The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 02, 1855, Image 3

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" For tht Argui.
HttiUrn Death.
Ou Uia 8?d lnt., Mr. Daniel Juwotl u killed
by the accidental dUcluirgo uf s gnu, The shot
entered Hour hi inuulli, putting through hi lnud.
I lo had been win king at Ex-Gov. Gaines', and
through curl.siity wo Imiking nt some gun' that
happened to be clustered together lu sight. Ha
took up a rifle an J ksdtcd at it, not It luwu, and in
the act firol, in name way, another gun.
.Mr. Jewell lia been member of tho M.
Church for acverul month uii'l often proved by
hi action that hi In-art wu changed. Wo uwuru
our brother departed, but filth tc!! u he la In
Ho was a member of the Cadet of Ti'iiiranco,
anJ walked worthy of hie profession. 1 1; brothers
will oft mis him anil hia worthy example. He
Was buried with the honorf of the Division,
'Tis anil to know the young muat die,
A ml wither na tho llowrra that bloom ;
lint thero'ia homo above the aky
That shed ita light withiu the tomb.
Ami lnie nul filth with nnel wing
Above life 'a ivoca will ever aour,
'While heuven' resounding muiMiuii tin,;"
With pruise to II im wo till a lore.
Wii.Aur.rTa Section, No. l.Culcls of Tcmpcr-
Resolved Thnt we shie T ly Ltmciit tho ullllo
tive event which hua ao suddenly deprived our ( r
derof n worthy member, nnd ourwlvca of a res
pected brother uml friend. ,
Resulted Thut we heartily syiiitiu'.hizu wi;h
the nlilictvd Relative of our deceased i;rutker,uud
inoiiru with them our common loss.
Rcsolred That the officer and member! of the
kicclion wear tlu UMtal badge of mourning on their
regalia for v'O cluya.
Itcmlrcil'iUnl theso resolution be published
in the Oiikcon Asms. It. II. Sampson, w.a.
From the California Farmer.
"Death Utct n thining mark."
Charles Fielding Cooke, a lovely boy of two
yeura, tho only child of fond parents, hua biou
suddenly culled front earth lo heiivcn. Whilo on
a visit to hia grandfuther, in company with his
mother, that "fearful diren.'o tho croup mado him
ita victim, after an illness of thrco d:iye. lie died
at tho residence of Irs griimlpui-i ills, mar Oregon
City, O. T., on the 3d hist.
This promising boy was tho hope of hia parents,
C. W. and R. E. Couko, of Slnuisluus county.
The child' father Hon. C. W. Couko, of the As
sembly, eume to Hun Franciaeo to meet hia wife
and child. Wo rctnon.ber well tho nnticipatcd
happiness of that meeting. Wu could sympathize
with our friend in hia hop.', for we are a parent.
We remember nlus too well the ngouized spirit of
that friend, when llio fond wife told him they
were ciiii.di.ks. It wua our privilege to utter a
word of sympathy in tliut duik houri'ico could
ila i, for httd been where such blows fall and
uud wo know the value of ( It ia
only those who luivo been liko alllictod, that cuu
peak comfort. It muy be noma consolation to
these parent to' know there ore heart thut oiler
thorn true ayiuputhy. Parent!
Grief may bow thy spirit low,
Grief may dull thy healing now,
Hut IIopo dispels thy sp.rit's gloom
A voice spcuks from the silent tomb.
Thut bud loru from the p treat stein
I now iu Heaven, a beuuteoua g. in ;
Thero with the angels ahall it bloom,
And shed oliove ita sweet perfume.
For the Argus.
t.tcvaj men uml Vollllclixn.
Having spoken a word to clergymen- ami
church iiii-iiibor, our next iK-ul will bo to
jiolitiointis tliemsi'lvos. Ge'iiiluiniin,youaic
pursuing u most suiciiLil course with refcr
otieo to your own intcrcata. Tito clergy, be
they what they may, have nn influence and
nlways will have, which is worth counting.
You say they tiro men of small minds,
' 'weak brethren." Hero is n banter. We
-will chooso fifteen clergymen from the
clerical profession in Oregon, nnd challenge
jou to produce from nil the civilians of this
Territory tho samo number, who shall bo
their equal in talent, learning, nnd elo
quence. AVo doubt much if you can do it.
xnd taking the profession as a whole, they
nre largo men-giants along side tho pigmy
editors and lilliptttian politicians who are
accustomed to hold them in such low repute.
The clergy have nothing tounr com your
misguided and injudicious Assaults.
IDut this ai ticlo was 'commenced for the
purposo of culling your attention to a view
of ministerial character which seems never
jto Jiave entered your minds. The real
ecret.of ruinisterud power lies not in their
intellects or e'loiponee. Sampson's strength
acorns to have been not in Lis arms or in his
body, but in hi) hair. So ministerial
strength lies just whero the mere worldling
would not look for it ; in his cause and in
tie help of hia God. Are our ministers
weak ! '-'God hath chosen tho weak things
of thirfworltl to confound tho mighty and
the foolish to confound the wise." If is
Cod's work. "It is mighty and will prevail."
"The gates of hell cannot prevail against it."
And wo would advise you not to venture a
tilt with your puny arm against the Al
mighty.' ' . ' '
AVe would suggest to every man who ha
any aspirations after political preferment of
an enduring character not to follow cltrgy
fcattag leaders. In doing so there is a bare
possibility of your succeeding a y eur or two,
but your and perpetual political death,
will come oq you very soon. Tho clergy
have expertencedjjust such assaults iu di
verse times nnd places before, but they are
now more .strongly entrenched in their
tuoral control of the world than ever In-low.
And . though corrupt editors, and ofiice-
seekera, may aspero their character yet llio
religious good scuta of the mas of tho com
nullity will ere long bo aroused for the do of tho right, nnd your puny power
will bo crushed.
Tho day of Rum power nro rapidly
iiiing nway, and tho potency of tho b"ttl
ut) election day w ill quickly coiuo to an end.
If you court corruption, you will find it
Worm lit Volir vital. ltn lnmnr ililn men
Trent tho clergy with more courtesy. Do
not try to break down every thing acred for
llio mere sake of party. KlkKMAN.
Uprnlntc the Amman.
Wo learn that tho Emperor of Dntzil hn
nol Absolutely nml unconditionally rf fused
to treat for the opening of tho Amazon river,
to the commerce of tho United States. Ho
profeases grent feitrof our people, nnd iv in
terror list if wo como to seo him, wo may
"annex" him right off. This really eems
silly, yet it is true. (lis Brazilian majeity
evidently has a high opinion of American
enterprise ; but ho may rest well assured
that wo will not havo "extended tho area oi
freedom" half-way down tho South Ameri
can continent during his life-time, let hint
live to ever so good nn old age. It will
tako at least that timo to digest Cuba nnd
Mexico ; nnd after wo havo disposed of
them, wo shall hnvo Central America, New
Grenada, Eiittii'lor, Venezuela, und all the
islands ndjacent thereto, to attend to if
tho earthquakes will givo us ncliaucoto
"settle" before we reach the Amazon.
Tho Emperor, however, intends to pro
pare himself for a vigorous defense, if we
bhottlJ nnticipnto our timo. Well satisflud
that ultimately ho must let other nations go
up tho Amazon to trado with tho countries
which furnish it with water, ho is preparing
military stations nt the river's month , where
our vessels aro to bo permitted lo land and
recoivo necessary supplies. When theso
tire completed and so arranged as to be ca
pable (if def:l)so against nssattlt, nnd suffi
cient to prevent communication between the
dreaded Yankees aud tho interior from that
quarter, Ilis .Majesty promises to yield his
prejudices against our passing his door on
our way to lVtu, and tho other Republics
on tho head waters of tho great river.
Whether this promiso is honest on his part,
or n mere temporising expedient, remains to
be seen. JV. Y. Times,
Vrotilliltlnn AYnntctl by tbc Rmnknrtl.
'I'ha Wilmington (Delaware) Statesman
publishes the following. It will be ro mcn
bcrcd that the Prohibitory Liquor bill pass
ed both branchos of tho Delawaro Legisla
ture :
' The most convincing argument iu favor
of Prohibition that wo hnvo over heard, is
said to have been made to a member in the
State Senatoof Delawaro, during tho pend
ing of the Prohibitory bill beforo that body.
A man of notoriously intemperate habits,
sail to tho lion. Member (who it was
thought held tho life or death of that bill at
his will,) "Suppose, Mr. , a vessel was
out in tho bay in a sinking condition, with n
huge number of persons on board, without
boats or nuy other means of escape, nnd you
had tho only boat and theoHy means of es
cape, and without your assistance they must
perish, and you could save them without
endangeriug your own life, would you do it?'
"Certainly, I would. I should bo inhu
man to do otherwise 1 "
"Well," said he, "I, and thero nro hun
dreds of others like me, that havo become
suuh creatures of habit, that wo havo not tho
heart to try to save ourselves you can by
your voto in the Senato help. us. Will you
This appeal was said to be more convinc
ing than a dozen such lectures would have
been from Tetnperanco men aud the hon
orable gentleman's mind was moro firmly
fixed in favor of the bill than it had ever
been before.
Tho gentleman did vpto for tho bill, and
t has become a law. In a few mouths that
poor inebriate, with hundreds of others,
their wives uud children, will have the
shield of law in their protection.
" May God protect the right."
Singular Death.
Mr. Wm. A"Whittakcr, of Cincinnati,
whilst at breakfast on 13th inst., eating a
niece of bread, swallowed a small hard sub-
ti-).Uh Irvlrrml nenr the stomach.
0IIW3, T.l. ' O .
Soon after it created so much pain that he
took an emetic, and on tho next day
threw tho substance up. " It proved to bo a
pieco of shingle nail, about half an iuch
loner, which had been broken, nnd was sharp
and ragged at both ends. ' It appeared to
havo been part of a nail used in securing the
hoops of a flour barrel, which liad got into
tho flour, and thence into the bread. . Alter
the nail came up Mr. W. was easy for two
or three days, when inflammation set in,
causing his death on Thursday last.
hfalu Saleiu. 2mh inat, by Rev. O. Dickinson, F. M.
. f i l- lA'fc;1. k.l. r
Tboiiipson ant .iaiuia " w" w
p'aeje. i , .
nttttit or Married Woiaesj U MlrbWatu
The liegialatttro of Michigan, nt it recent
eion, pitaaud a law which provide that
the real and personal uttato of every fciunlo,
neqitiied U'lbro mnrriag", and all property,
real and rt.oiiiil, by gill, grunt, inheritance,
duviao or nuy other manner, shall bo and
remain the ctnto aud property of such
female, nnd shall noi bo liuhlo fur tho delta,
obligation, and engagement of her hut
band, mid may bo contracted, sold, trans
ferred, mortgaged, conveyod, devised or be
queathed hy her in tho samo manner, nnd
with tho aaiuo elfeet, as if sho wcro un
married. Exchtillfff.
Ueltcr Into than never. Wisconsin La
been blest with n similar hw for (onto three
yenrs. Wuterlown ( Wit.) Chronicle.
Now Advertisements.
Wm. C. Dement A. Co.,
WlIOl.KSAI.E und rvtuil UeuKra in CJroc r
les, l'ruviaiuiis, 1'uinta, Oil, l!oota and
Shoe, Cnickery, See. Opposite the Land Office,
Main Kt. Orrgou City. June 1, lc3-7t3
Tho Summer Trado.
T"t TE are now roceiviiij fmm New York anJ
V Sju i'runeitco, the following good :
Wi'S IU Nol china, munr,
CO bbl &. half bb'i N. 0. sugar,
1W cheats Imperiul, gunp iwilcr and youn0' Iiysou
1. 'i) aueka ltio coffee,
ltl'l boxi s Kilerutua,
1(10 biiicaaperm and adamantiuo cau llea,
2. r.ll kri li. ll.ayniji,
S.i bbla crimhed augar,
3D coaca p'ckles,
i!t0 boxeasoaji,
SHO half-boxes raisin,
10U gross matches, (in wood)
25 caaes table salt,
100 kei;s white lead, (pure)
a .O guls. LinaeedOil.
250 " lump "
CD " apiriuTurpeiiliiio,
50 boxe glim, aaaorUd sizes,
3U. iloz brooms,
5000 lbs tobacco,
200 kegaiiaih,
G000 j da brown sheeting.
Also, rope, tuba, buckets, wiudow-aaali, crocks,
ry, wall paper, brunhea, 4te., Aie.i all of which
w ill be sold at the loweit market price a.
Opposite tho IJind Ofliee,
Orcgou City, Juno 1, 1855.-7t3
District Court Clackamas Conuly Territory
of Oregon.
A.J. l'opo ' )
r. Summons.
J. S. Higgins. J
To J. b. llhriiins
"rOU are hereby required, in the name of the
L United Slates of America, to appear before
the Distriet Court of Llaekamus county to bo held
in Oregon lityon tin 17th day or neht. next (tie
ing the third Monday of said month) to answer the
complaint of A. J. 1'ope. And you are hereby no
tified that if you fail tu nppear and answer the said
rompla nt, tlie plaiutill will tike judgment agauiat
you for four hundred and twenty-four dollars, and
interest from tho 12th day of January, 1855, to.
gether with costs of suit.
'. Witness F. S. Holland, Clerk,
I . aud tho Seal of said Court, this
3 1 at divof ill iv, 1455.
F. S. HOLLAND, Clerk.
NOTICE is heruliygiveu tliut tho Washington
County Agricultural .Society is adjourned to
meet at UilUboiough, Saturday, June 9, prux., nt
10 o'clock A. u.
Will the Farmers take notice of this call, aud be
present at the time, as much buiiies is to bo trim,
sucteef. Ily order of the Society.
II. C. RAYMOND, Clerk, pro tern.
lbs. Feathers for sale bv
ap-.Htf : T. J'OHXSOX.
IGARS The boat clmnco to pick is ut the
store of C 11 ARM AN $ WARNER.
feet lloards for sale in lota T. JOHNSON.
I- 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
J Office in Oregou City, May lo, 1855.
AduirWm lluughtou A Ruius J B
Allison W II Hailey Jno Ruins J E
Anderson Saiu'l iluincsL F " Raudull N W
1,'ubcr G II Hamilton S P Iteud L
ilugleyWR Hamlin J L Chas
Heard J W Hardiaty Chos Rigaby Jno
Hehi John Hurres II Rowley H
liell John Hodges David . Roys Henry
Houner Epli Henson Ezra RuiIrkOeo
Dnzurth iiusil Hodges Tbos Rummel Jno
I treaseGW Holland Jus Suusom W N
Ilroyles S A Holmes Math Savage Jus
lirowuJaa Howlot Wm Seever J W
Brooks W F Hawurd Jno : Bimpkins High
Bryant W P . Howard J Shafer Sam'l
Bukes Moses Hubburd F G Shannon S W
Dull Archey Hubbard Mrs C Shattuck E D
Cannon Mias S Hughes Wm " G D
Chichester Jas Hughes J G Shaver A
ClappSum'l Hungate Geo Shell Geo
Clupp Jno B Juckaou Dauiel Shepurd Mrs M
Cleaver J W Jackson Miss E Shook R S
Cline Jno Jerome Geo Shoat Miaa M J
Collurd F A Johnson Juo D Shoemuker J
Conger Jonath,' Kane Wm Slover Enoa
Corby Warreu Kandlo Jacob Smith David
Cran6ld I Kell Miss E " M W
Cureu Mrs M Killiugsworth J " W II
Dulls Lieut ' Kirk Mm S Spicer A M
Duuiels David Laccy Louis Stewart (' V
Duytou W B Lane Jo " Walter
Dealy Duvid L:bby Cyrus Strode R J
Dicken Jos Louis m . Strowbridgo J
DimickCA Lucier L Sommers J A
Dodson M Mortin N H Teal Mr P
Donaldson C Martin JM Thompson Ed
Dona Jno Martin Jno " Trussed Tho
Dray Mr ManindaleS D Tompkins jr J
Duuuiway Mr Matlock W T Tucker B J
Durbin Mr J Mays John Tyler Justin S
Eojjan John Merrill Susanna Vail J E
Easter HEW Mills Isaao Venable X
Elliott Jos . Millard Miss II Walling A G
Farley Silo Miller S E Warnock J
Farley David Mitchell Wm Weddle E
Foto David '. Moore I R Wright A ;
FealdMisS Murray I D Wix Nicholas
Fellow Hirum Muzzy D Wheeler Wm
Fields Jiai McAllister A White Mathew
Fish Waller McCaaliu'Jno - Whitlock W .
Fisher Alfred MuCouael J J Whobury M
Ford It F McFarley Silo Wdcoxson D"
Fouts Wm McKeuzie Miss Wiihby Win
Francis Abmen McMillan R L Wilson J J
Gamble J W Nelson J B Wines Geo
Gauaway J W Newell MissF.. Woodman Mr
firrvaiaJ B Nighlon Amon Woodcock II
(ietchel G E Offield J L Toun? E G
Gillilaud 8 P Owen Jno " M N
Gilhkind t M l'aker John " WE
Gove I H l'arker Sam'l "
(iordon Daniel Iilkin Geo Zumalt Mr S
Grey Riley I'otts VI'
' 3 W. W. BUCK, P. M.
Divoreo Notice
Pialriot Court, CI, kams County, O. T.
Goor e Jackwii, plaintiM",
e. .
Mary A. JacUii, ilefeidaut. )
riHU defrU'Utll above iwnifd will luk o-'tire
1. that the uid pluinlH' baa this d iy lilrd a com
plaint iu th abive entitled ran, iu the Clvik's
lhcof said court, alle;'lugainun( other lhiavth
w.llul Ueaeitiau by tlie aaiii dckuJaut, of her hus
band Hi auld plaiuti'l', and their children, and
pray'n? for div re from the bondfof iinlrlmo.
uy. Now, therefore, v-ium lb aal.l defendant
aiiall aijear Ul'ot III t 1 Pi.ttict Court on the
lirat day ol the n U term llieraut, lo ue ue!d in tlie
t'.'Url I louto in irei;on C ly, hi the county afre
sa'd, on the 1 7th d..y of Sept. nib-r next, the pluiu
lill'wiU ask for Ills irl of demsndwl In aa d com.
pLiiul. ItKl.llllUOK HANKKIt,
Alny 23, IBij-fji I Alt y fr plamtiir.
1111 E suluciiber will reinsiu iu Oregun City for
. two weeks, and i prepar d lo luke da?uerro.
otyiea in tho beat atyle, at h room over U10
r reueli Store. I'leaa cull and (five m' a liiuk
.lOSlil'll IIL'CIITKL.
Orej.n City, May SB", IHSJ-Cf."
riricndi of rrccdom, Attention ! !
rpili:KU will b a ceoerul MASS MKKTlNfJ
I of ihn ri-ii'iula of I' aucMlumun Liber
ty, held in Allnny, Linn Co. Oregon, 011 the I art
Wedmvday (Tii) of June, I -5.1, lo determine a
Ciume of actiiin fur the ipKwer ill Oregon to all
Slavery I'Utcnainn. Uur lore iu the Territory are
already sCTivKLr kmmukii, win. we are shiuibe-r.
iuj, 1't us rally lo op o tie in.
Heel-Boat 'Tro Trad" ! !
uiviia ! ii TiiKa aetn a 1
I AM nun kildiug a kel-bot, or barj, ov forti luna
burthen for the purpu. Wil be redl about the
midl of Jim 'S5. Aim lu kari frale ax cbrp, or
olu per tbun kan bekarted Just let mo sujrat
that if a but kan get the fruliug both wax, that sh
kun do it chejier, &o.
1 wil here stale that If fratiug kail be dun chep
er than I kan du it. the "Fro Trad" wil "la tu"
pro bono publiko. "Th river" dim not "beMig
tu ma'' or tu the "Fro Trad," but I and tho "Fre
Trad" belong lu the Wilaniot river and we ar
her for the ftod of the nublik. No indiiaemciit il
kox ns tu "kombi'n" for Ihe snk ov making a l'b'g
pilo of ov the pnblik, if we i an poaibli liv. A liv
inn iz ol wo want, und muni Auf to hi the
fur a nu but heu this wun wen out. We kun
b.ld it imraelvz ov rani d n.
Wild hk tu liar asuiul shar ov ur palronaj at
Irxt euuftu "pa the printer." Tak du notie llierov
aud ainil on uroruura ako"uiui,'li.
Wilamel River, Ma 19, li-.'iy
Wanted I
2A. family,
WOMAX to do housework in a private
Adilrec the Argils Dlhce.
EECEIVED iim the arrival of every steam
er. Don't fail lo call ou
an iucuii uu
Administrator's Notice
Oregon Territory, Clackamiu County, as :
1"OTIC'Eis horeby u'en, to all erons intercs,
ll ted in the c.ttute of Joseph V. All'rey, de
ceased, thut James C. Robiiisuu, administrator ou
said estate, will make tinul settlement at tho term
of tho Probate court to be liol-Un ut Oregon City,
in said county, on the tirst Ihur&kiy of July next
at lUo clock, A.M.
Juiltfe of Probate,
Oregon City, May M, lS5."-5iii
JJivorco Notico.
Rachel .MayLee 1 n;s, Comt
c , S'i i ( Clnekamas County.
Suiimel S. Muybeo. j '
CJAMl'EL S. MAYDKE, the defendant, b
VJ hereby notilu d that the plaintill, Itneliel .Muy
bee, has tilod a ielition in the District Court in and
for Clackainaseounly, praying Tor auiseoluuoii ol
tho bonds of matrimony now ixialing between the
pluiutifT and defendant, and that this cans i will be
lor tnul in the suul Dinlrict Court at tlie term com.
nioiicing on the third Monday of September next,
Oregon City, May 19, 1B5.1.-514
Geo. C. Robbins,
I nrpirnn. df.viili.fl bis entire attenlitiu to Re
pairing line watches and having uu experienced
Jeweller iu his employ, ia prepared to manufacture
every description of Jo.velry, and execute engra
ving neatly.
fl ( II Itnom, pntiMf nntlv nn bnnil a lir.9 as
sortment of clocks, watches, aud new uud bullion-
ablo Jewelry tu which he invites tlie attention ut
the i'6h. Muy 13, 1655-1m3
LUS of Osago Oruniro seed for sale by
LBS of API-I.S seed for anlo cheap by
Just Received.
k Splendid assortment of Family Groceries,
iL such as tea, syrup, sugur, tko. j alao lino
and coarse nail, cream turlur, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oysters, clams, yooat powder, nlBo a largo
juautity of superior cheroot cigars, aud tobucco of
evory brand uud almost every thing else in our
line of business all of which will bo sold as low
as ut any other place in town, for cai h or pro
duce. V 11 ARM AN WARNER.
BV virtuoofa certain execution issued out of
tho District Court for Clackamas comity, and
to mo directed, m favor of 1 humus Uiarinun und
Arthur Warner, utfiiimt Robert Moore, nnd for
want of personal property whereof to niuke the
same I have levied upon nnd shall proceed to sell,
to the highest bidder, for cash, ut l'ublia Auction,
all tne r,glil lino anu iniereaioi ino uyivu iiuiuau
Pnl.Art t,mr... inn ej.rt:,in land claim situated and
lyinff in the county of Clackamas, and generally
l.n... nB il.a l.i.mftitv nluim. Mud deaoribed ill
niiunn w Mi....
n.i;r.o! Vn lisn tiri.e.nii tile in tho Register's
office of ( trcgon Territory, as follows I
U, ginning at a point 1JB9 cnaius souui ana iu,
S.i ebaius west of the aj. c corner of ace 30, iu T 2
of a 1 E Running
Thence east 3U,i5 chains ,
S43 r. 17,00 to the Willamette river.
H51 W 18,00 chain
South 12,50
' S51 W 13,00
- N7.1W 15,00
' S53 W 24,75 "
" Sir, W 50,00
" 851 W 49,50 ' " to Uie Tuality river.
' N71 Wli;)l) "
N73 wnr.oo " ,i
X53 E 1 79, no ' This course passes
over a point benringg iiH E 4,10 cbaini Irom Ihe
S W corner of H E i of sex 35 iu T 2 H of It 1 E
tu the place of beiiiniiin. The same being
parts of Sec'a 35 and 3CinT2HofRl e
" " 31 . u i. i U 14 , '
.i ii 3 l ".
and containing 610 acre, more r lea.
Sole to take place on Weduesday the 6th day of
Juue, lb55, ot il o'clotk, I. M. ou the premise.
PlierilT Clajkainn County.
I'r SEP Hl'EI.AT, Vepuly.
Ofgon City, May 5, i;55.-3t5
Portland rrioi Current.
CryOoodi. Cinnamon S2a00
Shenlur', 4-4 10 j S,.ap XalO
I'ldhnir lot 2)ruf;s 4i Mod.
Illeuthed dr Iling. ... I-'J From in lo uu pr. ft
- shining, 10al.V over X. V. cost.
SlriiHd da I'.'i TroduCO.
I n k u U'tal l Wheat, pr. bit. Rl
Detilin none, (lata do 50
Blue drill nu I'.'A I'otaloe do ill
I'laid buy 1 1 '.". Onion do $11)
Satinet 7ita'.Mi ! tour Ij.'t
Kentucky jrau...2'iali Corn Meal, fruah C
Tweed 5.' u7t I! iu k win at Hour 7
Frlnts. ) rmit.
Illuo umi Hint 11 Apphsi'i'lt I pr IbSOa lO
llluo an I orance II " diied d l-J
I'uuc)' Cat' Peaches, diied do 15
" niKr.- I'.'al5 " do peuled
1'uruituro do falJ, Chili, dr.rd.-J'tuth!
" do. wida.u'i Provisions.
M. do lalne 14aL5 Pork, clear (fOi
GiuuhaiiM llalS " 111, S'.'il
Scotch. JMu'J.i I Ian 16
Alpaca llaoon I I
Tablo d.imank 50a75 Powdor.
" clot lis 7.'iu-.' Iluord' pr ca 915
t ' lr i, ..!.' .. ... I.
IIUH1 lllll-IIS nUUiJK " T K'r
Clotliin?. I Shot
Sheep vray pallia AOIal'Sinall siea S0Ja?l
Satinet do. -'JJ-'j DUCK tlJiulj
rnocvcBj do. ...K.'l:u, XrD&d
Black cam do. $ la.')llir 13
Fine clothing.. .83 pr.ct. Whilo lead, in oil.. ..14
udvanceou N. Y.coM.i CorddgO. j
Red tl.iu'1 kliirl il'-'alri Muuilla, smail 28
Illuo d.i. do. il.'iIS' " largo S5
Hickory shirt 4 ill Hemp Dial
Calico do tjeilJ
licots A, shoes. Admuiiiuio
Men kip bool.f.l4al Sperm
uier do. do... A-U Cigars.
" heavy wax do. 1 Havana 9IHu90
" fine sewed. ..uone. Herman SUMuS."!
Buys' kip bails 3 Atiurirnn St'J 'u.'iO
- ne ivwj U051 a u: XODaCCO.
Meiu'br'apr. dox..jil7 Pride ol the Union. ...40
" kip brg s pr uoA.fl 1 p.huu J 1 .1411
" eulf sowed do.... $3 Luke's 33
Wouieu' b'vy b'a. . . ft 1 ) Hardware.
" fine do U Shovels ltial5
' bunkiii . ft I a I Spade $ 1 4a 1 0
Child'u's shoes Q5a30 pr Axe (il3al7
ct advance on N. Y.Millsau Di'ujl),
coat. X cut saws
QrOCOliCB. ITuble cutlery, into prcl
Cuflco 1G. advance ou N. V.cusl
Tea 55a0 Pocket cutlery, S5 prct
Sue-ar, no. 1 Clna 10 advance.
Peruvian 110111 Oilier article of hard-
' uruidied 13) warefrcm SO to 40pr
Saleratu 10, et ailtNince,
Slu rdi 1 2 J Nui', oas'd kg $7
Syrup 1. Huston r0 " boia. nlioo...JUaJo
do. S laliind CO' Oils.
Liv. Suit ia fine suit 3) Lamp $lu$l)
Pepper,. 9.1 l.iusccd bo I $1
Alispieo 50 Turpeutlno pr gall ftl
"j Y virtue of sntidry cxecutiun iwtted out of tho
.13 Sunreme court of Orecon Territory, and lo
me directed, in favor of various persons a loiinws;
ells I-iko against Daniel II. 1'orgusou anil Hub
ert Moore : R. Hereford uiraiust tlie aunie defen
dant ) James Purtlow against the same defend
ants aud Sawyer and Mihvaiu against the mid de
fendants, and for waul of personal pruperly where,
of to mako Ihe same, I huve levied upon and shull
proceed lo sell to the highest bidder for cuili.nt
public auction, on Wednesday llieGth day uf June
1S55, at two o'clock hi the ullernoon, nil the right
titlo and interest uf the above named Robert .Moore
iu nnd to a crrtuiu tract of laud situate Iu the
county of Cluckamos, nnd generally known ua the
Linn City claim, and described 111 nol tieution no.
(it) It 110W on file in the Register's ollico iu Orcgou
Territory, as follows :
Beginning at a point 7,88 chains south and lfi,
35 chains west of tho N E comer of sec t'i i'l T3
S of It 1 E running
1 hence eat 30. 1 j cliams
" H43E 17,00 " to the Willamette river
" S5IV 18,110 "
" soutli 13,50 "
. " S51W13.00 ' "
. N73W15.O0 '
" S.V3WS1.75 " ' ' '
" S5UW 50,00 " '
' S51 W 4'.l,."0 " lo the Tuality rivor
" N7IW1I,:10 " ,
" ' N7JW3IOO " '
. " N53E 173,01 " This qourso passes
over a point beuring S38 E 4,40 chains from tho
S W eumer of S E ol 'o3j iu TS S of It 1 E lo
tllcpluco of begiuiiing. I ho samo being
ports of See's 35 & 30 hi T 3 S of 1(1 E.
' 31 " !"
" 1A-2 3 1"
and containing 610 acres moro or less.
Sale lo take place on the premises.
ShfriF Vltirkamat County.
Oregon City, May 5, 1H.'i5-3i5
ATS wanted at llio store of
KJ np21
C. POPE, Jr.
j EE I) buekwheut fur sule by
k5 apSltf (j. POPE, Jr.
CHAIN pumps for sulo by
apJltf C. POPE, Jr.
It. Juyuo's medicines for sale by
npliltr' u. ivrr.i jr.
I".AU do Cologne, a superior "article, at "
J apltf ' POPES.
ARRY'S Tricupherolis for sulo by
apMItf v. 1 tJl'ii, jr.
1 LL those indebted to Preston, O'Neill & Co.,
L ura rooiifstcd to cull and settle tho sums im-
mediately, bv CuA or Produce. All debts re
maining unpaid 1st of June, w II bo left for col
lection. upSllf JAMES O'NEIIX.
' 1 LOCKS ! Bountiful time keopem, nt my
.J U,m prices. ! AIIEKNETI1Y &CO.
,1 L'KN ITU KE. I tcilKtcudauud chairs fur sab)
low to close tho Invoice.
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY receiving, frosh from ranch,
wheat, outs, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes.
p31j JOHN P. Bi LOOKS.
JTliat Itc-C!lvd.
11 the 1 Old Stand,' Cunemah, April 21, '55.
M dti El. Light Drown Siilmit,
,VfW 1,000 lbs. China No. 1, do.,
1,000 lbs. Rio Coll'eo,
1 5 Tons coarse snlt j 500 lbs. fine do.,
3,000 lbs. Oregon Bacon ;
1,000 bushel outs, for sale wholesale or retail, by
Xrot and House for Sale ! I
rOT No. one (I) in I'.lock No. live (.1) 111 Ure
A iron Citv with the bulidintr thereon lately oc
cupied by Messrs. Allbrigbt iV. Price a a meat
market. For term uud particular us to title,
address, TREYETT Si CO.,
May 13, 1855 IU Portland, O. T.
rN our bakery wo keep cenuntly on hand
L bread, crackers, cakes, pie, &e.
1 AX DIES ut, raisins, of an excellent quality
just nceived aud fur rale low ty
IHAKJIA k yJi-r.r.
... . .. . J ' 1. . f9
YOU will find an excellent moi tnient ot DreM
and llmnrt Silk; Sutint and Vehtli; als.i
llimnet Trimmitiiii, lli'icry, (Hotel, L icet an I
RMont, TMe C'lotht, ('ooot'rpnnn, elr., at ths
Lira of . CllAKI.ES I'Ul'E, Jr.,
(Main.!., opiaxite Abernethy's store,) whero may
be found almost eerrything in the line of
' Dry Goodat
Such a Prints, Ginghams, Alporsa, Meriuia,
Pluid Link'), Miulius, Suttinetis, Jeans, Pirn
neis, Shritiiigs, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Baiting, He. ' ', . - ,
Oregon City, April 3I,l855-ltf ,(
IOCOANUTS. llonanus, and othar troiiioal
J fniit, just received from Hondwich Island.
ap-.'l CHAItMAN ii. WAIINEIt. '
. Remedy for Hard Times 1 1
Fur Hurt of Ore yon ! 'Tit no u lo con.
Uml iiyaintt fate!.' Vbtt never can
ytt rich until you buy one of our 1
I'coriu and Ualcvbnrf Ii Plow,
fill IE undersigned has on bund, nnd i now
.1 inukiiig daily, every description of Ihe above
well known Plows; which fur niateriul and work
manship are vastly superior lo any in Ihe Terri
tory. All warranted to scour und do good work,
and which he will sell ut moderate prices, for .
CusA or (.'ruin, Tha-e in wun! of a good plow
would do well lo cuuio and exumiuo mine before
purchasing elsewhere.
They can be had at all Ihe principal towns on
tho river. Also at Forest Grove, Dayton aud Iji
fayelte, where I havo nppuintcd agents, who will
sell as low as at the Factory, with the addition of
Ihe freight. EMK POST, ,
Sign of the Big Plow, Cunenuth.
April 81, 1855-ly
f H VIE suUcribcr has just received a fresh sup
J4. ply of Uroteriet, Prmitiont and Hardwire,
which, in addition to hi former stock, he will sell
atxlreniely low price fur or Produce. Hi
stuck cousin iu part of the following article 1
Now Orleans sugar,
. Crushed , , du.
Rio Sl Java coffee,
New Orleans syrup,
Snndwioh lalaud sugar,
Powdered, .,. do.
Young Hyson aud Im
perial teas,
Dried A pple fc Peaches
Yeast fc Soap Powders,
Cinnamon fc Clove.
Sandwich Islands do
1'epp. r et Allspice,
East Boston syrup,
Sow: Cast and Gorman steel, mill and erass
eut, bund, pannel, and whip-saws.
Piles and Ratft. Mill saw files from 10 to 10
inches; Hut bnsturd. tile from 10 lo 14 Inches)
Inpcrfiles from 3 lo 7 inches; half round files from
7 lo 14 inches; round do. from 5 to 7 inches ; horse
rasps frum 11 to 14 inches. -
Carpentert' Tool. Firmer chisel and gouges
in setts or single ; locket chisels; bench planes ;
iron aud steel square ; try square ; scratch awl
and saw drivers ; plain and Hulled marking ganger
and bevels ; common and concave augurs ; hand
axes 1 hammers and hatchets. ;
VuilJert' Hardware. Rim, flat, pad ami mar
lice locks and latches ; brass, mineral aud while
knobs; eoniplote round, town and Hat spring bolts
cast butts uf all, aud screw; alw, rouud and
Hut bar iron; nail rod, do. j bono shoe bur, do.,
aud plow rteel.
apjltf , JAMES O'NEILL.
IN DOW gloss, by the box or single liubt, at
apaitf rui-ua.
I FL E powdor, ulsolusiing powder, whole
ale and retail, at
sV5 AN D'S sursaparilla for sale by 1 ,
& ap2ltf C.POrE.Jr.
tos .1.. asm n1 ailtiiim fur am I a r ii ihi ii liv
nn-iltf C. POPE, Jr.'
A DIES Guitcr Shoes telling cheap at the
i atora of npailf V. POPE, Jr.
MARBLE tuilel wore, a few inure sella left at
upsrnr popes.
IDLES and Testaments, all sizes, may bo
found at rnnaill POP ICS.
BOSTON syrup, Nuw Orleans sugar, uud
Liverpool salt, lur sule, wiuusaie anu mius
ap'Jltf C. POPE, Jr.
Blackamilhs ! Attention 1 !
ON HAND Dow steel, iron, bellows, anvils,'
horse shoes, vices, horse nails, mule shoes,
crow bars, wrought nails, and English bar irou at
G cents per lb. .
np'3 O. A1IERNETI1Y & CO.
HEAT, Oats, uud Flour wanted in ex
ohaliye for luerchnndise. ' , . (
npjJl G.ABERNKT11Y & CO.
tjjLOW STEEL. 10 inch, und 4 inch, plow
steel for sale in quantities not les limn 5(10
lbs., nt the reduced price uf li J cauls.
O ERR Y ROPE. 3 uud 3 inch cable, suituble
1. for Ferry lkopo, just received,
np'.'l G. ABEI'.NKTIIY & CO. .
I'or Suit -Lt'dii lliau Cost!
r 1IIAIRS, bedsteads, window blinds, counter
J Icira. wromrbt nails, horse nnils, fi uminir nils),
mill saws, frying puns, glass scythes, cart burnem.
Allan, M'Kinlay "& Co
gJJAVE just received
und would invito all llioso who wish to procure
GOOD articles ut reasonable prices, lo null and
see thorn. They oonsist in partof the following I
grindstone canal A. wheel burrow
irruin cradle funny broom
grass scythes & snnths plain do
brush do uo asson a cuiorcu paun , i
Kiwi harrows 23 tuch . puiuled tubs . .
gurden rukos xino wah boards ' .
do bo.' dijcksiiiuii s uouowa i
do sn.idus cross-cnt saws 7 It ' . ,
polished shovels do C ft
hayforka - mill saws 7 ft '"' I
manure lurku liuir maltruMiua uuiiuie ;
chiiriia do ' siiuzl
wiuilow gluss 8 by 10 hairbolstor double '
.do IU by ia ao muk'"
do 7 by 0 sperm caudle
ludow sashes 8 by 1 0 adamantine do ' .
do 10 by 12 grupu brand lobacc
.n,l ..L l,.U l.ttinln
dneeiingt l text, arc a-c.
And keep coustaiitlyTou baud a Inrg anpply f
. , a it o v e k i , , :
luthing, hardware, and many article too numer
ous tu mention.
Oregon City, April 31, 1B55-Iy '
ver cup advertisement. ,
,p21 G. AtiEltNKTU i a uo.
tous Suit, imported direct from Salidwich
Islands, for sale in Ms losuil ,urehasers,
apllfj TI1QS. JOHNSON.
A I ARGE ass'irtmeut of hoiushold furniture
f'.r kuVi by apl'lj TUPS. JOHNSON.
1VVPER Uuligiug, . ew fur ! by
' ap -ltf T. JOHNSON.