The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 11, 1855, Image 3

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Sebnstopol Not YctTuken!
('.plum of th Sltsiuettm an. I Quarry Uat
Uvlea by the Mile Further Kvtnee
of the Mlli Id t lie Km of tutt, Ve.
, The United Sfitoa mail sU'iuiicr Iallic
from Liverpool arrived nt ww York on tlio
'J8tli July, bringing new from Kuropii to
Ry tli in nrrival welmvooinoiiifonnntio,n
resH'Ctiiijf the nllicd micc-fiu before Sebiislo
Jiol, bill IK letter In; tclidnyi behind tlm
tulugrnpliio dmpalchc, we know nothing
beyond lliofcw words published by govern
ment. From llieso it would fijpciir tlmt
tlio fi.'ht for tlio Miimclon was obslimiti:
not fewer thnn 5,000 men being put hurtdu
combat and tha success win complete,
uixty-two guns liuvinn fallen into the hands
of the French. An important element in
the victory U that tlio French from their
new position can reach tlm chips in the
harbor of Scb:iitool. Copious details lire
to baud of the attack on KcrUch ; aUo tele
jjr:ij '.ic announcement of further success
in the Son of .zo(T, where the fleets attacked
and destroyed tlio ftorcs at Taganrog,
Marioupol and GeiiiNch. Aceounts of these
last exploits are rather mwiro. A boat
expedition, to bo conveyed in steamers to
the shallow water, is fitting out in all haste
nt Portsmouth ; destination supposed to be
IVrvkop. On the Tclieriinya and in ihe
llaltic wo have no new movements.
Telegraphic accounts state that the lius
niatis havo already aliandoiicd Anapa, and
nro supposed to have crossed the ICoiiban.
This requires confirmation.
Tlio ltussi.ins are staled (but doubtful) to
have evacuated the whole of their Circassian
uko Constantino is appointed Itegr-nt
of Russia in the event of Aiexaudor's de
cease. The lliissiiin arc about to build a railroad
through the Ithnins of I'erckoji.
Miss Nightingale is on her way to Tlng-
mil or. board tlio Ciiliurd steamer Jum.
Slio is coiivah scent from her attack of fever,
but it is recommended to recruit her strength
nt home for a season.
We huveiH.'OTsfHinowsof tlm Empresi
of Franco. Mr. Fillmore is quite a liou at
the English court.
Capture of Hie Mameion Tower.
The battery known as the Mumclon, (and
culled by the Russians the Kamsclimkn,) is
about 590 yards in front of tlio Malahkoff
Tower, on I lift crest of a hill about 100 fret
in liiglit. It consists mainly of earthworks
thrown up by the Russians last March ut
the tinvj they evinced a determination to be?
siege the Allies in their works, and the bold
ness with which the battery was constructed
was characteristic of the energy and courage
shown by tlm ltiissiiins during the entire
siege. The following lire Gen Teissier's
despatches conveying the intelligence of the
capture. They partake somewhat of the
dramatic :
Juxu 0, 10 r. m. To day, with our Al
lies, opened tire against the external works,
and lo-morrow, please God, we will take
Ji-.nb 7, 11 p. a. At half-pat six our
signals for assault were given, mid one hour
afterward -t our engles i'.oated over the Mum
elon Vert and over I he two redoubts of Ca
reening liay. The artillery of the enemy
full into our hands. We have taken 4U0
prisoners. Our legions occupy the eon
ipiprcd works. On their side, our Allies
with their usual resolution carried I he works
in the quarries, and e!.tb!i-lioil themselves
there. All the Hoops showed the most a'J
mirablo devotion and intrepidity .
Ju.neS. Last evening we to"k pos-sess-ioiof
sixty-two guns in tlio captured re
doubts, thirteen officers were mado pris
oners. Our loss, which has not been accu
rately ascertained, inconsiderable, as might
have been expected from so great a result.
June 9. The situation is the same as
yesterday. All the demonstrations of the
tnieniy against the captured works have
been fruitless. They havo abandoned the
so-called battery of the 2d of May; they
have also completely abandoned the right
shore of Careening Ray. The vessels in
jrort havo sought refuge in Artillery Bay,
where our largo mortars can reach them.
AVo are watching (hem attentively.
Lord R.iglau's despatch is as follows :
Rufore Skbastotol, June 7. The for
midable flre of yesterday was kept up to-day
with the greatest spirit, and soon after six
o'clock this evening, tho French attacked
tind carried tho AYhito Work and Manielon.
Tho whole operation was most brilliant.
Ureat gallantry was displayed ou all siues.
Casualties not yet known.
The next despatch was tho following :
June 8. Tho success of last night was
very complete, and tho gallantry and steadi
ness of troops cannot ba too highly spoken
of. Tho French succeeded in securing the
works of tho Mamelon, nnd those on its
fi-rliL c:illeu tho "Ouvrazo3 Ulancv nnd
iio ihosc they took sixty-two guns, including
.i'ight cohorns nnd four hundred prisoners.
2'othiug could be moro brilliant thuu the
advance of our Allies. We have lost 100
jnen in killed and wounded.
Later nccounts state that tho Rrilish loss
was 11 officers killed, 150 private men killed,
510 wounded, and 13 missing. It is singu
lar that Lord Haglan omits to mention how
the RritUh were engaged, or if they were.
cn"a"ed at all. General Pelissier's despatch
informs us that his English Allies carried
the rifle works in the quarry. .
Pclissicr's latest despatches arc:
Ji-nb 10. 11:30 p.m. The combat of
the 7 th was mora advantageous for us than
I at first announced. It placed in our hands
502 prisoners (of whom 20 are officers),
and 73 pieces of cannon.
Jcne 1 1, 1 1 P. s.-U'e are consolidating
oarselvcs to the new works. We Lave been
ablii to tiro with tho Russian niorn.r on
.i i! .i'i.i ..:n r...ii. - ....
Uieir SIIIi, which une ;inie mm 1.11 iu' r iiji. .
Wo are preparing new butteries.
(Signed :) l'r.LissiEn.
' prtare Uoi'lrhakolf't Account.
Ju.nb 8 llnniiii:. I'rinco (ejrtehiil'olTCosvicU of tho Poll, has issued an addivs
telegraphs to St. l'utrr.ibulg, rvi-ninirof 8th
June: "After two day of heay loiubard -
nieiit, thrco French divUoint utucl.'.d iv-l
doubt No. 7, nt nix o'clock hist evciiin,
and occupied tho redoubts KimitsclinlsLn,
S'leiigslunk end Voitiynia, and a liattery
between Seleng-liiiik and bation No. 1.
Our-troopi retook tint Kamtsehatska re
doubt ; but the French poured in . fresh
reserves, mid took it unci more. We final
ly remained muster of that battery the
French holding a lodgement near whence
wo hopo to drivo them. Our soldiers
fought admirably, in proof of w hich I may
statu that tho enemy loss exceeds ours.
He has lost 2300 men, and we have taken
275 men and seven otliceu prisoners, as well
as two French cunnon."
UlthW of tUo Tclicrnaya.
Tho French lines art; now so far advanced
that tlm Allied cavalry water their horses in
the Tchemaya without molestation. The
Russians do not show in force. They have
constructed two batteries, one towards tho
bridge, nnd the other on ono of the spurs
running out from tho ridge of Inkeriminii.
On the Allied si' Ik n work has been con
structed for the defence of the bridge. Ac
cess to the river certainlv secures water, but
the position is described in correspondence
from the camp as "moru advantageous in a
moral than strategical point of view."
Seven Days Later from Europe
Attempt to Storm Sebastopol ! !
The Mamelon Tower Ke-cnptured
ly the KtWians!
Immense Slaughter on both Sides !
Tho subjoined news w as telegraphed from
Halifax to New York for tho San Francisco
II en AM) on the day that the California
steamers sailed. The America arrived at
Halifax on the afternoon of July 4th, bring
ing dates from Liverpool to the 23d of Jyw,
ono week later than those brought by the
'I lie Klogc of Setustopol.
Tho Allies mado an unsuccessful attempt
on tho 18th of June to storm Sebastopol.
Tho most contradictory reports prevail with
regard to the transaction. Ry some ac
counts tho English loss is set down at four
thousand men, but this is believed to be an
exaggeration. The following are the only
oliicial notifications of the event :
'Lord Tan m ure regrets to havo to nn
nouiicc that he has received information that
the English troops attacked tho Rcdau, and
the French the Malahkoff, Towers, at day
light on the morning of the 18th, without
the success which has hitherto attended our
oflorts. Roth tho French and ourselves have
snll'ered considerably. The lianfes of tho of
ficers who have fallen will bo forwarded im
mediately, but it will be impossible to re
ceive complete returns of all the casualties
b. fore the 3Uth rust., (June,) at the earliest."
The Monit'.ur announces that the Gov
ernment has received two despatches from
Gen. Pelissier. The first, dated the 17th,
informs us of the operations concerted be
tween himself and his allies, and that the
Turk; and Chasseurs had made a a recoil
rioissaiico towards Atodar, (.Jen. Rosquet
aceimipauying the Chasseurs to the Teller
naya The next day at day-break, the
French and English were to attack l ho Mn
lahkolf Tower. The second despatch, dated
the 18th, announces that the attack had
failed, nnd that although the Hoops hail
shown the greatest ardor and had gained a
footing in the MalahkofTTower, Gen. Pelis
si( r whs obliged to order the retreat into the
parallel. This w as effected w ith order, nnd
without molestation by the enemy.
l'rivate accounts published in the London
Standard, say the loss of tho Rritish officers
in killed anil wounded amounts to no less
than seventy. Among tho kilkd are Gen.
Sir J- Coliu Campbell, Col. Yea, and Col.
Chadforth. From the obstinacy nnd courage
with which the combat was maintained by
tho Rritish at the Redan, nnd tho necessity
of eventually retiring from the attack, the
slaughter on all sides has bc;n immense,
and if the information be correct, the loss in
killed nnd wounded of the British alone
amounts to very little short of four thousand.
Tho greatest portion of tho loss w'as ex
perienced in a ravine where a powerful and
unexpected battery was opened on the
troops. There is reason to f ar that the
loss has been very great ; but Lord Pnlmer
ston said, last nieht, that no additional in
formation had boon received. The Allies
lost terribly by tho springing of a mine,
and during tho confusion, the Russians re
captured tho Mamelou Tower.
Previous advices were to tho 17th, stating
that there had been smart firing on both
sides, but without any result of importance.
A despatch from Rucharcst no Vienna,
coulijins tho report that an expedition has'
been undertaken against Perekop.
The Utac'iL Sea,
The Russian account of the successes of
the Allies in tlio Sea ot Aoll is puoiislieo.
GortschakotTcoliGnhs the successes claimed
by the Allies, hut suyn that operations
against the Sea of AzotFtt'ere expected
that not having means to oppose the hostile
fleets, the garrisons had orders to blow up
the butteries and retire that the grain
stores burned by the Allies wero monly
private property, and do not materially affect
the PUMilv of thr ui-rnv. iriHuiiU')i nt nrtti-
I ii v - . ' - - , -
jcipatiug snch an attack, supplies were
j mostly conveyed by land, notwithstanding
the facility offered b sea.
The cori esiondeuee relates to the horrible
j atrocities perpetrated by the French and
I Turks at the capttiro of Ktrtsdi.
A boat Uxpu'lilion', it i rumored, U pre
paring to fiitrr tlio river Loii, but the
Russians Imva tlm t-iilrnnco d' fcti lcJ y
iwuiily.Mjvoii (ruii-boiiU,
Ui'iii riil Adiijaiiow, rice lltmnn of tlic
fur their general cnrolui' nt u militia.
1 AU.
The lliissiiin fores havo iidviineed and en
'camped ii'-ar R dout Iv.le. The Tail',
j have evacuated Ii.iloiiu ai, 1 Chouvoidi Su
Nussif Pacha ha iidvaucd with stall' to
A de-patch from Varna, dated Juno l"th,
which was re'arded ou the way, says the
Russians had iiiudoau unsuccessful attack
oil Katu, and it was reported they had re
tukeu Anapa.
TUe IWUle.
Adiuiiul Raines, with a rquadron of
seventeen steamers, lias fell Kiel -tor the
Baltic. The balance of I ho fleet lay oil
Slaker Llalid.
An infernal machine exploded under the
English steamers Merlin, and Firefly, off
Croiistadtoti the Uih, but did not damage
them seriously.
rriuce Gortsclnkott is appointed Kesnlent
Russian minister at Vienna, M.Titod to
Wurtuinburg, nnd M. Foiisteu to Hanover.
Russian influence is very active even in the
smallest German Courts.
The Journal of St. PcUrxbuM semi
oflically says that peace ii possible if France
and England aro willing, inasmuch as the
fourth point is morally, although not for
mally, settled, nnd the other points, namely,
the. navigation of the Danube and the
evacuation i f the Princ'palities, are ulso
settled leaving only the ihiidpoiut
to ho arranged.
All tho camps nr leal hy, except that at
Ralaklava, wliero chol.Ta prevails. The
Sardinians are sull'rint!, and General Mar
niova, the younger, is dead.
KUrlllns Titvi from Ihs Plains.
Ou the til rival of the lust it inner, vre r(ic'!voil
by tclegrugih, ncwi of the fuel that Ihs Indiana
were in poMesnlnii of Knrt Laramie. The Mow
ing additional particulars aro gleaned frm the or
resp aidcnce of the St. Lotus Republican, du'.ed
Whiteheal, K. T., Juno 9 : "Henry Smith ban
j net informed us that a man stepptd at his house
lllii morning, w ho told him 1'it.t ho tlept at Ihe Nenielm Misa;ou lust niy lit , with un cupiois
rider, who brought starling new from the p!u'us.
1 1 was to the olivet that Fort Laramie was in the
hands of the Indians, and that Messrs. Nave and
McCord of Aiulrcw county, Me., hud been mb'jed
at As It Hull iw of four hundred nnd twenty head of
cattle, several wagons, twenty-three mules, and ol;
their stures mil provisions, anl were left outinty
destitute. The particulars if the capture of Liri
mie were not given. The evpresa merely slated
dial the Indians had gathered thero In great ferw,
mid hud taken Ihe Fort, an l that as ho came by
Ash Uo!low ou his wuy uttti the Siules, lis saw
Messrs. Nave and McCord and their teamsters and
drivers, who were without hor.-ea or feod, and sta
ted tu him the fuet of the rub'.iery, and that no lives
were lost. This news has occasioned great excite
ment here and at St. Joseph. If it is true, the
small force of Infantry thut bus just started out
will only afford Ihe Indians so many sculps.
They call offer no moro res'Btauce lo two thousand
warriors upon the Plains than all infant could to a
giant." San. I'ran. Herald.
3j' A desputch from 'Washington says : Tho
Kr.Hsinu Minister Lilian heartily with his friends
over what he regnrds Ihe exaggerated accounts
from Ihe seal of war, enjing that the people of En
gland and Trance required the manufacture of vic
tories to satisfy their clamors. As to Die reported
numiicr of veracls destroyed in the Sea of Aol!', he
remavks il far surpasses all the Kussiuus ever had
r.etl;;lous ollee.
The Annual Meeting of the Christian Church,
(Nel'urmers) of Willamette valley, will bo held ut
NewKoms mill in Morion county, mbrucimr tie
1st hold's day in S pi., lr'S.'i. 'Me meelin:; will
liegiu ou 'i hursd.ty previous. A lurge uUcn.!ance
is expected and desired. Accommodations aruiuid
tho place of meeting will be ample for all who
will attend. D. N.
August 8, 1655.
Money to Loan.
or. IjilWJ to louu uion approved se
curity Apply to
V. L. ADAMS, Argus Office.
uug. 1 1.
Colvillo Klines.
THE subscriber wil leave for the Colvillo mines
about tho S'Jd iust., or upon the nrrivul of the
Mail Steamer, with an Express for the mines.
Tenons w'hiii'; to send letters to their fiieilds
there, can leave them at the following places ;
Barnard et Mattcson, oc Statesman
Wakefield Si. Co.
Geo. U. Jones Si Co.
3. W. Graham.
J. W. Case.
J. N. Banker, officoof XV. F. it Co.
OreguD City
I oruaiid,
Oflice of Wells, t'urgo Si. co.
uu2.ll, I7t2 JAMES O'NEILL, Agent.
Sivorco Uotice.
J3LISH A Hundal, formerly known by Ihe name
i of John Walker, is hereby notified that his
wile, Frances L. Kan lul has applied to the Dis
trict Court of Ihe county of Clackuiuas, iu the ter
ritory of Oregon, for a divorce ; and that p-li-I
on will be heuril at Ihe term which will com nonet
on the the Ih rd Monday of September, a. i. 1855.
WAIT fc KELLIi Y, i'lrl's Atlvs.
August 8, 1853. 17-'t4
Probate Notice.
Territory of Oregon, j
Cnuuiy of Yniiili.ll. j "
4 I a 1'iobate t. ourl n nt ,a fay. He, in
j id ,.,.. 01l th 'av. the iihctav of Au.
I ju iie ol our Lurd Wlj, prewut, Martin Did-,
J ud 'o ol IVobate
In ih. nialttr of lhe eUnlcif Daniel S. Minkler,
deeeaaed, whereiu John 11. lilaeker, Ad.niuiNtra
lor ol'sa d estate, presented bis lust accouut, pray
ing for u Ijitisl settlement of said estate.
This is therefore to Ihe end thai all p rsousinler
estt d ii. ay appear at the next session ul said Court
of l' be h ilden at the Court House i.l lbs
tnwn Lafsyelte, in said t-iHiiily, ou Tuesday, the
4lh day of Sept. next, ut 111 o'clock, a. M , lo show
cause, if nuy, why the said account shall nut be al
lowed and a final settlement had.
And il is further ordered that this tl-ilict be print
ed in Tu Oscaox A sacs, a we.kly pap-r, p tb
lished al Oreoo C'ity. fm ihrte euccesivo weeks.
M AKTl.V OLUS, Jud of i'roqaie.
Aupatl), le53. X7r3.
rplIK uiiderigneJ is cul. ulutli g lo li-avo tho
X Teirilorylii a few weeks. All persons having
... j . 't. ...til . I - ii i j
uiitpti!i'd buiih'
l,W .1 I C.WI IIIIIDr.liniriv kiiu
11 IHtllll
Au(iut II, I -JJ
Tlio Etcamcr rortla nd,
CAl'T. A. !. Jl'.iCUi
Will inn daily b.-iwrrn I'urlla .d mi.l :';wi ' it V
Leaves I'oilla: d al rhl 'el e!, A. M rMeru.
iug, leaves ivk'i.u I 1:1 lit Imir o'elo k, r. N.
f''..f liriht Ui p.e..i ;i' h; i; oil b .I'd. l.p'JI-!tl
Orepon Cil; nnd l'ortkud JlnUti Packt,
'lt i Joiinio Clark,
,a-;, J, C. AIMiMOIITII, M ASTIill,
Will run daily, (rtiui.layi incepted,) hi Ihe 'iove.
noimd trnde,' leaving Ureg hi City ev. ry day at 8
o'elin k, . M. I'.ctiirninji, will leave I'urlland at
3 r. M., tnuebiiig ul all inleriiinliiite k:ii!.
Kor freight or passage apply on board, apil-tf
Territory of "re;ou. I
County of ( :iackamu i
ViilrM Court of Vhckamat Cvuuttj.
DcUev A. Uaraes )
' ri. I'elilioa fer Divorce.
Asa flume. )
fi) Asa llvn.Nr.s, IWeiilant ill the above enli
L lied suit: You are hereby notified thai Hei
ne' A. I' iriies, ('omplaiiiuut ill sui I suit, has filed
a co I'pluinl against you in III Disliiel Court of
Clack i:nu county, Ol eiron Territory, on the -till
day of August, A. D. IS.'.S, charging you well ha
I iliiul gross drunkenness nnd the coiiiiiii-sion lo
waids bur of personal indigiulies, lenderin her life
. liuidfiisome, und piuyiug a tlivorco Iroin you of
Ihe bonds of matrimony, and that aliiu ny may be
allowed her tail of your eslitle.
You aro h.reby nulilied, llierelure, lo n; pnr at
. ..!!.. I I.- I.aI.I... I.. I l..,M,l Pllf ill -.lill
SUIJ .UIiri HI I'U liwi'l. ...
county, oiilhclhiid Monday ol Sipteniber next,
. . i r. . ,1.. ...,,. ill I, . ,,.
aim uiwwi-i -uiu u"ui,"..mi, v. ....... ...
ken as eenfesjed, nnJ i'lJi'mrnt hud cgaiut you by
WiTsru, F. S. Jl diaiid, Clerk of said
t. . C'eiir, and Ihe Seal of said Court, this dill
day of August, A. 1. Is.V'j.
An?. 4-lC -tt 1 . HOLLAND, Clerk.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THli piutii rslnp ejtislMiu lielweeu tiru. Aber
nriliy. Tho. I'opc, II ram L'lnrk,H!id Jus. K.
Koba, under Ihe name of (J i.e. Adkcnktiiy iSi. Co.,
expires this day by bmilutioii. rtrsonsiii.ltbled to
us will pleanu call and s. llle their accounts imnii
diately, us we W all our Ihs.Ik closed. Thou. 1'npo
is aiuiioried bv us lo close ibo business of the laic
T1IOS. rorio,
JAS. It ItdHll.
Oreson City, August I, lSiS.-lu'lJ
(1 EO. AsKa.MiTiiv and IIihaii Clark will eon
X linno business nuder llif uue of UKO. AU
K II N JiT 1 1 Y i: CO., al Oregu City. Thus. l'oie
will attend to the business, and is authorized tosiyu
the name of Iho linn.
August 1, 1855. 'Ki-13
ti:o. .i:i:e:.i;i nv & tu.,
nug. 1,1535. lGtf
Abcrncthy, Clark &. Co.,
San Francitco, Cal.
"TTJLL altehd lo selling Oregon produce, ft ml
V lilt orders for Goods, Groceries, tVo. ut Ihe
lowest rules. The patronage of Ihe people of Or
egon is respeutfully solicited. uug I, ltf j5 1 Otf
Walla-walla S'allkv, W. T.,
Juno ia, lNjS.
VT A Tiikatv concluded with Ihe Yahiina Na
tion of Indians ut the Council Gmuud in the
Walla-walla Valley the 9lh day of June, 1S55,
the laud included willi.u the following bouuduries
was ceded to the L'n ted Uuites, la wit :
Commencing nt Ml. linnicr, thence northerly
along Ihe mum ridge of Iho Cascade inouutuiiiH to
the point where the northern tributary of Iho I ike
Chelan uud tho southern Iribtiluiieso! ihe Muthcw
river have their rise ; thence sotith-ruslei ly oa the
divide between the wnlers uf lake Chelan und Ihe
Methew river to Ihe Columbia river; thence cross
ing the Columbia, on a truo east course, lo u point
whose liiiigiludc is one hundred and uiiiltt ii de
crees unj leu ii, mil. i which twoldivr liiess p
urate the ubove c n'ei'cr.'tle.i lriue.. nail of
Indians from the I Hiaiiiakune ti'ib" of In.liuns j
iht-nce in a true small cutirte tu tilt lorty-kevctiili
paiuliel ut'.ut'liiilt' thenee east uu llieued parallel
lo Ihe main l'-lou-e nver winch I wo InUer lues
of boundary scpeiulc the above eonfedeiutcd Ir.bcs
und bends from Ihe Spiikiins ; Ihi iiRO clown the
l'ulouse river to ils junction with the Mnh-hu-ne-she
or southern tributary of the same ; tbeiteo in a
suuth-eusterly tlircc'.iua to the Knuke river at the
mouth of the Tucaunon river, seperatinglhc above
contetleruted tribes from tho Ncz Perf tribe of In
diuns ; thenee down the Snake river to Its junction
with tho Columbia river; theiiee up the Columbia
rivorlo Iho'WIiite Hanks' below Priest's Itupids ;
Iheuco westerly lo a luke called "La Lac ;" thhneo
southerly to a poiul ou tho Yakima river called
" loli-ni ih-iuke j" thence in a souih-wcsterlylilireo-tiou
to Ihe Columbia river ut the western extremity
of the "Uig Island," between the in uith of the
Cinalilla river and liuttcr creek all which lailer
boundaries s. parute Ihe ubove confederated tribes
und bunds from Ihe Walla-walla, Cuyuso mid
Cmutillu tribes uud bauds of Indians thence down
Ihe Columbia river lo midway between the iiiouilut
of White uhnoii and Wind rivers j thenee along
the d vide between said rivers to the in tin ri.lge ol
tho Curcade Mount;. inn; and thence aloCg said
ridge lo tho place of beginning.
There is, however, reserved from the land above
ceded, fur the exclusive use and occupation of said
conleiicialcd tribes and bands of Indians, ihe Iruel
of land included within the following boundaries,
to wit:
Commencing on the Y'uk'ma riv al the mouth
ofthe Attalinaui river, thenee westerly along said
AtUhiittin river to tho forks ; thenee ulonj the
southern tributary lo the Cascade mountains; thenee
southerly along iho iii.tin ridgu of said mountains,
passing south and east of.Mt. Ad win lo the Spur
hence flow the waters oflhe KilLatat and I'isco
rivers; thence a'ong said d vide to Ihe divide sepa
rating ihe w aters of the rjittuss river from iliow flow
ing into the Columbia river; thence along said di
vide lo the main Yukitna, eight miles below Ihe
inrnilb oflhe batuss I iver j uud llieiiee up Ihe Yak
im i river tu the place of begiimiiig.
Aisu a I -let of land not c.-cee iing in nuan'.ity
on-; t .wieih p of six miles s-jii.-ire, silu.ited ot Ihe
i..ks of the i'ls'jii'iuse or Wt naa-hapun river, and
konwn as llic ' 'iialshapani r sle ry; " which
! said Intel shail be surveyed and ma: ked nut when
: ever tlio I'tesidenl may direct.
Illy nil e.epri'Mi proviiion of Ih.- treaty, the coun
try embraced in tlm citou end not included in
the reservat on, s oi eu to settb lie n!, t xeepling
j that the In liansare secured ill the p'.-sesi.ioii ol
I Iheir buildings and imprntcmeiits until removed
I to Ihe leaervution.
i Tiiis notioe is published f ir the information of
tho public, and Ihe attention of citi.ens prupniiiig
' lo Litate elaiiii. upon toe ceded tenilury, is ispu
i ciaiiy nailed to ihe above piov sion, und for further
' iiifoiinali JU they aro rcquesied to apply lo S'Sb-
1a -ent, A. J. Holon.
G.,v., and tfupt. Jnd. Aff.W.T.
Juae 23, lc53. H-'-m
Tre Trad. 0
riMll'i mi and lit draft barj hui prurd beyond
X (font that tho Wihimet h kupuld ov btiiun
nuvigaled from Kuiiouia tu Korvul.i durlug the
loest sljjei ov the river.
Mio Mil ho ia rediiun at ol tnii tu do fruling
to or fiom onl point iil tho L'er Wilauiol, at
tho most rrzonabl pritct imiij iiebl.
N. It r.irtikular atemhuu pod lu Iho hutiJ
Ih g nv finis.
Jin2J,l653..5y LENAUD IIWT.
s v. I'nildinos for Rent
' a Tlllioiin now oeeiipicU by NV in. Myers
slilliX t'o.. "! known as the "French Store,"
a . I! ue tor rout from the 1st of August next. Also
the budding immediately in III rear, fronting en
.'I.I.I reel. Apply lo
Julv IH. !-M. Wn.r.DEMKXT&co.
IX Kits' TEXTS sale niKAr by
Wxt. C. DEM KM ii. Co.
1XEKS' SHOVELS. .10 dm. just receiv
ed by Wm. C. DEM E.NT Si co. Court
Turrilory of Oiegun, ) .
Cuiiniv of Yamhill.
"VTO TICE is hereby givtu (hat Letten of Ad
iii iii.irat.on lute been granted lo the under-
signed by the lluii. l'n. bate Court of Yainh.ll Co.,
Oregon 1 ernloiy.on Hie eslute of I.ulnii 9. .vlnrine,
dtveustj, luloolsai.l county, beuiing dalo .May I,
Isj.'i. All oenioiis indebted to sail ksUIo are ro-
tpteslrd to iiiul.o nines. Iiate payment, and all per
tain hiving demands uguinst said estate are rctpics
ted to present the same lu Ihe undersigned at his
residence uear Dayton, willim one year Iroin nils
dull', or Ihey will be lorever baned.
mm. l.Lio.., Auiiuii.sira'.or.
July3, 1S55.-1-III.
Sheriff 'a Bale
E. T. Slone
n. J
V. C. Ca.:i,
1 ) Y villus of a certain writ of Execution, isamd
J. J out of Iho District Court for Clnekainas conn
it . un I to ma directed, ugam.t E. T. Slone, idain-
li t in the ubove entitled e..use, for the sum of two
hundred and vixtv-ltvo dollars and eighty cents,
!ii!'u'i.bJ) toeeilur Willi mtciest uud accruing
eit,nnd for wanl oi'persouul prejierly whereof lo
make Ihe same, 1 have levied upoii and snail pro
ceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cusli, al public
auci on, ul lb Court House door in Uregou City,
cnuuiy of Clnckatuas. Oiegon Territory, on Tties
day Iho 4lh duy ol Sept., next, ul v! o'olo. k 1'. M.
of s i.l day, ali the lilit, life and inlerest ofthe
above named E. T.ijtoiie in the following describ
ed ri al tale, (or tlio right, title and interest that
ho had Hit rein on Ih Tib day of March, Hoi, be
ing the duy on which this judgment was docketed
agaiiut Ihe said Meiie ill Clackamas county,) to
veil; A ret tain Irael of baud siluuled and lyiuiu
Chteksmus county, and bounded as follows :
Commencing al a euitoawood stump on Ihe
south bank of the Clitckitiuas river, thenee running
southerly till it sl. ikts Ihu corner of tho lato Now
ton Wheeler's luud; Ibenee along tho JourseofmiiJ
Wheeler's line until il strike's the hind of Nineveh
Ford : thenco in a mirth-westerly direction along
the hue of sutd Ford's lund until it strikes the
Clackumas river; Iheuco down said river with Ihe
meandering thereof, lo Ihe place ol beginning:
containing about 10 acred, uud being included
within Ihe bouuduries oflhe 'laud claim of Hiram
Straight and .Susan his who, as filed iu the Laud
tlllice or Oregon territory, and niiiiiocrcU osl, to.
gether with all the improvements und uppurtcnaie
ccs thereon or llkrelo belonging.
Sherill Cloeliuuns 00.
Oregon City, Clackumas co., )
July 3d, ltf3j.-14tds j
HAVING concluded to remain in Oregon City
uud establish myself permanently in the
Dnguerrcotpiug busiutus, I would request those
wishing d.igusrreolypcs to give ma a call, us I have
I, full .It on liund of BVervlhittrr necossarv lo
- "" -"I I" " ----.r . . .
the business, and will warrant perfect salislucliuu
in all pictures taken. Prices, varying from three
lo liileen dollars. A varielv of lockets ou bund.
UJ Itooins over the French Slure.
Junc30,l!-55.-lltf JOSEPH IlL'CIITEL.
X1. 9. fc A. Holland,
TEALEllS iu Diy Goods, Groceries, lioots
XJ & Shoes, Ciockmy, llouks, Stationery, eVe.,
Main Street, Oregon Lilij. JuneJU, lSo.ri..y
ZZalleluJabI Hallelujah!
rpllE Hallelujah, a uew singing book, by Low
X ell Masuu just tho thing for singing seh.silt;
tor sale ut jeSU HOLLAND'S.
2?roressioa, Progression, rrogrossion
X.S ever ouwurd and Ihey that do nut uiuke un
wuid progression "lire a l.llle behind the times,"
an 1 for Iho beuelit of (hose that havo a desire to
keep up Willi this age wo huvo just received direct
from New York Ibo following list of HOOKS, of
w loch we oiler ul wholesale or retail, ou terms lo
Constitution of Man, by Geo. Comb" ; Combe's
Leo, ou Phrenology; Donicslic'Lile Thoughts on
its concord nnd discord; Fumiliar Lessons ou Phre
nology and Psychology; Love und Purcnta;;o: ap
plied to the improvi'iiMi! of oU'spriui Maniago :
its Ii story and philosophy, with d.reetions lor hap
py marriages; Memory, und Intellectual Improve
ment; Mental Science ; Lectures on Ihe Philoso
phy of Phrenology ; Matiimony i or Phrenology
und Physiology applied, itc. ; Phrenology proved,
illustrated, and applied I Phrenological gui le, &.C.;
Iteligioti, Natural und Itevcaled ; Self-culture, and
Perfection of character; Helf-insttuctor in Phre
nology aul Physiology ; Teiiipcr.tiicu and Tight
Luting; Accidents and Emergencies; Hydro
puthic Cook liouks ; Consiinipl.oii : ils causes, pro
volition, and cure ; Cuiiosiliea of common witter ;
Cholera: its ru uses, &o.i Domestic Practice of
Hydropathy; Errors of Physician, A'C ; Expcri
ciieoin Water-cure; llydiopathio I'nuiily Physi
cian; Hydropathic Eaivclopeilia ; Home treat
ment for sexual abihes; Hygieneiiud Hydropathy ;
Iuiroductioti lo the Waler-curo; .Midwifery, and
lha Diseases of Women; Parents' Guitlo, and
Cbihlbirlb Made Easy ; Pregnancy and childbirth ;
PruCiice of Wuter-cure; Water-euro iu Chronic
Diseases; M'uler-cure in Every Known Disease;
Water-cure Manual; Amativeiiess: or, Evils and
Remedies,. tVo. ; Combo on Infancy ; Combe's
Physiology; Chronic Disease; Finn and Fiiri
nucea the Proper Food of Man ; Hereditary Do
tceut: ils Laws, ice-; Maternity : or the bearing
mil nursing of children, Sic; N'aturul Law of
Mini; Physiology, Animal and .Mental ; Tobacco:
ils effect, &c. i Elements of Animal Magnetism;
Fascinul i.u : or Ihe philosophy of cliarmiiig ; Li
brary of Mei inarism und l'ycliology ; Pb losopliy
of MesiiK nun ; New illustrated Encycloped-a, cum
plele in o;.e vol. ; Sp.rilual liiieroour.'O, Philoso
phy of, icv. , l'timil nr Leikons mi Astrmiomy ;
I u'.uie of Nation, by Kossuth : ! tin's tuwuids Ke bv tir.elvi Hup s and ll' .ps lot the Yimiig
I of both exe; 11 .mi tu llights ; llmne for all, A.C.;
! Labor: its history an l pro-net, Aie.; Power of
I K ndie ss; Woman : bor tdti ation and itillueuce,
&c. . -U.-0-
i a vols. Kevelution, by A.J. Davis, the CUrvoyant.
H ' App.oach ngCnss, '
i H " llannnnial :.! n, " "
lH" Hfieeiul Provideueee, " "
8 " Pre-eiit Ag- unl
I tuier L.ff, " "
H 1st, Great 11 jrortiiia, " "
d ' Ud, " " " "
Juue'ai, I F. S. & A. HOLLAX D.
f tOCOAXL'TS, lauauus, and o'her Irepiod
I J fm.ts, j'urt reeeived fmtn Sai.dwieli Nlan Is.
.(fij CHAU.MA.V & WAltMElt.
Wfcolotale Prleei Ourront.
uav uoous. ; nauostV uiwesss.
Sheeting, 4 4 11, IllUpr.nlaiver N. Y.oost.
Dulling II raootct.
Uleached drilling 1.1 IMieal, pr. bu. !
" shirting, I IsIC Dais do 41 '"50
SlriiH-d ilo 14 I'nluittes do (Il
TieLug 14alli Onion do
Peuins u I'luiir vaf
lllua dillliuir 14 Corn Meal, fnwli U
Pluid husey ICa'-M' riT.
Mlinet 7Ui0; " dried do
Keulueky iean...!i.,''a1j,Pi'aclies, dried do 10
TwceJ ii70; " do ptjaled
ruiNi. 1 " llnli. atita.zvn
llluoatid vi bite IS' raovisioxi.
lllue aud orange Pork, clear roue.
l'uncv thiWl " iiii-s
Furniliira do lOnl I Hums. !
do. wide.ia Uacon aiwu
M. do laiin llaif rowu.
Ginghaini ISutf-.'.Hajird, pr ca 8
Alliaca V'unu( pr eg i
Table damask.... 5a7.e hot.
cloths t..oll Sinall Hies V-f
I.l.h linens -fUarSI Uiick 6aJl I LKA'J.
Sheep gruy puuls Si'4J "'.r ;
Sutiliet uo. .rj.'jt.i vv lino lean, o isuu
Fancy eass. do. ...S Ia5 costiAt..
Illaek east. do. (ju7;. Manilla, small 40
Ked llau'l shirt fil lalbi " large 'ii
PI lie do. do. )K Ion 1 8 lit tup lUali
Hickory shirU Sat, canulh.
Calico do S'.lul'.': A ilmautiiie -411
bcots Si snor. .siiiin
Men' kip Issjl.ltHialJ ciuass.
super do. do.. ..84 Havana ClUuPU
line sewi d 1 4 ti rmall i tUaili
Bo).' kip bonis 15-' American 8'.,0a.'it
lie vy w idoiyijrj' tobacco.
M en.' br's pr. dott..iilliPriilooflhu l)uion.40u4.'i
' kip brg's pr do;.l3'.'0 Sun 3t)15
" calf sewed ilctS-Jl Luko's 37
Women's h'vy sh ' l; uaiiwa.
M 1 .-.i- ..I ...I. '
tine uo ju;--iiiiveis ;-
oaoeXKits. 'Slindes KHain
C..I1i 15a20' Axes
Ta 55a7U, Mill saw
Huirus. ni l Clii's....lHx cut saw..
7 So I iHit tu i utile eutiuiv.
10 -suiat
c.l... 111m 1.1 nilt'snita ou A.
Stuieli.. H lVkel cuilery, SI pre
Svritn E Uoston...tll'ofi; advance.
. 1 .. . - , . . i i .. - r e ..I
do. o Islanu i.i.vtnor unless ut
N O Moltwes liOj ware from 20 la 50 pt
Liv. Sail 31134' el advance.
TuLle Salt
Hall J .Nails.nssdsis.prag -fa
2a&i " liorseshoo...ilja;iS
Sandwich 1. Salt..
HU) ' OIL.
40 Lump $lia-ii2
....CUarO'LiuiHed boil t'UO
....lOall, Tilrpenliuo pr gall $.3
District Courl-Ciaekaina Couuty Territory
ol Oregoll.
A.J. Pop )
r. Butunisus.
J. S. Iliggiu. )
To J. b. Higgins
YOU are hereby required, in th name of the
United Slates of America, lo appear before
tho District Court of Clackamas comity lo be held
in Oregon C.ty on the 17th day of Sept. next (bo
ing Ihe third Monday of said month) In answer the
complaint of A. J. Pope. And you are hereby no
tified that if you fail to appear and answer tho suid
complaint, Iho plaint. 11' will hike judgment against
you for four hundred and twculy-fuur dollars, and
inlerest from Iho 12th duy of January, lS5i, to
gether with cost of suit.
J. Wiliies F. S. Holland, Clerk,
Si and Iho Seul of said Court, Una
J 31st day of May, 1855.
7mo3 F. 8. HOLLAND, Clerk.
Portland and Alorl.
The Splendid Steumor
WILL continue lo run regulurly between Port
land and Astoria, via Vtiucotivor, twic K
wkkk, leaving Portland ou Monday and Thursday
niorninusof each week fur Asloria; aud Astoria
. .. ?. . n. I.... i l.1.:.! A.. .:....
lor loruuni on ruewnty auu sikiuj hw,
touching VancouvKh.St. Hklkns, lUiniKn.CATU
la MKT, tVc, each way. For freight or pataage,
apply to K. liUi l, iviasier,
jolC Or nt lloyt' WhaK-bmt, Portland.
Just Received.
ASploiulid assorlineut ot Fuuuly Giocerie,
u..ii Ij.h. Hvritn. siieitr. &.O. t also line
und coarse salt, cream turlur, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, clunis.ycust powder, also a largo
uiiuiilitv of superior cheroot eiguni, and lobauoo of
every brund und almost every thing else iu eur
line of business all of Which will he old as low
us ntany other place in town, for cash or pro.
duee. C II A KM AN tj WAKNEll.
Wm. O. Cement &, Co.,
WHOLESALE and retuil Dealer in Grocer.
ie, Provisions, Pailils, Oils, Hoots and
Shoes, Crockery, Slc. Optosito the iMiui Office,
Main St. Oregon City. rfuue i, ioaj-iu
Tho Summer Trado.
WE aro now roeeivmg from New York aid
San Francisco, the following goods :
10.000 lbs Nol china sugur,
00 bbls Si half bbls N. O. sugar,
100 chcsui Imperial, gunpowder and young bysna
l.lfl sin lotliio colTi'e,
100 boxes flieraltis,
Kill Ihixcs sperm and adamanlii esndlee,
i!50 kegs E. II. syrup,
'!: bbls cru-lied sus'nr,
30 casoi pickles,
'.'110 boxes souji,
JU0 half-lstxes raisins,
100 gross matches, (in wood)
LTi rusts table salt,
100 ke'-s white lead, (pure)
2.10 gals. Linseed Oil.
a.10 " lamp "
60 " spirits Tur)entiue,
AO boxes glass, assarted sites,
30 do, brooms,
Shim lbs tobacco,
00 kegs nails,
UOOll yds brown sheeting.
Also, rope, tulis, buckets, wtiulow-sasli, crocke
ry, wall paper, brushes, &., fcc; all of which
will he k id ut tlio lowest niaiket prices.
Opposite Ihe Lund Office,
Oregon City, June 1, 1 H.i5.-7l3
Wafihing" without Labor.
llUAES ll.tbhil's rsimp Powder, fn
OUUU sale by WM. C. DEM ENT & CO.
Vantcd I
4 WOMAN lo d bi.usewoik in a prival
i. family. Ihe Argils I 'dire.
t lOARSE ii. FINE SALT. 1 hav In st..r
j 2i Ions course an 1 liua mil, lu be sold rery
eiu. a;-2ltl JAMES fl'.VEILU
1 ANIiIES, nuts, raisins, of an evcelleul quality
just received ainl f.r suit' loiv hy
(ill AltMAN & WAKNF.R
Dft. Javne's inrdicine for sale hy
Kilt'f lVJ
C. Popp, Jr.
m I Urif-S. .''aula Ciui Lime just received and
rJ (t sale by
10 WM. C. DEMENT 4. Co,