- -a.t THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON. -ffimr wrw v 'rywvgaf.Tt satr t w t- W" . ' ' THE NEW AGE Established 1890 A. 1), drlflln, Mntuigor Oflloo, 3U Pccond 8t., cor. Anh, Rooms 1 and 2, l'ortUnd, Oregon. To Irrniro publication nil lncnl news intuit revch tn not lator than Tluirndny morning n( each vrcok. Hubscrlntlon prlco, ono year, tmynblo In nd ance,IJ.UU. EDITORIAL S S. A. Arata, the well-known business man, is a candldnto for the offlco of councilman from tho Third ward, on tho republican ticket, subject of courso to primaries to bo held on May 6th. Mr. Arata Is a very poplnr man and will be nominated. Mr. A. O. IluBhllght, who Is a can tlldato for tho republican nomination nH councilman from tho Seventh ward, Is ono of tho most ardent workers In tho republican pnrty In this very Im portant nnd largo ward. Ha has a largo number of friends who will sco to it that ho Is Bclcctcd at tho primar ies on May Gth. Mr. Robert E. Monofcc, tho well known real cstnto dealer of Albino, Is u candldnto for tho republican nomin ation for councilman from the Ninth wnrd. Mr. Mcncfco is a very popular man In that section of tho city nnd thoro In little doubt of his election on primary day. W. Q. Howcn, tho poulnr candldnto for tho republican nomination for councilman from tho Second ward, stands nn excellent chance to capture tho plum. Mr. Rowcn Is nn nrdent re publican nnd deserves tho support of tho party for this ofllco. Don't forgot him at tho primaries. Geo. M. Hyland, tho well known and uggrosslvo business man has come out for tho republican nomination for tho offlco of councilman at largo. Mr, Hy land Is a very popular man and has boon foremost In a numbor of public ttplrltcd enterprises. HIb candidacy hns much to commend itself to tho vot ers and thoro seems littlo doubt that ho will bo nominated at tho primaries. Mr. H. A. Holding, who served his Minl in the city council from 18!'8 to 1900, Is a candldnto for tho republi can nomination for tho offlco of coun cilman In the Sixth wnrd this year, and from tho number nnd character of IiIb suporters thoro la littlo doubt of his success on tho day of tho prlmnr- f Iob, May 6th. Mr. lidding Is a very worthy and poulnr citizen nnd deserv es woll at tho hands of tho pcoplo of his wnrd, whom ho served so faithfully during his Incumbency of tho offlco from 1898 to 1900. Don't forget H. A. Holding on May 6th. JUDGE KRAMER. Popular Candidate for Municipal Judge. Otto J. Kramer, who sorved tho peo plo of Portland two terms as justlco of tho peaco to tho satisfaction of nil, has nnounced hlB candidacy for the republican nomination for municipal Judge. Judgo Kramer is a .man eminently qualified to 11J1 this Important position and that ho will bo elected goes with out saying. Voto for him. HIT OR MISS. Only a .month till tho big fair opens. Occasionally the bookies get fooled. Kowen will row in. Sharkoy Is a strong man. Now Mr. Heney must prove It. Soachrest seems sure to succeed. Mr. Cooper Is also a good business man. Oregon Importing Company Telephone Main 380 195 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON THE BIG FAMILY LIQUOR STORE I $1 00 for a biir. foil quart of Eight-Year-Oli O. I. C, Bourbon or ..,- t , . j ii . f t nu V.t..rr,r R,rv lm Rye. 75 cents for a big:, full quart of Old Kentucky Kerve. lm- ported and Domestic Gins, High Grade Liquors at Working-Men's prices, agree ns man, How many men will run indepen dent? Democrats Lano. are turning Into the Tho business men evidently mean business. Tho first lively one. week in June will bo a If you want an open town you know how to get it, Ono moro wek to innko voters be llcvo you arc tho best man. A big ofllcial stick may be better than a personal campaign club. At least everybody knows that Fred Morrill is a candltdate. Ho does not believe in hiding his light under a bushel, or under tho sent of an nuto mobile For tho Bocond time Mr. Dovlln will apparently havo no opposition for tho very Importnnt offlco of city auditor. Tho people know they could not get n better man. it is iruo that Mr. J, E. Wcrlcln Iibb been city treasurer for two terms, and . ... . . . uu uus muuu such u goon ono inai mo voters mean to keep him In that placo for another term. Tho Sundny closing of saloons Is becoming a live question In many cities, nnd mny be so hero beforo long, but It "cant bo did" without great dif ficulty at least not till after tho fair, MWM4MWM99MMCM?M . in I nrn c Z PORTLAND LOCALS ll Voters can't mm?a9(wmm&a"1''1 '" tlI? pJ,ty. nn'1 lB nl tho ,lomo Mr. Frank Lolth of No. 351 Taylor street. Portland, would llko to know tho whorcabouta of Gcorgo Allon. It Ib vnrv Imnortnnf thnt Allon onmmnnl. cnto with Mr. Lolth, ns ho has nomo thing of Interests to tell him. Mt. Olivet Baptist church, Seventh and Everett streets. Sundny pronch- Ing by tho pastor, Rov. C. C. X. Lnws. At n A. M. Hiihiort mv ir.i nn.i My God." At 8 P. M., subject, Hut or T- Wnshlngton club, it was n sue With tho Precious Dlootl of Christ." , CCH8 "clnlly and llnanclally. Tho Rastor rally for tho building fund. Tho Wonmn'fl Progressive club met $77.50. Tho Willing Workers will Inst Thursday with Miss Julln Stow moot at tho church noxt Tuesday ov- nrd. Tho noxt meeting will bo with en'ng. . Mrs. 13. Minor In Donnlson Court. CKNTHNNIALi NEWS. m. . .. 77" ... .. Tho Iloston Herald will send a largo party of Now England tenchcrH to tho . Lewis and Clark exposition. Workmen nro now building tho main ontrnrco gates to tho Lewis nnd Clnrk exposition. Thoro will lib twontv turn stiles for ontranco, with a number of ox It gates, OfllclalB of tho War Department nnd tho Interior Department havo arrived from Washington and nro hard at work Installing tho oxhlblta of thoso oxeeutlvo branches of tho government i at tho Lewis and Clark exposition, wiutun miiiiiiK llini' in will l.uw- Is nnd Clark exposition will show ns- Oregon's mining display at tho Low tonisningiy ricn deposits of gold. All ver and coppor, with specimens of fold from very Tlch now discoveries that run as high ns $20,000 to tho ton. The Fair Jnpan concession building on thb Trail la now In courso of con struction. It will bo finished, tho con. cesslonalro savs, a week beforo tho opening day. This la to bo ono of tho most Interesting features of tho Trail, Tho Enstor dress parado at tho Low Ih nnd Clark opposition was gorceos. Many thousands of pcoplo entero-l tho exposition gates, tho day being delMiN fully bright nnd bnlmy. Evorvbody was astonished at tho rapid progress of tho work of finishing tho exposi tion. Mnc'eny's Canyon, n wonderful Fcon le park lending up Into the mountn'ns from tho Lewis and Clnrk exposition grnunda. promisee to attract thoun amis of peoplo who will vlfilt Portland this summer. The park la Btlll In Its prlmovnl Btnte. except for wlndlnR paths that lead throueh tho trees nnd up and down the steep hills. Two special trains, maenlflcontly equipped, will bring to tho Lewis and Clark exposition In July severnl hun dred of tho leading buslnoss .men of Denver, under tho auspices of tho Don. ver Commercial Club. In tho p'rty will ho a number of millionaires. This promises to ho tho most elnborato commercial "Junket" over undertaken In America. A1wtb ask for tho famous General Arthur cigar. fcslrg-Ounst uigar Co., jrenerHl h" l'nnlnml. "r PBaJta!'ateec? ;. I ' .-vsvM.aftMrt. to tho best pwww!www,s,OT"';i I IftbUIYlA UUIE.O 9 K - tm-mir tirnm Mrs. Jones Ib In tho ctly from New Orleans. Mr. William Duncan is In the city this week. Mr. W. N. Wheeler Is In tho city this week. The ladles' nld society Is practicing for their May fair. Tho ladles' aid society met nt Mrs. Congo's last week. Messrs. Hurrlll nnd Cn'tlln were in the city this week. The ladles' aid society will meet at Mrs. Paul Ury's next week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hall gave an auto mobile rldo Tuesday evening. Miss Myrtle and Estclln Hall made a (lying trip to Seattle last Sunday. Tho Allen A. M. 13. Sundny school had a very nice Uastor service Easter Sundny. Tho pastor nld society met InBt week at Mrs. John W. Payne's and had n largo attendance. The chicken social to bo given by tho Indies' aid society wbb postponed until later arrangements. A letter received from Mr. nnd Mrs. OlnBB stating thnt they nro In Lincoln, Nobraskn, nnd doing well. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Jones entertained at dinner Thursday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hill and host nnd host ess. Tho services at both churches on Hantor Sundnv wero ory good, cspec Inlly tho song rendered by Mrs. Pearl Pitts nt the Ilothol church. Messrs. Dlshnionro, Mooro, Chase, nnd rtnnntt mninliern nf Mm Dilil Pol. I ' , ---- M V1.1. - W lows order In Tacoma. nttonded tho (l"prnl of Mr f,POrd White, nn Odd r uiiuiv ui uiu Qi'iuuu iuuku, 1 SALT LAKE CITY LETTER (Special to Tho Now Ago.) Mrs. Cnrrlo Smith Ih IiicIIbpohoiI. Mrs. Hnttlo Wilson Is ntiltc III nt her homo In Franklin avenue. church will talto place T Smulny night! I Mcfldaniea T. Mullron nntl II. IK Nes- ,)ltt of Ogdcn, wero plcnsant vlBltorn y wecK. Mrs. Spencer of Omnha. Ih a lato in itirn. i , ii. iiuuuiBuu. w. . .. .. . .... , . , , Tw.cn lo.th 1Conl!!r2'f W 1,Bt c,ub W,U ,b ?.ntc,r,trnl?,cl,Tnl0Xt MonW von- '"B Y Mr " " JoIlllBOn. Tho dancing party given Monday evening y tho Twentieth Century Whist Club, wn8 n vory onjoynblo nf fair and was well attended. , ? 'nr.co ewii niioniioii tno Bocm '""-'o jtlvon Frldny night by tho Hook A larcn crowd attended tho soclnl An Easter Jubllco entertainment will ho glvo't for tho bonoflt of Calvary unniiat church. Mondny night, April IMth, nt tho Federation of Lnbor hall, ,,.. . ... ium. .i. w. ncim guvo n uoauiuuuy nppolntcd luncheon nt hor homo Sat urday nftornnon, complimentary to Mrs. H. II. Nesbict of Ogdon. Covora being laid for eight. Tho mombora of tho Womnn'a Pro gressiva Club gavo Rov. Orconleo of tho A. M, E. church, qulto a surprlso Sunday evening, by turning out In n body and llftlnc tho contribution, fmm which qulto a neat sum wnB reallzod. xxA4xaisKjj;ixiwxiw)(i w ... . , OUR CHICAGO LETTER mS:i(i($iSS9SS9I(ii (Special to Tho Now Ago.) Chicago, IllB., April 20, '05. Mr. John Smith of Now York, la In tho ctly on a visit. Mr. Samuel Hudlln haa been on tho sick list for sorno tlmo, but Is now much Improved. Rov. Dr. A. Cnroy of tho Ilothol A. M. E. church. Is doing a splendid work for tho church. It Is reported thnt Richard E. Mooro has got tired of Chicago and thnt ho will soon locato In tho stato of New Moxlco. Nearly nil tho colored waiters in tho hotola and reptnurnntH In this city nro Innvlnf nnil niiltHnfv tlin rilnnna nnrl urn .. ... " ri I I iiuw nutmiUK iMjiiuiiiiH III IIUIMUiD'in othor plnces of work that havo opened up to thorn. Mrs. Daniel Scott nt ono tlmo was worth, hor and her hushnnd, tho into Daniel Scott, over $200,000. Sho died In this city a short tlmo nj?o In pover ty. Mrs. Daniel Scott lived for many yenrs at 3G17 Armour avenue. A young colored man by tho name of It. S. Abott has started a now colored paper In this city cnlled the Dofen''or. This Ig tho same R. S. Abott thnt stnrt ed n dally paper In this rlty Bomo tlmo ago and ran It for two day. Mr. Frnnk n. Crnnshnw, Itleht Fm- Inont flrnnd Master of tho Knlt'hts Tpmpiar of tnU Btnto hns been mnklng ,pomo ofncal visits to tho commandor- Ie8 In this stato. Sir F. II. CrnnBhaw is ono among tho prominent colored Masons In tho city and state. Slnco last December there hns been over fifty colored families moved from St, Louis, Mo., nnd havo loon ted In tho city of Chlcniw, and somo of them havo purchased homes here, and a largo number of them nro employed at 1 tho steel and rolling mills in this city. It Is reported that Col. John R. Map shall of the Flihth colored regiment of colored Boldlors, has been ordered (f) gtep (own nm, 0I)t Rn(, u npnenr8 that nobody is complaining or regret- SdXSXSqP . 'WJmsasxsfsami " t --.,-frTT j ting his retirement, nnd from nil ac counts tho sootier he docs so tho bettor oft tho company will be. Mr. E. A. Harper of 6G13 Sangmon street, of this city, was elected Inst Saturday mnnngcr of exhibits, nnd Mr. Androw Hogan of Washington, D. C, was elected superintendent of ex hibits of tho Frederick Douglas Me morial Exposition of North America, that will bo hold at Washington, D. C, September 13th, 1905, nnd Mr. A. D. Orlinn of Portland, Oregon, was el ected one of the commissioners from the state of Oregon. In the Inst month In tho city of Chi cago alone 72 colored men employed as porters on the Pullman sleeping cars left nnd quit tho sleeping car business and have found positions In other lines or labor In this city, nnd It Is snld that the Pullman Cnr Company enn hardly find enough good men to run tho sleep ing cars and It Is predicted thnt within ono year nearly all the best col ored men who nro employed by tho Pulmnn Car Co. will hnv loft tho ser vice. This nctlon on the pnrt of tho sleeping car porters Is to bo highly recommended and the sooner nil tho honorablo and good colored mon leave and quit tho Pullman sleeping car ser vice and got positions thnt will pay them clsewhcro the better off thoy will be. THE WIDOW'S WAIL. "If John had only mndo n will, I nover would have had This trouble with the property: It really Is too budt "The lawyers bother mo bo much," Tho Widow Jenkins sighed, "I do declaro I almost wish That John hnd never died!" Harold Melbourno In May Llpplncott's. M. J. Murphy, plumbing and rbb fit ting, Jobbing promptly nttonded to. 291 Enst Morrison street, east end of bridge, phono East 109, Portland, Or. JACQUKS &. VIABNK. Clrocory nnd fnlnily liquor store, cor ner Savior nnd Seventeenth Htwta. A now fresh stock of Rrocorlefl nnd a tine lino of wines nnd liquors. Tel "phono C321, Portland, Oregon. Trtnch Dyeing and C!enin g Wor'i. All work done atvery modreatopricei. Dyeing and cleaning of ull kinds of Utiles and gent's clothing. Morn Ins cloth dyed In -18 hours. J. It Urii, proprietor, -Ifif) Glimui street. Tho nutlor, leading rcatnurant, con fectlonory nnd bnkory, mnnufneturora of lco cream. D. J. Byrno, proprietor, formerly Rath & Sandya restaurant. MG First Btrcct, tolophono Main 235. Private family rooniB, 228 Alder atrcct, tolophono Main 127C, Portland, Ore. Orcnt Wcstorn Coal Compnny nro putting out a first-class washed Boot less conl for $5 per ton delivered'. Their wnBhed lump conl for $1 dollv- -.l In lm Minnnnnt fuel on tills 111 HP ket. They gunrnntco nil tliolr conla to bo free from rock, siaio ami Bcn-uu-Inga. Full wclghtB gunrnntced. Olvo them a trial order. Phono Mnln 948. THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p I o neor pnlnt es tablish m out of Portland Is thnt of F. E. II o a o h & Company, of 13G FliBt St., tho oldest nnd most ro liable houso of Us kind In tho Northwest. It cnrrloB nn Immense Mock of tho best things In paints and building materials, together with nn umiBuni list of specialties. Thoso who neotl anything In theso llneB can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Reach & Company. Romombor tho number, 135 First street. Rnh for tho Chicago, Mllwaukoo & St. Paul Rnllway. It ha-j advanced, nt ono lonp, fifty yenrs to tho lend, by putting on observation cars which havo compartments for women. Ordinarily a woman Is pretty much of an Intruder in nn observation cnr, when sho has tho nerve to fight hor way through tho tobacco smoko and timidly pick out a seat which Isn't oc cupied by tho feet of somo Imperial mala being. Thoro Is no doubt about it, tho most offectivo answer to tho man who clnlma America to ho n paradise for chivalry would bo to dress him up uh a woman and mako him spend two days In an Amorlcnn railway coach. Tho custom of providing 1010 com partments for men to smoke In nnd 4x1 closets for women to dress in, threo nt a time. Is a regular alrbiako on tho progress of civilization. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rallwuy ought to bo given a medal. Nonpnriel, Council Hluffs, Ia Decem ber 9, 1901. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR don't travel over the Illinois Control, ns nny old road will do you and wo don't want your patronage, hut If you nro particular and want tho best and mean to havo It. ask tho ticket ugent to routo you via tho Illinois Central, tho road that runs thiough solid ves tibule trains between St. Paul, Oma ha, Chicago, St I-ouIh, Memphis and thw firln.inii. ! No additional chargo is mado for a Beat In our reclining chnlr cars which aro fitted with lavatories and smoking rooms, and havo n porter in attend anco. Rates via tho Illinois Central are tho lowest and wo will bo glad to quote them In connection with any transcontinental lino. D. II TRU.MDULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland. Oregon, r n. LIN'DSUY. T. F. and P. A., 142 Third Street, ' Portland. Oregon. PAUL I). THOMPSON. Frt. and Pass. Agent, Colman IUdg., Seattle. Wash. -.r.i,..l.llWlWW,iMin "iii'imiwi wu'wi tmfmmvmmmmmmtmtmmammtmtm A Perfect Product VIM F L, O U R Your Grocer Will Supply You IF YOU INSIST The Jobes Milling: Co. ST.. JOHNS-PORTLAND The Pacific Grain Company Wholesale Dealers in GRAIN AND FLOUR Ofllco, Thirteenth nnd Kearney Sts. PORTLAND OREGON Portland Glcsk & Suit Man'g Co. M. U. ZEITFUCHS Tailors and Dressmakers Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Made to Order. Raincoats a Specialty f-SO Washington Direct I'honc Main M04 BKl.LINlMllKHUH IIUII.MNO PORTLAND OREGON It. W. F1B11KK K. It. M1IXKU VIENNA MODEL BAKERY CV0 MortlKon M. FISHER & MILLER, Props. We Make the Original Pullman Bread Choice Pastry and Fancy Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE MAIN 1715 DON'T BE FAKEDI IK YOU 1.1 KK "La Intcgridad" or "El Sidelo" Cigars HKK THAI' YOU OKT Til KM All First Clau Dc'c Sell Them Without an Argument ALLEN t, LEWIS, DbtHbutorn Dimock & Pendleton Co. ' HATTERS & FURNISHERS Telephone White 701 609 Second Ave. Butler Block Seattle, Washington EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 240 Sturlc Struct, Portltincl, Oi'oon. Your hiiBlncii Ih to iiitiko money. Our IiiihIih'mh Ih to, innko money innko money. Save up u littlo money for u uinyailay to either buy you a homo or pi Into IhihIuchh. Look into our compound Interest plan. Securities Held by State Authorities ocr $3,000,000.00. GHAS. E. LADD, Pres THEO. B. WILCOX, V. Pres. F. McKERCHER, Sec'y. ON THE BEST TABLES IN THE NORTH WIST YOU WIU FIND Canned Frulti and Vcgctablrs, Syrup, Splcrt, Calltc, FI1I1 Etc. Th reason ii plain. People who like good groceries are never satisfied wllh any oilier trand after they try them. Get MONOPOLE from your grocer. WADHAMS & KERR BROS. Wholesale Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters. Portland, Oregon, A This Pot. finest i :t"l in mottled blue and gray, heavily glazed. It is an attractive and strong piece of ware and we cannot praise it too highly. No. 300 A, 33 in., per doz,, 65c No, 301 A, 4 2 in,, per doz., 75c See our Hotel Catalogue for all your Hotel, Cafe, Club, Restaurant and Dining Car Supplies. BURLEY & COMPANY U8-J20 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO Rr.KOKK & UOYAb Phono Main 2791 Attorney t-at-Law (.13 CI I Coinincn I nl Jilritf I ortlHiul, Oregon THE ESMOND HOTEL. O-iCAK ANPKIifcON, MnnitKvr lla(c: lluroioan I'lan 10c, 7fic, It 00, II fit), U.W ru-r day I'ruu Hui to nnd from nil 1 rains I'ront and Morrl-on Streets I'OHTI.AN'I) OllKUON JOHN P. SHARKEY CO. Miuiufttcttirctn mill Jobbers ot Harness, Collars and Saddles i Saddlery, Hardware, Whipt, ' Blankets, Robes and Pads PORTLAND, OREGON New England Undertaking Co. 3ps3 I'lno fimiTiil iooi's, I'lnu iiiltilt cmkots, $25.00 (tn-tTii r!u'), I reo miibnliituo. wm l'oiiUtrict,oiHlle posloillro l'liotiu 'Hi fU'OKANi: WAHIIINOTON If You Want to Borrow Cheap Money to Build a Home See E. H. RAYMOND Pacific Const Representative The Standard Guaranty & Trust Company, of Washington, D. C riiino.MnluotU7 10-17 I.abbe lllrig. L"J7iI Washington M.( Cor. Second PORTLAND ( KKdON Columbia Ice & Fuel Co. Ice and Fuel Delivered to Any Part of the City Fiirtorv anil Olllro FOOT OF HARRISON STREET Phone Main 81)0 PORTLAND OREGON "A Whiskey Without a Repu tation." Try It El Kader Bourbon Served at All Pirst-Clnss Bars 'I IiIh whlnkey in never K)!d until it Ii fully unituriil by ago, and Im piuriuiti'tHl tn )m more reliiuiln uiul unifnrm in final ity than any other whlnkoy oll'tiri'd to tho puhlic. IlKMtY FI.KCKKNSIUIN & CO. DiHtrihiitorH NEW ONE is our latest Bean It is made of stone, decorated t WVP&&'-X t