The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 04, 1855, Image 4

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'. . .. l- .... ,y .. old , . ... .... , i, i ,:., ,
. . tiiwioli. lei Mi." w,,v - . . lin l.uuiil. --i'.ii"i'"i -
KL.f hlT VUIDT m - -ML .... d - - ....
-id.U. A. Venny-on.., ' pr.cic.ny
writ on fiercer ihemeaoi "ri uul ,u"""
in( UiriUintf lyrie, which lit at oo mi. d wlitu
it was mentioned lo him, Is a id.Jil refutation of
the wfrcisui.
At tli bur, al th. bar,
At th bar Ihuiidcred,
A linn
. -,-,,,f tikm!Suj with hi. sfcH TTV? fcS.!rZE mkwooom
luflie M aiia-waiii - i .;.) r..aotl.ll)IO pn'-", .
lie M. J)"' . .
. . , if man Wlih'-f lie w muuc uj. -
cdg. of human nature fur
dwi, there l no yetem w
quiring that knowledge hkolh. .). "
i ..i... i-i.l. ..r.. im. mi' which, nccoru- - .... ,,. Lu.icd M'-ai. v' '"em ' .
fttlu Olli'.'i iv ' .. more "''" , ,
canal wheel barrow!
Thmi'lerrd Willi fu rcot d'n
Toperi one liunJred.
There stood those thirty wen,
Thinly one hundred j
Culling for drink in vein,
The bar-keeper, .lumbered
Hark, the rc'i i .ound from one !
List how the cur-M eoine
From e.rh nd every one !
Of that dry h'"ifJ
Intollie bar they,
Noble old li.K-r,
For up cam. an older which the, old oakr,
"I'omardth. Tight Brigade! i
lake llie bar," Miigs;iu,",il!
Into it undimiiayid,
Filched now each drunken blade
Pitched the ouo hundred.
' Forward th Tight Brignl. !"
;i.d, whnl a charge Ihey nude !
No man wu there afiaid,
No jiersou blundered.
Theirabut to drink their fill,
Tliir. but lo have wiil,
Ah, ye, they knew il well !
Knowing one huudied.
llolllre to right of them,
Hollies to lr II of Ihem,
llotllea in fioul of Ihe.n,
Labeled ii il l numbtii'il:
Nobly they fought, and well,
Thete many n hero fell,
Covered with blood and beer,
Mwl that tli.'y loved io well,
Gallant one hundred.
Itained now enr.h mate in air,
Nee what in iindi r there,
Muga charged w ith lager leer
All the world wondered!
K.ercer Ihe revel grown,
Redder each bliuiug nuae,
1'nli r the liiiiiir lluwa,
I'n'ler Ihe (able gca
Half of the handled.
Dottle to Ihe light of llum,
llulllel to Ihe left ofthein,
ilnllli a all round Ihem,
llniplieil and aundi led ;
Out fioni that dieadrulriiam,
Out from Hint dark taloon,
Came foilli a beery fiuno.
Came forth a diainnl moan,
Hut none of the hundred.
When they awoke again,
Oh, how Iheir heada did .iin
No pereon wondered.
Honor the Tight Uiigade!
Honor Ihe charge Ihev made,
'J'hiraly one bundled.
Wo cliofrfully iliii tho following from
tlio I'liroiioIoioalJoiirnal lit llio request of
Fuwlcw ninl Welli, tlio publishers of tlmt
valuable wufli. Ah lloy lmvo w-ensiorMlly
cilriicU'il from our Aito'.'s for thoir "Lifu
Illulrnlcd," wo will cheerfully roeiptocale
tllO COIIIilillll'llt.
Fkrtantoity I tue Pulott Teatlmosy ot
Hev. Henry Wad BeeeUer.e
It i very hard for a iniuinl.r of the K0el,
lauding b. fore a uoniicunua audience, lo deal
Willi the fut't of llieir niinda, and their inward
livei. It ia melanch'ily furl, that men know Icm
uhoul lhal nh rh i Ihe very clement of Iheir be
ing, lluu about en) lb ng elae hi llio world. I
iiimm if I wore to i;o among I tie intelligent men
in my congn gaiion, I could gel every variety of
infiiMliu'i. ll on ulijecta eonuei lrd with Ihe daily
bueiiKW eirura of hie upon qimlioiia of nlital
oonoiny, U"ii varioUHqiH'Ktioiiaurconimeree, fhcta
concerniiig Ihe tli uctuin of klppa, eleaiii eiiginea
I rould colli cl any amount of iiiforinutiou on all
theae, and a thuuiand other kindred euhjeeli.
ltut win u I ak them whnl il iiu.nV of thtmieh'tr,
they can tell mo uf a great nuuufaelory, and ex
dain lo me the ')ierution and live uf nil Ihe ma
chinery in it ; bill iiinii Ihe iiiet on of Ihe iimi'lun.
rry of Iheir u u mind, Ihey cmiii it any n noid
III regard lo conimere al liluin ra, ihey know all
about Ihem ; they have rvauilned Ihem, they have
'OinuiTd Iheir idraa on llu'se inhjei'ta, and have
rlailii'd lln in. They hel;evt Iheiiuelvea to be
immortal crralim e, llml lli.-y lmvo lluubbiinj Willi
ill Uirm aoul lhal ahall live aa lou0' a.i Uod liim
elf iliall live ; yet, when 1 ak ihem any qucMiuua
in regard lo their iuvvaid nature, Iheir only reply ia,
-"I don't know, I don't know." 'I'll, y do uol know
. I . .1... i.ri.lutc
v . . , " . ' l.niimli.rlea. Via 1 .'.. ,....
totl.0MurnofaU..,)..aUeJ ... IB-o, country havm, a. .he urc. d fancy hi-im
,v ....... . ,,., in hulurv ol me " ...,!.. anat it 'ai . ...
main ?T lo a..n'J e"'"""
II" J !.,. Q.llceh painted ml- ,
, ... .1.. n,..l r. i.i.lilieliliiMU I '" "..' i. ,V,-.. Tukannou river, '.'7. mc wu-H boain
III regnra to u.o ...... , KnaHf-rivr 11 " " , ijluo ', ' hLckaniiih bellow
..I .of! , ,.. cio- cul nw i n
do I) Il
a man wnin- a iei".-1 , t0 lM p turn u. f - ----- Slil jVr,.Mi coiiiiiieucuig i
, -radical ,.ur-, lmiJ R ,ft circulation than ny oilu.-r pa-, rf Vwl',.B....i,, or wml..r ''lUu,urf 01 '
,-hieh will a:d him in ac . k; ,,, WJ. fur,l, i tl.ia - , IVonw r,v. r .h. ,c. down Ine r,vv, lo I
i, the avetetn or J tiren-; , . , , ... ..I.r,..,,,.,,,,, ; I'aiouaet ,.. ,
" m . ii..
. ..U' W lit ItK'IIIIIL'Blll1 D I .... . :. lliH I I lllO . i .
,gy, llilerpreuu ooo.i.v"- - . ..,,,, tl,,.,,,,,)!. t.KV ,,.,. p ,,. Iokal.o., . . . '" ,,,)f
but ,n inon. top y. i ; y mor(, lub, Hlnf ? 'j-,' 1 H"Wi"
mill aw 7 ft
.. 1 Uviewi morn Ij. Iielienii i' . .. . ,.,. rivtr. milway i.eo.i, ... i hay lora. -, , . jnu ,,
h.v.nv.rudb..or.m.u. pu,, . , . . tivm B ri-.l.MlC. M.o i ,,., of lh, Woll-l..w.,.,w rive , .nr.. ;-lm,lire furk, na
,evea, .. , y m,vnVW of H iv de l,e..e. the water. .hum. . ..... .J' dllM:
rh,e,,.r.l,..view.wh1chh..veu,.:.e,n, ' " hj lh(;ir 0 n Culllry, v-U k.wh.iw u,,. I'.-wd-r i.ver ; . ' J I ""'VVll do W
uu - .
....hum... ."ind, a. they are reveale.. nj , " - .,.,..- ......rieiic-. of
. . i..t..... irun iihii- mi-. 1 "w 1
1 my whole n.i..:.lryi and il J l.avo any -u,-ce-a
in bringing tin truth of Ihe U. bear
iira.ticallv i.n the mil"'. " ".en, any
Ihevigorou. application of irullu lo the want.
.. .1 ..,,1 l.p.a thev are n.oat iicedul
..... ..... 1 i.orsitiiunii . ., , ... ,. 1 11., .... u,.!i
owe it to lb. cle.r,.e w mu . . - , ijf) , ,,, Kllw ,,liiina. llio ii MQwill boull1m.,,
.I.---..-... And I could not uhk for the nn in- -....uhliMii fvlin of , 1 u 1
... .... lire ii.iit i.'..
b!r. of my family, nor of a
preparation for religion indoctrination
them in M."ti
of the aoul aa
republic in Ihfir on country, .. l.wi...w u,,l JZ c. j w
. .. r..;...,l Si,.i,.. an ,ul.. -cla of lli TCt "' " Ilf ,he rialinm nv.r i" ...
M iu . i -""-- .r : , f ... .i... I, ...... ! R..IIWU . ,r I'.x.ll"
lUdoWa.l.c.8bylO ada.imi.i. ue uo
do 10 l.y is"""
, nor of a church, any heller J ,uid call Le 1.0 j c.'.'nnieneiug at lb. m-ulh of llio T-ak-iwon
:io. iiidocuinalio... .ban to p... r f y , m(11k, or nuiin. riv,r, , Wn-U.-si. 'r.rn.ory, rU....J.t .heme
.eti.,. , Ti ,:;l;1f.Vri..!.c.. of h 11.,.,;.!;,. f ..... ..i 1..... - 1,
m i.Kiven by I'h.ei.oKy. If ,;,,,.,. Why aliutiM lh? ' of Hi. purclua- nwla of ll -N
I have avoided Ihe uw of the n-meii la'.n.e 1n,.Vl , tl) lu.rr.jr nt cull war f ) I
... . I... ..tu ..It. ( ... I !
erce lull. am. inn
1 ,at. rly uloim that boundary
; thenco up me c. a ...-, - , - - jn ,
the lower end of a Urije I- . '
I, of 1'in.gdla river; tl.enee New Orlean. mp.r,
1 'll'-"' " a . . . l'f 1 " " ' .... t. ........ I !. IIIM
Phrenology ill .he pulpil a- far.. p.h.e, . w bi ca, imily ,h,n tlntr eoUHtry I , tolllu ,v,,rll h, u of lh. co ""fiy
Mioenonea or ---. , -
. . ..... i I .-.- I,imr ihe wuleraof 1 i.wder
hil,hi al -v-iem, I a miu:.te,of the . KtW. Z"" r rim: ihrne. to lh.
u,h i. i. iu fl,r,. i bu. i n." now "e. . , . . .,,, uf . M,.
...n, i.h vou . that I am ual.fud m making lln , u " A ,. w.i.... f.D.
. . , . . .ft , w ' the i.'ini'iioi., uc. . .1
etaleineiil. I . . j.,.., , I, npueiir that t apt. Vt . ...., ,.. ...onth
i In regard lo Ihe obl'Ctiiina aoiriolunca , I-"""--. . . , . . .... i" '""
' VV U
. .. . . !.. ........ .mil In ...I.Tfri.
ur"ed againn I nrcnnn
ali in and fa.alini, that
be made to uny other yle
I do not Ihink that an' l. obj
noloiry any more than
al which you can poilny conmruci.- . .,..,,.. ...... ;,.. ,.1,,. cr.Ud obov.- us
reaaon will al- , . . ,
of falali-in or luuly .u eca. y to change her wine UB-i. l e
iiinterialiam ; and it i Ihe praclicul acuae, the con
aeiouiiieaa of actual liberty, that redeem, u. from a
t i....Lfa init;irt'n
o l,ow anil June "7.- r ; vl ?' Vi
Sheeliigt Ti' h, d c Ac
And keep cciLliiiilly on hand o larBo .uppl)' of
cbibii.iT. hardware, and ..u' wllck.!. numer
u,U....ea.ioI, tv
Oregon Cily. '.'I. li-.a-Q
Fresh Arrival of Groceries.
fHHIKnll'o:il'r haa IHl rece
ived a frcah .up-
. . . . ... i ii. ..i .
S Omnia, """"'""" .
. ..v . ..I Tel..,, in l afoim. ra.ocii. no ..."
I 1 of Willow creek i then,, down Wdlow cr,ek j - ' for (;A r i'ro, ll
io the foluiiiliia river) thenco up Ihe channel oi - uf ,,. ri,,m,,,g article.:
a r T.AM MltlNIAV t& CO.,
A tner,'' Coi.inil-.ioU Merehaul., and hol,
.aleandrelail lruhr i. llry O-mK Oroetr..,
rdwar.,Ac.,ic. T Al,n
OregoCi,y,May5, Aeba,dM1ii,,.y.
riroiuhiirg. L'uip',ua. Oregon.
7'l.i.X,M"KIXl.AV &. CO., Champoeg,.
A Ureg.ii.Te.riH.ry. . MX
. .1.. V..Limn river CI til
itliel.l.iiry, WHO H well kiio.wi io ori,ei.y to a .ni oi, ... - -
K """" '" .,..;.... Hie, rand liil.utaiie, pcliimucl Toh-nosli-lulie, llieuce io .-e ......
t!,a .nine objection may a . ,,;,,,.., ,L.0 While Hank on Ihe rolumuui hc.ow i lie-. r
. ... . I i,.j ,,' that bolv lo allow him tocli.iii,o "" . ... r lo 1 ho nine-
in of niiuln P hi iooiiy. , " ' ' . ... ... mj Hence unno i.ic .. - .
in oi u. p . f , , ... -rnnld,,, l,ene, l.fgu.s I . i,; .. s.iake river.: thcuee up
, ction. belong l. I - ,ucl ba,, , " (ie f b,,illllil)lt. ..
to any y.:tm of inlelleeiu-, . , 4lirer(r Tiial , lml,, of Ihe country d.a-
.Men', mere logical and .Fc.,la.ivo reaaon will .1-, "
-rand them upon the .am. o, ,a, - - - m rf
IT. Jii-.w " ' o
ddrin rhutl be p rpart Imlwu Keiti-n-ul.oiii for
.i v. IL. '1'iilui vit
roiiiiiieiicius where the Jloh-ha-na-ehe or
..,..rniiihulaivoflhtri.louse river flow. Iriwi
belief of lb. one or the other. Such doctrine. - w,,tli lluwu - ' i ff .miki
n i. a.. i.,.i ...vrr in He HAND. ,,u" " . '" .7 ... ai....,.;., in - . , , f ,,ri.i , .a of Ironb o anil i!eui,anu
the Franklin I'ierce waa thu. iiifjiniorphosed into
ftmilwich llul W
I'owdeied, Uu
Young llysou and Im
perial lea.,
Yeunt 4. Soap l'owdera,
fiiina.nou k Clove.
frimhed do.
Itio ft Java colli e,
New t.rleiin. ayiup,
Sandwich lulunda do
lrpf-r & All-picc,
I.",.. I tt.mlull BYrUU.
(K-.-C' and C rman tecl..i.ill nud cro
cut. hand, p.n"el, and whip-nan. ,n,trt
hichwi flat ba-lnrd Ide. fr-m l t"
..r lile. from 3 to 7 inch. I half round hie. from
7 o 14 inches round do. from 5 to 7 inche.) homo
ruHiM fiimi II to M iiu-l e- ,
J, ........ .-..... I r,. r i liiae . nnd ir.ingi-.
i or miil'I. : locket chieel.t bem h plane- .
Tho lioliuliitioil of New York is 000,000, . i.TCXana." and intaiil!y nceured n full freight
of which 80,000 may be cIxsh'.I ns floating anj cr,,w,l of paaaenger, being the first, the Cap
LOtiulutioll. Of the 6,000 pcraOM who tuiu .wear, the boat ever l.nd. Who will now any,
II . . . I .... : . . n...o'' 1 1 hn 'IVi'irLi m in-
. .'....!...,.. ..r ...-nrnnre : -lliero la I.oillllii: ...
Icn leJ for the Ktd Iliver Hade A'Wn I Ex.
of tlifl Almshouse, tliroc foiirtlia of the
whole number nro foreigners, ni.J almost
every one of these futuli,'nera nro lJomiiti
Catholics. In the year 1853, thoro were
committed to tho prisons of the city for 03
specified olTeticos, 28,10.-), of whom 22,291,
or ticmly four-fifths, wero foreigners. Of
7,075 liijuor sellers, 5,.r))7 nro foreigners.
In this city nrn 50,000 German Infidels,
w ith their poisonous publications ; 200,000
Itoinaii catholic, governed wholly by n
bigoted iriesthood ; 250,000 who nro whol
ly destitute of liny inmns of grace ; 43,000
families are without a copy of God's word.
American Mesenter,
Severe Trial tot the l.ailles of New York.
The State of New Y ork litis lately order
od a new census taken, which is to bo moro
completes than tlmt taken by (ho genoii.l
govrrnment. Among other things tho
cruel duly is imposed on llio marshals of
inquiring for the speci'ic ngo of each person
at his or hor hut birthday, llow ungallant
llio legislators of lhal Statu mut be to put
thn vcrncilv of the fair gex to soBeveroa
test I Perhaps there were sundry bachelors
who had personal interests in view in the
matter. Hut it seems a loop holo has been
It ft which will give tho inquisitive marshals
a chance lo show their gallantry to the fair
ones they question. Hy a provision of the
law, if tlio ngo is withheld, the marshals
may insert a number which, in his opinion,
"shall be tlio nearest approximation to it
Prorlihnre Juitrmtl.
California. Vuueral.
Ministers turn queer summersets, and
Mr. Ihiraco Maun hits aptly said that cir
cumstances alter principles as w ell as cases.
Here is a sample: A California miner died,
and having been much respected, it was J
tetniiiied to give him a regular funeral,
digger in tho vicinity, who, report said, had
once been a pmveilul preacher in th I mi"d ' (,ut of hi li ad.
Stint... u.n ... I .I,...,, t.. ..ot..;..,.. Ai....l
i " """
"drinks all round," the parly proivi!.'l with
becoming graiity to t li grave, 'i"Hi.
dating minister commenced with tin ext. in
pore. prayer, during which all knelt around
theg'ave. So I'.ir Well ; but the pray-
Valuable Hint lo Suorlsiuen.
Thu Scientific American says : "Wash
your gun barrel-, in spirits of turpentine, by
dipping a rag or sponge fastened on your
gnu rod into tho liquid, nnd swab them out
three or four times, "hen they will be
cleared from all impurities, ami can bo used
almost instantly, ns the turpentine ill
ovapornto and leave the barrels dry: rvcu
if ihey are a litllo ni"ist, iu will not prevent
their going oil', liko water. After being
washed thus, there is no daiifjerof rust, as
when water is used. I am an old expe
rienced gunner, and have practiced this for
years, nnd found it useful. Spirits of tur
pentino can bo procured at all country stores,
and a small quantity sulliceth."
-tT Sevastopol is distant from St. Peters
burg 1,392 miles. Couriers convey the
mails on foiir-w heeled cars, drawn by three
horses, and driven ut a rapid pace, to Mos
cow, about 050 miles ; from whpneo ihey
go by railway to the capital. From five
days to a week is occupied in the entire
Smith U'Urlen.
A petition for tho repeal of tho sentence
against Mr. Pmi' li O'llricn has already been
signed, it is said, by several members of the
British llouso of Peers, nnd by nearly 130
members of the Houso of Commons, and
many of the magnates of political life.
(fc5" Annual cost of the United Sta'esfor
supporting the Christian ministry 0,000,
001) ; lawyers, $3."i,000.000. : for intoxica
ting drinks in the Slate uf New Yo k, at
least S 10.000,000. Wlin will compute
w hat is paid for intoxicating drinks' in the
United Stales?
river, ten mile, u low u.o ... .. .. - ; in "V8" '7. , " ',. awls
Pr: tluiic. to ll.e source oune rtipo". i iron am. ee. a.,.,...., '.,., .,..,.,
the llluo .M..unt.iiiiH: thence along .lie cres. o. . driver. p,a...ui u " ' " . md.
Mmintaiiis; llielice to Ihe rroiiiB i atnl level. cuiiiiiou un . 0 --,
IlltlU ..i"uiM..( - - , I . lit
,ed, d the inouth of lh. Woll-loW-how river i j BiiUtn- ..roV.-liim, flat, pud
Ihenee oloui; llio divide between Ihe wulei. or llio
Uoll liiw-how liver aud 1'owdcr river; thence to
the crosninz of .Snake river, fifteen mile, bdowllie
iiwutli of Powder river; thence to tho Salmon riv
er above the crossing; thence by the pur nl the
Uiltcr Knot to the place of b. g nimig.
J-ur the coiifeJemlcd tribes of W nllu-wallas,
Cavuse and I'lnnliHas, vi4
C'oaimciieins in the middle of Ihe channel or Ihe
I'uiulillu river, epposite the nioulh of Wild Horse
creek: Ihenee up ihe middle of ihe chatiuel of a.tni
. . ....I -. I..!u in n nnillt ill lllO
crceK lo Ii. source:
III... Momtl-.i...
, i ..... :.. i:..t it. iI,a u i.trra of llowtome creek
. .. . ..... I ,irl., hrj.. mineral ond while
lice iw." '"- , , . , ,.. . i tin l
knobs; coaiplole round.low.i and tint apine.' , , '
curt butt of all sizes, ncrcw. ; also, mund and ,j
lliil bar iron: nuaroo, no., n.i.- . i
Ladies I
ViTOV will find mi exc.llenl assortment of Drei
S. nnd ''. ''' "lld V'l"" n!6
llmirru. Cum, iMtt una
lllC IlliUlllC OI me cimnm. v. .,nnci ,,,;...-)., -' j- .
; theucoutheriy lo a point in Ihe R:iboM, TMt ''""W';''1 U,e
known Kiicampmeiit ; j f tllAltl.L. 1 1 h, Jr.,
(.Milill-St., OJlpOSIIe AlH'rncil.) a " 1
W,tOI..At ""Alt DAt IV
IrovMou k lltirdwuro,
A'o. I. jViii'i Slrrtt.
DF M.KH in llutdware.Crocerin.Dry Go.,d,
Clothing, Hoot & Sho... Medieim. IJoob
and Stutiuiicry.
Muin -l.. Oreu C'iiy. April 21, 1855-lif
ATtonacr and cotiNei.oa at mw
lAtfuuettt, Yamhill Counly, O. T.,
TWA. fuithrin'ly atlend to all biwineaa an'
ti ...It H lo In. profeaaioiial care.
- April ai. IKS5-1T ,
WhnlnaU V Driiltr in (Irortrh t, Product,
Proritiou; .J f , .Vain Strctt.
A General Aator.ment k pi up of Selected Good,
' Ciiiieinah, April 21. 1955-ltf.
WcilaTFargo Si Co.'s Express,
Hcticren Ongnn, California, the Atlantic
Stairs and Europe.
II VVIS'f! mode advanlniieoii . j
i.i. ii.. i!..i...l
urraugeiiicuia win, ...v ......
Slute and Pacific .Vail Steam-;
aliipCompiin:. rorliun-p"naiioi.. o ,
pu'e.l to forward Cold Dull, Bnllan, bprcif,
Fackaer; I'arcrl; ami Freight, to an, from N
York N. Drleaiw, San I'mncirou, lorllJiiil, amf
urtiicipul town of California and Oregon.
Our regulur Semi monthly I'.xprc bclwocn
Portland 1 Sim IWiaco, i.dipalehed by lha
Pucilir Sluil Steamship Co.' .Ifanwhip Columbia,
eoniieetii.g nl San I'ruucieco with o..r wi.....nonlh
ly lljprea. to Xrw York and New (Mean; Which
ii dispatched regularly on Ihe 1st and Iblh of each
mouth, bv Ihe mail sleaiiicr. and ill charge of our'
own incsViigcm, lo dertiiiulion.
Our Ki.r.s from New York leave, reguturly
. . m... ..c - ...1. ..., I. ,.Un ill rluirir4
on Hie a;ii aim zmu oi .ivn ,.. -
in. mrngrr.
1'ieusuro inmired iu the best ew 1 ork com-
oanii. or at Lloyd' in Loudon, al Ihe oj.liou of
Dur. K.-New Yoik, No. lfi, Vall st.; New
Otleuiis, No. 1 1, LxchniiRii pluce j Sun Francisco,
No. ll-l, Mimlgoiiiery meet.
' J. N. llANKF.H.ili'enf.
Oregon City, April 21, lfvi.-ltf
thenco Wel to Ihe divide of the llowtome and ; oc tomi ulnnt ttcrythiug in the line of
i!i... . il.pnre northerlv ahma .aid divide
to a point due West of tho Souih-wt corner of
William C. Me Kiiy's claim Ihenee tail along hi
lino lo tho soiilh-east corner ; Ibeiica in a hue to
the place of beginning.
Uy an express provision of the Treaty, the coun
try embraced in Ihe cession aud not included in
Ih'o Itcacrvationa is open lo .elllemenl, excepting
that the Indians are secured in Ihe possession of
their building and implement till removed to the
Th:. no:iee is published fer l!ie beneht of Ihe
Tl niiniiion of the cilkens nrenosing to locule iinoii Ihe ceded Territory isesp.ciully cal ed
io .hi- nroviaion nrolcct.n'' llio Iiiiliaus iu the pos-
eesn oii ol'their iniprovemriil and far furiher in-
foruiulioliin lefcreuce to tlio v alia-wuiui, v-ujuse
uud L'niulilla llewrvution, Ihey are reiiuest. d to
apply to Agent, It. U. Thoniison. lo llio Aa
i'erce Suh-AgYnl, W. II. Tappan.
Cuiv. and Sup't of W. T.
JOt'.L l'AI.MliU,
Sun't Indian AlVoirs, Oregon.
Council Crmir.d, Walla-walla,
June li, 1S..5 13 Cm
Iry oul:
Such as Prinl. (!iiighiun, Alpacns, Merinna,
Pluid Linsevs, Munlin. Sultiuetts, Jeuns, 1' Inli
ne:, Sheeiiiigs, Dcd Ticking, Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Hailing, etc.
Oiegon C.iy, April 21, 1855-ltf
Medicines for Sale, By
; NDS' SarsopaiilM,'. Wild Cherry Iiit
3 ten-, Iluteiiian a drops, llniilrnh'pill, Lee.
piils, Perry" Vermifuge. Opodeliloc, Cum Cam
phor, tiuiii Arabie, Urili-h oil, Lobe.ia, Hot drops,
ad prepurulion, Koman eve halsoni, Dulli v' pain
extractor, Liii.luniim, Pare40iie, Oil of Pepper
mint. LWncc, Couiposilioli Powder, Curler
Pulmoiiury ll.ilaoin, Sulphur, Kpsom Salts, ike.
A pril -1, I tJ."iS-1 If
PCrFnst lii)ies soon tire, nnd fat yollli;;
jnieiiaro sigooil il al like them. I lie youth
int goes it s'lMlu ai iweiity, win unu ii'.IIl
I self nt fii'tv-five with a tuiiib-stone growing
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY reetvv ng, fresh from ranch,
V wheat, oals, bacon, Innl. duller jmil polnlee.
p?, ji.)N i 18IH K'K.
.I.I-.I l ivi'ii,
At ihcOld Ni7,' Caueumh, April -2 ! , '65.
fl r?'fJ!itf Uv- Li-,u Rruw" s"-"r'
'-JB. I.IM0 lbs- China No. 1, do..
l.iHin lbs. l'.io CnllVe,
la Tons coarse Mi l : SCO lbs. fine do.,
3.(1(1 Ilia. Oregon liacon :
1,1.00 bushels uuts, for Mile wh"lesaleor ret ill, by
Jt ill N P. HUOilKS
-, , , . .
er as uniieeessariiy innej, ami al ia.-t, snine
wlut their reiuoii ia j they do net know what i "f those w ho liiirfl be-all, ill nil alwtinete l
way, to linger the loose earth that had been
lh. nitur. of their moral pcirrr' ; tin y do uot deli
mtity uiideraland the nature or opeialiuu of any
one faculty of their inimla
They underal.ii.d lh. Imluro of th. .oil of ihe
r.ilh i Ihey know whal il i. eaiable of pio.lueiii ;
they know the iu of Ihe ploiijh, aud all the ine
pleincnuef agrieiillurr j they know l.ot to do
tvJ""My (iei inan f.i. iul, how hng have
you been married !"' V, 11, His is a titi tlat
1 Seldom ilou't like to tiilli nliollt, but veil 1
di.t'S it 8. . Ills so loUjt in it never vas."
Oil r. Hall, iu his niedieal journal, ns
serts that one iireat cause of ilispepsia in
ministers is ealinir too soon after preaching.
OVrl'owdered jdaeed jiround
...l..,.!,... .in.l nllo.r !....-... I.... it... ..11'....
thrown up fro... the prave. It wn thick j of ' ..laing greatly to tho rieliness of tho
with golil ; nuil an nxeitetnent w:u inline- llower.
diately npparuut iu tho kneelino; crowd. . : ; , , ,
.,,.,, . , . . j,,, flT w hat is the chief use, of bread i
L poll this tho iirtMieher stopped, and bland- i i i i
J 1 1 ' asked an exiiiiiiner a. a Pi'boo examination.
ii inijuiicu, neiio, ooya: what a that I "I ho chief use of bread,"' answered the ur-
N our bakery we keep cnn-tanlly on hand
, ellkeH. pies
i Ihe urnvul 01 every .leaui.
1 cruuker. enke. pies, ice.
El El I'.H Hjioli I
er. JJoa t fi n to e.ill on
I RItASS and Iron Units, Screws, Lock, und
Um Latches, lliiiiinie:- nnd ILileheis, Axes,
Dmu-inn. knives. Ilandsuv.'s. Curry Combs, Horse
Hrushes mid Cuids, Clin l.o -ks, (inn Cups, Wool
Coids, Chest lliin lle.s, Planes, &.C
April 21. lt-a.'i-l.f
Steamer Portland,
Capt. A.S' Murray,
J ILL run daily between Portland urn Ore
gon City. Leave I-oriuinu ai eiKiu
o'clock, A. M. Keturui.12, have Oregon t uy al
four o'cloek, r. m.
l-'or freiuht or pasaaoe apply on boaid,
April III. l."..".-lif
Ort'jon City nnd PortfundDuilif Packet,
JKUIt C Ei A K li. ,
J. C. AiNswoiiTii, .Master.
"B'ttT'ILL run Daily, (Si.n.luya excepted,) hi Ihe
7 iibove-named Irnde, leuving Oregon City
ev. rv dnv at 8 o'clock,
Leturi'.inu', will leuve at 2 ' ", touch
inir nt nil ialeriiK-diate poaits.
.'ur I'reight or paasajre "l'l'1)' 011 boniA.
April L'l, lKoo-lIf
(Jl'UAIt, Sal'. Coll'ee, 'Ku. S.. nip, Chncola'n,
i"? sttareb, Siih rotu, Creum Turn.'. Sal Sm'n.
i .irh So la, lp; er, pee, Aluin, toru, i op.
. A...-.: "I. lS.,.ri..-lir
lieuis, ri. .... ...
Oi li'tii-s J-aiyrti' A; .'loii'.
Parrels of New Orleans siyur per d p
per ship " Ila'.hay."
50 do. of New Orleans n:o!ascs per clipper
" Herald of Ihe .Morning."
The ubove urlieh. I shall receive about Ihe l.'illl
of .May, dirtrt trom New Yoik, nnd will close
tin m out at lew prices.
ap-.'lif JAMES O'NEILL.
J Il Ll. powder, also blasting powder, whole-
Kile and retail, ut POPE'S.
HILLS and Testaments, all eizea, may be
found at
will, a plan, that i. no, thrive, they .,. akillfnl j , WI1iil11Pj 'mi . f; , s, ; ., ! m,,u.My atoiiisl,e. nt the simplicity"
to inil.urt In it u fi,. a., an. iiml ii n. .... I . J
lo iniitl In it ii fieah hie, and nmke it tlouriah
liut if any p'anl lhal oil); hi lo kmw ill tho mind ia
luuled and d. uot thro., they cauuot tell how
to make that jiow. They don'l know hut lo do
lo bring il forth.
It i. d rlii ult for a uunl.i f die goapel to act
forth the Irulh iiilrlli(.t,ly in re.ei to iu h l,i,oo
the loinuii min i. I think it m iartly becmw
men luve not been rmwai ia rran-rl la them-
are, and N.rlly on orisninl of the many bewil
of diirj-iiiiln, eongreeation nro dismiss of the iiiniiry, "the chief use of bread is to
od !"' The poor n, r s tiiken from hi, j 5i,r0Hl1 butter nnd timlasses 0."
grnvemiil lunied elsewhere, while tliefuiio-i OCT In view of tlio fact thai "Scb;u-ti..ol
nil party, with the parson a! their head, lost sl'H stands," a w seroish fellow remarks that
... . . . i ,1... !..,: I i: i
AUH1.E le.let ware, a few more fell, letl at
L ap-Jlif POPE'S.
J A tuna S ilt, imported direct from Suudwicli
lands, for .ale in Iota to suit purchasers,
tho llussian soldiers must bo very repulsive
f There is nil oak tree titMr Raleioh,
North Ciii'olina.whieh at the sun's ineredian.
irii.oniiire proselvtiiie; viejoiously in Ku- covers with shade a space of DOOll feet.
no time in prospect in j the new difrejinjrs.
l.are nUW0t Mormons.
l'Voin all accounts the niissio.iiirii!i ofthe
iai'i-al lislr-s aiiKiiij cite Aritsj of
t'ViiMii yii.l !!,
Drtadjul tcnrcily of Prorishn! Oregon Cran
arid Jul! and urcijivirii:g
Acents under Providence for fattening .he lean
BO not suppose that Cliui nian it Warner',
culubliahnienl d ed oil' with that of the
old " Sppctulor '.'' We are happy lo inform all of
our old friends in particular, and our neic one. in
general, lhal we urc still alive und kicking at the
old stnn 1, where we etill muko it our particular
tins nous to furnish friend uml foe with just such
dainties in the line of provisions, groceries nnd
cPlifi'Ciioncry ns would make even an anchorite's
heart swim, his soul stuud on tiptoe, and ma"o him
w inh hia throat as " Ioiijj ns a fence rail," so he
micht protract the pleasure afloided by swallowing
some of our nice things.
Do not forget our old stand and get into the
wroiiE pluce, hut be sure vou nro " all light" when
you ure striking a bee-line towards Ihe houee of
Oregon City, April 21, 1 SC.5. ly
New Volumes of the Four Reviews
and Blackwccd.
C COMMENCE with IWih lor .M.vem
' her. Ir.".4,and the oilier Itovicws and Hiack
vo. d for January, leiii.
Turn J HuLtcriiithn. Any oi:e Itevinv or
l;i ,okood. Ji! a year, liluckwmsl nnd one Re
view -or any two Uevicws, Ji.'i. The four He- '
v.eH and liiacw ood, 111. l our copies to one
ad.lress, S.'ld.
Posiiige on ihe four Review, nnd Dim kwood to
any Post office in the Ui.i'ed Males, only 60 cent
a year mi each llcvicw ai.d i'-l c ins n jear on
New Vork, published by Leonard, Seotl Siio.,
VJ I'lillon Btreel e.itrnnce S-l tio!d street.
.bring aya.riiM of mental pli.l.why that ra iu 1 JUSt "ow" W' i,ra inforiiied that j It would HtKud shelter for 4")00 men.
loue in our day
. ill on, day. fat if (her. were noue of! , , " , ' u". 1"lll'T l'a' Saml!' ft V-P' iTT
.,.e .he old acH.K.1. of ap,,c i "rr,Vl" !" from Liverpivl, on I vf M
U,, . I would Jerv auv ,o JZZ i T'T m ''"P ; n.l four ' u
fcirFiJelity, nooil humor, and complacon-
oii'lne all the charms of a
make its decay invisible.
eobwrl t.
ilea u,..v il.,... I... t . I ' .""" 'l
. A.. ..... .
, ,,, nveiu ..alioalh OHMiiur arr.
uk, ddurred h Mr. Ither to . vrr, We
owsnrali".. rr,K.,..J ,bjlul kv ,
!".: a rn jiuWuii, J, '
IkTIt is rrporte.l ot a certain ostciita-
a ver t
least a doiell oases on h.-md. h hn he.i
Remedy for Hard Times ! I
Farmers of Orewn ! "Pis no use to con
tend oyainst futi:.'.'! Vou never can
pet rick until you buy one of our
I'ooriu :t iitt i;iliurgli Mows,
S 1 1 IK undersigned has ou hand, nnd is now
M. making daily, every description of the above
well-known Plows; which for inalcriul and work
manship arc vaslly superior to any in the Terri-
feet Hoards for .ale iu lot. j ,or'- A'l w arraiiled lo scour and do good work,
tosuit bv T JOHNSON a"d which he will sell at moderate prices, for
' 1 ' ' I -...l r, Tl . p . j .i...
v u.-f. u, i,,.i,rr, muse in mii oi a gooa plow
would do well to come and OAamiue miiie before
purchasing elsewhere.
They cuu be had at all Ihe principal towns on
Ihe river. Also at Forest Grove, Dayton aud La
fayette, where I have appointed agents, who will
sell ns low as at the Factory, with the addition of
the freight. EZUA POST,
Sign of the Big Ploie, Canemah.
April 21, ls;.5-ly
llw. l eathers for sole bv
CIGAIIS The best chalice lo pick is at the
store of CHARM AS fr WARSER
j lOCOANUTS, ltananas, and other tropical
' fruits, ins! received from Sandwich lsiuuds.
I'll A It MAN cV WAUNElt.
be- IW, .e, h,e ...r. ,.,u. ,h, nunT ; ' ' H' i ,;rov to.,,,
" J ii.iit i., ... .... . , . ... I,. .....i ...
-.v. ......,i .ii.,. ,iu , ii, Miiiioui nt ,
t l 1.11S ot Osiijje Orange seed for sale bv
) "V L1IS of Arrn seed for sale cheap bv
ill. and svrup in barrel., for ale bv
XtT l cure scr!eh,"i on a horse, w.vh ! '"liine''. however, that they isjl5jj,t 0fa
his I. );, with warm soanMul,. ,,,,,1 ,!,., 't of old o.kX- cimcj.
with U-ef brine. Two applications will
cum m tLe wort c
i (t!Tlt Inn been conceded that no,..
j-hor in the wo'lJ enn ttll hat !eep ik. I
A LARUE assortment of honsthoM furniture
for .ale by upil TTIOS. JOHNSON.
tB U'ER HaTgi.ig,. a l.w lot, for sale bv
I"'-- T- JOilNSO.V.
AN D'S aamaparilla for Kile by
e3 apOlu"
K dot. maple chairs for sale cAeop by
apCltf r Put
LADIES Gaiter Sho,-s selling cheap at the
store of apilif C. Pl.PE.Jr.
1 BOSTON syrup, New Orleans sugar, and
AJ Livert,l sail. fr sale, wholesale and retail,
by "Pil'f C. POPE, Jr.
"I lr J-N' DOW glass, by the fcox or a,Dg',
'.client, at
Reading .for the Million.
A Choice he'.c.tion of Popular B.siks, News
2a. paper.', Mnauucs und Fancy Slulinncry.
Among the books on hand will be found work,
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, Poetry, Biography, Medicines, Keligion,
Se dice, School Hooks, Uonuiuccs, osc., cVc, &c.
O'Subseripl'cns received for Harper, (Jruhain,
Goodev, L-.'rlie's, or Putnam, nt IjM a year, oj(
age free.
' JJ" Subscriptions received for ony newspaper
published in any part of the Union.
Kcinember the Franklin Hook Store and New
p.tper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon.
J3TA priced catalogue will be published earfy
in April, and will be scut to any part of Ihe terri
tory free on application.
Books and Stationery,
T EBSTER'S Dictionaries, all siioa, from
primary school to 8vo. dictionaries.
Blake's Biographical Dictionary;
' Progress of America." bv McGregor J
'Shady Side,""Queechy,' and Uncle Tom'
Cabin ;
T. S Arthur's works j Charlotte Elisabeth's d
Dr. Spring's do.
Poets. Milton, Young, Thomson, Cowper,
Ostian, Pollock, and others.
Also Downing'! Fruit Cullurist j Tbomai' io
Voualt on sheep j Do. cu horse.
Alleu's Auiericau Farm Book; Do. domestie
Rural Architecture, Rural Homes, &c. and
Sanders' New Readers 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th & 5th.
MeGuffie's Readers.
Siiuders' Spellers; Elementary do.
Thomson's Arithnnlic! ; Book-keeping, Copy
Books, cVc.
Also I'aber'i Pencils, Gillolt'i Pen!, Blank
Books, Envelopes, Foolscap, Note aud Letter Pa
per, Wafers, etc., ETWholetale aud Relail.J3
.Miiin-st., Oregon City, April 21, 1655-ly
Svlliiis off at Coiil.
fS'HE stick of Drv Goods and Hardware of
M. Preston. O'Neill & Co. will be closed out at
cost prices. Persons desirou. of buying thtaj,
w Hi no well to call on the subscriber.
DK. Jayne'a medicines for sale by
ap21if C. POPE, Jr.
EA U de Cologne, t STipericf 'article, at
aitf "fcrr.'s-