) THE OREGON AKCUS, Until i-HJ, Kalartay, May , lSS. ifte 64' 8. J. MoCoa mici, J'orttaiul. J. U. Mcltnwa, hifuijttle. C A- KltHD, Hulem. Wm. 1Ulow, SIMla, ).;, W. Wanna, br (7ri-. IR. Mkllt, lllmmntjlon. J. K. Miarnr, huUirdnvt. Amos Ilaavev, ' Pi. Solomon Allkn, Im'y. J. K. l'TLK, . L A. lfic, Jackmnvllle. II. IIaiiis, Cincinnati. Jvtxil 8ELLlita, Yrrlca, Cul. Jo. It. l'amo.i, WW Co. . It. A. N. 1'HEi.rs, Ouleihury, HI. Tot Delegate to Oongreu, J. 1. GAINES. ft Pru. Alltrmry, Ut Judicial Out., GEN. THOMPSON WAKD, of Clarion County. XV llaagl dfc ., Agents far soliciting for Advertieamentj, aud collecting for Ilia nine, T Merchant at., Han Franeiscii, Col. A nut Man' Oplilaa at H. "A eorreapondenl, high-minded and piuui g' nllenieo, writing to ua from Jacksonville, apealu of Iha Argus u follows: Onft Statesman. 'Tha foul villainy of that Oregon Argua ought t ba kaowi I all tha honest world, Private ti tan (at Wait pririla letter) waa received iu Ihia valley, from Iha editor, making a very strong ap :peel to Ilia native aanlimant, giving broad aasu ranora ef tha Inlantkia la taka tha "American aide," la politioa, aa Ilia niaia abjeel for which the fsjaer was started.' " a Nov ba it known to ill tho world, that tbe statement mado in tha above extract from t!d "pious" (I) correspondent i not true. "We liave norcr written but ono private let ter to Jacksonville, in relation to our puer. That letter was written to L. A. Kick, Esq., .and any person wlio will produce it, and bow that we gave "assurances of our in tention to tnko tbo American tide iu poli tics, a tlio main olijrct for tcliieh the jHiier VHit itarted," will bo paid $100, whenever .tbe letter ia shown, sustaining tbo above as sertion. That letter was sent to Judge Rice, together with a prospectus we got out tail October, aolely fur tho purpose of ex plaining fully and honestly the position wo calculated to occupy upon the American question. The proiiectus In-fore alluded to, whilst it stated, that we should bo nr-utnil in what is commonly tcrmtd jnirty jiolitics, (what auy sensiblo man would any was "nei ther vhiy nor democrat?) at tbo samo time moat positively "reserved to ourstlf tho right of making such comments upon tbe ncU of any and all associations, and of government officials, aa might be deemed just and prop er." We are ready to admit, thai if wo lad used tho word indejxndent In jmlitici, it might have been less liable to misconstruc tion, but t the tamo time, would huvo no more legitimately set forth our position than was done in our prospectus. 8uch was the light iu which it was viowod by every man who hail any knowledge of the laws of philology. In fact, a highly intelli gent clergyman, who has long resided in -Oregon, aud was once in his lifctimo au ed itor himself, aud wJlo wo presume to any is equally "piows" with the Statesman' cor respondent, and who has left tho democratic parly oil account of its corruptions, Informed 'til that bo fully understood tbe position we -would occupy, as soon as ho saw our pros pectus hut fall. The Statesman's correspondent goc oil to complain of us for violating our promises, to advocate the "promotion of good men." W'oll now aa tbo Statesman itself tins do dared It to 1 the olicy of the K. N7 to "elect good men to ollicc," might wo not satuly advocate tlio election of K.N. candi ........ . v...vAj nuuuui uomg violence to our plodgesl and aa we have occasionally t .- mo uoeriy to recommend the support of gooa men lorotnce, of both tho old volilieal tlBrtsaUI. ItntW ABM MA l.A ..1 1 . I v ng lNJ viwreu -fill! UHVlllg atwii irom our logttiumto sphere f ttr i . 1 n e anow exactly where the shoe pinches It such demngoguea as this Jaeksonville wresjHindent. If we should retail ah- stracl tanierance lecturea from week to -weak, advising the good people Mx ,0 !riuk any liquor, only "hcn they felt as though they needed a little, and a littl, would do them good," at the samo time ad ising them to be careful and never mix up lemperanc witH politics, bv votinrr for a Uui- feranc man In preference to a drunkard, or one who lend hia influence to the sup port of vice, we should be called a very clever fellow. Such a course would not endanger the rt(t by which theae political Judawe make tliair bread. Only leave them in poasoaaion of ihebeg, ,d they are satisfied. We should be gratified to know precisely ia what arAoof of religion to pU-e this pj. ous- corre.pol.Wnt We used to read, when a ooy, ol a -1-.OU, Kneru," wlu., Virj-il rep. ing U eng.grJ much of h j t!.,.. in such reliirious exercw as loowng into tho iuttstinet of aniuial, in search of such augurioe as Indicated the wishes nn.j t.t ,U od Ju nitr. We have al so read somewhere in tho writings of an old fashioned author called I'aul, wmcthing about a school of religionist, or " pious " men thut existed in his day, whose "god was their belly." Iu moderu times wo hear of religionist who aro said to worsbipsome po litical demagogue, for tho lake of the "loavea and fishes." Theso might I classed off under the head of tlio "pious" worship era of Mammon. Now, if thia "pioua" man will inform us to which of the three eburcbee above allu ded to he belongs, we will see that his name is immediately enrolled iu the proper cal endnr among his brother saints, and inugly stowed away in it approprinto niche. The member of all these churche are of ono common parcntape, and tho religious pedi groe of thit correiondeiit i easily made out, from ihe fact that he has knowingly, wilfully, and maliciously, stated a falsehood concerning us, in the extract which we pub. lihh. All uch characters are said to be of their "fnther, the Devil," but tho only diffi culty with us, is, iu not knowing exactly in what church to locate him. J Mat'a Teasaeraaca rrlacleles. Iliia low Hung obuM.lliia vileat of blackguard ism k from a proTMardly neutral paper, with John 1'. GaW name flying at it mast-head, suJ tern- nvranca democrats are aaksd to aupuortit a "the temperance (spar." The Devil, with leas eHronl ery could ask for aid aa a niiuister of I'hriat Out upua such detceUiule hypoeracy and b;uw villainy. Thar ia not a man, woman or child in Oregon, who kaowa Gen. Lane, who doee not know that b Is a temperate moral citiien Ortgun Statii' man. Wo have long since learned that before disputant join issuo upon a proposition many lengthy debate would Lo saved by a niutuul understanding of tennt. Taking your meaning of tho term "temperunce" and we will, for tho snko of no argument, con cede thut Lnno is a temperuuee man, most of tho time, at any rate, thut is, ho is uot a confirmed lot, wallow ing from day to day in tlio miro. In fact wo know not that he could hardly be said to be ndrunkurd, as we heliovo it takes about a gallon to removo his ceulro of gravity, aud wc dou't suppose that we could provo that ho generally "bears about in his body" moro than about three qtutrti at a time I So you see thcro is no issuo when tho tcrmt aro understood. A tempcrauco man in this city, nud a man of high atnuding, informed us this week, that Lane, during his rcsidonco hero was tho means of making more drunkards than any grog-sol lor in town. I To snys that Lnno bus actually insulted him, by motioning and beckoning him behind tho chimney, and !u!iirt te ...1 liim li l.itn nwir. nt tl.n It... J O uiiii w Hmv w-nnig v luu Ju$, which ho kept constantly on hand for the purposa of soaking himself and treating his friend. With your t'iew of tcinperatieo, however, ho is certainly a remarkably tern porntc, (0 man, although, as wo stated bo fore, a denr lover of grog-shops. t.C.ouie out of Her my People." We ask tho candid attention of tho reli gious community, to tho communications signed "Kirk mail," which wo publish to day. They wero written by an intelligent gentleman, who has left tho dust and smoko of tho political lialiylou in Oregon, and taken a proud position on tho side of virtue and political roform: Ho assures us that his neighbors nro so disgusted with tho organ of tho party in powor, that nono of them nl low tho Siatesmau to como into their fami lies. They havoa club made up, consist ing of a number of gentlemen, who throw iu euough each to pay for ono copy, which is always left in a certain box in one corner of tho post-olliee, and whouever they have occasion to examiuo any ef the laws, or es- tray notices it contains, Ihoy go to tho box, and after examining it, return tho filthy tiling to tlio box to await the next comer. There must be some "pure ami undefilcd religion iu that neighborhood. loc it not speak poorly for tho virtuo and intelligence of our citizens, who hav elected legislators to oflico, who have becu willing, merely for the sako of "party favor" to conliuo the territorial printing to a jour tiul which chrittiuns, and even wortif iufi dels, are uuwilliug to iutroduce into .their families, but are compelled to keen boxed up. as mey wouut box up a basilisk f .1 . oerr4. -We were honored with a call from the ditor ef the "Democratic Standard," on Thursday last. To hia subscribers who mar wish to hear from him before his next issue, we are happy to say he it quite as well as usual, with theexceptions of a dreadful cold ud the fact that tho latest new, from the South, ha produced in hi miiid," certain fearful looking fur, and hastouinc unto tha ceuiing of the d.y of (political) retribution." .rrttal The K-hooner Matthew Vassar. U. :.. arrivej at Tortland. with . f..n , poods losuit the trade. "- uu (.argu Kr wOl War next week. our trreort. have surrendered much of ou iditO- rial r-ace this week to Jur corrospoiidt-uU, T ; eST W. stiil baiting! .. :ii inii,ni inu mora communication on hand which are crowded out. llicso time aro so exciting that all of our communication have decidt-dly s politicnl oe wine , " -. right, have warmly enlisted in favor of tho election of Gov. Gaes. If any thing ia wauling to fully enlist every virtuous wo man in Oregon on our ido, it Is only an op portunity of carefully perusing the organ of Lane, printed at Corvallis. The lust insuo of tliat aheet bear tho most uumiatakcable evidcuce that it uc ce ia foregone conclusion. "Samuel" bo planted hi fangs deep in his uble "calves," at last, and ho la'now writhing in the ngonio of death. In hit 'foaming out of hit own shame" he.bhudlj strike4nJt i.ii at iha Aruus. and exhibit hi usuaT,, horror for "cold water." We hopo our Corvalli friend will "give him plenty of room" in hi last convulsion. Fur the Argut. T the OrrgOB CU-my. Rev. Csntleme.i : It it with pain and astonishment that I have witnessed the un manly attacks which have txen mado on Your body. And now thnt a channel is opened through which wo can speak one to another, 1 wish to utter a word of encour agement. ..Your approprinto work it ono that involve great labor, and, also reproach. Your great Master and tho holy AjxHtles were assuilcd as agitators, and disturbers of the peace as "turning tho world upsido down." Your case is then not odd. To you God baa committed the religious moral, and social well being of tho people. Not only tho work of conversion, mid tho edification of the church, but tho moral re form and the social improvement of the community belong especially to you. You arc God's husbandmen. And you are bound not only to plant, and water, nud hoc, but also to clear away tho brush, old logs, and noxious weeds, in your Master's field. You are Cod's ghepherds. And your duly is uot only to feed tho flock, but also to drive away the wolves that would devour it. You aro God's watchmen. Aud you aro requi red to proclaim with trumpet tongue the approach of danger to the cnuso of Christ, and tho souls of men. Do. buttle, then, for temperance, humanity, aud right, as valiant and brnvo-henrtod men. Tho satellite of tho rum faction will clamor, the pamlerers to lust will howl, the hirelings of tho op pressor will trnduco, and corrupt-hearted in fidels will sco IT, but what should all this be to you I " lijesscd nro ye when mon shall revilo and persecute you." Tho tempuranco reform, prohibitory laws, nud other wholesome moral legislation you should always advocate. Politicians find it easier to trucklu to tho vices of men than to advocate reform, aud they will never de it. Our hope is in your efficiency. If you do not work on, and pationtly, wo must ulti mately sink so low in moral pollution that tho arm of Mercy will scarcoly evor reach us, And whilo you nro battling for tho right let tho cry of humanity, let tho voico of ignorant, ragged, rum-made orphans, let tho agonizing wail of tho heart-broken wive and widows of drunken men, lot tho dying groans of tho rumcd drunkards themselves, let all theso ring so loud and shrill in your ears as to render you wholly deaf to tho curs let loose from tho political kcuncl, and barkinre nt vnnr 1,p..L Tl,.. ' ' "v" I uarm you ; they aro toothless ; and in a few more moons thoy will lick your hand lor n few small crumbs of political influence. You are iu tho right, Y'our success is cor tain. Then go ahead. A Suoiestion. Tho anniveranrina nf ilm Oregon Benevolent Societies will lie hold at Corvallis on tho 5th, 6th, and 7th of Juno. iMinisters generally take pleasure in attend ing theso meetings. Suppose thon that all the earnest working ministers of Oregon at tend these anniversary meetings, and while thero hold a ministerial meeting, to discuss their rights aud duties, both as ministers aud A inerican citizens ; so that there may be en tire harmony and concert of action in all the work of charity aud labors of love to which they are called. KlUKMAN. XwalocrUc. We do hope that our Christian friends will forgive us for the space we have taken up this week in noticing the oran of the ' Clique" that is trying to plunjre iu mur derous steel into the vital of Christiauity. We could n't very well help it, but will trv to do better next time. 0t rortlam Price f.arreat Iay be relied on as givinsr a correct state of the price below. It i vrr.v.ii .. a viivh,u no Ji ten as there is any change iu the market, by a gentleman who can be depended upon, It iVirml.l I J .t ... --...v. inumuereu mar, uie rnees given only erubrao the fat articles, whilst articles of an inferior quality are told as you KMl llglll ou cu.-ips. ' La.e bwww KblTOE OF THE AeoX'S '''"' ! 1 PO- ticed that the Statesman hn ituted, that the government was at no expense in bring Ing Joaeph Lauo to Oregon, when he camo out a Governor of our Territory. . . . . . i. 1. !,' i in it ihp rrnni ueiiii: uv umhiii- , (La.o)ii well known to have been kdi .oik a . . . with an escort of ftlountuiu Miiemen, i.uui. Ilnwliiiii in command, and Doct. lluydeii, iforuiu, ami Lieut. Hawkins, arrived at As toria, with some six or eight soldier. Cituocs wcrb purchased at Astoria for transporting tho company to Orogon City. Dy Mr. Uawkim' account, Lano and hi es cort wcro brought up from Astorin to this city, at a eot of from ono thousand to twelve hundred dellar to tlio Uovcrnmcni. I huvo a distiuct recollection of theso fuel, at I acted at Mr. Hawkins' fiscal agent afterwards. J. O. CAMPBELL Oregon City, May 13, 1835 A UoU Discovered So Uuutbai Mr. McKiulay of this city, hauded ut a table spoonful of black metallic sand, which was tent to him by a half-breed who has been prospecting on tho Columbia, ucar Fort Colvillo about five hundred miles above. Tho tand sec mod to be what a minor would call "rich." We applied quick-silver, to it, and took out thrco grains of pure gold, worth ten or twelve cent. The gold wot very fino, the biggest piece Imiug not larger than a pin-head. The half-breed sent it to Mr. McKiulay for the purpose of getting his opinion as to tho character of tho metal. He sends word thnt if it is gold there is plenty moroTvhere it cume from. Wo hnvo long been of the opinion thnt rich mines existed on tho head waters of the Columbia nud Missouri rivers, We talked with an old mountaineer in California, six years ago, who told us that ho had often passed over a largo section of country, on the head waters of tho Yellow stone, of precisely tho samo nppearniico of the richest mining regious of California. We aro no prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but wo will venture the prediction that there is a regiou far to tho north cast, rich iu mineral resources, which awaits the visitof Anglo Saxon enterprise. The half-breed who brought in tho gold has loaded a number of horses with provis. ions, and returned to tho "diggings." Who b..S.VMHl, Wo have concluded to give the lion. Mr, Kenneth Rayncr, of X. Carolina, a part of our editorial space, this week, for the bene fit of those who may bo upon tho political 'anxious bench," and honestly enquiring after "Sam." To those, who nro ignorant of hit real character, nud who are "travail iiigin paiu to bo delivered" from tho shack les of party slavery, wo commend it as an excellent description of a political lender, whoso "yoke is easy, and whose burthens are all very light." liogartn nimseit coutun t liavo itrnwn a moro graphic and' life-liko picture of this young champion of human liberty. But we'll not detain you any longer, fc wo know you want to be reading it : "Thero is a certain pereonage abroad in the luud at the sound of whoso voice the shackles of party drop from the hands of our people, like those of Pnul end Silus at Uio approach of the angel. XU though the echo of hia footstep ia not heard, yet to the demagogue and party hack, he is as terrible as an "army with banners." He is no magician, and yet the toueh of his wand, like that of the s'ar 01 lmum'' C!,u9e ",e ma,lt 10 "P the face of li ivpocrisy, and exposes eelfuliness and partinau bigotry in all Its deformity. -He comes with his 'fan in his hand, aud he purges his floor,' as ho goes. They call him 'Sum.' But it is not "Uncle Sam." Uncle bam venerable in years, with sound head and an honest heart. Uut he is growing old, bent in form, bowed down with the hoavy burdens whioh the lazy, tho avaricious, tha cunning and aeltish, havo heaped upon hia shoulders, and com pelled him to bear. Thia pereonage to wlujni I allude, is hia first born and dutiful eon. lie has come to his father's relief. With all the wisdom and honcely of his aire, ha poaseaaes the buoyancy, and vigor, and the atrength of youth. Ilia mua- ciea are elastic, aud hit ainews ore tough. Hia rmiaaion is to visit every city, town, and hoiulel in the land. He equally at home in the mansion of the great, and tlio cottage of the lowly, lie takes his eeat at the council-board of the wise, and ministers at the couch of the alllieled. Hu whispers the word of hope, which crvea the arm of the mechanic iu hia workshop, and walka beside the farmer aa he turns up the furro-a of hia field. Ilia march ia ever onward. He paaaee rivers at a bound, aralea mountains at a leap, and through wamp and forest ha never loot hia way. He never stops, except to drop a tear upon tha grave or some revolutionary hero, for bis heart ia aa ten der as his nerve are atrong. He watcbe around our dwellings when wo are asleep, and slumber never weighs heavy on hia eyelids. He carries in his hand the flag of his eouutrv, which has euoftcn withstood tbe battle and the breeze. The halo of freedom beams upon his countenance and the t semiea of the Union fly at hia coming, like kilea aud crows ate eagle's swoop. He never strikes without warning, but when he do. the edge of his claymore seven joints and manow, aud a hecatomb falls at every blow. The creed ' of h a f,th, is the euuslilutioa of his country, and I Luther and Washington are hi. two great ex-1 .alar of religious liberty and civil freedom. K,t,nlha chicanery of nud- . walU .......j u i.uilt too hiirli fcr him to scale. thtlm'I"'e"ue row dumb Ul"1'; ..! bkh..iV miter oJ Jnuita robe faU I from U.a he.l of ,.r..ir.J ii-lnc ad bulking knavery at it touch. JUcneer w - h..nea, tha paUi-tir, and the good, with the .mile l...natl fill couulrv., de,iver.nc.d toihe f I.vurtrincal. the Klfuh, he p their day of doom. After having g-ma in oeaunou round, he will finish his labors hf huhlng with tha thongs of popular iudiguatiou, from the temple of leuuluticn at Waabiiiifloo, those ho have beta dcaecraliug freedom's llani by offering victims to DoLtical idol. After such a Herculean labor, b " at I .r I will need a least four years' re-oe, which be wul peud in tli 'White lloulle., . Whin he retire (rain to private life, bo will l.... hia mii( dmonition with hi oouulrymen to preeervo our uutituU'oiie from tho evil and cor- - r an CaUeic ln. , J ,d w mantaiu and defend tha Union, to ,l..ri.h a cordial, habitual, and Immoveable at tachment to it ( accuatoniing Uiemtvlve to think aud apeak of it, a Ihe palladium of their politic! anfety aud pronperity J ud watching fur it pre aervation wilh jealous anxioly.' I am, with much regard, your sincerely, R. wVarutcr" ou ! Aiai. Wikciiestk, 0. T., May 9th, 1855. Pea Sia-Sinee I wrote you last, but little of interest haa trun.ired in thia part of the country aside from noliU'cs, except a fatul accident which occurred a few mites north of here. Mr. Elisha Williumsou, was riding a vicious horse, which suddenly look fright, threw him off aud fmniun-d hia akull. Ho died ia a few momenla. llora racing, with Its accompanying vice bos been practiced lo a great extent in thia neighborhood of late, aud it bio be hoped that this aad casualty will ba a warning to those engaged in it. Mr. Williamson was an estimable citixeu aud leaves a family to mourn hi loss. tio election ever held in thia county lias caused the Bumo excitement that (hi ono does. The interest felt ia very generul aud both parlies will uo doubt strain every nerve to secure the success of their candidate. Iu this county Daniel Stewart, (l)em.) is nom. iuulcd against James Cole, (Whig) for Kepreacu. tative. The latter Is very popular, much better qualified for the office than hia opponent, and in any other, than so strung a demoemtio county as this, would I think surely bo elected. The result ia most doubtful. Levi Scott (Whig) of Umpqua Co., is running agaiust II. E O'llryuut (Dem.) of this Co., for Council. I was in orror m stating in my Inst that Chupman wm tho democratic candidate in Um pqua Co. for the lower house. A Mr. Coiad is the nominee. Underwood is the whig nominee as stated. Gen. Lano and On. Guinea have returned from Rogue River. They spoke the day before yesterday at this place, yesterday at Culupooia and Yoncullu, and to-day they aro to speak some where on the coast fork of the Willamette. I don't think Gen. Lane seems in as good spirits as when he weut out at all events his man- nor is not so confident as it waa then. I w as astonished to hear him deny yesterday iu tho mot positive terms that he came from California in 1851 to run against Mr. Thurston. Gaines as serted that ho did aud I.ane denied, whereupon a little discussion ensued ending in an issue of veracity between tho two gentlemen. Neither would reced and I am very curious to know who waa right. I was not in the country at the lima nud of coursu know nothing about it, but I have always understood that if Mr. Thurston had lived Gen Lano would have been his opponent. Lano conies out warmly in favor of the Xe braska Bill, which I regret very much. I dii! hopo that upon this all important question of Slavery there would be no divisiou of sentiment among the people of this territory and that all par ties, all creeds and nil sects would combine to keep the curse out of our laud. But sineo tho question has been ugitated I am astonished to find what a number of people are iu favor of thtitwbill. If the question of slavery or no slavery were submitted to the people to-day the struggle would be a close one in this country. Your position, Sir, as editor of a paper which owes no allegiance to whig or democrats, giveu you an influence which no other man has. May not we who love the right, who behove that all men were bom alike free and equal, hope for that influence on our side ? The national issues upon which the old parties divided have become obsolete, neither whigs or democrats any longer regret them. Ought not tlio Anti-Slavery and Temperance men to unite in organizing a party devoted to tlio furtherance of their principles? A FARMER, Ex pods. Ed. Abgus Dear Sir: We give you below mem. cargo Bark C. Devans, recently loaded for San Francisco, and carrying out ono of the largest cargoes of produce which has ever left our Territory. lours, Arc, G. A. & Co. 12,797 quarter sacks flour. 19D sacks seconds. 3i!5 oats. 25 packages butler and egga. 3,000 lb leather. 2 lota Furniture. 20,00 feet lumber, on deck. Oregon City, May 17, 1855. Fnr It. J-... Mammoth r.ir 31k. Ewtob: Almoran Hill, residing near Wapato Lake, Washington county, it the owner of a cow which gave birth to a heifer calf, a few days since, which is hard to beat. It weighed and measured, when oniy lorty-eignt hours old, as follows Length, from point of bins to crown of Head, three feet, three inches hcighth, two feet, eight and three-eighth inches. Weiiht one u"uJred and eighteen pounds. . ALMOIJ N HILL HUUboro'May 8, 1S50. I'uttlUal l)tfcat. Wo clip the following from tho "Suites man,'' for hut aomu of our reader mny not see it. Theso apwintmoiiU woro nuwln for Lane, without ever conferring; with tlor. Gaine. Lane nwured liuiuc at Jacksonville, thatbe) hod left hi hod Nat Lauo to confer with the other candiduto, ami umke the uomiiinliona, but, true to thoir incaking political policy they proceeded to uiuko tho appointment for Lnno without cvor mentioning tbo mat tor to Jov. Uninc, although Nat Lane saw Gov. Cuine n he passed up country! Gor Gaine will, however, (Deo volentc) uot bo very far off nt the titno those appointment are filled, and wo hop that every body, tut and near, will attend them and hoar for themselves. Pou't fail to go and hear both sides. 'Twill do you good : Democrats Attend' JOSEPH LANE, DanocMTio Ckdiot ro DeLforra, will addreas hia fellow eiuxeu at the time nd place named below t Ijifayelle, Yamhill Co., Taeaday, May W, I. . j. At Smilh's blacksmith shop, north fork of Yamhill, Wednedey, May 23, l.r. . ' Tualatin Academy, Fores Grov, Wahlngtti County, Thursday, May 24, 1. P. sl. llillaborough, Friday, May 25, 1. 1. at. Portland, Saturdny, May 28, 1. f. . Milton, Columbia Co., Monday, May 88, 1. P. at. Columbia Slough, at Lewi Love', Muilnoinah Couuly,.Wdudy, May 3D, 1. P. n. Milwnukic, Thuwluy, May 31, 1. p. . Oregon Cily, Friday, June 1, 1 P. Harrison Wright', Mulalla, Sat'y, June 3, 1. p. af. litanies ef Teaiweraace Heeling, OretOB City, May i t5S. At a meeting of tire Clackamas County Temperance Society, and friend of Temper ance generully, held in the M. R. Church, tho committee appointod at a previous meet ing presented tho following a their report : "A Convention of citizen from various parts of the county, favorable to political action on the question of Prohibition, con vened at two P. M., May 8th, in tho upper room of the Drick Store. J. K. Hurford, Esq., was chosen as chair man, and T. Pope, secretary. After nn interchnngo of view, and intel ligence from various precincts, tha following resolution wm discussed nnd unanimously Resolved that as tempcrauco mon wo re-nllirm our intention now ami always to bring the question of Prohibition to tho polls, until success is attained : Thut we disclaim all such connection with Party ns demands n surrender of this point, and that so long ns Prohibition is uot u wntch-word of either of tho political pnrtiee, so long wo expect to nomiimto a distinct and scpnrato Temperance Ticket for members of the Legislature. Ou motion, W. T. Matlock,' Esq., was unanimously chosen. It was then proposed to select tho names of four gentlemen, to ho waited on by a com mittee, in order as elected, beginning with tho first, who should bo solicited to become candidates for tho Legislature, on tho Tem perance Ticket, and with the pledge on their part, to openly advocate tho piusago of a Prohibitory liquor law during the canvas's, and iu tho legislature if elected, Tho two names first asscnliug to such nomination to be placed on tho Temperanco Ticket, to gether with tho name of W. T. Matlock, if ratified by tho meeting to convene on Friday evening, May 11. , . The following gentlemen were thereupon nominated : J. N. Danker, Chas. Bcutty, P. II. Hatch, Henry Hayes. The following persons wero then nomina ted for County Commissioners : Geo. Hig giubothain, Thomas Pope. . , r Tho following persons wero then appoint ed a committee- to wait on tho candidates for their replies : G. H. Atkinson, H. K. Hincs, Thos. Pope. On motion, tho following gentlemen were" appoiuted a Couuty Temperanco Vigilance Committee, with instruction to take early action next year in regard to elections r Mahlan Brock, Sara'l L. Campbell, Charles rope, L.D. C. Latouretto, G. IJ. Atkinson, Allan Mattoon, Thos. Pope. ;- Con. ndj'd tine die. - J. E. HURFORD, Ch'w. . Thos. Pofb, Sec'y." On motion the meeting proceeded to rat ify the nomination of W. T. Matlock, Esq for the Legislature. The committee having reported that the other nominees for Legis lature declined running, R. T. Lockwood, Esq., was nominated, and responded in an address accepting the nomination. The Committee reported James D. aU- lor, Esq., as being in favor of a Prohibitory law, consequently the name of T. Pope w withdrawn, and Messrs. Higginbotham and Miller nominated for County Commissioners. It was voted to print five hundred Tem peranco Tickets, and the society adjourned. T. FUl'E, Sec y. Has aince declined running. Thaws, yon ttemllemew. We are under obligations thia week to many of our friends for sending us new sub scribers. T Loafers. . We would like to hare all loafer, of every name, creed, and character, select aome other place t ' spend their leisure time, than ia the roooa of ar compositors during working hoar. "Verbum sat sapienti."