inaiiOTSMKWB''M3 &Ht&$FV9fM&&&FfR Jt'ff THUS .NJfiW AfckE, JfORTLAND, OKKUON, OVtRCOM.NG A HABIT. Thu habit of hucIiisIuii wan n dis tinct trait In tlu family nf Nutlintilcl llnwtlioniL'. Ono person, however, wrltcH Mm. DhvIh In "llit.s of (5oslp," liatl no mlnil to eiieuiir.iKi' thin habit In tin' Kiwit novelist. This was Miss Kllzabotli 1'iuboily, Mrs. IlawthoniuSt HlHtcr. It was her minion, hIiu fi'lt, to brlii;; Hie meat iiovellnt out from hiIIHiiI. m, where he wnlicr-il aiiart, to the liroail way of common kciisu. Mm. DiivIm linpiit'iii'il to he present at her Kiaml ami hiHt coiip to this eml, ami iliMcrlhi's II iih folhws: One eiiitifr I was with Mrs. Haw thorne In the little parlor, In Concord, when the children lMoiijjIit In their father. Suddenly Mls I'cnlioily up pi'iir'il In the dnorway. .She IlKlite.l the lamp, went out ami brought In more lamps, ami then Kilt down and united with an nlr of Ht.'rn resolutlo:!. Presently Mr. Kmc-moii and his ilniiKlitrr apprared, then Louisa Molt and her father, then two j;riiy old cler (.'.vincii, who were formally preeiilel to Mr. llawthnriie, who now looked nlioiit him with terrllled dismay. We miw other I Ionics approaching In the mad oiitslde. "What does tliM mean, KllznliotliV" .Mrs. Hawthorne nKtl In an iiHlde. "I did It. I went around and nil.r-il a few people In to meet our fileiid here. I ordered Home cake and lem onade, too." Her blue eyes flittered with triumph iin Mm. Hawthorne turned away. "They've been here two yeiiM," nil" wlilnpercd, "and nobody Iuim met Mr. Ilnwthorne, IVople talk. It's rldleti Iiiiik! There'H no rc-iiHon why Sophia hhould not ko Into Hoelety. So I Jmit made mi cxciikc of your visit to lirlmr lliem In. The little room was ipdle full when there ruatled In a woman who came MmlKht to Mr. Hawthorne. I never liifinl her naiuc, but I knew her at hIkIiI as the Intelllueiit Questioner who own you Into Idiocy ny her llueiit I'levcrncHft. "So dcllKhted to meet yoll at hist!" hIic wild, Hisitlni; hers 'If beside hlin. "I have nlwayH iidnilrrd your boolm, Mr. Ilawlhorne. And now I want you to tell mi' all about your methods of work. I want to hear all abiiut It." 1 1 m at that moment his wife came up itml wild that he was wanted out hide, and lie esviptsl. A few moments Inter I heard his Meps on the lloor overhead, and knew that lie was wife In the tower for tlic ulj;ht. LANQUAQEOF THE DOQa How n (limit lluiillntc Ciinlnr Ail IrcmiCH IIIh Mimter In the Worn!, "It may hoiiiuI ciiiIoim to persons not familiar with the plcatturcn of hmitliiK ami know little or iioIIiIiik of what 1 may call the liuik'iMp or dos. the Ian KiniKc they use, not iiiiioiik themselves, but when they want to addrens their imiHleM In the woods, I say It may Mimiil cnrlnim to stale that the experi enced hunter can tell the kind of khiiic treed by tint way the iIok barks, but ho can do precisely thjs .very tiling." mi old hunter said as he Kosslped with a erowd of friends In one of the ho tels, aiTiirdliiK to the New Orleans TliiU's-Dcmocrnt. "Of foume, I have reference to the iillnround d(K, and not the dog that niiiy be trained for n ptirtlculitr kind of nport. There are deer dogs, bear dopi, fox dog, cooli doKH, squirrel doKN mill other iIoks that have what we Mould call Hinonx human brings spe (Initios nuil no matter how tempting the game they will not dcpnrt from their training to chase only it certain kind of nnlmnl. Mut I was Just think ing of the all-around dog, the dog (tint will chase any old kind of animal. "I recall a dog of this sort owned by a friend of mine In Arkansas, and he whs about the most useful iiii'inlirr 1 ever saw. He was good at any old kind of game In the woods, ami was In telligent enough always to know Just what his master wanted to hunt. He would tackle anything from a rabbit to a bear ami had enough hound In him to always bar!; when he struck n trail. This baiklug ciuixtltuted the language be used when he wanted to nnilfj his master what Kind or trail he had htruck, and his in. inter would know ipille as well as If he had railed out the name of the thing. He knew b the wa, the dog barked. "If he merely htriirk a r.ildili track lie made little nolt-e, and he was not very noisy mi a Miulrri'lV trail, though the bark was somewhat dliVurcnt from that UMd when lie trailed a rabbit. So the coon yelp ami the 'possum yelp were tllll'crciit us to each other and dll fulfill its to other yelps anil a trllle louder than the harking on a labblt or a Miulrrcl trail Hut let him Mrlkc a ileur trull or a boar trail - well, you would tliluk the world was coming to mi end. He would make more uolxe than m whole wck of dogs. "The blitger the game. It Mfius. the louder he would bark. And jet his master could tell from the way the dug Intoned Ills yelp whether he was chut. Ing a InstrNir a deer, and he wouldn't have to wall either to litirii the charac ter and direction of the dog's iuoe ineuts In order to determine what kind of trail he had struck " A llo Uiulvrnloixl It, "Did you read that article In ycster day' paper headed 'A lloinan IJctor'V" nskisl llrown of his friend lireon, "Nm" r'pllel (1 recti, whoso histori cal knowledge Is limited. "I never n ad Htich nonconse, 1 suppivse, though, the woman deserved a licking or the Human wouldn't have given It to her, )ld bIw havt' hliu arrest is;!?" YalueH or commodltleri depend on vi ItuUwr you want to buy or uclL - CM - Wm Mumps. This complaint Is not. n n rule, dangerous, but sometimes very painful, limit poultices always nf Tord great relief. Kill llannel ling with brnn nnd heat In the ovon. The diet during mumps should be liquid, II swallowing is dllllciilt. Sonieilmei deafness Is apt to follow. He careful that tho child does not get Into drafts. Warm linseed oil should he gently rubbed Into the swollen parts. Sore Throat. Those subject to sure throat will find the following prepara tion simple, cheap and highly elllea clous when used In the early stage Pour a pint of boiling water on thirty' leaves of the common sage and let the Infusion stand for an hour; add vui cgar Niilllclent to make It pleasantly acid and honey to taste. The mix ture' should be used as a gargle twice n day. There Is no danger If mime ol It Is swallowed. Celery Cure for Itheuinntlsm. One nf the Intest Ideas Is that celery Is a cure for rheumatism. The celery should bo cut Into pieces and boiled In water until soft, and the water drunk by the patient. Put new milk with it little flour nnd nutmeg Into a saucepan with Hie boiled celery, Nerve It warm with n piece of toast, eat It with potatoes, nuil the painful ailment will soon yield, Such Is the declaration of a physician who has again and agoln tried the experiment, and with uniform success. Treatment of Hums. In n scrhnu burn, as soon as the lire Is extln gulshed, the clothes must be re moved. If not already thoroughly wet, the Injured part should he drenched with water and the clothes cut away Kvcrythlng must be saeiiliccd to get ting them off without pulling, as tin slightest dragging may bring the skin off, too. If patches of the clothing adhere and will not drop off, they must be allowed to remain. Dip cloths In a thick solution of common wiisIiIuh sodn In wntcr and Iny them over the burnt surface, tmudiiglng lightly to keep them In place. As soon as it dry spot appears on this dressing, wet II with the sodn nnd water by sipiee lug some on It. There will be no Hinnrt lug while it U saturated and exclude! the nlr. Thu Bureau Saloon Clinical lniH)rUil nnit Point tlc WINCS, UQUOHS AND CIGARS nrl slid Morrlnt'ti htn, , I'nrtUiul, Ori'Kun OREGON PLATING WORKS GoIJ, Silver, Nickel, Htm ani Copper Nillnr HnnlMKte suit lewulcm' FIiiMh-pi itniillriiloil. Iremh (IrrxliiK, Oxl.llzcl blhcr; Oxtllii'it l'oii)nr: A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o llri. Itumi lloldj (lolil tiki 1'nlUliliiKi l.riUeriiKi (illillnr I'hmip MhIii 2574. . , t'Jl WnliiiiKt(in Htroct, Portland, Ore. THP 5TAP M KHAMUR I IIC Olrtl Proprietor Wines, Liquors and Cigars KRAMER'S HOUSB Klml-CUim Kurnlihod Itooini from (j.rsj to isuiperwenk S. W. Cor. FUtb oJ Burailir Sti. PORTLAND. OR The Uni on meat wo. All PlaliiK 'r iiinl Flmt CIkhi HotvUHliit nt'MNiirittiiK iniy hid UNION MCAT COMPANY'S rRCSM AND CURtD MtATS Tlio Hi-Hi lii the Mitrlt't, rntrmdio llnniu In- dtry PORTLAND. ORtGON THE LOBBY Ci WILLIAM MOFKCTT. Prop. I uriiierl' of llreinorton ' IllfilltSI GRADES ItqUORS AND WINCS Free l.uiu'li Psy Mint Night Pimm' lltsik 171 rirl Sin-ct POIITI.ANII OUKOOX American Vinegar & Pickle Works W II in NHY. l'rn rAlSllP. PICKHS, VIM GAR. SAUCIS. lIDtll, MUSTARD, lltUING, AMMONIA I'tlollK KhI I'.M 1JI rillllll AM'IIMO I'oitri ni. oiti:iiHN CAIMTOL COFFEF. COMPANY si r,i Auti'ii) it, lor. Hovfiit." PIllill.ANH OltKllOX K I'lAicH T. Mioiukit fnfiilii imiirnioU (Jhh Hint MiicIih), I'ruiii'h llri'llllll (JllMI Hllit Mlll'llH), t llill iUt-iiil, roimUr nit'iut lt, fpW'i, l.MraelH, I to I'luuio Went ,EM G.cScM. Bottling Co. Iluillormil RED CROSS MINERAL WATER A Natmal Medieiual Water A peelrteforKlieuin.UlHiu, DvHjiepsia, Constipation and all Kliln-y, l.ixoraud Hltuliler Trouble. Telephone Kant ISfi n lulm Ave. POKTI.Al, OHIH50N ROYAL DAIRY Pure Ice Cream Hotel, Restaurant, Railroad, and Boat Trade Solicited Office, 205-207 Washington St. Telephone Main223 PORTLAND OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. 231 mid Thurtuan 8t. ,'honc Mb.,, 16.0 PORTLAND, OREdON New England Undertaking Company FINE GQCDS REASONAALE PRICES flee Ainliulsnr l'liono 272 0)ionte I'ustiilllic itOJi 1'oct SI'OKANK WASH. MKTOP'iXW?JH3CV"IfTO3SS'.ml ask rotm anooEft ron our Crackers, Cakes, Biscuits FACTORY AND OrFIOEB, East Third and East Davis Sts. TELEPHONE EAMT 47 The Fashion Tailors F. L0KETZ It CO., Piops. The Leading Popu lar Priced Tailors Suit Club No. 4. CONTItACT-I lurelty nurci) tn I'hv to tlio rittt. ryKVvaW'j; Mt-uk (nr thirty rclii-i'di tlv- Huekn. II I iluilllit ilrnw m unit ol cliillU'N tie (nru tlii'iixtilritttonot ttui thirty wtoVk, thou unlit imyiiiuiitit nru to lurnilit ntv. )imtcnrn)inblicUi'.hc like thoio, hut how your I'lothm nut a hy your old frli-liiK TIIK PAHIIION TA 1 1.0 It. 1'hulio MkIii R77 4XIVnKhliiKtoti Street PJUTI.ANI) OltKflON W P'P' " W W W W 9 9 . I' ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Bring comfort and cheerful ness during the long winter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive, for you are a long time dead, J J J J J PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Mt. Hood Shirts Made, "A Little Better Than Seems Necessary" by The Best Workmen KKOM The Best Material wirii The Best Machinery NONE CAN BE BETTER ! FLEtSCHHER, MAYER & CO. MAKERS jb r6ri4 j DAHO ADVERTISI NG $ . Th"S- ,,1,th' ''r0 hm K,g' V" V The Blyth & Fargo Co. Poontcllo, Iilnho General Merchandise STOUKH AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatelto, Idaho Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage ttionms 903 Main St. BOtSK, IDAHO CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 KfttUIOcil IM9. Dooy I'nlnca Hotel lllit'g llti:il (I. MOCK, PnxMotit 1 J. CONIIOY, VIccPrt-Milciit ('. It. IIU:K1:Y, Cuilder lltANK JKNKINSON, Ah'1 Cmhlcr NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer S Storage Go. It. M. Boll Plioiiu A-10 lnd. Phono lit Light and heavy hauling. Con ilgnmrnU of freight left in our charge will receive prompt atlen tion. Storage at reasonable rates. See that you give your baggage to Boise Transfer & Storage Go. South Tenth Street, J. A. .Murray. I'rrsMcnt. D. V. StnnJroJ. Vice I'roldent Wni. A. Antlie. Cashier I. N. Anthri, Aait. Canlilcr mi ii2 first national bank of Pocntullot Ulnlio. POCATI-LLO, IDAHO DAVIDSON GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. AM) COFFEE ROASTERS We Operate the Only Coffee Roast ing Plant in Idaho Cor. 13th and Front Sts. BOII2 - - IDAHO TUTTLE HERGAHTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AllKNTH KOUTIIK CELEBRATED OLYAIPIA BEER Numpo, Iduho I). W. Church KurloC. White C. C.ChlUuii CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocutcllo Iclcilio Phone Main 631 8 You can me our phone without pay The name of the place is the WASHINGTON CAFE K. VANDRAN, Prop. 130 Washington Street Between llthand 12th PORTLAND OREGON THETOKEPOINTQYSTERCO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tolopliono MAIN cXT Sols Growors of the Celebrated Toke PointOysters An Ktom Oyster Trnnitutoil ul grow n on our bod t TOKELAND, WASHINOTON "UNKQUALKD IN FI.AVOK ASH niKSHSK" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesalo Dealers in All Varieties of -Native Oysters. sr i cait 1 aic riTV t I JrtLI LrtlAL till t !! USB J Salt Air Extracts, Baking Powder, Spices and Coffees ARE THE BEST OR MONEY BACK Salt lako OoffeoA Sploo Mills SALT LAKE, UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO. Prescription Druggists Cor Third West and Bouth Temple. Tolc Salt Lake City, Utah. l FARGO, N. D. i MARSH & BALL Livery Snlc and Hoarding llcnvy Draft nnil Fino Driving Horses furHalu. lleitr.tcH, HiickH mid CnrriiiuoH Omi. lViHtolllce. Teleplioiiu Call 137. PARQO, N. D. JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER f-'nmplu Trunks and Cases niado to or der, ltupnirintf done promptly. Old TritnkH Taken in Exchange, liny your tniiiku wliuru they maku tlieni and huvu your inoney. Telephone 774, 014 I'ront Street. FARGO, N. D. T. E. YERXA FAROO, N. D. Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Opposite N. P. Depot Green A Eggert First-Class Butchers 4 Packers The Best Market In the City 1 1 Illicit Prices I'aiil for All Kinds of Live Stock FARGO NORTH DAKOTA West Oakland Bank AND TRUST COMPANY omcKHH: C1IAH. M. WlI.I.AItl). I'rerldent. M. K. 1IAUOIIKHTY, lit Vice l're. K. C. 1IAIIN. 3m Vlco I'rcs. U. I.. WINES, t'mhler. No. 1788 Seventh Street, OAKLAND, CAL. WHEN YOU GET DISGUSTED WITH POOR WORK, RING UP SACRAMENTO LAUNDRY BOTH PHONES "104 " Promptness is the essence of all good business; lack of it the cause of many failures. W. H. BROTT, Mgr. Sacramento, Cal, ORIENT INSURANCE CO. Ol' I lAUTI'OUD Place your insurance with Tohn P.Sharkey, Agent. Telephone Mail 180. 70J Cham br of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. tP?Cj! As well if 'J$l out of I Srashioni mnrsr Beer wmw kum immw m 1 iTIWIMUMMMtwmcCSjKuJ t AMAHA IMPRDACkYA t V'T,"" "i-wwjiiii DIMNK Storz Blue Ribbon A Beer of Superior Excellence Brewed and Bottled only by Storz Brewing: Co. PHONE J260 OMAHA, NEBRASKA OMAHA TRANSFER CO. I tho only exclusive lmnn?o Hue In Oinnhu nnd tho nuly mid rucuKiiixucI hy the rnllroiul Cummerclnl nnd , tlicntrlcnl biislnem n Hu daily, City riitcdtliu lowest. Olvo Your Ctiooft to Our Agant On Trafnm or ol Depot, 1314 Howard Street ASK FOR KRUG Tlio Iloer you llko. A(,'uncien in nil Weuteru Citien mid Towdh. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO flKTTIIi: BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS OltDEU ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neb PAXTOH AND G1LLAGHEB CO. Importers, Coffee Roasters and Jobbing Grocers Oldest Jobbing Grocers in the West. E tabllihed 1863-1904. Special attention given to mall order. Omaha, Neb. Union Transfer Co. lhi(,'KH!0 Ltorel Five Days Free I)Bt,'go, Freight tuui Ftirnitiiru Movin Prompt Attention to All Orders Phono Main 241 131 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORE. raasageeaaas ICE CREAM g SPOKANE PORTLAND 5&333gS93 BSeSSQ&3t RAMBLER AND PIERCE BICYCLES Ballon & Wright VholtAle and Ilvtall BICYCLE SUNDRIES Automobile Supplies and Tires Sporting Goods and Cutlery 86 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON The Portland Machinery Co. ENGINEERS MACHINERY MERCHANTS 62-64 first St. Portland, Oregon 1 2Jg& I VBh fix? IJPrniT J A ,rnt)ittmu