The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 26, 1855, Image 3

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Ray. W. F. Bovakin will preach to-morrow,
in Ilia Baptist cliurch In Dili place, it half past ten
in lh rooming, and at t)iro o'clock in Hie niter
. Mav 30, 1S5J.
To the Voters of Clackamai Comity.
11IIIAM STRAIGHT is a cjiikIkIiUv
for Kciirosentutive bcfuro you. I wish to
stiito a four fuels concerniiiir his conduct to
wards mo, that you mny juil;o whether a
man who will wrong a neighbor can bo
trusted to tuke clmrn-o of too intorcat of
his county. IIo sold a portion of his land
claim in 1840, to T. Mngrudor, without tho
conveyance of his wifo a was usual in
such caaca. I bought tho Riuno hind of Ma
cruder, and paid him 8.5UOO, and have sinco
t;n)rovod it at great expeuso to myself, yet
Straight, knowing all this, induced tho Sur
veyor Gencrul to asiign iliis very hind to hi
Wife, that ho might deprive mo of my just
right, and receive tho benefit of mine and
my family's labors, and now refuses to per
fect my title. His pretouco is, that ho will
not do this, becnusa I nin trying to make
mm pny mo anoiuer dobt, for winch I hold
him responsible, as ono of tho Clackamas
Milling Company, though I have offered by
referenco in any fair manner to submit tho
matter of his responsibility, nnd to throw olf
iOUO ot tho award made in my favor by
inreo disinterested men. nnd have even ot
(Wed to leave it to himself, if he would show
the books of tho Company, and give up his
tlaim to my land. This has been refused
and 1 liavo been informed that ho bus even
offered lo sell my hind, if he could find a pur
chnser. His idea scPtns to bo, that because
I have two just claims ngainst him, one for
land una onn tor lugs furnished to tho mills
of which I b.-liuvo hu was part owner, I must
abandon tlio latter, or be robbed of both.
This lji culU honorablo and right, thus to
Keep my iiropcrly, and expects tho endorse
infill of in cowry tor ins instihcation.
The firfi'.'oii)1' statements aro true, nnd if
denied in tinr.' fur ine to prove them lfuru
the eli-ction 1 will try to do so. I submit it
to you, whether such conduct entitles a man
to your MipiMM t, or could you, if ho was
elected, plat"; miy cmilnlence in him I
P. S. Since writing tho above, I run in
formed that Mr. Straight has staled that I
have r fused to leave this matter to men ac
c.rding u his reiiueit. 1 never und rsiood
t . Ti
ll::!! ;) riaxR any mil-" Oi r to in-, as yet Rachel
Mit on ihe iniitraiy I always und ixtood Ihiii
I" r; lilc tiincceile loall sucll oi' rltil'. s. froctl snnmel . Mnyhee
'iv ; hut if In' yet dares lo h iie it to arid.
iinr:! he will always find Wu p'.T'y.
J. r. ii.
THE subscriber will remain iu Oregon City fur
two weeks, anil is prepare d to take daguerre
otypes in llio best style, at bis rooms over the
French Sluro. Please call and (five me a trial,
Oregon City, May SB, 1855-Ct2
rriendi of rreedom, Attention 1 1
riMIERE wdl bo a general MASS MEETING
X of llie friends of Free Soil, and Ilninuu Lib. r
ly. held In Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, on the hut
Wednesday (27lli) of June, 1M55, tj determine a
courso of action fur the iipKieni iu Oregon to all
Slavery Extension. Our for in tho Territory are
already Atrivr.i.r r.xuAOKD, whil w are (lumber
ing, uel us rally to oppose III. in.
Hew Advertisements,
A.TO 1 ICE is hereliy g.veu that llie Wnj-Unirlon
i.1 Cotinly Agricultural Society is a Ijom iud to
tneei ui iniuoorougii, Saturday, Juno , prpx., at
Will the Funner tukonotioenf iliis call, and be
present at llie (imp, asniuch business in lo bo tr.iu
MCtvd. Hy order of tho Society.
II. C. RAYMOND, Clerk, pro tern.
Divorce XTotice.
District Court, Ciuckainus County, P, T,
n T I.. -I . "
' VS.
Mary A. Jackson, defendant.
ant, )
that the suid plaintiff hue litis day tiled acom-
ulaiut in tlio above entitled cuiuse, in die Clerk's
ufliceofsuid oourt, allegiug among other tilings the
wilful iltverliuu by the suid defendant, other hus
band the said nluiuiitf, and their children, and
praying for a divorce from tho bonds of matrimo
ny. Now, therefore. cnle.s the euid defendant
(ilmll appear before the eai.l District Court su llie
first d.iy of die next term thcruof, to be held iu Ihe
Court House in Oregon City, in the county afore
said, on the 1 7th day of September nel, the plain
till' will nk lor the relief demundeil in Fa:d com
plaint. IIOLUBUOK & BANK Kit,
May J, l BoS-bt- Atl'ys lor plamliir.
Kcol-Boat 'Tre Trad" ! I
sivks ! u Tiua seen tiiino 7 iiwot
I AM nou bildinf a kel-bot, or bar), or forti Inn
burthen for the piirmia. Wil be redi about the
inidl of Jun '65. Aim tu kari frata o chfn. or
clieperthun kan bo karted J not let mo mijent
that if a but kun get the h aling bolh waa, that alio
kan do it chepor, &o.
I wil here Hate that if Online k:in be dun chep-
er I ban I kan du It, the "I're Trad" wil "la tu"
pro bono puMiko. "The river" din uol"beliin;
tu mo ' or tu the "fro Iratl," but I and the "rre
Trad" belong In the Wilaiuet river and wo ar
her for the good of the publik. Xo IndiiHeuient wil
kox lie Iu "kombi'n" for Ihe auk or making a ''b g
pile" of ov the publik, if we can rxxibji liv. A liv
ing ii ol we want, and muni euuf to bi the material
for a nu bat hwen thie wun wen out. We kan
b Id it nunielvz ov rani in.
Wud hk tu hav a amol ahar ov ur patronuj at
lct ennf tu "pa tho printer." 'J'ak du nolii iherov
and seiid on urordura akordingli.
Wilnmet Kiver, Ma 19, 18555y
WOMAN to do housework in a private
lainily. Addr.m llie Argiu Ullice.
BECEIVED ujxin the arrival of every '.earn
er. Don't fail to rail on
Administrator's Notice
Oregon Territory, Clackamas County, m :
NOTIClvn berel.y given, to .'.II (M-monn iuterea.
ted iu llie estate ofjom pli V. Allrey, do.
censed, thul Jaini'ii C. tiobiutoii, niliiiiiiintralor on
e.i:d OBtate. will iiiako final seltlcment at the term
of tho Probule court to be hol.ien at Ori'ym City,
iu euid eomi'v. on Ihe liret 1 ImmJuy of July next
ul 10 o'clock, A.M.
Juilgt of Probate.
Orejon Oily, May I I, lS5.i-5t
Divorce Uotico,
) Dut. C
I Cluekmuu
inus County.
SAMl'EL 8. MAYDI'E, the defendant, Is
liereliv ii .tilled that the plaiuliu", K.kliel .M.iy-
ee, bus file I a uelilion iu the Distr.ct C'oui t iu and
for ('laci.iiiuuHeouiity, praying for a dim dot on of
tlie b'turin it! nialriinotiy now i-xixting I rtweeu :he
p'aiiit:iraiil def iidiint, and that iIuh riiiih - will be
fur Iral in the euid District Court at Hi" term coin
u,euc.tig on the thud Monday of Sep ein er next.
Oregon City. May 19, lWi.-St 4
Geo. 0. Robbing,
. Oregon, devotee hia entire attention to lie-
p-iiring fiae walclie:) und having nu experienced
welter in h a employ, is prepared to mnnieaclure
ery description of Jewelry, and execute eiiL'ia-
vipg ncuily.
is, C, K. keens conataully on hand a hue as-
sortinent of clocks, wnlches, and new nnd fashion
aide Jewelry to which he invites the attention of
the Public, May 12, If55-4m2
Portland Prices Current,
couLECTso vnaauY. .
Dry CfoodS. Cinnamon .WaflO
Sheetuif, 4-4 10 1 Soap Hn0
'"'ii'nx H'i Drugs 4t Med.
llleached drilling.. ..l:f$ From in to luu pr. ct.
" ahirtiiig, 10a 1.1 over N. Y. rout.
siriind do i!) Produce.
Ticking 12iaU Wheat, pr. bu, SI
l 'emit none. Uata do
lllue drilling IV1 I'olatoca do 'J.'i
I'laid liaaey Ua'J'J thiiono do All
naunei yi'atei r lour
Kentiieky jeana...!!.a4.'i Corn Meal, fresh ti
1 weeds 5ju7U, Uuekwheat I lour...
Prints. f rruit.
nine and while 11, Apples ui It t pr Ib20a40
lllue and orange IU " diied do ...U'J
l incy SuVi Peaches, dried do 13
" super.- k'll.': ' do pealed
Furiuluro do VaQf " Chili, dried. itUa3J
" do. wide. i i i Provisions.
M. do laiiira 1 la'J.'. Pork, clear $Qi
jliijrliuina Hal.') nieaa Sill
" (Scotch. JJiiaSS Hams 1C
Alpaca SfiaaU Uacon 14
labia damask &Ua73i Powdor.
clothe 72ag'. Ilarard' Pr ca SIS
trull linens 4Ua$ls pr keg
Clothinr. ? BhoL
Sheep gray pants 2 j Small aizea
Saliuet do. A-HCi Duck
Fancy case. do. ...g.'laj; XtC&A.
Illuck rass. do. f)4a.i liar 13
Fine clothing:.. S3 White lead, in oil... .14
advance oil N. Y. cost.' Cordage.
Red flun'l shiru $ I Su 18' Manilla, ainall. 36
llluo do. do. Iftl.Milb " largo 35
Hickory shirts J iti Hemp 10al5
Cnii.o do 8"aL' Candles.
SOOtS A, sbOOS. f Ailmantllie .3'.
.Men's kip boon.. lyiij, 4 Sperm 50
" super do. do...$4j Cigars,
" heavy wax do. $ I; Havana U0o90
" line aewed...noiie. feriiian .8lMa2."i
Boys kip boola Amerienn fi'2tiaSU
" he'vy w'x do.HJvJ' TobaCCO.
Mens' bru's pr. doa..l? Pride ol tho L'nioi 40
" klpbrg's pr do.le Sun 3?Ji40
" calf sewed do.... g- Luke's 33
Woinen'a h'vy ah a.. , Hardware. '
" fine do Si) Shovels ?lt'Jal5
bukiua.$l4a,ispudes I4sIV
ChiM'n's shoes 2ou30 pr.Axes fil3al7
ot advance on N. YJMIIIsaua IMaslJ
enat. X cut sawa
OrOCCriCS. .Table cutlery, 10 to pr ct
Cfl'co If,.' advauee ou N. Y.cost
Tea 55u70 Pocket cutlery, 35 prot
Sugur, no. 1 C'hi'a 10, advance.
" I'eruvia noil. lOlher nrliclea of hard-
" ' crushed 13)' wurefremSO to 4(1 pr
Suleratiu ltl et advance.
Starch I--') Nails,usa'dai'ws,prkg$7
Syrup K Boston HU " horseshoe.. .30a35
do. 8 Isiiiud liOc Oils.
Liv. Suit 2c line salt Sj .'-amp $1 n?l )
Pepper 2. Uns ed S1!
Allspice 60 Turpentine pr gull S'l
iV. lieiieml Coiiiiuianoii Alvrchanta, and whole
sale and retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, dee., Ac.
S George T. Allan.
Archibald M'Kinlay.
Thouiaa Lowe.
Scoiuburg, Unipipia, Oregon.
, 911
iX. Oregon Territory. ,
May 5.
1'rovUlous A. Ilnrduarc.
A I, Muin Slrftt.
ovo. Aiu:itii:iiiv v to,
Gto. Abkinktiiv, I Tiiomai Purr,
Hisam Clarke, Jab. It. Roas.
April 21, ItOA-lif
Dry Goods,
iloota i Shoos,
Hook i At Stationery.
i.inin-si., uregon Lily, April si, li5S-llf
ATToaaar aid cikmiui at law
Ltifiiiette, Yamhill County, O. T.,
WILL fuilbfully attend lo all businew en
trusted to his professional care.
April 21, Ih.'ij-llf
Wholnale cf Retail DraUr in Crorerk t, Produce,
I rormou; J-e . Main Street.
A General Aasortmeut kept up of Solectsd Goods.
Cunemnh, April 31, 1835-1 if.
rjlIHC subscriber has just received a fresh sup--M.
ply of (Jroeerien, Provitions and Hardwire,
which, iu addition to his former stock, he will sell
at extremely low prices for Cath or Produce. His
Mock consists in part of the following articles
L1)S ol Osa.'e Orunge se, d for sule bv
LBS of Arpi.E seed for sale cheap by
T 1ST OF LETTERS remaining iu the Post
Office in Oregon City, May 15, 1855,
Adair Win Iluuliton A KainsJB
iln.ley Jno Uuius J li
Haines L F Kundnll N V
Hamilton S P Read L
Hamlin J L Ri'g Clias
Hardisty Chaa Itigshy Jno
Harres II Rowley H
Hedges David Roys Henry
Ilensou Ezra Ku.irk Geo
Hodgea Thoa Hummel Jno
Holland Jus Sansom W N
Holmes Math Savage Jaa
Howlet Wm Seever J W
Iluwurd Jio Simpkius High
Howard J Shafer Sum'l
Hubbard F G Shannon S W
Hubbard Mrs C-Sliattuck E D
Shaver A
ClappSain'l HungaleGeo Shell Gee
ClappJno B Jackson Pauiel ShepardMraM.
Cleaver J V Jackson Miss E Shook R S
Cline Jno Jerome Geo Shout Miss M J
Collard F A Johnson Jno D Shoemaker J
Conger Jouatli' Kune Wm - Biover Enoa
Corby Warren Handle Jacob Smith David .
Craulield I Kelt Miss E M V
Curen Mrs M Killingsworth J ' ' W H
Delia Lieut Kirk Mrs S Spicer A M
Daniela David Lacey Louis Stewart G W
Dayton WB Lane Jo ' Walter
Dealy Uavid Libby Cyrus Strode R J
Looia Wm Strowbrldgo J
Luoier L Sommers J A
Martrn N II Teal Mrs P
Martin J m Thompson Ed
uriin j no Troese Thoa
Ahisoo W II
Uabcr li II
Rugley W U
Heard J W
Uehi John
Bonner Eph
Boiarth Basil "
BreeseG W
BroylftaS A
Brown Jas
Brooks WF
Bryant W ?
flukes Mows
Bull Arc hey
Cannon Miss S Hughes Win
Chichester Jas jlughesJG
Just Received.
4 Splendid assortment of Family Groceries,
sueli as tea, syrup, sugar, &o. ; also line
and coarse xalt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oyders, clams, yeas-t powder, also a large
luantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco ot
every bran l nud almost every Hung use ill our
line of business all of wlm h will be sold aa low
as at any other plaee in town, for ca-h or pro-'
IN our bakery we keep con.tantly ou hand
bread, crackers, eak. s. pies, (no.
CAXDIES, nuts, raisins, of nn excellent quality
just received nnd for sale lew by
Dlekeu Joe
Diuiick C A
Dodson M -Donaldson
Dona Jno
Dray Mr
Dunniway Mre-MaUock W T
Durbiu .Ura J 1 ays John
Eacran John
Easter H E W
Elliott Jaa .. J
J nrlvy Silue
Far,ev David
Fate David Moorea I R
Fealds Miss 8 Murray I D
Fellows tlirain
Fields Jos
Fish Waller
Fisher Alfred
Ford R F
Fouta Wm
MartindaleSD Tompkins ir J
i ucker ts J
Tvler Jn.lin SI
Merrill Susanna Vail J E
Mills Isaac VenableN
Mibard MiaeH Walling A Gw
Miller 8 E Wamock J
Mitchell Wm WeddleK
Wright A
Wiz Nicholas
Wheeler Wm
White Mathew
Whiilock W
Wbobury M
Muzzy D
McAllister A
McCaslin Jno
MuConnel J J
McFarley Silas Wilcoxson D
McKenzie M Williby Wm
Franeia Abmen MuM'llan UL ilson J J
Gamble J W Nelson J B Wines Geo
Gmaw.iy J W Newell Miss F Woodman Mr
Genre s J B Ntghton Anion Woodcock H
trtttcnnl GE .
Gi maud S P
GilLiaud J M
Gore I H
G.mlnu Daniel
Grey Ki,ey
Otfieid J L
Owen Jno
Paker John
Parker Sam'l
P tkin Gee
Folia OP
W. W. BUCK, P.M.
" Z
Zumslt Mrs 8
"CIGARS The best cliancu to p'ck is at tho
J store of CHARMAN $ WARNER.
BY virtue of sundry executions issued out of the
Supreme court of Oregon Territory, and to
me directed, in favor of various persons as follows:
t-II:. L ike against Daniel II. r erguson and Hub
ert Moore ; l(. Heretiiid against the same defen
dants i James Purtlow iiguint the same defend
ants and Sawver und .Milwaiu agaitist the said de
fendants, and for want ot personal property where
of to make 111" same, I have levied upon and shall
orocei d lo sell tu tho highest b.ddrr tor cash, at
puli o auet on, ou U eduesday the Cth day of June
I SO j, at two u clock in the nOernooii, all the right
lillo and iuterest uf the above named Kohort Moore
in und to a certain Iraot of land situate in the
county of Clackamas, and generally known as the
L nu City claim, and described in not ticutiou io.
GHU now ou file in the Register's office in Oregon
Terrilory, as follows : t
Beginning at a point 7,88 clinins south and Ifi,
25 chuius west of the N E corner of sec 36 in 1'3
S of R 1 E running
Thence rai-t 30,io chains
' S4ilE 17,00 " to tho Willamette river
" 851W18.00 "
" south 12,50 "
S51W13.00 "
N73W15.00 "
S5CW 50,00 "
" S51W490 "to the Tuality river
" N71W14.30 '
" N72W3100 '
" N53E 172,00 " This course passes
over a point bearing 838 E 4,40 chai-is from the
S W corner of S E i of sec 35 iu T 2 S of R 1 E to
the place of beginning. The same being
parts of Bee's 35 & 30 in T 2 S of R 1 E.
" 31 " 2
' 1&2 3 1"
and containing C40 acres more or less.
Sale to tako place on Ihe premises.
Sheriff Clackamat County.
Pr SEP HUELAT, Deputy.
Oregon City, May 5, 1855-3t5
Sandwich Island sugar,
Powdered, do.
Young Hyson and Im
perial teas,
Pried Apples a Peaches
Y east t Soup Powders,
Cinnamon fc Cloves.
New Orleans sugar,
Crushed do.
Rio ii Java cotl'ee,
New Orleans syrup.
Sandwich Islands do
Pepuvr ii. Allspice,
East Boston syrup,
67iii. Cast and German steel, mill and cross
cut, hanil.pannel, and H'hip-suwe,
Vila und Itaeiie. Mill saw files from 10 lo 10
inchest Hat bastard tiles from 10 to 14 inches;
taper (ilea from 3 to 7 inches; half round hies from
7 to 14 inches ; round do. from 5 tn 7 inches horse
ras from 11 to 14 inches.
Varpeuter' Tooh. Firmer chisels and gouges
ui sens or single ; locKet clnsels; bench planes ;
iron und steel euuaros; try squares; scratch awls
and saw drivers ; plain and Hatted marking gunges
and bevels; common and cohcave augurs; haud-
ei nammera ana iiutcliete.
linitdert' Hardware. Win, flat, pad and mor
tice leeks and latches ; brass, mineral and white
knobs; complole rouud,town aud Hat spring bolts;
cast butts of all sizes, and screws ; also, round aud
Hut bar Iron ; nail rod, do.; horso shoo bar, do.,
and plow steel. .
ep-'llf JAMES O'NEILL.
WINDOW gloss, by the box or single Mil, at
l21tf POPES.
1 IFLE powderalso blasting powder, whole
m1, sale nnd retiiil. at POPICS.
J AMI S suniapurilla for sale by
ap21tf - C. POPE, Jr.
doz. maple chairs for sale cheap by
tJF npiltf C. POPE, Jr.
LADIES Gaiter Shoes
store of up2llt
selling cheap at the
C. POPK,.Ir.
AKBLE toilet waie, a few more setts lell at
apiltf POPHS.
1BLES and Testaments, all sizes, may be
found at apUltl POPES.
HktOSTuN jyruii, Now Orleans suirar, and
M-M Liverpool salt, for sale, wholesale and retail.
Circus Dlali-4's umiomu llio Aruiy of
Dreadful uareitu of Proriiinn.' Oregon Ore.
Uriel full and overflowing
Agents uuder Providence fur futteuiiig Ihe lean
DO not supprwe that Cliannan it Warner',
establish ment d.ed flti' with that of lb
old "Spectator !' Wo are linppy lo iufumi all o
our old friends in particular, and our nrie ones n
general, that wo are still alive and kiuckiug at th
old stand, v here we still make it our narliculi.
luminal to furui'li friend ami foe with just such
uaiuiiea in llie line or provisions, groceries and
confectionery as would muku even an anchorite'
heart :.wim, his soul stand on tiptoe, and make bim
wish his throat na " long as a fence rail," ao he
might protract llie ple,isure aliordtd by swallowing
some oi our nice inuigs.
Do not forget our old stand and get into the
wrong place, but be sure you are "all nrlit" when
you are striking a bee-line towards tho bonne of
Oregon City, April 41, 1855. ly
Keuding for the Million !
rrosR, rso.MT-sT,, oiikuon,
I Choice seleetlon of Ponulnr Uixiks. News.
JIM. paporv, .tiaaztnea and fancy Sialionerv.
Among the books ou hand will be found works
ou 1 cmpcrnuce, Agiicullure, Horticulture, His
tnrv. l'oelrv. lliiiL'ranliv. Medicines, lieliimi
So ence, School Books, ltontnuces, &c.t A.C., ice.
0Subscript'oiis received fur Itutiier, Graham,
lioodey, Licslie s, or I utnam, nt V I a year, pat.
age jree.
XT Suqscriptions received for any newspaper
piiutislieu m any pail oi the 1. u on.
iieiuemUer ihe Franklin Book Store and New
p ht Agency, Front stroet, l'orilaud Oregon.
C tV"A priced catalogue will be published early
Hi April, unci will uo sunt to any pari ol tlio tern
lory fiee on application.
" Statesman copy 1 mo.
'VMTF.BSTER'S Dictionaries, all sizes, from
primary school to 8vo. dictionaries.
Blake'a Biogrnpliical Dictionary ; '
" Progress of America," bv McGregor :
"Shady Side,'",Oueecuy," and Uucle Tom's
Call. n;
T. 8 Arthur's works; Charlotte Elisabeth's do.
Dr. Spring s do.
loam. Milton, Young, Thomson. Cowtwr,
Ossiun, Pollock, and others.
Also Downing s I ruit Cullurist ; Thomas' do.
Younlt on sheep ; Do, ou horse.
Allen's Auioricau Farm Rook; Do. domestic
Rural Architecture, Rural Homes, kc. and
Saudora' New Readers 1st, 2d, 3d, 1th &. 5lh.
ItlcGulhus Keaders.
Sunders' Spellers; Elementary do.
Thomson's Arithmetics ; Book-keeping, Copy
Uoo.fa, dec.
Also rubers Pencils, Gillotts Pens, lilank
Books, EiivcIok, roolscup, ole aud Letter Pa
per, Waters, &.C., O" holesale and Ketuil.Xtl
3lmn-st., Oregon Uity, April VI, loaa-iy
ANDS' Sainapaiilla, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit
ters, Bateman's droits, liniiidrelh's pills, Lee's
ills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, l,obelia, Hot drops,
3d preparation, Koinau eye balsom, Dallcy's pain
extructor, Laudumim, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper
mint, Essences, Comxieltiou Powders, Curtor's
Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, ifee.
April at,
RASS ami Iron Butts, Screws, Locks and
JLaV Lutches, llauimors aud Halchels, Axes.
Drawing-knives, Huiidsaws, Curry Coinhs, Horse
Brushes nnd Cat da, Gun Locks, Guu Cans, Wool
1ard.i, I nest Handles, I tunes, 4c.
April 21, 1 855-1 tf 0
Bctwetn Orfgnn, CalHornw, Ihti Atlantic
biialet and Europe.
HAVING made advantageous
IiT? errangonients with the Uu ted
iiLk.Stutes and Pacilie Mail Sleam-
diipCoinpaniea furtiansporlation, we are now pre.
Hired to forward 6'tid Duet, Bullion, Specie
Package; Parcel; und freight, to and from N
I'oik, N.Orleans, San Frnnciscn, Portland, and
irmcipiil towns of ('at fornia an-t Oregon.
Our regular Semi monthly Express between
.'ortland aud Sun Francisco, is dispatched by the
Pacilie Mull Sleumi.hipCo.'s steamship Columbia,
connecting at Fan Francisco with our semi-monthly
Express lo New York und New Orleane, which
is dialchcd regularly ou the I st and 1 6th of each
month, by the mail steamers and in charge of our
owu messengers, through to destination.
Our Express from New York leaves regularly
on the 5lh and 20th of each month, alio in charge .
of messengers,
Treasuro insured in the best New York com
panies, or at Lloyd's in LouJun, at the option of
Omcrs New Yoik, No. 10, Wall si; Now
Orleans, No. 1 1 , Exchange place; Sun Francisco,
No. 1 14, Montgomery street.
JAMES O'NEILL, .rtftnf.
Oregon City, April 21, 18531tf
Who Wants the Silver Cup?
WE will give a SILVER CVP, or i5 la
O'OLl), to the owner of any Reaping
machine who will, at a publio Iriul of reapers, in
presence of regularly chosen and disinterested
judges, produce a renier that will do more and
better work than UiirrM t Lonvcrtiblt lieaper.
Sa d trial to occur during the coming harvest,
aud not more than one reaper of any one kind to
be introduced as competitors. Time and plaee to
be agreed on with parlies entering for the trial.
iielow wo a nonce of this machine aud
seme uf the advantages claimed for it :
" At the trial of reapers in the harvest Held III
Geneva, New York, in Jaly bi'l, by the judges ap
pointed by the iVtie Yort State Agricultural
Society, nine reapers were entered, and each re
quired to out about three acne of wheat and two
of barloy much lodged and tangled, the straw soft
and tough, on rough and uneven ground. Every
facility was atlbrdcd fur a full andimpartlal trial,
and examination aa to draft, construction and per
formance; and the first prize was awarded lo
Thoa D. Burrill for the Best Grain Reaper.
1 be judges, In the report, say : 1 T. D. Ilurrill
machine performed its work in the most admirable
manner; the gavels were well laid, the workman'
ship aud materials excellent.' It has no extra
wheels or pinions beyond what are simply nece.
sury ; no reel to beat down and waste the grain,
uo band wheels, pulleys, belts, straps, or harness
to get out of order; simplicity and strength for
doing work all day and ecery day hare been the
leading objects.
1st. it cuts grain ot oil kiuds, in all conditions,
without clogging, and may be worked either by
horses or oxen.
2d. It cuts at any height required by a few1
momenta change.
3d. It discharges the grain in the rear, if pre.
ferred, liko Hussy's, or at the aide, like McCor
mick's. This change is made by an extra apron,
(attached in a moment,) from which the grain ie
laid in better condition than by any other machine.
4th. It has a balance wheel, which gives a qui
et and uniform motion lo the machine.
We have a few of th -ss reapers for sale. They
will bo ready for exhibition on and after April 211th.
aud the attention of Farmers is solicited to TUB
Also, 1 Eiuht Horse Tliroshor; 9 Two Horse
Threshers; 2U dozen Grain Cradles; 30 dozen
Grain Scythes; 1', Straw Cutters; 3 Fan Mills,
UtiU.ASLUflKtlll stu,
April 21, 1855-ltf Oregon City.
C. POPE, Jr.
f ATS wanted at the store of
KJ ap21
O. POPE, Jr.
Lot and House for Sale ! I
I- OT No. one (1) in Block No. five (5) in Ore
J gon City with the buliding thereon lately oc
cupied by Messrs. Allbright cv Price as a meat
market. For terms and particulars as to title,
address, TREVETT 4. CO.,
May 12, 1855-4t3 Portland, O. T.
T)Y virtue of a certain execution issued out of
Xj the District Court for Clackamas coun:y, and
to me directed, in favor of Thomns Charmaii aud
Arthur Warner, against Robert Moore, and for
want of personal property whereof to make the
same I have levied upou und shall proceed to sell,
to the highest bidder, for cash, at Public Auction,
all the right title and interest of tho above named
Robert Moore, in a certain land claim situated and
lying in the county of Clackamas, and generally
kuown as the Linn City claim, aud described in
notification No. 680 now on file in the Register's
office of Oregon Territ ary, as follows i
Beginniug at a point 7,88 chains south aud 16,
25 chains west of the N. K- corner of sec 36, iu T 2
s of a 1 s Ruiiniug
Thence cast 30,75 chains
843 a 1 7,0(1 to the Willamette river.
851 W 18,00 chains
' South 12,50 "
S51 W 13,00 . "
N73W 15,00 "
S52 W 24,75 '
" 856 W 5l,00 "
' S5IW 49,50 to the Tuality river.
" N7IW 14,30 '
" N72W 31,00 '
" N53 E 172, 00 ' This course passes
over a point bearing S 3d E 4,40 chain Iroin the
w corner of S E , of sex 3a iu T 2 S of R 1 E
to the place of beginning. The same being
parts of See 's 35 and 3G in T 2 S of U I c
" " 31 u (. ,i j "
' " 1A2 - 3 I"
and containing 640 acrea, more r km
Sale to Like place on Wwluday Ihe 6th day of
June, ll55, at 2 o'clock, P. M. ou Ihe premises.
Sheriff Clackamas County.
Pr SEP III EL VT, ,. '
Oregon City, May 5, l-5i3t5
J ?K. tit feel BoIU for ' 'n lots
sjjjrtJFeUU V to wit, by XJOHNSO.
tEEl' buckwheat for sule by
O ap2ltf
O. POPE, Jr.
tllAlN pumps for saio by
C. POPE, Jr.
Dlt. Jayne'a medicines for sale by
ap2llf C. POPE, Jr.
Blacksmiths ! Attention ! !
ON HAND Plow steel, iron, bellows, anvils,
horso shoes, vices, horse nails, mule shoes,
crew bars, wrought nails, and English bar iron at
b cents per lb.
WHEAT, Oats, and F'lour wanted in ex
change for merchandise.
17 A U de Cologne, a superior article, at
li ap21tf POP
AltR Y'S Tricoplieroua for sale by
api'ltf C. POPE, Jr.
ALL those indebted to Preston, O'Neill & Co.,
are requested to call and settle the same im-
...!;,.. -l k rnah At lvl..,.m All A..I.,. ...
maining unpaid 1st of June, w.ll bo left for collection.-
1 LOCKS I Beautiful time keepers, at rery
' Urn prices. G. A15ERNE I'llY it CO.
11 1 UN ITU RE. Bedsteads und chairs fur sule
low to close the invoice.
ap21 .. Or. ABEKNETHY it CO.
Central Produce DcpOt.
C CONSTANTLY reeeivng, fresh from ranch,
J wheat, oata, bacon, lard, butler and potntoes.
J ftVi'civs'd,
At the 'Old Slan'l,' Canemah, April '21, '53.
tiit Lbs. Light Brown Sugar,
.9ff 1,000 lbs. China No. l,do.,
1,000 lbs. Rio Cotl'ee,
15 Tons coarse salt; 500 lbs. fine do.,
3,00 i IU. Oregon Bacon ;
1,1100 bnxhels oat, for sale wholesale or retail, by
ver cup advertisement.
tons Salt, imported direct from Sandwich
Llands, for sale in lo's to suit purchasers,
OIL and syrup in barrels, for sale by
LARGE assortment of household furniture
for sale by up2l THOS. JOHNSON.
PAPLR UnDgiBg. new lot, for sale by
ap21tf T. JOHNSON.
For San Francisco.
rilllE staunch and fast Bark C. Dev.
-as. vens, iialkv, master, win iouu wun fPFrd
produce for Sun Francisco about the 23d S"Jl
April. Freight $10 per toil. Shippers can con
sign tn our house iu San Francisco if desired.
ap-il O. ABERNETHY & CO.
"BMERItY ROPE. 2 and 3 inch cablesuitable
Ml for
: Ferry Rope, juBt received.
For Sale L!M Ih tin Costl
CHAIRS, bedsteads, window blinds, counter
legs, wrought nails, horse nuils, framing pins,
mill saws, frying pans, grans scvllies, curt harness.
UGAR, Salt, Coll'ee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate,
K9 Starch, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda,
Curb, hoila, JApper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop.
pcras, etc. Aprii 21, 1855-ltf
OFFER for sale the following goods just re
ceived from New York nnd Sandwich Inl
ands, per barks C. Dovens and Ocean Bird, I. e.
Allan, M'Kinlay & Co
AVE just received
and would invite all llio.e who wish to proem h
GOOD articles at reasonable prices, to call and
see them. Tbcy eousist in part of the foliowiiig :
grindstones canal A wheel burrows
grain cradles fancy brooms
grass scythes A snaths pluin do
brush do do assort'd colored pails
16 sq harrows 23 teen painted tube
garden rakea . zino wash boards
do hoes blacksmith's bellows
do spades cross-cut saws 7 ft
pol shed shovels do 6 ft
bay forks mill sawa 7 ft
manure forks hair mattraases double
churns do single
wiudow flats 8 by 10 hair bolster double
do 10 by 12 do single
do 7 by 9 sperm candle
window sashea 8 by 10 adamantine do
do 10 by 12 grape brand tobacco
ox bows and yoke ur ke tobacco
ULAXKt-ym, BAlSbj, LliWSEYS,
khrettngl, etc dec.
And keep constantly on hand a large supply of
clothing, hardware, and many article too numer
ous to mention.
Oregen City, April 21, 1955-ly
50 Tons S. I. Salt,
92 b igs prime colli;
10 tons tine salt
100 kegs brown sugar
100 ' syrup it mo
5 barrels whale oil
10 doz grain aeylliri
20 " grain cradles
S reaping machines
d thrashing do
12 slraw cutters
100 reams wrap, paper
150 lbs. Muns. twino
10 doz. Collins' bxck
10 " hoes
5 Smith' bellows
10 dozen mill saws,
best quality
15 doz bed cords
10 coils rope
1 00 box's cream tartui
100 lbs. borax
25 bxs. soap powdei
25 "
15,000 yards new style
10,000 " br'n. muslins
3,000 " blcacli'd do
100 Hut. linen thread
50 piocea silk hdkfs
1,500 yards hickory
2 doz. umbrellas
, 50 cas. boots fc shoes
20 doz. slates
20 " draw'g knives
10 " colics nulls
25 jack plane
10 doz. buck sawa
150 fancy clocks
i.'5 kegs salerutii
10 cases " Lucke's"
10 ' ''Cornucopia"
Jayne's medicines
1 pr. 4 ft. mill burs
5 doz. crow ban
25 lbs. bl'k sew'gsilk
10 " ass'd " "
Remedy for Hard Times II
Fanners of Oregon I 'TU no use to coiu
tend against fate!:! " You never can
yet rich until you Jny owe of our
Peoria und Gulcsburgb Plows
CBllE undersigned has ou hand, and is now
-B. making daily, every description of the above
well-known Plows; which for material and work'
maiisliip are vastly superior to any in the Terr!
tory. All warranted to scour and do good work,
and which he will sell at moderate prices, for1
Vuih or Grain, Those iu want of a good plow
would do well lo come and examiuu mine before
purchasing elsewhere.
They can be hud nt nil llio principal towns on
Ihe river. Also at Forest Grove, Dayton aud La
fayette, whero I have appointed ugents, who will
sell us low as at the Factory, with the addition of
tho freight EMX POST,
Sipn of the Big Plow, Canemah.
April 21, 1H55-Iy
Capt. A S, Murray,
WILL run iluily between Portland and Ore
gon City. Leave Oregon City at eight
o'clock, a. at. Returning, leave Portland at two
o'clock, r. u,
F'or freight or passage apply on board,
April 21, 1855-llf
1,000 11 ginghams
Together wilh a large assortment of dry goods,
clothing, mrdi 'iiies, iron, steel, blacksmiths' tools,
chain., oe .Isteads, eiurs, and other articli previ
ous y ou bund ; and all of which are ottered for
x.,lc for i afh, p.oduce,or on short time tu approved
Oiem City, April 21, 1855-ltf
helling off at Cost.
FgMIE iruick of Dry Goods and Hardware of
Jl Preston, O'Neill A Co. will be elated out at
cost prices. Persons desirous of buying cheap,
will de well to call on the subscriber.
Rew Orleans Sugar fc .TIoIhsac.
AT Barrels of New Orleans sugar per clip
93f per ship" Hathay."
' 50 do. of New Orleans molasses per dinner
" Herald of tho Morning."
1 he above article I shall receive about the 15ln
of May, direct from Now York, and will cloae
them out at low price.
flOARSE A FINE SALT I have in store
j 25 tons coarse and 6n salt, to be sold vera
cheap. ap21tf JAMES O'NEILL.
I J LOW STEEL-10 inch, and 4 inch, plow
Steel for sale in quantities not lea llian 500
lbs., at the reduced price of ceots.
Oregon City nnd Portland.
Jennie Clark !
WILL run Daily, (Sundays excepted,) in the
ahovc-iuimed trade, leaving Oregou City
every day at 8 o'clock, . m.
Returning, will leave Portland at 2 r. M., touch'
ing at all intermediate points.
f or Ireightor passage apply nn board.
April 21, IS.ii-lU
hot vbiwms
Of the Four Reviews and Blackwood
C COMMENCE with North British for Novem
J ber, lH54,and the other Reviews and Black
wood for January, 1 B55.
Term! of Siibtcriptlon. Any one Roview or
Blackwood, 9:1 a year. Blackwood and one Re
viewor any two Reviews, $5. The four Re
views and Blackwood, $10. F'our copies to one
address, $30.
Postage on llie luur Review and Blackwood Id
any Post office in the United States, only 80 cent
a year on each Review aud 24 cents a year on
New York, published by Leonard, Scott k, Ce
79 Fulton street entrance 54 Gold street.
YOU will mid an excellent assortment of Orel
and Bonnet SiUe, Saline aud Veltetil also
Bonnet Trimming; Hneiery, Glntee, Iieii nd
Ribhoiu, Table Clothe, Counterpane: etc., at th
store of CHARLES POPE, Jr.,
(Main-st., opposite Abcrnethy's stors,) where may
be found almost ecerylhing in the line of
Drf Goods!
Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos,
Plaid Linseys, Muslins, Sattinetls, Jean, Flaa
nei. Sheeting, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe,
Cotton Batting, etc.
Oregon City, April 21, 1655-lt!
CtOCOANUTS, Bananas, and other tropical
J fruits, just received from Sandwich Island.