The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 16, 1855, Image 2

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    t I
Stye wjon SVrgu0.
w. k iUKii lairoa ud raorairroa.
.j BATUlIMY, Jl'XE 16, 1M5.
' . Qiiatnl jov tlie tiu.
J. R. McBride, Tafayetls.
('. A. Kurd, AWrw.
' Moioah Kudolni, Sublimity.
Wm. JUaww, ;W.
' ' II. C. Raymond, 'owW Crore.
' , I)a. Davis, litoominyton.
... Frank VV, Uiown, Corvallis,
i ,i, 1L MuiPHY, Independence.
t, , Amos IIakvcy, Tuw Ka7fy.
.' ' 801-oioN Allen, yfmi'y.
1 i. E. Lyle, Uallai.
1 1' on McKiNiurr, C'uhpooia.
Riv. Wilson Dlain, Union Point.
' '. 1 LA. Rice, Jacksonville.
T ' II. Uasii.i, Cincinnati.
' Judoe Smbllimo, Yrtla,Cat.
Jwrt. H. Presto.-, WW Co. .
" It. A. N. I', Oalesburgjll.
. If lioc(i V Co., AtuU for Mliciiiug
for AJnitiMimnU, mi collecting for Ilia aamo,
f Merchant it., Ban Franc!!, Cut.
Vrcaeala. .
W ire aalhnriud la my that KMcre G. 0. Bur.
mtt tuid J. E. Murphy will coirum-nce a oiratiuf
to-day, il Ilia home of Mr. JWIoir, on Molalla.
Tba Meeting- la eipected I11 hut fur auveral day.
.it 1 ' . , ,, '
Tettrce Lectwre.
. Thallon. Aaron Paynoi eiictil loaJdrea
Ihe yitisena of Ihii plate, on Ilia euhject of Tem
perance, Ihia awning, at early candle-light, at Iha
Jludwdiet Church.
T Carmtaatcal. '
t A farmer ef Polk County hu given ua a ahort
article on tha cultivation ot blue vraai, and prom-
lac lo writo more, If dmlrod. Srnd along y,.nr
communication, and do not forgot nut timo to
and your name, aa we never publish any thing un
leee Uw name of the author la aent to ua with the
communication. . , ,
"Tli poetry tent ua by a friend In Plum Valley
w are aorry toaay doee not come within our ruin.
Tha KMiment la eicellent, but the mcamira ia auch
(hat w amino! nuke il "eean."
trar, at ueae Aula.
'.. fii Mr harry hut net It wo forgot to announce the
rated of aur old oitlten Jain O'Neill, of the
Welle, Fargo Si Co. Expreaa. Je j, oow j.urt.
land, allemling lo the buiiieie of iho Kipreaalinn
in thai olty. We hpa he won't forget ua, and "to
after atrango gode," down ill Ilia great city of
The baaineM of the Kaprew Company will be
oonlinaed at the aid office (O'Neill 'a alora) in Uiia
eity, under the anoy of J. N. Banker. are
informed that the firm ia now drawing eight drufle
on New York.
laataa omkreak Rata River.
Wa learn thai a party of me three hundred
warrlora In tha vicinity of Applegala Creek,
bramb of tha Rogue Hirer, hu wad a deacent
upon the white, killing eome ai or aeran wan, and
carrying orT a hirga number of aoimala and other
properly. Yi a bare not been able lo learn any
further partk-ulara, but wa euppe from paat and
preaeut indicatione we muat lure auotlier general
war with Ihraa aaraga, which muat be a war of
eilarmination in order la any tiling like s lading
Tka Wheal trot
Ilaa been nuU rlally Injured in many porta of the
country, by the falling of the grain. Tba aeaaon
baa been ao unuawilly wet that many llalda of ear
ly eown gmin hav grown too rank to etand arret,
and are now being proauatrd in every direction.
Sickloa ara ia great demand, juat now.
lllte talea Magatlna.
Wa bava received Die April number of thia
aplendid uiagailne, with a tUfiuM from the pub-
lialiar that we act aa afnt for tha work. .
ramicra, niechanica, and. trademicn, Who wan.
to invent a dollar to fx! advantage, will aeud ua in
the money, and wa will order Iho work aa soon aa
poaaible. Tba work ean be aaen at our office, by
ny one wiabiog lo Mibacribe.
. laiaravtaieati.
. Our frienda in Iha country will be glad lo learn
that Ore gon City baa al lout taken a w atari. We
notice thai a new and commodKme enjrine houte n
teing erected, and Chnrman A Warner have gut
anew aign over their p-ipular eaublialimant.
Wa hope lo have tha hojra all aold off at auction
0011, and a Iroaly made with tha ludiaus, prepara
tory lo their removal. Then If all the liquor In
Uiwn could bo eichauged for liiueedoil, and our old
wood colored bulldinga all painted over white, what
n Blee, healthy, aweel plana we aliould have.
Tha r.lectlaa.
Wgi' Ih-'Iiw the return from the dec-
.... , , vru hoiii 1 ne co'jii
ti. Wo cannot vouch fur thuir Luitiir on.
.tiroljr corroct, but they will uut probiibly to
iwruui 01 1110 way;
CI.ArK.UIAS roUNTy. , .
. Tor Dtlfgate. .
"regon "Democracy." O.po.itin.
Joaoph Ijtno, 410 I J. P.Oaino., 272
Jnmoa Ofllcor, as I f W. T. Mntlock ao
Jiir.ia StrHiKln, m J. N. Hanker, 3.13
Orrilla, a7 (i. ttcynulj., SU
. . . VANHILL.
Lnno, 871 I (iaitica, 3a3
A. R. Dttrbank, 882 I A.O. Hot.ry, 302
A. Shuck, . l8a.M.Oilmore, 294
. : tl ; ,.K . WASHINOTON.
''We hare hd no official return from H,i,
bounty, but the Republican ticket is all
ltl. ' . ' ,
What we nay expect freea tha k.Partlrt.11
Mr. W. L. Ailami I)ear Sir: Your
paper nicfta willi 'strong opptiaiiion from
wrlainqunrtori out hero, owing to ita Kuow
Nollnntr proclivitira. The dcinocraU en
deavor tncrcntatliointiireion ninoiiL' Iho
people that H ia a wolf in alKvp' a cloifiiiitr.
cutiiinif in (lie manllo of Tciuwr-
niicd nml Kvforin, when in reality il is a
m lug-Know Joituii;( paper, got up for
the oxiires purpose of fuithcriiitr tlto "Anti-
Republicnn principles of the K-cret order of
Know ftotliingiT Ac. , , ,
There is however a niectablo number
of citizena in this valley that are opposed
to Slavery and iti further ukii$'wnme
who arc in favor of a Prohibitory lifior
L.axrt ano win nnvo long deplored the ne-
oesaity of a paper in Urein.n tbnt would
riao above lliocotiluiniunting inlliieiicen of
party politic, and advocate tboo great prin
ciples of Ik-form and progress that arc now
agitating the whole people of the North
question which they conceive to be of par-
amount importance to the future wolfure of
aoctcly.even 111 Oregon. Such men hail the
appearance of Iho Oregon Ahgus with de
light, as a mark of tho ndvntiremi-iit ol n
cicty In moral reform in Oregon, and
a tho medium through which can bo dis
seminated tho opinions and views of the
people on tlirno important topics. Such
men will give it a warm and hearty support.
I do not beliovo thoro is anv thintr to lie
gained lor these great principle from the
present politicnl parties, as they are organ
ised. What think you, Mr. Editor f
For instance if the whim of thia ennnir
had adopted the Resolutions that liimseil 11L
J ainliill county convention, not otio.lialf of
I'lillm," w hilat he aeiied ujkjii iha moment of
culm, to warn hia countrymen of the dangers
that threatened thuir beloved Troy, and with
his own right arm drove the quivering hul
bert, into, the bollow aides of the wooden
"beat," which ihen coulaiocd the murder
out Moors, who afterwards danced in the
ahes of Trojan templet, into wbicb their
own bands had plunged the fulul torch I
llow many of us have often wondered,
that out of the whole Jewish nation, who
claimed Abraham for their father, and pri
ded themselves upon being the oniy real fa
vorilea of the Skies, in the vat family of
man, so few were found who were willing to
yield theirconvictions of the conclusive pow
er of the evidence produced by the miracles
of theM.-iaiah, wbilt from an overwhelm
ing majority the deafening cry went up,
"Away with him! Crucify Lira I crucify
biml" - .'. V
Aud what Protestant has not often won.
dered nt the blind adherence to Papal dog
mas, and an unresisting acquiescence to the
bloody edicts which proceeded from tho Ro
man hierarchy, during the long-night of
dark new and superstition which followed the
first bold assumption of I'npul supremacy
by liofiiface III., who received hi install
ment at the hand of the bloody Phocas, A.
D. 000.
History affords almost innumerable in
stance of the rise, progress, and downfall of
powers, political aud ecclesiastical, and
sometimes politico-et-ecclesini)tico,which are
almost invariubly represented by inspired
writers as "boasts." These beast or pow
crs, 110 matter how hideous, deformed, and
terrible, no matter bow much of the "enrth,
earthy," or whether they carry the brand
and enr-marks that show them to belong to
the owner of Daniel's "Sea Monster," their
legitimate siro, there always has been in ev
ery ago, nation, and clime, a blind, infatua.
ted rabble, ready to rally around them, off
hats nnd shoes, and nt the instigation of the
high priests of the proper temple, drown the
voico of opposing Reason, with long and
loud hosannas to their horned object of ad
oration; No matter what may have been
the origin or character of the beast, so he be
labeled with a charming name, and have
emblazoned upon his iron sides some divine
pedigree, which atteudant bawling priests,
witii frothy mouths and bloodshot eyes,' are
over intent upon eulogizing, and calling tho
attt-ution of the gaping crowd to; if the
name bo symphonious, and .suggestive of
our Union asunder, and the rc-fueal of such
men at Toucey to listen to the instructions
of tboir constituent, who desired the reato
ration of this solemn compact, between the
North andSuuth, has been eulogized as
democracy in Oregon, whilst throughout
the whole line of the Northern Slates, the
democracy have rightly pronounced it anli
democratic and a murpation of power by
ucb pigmies a Toucey, which is unpardon
Wa learn that our citisen are making prepara
tion to celebrate tha coining Fourth of July in (hie
eity. Th Flora Festival, to which we have before
alluded, together with the other demmiatrntiona to
be made, will probably nuke a vary plea.ant lime
of it.
DWhoacsty or FoUUctaat.
Tolic Co., June 7, 185ft.
Mr. A. Dear Sir: Enclosed I send
you the names of three now subscribers to
10 ' : ... . . 1
able in any representative of the people, and your excellent paper, Dcs.ues my ow n name.
.1 1 1 f 1 n I here are a good many in this part of tho
wormy only OI t-uropeau uea.i w-.M lik. tn l,.k iL if tha
you not know that, whilst democrata in tiUM were ilte t in Le
many portions of the states have warmly course of the summer you may count on a
enlinted in the cause of temperance reform good muny names from 1 oik.
and anch other wholesome lefi.lation. US is L r 1 1 wl 8lw ,"0 teMm "V.
. . ... II have sent my name as a subscriber, bBVa m Mnfg 0r(lj?()n
lion 01 ontiK or no pan, a ingu proiecuvo giice Iast MllrcU) WU(!,, j stopped the Suites
as a people stand, soino chance of teeing
tho day of veiigence, put far off, when tho
Providence of Heaven shall rain fire and
brimstone upon our uvvotca neaat.
Our correspondent comes pretty near
filling up the gap, which hat been recently
made ia Polk, by tho assault which Mr,
Waymirc baa lately made upon the devo
ted head of our poor Ahgps.
He (U'aymire,) will be gratified to know
that through his influence- several of bit
political followers, (and probably religion!
too) have beeti induced in the heat and
blindness of purty tlrifo to stop their paper.
He will also be more gratified, no doubt, to
learn that such was the character for
honesty, (I) intelligence, and independence,
of his dupes, that, although tbey had ro
gularly received our paper, for somo five or
six weeks, they never discovered ita heresy,,
until he probably pointed it out, and made
it to plain that they were all able to "tee it,
with their mouth," and were then willing.
at the suggestion of thia "apostate" (proba
bly) to return the whole file, (with the ex
ception of one or two which Ihe pigs had
probably demolished in the bouse) in tucli
a greased and dirty condition, aa gave tha-
clearest evidence that if they had never been
rrad, they had been well handled, and that
by "greasers." These paper were tent
back by all of these gentlemen (except on)
I II A tl'linr n I . . U..H I.J I . ..I f. . . ...
, r r ::rer'j'aoat often
IVUOVO Wllll!i!t:i V III 1 um
1,1 1
hill county is just the opposite to wliiggery
in Jackson county.
There was a political nicotine in this
neighborhood on the 17th itut. The Dem
ocrats boldly advocated tho doclrino of
squatter sovereignly" and opposition to a
prohibitory liquor law. There was but one
whig candiduto present, ho followed fiiit
and advocated the Kansas-Nebraka bill
ami "ariuntter sovereignty," mid when asked
his opinion on tho Temperance question he
did not think it a party question, but thought
probably ho would uso hisinlluciic-o in favor
of Temperance. Now I would like to know
Mr. Editor, how wo should act in order to
remedy these evils?
, TlieCiaild itll-T of this enimtv imlinln,!
the merchant of' Jacksonville for- keeping
open houses on the Sabbath, nnd also the
liquor vernier lor tho samo ohVnsc. The
houses will probably bo closed from this
on as Iho American portion of tho merchant
are in favor ol it. Yours Ac.,. .
- . , J. M McC.
, Jackson Co., O. T. May 10th.
Lau,, , 742 (Gaines,,
John Denny,
o. M. Black,
O. Jacobs,
J r.Urover, 090
Wm. lUrpolf, 0p
J. M. Harrison, 708
Un , 03 I tiuinw, ,
i'i. Coun!il,nM. ,
A. J.Denn.ton, at) L. Limerick,
Joha IarrU, 78 Jeaaa Milea,
V-'o'oluneiliusn for Mult
nomnli, VVathington, and Columbia.
y -wi " 1 aUNTOIt.
..,,,.... . 2l J Cainee, 126
. understand ibt the rest of th O.
democratic tickei w. all elected ir, thi.coun
ty, excepting A. A. Smith, Republican, who
wm elwted at Joint Councilman for IVnton
ana Lane.
Ijne, ,
. 1
Lane, '
793 I Gainea,
15 I Gainet,
"ut 500 majority.
t W.he that Ja.Ua County gave Lane
majontyofwn,, 60 0r 70, but ao bav,
had no return. Tn Convuti.. : .
UproUblycarriW,,,,,,,! y
but there i. baraly . poa,ibili,T th j, u
In tho first place, friend Mc, you will
accept our thanks, for the interest you have
taken in our behalf in sonding us new sub
scribers. In tho second place, you will
excuso us for the liberty wo havo taken with
your pistlo,iu it afford u an onrwrtunitv
of walking right up nnd taking the bull of
parly hunil.uggery by tho horns, and of
taking asquint at his phrenoloaical duvelon-1
menu and counting a few of the wrinkles
on the slaggy ornament of this, probably
.iiwaiyUC OCasl.
We have all read in our younger days
about tho "Great Image" which Nebuchad
nezzar, sot up and commanded the host of
uuovlon to fall down and worship Mfm
pain of being roasted in a fiery furnace, and
we have a often wondered at, and ad
mired the' independence and AnutleM moral
courage of Shadmch, Meant and A bednego,
ho could not be wooed by tha charming
note of music, which Babylon', fairest
daughter twent with f ...... l t .1
- - ....uu iijin me
comet, flute, harp, tackbut, psaltery, aud
ouicuner, tior be driven bv th ,rt r: lance, wid, ,hlch ...
pointed these noble men to the 'Vncn
timeabuated" furnace, to renounce th.i. .1.
legianc to a higher authority, and fall dow n
ttlia tka ruimiUp .-I.I.I.. . .
' -r--- .-ouio hi worsnip an
unag. of probably .onie political or K.
giou. bet 0f,H,wer in tlM ChalJc, metro-
Who of u have not admired the intre
pid.ty and courage, that induced Laocoon.
rrrua. i rojaii lame, to quoll for a
mum Willi ill own telltorin
voice, the
found w illing to bend tho supple knee, and
join tho shout, without being able to give a
reason why. Drag bun up from the infer
nal pit, all singed over, black, smoking, and
smelling of brimstone, and hang a board on
nut hums on which is written, in flaming
cliaraet. rs, Democracy," " Whiggcrv,'
"lirligitui," or something of that sort, nil
.. Il I Ml I
uhhikhiiu men wm oe inunn. kUo prnjens
to be worshipers of the Only True God, who
aio ready to get right down in tho dust and
kiss tho hpofs of the animal, no matter bow
many grog shops, how many hand-cuffs
lorged tor human beings, and how manv
other implements of vice nnd h
t .... uiiiiiii a Vtj
ho may have stowed away in. tha hugo hull
of his wonderful carcass.
Hut for fear that our figurative manner of
getting at a few things which we w ish to say,
may not bo fully understood, we shall tjilk
for a little while right on in a plain, common
way, so as to be understood by every man,
"oman, anu ciniti, wiio reads this article
Aud for the purpose of beinir beard all
the Willamette Valley, wo shall raise
voice to a suitable key to be heard in Rogue
Kiver Valley, and address our conversation
to tboso of our friends out there who nro-
fess to be good moral, temperance men,
anxious about the future peace and prosperi
ty of society in Oregon, and who believe
that tliey have something to do themselves,
as citizens of our glorious country, in th
way oi winging about a state of alairs,
such as every good man desires, but who
navo Hitherto been bowing down, and wor
shiping the "beasts ' of party, under tho de
.us.ou taw 1,10 moral rcden,p!ior,of society
- n,v f,ri o, me missl0n of ,hcM an.
mats into the country.
n . i .. .
- jou noi Know mat tho reforms which.
we all so heart.!,- desire, are not to h
tureu oy supporting a party whoso creed
oi principles like the skin of the ehmnl-..
chances color ith u. . .
. ,; , r"-age out ot one
iriven aistner min n
UUR.r , j.ou no
tu8 wiw is democracy in Chicaco,
...t among democrats of Charles
Ion ! That what is e,inc,,ln..i j ,
ouna Demo
cracy, Dy tens of thousand of tha nw ;
telligent democrat in the States i. what
vne tmseratile dupe, of party . condemil
in? US for advAalinn n .
--s.u vregonr uo vou
not anow that Oregon democracy as advo-
cated bv the l.t.. .1 . . .
.., , ' , ,u party, is no more
me oemocwy of Thoma. JefTerson
hn the "Latter dr ..
..c . ,.- ,. "" ime tne
oa, , inoiuenumes! Doyounotkno
mat toe reiieaJ of it.. r.
. .... ..issvun i,i
tariff, or a tariff simply for revenue and what man. I always thought I was n democrat,
construction wb put upon tho constitution, before I camo to Oregon, bull found after
as to the limits of the powers delegated to rt-a-iMig tne otaiesnmn .uiie over a year
, . , . , that cither that paper is anli-dcmocrntio, or
the general government, for using the pub- ..,.,. , J ' ,.. ,t.lnocruc.
io lands, and treasury funds for internal consisted in somaihiug that wen' in for tho
improvement that the would-be expoun- good of tho peoplo, aud not the support of
lor of democracy in Oregon, have violently fcw, who would like to "lord ir over the
opposed these reforms, here, and in order Pf"0- l0US'", too, ma, .emperance
... . . . , and morality were not inconsistent with Jef-
to neutralize our umuence, nave cane., . fuwolliarl d(.mocrncy. But I Ond, in Oregon,
a "wolf in sheep's clothing," Whig and K. that many of our leaders, who follow out
N., Ac., iicA Are you nol also aware that, the principles of the Oregon Statesman, are
what was sound whig doctrine, with such atrongly opposed to the reform of the day,
men as Clay and Webster, is hooted at, by 8,,J Bre Ft0 forwnrd to ,rt'ad .0,,t "f tho, in extreme parts of the Union, who ' ' - .... V
occupy extreme ground, on the subject of character is .put forward as their standard N'''D0D' ""ng to pay a ingle cent, for that
an unlimited slavery extension F Hint bearer. which thev bad continued to rceefve for fiva
wbat is, (in the language of our correspon- curing me electioneering canvass in rolK weeks or more, without ever having dit-denO-Whiggery
in Yamhill,!, just the W. thi. for
opposite of wliiggery in Jackson county V victions of juty atld gu.)port ,uch n.n M the purpose of .bowing tho character for
Are you not atso aware thai in anierent vaymire for the Legislature. I .upportcd hone.ty, nnd a high minded open manly
oiuirs oi mo u moil mo reiorms ior wmcn L,ane, very reluctantly, Out if 1 had been as way of dealing, adopted by such men at are)
wo moor nuve
oy iu. cm-n.Uv. ,or ,oo o, toe o.u par- wm opportunit of chucki wM
ino I and ara vaii haI a aA nAHi t t lt.nn. . - . 1 . . " I.
.... . j ...v ,nu t.,t date for tlie Legislature. jie gtupej t,a heartfelt tlelight, over an exhibition, of the
w ho .ook an muepcnuenisianQ ,or irvm and county with a great deal of party zeal, and weakness and frailty, of poor human nalur
rV.roue,,aooreuuirouguaiong,ciarK, . . VV, t 7 a aa developed in tho manner in which bit
tr oomy n " it of party supremacy, whilst future Mlvn,,nn ' Territory depended , . . , . , , ,. '
Jn j i- - . j on his election. Wayniire, you must know. ff"-' l"e treated us. W want you to-
r,"u,c' 'rty ucmagogues WM ...... ..j- t ,, K, i take a I the comfort vnn en In I hi. Mr- ..
l ... . i . ii i T' v" I w n "'V) wi
pourea upon tiie.r aevotea ueaas a cont.n- zealou disciple of Tom Paine. He h of- you are very au re to find out sooner or later
,-u .uuwer u. , vue way o, en mae is ooast umi ne once Uiongod Hmt Plline.. .Age of Rcaaol)' conaill Afte
uriuus eimueoi, una me oicn priests ot IPO I .'"..iiyuMin, nuu ono ujut nu iiieu uiu , , , . , . . ,
n,l f Lt.. l.n m.,ia .:..: k .1 uii "d-ndest" for them. I look upon him t,ons' tlm' lcnd t0 n "7 P', her
- r-vi 6 fj ..., ...i,- i. j ., i . . pi-.invmpnt w h )..,,. ...I.. ... iti
I .!.! . J I . ' niCROU UIIU UIHHIIIieillOIIS nUOSUUC. I J J " Biiunil UHIY usb UKM
a,.,g ry ., .. u p,cK,ng up crumos wl)0 hates w. Rud e; - h wbm
from their mas ere' tub es, how er vi. H . .1. . .j 1 ! .1 . . ' ' "
1 . .1 - e:".rur, anu viewing uim in inis it you will prob "Lord 1 Lord" 1 1
fliiil ent il tliniiaanrl tvniiriai.r.i n,,i ,' . I l.rrl.t T ...... 1.1 .,t i.. m .1 ' J 11
"'"i nutiia, 111 UI- ..5..1., A wuiu nut tUIIWIL U UUUM V HS tt UIITIS- ,nl,U l,. J . . ..1
der to excite the party enthu.iam of the pop- "end my influence to the support of Tom mwh 'Bdw' nnJ " re "- b yo
no u 11.011 mo reiorms ior wmcn i,ane, very reluctantly, Out if 1 had been as way of dealing, adopted by such men at are)
vebcen brought about, by the well posted up as I am now, I should have wilil)g t0 be made tool of by frothy dcn
nt of the old nolitieal tilalforms Cher voted for uaines or stayed away from . ,
mot mo oiu political ptai oi ms i j agogues, and for the purpose of giving Way-
native portion of the old par- '' "'u t red WT mi .r.....i:" -f.u ....
ulacc, and that no jnpnns of misrcprescnia-
1 r t: "i. i 11 . . ever did w-hon tnn A.... i,-A n .
x itmo inuniis, oy voting ior sucn men to I ..... v.iM.iimu
.;ieii i .
uon ana inisenooa were left unresorled lo, I think evv relir,,',,,,. m l, ,J t. ' in ,i,
rule our country. Although he is electod, theological wolf and black hearted hypo.
...i. i ..n .i.. .it i. " "v, .m tu gin w ui n luewioo. si preacner.
in order to gull the people f him must repent it to the day of his death. : r
Did you never notice, thai stern, almighty, 'f ho has any conscience. For tht Argv:
unresisting truth, though often struck to the " aymire took particular occasion to . ",Bl" "ot,lT-
Bouse our paper ounng Ins lour through wor oj me Argus. sir : Uy a vote
the county. In a speech he made nt Simp- of tho Oregon Bible Society I wa rnneJ.rl
ground, returned with new vigor to the con
diet, until, by dint of repeated blows from
the good old claymore of truth, the routed
hosts gave way, and the people are now en
joying the pleasures of tho largest liberty,
son son the Liickamute ho ca ed it Ihe to nrennro nnrl ,nA ,
"slinking Argus." Up to this time I had ' ""Vt 3,U " 'J"1P"S f lh
never seen your paper, but as the Statesman r . . VI ,ut,r ",w "nniverwiry, for
ana way mire had como nown on you 8o l,UDIlcaUo11
rtAAKtf I iL' .1. li ..i.l '11 '
,i j r " "aw-a Jiii Jf 1 la J w
and the blessing., of good moral legislation, !,' bCg?" t0 thi"'i il, " .certainly be The Oregon Bible Society commenced'
which invuWy with an atmosphere ttuiTnp, and Xr readingt'l
in which a virtuous lather would delimit to e clearly why you are such an obieet of ou"'tK' A- M- on nnh day of June.
see bis children growing up arouud him ? Imt0 among these men. I think it by far v' 'i President of the Society in
Has the thought never occurred to you tllC bes l'"Pe,r 1 llave ever sen on this chair- Rdigioua services conducted by tho
that if we had been influenced by tho love Zl' h it J '? r' Rev" ' 1L Atkinton, and Rev..
of money or popularity, in unde.takingour of the Argus is sueli that I Z "t . , .
outerpnso, how much easier it would have introduce it into iny family. I think .Mich . eo"),nltt('e appointed to audit the
been to reach the nemo of such aspirations a )a,.er wi" be sustll'ied if there is bs much Trcasurr.s account for the last year reported
by falling into the current of popularity by XTtWe" " " 0U"l'I " C,Teet'
publishing a paper devoted to the interest of At theclonf V.m5 JL .--t. L' C rhi,li',s' aSnl for "ie Ameri-
some party, "right or wrong" nnd then Luckiamute, he called for a separation of the Can flble Soc,e'y Oregon, read a report
watching the popular currcut, when such crowcl. telling them that all who did not ex- . do,,1,Jf tlle l'ast )'ar- Kv. G. 11..
great and'thrillingly interesting questions as P'cl t0 Voto fur Lane Would be published in Atkinson nnd Rev. T. II. Pearne were ap-
Temperance, and Slavery or No Slavery in !u .f ma,11 " Kn?w fothingB. I am pointed auditing committee for the ensuinrr
Oregon, came before us, so a, to fall in with H 1 totoH
tho popular rabblo, and either do violence to crowd, with one excentinn. rllii the S)oclcty h fix'"g its annual meeting on
our conscience by advocating error, or take La,la si(,e of the house. Quite a number tlie 8econ Wo('nesday in May.
a sort of a "so so" position, from which we f tll0Se n,e,n ,lal? been for Gl,ines P to that Sal"" was then geleoled a the place for
could look down, from an easy chair. T' 7.7' Jwn.e,n !"!s '"""ver of this arch the next anniversary.
. ' ' ' u '"suite oeciuea t ieir ehanrro T m i.,M r. . . .. .."
t..e neat ana turyo! the strife, and with a that the vounrr man hn ,tA i. j O0CIy then adjourned to three o'clock
m I it . ... lilt t . . 2.. " v " rVl U J . i ,
....ucemgnn, nave tnintly smiled at 011 y Himself," was eyed a good deal after
Ihe rout or tictory of either party, so as to the tasnion that a of Spanish cattle
have produced the conviction that we were would 'k pon a wolf which was trying to
Im. fan in. .!.....- - t v . .
-euwu, ,roy.citin et-fn,;. : - . ... ".
from her broken w.11., .nJ fnmtic i. ih-ir'rZ- of tbc-rebv
-thu,uic bomag, of ,h. Z L Tht "K 6m f di"
not, cord, whnrh hav.w often rJ nigh torn
a l-nrv l'l.... f..ll.., 1 KHrr a Calt.
unel.l k J . . ..I l 1 , . """ "'"-SO 'r
, i.uv-i, uunsis oi many more mst M ,'Hmer mem trom what hmo r.A t
such men than you are probably aware of, 866 1 options to them. Their secret
and we have often thought that the man who mf ''" 1 8,11 not in fovor of. as I never yet
e degree, this india rubber ZZZ 1? 2c,el? i "V orde'
ort of cast, as to cbaT-aete, fnm.i If .' i" 1 i"e aoiisot emperance.
,i l , .... -i .v uuicr person wisnes to belonirtoa ae.
tho beat subject to put upon the political cret society I have no particular objections
race course in this particular latitude and u,1?'? do,ne o, as I think this is a priviWe
luiit; iluiiii. i - , mail i:iiiii..
All of the, evils grow out of the want J I SB"6 8aJd
information. Tk. .... ... " ? :T"T" yw I sat down to write.
. jv tunaa in niir iiiinna i innraiAaa A ... l i
... , .use oy wisning you and
HI go right when they clearly see the path PaPer Sreat success.
respectfully, ours,
of duty. The only chance is. to emanein.1,
them from the control of parly leaders, and
then get these principle fairlv hef tW
.J .L . . ' v.u,
uu lue county i Mfe. a hav.
Ull-"i"cu Pce than we intended, and
iveiiave not said as much aa J.i.
In the
i " "I'ljusi answer vour
...tcogauonas io "Whati to be done I"
7 aying in the word of the dying Law
enee, '-Don't give up the ship." -'Achate.
ag.Ute, Mid O'Connel "and Ireland
safe." If you wish to lav a surt fnUnrl,f ;
and are willing l0 wit for the next
ration to exhibit the fruit of your labors,
lend all your energies just now to the di,.
tcm.nation of knowledge by mean,0f torn-
mon saioois.
IWTh wrinkle of the Wrt . , ..
K. thn lha af ,b. bre .,...
Our gtranger friend will excuse n n,.k.
blishing the above extract, from hi. letter,
which he probably intended merely for our
own eye.
Weare receiving almost dailr im;..- .
h. L . J""on
I " 5Ucn C110lce spita are to be
m o.ery part of tha T-..:. .
Sodom uo. .;j ...... AS
i - tiu woeuu ....
nt fhu.: . . r"u wnaicion
,r "ghteon, meD fonBd in
her ennrons we hope that a, Oregon nun
ber. several thousand, of h , J.l
..;.!.!.. . . -"i.iereas
"" ' ue me "Sa t il,. ....l
TflB Vrnr.. i"
J-c mZrZ? Mr.
are hapDy to
P. M. Benediction by Rev. T. H. Pearn..
Three odock P. M., met according to ad
journment, and listened to addresse. by
Rev. G. Hiries and Rev.G. H. Atkinson.
Subscription, were then called for, and
tu,ou rece.vea, twenty dollar, of which
constituted Rev. D. Leslie a life member of
the Oregon Bible Society. 1 " '
Thomas Pope, Esq. was elected deo...
tary for the ensuing year.
The Officers of the Society for the comW
year are, . ..
President Rev. D. Leslie. - T
Vice President H. H. Spauldi:.
Secretary Rev. G. Hines.
Treasurer-Tho.rM popej &
waimuiee if.
-".iu ID uafMv V .
of Polk eoorir, .nZ L. ne W 8W
k a Know oti. :lt7 7" w to He i. and pade
I n t ( & a
kinson, Rev. a S.Kiu
Undon, Charles ?on.J, P.,
1 ne price of th s.:..i.
f'A, i ;wHliltie-
rrea to the executive committee. ' .
After prayer by Rev. H. H. Spwlding,.
the tocety adjourned sine dit. ,l
' H. K. HLVES, Secretary. ''
The Meet la ClacUaatl.
Office of tha Chirf of pfio. 1 '
; CiDcinnati, Ohio, March 26, ISsL I
nr. uea w. Sbeerer-Dr. Sir: In
Mroilv Iiii....L..
with yon lo the ouonT
ZZZL ,':.,'ron rd of enm i-
from o0rRn,.errf, ""iT. e
Aaaaolt and Ballerv. Di,rf.j. Ja?' . '
Bd grade. Bmilar u IhoM. th' .J
. 'oor Roefnny,
D- T. Hoai, Chief of Pofie,.