The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 30, 1855, Image 4

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    KromiiiaPublioitWiiloir tot Am. Union.
''..' ' ic. IIAB BOOH Of A TAVEBN.
Dkloyut htlivttn Squirt Puliticut and
1 ramm urovm.
Squirt Political. (lood morning, IV'
son Brown , I did not expect to te you iu
lha bar-room of a tavcrp after ilia temper
ance political termori you gar us yesterday.
Parson Brown, Bur-room of a tavern j
I not ibat a respectable place, Squire, espe
cially when, I fin J such men as your honor
in ill Besides, it not a Uvrn a public
hou'jo, or a home fur the accommodation of
the public, licensed by our civil Authority
pro bono publico I Hen an left our pa
pun, and I bavo com for mine ; aud, as I
haw two hre, by mistake, I siipjiosp, I will
give you oo, a first-rate leinpcrano paper.
' Sq. P. Pint-rate nonsense! ' You aro
tuixiug up temperance with politici ; run
inp; temperance candidate for oflice, and
Interfering with the regular nomination.
Par. IS. I suppose you never do that,
Squire. When llie whig party mnke their
regular nomintioii, you never interfere with
it by milling a democratic nomination.
And o when the rum pnrty make their nom.
ination, wo must never Interfere with it by
a tomperance homitiation.
Sq. '.What do you mean. Sir, by the
rum parly making a nomination t That it
quit a new thing under the nun. Show me
uch a cot and I will thut up.
Par. B.HUow me a nomination that Iim
been made In tliit town tot ten yearn which
has not been one, and I'll yield the floor.
In the first place, Sijuire Toliticus, where are
your, primary meetings ,heldl . Are they
not held uv "nuking bouses! . .,, r-
Sj. P. I acknowledge they are. J
I Par. D Lt there not a great deal of
drinking at and before the meeting f
, Sq. A Well, suppose there ia.
' Par. if. Did you ver know a nomina
tion rejected became the man nominated
-as a liquor-seller or a hard drinker f
'" Sq. P. J cannot say that I have.
Vw..?. Uve you not known men ob
jected toWaue thoy were temperance
men i
Sq. P .I have knnwu such objected to
necause tnelr temperance: made them no un
popular that our party would lose the lec
tton. They could not get chosen; not in
ion town.
Par. .Then the ruin party have al
w.yi nau it uieir own way, have they not
and th alli in. I... .1 i
..... , ulH1(j., DCta (xintQQ
rum and politic, and not between temper
.I- anil : T .. '
..v. uu iunuca. IS II not SO I
honest man, and answer.
-j. r. iou can t corner me, I'orson
rown, and you need not try. Look, if vOU
MAnt i . . t n ....
-... at me atato of Maine. There
your temperance men have fairly usurped
the government. They Lnvo driven thous
ands uf honest men out of their employ,
meat-destroyed ,lcir prnptrly)
. vu.-pmrij grent mi!lbpn0
State. This is what I calr uniting temper.
uw puu u.UIC4.
Par. Well, what did you call it when
the Legislature licensed men to sell i.
, l" Pour-house, and jail. wore 6M
with wretched drunkards ; that was uniting
liiLfttsit...- ... I i. . &
......,-.,.. ,., pontic), was it not f
"ow 1 uo 1,01 . Squire Puliticus, but you
mil I...... !a ... . J
" " "noway or the other. You
have to act. There is no escaping. You
...ue.mergorormen that will i08I,.0 the
,7 ami.timseauso drunkenness to
rj,0U 8 for Maino law.
And I appeal to you as an honest man to
y "hich is best. Do yuU iKU a tll
:'T fflary "ld cri,ne wllith
have filled the land this tweotv vear. .,!!
(ice those 'principles i ta temperance t Bu If hywanU respectable mercbanta to
Par. J?.-By no means, 'my : dear Sir.- pay ample pe W'rt. M Tulgarixe
The ery men w put in nomination art the tho pulpit by fotroduciujf commercial sl
men who will sustain and carry out tbosa jecta
ountinuoj I I),
'o you want to hoar under
.vour own window, at
err of IV, . . '
- . . ) u warn io see our
young inon demori;,...i i .
... , . wm.irucK uown in
he,r youth, a disgWe to their families and
to.oc,ety-wm tbeymiulab,,.,,.,,,
ornamenu and support, ,f , d
n,l. rum d politic,. clHKodi!ltilor.,nd
orewers and liquorsell
" 7ur:,'icaw"'J'n..hor,aJoVerth.
! """"""you bavelicenneand li-
u"' "MOUgU to (i,f, ,ou
Sa. .N.. r.
. ...... ,.n,on orown, none of
in. T ''h" regular nom
ination. and fur .. ..
m.i .i . ' "'"rflrnco men to
wiwuer is i linipfn ....I .k.. . .
. . "uoininao e,
principles, and all we ask in, that yoo put
them irt your rogular nomlnntiw, and tlien
w will curry them in with a rush.
Sg. P. I tell you, Porwn B., you can't
doit, not iu ihis town. You may act up
your temperance candidate to the end of the
world, aud you can't elect him. And lhn
you divide the party and lose the eleeiiou
Par. V. That shows you what I told
you before, that you are all uniting rum and
politics, and that you are all succumbing to
the rum power. You assert that your polit
ical principles can only be sustained by ibis
union. We deny it. And if your great po
lit ical templo stands on a rum hogshead,
then let it fall. If your party is of neces
sity allied to nil the drunkenness aud crime
of the land, (ben woo unto it. But we are
bound as honest men, Squire Polilicus, to
consult the greatest good of the whole.
You assert that party politics constitute i.
We deny iU Wc ask what one point, limit,
Tariff, or Sub Treasury, that has long divi
ded tho political parties, it to be compared
to temperance, in its bearings npon the peace
and prosperity of tho community I Hero
aro, under the reign of intemprrance, a hun
dred million of dollars wasted annually up
on intoxicating liquors. Hero are 30,000
men annually filling drunkards' graves.
Hero are poor-bouses and jnils filled with
the wretched victims of strong drink, fero
are two-thirds of all your taxes levied upon
you by the traffic What act of any politi
cal party ever did o much for tho country
as would an act which would sweep all ibis
away, and leave the couniry without
drunken pauper, and almost without crimc
But, Squire I'oliticiis, we are not fr tli
sacrilico of a single political principle. W
shall uphold every good principle and, at
the same time, rid the nation of this terrible
evil. Seo what Maine has done. Men
have not there sacrificed their political prin
ciples J and yet legislators, chosen as we
would choose them, have bunUicd liquor
selling in grogshops from the State, and,
craving your pardon, landlord, from tavern
bars too j and we intend your bar shall go
uy nnu by-but we want you to keen a nub.
11 t.i . ' 1
uc nouse, just ine man for us in this villaire:
but see, I say, what this temperance in Dul-
:. . i i .... . '
uics uas oono lorMunie; how quiet are its
streets, and now aro two millions of dollars
. ii
worse man wasted, now saved to the Stat
1. L . . . " "I
io oe expended on tuo farms, and him.
and schools, Ac. This is elorious le!...
1 1 .. . . " o
uon, ana now was it obtained f By goiii"
to the ballot-box and cLoosinir audi mm n!
would mnko tho law. It mntfr.rerf f
MlA . ...
... .npcnuicB men to which unrl 1 1, a
men they voted for belonged. Tho trreat
question was, Wi,BKiv.e u, slk., . . .
o need to save tho State I and theyglbri.
ously succeeded. Now, Squire PolMcus
here is true patriotism. Sacrifice your prcd.'
ilcctions to tho pood of tho State. It is not
always for the life of the State that this po"
hncal party or that prevails. I do not s.e
but wo got along under one about as well as
mmor the other; but it is for our lifciha
Intemperance be banished; wo cannot eu,
dure it any longer. If we become a drunk
en nation, all our liberties re !. .
msaror Lromwcll will be on the ihfo,,
"v-cKoior a name law, the law which
A rich Ch'istian brother owns largely in
a distill, aud U clamorous about letting
down the pulpjt to the vulgarity of temper
ance sermons. A nother man buys tax tides,
and noses about all the week to see who can
bo slipped out of a iieglccUid lot. , A uie-
chanio who plies his craft with the unscru
puloua appliauco of every roeigis tLat will
win, he, too wanta 'doctrino" on tho Sub
bath, not. these secular questions. Men
wish two di-psrtments in life the secular
and tho religious. Between them a high
wall and opaque is to be built. They wish
to do jut bal they please for six long days.
Then stepping on the other side of (he wall,
they wish the minister to assuago their
fcum, comfort their conscience, and furnish
then a char ticket and insurance for heaven,
By such a shrewd management, our modern
financiers are determined to show that a
Christian can serve two masters, both God
and Mammon, at the same timo. Rev. II.
W.Vetclitr. '
nggs says "puts in tho plough to tho
especially when sueh
are bounds honest nvn lo ,,.
Par, 0 -Sut,iM r0i;,;.,u.i
uch for ,her,glw minwion "
l-rovidodyougi,. u, . WlJiJil( ' ;
.,ou give u.oewtowilttholJl)i
.flic and do, he great.,, pos.iUo injury ,0
lydoit. W,.n bound U,:.
Rrratest good of the whole.
PUI ""the subsoil idouch ami
'ts in the pure air of heaven on ,hi,if.
moui, this polluting Hume Sn r,,i
morning, Sir. (xit.)
q. I .- Well, M, Landing I j.v
know but ho will carry it.
-A,ulIll't'nuch care how soon.
I'ould have quit lon2 nco if ,h ),
across the way had; but you know it i, of
.-.pposue party to us. It would got
H rum voters, d have all the rrlmW
".orhngs held there. We have been r,J
ndden till I am tired and ,,! 0f it. j
wish wo bad a thousand JV.n u.
ttllll if (I..S.H IJ . S . ' I
- .. v u,u.e,u,mup1 would vote
,ur 10 S to ie Leiris at,,. !WU; ,
,.. , -I wniuu tun
or no Maine law.
(ietttai llsrrtt. :
; It is curious to tome to note bow people's
ideas of preparation for this species of
amusement vary. Mnzo and Lizo " tako a
notion" to each other. . Mozc buys a si cond
hand bedstead, three wooden chairs, a table,
a small looking glass, and a light stand ;
while Lizo provides a hen feather bed, four
sheets and two coverlids, a table-cloth, six
towels, some little arrangements, with a dis
position to make the bat of. everything
forthwith ; two dollars are paid for the min
ister's blrwing upon tjieir joint adventure on
housekeeping ; the scene whereof is a three
story back room, with a scven-by-niiiecham-bi
rnti.K-hcd, where tho first baby is born
soon nftor the parents are of age. Mr.
Coinit-thr-cost, on tho other hand, never
thinking of the mutti-r until ho is thirty,
courts M's I'rii lence for fourteen years, per.
pctually putting off tho "happy day," be-
cause ho hadn't got quite enough to buy a
nine-storied marble front on Style street, and
furnish two suits of reception rooms in eb
ony and, silver; preferring (for such acnui-
silion) to wait until both aro too old al
most to bo glad the suspense is ended.
They get the big house, have a grand wed-
dini a crent manv enemies, a fn fMnn.i.
and no children. After two sumptuous fu
ncrals, and a long lawsuit, the property is at
I ... .
length equally divided between tho " Tim
buctoo Female Moral Reform Association"
and Iho lawyers, who contest the wjj in be
half of a blind cousin, who fishts it on the
ground of "insanity," alleging the Ion
courtship of tho parties as evidence thereof.
iho cousin being' at length ruined, the
Timbuctoo" di rectors compromise by pay
ing tho opposing counsel's foes and costs,
und the mnrblo front, with all its belongings,
is converted into cash. Ten yearsnfter
ward the books of tho sexton, and the stone
in the cemetery, aro the only records of the
existence of Mr.Count-the-costand his for
gotten bride. Funny world, very. IFoc
cealcr Transcript.
realiae ibat be baa any thing attached to
him. Uo walks nearly twice at fat a, a
horse, and pkws a correctly at the best
Lroken team in the world. Ilia atteiiduut
tometimet ridr-s him, and sometime w alks
(fust) by hit tide, while another man boldt
the dIow. , lie also draws carU, ttono-boaU,
laaJi irooJ. idle timber, pickl up
ttoncY and make himself ymtrally uirul
about the farm. ' ' ,
As for the profit of farming with elephants,
I have not taken into consideration, and
probably shall not, though at a "rough
guess," I should think, ull things coiiilcrud,
oxcn horses, or mulet would bo quito as
economical on a furm as elephants. Hut
of this, I will leave the public lo judge for
itself, when I inform them that he cats three
peck of outs per day, aud about -00 lb,
of hay. The one I use is at docile as a cow,
yet this is not ulwnrs the case.
. . hi .i.
in answer ,o your inriuirv I win nv um
my "salts doctoring" works well, and uiy
wheat and grass already show that tlio
I it .
physic has ha'i a guou t-iicci.
I have dissolved several tons of bunes
with oil of vitriol, and doubt not the remit
will be excellent.
Deep plowing, draining, and fertilizers
.. r. ... . t .i t i
are the irac investments oi me luriiicr who
loves to tea largo and rich crops. . Every
man should this year tow and plant all the
land that is ti'lable. If this is not done,
another drouth would givn n a famine. '
i. r..T. Harxpji.
' Books and Stationery,
rot .sua'"'
WEIWTEIl'is Dictloiiarlfs. all sti, from
priidsry iM t' d ulienaiM I "
UlsU't UiograpluvsJ Uicliwusry t n u .,. ;
' IWc of Anrarica," bv McGregor
ii uk.,1. ;.!.. thirecliv." tad Inclt Ttffl
T. It. ArtliW ' I CHAW .l"AMn
Tm UiuimlV (lit t . . I
Pukts Milmn, Yoiiin, Thonuon, .Cowper,
Uii.ii. I'ulluL'k. und ollirn.
Ai D -wniiig't Knirt Culluru , Tli
YwiaU on tbtcpt Vo. vu liorsfc . i ' ,..,
Allen's Aiiir,cu Farm lieok , Do. .doineriie
tiiinisla- ' . , -
Itural Arehllectnre, Rural Homes, ate. nl
hsdrs' Now lUidsn Irf, JW, M,4lii It alb.
McUuiiie't Knadt-ia. .. -, , n .
Sinulrrs' Sh llnrs Klf mf nturv do. . ,
Tlionwin't Arillimtlics ( Book-keeping, Copy
Boolf,e. ' ' ,''",
Aun Kttbrr't Ptm lls, Gillolt's Pent, Ulank
Duokn, Eiivlp.ii, Koolst-up, 'ole uJ Lrlier I'a
per, tt'ofem, A-c, ir Whulewile und Itclsil-XI
Muin-si., Oreuoii City, April 21, ISi5-ly
i.oo HIJglNESfcJ': OARD&uutA
l i.. u.n.1 VoimiiMMM M"iaiiiULnq wotJo.
Mlo and retail Iteulurt lo, l)ry. Oood, Uroetrire,
, I . : ; ceorrfet. AMart's-jf
OrtgoCity(My- ArohiWJU'KMklajr fK(f
, . ,C 'I'honiot Love.
X L! i-J i...:
A LL.X, MKINLAY. A.. CO.,.,,,.,.,Low.n
X. ocoilsuurg, v uii.(ui
A HoaorsbU Hltehlii-Pou. ' '
"Hallo, you fellow with the pail and frock,"
hallooed nn aristocratic Britlkh officer, as
he brotht hit fiery ttecd to n stand in front
of Governor Chittenden's dwelling "can
you inform me whether fiis Honor the Gov-
crnor of Vermont lives hcref
"He does," replied iho man, still wcndiii"
his way to the pig-sty. "' ''
"Is his Honor at home I" continued tho
man of spurs.
"Mott certainly," replied the man of the
frock. .
"Here, take my horse by tho bit, then,"
said tho officer ; I have some business to
transact with your master."
Without a teeond bidding, tho man did
as requested, and the officer alighted nnd I
made his way up to tho door and gave the
panncl several hearty taps with his whip-
Tor be it Known, that in thoso days of re
publican simplicity, knockers, liko servants,
were hardly in use.
The good dame of tho house answered
the summons in person ; and having seated
the officer and ascertained his desiro to tee
the Governor, departed to inform her bus-
hunrt nf tit. mtAal'i . L..i . . . '
. ...vb..-.T. ;,.,,,, j uui on ascertain
ing that tho officer had made a hilchino-
pout of her husband, sho immediately re
turned and informed him that the Governor
was engaged in the yard, nnd could not well
wait upon his Honor and his horse tit the
same time.
Tho predicament of the officer can bettor
bo imagined than described.
Medicines for Sale, By
. CIIAKLE4 POPE, Jo. ...
Ci A.ND.4' tioi-MlNuiUit. Peak's Wild Cherry Bit-
9 lera, Uulf mull drops, BwiicJrelli'n pills, Lee'
pills, Perry Yerinirugv, UpoUeidoe, l.nin Lulu
lor. Oum Arnhlo, Briiish oil, Luhvlia, Hot drops,
3d preparutiiiu, Itoinan eva lialswii, llalluy's psiu
tslruclur, Lsu Isiiuim, I', Oil oi IVpper
mini, Jiuriie-fi, t'onilus1'ui IWJi-rs, Carier't
Pului'.nsry ft i!. i, Sulphur, L 'in .Sulta. &v.
April 51, I8.i5-llf '
ALLAN, M'KIXLAY tV CO.. Cbsn.poeg,
Oree-n Territory.- " "MtyS.
' rrovMoii & llnrdwnre, ( ' 1
"i ' i JVa. I; Main Strrti.
. m
CitU. AUtll.tllTIIV CO., ,
i (iro. AtatNtTHT, I' " TnoMAt Port,:'
., IIhum Cusat, ' ,., Jaa. ii. oti.,.
April 21. 1K.'5-Ilf
Hardware , . ,
H.SS tuj Iruu Bulls, Scmwn, Iks tiiJ
Luti'hM. Jlaiiinieit and Iljivhein, Ae.
Druwing knivi'N, llundkuHi, Curry Comix, Hope
llrushrs und Curds, Gun Loeks, (inn Caps, Wool
Card, Cheat llun lle, Plants, oie.
April 81, l5.,-lir . . ' . : 1
DKALElt in Hardware, Groceries, Dry Gtx da,.
t'lothiii), Boots Si Shoes, Mrdiciur',"l)ookr
.i i. . ; and Watninory. ; ', n..r..l
Mu;n-ai.,rtrfson Cily, April 21, 1655-Ilf ,
t . . .: JOHN R MBRIDD.I :.
Lafayette, Yamhill County, 0. T-, ,,(, i,,
ILL fuiilifnllv atttud to all buaintu eo-
ru-led to his proft-Mioiiil care. ' -
April 21, IB5&-if i.T .-!. :! :. ' -mi.;.
. Groceries '.'.',
tU'GAR, Sail, Coflce, Tea, Syrup, 'Chocolate,
5 Slorx-h, .Snlt-ratiia, Cream Tartur, Sul tioda,
Carli. Soda, JVpjier, eJp'ee, Alum, Uorat, Cop-
Him, cio. ; April XI, inja-lll
tjireut I)iMr s ninuiis iho Army of
" nevnsinpni u
Dreadful lenreity of Proritioi! Oregon Gran
ariti Jutland attrfiombig !l ,
Ajnita under Pruvidenes for fattenins the leau
kino!! . ,
'N'&O not auposa Charmon & Warner's
JLi? eslubliihiiKut died oil' with that of the
otil "Spi-clulor!'' We are happy lo inform all of
our oia Incmls in particular, and our new ones in
generul, thut wo an aliil alive and kicking at tho
old stand, whero we still make it our particular
liiisincas to furnish friend and wilh just such
duinlirs in the line uf provisions, groceries aud
confectionery as would muke even un ant-hiiriir's
heart swim, his soul stand on tipuie, and muke him
wish, uis lurum n - long as a lenco rail," so he
mifflit protract the ple.unire utlorded by swullowing
bviiic ui uiir iiico Ullliga.
Do not furjet our old stnnd ami get into the
wrong uiace. oui do sure you are ull i irht" when
juu mo aiinuiij. u ueciino lowards llie liousa ol
Ongon City, April 21,
Politics si (he 1uIdH.
We have no doubt that a rigoros laucjl
'rd, having sharked it all tl,a .l
S and griping anng hi. tenanta,' ould
oe oetter pleased to dote tl if-itiiivh H ..II
rna.v.1 - .. . "-"tt " "
. ' " " " pracueal sermon tl'at
.mK t .rt,tof ,b. duties of -.Christian
Udlord. A broker who has gambled on
10 nave his nr.sfii,.,l .:...i.:T
Ml ted and measured by the "Xw y.J
. .- uo svams
C.haseA Mas.
A fastidious M. C. Mis the following as a
oon mot, picked up at a late dinner party
in misiungton. , It appears that Mr. II.
was at a table in the vicinity of Sam Hous
ton, and nho a distinguished authoress.
During the conversation, Mr. II. asked the
General if they had any Know-NniM-
down in Texas. "No, sir, replied th. r.l
ernl, "not at present ; we never had but one
and soon got rid of him." "How Hi.l J I
do thut I" asked our member. "Vh .1.
said the General. "w M.....I ....
own, nnu then chased him out of th.
conmry.ann hnnlly he was chased into a
"itfii tree, ami lodged himself there"
"What became of him then, ,ir- w'ked
tbo l-dy. "Why, madam," .aid the Gen
ral,who pridoshiinseifnponwhatheeall.
"..,".. iiKcstomakeapoint, ''he drew the
Ireo up, roots and all. and innl, ; nfr
him!" Rather ..
""Hie whs me epn-
sequence, as the General thono-h. i.:.
cred,tandthe lady', expense, till ,he lady
quietly observed .-VVell, General, I am
happy to know yoH ,ave had one thai
man , your State P The General was
flared, and with the greatest umrli- .....
a most deferential bow replied, ''Madam, I
m indebted to you one!"
Value of a Ncwspaoer. ,
vuc 0l our subscribers informs us lUt l.
last year saved a dozen times the cost of his
newspaper by tho study of a sitidc article
on Wool, lie says that regarding advice to
sell early as sound and judicious on the facts
presented, ho did sell early, and realized a
much higher price than any of his neigh
bors, excopt his son, who followed tho samo
advice. "This saving will pay for niy
for years," was the concluding remnrt f.i..
old gentleman. We don't publish this state
went in order to wool anybody to subscribe
to our paper, but as a rucro matter of fact.
Toledo Blade.
'affinal XeglecL
The twig ,va. uet-,d so the tree's inclined;
I hm u-nv imn... j .... 1
... i --- r-t.i.j. moBcui OfNigned;
.v ,im uir iwiff, Which, flnm A.r.i. AW i...
n - Itlls HvrrCI
.l(ll lrkrtlr.J . t . . e
cu wt ,V1 c BM ni. b()
Bluur. not the wax, which, fuilhful loih. al,
Dill, only ,o,e ,iey ampJ tey.
Charge not U'y child wiih folly ,lhy .
Nor make ll,e ,inlea fo, tly .j,, .,.,
A Miser's Heart.
A weallhj, muer died, his ho ... j-
n nniMAn. .r j 1
j.-piwm vi u
Beading for the Million.
trOSK, f A0.NT-ST, rol'.TUKU, ORKUO.N,
A Choice selection of Foiular OmjIu, Nows.
puper.', .Mugaxiiiea und Fancy Siuiiouery..
Amioiil' the bonksoii hand will be found unrl.
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hi
tory, I'oelry, Biography, Medicines, ' Relinion,
w'i l li i. ii .
ociiwM uwmi, uoiiiaucis, oto., A'C, oiC
CTSuuseriplions rceeived for Harper, Uraham,
Goodey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at U 0 year, peri
age free.- , ,'r .
IT Suicriptions received Tor any newspaper
published in any part of the
Remember the Franklin Hook Store and Newa
puper Agency, Fnml street, Portland Oregon.
tS'A priced eotalogue will be published early
iu April, und will be sent to any part of the terti'
lory free on application.
" Statesman" copy 1p-i. .
was anywhere detected,
n . . 1 -iirre unecieu,
B""nPUfou. Compound ImerLt
Until they reached the'ch to find they
WiTennahle. '
Spiritual Vacts.
That Whiskey i. the key by which
reaoy eulrance into
" EOTern the it nn.i:i..
avoid it.
ourpiiaona and alms.
New Volumes of the Four Reviews
and Blackwood. .
CIOMMENCE with North DrltJah forXorem
' ber, 18o l,and the other Reviews and Black,
wood for Jauunry, 1855.
Tenia of SuUcriptiun. Any one Heview or
Blackwood, a year. Blackwood und on. R..
view-r any two Reviews, $5. The four ite
views and Blackwood. 810. Four
addre. 30. ' ' '"
Postage on the four Reviews and Blackwood lo
any Post office iu the United States, only 80 cents
f I lfaflBSta Annl I ' i A
- nt-view ana vJ cents a year on
Blackwood. ,
Xew York, published by Leonard, Scott i. Co.,
iSriilt'in street entrance S4 Gold street.
Wholttale Retail Dealer in Cro-product,
.; PmUtoi. fj)ti Strttt, .-. . 1.,'j
A Cem ral Aasortine.i kijaup of gelc!d Good;
Ciinem-.V., April 21, 1805-llf.: .,. , ,., ... (
Wells, Fargo ds Co ' Express, "
Uilwten Orfgau, Ctli'mMi thnlitmka:
. . Stain awl Europe.. ? ;,; jj
. II A 1 .s U made advauiiigMiw
arrangeinenis with the United
niutea and Paeihe Matt Steam. .
ship Coiniianies for tiunspnitatioii. we are now or
pared lo forwurd Gold Dmt, Bullion, Specie',.
Package; Parcel, anil Pnigkt, nnd from N
York, N. Orleans, San Fraiis.sto, Portland, and'
principal towns of t'al bruiu nivl Oregon.
Our regular Srmi.moitibly Evpres between
Portland ami Sis Fraucisc, it dispalehed by the.
Pacilie Mail SleamihipCo.satcuiiiship Columbia,,
connecting ol Sua Francisco wilh our semi-monthly
Kspresa to JVeie Vol ami Kcm Orleans, which,
is dispatched regularly on the 1st and 1 tit Ii of each
mouth, by the mail steamer and in charge of our
own messengers, through to destination. . , .. j
Our K.xprena from New York leaves regularly
on the 5ih and Sulh of each month, also in charge'
of messengers. , ,. : . . . ..
Treasure insured in the be New York coin.'
panics, or at Lloyd's in London, at the option of
uppers, ' y ;,
Omces Xcw Y'oik, No. 1C, W all st.j Now
Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange 4ucc j San Francisco,1!
Xo. ll-l, Monijjoiniry siieel. , . .. .)..-, , , . .i
JAMES O'SV.llL, Agent. '
Oregon City, April i'l,18j5.-lff ' - '
Steamer Portland, ..
CIvpt. A.S. MtiBRAY, .;.
WILL run duily between Portland and Ore-;
gon City. Leuve Oregon Cily at eight
o'clock, a. H. Reluming, leave Portland al two
o'clock, r. . , , , .
for freight or passage apply on board, '
April 21, 18.15-Itf .... .. ..'.l ,i!:i,i .(
Oreron City and Portland Daily Packet,.
.. JE.aiIE ClARK,' k
WILL run Uuily, (Sundays excepted,)' in lh
aboro-nainnd trade, leuvini OierroitCitu
every day at 8 o'clock, I. si.
Kclurniiig, will leuve Portland at 2 r. u., tooth
g at all Intermediate po?tita.'
r or Ireiglit or possni'e uuply on board.
April SI, l55-lir
Aj"FrER for sa'e tho following goods just re
.eeived irm New York and Sandwich hi.
anda, per harks C. Devcns and Ocean B rd i e
50 Tons S. I. Salt,
02 bags prime colfee
IU tons nue sail
'ate. A
last bale of sin uo,.)..l
-reoontavnish,, .nJ hi, b.o.lur
- Mh is iiv nn ti..
rol-ncal principUf MJ wi ly0
nJ his brother
Aine rfay swore a
aU. invoice through tl, curn" house
'Wgotoehurchtohear. "?7
. . , rrrtti. Tbevbac
e LA.niolvUf 1011,1
It is well known that manv I,.,-.
iw l . e.ision-
in !rrn in r inh.nin a- .i
j . ' lomeir great cost
a,.cba: ul ,0w.h
W hrreff Mr., ;. .1.. .'
i,., lV . , " ,a ,U8 nt who
l.'s.rt,c..,.l!vm.nd, the experiment in ,1.;. i
riitra. I s.a
'"'""toknnwbow 's
" """notfofSnnni.r
o Inch we promptly revived th, follow
jng cbaractcrwie reply.
enough to
a winding way
many unfriendly
That Wine causes manv t. i.L.
Thatruuchia the cause of
punchea. .
That Champaign j, u,, KUn rf t
pain,. " " " raai
ThatGiu Siiu-shval.Irfn
slings of old. inanih.
That the reputation of beimr fo.-t r rL.-., .
100 kegs brown sugar.
' " syrup nio-lasses
S barrels whale o!
1 doi grain scythe:
"J " Xrain eradles,
5 reaping machines'
J thrashing do
12 straw cultera
100 reams wrap.paper
iou Jos. ,viaa. twine
10 doz. Coliins' axes
m " hoes
6 Smith's bellows
10 dozen mill saws,
best quality
15 dux bed cords
10 coils iop
KM1 box's cream tartar
iuu lbs. borax . .
25 bxs. soap powder
25 ' alspice
1-000 " gingham,
15,000 yards new style
Drinta . ' .
10.000 " br'u. n.unlin,
3.000 ble.tch'd lo
100 lbs. linen thread
SO pieees silk hdkfs
1,5011 ;, ards hickory
2 iox. umbrellas
. 50 ens. bex.te t shoes
20 dnz. slut, a
20 " drawg knives
i v collie nulls
25 jack planes i
10 dm. buck saws
150 fauoy clocks
25 kegs suleratiis
10 cases Lucke's"
10 " " Cornucopia"
Jayne'a medic nes
1 pr- 4 ft. mill bars
a doz. crow bars :
25 lbs. bl'k sewVsilk
10 'l ..
1 . '. nd other art.rle. nJ.-
poant has been at
Dea Sm: Th nl
"oik on mv . i:...'
j .. m nine over
not a very tall feaih. r
m any indiridual'scap.
Cold boiled on,... . ' V" "P Ol
r - .uu a lew ,
rr" na.Mi ""J f whid. ;.,r rr, :
on .l.- .: ,uf
cusiomera. io approved
sale for cash, produce.orc
Oregon City, April 21, 1655-ltf '
flJH Barrel, of New OrLans mnt M ',
Perrii D"Hil...... e''
Who Wants the Silver Cnn k
WK will givo JSILVEK CLP, or 3 in
GOLD, to the owner of unv U.
machine who will, at a public trial of reapers, in
presence of regularly chosen and disinterested'
judges, produce a renpir that will do more and
better work than BnrriWt Conzertible Reaper.
u d trial to occur durimr lU r,.mi.. i,...J.. .
and not more than ouo reaper uf tiny one kind to .
...wuu.ncu a eo.npeiiiors. i ime and place to
be agreed on with parlies entering for the trial, !
Below wc a notice of llm mucliine aud.
6ome of the ndvuntiiges claimed for it: ' ' ' '
" At the trial of reupcrs in llie harvest field in :
Geneva, New York, in July lust, by the judgeaop
poinled by the iVcie Foil Stofr Agricultural 1
Aorieiy, nine reapers were entered, and each r. -qiurcd
to cut ab..ut three acres of wheat and two
of barley much lodged und tangled, the straw olt
and lough, on rough and uneven ground. "EverT t
...Uiuiu s lull nuu inipariinl (rial,'
and exaininatioii us to draft, construction and per- .
rormunce! and the first prite was awarded la"
1 hos. D. Burrill fur the Beet Grain Reaper .. ,
1 he judges, in the report, say: T. D. Burrill's
muehuie perl'ormed its work in the moat admiruble
manner; the gavels were well laid, the workman- .
ship and materials excellent.' Ii , u0 fxtra
wheels or pinions beyond what are simply neces- '
sary ; j,o reel lo beut down and waste tile erttin
no baud wheels, pulleys, belts, slim. l.,?,...J
I ,. S-' ou' of, ,"' "! simplicity and strei.g.h for ;
. lo ii wrk U day and eccry day have been th
hading objecls.
1st. It outs grain of ,11 kinds, In all eon-i fc7,n,i
Lnl:ZlemaJ heiglU Dy a few '
3d. It
frfrrf. like Ilns,?'. o af h "lEV
ntck's Thi, change U made by Vc J1''
attached iu a moment, from vhi.!s. "r.. ,
laid in I
Let and unif
- ... iv.ii ii in ii.. i
W hHV. . f., " "'WHIML
BEST RBapeI ?? " H&
Also. 1 Eii,, u n..' n
ooyiMAi U b raw Cutteiav 9 Fan MiU.
ApnUls laUC. , . Oregon '"
Wtter condition than . ,Waral IS .
Il has a balauc. ..k.Lf "W.machine. .
. Al.flt a oui. .
cabbage, with firt
or six pic,)eil tCBmber,;
50 da of Xew Oi...L ;
ees of cold boiled "eld Morninir - . """? P" PPer
EuL, , ,rUe,e ' '
Scllina sir at rws
THE suk of Dry. Good, and HrdwlB.' 'r
Preston. (VN, in r ,:ii v . :. 7r,C
.!. Tr ""'"I c,ed oat at
P- "-WW- Vtnom-desircu. rf .
Will do well to rail oa th. .nl ". T "Ka.
4 V1 "d y'" barr.1., fo, B, b ' ..' '-.I
it . , . "ine 1
o 21 inches, i0 ,ti ,
ha. been ,t wash down wiU, a Z 7Z r. r" from New TZ'0 15tb
one week.- reAaajapinU) AP f bl''''m t ., few p' CW lork' " ' close
ri..;.J.. .-j - flat 00 your back V ... ,
and drives it .. and in. h..k.,.-' . on your back, sp21l
you wuif"
hnf !-, I ... jlj ....
iir. th.t r, cxzr 0 1 r. " ' "tJ - !o :, .; gx RSE FIVP7777777-
'U 10 1 " "m i his lap. ' V Si loo. Co.. ,d 6a,'T " -0
T lap-itfj JAMES O'NEILL.
A LARGE aaortment of haaseknU "