The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 21, 1855, Image 2

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w. t. mm, iii?o su ri'irkirroa.
. J. Mi:CiI , I't.rllaifl.
J. ;. M.'i.i;pfc', hifti.jtur,
I. A. !.V6, Suttm.
1:akij, Mt.t.-'h.
! i. W. Owtii, '(.f Croi.
J1. IUvim, Jllwrntnijli.
J. . fj;r;ir, IwlifuJiner.
t-'()l)H,:1 Al- r , AilMlJ.
J. V.. Iti.., l);th i. ,
I.. A. !'.,c, Jj'ltiw u.'.'.
If. ll.'.'KH. (V;ifii. .'.
J';r,p 'lM.r ;, IW.r, fif.
J.. i'dK.wv, H',7 (. .
it. '.. N. JVr.l.r., J;:,l,ir,,Jll.
mmmwmt immmmm. uri mw a i i
W. I.XC ' K ;.;; LiniKltlSU THE
Fir.-U- i.P llMT tOf .W.IK EX 1 4 70 ...
Gentle r-aif r, you may b somewhat as
tot iihcd ul the fipiiearance of adother ck
pojr, tvhen our territory ii ulrcady ffrona
lfl under tlic inllic-'.ioii of a lax, IcvifJ upon
the generosity of tlio - j
.mile of friend or the frown of our no
wie. Jf you Hit J ui in error on any point
you will find im Lontly to ; and when lint
error i pointed jut jou will Cod ui ready
to abandon it. W alwayt bow with defer
ence to the overwhelming majnty of argu-
ment. We hall support nothing but what
; we ldievt to t capable of demonstration
J m truth.
Wesh.ill advoriil-t an Orritm prohibitory
li'juor law, a the Ukt ani only bo of the
frieii'U of ltiiir'ioe in. I good order, alwayi
di.tiiiguihiii between individual and iw
ciil rights. Whilnt we dej.y that our
n. i'liUr hi any right to it'll, or (five our
chiMoii.orour friends, thitl which, will de-
L'uion from the .hackle" of party slavery,! sudden fortuue-thut tooit of them we flvl ( of the fastost men of thit''fu.t
teach them to Hand erect, with ut,!ifid have udlr overlooked the great neoes.ity of age!" J. W. Su.livun, was upon our lni
- I.:..L .1. , 1 M ! ',u.nrm llAirifTLnpinfr ln Aflllj' AM
''prove all thinp and hold fait only that
which ii good," in politic, religion, and e
ery other queition thnt cfnut within their
purview, and ihey will 'jmt ai natural'j
fize hold of (he rifjlit and reject the wrong,
adopt all l hat ii good and coniorvatire in
muly crceJi of the old, corrupt, expir
ing prewnl political purtiii, ai ihi'y would
giviug tbeiroHipringiuch an education na
will prepare them honorably to bear the
burtbcD of the government, cxercite a
wboloiome intluciice upon their kind, and
cauie them to love the im-niorici of their
pareuti, after their gray baira are uuder the
xli of the valley.
Wean) pleated to learn, bo we. or, that
lyinptom quite favorable of late for a
hail in mai, and with the grealont enthu- general waking up, among the people, to
mm, a tei-ood a.fearaiice in our of i tbe traniandeot iniiortance of Um inattru
the Iiiiiuortal Wiikbiniton. Oregon ho lomeivinptom at prcunit n
-- --n I a i t
prive them of th..-ir enses, pollute their
moral!, and link them lower thau tbe im-
truti.'d Mivn'o ; we cheerfully iurreud r to
ill, o far a lej'inlalion i concerned, the
pritilepn of rimnnfarluririgany liquid iioiion
they c j,ropr, and applying it, both x-t-.rnally
a a bath, and iuternally a a fuel,
if they cbooe. We deny to no man, in hi
aUtwt individual capiuuty, all the right
lie found hiiimelf in thn poMMitinn of, when
ha firi.t caiiio into thn world. lint wlien
i i a'lfiiuiiti? io j i t . , . , , ,
th. ..,...... ..t t. i.... .... .i:r t i I mn-w!T or a- oetid corn-
WhiNt we are dipo'i d to leave tie in
stitution of touthrrn alau-ry jtiit where the
already i the field, bulli.i,,,, a b,,t! '"V f " T
r on, the , w,,.t of "hard time,," and 1 t ' I"" '"" W l,,rat' M'"'ine
ither current, which a journal,1 '"'""J ' !'g." I""""' ' "
all other
uu io conu nd w:iii, in wuVking iti way up
itrrari: to a ptnltion wh'iM wind and tide
will waft it miootlily along to the ultima
tum of iU proprietor! anpirMioii. We b
Iieve it wa bliakipeare who utterrcd the
, following, and applied it tu individual for
tune :
"Then- in a tide in th i(Tnir of men,
which tnkeii at the flood Icadi oo to for
tune." Porbaj if political and moral focioty,
WflruiuUtitnted inplaco of "tiaii," iu llwj
iiuuhiiii jmi inif,'ui regm to "uei
aoincthiug of tho character of our .ij.olo(.'y.
Society, of wbutever order, moral or mu
nicipal, ha jmt a truly a destiny, charac
ter or "fortune," as Shk,pWi itidividu-
. al j iijiht a much mbject to in ebb and!
flow tiJc, and i a much mperiur iu poiut
oi importiince, if not infinlti-ly more io,
. i.aini, or nanon, exceed, m jh,,,,
ci numuent, an individual uuit. An indi
vidual finding hinnelf invited to launch up
' on a fuvornblo tidu, i, in the abstract from
all other aorinty, in th6way tf conueviiom
wither dejmndrncipj upon olheni of bis
kind, , ft entirely at libeity, by the Ju i
lLte: l.-r.: .orto.ti'iupmily uj.ou
lhhnro, and doro away hi lifo uKn the
tunny land and fl0w,.ry banks, with no
journal,, . , ;,., ... ,, .... ., .
w. ..-j, ...iiv. 14 wtlU MIQ DUJIIII 0i, Hie
moment liefrv.-nt binwelf a a candidate
for admiiuion into tovietv, wo meet him nl
the door, with the requent that he leavp hit
infected rap and murrain beef behind;
forego the privilege of uing hi razor on
the throat of hit fellow, or ofllring at pub the heart of aocicty, that which
will niwt asBurdly mot eriouslv oiierate
to the preat injury of ociiily, and deprive
ui ol our right to tho enjoyment of the
jUlcxin;i orpe:i.v, pulilic tranquillhy, and
doniwtic bliM ; and impoao a heavy tax
upon ui. for mending up the evils inflicted
ujx.n f'icty by hit unriiflitcouj coumc
Thus much at present for our views of liu
man right.
t e sunn uy no means publish a paper of
one me ; we have a wide rancs of aubieet.
-.1 ... " v
wiinin ourgrasp. e aim to print a good
family newipajK-r; just uch an cno in
poiut of home and foruin news, a to the
market, couimerco, war, politics, &c. A c
a will keep our reader well posted un a
to the event that aro traiisnirim? in U, I
i ij
norli I.
Whenever new issue aro formed, upon
ting jMrnp k for good or
constitution has left it, so far as its preient
existence within plainly delincd limitf, is
concerned, a creature purely of legislative
enactment, ubject to repeal or modification
only by tlione who constitute the sovereign
of tho municipal district in which it now
exiiti, yet, wheoover .movo is made toriv.
t Uwn our dear western home an institu-
tion which to us would prove only an evil,
and that cont'iiually, we shall be found ral
lying on the side of freedom, and oppoeo, to
the last extreme, the introduction of the in
itiation among us.
Our work i confined in the main, to our
of having come very uenr the pole of the
great moral galvanic battery which has
thrown tho world into spawn, and cau-ed
it to hi ke oil tomo of the charming ana
condas which ignorance and animalism had
iKrinittud to w
and nearer, 'till like Moses at tho burning
bush we shall be able to stretch forth the
Land and touch the wire, and get galvan
ized to such an extent that we amy not on
ly shake off the venomous coil of intem
perance, and ignorance, but be also able to
own adopted land ; and we shall urge what- brush away loroe of the creeping thing
IfrWe made a trip to Portland the oth
er day on the bout bearing the iiinic name.
file captain, A. S. Murray, we should be
wrap their h.deou.hiss.ngco.l.f, , ' .
around the fuir form of the body politic, - , ., ,
cWby .Utnte to .limo their enchanted T DOt """'T
victims, and .wallow them whole, body, .oul C '"re ,,n SorU1 01 m
and spirit. We hope to get still nearer
with an excellent file of the "very latest,"
duly addrtcd to the office of tho Oregon
Argus, before wo bad rnclied this city our
clf. Wcsupposc, aivording to lilackslone,
the seizure of his package, was the legal
token by which we beenmo "cW of our
right to the Editorial chair. If Sullivan is
a fast in his general gleanings of tlio "run
of things" as ho appears to have been in
spying out ouroflice, whilo it wot yet in em
bro, he will yet form an excellent subjuct,
out of which some yunkoe biographer will
most assuredly make "a pile."
fT Copies of tho Aibtscaa be
at tho book itoroof 8. J. MjCormit I'Hj
land. Mr, McCorniick will tVnjy- j
the imiiiet of those wishing to subscribe; i
tlio Miner.
O-Thumiw I'rittbard at Portland, It J
advertising agent. " . . f
PRICK 8, t," !'
Many pcoplo are expressing,
those that know us aro sure wo are never
guilty ef. Business below, items to be
looking up a little, aud many aro yuemng,
"a bettor time coming boys."
Whenever wo can mako shipments
enough to pav for our import, we shall be
sure we are "all right," nnd in the langurgo or two to thoie who wo xpt
prise nt tho Statesman' recent ttau'.V
tion against tho telegraph in Orcgony'1
theirutter lost at being ablo to coojooiyi
tho reason. Wo tuo no difficulty inj
mnttcr. Of couno when bo taw Jo LV
jumping upon Fiirley at tbo other er'i
the line, he underttood it toe'er,, 'early
duty to follow tuit by pitcnw into". &
Johnson' end of the tarns line We judw
i.owuver, wiai like uane, lie wi find hiinj
self pulling at the wrongtring. 1'hocaui
seem lobe parallel lliur fur at least, svjjti
apologised to Congress, and Farley ; f
the "Statesman" lias made bit obeisance i
tho pe oplo of Oregon, and to Mr. Johnso
and politely bnckeJ wnlcr.
We take the liberty, at this early day, :
ever we consider calculated to promote the
prosperity moral, social, political, educa
tional and agricultural of a country we
have selected a our only home on earth :
where we expect to live, labor and die, and
which we hare always loved with an enthu
siasm never excelled by the attachment of a
hermit of the Alpine gorges, for the hills
and valley, of his own dear native Switzer
Tho appearnneo of eur journal will be
hailed by many, as tho rising of a stnr of
liope, in lb present hazy, rational horizon
of Oregon' iiuiiro social prospects. The
question now is, .hull it continue to climb
which have been crawling over the body
politic in the shape of political demagogues.
Wo care little about the extension of the
Missouri Compromise Line, the telegraph
line, or the railroad line, in comparison to
tho line of march which American frocmcn
have lately taken up towards the goal our
Irfvolutionnry fathers died pointing their
children, to. We think Oregon i becom
ing disposed to fall into ranks. One of the
most favorable symptoms we have to re
cord is an apparent general interest on the
subject of education. Wo hear of aimulta
neous movements iu it behalf in a number
of places, iu different section, of the coun-
e sum xMy wilh ,hoae whom
we Miove to be ori .u d,t wLetber
Iti tliA rr. i. .i.. . . t i a
covering but such ns nature ,.;, ! - "r T"' "s
n p,i,,r i. ui ii. a .I..... . . i,
.,. ,.,j K.,py 0( ui'avrii,
aud no.vpirations after the commit of civ
ilized life; or, step into the and waft
himself to tho possession of palace and j
garuen equal to those of Alcimis. Not
jYilh prnicinla and
WW, and not vsiih W.Wa, any further
than they arethe rr-.r, tentative of thoprin
ciplc wo oppose or'dnfetid.
it' i i
e....i give all .den impartial hear.
tier nf (Im.fnn a.....:. ... .1 . I
...v6.,, iwnuunjr us mat wnen our
limro P"'K'r" ,U '" m'"'dlJr iucreas0 iu
i wr. is"bsoril,tion Iist- 'e know tho time at
HO in rr uttil . 1
-J.!. .1.. i i i i -m''- "'ii uvwt 00 BO (liVfinftr ,lrt.
. . 'o gn-ai social I Sba front -II ..I
buclT pulilie. New relation immediately ' neet don l,, I i
-pringun toward, his f.lloiv , " ?A ' ",Cn!' d at all
. , , l'" i aniuniiir
.a, uriuMij; iiuw amies
I'll. ...
" "" "".ry, ami ins rromtie',,. . " man tL,i, ..,.f..,.,,... . . -
i : i wi or men. nn, I. v rv-" " iumuii a pood tam
......vun.u cmer. iciuty. tho interest, i w .i.. ,. , , ' . . il ., , . r, " "
....imiijii ueioro they con.lemn. Ve have v 1 ' ' aa 6"" paper, every
I o .ears oi n,o consequences, so far as the I 'eiianm ana tradesman must have,
I general ai-w-ptanoo of the truths we ndvo- j h" ' fl"" goi"S (,0W" hi" 7 con-
cae,.,y ( r'
' cvervtliiiiiT liliA i ii).,.:! Hbj
. i .. " " hiuiii it hiii iinr,
,ioward his snal abus.i. We ask .11 .1,,, .t;.r . . .-.l I,re"!,,t T pincbinjr, but who over kn,.,
.... I(W stiiii-r n n i - - -
Y, tho interest. lh
1-CiK'eiid prosperity of that s.x iely nil bo
long in a injure to him. View it as Ii.
will, avoid it as ho may, close bis cy
against it M U can, he is n o iiiiv.l to !.....!.
tier a sham of the i,.ain.ibilityl of promo-
? ivi um highest degree tho good of that
society, in using all possible means ;,;,;
hit power for launching the bark that bear
within it, hull, such a priceless ,,,. uf ,.
man d.tu,y, u.n the lucky iM,, iat fa
vor, iu "lorlunVWlo njiofthnpri,",
jewela of lirtuo.
W. have now roiim to our apology.
Tho present crisis, ..cms M ,, '0
catethoeLbinijof ,(i,K, Bhicll .f
inetlood, may lead society, if ,,. to fol
v"if!"n,i concerned, proiided tboy will
suWrilHj fnrand re;;d our paper.
We shall take tho American .id. j pdj.
ties, and idvocalo, a tho lust and best bono
i,n. ....... i: ... ..i '
, ab.indon
liient i, mi.. ,...,r .. .
i'"V r'""oriii, a clear email-
cipistion fr..n, il.os.l.ackk-. tbut
fc'i'jjuin, l,H.e so long forged for tho "people ;
d a return, a spee,lv return to fW
viplea, held scr,d by our fathers, and be
'l'"''M to their oil-spring M the richest
t'lru.s' tl.,.. 1 1
,, to oestow pon those whose
rl,n i:i . i i - -
.. i . . . ' " uiicrir. lianniiM,.. ... J
loaa out or tho dreadful Wuin ill(lJ I . ' ' ' ' rarity are all so
bicl. it. hat fallen. Not,i,r ,1,,,,, , ! a""Ucle'1 the perpetuity
i i our government
!hinir shorl of th.
I-mm. tl. lover of Archimedes, cn be o,,
tfi-it'.-' .it .ccouyli hing ,1, ()bj,,ct M
n-u.o producing a thorough
ii al x, political n-form in
We ha. e l.m.f waiud, slitinkiMg from the !
"t oi Ui -mdeUukinr, hoping thai
tsunertiw .,l:t- 1',..,r!,i,,l rvi.....i
the vault towarde which the eyes of the try. A number of enterprising men, in
1 oik county, have lately undertaken to
erect a houso al a cost of some three thou
sand dollars, for the purposo of combining a
good district school with ono where all the
higher branches necessary tu be taught in
the country can bo acquired. There are
some two hundred nnd sixty acre of laud
donated to the insiitulion, which will most
ly be sold out in lot to suit purchaser who
may wish to settle there for school priv
leges. Tho building is under contract, t
b erected, we supjxne by thit time. The
institution is to take tho name of Bethel In
We understand that similar movements
are on foot nt Newby'a mills in Yamhill
county, at Davidson's neighborhood near
iiioLuckau)iuto,also, in Dristow'g noichbor
l.nrt.l Al. - t I ...
.o uuie lorasot the Willamette. All
ot these places are situated in delightful
scions ot the country, surrounded by
.....v.u miougn, ami children enough to sup
port them all. All that is wauling to push
weui to the acmo of success is the mil.
own tmtoimtable pmevtitM will l.,i..
I...J ... . ' 6""
u ana all other peity obstacles in
the face; h always (when properly direct
ed) right onward and upward, and is sure to
wear the laurel of Wcory. What a glori
OUS laurel u-hnn ...!.: I :
.. M n-u III HCOnLASl (T.lincl
U.l ... . . ......IO.
me worm, the flesh, and the Devil" luat
icn-uorned monster, old "Il,r,l T;n. ..4
all other obstacles for tho nnhl. ,i'nj
like purpose of bequeathing to our o(rsprin
a legacy more priceless than the jewel, of
Peru, the pearl 0f tho ocean, the gold of
--norma, or all the cattle on the green prai
ries of Oregon: a legacy w-hi..h n .,t.....
fortune can deprive them of, and which will
e-uer mem nihuitdy more happy, and
lurut-u, unm ii reacne apcrim
nent locality, or shall it becomo eclipsed bv
the clouds, or go down in hopeless gloom?
We have done our duty in setting the
project on foot, making head, as we have,
against a thousaud adverse circumstances.
and incurring heavy pecuniary responsibili
ties : we say to the friend of our underta
king, do your. We are lookinz for cverv
subscriber to our paper, to uso his influ
ence to extend as fast as possible it circu
lation. Pun i forgot that we have embark
ed our all in the enterprise, unon the t-ledc
ei ot inendsof reform, to do all in their pow
er ior us. the paj,r we hrDd to every
subscriber coet us throe times the money
wc get for it, and if carefully read and rem-
emhered will be worth thrco time the
money it costs you.
e have the most cheering cneours
of Davy Crockett, Oregon will "go ahead."
OirThii bark Ocean Bird has just a. rived
at Portland, and tho Dovans is daily looked
for, both heavily freighted to consignees ul
Portland and Oregon Cilv. We under
stand they nro to return with cargoes of Or
egon export : tho one with flour and the
other with lumber.
We refer those who may want anything
"on board," to our advertising columns.
ZiTWe are under especial obligations
to James O'Neill Esq., of Wells, Famo &,
Co.'s express, for his prompt nnd disinteres
ted aid m getting sundry materials from San
Francisco, on th ground in due time, nil
"right side up wilh care."
Tak'A ntir f.;.. i. ...i .
.uihw aim scud US vonr
names for tho Aruiis, aud our word for it
win ue none the poorer in this world, or
worse oil m that which is to come. We
Ml try hard to suit you al' .if we can do .
by suiting ,, Vo m 80rrj, jnJecd
" be compellel to start with o small a
theet, but it is the best
wo can possibly do
verv Ann m in, ... i .. .
i niiu siatrsman,
has reiterated . ,.., ....I . '
"H;"u in our ear.
i.m t I. r
uie present. We expect to Olilatce a.
, B are uuie, which we hope to do by
the end of the year. It will depend upon
the increase of our subscription. VU Lave
not taken hold of this matter f,,r . .
ed consideration. All wo k !. . ,i...
- oU (l I.
upporL Ihat.ecured.andweare willing
to spend tho balance of our dav in fnl
something for our country.
We understand that Mr. White of Can-
emah is building a sort of batteau for the
L pper Willamctto trade, during tho "low
water mark" season. His boat w II carry
abtut 40 tons, aud will bo worked by about
a lenmuian power engine, llo will brinir
J i .i . ... o
pronuceirom the iamhill country, for ten
cents per bushel, and from Corv.lli, for
about 16 ci. This will enablo farmers
whose wheat, has beui "mud kund" in
their granni ies during the past ninter to
improve the dry season in getting it to the
bank of tho Willamette ready for shin-
We Lopa a better issuo to Mr. White'.
enterprise than that which h,s (horrcco
cerciLHniicnucdsome of tho cftort, .f
oinrr -henvy firms" hereabouts.
STa. our paper will pene-rate manr
parts of ihe country where Or,
are "ot taken, it will ofler great inducemcu
"" ueriwing medium. AVe ask all
"urmewit tout their influence in procur
ing us job work and advertising
OCT We expect to devote a column nP ,
to agricultural interests, and invito the ft.,.
mors to write us short pithy commnmV,..
, .vihu.b iu BUCU acvWniimjnfB
discoveries as they may have made in this
and interesting field of experiment.
s is our travel 1Hr
-S , ute counties of Washington, Y.
ful m..inlM, ..( : .... .i
.... ... ... .i , a xji .,,.,1. .nn . i-.. . i
llla a K.e ,)m .
CCTGeorgeL. Woods
ent in the co
hill and Tolk.
Op-The "Times" was upon our table a
"OT oeiore our first
will soon be upen ut like "shot from a sbo
el." Don't writo for ut unles you ha.'
something to .iy worth reading. Say tl!
scmelhiiig in just as few word at posiib'
Give us idiu$ instead of vtrboiily, and
those ideas lc clothed iu chaste languaire '
Combat error and not iuditidual: SL
w ill allow you to ml tome, provided jo
razor bo keen and dean : but don't try
"saw any legs orT" with a crosseat, or try
reform anybody by t.itvhinjr tWm intr
dunghenp aud then laughing at their gf
icfquo appearance. . J
The fair "Vtou," of ' Iris Hill," i, J
come, so long as sho confines herself to si
ject within our range. If. gh0 j, M iwl
a some of her episode, her husband
sho has any) ought to be a happy man. j
I he agent of the Portland and W$
i: '!' ...
....o oi j eingrapn are "blazing out
lino" preparatory to letting contract i.
selling t Ik poles. Oregon City, hjkjjt
Dayton aud Salem, nro to be' point oi'
route, proiidcd sullicicnt encourugcT
given to tlio work by those inUrosU'd '"J
above mentioned poiiiU). '. "tf
Oregon City is expected to do s :tA
moro than she has yet done io or- ''
cure an office. . ' H.
The wres will probably be ii
to Corvailis, iihii, c. ,.11,,i,.
The gap U-twcen the sent of Govern .ef
and Vrek.i, Cal. will i00B af,cr jk(f
forming, probably within two years, .icon'
tuitions lino from Portland to th f-.u.
bearing upon its vibrating wires V S'
mighty events, which era Hint ii&'(
not only shaking the political fatVr?
rope, but causing the hugu rolvphcmw'!
Demajrogneism in l',,ce Sam', d,W.,:,.l.
to exhibit signs of a trernendou.- ague '
Krthose writing to us from the u ,(
rrt of the valley will please dircetj 'i'f
commuuicstionsbytheway of Porting'"
the present. We hope to have anox-tea-
express i. full bli from this nl to m
country towns on tho west sidooftho Wi!
amctie, before many moon-wheu wesh.
be able to hear from
our correspondent so
al times a year. W0 shall maifnur pac
- u.i.i part ot the country at PorJau
o that you will get the Arod s
wutir i
issue, smilinrrnnil
ting away for J ,.. c 1
.lau-uill. llrt ,.,.
.. . -v i n o SIIIIOIM. I, t ,... a
all the land they could ,p,n with a tele,, ' Z ? kPted by
f the crownin, apex of Mo,.,, ! J and now J.
' "' i'ers oneratin, ,i.. , . 1
hi., 1 " . ,WK JoV
P0'ter s.itchel with
up-country friend, will tak
ucular notice of our nH,;.:. ...i.,l
Ihey are not Ug enotnrh to oeeunv m,
time m tho reading, and they wil W
W"T0"" ' " 3 -iiil this re.ul,, bv
opt..; ing U ,,. ; ,ck rU r4pjf whpj
1 ind "peud ui, ..,) U(y,t iU(ihjrct lht
prouiu!i;atio.M.l,ni.!,lW( :,., emsnci.,,.
fl.vii ,t' ll. ...... I . .
v. v,.u j-wpio I,-,. uu, tvri.ny of
.i. . '
- ... reiurlim;; ll0 hv adn.ui..w u. I
- ..e ,.r yuw t-.,r.:f,s i the h
nJ htng tho implr.nents ef ho.haaJrj iu
tho hall, which w La.o Ued for nearly w.
tnyear. in Oren, and apply our call,,,
hind to a didl ivnt kind of a lev, r than tl, u
w nave pen aocu.tom t. n... . ' J
i. ta -ist the f iend, of .ie, VZ JLST E
Ior,oftheircouEtry,tolu-n.Bio rturi n ', '" '" M1
until there .,,. be . ' J H' " --titution of our lib-'
-hi country. ,a tryug to r. :
aboi., shnll advooau, nuihin t,, .1... I " ' V' lt" 1
ii i.; i . . . . i j
""tuution,, rest, upon tho rirfuea J. ,,,,; .Teiu.ed L .1.. i J"1 r0D'
SoU.atl,. . : ", L Z TU "'"""P"1 to signally
1 hUlir. -'.V 'T, "C0UntPnt n end to the gate,
k i " . . U" '"f ' b' b,owig t hi, nymph,
a crookec
We learn that a Mr.
tof. Vamhil, coum: : . r ! rll-Tgoldenkey llpoi
vi .J.nrv riui ra .i
, - nmro vanort
meiit is coinmined i biinj4 f . .
n ctwent. wo .ball always find a najori.
'yof.hem.urtiHently virtuous, iDtc,.etl
w of rVinivi-A..
l.i..k : . -
Bi. io every married settler who re
sided a such in tbe Territorr -
Lumber 1851,. full ,eotion of ,.nd L
uew issue., ri.i; f ' . .. Z " H,m I Z.W"lT Pt draw-back to
. . " "' e,rcunistn. l"o
I110' IU l""'S, and deeid- , ...
' 'tin. iironerlr. lt.! i "
- u tug it?.
m our history, that a corn,,. .;...,..
of America,,,, niM to a foreicu ignorant
clan of imported paop, boujjht ow bv
: r- " b'i'guM, can wrett the
. p-vemment from the u,tllig,nt and
vutuou mnjarily of Anieric
"n cititeaa, tieo
cause of common school H,,;
Iho great body of the domain havin,,
covered by ecijon claim., there are few
neighborhood, in tbe Wili.nuit,-
- v imiry
whoreahoolcanbereniiUrU .. .J
- - .-uwrni w to lUltify the attention
. wprienced and qualified teacher,
uantie. HowMfj:
ate y.n the rear of an outhouse, but , short
" J , ... 1 awe",DR hving shot
"uuusl lue ""tire front of hi. head
Bering brain, and blood in. m08t ,2
-...j-.vwj, ,orever remain a
vanish at the
Well, there's nothing liko reality in the
shufiC 'Mafrish-'-can0
uta uaius
, o'
It.'lttl' Al,l A
and now pro-, '.honorable m "
OThe scoundrel Boyd, who was
P, from Corvailis,' for bur , .
"fronch leave" of the Alh. - 7' ,
w i j , 8 'nany jaif c la
edncsday night. '
We ho
to "get along Wel, lo
weverbegofhim. in
Dlercr Anrl 11
I. I uiiu MinrrriAH. .
v..- ik e .i . ' ""Siuau m ri?
IT- .... . . . " ";w?ry wnceiorto. to nn . . .. "
"P 10 day of hi, death. L fallen f.M IZ " 0n and
innKA.i ut..... l i ... ' "
say the least,
the name of
looke.l impn K hi.
L r1 P-fion, never
S uarrvica WltU
anv (Mia tV.
for war.. V, , " P""'
,d, famiy,cons;.tigof.wifeMd r-
of children, to mourn over ,hi,MdM,'f. n
Bene there ha. been but little done a j fW,Tll! mor P'omising
"y of PronKing ,be cause ot 11 ? d thi p4 Th!
X?Thaiik to Dr. jO- 'yT
i ar
.... w J. n. Bu.t.r, K.n ,K. BncMJ
e and neither to stick any
Chf'nnta, .nd J. N Co., ,
' - Jl
bim after he is dead.
auct.oa monff th t,;
The pioneer, of th. country have hitherto
w" n,ucl "bed in .uch
matter a. ing t the mine.." ownin.
t. buildmg h. .ttd w" .ZC: ! ihe form Z ".i I
larwherJaof , l .."",,u i ,K , . ,ru,u I
ur g!orioui
wneat crop, esnoei.ll i .. . 1
.. r v. wwrnagniBnt
p r uuoourtab'ebyThomaapODe
thankfully received7; esIt'
"earemformed bTm
nbord.,,0f Mari ' ::'T tte
there haPpeiled. CS
. a . . . .- ""tSPCLlnn IK.lrrt At . .! '
lerrioie had .term ever knnB A .k'T7 in " u '
gn. The hail fell from ,11. .? 'D 0r- j' wSw."' " ,h
nut In il.. .- . ""' oi a hazel. i . A """ nodnd ! '- -
" hr. n. ir. l(.n. "
.i fauVmall
to liothimr b.,i .1...I . . ""l-enetrablo
. k . . ."vim viatufini nininiirht .. n i . . .wmwiiui
w,.r out tv our h.m.-i , k .i ... " i.o b- aie heid lHv .t
v - 1 '" E'oinoipito tho pvpU of
fndtoihedeptb ZT jr' -
tuo of about twothou an!"JUredtoe
of the tre. i.:.. ?- . do!,fl'. the bark
s -jandtheotherfortl,, S. Vann. V,. .u,sf-deh.
'"e tree be np ,',.Mii " oar,t
u rvn no rvi
v LU Oil 117
Wfcor.LV r-r. wheat OWT1"
-rtu7 fa.'i.ed,
th, zr s
j fens,