't cook 'cm them's
win ,igs anil liaiintig timber.
Hoys, give, mo a pireo of apple, nnd you
Mil liavo an hour's intermission except
llulibs j ho niusitslay in and take a lieking,
t'lusi in geiigriiphy, stand up, James,
w lint is geography I
(ii'0''iapliy is u 'seription of tho airtli.
Hood : w hero is tlio State e-f Mussaehu-
rMI rijltt j two to ono of the Know Xoth-
in;:, and daddy joined 'cm last week.
Silence! Me.t: Robert, how ia llm
S:a!g of ihiKsueliusotts bounded I
Hounded bv tho Maine, li mmr tnw nml
tlto Atlnntio ooonn nn tliA
on tlio south nnd west by Wooden nutimv's,
N'i biibka inoctinj.'s, ubolitiouists, railroads,
and so forth.
Vhat aro its productions f
Snow-storms, hard tin nnilinea f!h :t I
elain bakes, yallow tlo's, newspapers, nud
Inmker Jlill iMotiunienU
W its mineral productions f
Nliiieepics,snssai;es, doit ijh-nuls, dandies,
sw allow -tuiloj coat, ami hoC-pe oats.
Sit down. Class iu geography take ro
efss. Kolrrt, you can go homo nud tell
your father Til take ,ouie animal produc
tions for my dinner. " , ,
Yes. sir; we got some bunkum as.
scngers j our brindlo terrier died last week.
Hoi .tr. Life. Ah ! this beautiful world.
lnde. ll, Unow not what to think of it
(N.tmlim.s it is all gladness and sunshino
and heaven is not far oil-; and then it
, elian-es suddenly uud it is dark am sorrow.
lo i, aim me clouds shut out llio sky. In
Ihc hies of tho saddest of us thero aro
or gn uays like this, when wo
feel ! T
vouui iiiko tins great world in
lieu l-i,l o I lil prlikimv I, i
1-. :tl . . J nul l.
. II I .3 J uuuis, wu
the 1 said
mo will licit her burn 11 ii- I.......1 1
1 1 . oeaiis or on our ""'"; "" "i may nireci.
tttU , , ,Ull0,,t "l,J wi,lli dis-1, l!v " "Pn'-prov'tMonof the treaty, the eouu
U.d, unddark. llcliov,., evory 'r ""''" '" ! eeeson and no. included in
us ...ret sorrows, wW worK ; ,'27 W
niiow iiui : unit nn..i,ii ,
. - ...lllll-B
X A.. II .
.... . .. ..... , - " u
-iu. uu is oiuy saj.
, aug.l,18i5. 'f"f
Abcrncthjr, Clark & Co.,
San Franeim, Vol.
-T-t-Ttl.r. attend lo Klling Oregon produce, nnd
V fid 'd,r" fu' '"ods, Ciroceries, Ac., ut the
e. i The nalruniiee of the iieopie of ()r -
egon ia respectfully eoliciled. aug 1, 155-1 Otf
r. S. dt A. HoUand,
TEAI.EUS in lry (iils, Uroceriea, llooU
XJ & Nioes, UrOeKery, UOOU, rjianonerr,
Alinu Wtreet, Oreifon t'ily. June 30, 1 BSi.-y.
nallolujab! XXalloluJab!
riAllE llullelujttli, a new singing book, by Low
I ell Mason just llie thing for singing schools; 130 HOlIaNU'S.
Progression, Progression, Progression
18 ever onward and they that dn not make oil
ward proreaion "area lilile behind llie times,"
and for the benelit of" that buvo a dmire to
keep up will, thia atfe we have just received direct
from New York llie following list of BOOKS, of
which wo oiler ut wholesale or retail, on terms to
Constitution of Man, by (leo. Combe t Combe'a
Lee on Phrenology; Uomrslio Ule 1 lionj.'iiis on
iu concord nnd discord; Faimliur I"wiiw on Pliro
nology and Psychology; live nnd Pari-ninire: ap
plied lo the iinproveuienl uf (.Ifrpring J Murriage :
us h story and philoophy, will, directions lor hup
py nmrriaaea; Memory, and Intellectual Improve
ment ; Meutul Science ; lectures on the Philoso
phy of Plnenology ; Muliimmiy : or Phrenology
and opd,ed, Ac. ; Phrenology proved,
illulra(ed, ami applied ; Phrenological guide, ic;
Iteligion, Natural and Itcvealed J Self-cullure, and
I'erfeclion of character : Hi If-iiwtructor in Phre
nology and I'liyaioloy; Temperance and Tiyl.t
Lacing; and Eimrgeneiea; Hydro
pathic Cook Hooks ; Consumption : its causes, pre
vention, and cure ; Curiosities of common witter ;
Cholera: its causes, Jic; Domestic Practice of
Hydropathy; Errors of Physicians, A-c. ; Experi
ence in Water-cure ; llydropalhio Family Physi
ciun; llydropulhic EncycloDediii; Home Ireul
ineiil for sexual nbuxes; Hygiene and Hydropathy,
Inirodiiclion lo the Wuler-cnre; Midwifery, and
llio l)iciiws of Women; Purenta' Guide, and
Childbirth Made Easy ; Pregnancy nnd childbirth ;
Practice of Wiitcr-cure ; Water-cure in Chronic
Disease; Water-cure in Every Known;
Water-cure Manunl; AtuativeneHo: or, Evilnd
Kcniedies, etc.; Combe on Infuncy; Combe's
Physiology; Chronic Diseases; Fruits aud Far!
nacea llio Proper Food of Man ; Hereditary De
scent: its Laws, cVa; .Maternity : or tne bearing
mi l miming of children, iVc; Natural Lntvs of
Mun; Physiology, Auimal ami .vicinal; iod.icco:
its illl-ct, iiu. ; Elements of Animal Magnetism;!
Fiincinat'on: or the philosophy of charming; Li
brary of MeMiicrism and Psychology ; Philosophy ,
of Mesmerism J Ncwilluhlrutcd Encyclojiediii, com
plete in one vol.; Hpiritual Intercourse, Philoso
phy ol, iVc. ; ruimlinr Lemons on Astronomy;
Future of Nations, by Kossuth ; lliutstowurils lie
forms, by (ircely ; Hop. s ami Hehn for the Young
of both sexes; Human Itiglils; Homoforiill, Ato.;
Lubor : .Is history ami product, 4c; l ower ol
Kindness; Woman: her euuculioii aud mlUiencc,
Ac. -ALSO-
H vols. Iievclutions, by A. J. Davis, the Clairvoyant
8 " Approaching Crisis, " "
$ "
8 "
ll.iriuonial Men, " "
Spcciul Providences, " "
PreseulAgo and
Inner Life, " "
lut, Great Hurmonin, " "
2d " 11 u f
3d! " " " "
8 "
June iltl, 18J5.-y F. S. & A. HOLLAND.
Cousoil Ground, )
Walla-walla Vallkv, W. T.,
June 19,1855.
VT ATrkatt concluded wilh the Ynkiinn Na
tion of Indians at the Council Ground in the
Wulla-wulla Valley the 9th day of June. 1855.
Iha land included within the following boundaries
was ceded to tlio I luted Males, to wit :
Commencing nl Kit. Ranicr, thence northerly
along tlio main ridge of the Cascade mountains to
Ihu point where the northern tnbiilury of the lake
Chelan and the southern tiibuluricsof the Mcthcw
river have their rise ; tin nee soiith-enslerly on the
divido between the waters of lake Chelan and the
Mcthcw river to the Columbia river; thence cross
ing the Columbia, on a true east course, to a point
whose longitude is one hundred and ninteen de
grees nnd len minutes which two latter lines sep
arate the above confederated tribes and bunds of
Indians from the Okainakune tribe of Indians ;
thence in a true south course to the forty-seventh
parallel of latitude ; thence eust on the said parallel
to the main I'ulonse river which tw o lutler lines
of boundary soperato the abovo confederated tribes
nnd bunds from Ihu bpokuna ; thence down the
Palouse river to its junction with the Moli-hn-nc.
sueorsoiiuieru inoiiinry oi inc same ; llience. in a
south-easterly direction to the .Snake river at the
mouth of the Tueannon river, scperntiiiff the above
confederated tribes from the Nez Perce tribe of In
dians ; llience down the Snake river to its junction
with the Columbia river; thence up the Columbia
river to I.V.i'WIiite Hunks' below I'riist's Kupids;
Ibenco westerly lo a luke called "La Lae ;" thhnce
southerly to a point on the Yakima river called
"Toh-muh-lnkn ;" thence in a soulli-wcaterljjdiree-lion
to the Columbia river nt Hie western extremity
of the "Dig Islund," between the mouth of the
I nuililla river and liutter creek all which latter
boundaries s parute the above confederated tribes
and bunds from tlio Wulla-wulla, Cuyuse and
L'.nulillalribes and bands of Indians the'oee
the Columbia river to midwav between the ninmlm
of While Sulnion uud Wind rivers ; thence along
the d.vide between said rivers lo the in tin ri.lge of
"I" aseuue .iiouniuius; and llieuce along suid
ridge lo thepluco of beginning.
There is, however, reserved from the laud above
ceded, for the exclusive use and" oecmmtuin oruihl
confederated Kibes und bunds of Indians, the tract
of land included wilhiu the following boundaries,
w wu;
Commencing en the Yakima river at the moui h
of the Attahuuni river, thence westerly along said
Atlahnaiu rivor lo the forks ; along llie
southern tributary In the Coscaile mountains; llience
vmurr.) nioug ine Irwin ridge of said mountains,
........... ...... ,r nau,10i ine Mihatat and 1'isro
rivers; thence along said d.vide to the divide sepa
rating the waters or the Salasa river from those flow
ing into the Columbia river ; llience along sa d di
vide to the main Yukinia, eight miles below the
mouth oflheSatuss river: and ib. n imi,. v.l
inis river to the place of beginning.
-.isusiruci oi land not excecdinir in quantity
l " , , " K, ."' "' "1". 'iluated ut the
konwn a. ,h. V.n.ul.aram Ki. "'S
Iracl shall le surveyed and mri...l .,!.. .. i
.....l. n,.., .
that tlie llhleilissm l . '
their buildinns and improve meats until remov.d1
to the reservation.
lhia noUw ia published for the information of
the public, and the attention of citi.en, nr.
Notice , .
AT TREATIES ;oncliulcd with the ef Force
Tribe of Indiana, and with the confederated
trilwe of the W alla-wullns, Cayuse-s.niid Umalillas
i ,i.. vvii.uriillii Vallcv at the (Jouuoil Ground,
there was ceded to the Coiled Klnle. a tract of
country huviug the following boundaries, vn :
Jiy the Nei J'erces, commencing nl tho source
of the Woh-nn-ne-she, or southern tributury ol llie
I'uIouhu river, lln nce down the river lo the main
Klm40 llwt a, iae"iDoutli of the Tukunnon river,
l ,..,.. ,i, Tulonim lo its source in tho Jllue
I'uloiwe ( thence m.n eoutiieriy oireoiioi. w .o
llnii . (hence southerly along the ridge of
the lllue .Moiinlnint ; llience ui a pomi on uia.i
lloude river, midway between the Crnnd Hondo
and the mouth of the Woll-low-how river ; lliencu
nlni, iha divide beln ten the wutersoflhe Woll-
' low-how and Powder river ; thence to the eroding
of Snuko river atthe mouth or I'owder rivcrjiiience
lo the Kulmon river fifty mih a ubove llio place
kotiwn as the "crossing of the Sulmon river ;"
North lo the summit of Hitter Itoot
Mountains; thence along the crest of the Bitter
Hoot Mountninsto the place or beginning.
Ily the Walla-wallus, Cayiwea and llmatillns,
the tract of land having tho following boundurics,
lo wit:
Commencing at the mouth of tho Tukannon
river, in Washington Terrftory, running thence up
suid river to it nurce ; thence easterly along the
emgmit of the Dluo .Moimtuins, aud on the south
ern boundaries of the purchase mado of the Net
I'ercu Iiuliuns. and cosh rly along that boundury
lothc weatern limits of the country claimed by the
Shushoues or Huuke Indians ; thence southerly
along thai boundary (hem? the waters of Powder
river) lo the source of Powder river: thence to the
head of W illow creek ; thence down Willow creek
to the Columbia river ; llience up the channel of
llie Columbia river to the lower end of a large Is
lund below llm nmulh of Umatilla river; thence
northerly to a point un llie Yakima river called
Toh-nosh-luke, llience lo He Lac; thence to the
White Hank un llie Columbia below Priest's I!up
ids; llience down the Columbia river to the junc
tion of the C liimbia and Snake rivers ; thence up
the Snake river lo the place of beginning. Pro
vided, huwcccT, That so much of tliu country dee
cribed above aa ia contained in the following boun
daries shall be ret spurt aa Iudian Keaervatious for
the Nex Perce Tribe, vil :
Commencing whero the Moh-hif-na-he or
southern tributary ol' the Palonse river Hows front
the spurn of the' Hitter Root Mountains ; thence
down said tributaries to the mouth of Ti-nu-pur-iip
cieek ; thence southerly to the crossing of Snuke
river, ten miles Mow the mouth of the- Alpowuiu
river; thence to the source of llie Alpowain river in
I he lllue Moniituius; thence along tho crest of the
Clue Mounluins; thence to the crossing of the
Grand Konde river, midwuy between tho Onuid
Kondc and tho mouth of tho Woll-low-how river ;
thence along tho divide between the witters of the
Woll-low-how river and Powder river; thence to
the crossing of Snukc river, fifteen miles u-low the
moiilh of Powder river; thence to III eirliiion riv
er above the crossing; theuoc by tlie spurs of the
Hitter Root .Mounluins to the place of beginning.
For the confederated tribes of Wulla-wullas,
Cayuscs and Umatilliu, vi.:
Commencing in the middle of the channel of the
Umatilla river, opposite the mouth of Wild Horse
creek; thence up the middle of the channel of suid
creel: to its source; lliciic southerly lo a point in the
ni... Ar.. .....:.. l - r l- .
(,imu ...uiiiii.mis niioti i, a, LCD B joeuiiij'iiieiii ,
thence iu a line to the waters of Jlowtome creek ;
llience West lo tho divido of the Iiowtome and
Uireh creeks ; thciieo northerly along said divide
lo a jwint due West of tho South-west corner of
William CJMcKiiyVclaiiii thence Fast along his
line to tHe&OHtli-enst corner ; thence iu a line to
the pluce of beginning.
Jiy un express provision of the Treaty, the coun
try embraced in tliu cessions and not included iu
the Reservations is open lo settlement, excepting
that the Indians lire, secured in the possession of
their buildings and implements till removed to the
This notice is published fer the benefit of the
I he nttention of the citizens proposing to locate
claims upon the ceded Territory is especially called
to the previsions protecting tho Indians in tho pos
session of their improvements nnd for further iu-
lonnatiiiu.n lefcieiico to the Walla-walla, Cuyuse
and Umatilla Reservation, they aro requested to
apply lo Agent, 11. R. Thompson. To the Nei
l Nun-Agent, w. II. Tappan.
Ciov. and Sup't of W, T.
Sup't Indian All'uire, Oregon.'
Council Ground, Walla-walla,
June li, 1S55 12-fim
. Charman & Warner
TTA E just received a heavy stock of erocer.
J. L ies, which they bmught here expressly lo
markake at a reasonable price. Call in, and you
will lind ns still doing business ou as reasonable
terms as before the oilier bakery caved in. No
monopoly is our motto, for we are determined in
deal as fairly without competition as with it,
Oregon City, Aug. 18, 1S55.
Oregon Bacon.
I I M liua., lur sate by
W. C. DEMENT & co.
Buildincrs for Rnnt.
THE one now occupied by Wm. Myers
is ni, ana snown as tliu "f rench Store."
win be tor rent from the 1st of August next. Also
me building immediately in the rear, fronting on
3d street. Apply to
July 1 8, 1 1?55. Wm. C. DEM EXT & co. -f
Central Produce Depot.
COXSTAXTLY receiving, fresh from ranch,
wheat, outs, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes.
JOHN l. I;Ook
At thc'Old Stand,' Canemah, Jprilil, '55.
Jl dhffif 1M T'i1,t "rown Sl,i-''lr-'-li,irWkJ
1,000 lbs. Chiua No. "I, do.,
I.UIKJ lbs. Uio Collie,
15 Tons coarse sail ; 500 lbs. fine do.,
3,0011 lbs. Oregon lincon;
1 ,000 bushels oats, for sale wholesale or retail, by
IN our bakery we keep constantly on hand
bread, crackers, cakes, pies, Jtc
T-irrmrn 0r3n6'c
I ? ED "!'" the arrival of every steam-
J-l er. Don't fail to call on
'H Orl. nm Kar tV JJoiawe,.
rts fl a "arrets of Ni
if New Orleans
hi" llalhav." - r
. tr , 0f X,w Url''i' mol'assei
s per clipper
neraei 01 luo .HorniiiT."
I he above urtielea I si,n r.; 1..... ., ....
of .May, d,rrct from New York, nnd will close
them out at low prices.
1 (!) ,,TS,'"'.i",("'U",'lirec,fromi""i'ich
JLr Islands, lor sule in Im. , 1
r,.o..rl . " . '" ' ".i.sers,
feel Hoards for sale in lots
tosuiuby T.JOIIXSoN.
3 Vila " ' ealbcra for sale bv
9J7i)f ap;llf
CIGARS The best chance l pek is.. ,hn
-ore of. CIURMAXX 11" 1 even
"VT O.SlUAR.eoflee.tea,
F. S. .f. A.
svmn. snlt. at
"pOWDEK, lead.ehol and cap. at
Allan, Mcttiniay A o.,
n AVE inst received
and would invite all those who wish to procure
(iOOD articles at reasonable prices, lo call and
see them. They ooiuist In partof the following I
grindstones canal ctwh.'el burrowe
groin cradles fancy brooms
grass scythes Si snaths plain do
brush do do assort'd colored pail
1(1 sq harrows S3 tech
puiuteu tuna
rino wash boards
blacksmith's bellows
cross .cut saws 7 It
do C ft
mill saws 7 ft
hair mattrasses double
do single
liair bolsters double
do single
sperm candles .
garden rakes
do hoes
do spades
polished shovels
buy forks
manure forks
wiudow gloss 8 by ID
do 10 by 12
do 7 by 9
window sashes 8 bv 10
ailumuutiue no
do 10 by 12 grnpu uranu ioduccu
ox bows and yokes lucks tobsceo
Shtclinet Ticks, ile dc
And keep constantly on hand a Inrge supply of
clothing, hardware, and many articles too numer
ous to mention.
Oregon City, April 21, lt55-ly
Trcsh Arrival of Orocoriei.
T HlllEstiliscrilier line just received a fresh sup
JL ply of (lioccric; I'ruciiioni and llnriluare,
which, in addition to his former stock, ho will si ll
at extremely low prices for CA or Produce. His
stock consists in purl of the following articles :
New Orleans sugar, Sandwich Isluud sugar,
Crushed do. Powdered, do.
Rio & Java cod'ee, Young Hyson and Im
New Orleans syrup, p- riul tens,
Sandwich Islands do Dried Apples k Peach.
Soleralns, Yeust , Soup Powders,
Pepper & Allspice, Cinnamon k Cloves.
East Boston syrup,
AW. Cast and German steel, mill and cross
cut, hand, pnnnel, and whip-saws.
i'Uet and Rit'pi. Mill saw liles from 10 to 10
inches; Hat bastard liles from 10 to 14 inches;
taper liles from 3 to 7 Inches; half round liles from
7 to 11 inches ; round do. from 5 to 7 inches ; horse
rasps from 11 to 14 inches.
Carpenter' Tools. Firmer cliisels and gouges
in setts or single ; locket chisels; bench planes ;
iron and steel squares; try squares; scratch awls
and saw driven. ; plain and Halted marking gunges
and bevels; common and concave augurs; baud
axes; hummers and hatchets.
liuildert' Hardwire. Rim, flat, pad and mor
ticu locks and bitches ; briw, mineral und white
knobs; coinplote round, town and Hat spring bolts;
cast butts of all sixes, and screws ; also, round and
Hut bur iron; nail rod, do.; horso shoe bar, do.,
and plow steel.
Tho Summer Trade.
WE are now receiving from New York ami
San Francisco, the following goods :
10,000 lbs No 1 china sugar,
00 bbls Si half bbls N. O. sugar,
100 chests Imperial, gunpowder and young liysou
150 sacks Uio coffee,
1 UO boxes sakvratus,
100 boxes sperm und aduinauliuo caudles,
950 kegs E. B.syrnp,
35 bbls crushed siiL'ur,
30 cases p:cklos,
'200 boxes soap,
Jill) half-boxes ruisins.
100 gross mutches, (iu wood)
25 cases tuble salt,
100 kegs white lead, (pure)
250 gals. Linseed Oil.
250 " lamp .
GO " spirits Turpentine,
50 boxes glass, assorted sizes,
311 (I07. brooms,
5000 lbs tobacco,
200 kegs nails,
0000 yds brown sheeting.
Also, rope, tubs, buckets, window-saili, crocke
ry, wall paper, brushes, &.e., Ac; allot" which
will be sold ut the lowest murket prices.
Opposite the Lund Ofliee.
Oregon City, June 1, 1 855.
SUGAR, Suit, ColVce, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate,
KiS Starch, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda,
Curb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop
pcros, elc. April 21, 1855-ltf
Late Arrival.
IN addition to our present stock we are now re
ceiving direct from New York, "ex clipper
ship Phonix,"
50 bbls. and half bbls. N. O. Sugar ;
20 bbls. crushed sugar;
10,000 lbs. Rio codec;
20 bbls. N. O. niohifises; for sale low by
June 30-y Opposite the Land Office.
Just Received.
4 Splendid assortment of Family Groceries,
IX. such as tea, syrup, sugar, &.c. ; also lino
and coarse salt, cream tarlar, apples, chili peaches
surdities, oysters, clams, ycust powder, also a largo
qiianlity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of
every ora.ui anil almost every (lung (K0 i our
line of business all of which will bo sold as low
as at any other place in town, for, ,.
1 LL those indebted lo Preston, O'Neill & Co.,
a. are requested to call nnd settle the
mediately, by CasA or Produce. All debts m.
maining uupaid 1st of June, will be left for col
lection. Tapim JAMES O'XVII T.
PT A Hr.LS. Santa Cruz Lime just received aud
tJ J for sale by
je.J-10 WU. C. DEMENT At. CO.
A A LI1S of Osage Orange seed for sale by
tJ Jam i:s a'KP.ii.i.
Selling off til Cost.
rgHE slock of Dry Goods and Hardware of
Preston, O Ncill Si. Co. will be elo,.J
-.. f "noM uesimus of buying cheat,
will do well to call on the suhscribi r.
QOOf UUAE-S Mahbi,' "op Powder for
WU wleby WM.C. DEM I vtT ''
- - VI, jJ,
1 ' u.iia.-to do housework
a private
l o. laniuy. Address the
Arjns Office.
QlLandnp , ,
(Jeiieral I o.nniMMoii Alerchniila, and wholes
sale and retail Dealer iu Dry (Jowls, Oroceriee,
Hardware, ic, io.
SCeorgeT. Allan. 1 : ;
Andiibald M'Kiulay.
TIioiiiu Lowe.
k LLAN'i M'KINIiAY Sc. CO., u
l. Kcottsbiirg, Umpiiua, Oregon.
llanTm hixlay 4- CO.,
Oregon 1 crnlory.
I'rovlsloii A. Ilurdttar,
No. 1, Main Street.
DEALEU in Hurdwnre, Groceries, Dry O000V,
Clothing, Hoots St cilioca, Mediciues, B00U
and ritnlioncry.
Main-at., Oregon City, April l, 1855-Ilf
Wm. C. Dement & Co.,
"TTTIIOLESAI.Kund nluil Dealers in Grocer
V Ira, Provisions, Paints, Oils, Hoots aiu
Shoes, Crockery, &.o. Opposite the Land Office.
.Muiu St. Oregon City. June 1, 1655.
Lafayette, Yamhill Cuuatij, O. T.,
WW A 1 fuillifiilly attend to all business to'
Iriisted lo l.ia professional cure.
April 81, lc-55-ltf
Wltolenule .J- Retail Dealer in Orortrivt, Produce,
Pruzitiunt, if f.. Main Street.
A General Assortment kept up of Selected CoodV,
Cnnemuli, April 21, 1855-ltf.
Wells, Fargo & Co.'i Expreis,
Between Oregon, Calilornia, the- Atfanfit
Sinim and Europe.
11 IVIVl! I...l.
n'P i will, the United
iikai Slates and Pucilic Muil Steam-
ship Cumpiiuics furtiansportiition, we are now pre'
pared to forwuid Guld Duet, Bullion, Specie,
Parkapet, Parcels, and Freight, to and from N
York, N. Oilcans, Sun Francisco, Portland, and1
principul towns of Cul.foriiiu and Oregon.
Our regular Semi iiioulhly Exprewt belwecw
Portland und San Fiuneiseo, ia dispatched by the
Pucilic Muil Steamship ('o.'sstcumship Columbia,
connecting at San Francisco will, our semi-montrr
ly Express lo A'eie York and New Orleans, which
is dispatched regularly on the 1st and Kith of each
month, by llie muil steamers and in charge of our
own messengers, through to destination.
Our Express from New York leave regularT
on the 5ih uud 20tl. of each mouth, also in charge
of messengers.
Treusure insured in llie best New York com
panics, or ut Lloyd's in Louduu, at tlie optiou of
OmcKs New York, No. 1C, Wall si.; New '
Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange pluce ; Sun Franciscoy
No. 1 14, Montgomery street.
j. n. iMXKEn,
Oregon City, April 21, 1855.-ltf
'1 Th0 Steamer Portland,
bV t-C.M'T. A. S.WUItHAVf
Will run daily between Portland and OrermnCitr.
Leaves Portland at eight o'clock, A. II. lieturu
ing, leaves Orcgou ('ily ul four o'clock, T.
For freight or pussugo apply on board. opST-Ttf
Oregon City and Portland Daily faciei
tdr?AI Jennie lark,
EszbjsSi J.c. Ai.NswnitTn, master,
Will rim daily, (Sundays excepted,) in the above
named trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 8
o'clock, 4. H. lieturiiing, will leuve Portland at
2 r.H., huiching ut all intermediate points.
For freight or pussugo apply on board. np2I-ff
New Volumes of the Four Review!
and Blackwood. i
COMMENCE with North Dritish for May.
1855, aud the other Ucvisws aud IilackwooUi
for Juno, If 55.
Jerins of Sutscription. A ny one Kcvfew or
Illaekwood, $: a year. Illuckwood nnd one Re
view or any two Ite.views, 5. The four Re
views and Illuckwood, $10. Four copies to on,
address, $30.
Postage on the four Reviews nnd Blackwood to
any Post-office in the United Stales, only 80 cent
a ycur on each ltcview and 'H cents a year on
. Address, I,. Scott & co.. Publishers, 54 Gold
street, comer Fulton, New York. sep8
Reading for the Million. :
A Choice selection of Popular Books, News
papers, Magazines and Fancy Stationery.
Among the books on hand will be found works
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, Poetry, HioirriiDliv. Medicines. Rcliuion.
Science, School Hooks, Uomnnoes, &o., &c, Sic. '
uTSubscrip!ions received for Harper, Graham,
Goodey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 4 a year, niwl
age free.
Hi Subscriptions received for any newspaper
published 11. any pai l of the L'nion. .
Remember the Franklin Hook Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, rortluud Oregon.
EST A priced eatulogue will be published early
in April, and will be scut to any part of the terri
tory free 011 application.-
OU will find an excellent assortment of Dreu
Ja. nnd flonn'r.l Silks, Satius and Vehetst also
Bonnet Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and
Ribhons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at th
store of CHARLES POPE, Jr .
(Main-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) W'hlaH
be found almost ecerything in the line of
Dry Good: .; ,' , T
Such as Prints Ginghams, Alpaew, ' MeriW
Plaid Linscys, Muslins, Sattinetts, Jeans, Flsu
nets, Sheetings, Ued Ticking, Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Batting, etc.
Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf
Medicines for Sale By
vu.iul.im9 runs, jn.
CsJ ArtDS' Saivanmillu P,.L'. r wit!
W i 1? ..,... -. j "" ",.uuT.n7.i"
. T, n " ur"ps, liramlretb's pills, Lee s
! P'"-'. Prrrya : vermifuge, Opo.leldoc, Gain Cam-
j-. or, u, Arautc, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,
id preparation, Roman eye balsoui, Dallcy'i pain
extractor, Laudanum, Puregoric, Oil of Pepper
mint, Lssences, Conixiliou Powders, Carter'i
rnlmnnary Dalanm, Sulphur, E1B,,m Salts, &c
-pnl21, lWj-ltf
1RASS and Iron Bulls, Screws, Locks and,
-"J" Latches, Hammers and Hatehetar Axe,.
I'rawing kiiivea, Handsawa, Curry Combs, Horse,
Brushes od Cards, Gun Locks, tin Caps, Wo
Card.,, Chesl Handles, Planer 4 c
Apnl 21, 1855-ltf .'
OA LDSof iriLE seed for sale chenp by