THE .NEW AWE. POUT.LAJSD. OREUCXN. ,r &' - ? . y l-' jf&v -.,! 'rs t pt t 4 I ti RffmfKf i ini i n vu ai inuii nsiiin. ft The BuHt HntH The Bust FurnittlilnjgM ' Tlio l3ot Trcutmunt: MACNIDER Sixth and Wabasha ST. PAUL, Minn. Tor Men Only J. C HORRIOAIN Fine lljiit livery cArrla?c, hear a, etc. 4IMM WncoiitA street. N. V. Tol. Main Wl. Twin City IWJ St. Riul, Minnesota ST. PAUL HAT WORKS (I. I.. Crawfod, Prop. Expert Komoduleruf IIt. Panama np'C laity Mats to order, llam at retail, wtl Mlu iiroola Htri-ct. Talmthono, It. W. Main 1W3.JU ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STEAM LAUNDRY UOTII I'llONUS No. 171 314 Minnesota Street, ST. PAUL, AllNNESOTA ur FlmM'laM Work on Hhort Tlmo try tha Oriental Laundry TliL. 3i3. 12-04 XV. Tenth St. ST. PAUL,, MINN. WILL F. MATHEIS CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS SUthand Cedar Street ST.. PAUL, MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Murccntor to Hi IINl'.U. .1 KIIANK.) l)l!Al.i:HS in am. kinds op BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZOK WO UK A SI'liCIALTY. 142 I!. Sixth St., Opp. Kyan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota P. N. Peterson Granite Co. Manufacturers of Fine Monuments and Artistic Memorials Of Kery Hviorlplloii Olnre nud VarcrooM,r,U t,i I: Klfth Ht. ST. PAUL MINNESOTA llltANl.'HLK AT Stillwater Minnesota Masonic Temple Bide. Dululh, Minnesota Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co.' Wholeiale IVaters Butter, Eggs, Veal &. Poultry ST. PAUL MINNESOTA "The Judge Demtiiuls the Uest" LA TOCO Key West Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Hive-Cent Cigars H. S. Conrad, AMnnonpnllM Dlstrihutor Ml. 1(IU K.UIill.ticl IS7H TCO. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Special Attention Clurt to Cart and Maiujc mtnt of Non-Rrtldtnt Estates New York l.lfo niilldlni; Mimicapollii, Minn. Klwood H. (rtr. Prt's , I ester B KloodVlc l'res, William II 'lultlv, Tn', hdnard II. Mvhols, ht'cy. The House That Keeps the Prices Down F.very article nolil by this house U fully guaranteed You take no cIiuhcoh buying k'h1 of ub. We tell you for GASH or THUST. National Direct Action Gas Hango f 1,00 down and f 1.00 a week. SMITH tV FARRELL CO. Sixth mid Minnesota Sts. ST. PAUL, MINN. CTiTTI WirtMlimWife iiifliaan-mill iiiTililiiiililJilllilliiTllli cnr n a t fi iffifttKf T ST DA1II MINN I till I llULi I'lllllI $ P" NAGEL UNDERTAKING CO. VM K. NAOKI,. Manager l.ady Assistant on nit caes where one U tciuitcl 2ii1 XV Thlnl 8t Kt. I'aul, Minn Kenneth Clark. I'res. C. It. lllrelnw, V I'res t.eo. II Prince. Cah. II. Parker, It. Van Vluck, Anit, Casnrs. The Merchants National Bank OF SAINT PmUL, MINNESOTA United States Depositary Capital: ONE MILLION DOLLARS Telephone 2273-J1. Itculdeuco IlstetM-JJ John Grove Land S Loan Go. GENERAL LAND AGENTS Great Northern Railroad Lands 8epn to fIS per acre li the price, with neron annual payniunt at tar cent. Intern!. The land of No 1 Hard Wheat In til famous Ned Itlver Valley of .Mlnneiiola. MAIN orKICK 183 E. Third Street, St. PijI, Minn. tlranch Offices: Crookston, Ada, Btsphss, Warren, Jtallock, Mlnu. ham pie Work and ttepalrlnrc a Specialty Dialer In Leather Hoods and Notions. F. V. GARLAND i Manufacturer of TRUNKS Fond Htieul. for CataloKtio Dvpt. K. 378 Itobert St. Paul, Minn. Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles &, Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry lllce-PMIIIp Ilry Co., Proprietors. Office 156 U. 7th Street. Laundry, cor. Sixth and John its. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ELK LAUNDRY CO. Toilet Hupply Towels. (omn and llrmhf furmnlitnl otitic at low rate. s7 to 4M Mlu. ut'.oin trect. Telephone iA, lluury Oruu hnKen, Manager. ST. PAUL, MINN. P.J.I LIQUOR GO. Wholesale Dealers in Imported and Domestic Wines and I Liquors 381 and 383 Jackson St. St. Paul Minnesota. KtEimM rwHis r . rsiU- "B I . . . J OOWlin LiQUO PA Us.. A "- UtSzZm ; 14 CI Cat A llJIf&llinr k nf A ? nrirua Mural nwn a. R. C. WALLACE CO. DKAI.KUS IN FINE GROCERIES HELENA MONTANA THOS. MALONE BAKERY GROCERY Fruits, Confmoltonm, Olnnrm anrf Tobauaa, Lunaham, loo Cream Opposite L IltOIl DoJKlt HKI.KNA MONTANA WILLIAM KTUEWK WILLIAM llOLtlltOOl President Vice 1'rcddent J. K KCOTT, Secretary Helena Cab Company (I.NCOIU'OllATKD) Complete Cab, Trans fer, Livery Equipment Agents on All Trains Office J3J N. Main St. Phone J25 HELENA MONTANA San Francisco Bakery JOHN WKNDKL, Proprlotor A Full Assortment of Fine Goods Always on Hand Our Bread is on Sale in Neighboring Towns Ask Your Grocer for Wendel's Bread Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention 6 First Street Phone 3-F 9 State Street Phone 260-M HELENA, MONT. Cmpltml Brewing Co. HELENA, MONTANA Laundry You want. We want Your Laundry. Mending done and Buttons Sewed on Free Union Laundry Co. PHONU ia u6 Droadway Helena, Montana r GREAT FALLS J II. (1KOIM1K, y , (Hurcminr to (leo. Ilerlhold) i u)i:ktaki:r a kmhalmiw. 0Kn day and nliihl. Telephouu M llraduntoof Chainptou h'hoolof KnilialuilitK. I Irenied from Colorado and Montana IU) Central Aenm (Ireat Kails. Montana Cloths Man, Woiiuin, HoyIn Modern Up-to-Duto Kiinliionablo Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Urent Fnlls, Moiitmui. K A ltKICIIII., I'renldi-nt. H K hKNlilll .- II, View PrCKldont II W ultl NW.M.IM'.tHO .v lre THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Hrower mid Itottlera of evtr.i nihility l.tu'or beer, ".iiutrtiin 'Amorit'.m i upoci.ilty. 1 aiuilv" bottled Invrtii Olllce 10H Central Avenue. P O. IUix Ml. Great Falls, - - Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, I'sld up Capital ludlvtdiial UtspouilblUty..., ..I UW.tXXl . ..IW.lXW G.CCNKAtt, President. JAMFHT.STANFOKn. Vic t'rei. and Manager. I. KELLY, Cashttr h&liee H omo WL CAPITAL BHCWINOCO. IB L t MadSrrr s M PHILANTHROPISTS ?. m.. n IN 8ECRET. Persona Who OIt Liberally Without Uiocloiiltiie Names. Anonymous gifts to charities are common enough, but It may be ncwa to readers that there Is a section of the community who giro largely and regularly nnd who have a positive dread of anybody lu the world know ing that they have so disposed of a penny, says London Tit-Ulta. Mr. Dlbdln, tho secretary of the National Lifeboat Institution, Inform ed tho writer that ho was going Into his outor olllce ono day when n gen tleman entered and Inquired, "Is Mr JDlbdln In?" "Yes," said the oOlclnl asked for; "do you wish to see him?" "Oh, no," the stranger repllel, "It will do Just na well If you give this en velope Into bli own hnnds," and so saying he handed over tho envelope and hurried out of the place When It was opened It was found to contain a 1,000 bank note. Another old gentlemnu entered tha office one evening some seventeen or eighteen years ago, remarking, "As I happened to bo passing, having no ticed the name outside, I thought I would look In and see If you were In want of any money." Tho secretary assured him that the Institution was constantly In need of money. Without producing any at that mo ment, the caller then proceeded to talk politics nnd linked for Mr. Dlbdln's views on Mr. Balfour and other wtatev men who were prominently before tho public. The visitor appeared to agree heartily with all that the secretary said, and presently, as If to show his appreciation of theso views, ho pro duced a bankno'to nnd laid It on the desk. They still went on talking politics, and lu a little while the old gentleman brought out another hank note and laid It on top of tho first one. Present ly he added a third, fourth nnd fifth to the pile, and Mr. Dlbdln, then com ing to the conclusion thnt It was tho politics that were doing it, kept on talking tiicm ns long as ho could. Soon 2,000 worth of bank notes lny on tho table, nnd then the caller, who vie cllned to glvo his mime, abruptly walked out of (he olllce and has never been seen or heard of since by the olllclnls of tho Institution. Tho London Illblewnmnn'.s Mission was fortunate to enjoy n somewhat similar experience once every year for several years. An elderly gentleman walked Into tho office nnnunlly nnd In quired whnt was the total nmount of the minion's deficit. When he was Informed of It he put down the motuy and walked out. From this source tha mission received 8,000 in all, a single donation on one occasion being for as much as 3,000. "IAN MACLAREN." Dr. John Watson, widely known un der the pen namo of "Ian Maclaren," who has resigned tho pastorship of Sef ton Park Presbyterian church nt Liv erpool, Is famous as the author of "The Ilonnle Nrler Hush," 'The .Mind of the Mnstor," "The Life of tho Mas ter" and other notable works. He was born at Mannlngtree, England, Nov. 8, DR. JOHN WATfiOtT. 1830, but was taken to Scotland while a child. After studying r.t Kdlnburgb University, Now College and nt Tubin gen, he was licensed to preach by the I'Tee church of Scotland In 1874, and for a tlmo was pastor at Ixglealmoml, Perthshire, which he has made fam oui as Dnimtochty, Then he occupied a Glasgow pulpit for three years, and In 1SSO went to the Sefton Park church. Ills HormotiH are leinarkable for clearness, eloquence nnd force. tionpul ol Frevti Air. The mental depression that Is the penalty of physlnu" exhaustion, espe cially of exhausted uerveu, Ls n com mon phenomenon of our time. Many people do not recognize It especially In themselves. It Is a proline source of disagreements, broils, homicides nnd suicides. In Its mlhler forms It Is called "blue.V low spirits, Irritability and the like. Our day needs a gospel of fresh air, excrclne nnd sleep. Nnsh llle Christian Advocate. l.oi(lu of the Uw. lYou say your husband cnrrles ?100, 000 life Insurance?" asked the shrewd soverer of matrimonial knots. "Ye," replied the applicant for re lease from Irksome restraint. "Theu, what lu the world do you want with a divorce? Why don't you persuade him to buy an automobile?" Brooklyn Life. X man doesat ncssarlly hsvs to havs) a strok of paralysis la order to bsoosne paralyxd. Somehow ths people who have btsn dead at long as ten years sesra old fashioned. An officeholder who has a pull doasnt gsusraU much push. 3 ATJmm VkouCIbbsf I MINNEAPOLIS MINN, j Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers of Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis Minn Pillsbury's FLOUR Leads the World Made in MINNEAPOLIS RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO, Merchant and Kxport Millers of North Dakota. Capacity 2,000 llurrols Jnmetitowi), Valley City and Grand Forks, N. D.ik. GENERAL OFFIOE, i MISSOULA MONT :: J. M. LUCY Trunks, Carpets, Picture Molding I.argett Itetall hurnlture filore lu the Northwest. UudortakliiK In Connection Drooks Block. Missoula, Mont. ritEDKIUCKD.WIUSJ.KH DK.OKt.R.MI8ICK 1'rrsldent Vice I'rcildcut J,.;iN W. 1IICKMN Cashier Hissouia Tmst i security Bank Gcnrral Banking Business Money f tit to all parts of the world at lowest rutoH. HavliiK's arcounts solicited. Three pr cent lutureit paid on tfavlnirs and llmedeosl(s A Home PatliiKS Hank free to any person opening a savings account of ll.vuand upwards. MISSOULA MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON AUmhouIu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors 'and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. IIHHaHi MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA 1 'HIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something- to wear, to eat, to furnish your housj, or anything- else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Aje within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We S:ll Everything and Everything t. i : miNNEii'ULiJ mum. E. N. YOUNG &. CO. MERCHANT TAILORS A Complete Assortment of Woolens for Men. Fine Dress Suits a Specialty. 250 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Yerxa Bros. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 423, 427, 129 Nicollet Art. Minneapolis, Minn. A. Backdsml C. A. mclDAHt. A. Backdahl & Co. URuaaisrs. Opposite Milwaukee are fully compounded, uuetiouth. Depot. Pieurlptlons 313 Washington ars- M I ii nets pof l Mlnnoatott MINNEAPOLIS Omnibus and Transfer Line OfQce: 11 Nicollet House Mock Telcphono 78 Minneapolis Minnesota Dally MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA MONTANA i Ralispell Halting J Brewing Co. llrowcrs and Ilottlurs of Pest Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from the Famous Western Darley nnd Iiohciniau Hops Guaranteed Absolutely Pure KALISPELL MONTANA uavre Commercial Co. w. bTUINdKKLLOW, 1'ics. A tKr. A Large Department Store We Buy and Sell for Cash, There by Getting: the Best Prices Our Clothing, Shoe, Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are the Largest in North Montana Mall Orders I'romptly Attended To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry 113-115 Second Street South Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON a. CA3UY, froprlelors Work Done on Short Notice. Tha Only First Class Steam Laundry in Great Falls. Telephone 99. the Very Best. j N: