ell. 0K .lilfcl.OI. on. Ukeeoowlbil filUberWiUrif'.ide, ' Erth'l p!.eirt me'.t iway J TUj reM iii T.nw i ieiiU CJ, And .44 ue wb b tin y iu i But joy.tliil front It'. i'oa Buw, Ijki etira Ih.t g.ld lb. i:;ht, Amid Uie dwkert Keuei of w e, Hb;D fotlll with tet light. Bi-rgion'e rjy w tlouUolwjare, liul o'er Uu Cliruiinii'i ul It oliwU nd iiwf c:i m l pure, Tlwujfh Kni.on riHiml b in ro'l j Jlii heart inny brik ah eorr.. rtroke, Bui lo in Uteri tliill, IJka iluiii.ii.lbiimn "ben Uiejf broke, Trul r.; ttiil Ugh! il eiiH- A Veinllful Hlorjr. Intliojifir 1701, tlio CrAvcnor, n F-iit Iiidi.mnn, liumeirard Iwuixl, f;ne 1-lii're un tlia coast of Cuffraria. It l r aited llmt ilia odicom, t.awii,"!r, mid rrew, in mini bcr one hun lr-'J mid iliiriy fim oiiK, .i:ill endenvor to penctritc, on fuot, nro-i truck ItM (WrU iliftitti'd y wild mid cu- elHi:ig't, to tliu L'utvli .!' llcriif tit It thn CaiMOf (!.id Hone. Vi:h hii furlorn f.L' Jtct tin...., tbey Cmli ..mrnled into ' ' 1 two iriie, never morn to iner t on rartli 'i'lioro i. a noliUry cliil I ninon t do p'in tngr, i little toy of K rcn j'cnrt old, wlio hoi no relation tlicm mid w L n tho fir hi part ii iiioviiij; nwny, lie c. i.'i nftcr ionic member of il h.'io I.iivc been kind lo liim. Tlio crying of ncliil'l luilit li ii.i nst'l to be liultf Ibing to men in inch extremity but il touclioi llii tn, nnd liu in tiikcn ixio tlmt dctnclinient from which time, furtli, tliiicliild it sublimely mnibi ftflicrcd clinre. Ife U pulicil on n lillle rnft l.crosn brond riven by ll.o iniiiiining .i.ilura, nnd tl.r-y i i. i ,i i . i carry lnin by turm thruiiL'li tlie dorn mud ltd long gru., lie iilieiilly 'walking nt nil otlx-r tiinon they hlmin with l.itn null u triJ f1li llicy Cud lo ml th' y lio down nnd wait for hiin whi n iho rouli c.ir.rtitfr, who U'Coinei hiii i'.xinl fiicml, lu hcliind. lioii't by lion and lipjeri, by mwngca, by Ihlmt nnd lituiger, by dnuli, in a ctowd of plnully ibmli"., they ncv.r Oh, l'athrr of II tiinnkiii'l, Thy inline bo bkH-.l for il ! they nuvor d. wit tlii child. T'he r.ij t.iin lop. exliauslcd, nnd hit faithful cxniiin gori back mid i .con lo nit down by hii aidu, nnd neither of the twit .hull bo liny moro bt'licld until thfl prcnt last day bud e tlm rct on for their liven, they take tho child will) ihi'in. Tho carpenter iliw of eating poiionoti borriea, utc in Hfnrvatiuii nnd llipitewnrd, lurcecding to iho cimniinnd of tho purty, tueci-'i'dii to iho mend g.mr. dmnilnji of tho child. Ood know, nil hed us fr tho poor baby. How clii'Crfully ho carrii i him in hi. m ini when ho hi.nsulf ia weak h. ill- how ho foed. him when he himcf giied uiih waul -hoiv ha fold hit rued jiiclul wound him, 1ay hin lilllo warm fare will, n woniHii'a t..i(l.nu. upon bii iiiiibiiint breanl, loolhn him in m uflWitij;, singH to him m hn limpi along, uniiiinclful of hi own pnithud nnj bli't-ding fuct. lividcd for fow day i from the rent, thy dig a grava in iho mind nnd bury their gom friend, the cooper tliesu two companion nloiio in tho wildernew nnd tho time conici when they am both ill, mid beg thrir wretched partncri in d. p,iir, redueod nnil few in nunibcr, to wail by them ono iluy. They wait by themruio dny ,vaii by them two days. On iho morning of the third they move very mftly iibu.it iu milk ing their preparation in resumption of ibcir journey, for tho child ii .looping by the fire, nnd it in agreed with one con.rnt that be ahall nol bo diatuibed (ill iho lat moment. The momont comci the lire ii dying the child it (had. llii faithful friend, tho itewurd, linger. but litlle while behind Mm. His grief l greal. Uu ataf'ger on for a f. w d.ivi, liei down in the wilderness, nnd dies. lint ho ilmll bo re-united in his imiiioi lal spirit no can dm but I with tho child, where beanj the poor cirpentor shall be raised up with the wordi, "Iiisomulh as yo linvo done it unto the least of those, yo have done it unto uie. XThe teruw lUam frigate Niagara, ommn.g at Brooklyn navy yard, U to be the largeat .hip in tho world. Hor totmge ill be 5,200 j extreme length 845 feet ; breadth 65 J load line 313 depth of hold 31. There are three decki Uidet the oilop Thoarmaineiit will coiuin of 13 clveu inch pivot guns, lo carry 1 70 Ih. .hoi and a charge of 15 lb, of powder. She it to bo full .hip. rigged, her mainmast being HI feet ,-ng nd 3 foot d inchoi in dianioter ; tho main yard will be- 35 fet'taud the tniacu spanker boom 87 feet. The Niagara ii coiiMi-u.-UhI wholly of live oak. Congrew appropriated one million of dollar, for lier oowtrtic ion, but her coot it i thought will not bo over iMO.OOO. ATll. ibal ii good, infallibly be. . uo uiai ii can, m u ocr Uinly beoomo worn; for vict, virtu and tiro, r tJifte iv: v. atanj j i ' ; ,M.r. , , Tl " -N.cr J. ur - I ... . . .r..;.-j..,.ii" Kc. trio itvuvi . lie. or . .ord h.. append ia .nr column, -wv - , tl,t ease M wm.pI tl.' i There , . ."between P.- on .he .n. .,d d . - "'V7W,a -uw.lt I. Insoles. Mb ...i-nm-bl. c1ed - r-T i. fumlKd .. .... M by .b. ; i wheih.r p.lched-up i alliance oei.ren n.. E,W K.. f"r f -P'W." .l.. i. .... 'I'uikrv. or.frrul'l. I" Hi". ,....."- - , .w.lloNiiit b.r l.oW. Ai for IVinMfon we I. L k.,1. mn.l I.D lo t lHill l. I iu ... IVim MUWH W". m ' " Piirufiji us tea ltd, I ber.ilwm. !l . cond M. ep" r - ..o i ...i..:. i .......... ci.Hy.inco lite French Kerout ii in lot-, , l,eei. II.. olio le of lilieral. f bief 01 llie p oner. . iK..lpl FiiK,Ufiui.be.byfi"inrli''''''j ...ianc. wuh .... U-.p..e.n d.,.H whon, he cl,,.d on In the work of H"7 - n,r,.,cr., ,d no. ..phod. und I,. i b .1. far..,, En-! ........ ..-..-..lN,.l,mlf..:iM of' ....... . - - . . c.ii..iul onal Lbtrly liaeceaKO in rr.nco. AEai..: ltu,.prel,r.de.p..i.m-bu. I.erex'e... ; in eric. wiH. il lb. .ebor.tiUu of her ui.c ei.l ! ,p,l. Her new ryiAimm of ler, to.y ... uc ...H I, il.. nhciiion of Sliiverv unlike . 1 .1... si.... f V,.rih Amer.c.i. Her ' ... ...... t .1 V.. .it..... C mi.itv potion of T.irhe, Mhl nol render .but country ' I mm, but H-ouId we lliuik rcv.ro it by U.e mim-. duction o i proieot.ve ivMem. Tl. oirihwtiun Iii Ji wou'd fallow lukeiawiy fiorn III- "Couck ' i j riHlieud and b'lKxly bone ' b'rrnra which Ln ih m.. FreiiLh prophet! are to fund of h.fiuf in per. .prune. We bare in wonl to fuith in tlio EnjlMi oli- jfar.liy, headed by ralni.i t.on j none iu Loiii. Napoleon ; and lion, iu ll.e iill.uuce ; uu 1 moreover lion, in lh p..wei of Turkey lo liw fn.miier ick bid. Hut wo lime fo ih in llmt nmrcli ofev. uU which mav clianue the Tuiki-li Eii pire by a iunc j iwu wuh Non a, liich i. improvin;, and whose InglnM ni.re.i would lie in em.cb n? her uu.hern 1 110"" "" ir f ei'anilunpe wero her capital ' Hut what Ion En"!aiiJ done Willi her lud an piat- , , , , " . , , , eien. but rob ihcm and keep them, by nil army ofoUU.O lU uirii, iu aubjecliun? What cm F. unci' allow afier Iweniy yeani war in Alg. ri.if What would liny lojiliudo for TuikeyT AuJ lull Tuikry aiund uluue? If ll.e l:.ia il. Government ha 1 b rti iuypiied lit' literal print iplea it hui liuil vuiiom o, p .itnniti.. .In. I... r il.. . I...I .iv icnn nf .lit.-... if ill,. i.,U'.i lit ... j jj,,, j( lllado nu ul ,ed , 0 ,,.,., , ,;,, dnm-iion 0r Muurary. Kwimha ap nla up, eahd to tlio Mnailieeur nnd l)iiiniur ham people to uwi.l ll.iuruiy iu oid.r lob.iu' nboul Frio Iradv and aeli Iheir ware, in llmt quar ler, lliat being tlio Ii:;Iich1 motive they llioiihl of .'ininK. Hut Ilia Government uoull not even mbblu at Ihi. ba I. So too ou Iho ilectrui lion of ilie Unman Itniull candilie rrrlilwi'in ofthe Pope th. Englirh G.ivernuieiil w.SKit rfieJ. Aiiyllun; but fieidom. Hn IIo!n,e., Anlicliri.l, Iho Scar let Lady .11 wero di;e.iibli , but uii'VerMil nul'r ige in I inly nol. We marvel at .he .lo'.idiiv which cuu attribute .mylhing to iho English ol:gaichy but hostility- lo I lie- principle, which uu.ltil e ciery demo rratic avalein ; and why ll.e jiiiiciion ofmu li a pow.r with a inuu who one. Ii imperial siipn m ury lo his crimes of ingratitude, perjury und ainalioiii shoulil pass for u liherut iilliauce, we can not divine. What then thould be in the Anlo Fi' iicli coalition lorvoko tesHCt or ty.upathy on thia aii!. of the Atlantic ia Inconipteh. usible, uu. Ices it he a defective moral sense which jvitiflei the Uonuparte fur his "siiuutursi.," nnj eoi.aidrrs all moves r ght if in.ii Led by niul.ie ty und achieved under . favor ng lur .V. Y. Tiihunt. U lUttHlua lleaulltul'l Alwnyi! In iho child, tlio tnaidi li, the wife, tho iii'iihi;r,ii.igioii iihinei with n holy beliignunt beauty of its o II, whieb liolhillg on enith can mar. Never yrt was tlio fe male! character perf.ct without the steady failh if pietv. U. imt v, iutellici, wmlih! they nro liko pilfidl, drirk in the brigbtrM day, tniK s ihu divine light, leliion, llnows her soft benms nroiind litem, to ptnit'y nnd exalt, liiiiKing twico glolidlll llutl ttliiLh seemed nil loveliness before. Keligion is very beautifulin hruUb or !l ....... ... venues', in can n or j'ovcriy. c can never cuter tlio lick chamber of tho good, but mft music sernx to float on the nir.nnd tho Innditi of tln irboiij; i, ''Lo! pence i here." Cnuld w 9 look into thousands of faniilie to day, when discontent fights sullenlv with life, we should find tho olii.f cause of tin happiness want of religion in woman. And in felon's cells ; in places of crime, iniseiy, ilrstitnlioli, ignorance J vvo lnuM behold, in all its most terriblo deformity, the fruit of irrcligion in woman. Ull, Keligion! benignant mniestv. hiirh on thy throne thou sittot, gloriow nml cx alted. Xot above the cloud, for earth ihnuls nevur como between thco and truly pious souls j not beneath the clouds, for above theso ii heaven, owning through a biou.1 vista of exceeding b. nuty. And there religion point. Art thou weary f ' Art thou weighed down wit It tin. merited ignvtninyf .Artihou poor 'the very street before thy door shall bo goid." A'l tnou friendless r "the anjels shall r. thy conipanion, ami 0vl ihv Failier." IT The King .. ttuuriUin Protest. ant. thnn'rli 1.i ...1,.. . . .i.. . . . -o r-...j. . u nu,.,y I Iks. Tho King rffnuony U'aCitholK though the greater part ,.f hi. .,hj. et are Prot.-stnnta. The King of Otuco is Catholic, though most of hit iiil.jccli ain nf the fJreek Chure'i. (If the l000,0.)il Eu ropoan nibjecU of the Snlfan of Tutk.-v, Ii Mr, oaa ... . A. 5ilo(.0nrrJ..,,.i;. - . .i.;i.-i..,l' i .i I if . wi ii. nr. 1 1 1 ii... r i. i r MtAmmlM. :. '"' V.V.n; i'.vuil.a Mr the' ... I"' P;rt,. ;. , ' ' frwn UfOoivD 01 wi r-V"" " ,,yn r in. ,r . . ,. , md rf lb . barbae K, cop.. ...... ...... . ,.ri w k mi' m ( v UGuiiiOH . I VI I., r. I iru VMtll It I 1110 Blljinruiii" v.... ,7 , vr,i, (. manned (lie of to P Vl t ' uo ,r.td.SiU' H. aU " " r i" '". . r - . ,. . , l.aVruYa.nnd wm o.ilM.ally UIIHl 11 '''''Jr ' 11 r U mill.- ,.M I IIIH ;.ru... . ! I. i...... ni..,i... im3'J7 loni, ... iii.o.. " . .... I I. in.A t'Avnrr.l. lull .-o - - . I ... m.. I v..,,:. I,.v. Uh filled hp will' wry view lo .ub- bob of Ibem Live been .trongly 1 ,e,n to .u.i . brg. .mount of " i ur. i l. r...u ''"' P"' . , .. . ,,,!. for The e,pe " " ' l- twoy.ar,, wli.C.w.b JJ',' ! ye.r'.cruK. fhefo,! of.ffi ovr . . I mc. ... ke , and coiui... mu.n'y of coi.eeut.ulid im-.te, .ouj I, . ,,,.,;., (!,. i.o inirr. ' . - .", , ... , cabe. pre-orved pou;o. p.ck e., wbi.key, 4c The euppl.e. include nboi.t 90,0119 pound, of dmd me.U r,d nup., unu 13.000 pound- o. prervrved ViL'. lab:.-.. tor Hi. nav.giuoi. o. in. iu.uic... ws.i cuiiou. implenic.. ...vc D.en pmviac -ec , w ( i . ..! J.. II .......... I P ,m ftiiMioru. of front . - - , 15 lo 10) ib.. v.ei.M-ind.i-r.ibber Uo( anU wl.i.o IKWU-u.ueeu, overj . ..g !,.....,:.... invmtfor tb ucce of .he enter- orH.irr mani.iri has been furnished and eff.-cled. hoe.M.(liton carry ou. umi ineiii, uilable ' . , i f I while marble tablet, prepared nl tho requ. it ol j I,ady Franklin, and which i ! b. ereclcd on j Beeehy Maud, lo the memory of Sir Joi.ii F.niik lm und In. mi orliiuu'a but heroic companions. Two year. Iiuve elapsed unco Dr. Kane, with a crew of sixteen men, m sail fto.ii New York in the liil'e barque Ailvunco, for the Arctic Seua, iu seaica ol Sir John Fruukliu. Ili. vessel wu pro. viaioued for a lliiee year', cru a.', which it waasiip po4 might, by fishing ond hunting, be made lo lal forgone or I wo yeur. longer. Sine July, 1803, Dr. Kane unj bis parlv have hot b. cu heard from, and ilissii'iposed llmt during Iho summer of I hut year h enter I Smiih'a Sound nnd pushed through lo discover the sup,ioeil op-n si n be-ond, ivherelio i.ioigiued FruuKliii haJ guile. The following wio irrwa. ouo of ex r mi severity, and the conclusion ialhutlhn Advance wus so firmly frnVii up that .lie biici eed usiininier di l not releHc her fio.n the i. e. Dr. Kane iuleiulid kfuiO . ulering Sinilh'. Sound to leave a mp;ily of pruvisiom at Cupe Al exiinder.and il ' probiblcthat he liu. returned lo and u now a. liiul p'aee. Russian Vci-Hcvcruucc, If a co iiini.l. e wero siding on the siego, that coinimttco would repoit p.ogicaa. A. yet there is no result. 'Iho caimoiiado ugu'ntt the louu has been kept lip, though nut illccsnuiitlv. .inc. il coin inencc I on .Mouday lust. Our fire baa been brUk each day from biinri.e lo .unset, but, owing lo a slrunge lulaluy, il has always slackened during Ilie niglil. The lust siege showed the in. fliu'rncy of a fitful fir;', and, iilthoiigh the vice in our pructiee hut this Ii ue improi'id i Jion, Il ia not entirely cor rect! d. If Iho lael ia not Angollon, at least it ia not vividly enough roinriuberoJ, that it ia not u cuiinu.in lorliesa we are besieging, but a place full of military stores and wurk yunls, mid thut the n it on u(;a' est whom we are fighting are patient iiiilustiioiis, liar.l woikiugi indefa.ipable, and of une.pmlVd excellence in the art of p itching ami rrpiiriog. Wlio thut ever ps'.fd it iu Rusiu but urr.vc.l at his journey's end w ith 111.1 profound conviction that every plmihboy, pressed for the iioiico into the service us n pustilion, is u gre.it niecliauici l g'liius, whose mind makes up foe Hie la. kof mateiial a gen us fertile of rcioure.i. und iixxliaiist ble iu expedient! Who hut a Russian cuu drive u rickelly ki'i ika, and drive, too, us fa-t us holies can go, over aloiKI and through pool, of iv, Her, umi luiosa mis, deep Ireiiehr.; an J who but a Iii-iuii, w hen tho kil.itku hicaks down, ns of course it mint, can rrp iir It wiih.uit asiiaiioe, wiilioul insliumeiils but u stone from the roadside, Aitli no inuUiial except n piece of knotted cord or an old n I 'f Hiiil is Iho genius of the common peop'e, und Is exactly .hifi ivliich ia requii-nl in the defiiice of n luwn. Tuhuvouu ei. for odds an 1 in Is, iiini the skilli'ul hiind lo put them to us., nol deiil eialely and c 'giulivrly, but rnp'rjly, instinc lively, with a. it were a sort of imp' ration, that i ejuotly iho lu'ent which coiiilriutsgua carriages out ol tho mouldy boar.ls, anJ misea uu earthwork when oilier, would flounder in the loovi sand orsil down dispniiing'y '.pn immoT.We locks. There can hardly be u want of l,illed artificers iu un urniy.eveiy Uua.i.111 i.f wheb can do ul.nost uuy lliing with Ina ax, froinmak ugucart wheal Iu the carving of a lliat figure of St. JfichoUii. And as vvo have lo d, ul w III a Russian g iriison, and llol with Guu.aus or fpuinurds, that Ruiriaiigurrin alvvuyain.i uues to do u much at uilil us we undid in Iho day. Il j whirpend in our ranks llmt the Russian gunn.rs ure tlia ned lo Iholrguus. Ter h.ip they are. Il r. quires a fo. tituj.o alm.ist mor. tl.uil liuuiaa to slatld. ia those Kuasiau bullet. el, into vvli ell our euo. inoaa projecl lea ore piiche l w th unerring aim. Perhai the working panic, tlut work night aaJ d.iy in what we w.aild call the eng urara' aid of S b. s o ol, me alio lUiued to their jobs, or they .re bribed by money .ml drink, or inspind by . 'onut'c iml 'or the atipieuia.y ol ' Kusaia.aiid Ilia tiiumpl. ofthe orthodox cIuhcIl! To us it nulirrsvcry little what seciilipr.nga aie at work 10 roduce th. results which each rlav call ns lo fresh eve. I ous, and demanj fresh v c:iuu Wheiher the Ihoiwaii Is that ere p out every n'ght, and wui k I ke insect, in an aul-lnll, are chaioed ii gaega or dr.veu forward at ihr punt or the biyonol, or by .he tear of field pircr. Iua,lr.l lo the iliuule w lU grape shot K:ed ia their roar, or wlmllier they p'y their spud., au.l p,cka. and ra sa their gala us under ilie iiiiratiou of drink, or patriot w;a, or rl,gin, .lie result In us iaulw.ivs tlio sa.i . ! ne gun wncu uomrnco by .l.y KU- veic.s a. n i.e: mom.ng ; Hi. piauonn. ir h.vr I'loicn hav.Len r placed by .fresh .nea; the eartl. .11.1 lh. r.kln ...... .. . : ... in cu urw iiilo me .ir a. 4 liurl.a op by a volcaao, is oar aLeiia, diving . .src,s,d, our brnraih Ihem-rtiat latil aiul ll-.oa.. (XU n. aro tearuuged, rtfiiloJ, lad np;iue4 .hcuui l4U.ri.ai4li. from iW --- ... -...I.. . cii.tli lVfllllHll IN 1 II v Woman hpiirw. - ,. CUrU. ..... Uruulilul uud H'-u '' .,drf .dorotioil flro .i i. . i.vHrn's adoration ore will - - - - .jr.,,, ttw,ici. lo ll.e di- IMP 111. V. I1U UIVI'MIB . f , e.ci.e tbtmselv. s in mining mm .or . g ,,,, fcU eil0lllt fr i comm..- - '' - 1 '.A.d,a whose heart U no ,!,... honor lli.il! hi. love uu 1 ad.niralioil awoiiiuu - , - . ,,., . " ol .,,- . we.kneW lo ulleud lo I..T . . -..Il It'll,,.. bslicV.I III Ipe virtue oi gin..; iu - , L..:,.p J .ud.c. make.,,- w..mu.. .l ......,., ... ..k much : h II ii,dliiil-:l'l""""u"",,u - i .i 1 1. .i in.! uinl iiiilii.li iGiu i ' B lIlMIt MIMI tlilW. MU 'I 1 .1 ... .It. .r.titfr I., love, mo.o .. - , , . . .. .1 ...J... mi. ..ml rdr.'lv upiurl but udj,,,U with . .m le, .cl, . . I- mo lf. - 1.. drea-ned of c.ce , o.r ve. u.u. ,.,o i. Iho mullier wo Hill wondnp In tlis back- wa.d .li.lancc of Hie pal i Mich n wo:.mHu.ll.i. fw .J ll)jn ull lhr p. bsrib:f.., jew, n,:d me,.bei, of p,rli. un ur j .. eul put tog iho Elonucut Extract. Wo copy Iho f.llowinirpinagc from tlio new work, "Th - Old Home by Urn Il.ver :". Co p.eoch lo block and .tone., yo lio Le lirve thai low i of .lie i-lity ! Co ,reunh lo the ,., y; ,vhu rt,,,y ,. , """X - - liuiltf. uil If u full IV 111 Ulf ITVVU. 01 IU.IK, r .IMU - - if no( 0iiii( :f,.LB!,. '.,, ,, bfCaUM) ,.er b. no i,lur, viiir y..i.di-r, llmro ilioll lie im iruc ntf. or I,,.,,':, u. muv no; uo Iho a lite word, 'my Ittifc'wo may mil elap thojo .an lilied fori... in j ollr ow" ""V ,,r,,,,: 1 " 0" " . ' I ., , ,..... II... if ii, our elov 'UU 3 WOHH. U- u L'.,i...u. v..v - - j M ul )ir g, nj,.,,,,, J i0 you that aiiuih , ou U1,J te heaven, if I Lei eved lh..t w hen my lirud at Icii'ill rel. on lie couiu p.i.otr, nuu n.) hp. .ink to ilie kill me und mouse of d. ulh, llieeo lov up eye will never louk into mine unu n, Ihi. pure cla'p never be uround myn.ck, thia holy cu lew never b'.e nie more." Const ItuUonaVtty ot the Slixlne Law. The Middleum (Ct.) New. .uy: "Tho Ma ne Law i. uot const itut'onalj but wi e-wh pp'nfr, win dow! stuflcJ with oM hall and ruga, del r uin l e nen.i, riuti an bloojshe I, u; per.e.i ch ldreu clothed in ingi, heart-broken era, paren'.i nt:d ch Idicn, he.ivy loss s, liiiccniity 0.' life i.nl p op-1 erty, t. ni.itulio.ia to the ra n of tho rti .g genera tion, ord milii hi. of propirly waie l,iire ill per- f e.ly oi.nst tutli tia'. bicaus.' e senl'al to the r'g'it. of the rum clh r. Wh.it an uiicnnsti.ul'oiial plato l.'civen must bo, vvhe.c no su:'.i lliinss ixiit!" J3T The linppine-8 of man inises niuro from bis inward than his outward condition; and the nmuunt of god in tho world cannot , , , . , bo much iticreasen out oy increasing ine amount of goodness. !JCjT Ii is ft thing morally iuiio3siblo for persons proud ami ambitious to frame tln i'' minds to mi impaiLlal, unbiased consider ation of n religion that trncbrs nothing but self denial and the cross. Humility is the Cbiis'iun's greatest honor ; nnd the higher men climb, the further they nio front heaven. OCT A beautiful woman is a brilliant po em full "f thyme, sentiment, and nil man ner of illustrations. When bound in one's anii, sbu increases to several volume. f,27 The zeal ofthe Mnrconi lim b en very sii.iciif il in ma'vit'g c nvirt. among the joo: end ig..o an: elifrc. of p ep e ia England, an 1 up- vvunls of 311. OCO huVii joiuoJ the n, a:id dep.r.cd for Utah. Several ni conn's have recen'.ly betn pub li li d, sh ,wii; that gild is quilo tb,inj;'.n: iu tho Repub'ic of Ho iduras, as in California. C2" A ii:er o." M;.c uiluy, tho Engl ah h.slo rlsn, ia living in Ihevicin'ly of Now York, in some what reduce 1 ci.canntui.ces. SI.e 1. ma -r id. her husband be n, like herrolf, a native of Scollaad. Herni.me iiCiXort, C2T Sol'm Tacha, v ho Waa killed iu the Rurslnn utiuek o:i Eupiloria, wiia the sing o Mumeiiikc who esii. eJ the s'atigh er by Meh.mel Aii,nt Ca ro, in 1811. He made h . h..ra leap the panifet ef the wall t.f the cjurt where h s compan ens were bjichcicJ. C"Tli.. great ex.'.lusfium this West mil North w,; for California and Oi0jou teems to be over a'm nl. We hear i.o m Te tho notu of p,p ura t on i f caravans of htin Ire Is nnd lhour.au !s leav ing horn. I and friends for the shores of ih. raufie. IZT A fo .1 in high t!a;ion is 1 ke a man on the iop oi a nio.iumeui evcrjo.iay iij peaia small lo h m, :.n 1 lie a; pea sm ill In evcrybo ly. Z2T A woman should imt pu nt leutiaient till she has c.a-ej lo insp re it. Lvly Wellington. XT To make cariiug fluid for the hair, melt a pi.ee of rami in a qiantlty of b.'esw;x, mi l M r it. w.ih rometh'ng; put in rome scent, tnd apply it b'i the hair hot. Curl b f ro it c ols. This ia a very excellent recipe, for ihe cuil w.ll be a wrj perma nent OUJ. E2T Why are gr. en po.is like S. bastopil ? Be cause they must be shelled be'ore taken. IT A accret warrantoj to keep in any climate, a woman . ae. GO- Ugliness is in Jic-iiiv of small intei Itct. Vou could not learn a bnll-dog to "do trick"' io four months. If you're looking fjrnn intelligent man, therefore, never consult a poion who uears a frown, or takes lo Sulk-MiesS. f ' " 3T Longfellow calls Sunday tho golden clasp which binds together tho volume of the Week. S3" A merchant in Ilurlington, Vt., having stink Lis -Imp floor 'a couple of fat, annoiincfd in lh StHilir) tbnt "irfcon si'qupneo of u cent improvenK'ntVpoorlj will bo o!J cQtuiiira&ly hvnr tLn fur. merly. . iiUwik J . I toil '. I CHAULM J'OI'E, JIl. WEBSTER'S UictouBr.ei. ull f'"" primary .ol lo bv. d cllonunw. in . n,n..io!noal U.ot.onnry t " I'roorewi f America," by McGregor i 1 '.Sli:lytfide,,",yi'eecliy," ud Unci I "!, CT. H Arlln.r'etrorMi Charloiw Eltetatlrt do " iffi-n, Yoiine. Tbomwn, Co-per. O-iall, l'..i:'ijl, and ".Her. ii :, " ""7. .. .. n-, .I.. Aii-D W' '"'" -u"' i,,u' ' Albn'u American 1'uriu llookj Do. dome.... ull rl)a,. ,1 ?a,,. ,,V .Ni It. u.Ur.-Ut. .d. Jd, KUUI.IW. . hal,t' l" ivfinniiiirvu. .. ... i . . . Ii....u.l( pmntr. l.OIV -r ,1.11111 AI.Iliill."" i "-T- " In i . c:l!(rt,., r,.,.. Bb. I 1 1 U"t , - n . r ..... . L'.. .. nin Ul 1 l.liri I.." .,, Wafer, 4c , IT li.W und llula.l.Xl ' ritv. Ai.ni m. ijiiu-iy .W.llll'Bl.l U'lL ". ... , Medicines for Sale, By CIIAKl.ES I'OPE, Ji. pi DS' Sarupa.illu, 1. ck W ild Cherry Bil STler., Iluieinui. dra,, HrimlrelliV pJI., Uo. P ly, I'er.y-. V.n..iln. U.le!d..C, Gum Can.. ..h... :.,. Ar..l.i,.. UitnoU oil. Ubo.ui, llol uiOl. 3d ,,r.....i..:i"ii, Koiiiau e;o uu .mi, U 'iiv . I I 1 . .. u.,... 1.. Hit ..I I1.- r. i.xuurl'.r, uaiiiuuuui, ...i.hu ... - n , , mint. Kueiice., CunipoMlitm IW !er. irler. I'ulu.iiuury !.: .in, &iH April SI, ia.i.i-llf Hardware FOR SUE DY CHARLES POPE. JR. n,c, .... t n.,.,.. s..r,iv-. L.ki Fill Lalches, llmiiiiieri. ui.d.Halcheia, Axen, I liruurii.tr knirr. Hhu.Uua, furry Loinl", Hor-C. ruh oiiil fu:d', Gun Lock, l.uu Cupi, W o l-aiu,, litest naiii.ci, i iuut., v.v. April XI. ico -i'i Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR (jJVUXn. uh. fouee, Tea. Syrup, fhoco'a'e, tS Slureh, Sal.raliw, treain T'ari. r. Sal M.da. Curb. Sola, I.p;.cr, Spec, Alum. Hrut, fop ,,e,us. e C. Apiiiiil. 15-llf liit-iit sJltr. iiiuu ihu .inn)' i li viis!npiil!'. . Dreadful tar city of Piovition.' Oregon Gran aries Ju'.t a.id ota failing !: CHAR'flAT'J & WARMER, Agents under Providcm:.- for fatten' tig lh lean . kino!! f) not uippose lliat Charinaii & Wuruer's cslaMishiiKiil ded oa' wuh thut ul ill.- old "Sp. ctatorl ' v uro happy lo iiiloriu all ol 0jr o.'d friends in particular, umi our ucu oi.es in rei.erul. llial we are atiil alive und kicking ut .he old Hand, where we still make il our pulicular Iiik uciis to fiirni-h friind uad f .e with jnit such dainties iu iho line nf provlrious, g.ocei.es uu I eoiifrctioueiy ns would iii.ik-- cvtii uu un.liuriie'a heart sniin.his soul stuiid on liufc, und make him wish his ihroat ns " Ioiir in a f. ncj rail," so he .:.... .....i .1... .s..r.. !!,.!.!.. 1 l.v kU'..!ikieiiiir 1 .li'n. "a- J.IV.B...- M.. 6 sumo of our mee ihu gs. Do not faet out' o'd sland und uct into the wronir lilace. hot be sue vou are " all 'U . if when you ure btrikiug u l.ce-line tunurds the house . f t ii.v.ii.iA. ev. v.u.i-u. Oregon Cily, April 21, 13."5 ly . Reading for the Million. S. J. M COHMICK has co.vsT.t.vn v x iia.nusttiik ra.iKi.tx cook uhk, i'iiont .r, nu rt.D, nas.oiM, A Clio ee srlo 'lion 0. I'oMiil.r II lis, News B. papen., Mainlines nnd Fancy Siuiimiery. Auioiig the ho.ksou haiiil wi.l ! loiind vvnrk un Teiuperunee, Ag, icul.ur.', Iliirlicititure, Mis lory, l'oeiry, Hogiuphy, Mo J elm-., Keligion, cenc., Sehnol Bmik, llnaiiinc. s, ,Ve., eVe., .Ve. inrSnhsoi ipi ous received for lluiper. Giulinin, Goodey, Lobe's, or Putnam, ill U l a year, poj cgt fne. ' (CT Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any pa l of the t'n'on. Hc3ieiner toe I'lunhlui tJrn.lt bloie nnd evs p. per Age ncy. FrniiUlic. t, I'orilan.l Die-on. f.. priced eniulogne will be pub isl.ed earlv in April, un I will he aent lo uny part of tho terri tory free on eppliculion. " Statesman" copy 1 mo. New Voluratjs of thn Four Reviaw3 an3 Elickwood. COMJ1ESCE wi.b North I!i t ali for Novem ber, lDj4,.in I the oilier Rcviewj und B ack wood for January, l&ia. Tctmt of Subtcriplun Any o::o Review oi Rlauluvood, .i u ytar. Illuckwuod ai d one Re view sir any two Reviews, gj. 'J lie mr lie vevvaund lllac'.iwoud, 11). Four copies 10 one ud.lrese, 30. Pn.tag,. on the fuur Reviews nnd Bl.ickvv.a.d In any P. s; ellicc ill the Uin ed Stales, oi.ly KIJ cell s u y. ar ' ii inch llcvicw ui.d .i c.ntaujearou B.eckwood. New Vuik, publ'rhcl by tconur.l, Seolt &.to., r.i foil iu sin ei enlruiic.. ii4 God l,eil, G. ABERI'IEIHY i CO. ; Ull' I.I.IVLE Dt.VI.KRS. OVi ER for su e the to lowing ponrls just if. eeived ir. m New Yi ik t,nl Sumiwich ls. nide, per bai ka C, Devens nu t (Jeeuii B rtl, i. e. iill T'ous S. I. Sa I I5,(i0;i j-i idj new style ' ir;'its Ifl.nfin brn. mnslim S.UUll " ble- chM i'i. lilt. lbs. linni lineal - 50 pieics silk hJKfs l,5tin rd. hickory ""' -' S ooz. un.liri l!us !)J lugs prime Cufi'e. It) Ions fine suit I UO kegs brown tii'gai 1U(I syrup li u.o- lUBSt'N 5 bui rels w hule n 111 doz gn.io tcvllie SO ' ..rain er'udle. 5' reap nu macliu.e: 3 thrashing do Vi straw cutters K'O redii!8Vvrui..n."iiei SO ens. I ot.ia & time, ?ll del. slat, a 20. " dravv'gknivcs 10 cof'.e mills 83 jack planes 10 dm. bock saws 15" luney clocks 85 keg. snli rains 10 case. "LuckeV ' tobocco 10 " - Cxroitcopia-' tobacco Jayue'e uu die'nes 1 pr. 4 f l mill burs 5 doz. crow bum 2-i lbs. bl ksevr'gsilk 10 .sa d " ' loll iIh. ill a a. twine 111 ooi. (Jul. ina' ax i IO " li..ra S Smiih'a brl'ows IU duien mill aiw beat quality lo .ha b.d corae IU co la roue . lull bos'. cream lartai . Hlfl Ilia, boiux ' 2 hxa. soap powde. 2.) alspce 1,0(10 gnghani. I T.r1her with'a large aor;'ment of dry cools r A I....W .... HI. ....... ...... ... . . ... - fc. ..".c...., .ion, srcei, DiacKsmulm lrsja,' chairs, hedalrads, eijurs, und oilier artuks prui. oily on hand; and all of which are offend lor aale for cash, p: cduce, or on short time to i.pp.oveJ cnaiemrra. I O'e tii, Citr. Apr'l21.1P'5.!tf 1 ' low l It an, gilr & n:u SO ''"' ' of zr""'M n i.. .. c .. ... . a .. lliem out at low pricrs. ap2lif . . ., , . ItUII, .1, w Voik, and ill close JAMES O NEILU ' rfjO SPSE i FIXE SALT. 1 have in c. ' tie... sail, to be s. .Id ctnA a. ro rdwni. . -I f.ltfj JAMES O-.NEIU, 'i A i..i.r.,l .oiiw.woil ,l.ril.lii,"dwbolt. kale mid reiuil Ibiulri in Dry Uaodo, Cioctnti, llurdware, Ac, Sic. I ueorgo i. A inn. j . Anlubal l M'Kmlty. 0 ,City, Muy 5. Anlobal ( Thumae Urn. i M'KINLAY 4. VU., Lower A ficotubnqf. I'mPl"". Oreg..B. TusT5f KISLAV &. CO., Ch.mwej, t Vug iiTerrito.y. M'y' JAMES O WEILL, Wnot.ri4l. A0 HITAIt OtH l I'iovMoiio & linrdwnrc, .Vo. I, Af hi cJ.r. UO. AIIKKI-JTIIV dk CO., MI.RfHA.NTS, 0REG0S CITY.OHKOON TERRITORY. ;.(.. AtlKMKTI'r. I TonMAI IWl, . 1 1 mi a ti i:mhkk, I Ji- It. Koi. pnl i l. I r-i'b-Ut . ' CHARLE3 POPE, JR, ' DK 1.EK in Hardware, Uroc.rl. , Dry Gocdi, Culliiiy, llooi 4. Miote, Medieiue., Book, il Mulioiiery. Muin-., Oregon Clly, April 21, 1H55-ftf JOHN R M BRIDE, ATTOftNKT il CutKIKI.0 T LAf Lafayclli, Yamhill County, O. , 1 1.I faiibiully ',ld lo ill bmineM en. V, r 7'" pnOOICq i JOHN P. BROOKS, j H'Au.m.'c fj- Urla l Dealer in Gn-trkt, Product, iVor, ): . Hmn Mictt. I A Crll,.r; Asorlmeiil k pi lip of Selected Goodl. Citncmah, April 31, 1805-1 if. Wells, Fargo fc Co 's Express, Brlwni Oi-'li, CnU'ormii. I ha Atlantic S hIi an t Enrorif. HAVING mudeadvaiiiHgcon. hJnJ Ui Sif53 urrungeii.eii.a with Ihe tilled Slu e, and Pueitic Muil Stcum ship f uuipanie. for liaiispirtuiiou, ne tt.e now pra paied lo luuvard 6'o(i Dmt, Uallion, -Specif, Pncknpet, Pnret'i. and Freight, to and from N Voik. N.Oiicunn, Sm Frunc sc., I'urihind, and' pr.ncip ,1 li.wus of f al foru a mi l Oregon. Our regular Semi monthly Evpres. between. Pi.rtlaiid un 1 Min Fiuiiei ci., ia dispatched by llia I'uci.lc .Mail Stealii-hipf u.'.a eainsliip ColumhiH, comic cling ul ."uu I'rni eisco wiih i.nr aeniiiiionih. ly Evpr.w In A'f York and A'fie Orleani, which isdispaicln d regularly ou Ihe 1st mid llithof ruch im.iiih, by ihe mail iieamen und iu charge of our own messengers, Ihioogh to des.iiiunon, llur I'.vpr. te from New York leaves regulurly on ihe .I h uud JUihoi each month, ulso in charge of in Hsongrw. Trea ure ii.sured in Ihe best New York com pmies, or at J.loy l'a ill Loi.Jou, al the option of eliippcr. Oif-roKs New Ynk, No. 1 f., V.'ull st. ; New Irieuns, No. 1 1, Exchange place ; Sun Francisco; Nu. M, .Mont oui rv utieei. JAMES 0'NI1II.L,Igen. Oregon City, April 21, lS'.V-liI' Ste aiacr Portland, CAfT.A.S. Ml'RI AT, "tSTLf. run daily belween Pnitland and Ore gon Citv. Leave (JreL'ou t liy al eight ..'clock, a. M. Kctiirn ug, leave Porllund at two o clock, r. si. . F .r height or pasngo apply ou board, , Ap.il IS'i.i-lif U. S. MAIL LINE. Oregon Cily nnd Port 'and Daily Packet, jje. sat-: c aA ssst, .1. ('. Ai.nswohth, Master. WILL run Daily, (Sun lays txc. pled,) in the. iiluve-nnme I tinje, Icuvii.g Ulrgon City ev,ry day ut Si.'elo. k, . M. Keiuriiiutr, will leave Poriluud ot 3 r. M , touch ing ul u.l iaivrin.-iii.ile poiuta. . For Ir, iglil or pua-uge n; ply cm board. April m, lfj.-n-llt Wio VSTzzXa tlio EUvcr dtp? K veil, me a IsiLYJbll CUP, ..r 23 hi uyiu, to the owner nf uuy Uiuii ne muciiiue who will, ul u pulilia trial of reapers, ill. piea-ucu of rgularly ciio.-eii uud disinlereiirrtl jUilya. pr. duco a reupir thut will do more and; hcli. r voik ihuu Durrilft Convertible Reaper. . Sud trial io occur riming 11, o coming liuivest, , uud l.oi int.: c than one Kaper of uny oi.e kind to he iniroduci d n coiepetilnri. Time and pluee to be ugrctd on with parlies entering for Ihe Dial. " Heine; we gvea notice oi this macliiu. and some of Ihu i ilvantagea elaiuii d for il: At the trial o. reapers ill Ihe haivist field ill-. Geneva, New Yoik. ill July Insi, by the ji dgeaup- ' P 'e l by ihe AVw I'm State Agru a t iraf I .So ity, nine reapers weie enlerid. uud each re qu rcil to ,ui a'lmii ihree acres of wheal iinrl Iwo .I' barley much bulged nml tangled, ilie maw soft und louli, on rough und iii.cVi.ii ground. Every facility wus u .'ordid for a full i.ini in pnrtinl liiul, ,' uu I exu u na n il ns lo d r.fl, cnikliucliou and por fciinai.ic: mil the first prize wu awuided to. Th'.s. D. J'urr !! fr the Beet Grain Reaper. ' ' The judges, iu ihu r,po;t,sayj 'T. D. Burrill'l ' mac hiue p r owned lis wi rk in The most admirable imiiii.er; the gave were well laid, the woiknian- .. ship and inuteriiils excellenl.' Ii bus nq extr win els or pin out brt ond what are simply necc.- ' wiry ; no reel to beat down mid wusie the'gru II, ' no band whee s, pulleys, hells, btiupa, or hurnes. lo get nut nf ciricr; simplieity and streug.h for i wmk all day ami ciery day huve been the. ' IVUU.IIjr 03JCCIS. 1st. It cuts grniii of all kinds, In nil conditio-!, " without clogging, at.d n.ay be woiked either by lliirspfl ir nvi.it , r i. Sd. It cut. ut any' height rcquiied by a few ' mnii ents change. ' Jd. ' It diseluirges the groin' in Iho rear, if pre. f.rre.l, like Hussy's, or al ll.e side, like McCor-. ' nuck . '1 hi. change is made by en exira apron,1 fuliuched iu a iiiomeul.) from which Ih .rain i. , laid in lienor londitiou than byiinyotherniafhiiie,, . 4th. Il has u balance win el, a hich give, a qui et and nniloi m motion io the machine. " We have few of thtie reii em foriale. They "; w.H b.- re. dy l..r exl.ih lion ou and after April 2lh. .. BEST REAPER OvT " 60licill" " Ai, 1 Hi. hi Mors. Thr..!.... ' O X 1 mealier. 80 dozen Giaiu Cradles. ;' 30doie " Gram Scyihe-i 12 Straw f intern; 3 Fan Milla. GEO AUERNETHYct CO, April 21, 1655-Itf. Oregon Cify. Sollinu off nt Coal. : ' ''" ' 'I'lIE sleek rf Dry Cods antf Hardware' of as rreston. ii .tiu flt v.n. will be claed out at ' crt pi ices. IVnotia deaimua af buv ur cAcew, ' ' will do well to call ou the lahserih r. ' . , ap21tf - JAMES O'SEILL. , . . M h and ivrnp in torrJa. for tnl. hy THOS. JOI1N$ON., A LARGE.asr.rlm.nl rf hou. h-H fnmrlnr ' for s, hy ap2l THOS. JOILNSO.V. ' sP A "tVt-P, MW tot, for aale br 1 ' ' P8ltf . T-JOHiVSoK. - .