The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 09, 1855, Image 4

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    Aa tMmu Hiary. ti
U iblaly Mftrtw TUI Ma
" eatB Mlaalorfc.
i . Vnm the KfUUmil Vnietrt.
' ' ILtiTroxD, Trumbull Co, Ohio,
Jim. 8, 1835.
1 fi. W.Skitu. Ei. IttarSit: Tliefact
cin in tht encWu aflidavit of John Kith
ardaoa are of public notoriety lr, and cnn
M doubt beuUinl M any amount 01 er
idence. You are it lilwfy to make an use
of Dm fii'lut iU you choose.
lUiiMcifuiij, wsu. ititunn.
The Stale of Ohio. Trumbull Comity, H
Before me. Wm. J. IMtrlit. s Justice of tb
riirliC I
Peaot ia Md for the county aforesaid, per
oolly came John Jcichardson, who, being
duly sworn, dcK- as follows: I um a res
ideut of I'ninvtumiany township, Mercer Co,
1'a. live four mil. east of the center of
Hartford, Ohio; have lired ahcrc l now re
aide tome nine month. About five weeks
airo mr attention wa arrested by a rery
harp and loud whistle, seemingly in a
mall closet In one corner of my nouse. -
W ' ..II I I I ...I I .l'it 1 -
lllll was iuhowo'I ujr iou'.muo uisuuui ri,
a loud w a person could conveniently r
-with ilia knuckles. Tho closet door w ac-
ard or fastened by a wood button thut
turni oror the eiien or the door. 1 hit but
ton would frequently turn, mid tho door
open, withoutany vUil.lo agency. This wo
followtd by a loud and distinct (apparently)
liuman roica, which could he heard jcrliaja
fifty rod, i
' After repeating a very loud and shrill
cream several liutc, tha voice fell to a low
er key, and in a louo about at loud at ordi
nary convocation, commenced njxnkiiiff in
a plain nud distinct manner, assuring tlio
family that we would out be burucJ, an J ro
questing u to have no frur of any injury, m
we were iu no danger- Those iiianilttsta
tioos, beinu; altogether unaccountable to my.
ulf and family, wo searched the ehtiro
house, to find, if osiblu, the came of thin
new and startling phenomenon, but found
'no one in or nlout tha promises but the fam
ily. Again we wero startled by a rcjiclition
of the screams, which wero repealed per
fliape a doom timoa, when the voicVt proceed
d to inform in thut the conversation ciino
ifroin tho spirit of two brothers, culling
themselves llniiry and John Force, and
claimed to buve beau murdered tamo eleven
yean linoa, and then gave u wlmt they rep
rwaiiled a a history of the tragedy, nud iu
aisted that wo should cull ou soiuu of the
nif!lilior to hear tho disclosure. John
Rauney, Henry Moore, and sumo dowin oth
ara, were then called in, to whom the histo
ry was detailed at length. Wo could rendi
'ly discover a diUcrcuce in tho voice profess
ing to come from tho two spirit.
About the third day after thcKO manifest
atiout comuiencvd, my wife brought a ham
of meat into Ihn liouie, and laid it on tho
itablo. and itenncd to the othur aidn of tint
room, when it win carried by ome inviaiblo
agency from four to iu feet from tho table,
and thrown upon tho floor. At another
time a bucket of water wan without human
.hamla tiikoti from tho table, curried aomc six
feet, aud poured uiwn the Door. Tliii waa
followed ny a large dining tablo turning
round irom iia position at the kkiq of tho
room, and curried forward to tho stove, a
.distance of more than nit foot. Tin's was
ilono whilo tliero unn no pemon Hear it.
Tha inmo tablo li.n since that time been
thrown on its ido without human nenev.
and often boon mudo to danco nbout whilo
the family wro cnlins around it. Atone
.tune dulien, knives and fork., were thrown
from the tnblo to tho oppn,ito side of tho
room, breaking the ilhlic to pieces.
Ou another occasion llio voice reiii(tcd
Mrs. Hiclmi'dviu to remove llio ili.-ln-j from
tho table, which wm doiio iiimiediaUly,
wuon me uhho coininonceu rocking violent
ly bock and forwanl, nnd coiiiiiiued tlio ino.
tton, so that the dishes could not be ha-IkiI
ioii it, but wero placed in a vewel and set
upon lua floor, from winch n number of
luoni flew from tho tub to (he clniinbcr floor
overhead, ninl wero thus broken to iiiccco,
hnt cruckory rumuiuid wo ntteiiited to
.uv.iiii ujr ni.iMjr u , a cuiiuoard, and shut
ll.n ..I.! I .' I
uuvin, nuuu ,voro vioieuny lli row ii
open, and ihoilikliei flew like lixhiuing, ono
atlor another, against the oppoiito aido, and
oroKe to pieoo. At another lime a drawer
in lUe tttldo was, whilo there was no person
now' it, drawn out, nnd a plate that had becu
Placed there carried across the room and bro-
Lllll niTlllllt lit., n . ..II i I . .
,"f 3 iiiuub nan, aiiu Um
Kind of (Iciuonstrntiou htM continued until
tioarly all thocrvHkcry about tho house has
Ixiuu broken aud destroyed,
i A' dill'uient times the drawers of a stand
sitliug iu a bed room have been taken out,
- uil at one time- cnn lully p1Krd on a M.
A Urge stove boiler has' ken, while on the
stove, filled with water, lipped up, andc-uts-d
to stand on one oud, and the water was
turned out upon tha floor, and at this time
taken off from the store, and curried some
six foot, and set down upon llio floor, and
this bilo untouched br any persou. A tea
kettle has often been taken from H,a stove
in the sain manner, and thrown upon the
" 7 ,ln,p Pul.T, coiiluining
aonie coflea for the pUrHHa of browning,
waa taken from the stoe, carried near the
chamber floor, and then thrown upon the
floor. And fluently, while Mm. KK hard
wn has been Uking buckwheat cakes on tho
stove, the griddl, ,, in ,h, Mnie
countable inanucr, U-eu taken from tl4
aUjva aud thrown aenws the house ) andof
ten cakes have U'cniuken from ihffcrMdle
while bakiug, and disappeared cntin'iy.
ai one nine (he voice, sneakiiu L ,
wile, said a (the spirit) could bukecU lb,
J.corgej a boy eating nl the table.; M,
Kichar. son stepped ay fiu.n tho,
when tho batter (alreadv prvpsrtd ft,r
ki.ut ks) was by soni- unseen .Bcv t
10 from a crock sittin near the stove.' and
placed upon the griddle, and turn,j t the
proper time, aud wban.l.m iL.... t. i..
i cake 1 1 " V0U7 ",, M P
, .ivt.ikc was 4c-
cordiugly laiad iu th same manner as be
fore autcd, and carried acro the room and
.laced iu the girl's hand.
Dunns all these occurrence, the talking
from the two voice and other l cot
ud,aud alillcoutiuuosduily, together with
such manifestations as I bnva deUiled, with
ninny others not named. The conversation,
a well as the tither dfinionsl rations, have
bccDitnosd almost daily )' mylf and
family, a well as by score of Ksrsons, who
have visited my honso to wilnes these
strong phenomena.
I will only add, that the spirit (the voice)
anveas a reason for breaking crockery and
destroying property, that it i done to con
vince tho world of the existence of spirit
presence. Jon Riciuauson.
fswora I siil subscribed before nw, Ibis bib day
uf Jnuuarr, W J- Dsioirr,
Elia Jan llilisrd.n, beioj July sworn, ssys;
I am the wife of Jolin Hielnudoii, who ami llie
sboe affidavit. I fur witaeot-d sll llio minuted
iiuiu fivea by my biWnd in his ttiClavil, and
msiiy laben, u. Ii as iif in( by lit voices, aud
writing wiliiout human Kncv.
Kuxs Jans P.ieiususox.
Hworn to sml subscribed Mif me, this ttlli day
of Janusry, 1H4J. Wm. J. lisiuur, J. 1'.
Jsiues II. Moors, beini duly sworu.osys: I liar
wilneMd insuy of llie oncurrences i(irn by Jiii
Itiehurdeiwin lisi sflidsvil, such oereniiis; with
Ui voices, sooing lb IsUe move su.ui, ac.
Jsmks II. Moos,
Kworo to snd subscribed before me, Ibis Hih dsy
of January, 1855. W u. i. JIsioiit.J. r,
..rislrd Vfsl"VIt MSB lelksKal.
A man named John Jenkins, keeper of
the "Branch "of tho Fulton Market," No.
281 Grand -st. Brooklyn, was tried yester
day aftornoou bf fore Justiea Pcrrr. nt the
old City Hall in Month Socond-st., on a
charge of selling "J'latcd VchI," tho charge
being preferred by Kobc-rt liunuells, Alvnt
lusiector for the Eastern District. N. P.
O'Hrien, Assistant District-Attorney, np-
penred for the city.
At the Appointed boor, accused not being
present, the Court proceeded to Uke testi
Oeorira l'essincor sworn 1 saw nine
quarters of plnted veal hanging up in the
branch of tho Fulton Market, in Urand-st.,
kept by Jenkins : the boy said lliey were
r. . :. I. . . i i. . i . .i .. i
going iu son ii , mean oy piaieu vein put
ting a piece of fal pork where the kidney
ought to bo ; if thu wholo or theso nine
Qiiurtcr wero fried out. after lakini; awuv
tlio Jiork, enough fat could not bo got out
to grease a jack-knife; butchers cull this
"bob veal j" I bavo been a butcher for 40
years ; I consider tins moat very unwhole
some; it was very young, and had been
slurved cither here or whilo it was being
brought here ; tliero was not a purticlo of
fat about it, and but very littlo meat on the
bones, aud consider wuul there was very un
Jenkins hero came into court aud risked
to liavo the case adjourned, as ho was not
awnro that it was to be tried to-day. Ho
wished to procure the Washington Market
butcher of whom he purchased tho veal, to
prove that it was good.
Counsellor O'Brien was willing to have
the enso adjourned, provided accused would
allow hint to chnugo tho charge to "soiling
unwholesome meat,' winch would innko
tho ienalty much heavier.
l'oMinger nsked accused if ho knew
whether the moat in question was vcul or
dog meat.
Jenkins did not know, but supposed it
mubt be vcnl, us he bought it for thut.
rosseiiger This comes from licensing
men to sell incut that know nothing ubout
it ; tho name, is suflieient ; I cnn produco n
woman in Williamsburg that cooked steaks
cut from the thigh of tho pirnto Gibbs, w ho
was hung, and people nto nud pronounced
them tho linost they ever ate, being under
the impression Hint it wits the llesli of an
Accused concluded not to have the case
adjourned, and was accordingly fined HO.
Mr. lVssengor, iu explanation of the broil
ing of a portion of tho flesh of Gibbs, said it
was ut n hotel iu tho Dowcry, kept by the
husband of tho woman referred to, at nn nf
fiiir called a "Tackle," in which every per
son participating, contributed some article
of food to be prepared for tho dinner; this
placo was a resort for medical students, nnd
tho body of (iiblis having been handed
over to tho medical faculty for dissection, n
wag of a student conceived tho idea of play
ing oil' a joke upon somo of tho partici
pants nt tho "Tackle;" he accordingly pro
cured some slices of tho remains of tho pi
rate, which wero cooked nnd passed oil" as
the flesh of some animal : those who
took, pronounced it most delicious.
I'essenger at tended one of thoso'Tackles"
in Ins earlier days, where part of a dog was
nicely cooked and served un : the nu nt u.-w
i ii. , . .. . -
i'ihisou ny mi wno parlook, and it
set nicely upon tho stomach until tho joke
leaked out, and then it would not stay dow n.
iV. lr. Tribune,
tr ta l.klss.
I'liB liul uuuibw of lbs Orienul ooiilsins s lei.
lerdsiedst llou(k.wg, snd w ritten to tit Ed lor
oy irienu si Hist pltee. The following is sn es
trsel :
" Affairs In Chins sre in a sJ ststc, growing
won snd worse. The Christian- WorM have gone
sll salray, I hellevs, ibout the " pulriotisru " or
'Chi kllmiity" of the "lieb,,!.," m vtiri, clB
nss King len threalr ned, but is Hill in the hsuils
of tlio Impersli.!.; but sll trade b sui.ieiiJed.
Th. nwet f,.,m, ,a Kimf ttmilit, tn daj.
comuiilted by both lmperisli.U snj Rebels, l'ir.tes
. . , Ul aR)Und M w hjV hi(J
nouuug .lm,U fo, . fe ,inM , Ntllking
hsl w,, hewer.,, i. M fcTontb, ,jIfr (()
Hie sueces. politically, or U. Ihe t'hrirtiw.
of th Naiikin meu. Xli.n.h.i I... i ,.
nwr llias jo iu m. hsnds of o .tr,n,-,
UTThe CuK.B,u t;,wt, of ThunJ..
it is estimated that within the nu i. i
J U,
PM. with uWr niote.ol.s have
Uira tut eily tor th far West
Tl,. I
may be relirj aiva u li
k. t-iu i . . i
ai.,a as Midi correct. TK- ' .j ro M. Lous, sr rrsavdv laden."
the London Times of 18I3.J
1HB AsCn TO MlHt.OV.
Tho Euipsrur Nsp be would ot off
On a summv ricursion ta Miow )
Tb fields were green, tod the sky was blue,
M'.rblea! TsrWeu!
Wlist pltamnt escursiou to foK-ow I
'our hundred thousand men and mor
Must go wilh him to Moscow
Tliem wer 51nili! by Ui dosen,
And Uukes by th score (
Prince few, ud Kings ou or two (
Whil the field sre o green, ud the sky so blue,
Morbleu ! Tsrbltu !
What a pleasant cseursion to Moscow !
Ther wss Junot and Ag. resu,
Jle'lfli-liof Mncow !
I)iibroky and Ponbtowsky,
General lisp, and Kniror Nap
Xolbing would do,
While the field were o green and Ui sky sobluo,
Murbku ! I'urbVu !
iut they must be marching lo M'ciw.
Hut the rtuiean stoutly they turned to,
I'pon the road lo Moscow,
Nap hid to fwlil his way all tlirough ;
Tliey could fight, though tbey could not parlei-vous;
JJut the fields were green, and Ihe sky was blue,
MorbSeu? i'nrbleu!
And o he g.t to Moscow. .
lie found the pine to li'H for him,
For they ut fire to Museow.
To got there bad cat him much do,
And then no better course he knew,
While the fields were green snd the sky was blue,
Morbleu I I'arblvu I
Jut to march luck sgnin from Muecow.
Th Ituwians lliey stuck cluae to bira
All on Ihe road from Moscow,
Ther was Torinasow and Jenulow
And sll tho others that end in ow
Milarodiivitch and Jalodovitch,
And Kurnctehkowitch,
Aud all Ihe others that end iu itch ;
Si'hanwclicrT, Suuchossneff,
And ScheuleiT,
And all the others that end iu (T ;
AVasilUicliikofr, KostoniaMff,
Aud TchoglukotT,
Audull Ihe others that eud in oft")
l!;ijcir-ky, overeflky,
And Ricltiky,
And all the others that end in efi'nky ;
Caharoflnky and HustufUky ;
And nil the others that cud in ofTaky
And l'latufl'hc pbyed themntT,
And Shouvaluft lie shoveled thcmoiT,
And Murkntrhe marked tlicm off,
And KrmwnorThe CMesed them oft",
And Tuchkoflfhe touched them off,
And Unrimkoffhc bored them off,
And KutousnlT be cut llicm off,
And rarcnii'ff he pared them off,
And Woronioff he worried them off,
A nd Dochtoiioff he doctored them off,
And Uodiouoff he flogged them off,
And last of sll, an Admiral enme,
A terrible msn with a terrible name,
A name which you all know by sight very well,
liul which no one cau sjieak, and no one can spell.
They slurk close to Xnp with all their might j
They were on the left aud on the right,
Ilehind nnd b "fore, and by day and by night ;
Ho would rather (wi'lc i-vous than fight ;
But purlcx-vous no more would do,
For they remembered Moscow.
And then came on the frost and snow,
All ou the road (Vein Moscow.
The fields were so white, aud the sky so blue,
Sacrcbleu 1 Vcuti clileu I
What a terrible journey from Moscow !
The devil take the hindmost qnoth Nap,
Al I on the road from Moscow 1
For he thought it small delight
To fiht all day and freeze all night,
And so, not know ing what else to do,
When tho fields were so while nnd the sky so blue,
Morbleu ! Parblru !
I To stole sway, I tell you true,
All on tlio road from Moscow.
us as much too cold upon the road
As 'twiis too hot iu Moscow ;
Itiit there is s place w hich he must go to,
Where tho fire is red and tho brimstone blue,
Morbleu I Tarblou !
He'll find it hotter than Moecow !
L,ove Letter.
This was written by a British officer du
ring tho Revolution, to an American lady :
" Do I lort thee f Oh, dearest, tho Warn
of thine eyois tho light of my lifo. I icor
ih!p thee. Thy smile is tho inv of mv ex
istence thy voico the musio'of mv soul.
lien thy hand lies iu mine, and thy
breath is upon my cheek, every nerve vi
brates with ccstacy, and the deep pulsation
of thy bosom thrills mino with a responsive
devotion that absorbs my whole being.
" I would have thee as pure as au angel,
that I might enshrine thy image iu my heart
aud bow before it as th idol of all my joy
and hope, while thy enduring and full affec
tion snouid elevnto nnd sanctify my adora
tion until it transcended human seutiiueiit,
and partook of the holy love symbolized in
the flowora of Taradise at the dawn of cre
ntion. " Tins, tho world will call frenzy, hallu
cination let the world call it what they
may it rs asill I would not luu. V.rln
for all else the world can cive.
''1 hen love me, dear, with all thy strength,
with all thy truth, with all thy consumer,
forevcrmore, in pleasure and in sadness
mm nen uie earth is closed over me, let thy
love pierce-the cold turf and tmitowith the
spirit thai linnrers to join thiiie iu its flight
to realms of eternal Miss,"
tWha the Ormcle at Dclphoa declared
Socrale. to b th wisert of men, he replied that
a. was w m enough to know that he knew nothins-.
Thisii tho first insunnan nwhl f . r-.t. i. .-
vn-.V...I.. si
Iff Each C a, bears withia hinuolf world
i t, " " I
""" wiiow-beinn. and rk
i.: i . J
ory resrmbun' that .J .r. I
yBe thstofnoooe.
A young ldy recently from a boarding school,
being ssked if sli would tak some mor cabbage,
rplid i-By no means, n.sdsm-gu'Uoniical
sstisty admonishes mo that I liav arrived at lb
ullimst of culinary destination consistent with
8hs must havebeeu a classmate of the young la
dy who un being akcd at a party tea-table if
sli would have .ugsr, gave utterance to th fol
lowing i
"Xo, I llunik you, I slways ntertuin s diaboli
cal Invincible repugnance to suar, for according
to my Innensiblo cogitations uon tho subject, th
(Uvusityof tho sugar nullifies th flaityof th
tea, and renders it vastly obnosious "! I
Tsklas Hecartly.
T kept a small store aud dealt in all "all
On dsy every genteel man cam in, professing
tha uimost haste, and wunted twenty dollar in
small bills, to break a double X, whore he had
made trade hard by.
'Vy,' said T , '1 doosu't know ye. Vat for
I let you have twenty dollars mine monisli V
'Oh, don't bother,' said the Granger, 'here, give
me the twenty, and I'll Biva )'u dollar for Ihe
us of it, and I'll lock you in till I got back, that
will make it safe.'
T coaitatcd a moment. The chance of
nuiking a dollar was good he was somewhat con
fused, but said
'Yaw, dat ih goot,' and then passed out the
After some holf an hour, T began to con-
cluds the wrong man was locked in llio security
had bernrirenon the wronr side. T never
leut any more money without considering with
great deliberation Ihe matter of seeunty.
We heard s good story of a man on a Mianiimip-
pi steamer, who- was questioned by a down east
The gentleman, to humor tho fellow, answered
all his questions strnight forwurdly, until the down
easier was fuiilv ouulcd for au interrogatory. At
last he inquired :
'Iok here, Squire w here was you born ?'
'1 was bom,' said tho victim, 'in Boston, Tro'
montst., No. 41, ou tho 1st day of August 1S25,
at 5 o'clock iu the uftcrnoon."
Yankee was answered completely. For an
instant he was struck. Soon however, his face
brightened, und he quickly said i
'Yuos ; wall I calculate you don't recollect
whether it was a frame or a brick house, duyc?'
, Irtsliniaa
Iking told to grease the wagon, returned in
about an hour afterwards and said :
'I've grniied ivery part of tho wagon inside and
out, but by the blue hair o' Moses' wig, I can't get
at the sticks the wheels hang on, sure.'
Hard Times Vuttdlag.
Take half a pint of molasses, half a pint of wat
cr, two tcaspoonsful of salcratus, one large spoon
ful of salt ; thicken with flour to s tolerably thick
baiter; put it in a pudding bag, or better still, in
a mould if you have one, leaving plenty of room
for it to swell out, say nearly one-half. Jloil it
steadily three hours ; it will be good without sauce
of any kind ; but a little butter or cream, or butter
and sugar made into sauce with flour and boiling
w uter and spice widi a little nutmeg, will bo found
a great addition.
Tho Hertford Times says of the abovo : "We
can speak for the excellent qualities of the pudding,
having tried it aud found it 'a fact.' " Michigan
Orange Hyrup.
Take an orange with a thin rind ; espress the
juico and strain through s cloth or fine sieve. To
every pint of clear juice add ono and a half lbs of
clean, w ell pulverised sugar j boil slowly over
clear but moderate fire, and skim carefully as long
as any scum rises. It may then bo removed, cool
ed anil bottled. Of this syrup, a couple of tuble
spooiwful, mixed with melted butter, makes an ad
mirable sauce for plum or butter puddiug. The
bottles in which this syrup is kept should bo se
curely corked, and sot in a refrigerator, or in some
cool place in the cellar to prevent fermentation
C'er. Telegraph.
lo Cure Ear ctie.
Ear-ache may be relieved by dropping a little
sweet oil and laudanum, warm, into the car, and
applying hot suit in flannel bags, so as to keep the
part constantly warm.
'Patrick,' said a lady to a slip of green Erin,
who w asofliciuting in the kitchen, 'w here i Brid
get V 'Iudade, ma'm she's fust aslape looking at
the bread bakin.'
'1 think our church will lust a good whilo yet,'
said s waggish deacon to his paster '1 sec the
tlerjiert are very sound.'
A few barrels of liquor on their way through
Rutland, Vt, wero observed to be labelled, 'Wid-
s Tears.'
Vrertlwi lo Death.
PaJdy McShane was annoyed exceedingly by a
strange dog. On a cold winter night, the wiud
cutting like a knife, after the dog had been turn
ed out of doors no less than three times, Pat was
awakened by a rather extensive fracture of the
glass. The dog was in the honse again. Paddy
w aited upon him out, and both were absent some
fifteen minute, so that his old woman becoming
alarmed at such prolonged absence, rose and went
tc the window.
What are yees doing out there, Psddy, acushla,'
said she. j
There was such a chattering of teeth that the
answer for some time wa somewhat unintelligible
at last it came :
'Saw I am thrying to fnue the dinlish baste to
a Cxrrs ( Uayptaes.
Aa old lady while indolging, few eTcniugs
iuce, in reinini:eiic of Iter cirlbeod. h.n A.
had lou of beam, exclaimed, "Why, the truth k.
' " " nPry wax 1 wa fa:riv i
naeoinfori),L. I" '
Modesty is Dohey, a less ihsa Twtue..
ug llio Army of
Ureal Dial"' mno
Dreadful irarrity of Protimn'.-Orrjion.
Agent uuder Froridrnc. for fultening th len
' , kin!!
M10 not lupiiose that t'hrmn & Warner's
I I .i.ii.i. ..i off wilh that of the
old ' Knectstor !" W are buppy lo inform all of
our old friends iu particular, and our erics...
general, that we are still li and kicking nl "
old stand, wher. w. still muk it our p.rliculs.
business to furnish frieud and foe wilh jtwt such
j..:...;.. in il, line of tirovisions, croceries ami
ooufcclionery as would make even an anchorites
heart swim, his soul .Und ou liploc, and iiiak bun
wish histhfout as "long a a fence rail, suh
might protract ihe pleasure aflordcd by swallowing
some of our uieo things. .,,,,.
Do not forget our old slsnd and get into th
i i?..i Iu. nr. vou are "sll riifht" when
you r striking a bre-hne towards the ho.. of
Oregoo City, April il, Hj5. ly
Books and Stationery,
roa ls sr roi'K, jr.
-rwrr.tlsTEH'S Dictionaries, all sizes, from
f primary school bi vo. diotioiinrie.
Itlakc's Biographical Dictionary
o i ,,r Am.ririi." hv Melirriror i
"Shudy Side,'"Hiuceehy,'" oud Undo Tom's
CTins. Arthur's works ; Churloll F.Iisabeth's do.
Ilr MiM-iiKr'at iln.
i'otrs. Millou, Young, Thomson, Cowner,
Ossian, rulloek, and others.
Also Bowuing's Fruit Cultured j Thomas do.
Vniml. mi khrl'll: Do. OU horsO.
Allan's American Farm Hook: Do. doincslie
pr,.l Arrliiim hire, llurul Homes. Sic. and
Sanders' New Readers 1st, 2d, .'!d,4ih & .".ill.
McGtifBe's liomicm.
Smi.lrni' Sivllcra : Eleiiientarv do.
Thomsou's Arithmetics llook-kieping, Copy
Aijo Fuller' Pencils, Gillolt'a Pens, lilunk
Books, Envelop., Foolscap, Nolo und Letter l'u-
per, V alers, etc., Il.r aim m-imi.jji
itlain-el., urcgon niy, vpn. it inou-i
Medicines for Sale, By
i A NDS' Samapaiillu, Peck's Wild Cherry Hit-
55 tcrs, Uutemuu's drops, Urandrclh's pills, Ic's
oills. Perrv's vermifuec, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,
3d preparation, Roman ryo buliuini, Dulley's pain
extractor. Luuilunum, Parecorie, Oil of Pepper-
mint, lissences. Coninosilion Powders, Curler's
Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Kuin Suits, &c.
BRASS and Iroii Bulls, Screws, Locks and
Lutches, Hammers and Hatchets, Axes,
Drawing-knives, Hundtuus, Curry Combs, Hursc
Brushes und Cards, Gun I-ocks, (inn Caps, Wool
Cards, Chest Handles, Planes, &e.
April 21, lrjoo-llf
J UGAR, Suit, Cofl'ce, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate,
Stareh, Salerntus, Cream Turlur, Sul Soda,
C'arb. Soda, Pepper, Sp.ce, Alum, Borax, Cop
porus, ate. Aprii il, lfijo-ltf
Beading for the Million.
A Choice selection of Popular Books, News
papers, Magazines and Fancy Stationery.
Among the books ou hand will be found works
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, Poetry, Hiogrnphy, Medicines, Ucligiun,
Science, School Bonks, Romances, &c., iVe., otc.
0"Subsennt:ons received for Harper, Graham,
Goodey, Leslio's, or Putnam, nt $i a your, pont
age free.
ILT suqscnptions nceivcd for any newspaper
published in any part of the I'n on.
Remember the r rankliii Book Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon.
3? A priced catalogue will be published curly
in April, and will be sent to any part of the terri
tory free on application, .
" Statesman copy 1 mo.
OFFER for sale the following goods just re
ceived Than Now York and Sandwich Isl
ands, per barks C. Dovens and Ocean Bird, 1. e.
50 Tons S. I. Salt,
15,000 yards new style
10,000 " hr'u. muslins
3,000 " bleuch'd do
100 lbs. linen thread
50 pieces Bilk hdkfs
1,500 yards hickory
2 doi. umbrellas
50 ens. boots & shoes
20 doz. slutes
20 " druw'g knives
10 " coll'eo mills
25 jack planes
10 doz. buck saws
150 fancy clocks
25 kegs siilerutus
10 cases "Lucke's"
10 " "Cornucopia"
tobacco -Jayne's
1 pr. 4 ft. mill burs
5 doz. crow bars
25 lbs. bl'k sen'gsilk
10 " ass'd " "
92 bags prime colic
10 tons fine salt
100 kegs brown sugar
iUU " syrup t mo
lasses 5 barrels whale oil
10 diK grain scythes
20 " grain erndlcs
5 reaping machines
d thrashing do
13 straw cutters
100 reams wrap. paper
lot) lus. Aluss. twine
10 doz. Collins axct!
10 " hoes
5 Smith's bellows
1 0 dozen mill saws,
best quality
15 doz bed cords
10 coils rope
1 00 box's cream tart.ii
100 lbs. borax
25 b.xs. soap powdei
25 " alspice
1,000 " ffineham
Together with a lame assortment of drv roods.
clothing, medicines, iron, steel, blacksmiths' tools,
chairs, bedsteads, cigars, aud other articles previ
ously on hand; und all of which are offered for
sale for cash, produce, or ou short time lo approved
Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf
New Volumes of the four Reviews
and Blackwood.
COMMENCE with North British for Novem
ber, 1854, snd the other Reviews and Black
wood for Janimry, 1855.
Termtaf Subtcription. Any one Review or
Blackwood, SJ3 a year. Blackwood and one Re
viewor any two Reviews, $5. The four Re
views and Blackwood, f 10. Four copies to one
address, Jjt30.
Postage on the four Reviews and m.V
any P ust office in Ihe I'uited States, only 80 cents
a year on each Review and 24 ceutsavearon
New York, published by Leonard, Scott i Co
79 t ulton street entrance 54 Gold street.
Slew Orleans Sugar V ,
5 Barrels of New Orleans sugar per cl-D-W
per ship - Hathay." k
.. it d? f 0rlMI" molasses per clipper
" Herald of the .Morning "
of M.? "bout Ih. 15th
tuem out at low prices.
i i y0RSE 41 FINE ALTI have in .
IV -J tans coarse and fine mil, lo be sold eery
ck"P- 2ltf JAMES O'NLILL.
. r asw wrtrrsTAT Sl CO..
:w...iV.,,Kii Mrrehanl, and whole.
sal and retail lUr ia Dry Goods, Greeeriaa,
Hardware, Aro., Ae. ..'''
i George T. Allan.
Oregon City, May S. J Art h.tahl M Kmlay. V
( Thoina Lowe.
j Scotuburg, L'uir-tua, Oregnn.
4 LLAX, M KIX LAY it CO, Chn.g,
J Territory. mtfS.
Provl-lon sic llurdwarc,
JVo. 1, ,V'ii Strrtl.
Geo. AsroatTiir, I Tmoma Pora,
Hiram Class, Ja. II. Hoss.
A prilil, IrioS-llf
Jlry tioods.
Hoots tV Shoe,
Book It glalimiery
Muin-st., Oregon City, April 21, l55-lif
attosnst axd cooaetoa T LAW,
iMfaijette, Yamhill County, O, T.,
WILL fuithfully attend lo all bushies a
trusted lo his professional care.
April 21, 185.1-llf
Wholrnir 4- Retail Dealer in (IrorerU, Praduet,
Vrurinont, J-c. Main Street
A General Assortment kept up of Selected Goods.
Canemah, April 21, 1855-llf.
Between Orfgon, Culilnrma, the Atlantic
Siuteti awl Eurnjic.
HAVING made advniitugcoiis .-
itt5nrrungeineiits wilh tho Dulled Sk
icsiJL Slules and l'ucific Muil Stt um- 2niaa
ship Companies forliunsporlulion, we ar now pre
pared to forward Gold lhit, Bullion, Speeie',
Parkaret, Parcel: aud Freight, to and from N
York, N. Orleans, S.:n Frnncisco, Portland, aud
principal towns of Culiforuiu and Oregon.
Our regular Semi monthly la press between
Porlluud unil S in Fronei.-co, is dispatched by the
Pucilie Mail Steamship Co.' steamship Columbia,
connecting ul Sun Francisco w ith our semi-monthly
Express lo Neu York and A'eic Oi tram, which
is dispufched regularly on the 1st and Kith of each
month, by Ihe mail steamers nud in charge of our
own messengers, through lo destination.
Our Express from New York leaves regulurly
on the 5th and 20th of each mouth, ulso iu charge
of imssepgers.
Treasure insured in Ihe best New York com
panies, or at Lloyd's in Ion,lon, ut the option of
OirrcEs New Yo.k, No. 16, M'ull St.; New
Orleans, No. II, Exchange place; Sun Francisco,
No. 114, Montgomery street.
Oregon City, April 21, IS55.-ltf
Capt. A S. Murray,
WILL run duily between Porlluud and Ore
cou City. Leave Oregon City al eight
o'clock, A. u. lleltiruing, lravo Portland at two
o'clock, r. i. ,
t or freight or passage apply on board,
Aptil 21, 1855-ltf
Oregon City aiuj Portland.
Jennie Clark!
J. C. AiNswoRTit, Master.
WILL run Daily, (Sundays cxccplod,) in the
above-named trade, leavine Orccou City
every day nt 8 o'clock, t. u.
Returning, will leave Portland at 3 r. u., touch
ing at all intermediate points.
r or height or pnssage apply on board.
April 21, lUii-llf
Who Wants the Silver Cup? -
WE will give a SILVER CUP, or $25 in
GOLD, to the owner of any Reaping
machine who will, at a public trial of reapers, ill
presence of regularly chosen and disinterested
judges, produce a reaper that will do more and '
better work than BurriWt Convertible Reaper.
Said Iriul lo occur during tho coming harvest,
and not more than one reaper of any one kind to
be introduced asconipctilon. Time and place to
be ugrecd on with parlies entering for the trial.
Below wo give a notice of this machine and '
some of the ndvuntages claimed for it : .
" At the trial of reapers in the harvest field in
Geneva, New York, iu July lust, by the judges ap- '
pointed by the New York State Agricultural .
Society, nine reapers were entered, and each re
quired to cut about three acres of wheat and two .,
of barley much lodged and tangled, the straw soft
snd tough, on rough and uneven ground. Evere
facility was afforded for a full and impartial trial,,
aud examination as to draft, construction and per
formance ; and the first prize was awarded tov
Thos. D. Burrill for the Beet Grain Reaper. .
Tho judges, in the report, say : ' T. D. Bum'h"
machine performed its work in the most admirabl
manners the gavels were well laid, th workman-
ship and materials excellent.' It ho bo extra
wheel or pinions beyond what are simply nee-.
ary ; no reel to beat down and waste th grain,
no band wheels, pulleys, bells, straps, or harness
to get out of order; simplicity and stnagth for
doing work oil day and every doy have been the .
leading objects.
1st. It cuts grain of all kinds, in all condition.
wiuioui clogging, and may be worked either by
horses or oxen.
2d. It cuts at aav heivht fmuIJ l four- :
moments change. , .. ,
3d. It discharges th grain in the rear, if re
ferred, like Hussy's, or at Ihe side, Uke MoCor
mick s. This change is made by an extra apron,
(attached ia a moment,) from which the grain i
laid in better condition than by any other machine ' 1
iin. ii naa a balance wheel, which gives a qui-
et and uniform motion to the machine.
We have a few of these reapers for sale. They ' -will
be ready for exhibition on and after April 20th,
snd the attention of Farmers is solicited to THE
Also, 1 Eight Horse Thresher- 9 T- II-
Thresher; SO dozen Grain Cradle; 30 doxen
Grain Scythe; 12 Straw Cutters-. 3 Fan Mills.
Apnl 21, 1855-llf Oregon City.
SelUtif oft at Coal.
rlHE o( Dry ood. and Hardware of
A Preston, O Neill & Co. will be el.H ..
cost price. Persons desirous of bovine- ,.
wii. do well to csll on the subscriber